Dictionary of terms in social science. History of Russia XVII-XVIII centuries

Dictionary of terms in social science. History of Russia XVII-XVIII centuries

Dictionary on social science from A to Ya.

Absolute Truth - This is a complete matching of the form of the psyche (for example, judgments, image, etc.) and the object of knowledge.

Absolute misconception - This is a complete inconsistency of the shape of the psyche and the object of knowledge.

Angling - This is the type of contract, according to the terms of which the agent for the remuneration is obliged to commit legal and other actions on their own behalf, but at the expense of the principal.

Socialization agents - These are individuals, groups or organizations that conduct training and help a person to master the roles, this is a family, school, media, a group of adolescents.

Agitational period - The period during which pre-election campaign is allowed.

Agnosticism - This is a theory of principled inability to know the surrounding world, as the surrounding world does not exist, and there are only our consciousness and our sensations.

Addictive behavior - This is a behavior that is escape from reality through the reception of various psychotropic products - alcohol, drugs, toxins, tobacco smoking.

Administrative offense (offense) - This is an action or inaction, encroaching on public order, rights and freedom of citizens.

Axiology - This is a science of values.

Stock - This is a valuable paper sold by the investor for money going on the development of the company, and gives him the rights of co-owner of the property of the company and to receive future profit of the company (dividends).

Promotion ordinary - This is such an action that gives the right to participate in the management of the enterprise and receiving a part of the net profit.

Privileged action - This is an action that gives the right to receive dividends of a fixed value, regardless of the amount of profit, but does not give the right to participate in the management of the company.

Altruism - This is the willingness to sacrifice for other people.

Amnesty - This is a liberation from further serving the punishment of individual categories of persons (but not personally), which is announced by the State Duma due to a significant date or event.

Profile - This is a multiplicated document containing several dozens of questions.

Anomie - This is a state of lawlessness, immunity, which exists in modern big cities, comes in the country during the revolution or rebellion.

Antisocial behavior - It is a behavior that is the accomplishment of actions contrary to ethics and morality.

Anthropology philosophical - This is the doctrine of a person.

Apartheid - This is a system of separate residence of white and "color" in South Africa in the recent past.

APAYROON (on the theory of Anaximandra) - This is infinitely divisible.

Apriya (translated from Greek) - This is an hopeless position, a logical contradiction or puzzle.

Apostles - These are students of Jesus Christ.

Rent - This is a type of contract, according to the terms of which the landlord undertakes to provide the tenant property for temporary possession and use.

Aristocracy - This is a form of government at which there is the power of a good minority of citizens.

Artifacts - this is the creation of human hands

Asceticism (from Greek "I exercise") - This is the limit restriction of your needs.

Atheist "This is a person who does not believe in the existence of God, this is a bootiness."

Atman (in Buddhism) - This is emptiness, God.

Bank - This is a financial intermediary for receiving deposits, providing loans, organization of calculations, purchase and sale of securities.

Bankruptcy (failure) of the enterprise - This is the inability to give debts to creditors.

Barter - This is the direct natural exchange of one product to another product.

Cashless cash - These are the amounts in the accounts of citizens and organizations in the bank, while calculations are carried out by changing records in accounts.

Unemployed - These are people who wish and can, but do not have the opportunity to work due to the fact that they cannot find a job.

Biosphere - This is a land shell, this is an open system created by alive organisms.

Behaviorism (from English Behavior - Behavior) is a science of behavior.

Economic benefits - these are funds to meet human needs

Bohemia - This is the culture of artists and artists.

Marriage - This is a voluntary union between a man and a woman with the purpose of creating a family.

Bourgeoisie - This is the class of entrepreneurs.

State budget - This is the estimate of state revenues and expenses.

Budget (fiscal) policy (from the ancient Roman "Fiscus" - "Money Cart") - The use of the state budget (and it consists of taxes and expenses) to regulate business activity, stimulating economic growth, overcoming the decline, combating inflation, and the like.

Budget deficit - This is the excess of government spending over revenues covered either by loans or by cash emissions

Bureaucracy - This is a hierarchical organization built on administrative control and backstage clike for power.

Gross National Product (GNP) - This is the cumulative market value of all goods produced in the country for the year of goods and services.

Bill - This is the obligation of one person to another to pay a fixed amount of money at a certain point in time.

The value of the sentence - This is the volume of a certain kind of goods in a natural dimension that sellers want and can offer over a certain period of time at a certain level of the market price.

Verification Procedure - This is a test of philosophical concepts for research, for compliance with the facts.

Veto - This is the right of one authority to accept or reject the proposed decrees, decrees or laws adopted by another authority.

Wines - This is a negative judgment of yourself.

Political power - This is the ability to exercise social control over the activities of people in the political sphere.

Perception - This is an image consisting of several sensations.

Elections - This is a democratic procedure, with the help of which performers are defined as presidential posts, deputy or governor

Higher or Operator (by Marxist Terminology) Class - This is a group of people who are controllers in society.

Heliocentric theory - This is the theory of the rotation of the Earth and the planets of the solar system around the sun.

Geographical direction in sociology - This is the theory, whose representatives believed that geographical factors affect society.

Geopolitics (from Greek land + state affairs) - This is a social science of control over space.

Geocentric theory - This is a false theory about the rotation of the sun, planets and stars around the Earth.

Geoeconomic - This is a global economy.

Gerontocracy - This is the board of old people.

Georia - This is the Council of Elders (in Greek - Heronts).

Hypnosis - This is a suggestion of behaviors through the immersion of a person in trance.

Global Society - This is a modern society on the entire globe, when a single earth civilization appeared instead of a variety of isolated local civilizations.

Epistemology - This is the theory of the knowledge of the world by a man.

Homeostasis - This is the process of maintaining equilibrium.

State - This is a political organization that controls the activities of citizens in society.

Civil plaintiff - This is a person or organization that suffered material damage from the crime and require it to compensation.

Civil defendant - This is a person or organization that, by virtue of the law, carry material liability for damage to a civilian.

Civil society - This is a combination of people, groups and non-governmental organizations that should be able to control the activities of bureaucracy.

Group marriage - This is a marriage between several men and several women.

Traffic - This is a movement in space for a certain segment of the Social Movement, these are the current groups of people whose goal is to establish a new building of life.

Devaluation - This is depreciation of the national currency.

Deviant behavior - It is deviating from the norm behavior.

Deduction - This is condescension from abstract to a specific, from axioms to consequences and forecasts that should be checked.

Accuracy - This is the ability to make transactions and contracts

Acting crowd - This is an aggressive crowd.

Demagogue - This is a person who knows how to influence the crowd in personal unacceptable interests.

Demography - This is a science of numbers, composition and change in population.

Democracy - this is political regimein which the ruler can only control the political sphere, but within the framework of the Constitution.

Democracy is extreme - This is a form of government at which power belongs to most citizens, which is bad.

Polis or Political Democracy - This is a form of government at which power is in the hands of most citizens, which is good.

Dumping - Sale of goods at low prices in order to ruin competitors, and becoming a monopolist firm begins to breed prices and with an excess to compensate for the loss of profits from dumping.

Money mass - This is the sum of the denominations of all cash and non-cash money in the country.

Monetary policy (monetary policy) - Events of the Central Bank, aimed at increasing or reducing the money supply in the country in order to regulate the economic situation, deterrencening inflation, stimulating economic growth and the like.

Money - This is a special product that is accepted by all people in exchange for any other products.

Deposits - These are deposits in the bank.

Deficit - This is the market situation when buyers at the existing price level are ready to buy a greater volume of goods than sellers are ready to offer.

Labor budget deficit - This is the excess of government spending over income.

Defalt - This is a rude deception, the government's refusal to pay debts to its creditors.

Discrimination price - This is the sale of the same goods on the same market to various customers at different prices.

Dialectics - This is the art of dispute.

Dictatorship - This is a strong power that often means tyranny.

Dynamics - This is a description of the sequence of stages of development of the structure of the social organism, that is, the emergence of new and new organizations and groups.

Trust Property Management - This is the type of contract, under the terms of which the founder of the Office conveys the Trustee for a certain period of interest in trust management and the trust manager undertakes to manage the Founder in the interests of the founder.

Treaty - This is an agreement of two or several persons about the establishment of civil rights.

Strike (strike) - This is a way to conduct an administrative conflict by hired workers, which means stopping work until the employer agrees to the increase in wages.

Country and Credit - This is the type of contract, under the terms of which the borrower takes money in the bank and undertakes to return the amount received and pay interest on it.

Law - This is the norm and rule of behavior.

Pledge - This is value (for example, gold and jewelry), which the lender can acquire in the case when the debtor violated the terms of the contract.

General costs - These are the cost of acquiring the resources necessary for the production of a certain amount of products.

Mortgage - This is the key to land plots, enterprises, buildings, structures, apartments and other real estate.

ID - This is an instinctive identity core.

Idealism subjective - This is the theory, according to which things are complexes of our sensations, there are not things, but only our consciousness.

Ideology - This is a theoretical system that justifies certain values \u200b\u200band norms.

Excess of goods (overhang) - The situation on the market, when sellers offer the volume of goods more than buyers can buy.

Isomorphism - This is the similarity of various systems.

Social hierarchy - This is a pyramid.

Empire - This is a country built by conquest.

Impeachment (eng. Impeachment - accusation, condemnation) - The procedure for removing from the post of president of the country by parliament.

Import - This is a purchase of goods abroad.

Investments - These are capital invested in production.

Investment - This is the direction of money for the purchase of additional capital.

Induction - It is climbing from concrete to abstract, from experienced data to theory.

Industrialization - This is the creation of industry.

Instinctivism - This is the theory according to which social processes are explained by the instincts of people.

Symbolic interactionism - This is the theory, whose representatives believe that people are exchanged by information, conflict and control the activities of other people with the help of symbols - gestures, playing scenes and creating an image.

Introvert "This is a person whose interest is aimed at himself, he is guided in his behavior only internal principles.

Intuition - This is the perception of the world around the world by a man or animal with the help of an unconscious, when, on the basis of past experience and without any reflection, from somewhere from the depths of the subconscious, they pop up a ready-made recipe for solving a problem or a ready-made action plan in the form of premonition.

Inflation (from Latin "bloating") - This is the process of increasing the overall price level in the country leading to the depreciation of the monetary unit.

Economic infrastructure - It is the construction of a transport network, ports, means of communication, gasification and electrification.

Irrationalism - This is a flow in philosophy that insists on limiting the role of mind in history and knowledge, where the main role is not played by the mind, but instincts, intuition and feelings.

Art - This is a specific form of reflection of the surrounding world using artistic images.

