The history of the founding of the Tretyakov Gallery. Tretyakov Gallery

The history of the founding of the Tretyakov Gallery. Tretyakov Gallery
The history of the founding of the Tretyakov Gallery. Tretyakov Gallery

State Tretyakov Gallery - One of the largest artistic museums of Russia and the world, named after the founder - the merchant and the patron of Pavel Tretyakov. Collectible painting P. Tretyakov began in 1850, and after 17 years he opened the gallery, the meeting of which had about two thousand works visual arts And several sculptures. In 1893, a collection previously transmitted as a gift, became referred to as the Moscow City Gallery of the Tretyakov and kept for money, bequeathed by the founders.

In 1918, the Tretyakov Gallery was nationalized and became the "state ownership of the RSFRS", art historian and artist I. Grabar became the first directors, and then architect A. Schusev. They grew up the funds of the museum, several new buildings were added, new exposures were actively developed.

During the Great Patriotic War All canvases and sculptures were exported to Novosibirsk and Molotov. Evacuation lasted for more than a year, but on May 17, 1945 the exhibitions were again open for residents and guests of Moscow.

During the next decades, the museum continuously grew, and today it includes a gallery on the Crimean shaft, the gallery in Laurelsky Lane, the House-Museum V. M. Vasnetsov, the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi and other branches.

The collection of the museum includes works of art XI-XXI, among which Russian painting, sculpture, graphics are listed. SAME famous worksstored in the museum, the icons of the XI-XVII centuries are considered and especially among them are valued by Lik Vladimir God's Mother, Rublevskaya "Trinity" and icons written by Dionisia, Feofan Greek, Simon Ushakov.

The basis of the Collections of the Tretyakovka Gallery - Russian painting, most of which refers to the second half of the XIX century. The meeting presents the works of Kramsky, Perova, Vasnetsova, Savrasov, Shishkin, Aivazovsky, Repin, Vereshchagin and other famous Russian artists. In the XX century, the gallery was replenished with works by Vrubel, Levitan, Serov, Malevich, Roerich, Benoit. IN Soviet period In the expositions, Deinek, Brodsky, Kukryniks, Nesterov and others appeared in the expositions. In addition to painting, the museum stores and exhibits the works of Antortholol, Mukhina, Shadra, Konenkov and other famous sculptors.

Currently, the Tretyakov Gallery is developing new exhibitions and exhibitions, actively cooperates with many Museums of Peace and Russia, providing them with a collection for temporary exhibitions, also holds restoration and research work, replenishes funds, develops cultural and educational programs, participates in the largest museum, film and musical festivals.

The Tretyakov Gallery in 1995 was recognized as one of the most valuable objects of culture for its activities in the field of conservation of art objects and the propaganda of museum values.

Tretyakov Gallery Address: 119017, Moscow, Lavrushinsky Lane, 10
Travel: Tretyakovskaya metro station or Polyanka

Tretyakov Gallery Summary.

  • Acquaintance of children with the history of the creation of the Tretyakov Gallery, holding a brief overview tours of the gallery.
  • The development of the horizons of students.
  • The formation of their moral culture.
  • Class hour structure.

    1. Introduction.
    2. The history of the family of the Tretyakov.
    3. Collective activities P.M. Tretyakova.
    4. Sightseeing tour by gallery.
    5. Conclusion.

    Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, exhibition of reproductions of famous artists.

    1. Introduction (Presentation 1, Slide 1)

    The State Tretyakov Gallery belongs to the number the largest museums World. The gallery meeting is devoted to exclusively national Russian art, those artists who contributed to the history of Russian art or who were closely related to it. This was conceived by the gallery by the founder, Moscow merchant and industrialist Pavlom Mikhailovich Tretyakov (1832-1898), it was preserved to the present day.

