Personal life of Chadov. Alexey Chadov (actor) photo, biography, his wife, personal life

Personal life of Chadov. Alexey Chadov (actor) photo, biography, his wife, personal life

Full Date of birth September 2 (Virgo) 1981 (37) Birthplace Moscow Instagram @alexeychadov

From the very first filming, thanks to bright appearance and charismaticness, Alexey Alexandrovich Chadov receives the main roles. At the same time, the actor still begins to be a student of theatrical school. It is thanks to the natural talent to transfer various emotions to their game on the screen, it always successfully appears in the separation images.

Biography Alexey Chadov

Alexey Chadov appeared on the second child. With elder brother, Andrey, the age difference is almost a year. Almost all the childhood by upbringing Alexei and his brother was engaged in mother, Galina Petrovna, an education engineer. Father Chadova died as a result of an accident when it was only 5 years old. From early childhood, Alexey externally looks like his elder brother. Being children, they almost always fought and quarreled. However, in any of the situations held together and defended each other.

The desire for acting originated in Aleksa still in school years. Then the junior chases attended the theatrical studio under the leadership of Vyacheslav Kohlikhin. Close cooperation with this teacher lasted for almost 10 years. Thanks to the stubborn work and a sensitive work of the skin, already at 12, Alexey plays a hare in the "Red Cap" in Schwartz. And for this game, another challenge was awarded the prestigious Prize "Laureate", and also received a prize in the form of a tourist ticket to the resort in Antalya.

After graduating from school, challenches, following Andrei, with ease, goes to the theater school named after Shchepkin. Simultaneously with this, in his free time, he earns in at night at night a bar in the club clubs. This work also did not pass for Alexey in vain. Of it, the future star of Russian cinema has experienced the right manner of communication and behavior with various people.

One of the most important and dorregulated moments in the biography of Chadov is a student in theatrical. Once right in the school, the producers of a new film came to choose the actors on the role of the second plan for the famous director Alexei Balabanova. Among the selected for samples was Alexei. Pretty soon after that he was called and a meeting was held with the Balabanov himself.

After that, in the life of Chadov younger, a period of frequent trips to Peter began - a regular fitting suites were required for the upcoming shooting. However, the definite answer to the approval of his candidacy for the role in the film he heard before the departure of the film crew. Only on the first day of filming the historical drama "War", Alexey learned that he got the role of the first plan. After entering wide screens, the picture was very successful not only in Russia. She was also appreciated at the Canadian Film Festival. At the homeland, the picture received the main prize of the Kinotaur. Popularity came to Chadov immediately after the release of this film in wide rental. He often began to invite to various television programs. However, being modest in nature, he refused such proposals.

Almost immediately after the "war", Alexei Alexandrovich Chadov, filmography, is rapidly expanding. He appeared in the lead role of the military series "On Nameless Height." Already in 2003, the actors were invited to participate in the filming of the dramatic picture of the "Games of Motalka", where he also performed a major role. This work has become one of the first roles of the social plan in his list. In the same year, he received an invitation to withdraw the film Timur Bekmambetov "Night Watch". Before that, with the work of Lukyanenko, there was not a sign. In addition, the actor doubted a long time, whether to take part in the shooting. However, agreeing on the role of the vampire named Kostya, in the consequence did not regret his decision never. It was this film that made Alexey recognizable not only in Russia, but also abroad.

After the spectacular blockbuster Bekmambetov, Alexey starred in the sensational work of Bondarchuk "9 Rota". And in 2005 he played with his brother Andrei in the Drama "Living." Here he got an episodic, but very vivid role of the minister of the church. In 2007, Aktera Alexei Chadov offered a role in the Bright Social Melodrame of the Clipmaker Alan Badoev "Orange Love". After reaching this film, many critics noted that the plot of the paintings simultaneously with a bright and skillful game of Chadov is forced long after viewing being impressed by the film.

In addition to dramatic in Alexey filmography, there are many comedy roles. In general, the actor successfully played more than 40 different films. One of the most famous comedies with the participation of the actor was a series of films "Love in the Big City", the picture "My favorite Rolling", "Irony of Love" and "Love with restrictions".