Corrective work - It is held from earning a convicted person during a period defined by the court's income in the amount established by the court sentence.

True - This is a confirmability, consistency and efficiency.

Cadastre - This is the book of taxpayers.

Capital physical - It is equipment, machines, buildings, structures that are created by the work of people.

Capital is an inventious (invisible) - It is knowledge, skills and information (patents, licenses, copyrights, skills of people, trademarks).

Cartel - This is an agreement between oligarchs about the marketing market, coordinating sales and price levels for each of them.

Caste - These are groups of people in a social hierarchy, where social elevators are completely turned off, so people have no opportunity to make a career.

Qualifications of crime - This is the compliance of the crime and article of the Criminal Code.

Imported quota - This is the utmost import value for the year from a certain country.

Social class - This is a large group of people who occupy a certain place in the social control system.

Click (from the French "Shaka", "Banda") - this is small group Communions, closely cohesive among themselves for achieving unseemly goals at any cost.

Clergy - This is a hierarchical pyramid of priests with a harsh discipline inside this pyramid.

Koacevati - These are protocol, organic structures, surrounded by fatty membranes.

Code of Law - These are a lot of laws describing the norms of behavior in some area of \u200b\u200bactivity - in the economy, family sphere, and the like.

Collective agreement - This is a legal act regulating the relationship between the employer and employees at the enterprise.

Command Economic System - This is a way to organize an economy, in which land and capital are in state ownership and the distribution of resources is in the hands of state central bodies in accordance with state plans.

Commission - This is the type of contract, under the terms of which the commissioner undertakes for remuneration on behalf of the other Party (Committee) to make one or more transactions on its own behalf, but at the expense of the Committee.

Inferiority complex - This is a deep all-permissive sense of own inferiority compared to other people.

Communist Movement - This is one of the directions of the socialist movement, the Communists in fact, following the example of Lenin, seek to seize power without elections or cancel free elections after their coming to power in elections, establish a tyrant or oligarchy instead of representative democracy, cancel private property and market.

Competitiveness raising - This is an improvement in quality and price reduction.

Competition Market - This is an economic conflict for the right to receive economic resources.

Conservative traffic - This is the movement, whose representatives are intended to guide public order, sometimes even return to the past, the preservation of the power of the old elite, bureaucracy or aristocracy, the preservation of traditional moral, family and religious values.

Contract - This is a type of contract, under the conditions of which the producer of agricultural products undertakes to transfer the harvest to the preparation or sale.

Counterculture - This is a type of culture, the norms of which contradict the norms of the dominant culture.

Social control - This is the type of social interaction, in which the controller forces the object of controlling the implementation of the norms by the threat of the application of positive or negative sanctions, by introducing stereotypes.

Confederation - This is a form of a territorial device, where almost all powers and tax revenues remain at the periphery.

Social conflict - This is a kind of social interaction in which participants are trying to win over their opponents with the help of various means in order to physically destroy the enemy, turning it into the object of control or conquest of someone else's impact and resources.

School conflict - This is a school in sociology, whose representatives believe that social conflicts are inevitable, but they need to be resolved.

Conformism - This is the readiness of a person to obey pressure or threats.

Commercial concession - This is the type of contract, according to the terms of which the right holder provides the user for the remuneration of the right to brand name and trademark.

Market conjugure - This is the ratio of supply and demand.

Corner - This is a secret agreement between merchants or manufacturers about temporary withdrawal from the market of some kind of product, in order to artificially create a temporary deficit and the rise in prices for this product, after which the scarce goods are ejected to the market, and conspiracy participants receive increased profits.

Indirect intent in the crime process - This is such intent when the face did not want, but allowed the dangerous consequences of his actions.

Lending (from Latin "Creditum", that is, "loan", "Duty") - This is the provision of funds for temporary use of commercial organizations for a certain price.

Creation of borrowers - This is an opportunity and the ability to return the debt to the bank.

Blood resist - This is the custom of the members of the primitive tribe to provide each other assistance in the process of revering for damage caused by strangers.

Xenophobia - this is fear and dislike for other cultures and other people's customs

Cult - This is a ritual system, symbolic items, musical instruments that have the function of an amplifier effect in the hands of a priest.

Culture (from Latin "COLERE" - cultivate or cultivate the soil) - This is a system of values, ideas about the world and rules of behavior, overall for some group of people.

Material culture - These are material values \u200b\u200bcreated by members of society, from weapons to cars.

Intangible culture - This is the world of ideas created by members of society from Altruism to Buddhism.

Purchase sale - This is the exchange of goods for money.

Laconic style of speech (from the name of the region in Sparta - Laconia) - This is a brief and clear style in the expression of thought.

Legitimate - This is legal.

Liberal movement (from the English word Liberty - Freedom) - This is a movement, whose representatives are aimed at carrying out gradual peaceful reforms and the introduction of political freedoms.

Leasing (Financial rental) is a type of contract, according to the terms of which the landlord undertakes to acquire property specified by the tenant property from the seller defined by him and provide this property to the tenant for temporary possession and use for entrepreneurial purposes.

License foreign trade - This is the permission issued by the state on the import or export of certain types of goods from the country.

Liquidity of stocks or money - This is the confidence of buyers in the fact that they will be able to sell them at any time.

Lobby - These are groups of pressure.

Formal logic - This is the science of the laws of proper thinking.

False - This is unforgettable, inconsistency and inefficiency.

Locut (from English "slam in front of someone door") - This is the closure of the enterprise for several weeks without salary salary.

Love - This is the attraction between a man and a woman.

Lumen-proletariat - This is a social group to which the bottoms of society are the criminals, tramps and beggars.

Majoritarian system - this is the election system at which voters are not voting for the party, but for specific candidates

Macroeconomic policy - This is the regulation of economic activity by impact on the level of consumption and investment, as well as a monetary offer with the help of budget and monetary policy.

Maximalist "This is a person who wants to get everything from life or nothing, he does not receive a half-term.

Small group - this is a small amount of People - from 2 to 15 people, between which the relations of moral leadership are established.

Margin (from the Latin "Margin", that is, the "border") - This is the income of the bank obtained for the provision of a loan to commercial organizations, which goes to the cost of banker for business and profit of banker.

Marketing - This is a study of supply and demand in the market.

Weight - This is the nuclear majority of people, this is a combination of people who concerns the same problem, but they are not in close proximity to each other.

Matter - That's all that surrounds us, except for ideas and feelings, this is a substance and physical fields.

Melancholik (from the Greek "Melssa Hole" - black bile) - This is a weak type of temperament.

Meritocracy (from English Merit - "merit") - This is "the power of deserved people."

Mechanism in sociology - This is the theory, whose representatives believed that society is similar to the unit of elements, each of which can be studied independently of each other.

Mysticism (from Greek - "Mystery") - These are supernatural phenomena and spiritual practice, aimed at contact with the otherworldly world and over-abnormal forces.

Mobility social - This is the movement of people on the social "stairs."

Mobility vertical - It is moving people up or down the social "stairs" during life with an increase or decrease in social status.

Mobility horizontal - This is a movement on one stage of the social staircase without changing social status.

Fashion - This is the desire of the bottom to imitate the elite.

trendy things - These are identifying signs pointing to the elite belonging.

Monetarism - This is the direction of economic thought, denying - as opposed to Keynesianity - the need for state regulation of economic activity. Prefers anti-inflation policy aimed at maintaining the stability of the monetary system.

Monogamy - This is a marriage of one man and one woman.

Monopoly Foreign Trade - This is the situation when only the state, and not private firms, has the right to conclude foreign trade transactions on the export and import of goods.

Monotheism - This is monotheism.

Multiplier (in Keynesian theory) - This is a coefficient characterizing the increase in national income as a result of an initially spent amount of money - government spending or investment.

Cash - These are paper money and a swinging coin.

Taxes - these are mandatory payments charged by the tax authorities from organizations and individuals In order to finance the state and municipalities.

Nativity - This is an ethnic group that managed to create his own state.

Naturalism in sociology - this is the point of view that social phenomena obey the laws peculiar to nature - the laws of physics, mechanics, biology, geography.

Nationalization of enterprises - This is a ransom or by the state of enterprises in private owners.

The science - This is a person's activities upon receipt, systematization and testing of knowledge

Nation - This is an ethnic group that managed to build a capitalist society - a common national market, democracy, private ownership, legal state, national culture.

Incompetent - This is a citizen who, as a result of a mental disorder, cannot understand the significance of his actions, only the court can recognize the citizen.

Arrears - The amount of unpaid tax.

An unfinished crime - This is a preparation for a crime or an attempt on a crime.

Juvenile - These are persons who have not reached the age of 18 years old.

Penalty, fine, penalty - This is some amount of money defined by the contract, which the debtor is obliged to pay the creditor in case of violation of the terms of the contract, for example, in the event of a delay in debt payment.

Lower or operated (by Marxist terminology) class - This is a group of people who are subject to control in society.

Nirvana (in Buddhism) - This is the achievement of the state of complete maliciousness and indifference, higher bliss, happiness and calmness.

Nomenclature - This term initially meant the "list of posts", and later began to mean the ruling layer under socialism

Noosphere - This is the Earth Shell, which is the result of human activity.

Normal products - It is products, the demand for which increases with the growth of income of the population.

Norma - These are rules of behavior.

Morals - This is the system of taboos, they delimit due and unhappy,

Accused - This is a person at the stage of the trial.

Bond - This is a security certifying that its owner lent some amount of money by the company or the state and has the right to receive it back along with some award.

Exchange theory in sociology - This is the theory, whose representatives believed that in the process of social interaction, people exchange goods, services, information and thanks, before entering into social cooperation, people weigh future remuneration and costs.

Society - This is a progressively developing system consisting of groups and organizations, which is built on the relationship of conflict and controlling people.

Customs of people - These are moral norms that delimit the correct and offensive.

Mandatory work - This is a fulfillment of the time of free social and useful work convicted.

Restriction of freedom - This is the content of the convicted person who has been 18 years old, in a special institution without isolation from society under the conditions of supervision.

Oligarchy - This is a form of government, where the authorities are in the hands of few and unworthy citizens - oligarchs.

Omonimi - These are words that are not one, but two or more meaning.

Opposition Party - These are parties that lost in the last election.

Output survey, or exit-half - Informal proposal voted to record their choice to control the actions of the election commission.

Organization - This is a system of interrelated and specialized statuses. Organizisism in sociology is the theory, whose representatives believe that society and the body are similar to each other.

Orthodoxy - This is the desire of some scientific workers to backwardness.

Convicted - This is a person after submitting the court sentence.