    2. The history of the Tretyakov family. (Slide 2)

    The merchant race of the Tretyakov leads its own story from county town Maloyaroslavetsa of the Kaluga province, from where in 1774 the great-grandfather P.M.Trevyakov Elisha Martynovich arrived in Moscow (1704-1783) with his wife and sons. The following generations of the Tretyakov successfully expanded trade and multiply capital. Mikhail Zakharovich Tretyakov (1801-1850) was particularly well done, which was promoted by his successful marriage to the daughter of a large merchant for the export of Sala to England Alexander Danilovna Borisova (1812-1899). On December 29, 1832, they had a firstborn, the future founder of the famous art gallery Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov. In 1848, the family suffered Mount: four children died from Scarlay, and in 1850, Mikhail Zakharovich Tretyakov himself died. After his death, all movable and immovable property went to two sons, Paul and Sergey, who successfully continued the trading case of the Father. In 1852, a house was bought in Moscow, in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Tolmachevsky lanes, where the family of the Tretyakov was entered.

    The eldest of Paul brothers did not marry for a long time. Only in August 1865 his wedding was held with faith of Nikolaevna Mammoth (1844-1899), cousin famous patrons Savva Ivanovich Mamontov (1841-1918). It was the beginning of a long lucky family life. In the family, everyone loved each other. Tretyakov loved to travel, with children and without children, native country And abroad. And Pavel Mikhailovich, and Vera Nikolaevna were people, thinly feeling nature, art, music. Their children grew up the same. Pavel Mikhailovich worked a lot. Most of the time took the management of the Kostroma flavoring factory, shops, and all the remaining time was devoted to the beloved brain - gallery. There was also charitable activities. He gave a lot of strength to P.M.Trevyakov Arnoldsky school for deaf-and-dumb trustees of which was. He also participated in the activities of the Orthodox Missionary Society, was engaged in the guardianship about the poor, consisted of a member of the commercial court, and of course he was a member of different societies - artistic, charity, commercial. Many good did Pavel Mikhailovich for his life. At his testament, large amounts of money were allocated to the content of the gallery, the Arnoldic School, on various scholarships. P.M.Trevyakov died on December 4, 1898, after 3 months his wife Vera Nikolaevna died.

    3. Collective activity P.M. Tretyakova. (Slide 3)

    The year of the foundation of the Tretyakov Gallery is considered to be 1856. It was then that Pavel Mikhailovich acquired two first paintings of Russian artists "Temptation" Nikolai Gustovich Schilder and "Shake with Finnish smugglers" Vasily Grigorievich Khudyakova.

    The theme of the abuse of a woman in Russian society was very relevant in the second half of the XIX century. This phenomenon is based on the painting "temptation".

    ... a gloomy basement room. Here in poverty, lives beautiful girl And her old woman mother. Mother's days are numbered. Heavyly ill, she does not get out of bed behind the dark curtain. The girl earns with embroidery, but for earned honest work, it is impossible to feed themselves and sick mother.

    And now the flashes are abandoned, the problem of choosing a further path arises before the poor man. The old woman is a sinking already here. She stretches the young heroine expensive bracelet. In the depths of the painting in the door window, the bearded face of the tempter. If a girl agrees, he will give her this bracelet. It will be possible to eat for an opportunity to call a doctor's mother. On the face of the girl, in its movements, fright and despair ... The conflict is enhanced by allegory: in the foreground of the canvas is a cat, which is preparing to grab the mouse, carelessly strolling under the chest. This scene seems to indicate the prerepair of the girl's choice.

    The next picture of Vasily Grigorievich Khudyakova "Shake with Finnish smugglers." The picture shows the real plot of the collision of the detachment of customs guards with the group of smugglers.

    From that time, P.M.Treakyakov decided to solve the work of his contemporaries.

    4. Sightseeing tour of the gallery. (Slide 4)

    Already at the beginning of its activities, the collector, Tretyakov clearly formulated the goal - to create a national publicly accessible art museum in Moscow. Tretyakov expressed this thought when only chosen, and the names of paintings hanging in the halls were written in French in St. Petersburg Hermitage. Tretyakov thought to create a museum, where the National Russian School of Painting will be presented. His gallery Pavel Mikhailovich had to be collected from scratch, but he could wholely rely on his taste. In the late 1850s, the bands of II appear in his meeting. Sokolova, A. Savrasova, M.P. Klodta.