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Personal life Alexey Chadova

Being a very well-known actor Alexey, nevertheless, quite rarely exposes his personal relationship to the phase. However, his novels, which become the public domain, are always bright and loud. For the period of fame, Chadov younger, Alexey Alexandrovich, one of the most notable passions was a colleague on the set of Oksana Akinshina. However, the relationship with her lasted very long.

The longest and vibrant novel Chudov became a long relationship with the partner of the film "Heat". Romantic relations with the young actress from Lithuania Ditkovskite began in 2006 on the film from the film. This novel Alexei lasted 3 years, after which the couple broke up in 2009. However, having met again during the filming of the joint series "Care", the guys walked to feelings with a new force. And at the end of the summer of 2012, Alexey made an Agnius offer. They got married in the same 2012. Aven another 2 years, they had a son, Fedor. However, being quite rebellious and deeply creative at creative people, the spouses of Chado have not been able to get along together. In 2015, the pair again announced a break.

Alexey Alexandrovich Chadov - Russian actor, lightningly bursting into the world of cinema after a series of bright roles in the films "War", "Night Watch", "Playing Motalka". The younger brother of the actor Andrei Chidov.

Childhood Alexey Chadova

Alexey, together with his elder brother Andrey, brought up Mom, Galina Petrovna Chadova, education engineer. The head of the family died when Alexey had five, and his brother was six years old.

Debuting to the cinema, the Chadov brothers - this is exactly the case, inextricably - became a kind of symbol of a new generation of actors. But in childhood Alexey and Andrei and quarrel and even fought. Nevertheless, always kept each other, together defended their honor before offenders. Alexey told that he was never afraid to lose school friends, because he knew that there was a brother, the closest relative and the best friend would rise for him.

In the school years, Lesha was engaged in the theater studio in Novo-Peredelkino. The first teacher was a teacher Vyacheslav Koekhin. The young actor was associated with him for ten years, as Alexey recognized, the most interesting and important. One of his first works was the role of a hare in the production of "Red Hap" on the play of Evgeny Schwarz. For her, a 12-year-old boy received the Laureate Prize and Turputovka to Antalya.

Actor career

After school, Alexey Chadov, like his brother, entered the theater school named after Shchepkin, hitting the course of Vladimir Seleznev. In the student, the guy was able to work out by bartender in nightclubs - this life experience taught Alexei to communicate with the most unpredictable people.

Once, the representatives of the company "STTV", who produced the painting of Alexei Balabanova, was looking at the "sinph". Then students said that Balabanov begins work on a new film, and selected for samples of several students, including the younger Chadov.

Students photographed and left. "We did not hoped for anything," the challenges told, "we thought that we were not taken to the series. And when they called me, I was very surprised. I arrived and talked to Balabanov himself. He asked where I was born, where he studied who is parents. For the second time I have already spoken to Selmanic, also on insignificant topics. He asked me then why I wanted to become an actor. I replied that I liked the movies Gaiday. Well, and then there were constant trips to Peter, fitting the costumes, but I never understood, I will take me or not. No one reported that I was approved. I was waiting for a month, before the departure in Kabardino-Balkaria, I was told me that I would also fly. "

The shooting of the military drama "War" began. Cards to surprise for himself turned out to be in the foreground in the company of eminent actors - Ingeborgi Dapkin and Sergei Bodrov. But he had no timidity, he was recognized only that before the first double was scared, but then I was used to and made friends with many actors. Balabanov, so that the actors make the topic of the paintings, before filming showed them a documentary chronicle, where Chechen militants cut off the heads by Russian soldiers. "It shocked me. Before that, "purgatory" looked and was morally prepared. He knew what was happening. But to know and see, it turned out different things. I looked at the tapes, came out to smoke and I took wild malice. "

The film, by the way, was success not only in Russia, but also abroad. Alexey was on the film demonstration at the Canada Film Festival at the Film Festival. In the homeland, the tape won the main prize of the Kinotaur, was repeatedly nominated for "Nika" and "Golden Eagle".

