The richest fictional characters forbes. The richest fictional characters

The richest fictional characters forbes. The richest fictional characters
The richest fictional characters forbes. The richest fictional characters

The popularity of some heroes of books and cinema is so great that their reality is no doubt. In the house where they allegedly lived, water excursion groups, their sayings are transmitted from mouth to mouth, and we study the theories and books invented by them. Only evidence that they really have ever lived, no. And it remains only to admire the person who forced everyone to believe in a non-existent, who fictional to them.

King Solomon

He entered the story as the richest man of his era. But disputes about his reality between theologians, historians, archaeologists, are still underway. The confirmation of the existence are texts from the Bible, but their accuracy is questioned by scientists.


The author "Odyssey" and "Iliad" for fans of poems more than real. Describe it as a blinder who lived on the island of Chios. Here, only the examination of the examination indicate that the "poet" ascribed to him could not compose. Most likely, Homer was invented so that the works of unknown writers appeared "Father" to the works of unknown writers.


Known with school bench. Only mathematician is difficult to call him. He was rather obsessed with mystic numerology. Pyphagore information remained only in mentioning the enemies criticized him for the worship of an unconventional cult.

Achievements in mathematics reached our days thanks to other people, but they covered such fantastic details that force some scientists to doubt the reality of Pytagora himself.

King Arthur

In the English legends, the main character often acts as King Arthur. Together with him mention the knights of the round table and sulfur Lancelot. But all of them are myth. So far, historians could not find anything to confirm their real origin.

Wilhelm Tel

A wrestler for freedom and rights of Switzerland residents, Wilhelm Tella, known thanks to Reksini and Schiller. The shooting shooter existed only in oral giving, and later appeared in the movies.

Robin the Hood

Many of us lack a hero who robs rich and distributes their money to the poor. And historians claim: such a person has never been. In the XII century, residents of cities and villages in the word robehod called any bandit.

William Shakespeare

The essence of Shakespeare comes down to the mention of his name in historical documents. But for some reason, experts are expected: all the works attributed to William writing to one person would be very difficult.

They suggest that under the pseudonym "Shakespeare" "hide" at once several authors, whose names no one knows. The fact that writing his behalf in the documents is different. Words of eyewitnesses who can confirm the "live" correspondence with Shakespeare or a personal acquaintance with him were found not.

Uncle Sam

The famous embodiment of American patriotism has never been real. The name of the character, if you consider it according to the first letters, UNCLE SAM is the designation of United States. Drew his American propagandists on their posters during the First World War. Uncle Sam looked like his creator - a cartoonist from America, "gave" his face to a painted person.

Cowboy Malboro.

In 1950, in the USA and the 1990s, a person who could doubt Russia would hardly be found in Russia that the brutal handsome existed only on the screen. Cowboy came up with advertisers, before the task was set: to force men to buy tobacco products with a filter, in those days those considered the female prerogative. Malborough was not afraid to smoke "female" cigarettes.

Sherlock Holmes

The popularity of works about a detective, written by Artur Conan Doyle, did not fade several decades. It was believed that the hero of books is a real person. In fact, he was invented.

List of 15 richest fictional characters published by Forbes magazine. The list contains characters of films, television serials, books, comics, computer and board games. At the moment, forbes analysts include only the main characters of popular copyright works. Mythological, legendary and folklore characters are not involved in the ranking (so King Midas in the span). It is important that the character is known including because of wealth.

Selection criteria are based on economic conditions in the real world last year. Editors are trying to determine the economic basis of wealth, and calculate the changes that occurred with this region of the economy for the year. In the brief descriptions of the forbes represented by Forbes, the sources of the wealth of the characters are indicated and the changes are described compared to the last list, if the character participated in it. The rating is published since 2002.

Below are the fictional thick waves according to the 2013 version. This year, Forbes has not yet published a new list.

