Description of Sweden according to the plan description plan. Geographical location of Sweden

Description of Sweden according to the plan description plan. Geographical location of Sweden
Description of Sweden according to the plan description plan. Geographical location of Sweden

Official name - Kingdom of Sweden (Konungariket Sverige). Located in Northern Europe, in the eastern and southern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. Area 450 thousand km2, population - 8.95 million people. (2003). State language - Swedish. The capital is Stockholm (1.7 million people with suburbs, 2001). State holiday - National Day June 6 (in 1916-83 - Swedish Flag Day). The reason for choosing this date Two: June 6, 1523 Gustav Vaz was elected the king, which is considered the date of the foundation of the independent Swedish state, and on June 6, 1809 a new constitution was adopted, which established civil rights and freedoms. Monetary unit - Swedish Crown.

UN member (from 1946), EU (from 1995), OECD, IMF, IBRD, EBRD, Northern Council, etc.

Sights of Sweden

Geography of Sweden

Located between 11 ° and 24 ° East longitude and 55 ° and 69 ° Northern latitude. It is washed from the east Baltic Sea and its Botnik, from the south-west - Ereinsn, Kattegat and Skagerrak. The overall length of a strongly rugged coastline exceeds 7 thousand km. Along the entire coast - thousands of islands forming large archipelagoes. For the coast, the abundance of Schker is characterized by the clusters of small coastal islets and rocks. Especially extensive schoer archipelago is located in Stockholm. Significant cutness also has the coast of Skagerraka north of Gothenburg. In the Baltic Sea of \u200b\u200bSweden, two large islands belong to Gotland (3001 km2) and Eland (1344 km2). It borders with Norway in the West (1619 km), with Finland - in the northeast (586 km).

In Sweden, low plateaus and sophisticated plains are dominated. Comparatively smooth relief is made by many lakes - their more than 100,000. 16% of the territory is covered by the mountains. In the North-West, a long mountain range was stretched - the Scandinavian mountains tall up to 2111 m (Mount Kebnekayis). In the middle Sweden there is a Middle-host lowland - the most populated and economically developed part of the country. Next to the south is the elevation of Smoltend. The extreme south of the Country of the Scrone Peninsula is an extensive plain with fertile soils, this is the chief agricultural area.

Defrace of Sweden is rich in metals and poor mineral fuel. Swedish iron ore deposits belong to the richest in the world both at the concentration of ore reserves and in its maintenance in it. The main iron ore area, where the SV is concentrated. 80% of all iron reserves in the country are located behind the polar circle, in Lapland. The largest deposit is Kirunavaara. Lapland ores on 2/3 consist of metal, but contain a lot of phosphorus, so their industrial use has become possible only in con. 19th century After the opening of the Tomasovsky method of smelting. Another iron ore area - Bergslagen, known from the Middle Ages, is located in Medium Sweden. The ores are less here, but it is characterized by a slight content of harmful impurities of phosphorus and sulfur and has long served as the basis for the development of Swedish high-quality metallurgy. Among the deposits of non-ferrous metals are most significant at Norrland Plateau. These are deposits of complex sulphide ores in the Bulden area - Christineberg, containing copper, zinc, lead, gold, silver, sulfur chest, arsenic; Leading deposits (Lisvalle) and copper (Aitik). Previously, one of the richest copper deposits in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Falun in the middle Sweden is very exhausted. Extremely large uranium reserves contained in the fields of bituminous shale in Medium Sweden.

Sweden is almost completely, except for its extreme south, located in the zone of podzolic soils. In the south of the country, especially on the Scone Peninsula, the most fertile brown forest soils dominate on the entire Scandinavian peninsula.

Thanks to the warm Atlantic flow of Golf Stream and Western winds, the climate in Sweden is softer than in other countries located on the same latitudes. Although Stockholm lies almost on one parallel with South Greenland, the average temperature in July is OK. + 18 ° C. In winter, the average temperature in the capital is only a little below zero, snowfall temperate. In the south, the soft wet climate of sea type, the precipitation is significant. The climate of the eastern regions of the Central Sweden is more continentile. In the northern Sweden of winter harsh, snowy and long.

The relief and climate of the country favors the development of a thick network of rivers and lakes. Rivers flow in narrow valleys and replete with thresholds and waterfalls. They are used mainly as energy sources. According to the reserves of hydropower, Sweden is inferior in Western Europe only Norway. The richest energy of the North Swedish River, taking their origin on the eastern slopes of the Scandinavian mountains, crossing the stepped Norrland plateau and flowing into the combat bay. This is primarily Luleler, Mesalv, Ongermanwelven, Indals Elven, Dallen. The longest rivers: Muonioelven - Tournellven (570 km), Dallenven (520 km), Clarleven - Geta-Elv (520 km). Numerous lakes and expansion in river basins serve as natural reservoirs regulating water consumption throughout the year. Rivers and lakes occupy 9% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe country. The largest of them lie in the lowland part of the middle Sweden. Particularly highlighted in the largest in all Western Europe Lake Verenn with an area of \u200b\u200b5585 km2. The lake flows into a short, but the genuine river heta-elv with a high Trollchttan waterfall. Other large lakes: vetere (1912 km2), Malaren (1140 km2) and Elmar (484 km2).

The main type of vegetation - forests covering more than 1/2 territory of the country. On the wooded area (54%), Sweden takes the 1st place in Western Europe. Coniferous forests predominate, the main arrays of which are located in the north of the country. On the slopes of the mountains they are replaced by birch forests, and even higher - the mountain tundra occupying approx. 1/8 countries. To the south of 60-61 ° Northern latitude of coniferous forests are replaced by mixed. Spicy breeds appear - Clane, ash, oak, linden. In the early south and southwest there are beech forests. Sweden on wood reserves occupies 1st place in Western Europe, and 90% of total reserves accounted for coniferous rocks. A lot of funds were spent on restoring cutted forests. In the animal world of Sweden, the inhabitants of forests prevail: Elk, roe, fox, forest curtain, squirrel, hare. In the taiga forests of Norland, there are lynx, brown bear, wolverine. Wild northern deer lives in the Polar areas of Lapland, and European deer in the south of the country. Lakes, schhers and sea bays are replete with wild ducks and swans, which nest and in the vicinity of Stockholm. The coastal waters of the Baltic Sea are rich in fish: Salaka, eel, cod, shrimp, lobsters live in them. In rivers and lakes there are salmon, trout, pike, perch, pike perch, lime, bream, and in the north - Harius.

Population of Sweden

Growth rates are generally low - 0.02% (2002). Starting from the 1940s. Immigration - first from neighboring northern countries, and then from other regions of the world - amounted to more than 40% of the population growth. In 2002, net immigration was 0.95.

Birth rate in the country is low - 9.81 ‰ (2002). It rose in the 1980s - 90s., But then it decreased again. Mortality 10,6, child mortality 3,44 people. on 1000 newborns. Life expectancy - 77 years in men and 83 years old in women.

The age structure of the population: aged 0-14 years - 18%, 15-64 years - 65%, 65 years and older - 17%. Women are more than men, about 100 thousand people, especially in old age. 85% of the population lives in the southern half of Sweden, the urban population is more than 80%. The age of retirement is 65 years old. Literacy is almost complete.