Ostracism - This is an extreme sanction of the group, expressed in refusing to talk, bullying, persecuting.

Open system - This is a system that has an input and output is exchanged with the environment with the substance and energy and supports internal equilibrium.

Relative truth - This is a partial matching of the shape of the psyche and the object of knowledge.

Glochpathy (from Greek fucking crowd) - This is the power of the crowd, face, gangsters.

Feeling - This is the most elementary form of sensual knowledge.

Memory - This is the ability of a person to save and reproduce the wound received information.

Pancalavism - This is the cultural and political course among Slavic peoples, which are based on ideas about the ethnic and language community of Slavs, the need for their political association.

Pankov (from English. Punk - garbage, scum) - a counterculture, a characteristic feature of which is the love of fast and energetic rock music (punk-rock) and freedom, protest against establishment, conservatism, authoritarianism, nationalism and radical capitalism, as well as the commitment to the ideals of anti-graysism and anti-fascism

Paradigm (from the Greek- "sample", "pattern") - This is a scientific principle, a model or sample for a study or scientific formula.

Parliament - This is the legislative authority.

Parliamentary republic - This is a state where the government is fully responsible for its activities to parliament.

The consignment - This is an organization created for victory in elections and mastering government leadership

Passionarity - This is passionism, will to life, the power of character.

Patriarchal marriage - This is such a form of marriage, where the husband has great power over other family members,

Pacifism - This is the desire to preserve the world and the ban of wars.

First Esnival in ancient Greek physics - This is what everything consists of.

Peripatetics (from Greek "strolling") - School in Greek philosophy, to which Aristotle's students belonged.

Permanent revolution - This is a global, continuous revolution on a chain in different countries.

Plagiarism - This is "theft" of ideas in science.

Tribe - This is an ethnic group that managed to streamline the reproduction of people, eliminate the occurrence of children with hereditary diseases caused by the influence and create their own dialect, customs, conquer its territory.

Pluralism - This is an ideological diversity.

Absorption - Purchase of competing firms that are knocked down by the monopolist.

Suspect - This is a face at the stage of the investigation.

Contract - This is the type of contract, under the terms of which the Contractor undertakes to fulfill work on the task of the other side (Customer) for the fee.

Polyandry - This is a marriage of one woman and several men.

Polygyny - This is a marriage of one man and several women.

Polytheism - This is a multi-grade.

Political science - This is the science of the political structure of society.

Pardon - This is a liberation from further serving a sentence that the president announces for individuals.

Concept - This is the designation and name of things.

Understood - These are uninterested in judicial business citizens who are caused by the investigator in the amount of at least 2 people in the manufacture of search and inspection.

Victim - This is a person who has a crime harm.

Customs duties - These are taxes in favor of the state levied from the owner of the goods when he crosses the border to sell this product within the country.

Right - This is a system of norms established by the state and rules of conduct, the execution of which is ensured by the power of state coercion.

Constitutional state - This is such a state where the law is ruled, and not an official, where even an official, even the President of the country is obliged to comply with the law.

Ownership - This is the right to own, use and dispose of your property.

Legal capacity - This is the ability to have rights, it occurs at the moment of the birth of a person and disappears at the time of death.

Ruling party - These are parties that won the last election.

Pragmatism - This is a philosophical theory, from the point of view of which, the thought is true at all, because faith in her is beneficial for our life.

Business activities - This is an independent activity aimed at systematic receipt of profits from the sale of goods or the provision of services.

Representation - This is an image of a previously perceived or created subject.

Presidential republic - This is a state where the president winning the general election is the head of the executive branch, and the legislative power is concentrated in the hands of the parliament.

The crime - This is a social and dangerous act provided for by the criminal law.

Profit - This is the excess of the amount of income from sales of goods over the cost of the production of these goods.

Privatization - This is a transition to state ownership in private with the help of the sale at the auction of state-owned enterprises in the hands of private owners

Progress - This is a complication, appearance in the system of new connections and elements.

Progressive income tax - This is a tax that is going on the principle: the greater the amount of the income of the taxpayer, the greater the percentage of income tax, which the tax authorities charge is charged.

Living wage - This is a "basket" of products and clothing items that provide a person with a necessary minimum for a simple survival.

Labor productivity - This is the number of goods produced per unit of time.

Arbitrary - These are illegal actions of the authorities.

Rental - This is a contract, according to the conditions of which the landlord undertakes to provide the tenant movable property for a temporary possession and use fee.

Proletariat (by Marxist Terminology) - This is the class of hired workers.

Proportional system - This is a system of elections that determines the rating of political forces proportionate to which places in parliament are distributed.

Protectionism - This is the policy of protecting domestic manufacturers from competition from foreign manufacturers.

PROFF - This is the excess of income on costs in the state budget

Interest rate - fee charged for money provided on credit.

Direct tax - This is the collection in favor of the state levied from every citizen or organization. Direct intent in the crime process is that the face wanted to achieve the dangerous consequences of his actions.

Psychologist in sociology - This is a direction, whose representatives believe that the laws of society can be reduced to the laws of psychology.

Development - This is a complication or simplification of the system.

Revolution (from Latin Revolution - Turn, Change) Social - This is a way of changing the social structure, in which innovations are often held from the bottom by mass riots or armed seizure of power, this is a process when one social group of weapons is selected political power from another social group

Regression - This is a simplification of the system, the disappearance of some of some connections and elements.

Reincarnation - Myth about the resettlement of souls.

Ridelia - This is a power seizure of a competing enterprise with the help of criminals.

Rent - This is the type of contract, when one side (recipient of rent) transfers the other part to the property of the property, and the rental payer undertakes to periodically pay the recipient to the Rent in the form of a certain amount of money.

Respondent - This is a person to whom the issues of the sociological questionnaire are addressed.

Referendum - This is a nationwide vote on any question.

Reform (from Latin reformo - transform) social - This is a way of developing a social structure, in which innovations are conducted from above, from the government, peaceful way.

Recession (from Latin Recessus - retreat) in the economy - This is a moderate decline in production, characterized by zero increasing gross national product or its fall for more than six months, the recession is one of the phases of the economic cycle, following the boom and replacing depressions.

Rigidity - This is the inability of a person to adapt to new people or to the new setting ambient,

Rhetorician - This is a teacher of oratory art.

Rhetoric - This is a science of eloquence.

Social role - This is the behavior expected from who has a certain social status.

Market stock - This is the stock market.

Ruble - This is a legal payment throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

Self-realization - Higher man's desire to realize their talents and abilities.

Sanguinik (from Latin "Sangvie" - Blood) - This is a strong, balanced movable temperament type.

Sanction - This is a reward or punishment, thus, sanctions are positive or negative.

Sansara (in Buddhism) - This is a circle of rebirth in the process of reincarnation.

Saving - Part of income, not spent on consumption that can be used for investment.

Collection - This is a mandatory contribution charged from organizations and individuals in exchange for issuing rights or permits.

Freedom political - This is the absence of arbitrariness of the authorities.

Transactions - these are the actions of citizens and legal entities to establish, change or terminate civil rights and obligations

Segregation - This is the African-Americans from whites in the southern states of the United States in the recent past.

A family - This is based on blood relations, marriage or adoption a group of people associated with the generality of life and responsibility for raising children.

Senate - Legislative Assembly of Aristocrats in ancient Rome.

Symbols - It's all that carries a special meaning recognized by the people of one culture.

System - This is the amount of elements and connections between them.

Political system - This is an open developing system, which consists of elements such as government, parliament or other legislative authority, political parties, army, court, police and bureaucracy.

Skinheads - Culture "Brithogol" (from the English skinheads).

Layers - These are groups of people in a social hierarchy, where social "filters" do not create any artificial obstacles to those who want to make a career, the only condition for this is the presence of a talent and financial resources from the applicant.

Class - These are groups of people in a social hierarchy, where the strict "filters" strongly limit social mobility and slow down the "elevators" movement.

Sofists (from Greek Sofos - Wisdom) - These are paid teachers think, prove and speak beautifully.

Social Darwinism - This is theory, whose representatives believe that the mechanism of social evolution does not differ from the mechanism of biological evolution, so the strongest surrounds in society.

Socialization - This is a training for the execution of social roles.

Socialist move - This is such a movement, whose representatives promise to improve the position of hired workers, they have achieved the introduction of benefits on poverty, old age, disability and unemployment.

Sociometry - This is a method for identifying the composition of small groups and persons leaders.

Spicryters - These are people who write speeches for too busy politicians.

Demand of ajotty - This is the demand that occurs in case of fears of rapid prices when people take any goods to the future.

Middle class - This is a group of people who are outside the control system or occupy an intermediate position in the social control system.

Stag admiration period - this is the period when the prices are extremely rapidly growing and at the same time there is a decline in production

Statics - This is a social structure or anatomy of the social organism at a given historical moment, as a system of organizations that resemble organs in the body.

Social status - This is the position of a person in society, this status has a corresponding list of rights and obligations.

Stereotype - This is a sample to imitate, which is being introduced into the consciousness of people through the media and culture.

Cost - This is the money amount that is paid or received when buying or selling goods.

Strati - These are social layers.

Social stratification - This is the bundle of society.

Streaming (from the English Stream - flow, flow) - This system of sorting students in Britain for four streams, depending on the success in study (from test results).

Social structure - This is a system of social groups and organizations, roles and status.

Shame - This is the painful feeling that other people do not approve of our actions.

Sovereignty State - This is the independence of one country from other countries.

Suicide - This is suicide

Sublimation - This is a way to get rid of anxiety with the help of a safe energy output on other channels (through sports, art, politics, and so on)

Judgment - This is a statement or denial of the connection of two concepts.

Subculture - this is a type of culture, the norms of which do not contradict, but differ from the norms of the dominant culture

SuperEgo - This is the moral side of the person who is purchased in the process of socialization, that is, learning.

Scholasticism (From the Greek "School Philosophy") - it is a medieval philosophy as the synthesis of Christian theology and the logic of Aristotle, this is a philosophy that sought to find common ideas - universals, and out of them to withdraw and explain all the wealth of the world around

Taboo - Strict ban from primitive people.

Tautology - This is a circle in definition.

Theocracy - This is the form of a board in which the church controls the government is the power of priests.

Theology (theology) - This is the theoretical substantiation of the existence of God and the human soul.

Theory of rational expectations - Anti-Jinsian direction of economic thought, it justifies the meaninglessness of state intervention in the work of the market mechanism in order to regulate economic activity.

Technocrats - these are people who believe that the development of technology will solve all environmental, economic and other problems,

Technological determinism - This is a direction in sociology, whose representatives believe that the technique is developing independently of the will of the person under the law of the infinite improvement of technical parameters.

