Examples of happy love in Russian literature. Philosophy of love in the works of Russian literature of the XIX-XX centuries

Examples of happy love in Russian literature.  Philosophy of love in the works of Russian literature of the XIX-XX centuries
Examples of happy love in Russian literature. Philosophy of love in the works of Russian literature of the XIX-XX centuries

The great German philosopher V.F. Hegel defined love as the highest "moral unity", as a feeling complete harmony, abandonment of one's own selfish interests, oblivion of oneself, and in this oblivion is the acquisition of one's own "I". This means that love does not exist without fidelity. Moreover, fidelity is not only physical, but also spiritual, because to love means to completely devote oneself to another, remaining faithful to a loved one both in body and thought. This is the idea behind many works of Russian classics devoted to the problem of the relationship between these two moral categories: love and fidelity, their continuity and unity.

  1. Love knows neither time nor barriers. In the story of I.A. Bunin "Dark Alleys" the heroine meets the one who once abandoned her and consigned their union to oblivion. He turns out to be an accidental guest at her inn. Per long years separation, they both changed, standing on completely different life paths... He hardly recognizes the woman he loved in the past. However, she carries her love to him through the years, remains lonely, preferring to family happiness a life full of hard daily work and life. And only the very first and main feeling she once experienced becomes the only happy memory, that very attachment, the loyalty of which she is ready to defend at the cost of loneliness, while realizing the failure and tragic doom of such an approach. "Everyone's youth passes, but love is another matter," the heroine casually drops. She will not forgive the failed lover for betrayal, but at the same time she will still be faithful to love.
  2. In the story of A.I. Kuprin " Garnet bracelet»Loyalty to love reaches unprecedented heights, is the source of life, however, elevating the hero above everyday life, destroys him. In the center of the narrative is the petty official Zheltkov, suffering from an unrequited passion that drives his every action. He's in love with married woman hardly suspecting of its existence. Having met Vera once by chance, Zheltkov remains true to his lofty feeling, devoid of everyday vulgarity. He realizes his powerlessness and the impossibility of reciprocity on the part of his beloved, but he cannot live otherwise. His tragic devotion is an exhaustive proof of sincerity and respect, because he still finds the strength to let go of his beloved woman, giving in, for her own happiness. Zheltkov is convinced that his loyalty does not oblige the princess to anything, this is just a manifestation of an infinite and selfless love To her.
  3. In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" the embodiment of love and fidelity in Pushkin's "encyclopedia of Russian life" is the archetypal image in Russian literature - Tatyana Larina. It is an integral nature, sincere in its impulses and feelings. Falling in love with Onegin, she writes him a letter, not fearing to be ridiculed and rejected. Eugene turns out to be untenable in his choice. He is afraid of a sincere feeling, does not want to get attached, therefore, he is incapable of a decisive act and a mature feeling, therefore he rejects the heroine. Having experienced a refusal, Tatyana, nevertheless, is devoted to her first love to the end, although she is getting married at the insistence of her parents. When Onegin comes to her again, but already overwhelmed by passion, she refuses him, because she cannot deceive her husband's trust. In the struggle of fidelity to love and fidelity to duty, the first wins: Tatyana rejects Eugene, but does not stop loving him, remaining mentally devoted to him, despite the external choice in favor of duty.
  4. Love and fidelity found their place in the work of M. Bulgakov, in the novel "The Master and Margarita". Indeed, this book is in many ways about love, eternal and perfect, expelling doubt and fear from the soul. Heroes are torn between love and duty, but remain true to their feelings to the end, choosing love as the only possible salvation from evil outside world, complete sin and vices. Margarita leaves the family, refuses old life, full of peace and comfort - does everything and sacrifice everything, if only at the cost of selfless devotion to find happiness. She is ready for any step - even for a contract with Satan and his entourage. If this is the price of love, she is ready to pay it.
  5. In the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's War and Peace, the paths of love and loyalty in the storyline of each of the many characters are very confusing and ambiguous. Many of the characters in the novel fail to remain faithful to their feelings, sometimes due to their young age and inexperience, sometimes due to mental weakness and inability to forgive. However, the fates of some heroes prove the existence of true and pure love, unsullied by hypocrisy and betrayal. So, taking care of Andrei, wounded on the battlefield, Natasha makes up for the mistake of her youth and becomes a mature woman capable of sacrificial and devoted affection. Pierre Bezukhov, in love with Natasha, also remains unconvinced, not listening to dirty gossip about running away with Anatole. They came together after the death of Bolkonsky, being already mature people, ready to honestly and steadfastly keep the hearth from the temptations and evil of the world around them. Another fateful meeting is the meeting of Nikolai Rostov and Marya Bolkonskaya. And even if their joint happiness did not work out right away, however, thanks to the sincere disinterested love of both, these two loving hearts were able to overcome conventional barriers and build a happy family.
