Troubled time in fiction. Taken about the troubled Time of Take and Tale of the Troubles Time Platon

Troubled time in fiction. Taken about the troubled Time of Take and Tale of the Troubles Time Platon

The troubled time of the beginning of the XVII century. He marked the beginning of a new stage in the history of Russia. There were significant changes in society: a new ruling dynasty appeared, for a long time a negative attitude towards carriers of Western European culture was formed, the country was ruined. The consequences of the troubled time were taken over for decades, and yet it was impossible to fully restore the previous forms of life. The troubled has become in a certain sense of the frontier in the history of late-medieval Russia. People XVII century. Worried and interested in these changes in their lives, to comprehend which they tried through the evaluation of the events of the troubled time. In connection with this, the smoothie is devoted to a large complex of literary and historical works of the XVII century, the genre of which can be defined as historical journalism. This literature, created throughout the XVII century, is devoted to the events of the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries. And the first decade of the XVII century.

Some of the works about troubles are distinguished by the details of the presentation, the other image of the characteristics, but they are all united by the desire to comprehend the era of the recent past, so strongly influenced by the present.

The most popular of them are early essays about Smoot "The story, how to avenge all-seeing OKO Christ Godunov Spoligation of the non-clear blood of the new passion recorder of the Blesser Tsarevich Dmitrey Uglichivskago"And her later recycling" Tale, why delight the royal throne of Boris Godunov in Moscow ... "

"The story, how to avenge all-seeing OKO Christ Godunov spilling non-clear blood of Novago Passionerpits of Blagovevarnago Tsarevich Dmitrey Uglichikago" was drawn up in the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery One of the monks, which was an eyewitness of most events (with the exception of the overseas baudes of Grigori of Freakyev and several more episodes), which Posted. The work outlines the events of the end of the XVI - early XVII century. (before election to the kingdom of Vasily Shuisky), and the author not only does not hide his political views, but even passionately advocate them: the culprit of all misfortunes announced Boris Godunov - the killer of Tsarevich Dimyritia and the actual usurper of the royal throne. Compared to Godunov, even Grigory Freakov does not look a villain, although the author condemns him. A positive character of the story is the new King of Vasily Shuisky, with the name of which hopes are associated with the end of the Troubles. The work is written in a book language. The author himself declares that the chronicle of Konstantin Manasius took the story of the narration. Perhaps, it was literary advantages that provided this peasement of popularity in the historical writing of the XVII century.

One of the earliest literary works about the troubled time is the so-called "Tale of confusion from the article list", Which was drawn up immediately after the murder of Falsmitria I as a leadership for ambassadors to the Prince of Prince G. K. Volkonsky and Deca A. Ivanova, sent by the new king Vasily Shuisky immediately after the coronation. Description of the Coronation of the Shuisky, held on June 1, 1606 and the text of the work is completed. Apparently, at this time the story was composed. The text "Tale of the Smootment from the article list" reached the Actress List of the Embassy of the city of K. Volkonsky and A. Ivanov. By sending ambassadors to the Polish king Sigizmund III, Vasily Shuisky tried to establish peaceful relations with the responding speech. Hence the stories of sharp accusations against Falgestmitria I, which should justify his overthrow from the throne and massacre over it.

The works created during the Troubles are brightly pronounced publicism, which is expressed in their mutual influence: once they found a successful shape of the material supply is moving from text to text. This is especially clearly visible on the example of the genre of wonderful visions. People were so exhausted by the incessant military actions, robbery and murder that the end of disasters expected not from the government, but from divine intervention. In such an atmosphere, mystical moods are generally quite strong in society, manifested more often. The consequence of this vision has become a vision to various persons, in which the end of the Troubles and which were recorded and were drawn out in the form of independent works.

The first of these works that influenced the following "The story about the vision of a certain husband is spiritual." Protopopopa of the Kremlin Annunciation Cathedral of Terentia, written in 1606, in anticipation of the attack on Moscow, I. Bolotnikov. "Tale of vision in Novgorod" It tells about the vision of the Novgorod Wonderworkers with a certain monk Varlaam in the Sofia Cathedral on the eve of the seizure of Novgorod by the Swedes in 1611. Using the product of Terentius Protopopa as a source, the author of the Novgorod stories change its main idea. Terente tells about the vision of the "Some Holy Hut" of the Virgin and Jesus Christ in the Moscow Assumption Cathedral. According to the vision of the Virgin, the salvation of Russia rejoiled from Christ, the obligatory condition of which the universal repentance was announced. In the Novgorod vision of the Virgin, surrounded by the Song of the Novgorod Saints, for the sins of people betray the city in the hands of enemies. From this researchers conclude that the Novgorod tale has been written after the occupation of Novgorod by the Swedes. "The story of the vision in Nizhny Novgorod", also written in 1611, but even before the seizure of Novgorod, the Swedes (in any case, the author did not know about it), also uses the tale of terette as a source, introducing Nizhny Novgorod realities into the plot. In particular, it deserves attention to the appeal to the national unity in the face of enemies, which played a decisive role later, in the formation of the second militia. With the Nizhny Novgorod tag, the "Tale of Vision in Vladimir", similar to her in the plot; Only in Vladimir the Vizier was the woman who was the Virgin. Both stories, Nizhny Novgorod and Vladimir, were sent in 1611 by cities, being an integral part of the patriotic correspondence between the latter, which preceded the creation of the militia.

A number of writings was created after the end of the vague time, but their authors were direct participants in the events. These works should be attributed and chapter Chronograph editorial office 1617, and New chronicler, And some monuments of agiography (for example, "Life of Tsarevich Dimitri"). A special place is occupied by the author's writings in which attempts are being made to realize recent events. In this case, contradictions are smoothed, more neutral characteristics are given to some odious figures. So, much more restrained authors respond about Vasily Shuisky and his reign.

In addition, the Description of Troubles is used by the authors to express their political and ideological positions. One of these stories was written by Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Katirev-Rostovsky, which despite the relatively low rank of Moscow nobleman belonged to the highest nobility of Russia of that time. In addition to noble origin, I. M. Katyrev-Rostovsky was in his peculiar relations with the new dynasty: his first wife is the daughter of Patriarch Filaret and, accordingly, sister Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. The prince for the ranks was not chased, but served honestly, as far as possible with universal "fleece" in troubled time. In 1608, he still fell into disfavor to Vasily Shui and was sent to Voivodeship in distant Tobolsk, where he stayed until the end of the troubled. Thus, I. M. Katiew-Rostovsky was an eyewitness not all the events that he wrote. His story does not replete with emotional estimates, there is no recovery of small facts. Boris Godunov is generally given a positive characteristic, impartiality in relation to Vasily Shui is preserved. Grigory Freakov, no doubt, is derived as a negative hero of the story, but it is wonderful that the author accuses him for specific acts and actions. Despite the obvious proximity to Romanov, I. M. Katiew-Rostovsky avoids direct praise to Filaret. In this essay, written immediately after the end of the Troubles, there are elements of historicism, which allows him to take it no longer to journalism, but to historical prose.

An essay of the Smart of Prince Ivan Andreevich Twigovinin also reflects the nature and view of the author. Very young I. A. Rodvorinin served at the court of False Deadmitry I, he was in his favor, and then, after his overthrow, was in the opal. Further service I. A. Khullosnin was accompanied by periodic accusations in sympathy to Catholicism and Western European culture. Contemporaries respond about him as an arrogant, unpleasant person. Under to become the author and his composition, "the literacy of the days, the kings, and the saint of Moscow ...", in which I. A. Khullostin focuses on his own figure, and he tries to defeat himself in every way and emphasize their importance in the events of the University. In reality it was not so great. The event series in the composition I. A. Twigsovenin is represented by rarity poor, we indicate as an example that there are no dates in the text. Despite this, the central hero of the era, which, according to the author, was the Patriarch of Hermogen.

The work of Prince Seeds Ivanovich Shakhovsky is a treatise on Tsarevich Dimitri. The source of the treatise was the story of I. M. Katirez-Rostovsky. The composition of S. I. Shakhovsky brings together with "the words of days and the kings, and the saint of Moscow ..." I. A. Fullinina It is the literary component that the minimum number of facts mentioned in the text. The work consists of two parts: the life of Tsarevich Dimitria and the narration of Lhadmitry I ("The Tale of Some MNES, which he resigned from God to King Boris"). These parts are associated chronologically, thematically and literary. Throughout the Essay, the idea of \u200b\u200bRetribution Boris Godunov for his sins and the topic of humility, which is saving in any life situation. Before us an attempt to comprehend the historical experience of the vague time, to give a historical narrative of moralizing.

University described not only aristocrats, but also representatives of other segments of the population. From the works written by church authors, the most famous became " History"Kelary Trinity Sergius Monastery Avraamiya Palitsyn - an active participant in the events of troubled time. In the period of the siege of the Polish troops, the Trinity-Sergius Monastery A. Palitsyn participated in the composition of the diplomatic content, which were sent by cities and played a significant role in the union of society. In the" History " Trinity Keler tells about the events, well known to him: about the siege of the Trinity-Sergiyev Monastery. The author writes about his role in the protection of the monastery, emphasizing, like I. A. Khullostinin, the significance of his actions. At the same time, an essay by A. Palitsyn is filled with actual details , the dialogues of the acting persons. The author clearly sought to capture the historical process in all his diversity, and in this story "comes closer to the story I. M. Katirez-Rostovsky. It is important in the work of A. Palitsyn, awareness of the role of the masses in the historical process, in this As the historian turned out to be sustained its contemporaries.

From the order, Ivan Timofeev came out - the author of another well-known work about the Smart, the so-called "Temperature".

"Temperator" is written by a heavy vested language, testifying to the author's attempt to fake under the style of the church book, as well as that he did not own this style. I. Timofeev describes disasters, comprehended by Russian land, and, asking for the reason for these disasters, criticizes the internal policy of Ivan the Terrible and Boris

Godunov, who changed the "legitimate order" of reform, etc. Here, as in other writings created by the contemporaries of the Troubles after its end, is noticeably the desire to comprehend the events of the recent past.

A separate group consists of compilations based on the writings of contemporaries of the Troubles. Often they connect fragments of several sources that contradict one other in the estimates of events. These sources, as it were, "say different voices."

For example, in the 1630-1640s compiled in the 1630-1640. Text "Other legend" The narrative is carried out with the involvement of "Tale, how to avenged Oko Christ of Godnov, the non-clear blood of Novago Passionerpice of Blagovevarnago Tsarevich Dmitrey Uglichivskago" and the chronograph of the editorial office of 1617. In turn, "other legend" is widely used in the text of the chronograph of the editorial office of 1620

Compilation is the so-called "Manuscript Filaret", In fact, the relationship does not have to Patriarch (this unfounded attribution appeared at the end of the XVII century). It is written in the 1620s. On the column, as believed in the Embassy Order. Among its sources are the story of I. M. Katirez-Rostovsky and, presumably, the new chronicler.

New chronicle It was drawn up on 1630. He covered the events of the troubled time from the standpoint of Romanov and, in particular, Patriarch Filaret. Despite its name, this work is not a chronicle. It is divided into chapters, each of them is a complete narrative, in which the dates are present, but are not the main and indispensable part of the story. In the title of the new chronicler, there are words "degree of king Fyodor John," which suggests that the author or authors of the essay set the goal to continue the text of the power book, which is completed to the degree of Ivan the Terrible. The new chronicler was extremely popular in the XVII century, several dozen of his lists are known. The style of his narration significantly influenced the historical writings of subsequent time.

Smoothie occupied the minds of Russian people for the entire XVII century. On the example of the ages and testes about the troubled time, you can trace the process of turning our time in history, and journalists - in historiography.