TechnoFoby - These are people who believe that humanity will die from technology, for example, from poor ecology or as a result of war people against robots, so you need to break the equipment or escape from it to a uninhabited island.

Timocracy - Military power.

Tyranny - This is a form of government at which power has one person who abuses its position in selfish interests.

Product - This is a subject for exchange for other goods.

Products of prestigious demand - It is the goods with which people demonstrate their success in life

Good demand goods - These are the goods that increase less increases than the price of this product is reduced.

Elastic demand products - These are the goods, the demand for which increases more than the price of this product is reduced.

Crowd - This is a large number of people who face to face.

Trade - This is the voluntary exchange of goods and services for money in the form of purchase and sale.

Totalitarianism - This is a political regime, in which the ruler controls all spheres of society

Trust - associations of various enterprises in order to agree among themselves the volume of procurement of raw materials, the conditions for obtaining financial resources, the sales volumes of goods.

Work - This is the activities of people in the production of economic benefits.

Labor contract - This agreement between the employee and the employer, according to which the employee undertakes to perform work on a particular specialty, and the employer undertakes to pay wages and provide good working conditions.

Review - This is the withdrawal of new knowledge, a new judgment of two or several source judgments.

Unitary state - This is a form of a territorial device, where the entire amount of taxes collected in the country and all powers are focused in the center.

Urbanization - This is the creation of cities and resettlement there from rural areas of a significant part of the population.

Services - This is a labor activity based on hiring or in exchange for goods.

Social utopia (translated from Greek is the "place that is not"). - This is a non-abundant dream, a fairy tale for adults about a social structure, a false theory, which calls for the regression of the social structure and the violent abolition of great social inventions.

Utopists - These are thinkers who justified the opportunity to build utopia in the future.

Production factors - These are resources used by people to create life benefits.

Fanatic - This is a man blindly believing in an externally attractive idea and ignoring all the facts and arguments that contradict this idea.

Federation - This is such a form of a territorial device, where powers and tax revenues are divided as a result of a budget agreement for three parts between the center, state and the city.

Physics ancient Greek - This is the study of nature and the search for the first acquisition of all things, that is, what everything consists of.

PhysiCrats - These are such economists who believed that the only source of wealth is nature, therefore, the larger the nation produces agricultural products, it is richer.

Individuals - These are individual citizens. Philosophy translates as love for wisdom.

Firm or enterprise - This is an organization that manufactures products for sale.

Phlegmatic person (From the Greek "FLEGMA" - mucus) is a strong, balanced, inert ("brake") type of temperament.

Phobia - This is fear and anxiety.

Folklore - This is a folk culture.

Form of government - This is the form of the device of the supreme power in the country.

Formal logic - This is the science of proper thinking.

Formation - It is the level of development of society.

Fratery - These are the initial bodies that later broke up to secondary childbirth.

Functionalism - This is theory, whose representatives believe that each organization, every custom, idea or beliefs have its own function in society.

Charisma "This is the ability of the leader to inspire faith that he can work wonders that he is God or the" wizard ", this is grace, the gift of God, the gift of the wondering and prophecy.

Natural farm - This is the economy without sharing goods and trade.

Choleric (from the Greek "Hole" - Yellow Bile) - It is strong, unbalanced, with the predominance of excitation type of temperament.

Holdings are sectoral - This is a buying a controlling stake in competing firms, which allows to negotiate between them on sales volumes and prices.

Kingdom - This is a form of government at which power has one outstanding person.

Property qualification - This is the minimum limit state of the state of the person in monetary terms, which allows you to take a position.

Censorship - This is a state organization that monitors the media, art and science in order to prohibit the criticism of the prevailing ideology.

The price is equilibrium - This is the price that allows you to sell the entire volume of goods that manufacturers are ready to offer at this price.

Security - This is a document certifying property rights

Values - These are fundamental standards and requirements (imperatives) in society about dignity, beauty, piety, these are the cultural standards of good and bad.

Civilization - This is a society built on a specific set (list) of great social inventions. One civilization differs from another civilization with a set (list) of these inventions.

Cycle in the development of society - This is an alternation of progress and regression.

Receipt - This is a monetary document containing a written order to the bank to pay some amount of money to the checkpoint at the expense of money on the account of the Chekodator.

Human - This is a reasonable animal having the ability to instrument activities, oral speech and abstract thinking.

Strachbrechors (from the German "broaching strike") - These are temporary workers, consonants to work for the previous fee instead of strikers, for this strikers considered them traitors.

Egalitarian family - This is a family where the power and rights are distributed almost equally between husband and wife.

Ego - This is a rational part of the person, whose task is to draw up a real action plan in accordance with the limitations of the external world to meet the requirements of the instincts, on the one hand, and ensure their safety on the other side.

Egoism - This is the desire to love only yourself, not other people.

Existentialism (from English Existence - "Existence") - This is the direction in Western philosophy of the 20th century, from the point of view of which, the man is internally free from the equipment and the economy, he is looking for the meaning of life in this meaningless world, this meaning of life opens to a person in the period of deep shocks.

Transport expedition - This is the type of contract, under the terms of which the freight forwarder undertakes for the remuneration to fulfill the following services: receiving documents, sending and receiving goods, fulfilling customs formalities, loading and unloading.

Economy - This is 1), (farm) The organization of people's activities to create the goods needed for consumption, 2), the science that studies the behavior of the participants in the process of economic activity.

The economic growth - This is the growth of gross national product.

Economic cycle - Regular shift of the phases of lifting and recession of the level of business activity in a market economy.

Export - This is the sale of goods abroad.

Expressive crowd - This is a dancing crowd that is formed when religious sect occurs.

Extravert. - This is a person whose interest is directed outside, he is guided by external circumstances and public opinion.

Extremism political - These are movements and organizations that have a goal to capture power without elections.

Elite - This is a layer best peoplewho occupy the statuses of controllers in society.

Embargo - This is a ban on trade in your country for entrepreneurs from another country in order to force this country to go to certain concessions.

Money emission - This is a release into an additional amount of monetary signs.

Ethics - This is reasoning about the nravas, about what is good and what is bad.

Ethnos - This is a group of people associated with blood relations.

Ethnocentrism - This is a desire to judge other cultures from the position of superiority of their own culture.

Economic efficiency - This is a way of organizing production, in which production cost is minimal.

Effective demand - This is a solvent demand for goods and services of consumer and industrial purposes.

Entity - This is an organization that owns property and is responsible for its obligations to these property, it can enter into contracts and transactions, carry duties, to be the plaintiff and the defendant.

Language - This is a means of transmitting a culture using symbols.

Here the entire terminology is presented, which will be needed when the history is surrender - questions on the terminas are in parts A and V.

Material is large. For convenience, all the terms are located not only in alphabetical order, but also in accordance with the chronological period.

Ampir - style in architecture and art, mainly decorative) of the first three decades of the 19th century, the final evolution of classicism. Like classicism, Ampire has absorbed the heritage of the ancient world: Archaic Greece and Imperial Rome.

Anarchists - political philosophyenclosing theories and views that advocate the elimination of any compulsory management and human power over the person. Anarchism is an idea that society can and should be organized without state coercion. At the same time, there are many different directions of anarchism, which often disagree in certain matters: from the secondary, and up to the fundamental (in particular, relative to the views on private property, market relations, an ethnomational question). Curpotkin and M. Bakunin were prominent representatives of anarchism in Russia.

Anti-Napoleon (Anti-Frantsian) coalitions - temporary military-political unions of European states who have strived for the restoration of the Bourbon monarchical dynasty in France, who fell during the French revolution, 1789-1799. In total, 7 coalitions were created. In the scientific literature, the first two coalitions are called "anti-revolutionary", starting with the third - "anti-Napolone". At different times, Austria, Prussia, England, Russia, the Ottoman Empire and other countries consisted of coalitions.

Great reforms of 1860-1870s. - Bourgeois reforms conducted by Alexander II after Russia's defeat in the Crimean War (1853-1856) began with the abolition of serfdom (1861). The Great Reforms also include Zemskaya reform (1864), city (1870), judicial (1864), military (1874). The reforms were also carried out in the field of finance, education, press and touched upon all the spheres of the life of Russian society.

Military settlements are a special organization of the Armed Forces in 1810-1857, which combined the building service with the management of the economy. Part of the state peasants was translated into the position of the military inhabited. The village combined agricultural work with military service. It was assumed over time to translate the entire army to the settlement position. The creation of settlements should have reduced the cost of the maintenance of the army, destroy the recruitment kits, rid a lot of state peasants from recruitchin, turning them essentially in free people. Alexander I hoped to make another step towards the elimination of serfdom. Life in military settlements, subordinate to the detailed regulation, turned into a catguard. Settlements and their own device A.A. Araqs caused universal hatred. The village has repeatedly re-replaced. The largest performance is the uprising of Chuguev and Taganrog settlement regiments in 1819.

The Eastern Question is the designation of international contradictions in the XVIII - early XX century in diplomacy and historical literature., Related to the everlasting disintegration of the Ottoman Empire and the struggle of the great powers for its partition.

Temporable peasants - peasants who came out of the fortress dependence and obliged to carry out the former subsidy in favor of the landowner.

Redemption payments - in Russia 1861-1906. The redemption of peasants in landowners of land plots provided by the peasant reform of 1861. The government paid landlords to the amount of redemption for the land, and the peasants who were in debt from the state should have repay this debt for 49 years by 6% annually (redemption payments). The amount was calculated from the magnitude of the lifestyle, which the peasants paid the landowners to reform. Charge charges ceased during the revolution 1905-1907. By this time, the government had time to recover more than 1.6 billion rubles from the peasants, receiving about 700 million rubles. income.

Gasavat is the same as Jihad. In Islam, the sacred war for faith, against the wrong (unbelievers in a single God and the Messenger mission of at least one of the prophets of Islam).

State Council is a higher law-based institution. Transformed in January 1810 from the indispensable Council in accordance with the "Plan of State Transformations" M. M. Speransky. The legislative initiative did not possess, but considered the cases that were made on his consideration by the emperor (preliminary discussion of laws, budget, reports of ministries, some of the highest administrative issues and special court cases).

Decembrists - participants in the Russian nobility opposition movement, members of various secret societies of the second half of the 1810s - the first half of the 1820s, organized an anti-government uprising in December 1825 and called the uprising month.

The clergy - the ministers of the cult in monotheistic religions; Persons professionally engaged in the departure of religious rituals and services and components of special corporations. In the Orthodox Church, the clergy is divided into black (monasticism) and white (priests, deacons). In the XIX century - a privileged estate of Russian society, freed from corporal punishment, mandatory service and pillow grade.