    In the meeting, the first picture appears in the meeting, written in the plot of Russian history, "Princess Tarakanova" K. D. Flavitsky. (Slide 5)

    P.M.Trevyakov loved nature and thinly understood it, so the acquisition of landscapes was always not by chance. (Slide 6)

    The portrait gallery occupied a special place in the Tretyakov Meeting. By the end of the 1860s, P.M.Tretyakov decided to create a portrait gallery of outstanding figures of Russian culture - composers, writers, artists, artists, scientists. He began not only to buy already created works, but also to order portraits . (Slide 7)

    Painting Pavel Mikhailovich posted in his house in Lavrushinsky Lane. Places lacked. In 1872, the construction of the two first versions of the museum halls began, in 1874 they were ready. (Slide 8)

    In 1882, 6 new halls were attached. In the 1880s, the Tretyakov meeting was significantly replenished. (Slide 9)

    In 1885, 7 more halls are attached to the house in Lavrushinsky. 1892 was a significant gallery for the gallery, this year Paul Mikhailovich Tretyakov handed her to the city of Moscow. Initially, the collection included 1287 picturesque works, 518 drawings and 9 sculptures. Today you can familiarize yourself with the unique meeting of the Tretyakov Gallery, which has more than 100 thousand works, which is divided into several sections. (Slide 10, 11, 12)

    5. Sections of the Tretyakov Gallery.

    The first section includes the ancient Russian art of the XII-XVIII centuries. Here during the excursion you will see unique icons, sculptures, fine plastic, applied art (about 5 thousand exhibits). (Slide 13)

    The second section includes painting XVIII. - FIRST halves XIX. century. (Slide 14)

    The third section includes painting the second half of the XIX century and showing XIX. and XX centuries (about 7 thousand works). (Slide 15)

    During the excursion, you can appreciate the uniqueness of the Russian graphics of the XVIII - the beginning of the 20th century (over 30 thousand works), the Russian sculpture of the XVIII - early XX century (about 1000 exhibits). (Slide 16)

    Interesting collection of old antique frames, furniture, applied art And a huge section (more than half of the whole collection) of post-revolutionary painting, sculptures and graphics, placed in the premises on the Crimean shaft. (Slide 17)

    6. Acquaintance with the work of individual artists.

    6.1 Picture of Viktor Vasilyevich Vasnetsova "Alyonushka". (Slide 18)

    The artist began work on the painting in 1880. At first he painted landscape sketches on the shore of Vori in Abramtsev, at the pond in Akhtyark. Many sketches of this time have been preserved. The work was completed in the winter of 1881 in Moscow, after which Vasnetsov sent it to a mobile exhibition.

    6.2 Picture of Alexander Ivanova "The phenomenon of Christ to the people." (Slide 19)

    In 1834, the artist wrote the "phenomenon of the Risen Christ Mary Magdaline." Three years later, the artist began to create a "phenomenon of Christ to the people." For writing of this picture, 20 years left (1837-1857), after which it was represented by the public in a separate hall of the Academy of Arts.

    6.3 Creativity Paul Andreevich Fedotov. (Slide 20)

    "Fresh Cavalier" The first picture in which the artist achieved full reality In the image of all objects of the situation. The whole picture is performed as a miniature: it is written extremely in detail with unrelenting attention and to each piece of space and to each subject. The action takes place in a cramped and dark room. Among the ugly chaos, the figure of the "fresh cavalier", the harp of the ordinary cross on the bathrobe rises. Here everything is built on comic contradictions. Satira Fedotova, like Gogol, hits a lot further than young Bouncen and his lubricant cook. "Fresh Cavalier" is the apogee of the Chvanism and Verity. "

    IN "Breakfast aristocrat" Color unity is based on the dominant green interior color. The contrast of this green is the blue color of the Kolata and Raspberry-Red - Silk Shanvar "Aristocrat". Each color is unusually intense, is solo, which does not interfere with the integrity of the overall color solution.

