Quotation plan Characteristics Evgenia Onegin and Lensky. The cooking "Description of the character of Lensky in the novel" Evgeny Onegin

Quotation plan Characteristics Evgenia Onegin and Lensky. The cooking
Quotation plan Characteristics Evgenia Onegin and Lensky. The cooking "Description of the character of Lensky in the novel" Evgeny Onegin


Lensky - Hero of the novel in verses A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" (1823-1831), Neighbor Evgenia Onegin on the estate. A beautiful and rich 18-year-old young man, he is represented as Onegin, a stranger among the surrounding landowners - serfs and ignoramuses. Brilliantly educated, connoisseur of German philosophy and literature, an enthusiastic dreamer and a poet-romantic, far from practical life and everyday prose, he also tries to avoid the Society "Lord of neighboring villages", preferring "conversation prudent about Senokos, about wine, about Cherne, about his own Roda, "and short come down with Onegin. With all the "mutual difference" ("Wave and stone, poems and prose, ice and a flame are not so different among themselves") they become inseparable friends.

Not only common interests bring the Onegin and L, but also "winsted dreams." No wonder L. studied at the University of Getgingen - one of the most liberals in Europe - and worshiped Kant, whose philosophy in official circles of Russia was considered dangerous and harmful, hostile Christianity. L. is meaningfully characterized as "fan of glory and freedoms", it is distinguished by the "spirit of fermented and rather strange", "always enthusiastic speech", a noble "excitement of stormy dooms", he is typical of "indignant, regret, to good love." All this is an allegorical designation of civil sentiment, which in the draft editorial was said more frankly: "Krikun, a rebel and poet."

In long, almost daily disputes of Onegin and L. affect a wide variety of topics: the fates of civilization and the path of development of society, the role of culture and science in the improvement of humanity, good and evil, art, religion and morality, the meaning of passions in personality life. Posted in the ideological and philosophical context of the epoch (even on raggy copyright mentions, it can be concluded that we are talking about the views of the philosophers-enlighteners, the ideas of Rousseau, Schiller and Goethe, the views of European romantics), these distracted issues at first glance gained acute and burning social meaning. Especially since the theoretical differences of the heroes are accentuated in the novel, but the moral and ideological essence and the vital differences of their positions: the contrast of youth and maturity, naivety and sobriety, enthusiasm and Sktstsis.

Opponent of "Demon" Onegin, L. Svyato believes in the sacrament of life, the possibility of improving peace and the final celebration of good. In the name of the celebration of these higher ideals and values, he is ready to sacrifice himself: calling Onegin to a fight, he proved it in fact. However, the beautiful dreams of L. do not withstand collisions with reality. An ideal friend, what he believed Onegin, does not find courage to refuse the fight and his personally kills the young poet.

The positions of the antipods are imposed on themselves flawed, but at the same time are complementary and in this sense are spiritually valuable. Hence the duality of the author's assessment L., ironic and sympathetic at the same time. From here - and the duality of the copyright forecast about the possible future l.: The danger of the "ordinary lotion" is to transform into an ordinary landlord or the likelihood of becoming a well-known poet and even an outstanding public figure, born "for the good of the world."

Through the image of L. Pushkin held several important for himself in order to complete them unexpectedly tragic finals. With the death of L. on the duel, everything is broken by Pushkin associated with young dreams and first verses. And before that - the secular St. Petersburg and his fun at Onegin; Germany and love for Olga - Ul.; All this glitters, sparkles and seems to be an excellent start. Nothing foreshadows a tragic junction caused by a coating of fatal circumstances. L. - hero and symbol of such circumstances. The young landowner and the poet, "He was a cute heart of ignorant." His day in the village was about the same scheme as Onegin, but it did not cause any boredom in it. He took everything, what is how it is arranged, and in the village silence immediately found the one that took all his feelings. About Olga Onegin will say: "Circled, red face she, // like this stupid moon // on this stupid sky," and L. in Olga sees everything that the in love sees in a woman. He was "The witness was infant infant fun, and on returning to Russia, the image of a cute neighbor girl was most naturally connected with the fact that" ... he has fallen in love with thick, // Privacy, silence, // and night, and stars, and The moon ... "Harmony of Nature, Harmony of Love, Harmony of Friendship - But suddenly the fatal shot of a friend - and the end, L. is dead. Pushkin folds his short life from the simple, extremely acquaintances to him and his surrounding circumstances, laughing at some of them. Running into different directions of Onegin and L., Pushkin all mysterious and contradictory leaves Onegin, preparing a shot, who cost him a friend of life. By the time of the duel, we know about L. decisively all that was the content of his nature. In L. Pushkin, as it would say goodbye to the fact that he knows how many unawares of spiritual movements itself. Book young man, poet, "heart torment I have not yet known," L. fell in love and died. The story about him is accompanied by copyright sympathy, irony, regret. So leaves the author his own youth. Pushkin with a difficult feeling says goodbye to her, looking at L. (and in him) that seriously, then ironically.