Before us, a genuine historical document describing the troubled time

T n other legend

I give - I found

Without bills and adding

Read and judge yourself

According to God's will, and more by his humanity, in the summer, 7092 was praised, the sovereign of the king and the Grand Prince Ivan Vasilyevich, and the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich, the autocrat of all Russia, the month of March at the age of 18, was pressed. And after him, his royal root remained two armored branches, his sons - Tsarevich Fedor Ivanovich All Russia, and his smaller brother Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich All Russia, children from different mothers. The pious and Christ-predominous Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich, the sufferer, the tezo-generated Great Martyr Dmitry Solunsky, was born from Mother of Queen Maria Fedorovna Nagya. And his eldest brother Tsarevich Fedor Ivanovich All Russia was born from the mother of the Blessed and the Bogomudra Queen Anastasia Romanovna Yuryeva. In the summer of 7091 after the birth of the Blessed Tsarevich Dmitry, the pious and Christ-cheerful king and the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich All Russia, the father of noble Tsarevich, sick. And when the king has already completely exhausted, he ordered the noble children of his, faithful Tsarevichy Fyodor and Dmitry, a faithful friend, the ruler and goodness, a fattened boyarian, to Ivan Petrovich Shuisky, yes Prince Ivan Fedorovich Mstislavsky, and Nikita Romanovich Yuryev to them, our soves They brought up with all the care of their royal health. And soon he betrayed his soul to God and the Grand Duke of All Russia Ivan Vasilyevich and, leaving the Earth Kingdom, went to the eternal bliss of the heavenly kingdom. And in the grace of God, in the Trinity of the glorified God, after the father of his blessed memory of the Tsar and the Grand Duke All Russia, Ivan Vasilyevich, for his blessing and command, Tsarevich Fedor reigned and sat down at the excessive throne of the god of the stored Russian kingdom in the Moscow State in the same 92 - M Year, May Day on 1 day, for the memory of the Hieraemia of the Prophet, and became the king of the whole Russian state. And his younger brother's pious Tsarevich Dmitry after the death of his father remained in infant age, two years or less. He would not long stayed in the powers of his fatherland in the reigning town, and then with his mother was sent to the Russian power to the city of Uglich, where many grief and persecution from a person who was named Boris Godunov. After a short time, a cristed devil penetrated into the heart of one of the nobles mentioned above Boris Godunov. This Boris was a closure king and the great prince of All Russia Fedor Ivanovich. And Boris was likened by the Old Testament Snake that he had once abandoned Eva and our great-grandfather Adam and deprived them of pleasure at Gasy food. Also, this Boris began to impose many boyars and nobles from the Tsarist Chamber, submitted to the many bombing and rich merchants, alone attracted gifts, and other threats, as a snake hiss. And he saw himself among the royal synclith above all the worship, and began to enter the devilish ideas, and rose to his master, at Prince Ivan Petrovich Shuisky and his only begotten brothers. At all times, falsely hate the righteous and the devilish custom of this: barely passion will cover him, becomes a fierce of the brother. Such if it is good, it is still called evil, because bitter fruit, even the honey is anointed, does not become sweet. But, with God's help, he failed to hurt them any evil, and he himself brought shame and curse. And it became known to the National Assembly of 1 Moscow people that Boris plots against them evil, and they wanted to beat him with all their relatives without mercy. And Boris, seeing herself cursed and pursued by all people, resorted to tricks and again began to select the great boyar of Prince Ivan Petrovich and his relatives, Prince Vasily Ivanovich with his companion brothers, urged to live with him in harmony and promised that anyone on another evil Soviets do not advise and do not plot, and together to take care of the life and health of the royal majesty. And the Bogroli Prince Ivan Petrovich and his relatives, Prince Vasily Ivanovich and his brothers, like their grandparents, afraid of God and keeping their great faith in God and to the people of Nelfiecery truth, believed that the prudent Boris says the truth. After all, every kind of child believes to every word, and insidious, on the contrary, begins to reflect. These were kind of kind and believed him and put an oath to be love and kindness, as before. But Boris and after this oath did not fade the evil of his fire and wanted to acquire the glory above his measure, again began to delve into its mulk plans, what would be to create a dirtiff in, but even the flavors did not have to cause any evil a noble boyarian to Ivan Petrovich and his Relatives: They were saved by the wing of the Lord. And again, Boris rejected his cunning mouth and, as a snake, drowning his deadly poison, saying that this beloved boyar Prince Ivan Petrovich delivered the preaching about the people that he and his relatives are noger and no suspicion of Boris, then, In order, Boris did not betray the death of Moscow people. And they thought that Boris tells them to the truth without a villaness, and declared their own decision. And hearing that Moscow people stopped being angry with Boris. After some time, Prince Ivan Petrovich wished to inspect the royal awards and the womb of his progenitors, went to his warring 2, which in the vicinity of the city of Suzdal. And the dormant Boris, forgetting his promise and retreating from faith, seeing that it was convenient time for the shooting of the prince, sent his accomplices after the prince Ivan Petrovich and commanded him to grab him as if on the state of the command, from the Chamber of His Tsarist Majesty, sent him to imprisonment On Beloosero and there they worry him a violent death. And then his relatives, Prince Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky and his one-solente brothers, sent it into imprisonment in different cities, and their brother Prince Andrei Ivanovich sent him to the buoy-city and had commanded him to learn his violently death. Also overlooking many rich merchants to execute in the middle of the city, and they gave their homes to looted, and others sent to the sharpening for different cities, and many wives killed the children. Nota blood and tears did not fill in an insatiable womb and again collapsed on his Lords, on the princes and on the boyars, and many of the venels of various death betrayed, their number knows the same God, and no blood could quench his womb, which thirsty of glory. Oh, lutch hour! How not to shed good tears? And how can my hand write about this? The traitor will rise like Judas Iskariot on his teacher Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and that Boris is going to kill his sovereign Tsarevich Prince Dmitriya, which created the appearances of the holy holy bike. And he began to reflect the sideline that slave, as if him to snatch the God-in-chocused royal root, in every way to see the death of Miscellaneous to the pious Tsarevich, not wanting to leave the heir to their father's throne, herself wanting to get the kingdom. Forgetting God, the saving chosen elections, he struck insults and opposed this pious Tsarevich, more than once a deadly poison was sent to him, hoping to kill him. Tsarevich did all this with joy, knowing that the enemy power is powerless against God's power, and in everything he followed the humility of the Lord of His Christ, as he had to suffer from all, without any doubt, not forgetting said: "Nadya for the Lord, for he - Refidently from the grief, "and all the persecution was with joy. And that cherished slave, seeing all this, could not do anything, could not cause any evil with the pious Tsarevich and sent to the city of Uglich his advisers and servants - Dica Mikhail Bitshaigovsky and his nephew Nikita Kachalova. And they commanded it to cut off the tsarist young and perfectly bloomed branch, the faithful Tsarevich Dmitry, squeeze him as an uncooked ear, to bring the death of a kind of infant, to share him as a lamb. .. And they sent by envious Boris Godunov, came to Uglich, melting an evil intent and a different crime against the saint, who bother to betray the unhappy death of his godly Mr., and he was eight years old. But they did not leave their malice, secretly acting and seeking what they were commanded until they had reached the goal as the ancient Jews were going to kill the Lord of Christ, our God. And the slave-enlightened challenge, who raised his hand on his Mr., wanted to secretly kill this pious Tsarevich, and did not know what was said in Scripture: "Mountless, for the evil will be ruined by their hands." And the non-challenging young men who were named above began to wait for a convenient hour to bring the death of the Saint and Pious Tsarevich. And one day, as children usually make, the Holy Paths were played to play, and those malicious boys as non-compatible wolves attacked Saint 3, and one of them had extracted the knife, mercilessly hit the saint on her neck and cut the larynx. Forglessly destroyed his death as a kind of innumerable lamb, and then the wicked killers took a mess for the blood of the righteous: they were beaten by people of the city. The sole of the soul of the pious and mistaken martyr of Tsarevich Dmitry, waking up to the heavenly villages and to the throne of the Trislarity Divine, the unraded to and Divine and unthinkable and enjoyed (...). And his honest and sufferer body remained on the ground, the blood of blood, shining as if the sun. And it was found in the same city of Uglich in the Church of the Bogoly Transfiguration of the Lord God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ (...). And again, that Boris began in his heart with an indifferent desire to be desire and as if he was burning with a restless fire, he was thinking about all the days and nights about the holding of the Moscow state and the whole of the Great Russia, how and how to seize the royal throne and fulfill their desire without shame. And first began to cut off the Magicians and Strippers, collecting them from many countries and peoples and the royal name, leading to the Moscow State and the Question, whether he could achieve the throne of the royal and be the king. And they, seeing his great desire and in greater anticipation and joy introducing it, telling him that he was born under the royal star and will be the king of the Great Russia. And, saying, they took honor and great salary from him for a short time, then he inspired and secretly betrayed their death (...). And the year of the reference from the world in the heavenly dwellings of the Holy and Righteous Sovereign of the Tsar and the Grand Prince Fedor Ivanovich, All Rusia Fedor, the seventh thousand of 106 for 4 months of January on the 6th day, and his piping was from the unrighteous murder committed by the same Boris. Oh, how can I keep silent about it? If we silent, then the stones will be off. And this tree, bringing a noble fruit and planted with the hand of a harsh preserved God, the same Boris saddled, crushed, even until the very death. And both before, having a custody and jersey temper, boyars and royal advisers and nobles, and lubricants, and merchants, and all sorts of people trembled, some gifts, other love, and other evil prohibition, and did not dare none of the boyars or ordinary people . And so Boris, at the expense of the sovereign of the Tsar and the Grand Duzzy Fedor Ivanovich, All Russia began to send his evil advisers and servants to the reigning dear to Moscow and for all hundreds and for suburban and in all cities of the Russian region to all people to ask for the whole world State of Boris. Boyar, and the rulers and Velmazby, and the entire royal synclite, and the merchants, and the nationwide many Moscow states were afraid of Borisov's evil persecution and execution and internecine brave, and his supporters and advisers tried and, according to God's tired, no one bold against Boris and Words to say. And people who dwell by evil advisers and servants of Boris, although they did not want him to the kingdom, but they were afraid of his evil persecution and prayed it to the boyars and lords and nobles and before the royal synclith to take the Scepter of the Great Russia. And therefore those who were worthy of this honor were not solved to seek her, thinking that the people appeal to Boris on true heart love, and not unilles. He, and cristed, dumbfounded prone, for many years wishing that and seems to seem to be, and here it is also not although it does not immediately give up to persuasive and refusing it again, offered to elect more worthy. And he himself went to the great laurer of the Mother of God, built in the memory of the miracle of the Smolensk icon of the Maiden Monastery, and there he served his sister Queen Irina, already Inokine Alexandra, and many people asked him every day to accept the kingdom. He was ashamed and was afraid of his sister Inokini Alexandra, because she did not allow him to do so, for he knew how he had long wanted it and how he was shed for it a lot of non-clear blood of big boyars ruling in the Russian state and served his sovereign truly and right Also merchants and people have destroyed any other ranks. His advisers and supporters have forced people to pray and beat by friend Inokine of the great sovereign Alexandra and ask her brother Boris to the kingdom, and so prayed to Alexander in a nationwide many day with a great cry and cry. And the Great Boyars, originating from the silencer root, relatives to the Grand Sovereign of the king and the great prince Fedor Ivanovich All Russia and themselves who decent take the Scepter, did not want to choose the king among themselves, but they gave a decision to the will of the people, for they were so Honest, and Slavs, not only in Great Rus, but also in other countries. And even those who did not want Boris, did not dare to talk against him because of his evil and custody. As in Tsargrad, God's agreed Fokuer 5 killed the meek king Mauritius and captured the Greek kingdom, and now Boris in Moscow seizes the kingdom of the villaness and untidy. The collected many people to the honest laurel of Borisov's supporters were forced to pray to the Great Soviet of Inokine Alexander beat the brother and ask her Boris's brother's state, they prayed even more with the great cry of Inokine Alexander, in order to bless his brother's brother's brother. And so the people did not bother her for many days. The boyars and Velmes stood in front of her in the cell, while others were on the porch outside the window by the window, and many people stood on the square. Many were and unilles are given, and the order is laid - if anyone does not come to ask Boris to the state, from whether to demand two ruble a day. Many bailiffs, who forced them to scream their great screams and pour tears were attached to them. But where to be tears if there is no dignification and diligence and love for him? And they instead of the tears of the eyes wetted saliva ... And such a delicacy turned her to the mercy that, seeing the nationwide many diligence to him and could not hear and see many screams and complaints of the people, gives them to them, and put on the Moscow State of Boris. And people began to beat him again and pray Boris Fedorovich Godunov to take the Scepter's Scepter of the Great Russia (...). And the Patriarch, seeing the national diligence and the care of Boris, more than all wanted Boris to the state, and Borisov, supporters and kindness forced to this Patriarch Iova. And the Patriarch with all the consecrated cathedral takes the icon of the Major Virgin, written by Evangelical Luka 6, and other holy icons and power and on foot carry them there, where the people of Prayal Boris. He as if the coming of the image of Our Lady was ashamed, and accepts the Scepter of the Russian Power, and was married to the tsarist crown in 107, September on 3 days, and reign seven years. And during the reign of his great Russia, he began to strengthen himself and argue that he would stay a lot of days and years, keeping the Scepter of the Great Russia, and after him the kind of his Scepter to keep, and then many boyars and nobles I am scattered in distant and different cities and various evil deaths They are killing and eradicating the royal genus. Oh, brothers favorite! Do not be surprised to start, but look, what will be the end. Seeing this all-seeming underacted Oko Christ, as incorrectly captured the Scepter of the Russian region, and wanted to take revenge on the shedding of the unique blood of his new passion recorders, who was in the wonders of Tsarevich Dmitry and Tsar and the Grand Prince Fedor Ivanovich All Russia and others, unhappyly killed them, and the frenzy of his And unrighteous murders to appear and other supporters to show an example so as not to follow his cruelty. And therefore, the enemy, the remaining head of the burnt sodom and Gomorrah 7 or the unacceptable dead man, Chernytsa (according to the word of John the Dissaker: "Every Cherenets before his death will die, the coffin will be a cue") - the population of the Mushka of the Frepev, and the Russian region, From the city of Galich, from the Son of the Son Ortreyev, from the city of Yakovleva, as he himself, Boris Godunov himself. And that Yushka stayed after his father completely small with his mother and was led by the Divine Scripture. Having learned one watchman and Psalms of Davidov 8, he left his mother and began to turn in Moscow in the reigning town. And after some time, he happened to talk to the hegumen of the Assumption Monastery Trifon, the Vyatka region, the city of Hlynov, and that Igumen Trieph persuaded him to become a monk. And on the advice of that Ihuman, he tested into the night image, and he was named the name of Gregory, and he was then 14 years old. And he went to the city of Suzdal and began to live in the monastery of the monastery in Evfimyev, and the monastery came from that monastery in the same county to the monastery for anything, called the Kook. And I do not want to talk a lot about it. He lived, traveling, in many monasteries, and returned to the reigning town of Moscow and began to live in the miracle of the monastery. And according to the will of the rector of that honest Lavra, Archimandrite Pafnutiya was put in the deacon, the ordination of His Holiness, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. And wanting to search and comprehend with the diligence of the wisdom of the momeristic books, I fell into the luteuyu heresy. And when Moscow lived in the reigning town, he was known to many of the worldly people, also to the rulers and many inquars. And from the miracle moved to the abode of Nikola on the ultimate and began in his madness to crawl and fell into a lute heresy, as a mad aria was overthrown from height and with his wisdom came to the bottom of Adovo. And a little later, I left the Nikolsky monastery on the ugly and settled in Kostroma in a hostel monastery 9 John the Forerunner on the Iron Borca. And from there they came to Moscow again and then, leveled by the Orthodox Christian faith, were run away to Lithuania, and he prevailed to go with him two inkon - Chernyts Misaila Supina Da Cherketz Vlaraam. And the flight of his and elders was such: the elder of Varlaam, filed after the murder of the holding of the king Vasily Ivanovich, of Russia, the King Sovereign and the great prince of Vasily Ivanovich All Russia hits the brow and informs your sovereign the beggar mantis Barlaam. In the past, the sovereign, 110 -m to the great post, in the second week on Monday, I am, the sovereign, I was a barbaric sacrum, and a young car came up to me, and he, concealing a prayer and bowing to me, began to ask me: "The elder, from which you are honest abode? "And I told him that he had tonsured in old age, and the Christmas tonsions of the christmas of the Major Pafkin of the Monastery. "And who has chin, is there a wing, and how is your name?" And I told him his name - Varlaam. And I began to ask him: "What a honest monastery you and what kind of chin do you have and how is your name?" And he told me: "He lived in a miracle monastery, and Chin I have a Dyakonsky, and the name of me Grigory, but on the nicknamed sinks." And I told him: "What do you need a jam and Smirny Freakyev?" And he told me that his grandfather was jammed, and Smirnaya - Uncle. " And I told him: "What do you care about me?" And he said: "I lived in the miracle monastery from Archimandrite Pafnocya in the cell yes, I folded the praise by the Moscow Wonderworkers Peter, Alexey and Ion 11. Yes, Patriarch Iova lived, and Patriarch, seeing my abilities, began to drive me to the royal duma, And I entered the great glory, but I don't want to not only see the glory and wealth, but I want to hear, and I want to move to the distant monastery from Moscow. And there is a monastery in Chernigov, and we will go to that monastery. " And I told him: "You lived in the miracle of the Patriarch, and in Chernigov you cannot get used to you, because I heard, the Chernihiv monastery is not a great place." And he told me: "I want to go to the Pechersk Monastery in Kiev, and in the Pechersk Monastery, many elders have saved their souls." And I told him that the Catema Pechersky 12 read. Yes, he told me: "We will live in the Pechersk monastery, let me go to St. Grad Jerusalem, to the temple of the resurrection of the Lord and to the coffin of the Lord." And I told him that the Pechersk Monastery abroad in Lithuania, and it is impossible to go abroad. And he told me: "Moscow Sovereign with the king took the world for twenty-two years, and now it has become simple, and there is no pump." And I told him: "To save the soul and to see the Pechersk Monastery and St. Grad Jerusalem and the Merrian Coffin, - Let's go." And in that, the sovereign, we swore the Christian faith that we went, postponed to another day and appointed a deadline to fall in the icon row. And the next day they agoned in the icon row, and Chernet Mikhailo was still sedmented, and in the world called Mikhail Covadin, I knew him with Prince Ivan Ivanovich Shuisky. And we went for the Moscow river and hired the vehicle to Volkhov, and from Volkhov to Karachev, and from Karachev to Novgorod Seversky. And in Novgorod, he agreed, and we were accepted into the Preobrazhensky monastery, and the builder 13 Zahariya Likharov put us on the closer 14, and that Deacon Grishka for Annunciation with Popami served lunch and for the icon of the Muskoy. And on the third week, after Easter on Monday, Ivashka Semenova, the retired senior, went to the Starodube, and went to the Starodubsk, and the walking Ivashko spent us abroad to Lithuanian land, and the first Lithuanian city, which we passed, was Loev Castle, And the other is a love, and the third - Kiev. And in Kiev, Archimandrite Elisha received us in the Pechersk Monastery, and three weeks lived in Kiev, and the Grishka wanted to go to the Kiev Voivoda to the prince of Vasily Ostrogsky, and Evhisa Pletovenetsky took over from Britia and from Archimandrite. And I spoke Archimandrite Elisha and Brachia about him and beat the brother that he was going to live in Kiev in the Pechersk Monastery for the sake of spiritual salvation, and then go to the Holy Grada Jerusalem to the Lord of the Coffin, and now goes to the world to the prince Vasily Ostrog and wants a chant Reset, and he will steal, and God and the Mother of God lied. And I was spoken by Archimandrite Elisha and Britia: "Here de land in Lithuania is free: who wants in what faith, in that and dwell." And I beat my friend Archimandrite and brethren, to allow me to live in my Pechersk Monastery, but I did not give me archimandrite and breeds: "Four-de-de-you came, four and leave." And they came to Ostrog, the prince of Vasily Ostrog, this prince of Vasily in the true Christian faith is. And we have lived in his summer, and in the fall of me and Misaila Kovatin Prince Vasily sent to his Bogomoli, to the Dermansky Monastery of the Life-Great Trinity. And Grishka came to the city of Goscheyu to Panu Goskom, yes, in a sophisticated, a nightly dress threw out and became Mryyanin, but he began to study in the School of Latin and Poland, and Lutaurant, and became an apostate and violator of the laws of the Orthodox Christian