Westerners - the direction of Russian social thought of the middle of the XIX century. They advocated the development of Russia in the Western European path, opposed Slavophilas. Westerners fought with the "theory of official nationality", criticized serfdom and autocracy, put forward a project for the liberation of peasants from the ground. Main representatives - V.P. Botkin, T. N. Granovsky, K. D. Cavelin, B. N. Chicherin, etc.

Zemskoy movement - the liberal-opposition public and political activities of the Glasses and Zemstvo intelligentsia in Russia 2nd half of the XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries, aimed at expanding the rights of the substrate and attracting them to government management. It was manifested in filing addresses to the emperor and petitions to the government, conducting illegal assemblies and congresses, publishing a brochure and articles. At the beginning of the 20th century, illegal political organizations arose: "Conversation", "Union of Earth-constitutionalists", "Union of Liberation". Visident figures: I.I. Petrunkevich, V.A. Bobrinsky, Pavel D. and Peter D. Dolgorukov, P.A. Gayden, V.I. Vernadsky, Yu.A. Novosillese and others. In the course of the revolution 1905-1907, the Zemskoy movement ceased to the formation of political parties of Cadets and Octobrists.

Zemstvo - elected local government bodies (Zemskiy meetings and Zemskie councils). Entered by the Zemstvo reform of 1864 were introduced by education, health care, road construction, etc. He was controlled by the Ministry of the Interior and the governors who had the right to cancel the decrees of the Zemstvo.

Radolchina - type of land rental, in which the rent is transferred to the owner of the harvest share. It was a form transitional from the feudal lease of land to capitalist.

Imamat is the common name of the Muslim theocratic state. Also, the state of Murids in Dagestan and Chechnya, which emerged in con. 20 years. XIX century During the struggle of nations. Caucasus against the colonial policy of tsarism.

Islam is a monotheistic religion, one of the world's religions (along with Christianity and Buddhism), its followers are Muslims.

Counteractions of the 1880s. - The name of the activities of the Government of Alexander III in the 1880s, revision of the reforms of the 1860s: Restoration of preliminary censorship (1882), the introduction of class principles in primary and secondary school, cancellation of the autonomy of universities (1884), the introduction of the Institute Zemstvo Chiefs (1889), establishing bureaucratic guardianship over Zemsky (1890) and urban (1892) self-government.

The casing of gendarmes is a police that has a military organization and performing functions within the country and in the army. In Russia in 1827-1917 The gendarme body served as a political police.

Promenban - in the Russian Empire in 1775-1917 a subsecutive estate from the former Posad people - artisans, small merchants and homeowners. Communicated at the place of residence in community with some rights of self-government. Until 1863, according to the law they could be subjected to corporal punishments.

Ministries - created on September 8, 1802, replacing the college. The purpose of the reform was the reorganization of the central authorities on the basis of the principle of uniqueness. Originally created eight ministries: military-land forces (from 1815 - military), sea forces (from 1815 - maritime), foreign affairs, internal affairs, commerce, finance, folk education and justice). Also, under Alexander I, the Ministry of Spiritual Affairs and Folk Education (1817-1824) and the Ministry of Police (1810-1819) were existed. Each ministry headed the Minister who appointed by the emperor, who had one or more comrades (substituents).

Muridism is the name of the ideology of the national liberation movement of the Highlanders of the North Caucasus during the Caucasian War of 1817-1864. The main feature of Muridism was a combination of religious doctrine and political actions in active participation in the "Holy War" - Gazavat or Jihad against the "incorrect" (i.e. Nemusulman) for the celebration of Islamic faith. Muridism assumed a full and unquestionless subordination of his followers to their mentors - Murshidam. Muridism was headed by the Imam Chechnya and Dagestan Gazi-Magomed, Gamzat Beck and Shamil, in which he was widespread. The ideology of Muridism attached a greater organizedness of the struggle of the Caucasus Highlanders.

Populists - representatives of the ideological flow in the radical intelligentsia environment in the second half of the XIX century ). Genericians: A. I. Herzen (creator of the theory of "peasant socialism"), N. G. Chernyshevsky; Ideas: M. A. Bakunin (Bunlet Current), P. L. Lavrov (propaganda current), P. N. Tkachev (conspiratorial current). Revival of revolutionary population at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. (so-called nea industry) led to the creation of a party of socialist revolutionaries (ECOMOV).

Neorussky style - direction in the Russian architecture of the end of the XIX century. - 1910s, which used the motives of ancient Russian architecture in order to revive the national originality of Russian culture. It is characterized by not accurate copying of individual parts, decorative forms, etc., and the generalization of motives, creative stylization of the prototype style. The plasticity and bright decorativeness of the buildings of the Neorussian style make it possible to consider it as a national-romantic flow within the framework of modern style. In this style, V. M. Vasnetsov (Facade of the Tretyakov Gallery, 1900-1905), F. O. Shechtel (Yaroslavl Station, 1902-1904), A. V. Schusev (Cathedral of the Marfo Mariinsky Resident, 1908-1912).

Nihilism - in the 1860s. The flow in Russian public thought, which denied the traditions and foundations of the noble society and called for their destruction in the name of a radical reorganization of society.

Patriotic War of 1812 - the liberation war of Russia against the Army of Napoleon I. is caused by the exacerbation of Russian-French economic and political contradictions, the refusal of Russia from participation in the continental blockade of Great Britain.

Working - In the Boreform Russia, the processing system with peasants landlord land with its own inventory for the leased land (mainly for segments), loans for bread, money, etc. Rechain Bargaining Economy.

Segments - part of the peasant posts, who moved to landowners as a result of the reform of 1861 (the reduction of incidents was carried out if their size exceeded the norm established for this terrain).

Movements are artists who came to the Russian Association-Association of Mobile Art Exhibitions, formed in 1870. appealed to the image of everyday life and the history of the peoples of Russia, its nature, social conflicts, the chief of public orders. Idean leaders of the Movies became I. N. Kramskaya and V. V. Stasov. Main representatives: I. E. Repin, V. I. Surikov, V. G. Perov, V. M. Vasnetsov, I. I. Levitan, I. I. Shishkin; Artists of Ukraine, Lithuania, Armenia were also among the animals. In 1923-1924, part of the heads entered AHRR.

Petrashevtsy - participants in the evenings held on Fridays in the House of Litteller M.V. Petrashevsky. The meetings discussed the problems of reorganization of autocracy policies, serfdom. Petrashevtsy share the ideas of the French Socialists-Utopists. Among the participants, the mug were the writers F.M. Dostoevsky, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, N.Ya. Danilevsky, V.N. Mikes, composers M.I. Glinka, A.G. Rubinstein, Geographer P.I. Semenov-Tian-Shansky et al. At the end of 1848, the revolutionary consistent part of Petrashevtsev decided to achieve the realization of the enforced path, for what to create a secret society and establish the release of proclamation. However, the scheduled was failed. Members of society were arrested, 21 of them were sentenced to death. On the day of execution of execution, it was replaced by Katoroga. Convicted Petrashevtsy were sent to Siberia.

Submail to submit - in Russia of the XVIII-XIX centuries. The main direct tax, which was introduced in 1724 and replaced the coupling conclusion. All men of the submitted classes were put on the pillow, regardless of age.

Industrial revolution (industrial coup) - the transition from manual labor to machine and, accordingly, from manufactory to the factory. Requires a developed market for free labor, therefore in a serfdom can not be fully accomplished.

The differences are immigrants from different classes: clergy, peasantry, merchants, burghers - engaged in mental activity. As a rule, carriers of revolutionary democratic views.

Realism is a stylistic direction in literature and art, truthful, objective reflection of the reality of specific means inherent in one or another kind of artistic creativity. In the course of the historical development of art, realism adopts specific forms of certain creative methods (educational realism, critical, socialist).

Romanticism - ideological and artistic direction in the culture of the end of the XVIII - 1st floor. XIX century Relaxing the disappointment in the results of the Great French Revolution, in the ideology of education and public progress, romanticism contrasted the excessive practicism of the new bourgeois society as limb to unlimited freedom, the thirst for excellence and updates, the idea of \u200b\u200bpersonal and civil independence. The painful discord between the fictional ideal and cruel reality is the basis of romanticism. Interest in the national past (often his idealization), the traditions of folklore and culture of their own and other peoples found an expression in ideology and practice of romanticism. The influence of romanticism was manifested almost in all spheres of culture (music, literature, visual art).

Russian Empire - the name of the Russian state from 1721 to September 1, 1917

Russian-Byzantine style - Pseudorussian (otherwise - non-Russian, Falnogur) style arising in the second quarter of the XIX century. And representing the synthesis of the traditions of the ancient Russian and Russian folk architecture and the elements of the Byzantine culture. The Russian-Byzantine architecture is characterized by borrowing a number of composite techniques and the motives of the Byzantine architecture, the churches of Konstantin Tone in the 1840s are most bright in the "exemplary projects" in the 1840s. As part of this direction, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Big Kremlin Palace and the Armory of the Savior in Moscow, as well as the Cathedrals in Svetarge, Yelets (Voznesensky Cathedral), Tomsk, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnoyarsk were erected by the tone.

The Holy Union is a contract concluded in 1815 in Paris by Emperors of Russia, Austria and the King of Prussia. The initiative to create a sacred union belonged to the Russian Emperor Alexander I. Subsequently, all other European states joined this agreement, with the exception of the Vatican and Great Britain. The main tasks of the Holy Union believed to prevent new wars and revolutions in Europe. Aachen, Troppau, Lybakh and Veronian Congresses of the Holy Union developed the principle of intervention in the internal affairs of other states in order to enforced suppression of any national and revolutionary movements.

Slavophiles are representatives of the direction of Russian public thought in the middle of the XIX century, which proceeded from the Regulations on the principal difference between Russian and European civilizations, the inadmissibility of mechanical copying of Russia of European orders, etc. We have half alarmed both with Wessengers and the "theory of official nationality." Unlike the latter, it was considered necessary to abolish the serfdom, criticized the Nikolaev autocracy, etc. The main representatives of the Aksakov brothers, the brothers Kireevsky, A. I. Koshelev, Yu. F. Samarin, A. S. Khomyakov.