    In 1848, Fedotov creates its largest picture - "Major Watching." For her, the artist assigned the title of academician painting. At the academic exhibition of 1848, crowds of viewers crowded near the painting. It was a new word in art, fresh and bold sincerity, truthfulness, depth of thought, a serious critical direction. Fedotov's name threated in St. Petersburg. Each little thing in the "Major Major" has its meaning, justified and has a certain purpose for the characteristics of the characters, or to explain the situation. There is nothing casual in it. The essence of the picture is not exhausted by the abilities of the scene image. And psychologically, and socially in-depth and meaningful. This is not just a scene, pulled out of the thickness of life. The topic of the picture is marriage by calculation. Marriage, transformed into a commercial enterprise, marriage, ruled by borestip, cynical prose, not covered with any poetic fler, one detecting lowland, heartlessness of people. There is not a single positive character in the picture. This is a real. " dark kingdom". This is no longer reproached. This is a harsh accusation, cruel criticism.

    6.4 Painting Vasily Vladimirovich Pukireva " Unequal marriage”. (Slide 21)

    The work on the picture was based on a valid event. In 1861, that is, a year before the creation of the picture, the engagement of one rich manufacturer took place, there is already enough elderly, and a young girl out of a poor family, a certain S. N. Rybnikova. Pukirev knew about this hoop from his friend and student S. M. Varentsov. According to the story of the latter, he and S. N. Rybnikova loved each other, but for us unknown for us now the reasons for the girl married not for his beloved person, and for the rich-manufacturer, the share of her lover fell out the role of Shafer at this wedding.

    6.5 Creativity Vasily Grigorievich Perova. (Slide 22)

    About the paintings by Vasily Grigorievich Pereova said they were "hurting". Perov saw how people suffer, sympathized with him, suffered with him.

    Winter twilight. Winter storm. Two boys and the girl harnessed in Sani and with difficulty pulling a huge loose barrel with water in the urban street. Children were out of their strength. A sharp wind blows through their drank clothes. Some kind person helps them pull the sleigh on the hillock. Perov called the picture "Troika". How many bitterness and pain in this name! We are accustomed to the songs about the dashing troika, about a rigging troika, and here - the top of the exhausted children.

    To the title of the picture - "Troika" - Perov attributed: "Pupils crafts are carrying water," because at that time thousands of children worked in factories, in workshops, in stores and shops. They were called students.

    6.6 Painting Ilya Efimovich Repina "Ivan the Terrible and Son of His Ivan on November 16, 1581." (Slide 23)

    The plot for the painting was a genuine historical fact - the killing of the king Ivan IV of his eldest son Ivan. This is also talking about the exact date in the title of the picture. The reason for the murder of the Grozny king of his son for a long time remained unexplained. Some contemporaries considered the reason for the royal wrath of a purely family scene; Others believed that a dispute arose between the king and Tsarevich on the assistance of Pskov's precipitated Poles. It is possible that the provocation of the boyars who wanted to harbor Ivan the Grozny and Son a big role.

    6.7 Creativity Vasily Ivanovich Surikova. (Slide 24)

    Picture "Morning streletskaya execution"Written in 1881. We see the Red Square filled with a crowded crowd. Right on horseback - Sovereign Peter Alekseevich with a small group of companions Peter and his associates are shown against the background of the Kremlin wall with strict, clearly defined towers. The personality of a person who stuck in the path of change inevitably grinds the wheel of history, and Surikov with his gift of the monumentalist and historical painter it was aware.

    After the painting "Morning Rutheskaya execution" Surikov plunged into the tragedy of Petrovsky Petryman A.D. Menshikova. After Peter I, as a result of the court intrigues, the "half-music lord" was illuminated from the vertices of power. Surrounded by children, in a close hut, listed by the Siberian snow, Corn Menshikov's days. Power, wealth and glory remained in the past. But the power of the will, an unlucky character, willingness to actively live and act Menshikov did not change. The artist recreates not just the circumstances of one moment, but the tragedy of human life in the picture "Menshikov in Birchov", written in 1883.

