The cooking "After the Bala. Moral categories in the story of a fat "after the ball

The cooking "After the Bala. Moral categories in the story of a fat "after the ball

/ / / Ivan Vasilyevich on the ball and after the ball (according to the story of a fat "after the Bala")

The main thing acting person The story of Lev Tolstoy "" is Ivan Vasilyevich. In proof of its theory that the choice of a person is influenced exclusively the case, he told one story from his life.

The case was at the time when Ivan Vasilyevich was another young and rather attractive young man. He studied the main character in one of the provincial universities. And how all students were cheerful, carefree, briskly small. He lived in his pleasure, was entertained with the young lady and "Cordil" with friends. But the biggest passion of Ivan Vasilyevich was the secular evenings and magnificent balls, because he was an excellent dancer, and the appearance easily allowed the charming young lady. On one of these balls and this story happened.

Gave this sky evening One "good-natured old man." He was a military head of the colonel. The evening was really magical: pleasant music, delicious treats, smiling faces. Everything has placed to fun and good mood. At that time, Ivan Vasilyevich was experiencing a fervent feeling for Varenka b .. The girl was beautiful in truth. Her appearance and royal manners attracted the views of others. And emphasized all this magnificence. Cute smile of the girl.

All evening, Ivan Vasilyevich was passionate about Jam. They shut off all the dances: from Kadrili to Waltz. The main character It was truly happy. The feelings of Ivan Vasilyevich strengthened in a hundred times when he saw his father dancing with her father. Since that minute, Ivan Vasilyevich began to respect the father of the girl even more, because he was all ready to give his child for happiness. The main character was painted with his feelings. He was ready to hug and kiss the whole world.

Thus, on the ball we see Ivan Vasilyevich, as a person who is experiencing real feelings. His emotions were not fake, he was truly happy.

His happiness, Ivan Vasilyevich returns after the ball home. Bala scenes are scrolled in his head, he remembers a cute smile Varenki and her unforgettable dance with her father. So could not fall asleep, Ivan Vasilyevich goes for a walk. He just went through the streets of the city. It seemed that the main character still hears the rhythms of dance, he presented himself on the ball. And all that Ivan Vasilyevich was surrounded, shared his wonderful mood.

How suddenly the piercing and cruel music as if woke up the main character. He found himself near the house Varnika. Before the eyes of Ivan Vasilyevich opened a terrible picture. Through the system of soldiers led by Tatarin tied to two guns. It was a deserter. Each soldier, who passed the unfortunate, beat him with a stick on his back. Commanded the soldiers Father Varnika.

Ivan Vasilyevich became nauseous to look at this picture. He could not bear the sufferings of the unfortunate Tatar. His mutilated body was no longer like human body. The main character hurried to go home, and in his head they crashed molhers of unfortunate about pardon. Sadness and longing filled the soul of Ivan Vasilyevich. Seen, for a long time did not allow to fall asleep in the main character.

After this incident, Ivan Vasilyevich decided to rethink his life. The main character decided not to associate his life with the military service. He did not want to be on the place of unfortunate Tatar. The attitude to the father of Varnika changed and began to cause disgust. Later, the feelings for the girl herself also cooled.

After Bala Ivan Vasilyevich as he matured. He woke up a feeling of pity and conscience, responsibility and humanity.

Story L.N. Tolstoy "After Bala".