faith. And I, sovereign, from the monastery traveled to the prince of Vasily and the prince Vasily Beil Brom, so that Prince Vasily ordered him to return from Goschini and do in the old Chernets and Deacon, and would love him to send it to the Derman Monastery. And Prince Vasily and all his yard people told me: "Here is such a land - as who wants, that in that faith and dwells." Yes, the prince said to me: "Son de My Prince Yanyush was born in the Christian faith, and he holds the Lyash faith, and he did not take it. And now-de Pan Krakow in Groschee. " And the Grishka in his geekhee also walked, and after Easter from Gachedya disappeared and found himself in the city of Brother's city of Prince Adam Vishenetsky and called the prince of Adam Knyazz Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich Uglitsky. And the prince Adam, the Bringer and Madman, Tom Grishka believed and began to carry it on the chariots and on the horses, accompanied by people. From Brushn, Prince Adam went to Vishnevian and he took him to the Gryachka and he brought him to the gland Pan and called him Tsarevich Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Uglitsky. And in Vishnevtsy he has a mushka desperviv lived summer and wintering. And after Easter, Prince Adam sent the Grishka to Krakow to King Sigismund, and said Prince Adam about him the king, as if he Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich Uglitsky. And the king of him to his hand called, and he began to choose him, calling himself Tsarevich Dmitry, the son of the Blessed Sovereign of the Tsar and the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich the whole of the Great Russia autocrat. And the Mushka himself began to cry and king say: "Did you hear about the Moscow Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich All Russia, how was it great and grozen, in many states was Slary? And I am the son of his native prince Dmitry Ivanovich. And as God's court, our father in the Russian state did not become, but remained at the Moscow State of the king brother Our Fedor Ivanovich All Russia, and our traitors exiled me to Uglich and sent many thieves and ordered them to damage me and kill me. And God's Magicia and His Strong Design of Covering Us from their villainist intents, whoever, to betray evil death, and the merciful God did not want to fulfill their malicious thoughts, and it was inspiring me in force and retained for many years, right up to the current age. And now I, induzhnav, with God's help I think to go to the throne of my progenitors, to the Moscow state. " And speaking, this sheds many tears. "And it was you, a merciful king, you can intelligible: as soon as your holop you, or your brother, or your son will kill, what will you be in those pores? We know about this, what is today me. " And much more spoke to him and told. Yes, the same was told the king and called Grishk Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich the Uglitsky of the five brothers of Quirrum, and Parsushka, the man of the East of Mikhnev, and Ivashka Schwar, and Ivashka, what brought us abroad, and Kievans, Posaly men. And that Grishka with Prince Adam Vishnevetsky took over the king in the Sambor. And I told the king about Togo Grick that he was not Tsarevich Dmitry, Chernets, he is called Grishchoy, but a nickname of mercy, but she walked with me from Moscow together. And the king and the wovers of Radhe did not believe me and sent me to him, to the Grishka, in Sambor, to the governor Sandomirsky to Pan Yuri Mniecu, and the leaf wrote to me. And how I was brought to the Sambor, and the lastrant of the Grishka with me was a dress in the night removed and commanded me to beat and torment. Yes, the Mushka began to talk and tell about us, about me and about the son of Boyarsky Yakov, Palocheva, as if we were sent from King Boris in order to kill him. And that Yakova Palocheva, that stripping and the Sandomirian governor ordered death to execute, and he, Yakov, and before the penalty, called him with a grivy grivy. And I, beating and tormenting me, ordered to challenge into the shackles and throw to jail. And August on the fifteenth day, that listing went war to Moscow, on the await of the Major Virgin, and I ordered to keep in prison in Sambor. And I kept me in Sambore for five months, and the wife of Pan Jurya and his daughter Marina resulted me and gave me freedom, and I lived in Kiev in the Pechersk Monastery. And in 113., for our sins, God's easiest, and the devilish wonders, and his enemy of God, damned from the entire Universal Cathedral, the heretic of the Griska is the excretion of an evil mind, taught from the devil, as he, heretic, came to Moscow, and I Was in Kiev in the Chernihiv monastery. And about that, the sovereign, asking Pan Yuri Mnishek and his daughter, how he comrade my Jacob Palochev ordered to execute, and how I cavalus, left in Sambor, and how I was released by the wife of Yuri Mnishku with my daughter, - about all about that Yuri Mnishek and his daughter Marina and all his yard people. " This legend here is the end. Let's return to the leaving and told about the collection of trishkoy troops and about his campaign to Moscow. Lithuanian people and Zaporizhia Cossacks found out about this in Kiev, that Dmitry's genuine Tsarevich, the native son of the Blesser's sovereign of the king and the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich, the entire Great Russia, the autocrat, from his traitors I was visiting and from their villainists, because they wanted to betray his angry death, disappeared , I lived with no one to the male age, and now I was already matured, and it seeks to go to the throne of my progenitors, the Moscow state, and the king himself has already been truly truth, and the king promised him to support and help him to master the Moscow state. And all, considering it true Tsarevich, joined him. And then Russian Cossacks from Don came to him in Lithuania and returned with him in the winner to Pan Adam Vishnesetsky. And after some time, he wanted to see the king, and finding him young and valet, recognized in him the genuine Tsarevich and promised him to help him. And he, cristened, promised to give the king of the Russian region the city of Smolensk and all the other cities of the Seversk country even to Mozhaisk, and be with him in the same faith. And the Lithuanian king for it ordered to convene free people to help him. And he, the dropped, sent to Pope in Rome, and called himself Tsarevich Dmitry, and commanded the Pope to ask for help to get the Russian state, and promised to the Roman dad to accept their Roman faith, calling her right faith, and the Orthodox Christian faith would also take care of God's church ruin, and instead of churches to put the churches. And on these promises, Pope gave him gold and silver and other values, and the Lithuanian king gathered so many troops as he needed. Yves 112 August at 15 a day, the grimal moved to the Russian limits of two roads: from Kiev across the Dnieper River, and others walked around the Crimean Road. And in 113, November on January 26, approaching Moravsk, began to send the Scriptures and delight the enemy charm, we manage and teach Satani himself, in Murom, in Chernihiv and Kursk and in other cities, grants and orders and every servant, and All merchants and trade and black people, calling themselves as follows: "From the Tsar and the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich, All Russia in every country of Voevodam. God's will and his firm to the desire of Cussed us from our traitor to Boris Godunov, who wanted to betray evil death, and the merciful God did not want to fulfill his malicious thoughts and me, your inborn sovereign, the God was invisible strength and kept for many years. And I, King and the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich, now entered the mature age and with God's help I go to the throne of our progenitors to the Moscow state and on all states of the Russian kingdom. And you would, by birth belonging to us, remembered the Orthodox Christian true faith, the crusal kissing, on what the cross of the Father, our blessed memory kiss and the Great Prince Ivan Vasilyevich All Russia and to us, children, that they wanted good to us in all and except Our royal kind on the Moscow state of another sovereign does not want and not to look for. And as God's court, our father and brother did not become on the state, and the slander and violence, Boris became the king on the state, and you didn't know about us, my degenerate sovereign, and the cross was kicked by ignorance. And you now learn us, your sovereign Sovereign, and from our traitor Boris Godnova, go to us and in the future we are already, sovereign to our born, serve without deception and good, like our father, blessed memory, the sovereign of the king and the great prince Ivan Vasilyevich All Rus. And I will begin to complain of your royal mercifully custom and even more, and to keep in honor, and all Orthodox Christianity want to contain in silence, alone and in graceful life. " And people in those cities are in Murom, in Chernigov, in Kursk, and in the Komaritsky parish, and in Putivle, and in the street, and in the Starodube, and in Roma (...) No one began to fight him: wherever it came , Everywhere he was rector of the fortress gate and provided him with approving worship and brought her gifts, which were put on tsarist majestation. And the other of his army, which went through the Crimean Road, the city of Narev, Belgorod and other many cities and the village attached to him. And that Grishka went to the new Seversk city of 15, and in him the Voivpends Prince Nikita Romanovich Trubetskaya Da Peter Fedorovich Basmanov, and they did not want to give up, but they prepared a weapon. And he began with the army to approach the city and beat out of the guns and from the scene in the city mercilessly, and broke the fortress to the earthen shaft. And the governors and citizens sitting in the fortress, seeing the destruction of the fortress walls, came up with a cunning thing: they began to beat him as a person and the mercy asking for the reason that they were defended against him, and now they learned the inborn sovereign; Stop work, breaking the fortress, put your own and weapons before you, and now they are ready to turn the fortress to you and we will meet you, like all others. And he, having heard it, was glad and commanded shooting the fortress to stop shooting. And the deposited secretly prepared shields and instructed the guns and were singing, and the sabers were raised, and all the weapons were prepared against them, and they themselves, like wolves, lay down under the shields and disappeared at secret places, and opened the city gate. They, not knowing this, as if wild hungry beasts for prey, hacked each other in order to enter the city first, and they were closely, pushing each other. And rather running them into the fortress, the besieged began to beat around the army, like on the wall, from all weapons, and as if the bridge under the walls of the city and at the gate was hung out of people, and the gate was closed, and from those who entered the fortress, some beat And others took live, and they killed them up to four thousand, others, seeing it, ran away. And the Mishka is the balance, seeing their efforts and a similar honor from the townspeople: instead of the crosses and the images of a spear and saber, instead of Cadyl - guns and squeaked, instead of a bunnored incense-powder smoke and SMRArad, instead of sweet fruits tasted cannon and chores And the deadly poison - and so Pogani was marked with a shame and anger and again commanded to begin to the city. And the townspeople are even more ospells and, as if one heart knew everyone in his chest, they got to fight and fought tightly with them. They, standing under a hail, there were a lot of goals, but did not achieve anything. And the king Boris, I hear that Grishka Lestridge calls himself Tsarevich Dmitry and many cities go to him without a fight, but stands under the new Severskiy city, - and sends the Voevoda from Moscow to Grad's revenue, Prince Fedor Ivanovich Mstislavsky, yes Prince Vasily Ivanovich, yes Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Shui and with them many of the governor with many troops. When came to the city and began to help the deposited, and the army with the army agreed. As two clouds filled with water, there are dark before the rain is shedding to the ground, and those two troops, taking place to shed human blood, covered the earth, wishing one thing to overcome. And both happens in the heavenly clouds, and in the earth clocks sounded the roar of the hearth, and the fire as zipper sparkled in darkness dark, and the air whisters whistled and arrows who flew from countless onions, and people fell like sheeps on ravines. And two troops came together, and there was a great singer, quietly, they had enough hands, and there was a cry and noise from human voices and such a roar of weapons that the land trembled, and it was impossible to hear that one tells another. And the battle was terrible, as in the Don of the Grand Prince Dmitry with Mama, horror and fear, this battle was full of horror. And Grishka with cunning prepared for battle: Many of his people and horses were rolded in the bearish skins and in sheep skins, turned inside out, from other horses on both sides - braids, and they cut people in cramped and make a lot of evil. And the horses of the Moscow troops from those horses were excluded and did not go to the enemy. And they began to kill and overcome the confusion even more, and so the Moscow army was mixed, and in this confusion, many people were broken, and they reached the very voivodsky banner, and the human bodies were laid down by the bridge, and human blood flowed in the earth, And heavily wounded the very voivido of Prince Fedor Ivanovich Mstislavsky 16. And so his Grishino's army overclocked, and Borisovo's army ran (...). About the second battle in Dobrynichi 17 and again does not sleep bloodthirsty lion, with his beasts, as on the marriage feast, strives for bloodshed, lap by Christian blood and eat human flesh, collects regiments of military people. But these Moscow Borisov governors are not afraid of his teeth, but even more boldly oppose him and with the brave hearts are rapidly, to take revenge on him for the spilled Christian blood. Both clear falcons on gray ducklings or like white cream clean the beaks to peck, and sharp claws to stall their flesh, and their wings are painted, and the shoulders prepare for the murder of bird and the Christian chases of the Orthodox faith, go to the armor of the governor with Christ With his army against Satanina and the beloved demons of his military, take into hands the weapons and shields and call on the help of God and the most the Mother of God, the Christian intercession and the assistant, and the Moscow miracles and all saints. And began to converge in Dobrynichi under Komaritsky parish; A few days after the first battle, both troops lined up, and there was a second battle, more cruel than the first. They sought each other to overcome, and much many people fell on both sides, as the trees were inclined or how shens were lying around the ravines, and none did not want to retreat from the other, but everyone wanted to hit another one, and killed each other. It was terrible and terribly to see it, there was a great and cruel battle, and a lot of blood was shed. And the Moscow Voivode Prince Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky could not see the blood shed, rushed out with a heart, and cleverly and bravely with her right hand rushed to the army of Satanina and, having divided him, as the grass, tilted the opposing, and those who were afraid of death , ran from him and freed him the way. With a left hand, Ivan Ivanovich Godunov also showed his courage: the brave and courageously attack and beats the enemy, as the streets cut down, no one against him stand. So the other governors and heads could not resist, firmly and unanimously performed and crumbled all the army, and those showing his back, ran. And they drove them and chopped them without grace, and a lot of them beat them and they took many of them, and there were few of them. And the most tracked prince Ivan Tatev took to the city of Rylsk, and from there he fled to the city of Putivl. And if his prince Ivan Tatev did not save, he himself would be killed here. But for our sins, he was survivors to again shed Christian blood and defeat the Tsar Boris. And the tractable grunger of frews even more fear and a great trepid was losing and, having lost all hope, began to think about shooting in Lithuania. And the king Boris filled the rage and anger on the residents of the Komaritsky parish 18 and commanded her great captivity to capture and empty until the end of the fact that they were betrayed and serve as a balance, and in place all Orthodox Christians and to launch a sword, and other torturing various torments that And it was fulfilled. And who, even having a stone instead of the heart, did not cry and did not groaned about how the Orthodox Christians were conquered by the king of King Boris? And the foam in secure peoples can not do what the king Boris did, pouring his anger and rage, with many torments without mercy, and killed not only husbands, but also wives, and innocent babies, sucking milk, and broke all the many - from man and to livestock. And their property was looted, and their homes were ruined and burned with fire, everything turned into ashes, so the unprecedented evil capture is impossible to describe. And when the Mishka Lista wanted to flee into Lithuania, all the townspeople and all the people who conquered him began to pray with tears and ask him: "Oh, the great sovereign! Are you going to go back to Lithuania, and who leave us? Or give us into hand to the traitor to his Boris so that he will also captivate us, like the Komarinsky residents, and a lute and bitter torment climbed us? It is better for the order himself to cut off our heads, but do not betray us alive in the hands of Boris. Oh, we have suffered a great trouble! From one shore sailed, and the other shore did not reach and now stand in the midst of the sea puchin. I'm very dying: I retreated from Boris, and you could not hold for you, we do not know what to do. We have only one way to salvation: do not let you go, yes to beat Brovia and your head for our guilt. " And Grishka answered them: "I don't have the troops now, you see," everything is broken, barely ran away, and all my treasury exhausted. I don't think at all about running and leave my stepfather, but I want to go to Lithuania for the treasury and the army, so that with more power to fight for the Orthodox states of His penny. " And they told him: "Take, the sovereign, all that we have, and after we will go with you, but everyone will die or get life and honor from you." And he suffered all the silver, who had since: who is a thousand rubles, and who is a hundred who are more, and who is less. And the Grishka with the help of that silver barely retained; It was on his own will, and now the unilietes were forced to stay, because his new subjects did not want to part with him alive. And again the Grishka sat down in Putivl and began to collect the army, where as much as he could. And the king Boris was quite a few of this. And in the city of Chrome, the Cossack Ataman Griska Korela 19 was seated with the Cossacks and Cromroyans. And King Boris sends his governor into the chrome, Boyarina Fedor Ivanovich Sheremetyeva, with a big army. And they, taking to the city, the fortress were besieged and began to storm the walls, but the defenders of the city have broken a lot of troops and a lot of christian blood shed. And Tsar Boris still sent a governor - Prince Fedor Ivanovich Mstislavsky da Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Shuisky with a big army to rather take the city. And the governors gathered troops and bravely and courageously fell on the fortress, beat out of guns in the city and around the city and all sorts of trumpeted tricks were used and the urban and the city was smashed to the ground. But those Cossacks, crumpled and insidious, not afraid of death and recalcitrant and in all kinds of deprivation were patient, were sitting in the lands of terrestrial and led the battles with precipitated from under the ground, but satisfied the ribs from the city. And so, no chance to take cities, Moscow governors stood under the chicks until spring. And then a lot of people in the troops died from winter jellows, as the time was very student and terrible frosts stood. And King Boris in the Moscow state and in other states and hails of the Russian power ordered to convince people to the Holy Patriarch Jew and a noble boyar and the governor to Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky, because their blessed memory Tsar and Grand Duzu Fyodor Ivanovich All Russia sent to inspect and betray the earth the body of the killed burglary Tsarevich Prince Dmitry Ivanovich, his brother. And they commanded them in the whole voice to preach during the argument of many people of the Moscow state, saying this: "Oh, the nationwide many! Do not doubt or believe the rumors, because True Tsarevich Dmitry was killed, I saw him with my own eyes and even buried him in the city of Uglich in the church of the Bogoleste Transfiguration of the Lord God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ, and you pray for it. And it goes onto us to the banding Grishka, called his princess name, and you curse it. " And according to states and hails sent diplomas. But people did not believe anyone - neither the Holy Patriarch, nor the prince of Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky, and so they spoke to each other: "It is de on the orders of Boris and fear so they say so." And ordered the king Boris in the Cathedral Church loudly read the eternal memory of the burglary tsarevich and the great prince Dmitry Ivanovich, and the lastrant of the Grishchieva, coming to the Moscow State, curse; Also ordered both the states of the Great Russia. But I didn't achieve anything, and people in the whole Russian state even more in their hearts indignantly and angry at him, saying: "If not that, what else remains to speak Boris? If he does not say that, he will have to refuse from the Russian kingdom, and the life of his risk. " And so supported each other. Others were different, as if Tsar Boris was truly true and until now Tsarevich killed, but he doesn't know what another was killed in him: Long having learned the evil thoughts of Boris against Tsarevich, that he wants to secretly kill him unknown where and what time is mother Tsarevich a different child was fed instead of Tsarevich, and Tsarevich himself was sent to faithful people to compliance, and God him was so removed from the murder and Earring Borisov, and now he matured and goes to his ancestral throne. And wishing him to arrive in Moscow, when they learn about his victory over the Moscow troops of Boris, they rejoice when they find out that Moscow troops won the expected Dmitry going to Moscow, then go to grief, pouring the head. And Tsar Boris slanders whispered about those who said that Dmitry goes, and not to balance, yes, he and genuine balance brings with him and shows him so that people were not doubted. And for such their words, King Boris commanded cutting languages, and others to betray death with many different torments, but could not prevent the people to lead these conversations and hope. And heard Boris that his governor did not return to him, but even more cities fall away from him and swear, the Grishka himself stands in Putivl, the great army collects from Lithuania and from other states, filling the fury and breathing anger as an invalible Echidna, boasts and wants to come to King Boris, but not as a king, but as a servant. And King Boris, seeing the infidelity of all people, that Dmitry's approaching self-spinning Tsarevich is ready to serve and wait for him, he was in a great doubt, thinking what to do if the impostor would indeed be not an absorber, and Tsarevich Dmitry. And at all desperate to save his life and sipped himself with a deadly potion 20 and tumbled into the monocarbic rank and was named Bogolep in the inquach. And soon, from Lita, the poison died bitter and violent death, so that his appearance had changed from convulsion, and the whole body as coal was smoked, and it was impossible to describe what he became from a fierce potion. And commanded to bury