№1 Skudzh McDak

Name: Scroogeak McDuck

Condition: $ 65.4 billion
Age: 81.
Residence: Dacburg, Calisot
Source (s): mining of minerals, banking, treasures

Family: "Duck stories"

Billionaire spleen and cartoon hero studio disney. The creators of the famous rich Krudzha call the amount of its state in "five multiplongulions of nine impossibidillion seven fiction trillons of dollars and sixteen cents." McDeak fell into the Forbes list several times, but with smaller amounts - the wealth of the currency cheat due to the increase in prices for gold and metal.

№2 Dragon is able

Name: Smoke (Dragon)

Condition: $ 54.1 billion
Age: more than 6000
Residence: Lonely Mountain, Erebor
Source (s) of status: Mraderism

Fame: "Hobbit"

The dragon was able, a literary character of the work of J. R. R. Tolkina, a sign of many film workers on the trilogy "Hobbit". The fire-having resident of a lonely mountain illegally assigned enormous wealth through robberies. In the story of the book of Tolkina, the dragons of the Mediterranean attract wealth - once finding treasures, they will never leave them, driving the legal owners. So it happened with Dwarves from Erebork, which Dwarf deprived at home. Forbes was the first forbes last year's rating, however, it is safe to predict that after two or three years the dragon will not be in the list - I could lose your treasures.

Name: Carlisle Callen

Condition: $ 44 billion
Age: 370.
Place of residence: Forks, Claller County, Washington
Source (s): Complex percentage, investment

Fame: Twilight

For the first time, this vampire came to the ranking in 2010, after the release of the film "Twilight. Saga. New moon". In comparison with the past indicators submitted by the magazine, its income this year increased by $ 12 billion. But Carlisle Cullen, like a smash, may soon leave the Forbes rating, as the films about the vampire family will not be more removed.

Name: Tony Stark

Condition: $ 12.4 billion
Age: 35.
Source (s): Defense Industry

Fame: "Iron Man"

Although the corporation engaged in the production of defensive technology, brought the start of the "total" $ 12.4 billion, but the role of Tony Stark made Robert Downey Jr., who played this character, one of the richest actors in Hollywood.

№5 Charles Foster Kane

Name: Charles Foster Kane

Condition: $ 11.2 billion
Age: 78.
Place of residence: Manor "Ksanada", California
Source (s): media

Fame: "Citizen Kane"

The American Drama Film of 1941 "Citizen Kane" tells the history of the media million of Charles Foster Kane, whose prototype served as William Randolph Hearst. Initially, Kane devotes his life to the idea of \u200b\u200bservice to society through the provision of news, but inexorably evolves into a person who uses his huge money and power to continuously satisfy the needs of its own ego.

Name: Bruce Wayne

Condition: $ 9.2 billion
Age: 32.
Place of residence: Gotham City
Source (s): Legacy, Defense Industry

Fame: "Batman"

Bruce Wayne sharply increased his capital after the release of the last film about a man in the mask "Dark Knight: Revival Legend."

Name: Richie Rich

Condition: $ 5.8 billion
Age: 10.
Place of residence: Richville (New York)
Source (s): Legacy, Conglomerate

Fame: "Rich Richie"

The first film about the adventures of the boy-Major Richie Richa came out on the screens of exactly 20 years ago - in 1994, but the audience still do not forget the character embodied by McColam Kalkin.

Name: Christian Gray

Condition: $ 2.5 billion
Age: 27.
Place of residence: Seattle, Washington
Source (s): Investments, Production

Fame: "50 shades of gray"

Christian Gray, the character of the scandalous book "50 shades of gray," is in an eighth place - the main income brings the GRY ENTERPRISES HOLDINGS founded by him, as well as popularity among readers and lovers of BDSM relations.

No. 9 Taiwin Lannister

Name: Taiwin Lannister

Condition: $ 1.8 billion
Age: 58.
Place of residence: Quastery Rock, Westeros
Source (s): inheritance, gold mining

Fame: "Game of Thrones"

Taiwin Lannister is the head of the house of Lannister, Lord Rock Casterley, the shield of the Lannport and the keeper of the West. He is one of the most powerful lords of seven kingdoms and, without a doubt, the richest among them.