Story L.N. Tolstoy "after the ball" is very small in volume, but the work is extremely deep in meaning. It is based on the reception of contrast, antithesis. The story is divided into two parts, which are sharply opposed to each other.
The first part of the work is a description of the ball. This part is filled with a feeling of light, love, joy, happiness. This is largely due to the fact that the narrator telling about all the events is very in love. Therefore, at that time, everything in the world he saw in rainbow tones.
The ball took place in the house of the provincial leader, good-natured and grocery old man. "The ball was wonderful: the hall is beautiful, with the choiring, musicians - the fastener's fasteners famous at the time, the buffet of the magnificent and spilled champagne sea," says Ivan Vasilyevich. But the hero of the story was drunk not from champagne, but from love, because his adorable Varnote B. was located on the ball, an extraordinary beauty: "High, slim, graceful and majestic, precisely". I kept the vamraka always unusually straight, throwing it back a little back. It gave her some kind of royal appearance, "who would scare away from her if it were not for affectionate, always a fun smile and mouth, and adorable, shiny eyes, and the whole cute, young creature."
It was seen that the girl is not indifferent to the storytellor. The whole evening of the young spent together: they played and danced. At the end of the evening, Varnka presented Ivan Vasilyevich Feather from his fan. Delight - that's what he experienced hero throughout the ball.
Before dinner, Varenka went to dance with her father - Colonel B., a beautiful military, who adores her daughter. Their dance admired all the guests. They admired this beautiful couple, And at the end of the dance, guests even coplen the father and daughter B. It was seen how the colonel loves her daughter, as she seeks to give her the best. The storyteller noticed that Peter Vladislavich carries homemade boots of ancient cut to be able to export his vamraka.
You can characterize the atmosphere of this evening with the words of Ivan Vasilyevich himself: "I hugged the whole world with my love at that time. I loved the hostess in the Feronerke, with her Elisavtian bust, and her husband, and her guests, and her Laces, and even having confused me Engineer Anisimova. To his father, with his homemade boots and affectionate, like her, smile, I experienced some enthusiastic feeling at that time. "
The second part of the story that has the basic value for disclosure ideological design Works, exactly the opposite of the first. After the delightful night comes early morning, the first morning of the Great Post. The narrator walks around the city, in his soul it still sounds the rhythm of the Mazurki. But suddenly this music is interrupted by another: "tight, bad music." Among the fog, the hero-storyteller sees black people (in contrast with elegant people from the ballroom hall). They stood in two rows, between them was a man, bare in the belt. Each of the soldiers had to hit this person as stronger as possible. Ivan Vasilyevich found out that he was punished with a punishment of a runaway tatar.
As far as light and beautiful is the first part of the story, so terrible and disgusting the second. If the leitmotif of the first part can be considered a melody of the Mazurka, then the whole second part accompanies the "unpleasant, screaming melody" the drum and flutes. It seems to me that opposition to the wonderful dance of Colonel B. and his daughter on the ball is a terrible scene of punishment of poor Tatar, where one of the main characters is also a colonel. Only now he does not rest next to his beloved Volya, and performs his official duties.
The description of the colonel, in general, has not changed. We see all the same ruddy face, gray bench. The intonation has changed, with the help of which this hero was described, the relationship of the storyteller and readers to this brave servant changed.
In contrast to the portrait of Varnika, the adorable young girl, gentle and majestic at the same time, a description of a runaway tatar is given: "When the procession passed, the place where I stood, I could see between the rows of the back punishable. It was something like a motley, wet, red , unnatural, that I did not believe that it was a man's body. "
The movement of Tatar for a number of soldiers is opposed to a description of the dance in the first part. If the father's dance with his daughter admired everyone on the ball, then the movements of the captured fugitive resembled a terrible puppet dance, puppet movements that are terrified.
In addition, if in the first part, Colonel B. brought his daughter to the story, passing her a caring cavalier, then in the second Peter Vladislavich, seeing the story, turned away from him, as from an unfamiliar.
Seen picture to the depths of the soul struck Ivan Vasilyevich. Shock was so deep that the narrator decided never to serve anywhere, just not to make such monstrous deeds. The punishment scene is still terrible, if we consider that it happened on the first day of the Great Post. After the pagan carnival, described in the first part, comes the most important Christian post, when a person must forget all worldly and turn to his soul. But it was at this time that the narrator witnessed the largest crime of man - crime towards himself, to his soul.
Lead artistic reception In the story of a thick "after the ball" is to receive contrast. In this work, two parts of the story are opposed: the ball scene and the punishment scene; Heroes, their actions are opposed. In addition, the moods, emotions, musical leitmotifs of the work are radically different.