  6. In love, the character of a person is recognized: if he is faithful, then he is strong and honest, if not, he is weak, vicious and cowardly. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", where the heroes are tormented by the feeling of their own imperfection and insurmountable sinfulness, nevertheless, there was a place for pure and faithful love, capable of giving comfort and peace of mind. Each of the heroes is sinful, but the desire to atone for the crimes committed pushes them into each other's arms. Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova are fighting together against the cruelty and injustice of the outside world, defeating them, first of all, in themselves. Therefore, it is not surprising that they, spiritually connected, are true to their love no matter what. Sonya and Rodion accept a joint cross and go to hard labor to heal their souls and start living anew.
  7. A. Kuprin's story "Olesya" is another vivid example of pure, sublime love. The heroine lives in solitude, so in her feelings she is natural and spontaneous. The mores of the village people are alien to her, adherence to outdated traditions and ingrained prejudices is alien. Love for her is freedom, a simple and strong feeling, independent of laws and opinions. Due to her sincerity, the girl is not capable of pretending, therefore she loves Ivan selflessly and sacrificially. However, faced with the superstitious anger and hatred of fanatical peasants, the heroine runs away with her mentor and does not want to drag her chosen one into an alliance with the "witch" so as not to bring trouble on him. In her soul, she forever remains faithful to the hero, since in her worldview there are no barriers to love.
  8. Love transforms human heart, makes him compassionate and vulnerable, but at the same time incredibly courageous and strong. In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" outwardly weak and bankrupt heroes ultimately change and improve each other, showing miracles of loyalty and courage. The love that arose between Pyotr Grinev and Masha Mironova makes a real man and a soldier out of a provincial undergrowth, and out of a painful and sensitive captain's daughter, a faithful and devoted woman. So, for the first time Masha shows her character when she refuses Shvabrin's offer. And the refusal to marry Grinev without parental blessing reveals the spiritual nobility of the heroine, ready to sacrifice personal happiness for the well-being of a loved one. Love story amid significant historical events only heightens the contrast between external circumstances and the true affection of hearts, which is not afraid of obstacles.
  9. The theme of love and fidelity is a source of inspiration for literature, which raises the question of the relationship between these moral categories in the context of life and creativity. One of the archetypal images eternal love in world literature are the main characters of Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet".
    Young people strive for happiness, despite the fact that they belong to warring families. In their love, they are far ahead of a time full of medieval prejudices. Sincerely believing in the triumph of noble feelings, they defy convention, proving at a cost own life that love is able to overcome any obstacles. To give up feeling for them is to commit a betrayal. Consciously choosing death, each of them puts loyalty above life. The readiness for self-sacrifice makes the heroes of the tragedy immortal symbols of ideal, but tragic love.
  10. In the novel by MA Sholokhov "Quiet Don", the attitudes and feelings of the characters allow the reader to appreciate the power of passion and devotion. The ambiguity of the circumstances in which the heroes find themselves is complicated by the interweaving of emotional connections that connect the characters of the novel and prevent them from gaining the long-awaited happiness. The relationship of the characters proves that love and loyalty can be different. Aksinya, in her devotion to Gregory, appears as a passionate nature, ready for self-sacrifice. She is able to follow her loved one anywhere, is not afraid of universal condemnation, leaves her home, rejecting the opinion of the crowd. Quiet Natalia loves also faithfully, but hopelessly, tormented and tormented by inseparable feelings, while remaining faithful to Gregory, who does not ask her about it. Natalia forgives her husband's indifference, his love for another woman.
  11. Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 12 minutes


Valentine's day, of course, is still far away, but for a book about love, a special day is not needed. Like a hundred years ago, works of love are read avidly, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli, under a cup of tea or coffee. One is looking for answers to his questions in them, the other lacks love in life, and the third simply enjoys the quality of the text, plot and emotions. Your attention - 15 most romantic books about love!