№10 Charles Montgomery Burns

Name: Charles Montgomery Burns

Condition: $ 1.5 billion
Age: 96.
Place of residence: Springfield
Source (s): Nuclear power

Fame: "Simpsons"

Charles Montgomery Platagenets Shiklgrubber Burns, he is Mr. Burns, he is Monti Burns - the character of the culturizer "Simpsons", the owner of the Springfield nuclear power plant. Mr. Burns is one of the oldest (both in direct and figurative sense) characters of the animated series. He first appeared on the screens on December 17, 1989.

Name: Walden Schmidt

Condition: $ 1.3 billion
Age :?
Residence: Malibu, California
Source (s): IT technology

Family: "Two and a half people"

Walden Schmidt - the character of the series "Two and a half people", Internet billionaire with a broken heart, is in the divorce stage with his wife Bridget and on the verge of suicide.

Name: Lara Croft

Condition: $ 1.3 billion
Age :?
Place of residence: Wimbledon, United Kingdom
Source (s) of state: inheritance, treasures


Lara Croft is the main character overlooking the computer games "Tomb Raider" from 1996 from Eidos Interactive. It is also a character of films, animated series, books and comics. She is a beautiful woman archeologist, smart and sports, which spends time in search of treasures in the ancient ruins and tombs, where it lies a lot of traps and puzzles, as well as a huge number of a wide variety of enemies

№13 Mr. Monopoly

Name: Mister Monopoly

Condition: $ 1.2 billion
Age: 71.
Residence: Atlantic City, New Jersey
Source (s): Real Estate

Faminess: game "Monopoly"

The symbol of the icing board game, this character first appeared in 1936 and since then has become the most recognizable mascot among all the board games in the world.

Name: Mary Crowley

Condition: $ 1.2 billion
Age :?
Place of residence: Yorkshire, England
Source (s): inheritance, marriage

Fame: "Dandon Abbey"

Mary Crowley - the eldest daughter Robert Crowley, Graf Grandema. After the death of the heir to the male line was forced to defend its legitimate hereditary rights.

Name: Jay Gatsby

Condition: $ 1 billion
Age :?
Place of residence: West Egg, New York
Source (s): extortion, investment

Fame: "Great Gatsby"

The last rich was Jay Gatsby, who worked his state illegally, selling alcohol prohibited in the United States at the beginning of the last century. Before that, the rating of Forbes Gatsby got only once - in 2009 - with the same monetary figure in the 15th place.


Scandinavian hero Beowulf.

Fictional character. Beowulf - hero of the same name of the Anglo-Saxon epic poem. The action unfolds in Scandinavia about 1500 years ago, 500 years before the writing of the Great Anglo-Saxon epic. The poem tells how Beowulf won the monster of Grendel and others. There are no historical evidence or any documentary confirmations of the existence of Beowulf In reality - he lives only on the pages of the book. Fortunately, the monsters, whom he won, too.

Ancient Greek hero Odyssey (Ulysses)

Most likely a fictional character. Although it is impossible to know for sure if the Greek king is really called Odyssem, there is no reason to believe that it is not. Clear Odyssey is the protagonist of the epic poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey" of Homer, who, of course, are artistic works, not historical chronicles, but at the same time they appear in them a lot of real people, places and events. Oddly enough, but it is more likely that Odyssey was a real person, which is impossible to say with complete confidence about who told his story. According to the majority of scientists, Homer was a pseudonym, under which several ancient Greek poets worked.

Persian navigator Sinbad Sea

Syndbad Seaido

Fictional character. "Seven Travels of Sinbad-Morleod" took place only in Western translations "Thousands and One Night". It is not known who is the author of the first stories about the legendary Persian adventure seeker who came up with him, but, like other popular characters of Eastern fairy tales, Aladdin and Ali Baba, Sinbad never had in the original, Arab version of "Thousand and One Night."

United States Symbol Uncle Sam

Real face. Sam Wilson owned the meat processing company that supplies provisions in 1812 to the New York military base. Wilson enjoyed a reputation as an honest and fundamental person of a large character, and 150 years later, in 1961, Congress adopted a resolution, glorifying the Uncle of Sam Wilson as the national symbol of the United States of America.