himself in the Cathedral Church of Archangel Mikhail with other kings, buried here. I died in 113, the month of April at the age of 13, and after him the wife of His Queen Maria remained, and his son Fedor, and the daughter of His Maiden Ksenia, king also stayed for 7 years and five weeks. After the death of Boris in the Moscow kingdom, the Son Fedor was called by the sovereign, and he sends to the regiments to Prince Fedor Mstislavsky, Dmitry Ivanovich Shuisky and calls them to Moscow. And instead of them, the prince of Vasilya Yes Prince Ivan Vasilyevichi Golitsyna, and Mikhail Saltykov, yes Ivan Ivanovich Godunov, remained with voivpends. And he sends to them in the regiments Voevwod Prince Mikhail Katyreva-Rostovsky da Peter Fedorovich Basmanov, and Metropolitan of Novgorod Isidor to bring the army to the king kissing kissing Fedor Borisovich, and his mother of His Mary, and sister his Ksenia. And they arrived in the shelves in chrome, where Metropolitan began to bring the army to cross kissing. Other in the shelves kissed them the cross, and others did not want to kiss others and sent Metropolitan to Moscow. Moscow Governors Prince Vasily Yes Prince Ivan Vasilyevichi Golitsyna, yes Peter Basmanov, seeing doubt and confusion in the shelves, and they died from confusion and cities, and they themselves doubted and believed that the balance was the native son of the sovereign of the Tsar and the Grand Prince Ivan Vasilyevich All Russia and remembered About merciful to them of the Blessed Memory of the Tsar: "Didn't the Sneak and a non-Salad man from the villagers, the Mushka Listrague, would have time to start this case? And not without intent, the Polish and Lithuanian king helps him, and Russian people with cities pass under his power, and the whole Russian state people do not want to stand against him. Yes, it is better for us in your own will, than unilles to obey him, and in honor we will. And if the unilies, it will also be with him, but with dishonor, judging by the events of recent time. " And so reasoned and among themselves agreed to stick to the list, and Borisov to change his son and drive away from his troops, and this contract was firmly approved among themselves. And they were joined by many Novgorod and Ryazan children boyars. So everything happened, and in one day two troops lined up on the battle, taking into the hands of shields and weapons. And Prince Vasily Yes Prince Ivan Vasilyevichi Golitsyna, and Mikhail Saltykov, and Peter Basmanov, with all his shelves, quickly went ahead of all, and with them children boyar and nobles lapunov with other children of Boyari went as if on the battle. And all the others stood and looked at those who boldly crossed the enemy coast of chrome and with enemy troops peacefully joined, and they missed them through their army. And when the named Moscow governors passed, and again Ataman Korela with his Cossacks and with the residents of Kr. Everyone was struck by a single spirit for the remaining Moscow army and everyone plunged him into confusion, because the courage left him at the sight of the governor and brave troops who connected from them . And everyone desperate in their hopes, turned his back and ran. And the opponent drove them, but not the sec running, knowing that they were sent by the king by the king Boris, and they robbed them, but instead of sash and murders beat them with their whores and continue challenged with the words: "And henceforth, do not go to battle against us! " And they caught their Voyage Ivan Godunov and sent Grishke to His chief to Putivl and joyful to lead to him were sent to the transition on his side of the Moscow governor called above. And Ryazan children of Boyars with all the cities and with the villages their ocea passed to him. He, having learned about it, refused great joy. And Ivan Godunova ordered to plant the dungeon, and the Moscow governor ordered to lead to cross kissing. Other governors Tsar Boris - Prince Mikhail Katiew-Rostovsky Yes Semyon Suitodas ran with this news to Moscow. And the listing is filled with even greater audacity and feels the proximity of the fulfillment of his desire and writes to the reigning hail, the mother to all cities, to Moscow, to learn the devil, father of any lies and flatter, delight all the sweet words, as if honey. As in ancient times, at the beginning of the world, the devil prevented Adam's Rhodonarchists and Eve to disappear from the paradise of life and brought death to human genus, and now teaches the aspiration of his balance; The glorular of the world of this breeding prevented his disappear from the Angelic China and from the kingdom of heaven and choose the depression and death and with his other people to bring into death. And first, such a beauty was bitten by the people of the Moscow state: "From the Tsar and the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich, all of Russia, Mustislavsky, the prince of Fedor Ivanovich Mstislavsky yes prince Vasily, yes Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Shuisky, and all the battles, regional and nobles, and so workers, and Strankim, residents, and ordinary people, and devika, and nobles, which are from cities, boyars, and guests, and commercial and middle and all sorts of black people. You kissed the Cross of Blessed Memory Father our, the great sovereign of the king and the great prince Ivan Vasilyevich All Russia and us, to his children, so that out of our kind of other sovereign, no want and not to look for a Moscow state. And as God's court of our father, the great sovereign of the king and the Grand Prince Ivan Vasilyevich All Russia did not become, and in the Moscow state, our brother, the great sovereign King and the Grand Duke Fedor Ivanovich All Russia, and the sovereign, my mother Tsaritsu and the Great Princess Inokin Martar Fedorovna All Russia, and we were sent to the Great Situations to Uglich, and so our Majesty was implanted that it was not enough to do it unnecessary - sent many thieves and told damage to us and kill. And the merciful god of us, the great sovereign, from their villainic intents was covered and since then until the current years, Whea retained his own. And you, the Boyars of our and rounded, and nobles, and orders, and guests, commercial and all people, our traitors told us, as if we were, the great sovereign, did not bode us, the great sovereign, in Uglich, in the Cathedral Church Especially ads. And as the will of God's brother of our, the great sovereign of the king and the grand prince Fedor Ivanovich All Russia, did not become, and you, not knowing about us, a born sovereign of your own, kissed the cross to a traitor to our Boris Godunov, not leading his malicious lava and fear that With a blessed memory of Brother Ivanovich, he wanted all the state in Moscow with the Blessed memory of Fyodore Ivanovich, and Kaznil whom he wanted. And about us, the born sovereign of your own, did not know, but thought that we were killed by the traitors. And how about us, the great sovereign, went hearing around the Russian state, that with God's help, the great sovereign, we go to the Orthodox throne of our great sovereigns, Russian kings, and we wanted our state without blood, and you, our boyars, our And the governors and all sorts of servant people, against us, the great sovereign, became the ignorant and fearing from the traitor of our death penalty, but about us, the great sovereign, not dare to speak. And I, the Christian sovereign, in my royal merciful usually in the fact of our anger and opals do not hold, because you did it on the ignorance and fear of execution. And now we, the Great Sovereign, for the throne of our progenitors, the great sovereigns of the kings of Russian, soon with God's help, we will come, and with us many rati Russians, Lithuanian and Tatar. And the cities of our state, our tsarist Majesta, finished themselves and did not stand against us and the cross kissed, remembering their souls and the cross kissing to us, the great sovereign, serve and against the traitors of our brave and courageously want to stand, but they also know about it. And the Volga cities we, the Great Sovereign, finished themselves and the governor led to us, and the Astrakhan governor Mikhail Saburov, with comrades, lead to our royal majesty, and now they are on the road on Voronezh. And the prince of Issherki wrote to us from the Big Nogai Horde, and from Kazaev Ulus Murza, that they want to help our royal majesty. And we, the Christian sovereign, not wanting a Christian ruin, did not tell the Nogai people to go to our decree, sorry our state, and told Nogai people to wadden under Tsareva Grad. And the traitors are our Maria Borisov's wife, and her son, Her Fedor does not regret our land, and there was nothing to regret, because they had someone who had some kind of schompani, our Seversk land and other cities and the counties were broken and the Orthodox Christians were broken without guilt. But that, the Christian sovereign, in blame for you, the Boyars of our and serviced people, did not put, because you learned that by ignorance and fear from the traitors of our death penalty. And it was too pleasant to know what the impact from the traitor of our Boris Godunov was to you, the Boyars of our and Voivators, and the relatives of our reproach and dishonor and dishonor, and the impossible impossible to you, and you, nobles and children to tolerate Boyarsky, ruin and links and flour unbearable were, what the prisoners should be made nonsense; And to you, guests and commercial people, and in the trade of your liberty there were no in duties, which is a third of your property, and not everything is selected, but also to temper the malicious in the same way. And in the wines of their own, you still do not recognize our own sovereign, you can't know, but you don't remember the righteous God and want to shedding the blood of innocent Orthodox Christians, which is not only for us to do, - and ingenians about your ruin will grieve And they are painful and, having learned us, the Christian meek Merciful sovereign, they serve us and do not spare for us. And we, the Christian sovereign, not wanting to see in Christianity the bloodshed, write to you, sorry you and about your souls, so that you, remember God and Orthodox faith and your souls, on which the blissful memory of our father, the great sovereign of the king and the great prince Ivan Vasilyevich All Russia, and we, Chadam him, the cross was kissed, and the great prince Dmitry Ivanovich, All Russia finished themselves with a friend and mercy to ask for our royal majesty, and the Metropolitans and the Archbishops, and the Boyar, and the Duma, and the Duma, and the Children's Children and Children , and guests, and the best people. And we, the great sovereign, in our royal merciful custom, please all of all of you, and you, the Boyars of our and the governors, honor and increase in teaching and by your definitions, you will regret you, and we will also add to your honor. And you, nobles and orders, in our royal mercy want to keep. And you, guests and commercial people of the entire Moscow state, please regret in duties and in serve, Job in benefit and relief to teach, and all Orthodox Christianity in silence and alone and in graceful life to teach. And do not achieve the brow to ask our tsarist Majesty and the grace will not ask, and you can judge that you are responsible on the day of the Righteous Court of God, and from the righteous anger and from our royal high hands are nowhere to be saved, not to cover you in the womb . And with God's help, we, the Great Sovereign, the Pressengers to seek our own states. " And the Messengers - Gabril Pushkin and Naum Pleshcheev - come with this diploma of June 1, and the diploma was read on the frontal place in front of the whole set of Moscow people. And when Moscow and all Russian people heard this message, they believed that all this was true that the Lord Saved Tsarevich from Borisov Earlings, and believed that he was a born of his Christian faith Tsarevich, and about Boris Genitly knew that the kingdom stole the kingdom and countlessly shed uncultivated Christian blood, seeking that great state. And they rejoiced to that great joy, the god raisy glory, and there was a great and crying in them, and it was not to disassemble who he says. And calling each other, rushed to Tsar Fyodor, Borisova Son, and on his mother and for all of them and without mercy began to rob themselves and fish themselves, and in the blink of from everyone they were robbed, the property and they themselves were captured, like a strong storm dispelled They are as dust. And Moscow boyars and governors, and nobles, and other royal approximate, seeing the actions of the entire people of the Moscow state, and they shields and spears and, easier to say, all weapons are thrown and meet Tsarevich under Tula; And everyone falls to the land in front of him, calling him his native son of the deceased king. And with battle, he, a member, did not take a single weight of 21, not the fact that the city's insignificant. And in those places there was no one who knew him, and the old man named Leonid, that he walked with him from Putivly and called him the grivy, and many showed him in Lithuania and in Seversk Earth, on the order of the impostor was planted in Pative For some kind of guilt. And again from Tula in the surrounding cities that there is in the Russian region, the messengers are sent with diplomas, and in grades it is written: "From the Tsar and the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich All Russia, in which the city of Voevodam and Deaka is named. God's will and his strong desponder who saved us from our traitor to Boris Godunov, who wanted to betray us, the merciful God of his malicious thoughts did not want to fulfill me, your inborn sovereign, saved his fate. And I, King and Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich, All Russia, now matured and with God's assistance he sat down on the throne of our progenitors at the Moscow State and in all states of the Russian kingdom. And in Moscow and in all cities of the boyars, our and regional, and ordinary people, and devils, and nobles, and the children of Boyar, and all sorts of ordinary people of our entire state and ingenians to us, a born sovereign, the cross was kissed, and we granted them, guilt They were forgiven. And how will this grades come to you, and you, data from the birth of subjects, remembering the Orthodox Christian faith True and the crusal kissing, on which the cross kissed the father of our, blessed memory by the sovereign of the king and the great prince Ivan Vasilyevich All Russia, and us, children His degenerate sovereign, the cross kissed. And you would be the centuries, and Sagittarov, and Pushkari, and collars, and Poskov, and the parish, and black people led to cross kissing, and all kinds of foreign people led them to their faith. And on what the cross is kissing and all sorts of people to the cross lead, and we sent you a record kissing with this our diploma together. And however, we will give any people to cross kissing, and we will regret them with the great royal salary, which you can not even think about. And who exactly will lead to the oath, and you would write about and the name lists would send us to Moscow, but indicated where it is written, in what quarter and to whom it is written. Summer 7113, June at 11 days. " And such a devilish intent and a lie, not by his mind and mind, but acting a flattened spirit, he deceived not only a boyars and any people of the Great Russia, but also the king of the Lithuanian land and all Panov and His dear. And so that heretic went to the reigning hail with a great audacity and without the slightest fear. And he sent his servants ahead of himself and commanded the executioners to betray the evil death of Borisov's wife Maria and her son Fedor, the souls of them from the body will turn around, and the daughter commanded alive to leave her beauty to enjoy her, which happened. You see, my beloved, what a cum will be waiting for the unjust lawlessness: what measure measure, the same measure corresponds to them, and what bowl of others fill, the bowl is drinking themselves. Oh, the depth of delusion, overshadowed by the darkness of the builders of the Babylonian pillar 22, was divided from them the whole world. Oh, blinding, oh, his frenzy, oh, many eyelas, oh, great ignorance, oh, delicacies of hungry and the estates of vigorous and thirst for high thrones, oh, daring and unauthorized cross kissing and oath! How I forgot and how didn't the death of my days on this rapid about the wrong light, as he wants to have a time for a short time, which will quickly bring to us, have time to enjoy? Where is Glory High Up? Where is his spouse and favorite children? Where are the christierechy draws? Where are light meals and fastened calves? Where do he serving slaves and slaves? Where is precious clothes and shoes? Where is the other royal utensil? Who can his wife and Chad take away from the executioner? They erected their eyes there and here, and they did not find an assistant anywhere, they were in extreme poverty and were strangled, Lyuto and without mercy met death. And that heretic Grishka admired the wonderful and glorious, in the swelling shining as if shouted, the great hail of Moscow, and entered it in 113, and the month of June at the age of 20, on Thursday, and no one stopped him. And then, that heretic is not his mind and want, but according to God's will, for it does not fit the shields and robbers to be with the righteous, commanded that the above-mentioned Holy Holyness Boris from the Arkhangelsk Cathedral from the royal ancestors to throw away with a shame on the square. And everyone saw that here he was the same Boris that before the fearful great trees, as if kiparisa, and squeezed the unimusted sickle with his many other trees, like flowers or leaves of the fig tree, and where he now lies like a beggar on a shame. And the heretic Grishka commanded him and his son to bury him in the worst Women's monastery, called Warsonofiev. And then entered the Kremlin, where the royal chambers are located. And many Moscow people who know him began to recognize him, and God helped the above-mentioned first-granddaughter by Boyarin Prince Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky to learn about the bill of exposure and his god aimer eresie. And he became loudly his bill in all of all people to expose 23, while saying: "I know you that you are not the son of Tsarev, but a law-premium, stripping, Grishka Bogdanov Son Frepeva." And people, hearing these words, were in surprise and in horror, and no harm did to him. And that puffy heretic, so as not to be impaired in a shameless lawmaking, conceived with his advisers to betray his death. And on a Saturday day, on the third day of his entry into the reigning town of Moscow, June on the 23 day, planted that Boyarin and his native brothers for bailiffs, and the next day, on Sunday, June on 24 days, put the Patriarch of Ignatia Greek. And on Monday, June on the 25th day, commanded that great boyar shuisky in the middle of the grade of death to betray, cut off his head with a sword during the coating of the whole people so that others were afraid to expose him. And in bailters he had Mikhail Saltykov, and Peter Basmanov. When he led him to a fire (Red Square. - Sost.) And put it, and nearly installed the fell and put secrets, and Peter Basmanov began to ride among the people, read the list compiled by the listing and inspire everything in the ears like this: "This great boyar Prince Vasily Ivanovich Shuysky me, inborn to your sovereign to the king and the great prince Dmitry Ivanovich All Russia, changes and everyone speaks unkind speech about me and disgraces me with all of you, with our boyars, princes and nobles, and with children, and with guests, And with all the people of the Great Russia, calls me not by Dmitry Tsarevich, but the heretic Grishkoy grisch, and for the time we condemned him: yes will die of death. " Nevertheless, people standing here were fear and trembling performed, and tears flowed from their eyes. And around Boyarin Prince Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky was set by many firemen with many weapons, as well as many Panov Lithuanian and Cherkasov with spears and with sabers, also around the city, all the Sagittarius were armed, as if on the battle, and all the worshi and horror see . But the human-loving creator, our and the creator did not allow this creation to happen and regretted his creation, wanting his passion from the ruin of his bride - the church, and for the suffering, adopted by him for the truth, glorify him and put on everyone, as the Lord himself told his righteous mouth: "We glorify me to glue." And delivered the Great Boyarin from the unrighteous sword raised by the lawmaker, and saved him from the unhappy death, holding the snake, ready to grab his hole. And he only commanded the above-mentioned Boyari Prince Vasily Ivanovich and his native Brothers Prince Dmitry and Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Chuisky in different distant cities sent to imprisonment, and their homes and property commanded to plunder. And in the imprisonment, the great boyars stayed half a year, and they were injured for the love of Christ, for the true Orthodox Christian faith. And July on the 18th day, on Thursday, the Queen of Inokin Marfa Fedorovna arrived in Moscow, and the boyars of the Moscow state met her with honor, and that Grishka Sberlev himself was with them. And after, seeing Bohrin Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky courageous twinge and broke up with spiritual fire and heartily desire and trying not to give him in courage, many of the Christian inkoms who wish to die for the true Christian faith and for piety, on the action of the Holy Spirit, they saw their hearts that Grishka References is a heretic and a lawmaker, and began to shout loudly to shout loudly during the crossing of the people and expose his damn heresy, while saying: "Oh, men, Moscow people and many of all Orthodox Christians! We tell you the truth that the king now reigning in Moscow is not the king, not the son of the king, but the law-premium and the listing, the damned heretic, who was first in the Holy Cathedral and Apostolic Church of the Most of Honest and Nice Assumption. . And he, cruel, unpacked by evil fire of rage on Navadnaya Satan and wanted to destroy them, and ordered them to grab and many different flocks to betray them, and many commanded themselves in the dungeon in the distant sides of the Russian region and claim them to the iron, but another execute without mercy . And filled the hearts of people with fear and trepidation, so that those who have known him for a long time, could not raise an eye on him, not what to expose him. And soon, in the same 113 year, July, on 1 day, on Sunday, the cursible was cloigned by everyone and began to create a lot of evil to Orthodox Christianity in the reign hail. And so disappeared from the Orthodox faith, the ancient lawmaker, Satanin and the Forerunner, as the image of God, and the Altari of God's churches wanted to ruin, and monasteries and monastic dwellings to destroy, and compose to the Orthodox Christian faith with a disappearance of faith, and instead of God's churches to build churches . And he began to live, like other heretics of other nations, and wanted to force Orthodox Christians to worship idols, and many young nuns desecrated, many details and maiden crushed, and among people began his great crying and sobs, because there was never such a misfortune. And in this short life, he gave himself fun, and for his future life - the sign of the eternal housing, who either in the Russian state, nor in other, except underground, no one in the world saw: a huge hell with three chapters 24. And on both The sides attached copper bell tapes to his jaws, and when he spreads his jaws, from the inside of him on all those who stand next to the flame, and the loud sounds are heard from his larynx, and has teeth and claws, ready to grab, and the flame is also breaking out of his ears. And put his damned listing opposite his chambers in the Moscow River to the glory, so that he would look at him from the highest palace to him and be ready to adopt into his infinite centuries together with his like-minded people. And I took my wife from the Great Lithuanian Lutheran to the Lutheran of their Basurman Faith, as well as he, the scientific evil and the wizard wisdom, the daughter of some Sandomira Pan