  • Singing in the thorns. The author of the novel (1977): Colin McCullough. A saga about 3 generations of one Australian family. About people who had to experience a lot so that life would endow them with happiness, about love for their land, about a choice that once comes up before each of us. The main characters of the book are Maggie, modest, gentle and proud, and Ralph - the priest, torn between Maggie and God. A devout Catholic who carried his love for a girl through his whole life. Are they destined to be together? And what will happen to the bird that sings on the blackthorn?
  • Loneliness on the net. The author of the novel (2001): Janusz Leon Vishnevsky. This novel became a real bestseller in Russia, plunging readers into a life that is understandable to many modern singles who while away their days on the Web. The main characters fall in love with each other through ... ICQ. V virtual world they meet, experience, communicate, exchange erotic fantasies, study each other. They are alone in reality and are already practically inseparable on the Internet. One day they will meet in Paris ...

  • A time to live and a time to die. Author of the novel (1954): Erich Maria Remarque. One of the most powerful books of Remarque, along with the work "Three Comrades". The theme of war is closely intertwined with the theme of love. The year is 1944, german troops retreat. Ernst, having received leave, leaves for home, but Verdun is turned into ruins by bombing. While looking for his parents, Ernst accidentally meets Elizabeth, with whom they become close, hiding from air raids in a bomb shelter. War separates young people again - Ernst must return to the front. Will they be able to see each other again?

  • P.S. I love you. Author of the novel (2006): Cecilia Ahern. This is a story about a love that has become stronger than death... Holly loses her beloved spouse and becomes depressed. She does not have the strength to communicate with people, and even to leave the house there is no desire. A package of letters from her husband that arrived unexpectedly in the mail completely turns her life upside down. Every month she opens one letter and clearly follows his instructions - this is the wish of her husband, who knew about his imminent death ...

  • Gone With the Wind. Author of the novel (1936): Margaret Mitchell. A highly social, engaging book set in the period Civil War in the USA. A work about love and loyalty, about war and betrayal, ambition and military hysteria, oh strong woman that nothing can break.

  • Diary. Author of the novel (1996): Nicholas Sparks. They are just like us. And their love story is completely ordinary, of which thousands happen around us. But it’s impossible to tear yourself away from this book. They say that the stronger the love, the more tragic the ending will be. Will the heroes be able to preserve their happiness?

  • Wuthering Heights. Author of the novel (1847): Emily Brontë. A mystery book about violent passion, the vibrant life of the English province, about vices and prejudices, secret love and forbidden attraction, about happiness and tragedy. A novel that has been in the top ten for over 150 years.

  • English patient. The author of the novel (1992): Michael Ondaatje. A subtle psychologically verified work about 4 distorted destinies at the end of the 2nd World War. And burnt nameless person, which became both a challenge and a mystery for everyone. Several destinies are closely intertwined in a villa in Florence - masks are thrown off, souls are exposed, tired of losses ...

  • Doktor Zhivago. The author of the novel (1957): Boris Pasternak. The novel is about the fate of a generation that witnessed the Civil War in Russia, the revolution, the tsar's abdication. They entered the 20th century with hopes that were not destined to come true ...

  • Sense and Sense. Author of the novel (1811): Jane Austen. For over 200 years, this book has left readers in a light trance state, thanks to the amazingly beautiful language, heartfelt drama and the author's inherent sense of humor. Filmed several times.

  • The Great Gatsby. Author of the novel (1925): Francis Scott Fitzgerald. 20s of the 20th century, New York. The chaos of World War I was followed by a period of rapid development of the American economy. Crime is also booming and millions of bootleggers are multiplying. The book is about love, unlimited materialism, lack of morality and the wealthy of the 20s.