After the "war", popularity fell on Chadov. Alexey himself, in nature, a humble and non-public man, did not love it, avoided the interview, he refused invitations to telecast. And after the death of Sergei Bodrov, he did not even want to tell journalists about the experience of their collaboration. "I practically did not give an interview after the film. Energy a lot of things goes away. I was invited to radio and television, but I did not want to go there. Invited to the program with the "Hero of Our Time". But not interesting, the word is alive. There was someone from the "Antikiller" and "Brigades", "the challenges told.

Fragments from the film "War"

After the success of the "war", Alexey Chadov starred in the military series "On Nameless Height". His Kolya Malakhov, a young soldier who wants to live and love, despite everything, has become the main character in this story about the struggle for height at the border of Belarus.

In 2003, Chadov invited the director Andrei Pokhkin to the capital role in the drama "Games of Motylkov". He was finally able to move away from military themes, switching to the Drama Social. His hero, a young musician from the depthion, confident that he is about to smile at the competition of talents in the capital, under pressure from friends, caring the car, pulling himself into the chain of tragic consequences. By the way, it was the first experience of the joint game Alexei Chadov with Oksana Akinshina, with which her civil husband Sergey Shnurov worked in that film.

"It was interesting to work on the way. I dreamed from childhood to touch the music. And if it somehow happens, this is a victory. And in this picture the script is very interesting. The young man from Zlatoust talented and understands that he did not quite formed, he needs to do something, "recalled the chalks about the work on the" Games of Motalka ".

In 2003, Alexey Chadov got another significant role - the vampire of Kostya from the blockbuster Timur Bekmambetova "Night Watch". He fell into the picture through the casting, but even then he had doubts about whether it makes sense to be filmed in the tape. The actor did not have anyone who Sergey Lukyanenko, moreover, did not read Russian fiction at all.

However, after the premiere, he never regretted his consent. The painting "Night Watch" became the first domestic high-budget fantastic ribbon. The ads were invested fabulous money, the picture was positioned as the first Russian film, capable of moving with Hollywood blockbusters. Of course, Lukyanenko fans have argued a lot about the quality of adaptation of the book plot, but in general the "night watch" fully justified hopes and gathered a huge audience and repeatedly paid off at the box office. Chadova, rolling young vampire costa, learned not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Literally followed the Epoching film Fyodor Bondarchuk "9 Rota" - about the railway of the Afghan war, mercilessly alone inexperienced recruits. Together with the Chadov, which at the time of filming was used to responding to the nickname Sparrow, many other young actors were filmed - Konstantin Kryukov, Arthur Smolyaninov, Ivan Kokorin and others.

In 2005, the younger Chudov was invited to the role of a clergy to the film "Live." It is noteworthy that Alexey's brother, Andrei Chadov, originally applied to this role, and Alexei did not plan at all. Overcoming, the director has changed his decision, putting Andrei to the main role - Kira, the disabled person of the Chechen campaign, well, and Alexey became the priest. It was the first film in which the Chadov brothers played together. The actor described the tape of Alexander Vedinsky, so: "This is the film drama, besides, elements of tragedy and comedy are collected here. This is a human path to repentance, a picture of the conscience. "

By the way, the actor, like his brother, a deeply believer man. He regularly goes to church, and he even has his own confessor. Chads have repeatedly recognized that faith in God helps him in the most difficult situations.

In 2007, Chads, together with Olga Makeeva, starred in the Melodrame "Orange Love" of the famous Clipmaker Alan Badoev. The nebanal plot faced the attention of the audience from the very first minutes: two young men, Katya and Roman, under the terms of a mystical game were locked together in the apartment and had to stay there until the death of her owner. In one storyline, all shades of human relations were skillfully intertwined, and the film was forced to "move away" for a long time for a long time.

Alexey Chadov was born on the Moscow Ocena, in Solntsevo. Alexei has an elder brother who also became a famous Russian actor.

When Leshe was 5 years old, and Andrei - 6, the father of the family died, and the care of the boys was afraid on the shoulders of Mom, Galina Petrovna. By education, it was an engineer, but due to the complex financial situation in the family, several professions mastered at once: at the beginning of the accountant, then the teacher.

Alexey began studying in the theater studio. On the stage of Chadov debuted at the age of 12 in the role of a hare in the play of Evgeny Schwartz "Red Hap". Despite the insignificance of the role, the game of Chadov was awarded the Prize "Laureate" and awards - trips to Antalya.