L. diligently decorates Olga album with gentle verses, rural types. Pushkin knows what is a "county young album", - he himself repeatedly wrote into such albums. Smiling my own memory, he immediately rizes the magnificent albums of the brilliant ladies and returns to his hero again to protect him: "Olga's album is young; // his feather with love breathes. " And immediately, in terms of one of his contemporaries, expanding the meaning of the phenomenon: "So you, languages \u200b\u200binspired ..." I would have fluently noticate that L. would write Oya, "Yes, Olga did not read them," Pushkin-poet returns to his own solitude: "But I fruits my dreams // and harmonic clauses // I read only the old nurse ... "All this alloy of recognition, fast notes," negligent chatter "changes intonation when the author moves to a duel. Pushkin assumes the role of a chronicle. In the chased, strict lines, he concludes a picture where the "slave" is the young romantic: "These pistols flashed, // rattling a hammer hoof ..." Not being enemies, not having time to experience, survive the only thing that justifies the fight (and what Tried after seven Pushkin), two people sent her guns to each other. After a few seconds, one of them fell dead. After that, the movement "Roman in verses" will change its channel. About how the second launched the glaced corpse L. in Sani, as, "Horseing the dead, snoring and fighting", and finally, a monument to a simple, and Olga put on the edge of the village, and Olga was set off, - about it It is written so that it is clear: the flow of life in the "dead eutile light" opened his terrible groundnight Pushkin.

In Opere P.I. Tchaikovsky "Eugene Onegin" (1879), the image of L. is rethought primarily musically - with the preservation of poetic text, which due to the sincerity of intonations in the context of the opera is not perceived by the Pushkin parody of the "love nonsense". The special penetration of the Party L. is generated by the sympathy of the composer, quite a herself with the hero: L.- the perfect carrier of the romantic cult of love, which became his worldview. The author's personal drama exacerbates elegic spirits and makes twilight harmonies to the musical image of L. Composer excludes a different outcome of the fate of the poet, romanticized reality: the soul, convicted to love, will not accept the "ordinary lotion." In the form of L. on the Russian opera stage, L.V. Sobinov emphasized the poetry of suffering, and S. Ya.Leshesev created an inadequate hymn of love, felt the purity and elevation of a gullible feeling.

Vladimir Lensky eighteen years old, it's quite another man-log man, a young man who has managed to visit abroad and get under the charm of German poetry and philosophy, first of all Goethe and Schiller. He was an enthusiastic romantic, had

Spirit ardent and rather strange, always enthusiastic speech and curls black to shoulders.

His poetry A. S. Pushkin compares with the "Baby Sleep", so it was chista and innocent. In Onegin, he found a man-age, in front of which you can confess, not afraid of a row, - Onegin gentle his pride, providing time to the young man in his vague dreams. They became friends "from doing nothing" - the most accurate observation of A. S. Pushkin, showing that the soul has certain needs, and these needs are sent to humans, co-all not necessarily worthy of attention, but only the most suitable in some other things.

In fact, Lensky and Onegin were two dialectical opposites of the same character, and this imposed an additional imprint on their relationship. These were two people who loved naturalness, and in the soil of this they had already inevitably needed to surrounded the masks and fools. Av-torus no wonder:

Including all the disputes gave birth and attracted to once a thinking ...