Yuri Mnishek, the virgin named Marina. And with her, leaving their estates in the Lutaurant region, came to the Russian state and her father, Pan Yuri, and with him there are a lot of other great Panov. And that appearances married in 114, May 8 months at 8, on Thursday, on the feast of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, on the eve of Friday and on the eve of the memory of the Miracle Miracle, Nikola. And immediately after the wedding, the list raised the Great Storm and began the persecution of Christians, and changed the Christian faith, and on Roman custom began to observe Sabbath post 25, as the Roman dad promised, and there was beef and other unclean food on Friday. And he conceived that the appearances of the boyar and guests and guests and all Orthodox Christians of May on the 18th day on Sunday, with his evil advisors. Oh, bad was us in 114, May 18 months, on Sunday, on the day of Christ the Ascension! He wanted an aggravated wolf and unlikely, like Fock Pader and Konstantin nerve and Julian apostate or as Pharaoh for the Israeli people, to make a sword to cut out without the rest, Orthodox Christians, and without any guilt blood our shed to turn that joyful day Christ's resurrection on the day of grief. And he wanted the holy places to desecrate, and the monasteries turn into the dwellings of the wicked, and the young inkon and Inokin in their evil plan wanted, the dropsy, marry, and Inokin to marry, and those inok and Inokin who would not want to remove an angelic image and not Wishes the delights of the most rapid tool life, execute the sword. And all this evil, the popyanic ideas will create on Sunday and put the Moscow state by the Pogannee - Lithuanians, Jews and Poles and other bad things, so that Russian people will not be noticeable among them. And with those evil advisers going to all this evil to teach on Sunday. But I inspired our slaves, Vladyka, the Creator and the creator of our slaves, did not forget that I promised us, and Uther our tears, and did not allow an evil beast to eat the sheep of his selected herd, and did not let the days of his thirteen resurrection in an insult to her Slaves, but his, evil snake, spoing the mouth to swallow us, served as a Saturday's day to turn on the day of eternal death and on the day of luckless crying and sobs in the endless century. And God sent the Lord his sharp sword on his neck and on his advisers, filled wicked, according to the Scriptures: "The digging pit will fall into it." And that the appearance of the lawyer, who wanted to live in ancient malice, in the abuse of launch, on the Lona at the sealing Satan, and even more - following his predecessor Judas, intending to surpass himself to Satan himself, called himself not only the king, but also invincible Cessera and soon With all the brief glory of this world, I deprived myself, with all sorts of torments, a malicious soul monster from a gloomy his body. On the tenth day after his wedding, 114 years old, May 16, on the fourth day, after Christ Easter, on Saturday, he was killed by swords and other weapons, on the ground is automatically from the highest brightened his drawings with the hands of many people who were before him Living and looking could not be, not what to touch him. And so was thrown out of the fortress and thrown into the trade, by all the cursible and poppy, and all the way deserved for his evil and cruel temper. And the Creator-deliverant invisible by his strength, O Our Creator defeated His advisors, the great many mentioned above for malicious wicked wicked people. And Russian people, desperate and unarmed, with God's help, their deadly weapons were taken away from them, armed, won. And so many of them, wicked, on that Sabbath day died that in all the streets of the great hail of Moscow due to their corpses it was impossible to pass. And we, the sinful slaves of their own, got rid of the great who kill the soul of deadly ulcers. And three days lay on the body's corpse of the Okayannogo Burning, and everyone looked at his unclean corpse, with anyone who was not covered with naked, how did his mother come out of his womb. And the idols, which he worshiped, but did not help him, were put on his chest. And after three days, the dropsy was thrown out of the city in the field. And on his corpse, annoyed for a shame, not only people were disbanded to watch, but the Earth itself, from which he was taken, was bent. And we saw all this, and everyone said: "Oh, evil business: Born, enlightened with holy baptism and called the son of the world, and now he wanted to become the son of death!" And when he was lying in the field, many people heard at midnight and the most roosters are loud screams and tambourines and swirls and other demonic playing over his body: so Satan was happy to come his servant. Oh, so hard curse on you, Okayann, that the earth bends to take your damned heretic body, and the air began to breathe a rain, and the clouds did not give rain, not wanting to wash his mural body, and the sun did not warm the earth, frosts hit and Have deprived us wheat ears while his stench body lay on Earth. God's will and prayers of the Major Mother of God to born and with the help of the great wonderworkers of Peter, Alexey and Jones and all the saints we, Orthodox Christians, the whole Russian land chose themselves to the kingdom from the royal chamber of advisers to her husband of the righteous and pious, relative of the former faithful kings, the Grand Duke Vladimir 26, set in the Holy Baptism of Vasily, Blessed Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky, Boyarin Prince Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky, which before everyone suffered for the Orthodox Christian faith. And was naschen to the kingdom in the same 114 year, May 19 months at 19 days, on Monday. Our Creator Auditer God, who does not allow its creations to evade his customs and persecute on the hungry death of all people living on Earth, the slaves of their own, pointed out to his servant, wearing a cross and a declared sovereign to the Cure and Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich, the whole of the Great Russia and the dealer and The owner of many states given to him by God for his faith, so that the evil heretic-balance to plunge into his house called above, in the hell built to them, and burn the badly damned body of the law-term, which was done: it was burned on the spot, called the boiler, In seven versts from the city. And according to God's will, the sovereign our king wanted to see the precessive relics of the Blesser Tsarevich Dmitry Uglitsky in the Bologospasable Grade of Moscow. And he sent a sovereign to the Uglich for his honest relics of his Bogomoltsev: High-ended Philaret, Metropolitan of Rostov and Yaroslavl, Feodosia, Bishop of Astrakhan and Terek, Archimandrite and their boyars - Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Vorotnsky da Peter Fedorovich Sheremeteva 27 with comrades. And when his honest relics brought to the precessive Lavra of the Holy and Live Trinity and the Wonderworker, Sergius, and Archimandrite and the priests and deacons of that fair monastery, having to have sacred clothes, with Cadyls and other brachia with candles met his precessive and multi-purpose power for the fence with joyful Tears and sang in front of them worthy gravestone psalms. And for some time, the relics stayed in the monastery, in the Cathedral Church of the Blessed and Library Trinity, and again they were worn to the reigning historia Moscow. When the procession has reached the horizontal grades of Moscow, Moscow people, men, wives and children, also met the power with joyful tears and everyone, falling for his cancer, asked mercy. And they made power to the domestic city and put them on a high place called frontal, and then many miracles were made by those who asked themselves with faith: blindly covered, chrome began to walk freely, humpbed straightened and the deaf began to hear. And everyone, which ailments either had, to cancer it with my relics and gets healing. And then honest and funnitic power were moved to the church of God's ArchReart Mikhail, where we see them to this day, and give healing to everyone who comes to them with faith. And two weeks after his adulsion on the kingdom 28 Sovereign King and Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich, All Russia, the autocrat was married to the royal crown and the diadem Scepter of the Russian Earth. And God created the Lord in the whole Russian land to Orthodox Christians a triple joy: the first, crushing the god of his apostate, and our persecutor, the heretic Grischik, the second - giving rain and solar warm for fertility, the third, more than all joys - the transfer of honest relics of the new martyr Tsarevich Dmitry from the town of Uglich to the glorious Great Great Highland of Moscow, his name was called that the lawmaker Grishka Freakov, and granted the Lord to the martyr grace and ability to file healing coming to his crawling, the cure of all ails, unsparing health. And from these days, the meeting of Russian Orthodox people, having fun and rejoice in God's visit and the deliverance, which God gave all the people to her. Oh, great God's humans! Oh, ingrowed and unknown by his fate! Who knows the Razumion of the Lord and who is his adviser? It is truly nobody, nor angels, no archangels, nor the bombings, nor the lords, nor the thrones, or the dominance, nor the heavenly forces, nor the cherubs nor the formidable seraphim, but only the one in the Trinity the glorified God, he himself follows human destinies and everything Creates as it wants. We, the slaves of Christ, Cornish worship the original, Slavimoma in the Trinity of God to our God, for all this, I praise the Lord of Christ, so speaking: "Glory to the one wisely to the life of God, that a little punished us, but a lot of pardons, got rid of us from Death and granted life. That named above the damned heretic and the law exploit directed his sword to destroy all Orthodox Christianity to the end, and we could not interfere with anything, but he himself died and became the son of death; Died and former with him, who loved his evil custom, more inappropriate light of eternal life, not coordinated with flour or orders, but in their will those who had obeyed him. And we all know that the Inkocks and the Mijanians, whom the Okayannoye Hehetic tormented and betrayed death, died in the Orthodox Christian faith. And the other brothers our Inqui still remained alive, and those now together with us are spiritually working to the monastery of the Blessed and Life-giving Trinity, and others in the monastery of the ArchReart of God Mikhail, the Wonderworker Alexei in Chuda. And such troubles and oppression and suffered, but the grace of God was not rejected, and everyone is happy about their sufferings, they are sworn and thank God and the most the Mother of God and a new passionwater, which appeared in the Russian region, Pazarevich Dmitry. Now, all Orthodox people, rejoice and having fun, always praise and satly of the original narrow god of our, who granted us on a haweling will of their such pious sovereign of the king and the Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich, All Russia, a dealer, a true intercession and a shepherd of his verbal sheep, and not Mercenarm: And so puts his soul for the sheep during our grief and dying, and not only their wealth, but also did not spare herself, and now keeps the true Orthodox Christian faith as Zenitsa Oka, and leads everyone and instructs him on the path of salvation, So that everyone in death inherited eternal life, and not leads us to death, but I'll tell you more - drives out of the perception. And for this, I glavise God, created us. Amen. And I thought up, a multi-sized and disorder God and a weak reason, write this story, not by rumors, except for the stay of that heretic and the mushki lawmaker in the Lithuanian land, but everything that happened in the Russian state, then everything saw with their own eyes. And he could not keep silent about such evil, wrote for benefit reading this in our days and for memory in future times to future people. And the other, plotting evil and plowing his evil laws - to humble their temper and abandoned such evil plans. The damned mushka reigned and captured a lot of estates in the Russian kingdom and soon herself rich, and soon he died, and did not remain from his wealth even a small shirt for the burial of his shameless body. And other ignorants secretly souls are lying on the fact that they follow the books prohibited by the holy fathers of seven universal cathedrals; They were commanded by these books not to read, because they do not care for them do not acquire, only immerse the ship of their soul in the puchin of sins, as Scripture says: "Through a stone up - breaks his own head; The growing fire - he will burn himself in it. " Moving, about a person, as the doctrine, which is stated in Divine Scripture: "If a person and the whole world will master, and his soul will lose his soul, and what will he get instead of his soul?" You see how this evil and cunning moance has acquired the whole world, and I lost my soul - and what kind of good praise and glory got? At the endless century, he died with his soul and body with all his triggers and deprived himself with this brief rapid-auction life. And you, shameless, why are you doing all this, leaving the hopes for the mercy of God and calling for help from Satan, not finding any help in this disease? First, understand that there is a person and what is your birthday, and think about how you will be before the righteous judge, judging by the fear of the person, - by Christ our God? And preparing a path to where the darkness is a pitch and unattricible worm, try, can you be able to dear heat in this life? And if you can, then you do not extend the future of the restless fire, this flame is such that rises from the ground to the most heavens. The sinless man and the Son of Human expects a worm, his house is hell, and his bed is darkness, and his father is death, and his mother and his sister - a dextion. How can you imagine that in mind, it's not that in life to retreat from the grazing of God to evil and stick to Satan and the Devil, and seal your mentor and the keeper - God's angel? And if, a dismissed God, you will not refuse an evil life, indeed, I tell you, you will suffer in this and in the future century, like a damn heretic Grishka Ruffle. And the grace and the world will be with the Spirit of your, brethren, now and are confused and forever. Amen. Comments 1. "And it became known to the National Assembly." "We are talking about the Moscow uprising. Heir. In this case, Boris "plucked evil" against the "National Assembly", and the requirement of Shuisi undermined the position of Godunov - the brother of a childless Irina. Boris managed to cope with the Regulations, concluding a temporary agreement with Shui and executing the instigators of unrest - merchants F. Nagaaya and some blue "from comrades". 2. Prince Ivan Petrovich ... I went to my victobin. - I. P. Shuisky left Moscow at the beginning of 1587. The disappearance with Shuyski was caused by their participation in the Moscow region of May 1586. I. P. Shuisky got into the spring extension 1587 and November 16, 1588 was strangled by smoke on Belozer. V.I. Shuisky, the future king, was sitting in Opal in Galich (1586 - 1587). On May 8, 1589, A. I. Shuisky was killed. 3. Eminent young men attacked the holy .- If you literally understand the author, here the "young men" named Sovereigns of Dyack Mikhail Bityagovsky, who served in any case from 1578 - 1579. And in 1591, formerly in a forty-year-old age. Obviously, there are other "young men" - not only the mentioned Nikita Kachalov, but also the son of Deca Daniel Bityagovsky, Osip Volokhov and Danila Tretyakov. All of them were torn off by the people on May 15, 1591 on suspicion of the murder of Tsarevich. About events in Uglich are differently told the documents, a story about Smoot, foreign observers and after them - modern historians. Many scientists still share the government version of Dmitry's suicide in the epilepsy seizure (such as historian P.G. Skidniknikov). However, a recent study of A. A. Zimina quite convincingly showed that Tsarevich became a victim of a conspiracy, perhaps directed by Godunov. 4. The seventh thousand 106 year. - In Russia, an account of years up to 1700 g was conducted from the creation of the world, as these Byzantine chronicles did, who took the date of the creation of the world on September 1, 5508. Bent of christmas Christ. Consequently, the Byzantine 7106 g translated into the Julian calendar began on September 1, 1597 and ended on August 31, 1598 G. 5. Focus Povier. - The Byzantine Emperor in 602 - 610. Captured the power, raising the uprising against the emperor Mauritius. 6. The icon of the Major Virgin, written by the evangelist Luka.- This is Vladimir Icon of God's Mother. According to legend, she is written with the icon of the Evangelist Luke. In the XII century The icon of the Vladimir Mother of God was brought from Byzantium to Kiev, in 1395 at the news of the approach of Timur from the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral moved to the Moscow Assumption Cathedral. Now - in the State Tretyakov Gallery. 7. He's head from the burnt sodom and gomorra. - In the Bible Book of Genesis described the Kara, which the Lord subjects the city of Sodom and Gomorra: the inhabitants of these cities were mired in Sodomskogo sin, "and shed the Lord in Sodom and Gomorra Rain sulfur and fire ... Cities Seia, and the whole neighborhood of this, and all residents of the cities of this year, and all the growing land "(Gen. 19, 24 - 25). 8. Chapel and Psalms of Davidov. - The chapel is a book where the daily church services of watches, semi-suit, morning and evening are set out. Psalms Davidova - Psaltry, a service book, where, along with David's Psalms, the most common prayers and cyanuses are given. 9. A hostel monastery. - a monastery, where the property of breeds is common and all spiritual and economic issues are disposed of Cathedral elders led by Igumen (Archimandrite). 10. Barbaric crushes. - Crossroads - Crossroads. The barbaric crescent was located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe modern street of Razin, not far from the current square of Nogin. 11. Peter, Alexey and Ion. - Russian Metropolitans, found to the Lick of Saints: Peterved by the Department in 1308 and the Died in 1326, Alexey, who managed the Russian Church from 1348 to 1378, Ion, delivered in 1448 and waspired in 1461 12 . Peter Pechersky. - Collection of legends on the founders of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery and its first devotees of the XI - XIII centuries. 13. Builder. "Here: a trustee, a guarder of order, the abbot of the monastery. 14. Krylos (pollos) - in the church it is so called fenced in front of the iconostasis place for singers. 15. Grishka went to the new Seversky Town. - In October 1604, the Border City of Moravsk surrendered to the impostor without a fight, and after a minor skirmish, Feltmitry recognized Chernigov defenders. The Novgorod-Seversky garrison consisted of 1,100 people, in December 1604, the Moscow army came to the revenue. The impostor failed to reverse the resistance of the detachments of Godunov and, removing the siege, sent his army to Sevsk. 16. Heavyly wounded ... Fedor Ivanovich Mstislavsky. - The extensive edition of the discharge books clarifies: "Sechens on the head in many places." 17. On the second battle of Dobrynichi.- The self-director approached Dobrynichi in early January 1605 and was broken. The author of "other legend" notes the merits of Moscow governors I. I. Godunova and V. I. Shui, but the wounded F. I. Mstislavsky played an equally important role in the battle. In the extensive explanation of the discharge books, there is an eloquent explanation for the results of the battle: "It is discussed by 11,500 people's broken people." 18. Tsar Boris filled out of rage ... on residents of Komaritskaya parish. - The Komaritskaya parish of the Sea County was palace, that is, the ownership owned by the king, besides, at Fedor transmitted to the management of Boris Godunov. Consequently, Boris was both a sovereign and Baris for residents of these places. This circumstance allowed G. M. Pisetsky to offer a witty hypothesis about the connection of the described uprising with the famous "Komarinskaya" ("Ah you, Sukin Son, Kamarinsky man, / didn't want to serve their Barina"). Boris answered a betrayal of the Komaritsky parish with a punitive expedition, distinguished by an extraordinary cruelty: in the parish "nor a cole, nor the yard," wrote Isaac, - and they hung men behind the legs on the trees, and then burned, women, blasting, planted on hot Frying frying pan, also planted them on red-hot nails and wooden stakes, the children were thrown into the fire and water, and they sold young girls "for a snaps. 19. And in the city of Krona sat down ... Ataman Grishka Korela. - S. F. Platonov wrote that "the fate of the Godunov dynasty decided under the burnt walls" Chr ". The detachment of F. I. Sheremetyev deposited chrome from the end of 1604. The main Moscow army approached the city in March 1605, but it was not able to take the internal "Ostrog", disastrically lost combat capability and, having switched to the named Commune Fedor Borisovich, after three weeks he got together under the banners of the impostor. 20. Put himself with deadly potion. - Boris died on April 13, 1605; The news of his suicide fully corresponds to the anti-Godunovian pathos "Tale of Kako Avenge", but it is hardly possible because Boris could not not foresee the terrible consequences that his death will have on his loved ones. So it happened: his wife and son were killed, and the daughter, undergoing abuse from the impostor, was tonsured and exiled. 21. I did not take a single weight. - The whole is the north-Russian word, which denoted the village, the village. 22. The descendant of the builders of the Babylonian pillar. "According to the biblical legend, the tribes of the Patriarch of Patriarch novel in the Sennar valley (the place of the future of Babylon) and wanted to build a tower to height to heaven to glorify themselves. The Lord punished them for pride, scattered throughout the earth and mixing their languages \u200b\u200bso that one did not understand the question of another (life. II, 1 - 9). 23. And he became loudly his ... Low.- The described heroic behavior of the Shuisky is far from real events: Shuisky, suspected in treason, tearfully died at the church-Zemsky Cathedral on June 29, 1605 And the next day - on the Red Square), for which it was forgiven the impostor. 24. Huge hell with three chapters. We are talking about the mobile fortress on wheels built in the winter of 1605/06 by order of the False Deadmitria I and the Moscow-River installed on the ice. Dutchman Isaac Mass compiled the most detailed description of this fortress: "She ... was very skillfully made and the whole was painted; Elephants were depicted on the doors, and the windows are similar to how the gates of hell are depicted, and they had to erupt the flame, and below were the windows, similar to the devils, where small guns were set ... Muscovites nicknamed her (Fortress - Sora.) Crop Hell, and after the death of the Dimitria, whom they called the Corrod, said that he had a trait there ... "25. According to Roman custom, the Saturday's Saturday's Catholic Church began to observe as a Lount Day, the Orthodox prescribes to fast on Wednesday and Friday and talk on Saturday. 26. Relative ... The Grand Duke Vladimir. "Through the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod Great Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich Shuisky led their own Rod to the Third Son of the Grand Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich (Alexander Nevsky's native brother), and from him to Vladimir Monomakh and Prince Vladimir Kiev. 27. And sent the sovereign to Uglich ... Peter Fedorovich Sheremetyeva. - Error: Sheremetyev called Peter Nikitich. 28. Two weeks after his adherence to the kingdom. - Vasily Shuisky was adolent to the kingdom on May 19, 1606 (lane. A. I. Plygovov) The text is provided by publication: University in the Moscow State. Russia in the XVII century in the notes of contemporaries. M. contemporary. 1989 © Text - Plygovov A. I. 1989 © Network Version - Thotmar. 2004 © OCR - Murdasov A. 2004 © Design - Vointekhovich A. 2001 © contemporary. 1989.