  • Great expectations. Author of the novel (1860): Charles Dickens. One of the most read books the author. Almost a detective story, a bit of mysticism and humor, a thick layer of morality and fantastically beautiful language. Little boy Pip in the course of the story turns into a man - along with his appearance, his spiritual world, his character, outlook on life change. The book is about dashed hopes, about unrequited love for the heartless Estella, about the spiritual revival of the hero.

  • Love story. Author of the novel (1970): Eric Segal. A screened bestseller. A chance meeting of a student and a future lawyer, love, living together, dreams of children. Simple plot, no intrigue - life as it is. And the understanding that you need to value this life while heaven gives you ...

  • Overnight in Lisbon. Author of the novel (1962): Erich Maria Remarque. Her name is Ruth. They escape from the Nazis and, by the will of fate, find themselves in Lisbon, from where they try to get on a steamer to the United States. The stranger is ready to give the protagonist 2 tickets for the same steamer. The condition is to listen to his life story. The book is about sincere love, about cruelty, about the human soul, so subtly displayed by Remarque, as if the plot was copied from real events.

  • Consuelo. Author of the novel (1843): Georges Sand. The action begins in Italy, in the middle of the 18th century. The daughter of the gypsy Consuelo is a poor girl with a divine voice that will become her happiness and grief at the same time. Youthful love - to to the best friend Andzoleto, growing up, experienced betrayal, contract with the Berlin Theater and fateful meeting with Count Rudolstadt. Who will prima donna choose? And can anyone awaken the fire in her soul?

Love popped out

before us like a killer

jumps out from around the corner,

and instantly struck us

both at once ... "

M. Bulgakov.

The theme of love in literature is always relevant. After all, love is the purest and most beautiful feeling that has been sung since ancient times. Love is always the same, be it youthful or more mature. Love never gets old.

If you build a pedestal of love, then undoubtedly the love of Romeo and Juliet will come first. This is the most beautiful love story, which immortalized its author, Shakespeare. Love of Romeo and Juliet at first sight, from the first words. Two lovers go to break fate, despite the enmity between their families, they choose love. Romeo is ready for love to give up even his own name, and Juliet is ready to die, just to be Faithful to Romeo and their love. They die in the name of love, they die together because they cannot live without each other. The life of one loses its meaning without the other. Although this is a love story and tragic, the love of Romeo and Juliet always and everywhere, at any time, will be equal to the lovers.

But centuries change, years fly by, and the world is transformed. Although love is eternal, it also changes. She also becomes more modern, somewhere more calculating and somewhere even cruel. And if love is one-sided, then it dies altogether. This is how the love of Bazarov and Odintsova died in the work of I. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Two equally strong personalities collided. Their common interests, conversations eventually grew into love. But only Bazarov turned out to be loving. Love for him becomes a strong shock, which he unexpectedly. For Bazarov, before meeting with Odentsova, love played no role. All human suffering, emotional experiences were unacceptable for his world. He is a loner hero, an upstart from society; only he exists, everything else is not interesting to him. But we are all human and don’t know in advance what fate has prepared for us. Therefore, Bazarov takes his love very painfully. It is difficult for him to admit, first of all, to himself, to his feelings, not to mention Madame Odintsova. And he squeezes his recognition out of himself. And Odintsov is a calculating nature. As long as her interests were affected, the desire to learn new things, she was also interested in Bazarov. But as soon as the topics were exhausted, then interest also disappeared. She lives in her own world in which everything is according to plan, and nothing can upset this order, not even love. And she will get married, because it is convenient only for her. And Bazarov? Bazarov is a temporary, unexpected change, which flew in like a draft, and then flew out. Such love cannot survive, therefore Bazarov and Odentseva diverge in different directions.

If we consider love in the work of M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", but we will certainly stumble upon the love for which the heroes also make sacrifices, as in "Romeo and Juliet". The love of the master and margarita will be eternal, only because one of them will fight for the feelings of both. And she will sacrifice herself for the love of Margarita. The master will get tired and afraid of such a powerful feeling that it will eventually lead him to a mad house. There he hopes that Margarita will forget him. Of course, he was influenced by the failure of the written novel, but to give up love? Is there something that can make you give up love? Alas, yes, and this is cowardice. The Master runs away from the whole world and from himself.