Hero of American folklore johnny apple branches

Real face. John Chapman got the nickname Johnny Apple Granushko, because he was actively engaged in planting apple trees seedlings. He began with his own land, which received a member of the American Revolution and War for America's independence from England. The pious, righteous and kind person, the Chapman led a very secluded lifestyle, was almost a hermit. He planted with apple trees the whole territory of the Northern Ohio and called on the employees in his nurseries to give trees to the gift or sell them at a minimum possible price.

"Man-hammer" from American fairy tales John Henry


Fictional character. This Hero of American Folklore, known for its ability to smoke crutches in the sleepers, according to legend, taking himself to death, competing with the new invention - a steam brown that could replace three hammers and three drillers at once. Although such a contest could well take place in fact in 1870 or 1880s, and although at that time there were probably the hammer named John Henry, and it was not possible to prove to anyone that this character really existed in the specified place at the specified time.

Pioneer and tracker Daniel Bun

Real face. It is often confused with Davy Croquette, Congressman, but Daniel Bun lived at fifty years earlier. He was one of the soldiers of the revolutionary war, which went to lay the way for 200,000 people in Kentucky. Despite the struggle in many Indian battles, Bun really lived with the Indians of Shona in the state of Kentucky for some time.

Indiana Pokalontas


Real face. Pokeshontas - "Little Balovnica". In 1607, Pokalontas saved from the death of the English captain John Smith. Contrary to popular belief, Plyakhontas did not become Smith's wife. She married John Rolf - the settler, and left him to England. Died at the age of 22. The image of Powahontas is customary to romanticize, but about her courageous act - the salvation of the life of John Smith is known only from his words.

Hero of folk songs Tom Duli

Real face. The prototype for the popular Hero of the American Folklore was Tom Dula, the Soldier of the Confederation, who, after returning from the war, was convicted and hanged for the murder of his bride Laura Foster. Throughout here, more than a century historians are fruitlessly arguing about whether Tom was guilty, or the real killer Laura is her sister Ann, the first love of Tom, who, as they say, confessed to the murder of sister on her sister's death.

Legendary Casey Jones

Real face. John Jones, a driver from Casey, Kentucky, died in 1900, trying to prevent the collision of trains with cars worthwhile. While others were blinking from the train, saving their lives, Jones tried to brake the composition. The effort of the driver who did not leave the steam locomotive until the very end was not in vain - his emergency braking saved the life of all passengers, the only dead was Casey Jones himself, who was only 38 years old. Casey committed such heroic actions throughout his career, for example, once he saved a little girl from death, playing on the railway tracks, having pulled it out almost from under the locomotive.

Woodcutter Paul Banyan

Paul Banyan

Fictional character. This legendary woodcutter appeared in 1910, when the book of Fairy Tales James McGullilya was published. In 1925, James Stevens's book was published, in which he proved that Paul Banyan never existed, he was invented by Franco-Canadians in the first half of the XIX century.

Armuring families Hatfield and Makka

Real faces. They are sometimes confused with the fictional warrant clans of Gengersfords and Shepherdsons from the "Adventures of Geclberry Finn", but, unlike them, Hatfield and McCoy existed in reality. In the 1880s, the Hatfield family lived on the banks of the Tag-Fork River from Western Virginia, and McCoi lived on the other side of this river, from Kentucky. The families were cruelly bent, and most of all got McCoam: on their part there were already nine killed when, finally, the law put the end of the bloody crossbar. Eight men from the Hatfield family were arrested, one of them hanged, and the rest received a life sentence.

Forbes magazine presented the 8th rating of 15 richest fictional characters. All its participants are the fruit of the author's imagination (this eliminates from the sample of mythological and folk heroes). To get into the rating, they should be popular in the real world and associate from the audience with wealth.

Assessing the state of heroes, the editors tries to bind the cost of their fictional assets to real exchange quotes and prices for raw materials.