Until the 2nd World War, Sweden was a country with an ethnically homogeneous population. Only Saami (blades) living in the north and traditionally engaged in reindeer herding were a significant ethnic minority. Now the Swedes are approach. 87% of the population. Approximately 1 million in residents are either immigrants or their descendants. These are Finns, immigrants from the former Yugoslavia, Danes, Norwegians, Greeks, Turks.

Swedish refers to the northern subgroup of the German group of languages. Language minority make up Saama and Finns.

The dominant religion is Lutheran (87%). In the 16th century Sweden broke with the Catholic Church, and after that the evangelical state church acted in the country. The first Bible in Swedish was published in 1541. On January 1, 2000, the Swedish Church found an independent position and was equated to other confessions. Among the believer there are also Catholics, Orthodox, Baptists, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists.

History of Sweden

The first person appeared in Sweden about 12 thousand years ago. However, only with 9 c. They spoke about the scandinavas in Europe, where the Vikings began to penetrate the sea through, dealing with the discrepancy and trade. Swedish Vikings managed to reach the Black and Caspian Seas in Russian rivers (the path of "Varyag in the Greeks") and trade with Byzantia and Arabs. In 11 and 12 centuries. Sweden begins to act as a single state. Christianity becomes a dominant religion, and in 1164, an archbishopry in Uppsal is established. The process of centralizing the state under the royal power lasted two centuries (from the Ser. 12 c.). In 1397, the Danish queen Margaret unites Denmark, Norway and Sweden in t. N. Squid Ulya under the Danish Crown.

The constant discordes both within the combined unia states and between them gradually led to an open conflict between the Swedes and Danes. The final disintegration of Ulya in the beginning. 16th century He led to a number of fierce wars between Dania and Norway, on the one hand, and Sweden and Finland, which is 12-13 centuries. Was conquered by the Swedes, on the other. The climax was t. N. Stockholm Bed Bath in 1520, when, when joining the throne of the Danish king, Christian II, more than 100 well-known representatives of various classes in Sweden were executed. This event led to an uprising, as a result of which the Danish king was lowered and built to the throne of the Swedish nobleman Gustav Vase, elected by the King of Sweden in 1523.

Gustav Vaz, speaking for Swedish sovereignty, resolutely presets attempts to revive calm union and conducted a number of major reforms playing a large role in the life of the country. During the reign of Gustav VAZ (1523-60), the foundations of the Swedish national state were laid. It breaks with Catholicism and conducts a reformation. The head of the Swedish church was declared the king. In 1544 he introduces a hereditary monarchy (before that was elected). Attempts to restore their power during the reign of Eric XIV (1560-68), Yuhan III (1568 92) and Sigismund (1592-99) failed. During the board of Karl IX (1599-1611) and Gustav II Adolf (1611-32), the monarchy strengthened its position. After the death of Gustav II Adolf in Battle, at Lutzen, the highest nobility managed to introduce a new constitution - the form of government 1634, according to which a number of central administrative bodies were created and part of the government went into her hands. However, this constitution was used in Christine (1632-54), Karl X Gustaba (1654-60) and lost its operation in 1680 under Carle Xi (1660-97). After that, the nobility turned into a bureaucratic class, in all the humble will of the king.

After the rupture of the squid, the Swedish foreign policy was aimed at domination in the Baltic, which led from the 1560s. To frequent wars with Denmark. After Sweden's entry at 1630, in a thirty-year-old war on the side of the German Protestants, Sweden with Gustabi II Adolf became one of the leading European monarchies and twice broke Denmark: in 1643-45 and 1657-58. These victories allowed Sweden to win the former Danish provinces scone, Halland, Bloking and Gotland and Norwegian Bohuslegen, Emitland and Haredalen. Finland, a number of provinces in Northern Germany (Pomerania, Bremen), Estonia, Latvia, Ingermanland (at the mouth of the Neva) also belonged to Sweden. After the Westphalian 1648 and Roskille, 1658 peace treaties with Denmark, Sweden became the Great Power in Northern Europe. Sweden even briefly founded the colony in North America (where the state of Delaware is now located).

However, Sweden remained a purely agricultural country with natural economy (not counting small metallurgical plants and production of copper ore in Falun) and did not have the resources for a long time to maintain their positions of the Great Power. In 1700, Russia, Saxony in the Union with Poland, as well as Denmark and Norway together oppose the strengthening of the Swedish Empire. Although the young Swedish king of Karl XII (1697-1718) and tried in the first period of the Great Northern War (1700-21) victory, still an extensive plan to force Russia to surrender by the siege of Moscow turned out to be unable to him. The defeat in the Poltava battle 1709, and then the death of Karl XII at the siege of the Norwegian fortress in 1718 and the conclusion of the Nesteadt peace treaty with opponents, to which later England, Hannover and Prussia were joined, put the end of the Swedish Great Great. Sweden lost most provinces on the opposite bank of the Baltic, and its territory declined to about modern Sweden and Finland.

Russian-Swedish war 1808-09 led in 1809 to the loss of Finland. Sweden also lost the latest possessions in Northern Germany during the time of Napoleonic wars. Sweden's compensation for its participation in the anti-Napoleon coalition was to obtain Norway, which passed in 1814 to solve the Vienna Congress from Denmark to Sweden. The Jointing of Norway to Sweden existed until 1905 and was terminated on the initiative of Norway as a result of peace negotiations.

After the short-term war with Norway in 1814, during the creation of Juni, Sweden did not participate anymore in wars and since the 1st World War conducted an external policy of freedom from unions in peacetime and neutrality during the war. After the death of Charles XII and the defeat of Sweden in the Great Northern War, the Swedish parliament - Rixdag, permanent from 15 V. And the leading origin from the elections of the elders of the tribes and leaders in Vikings, introduced a new constitution that had canceled royal absolutism and transferred power to Rixdag. In the period t. N. Era of Freights (1719-72) In Sweden, there was a government who had the parties dominated in Rixdag and responsible before RIXDAG. However, Gustav III (1771-92) restricted the power of Rixdag as a result of a bloodless coup in 1772 and later, in 1789, restored absolutism. After overthrowing as a result of the state coup in 1809 Gustav IV Adolf (1792-1809), the political development of Sweden was already calm and peacefully.

In 1809, a new constitution was introduced, based on the separation of power. Soon, Napoleon Marshal Jean Batiste Bernadot was elected the heir to the Swedish throne, and in 1818 he became King Karl XIV Yuhan (1818-44). His policy was conservative, but at the same time an influential liberal opposition appeared. During the reign of his son Oscar I (1844-59) and the grandson of Charles XV (1859-72), many important events occurred, including the introduction of compulsory education in 1842, the abolition of the workshop in 1846, the transition to free trade, the introduction of local self-government in 1862 and Finally, holding a parliamentary reform in 1866. The last reform replaced existed from 15 V. Four-cell RIXDAG per bipotable.