But Margarita is saved by their love. Nothing stops her. For the sake of love, she is ready to go through many trials. Need to become a witch? Why not, if it will help you find your beloved.

Her strong love in the end she wins, Margarita saves the Master from madness, their love, which gains peace, will be eternal.

No matter how different love is, this feeling is still wonderful. Therefore, they write so much about love, write poems, and sing about love in songs. Creators wonderful works can be enumerated indefinitely, since each of us, whether he is a writer or a simple person, has experienced this feeling at least once in his life. In my opinion, there will be no life on earth without love. And while reading the works, we are faced with something sublime, which helps us to consider the world from the spiritual side. After all, with each hero, we experience his love together.

In the preparation of this work were used materials from the site studentu.ru

That Russian literature of the XIX - XX centuries constantly turned to the topic of love, trying to understand its philosophical and moral sense... Using the example of works of literature of the XIX - XX centuries considered in the abstract, I tried to reveal the theme of love in literature and philosophy, using the view of it from different writers and the famous philosopher. So, in the novel "The Master and Margarita", Bulgakov sees power in love, ...

I'm on a par, stand next to the eyebrow of the eyebrow ... Jealousy, wives, tears ... well, them! - the eyelids will swell, just right for Viy. I'm not myself, but I'm jealous of Soviet Russia... As for the place of the theme of love in the work of Mayakovsky, A. Subbotin in the book "Horizons of Poetry" proves that the motive of the elevation of love permeates all of the poet's work. Because not only a poet of this magnitude, but also any "person cannot" ...

As if conveying to the heroine his shock, his pain and happiness, and unexpectedly displaces everything vain from the soul, instilling a reciprocal ennobling suffering. Last letter Zheltkova raises the theme of love to a high tragedy. It is dying, so each line is filled with special deep meaning... But it is even more important that the death of the hero does not end with the sounding of the pathetic motives of the omnipotent ...

The years are bleak. He sees an inexorable law at work in human relations: the law of suffering, evil and destruction. Hence the tragic understanding of love, which permeated all of Tyutchev's later lyrics: Union of the soul with a native soul - Their union, combination, And their fatal fusion, And their fatal duel ... Feelings are strong and selfless, hearts are devoted to each other, but "union of soul with soul" destructive. If...

(estimates: 33 , the average: 4,30 out of 5)

In Russia, literature has its own direction, which is different from any other. The Russian soul is mysterious and incomprehensible. The genre reflects both Europe and Asia, therefore the best classical Russian works are extraordinary, striking with sincerity and vitality.

The main character is the soul. For a person, the position in society, the amount of money is not important, it is important for him to find himself and his place in this life, to find truth and peace of mind.

The books of Russian literature are united by the features of a writer who possesses the gift of the great Word, who has completely devoted himself to this art of literature. The best classics saw life not flat, but multifaceted. They wrote about life not of random destinies, but of those expressing being in its most unique manifestations.

Russian classics are so different, with different fates, but they are united by the fact that literature is recognized as a school of life, a way of studying and developing Russia.

Russian classical literature was created the best writers from different parts of Russia. It is very important where the author was born, because this depends on his formation as a person, his development, and it also affects writing skills... Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky were born in Moscow, Chernyshevsky in Saratov, Shchedrin in Tver. Poltava region in Ukraine is the homeland of Gogol, Podolsk province - Nekrasov, Taganrog - Chekhov.

Three great classics, Tolstoy, Turgenev and Dostoevsky, were absolutely different people, had different fates, complex characters and great talents. They made a huge contribution to the development of literature, writing their best works that still excite the hearts and souls of readers. Everyone should read these books.

Another important difference between the books of Russian classics is ridicule of the shortcomings of a person and his way of life. Satire and humor are the main features of the works. However, many critics said that this was all slander. And only true connoisseurs have seen how comical and tragic the characters are at the same time. Such books always grab the soul.