Socialists - social groups that are enshrined in their custom or law and inheritance transmitted rights and obligations. For the estate organization of society, including several estates, a characteristic hierarchy is characterized, which is expressed in the inequality of their position and privileges. In Russia from the second half of the XVIII century. The class division of the nobility, the clergy, the peasantry, merchants, messenger, was established. Officially, class in Russia were abolished in 1917

Social Democrats is a direction in the socialist and working movement, which advocates a transition to a socially fair society by reforming bourgeois. In the Russian Social Democracy 1880-1890s. Got the most distribution Marxism. In 1883, the Labor Liberation Group was created in Geneva (V.I. Zasulich, PB Axelrod, L.G. Dach, V. N. Ignatov, G. V. Plekhanov), the main task of which its participants considered the spread of Marxism in Russia. In 1895, "Union of the struggle for the liberation of the working class" was established in St. Petersburg (V.I. Ulyanov, M. Krzhizhanovsky, N.K. Krupskaya, Y.O. Martov), \u200b\u200bwho was engaged in illegal propaganda activities in the work environment, organization of the strike movement. In 1898, the first congress of the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party (RSDLP) was held in Minsk. After the October Revolution in 1917, the RSDLP (Bolsheviks) was renamed the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) (RCP (b)), which later became the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) (VKP (b)) and, finally, the CPSU - the Communist Party of Soviet Union.

The theory of official nationality is the state ideology, which arose during the reign of Nicholas I. It was based on conservative views on enlightenment, science, literature expressed by the Minister of Folk Education S. S. Uvarov. The main formula of this ideology is "Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality."

Specific peasants - a category of the feudal-dependent rural population of Russia of Russia of the late XVIII - mid-XIX centuries, to which the peasants belonged to the specific lands and belonging to the imperial family. We carried the concerns mainly in the form of a lifestyle. In 1863, the main provisions of the peasant reform of 1861 were distributed to the specific peasants, and they received a part of the specific land for the obligatory redemption.

Factory is a large enterprise based on the use of machinery and division of labor.

"Walking to the people" is a massive movement of radical youth of a peopular sense in a village aimed at propaganda among the peasants of socialist ideas. The idea of \u200b\u200b"walking to the people" belongs to A. I. Henmen, who in 1861 through the "bell" turned with this appeal to students of young people. It began in the spring of 1873, the greatest scope reached in spring - in the summer of 1874 (covered 37 provinces of Russia). "LAVRIES" was aimed at promoting the ideas of socialism, "Bakunists" tried to organize mass anti-government performances. By November, 1874 over 4 thousand people were arrested, the most active participants were convicted.

Censorship is a system of state supervision over the seal and media in order to prevent unwanted, from the point of view of power, influences on society. In Russia, introduced at the beginning of the XVIII century, from 1804 - was regulated by the censorship charters and temporary rules.

Menshevism - originated at the II Congress of the RSDRP (1903), after the opponents of the Leninist principles of the Party were in a minority in the elections of the central bodies of the party. Main ideologues: Yu.O. Martov, A.S. Martynov, I.O. Axelrod, G.V. Plekhanov, A.N. Potreov, F.I. Dan. Until 1912, they were formally together with the Bolsheviks in the Unified RSDLP. In 1912, at the 6th Paris Conference, Mensheviks were excluded from the RSDLP series. In the first world war, the main part of Mensheviks stood on the positions of social chauvinism. After the October Revolution, Mensheviki became participants in the fight against Soviet power.

"WORLD OF ART" - Russian artistic association. Used at the end of the 1890s. (officially - in 1900) in St. Petersburg on the basis of a circle of young artists and art lovers, headed by A. N. Benua and S. P. Dyagilev. As an exhibition alliance under the auspices of the magazine "The World of Art" in the initial form, it existed to 1904; In an extended composition, losing ideological-creative unity - in 1910-1924. In 1904-1910 Most masters "M. and." It was part of the Union of Russian Artists. In addition to the main nucleus (L. S. Bakst, M. V. Dobuzhinsky, E. E. Lansers, A. P. Ostrumova-Lebedeva, K. A. Somov), "M. and." Included in many St. Petersburg and Moscow painters and graphs (I. Ya. Bilibin, A. Ya. Golovin, I. E. Grabar, K. A. Korovin, B. M. Kustodiyev, N. K. Rerich, V. A. Serov and etc.). M. A. Vrubel, I. I. Levitan, M. V. Nesterov, as well as some foreign artists participated in the exhibitions "World of Art".

Modernism (from fr. "The newest, modern") - the general name of the directions in literature and art late XIX-XX explosive (Cubism, avant-garde, surrealism, Dadaism, futurism, expressionism), characterized by a gap with the traditions of realism, who advocate for a new approach in reflection of being.

Monopoly is a major economic association (Cartel, Syndicate, Trust, Concern, etc.), which are in private property (individual, group or joint-stock) and control over industries, markets and economies based on a high degree of concentration of production and capital in order to establishing monopoly prices and removal of monopoly profits. In Russia, the beginning of the 20th century were the largest monopolies: Sindicate "selling" (1902) in black metallurgy, Krettel "Zodnodarovoz" (1901) and Syndicate "Production" (1904) in mechanical engineering, binding "Production" (1906 G.) in the caustic industry. In total during this period, about 200 monopolies existed in Russia.

Octobrists - members of the Privoliberal Union of October 17. Formed by 1906. The name - from Manifesto on October 17, 1905. He advocated with the requirement of people's representation, democratic freedoms, civil equality, etc. The number together with the adjusted groups of about 80 thousand members. Leaders: A.I. Huchkov, P.L. Corf, M.V. Rodzianko, N.A. Khomyakov, D.N. Shipov et al. Printed organs: the newspaper "Word", "Voice of Moscow", etc., just 50. The most numerous faction in the 3rd State Duma, alternately blocked with moderately right and cadets. By 1915 ceased existence.

Bran - on the Stolypin agrarian reform - the peasant economy, separated from the land community. At the same time, the house remained in the community.

The progressive block was established in August 1915 from the members of the IV State Duma (it includes 236 of 422 deputies from Cadets, Okabristov, progressors) to assign pressure on the government. He headed the union of the left Octobist S. I. Shidlovsky, but the actual leader was the leader of the Cadets P. N. Milyukov. On August 26, 1915, a progressive block was published with the requirements of updating the composition of local authorities, stopping persecution for faith, liberation of certain categories of political prisoners, restoring trade unions, etc. The main goal of the block was to create the government of "public confidence" from among the representatives of the administration And the Duma figures in order to bring the country from a complex political and economic situation in which it was in the world of the First World War, to prevent a possible revolutionary explosion.

The revolutionary situation is the situation that serves as an indicator of the maturity of socio-political conditions for the revolution. For the revolutionary situation, it is characteristic: "The crisis of the top", i.e., the impossibility of representatives of the authorities to preserve their domination is in a constant form, while it is necessary that the "tops" can not live in old age; exacerbation, above ordinary, needs and disasters of oppressed classes and layers; A significant increase in the political activity of the broad masses. In Russia, the first revolutionary situation of the late 50s of the 60s. XIX century It was an expression of the crisis of the feudal-serf system after the defeat of Russia in the Crimean War of 1853-1856. The growth of the peasant movement and the general democratic lift pushed autocracy to the preparation of reforms. Allowed the revolutionary situation of the peasant reform of 1861. The second revolutionary situation arose as a result of the exacerbation of socio-political contradictions after the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. Reached climax in 1880-1881. In the context of the reaction after the murder of the People's Republic of Alexander II, the government conducted counter-processors. The revolutionary situation of the beginning of the XX century. Completed by the revolution 1905-1907. Revolutionary Situation 1913-1914. Not turned into a revolution because of the World War I began. Revolutionary situation in 1916-1917. resulted in the February Revolution of 1917 and ended the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917.

Russian seasons abroad - speeches of Russian opera and ballet troupe, organized by S. P. Dyagilev in 1907-1914. In Paris and London. Contributed to the popularity of Russian art abroad. The term passed on, became nominative to designate the success of Russian cultural figures and art abroad.

Symbolism - direction in European and Russian art 1870-1910. Focus predominantly on artistic expression by means of a symbol. In an effort to break through the visible reality to "hidden reality", the super-limit ideal essence of the world, his non-relevant beauty, the symbolists expressed the rejection of bourgeoisity and positivism, longing for spiritual freedom, the tragic premonition of world social shifts, confidence in centuries-old cultural values \u200b\u200bas a uninstalled start. Main representatives. P. Vellen, P. Valerie, A. Rambo, M. metterlik, A. Block, A. White, Vyach. Ivanov, F. Sologub, P. Gogen, M. K. Churlenis, M. Vrubel, et al.

Syndicate is one of the forms of monopoly associations, which is characterized by the fact that the distribution of orders, the purchase of raw materials and the implementation of manufactured products is carried out through a single sales office. The syndicate participants retain production, but lose commercial independence.

Tips - Around the revolution 1905-1907. (First Council - in Ivanovo-Voznesensk 15 (28) May 1905) as independent authorities of the leadership and coordination of the struggle of workers for their rights in the field. In an incomparably, a broader scale, the tips were revived during the February (1917) revolution and up to June 1917, they performed as the "second" authorities opposing the bourgeois temporary government (later began to support him). During this period, the advice of workers and soldiers' deputies and the advice of peasant deputies. After the October Revolution of 1917, the councils were representative bodies state power In the center and on the ground in the RSFSR, the USSR, and by the end of 1993 - in the Russian Federation (from 1936 to 1977 - the Councils of Deputies of Workers, since 1977 - Councils of People's Deputies). Since 1988, the highest authority of state power was the congress of people's deputies (until 1991). A distinctive feature of the Soviets was the inefficiency of legislative and executive.

Stolypin reform - economic reform aimed at accelerating the development of capitalism in Russia, the reform of peasant land tenure, marked by the turn of the agrarian-political course of autocracy, named after the Interior Minister and Chairman of the Council of Ministers since 1906 P. A. Stalypina (1862-1911) . Permission to leave the peasant community for a farm and cut (Act of 9.11.1906), strengthening the peasant bank, forced land management (laws from 14.6.1910 and 29.5.1911) and the disposal policy was aimed at eliminating small-earth while maintaining land in land tenure, accelerating the village bundle, Creation among the healing layer of peasants of an additional support of power. The reform was torn after the murder of P. A. Stalypina Eser D. Bogrov.

The trust is a monopoly form in which the association participants lose industrial and commercial independence are subject to unified management.

Thariyunsky coup - the dissolution of June 3, 1907 of the State Duma and the change in the electoral law. It is considered the end of the first Russian revolution.

The Triple Union is a military-political block of states during the First World War, which included: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy. In 1915, ITALY, Turkey and Turkey.