In rural wilderness, Lensky "Everywhere was adopted as a groom," the empty uneducated neighbors were considered that he - Poliusky. Probably because he wrote incomprehensible poems and said that they were completely unclear. The fact that he came from Germany was only an external factor. But he ro-mantically loved his mashed bride - Olga Larina ("And the crowns were referred to children // friends-neighbors, their fathers"). He was absolutely youthful, and his senior friend's remark, hesally compared Olga with the "stupid moon on a stupid sky" he insulted him.

He continued to ride the Larina, wrote to her album poems, played with her in chess in such a way that he "took his scatter". The Drama Onegin and Tatiana remained out of his attention, so he could not understand the motives of the behavior of Ev-Genius in the name, when he began to unexpectedly care for Ol-Goy. For Lensky, it was a revelation that Olga had favorably reacted to a sudden man, and overcrowded by romantic ideas about honor and dignity, he did not find anything better, how to cause a friend to a duel. The falsity of his decision of Sta-la is clear to him already when meeting with Olga on the eve of a duel, when it turned out that his bride and did not think to reject him. "Having decided to hate Katki ..." - hate cannot be "decided" so artificially. Lensky was split between the real world and the world of his dreams and foggy ideas. Choose a real world in which Olga sincerely wonders about his soon departure on the eve, he did not have enough strength, because he continued to stay in ridiculous delusion and he didn't even think to try to figure out what he wanted to achieve .

Romance closely embraced him, he gave the will of the wonderful fantasies about the danger of the Distor-Onegin and completely lost a sense of reality. Material from site.

He thinks: "I will be her Savior. I will not tolerate, so that the flare the fire and sigh and praise the young heart silent ... "

His death, as nor sadly, did not hit anyone. With immaxual victims always happens. He was ready to kill a friend because of a trifling and it turned out to be unsuitable for life. He will kill Onegin - Olga would probably recoiled from him, struck by His cruelty, and Lensky would have experienced the strongest disappointment, which would end up or a suicide, or transformation into a copy of Onegin himself. But for the novel, one Onegin was enough, so the young Vladimir Lensky died.

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In the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin, the image of Vladimir Lensky is dramatically distinguished on a general background. His personality seems to be eliminated from the context of modernity, as Lensky has distinctive differences compared to other novel characters. He seems too perfect man in all respects.

Childhood and elements of Lensky's biography

Alexander Sergeevich little attention pays Lensky's past, so some facts of his biography have to speak using some of the author's hints. In detail, we get acquainted with Lensky during his 18th anniversary. This is an attractive young man, noble origin. His manor is located in Krasnogorier. He is a very educated and educated person. Lensky for a long time was abroad - this state of affairs was associated primarily with his learning. Vladimir studied at Göttingen University of Germany: "He from Germany has brought the fruit scholarship."

We offer to familiarize yourself with the interesting hero - in the story of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Baryshnya-peasant woman"

Based on the fact of a long stay abroad, Onegin calls Lensky semi-Russian.
The appearance of Lensky also knows little - Pushkin characterizes it as a beautiful outward, attractive young man with long curly hair.

Vladimir Lensky and Evgeny Onegin

The friendship of Vladimir Lensky and Yevgeny Onegin looked very strange phenomenon in view of too significant differences in these heroes. Yes, it is impossible not to admit that there is also a federate feature between them. For example, both of them were aristocrats by origin, both were educated and clever people, their knowledge actually allowed them to be philosophers of their time.

Both Lensky and Onegin early remained orphans. Neither the image of Lensky nor the image of Onegin is not deprived of the nobility, which, however, in the case of Onegin is lost among its negative qualities. Both characters are strange in the framework of the modern Society, and although their oddities are manifested in different hypostasses, eliminate such a glittering element as a comparison element in comparison is society and its generally accepted paradigms.