Here you can find the best works classical literature... You can download free books of Russian classics or read online, which is very convenient.

Introducing 100 best books Russian classics. V full list books included the best and most memorable works of Russian writers. This literature is known to everyone and recognized by critics from all over the world.

Of course, our list of top 100 books is just a small part that has collected best works great classics. It can be continued for a very long time.

One hundred books that everyone should read in order to understand not only how they used to live, what were the values, traditions, priorities in life, what they were striving for, but to find out in general how our world works, how bright and pure the soul can be and how valuable it is for a person, for the formation of his personality.

The list of the top 100 includes the best and the best famous works Russian classics. The plot of many of them has been known since school. However, some books are difficult to understand at a young age, it requires wisdom that is acquired over the years.

Of course, the list is far from complete, it can be continued endlessly. Reading such literature is a pleasure. She not only teaches something, she radically changes lives, helps to realize simple things that we sometimes do not even notice.

We hope you enjoy our list of classic Russian literature books. Perhaps you have already read something from it, but some have not. A great reason to make your personal list of books, your top, which you would like to read.

The theme of love in literature

2. The theme of love in the works of Russian poets and writers

This topic found its reflection in the literature of Russian writers and poets of all times. For over 100 years, people have been turning to the poetry of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, finding in it a reflection of their feelings, emotions and experiences. The name of this great poet is associated with the tirade of poems about love and friendship, with the concept of honor and Motherland, images of Onegin and Tatiana, Masha and Grinev appear. Even the most strict reader will be able to discover something close in his works, because they are very multifaceted. Pushkin was a man passionately responding to all living things, a great poet, creator of the Russian word, a man of high and noble qualities. In the variety of lyrical themes that permeate Pushkin's poems, the theme of love is given such a significant place that the poet could be called a glorifier of this great noble feeling. In the entire world literature, one cannot find more a striking example a special predilection for this particular side of human relations. Obviously, the origins of this feeling lie in the very nature of the poet, responsive, able to reveal in each person the best properties of his soul. In 1818, at one of the parties, the poet met 19-year-old Anna Petrovna Kern. Pushkin admired her radiant beauty and youth. Years later Pushkin met again with Kern, as charming as before. Pushkin presented her with the recently printed chapter of Eugene Onegin, and between the pages he put poems written especially for her, in honor of her beauty and youth. Poems dedicated to Anna Petrovna "I remember a wonderful moment" is a famous hymn to a high and bright feeling. This is one of the pinnacles of Pushkin's lyrics. Poems captivate not only with the purity and passion of the feelings embodied in them, but also with harmony. Love for a poet is a source of life and joy, the poem "I Loved You" is a masterpiece of Russian poetry. More than twenty romances have been written on his poems. And let time pass, the name of Pushkin will always live in our memory and awaken the best feelings in us.

With the name of Lermontov opens new era Russian literature. Lermontov's ideals are limitless; he longs not for a simple improvement in life, but for the acquisition of complete bliss, a change in the imperfection of human nature, the absolute resolution of all contradictions in life. Immortal life- the poet does not agree with anything less. However, love in Lermontov's works bears a tragic imprint. It was influenced by his only one, unrequited love to a friend of his youth - Varenka Lopukhina. He considers love to be impossible and surrounds himself with a martyr's halo, placing himself outside the world and life. Lermontov is sad about the lost happiness "My soul must live in earthly captivity, Not for long. Maybe I will not see more, Your gaze, your sweet gaze, so tender for others."

Lermontov emphasizes his remoteness from everything worldly "Whatever earthly, but I will not become a slave." Lermontov understands love as something eternal, the poet does not find solace in routine, fleeting passions, and if he sometimes gets carried away and steps aside, then his lines are not the fruit of a sick fantasy, but just a momentary weakness. "At the feet of others, I did not forget the gaze of your eyes. Loving others, I only suffered with the Love of former days."

