Igor Prokopenko Code of Immortality. True and myths about eternal life

Igor Prokopenko Code of Immortality. True and myths about eternal life
Igor Prokopenko Code of Immortality. True and myths about eternal life

"... The problems of rejuvenation and phenomenal longevity are not only fundamentally solved, but have long been allowed," implemented "into practice and successfully exploited for billions of years. Unfortunately, the monopoly right of such operations is still owned by nature. "
Khachik Muradyan
"Artificial atmosphere, rejuvenation and longevity"

According to the geonstologist, the doctors of the biological sciences of Hichik Muradyan - there is no more grand scientific idea, "the maximum increase in the active period of life and the longevity of man."
For many years, Dr. Muradyan is studying experimental ways to continue life. In his new study, together with his colleagues, he tried to answer the question: whether the existing environment is optimal, or for high-quality life and longevity needed an atmosphere with a different gas composition.

Khachik Kazarovich Muradyan - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Researcher of the Physiology Laboratory
/ Kiev /. Head of the Group "Extension of Life".

Scientific interests: Phylogenetic and ontogenetic correlators and determinants of longevity, search for funds

Interview with Khachika Muradyan

Questions_elin veteran
Kiev - Moscow
May, 2009.

Khachik Kazarovich, in his new article "Artificial atmosphere, rejuvenation and longevity" you write that "aging and rejuvenation are indivisible properties of living systems." But why in complex multicellular systems, even in the presence of self-healing DNA in each cell, is there rather pronounced aging than rejuvenation?

In order for the thought of the unity of aging and rejuvenation, it seemed to be confused, I wanted to repeat the simple truth: if only aging existed in nature, then all the living would have died, hardly to form. The very existence of life is irrefutable evidence of coexistence and, which is important, equivalent to aging and rejuvenation of biological objects. All species whose balance was shifted toward aging, sooner or later they had to accumulate a critical mass of violations and die.

But the question of why the multicellular body consisting of potentially immortal elements (cells) is mortal - has not yet been satisfactory explanation. Indeed, there is still no one who deserves the credible exceptions from this rule. In essence, a multicellular organism is a set of cells with the same or, more precisely, almost the same genome, but located at different differentiation steps.

Now there is a real boom study of stem cells and the cellular level of the organization as a whole. Maybe we really need to be patient and wait when reliable methods of manipulation of cell populations will be found, opening the possibilities of immortality not only at the level level, but also an individual?

In 1988, in the Leningrad branch of the "Science" publishing house, it was written by you, together with Vladimir Veniaminovich Frolkis, the monograph "Experimental ways to extend life." Today is a very famous and biologic book.

Your new work "Artificial atmosphere, rejuvenation and longevity" indicates the existence of another way to extend life. Is it a continuation of the search started even then?

Of course, yes. After all, nothing disappears without a trace and does not arise from scratch. By the way, we have written several monographs and reviews on the analysis of the extension of life, such as books published in the United States (, Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1991) and Ukraine (aging, evolution and extension of life, Kiev: Science Dumka , 1992).
At the same time, I have always considered a monograph, as something like a large review of literature. The facts or considerations stated in them should not be considered as dogmas or faders of these ideas, but should contribute to the expansion of the horizon and the correct choice of subsequent steps forward.

In this work, you set two questions: "First, as ensuring the rejuvenation and maintenance of the viability of living systems, for example, through the line of cells of the reproductive system; Secondly, what are the possibilities of transferring such patterns and approaches to the level of individual and individual life expectancy. " Are their permission possible in the near future? What does that require?

To do this, you must first believe in this opportunity and seriously engage in this. Such research, if they do not directly indicate the road to "immortality", then, at a minimum, will become a significant contribution to understanding further steps in this direction. What does that require? I certainly have considerations about what and where it would be worth looking first. But I am not ready to discuss them now, especially since there are such thoughts, probably almost every geonstologist, however, not only with them.

You have been expressed by the hypothesis that "for successful aging and longevity is needed an artificial atmosphere with a different gas composition." To date, there is a device - a hypoxicator that simulates the conditions of oxygen starvation. His utility for a person already few people are disputed. It is known that it activates the protective functions of the body, due to which a person confidently opposes stressing, better copes with physical exertion, mobilized for diseases, etc.
And what can be an artificial atmosphere, which you write about, in practical expression? What is needed to create it? What is the difficulty of playing it?

I will start with the last part of the question. The fact of the matter is that there is no longer visible and, moreover, irresistible difficulties. Technically, humanity is ready for many centuries to solve this task. It is enough to notice that the attempt to solve this problem is taken back in antiquity. However, almost all of them were based on intuitive guesses or insufficiently proven ideas and were not communicated to a truly completed scientific analysis.