Distinctive features of the character of Vladimir and Eugene are much more significant: this is the attitude to secular life, and faith in friendship and love, a distinctive feature of these heroes is the romantic composition of the personality of Lensky and Pragmatic - Onegin. Such significant differences seem to have to push the heroes and provoke antipathy to each other, but it turned out to be all the opposite: such significant differences allowed the heroes to discuss on various philosophical topics, and the absence of other candidates for communication significantly brought these, it would seem antonymic Characters.

Characteristics of the personality of Vladimir Lensky

Vladimir Lensky has a significant set of positive qualities that allow him to stand out among the total mass of aristocrats.

First of all, Lensky - Romantic from the top of the top of the top, especially clearly, it is manifested in his attitude towards his beloved - Olga Larina: "Poet, a thoughtful dreamer."

In addition, Vladimir has an elevated attitude towards women in general - he considers them a priori with unusual and unique creatures. In communication with representatives of the wonderful sex, Lensky is experiencing some timidity - he feels awkward in the company, not in his plate, often he does not know how he needs to do in relation to them, and how to talk to a conversation.

Dear readers! We offer to familiarize yourself with the image of which is described in the poem A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

Lensky - Domosted, he does not like to stay in a secular society, he is incomprehensible to the hobbies of dinners and balas.

Lensky is a clean and open person, he is full of positive, optimism and faith in the best: "He sang a fading life color."

In his soul, he is still a child, full of youthful maximalism and idealism. "He believed that friends were ready for honor to take shackles."

Such a positive set of qualities is also not deprived of a fly spoon - a Lensky ardent, hot-tempered and impulsive person, such qualities, at first glance, did not have to recreate him the fame of a bad man, but in the case of Lensky, they became a significant disadvantage, since they do not allow a young man Thought in exciting situations for him.

Vladimir Lensky and Olga Larina

Vladimir Lensky from the smallest years was familiar with Larina, in particular with their daughters - Tatiana and Olga. Vladimir Putal the tender feelings for the youngest daughter for a long time, so soon, after returning from Germany, he became the official fiance of the girl.

Olga Larina was a very beautiful girl, according to the standards of a modern aristocratic society - her skin was bright, and ruddy cheeks. Her round face framed the adorable golden colors of curls. This fabulous image complemented expressive blue eyes. According to the girl, the girl was fun and optimistic that it was profitably highlighted against the background of sad Tatiana. However, its image is not deprived of a spoon of tar - Olga was a frivolous and windy coquette.

Onegin was wondering for a long time that such a man like Lensky chose himself in his wife not Tatiana, but her sister. However, Vladimir's heart, not looking at anything, was captive by Olga.

It is Olga Lensky dedicates his poems, all his thoughts were occupied exclusively by Olga. Relations with Olga Steel, apparently, the greatest joy in the life of Vladimir, but at the same time they also caused the biggest tragedy in his life.

"Unregistered relationship" Lensky and Tatiana

The relations of Lensky and Tatiana in the circle of philologists and literary critics are often called the "rustic history". This story is quite composite, although it is not immediately noticed by the reader. The relationship of young people is full of "unproductive places" of ambiguities, noarmers, shifts of intonation, cliffs, unexpected transitions from one subject to another, etc. Of course, the question may arise: But we are talking about Vladimir with Tatiana when Lensky is in love with Olga? And so, the relationship was still, and they are sometimes called the "Ranger Scene." Literary crituals came to the general opinion that Tatiana-Lensky's line expresses the Pushkin's novel polyphony. Let's deal with this question more detail.

Potentialness of the "Love Triangle"

"Love triangle", as you know, is a rather common literary plot. However, Pushkinsky novel is notable for such a plot here - potential. The "triangle" is brewing, but the appearance of Onegin is preventing the design of this geometric shape. Lensky, of course, in love with Olga. However, the young man is perfectly aware of the advantages of Tatiana, as well as the fact that this girl can be the best wife than Olga. So, in particular, Yuri Lotman believes - a specialist in semiotics, a philosopher and a cultureologist, who also analyzed the work of Pushkin. According to the researcher, Vladimir with Tatiana is much more common than Vladimir and Olga: this is a circle of interest, and the spiritual warehouse, and a special "poetry". And, however, Lensky looks like a senior Larina: Philosophical Nature (here, for example, Pushkin writes about a young man: "The goal of our life for him was a tempting mystery, he suspected his head and miraculously"), cleanliness, not depravity with secular routs , naivety, credulity, simpleness, shame and timidity. Lensky - of course, romantic. The hero believes in high, eternal feelings, in love, friendship.