Trudoviki is a fraction of peasant deputies and the population intelligentsia in the 1st-14th states (1906-1917). The program is close to the program of the Party of People's Socialists, included the requirements of the introduction of democratic freedoms, the nationalization of landlords. Printed organ - the newspaper "Labor people". In June 1917 merged with folk socialists

The farm - on the Stolypin agrarian reform - the farm, separated from the community along with the earth and the house. He was private property.

Malnaments (from the Old Russian "Black Sota" - the poll of the Posad population) - members of the extreme right organizations in Russia in 1905-1917, who spent under the slogans of monarchism, a grand-container chauvinism and anti-Semitism ("Union of the Russian People", "Union of Mikhail Arkhangel", "Russian Unions people "and others). Leaders and ideologues: A.I. Dubrovin, V.M. Purishkevich, N.E. Marks. During the revolution, 1905-1907 supported the repressive policies of the government, satisfied with the pogroms, organized killings of a number of political figures. After the February Revolution, 1917, the activities of the Black-based Organizations were banned.

Esers (Social Revolutionaries) - a revolutionary party formed in Russia in 1901-1902. Leader - V.M. Chernov. Tactics - political terror. Left esters - Political party in Russia in 1917-1923 (until December 1917, the left wing of the Socialist Russian Federation). Leaders: MA Spiridonova, B.D. Kamkov, MA Nathanson. Newspapers "Earth and Will" and "Labor Banner". Participated in the October Revolution, included in the Military Revolutionary Committee, All-Russian Central Executive Committee, Council of People's Commissars RSFSR (December 1917-March 1918). From the beginning of the 1918 opponents of the Brest world, the agrarian policy of the Bolsheviks. In July 1918, an armed speech was organized, which was suppressed. Separate groups of the left ECOV acted in Ukraine, the Far East, in Turkestan. In 1923 ceased operations.


Annexia (from Lat. "Accession") - violent capture by the winner of a part of the defeated state.

White movement is the collective name of political movement, organizations and military formations opposed to Soviet power during the civil war. The origin of the term is associated with the traditional symbolism of white as the color of the supporters of the legal law enforcement. The basis of the white movement is the officers of the former Russian army; Guide - military tops (M. V. Alekseev, P. N. Vrangel, A. I. Denikin, A. V. Kolchak, L. G. Kornilov, E. K. Miller, N. N. Yudenich).

White - the name of opponents of Soviet power, spread during the civil war.

Military Revolutionary Committee - a body of the Petrograd Council for the preparation and management of an armed uprising. The provision on PVRK is approved by the Boolet of Petrosite 12.10.1917. Most members are the Bolsheviks, they also entered the left esters and anarchists. In November-December - the highest emergency body of state power. Dissolved in December 1917.

The Provisional Government is the central body of state power, formed after the February bourgeois-democratic revolution. It existed from 2 (15) March 1917 to 25 (November 7) October 1917, it was established by agreement between the Interim Committee of the State Duma of 1917 and the ESERO-Menshevik leadership of Petroset. He was the highest executive and administrative body, and the legislative functions were performed. Local bodies The authorities of the temporary government were the provincial and county commissars.

Second coalition. Temporary government A.F. Karensky (8 seats at capitalists and 7 from socialists) July 24 (August 6) - August 26 (September 8) 1917

Uniform bourgeois temporary Government of the CN. G.E. Lviv 2 (15) March - 2 (15) May 1917

The first coalition temporary government of the CN. G.E. Lviv (10 places in capitalists and 6 at socialists) 5 (18) May - 2 (15) July 1917

Third coalition. Temporary Government A.F. Kerensky (10 seats at socialists and 6 seats at the capitalists) September 25 (October 8) - October 25 (November 7).

After an armed uprising in Petrograd, the remaining deputy ministers of capitalists together with the Group of Ministerial Socialists (Nikatev, Nikitin, Prokopovich) decided to continue the activities of the Provisional Government. Based on the substrate protocol from 17 (30), the impocked temporary government issued orders against Soviet power, received up to 40 million rubles from the State Bank, of which the scope of sabotagne officials paid. The underground temporary government "operated" to 16 (29) November 1917

All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Councils of Workers, Soldiers and Peasant Deputies (after January 1918 - workers, peasant and Cossack deputies) - a body that has carried out general leadership of tips in the break between the congresses of the Soviets. The VCIK of the first convocation was elected at the I Congress of Soviets (passed from 3 to 24 June 1917). The Machinery of the Central Executive Committee took shape at its first plenary of June 21 (plenums convened weekly). The VTCIK apparatus included the Presidium, the Bureau and about 20 departments. After the October Revolution, a new VTCIK was elected at the II Congress of Soviets. It includes 62 Bolsheviks, 40 representatives of other parties (of which 29 left esices). On the III All-Russian Congress of Soviets (1918), 162 Bolsheviks were elected, 143 representatives of other parties (122 left speakers). With the V All-Russian Congress of the Soviets (July 1918), representatives of other parties in the DVI was not elected. From January 1918, the Central Executive Committee formed SNK, drug addicts for managing certain branches of management. The chairmen of the DVC were: from October 27, 1917 - L.B. Kamenev, from November 8, 1917 - Ya.M. Sverdlov, from March 30, 1919 - M.I. Kalinin. After the adoption of the new Constitution in 1937, the VTCC ceased to exist.

HCHK - All-Russian Emergency Commission to Combat Council, Speculation and Communications by Office; Before August 1918 - to combat counter-revolution and sabotage) - formed at SNK (decree of December 7, 1917). In December 1921, "in connection with the transition to peace construction" V.I. Lenin proposed to reorganize the HCH, limiting its competence by political tasks. Decree of February 6, 1922, the VTCIK transformed the HCC to the State Political Office (GPU) under the NKVD of the RSFSR.

Civil War is the most acute form of social struggle of the population within the state. During the war, the problem of power is solved, which, in turn, should ensure the solution of the main life facilities facing the opposing parties.

Deliciousness - the simultaneous existence of two authorities in Russia from March 1-2 to July 5, 1917. After the February Revolution in Russia, there was a peculiar situation: at the same time two authorities were created - the power of the bourgeoisie in the face of the temporary government and the revolutionary-democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and the peasantry - Advice. Officially, the authorities belonged to the temporary government, but in fact, the advice, since they were supported by the army and the people. The petty-bourgeois parties who had the majority in the councils supported the temporary government and completely lost power in July 1917, which meant the end of the dwellesty. The period of the struggle of two dictators for uniformity.

Decree (from Lat. "Resolution") is a regulatory legal act published by the government. After the October Revolution, legislative acts adopted by the congresses of the Soviets, the WTCIK, SNK were published in the form of decrees. According to the expression V.I. Lenin, "Decreents are instructions that call for a massive practical case."

The dictatorship of the proletariat - in Marxist literature, this concept is defined as the state power of the proletariat, established as a result of the elimination of the capitalist system and the destruction of the bourgeois state machine. The establishment of the proletariat dictatorship is the main content of the socialist revolution, a prerequisite and the main result of its victory. The proletariat uses its power to suppress the resistance of the exploiters and their complete destruction; Then the power is used for revolutionary transformations in all spheres of social life: the economy, culture, everyday life, for the communist education of the working people and the construction of a new class-class society - communism. The basis of the dictatorship of the proletariat constitutes the Union of the working class and the peasantry under the leadership role of the working class .. In 1917, the dictatorship of the proletariat in the form of advice was established in Russia after the implementation of the October Socialist Revolution.

Intervention (from lat. "Invasion") - interference of one state in the internal affairs of the other. Modern international law is considering intervention as an offense. Intervention can be both military and economic, ideological, carried out in other forms.

"Green" - the name in Russia during the years of the civil war was hiding in the forests of individuals who shied away from military service. Liquidated by the Red Army after the end of the Civil War.

Contribution (from lat. "Collect") - charged after the war with a defeated state by the state-winner money or other material values, as well as forced monetary charges levied by the authorities from the population in the occupied territory.

Confiscation (from lat. "To take away into the treasury") - seizure with a compulsory way, without compensation by the state of the property of a private person. In Russia, as a result of the October Revolution of 1917, land owners were confiscated, private enterprises, other property.

The Cornilovsky Rebellion is an unsuccessful attempt to establish a military dictatorship on August 27-31 (September 9-13) of 1917, undertaken by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army of General Staff by General from infanteria L. G. Kornilov. Depressed by the Bolsheviks and Temporary Government.

Krasnogvardeyskaya attack on capital is a term characterizing the implementation methods of socio-economic activities of the Soviet state in the first 4 months of its existence (November 1917 - Feb. 1918), when in the foreground there was a task of direct expropriation of expropriaters. During this period, the Soviet authorities legalized and distributed working control over production and distribution, carried out the nationalization of banks, transport, merchant fleet, foreign trade, a significant part of the large industry and a number of other events.

Red - the generalized name of supporters of Bolsheviks, defenders of Soviet power during the years of the Civil War and Military Intervention. In a broad sense, applied in relation to members of communist parties and adherents of communist ideology.

Likbez - elimination of illiteracy, the same as the elimination of illiteracy. Mass campaign for training the basics of adult literacy in the 1920-1930s. As a result of the campaign by the end of the 30s. Literacy rate in the USSR reached 90%.

Nationalization is the transition of private enterprises and sectors of the economy in the ownership of the state.

PRODUCTARY - FOOD TRADINGS, armed troops of workers and peasants of the poor in 1918-1921. Created by the organs of the People's Commissariat of Food (included in the sales), trade unions, cessions, local councils (procurement, harvesting and harvesting, harvesting unions; governing body - MilitaryProduce of the WCSPS). Conducted a privacy on the village; acted together with commobedas, prudses and local councils. Half of the seized bread received a sent part of the organization.

PRODUCTER - a system of harvesting of agricultural products during the period of "military communism", established after the introduction of food dictatorship. Mandatory persecution of peasants to the state for the solid prices of all surplus bread and other products. There was dissatisfaction of the peasants, led to a reduction in agricultural production, was replaced in 1921 by the extension.

Rabbak - Working Faculty. In 1919-1940 general educational institution in the USSR to prepare in universities of young people who did not have secondary education; Created at universities (training for 3 years on day, 4 years in the evening).

Reparations - reimbursement by the defeated state damage to the Winner State.

Sabotage - conscious failure of responsibilities or negligent execution.

Sovnarkom - Council of People's Commissars (SNK) The highest executive and administrative body of state authorities, the government of the Soviet state. It was first elected during the October Revolution at the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets on October 26 (November 8), 1917. Up to death he was headed by V.I. Lenin, from 1924 to 1930 A.I. Rykov, from 1930 to 1941 V.M. Molotov, and then I.V. Stalin (in 1946 transformed into the Council of Ministers).