In con. 19th century There were wide folk movements: free churches, sobriety, women and, most importantly, working. The latter arose with the country's industrialization and was reformist. The first representatives of Social Democracy entered the government back in 1917. The universal eligible right was introduced in 1909 for men and in 1921 for women. In 1932, the Social Democrats became the ruling party, put forward plans to build a welfare society and carried out them after the 2nd World War.

State Device and Political System Sweden

Sweden is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary form of government. Constitution, entered into force on January 1, 1975. Administrative division - 21 Led: Blovenge, Warmland, Westbotten, Westnorrland, Westmanland, Vstast Gotland, Gotland, Dalarna, Eleborg, Emitland, Joncoping, Kalmar, Kruniberg, Norrbotten, Södermanland, Scone, Stockholm , Uppsala, Halland, Erebro, Estersiethland.

The largest cities (thousand people): Stockholm (1700 with suburbs), Gothenburg (800), Malmo (500). The Swedish Constitution consists of 4 separate documents: Act on the form of the Board adopted in 1974, an act of the prestoliotia, operating from 1810, an act of printing in 1949 (the leading start from 1766) and the act of freedom of expression of views that entered into force in 1991. In addition Togo, the Act about Rixdag 1974 occupies an interim position between the basic law and the usual statutory law.

The highest organ of legislative power is RIXDAG.

The highest executive authority is the government.

The head of state - King Karl XVI Gustav (from September 19, 1973) is endowed with purely representative or ceremonial functions and is a symbol of the Swedish state and the nation.

Since 1971 RIXDAG Sweden one-palate, consists of 349 deputies elected by universal, direct and secret ballot 1 time every 4 years. By elective law, residents of the country are used from 18 years. Places in Rixdag are distributed on a proportional basis between the parties that have received at least 4% of the vote in the elections. Most of the period from 1932 in Sweden in Sweden was the Social Democratic Workers' Party. Only in 1976-82 and 1991-94 bourgeois governments ruled. According to the results of the last elections, held on September 15, 2002, the Social Democratic Workers Party of Sweden - 144 mandates, 39.8% of the total number of voters were presented in Rixdag; Moderate Coalition Party - 55 and 15.2%, respectively; People's Party - Liberals - 48 and 13.3%, Christian Democrats - 33 and 9.1%; Left batch - 30 and 8.3%; Party of the center - 22 and 6.1%; Party of environmental protection - "Green" - 17 and 4.6%. The Prime Minister appoints now not the king, but the chairman of Rixdag.

The most famous Swedish political figure was Palma (1927-86). In 1969-76 and 1982-86, he was the country's prime minister, and from 1969 and until the day of his death headed the Social Democratic Workers Party. He was killed on February 28, 1986 in the center of Stockholm. The murder of Palme is still not disclosed.

Doug Hammarcheld (1905-61) was the UN General Secretary since 1953 and until the day of his death. Performing their duties, died in a plane crash over Zambia. He sought to ensure that the UN played the most active role in solving international crises. The Swedish administrative system is characterized by the separation of tasks between ministries and central administrative authorities. The central government consists of 13 small ministries (their staff does not exceed 100 people), are engaged in the main preparation of bills for the government. The Council of Ministers for approval of decisions is collected once a week and brings collective responsibility for all decisions made. Conducting laws to life is entrusted to 100 relatively independent central institutions and the Board of LANOs.

Until 1971, Sweden was divided into 850 communes, each of which had its own election assembly of the Commissioners. The number of communes is now reduced to 288. The rights and obligations of the Commune enters the construction of various structures and ensuring a wide range of services: housing and road construction, sewerage and water supply, primary and secondary education, social assistance, care for the elderly, care for children, etc. . Communes have the right to charge income tax.

There is a regional management level between state and communal levels. At this level, the country is divided into Lane. State power is represented in every Lane Governor and the Board of Lane. LAN Governors are appointed by the government for a period of 6 years and led the Board of Lane. Members of the Board of Lane are appointed by Landsting, which is elected and responsible for health care and some types of education. Landstings charge income tax.

Political parties are well organized in Rixdag and outside it. The Social Democratic Workers Party of Sweden was founded in 1889, is the ruling, largest in the country, closely connected with the movement of workers' trade unions, represents the ideas of the Swedish model of democratic socialism. The conservative moderate coalition party was founded in 1904 (until 1969 - the right party), expresses the interests of large companies and senior officials. The center of the Center is founded in 1910 (until 1957 - the Peasant Union), expresses the interests of medium and small landowners, as well as parts of the middle and small urban bourgeoisie. The People's Party - Liberals - founded in 1895 (until 1990 - the People's Party), represents the interests of a large, middle and part of the shallow bourgeoisie, officials. The left batch was founded in 1917 on the basis of the left wing of the Social Democratic Party (until 1921 - the Social Democratic Left Party, in 1921 he was renamed the Communist Party, in 1967 - in the left batch - the Communists, from 1990 wears the current name). The Environmental Protection Party is "green" - founded in 1981, expresses the ideas of environmental protection. Clerical bourgeois party Christian Democrats was founded in 1964 (until 1987 - a Christian-Democratic Union). Since 1966, the state subsidizes political parties that take place in Rixdag.

The largest organization representing business circles is the merger of the Swedish entrepreneurs created in 1902.

An important role in the life of Sweden plays a trade union movement, which unites in its ranks. 80% of the total economically active population of the country. However, there is no single trade union center in the country. The central association of the trade unions of Sweden is the largest in the country, based in 1898, unites ok. 1.2 million people employed in the leading industries, the communal sector and service sector. The central association of employees' trade unions was formed in 1944, unites employees of the private and public sectors. The central organization of individuals with higher education was created in 1947, unites teachers, engineers, doctors, etc.

During both world wars, Sweden observed neutrality. Due to this, as well as for other circumstances, she managed to stay away from hostilities. After the 2nd World War, Sweden continued its traditional policies of freedom from unions in peacetime and neutrality during the war and founded its security on a strong national defense system. Therefore, in politically, the involvement of Sweden into European affairs did not further participate in the Council of Europe.

In the 1960s - 70s. The Foreign Policy of Sweden focused on the help of developing countries and global environmental issues, as well as supporting the efforts to disarmament within the UN and confidence measures in Europe. One of the fundamental elements of the Swedish foreign policy remains support for the UN and its statute. Sweden allocates approx. 1% of its GDP to help developing countries.

In the 1980s. The Central Element of Foreign Policy of Sweden was the doctrine of universal safety, aimed at reducing weapons in Europe and support the idea of \u200b\u200buniversal and complete disarmament throughout the world.

Within a long time, the neutrality policy did not allow Sweden to achieve accession to the EU. Sweden was content with membership in less hard organized EAT. However, changes in Europe and the end of the "Cold War" allowed to revise this position. In July 1991, Sweden filed an application for admission to the EU, in November 1994 the Swedish people on the referendum approved entry into the EU, and from January 1995, Sweden became a full member of the EU.

Sweden announced that it shares the long-term EU objectives and supports its measures to create an economic and political union. Within the EU, Sweden focuses on the process of expanding the EU, an increase in employment, greater publicity in the decision-making process, the equality of men and women and a more hard environmental policy.