Dyack, author of the famous "temporary" about the events of the troubled time. According to the erroneous assumption of P. M. Stroyev, it was considered a long time by Jacot of Novgorod Metropolitan, but prof. S. F. Platonov on the basis of new research sets, ... ...

Chronograph English - - a chronographic arch, providing worldwide and Russian history and known in several editions created throughout the XVI-XVII centuries. The author of the first fundamental study of X. R. A. N. Popov believed that the first (oldest) of him ... ...

Platonov (Sergey Fedorovich) historian. Born in 1860; At the end of the course at the Historical Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg University, read the Russian history on the highest female courses in St. Petersburg, then taught the story of ... ... Biographical Dictionary

- ("Book of the verbal new chronicler") Monument of the late Russian chronicle, which covers events since the end of the reign of Ivan IV until 1630 is an important source on the history of the vague time. In the work bright ... ... Wikipedia

Abrahami Palitsyn, in the world Averky Ivanovich, a famous figure of troubled time. Born in the middle of the XVI century, on family legends in the village of Protasyev (near Rostov), \u200b\u200bin the noble family; Died inkom in Solovetsky Monastery on September 13, 1626. ... ... Biographical Dictionary

Ivan Andreyevich Rullovinin (mind. February 28, 1625 Sergiev Posad) Russian state and politician, writer. It is considered the first Russian Western. [Who?] ... Wikipedia

Saint Tsarevich Martyr, son of John Vasilyevich Grozny and fifth wife of his, Maria Feodorovna. In the summer of 1580, Tsar John Vasilyevich celebrated his wedding fifth. Married a sovereign without church permission, but the wedding of rules in Starin; In fathers ... Large biographical encyclopedia

- (on Hark's nickname) The spiritual writer of the first half of the XVII century, wonderful on the abundance and variety of his writings. Professor Platonov, in detail and carefully studied the writings of the CN. Shakhovsky, says he was distinguished by a big ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

Life Sergius Radonezhsky - - a monument of agiography dedicated to the famous church and community political actor Rus the second half of the XIV century. Sergia Radonezh (in the world - Bartholomew Kirillovich; born. About 1321/1322 - Died September 25, 1391/1392), creator and ... ... Dictionary of Books and Book Ancient Rus

Job, Patriarch - Jobs (in the world of Ivan) (mind. 19 VI 1607) - Patriarch, author "Tale of the life of King Feodor John,", Messages, Dick and speeches. Born in the landing family of the town of Staritsa. He studied in the Staritsky Assumption Monastery. Here, from your teacher, ... ... Dictionary of Books and Book Ancient Rus

Baltin Baim (Sidor) Fedorovich, servant man of the XVII century, Arzamas landowner, from the provincial nobility of chatter. Discharge notes about its services on military, diplomatic and administrative fields, having the character of the chronicles ... ... Biographical Dictionary

V. O. Klyuchevskaya

Review of the study of S. F. Platonova "Ancient-Russian legends and a story about the time of the XVII century. As a historical source"

V. O. Klyuchevskaya. Works in eight volumes. Tom VII. Research, Reviews, Speech (1866-1890) M., Publisher of socio-economic literature, 1959 topic chosen by Mr. Platonovyou can recognize the risky in some respects. Literary works that could serve as sources for the history of troubled time, not only numerous, but also very diverse in their literary forms, in place and time of origin, on the views of their compilers on the events described, finally, by targets and encouraging, which caused their compilation . This diversity and abundance of the material was subjected to a risk researcher to deprive their study of proper value and completeness, it was hampered by the selection and grouping of data, the order of presentation and the choice of the most studies. The author did not hide these difficulties from himself, and they noticeably affected his work. After putting the task of a "systematic review" of the literary works of the Great Russian writing of the XVII century., Dedicated to the image and discussion of the events of the troubled Time, the author, however, he himself confesses in the preface that he could not withstand the "uniform reception" nor in general proceedings, nor in the study Separate works. He considered the best system of review of his material "Chronological system", but the lack of accurate information about the time of drawing up many of the legends about Smoot forced him to abandon such a procedure for presentation. He accepted a more complex division of his material, smashing the monuments-distinguished monuments into three departments, from which one formed the works compiled before the end of the Troubles, the other - the most important works of the time of Tsar Mikhail, the third - the works of the secondary and later, and among the secondly disassembled by the author One story about the killing of Tsarevich Dimitria, designed, apparently, also before the end of the Troubles. Moreover, "the author sometimes found more convenient to give a report in one place about the diverse works due to their inner proximity and the dependence of one from the other" 1. Therefore, a review of works compiled before the end of the University, he began a detailed analysis of the so-called Other legend Considated from the timelized parts, and in connection with the fifth part of it disassembled by the source that served to her the narration of the confusion of chronograph of the second edition, compiled after the troubled. In such a routine of the material, there is one inconvenience: he prevented the author to take advantage of the most feature of the monuments of the monuments, which could only give the unity and integrity of his work. He notices in the preface that there are often works of journalistic and moral and didactic among the monuments weighing. I think that it can be said even more: more or less obvious traces of political color are noticeable on all these monuments, they are all in a certain extent trendy. In this regard, the Universal Historographer made a noticeable fracture of the Old Russian historiography: she brought the ancient Russian narrator about the events in his native land from that epic fearlessness, which he tried, although it was not always successful, to block the ancient Russian chronicler. This is understandable: the troubled put Russian people into such an unusual state for them, which against their will alarming their feelings and nerves and thought through them. In this excitation, you can even notice some movement: the feelings of surprise and anxiety caused by the first symptoms of the Eature, then they are moving into political passions and, finally, when the troubled has passed, turn into calm political opinions. So, the awakening and development of political thought under the influence of Discharge - this is the question that makes up the center of gravity chosen by the author of the task and the permission of which could communicate the integrity of his research. In the analysis of some works, he notes to which parties belonged to which political opinions their compilers were held, but thanks to the author accepted by the author, these marks do not add up in a solid picture. You can even notice from the author the inclination to relieve the price what this journalistic tendentiousness of literary monuments of the vague time has for the historian. The accusatory story of the Tererti's Protopopian on the vision of 1606. It is very curious as an energetic protest against the vices of the modern Russian society and especially those who showed meals to "frozen customs and the shortest language" in it, nevertheless the author refuses it in the meaning of the historical source 2. About all the legends drawn up before the end of the University, the researcher notes that they "or do not give actual material for the historian at all," or give information that need to be strictly critical inspection 3. There is no historical source that would not need to be critical. Moreover, call actual material for the historian?Historical facts are not some incidents; Ideas, views, feelings, impressions of people of the famous time are the same facts and very important, just as requiring critical study. The value that the troubled time acquired in the society is a different legend, a political role, who hardly received the Russian Peru first, is this important fact that it would be worthwhile to emphasize in the study of the sources of the history of the vague time. The tale of Terentius was represented by Patriarch, in the royal order of Massodily read in the Moscow Assumption Cathedral and led to the establishment of a six-day post in the whole kingdom. The story of the Nizhny Novgorod vision of 1611 went on hand in the first militia near Moscow. The king of Sigismund himself recognized the annoying force to him against him a Russian patriotic writing and in 1611 and complained to Moscow Boyars on what he was then wrotein Russia 4. You can see other gaps in the study of Mr. Platonova,having some connection with the specified. If political parties and opinions were reflected in the narrative writing of the troubled time, then the methodological convenience would require the origin of these parties and opinions in the critical review of this writing, as well as the importance of them during the Troubles. Due to the fact that this requirement is left unanswered by the author, historical sources are cut off from historical soil from which they led, and his criticism does not exhaust all the material they give it. We give one example. The prevention of the Moscow dynasty was accompanied by an important change in the Moscow state strict: the hereditary father Danilovich began to turn into an electoral monarchy. How was the Russian society of the first half of the XVII century. to this shift according to God's propertygosparsum according to multi-member human desire,as the current Moscow publicist of the XVI century was expressed. Tsar Ivan in the letter sent to him to King Stephan Batori, and one or another look at the difference and meaning of both of these sources of power was the political parties of that time? The author does not initiate the question of this, although it can be seen from his presentation that in their writing you understand something to find something to answer this question. So we meet in it traces of irrespective of electoral authorities. Nizhny Novgorod vision 161! G. does not want a king set by the People "in their will"; manuscript Philaretit is considered to be perfectly right to join Prince Vasily Shuisky, erected by the throne of Moscow adherents without the advice of the entire Earth, without the participation of the Zemstvo Cathedral. Further, the author notices in the preface that the literary nature of the works about the confusion is very diverse. Among them are found leador legends, life, chroniclers, chronographs, visionand one cry.All this is quite developed in ancient Russian writing literary forms that differed by the choice of objects, methods of presentation and even a way to understand the phenomena depicted. These features should be taken into consideration with a critical assessment of works covered in one or another of these literary forms, especially in which phenomena reflected under the highest corner of refraction. Such, for example, visionwhich prevented quite a lot in Old Russian writing and which made a particularly strong impression on ancient Russian person. Vision- It is commonly a sharp accusatory preaching with a mysterious situation, caused by the expectation or onset of public misfortune, calling the society to repentance and purification, the fruit of alarmed feeling and a devout excited imagination. It would be possible to expect that the author will express his judgment about these forms, how it is not possible to deal with them, and will even indicate how much their stereotypical warehouse has changed under the influence of new political concepts and trends that have conducted publicists of the XVII century in these forms. Unfortunately, in the book Mr. Platonovathere are neither such judgment, nor such instructions that were the more necessary that in the troubled time and part under his influence there was a deep fracture in ancient Russian historiography. The methods of presentation and the world of the ancient Russian chroniclers and the compilers of the "legends" are known. This is a world stroke and these techniques and become noticeably changed from the beginning of the XVII century. The author celebrates the curious news in the monuments they spellable. The narrative of the chronograph of the second edition of the troubled time is no longer the simple weather list of individual events, mechanically adopted by moralistic reflections, which we usually meet in the ancient Russian chronicle varieties: this is a number of essays and characteristics in which the narrator tries to catch the connection and the meaning of events, outstanding traits and Even hidden motivations of figures. The narrator is thought of in the natural reasons for phenomena, not involving the mysterious forces in the human task, which the life of people and peoples go to the chronicler. Historical view of secularized. New techniques and tasks of narration encourage the search for new literary forms, sophisticated title. Prince Twigsinin writes a story about the confusion under the title: "The literacy of the days and kings", but this story is the same number of common essays and characteristics, as well as the story of the chronograph; From it we will find out not so much about the faces and events, how much about how the narrator looked at the faces and events. According to the thoughts of the Novgorod Metropolitan Isidore, Dyack Timofeev at the beginning of the reign of Mikhail is Temperature; But this is not the time of the old chronicle of the old chronicle, but rather the historical-political treatise: the compiler reflects more more than it tells about what happened. He knows the techniques of scientific presentation and the demand of historical objectivity and is able to formulate them; Under the clumsy perseverance of his presentation, historical ideas and political principles are transmitted. All such glimpses of political reflection and historical pragmatism, scattered in testes on troubled time, could be combined into a special whole essay, which would have made chapter from the history of Russian historiography, depicting one of the fractures in its development. Such an essay seems to require the most task of a study on the critical study of the sources of our history, and he could be a story to initiate issues not deprived of scientific significance. We indicate the possibility of one of them. Revealing the reasons for the factory fracture in the development of Russian historiography, the researcher will inevitably stop his attention on the interest of which Russian chronographs of the XVII century belonged to troubled time. Articles about this time written by the compilers of chronographs or other writers, occupy a prominent place as part of the Russian-historical department of these chronographs. The remarkable study of Andrei Popova on chronographs of the Russian edition made it possible to trace, with what sequence and perseverance grew up this department in their composition. Initially, the news borrowed from Russian sources is in these chronographs with timid addiction to the Byzantine history without organic communication with her. Then these news are given in a closer connection with the Byzantine history, are not mechanical consoles to it, and its components in a synchronistic presentation with Byzantine events. In chronographs of the XVII century. Russian story takes another step forward, performs from the established chronograph framework or, rather, expanding them: since the fall of Byzantium, it breaks its connection with the fate of the latter and continues in a single presentation to the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich. The further developed, everything is complicated, the composition of the Russian chronograph, the more expanded and this is the Russian continuation of the Byzantine chronicles, until, finally, in the so-called chronographs of a special composition, Russian history has not meditated in an independent and moreover, the dominant department: in narrations to the fall of the Tsargrad, Russian news disappear , come out of the statement of the Byzantine history and are transferred to the Russian continuation of the chronograph, forming the beginning of a special Russian-historical department, which, gradually expanding, closes the generalistical physician department. In this growth of the Russian-historical department of chronographs, it is possible to see the reflection of the turn, which was performed in the world of Russian scribes who worked on the statement of the world history, which the Old Russian people studied in chronographs. What is especially curious, at one time with this extraction of the Russian-Historical Department and in the generalistic department, eating until almost exclusive biblical and Byzantine sources, with an increasing abundance, jets from sources of Western European, Latin chronicles and cosmography are poured. So from two sides the horizon of Russian historical thought was expanded. Was this fracture in Russian historiography related to this expansion? We have seen that articles about the troubled time in the chronograph of the second edition, composed shortly after the troubled, were one of the first monuments, if not the first of the monuments in which new methods of historical presentation and a new look at historical phenomena are noted. To what extent these techniques were inspired and this gaze to familiarize with new historical sources and new historical measures, which was discovered by the Russian thinker of the XVII century. Polish World Chronicleand Latin cosmography? Here is a question, the study of which seems to be superfluous in the study of historiography of troubled time. But if Mr. Platonovi made some gaps in the study of the fact that the monuments they spelled themselves give for the history of Russian political thought and historiography in the XVII century, but he tried to extract from them all that was in them suitable for the "history of external facts" of the troubled time. These monuments are so diverse and so much has not yet been published, scattered on the manuscripts of different ancillars, which is hardly anyone who decides to reproach the author for the incompleteness of his critical review, in which he himself confesses 6. However, he very carefully treated his handwritten material: from the list applied to the study it is clear that he had to revise more than a hundred manuscripts of different libraries. In the preface, he lists questions what he set himself when studying every monument: he tried to "determine the time of his compilation and indicate the identity of the compiler; to find out the goals as the compiler was torn, and the circumstances under which he wrote; to find sources of his information and finally Characterizes the approximate degree of overall reliability or the believability of its story "7. Such a critical program fully corresponds to the main task of the author, to indicate that there is in the monument of external facts suitable for the history of external facts, and researchers of the troubled time will undoubtedly be grateful to Mr. Platonovfor its instructions that will help them find out the origin and the actual content of many testes about that time, as well as the degree of confidence in which they deserve. In the analysis of most of the monuments, at least the main, the author paid special attention to the composition of their and sources and here, thanks to the critical sensitivity and the careful study and comprehension of texts and editors, he managed to achieve new and reliable conclusions. Many monuments, such as, for example, Other legendand Tempenerdeca Timofeyev, have not yet been disassembled in our literature with such a circumstance, as Mr. Platonov.In general, the careful development of critical bibliographic and bibliographic details is, in our opinion, the most severe side of the research Mr. Platonova.When reading in his book of pages about the life of the princes of his twirl, Katareva-Rostov and Shakhovsky, the attention involuntarily stops on the author's ability to mosaicly select small data, scattered in different sources, and put them in a solid essay, and its habit of accurately denote the sources from which he draws His information, facilitating the test of his conclusions, however, it makes it possible to see what every such page cost him: he picked up in orders and identified in a note up to 60 places, where the name of Prince I. M. Katirez-Rostovsky is mentioned on the basis of These references to write in the text of the study 5 lines of life of Prince Katirev in 1626-1629. 8 biographies of the three mentioned writers of the XVII century. can be considered valuable contributions Mr. Platonovain the biographical dictionary of Russian historiography. All this, with a solid acquaintance of the author with other people's work on the elected subject, forces it to recognize his research by the fruit of a leisurely, deliberately and distinct work. But, inspired confidence in the conclusions about the origin, about the sources and composition of the monuments, the study of Mr. Platonovanot always enough convincingly in the assessment and characteristics of these monuments as historical sources. The reason for this in some uncertainty of the critical measure attached to them by the researcher. We already had the case to notice that the criticism of the author is not fully capturing the content of the works of the works of themselves as sources for the history of Discharge. Based on its assessment on the quality and number of "actual material", which monument gives the historian, the author does not introduce political opinions and trends held in the monument, considering them only "literary", and not historical facts and, thus mixing Or identifying not quite coincident on the concepts of a historical fact and a historical event or an incident. It is difficult to agree with the author when he talks about Kelare AVR. Palitsyn and Deak I. Timofeyev, that both of these writers, "not only describing, but also discussing the experience of the era, often came out of the role of historians and joined the soil of journalistic reasoning," as if thought out into historical phenomena, describing them -\u003e it means To leave the role of the historian: judgment is not a tendency, and an attempt to understand the meaning of the phenomenon itself and other is not propaganda 9. Some precious point of view is felt in other judgments of the author. In connection with the fifth Other legendit disassembles in detail the undersecated articles of the chronograph of the second edition of the events of 1607-1613. 10 He very thoroughly proves the thought, expressed by A. Popov, that these articles belong to the chronograph, therefore, hence was transferred to Other legendsand not vice versa. But he does not agree with the review of A. Popov, who recognized these articles "original one-piece essay of an unknown Russian author", i.e., the compiler of chronograph 1617. He does not recognize the integrity of this essay, because in it connected essays of individuals and events are broken by incoherent and brief with chronicle news. But even if you admit that these chronicle notes are inserted into the narrative of himself, and not a third-party hand, then he himself Mr. Platonovi noticed that these inserts are frequent only at the beginning of the story, coming from 1534, and that, the more the narrator approaches its time, by the beginning of the XVII century, the less time he has brief notes and the more connected his story. So, the narrator, less knowing about the time he did not remember, did not know how to communicate the borrowed information. The author seems to mix the integrity of the composition, belonging to the composition of one Peru with the literary harness of the presentation. He does not recognize the originality of the work, because his compiler "did not just compose his testimony, but headed by literary sources." Hardly the author wrote here what he wanted to say: he knows very well that being the original historical narrator does not mean composetestimony, not guided by sources; Otherwise, a rare historian can be recognized as original. Thus, there is no sufficient reason to the controversy with A. Popov, especially when the author himself recognizes that there is a very noticeable imprint of the originality of a syllable and looks on the narration of the chronograph "11. For the same reason, the reader can hardly remain quite satisfied with the analysis New chroniclerin the book of the author. Turning to the analysis of this monument, one of the most important sources for the history of the vague time, Mr. Platonovit notices that "still nothing is done," in order to illuminate its origin. Unfortunately, the oscillating considerations of the author not enough illuminate the origin of the monument. He puts the question: Is there a new chronicler of the Code of Data, officially assembled with the Patriarch yard for the history of Disame? This question is inspired by the author of Tatishchev's guessed, that the chronicler was compiled by the Patriarch Jew or his Cecer, as well as testifying to the Patriarch of Hermogene, that he recorded "in the chronicles" some events of his time. Observations on the text of the monument lead Mr. Platonovato the conclusion that the new chronicle is characterized by the "internal integrity" of the narration: it will all imbued with the unity of sight of events, which indicates the work of one author; There is no trace of personal sympathy and the antipathy of the compiler, which indicates later the origin of the monument, when the immediate impressions of the troubles were already drunk. However, from the further observations of the author over the monument it turned out that on the same events and persons the new chronicler looks quite different that he is officially quietly in the same person, and in another otherwise. Thus, in the chronicler, there is neither unity of view, nor personal fearlessness of the compiler, does not turn out, therefore, internal integrity. The author explains this excessive dependence of the compiler from various sources with which he enjoyed, his inability to merge "the variekteric parts of his arch in a solid literary work" .. This is also added that some articles of the new chronicler in their finishing and completeness "have everythingsigns of individual legends. "It would seem that all this means that the new chronicler has a mechanical crosslinking of articles written at different times by various persons, or a" arch of a variety of literary and historical material ", as the author himself expressed. However, after a few pages, reducing The results of their observations, the author refuses to recognize the new chronicler of the chroniclee, the well-minded gradual, the work of several people, and stops that he has been processed from beginning to end about 1630 and with one person. The author himself considers it necessary To confess that the data given to them "do not solve categorically the question of the origin of the monument" 12. He could not solve this issue, limiting the data of one literature of the chronicler, in which he preferably founded his considerations in confidence that this published list "happily" reproduced the initial text Monument | 3. It is difficult to justify such confidence in the publication, as you know, very faulty, and even more difficult To blame the author for not having accepted the "huge work" of the comparison of all numerous lists of this monument, preserved in our ancalrass. But you can regret it. Lists of chronicles are distinguished by significant options in the text and composition of the monument. Three printed publications have different starts and ends. Of the three lists, who accidentally came across in our hands, one was similar to the printed Nikonovsky, the other begins the chronic story about the defeat of Novgorod in 1570, and the third - a list of boyars, "who among them were trains" from 1534 may be studying The lists of the monument would help to understand its origin, found in the lists of brief edition of the story of 1606. Note on the time of drawing up this legend. Finally, it is hardly possible to recognize firmly established by the author's opinion on the story about the confusion, made to the famous Stolyarovsky list of the chronographer. The author agrees with Mr. Markevich, who considers this story quite a full bit of a book of private origin, so Mr. Platonov It is thinking that this monument has so far been credited to the ranks of literary works only "by misunderstanding" 14. So, this is a non-model and unofficial monument. You can fear whether there is enough reason for such a sentence. True, in the narrative examination, we often meet the news, clothed in the form of a discharge entry or painting. But it is known how many in the Moscow chronicles of the XV and XVI centuries. Detailed discharge of discharge books, which does not prevent them from remaining annals and even literary works. On the other hand, the news of the chronicle warehouse was sometimes introduced into the discharge books for communication and to the explanation of military campaign or court-ceremonial paintings. But it is necessary to distinguish the discharge book with the chronicle inserts from the chronicle with the discharge inserts. Both cords retained their typical features in the composition and methods of presentation and have special goals. If among the discharged paintings, the news, which did not have a direct relationship, detecting the intention of the compiler to portray the general course of affairs, it means that it was noted that it was not a stationery book for business official references, but a historical, literary story to edify an inquisitive reader. There are a lot of such news in the considered narrative, and of them, even without discharge discharge, would be a rather thorough and curious story, at least before the top of Mikhail. As for the absence of rhetoric and "every attempt to build a slender literary presentation" from an unknown narrator, it is not seen why his statement seems to be the author in a literary attitude lower, for example, the chronicles on the Surrentian list or lower than the new chronicle, with whom, notice by the way, He had both general sources: as a chronicler, undoubtedly, enjoyed discharge paintings and some of the infidel nature, the unknown narrator resemble the chronicler's story, depicting the same moments with similar features. So, there are some reasons to see in the monument under consideration not a discharge book, and the chronicle, compiled by different sources, mainly on bit painting, not without the participation and personal observations and memories of the compiler. According to the property of the main source and on the tone of the presentation, simple, but together with restrained and uniform, it is difficult to assume that this chronicle has been taken on the private coherent, and not on the official instruction. It may easily be that in spite of the opinion of the author we have here before our monument not only literary, but also official. From the parsing of individual monuments, we turn to the general results of the study of Mr. Platonovaand we point out that they are made on the selected object and what else remains. In the preface to his work, he notes that "the historical and critical study of the legends on the confusion in all their aggregate was until recently the unfulfilled task in Russian historiography." Without exaggeration, we can say that in relation to the early and basic legends the author successfully allowed the task and the one of the notable gaps in our historiography: he was carefully figured out in an extensive and dirty and diversity material, for the first time introduced several little-known monuments into scientific circulation as TempenerTimofeyev, and successfully disulted by several private issues in the historiography of Disputes or prepared their permission. The studying history of Universities will find enough instructions in his book to know that each of the main legends about Smoot can give him and what it does not need to be sought there, the author did not leave without attention and monuments of the secondary and later, thoroughly disassemble those of them who are attributed to them To the category of biographical and not deprived of literary integrity and distinction 15. But later compilation monuments, as well as local legends about Smoot, are characterized by the author briefly or only listed indicating their sources. The incompleteness of this list is justified by the abundance of such monuments and the difficulty of collecting them. Meanwhile, these compilations, which were in continuation of the XVII century, are not deprived of scientific significance in many respects. Firstly, the most numerous of them shows how long and with what tension was maintained in Russian society. Attention to the era, such abundant extraordinary phenomena. Then you can meet excerpts of earlier legends, not reached us. Finally, this compile writing introduces us with the move of historiography in the XVII century, with her techniques and beloved topics, with her way to use sources and explaining historical phenomena. I will point out an explanation on one manuscript (from the library E. V. Barsov). For its basis, this list of chronograph of the third edition relating to the second category of its lists according to the classification of A. Popova 16. Mr. Platonovfairly noticed that in the lists of chronograph XVII century. There is no possibility to establish any accurate compilation types, because each manuscript has its differences 17. The manuscript, which we speak, is an attempt to remake the last part of the chronograph of the third edition, changing the composition as it has in the lists of the second category. It begins directly by the 151st chapter, a story about the invasion of the Crimean Khan to Moscow in 1521, but not because the previous chapters were lost in it, they did not. The first sheets of the list are engaged in detailed table of contents, which exactly corresponds to the chapters, placed in it. In the story of the invasion of Khan, the compiler inserted the vision of the "righteous nagidenza" of Vasily of the Blessed and other pious people of the city of Moscow, in their own way described the last days and death of the Grand Duke Vasily, guided by the famous chronicles of 18. In general, the story about the times of Grand Duke Vasily and Tsar Ivan here more than in the lists of the 2nd discharge of the third edition of the chronograph. Troubled time is described in these lists by the second edition of the chronograph, Another legendand LegendA. Palitsyn; In our manuscript, we celebrate extract from another Legends, soda,from Solovetsky Chronograph and some unknown sources 19. So, in a story about hunger with the king Boris, we celebrate curious features that they do not find in other legends about the time. For one detail you can guess where this alteration is drawn up: the diploma of Vasily Shuisky here is given according to the list of it, which was sent to the Voevoda Z. Tikhmenev, with the litter on June 19, 114. 20 by collecting similar instructions of the chronograph lists, it will be possible To judge where and how they were recycled in the XVII century. Take about troubles. Especially needs to be replenished overview of local legends made by Mr. Platonov 21 . These legends serve as an important addition to the main common sources for the history of Discharge. So, in the new chronicler there is a brief story about the defeat of Lisovsky near Yuryevts 22. In the list of the existence of the lives of the Rev. Makaria Zhovetodsky, we find a curious detailed legend about this episode. However, the specified spaces do not interfere with admit a book Mr. Platonovaa valuable contribution to Russian historiography, which deserves the desired author of the premium. Such a price is attached to the composition of Mr. Platonovato the highest degree of the author's serious attitude to its problem, a thorough study of the material, critical observation and novelty of many conclusions.