This year, the leadership in the ranking was returned by one of the main characters of the animated series "Duck Stories" Scrough McDak (his condition was estimated at $ 65.4 billion). On the second line, the fire-haired winged dragon was lowered (a state of $ 54.1 billion) from the "Hobbit" J. R. R. Tolkina. Troika leaders closes the head of the Vampire family Carlisle Callen (state of $ 46 billion) from Teenage Saga "Twilight". The cumulative state of the richest heroes over the past 12 months increased by 3%, to $ 215.8 billion for comparison, it is larger than Ireland's GDP.

More on how and why the states of the ranking participants changed, read in our gallery.

1. Scrough McDak

Condition: $ 65.4 billion
Source of wealth: industry, hunt for jewels
Geography: Dacburg, Calisot
Glory: "Duck stories", "Uncle Scrooge"

One of the main charismatic in the Universe of the studio disney, the Scrooge was invented by the artist Karl Barx back in the 1940s. He inherited the name of the merchant from the story of Charles Dickens "Christmas Song" and, by rumors, took into prototypes of the famous industrialist Andrew Carnegie. Like Carnegie, Scrooge has passed the thorny path from the poor migrant to the rich. Compared to 2011, the condition of the hero has grown by more than $ 20 billion - no wonder the character does not trust banks and prefers to keep capital in gold.

2. Until

Condition: $ 54.1 billion
Source of Wealth: Mrauding
Geography: Lonely Mountain, Erebor, Mediterranean
Glory: "Hobbit, or there and back"

The Dragon Leader of last year's rating dropped onto one line, for 12 months there is almost $ 8 billion for 12 months. As will affect the smith debut in Hollywood, while it is difficult to predict, but on the screen hero will have to part with its irreparate wealth (and then dying at all). However, as long as he is not without the help of gold, it is possible to hold high positions in the ranking.

3. Carlisle Callen.

Condition: $ 46 billion
Source of Wealth: Investments
Geography: Forks, Washington
Glory: "Twilight"

The 373-year-old native of London broke into the ranking in 2010, immediately taking the first line. Over the past three years, despite the growth of the state of $ 12 billion, the head of the Vampire clan gave way to the leadership more conservative fictional heroes. Make a decline risks and the popularity of the "Twilight" themselves.

4. Tony Stark

Condition: $ 12.4 billion
Source of Wealth: Defense Technologies
Geography: Malibu, California
Glory: "Iron Man"

The genius vain inventor Starck in recent years has moved from the universe of comics to the Universe Hollywood. The Hero of Robert Downey Jr. gathered an impressive box office (the third part of the Iron Man received more than $ 1 billion in the hire) and became one of the most popular film processions of modernity. In the Forbes rating, the head and owner of Stark Industries also rose - one line. Stark's condition for the year increased by more than $ 3 billion.

5. Charles Foster Kane

Condition: $ 11.2 billion
Source: Media
Geography: Castle Pokood, California
Glory: "Citizen Kane"

Hero Orson Wells, whose prototype was the media million of William Heurst, to this day remains the classics of world cinema. In the case of Kane, when evaluating the state, you can rely on the approximate cost of Hearst Corporation. The revenue of the conglomerate, who still owns the family of Hirst, Forbes estimated at $ 3.8 billion in 2012 for a year, Cane's condition added almost $ 3 billion.

6. Bruce Wayn.

Condition: $ 9.2 billion
Source: Inheritance, Defense Technologies
Geography: Gotham, USA
Glory: "Batman"

Wayne, he is a superhero Batman in ordinary life, in recent years also was also rethought as a character (thanks to the exit on the screens of several screen vessels of the authorship of the director Christopher Nolan). Interest of a wide audience to the hero in the execution of Christian Baleh significantly increased. Uyen climbed and in the Forbes ranking - on two lines, rich for $ 2.3 billion compared with last year.

7. Rich Richie

Condition: $ 5.8 billion
Source: Inheritance, Industry
Geography: Richville, United States
Glory: "Rich Richie"

The son of Richie's rich parents is popular in the USA Richie Rich comic book and once even played by Maicolai Calkins in a kinema of his story. In the Forbes rating, he sank into one position, Rich's condition decreased by more than $ 2 billion.