Swedish politician Non-participation in military unions remains unchanged. This policy contributes to maintaining stability in Northern Europe. Sweden also contributes a significant contribution to strengthening security throughout Europe, actively participating in the OSCE and the Council of Europe. Sweden is an observer in the Zes. Traditional Northern Cooperation in the Northern Council and Council of Ministers of Nordic Countries is developing.

Sweden traditionally pursues free trade policies and is a supporter of an open multilateral trading system based on the principles of GATT and carried out within the WTO.

The main function of the Swedish defense policy is to preserve the world while maintaining such a degree of readiness and military force so that the losses and victims of a possible aggressor as a result of attempting to seize the country noticeably exceeded possible conquests. The Armed Forces of Sweden include land forces, Navy, Air Force. Each year, recruits at the age of 18 are called for basic preparation of a period of 5 to 15 months. They are then called on retraining every 4 years. In the event of war, armed forces can mobilize up to 850 thousand people. The shelves of the ground troops in peacetime exist only to prepare. Sweden does not have a permanent army, and the airspace and territorial waters are under constant control of the Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard. Military expenditures are 2.1% of GDP. The armed forces under construction under the universal military duty of men aged 18 to 47 years are reduced. The decision of Rixdag adopted in 2000 means a reduction in the number of military units and the simultaneous growth of their combat readiness and mobility. Military aviation attached great importance. Swedish divisions are in constant readiness to participate in international conflict settlement promotions. More than 60 thousand Swedish servicemen held a service in the UN divisions in various parts of the world. Sweden is actively involved in the NATO Program "Partnership in the Name of the World" and in peacekeeping forces in the former Yugoslavia.

Sweden has diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation (established from the USSR in 1924).

Economy Sweden

For 100 years, Sweden from the backward and one of the poorest countries in Europe, which it was in Ser. 19th, where 70% of the population was employed in agriculture, turned into one of the most developed industrial countries of the world with a high standard of living of the population. The transformation of the economy from the backward in advanced industrial contributed to the presence of rich natural resources - iron ore, forest, hydropower, as well as talented engineers and skilled workers. In the 1870s. Swedish iron ore and forest were needed for the industrial development of Europe. The expansion of Swedish exports contributed to the industrialization of the country and the growth of the urban population. Based on the Swedish inventions, new companies in metallurgy and mechanical engineering were created and quickly grew. In the conditions of rapid growth of the population, emigration was essential, primarily in North America (in 1860-1930, 1.2 million Swedes left the country, which made it possible to avoid hunger and mass unemployment.

Sweden avoided participation in both world wars, which allowed her not only to preserve the production potential and labor resources, but also to significantly enrich the supply of warring countries and with the restoration of the European economy.

For several decades after the 2nd World War, the rapid development of the Swedish economy continued. It was her "golden" years. The state of welfare was built. However, in the 2nd floor. 1970s and beginning 1990s. Sweden survived serious economic crises. Reduced the volume of GDP, increased the volume of public debt, and in the 1990s. Decreased the course of the Swedish crown. Economy and government finances have been tasty reinforcement. To start. 21 c. The state budget became balanced, the inflation rate decreased and accelerated economic growth (in 1997-2000 it averaged 4%). Actively developed high-tech enterprises.

In 2002, GNP increased by 1.6% and amounted to 2340 billion kroons, and 262.2 thousand crowns per capita. Inflation - 2.4%, gross capital investments - 400 billion kroons (2002).

50% of the population work in Sweden. This digit is high because more than 75% of women aged 16-64 work. Before 1990s. The unemployment rate was low. However, then he has grown significantly. In 2002, the number of economically active population amounted to 4.4 million people, unemployment - 4%.

Sectoral Economic Structure: Agriculture - 2%, Industry - 29, SERVICES - 69 (on deposit in GDP), Agriculture - 2, Industry - 24, services - 74% (employment).

Swedish industrial production is often based on local species of raw materials: forest and iron ore. The enterprises of mechanical engineering, including the automotive, account for 40% of the total volume of production, on the woodworking and pulp and paper industry - a little more than 20%, the share of the chemical industry - approx. 12%. In the 1990s. The most dynamically developed pharmaceuticals, the production of telecommunication equipment and vehicles. Information technologies play an increasingly role in the economy. Sweden is one of the leading countries in this area.

Energy consumption in Sweden per capita is one of the highest in the world as a result of a cold climate, the concentration of the energy-intensive industry and a high standard of living. Cheap hydropower was an important factor in the country's industrial development. OK. 15% of energy gives the power plant, built mainly on the rivers of Northern Swedish St. 40% of the energy consumed in the country ensures the import of oil, 7% - import of coal and coke. In 2000, electricity production amounted to 144.6 billion kW / h. HPP produces 54% of electricity, nuclear power plants - 37%.

Agriculture plays a rather limited role in economic life. In agricultural production, only 8% of Sweden is used. However, agriculture is highly productive. Sweden satisfies St. 80% of food needs due to its own production, incl. Almost completely in milk, meat, bread, potatoes.

Ferry crops predominate in agriculture (barley, wheat, oats and rye), potatoes, sugar bumps and rape. Most of the crops are assigned to barley, oats and winter wheat. Under seeded herbs are occupied by OK. 1/3 of the land processed. For agriculture, its close relationship with forestry is characteristic. OK. 75% of all farmers combine both types of activities.

The leading industry of agriculture is the animal husbandry of the meat and border direction, which accounts for approx. 80% of income. The role of meat in commercial products is continuously increasing. Bacon and meat pig breeding are most developed from other branches of animal husbandry. Pork is more than 1/2 total meat production in the country.

In Sweden, small family farms are dominated, and approx. 80% of farmers lead the farm on their own land. Major income Farmers receive from the sale of dairy products and meat. OK. 40% of the cultivated land is rented.

Fishing flourishing in Sweden came to the 1950s and 1st floor. 1960s. Basically thanks to the large stocks of herring in the North Sea. Fish exhaustion led to a reduction in catch. Now more than 1/2 ulova falls on herring and cod.

The total length of the railways is 12,821 thousand km (from them almost 8 thousand km electrified), motorways - 211 thousand km, gas pipelines - 88 km. Shopping fleet - 174 vessel with a total displacement of 2.6 million tons. Basic ports: Gothenburg, Stockholm, Malmo. The Sea Path is 90% of Swedish Foreign Trade On July 1, 2000, an ESSUN bridge was opened, which connected Malmo and Copenhagen. There are 255 airports in the country, 6 million phones and approximately 4 million mobile phones, 169 TV shows, 4.6 million televisions, 6.02 million Internet users (2002).

Over the past decades, significant changes have occurred in Swedish trade in order to make more accommodation to consumers and their habits. The total number of stores (from 9.2 thousand in 1980 to 6.8 thousand in 1998) was noticeably reduced. During the same period, sales increased almost 3 times. Now more than 1/2 stores selling ready-made goods are open on Sundays. The self-service system has spread widely. Country stores of self-service (hypermarkets), offering goods at low prices. Universes, among which supermarkets are allocated, have a complete set of food and finished goods. There are large "chain" stores in separate areas. Most of the wholesale trade is carried out by independent enterprises. Cooperatives play an important role in the trade.