Star path actor

After school, Chadov entered the Higher Theater School named after Schepkin. And already in the student years, Alexey began to build a career in the cinema.

His first film was the "war" Alexei Balabanova, published in 2002. The picture had an unprecedented success not only in Russia, but also abroad, and for Chadov, in a moment a huge popularity fell. For the role in this film, the actor received a prize of an international film festival in Montreal in the "Best Actor" nomination.

The success of the first picture involving actor attracted attention not only to the audience, but also film critics and directors. For the "war" was followed by the film "On Unnamed Height", in 2003 - participation in the Drama "Game of Motylkov" and the sensational blockbuster "Night Watch". "Dosor" became the hit of domestic cinema and the first high-budget film in the genre of fiction. An even greater success was expected to continue this saga in January 2006 - "Day Watch".

In 2005, the film "Live" appeared on the screens, where the Chadov brothers first turned out to be together on one set.

Among the treasures of the creative piggy bank of this young, but already such a popular actor such successful paintings as "9 Rota", "heat", "servant of sovereigns", three parts of the film "Love in the Big City" and the tape "Viy: Return".

Personal life Alexey Chadova

Chadov attributed novels with many famous girls of the domestic film and business show. The most famous and long-lasting novel in the life of Alexei Chadov was his relationship with actress Agnia Ditkovskite, with which he was associated with three years of living together. For a while they parted, but ultimately came together again - August 24, 2012 their wedding took place. On June 5, 2014, the Son appeared on the spouses. The boy was named Fedor.

Unfortunately, in 2015, disagreements began in the pair of Chidkovsky. In the same year celebrities. The reason for the breaking of relationships, according to some data, became treason of Agniya with her husband.

Alexey Chadov is one of the most sought-after stars of domestic cinema. The 34-year-old actor has to be removed immediately in several projects, because of which he leaves Moscow for a long time. Such a schedule of work, of course, does not quite favorably affect his personal life, as chalves rarely sees their little son Fyodor. Alexey was born in 1981 in Moscow. In the family, an older brother was adjusted, who also became a famous actor. His father died when the boy was five years old, and the mother had to lift two children.

In school years, he played in the theater mug and was fond of modern dances. After receiving the school certificate, the chalits entered the school. M. S. Shchepkin. During his studies, the young man starred in the cinema, appearing in the picture "War". This project received recognition of viewers not only in Russia, but also beyond. At the same time, popularity and demand for the beginner actor came. Alexey also managed to be held together with her brother: they were involved in the film "Living." For his creative career, Chadov managed to play a lot of successful roles in films, such as "9 Rota", "Love in the Big City", "Chb" and others.

In the personal life, the actor was attributed to many novels with his partner on the shooting area, but many of them did not receive confirmation. On the set of the film "Heat" The young man became close to, with which he had to play love on the screen. Of course, fervent feelings were transferred to real life, and lovers began to meet. But already in 2009, young people ran away. They again met on the set of the series "Care", who awakened their former feelings. Now the couple decided to legitimize their relationship, and in the summer of 2012 their secret wedding took place. Two years later, Alexey's wife gave birth to a son, and for some time the actor enjoyed family happiness.

In the photo Alexey Chadov with his wife Agnia Ditskovskit

But in 2015, the spouses ceased to go out together to the public, besides this, their joint photos disappeared from personal blogs. Soon it became known that they broke up. The actor commented on the causes of the divorce, noting that they lived with his wife together a happy time, but everything would ever come to an end. Former spouses retained a good relationship and now together are engaged in the education of the son. As soon as the shooting ends, the chalves hurry to the baby to catch the missed time and widden to talk with a son.

Sometimes in the personal blog of Alexey appear pictures with unfamiliar girls, thanks to which many fans decide that this is his new passion. But the chars itself are not in a hurry to comment on their personal life by adding another portion of intrigue into it.

see also

Material prepared by the site editorial site

Published 05/17/2016

Name: Alexey Chadov (Aleksey Chadov)

Age: 36 years

Place of Birth: Solntsevo, Moscow

Height: 175 cm; Weight: 72 kg

Activity: actor

Family status: divorced

Alexey Chadov - Biography

Both brothers Alexey and Andrei Chadov together began to conquer cinematic Olympus. Alexey maybe lucky more. He will be discussed next.