The problems of the feelings and the mind of the red thread passes through the work of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. These questions are raised in these works such as war and peace, after Bala, Lucerne, etc.

The theme of the mind and feelings in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Each of us is not ideal. Everyone has their weaknesses and disadvantages, so the ability to listen to your own mind, forgive or ask for forgiveness - important qualitieswhich can help keep peace in relationships with loved ones, friends and just with other people's people. After all, this is a sign strong personality - To be able to overcome your anger and be able to recognize your mistakes.
Unfortunately, even so strong and noble manAs Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, could not forgive Natasha Rostov, whose young soul rushed towards the feelings and was mistaken in choosing.
Cold and egoism sounds in the words of the Bolkonsky, said Pierre: "I said that the fallen woman must be forgiven, but I did not say that I can forgive, I can not." This example proves that even a high person moral ideals It is not always able to cope with a feeling of resentment and forgive contrary to his mind.

The theme of the mind and feelings in the story of L.N. Tolstoy "After Bala"

The story is tragic, it is built on the contrast for the descriptions of air, gentle experiences and feelings of the hero and the reality of images and events.
The hero sees the father of his beloved Varnika leading the beating of a soldier. And this cruel inhuman and bloody scene turns his soul, destroys even the shadow of the oldest feelings in it, even hung on them.

L. N. Tolstoy "Albert"

The writer shows in the story of the main character, a brilliant musician, during the game of which the Wanted viewers are experiencing beautiful, good feelings, falling into the world of good and light. Their souls are filled with heat, they acquire a long-lost ability to be happy.
Music Albert transfers people in other, forgotten by them amazing world of good. The author shows the reader, as, opening the world of dreams, art cleans a person, changes his soul and mind enriching the great spiritual values \u200b\u200bof his consciousness.
The motives of the idealistic perception of art are divided into reality. However, even the life-exhausted felons under the influence of the violin charming sounds again felt like young, full strength and hopes. Following the heroes, the reader is immersed in beautiful world Dreams, in which there is no evil, hatred, envy and suffering.

The theme of the mind and feelings in the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Lucerne"

What is primary in man: mind or feeling? The story rises the problem of the influence of music on the soul of man, on his feelings, as well as the problem of human complacency, cvism, greed and ability to offend anything, contrary to common mind. The writer shows the wandering begging singer. In front of the hotel, in which only rich, he played on the guitar and sings.
In this episode, the author reflected the overall inner excitement, a sense of pleasure of music and showed the inner light that gathered the gathered people. However, the scene becomes a contrast for these emotions, when, after a street concert, the wandering singer asked the announcers to the reward for his pleasure and no one did not give him anything, many even laughed at him.
The writer is outraged by human ungratefulness, for Tolstoy offend a person was equivalent to a crime. This little episode was able to convince the reader not only to be kinder and thankful, but helped realize the depth of the senses that art, music, creativity and talent can give.

Lecture, abstract. The theme of the mind and feelings in the work of L.N. Tolstoy is the concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

In his story "After Bala", Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, his wonderful literary language, tells us about big probleminherent in the highest class of the time, about hypocrisy and dummies.

Hero story simple nobleman, good man, not quite efficiently formed, but having decent education and grafted in childhood moral values. He is the usual man of his era, is constantly in a state of joy, couch and love, especially unlike what is actually happening in the country where he lives, and in society in which he is. He is in love with a slim, graceful jam with a wonderful smile and brilliant eyes, and is completely fascinated by her father - a state-handed handsome, with white moving mustache. Her father is a colonel with exquisite manners and a very pleasant person in communication. Dancing on the ball with her daughter, he shines. Ivan Vasilyevich Looking at them, hesitates and falls in love with both the daughter and in his father. His heart is filled with emotions and pleasant unrest, the world seems pink and serene. Returning, Ivan Vasilyevich, Ivan Vasilyevich realizes that his second half, his love, his light and his life. His feelings are so authentic that he cannot be not near her. And in the morning he rushes to her home ... and then there is an irreparable.