In the village of Lensky, there were not so many friends, but especially - people who understood the worldview and the worldview of the young man. A rare person who understands Lensky, turned out to be Tatiana. Lotman emphasizes that Larina's society must be very valued Lensky. The girl thinly felt poetry, noticed the beauty of landscapes and nature in general - just like Vladimir. However, Pushkin silent about the fact that some spark slipped between young people, or that Tatiana was interested in the work of Lensky, as well as the opposite. But in the "Rustic History" Pushkin seven times refers to communication between Tatyana and Vladimir. Let's see what kind of incidents.

Pushkin about the possible line Tatyana-Lensky

The author mentioned this line in the conversation of Onegin with Lensky, when the first noticed that he would have chosen Tatiana. This is Vladimir - as it is not surprising - nothing said. Although Onegin, at the same time, managed to paint Olga - the elected of Lensky - "Stupid Moon on this stupid sky." Even Nabokov - Pushkin's colleague from another century - surprised by the dry reaction of Lensky on such a tactlessness from Onegin. Other two mentions are less expressive than the first. Although, perhaps, the confidence of Eugene, that Lensky will arrive in the name of Tatiana. Although it would seem why this holiday is intended for a narrow family circle - should Lensky's concern?

... Tatiana Name Day
On Saturday. Olenka and Mother
Told calling and no reason
You do not come to call ...

However, it seems to us that in this case the fantasy of literary criticism, rather, was played out than Pushkin, really, wanted to make a hint. But the next episode is already quite curious. Tatiana dreams that Eugene quarrel with Vladimir. Two friends, two comrades - why Lensky and Onegin quarrel? At the same time, the author mentions Tatiana scars. Probably the unconscious (if we turn to the concept of the Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud) Tatyana gave himself any learning about himself: the girl perceived Lensky with Onegin as rivals.

The fifth mention is a dance. In the name of Larina, Vladimir danced the first dance with the culprit of the celebration. This moment is special for one reason: this dance has become the last for Lensky - after that, the hero was killed on duels. Of course, here you can argue, why Vladimir invites Tatiana. It can be said that Olga was already invited (earlier). However, this version seems to be still in low-rise. The sixth case of mentioning possible hidden feelings between Tatiana and Lensky is at all curious:

When he knew what kind of wound
My Tatiana Heart Zhele!
Whence Tatyana's injured
Whether it could know
That tomorrow Lensky and Eugene
Speak about the grave sense;
Ah, maybe her love
Friends connected b again!
But this passion and by chance
No one else opened.
Onegin was silent about everything;
Tatiana bare secretly;
One would know the nanny
Yes, there was an intense ...

What exactly does the literary critic suspicion in this fragment? First, the presence of a heroine in this episode, because when Lensky had seen with Olga, Tatyana was not. At the same time, despite the fact that Olga served as a reason for a duel, the author says nothing about the girl herself. Yes, and nanny guessed about Tatiana's love in Onegin (this writer directly mentions in the text). In addition, Eugene refuses the girl, which means it becomes an "enemy element" for the circle of the family of Larina. Then why is the love of Tatiana - bitter, unrealistic - would you connect friends? Very strange. Finally. The seventh mention also mystifies the text, because experts suggest literality in the phrase of "his brother". This phrase refers to Tatiana and to the fact that the girl should hate Eugene - the "killer of his brother". The reader knows that the mother sisters of Laryna married the unloved, and therefore often washed her husband. There are even the versions that Lensky, and the truth could be brother Tatiana - according to Mother - considering that she probably sometimes changed her husband. However, it is just version.