8. Christian Gray

Condition: $ 2.5 billion
Source: Investment, Industry
Geography: Seattle, Washington
Glory: "50 shades of gray"

Hero of the Chief Book Bestseller of the Year "50 shades of gray" E. L. James - Newbie Rating Forbes. Gray is a young billionaire, in whose secret hobbies the main heroine of the novel anastheysh style is disassembered. The entrepreneur rigidly costs subordinates and business competitors.

9. Taiwin Lanister

Condition: $ 1.8 billion
Source: Inheritance
Geography: Rock Casterley, Westeros
Glory: "Song of Ice and Flame", "Game of Thrones"

The head of the house of Lannister for a year he left $ 300 million. If you rely on the chronology of the shielding of George Martin's books, then the condition of the state of Lord Rock Casterly, apparently, the prolonged war with the house of Starks.

10. Charles Montgomery Burns

Condition: $ 1.5 billion

Who is richer - Batman or Iron man? The long-awaited answers to this and other questions lie in this rating provided by Forbes magazine. It included the richest fictional characters familiar to us on films, books, serials, comics and cartoons.

36. Lucille Blut - $ 1 billion
The rich, unclean on his hand and forever drunk Mrs. Blut is the mother of the family from the series "Slow Development". While her husband sits in prison, Lucille depicts an innocent lamb, actually being an invisible hand, which moves illegal earnings around the world. She will certainly not keep money in the stand selling frozen bananas.

35. Joe Bennett - $ 1 billion
Jolin "Joe" Bennett performed by Katie Bates turned a small company for the production of computer spare parts in a major supplier of printers, faxes and scanners, and managed to purchase a paper company "Dander Miffline" and become the Queen "Office".

34. Jeffrey Lebovski - $ 1 billion
Chained to the wheelchair of the Elderly Veteran of the Korean War, married to the young beauty - the very "big Lebovsky" from the same film, beloved by millions. Manages a family charitable foundation, thanks to which this condition has risen.

33. Chuck Bass - $ 1.1 billion
The former chief villain of the "Gossip" series, a smugher and the heins of the late magnate real estate Barta Bass. Loves in life all the beautiful and not very - drinking, women and gossip.

32. Mary Crowley - $ 1.1 billion
The eldest daughter of Graph Grandema from "Abbey Dounton" knows a lot about doing business, although it is a woman in the men's world. In addition to the capital of one of the oldest families of Britain, Mary also inherited an impressive amount after his husband's death.

31. Mr. Monopoly - $ 1.2 billion
Property magnate, which owns all the streets, hotels and railways. He is the face of a board game that ruined the relationship of hundreds of thousands of families around the world - that awkward moment when the mother mother is ready to sell from greed.

30. Lara Croft - $ 1.3 billion
The fabulously rich, beautiful, intelligent and sports - and most importantly, has an amazing supercoperation to maintain the perfect hairstyle in any boot. It inherited his state after the death of the parent-speakers from London.

29. Walden Schmidt - $ 1.3 billion
The Character of Estona Kutcher appeared in the Sitkom "Two and a half people" after the dismissal of Charlie Tire who fulfilled the main role. A brilliant Internet entrepreneur has made a state of sale on the sale of applications with the Microsoft Music Algorithm, but in the first episode tried to commit suicide due to unfortunate love.

28. Charles Montgomery Burns - $ 1.5 billion
The owner of the Springfield nuclear power plant on which Homer Simpson is unsuccessful. The most influential and rich resident of Springfield is concentrated only on one - increase their wealth. Although during the series he twice (!) It managed to lose his condition, the money is magically returning to him.

27. Lucius Malfoy - $ 1.6 billion
One of the most hated characters of the Harry Potter Universe is also the richest in the magical world. Like blonde from the real world, Donald Trump, Lucius Malfoy is rich thanks to inheritance and investment.

26. Tywin Lannister - $ 1.8 billion
"Lannisters always pay their debts." Why? Yes, because they have a practically an inexhaustible supply of money. The main source of income of the Lannister family is gold mining, and Tywin is so rich that it can safely afford to borrow a crown of 3 million gold.

25. Willy Wonka - $ 1.9 billion
Everyone in childhood dreamed of growing like Willie Wamka - a billionaire who began his state on the sweets. Although, if you think about, its innovative inventions, such as a flying elevator or teleportation, do not justify its ill-treatment of children and the organization of slave labor.