A hard fiscal policy is aimed at stabilizing a positive state budget balance by approving ceilings of costs and budgeting 3 years ahead. The most important issue in the economic policy of Sweden remains participation in ESC, from entry into which it abstained in 1999 and according to the results of the referendum in 2003.

In recent years, the Central Bank of Sweden "Steris Rixbank" has established an annual target in the field of inflation - 2% and in the area of \u200b\u200binterest rates follows the European Central Bank. Since 1992, Swedish Crown has moved to a floating course, which in the subsequent decade has decreased significantly.

In 2002, government revenues amounted to 56.9% of GNP, costs - 55.5%, the balance of the state budget - 1.4%, public debt - 52.4% of GNP, or 1235 billion kroons (2003). State consumption amounted to 656 billion kroons (2002).

The duration of the working week is 40 hours. Paid leave - 5 weeks. After the tax reform of 1991, most of the employers pay only 100 crowns of income state tax (the maximum rate comes to 25%), and the rates of the communal income tax are approximately 31%. Tax on income of enterprises 28%. Value Added Tax varies from 6 to 25%. Employers are deducted 33%, and employees pay 6% to cover social spending. In addition, the enterprises are deducted. 7% for pension provision according to collective agreements.

The standard of living of the population in Sweden is considered one of the highest in the world. Women's salary regarding men in Sweden is the highest in the world. Hourly wages of the private sector in the private sector of 112,7 crowns, the monthly salary of the employee in the private sector - 26,180 kroons (2003). According to the degree of equalization of income, Sweden is ahead of other countries of the world. On 10% of the richest households accounted for 20% of income, by 10% of the poorest - 4%. Personal consumption amounted to 1139 billion kroons (2002).

The Swedish economy is closely connected with the outside world and strongly depends on foreign trade. OK. 50% manufactured industrial products are exported. In exports, which amounted to 1012 billion crowns in 2002, machines and equipment predominate (35%), vehicles, paper, cellulose, timber, black metals, chemical goods. 55% of exports were sent to EU countries (Germany - 11%, United Kingdom - 9%, Denmark - 6%, Finland - 6%), in the United States - 11%, to Norway - 9% (2001). In imports, which amounted to 871 billion crowns, carries out machines and equipment, oil and petroleum products, chemical goods, vehicles, black metals, food products, clothing (2002). From the EU countries in 2001, 66% of imports were received (Germany - 18%, United Kingdom - 9%, Denmark - 8%, the Netherlands - 7%, France - 7%), from Norway - 9%, from the USA - 7%.

In 2002, the positive balance of payment balance - 4.2% of GDP.

Science and culture of Sweden

Nine-year education is mandatory. Children go to school at the age of 6 or 7 years. Most children attend utility schools, whose training is free. Almost all students (98%) continue to be further education in the gymnasium (3 years) for one of theoretical or practical training programs. Few more than 1/3 graduates of the gymnasium go to institutions or universities. The total costs of Sweden on R & D - 3.8% of GDP, is the highest indicator among OECD countries.

In Sweden OK. 40 higher educational institutions, mainly government, and training in them is free. More than 100 thousand students, their large number over 25 years old. They already have an employment experience, which makes it easy to enter the university. OK. 1/4 adults have a higher education.

Among the 6 universities are the oldest university in Uppsal (founded in 1477), a little later, in 1668, University was opened in Lund. At 19 in. Universities opened in Stockholm and Gothenburg. The youngest universities are in Umea and Linkyping. Polytechnic institutions are in Stockholm and Gothenburg. The world fame received Caroline Medical and Surgical Institute and the highest trading school in Stockholm.

A wide network of municipal schools for adults makes it possible to adult people with insufficient education to obtain the same level of education as ordinary schoolchildren. More than 2.5 million people. Every year they study at various courses and in circles formed by private educational organizations, but subsidized by the state.

Swedish people made a significant contribution to the development of world science and culture. The natural influence of Karl Linny (1707-78), who founded the Royal Academy of Sciences in 1739, was a huge influence on the formation of science in Sweden. He laid the basics of systematics of flora and fauna. His contemporary astronomer and physicist Anders Celsius (1701-44) created the oldest astronomical observatory in Sweden and introduced the graduate scale for thermometers. Jones Jacob Burtzelius (1779- 1848) were made to the development of chemistry (1779- 1848), which developed the electrochemical and atomistic theory and created scientific mineralogy, and Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927), which created the theory of electrolytic dissociation and received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1903. Alfred Nobel (1833-96) invented the dynamite, which brought his glory and wealth. Nobel sacrificed the bulk of his state of his state, from the funds of which the Nobel Prizes annually are awarded. The presentation of the awards occurs in Stockholm and Oslo on December 10, on the day of the death of a scientist.

In the history of technology, Jonsson's names are known (1803-89), the designer of the first ship screws, steamboats and steam locomotives, and the engineer of Charles Gustav Laval (1845-1913), which invented the steam turbine and separator.

In the history of the art of Sweden, a special place belongs to the work of the poet, composer and singer of the 18th century. Karl Mikael Belman (1740-95). The poet's birthday is celebrated every summer folk festivities in Haga and Scansen parks. In the literature, the name of the poet romance 1st floor is well known. 19th century Esayas Tegner (1782-1846). The masterpiece of his creativity is the poem "Saga about Framoof", written in the plot of the ancient Scandinavian saga. August Strindberg (1849-1912) - Colossus of Swedish literature. His extensive creative heritage covers a variety of art genres. Outside of Sweden, he is most famous as the author of dramatic works. Romantic and folklore motifs fill the works of Selma Lagerlef (1858-1940), which received the Nobel Prize in literature in 1909. The most famous for her novel "Saga about Euthe Berling". Worldwide Glory received written for children book "Amazing Journey Niels with wild geese." This book is the anthem nature and the people of Sweden. The classic of Swedish literature was also called Wilhelm Mubert (1898-1973), who brought the epic novels about Swedish emigration to America. Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002) was one of the most famous Swedes in the world. Her books for children were translated in more than 60 languages \u200b\u200bof the world, 40 films were delivered. Carlson, living on the roof, and Peppi Long Stocking has gained the love of children around the world.

In the visual art of Sweden, the painting of Anders Tsranna (1860-1920), the paintings of which reproduce the scenes of rural life and the nature of the province of Dalarna. Karl Milles is considered the most famous sculptor (1875-1955). In a park-museum located in the Stockholm suburb of Liding, where he lived, he worked and was buried, tens of its sculptural ensembles were collected. Among them are distinguished by the directed "Man and Pegasus" and "Creator's Hand". They created a gallery of outstanding states of Sweden.

Significant contribution was made to Sweden to the world cinema. Ingmar Bergman (born in 1918) - director of theater and cinema. In 1946-82, 40 films were created. Worldwide Fame He brought the film "Smile Summer Night." The last film was "Fanny and Alexander". Bergman continues to work in the theater. "Divine" Greta Garbo (1905-90) debuted in Hollywood in 1926. Beauty and voice made it one of the most popular and attractive actresses of the world. Ingrid Bergman (1915-82) arrived in Hollywood in Nach. 1940s. The most famous film is "Casablanca". For their roles, she received three Oscars.