Duel with Onegin

The impulsiveness and emotionality of Lensky played with this character's evil joke: at the celebration of the name of Tatiana Larina, Onegin pays too much attention to Olga - the bride of Lensky. In retaliation for the fact that Vladimir, he pulled him to Larina against Will, Onegin dances and Kakenets with Olga. A frivolous and windy girl willingly takes the courtship of Eugene, which leads to the bewilderment of his groom. Ongina insulted by such behavior, Lensky prematurely leaves the holiday, and then causes Onegin on a duel. Evgeny understands the entire absurdity of the duel, but the cardinal events for her avoidance does not take - Eugene makes some invalid violations in the rules of the duel, but this does not stop Lensky. Duel ended for Lensky tragically - despite the fact that Onegin did not put himself for the purpose of the death of Lena, the will of the case happened that way. Vladimir died in place. Evgeny was struck by what the events did not expect such an event, but it was impossible to reverse the time - what happened was happening.

The image of Vladimir Lensky as a whole is positive - it is endowed with a lot of positive qualities and is good in every sense of the word. However, the principle and inability to clarify what happened leads to him to death.

Onegin, as we see, in some sense - the antipode of positive Lensky. At the celebration on the occasion of the name of Tatiana Onegin is bored, the guests of the hero also do not like, and Lensky is annoying. Why is Evgeny so unnecessary attentive to Olga? Just because of boredom, because he wants to pour out, sighty friend - Vladimir. It is said that a duel, which followed the hot ssor of heroes, could be prevented. And the key to the peaceful resolution of the conflict is an apology of Eugene. However, the stroke young man, of course, did not ask for forgiveness. Onegin is amazing greatly worried about his reputation, afraid that these events will spoil his renome. The young man seems to be too dependent on the opinion of the "highest light." Thus, wanting to save his allegedly honor, to resist afloat in the whirlwind of the intrigue of this very "highest light", Onegin risks the life of a comrade, because "wildly, a silent enmity is afraid of a false shame." The second chose a certain Zaretsky - the young man "dubious honor". The doubt of this hero played its role: Zaretsky did not even talk about reconciliation, although it enters the direct responsibilities of seconds.

Anyone who at least once read the "Eugene Onegin" will definitely admire the perfection of its content, the beauty of the tongue and the ease of perception. But that's not all. In this work, the problems of Russian society of the beginning of the XIX century are traced. After all, freedom-loving and progressive youth of that time experienced a great disappointment in what she saw and what expected her in an empty secular life. And Onegin is just one of these people.

The image of Lensky in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

The essay on this topic involves the answer to the question: And then, then, so Vladimir Lensky? This hero received an unusually bright and lively characteristic from Pushkin. He strives for his decency, sincerity and insecurity. The image of Lensky in the novel "Eugene Onegin" justifies some opposite of the sophisticated and bald bar, brought up without strict morality and received a home education, - Onegin, who is already tired and disappointed with life and sees only falsehood and aimlessness.

The author himself describes Lena's handsome in full bloom, which lived for a long time and studied abroad and was far from Russia. Lensky was shut off Schiller's poetry and Goethe, his soul was drawn to everything moral and clean. He still did not have time to fade in the cold debauchery of the world, because he was without a small eighteen years. For comparison: the age of Onegin - 26 years old, he was not at all interested in poetry and did not write poems.

The image of Lensky in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is a bright type of educated cultural and completely young dreamy and romantic person who has sought all his emotions and experienced in his verses. He is completely someone else in a secular society, he did not like pions and noisy stupid conversations. Therefore, it was difficult for him to find like-minded people and loved ones in the spirit of people.

The image of Lensky in the novel "Eugene Onegin": a summary of the relationship between the main characters

And the fate itself leads Lensky to the house to Onegin. A friendship immediately originates between them, although so strange and unusual. Two opposites agreed, very different among themselves, like a wave and stone, like ice and a flame. And even though they constantly argued, these people still experienced mutual sympathy to each other. Lensky very much treated with this friendship, she had great importance for him, as he needed Onegin and wanted to share his experiences with him, and sometimes to spilt the topics. Lensky dug deeply believed that they would always come to the rescue and in fairness would be convicted.