24. Gomez Addams - $ 2 billion
This eccentric billionaire is very lucky in life. The father of the addames family once accidentally bought a swamp, which turned out to be filled with oil, another time he bought a hand of mummy, who, as it turned out, belonged to Pharaoh, and so on. Gomezu owns salt mines, an insurance company, a company for the production of tombstones and a farm, raising the vultures. He is also a descendant of the royal family of Castile and British aristocrats. Sorry, ladies, but he is already busy.

23. Lisbet Salender - $ 2.4 billion
A brilliant "girl with a dragon tattoo" is the fifth woman who entered this list. Lisbet, a world-class hacking with difficult childhood, managed to steal billions of dollars, which she sent to fight crime.

22. Christian Gray - $ 2.5 billion
The most fresh face in the Forbes rating was Christian Gray - a giant investment, production and other things that relate to a lot of the topics of this list. A 27-year-old businessman is the main character of the notorious novel "50 shades of gray" and is known for his manner to pacify competitors by the whip.

21. Terry Benedict - $ 2.5 billion
The owner of the largest casinos in Las Vegas in the Universe "11 Owen's Friends". The insightful, serious and resourceful Benedict takes everything from life: beautiful women, expensive costumes and sweet revenge.

20. Forrest Gump - $ 5.7 billion
Low IQ did not prevent this good-natured Milah to become fabulous rich. A successful shrimp company and an investment in the "some fruit company" Apple provided Forrest and his faithful friend to Lieutenant Dan a peaceful existence.

19. Richie Rich - $ 5.8 billion
In fact, the "rich richie" does not have its own personal state, but there are fabulously rich parents. The most pleasant in his character is that he does not behave like one of the numerous members of the Kardashian family, and whether all the stereotypes of children are rich parents and is distinguished by kindness and modesty.

18. Adrian Weidt - $ 7 billion
You are more likely to know him as Omimandia from "Keepers" - the smartest person on earth. At the age of 17, he inherited a major inheritance after the death of his parents, but he gave him to charity and went to a spiritual journey. He then became a fighter with crime and with the help of his ingenious intelligence earned a new multi-billion state, building a whole empire engaged in developments in genetics and promising technologies.

17. Carter Putereshmidt - $ 7.2 billion
Gruffin Carter Carter from "Griffins" spends its time in the company of serious guys - plays cards with Bill Gates, Michael Icener and Ted Turner. Prefers hedonism philanthropy. Loves ascot ties, drinking and humiliate son-in-law.

16. Treston Howell III - $ 8 billion
Unfortunately, it remained missing with other unfortunate from the "Gilligan Island". Before it was on the island, he was a millionaire player, who inherited Howell Industries company. Known habit to divide cigars by proprietary bills.

15. Jabba Hatt - $ 8.4 billion
Jabba Desilijik Tiure fastened its cosmic state by no means honest ways. This gangster from "Star Wars" is involved in both politics and crime. Jabba can enjoy the money and leads an extremely hedonistic lifestyle - makes bets on filing races, feeds enemies to her handbreaker and having fun with human women.

14. Gordon Gekko - $ 8.5 billion
An obscenently rich investor and a corporate raider from the Wall Street film is not only one of the richest fictional characters, but also repeatedly entered the ratings of the best villains of all time. It was he who made the popular phrase "greed is good."

13. Bruce Wayne - $ 9.2 billion
The heir to the Wayne Enterprises Corporation and a billionaire superhero - a frequent guest in the Forbes rating. The fictional corporation takes 8 place in the list of the largest international conglomerates of the DC Comic Comic and is the leading defense contractor. It is not surprising that Batman is always armed with perfectly.

12. Jed Clamprette - $ 9.8 billion
From the dirt in the prince - it is this story that the Sitter of the 60s "Village in Beverly Hills" and the 1993 film of the same name says. Practically begging Jed Clamprette during the hunt discovered huge oil reserves in the swamp, after which he sold the land for no less huge money and moved with his family to Beverly Hills. Clampett Oil in 1984 became public, but the family remained at the leadership.