Jussi Björling (1911-60) was one of the leading tenors of the world. He made his debut in Stockholm Opera when he was not 20 years old. Abba in the 1970s He marked the beginning of an era of the international recognition of Swedish pop music, which became an important export article. When Abba in 1982 ceased to existence, the number of plates sold by them reached 250 million copies.

Björn Borg (born in 1956) received the title of the most popular Swedish athlete of the 20th century, he entered the history of tennis sports, winning 5 times in a row Wimbledon tournament. Among other athletes can be distinguished by the skier ingemar Stenmarket. Swedish team teams sought great success in hockey with a washer and a ball, tennis and table tennis, football and other sports.

brief information

Weight Swedes are now traveling around the world. They reached Thailand, Vietnam and New Zealand. In the meantime, in the Sweden itself, more and more tourists come every year than before. Sweden has a multi-year story in which Vikings and King Karl XII are left a big mark. In this country, you can take a walk in the amazing medieval streets, make a sea cruise on coastal waters, to glorify in rich in fish of Swedish rivers and lakes, and, of course, go skiing on local high-class ski resorts.

Geography of Sweden

Sweden is located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, in the north of Europe. In the North-East, Sweden borders on Finland, and in the West - with Norway. The south and east of the country is washes the Baltic Sea and the Batnial Bay. Strait Eresund, Skagerrak and Kattegat separate Sweden from neighboring Denmark. The total territory of Sweden, including the islands, is 229,964 kilometers square, and the total length of the border is 2,333 km.

About 65% of the territory of Sweden occupy forests. In the north of Sweden, where there are a lot of low mountains, there are taiga forests. In the West of the country there are Scandinavian mountains that are drawn throughout the peninsula by 1,700 kilometers. Sweden's highest vertex - Mount Kebnecis (2 111 m).

There are many rivers in Sweden, the longest of which is Calix-Elv, Tourne-Elv, Ume-Elv and Shellefte-Elv. A significant part of the Swedish territory is occupied by lakes (Venern, Wet, Elmarien, Melogen).


The capital of Sweden - Stockholm, in which more than 900 thousand people now live. In the early Middle Ages on the site of modern Stockholm there was a small fishing village.

Official language

The official language in Sweden is Swedish, belonging to the Scandinavian group of the German branch of the Indo-European language family.


More than 71% of the Swedes are Lutherans (Protestants) belonging to the Church of Sweden. However, only about 2% of the Swedes go to church every week.

Public Device Sweden

Sweden is a constitutional monarchy in which the head of state, according to the Constitution, is the king.

Executive power in Sweden belongs to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers. Legislative authority belongs to the one-year Parliament - Rixdagu (349 deputies).

The main political Swedish parties are "Liberal People's Party", "Party Center", "Christian Democrats", "Swedish Democrats", "Social Democrats".

Climate and weather

Sweden is located in northern latitudes, but in this Scandinavian country the climate is moderate with three pronounced climatic zones:

Oceanic climate in the south;
- wet continental climate in the central part of the country;
- Subarctic climate in the north.

Moderate Swedish climate is explained by the influence of Golf Stream warm. In the southern and central regions of Sweden, the average air temperature ranges from + 20 ° C to + 25C in summer and from -2c to + 2C in winter.

The air temperature in the northern part of the country is colder. Already in September in the north of Sweden, the air temperature drops below 0s.

Average air temperature in Stockholm:

January - -3s
- February - -3c
- March - 0s
- April - + 5c
- May - + 11c
- June - + 16c
- July - + 18c
- August - + 17c
- September - + 112c
- October - + 8c
- November - + 3c
- December - -1c

Sea in Sweden

In the east, Sweden is washes the Baltic Sea and the Batnic Bay. The shared coastline of Sweden is 3,128 km.

The average temperature of the sea in Stockholm:

January - + 3c
- February - + 2c
- March - + 2c
- April - + 3c
- May - + 6c
- June - + 11c
- July - + 16c
- August - + 17c
- September - + 14c
- October - + 10c
- November - + 7c
- December - + 5c

Rivers and lakes

In Sweden, there are a lot of rivers, the longest of which is Calix-Elv (450 km), Shelllefte-Elv (410 km) and Tourne-Elv (565 km) in the north, and the Ume-Elv (460 km) in the central part of the country.

A significant part of the Swedish territory is occupied by lakes (Venern, Wet, Elmarien, Melogen).

Many tourists come to Sweden in order to go fishing. In the Swedish rivers and lakes in large quantities there are salmon, trout, salmon, pike, kumja, perch and smoking. But, of course, in Sweden, fish and in the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea are caught.


For the first time, the Swedes as a nation mentioned in 98 AD. Ancient Roman historian Tacitus. By the VII century, military squads of the Vikings are formed in Sweden, which are sent to conquer new lands with hope to get rich. The expansion of Swedish Vikings was aimed at the territory of modern Finland, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and further to Constantinople and Baghdad.

Historians can not yet say for sure when the Swedish kingdom was formed, and who became his first king.

Christianity in Sweden appeared in 829, but paganism had strong position among the Swedes until the XII century.

In 1100-1400, the internal struggle for power with numerous wars was characterized for Sweden. In 1335, the Swedish king Magnus Erickson canceled slavery in the country.

The "father" of the modern Swedish nation is considered to be the King of Sweden Gustav I, who in the first half of the XVI century violated the monopoly of the Hanseatic Union to trade in the Baltic Sea. From this time, the "golden age" of Sweden begins. It is possible to say with full right that in the XVII century Sweden became an influential European state.

In the era of his "Golden Age", Sweden conquers several German principalities and invades Poland, and then to Russia and Ukraine. In the end, the Swedish emperor Karl XII suffers defeat from the Russian troops of Peter I under Poltava. This meant the beginning of the end of the Swedish Empire. According to the Nesteadsk world of 1721, Sweden gave most of the conquered territories.

In 1809, Russia managed to conquer Finland, which was considered Eastern Sweden.

During the two world wars of the 20th century, Sweden retained neutrality. In general, the last time the Swedish soldiers participated in the war in 1814. True, now Sweden sends peacekeepers to the "hot spot" of the world.

In 1946, Sweden was adopted in the UN, and in 1995 this country entered the EU.

Culture Sweden

Sweden in the Middle Ages for a long time dominated the Scandinavian Peninsula. This means that Swedish culture has had a noticeable influence on the traditions and customs of neighboring countries. However, the Swedes also borrowed a lot from the cultures of Finland, Denmark and Norway.

For foreigners, Swedish traditions may seem mysterious and somewhat strange.

Many Swedish traditions are religious (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost), while others are associated with the days of the year (Valpurgiyeva Night, Advent and Lucia).

Now in Sweden also every year Waffle Day is celebrated ("Waffle Day") and Cinnamon Bun Day ("Cinnamon's Day").