"The heart is a cute ignorant"

Pushkin repeatedly draws her attention to the fact that Lensky lives in the world of dreams and unless desires. He deeply does not delve into the essence of things and therefore literally immediately falls in love with Olga, as soon as she sees her smile, bright curls and light mill. And as a very romantic person, Lensky adds her image of the perfections and merits, feelings and thoughts, which there was absolutely not in it. So insanely he loved Olga. But she was not perfect.

So I was conceived by the author Roman "Evgeny Onegin". The image of Lensky is presented there too clean and disinterested, because its main priorities in life were faith in freedom, friendship and, of course, love, which is also destroyed.

Because of his such acute perception and ambition, he very painfully perceived the caller of the Lovelass of Onegin, who decided to discharge him to mockly with his bride Olga. Now Lensky thought that he was cruelly deceived, and he cannot endure this shame and therefore forced to call Onegin on a duel. The fatal duel took place, and Onegin killed the poor Lensky.

Accident or regularity?

The death of a young man is very symbolic and comes to the idea that pure romantic and dreamy nature, far from reality, often die due to collisions with the harsh reality of life. Probably, Pushkin is so sees the way out of reigning in moral emptiness and immorality.

The image of Lensky in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is a bright representative of an advanced young aristocracy who died from the hands of a comrade. So everything happened to happen? After all, he was a man with excellent deposits, the poet and a dreamy romantic.


Lensky leads to death misunderstanding of people. It was required to be restrained and included instead of the maximalist principles and emotionality just common sense. But he could not reconcile, prevented his ambition and terrain. And therefore he died, and precisely when it was necessary to show hardness and persistence of character. So decided to finish the fate of Lensky Pushkin.

If it was alive, then, most likely, he would have turned into a conventional intelligence, disappointed in people, without that sentimentality, which would replace cynicism. Pushkin, conceived the image of Lensky in the novel "Eugene Onegin", understood that such people had no future at that time, because the fate of this hero was so sad.

Reading the novel "Eugene Onegin", admire not only the perfection of the form of work, the beauty and ease of the tongue, but also the variety of problems affected by the poet, who worried about the Russian society of the 20s of the XIX century. The main tragedy of progressive youth of that time is disappointing in their surrounding reality, in empty secular life. Onegin belongs to such disappointed people.

But another novel Hero: Vladimir Lensky. Pushkin draws an extraordinarily bright and lively image hit by his sincerity, decency and insecurity from any blows of fate. Let's learn this hero closer. This was

Handsome, in full color of years,
Fans of Kant and Poet.
He from Germany foggy
Brewing fruits:
Wolno-loving dreams,
Spirit, fervent and rather strange,
Always enthusiastic speech
And curls black to shoulders.

From these lines, we learn that Lensky's childhood passed away from Russia. He lived and studied in Germany, "under Schiller's sky and Goethe", where "their poetic fire inflamed in it." Lensky - Poet-Romantic, "From the cold depravity of the world, not having time," "He sang a fading life colorless in the amp." We see a dreamy person who seeks to express their moods and dreams in verses. He is alien to secular society and dramatically stands out against the background of trifling, Buyanovy, Petushkov and Harlikov:

He did not like pions,
He ran their conversations noisy.

Lensky can not find in the surrounding society close to himself in the spirit of people. And maybe this is what the hero leads to the house of Onegin. Friendship is born, so unusual and strange:

They agreed. Wave and stone,
Poems and prose, ice and flame
Not so different among themselves.

Despite the fact that "between them, all the disputes gave rise to the reflection," these people are experiencing mutual sympathy. For Lensky, this friendship was especially important, since at that moment he needed a true friend who could entrust all his feelings, experience, talk to philosophical topics:

Tribes of the past contracts
Fruits of science, good evil,
And prejudices of centuries
And the coffin mystery fathers.
Fate and life in their twread
Everything was subjected to the court.

Pushkin so shows the representation of Lensky on friendship, honor, nobility, confirming the fact that the hero appreciated friendly relations with Onegin:

He believed that friends were ready
For honor to take shackles,
And that does not get drogle their hand
Break the vessel of the slander.