In the seventh process, V. O. Klyuchevsky included its individual monographic research, reviews and reviews created during the creative heyday of the scientist - from the late 1860s before the early 1890s. If the "course of Russian history" makes it possible to trace the general theoretical views of V. O. Klyuchevsky on the course of the Russian historical process, the works published in the seventh and eighth volumes of its writings give an idea of \u200b\u200bV. O. Klyuchevsky as a researcher. Research V. O. Klyuchevsky, placed in the seventh volume of works, is mainly associated with two problems - with the position of peasants in Russia and the origin of serfdom ("a forty question on the eve of its legislative initiation", "right and fact in the history of the peasant question", "The origin of serfdom in Russia", "pillow to submit and cancel the Half of Russia", "feedback on the study of V. I. Sejevsky" peasant question in Russia in the XVIII and the first half of the XIX century. ""). With the issue of the economic development of Russia ("The economic activity of the Solovetsky Monastery in the Belomorsk Territory", "Russian ruble of the XVI - XVIII centuries. In his respect to the current."). Preferential attention to the issues of socio-economic and the formulation of their V. O. Klyuchevsky was a new phenomenon in Russian bourgeois historiography of the second half of the XIX century. In his sketches to a performance on the disposition dedicated to Protection V. I. Semevsky dissertation at the degree of Dr. Science, V. O. Klyuchevsky wrote: "Is there a peasant question only a question about the restriction and destruction of serfdom? .. The question of serfdom to Alexander. II there is a question about his adaptation to the interests of the state and the conditions of the hostel "(see p. 483.). V. O. Klyuchevsky and in his response to the work of Semevsky noted the complexity and versatility of the peasant question in Russia and reproached the author in the fact that "the weakness of historical criticism in the study comes from a lack of historical look at the subject studied" (see p. 427.) . The response to the topical issues of the flame-to-form time, one way or another related to the peasant question and the reform of 1861, which has abolished the serfdom, V. O. Klyuchevsky traced the stages in the development of serfdom in Russia, the reasons, as its handshed, and caused his abolition, characteristic Phenomena in Boyarsky, landlord, monastic economy. In his interpretation of this problem, V. O. Klyuchevsky went much further than the Slavophiles and representatives of the "State School" - primarily the most large representative of B. N. Chicherin, on which the whole history of social development in Russia concluded in the "reassurance and liberation of classes ", carried out by the state, depending on its needs. V. O. Klyuchevsky, on the contrary, believed that the fastetable dependence in Russia was determined by the private-industry moment, developing on the basis of the economic debt of the peasants to landowners; The state only legally authorized the folding relationships. The scheme proposed by V. O. Klyuchevsky was as follows. The primary form of the fortress state in Russia (see page 241.) was a cauldron in various kinds, which developed due to a number of reasons, including as a result of the personal service of a previously free person on certain conditions of economic order. In the future, with the development of large private land tenure, the peasantry, according to V. O. Klyuchevsky, as a "free and overlooking a stranger of someone else's land" gradually lost the right of transition or due to the impossibility of returning the loan acquired, or as a result of the preliminary voluntary refusal of Leisure leased land for the loan received. Thus, the farming of the peasant was determined by not attaching it to the ground as a means of production, but his personally obligated relations to the landowner. From here followed the conclusion that serfdom is "a set of fortress relations based on fortressa well-known private act of possession or acquisition "(see page 245.). The state in order to ensure its needs only" made the spread on the peasants before the existing serfs of the Kholopsky inquiry, contrary to the palm attachment of the peasants, unless the latter was ever established "(see . page 246.). Tracking parallel to the development of the Half Development in Russia, its original forms and the process of developing serfdom, Klyuchevsky sought to show how the legal norms of the Haldness gradually spread to the peasantry as a whole and during the reassurance of peasants the honey in turn lost its specific The features and merged with the fixed peasantry. Development of serfdom V. O. Klyuchevsky attributed to the XVI century. until that time, according to his thoughts, the peasantry that was not the owner of the Earth was a free tenant of private land. From the second half of the XV century. in Russia the strength of the economic fracture, the reasons for whom did not go for the key We, landowners, are extremely interested in working arms, develop agricultural farms of their booked hills and strongly attract free people to their land; The latter "could not support their farm without the help of someone else's capital," and their number "extremely increased" (see pp. 252, 257, 280.). As a result, the increased debt of the peasants led to the fact that the landowners began to spread the norms of the Kholaopsky law on the owl of the peasants, and the serfdom on the peasants was a new combination of legal elements that were part of various types of coolant, but "proven to the economic and state regulations of the rural population "(see p. 271, 272, 338, 339.). "Not yet encountered in the legislation not the slightest traces of the serf state of the peasants, it is possible to feel that the fate of the peasant liberty has already been solved in addition to the state legislative institution, which remained at the appropriate time to arrange and register this decision shamefully dictated by historical law," wrote V. About . Klyuchevsky, seeing in the loss by many peasants the right to transition the "cradle of serfdom" (see page 280, 278, 383, 384.). "In the circle of the Packing relationship, all kinds of slats are already by the end of the XVII century. Began to merge into one general concept fortress man. ""This explains the legal indifference, with which landowners in the second half of the XVII century. Changed the yard kestops, full and boiled, on the peasants, and the peasants - on the backyard people" (see p. 389--390, 389.). This fusion process was completed with the introduction of Podreti Podre I, and the will of the landowners turned into public law. The specified scheme of V. O. Klyuchevsky, developed hereinafter M. A. Dyakonov, had certainly a positive value for his time. Despite the fact that in their monographic work devoted to the history of serfdom in Russia, Klyuchevsky, according to his own words, was limited by the study of the legal moments in the development of serfdom, the main place in the Kuevsky scheme occupied the economic factor, independent of the will of the government. Klyuchevsky caught a link between the coolery (board) and the serfdom, gave an interesting description of the various categories of the Half, existing in Russia until the XVIII century, and tried to repel the order of the emerging relations between the peasants and landowners. But, diverting the focus on the analysis of the reasons for challenging the peasantry by private-protecting relations and considering loan records as the only documents that determined the loss of independence of the peasants, Klyuchevsky not only underestimated the role of a feudal state as a body of the class domination of feudalists, but did not recognize that the establishment of serfdom was a consequence development of a system of feudal socio-economic relations. In the Soviet historical literature, the question of the reassurance of peasants was the subject of capital study of Academician B. D. Grekova (see V. D. Greeks,Peasants in Russia from ancient times to the XVII century, KN. I - II, M. 1952--1954.) And a number of works of other Soviet historians (see L. V. Cherepnin,Assembly material as a source on the history of the Russian peasantry of the XV centance., "Problems of source studies." Sat IV, M. 1955, p. 307--349; his own"From the history of the formation of a class of feudal-dependent peasantry in Russia", "historical notes", KN. 56, p. 235--264; V. I. Koretsky,From the history of the cultivation of peasants in Russia at the end of the XVI - early XVII century, "History of the USSR" NO 1, 1957, p. 161--191.). For the history of the reform of 1861, there are interest of two articles by V. O. Klyuchevsky, dedicated to the work of writings Yu. F. Samarina: "A fortieth question on the eve of its legislative initiation" and "right and fact in the history of the peasant question". In these articles, he is not without irony shows that even "sincere and conscientious" noble public figures, when work began on the preparation of the situation of 1861, remained at the positions of "ideas and events" of the first half of the XIX century. And they assumed the provision of land peasants to put in the framework of the "voluntary" landowners with peasants. To characterize the scientific interests of V. O. Klyuchevsky, it should be noted that its first large monographic work "The economic activity of the Solovetsky Monastery in the Belomorsk Territory", published in 1866, he dedicated the history of the colonization and economy of monasteries, which was developed in the future and summarized In the second part of the "Russian History". The history of the emergence of the monastery economy is deserved in this work, "a curious process of focusing in the hands of the Solovetsky fraternity of extensive and numerous land plots in Belomorie" (see page 14.), which moved to the monastery as a result of purely economic transactions - mortgage, sales and so on. Last time, a detailed study of land tenure and the farm Votchiny of the Solovetsky Monastery belongs to Peru A. A. Savich, who comprehensively considered the comprehensive activity of this largest North Russian feudal of the XV - XVII centuries. (Cm. A. A. Savich,Solovetskaya Varya XV - XVII centuries, Perm 1927.) With a multi-year work of Klyuchevsky over the ancient Russian lives of Saints, the article "Pskov disputes" (1877) is connected, dedicated to some issues of ideological life in Russia XV - XVI centuries. This article of Klyuchevsky emerged in conditions of intensified in the second half of the XIX century. Polemics between the dominant Orthodox Church and Old Believers. The article contains material about the infertility of medieval disputes on church issues and the rights of church management in Russia. To date, the other work of V. O. Klyuchevsky "Russian Ruble XVI - XVIII centuries" has fully maintained its scientific importance to the current "(verification of the observations of Kleevsky on the cost of the ruble in the first half of the XVIII century., Recently B. Kafengaus, showed the correctness of its main conclusions (see V. V. Kafengauz, Essays of the domestic market of Russia of the first half of the XVIII century, M. 1958, p. 187, 189, 258, 259).). Based on a fine analysis of sources, this work indicates the source of the skill of V. O. Klyuchevsky; The findings of this work on the comparative ratio of monetary units in Russia from the beginning of the XVI century. Until the middle of the XVIII century. In their attitude to monetary units of the second half of the XIX century. We are needed to clarify many economic phenomena in the history of Russia. Two works V. O. Klyuchevsky, published in the seventh volume, are associated with the name of the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin: "We are spent in a solemn meeting of Moscow University on June 6, 1880, on the opening day of the Pushkin monument" and "Evgeny Onegin ". V. O. Klyuchevsky belongs to the brilliant phrase: "About Pushkin always want to say too much, you will always speak a lot of too much and never tell you all that follows (see page 421.). In his articles about Pushkin V. O. Klyuchevsky stressed the deep interest of Pushkin to the history of the "connected chronicle of our society in the persons over 100 years old" (see p. 152.). Klyuchevsky sought to give a generalizing nature of the images of the XVIII century., Outlined in various works of Pushkin, explain the conditions in which they arose, and on the basis of these images to draw a living picture of the noble society of that time. Such an approach to creativity A. S. Pushkin can not be considered true. But in its interpretation of the images of the noble society of the XVIII century, as in the fifth of the "course of Russian history", V. O. Klyuchevsky was too unilaterally considered the culture of Russia of the time, without seeing advanced trends in it. Articles placed in the seventh volume of writings V. O. Klyuchevsky, in general, are a valuable historiographic heritage for a number of essential issues of the history of Russia. More or less complete list of works by V. O. Klyuchevsky, published from 1866 to 1914, amounted to S. A. Belokurov ("List of printed works by V. O. Kleevsky." Reading in the Society of History and Antiquities of Russian at Moscow University ", BN. I, M. 1914, p. 442--473.). Skipping in this list is insignificant (there are no mention of the work of P. Kirchman "History of Public and Private Life", M. 1867. This book is published in the processing of Klyuchevsky, which The sections about Russian life were written. Not awarded the review "Great Chetty Mini", published in the Moscow newspaper, 1868, NO 90, from June 20 (reissued in the third collection of articles). Missed comments about hryvnna kun, made in . O. Klyuchevsky on the report of A. V. Prahova on the frescoes of the Sofia Cathedral in Kiev at a meeting of the Moscow Archaeological Society on December 20, 1855 ("Anconditions. Proceedings of the Archaeological Society", vol. Xi, Vol. ILL, M. 1887, p. 86), Speech in November 1897 According to the report of V. I. Kholmogorov "On the issue of the time of the creation of wrist books" ("Ancient times. Proceedings of the Archaeographic Commission," T. I, M. 189S, p. 182). April 24, 1896. V. O. Klyuchevsky delivered the speech "On the educational role of St. Stephen Perm" (reading of the OUMR, 1898, KN. II, protocols p. 14), September 26, 1898 - Speech about A. S. Pavlov (reading of the OUMR, 1899, vol. II, protocols, p. 16), spoke on April 13, 1900 according to the report of P. I. Ivanov "On the redistribution of peasants in the north" ("antiquity. Proceedings of the Archaeographic Commission", t. II, vol. II, M. 1900, p. 402), March 18, 1904. Speech about the activities of the WMIM (reading of the OIM, 1905, CN II, Protocols, p. 27), on the publication of protocol records of these speeches V. O. Klyuchevskhr S. \u200b\u200bA. Belokurov does not bring any information. There is also no mention of Article V. O. Klyuchevsky "M. S. Korelin" (died on January 3, 1894), published in the Appendix to the book: M. S. Korelin, Essays from the history of philosophical thought in the Renaissance Epoch, "Francesco Petrarca Mirosoznaya", M. 1899, p. I-XV.). Some works V. O. Klyuchevsky, published in 1914 and later, in the list of works by S. A. Belokurov did not fall (among them "reviews and answers. Third collection of articles", M. 1914, reprint, M. 1918; reprint Two first collections of articles, "Russian History", "Story of Slands", "Tale of Aliens", "Boyar Duma", etc.) (see also: "Letters V. O. Klyuchevsky P. P. Gvozdevu." In Sat .: "Proceedings of the All-Russian Public Library. Lenin and the State Rumyantsev Museum", Vol. V, M. 1924; Reduced recording of the speeches of Kuevsky at the Peterhof Meeting in June 1905 is given in the book: "Nicholas II. Materials for the characteristics of the personality and The reigns ", M. 1917, p. 163--164, 169--170, 193--196, 232--233.). Most of the articles, research and reviews V. O. Klyuchevsky was collected and published in three collections. The first was entitled "Experiments and Research", came back in 1912 (secondary in 1915) (studies were included in its composition: "The economic activity of the Solovetsky Monastery", "Pskov disputes", "Russian ruble XVI - XVIII century. In his respect to the current "," the origin of serfdom in Russia "," pillow to submit and cancel the Half of Russia "." The composition of the representative office at the Zemstvo Cathedrals of Ancient Russia. "). The second collection appeared in the press in 1913 and was named "Essays and Speech" (the collection contained articles: "S. M. Solovyov", "S. M. Soloviev as a teacher", "Memory S. M. Solovyov", " Speech in the solemn meeting of Moscow University on June 6, 1880, on the opening of the monument to Pushkin, "Evgeny Onegin and His ancestors", "Assistance to the Church by the successes of Russian civil law and order", "sadness", "good people of ancient Russia", " I. N. Botin "," The meaning of the pre. Sergius for the Russian people and the state "," Two Educations "," Memoirs about N. I. Novikov and his time "," Lady of Fonvizin "," Empress Ekaterina II "," Western Influence and church split in Russia of the XVII century. "," Peter the Great among its employees. "). Finally, in a year (in 1914), he saw the world's colors - "Answers and Reviews" (including "Great Mini-Chietia, collected by the All-Russian Metropolitan Macarius", "New Studies on the History of Old Russian Monasteries", "Announcement . Iconnikova "," amendment to one anti-criticism. Answer V. Ikonnikov "," Handwritten Library V. M. Undolsk "," Church in relation to the mental development of ancient Russia "," Obligation A. Gorchakova "," Allylujia and Pafnuti "," Academic feedback on the composition of A. Gorchakov "," Doctoral District of Subbotin in the Moscow Spiritual Academy "," The analysis of the book of D. Solntsev "," Obligation of N. Suvorov "," a fortress question on the eve of his Legislative Excitation "," Review of the book S. Smirnova "," G. Rambo - historian of Russia "." Right and fact in the history of the peasant question, the answer to Vladimir-Budanov "," Academic review of the study of prof. Platonova "," Academic Review of the study of Chechulin "," Academic Review of the study of N. Rognova "and translation of the book review TH.. V.. Bernhardt., GESCHICHTE RUSSLANDS UN DER EUROPAISCHEN POLITIK IN DEN JAHREN 1814--1837). All three collections of articles were reissued in 1918. The texts of the writings V. O. Klyuchevsky in this volume are reproduced on collections of his articles or in autographs and magazine publications, when articles were not included in the collections of its works. Texts are issued according to the rules set out in the first volume "Works V. O. Klyuchevsky". References to archival sources in the published works of Klyuchevsky are unified, but the handwritten material does not happen. Tom comes out under the general observation of academician M. N. Tikhomirova,the text is prepared and commented V. A. Aleksandrovand A. A. Zimin.