    Picture V.I. Surikova "Boyaryna Morozova" tells about the split in the Russian Orthodox Church in the middle XVII century. Against the church reforms of Patriarch Nikon, begun in 1655, opposed by the Protopope Avvakum Petrov, the spiritual daughter and the associate of which was afraid of Feodosiya Prokopiyevna Morozov. This rich and noble woman made an overwhelmed supporter of ancient piety and an active opponent of innovations. In 1673, Morozova was exiled to the Borovsky Monastery, where he died in 1675.

    6.8 Picture of the Archka Ivanovich Queenji "Birch Grove". (Slide 25)

    Picture " Birch Grove"It was written in 1879 and was shown at the seventh exhibition of the partnership of mobile art exhibitions. The reaction of artists and spectators was unanimous, Queenji was surprised by all the extraordinarily painting. Nothing did not remember anything. Nature at A.I. Kindji is simultaneously real and conditional. The artist admires Russian Nature .

    7. Transfer of Gallery in Moscow. (Slide 26)

    In the summer of 1892, Sergey Mikhailovich Tretyakov died, the younger brother Pavel Mikhailovich. According to the will, his assembly of works of foreign and Russian artists has become part of the collection of P.M. Tretyakova. In August 1892, Pavel Mikhailovich conveyed his meeting together with a collection of brother as a gift in the city of Moscow. Gallery passed to the ownership of the city, and P.M. Tretyakov was approved by its lifelong trustee. Dar P.M. Tretyakova had a wide public resonance. Tretyakov in December 1896 was recognized as an honorary citizen of Moscow.

    In 2006, the State Tretyakov Gallery met its 150th anniversary. An anniversary was marked by a number of major exhibition projects. One of the main exhibitions of the anniversary year - "Brothers Paul and Sergey Tretyakov. Life and activity "- a versatile presented the lifestyle of the Tretyakov brothers, their characters, the history of creating their collections.

    8. Conclusion. (Slide 27)

    Today we met with a prominent leader of Russian culture, the Moscow collector - Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov. The Tretyakov Collector was in a famous phenomenon. Contemporaries were a lot of surprised by the natural mind and the impeccable taste of this hereditary merchant. Nowhere has not been specifically studied (the Tretyakov brothers received home education, by the advantage of a practical nature), he possessed, broad knowledge of literature, painting, theater and music. The scope of collecting activity and the latitude of the horizons P.M.Tretyakov were truly amazing. He created the first museum in Russia, reflecting the entire progressive course of Russian art.

    Used Books:

    1. V.M. Volodar "State Tretyakov Gallery", Aurora Publishing House, Leningrad, 1989.
    2. V. Pogrominsky "First Tretyakovka", M., "Children's literature", 1979.
    3. N.N. Watolina "Walk through the Tretyakov Gallery", M., " Soviet artist”, 1983.

    The State Tretyakov Gallery (also known as GTG, Tretyakovka) - Art Museum in Moscow, founded in 1856 Pavle Tretyakov and having one of the largest and most significant collections in the world of Russian visual arts. The exposition in the Moscow Lavrushinsky lane "Russian painting of the XI - early XX-in" (Loverushinsky per., D. 10) is part of the All-Russian Museum Association "State Tretyakov Gallery" formed in 1986.

    Pavel Tretyakov began collecting his painting collection in the middle of the 1850s. This last time led to the fact that in 1893, the Moscow City Gallery of Paul and Sergei Tretyakov was opened for the general public in Zamoskvorechye. Its collection numbered 1276 paintings, 471 drawing and 10 sculptures of Russian artists, as well as 84 paintings of foreign masters.

    On June 3, 1918, the Tretyakov Gallery was announced by the "state property of the Russian Federal Soviet Republic" and was named the State Tretyakov Gallery. Igor Grabar was appointed director of the museum. With its active participation, in the same year, the State Museum Fund was created, which up to 1927 remained one of the most important sources of replenishing the GTG collection.

    In 1928, serious repair of heating and ventilation was performed, in 1929 electricity was carried out. In 1932, three new halls were built, which connected the main building of the GTG with the storage room in Nikola's church in Tolmachi. This ensured the continuity of the exposure review. The museum began the development of a new concept of placement of exhibits.