The author draws attention to the fact that Lensky lives in its romantic world. "Heart of a cute ignoram", the hero does not understand the whole depth of the essence of things, and therefore falls in love with Olga, noticing only "Eyes, like a blue sky, smile, Linen curls, movements, voice, lightweight ..." According to Belinsky, Vladimir " He decorated it with the advantages and perfections, attributed her feelings and thoughts that were not in her. " That is how it is. But he loved:

Oh, he loved how in our summer
No longer love; As one
Mad soul of the poet
Still loved condemned ...

But we see that Olga is by no means ideal. She is the same as her peers, a frivolous girl, ordinary nature.

From the read pages of the novel, you understand that the essence and purpose of Lensky's life was faith in love, friendship and freedom. And maybe, therefore, the hero perceives the unsuccessful joke of Onegin as a betrayal and betrayal of the best friend. "Unable to demolish deception," Lensky causes Onegin on a duel, "Solving the coquetka hate."
And so:

Onegin fired ... punched
Clock Urgent: Poet
Rhines silently gun. "

The death of the hero is symbolic, she involuntarily leads to the idea that a romantic, a dreamer who does not know reality should perish when a collision with life. For the poet, death is to get rid of life among the inaders, exit from the moral emptiness that reigns in a secular society.
A. S. Pushkin created an amazing image of a representative of the advanced noble intelligentsia, the image of a lyrics poet, romantically perceiving the lives and people who believes in high friendship in eternal, ideal love.

Unlike Onegin, Lensky is not spoiled by the metropolitan life. For childhood, it was held in a provincial manor wilderness, in proximity to nature, surrounded by patriarchal landlords with their simpleness, breadcross, sincere benevolence. Back in adolescent years, he experienced the first glimpses of a love feeling, devoid of secular theatricality, the capital's chemicals:

A little fat
Olga Captive
Heart torment still without knowing
He was the witness
Her infant fun;
In the shadow of the custody
He shared her fun
And children referred the crowns
Friends neighbors, their fathers.

Objective by separating the character of Lensky, Pushkin less often resorts to the description of the external circumstances of the hero's life, as it was with Onegin. He more often depicts Lensky's peaceful world, creating a realistic image of his romantic worldview. The poems of Lensky author permeates from the inside the good humor or light irony: "Pada I am an arrow pierced";

And I, perhaps, I am a tomb
Soad to the mysterious model "
Will you come, Virgo beauty,
Tears shed over early erosion ", etc.

There is a lively image of a romantic poet independent of the author. The skillful handle of the realist of Pushkin typses the romantic style with his finishes, with his addiction to archaic items: a romantic boom instead of a prose bullet, "Beauty Virgo", "Early Urn", complicated syntactic inversion. Researcher of the realistic style of Pushkin G. A. Gukovsky said that "Lensky combines the signs of both the flows of Russian romantic time - and the psychological," ideal "romanticism of the Zhukovsky and his school, and civil romanticism of the Decembrist type. This is explained, of course, the fact that the essence of Lensky's image is generally "romanticism" as a single principle of culture. "

It is still possible to add to this that Romanticism of Lensky is generally romanticism as universal and eternal signs of youthful gloves. In Lensky Pushkin, creates an image of a young, poetically gifted young man who has not yet found himself, but possessing rich potential. As a flower petals in unwanted bud, they have not yet revealed in it, but, in case of their implementation, they can turn the character of Lensky into a variety of parties. From this point of view, the entire Roman Pushkin reminds not yet blossoming, which did not burst into the kidney, which enters the future color and the fruit of Russian life, all the leaflets and the petals of which with their inherent vital energy have not yet turned around, but are ready for self-dissection.

It is there that is a tempting, promising, but also a mysterious future, asked Pushkin "Dal of Free Roman". The core of this kidney has not yet consisted, but already ripening love of Onegin and Tatiana, symbolizing the far-destroyed in the afternoon, but now the fundamental forces and elements of Russian life have rushed to the compound: "boiling in action is empty" the intellectual peak of Russian society and the remaining faithful legend and The shrines of the thousand-year-old Russia is its provincial depth.