Alyosha was born a year before his brother. Family lived in the Solntsevsky district of Moscow. In the biography, children's years are recorded as bladder. Mom Engineer, Father Builder, who studied in absentia at the Institute. The boys remained early without a father, he died at work. Mom had to be very difficult for the boys to do not need.

The woman went away from his office. He worked with round days, taking care for any job, but there was still not enough money. The guys could argue among themselves, but anyone else's offense was never given to anyone. The brothers went together to the studio of the theater to the teacher Vyacheslav Kohlikhin and in the choreographic circle.

Alexey for the beautiful game in the "Red Cap" awarded the tourist in Antalya, he was then 12 years old. Choreography materially several student years reached Alexey, as he taught dancing in a children's studio. I had to master and work bartender. At first, the guy entered the theater school named after Shchepkin, later turned to Schukinskoye to Vladimir Seleznev.

Alexey Chadov - Cinema, Films

When Alexey was still studying in the "chips", directed by Alexey Balabanov for his film "War" picked up new types. Chadov reported that he would be filmed in the cinema before the departure of the group on the site located in Kabardino-Balkaria. The role of the guy got one of the main, Sergey Bodrov (Jr.) with Ingeborgiy, played nearby. This picture was seen not only in Russia, in Canada she was shown at the film festival. The film deservedly received the main prize of the "Kinotavra".

The young actor has become recognizable. It was not ready for fans and fans of the chalits, he still does not like to give interviews and be the center of attention. Star biography did not make such a young man. Alexey began to offer to be filmed in films on a military theme. The actor coped with his task excellent than the audience even more loved. The young man began to receive proposals to create an image in a social drama, the actor succeeded in this.

In the "Games of Motalka" challenge, he said that he was in touch with his second dream. He always dreamed of music, and then fate gave him the role of a musician. True, the life of a simple guy who loved music and aspiring to win the competition turned out with some criminal bias.

About the fact that Sergey Lukyanenko's fantastic novels, Alexey did not know, as reading books of such a genre was never fond of. He just agreed to play "Night Dosor". In the actor's biography, this takes place. A year later, the actor was filmed from Fedor Bondarchuk in the "9 company", he was the company of young colleagues: Konstantin Kryukov, Artyom Mikhalkov.

In the "Day Dosor", an interesting job continued. Cards discovered a new genre "blockbuster" and new literature. And he has long discovered a huge faith in God, he visits the church, confess. Alexey played a young clergyman, in the same film on one shooting platform was his brother Andrei. For the first time, the picture "Living" connected two brothers in the cinema together. As and once in childhood, the guys coped with their own images.

Alexey Chadov - Personal Life

With the one with which it was easily on the site, it was supposed to become easily in family life. Akinshina has become only the first in Alexey list. Comfort in working moments did not turn into a comfortable personal relationship. New shooting began, and the challenge fell in love with a truly in Agniya Ditkovskite.

Immediately there was another novel with Asel Sagata, but it turned out to be in the interests of the film. Disassembly with beloved Agnia did not follow. The media announced that the young actor relations with the girl represented by Ukraine in Eurovision. But the former feelings of Alexey and Agnes broke out at their regular meeting, which ended with the wedding.

A couple of charming baby Fedya was born soon, who had to save the parents of his parents, but the spouses were parted in a year, later received an official divorce. It happened when the boy was three years old. But the actor helps to raise his son. Sometimes the whole family is going to go together again.

Actor Alexey Chadov Now

The actor is young and continues to be in demand, he has more than 30 films and serials with his participation. Alexey is fond of sports. And for the Drama "Hammer", in which he was given the role of Boxer, he even refused other projects for a year. Chads presented as much as possible. He was interested in martial arts, he observed a diet. Son he, too, sometimes took with him in the simulatory and sports halls.

To play a role in the film, he decided to take the structure of the combat structure of the Kumir Fedor Emelyanenko. In addition, in several pictures of chadors occurs with the actress Oksana Akinshina. They are comfortable to play together, they are wonderful partners on the site.