Saturday Communist - voluntary free work of workers on society. The first Saturday was held on Saturday 12.4.1919 in the Moscow-Sorting Depot. The first mass subbotnik 10.5.1919 on the Moscow-Kazan Railway. Spread during the civil war. Since 1970, the All-Union Leninist Communist Saturdays were held.

Terror (from lat. "Fear, horror") - the policy of frightening, suppressing political opponents with violent measures, up to physical destruction.

The Constituent Assembly is a representative institution in Russia, created on the basis of universal election law, intended to establish the form of the Board and the development of the Constitution. It was elected in November-December 1917. Gathered on January 5, 1918 in Petrograd and after 13 hours of his work was closed at the request of Karaula.

Emigration (from Lat. "Move, evaluate") - departure outside the country associated with the loss of a citizen of a citizen of this state and caused by economic, political or personal reasons, in order to temporarily or permanent settlement in the territory of a foreign state. States may resolve the restoration of citizenship to emigrants.


Autonomization - the idea nominated by Stalin I.V. In 1922, according to which all Soviet republics should be included in the RSFSR on the rights of autonomy, which would violate their independence and equality.

Authoritarianism is a political regime in which political power is in the hands of one person or group of persons. For authoritarianism, the full or partial absence of political freedoms of citizens is characterized, restricting the activities of parties and organizations.

Antonovshchyna - 1920-1921 peasant movement. In Tambov province, directed against the Soviet power and the name of the head and the organizer (A.S. Antonova). The uprising was eliminated by the Red Army, sometimes even with the use of gas attacks. In June 1922, Antonov was killed. Cancellation of food scrolls in 1921 significantly reduced the number of dissatisfied peasants.

The "great fracture" is the expression of Stalin, which he described the policy of forced industrialization and collectivization of agriculture initiated at the end of the 1920s in the USSR.

Goello (Sopr. From the State Commission for Electrification of Russia) is the first unified state promising plan for the restoration and development of the national economy of the RSFSR. Designed in 1920 under the leadership of V. I. Lenin, the State Commission for Electrification of Russia. It was designed for 10-15 years, provided for the root reconstruction of the farm on the basis of electrification. Mainly completed by 1931. First Heelro - Volkhovskaya HPP in the Leningrad Region.

Gulag is the main management of correctional labor camps, labor settlements and places of conclusions), in 1934-1956, the Unit of the NKVD (Ministry of Internal Affairs), which carried out the management of the system of correctional labor camps (ITL). Special Management Gulag united many ITLs in different areas Countries: Karaganda ITL (KARRAG), Dalny NKVD / Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Solovetsky ITL (Ulon), Belomorsko-Baltic ITL and the NKVD plant, Vorkutinsky ITL, Norilsk ITL, etc. The hardest conditions were established in the camps for the slightest violations of the regime , Extremely high mortality from hunger, diseases and malnutrition labor. Prisoners worked for free on the construction of canals, roads, industrial and other facilities in the Far North, the Far East and in other regions.

Twenty films - workers of industrial centers of the USSR, who visited the appeal of the Bolsheviks party for economic and organizational work in the village in early 1930 during the period of mass collectivization of agriculture. Resolution of the November (1929) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) provided for 25 thousand people, actually went 27.6 thousand.

Industrialization is the process of creating large machine production and on this basis the transition from the agrane to the industrial society. In Russia, industrialization has successfully developed from the end of the XIX - early XX centuries. After the October Revolution (from the late 20s), the industrialization was forced by the totalitarian regime by violent methods due to the sharp limitation of the standard of living of the population, the exploitation of the peasantry.









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{!LANG-6ff019f2226e78cd55d0e9763d4972c2!} {!LANG-6dcf739f9ca0300bcf30be1f8575796e!}

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{!LANG-e4819e6217a0efc3aee5c8acdbf972c5!} {!LANG-af9b3d68b52002661c435fe5688510f3!}

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{!LANG-6c470b02e68f75c51fd603677662829a!} {!LANG-0d3ff06d1ee85e53606bfab2299339c7!}

{!LANG-cdf6c01f369c4c881a300226263db51c!} {!LANG-f8723020ad48196df0390236daeb2c1e!}

{!LANG-2020080840301597b60a25434023b7ba!} {!LANG-8bc7791d105610a1b7fe435f627afbd4!} .

{!LANG-801c8fcfbd65673e230d581ca25bdf38!} {!LANG-d656dc8a7237d156ce804cc1491219a7!}

{!LANG-735f17e9e7451aa388a2ea607051aec7!} {!LANG-2d582cc0d0379f102547036eae0e7ff9!}

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3 {!LANG-57b8d745384127342f95660d97e1c9c2!} {!LANG-32eb81513e2fed5711526ccf56555c6d!}

{!LANG-5002894031f992853229d70b08ca3f69!} {!LANG-dec1e5390587e951f12688c85312c3c9!}

{!LANG-4a1fc79a00fc036b5f5262899a48cdca!} {!LANG-3e46fee1e367bcb92d8b18e5239a03bb!}

{!LANG-ad40c6dccf2b0bf0985b80995d9ebb12!} {!LANG-846f204b3dde1e1b8f620fbdfeebf665!}

{!LANG-94a0e3adb10e87c4c306d6a0cac76357!} {!LANG-312634849eaec7881591b4c10139bc25!}

{!LANG-b96d12b6344f7c678d23fb8460d128e9!} {!LANG-fce377895f5125ea6ace3281e0a99773!}

{!LANG-60e20a6f0936b9805a6969ce96096dcc!} {!LANG-b9999fb88a0a8969c198a72a638648ca!}{!LANG-e75e9433f817d369f8c4e13b3118fe92!}

{!LANG-3da1284ed674761762b90e32a9977a27!} {!LANG-b18054812afca2669940c68251fc6529!}

{!LANG-adb77e88d4d6cb68f86497c06a715a8e!} {!LANG-7383c8572b77cd138bff1d1cfeb90660!}

{!LANG-29a976d11f6816712ba118e89862f57c!} {!LANG-f5ff7551cc0915a1da321c2c3758ccde!}

{!LANG-b89e8bfa60d2fa5fdb8a0e7d26f75afa!} {!LANG-f22eff0ede1f785d8c9cb1114dd045df!}

{!LANG-3a9334fdb39fd04400e4163ea4e3ef96!} - {!LANG-b39408a7d96d4e0c8f1624080b421864!} {!LANG-d5cd0d8a8527a08b9cbcecd730cf51e8!}

{!LANG-3a9334fdb39fd04400e4163ea4e3ef96!} - {!LANG-485bdbacefe22344f6e78ca58a669242!} {!LANG-483c3848346ff3c83c3ef304c13ab8e4!} {!LANG-9edffd996cedff4df91e57aca6ad2f5b!}

{!LANG-3a9334fdb39fd04400e4163ea4e3ef96!} - {!LANG-e3ef737035c7afe5ed0f26b3401f86d2!} {!LANG-ca23fde653dddea31749b2b48f28684b!} {!LANG-25197cd6f6fe0d40e67f3792fddf92dd!}

{!LANG-1977d5a1a542d758f92e19dad8c3ca51!} {!LANG-1feff6f83c9d0a6b1493720e169dba32!}

{!LANG-fbdafbfac07f76180bf1d1dc1e45c0c8!} {!LANG-aecf6a80048ace9c58c85c993c5953d4!}

{!LANG-40df42d7373dc937b83218569e6f5a81!} {!LANG-b3a8086e02c4d949c260455cd6f98403!}

{!LANG-50067a001e88051f137f6a538032a168!} {!LANG-fc594fa26d71312701ed96c3c523e10d!}

{!LANG-4655bd5410d99627fa48187ca4c8794a!} & {!LANG-f713586845678649e9b1d719186f33b9!} {!LANG-89c64c444a7b8149a54901895b1f2460!}

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{!LANG-c60f0de26ecb59f74fc51f8110c59762!} {!LANG-23496469fb9a125aab2b1ce8e2a63bac!}

{!LANG-fe5101ea26b271aa7384bb96fe2da4b4!} {!LANG-bcdacfa6f5c231cb1e13640f787745b6!}

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{!LANG-7d8106c5c21812eed7eeabfc0931bb1a!} {!LANG-443682b6c0a0a89368e92fc9ad27949e!}

{!LANG-bcd47d1f96655a43d67b3291b092e0ac!} {!LANG-3c503abf9518646745015854b02094a5!}

{!LANG-1e3491f2860b38d48a69fc746b62622e!} {!LANG-7a4a1db75853fc7fa07656da40581085!}

{!LANG-54504347e1ab36ddad66a6ff8fd52ca2!} {!LANG-d9c5954ef0f85f73d3b48088c40bc74d!}

{!LANG-bd3aaa6a17c863d259e14808dd023469!} {!LANG-13227e8d451ae5d5843368f09feb7375!}

{!LANG-803ea6e75e0fca9128b1614467381ec1!} {!LANG-d983c5b12bce11b402cc4779902e3f37!}

{!LANG-95eafd68230e79a25e6642816f25f5e8!} {!LANG-8123ffb43dbdadd390dbd38640e3bcc6!} {!LANG-f710e5402dadef905139932804d7f949!}

{!LANG-27052ec75e247a9f4a467bb72cf0f56d!} {!LANG-a2c934f59bf1c278ba62123ab67c0de1!}{!LANG-5a7f62491b2c5e3b4bc79860ec9c16d3!}

{!LANG-0f95ff72a397ecab52d00647d630a17b!} {!LANG-231aaab97e7b175295d6daf9237f2f99!}{!LANG-e8c6d78d294ea1593e370f89dbc9baeb!}

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{!LANG-f1643ea5dac18a744ea855e352d7e259!} {!LANG-fd75036ba2aaaf659800b5ece84041b4!}

{!LANG-f980791b4b1f8b89de50d46947050c8b!} & {!LANG-790844e2368523f47a1011f10e1de1e7!} {!LANG-5603da2f9831c5e451dc78625b5547a8!}

{!LANG-9fb417d0ba7db455052c34efa5301f97!} /2 {!LANG-2df7e835e50e1d71f0354fbc4065595a!}

{!LANG-f765c13897dbad0d0470b0df2658b713!} {!LANG-f497e6862b5b727251379911bd9a14a2!}

{!LANG-1de550b3b008401900245b4fdd731321!} {!LANG-53d2279b323c0027f8e8fe04054b23f6!}

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{!LANG-8c4d3f390838f6b77d595a42a55d6c1f!} {!LANG-7b0182ccecdfd7a2edd70ba86a5c1b45!}

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