Kitchen Sweden

The main products of Swedish cuisine are fish (especially herring), seafood, meat, potatoes, cheese. Great place in Swedish cuisine is given to mushrooms, game and berries, but it is not surprising, given that forests occupy a large territory in this country. Favorite traditional dish of the Swedes - Meatballs, which are served with boiled potatoes and with sauce. In the north of Sweden, the fish dish "URSTRÖMMING".

A traditional alcoholic drink in Sweden (as in other Scandinavia countries) - Aquavit (Aquavit), the fortress of which is usually 40%.

Sights of Sweden

For many centuries, a large number of attractions have accumulated in Sweden. Therefore, we advise tourists in Sweden to see:

  1. Ales Stones
  2. Cathedral of UPSALS
  3. Palace DrotningHolm
  4. Fortress Karlsthen
  5. Castle Uppsala
  6. Royal Palace in Stockholm
  7. Kingdom of Crystal.
  8. Vasa Museum in Stockholm
  9. Hallands Kulturhistoriska Museum in Gothenburg
  10. Kalmar Castle

Cities and resorts

The biggest Swedish cities are Gothenburg, Uppsala, Malmo, and, of course, Stockholm.

In Sweden, many excellent ski resorts. Catania season - from December to April.

The top ten skiing Swedish resorts includes, in our opinion, the following:

  1. Sälen.
  2. Vemdalen.
  3. Branäs.
  4. Tärnaby-Hemaavan.
  6. Funäsdalsfjällen.
  7. Tärnaby
  8. ABISKO National Park.
  9. Riksgransen.

Souvenirs / Shopping

Tourists from Sweden usually bring deer skins, salt licorice, cheese, folk crafts, ceramics, chocolate and candy, silver and gold jewelry, underwear, tablecloths, etc.

Work hours of institutions

Sweden is distinguished by a low population density (10 million people live here - less than in Moscow), the long sea coast, dense forests and countless lakes. This is one of the northernmost countries in the world. By area, it is comparable to Spain, Thailand or with the American state of California. The borders of Sweden did not change since 1905, and the country did not participate in wars since 1814 - which makes Sweden one of the most peaceful countries on the globe.

Day and night contrasts

Wildlife riches

The variety of landscapes of Sweden corresponds to the abundance of its fauna: from wolves and brown bears in the north to the roof and boars in the south. Biological diversity is the result of the wealth of the plant and the water world.

European standards country extends from north to south by 1572 km. According to the climatic belt, coniferous forests are dominated in Sweden, in particular, pine and firing. Than south, the more often the deciduous groves are adjacent to them: birch and aspen. The south of Sweden is gentle, scenic fields and hills, crushed by the armor and surrounded by long sandy beaches. Thanks to the soil rich in limestone, combined with a mild climate, for the islands Gotland, Eland and some areas of the Scandinavian mountains are characterized by a special Flora - including various types of orchids.

Facts and numbers

Capital: Stockholm

Population: 10 million

Total area: 528,447 sq. Cm, third in size Country in Western Europe, after France and Spain

Life expectancy: Men - 81 years old, women - 84 years

Population born outside the country: 17%

Religion: Sweden Church - Evangelical Lutheran. The country also presents numerous other denominations and religions.


Form of government: Constitutional monarchy, parliamentary democracy

Parliament: RIXDAG, Single-Paul, 349 deputies

Education: 9 years of compulsory school education, the majority of students learn for 12 years (including "gymnasium"). About a third continue to education in universities and colleges.

Working hours: Standard Working Week - 40 hours, minimum paid leave - 5 weeks.

Telephone code: +46

Internet domain: .se

Timezone: GMT +1.

Currency: 1 crown (SEK) \u003d 100 era

GDP per capita (PPP): USD 51,475

GNI per capita: USD 49,680.

Population of the largest cities (including suburbs):

Stockholm: 2,315,612

Gothenburg: 1,015,974

Malmo: 721,926

Basic export products: Machinery and Transport Equipment, Chemicals and Plastic Products, Electronics and Telecommunication Equipment, Energy Products, Industrial Equipment, Road Vehicles, Minerals, Food

National parks

In 1910, Sweden became the first European state, established national parks. The beginning was made in the mountains of Norrland, the region in the north of the country. It helped to save from the destruction of one of the last corners of the virgin nature in Europe. Then throughout Sweden, huge territories were declared reserves and protected areas of cultural heritage.

The rule of universal access to natural land ( allemänsrätten.) It says that walking through the forests and meadows, to collect berries and mushrooms are entitled to each - without a separate resolution of landowners. But this is the right to conjugate with obvious duties: respecting private property and carefully treat nature.

Geography of Sweden

Length from north to south: 1,574 km

Extent from west to east: 499 km

Urbanized and industrial areas: 3%

Farmland: 8%

The woods: 53% Swamps: 9%

Fields: 7% The mountains: 12%

Lakes and rivers: 9%

Highest mountain: Kebnekayis (2.103 m)

The largest lake: WENNN (5,650 sq. Km)

National Symbols of Sweden

The official Swedish heraldry is a yellow-blue flag, the national symbol of "three crowns", the national anthem, as well as the coat of arms in two versions: big and small. The oldest images of the Blue Flag with a yellow cross, which came to this day belong to the XVI century. The symbol of a yellow cross in the Swedish army, from time immemorial, applied to steaks and standards. It is based on the outlines of the ancient coat of arms of the kingdom with a blue background, separated into four parts by the Golden Cross. The "Three Crown" sign was used as the state emblem of Sweden, at a minimum, since 1336, but also long before it was known to the Europeans as a symbol of "three wise kings."

Since 1916, the Swedish flag appeared in the Swedish calendar - June 6. In 1983, he was renamed the National Day of Sweden, and in 2004 - proclaimed by a public holiday and weekend. The date was chosen at once for two reasons: on June 6, 1523, the first Swedish king Gustav Was was asked for the throne and on the same day in 1809 the country accepted a new constitution that was submitted by civil liberties and rights.

State Anthem Sweden

DU GAMLA, DU FRIA text ("You've ancient, you are free") composed by the author of the ballad, folkloride Richard Dubek (1811-1877), and his musical basis served as a popular melody of the middle of the XIX century from Westmanland province in Central Sweden. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, this ballad came such popularity that she was declared by the State Anthem of Sweden.

It is difficult to imagine something less similar to each other than the EGP of Sweden and Italy. Two countries are at different ends of Europe, in different climatic conditions and have a completely different history of economic and political development.

Kingdom of Sweden

The country's EGP is characterized today, firstly, the republic's position in relation to the main trade routes and markets. However, this did not prevent Sweden to achieve a high position in international stability and prosperity ratings.

In the XVLL-XVLLL of the eyelids, Sweden occupied a much larger territory than today, and did not jut in the south and east of the Scandinavian Peninsula, but controlled the land on all shores of the Baltic Sea and the Finnish bay.

However, after defeating in the Northern War in the history of the state, a new period began, when Sweden and its citizens had to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bgreatness and to make the arrangement of their country and the development of the economy and the social sphere.