Human, earthly love seems to be a hindrance to the poet on his way to higher ideals. In the poem "I will not humiliate myself before you," he writes that inspiration is dearer to him than unnecessary quick passions that are able to throw human soul into the abyss. Love in Lermontov's lyrics is fatal. He writes "I was saved by inspiration from petty vanities, but there is no salvation from my soul even in happiness itself." In Lermontov's poems, love is a lofty, poetic, light, feeling, but always undivided or lost. In the poem "Valerik" the love part, which later became a romance, conveys the bitter feeling of the loss of connection with his beloved. "Is it crazy to wait for love in absentia? In our age, all feelings are only for a period of time, but I remember you," the poet writes. The theme of betrayal of a beloved, unworthy of a great feeling or who has not withstood the test of time becomes traditional in Lermontov's literary creations, associated with his personal experience.

The discord between dream and reality permeates this beautiful feeling; love does not bring joy to Lermontov, he receives only suffering and sorrow: "I am sad because I love you." The poet is worried about the meaning of life. He is sad about the transience of life and wants to have time to do as much as possible in the short time allotted to him on earth. In his poetic reflections, life is hateful to him, but death is also terrible.

Considering the theme of love in the works of Russian writers, one cannot but appreciate the contribution of Bunin to the poetry of this topic. The theme of love occupies almost the main place in Bunin's work. In this topic, the writer has the opportunity to correlate what is happening in the soul of a person, with the phenomena of external life, with the requirements of a society that is based on the relationship of purchase and sale and in which sometimes wild and dark instincts reign. Bunin was one of the first in Russian literature to devote his works not only to the spiritual, but also to the bodily side of love, touching with extraordinary tact the most intimate, intimate aspects of human relations. Bunin was the first to dare to say that bodily passion does not necessarily follow a spiritual impulse, which happens in life and vice versa (as happened with the heroes of the story " Sunstroke And no matter what plot moves the writer chooses, love in his works is always a great joy and great disappointment, a deep and insoluble mystery, it is both spring and autumn in a person's life.

V different periods of his work, Bunin speaks of love with varying degrees of frankness. In his early works the heroes are open, young and natural. In such works as "In August", "Autumn", "Dawn All Night", all events are extremely simple, short and significant. The feelings of the characters are ambivalent, highlighted in halftones. And although Bunin talks about people who are alien to us in appearance, life, relationships, we immediately recognize and realize in a new way our own presentiments of happiness, expectations of deep spiritual changes. The rapprochement of Bunin's heroes rarely achieves harmony, as soon as it appears, it most often disappears. But the thirst for love burns in their souls. Sad parting with my beloved is completed by dreamy dreams ("In August"): "Through tears I looked into the distance, and somewhere I dreamed of sultry southern cities, a blue steppe evening and the image of some woman who merged with the girl I loved ... ". The date is remembered because it testifies to the touch of a genuine feeling: "Was she better than the others whom I loved, I do not know, but that night she was incomparable" ("Autumn"). And in the story "Dawn All Night" Bunin tells about a premonition of love, about tenderness that a young girl is ready to give to her future lover. At the same time, it is common for youth not only to get carried away, but also to be quickly disappointed. Bunin's works show us this painful gap between dreams and reality for many. "After a night in the garden, full of nightingale whistles and spring trepidation, young Tata suddenly hears through her sleep her fiancé shooting jackdaws, and realizes that she does not at all like this rude and mundane down-to-earth person."

Majority early stories Bunina tells about the striving for beauty and purity - this remains the main spiritual impulse of his characters. In the 1920s, Bunin wrote about love, as if through the prism of past memories, peering into the departed Russia and those people who no longer exist. This is how we perceive the story "Mitya's Love" (1924). In this story, the writer consistently shows the spiritual formation of the hero, leads him from love to ruin. In the story, feelings and life are closely intertwined. Mitya's love for Katya, his hopes, jealousy, and vague forebodings seem to be overshadowed by a special sadness. Katya, dreaming of an artistic career, swirled in the fake life of the capital and betrayed Mitya. His torment, from which he could not save the relationship with another woman - beautiful but down to earth Alenka, led Mitya to commit suicide. Mitya's insecurity, openness, unwillingness to face rough reality, and the inability to suffer make us feel more acutely the inevitability and inadmissibility of what happened.