11. Lex Luthor - $ 10.1 billion
One of the brightest challenges of comics does not need a presentation. His Mega Corporation Lexcorp owns companies and organizations in various fields, ranging from hotels and ending with robotics. When Luther is not engaged in trying to destroy Superman, he is engaged in charity and sacrifice huge amounts of money for the benefit of the metropolis. He even managed to visit the US president.

10. Jay Gatsby - $ 11.2 billion
This unrestrained romantic became famous for his noisy parties, where champagne pours river, and the beauties dance until the morning. Gatsby is very secretly when the conversation comes to his condition, which gives rise to rumors about their participation in organized crime.

9. Charles Foster Kane - $ 11.2 billion
Pink bud! The main character of the famous critics of the film "Citizen Kane" is perhaps the most depressive billionaires in this ranking. Charles Kane was largely based on the Personality of William Randolf Hirst, newspaper magnate and the founder of "yellow journalism".

8. Tony Stark - $ 12.4 billion
Perhaps the most perhaps a popular billionaire in this list was returned to himself for a forllow glory after the release of the cinema-franchise "Iron Man". Genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropTop Tony Stark inherited the company of his father Howard Stark, after they and his wife died in a car accident. In addition to the fact that Tony is half a person, half a car and a brilliant inventor, his other supersila is in a reasonable wealth. He also tries to be a moralist and take care of the environment, but it does not always come out.

7. Artemis FAUL II - $ 13.5 billion
Wunderkind with an extended High IQ Artemis Faul - the son of Irish mafios, after which he took over the management of a family business. During this time, the criminal syndicate was significantly expanded and became interested in an innocent hobby to abduct artwork. About his adventures Irish writer Jon Colfer wrote 8 fantasy-novels.

6. Mommy - $ 15.7 billion
Despite his cute nickname and appearance of good grandmother, mommy is a tricky and ruthless person and, according to Futurama, one of the richest people on Earth. The owner of Momcorp Corporation, the largest industrial concern for the production of robots. World monopolist in the field of robot buildings and their maintenance. In greed and cruelty will give odds to Mr. Burns.

5. Mink merciless - $ 20.9 billion
Do you remember the cult film of the 80s or not, but Ming merciless was definitely a bright villain, hateing one pleasure. The cruel dictator of the Mongo planet has been rich in its wealth due to slavery and technologies. Well, of course, possessing a whole planet and all its resources.

4. Oliver "Daddy" Warboks - $ 36.2 billion
The former general who became the military industrialist, rich as a result of the conflict in Iraq. Warbucks Industries is the largest manufacturer of artillery shells from depleted uranium, cassette bombs and feline food. His receptional daughter Annie in the film of the same name melted his heart, after which the Warboks became a real philanthropist.

3. Carlisle Callen - $ 46 billion
When you do not need to worry about death, it appears full time to make money on investments and increase interest. A good-natured vampire from the Teenage Saga "Twilight" at the same time also works by a doctor that in itself is not bad in the money plan. And considering that he lives for over 370 years, it is not surprising that he managed to kill such a fortune.

2. Smug - $ 54.1 billion
The largest robber in all fictional universes (both physically, and in terms of condition), Smaug collected all his wealth in lonely mountain. In the 2007 Forbes rating, he took only 7th place with $ 8.6 billion, but perhaps his condition has greatly grown after filming from Peter Jackson. Not to mention the fact that in films of his treasures fully occupy a mountain from the inside.

1. Scroogeak McDak - $ 65.4 billion
The first place is deservedly occupied by Scrough McDak - a true representative of the American dream. As an immigrant from Scotland, McDak climbed the career staircase with honest labor from the lowest, having no education. When he was quite a boy, he cleaned his shoes in his hometown of Glasgow, while once at the age of 13 did not go to the United States with a dream to get rich. Although in one of the episodes of "duck stories", it is mentioned that in Safe Schurge lies "607 Tillionons of 386 zilliones 947 trillion 522 billion dollars and 36 cents", forbes appreciated its condition for almost $ 65 billion.