    From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, the Gallery began dismantling the exposition - like other Museums of Moscow, GTG was preparing for evacuation. In the middle of the summer, 1941, Echelon from 17 cars went from Moscow and delivered a collection to Novosibirsk. Only on May 17, 1945 GTG was reopened in Moscow.

    In 1985 state picture gallerylocated in the Crimean Shaft, 10, was merged with the Tretyakov Gallery in a single museum complex under common title State Tretyakov Gallery. Now the building is located updated permanent exposure "Art of the 20th century."

    From 1986 to 1995, GTG in connection with the conduct of capital reconstruction was closed for visitors.

    A part of the Tretyakov Gallery is the Museum-Temple of St. Nicholas in Tolmachah, representing a unique compound of the museum exposition and the acting temple. The complex of the museum in Lavrushinsky Lane includes, intended for temporary exhibitions, an engineering building and Showroom In Tolmachi.

    The composition of the federal state institution Culture All-Russian Museum Association State Tretyakov Gallery (FGUK WMO GTG) includes: Museum-workshop sculptor A.S. Goluboy, house-museum V. M. Vasnetsova, Museum-Apartment A.M. Vasnetsova, house-museum P.D. Corina, exhibition hall in Tolmachy.

    The history of the creation of the Tretyakov Gallery began a long time ago. In 1832, the founder of the famous Art Museum, Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov appeared. He received an excellent education due to the fact that he was merchant, and the parents owned the factory, the incomes of which annually grew. Pavel Mikhailovich was always interested in art, although he worked with his father, over time he began to think about creating a pavilion where the paintings of all Russian artists would fit. It is their creativity most inspired by the patron.

    First, the paintings were hung in the House of Tretyakov, in the process of collecting a collection to the house began to make an extension, which in 1870 became accessible to the broad masses. When the pattername realized that all the canvas would simply do not fit in extensions, he ordered to build a particular building - the Tretyakov Gallery, which opened its doors in 1875 and is located to this day in the oldest quarter of Moscow in Zamoskvorechye. From that moment on, the history of the creation of the Tretyakov Gallery began.

    In 1892, the collection was donated to Moscow, even then she had more than 1,300 cloths of Russian authors, most of whom were not just sold by Tretyakov their creations, but were proud to have chosen them, and were grateful for the help he provided to everyone in need. After the death of Pavel Mikhailovich, the Tretyakov was not abandoned, on the contrary, she began to be replenished with new works, and by 1917 it had more cauldons, as well as a collection of icons, cards and other Russian creations.

    Pictures from the Tretyakov Gallery: Ivan Shishkin - "Morning in pine Bor."V. V. Vereshchagin -" Apotheosis of War "I. N. Kramskaya -" Unknown "I. E. Repin -" Ivan Grozny and Son His Ivan "Serov Valentin -" Girl with Peaches "V.V. Pukil -" unequal Marriage »R.F. Pavlovich -" Again Double "B.K. Pavlovich -" Horseman "