A number of Bunin's stories about love describe love triangle: husband - wife - beloved ("Ida", "Caucasus", "The Most Beautiful Sun"). In these stories, the atmosphere of the inviolability of the established order reigns. Marriage proves to be an insurmountable barrier to happiness. And often what is given to one person is mercilessly taken away from another. In the story "The Caucasus", a woman leaves with her lover, knowing for sure that from the moment the train departs, hours of despair begin for her husband, that he will not stand it and rush after her. He is really looking for her, and not finding her, he guesses about treason and shoots himself. Already here appears the motive of love as "sunstroke", which has become a special, ringing note of the cycle " Dark alleys".

Memories of youth and homeland bring the cycle of stories "Dark Alleys" closer to the prose of the 1920s and 1930s. These stories are narrated in the past tense. The author seems to be making attempts to penetrate the depths of the subconscious world of his characters. In most of the stories, the author describes bodily pleasures, beautiful and poetic, born of genuine passion. Even if the first sensual impulse seems frivolous, as in the story "Sunstroke", it still leads to tenderness and self-forgetfulness, and then to true love... This is exactly what happens to the heroes of the stories " Business Cards", "Dark alleys", " Late hour"," Tanya "," Russia "," In one familiar street. "The writer writes about ordinary lonely people and their lives. That is why the past, filled with early, strong feelings, seems to be truly golden times, merges with sounds, smells, colors of nature .As if nature itself leads to mental-bodily rapprochement loving friend a friend of people. And nature itself leads them to inevitable separation, and sometimes to death.

The skill of describing everyday details, as well as a sensual description of love, is inherent in all the stories of the cycle, but the story written in 1944 " Clean Monday"appears not just a story about great secret love and mysterious a woman's soul, but some kind of cryptogram. Too much in the psychological line of the story and in its landscape and everyday details seems to be a coded revelation. Accuracy and abundance of details are not just signs of the times, not just nostalgia for forever lost Moscow, but the opposition of East and West in the soul and appearance of the heroine, leaving love and life in a monastery.

3. The theme of love in literary works XX century

The theme of love continues to be relevant in the XX century, in the era of global catastrophes, political crisis, when humanity makes attempts to re-form its attitude to universal human values. Twentieth century writers often portray love as the last remaining moral category of the then destroyed world. In the novels of the "lost generation" writers (these include both Remarque and Hemingway), these feelings are the necessary stimulus for which the hero is trying to survive and move on. " Lost generation"- a generation of people who survived the first world war and remained spiritually devastated.

These people abandon any ideological dogmas, are looking for the meaning of life in simple human relationships. The feeling of a comrade's shoulder, which has almost merged with the instinct of self-preservation, leads through the war the mentally lonely heroes of Remarque's novel All Quiet on the Western Front. It also determines the relationship that arises between the heroes of the novel "Three Comrades".

The hero of Hemingway in the novel "A Farewell to Arms" renounced military service, from what is usually called a moral obligation of a person, he renounced for the sake of a relationship with a loved one, and his position seems very convincing to the reader. The man of the 20th century is constantly faced with the likelihood of the end of the world, with the expectation own death or the death of a loved one. Katherine, the heroine of Farewell to Arms, dies, as does Pat in Remarque's Three Comrades. The hero loses the sense of being needed, the sense of the meaning of life. At the end of both works, the hero looks at a dead body, which has already ceased to be the body of a beloved woman. The novel is filled with the author's subconscious reflections on the mystery of the origin of love, on its spiritual basis. One of the main features of 20th century literature is its inextricable bond with phenomena public life... The author's reflections on the existence of such concepts as love and friendship appear against the background of socio-political problems of that time and, in essence, are inseparable from reflections on the fate of mankind in the XX century.

In the work of Françoise Sagan, the theme of friendship and love usually remains within the framework of a person's private life. The writer often depicts the life of the Parisian bohemia; most of her heroes belong to her. Sagan wrote her first novel in 1953, and it was then seen as a complete moral failure. V artistic world Sagan has no place for a strong and truly strong human attraction: this feeling must die as soon as it is born. It is replaced by another - a feeling of disappointment and sadness.

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