Characteristic EGP Sweden

Sweden is the biggest country of Scandinavia and takes up to three fifths of its square. By land, the country borders with Norway and Finland, but the length of its maritime boundaries is much more land. In the waters of the Baltic Sea there are two large islands belonging to Sweden - this is Gotland and Eland.

Despite the fact that EGP of Sweden is characterized by the Regulation in the north of Europe, its climate is moderate due to the influence of the Golf Stream and allows local residents to engage in agriculture. The lands in Sweden are poor and unproductive, the use of modern methods of cultivation of crops makes it possible to increase yield in the conditions of short and rainy summer. And with the land suitable for landings, no more than 8% of the country's territory.

Foreign trade and business

Modern Sweden is an economically developed country with export-oriented economies, developed internal market and close cooperations with neighboring countries. Since most of the country is covered with forests, EGP of Sweden naturally implies their active, but careful use in the processing industry.

Overcoming numerous difficulties associated with not the most favorable climate that does not allow to provide a growing population, the country began the active development of industry in the XIX century.

Industrialization was held with an advanced pace with the introduction of the most recent Western European development, because at the head of Sweden at that time stood one of the best Napoleonic generals - Jean-Baptiste Bernadot, who received the throne name of Karl XIV Yuhan after the coronation.

Sweden position in the XX century

The twentieth century has become decisive for many global empires. Sweden not only did not exception from the decolonization process, but actually asked this trend long before Britain began to provide freedom to their colonies.

The fact is that at the beginning of the 20th century, the Union was operating between Sweden and Norway, according to which the management of Norway was carried out by the Swedish crown. Such an important question inevitably caused numerous conflicts, and immediately after the Norwegians on the referendum spoke for independence, Sweden began to prepare an army to suppress a possible uprising. However, the world military powers did not support Sweden in its undertaking, and Norway still gained independence.

The elimination of Ulya led to the fact that ultimately the Swedish companies lost access to promising oil fields that were of great importance for the Norwegian economy throughout the century and allowed her to scat down huge gold reserves. In addition, Sweden lost access to the North Atlantic and the ability to extract fish resources in demand in the international market.

Stormy development

At the beginning of the 20th century, despite the attempts of industrialization in the previous century, Sweden was still in most part an agricultural country. In addition, the Branch of Norway inflicted an additional blow to the state economy.

In such conditions, urgent measures were needed on the modernization of the economy. But given the small domestic demand and relative poverty of the population, newly created companies were to focus on the external market and use the EGP of Sweden as efficiently as possible.

The basis for growth was the various resources of Northern Sweden - the edges of harsh natural conditions, short and cold polar and rainy summer. In the north of the country, extensive forests are concentrated, ore deposits and rich

Cooperation with neighbors

In the first half of the twentieth century, something like early globalization happened in the country caused by active cooperation between the Swedish companies and firms of other European states.

A rather rapidly economy of the country enriched with such brands like "Volvo", "Saab", "Ikea", "Ericsson" and "Skania". All these companies brought Sweden to the fame of the global manufacturer of high-quality equipment of various purposes.

The technological base created throughout the 20th century allowed Sweden to actively enter the era of high-tech companies. Today, companies such as biomedicine, genetics and information technologies have increasing importance for the country.

State and business

But not only the industry brought world fame to Sweden. A separate mention deserves a model of the relationship between the state, society and business. Sweden is the world leader in the quality of social services and the provision of public services.

High taxes make prices for many goods are extremely high, but this is also compensated by high salaries, and large government spending allow to provide high-level services.

But the most important characteristic of the political and economic regime of Sweden remains respect for the human personality, the needs of a citizen and respect for human rights. Such basic conditions made it possible to create a very effective and humane education system, which regularly honors the praise of international organizations and makes it possible to promote the economic development of the economy and the high-tech industry. Thus, it can be concluded that the change in the EGP of Sweden in time occurred is jump-like and was associated with a change in its borders.

Swedish society is considered one of the most prosperous in the world. High quality of life and a significant level of human potential development is achieved due to the complex political system, which was created over the past two centuries. Having received invaluable experience of defeats in major international conflicts, the Kingdom was forced to focus on the development of its own economy and building an open fair society.

Sweden: Capital, Head of State, State Language

The largest - Stockholm. Since its founding, at the beginning of the XLL century, Stockholm immediately announced itself as a major Economic Center of Northern Europe. Today, the Swedish capital continues to position himself as the capital of all Scandinavia, attracting a large number of tourists from all over the world.

In Stockholm there is a residence of the monarch, the country's parliament and the Academy of Sciences, whose members choose candidates for presenting the Nobel Prize. The Nobel Committee also serves in the capital.

Sweden, whose state language is Swedish, nevertheless recognizes the right to use in the daily activities of its own languages. Languages \u200b\u200bofficially recognized by the Swedish government include Sami, Manthankiel, Finnish, Gypsy and Yiddish.

In the Northern Region of Sweden, Norrbotten, Saama and Finns, speaking Miankeeli and Finnish, live. It is in this region that the use of indigenous languages \u200b\u200bin official institutions, such as kindergartens, nursing homes and schools, are allowed.

The state language of Sweden is a relatives of Danish and Norwegian. However, despite very similar grammatical systems and great similarity in the vocabulary, understanding is often difficult due to the phonetic discrepancies, first of all such difficulties arise with Danish language.

English-speaking Sweden

The capital of Sweden, whose state language is Swedish, is almost completely English-speaking. This is due to the high level of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bin public schools, as well as the fact that many Swedish TV channels are broadcasting in English with Swedish subtitles. The same applies to foreign films demonstrated in cinemas. Most rollers simply do not duplicate films, but accompany their subtitles.

Such a scheme allows not only to save money on voice acting, but also makes it possible for constant practice in a foreign language.

Sweden: State language as a subject of pride

The Swedes are very pragmatically refer to their language and do not consider it necessary to specially control its natural development. Unlike France or Iceland, where special state institutions follow how the language is used, in Sweden, the language council is not engaged in formal control, although finanted by the government.

This may be due to the fact that Swedish is the most common in Northern Europe because more than nine million people speak. However, already in the neighboring Finland, the Official Research Institute of Languages \u200b\u200bof Finland is poses in the Swedish language, where Swedish is the second state and is recognized as the overwhelming majority of Finnish citizens an integral part of national culture. It should be noted that in the kingdom of Sweden the state language is not named in the Constitution and the official status does not have, but de facto all citizens they own.

Monarch - State Symbol

The head of state and the national symbol is the monarch. The current Karl XVL Gustav from the Bernadov dynasty climbed the throne in 1973. Meanwhile, the dynasty to which the ruling monarch belongs was established in the country in 1818, and its founder became the Napoleonic Marshal Bernadot, who was a faithful companion of Napoleon Bonaparte for many years in the most difficult military campaigns.

The Swedish monarchical tradition is considered one of the oldest in Europe. The first monarchs, the existence of which is reliably known, ruled in Swedish lands in the VLL century.

The Kingdom of Sweden, the state language of which is one of the official languages \u200b\u200bof the European Union, makes a great contribution not only to the European economy, but significantly enriches the culture of Europe. For example, the famous Finnish writer Tuva Jansson wrote its popular books in Swedish.