Review of the study of S. F. Platonova "Ancient-Russian legends and a story about the time of the XVII century. As a historical source"

Feedback V. O. Kuevvsky on the study of S. F. Platonova "Ancient Russian legends and a story about the time of the XVII century. As a historical source" (SPB. 1888) first printed in the book: "Report on the 31st award awards of the awards gr. Uvarova ", Spb. 1890, p. 53--66, and off. Spb. 1890, p. 1--14. Reprinted in the book: V. O. Klyuchevsky,

With us days and bright and black,

With us our long century.

No page is crossed out,

No one is pulled out a string.

V. Kochetkov "Russian History"

Stormy events of the beginning of the 17th century, who received the name of the "Troubles" from contemporaries, was widely reflected in the literature. Historical songs and legends, novels and stories, stories and essays, poems and plays - these are the most common genres of literature about Smoot. These works are distinguished by a bright intense effect, an epic image of characters, events, a clear and expressive language. Revealing the connection of times, the authors show that there is no real without the past, there is no future.

Literature acquires an exclusively topical journalistic character, quickly responding to the requests of the time participating in the struggle.

The society, inheriting from the previous century, a hot faith due to the word, due to conviction, seeks to promote certain ideas in literary works, seeking specific effective goals.

Tale, legends

Among the leaders, reflected events of 1604 - 1613, it is possible to allocate works that express the interests of the ruling boyars. Such. "Tale of 1606", created by the monk Trinity-Sergiyev manast. The story actively supports the Policy of the Boyar Tsar Vasily Shuisky, is trying to present it with a nationwide chosen one, emphasizing the unity of Shuisky with the people. The people turn out to be the force with which the ruling circles cannot be considered. The story glorifies mushroom jerging"Shui in his struggle with" evil heretic», « rasp»Grishkoy fermented. To prove the legality of the rights of Shui to the royal throne, his genus is being built to Vladimir Svyatoslavich Kiev.

The reasons for the "Troubles" and "Nursing" in the Moscow State The author of the story sees in the destructive rule of Boris Godunov, who the villain murder of Tsarevich Dmitry ceased to exist the kind of lawful kings of Moscow and " especially inappropriate in Moscow the royal throne».

Subsequently, the "story of 1606" was reworked in "other legend." The defending position of the boyars, the author depicts it as the Savior of the Russian State of Sugostites.

This group of works is opposed to the story, reflecting the interests of the nobility and landing trade and crafts of the population. It should be mentioned primarily about those journalistic messages that have exchanged Russian cities, rallying forces to combat the enemy.

Such is " New story about the Preslavian, Russian state"- Publicistic agitation appeal. Written in late 1610 - early 1611, in the most busy moment of struggle, when Moscow was occupied by Polish troops, and Novgorod was captured by Swedish feudals, "New Test", turning to " all sorts of ranks", Called their active actions against the invaders. The "new story" reached us in the only list of the XVII century. She sharply denounced the treacherous politics of the boyars power, which, instead of being " agriculture"Native land, turned into a home enemy, and the boyars themselves" vesnytsev», « curivators" The plans of Polish magnates and their leader of Sigismund III, who were sought to put the vigilance of Russians with false promises. A courageous feat of Smolyan was glorified, selflessly defeated his city, not giving the enemy to master this important key position. " Tea, Yako and Small Children, hearing the vile of their citizens of courage and fortress and generosity to be an adamant mind."- the author notes. The ideal of the Patriot "New Test" considers the Patriarch of Hermogen, having endowered him the features of a faithful Christian, a martyr and a fighter for faith against Godotos. On the example of behavior " strong»Smolyan and Hermogene" New Test "put forward resistance to the forefront as the necessary quality of the behavior of a true patriot.

A characteristic feature of the story is its democracy, a new interpretation of the image of the people - this " great ... Anhydrous Sea" Calls and messages of the Hermogene are facing the people, the enemies and traitors are afraid of the people, the author appeals to the people. However, the people in the story still do not act as an effective force.

Unlike other works of that time, there are no historical excursions in the "new story"; It is filled with a topical material, calls on Muscovites to an armed struggle with the invaders. This determines the features of the style of the "new story", in which the business energetic speech is combined with an agitated pathetic appeal. " Lyrical element»Tale make up copyright patriotic sentiment, the desire to raise Muscovites to an armed struggle with the enemy.

For the first time in the literature, the desire to detect and show the contradictions between the thoughts and the actions of a person. In this increasing attention to the disclosure of human thoughts, determining his behavior, and literary meaning of "new story".

Are thematically close to the "new story" " Crying about captivity and finite ruin of the Moscow state"Created, obviously, after taking Smolensk Poles and the burning of Moscow in 1612 in rhetorical form, the fall is mescled" pyrgin (pillar) piety", Ruin" bog Manufactured grapes" The burning of Moscow is comprehended as a fall " multipoint state" The author seeks to find out the reasons that led to " falling extras of Russia"Using the form of an outdoor brief" conversations" In the circumferential generalized form, he speaks of the ruler's responsibility for what happened " above sent Russia" However, this work is not calling against the fight, but only grief, convinces to seek consolation in prayer and help to help God.

Direct response to events appeared Tale of the press of Prince Mikhail Vasilyevich Skopina-Shuisky" With its submission over Flavmitry II, Skopin-Shuisky tightened the fame of a talented commander. His sudden death at the twentieth age (April 1610) gave rise to various senses that he was alleged from envy, he was poisoned by boyars. These senses were reflected in folk songs and legends, the literary processing of which is the story.

It begins a rhetorical book entry, which makes genealogical calculations, elevating the genus Skopina-Shuisky to Alexander Nevsky and Augustus-Cesar.

Central episode Tale - Description of Pear-Captain at Prince Vorotnsky. Including a number of household details, the author thoroughly talks about how the hero was poisoned by the wife of his uncle Dmitry Shuisky, the daughter of Skuratov's daughter. Keeping the speech and rhythmic system of the people's epic song, the story says this episode:

And how will happen after the honest table for fun,

And ... the villaner of the princess of Marya, Kuma dodge,

Potted Chudiya Kuma Podiyu

And Bila's brow, He Hello, with the gardens Alexei Ivanovich.

And in that chader in the beyti, the mortal podium is prepared in the pit.

And Prince Mikhailo Vasilyevich drinks TU Chara to dry,

And it does not know that evil beings are a mortal mortal.

In the given passage it is not difficult to detect the characteristic elements of the epic poetics. They are clearly acting in the mother's dialogue with the son who returned prematurely from the feast. This dialogue resembles the conversations of Vasily Buslaev with Mamelfoy Timofeevna, Dobryni with his mother.

The second part of the story dedicated to the description of the death of the hero and the nationwide burning about his death is made in a traditional book manner. Here are the same examples as in the "Life of Alexander Nevsky" and "The Word of the Life of Dmitry Ivanovich". The author of the story transfers the attitude to the death of Skopina of various groups of society. Muscovites, German Governor Yakov Dughadi, King Vasily Shuisky, Mother, and his wife, and his assessment of Skopina-Shui's activities. Mother and wife crying almost entirely go to the tradition of oral folk.

The story has an antiboyary orientation: Skopin-Shuisky poisoned " according to the conscience of evil trains"- Boyar, only they do not grieve in the commander.

The story glorifies the Skopina-Shuisky as a national hero, the defender of the motherland from the enemies-supports.

In 1620, to "Tale of the Pressure ..." was attached " The story of the birth of the governor M.V. Skopina-Shui».

In their own way, the historical events of those years in the folk consciousness are comprehended, as evidenced by the records of historical songs made in 1619 for the Englishman Richard James. These are songs " About the dog-thieves Grishke-upset», « About Marinka - Eretice Evil", About Ksenia Godunova. In the songs, the interventories and their accomplices " boyar Kosobryukha", The folk heroes are exalted by Bogatyr Ilya, Skopin-Shuisky, guarding the interests of their native land.

"Tale" Abrahamia Palitsyn.An outstanding historical work, which brightly reflects the events of the era, is the "legend" of the Kelary of the Trinity-Sergian Monastery of Abrahamia Palitsyn, written in 1609-1620.

Smart, cunning and rather unprincipled dealers of Abraham Palitsyn was in close relationship with Vasily Shui, secretly ended with Sigismund III, achieving the Polish king of privileges for the monastery. Creating a "legend", he sought to rehabilitate himself and tried to emphasize his merits in the fight against foreign invaders and election to the throne of the king Mikhail Fedorovich.

"Tale" consists of a number of independent reproductions:

1) A small historical essay, overlooking the events from the death of Grozny to the top of the Shuisky. The reasons for the "Troubles" of Palitsyn sees in the outstanding abduction of the royal throne Godunov and in his politics (ch. 1-6).

2) A detailed description of the 16-month siege of the Trinity Sergius Monastery by the troops of Sapega and Liskovsky. This central part of the "legend" was created by Abraham by processing notes of the participants in the defense of the monastery fortress (ch. 7 - 52).

3) the story of the last months of the Board of Shui, the ruin of Moscow by Poles, its release, election to the throne of Mikhail Romanov and the conclusion of a truce with Poland (ch. 53 - 76).

Thus, in the "tale", there is a statement of historical events from 1584 to 1628. They are covered with traditional providencyalist positions: the causes of the troubles, " hergehog is pretty in all of Russia - the righteous angerous punishment from God for all the same creation from us evlas": Victory, won by the Russian people over foreign invaders, is the result of blessing and mercy of the Mother of God and the intercessors of Saints Sergius and Nikon. Religious-doedactic arguments are given in the traditional rhetorical form of teachings, supported by references to the text of "Scriptures", as well as abundant religious fiction patterns of all sorts " miracles», « phenomena», « vision", According to the author, are indisputable evidence of the special patronage of the Heavenly Forces to the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery and Russian Earth.

The value of "legends" is its actual material associated with the image of the heroic tart feats of the peasants of the monastic villages, monastic servants, when " and soreheads are eradicated, and ignorant, and never the custom of rolling seerful and tying the Giant fortress predicate" Abraham informs the names and exploits of many folk heroes. Such, for example, the peasant of the village of Molokovo - bustle, " great age and strong venels, I will always join in the sake of infect" He stops those who applied to the flight of warriors, fearlessly with the Berdych in the river Sen " on both countries enemies"And holds the Lisovsky regiment, saying:" Cee die or fame from all». « Soon Iakash, Icho Lynx, the bustle of many then armed and in armors vulnerable" Servant Piman Teneev " outdated» « from Luka in the face» « fierce"Alexanda Lisovsky, who" fell off his horse" The servant Mikhail Pavlov caught and killed the Jurassic Gorsky.

Abraham repeatedly emphasizes that the monastery was saved from the support " young people", but " multiplication in hay"(Monastery. - approx. Author)" lawlessness and not true"Related to people" warlike china" Abruptly condemned in the "Tale" by the mind of the monastery treasurer of Joseph girl and the patron saint " lucavia"Governor Alexey Holokhwast, as well as treason sons of Boyari».

Abraham does not nourish the sympathies to " rabam"And holops that" lt. Lord is at least in life, and unable to freedom must" He dramatically condemns the rebels of peasants and " supervising villains"Kholopov Parsley and Ivan Bolotnikova. However, the zealous defender of the inviolability of the foundations of the feudal system, Abraham is forced to recognize the decisive role of the people in the fight against the interventionists: " In the whole Russia to the concern to be able to be concerned, in turning the common matter to all the pripe».

One of the features of the "legend" is the image of the beet of a besieged monastery: terrible close, when people plunder " all wood and the creation of a kushche», « and wife Chad Waddah before all men"; Due to the tightness, lack of fuel, for the fortress; A description of the epidemic of the Qingi and others. " Does not apply to Lgati's truth, but with great fear, it is believed to observe the truth"," Writes Abraham. And this observance of truth is a characteristic feature of the central part of the "legend." And although the concept of truth among Abrahamia includes a description of religious-fiction paintings, they cannot challenge the main - folk heroism.

Setting all in a row", Abraham tries to" document "its material: exactly indicates the dates of events, the names of their participants, introduces" letters "and" unsubscribers ", i.e. purely business documents.

In general, the "legend" is an epic work, but it uses dramatic and lyrical elements. In some cases, Abraham resorts to the manner of rhythmic tale, including in the narration of the rhymed speech.

For example:

And the Mount Rod from Brass Press;

always about the firewood of the evil of Beivah.

Outside bole for the cooler of the firewood for the sake of extraction,

and in Gard returns not to Blood Blood.

And buying the blood flow and reel,

and those are graciously everyday person;

to a martyr's feat greedyly exciting,

and each other is simply.

Much attention in the "legend" is given to the image of actions and thoughts as defenders of the monastic fortress and enemies and trains.

Based on the tradition of the "Kazan Chronicler", "Tale of Taking Tsargrad", Abraham Palitsyn creates an original historical work, which made a significant step towards the people's recognition of the people with an active participant in historical events.

"The chronicle book", attributed to Katirev-Rostov. The event of the First Peasant War and the struggle of the Russian people with the Polish-Swedish intervention is devoted to the "chronicle book" attributed to Katyrev-Rostovsky. Kukushkin believes that the author of the "chronicle book" is Prince Semyon Ivanovich Shakhovsky. Kukushkina M. V. Semen Shakhovsky - the author of the story about the confusion // Monument of Culture: new discoveries. Writing. Art. Archeology. Yearbook 1974. M., 1975. P. 75 - 78 .. It was created in 1626 and reflected the official-government point of view for the recent past. The goal of the "chronicle book" is to strengthen the authority of the new romance romanian dynasty. The "chronicle book" is a coherent pragmatic narration from the last years of the reign of Grozny to election to the throne Mikhail Romanova. The author seeks to give an epically calm "objective" narration. The "chronicle book" is deprived of that journalistic acute, which was characterized by works that appeared in the midst of events. It is almost absent and religious didactics; The narration is purely secular character. Unlike the "Legend" Abrahamia Palitsyn, the "chronicle book" put forward the personality of the rulers, " chiefs of military", Patriarch of Hermogene and seeks to give them deeper psychological characteristics, not only not only positive, but also negative features of the characters of a number of historical figures. The author relied on the chronograph of the editorial staff of 1617, where in the narrative of the events of the end of the XVI - beginning of the XVII century. The attention was drawn to the internal preservation of a human nature, for " nobody from farms"Can't stand" fucked in life", because " the mind of a man is eroded and from the good nature of evil seduced».

In the "chronicle book" placed a special section " Writing in brief about the king of Moscow, their imaging and about the erasex"Where the verbal portrait of a historic figure is given, the characteristics of its contradictory moral qualities.

An interesting verbal portrait of Ivan IV, which coincides with his famous image - sailing stored in Copenhagen National Museum: " King Ivan the way is ridiculous, the eyes having sulfur, the nose is skewed and a bounce; Aged big hairy, dry body having, shoulders Having high, breasts wide, Muscles TOLSTE».

For a verbal portrait, a description of the contradictions of the nature of Grozny and its associated his actions is: " ... Chusudagago's husband telling, in science of book teaching, he was satisfied and a multi-self-member, to the militia to be kept and for his fatherland is standing. On the slaves, from God, this is given to him, cubs and the shedding of blood and for killing daring and inexorably; Many people from Mala and to Velika in the kingdom of their pursuit, and many hails of their own burning, and many saintly ranks are incubated and the death of a non-silver pueby, and a lot of sodes over slaves with their, wives and maidens of Blud Dexcore. The same king Ivan a lot of good of the coat, the military of Lyubysha and demanding them from the treasures of his inaccessible».

"The chronicle book" departs from the tradition of one-sided image of a person. She notes even the positive aspects of the "Rostrigi" character - Falseedmitria I: he is withered, " in the science of book satisfied", Bold and brave and only" reactive accumulation", No" tsarskovo Testament», « permanent»Body testifies to his impostor.

A characteristic feature of the "chronicle book" is the desire of its author to introduce landscape sketches in the historical narration, which serve as a contrasting or by a harmonious background of the events occurring. Emotionally painted landscape dedicated to the glorification " red Godina"Awakening life, sharply contrasts with a brutal thighting of the troops" predatory Wolf.»Flusterria and Moskovsky's military. If you compare this landscape with the "Word on Antipashu" Kirill Torovsky, we will immediately see those significant changes in the image of the reality method that occurred in the literature of the first quarter of the XVII century. At first glance, S. Shakhovskaya enjoys the same images as Kirill: " zama», « the sun», « wind», « ratay", But the attitude towards these images from writers is different. For Cyril - these are only symbols of sin, Christ, the Faith of Christian, " treating words" The author of the "chronicle" does not give a symbolic interpretation to these images, and uses them in the literal, "earthly" meaning. For him, they are only a means of artistic evaluation of occurring events.

This assessment is also given in direct author's lyrical devices that are deprived of Christian didactism, there are no references to the authority of "Scriptures". All this gives the style of the "chronicle" "Original, beautiful epic warehouse" Platonov S. F. Ancient Russian legends and a story about the time of the XVII century as a historical source. 2nd ed. SPB., P. 273., contributing to its popularity. Moreover, wishing to beautifully complete the narration, the author at the end of the work places the "verses" (30 rhymed lines):

The beginning of the vessel,

Rebellious things

They will be reasonably read

And then you think this book ...

With these doublebalic vehicles, the author seeks to declare his writer personality: he " sie itself significantly seen", And other" things» « from graceful endlessly heard», « elico I found out, Toliki this and wrote" He reports about himself that belongs to the Rostov family and is the Son " prerereased Prince Mikhaila».