On the way to the house of the Beloved, he observes a cruel scene of torture. Soldiers led by Colonel beat Tatar. A person prays about mercy, but no one hears him, his whole spin is already bloody mess. And the fierce colonel is attacked by one of his soldiers and beats him, for the fact that they say, gently punish. The midst, which yesterday shone on the ball, today brutally beats the soldier, and it is clear that the matter is usually familiar and even like it. The worldview of our hero, in that moment, turned over. The father of his beloved Varnika appears terrible and not knowing the pity of Barbar, whose true face is very different from the secular lion, which he visited the balas or at home in society equal to himself. Ivan Vasilyevich was shocked, he did not come across the army, although he intended to tie his life, with this worthy, in his opinion, the occupation. It is clear that after what he saw it does not think so. What is cooking? The hypocrisy of her father, his dowel, does not remain without consequences. Our hero is disappointed in the feelings, in a recently hot girlfriend, he sees a rigid father. Varya is now associated with him only with meanness and heartlessness. Varnka remains only with the memories. Seen killed all the dreams of a young nobleman and forced to look around, and rethink the whole world in which he lives.

Tolstoy wrote this story on real events that occurred with his brother, about fifty years before writing the creation itself. And the hero of the story rethought his whole life, as the brother of Leo Nikolayevich, revised and realized that he could not live, love, breathe near such a barbarian, how the colonel turned out to be.

The story of L. N. Tolstoy "After Bala" develops the topic "Disappearing of all and all sorts of masks" with carefree, washed, festive life Some, opposing it to the powerlessness, oppressing others. But at the same time, the writer makes readers think about such moral categories as honor, duty, conscience, which at all times did a person responsible for everything that happened to him and with society. To these reflections, the composition of the story, built on opposing ballpoint paintings and punishment of a runaway soldier transmitted through perception young man Ivan Vasilyevich. It is for him to understand that "what is good, that is bad," give an assessment to what they saw and make the choice of its further fate.

The life of the young man was well and careless, no "theories" and "mugs" did not interest him or his closest young students to him. But at the same time, nothing reprehensible in their hobbies, skiing, there were no light pours. We penetrate sincere sympathy to Ivan Vasilyevich on the ball when we see it fascinated festive atmosphere saw dinner, gently in love with Varena. About the enthusiastic, responsive soul of this man says words: "I was not me, and some kind of unearthly creature, not knowing evil and capable of one good," "I hugged the whole world with my love at that time."

And this hot, an impressionable young man for the first time in his life faced cruel injustice, with humiliation human dignity, not even in relation to it. He saw that a terrible russeau above the man was coming by the moody, habitually, who himself recently on the same ball was kind, cheerful.

IN live soul The young men came out of the horror of what he saw, he was ashamed to such an extent, "he" lowered his eyes "," hurried to go home. " Why didn't they intervene in what was happening, did not express his indignation, did not accuse the cruelty and the silence of the colonel? Probably because such a terrible scene, first seen, simply stolen a young man, and was still embarrassed by the sincerity, with which the colonel behaved at this punishment. "Obviously, he knows something that I don't know," Ivan Vasilyevich thoughtfully. "If I knew what he knew, I would understand what I saw, and it would not torment me." From the story, we learn that Ivan Vasilyevich could not "walk to the root" in their reflections. But the conscience did not allow him to life Become a military man, because he was not able to deal with man "according to the law", serve cruelty.

And in the character of the colonel, this is actually loving Father, pleasant in a person's society, firmly included a distorted concept of debt, honor, dignity, allowing you to pour the rights of other people, to condemn them to suffering.

In one of his articles, L. N. Tolstoy wrote: "The main harm is in mental state those people who install are allowed to prescribe this lawlessness, those who enjoy them as a threat, and all those who live in conviction that such a violation of all justice and humanity is necessary for good right life. What a terrible moral sortation should occur in the minds and hearts of such people ... "

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