    The State Tretyakov Gallery belongs to the number of the world's largest museums. Hundreds of thousands of people every year get acquainted with the meeting of the Tretyakov Gallery, devoted to exclusively national Russian art, those artists who have made a great contribution to the history of Russian art
    Muscovites this museum call warmly and with love - "Tretyakovka". He is familiar for us and close to early childhoodWhen we started to come there with parents. Cozy, in-Moscow warm, located in a quiet lavrushinsky lane among the streets and lanes of Zamoskvorechye, the ancient district of Moscow.
    The founder of the Tretyakov Gallery was the Moscow merchant and industrialist Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov. At first, everything that was purchased by Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, was located in the rooms of his residential building in Lavrushinsky Lane, purchased by the Father Tretyakov in the early 1850s. But at the end of the 1860s, there were so many that there was no possibility to place them all in the rooms.
    The date of the Foundation of the Tretyakov Gallery is considered to be 1856, when Pavel Tretyakov acquired two pictures of Russian artists: "Temptation" N. G. Schilder and "Shake with Finnish smugglers" V. G. Khudyakova, although earlier in 1854-1855 he bought 11 graphic Sheets and 9 paintings of old Dutch masters. In 1867, "Moscow City Gallery Paul and Sergey Tretyakov" was opened for the general public in Zamoskvorechye. Its collection numbered 1276 paintings, 471 drawing and 10 sculptures of Russian artists, as well as 84 paintings of foreign masters.
    P. M. Tretyakov, setting the purpose of creating a collection, which in the future could turn into a museum national Art. "For me, truly and flamely loving painting, there can be no better desire, how to put the beginning of a public, all available repository of elegant arts, bringing to many benefits, all pleasure," P. M. Tretyakov wrote in 1860, adding: "... I wanted to leave national Gallery, that is, consisting of Russian artists' paintings. "Tretyakov remained large business manwho did not have special education in the field of painting. Contemporaries were a lot of surprised by the natural mind and the impeccable taste of this hereditary merchant. Over time, the high taste, the rigor of the selection, the nobility of the intentions brought Tretyakov well-deserved and indisputable authority and gave him the "privileges" who did not have any other collector: Tretyakov received the right to watch new works of artists or directly in their workshops, or at exhibitions, but , as a rule, before their public discovery. P. M. Tretyakov bought the paintings interested in his paintings, despite the opinions of criticism and discontent censorship. It was with such pictures like "rural procession For Easter, "V. G. Pereova," Ivan Grozny "I. E. Repin. P. M. Tretyakov clearly understood that the museum created by him should not so much to match his personal tastes and sympathies, how much to reflect an objective picture of development domestic art. And until now, almost everything that P. M. Tretyakov was acquired is a genuine Golden Fund not only the Tretyakov Gallery, but also from all Russian art.

    In 1892, Pavel Mikhailovich handed his art gallery Under the city of Moscow. In the meeting, by this time there were 1287 picturesque and 518 graphic works of Russian school, 75 paintings and 8 drawings of European school, 15 sculptures and icons collection.
    Pavel Tretyakov, until his death, was a gallery manager. In 1898, the Council was created for the management of the gallery under the chairmanship of the guardian who was at the beginning was I. S. Ostrochov, and from 1913 - I. E. Grabar.
    In early 1913, the Moscow City Council elected Igor Grabar by the Trustee of the Tretyakov Gallery.

    On June 3, 1918, the Tretyakov Gallery was announced by the "state property of the Russian Federal Soviet Republic" and was named the State Tretyakov Gallery. Igor Grabar was appointed again the director of the museum.
    In 1926, an academician of architecture A.V. became director of the museum. Shushev The following year, the gallery received a neighboring house for the Small Tolmachevsky Lane ( former house Merchant Sokolikova). After restructuring, the Gallery Administration, Scientific Departments, Library, Department of Manuscripts, Fund Graphics are located here.
    In 1932, the gallery was transferred to the building of the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachas, which became a storage of painting and sculpture. Later, it was connected to the exposition halls built by a two-story building, the upper floor of which was specifically designed to explorate the picture A. A. Ivanova "The Phenomenon of Christ People" (1837-1857). A transition between the halls located on both sides of main staircase. This ensured the continuity of the exposure review.
    In 1936, a new two-storey building was opened on the northern side of the main building - the so-called "Shchushevsky corps". These halls were first used for exhibitions, and since 1940 were included in the main exposure route.
    In 1956, in honor of the 100-year-old anniversary, the Tretyakov Gallery was honored by A.A. Ivanova. In 1980, a monument to P. M. Tretyakov, created by the sculptor A.P. installed in front of the gallery building Kibalnikov and architect I.E. Roogozhin.
    During the years of the reconstruction, a new concept of the Tretyakov Gallery was formed as a single museum in two territories: in Laurelsky Lane, where the expositions and storage facilities of old art are concentrated, starting from ancient times to the beginning of the 1910s, and in the building on the Crimean shaft, the exposition areas of which are given to art XX century. Exhibitions, both old and new art, are arranged on both territories.
    The current meeting of the Tretyakov Gallery has more than 100 thousand works.