The essence of the problem is that the atmosphere of the Earth was constantly subjected to quantitative and qualitative changes. Thus, since the occurrence of cyanobacteria, the ratio of the two most important gases for biological objects - oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has changed to many orders. At the beginning of O2 / CO2, it was almost equal to zero, and in the modern atmosphere it is more than 500! Interestingly, inside the cell and in the intercellular space, this ratio is close to one. Moreover, first during the coal period (approximately 300 million years ago), the content of free oxygen in the atmosphere increased to 35% or more, and then decreased to about 21% (these days), and according to forecasts it will continue to decline rapidly.

In the scheme: Dry air composition.
N2 - nitrogen. In the form of ductomic molecules N2 is most of the atmosphere - 75.6% (by weight) or 78.084% (by volume);

O2 - oxygen. In the atmosphere, the free oxygen content is 20.95% (by volume) in the air, the mass fraction of oxygen is 23.12%. Element oxygen is part of more than 1500 compounds of the earth's crust.

CO2 - carbon dioxide. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmospherescie is 0.038%.

Ar - Argon. The prevalence of the element in the atmosphere - 0.93% by volume.


Could adapt to such essential and multidirectional changes in the composition of the atmosphere to be complete and painless? Did the memories of the "best days" of evolutionary infancy and youth, which could provide greater potential of vitality and longevity in the genetic memory? I think that this opportunity cannot be excluded, and it certainly deserves due check.

Moreover, if our goal is to create something more long-lived and, therefore, more perfect than still invented by nature, it is quite justified to use the funds for this purpose, not yet tested. I mean, for example, inert or, as they are now more often called, noble gases. In fact, the idea that it is possible to extend the life with the help of chemical elements, which in ordinary terms do not react with anything and never even "suspect" in participation in some kind of ontogenetic or phylogenetic transformations seems to be at first glance crazy. Nevertheless, pilot studies conducted recently in our laboratory indicate the prospects of such models.
However, other gases can be promising in this regard. Our group has recently began to engage intensively. But I suppose it is the topic of a separate conversation.

How long have your group "extending life"?

The group was established in 1990 on the initiative of Academician Vladimir Frolkis. As it follows from the name, the main goal is to search for means of extension of life. Since then, I am her leader (Feldmarshal without an army).
Currently, 3 employees and one graduate student are officially published in the group, but there are "volunteers' enthusiasts", so 5-6 people participate in research.

What is the essence of pilot studies that you mentioned, and what results were you encountered?

We tried to create a model with a researcher at our institute Albert Timchenko, whether hypoxia, whether "hyperblagodia" (joke!) With the help of adding noble gases to the atmospheric air to our disposal - helium and argon. It was discovered a relatively small, but reliable effect of extension of life. We understand that this is only the beginning of the way and do not lose hope that the subsequent search for more optimal concentrations and the application schemes, as well as the use of other noble gases, in particular, xenon and crypton can provide a more tangible effect of extension of life.

Why is still the question of the role of the atmosphere in the life expectancy of a person ignored? Or is it wrong?

It cannot be said that the role of the atmosphere was completely ignored. Just the "chemical" aspect of this problem did not receive due attention and did not join the phase of the necessary scientific analysis. In fact, there is a developed network of meteorological observations and the operational dissemination of information on the state of the atmosphere, including various media.

Moreover, most of the population of developed countries almost completely passed to habitat in conditions of air conditioned air, that is, in fact, an artificial atmosphere with optimized physicochemical characteristics (temperature, humidity, charged particles, etc.).

Why is slow with a much more radical optimization of the atmosphere by changing the gas composition, indeed, it is difficult to explain. Unresolved problems and a certain risk here are definitely available. But they are unlikely more than, for example, when developing new drugs, genomodified products and some other innovations.

In 1953, Stanley Miller (Stanley Miller), Harold Yuri laureate graduate student, wondered about the origin of life on earth and tried to recreate in vitro (in the flask) conditions close to those in which she could be born.
As a result of the experiment, he got a strong broth from amino acids, the so-called "building blocks of life", sugars, fatty acids, other organic compounds ... and even more questions.
What questions do you want to find answers you?

This kind of experiments confirming the possibility of life occurrence from inanimate matter is indeed a lot. Looking into such a distant even by evolutionary standards, the question is most important for us: what was the role of the gas composition of the atmosphere to establish the fundamental principles of relationship between aging and rejuvenation processes?

After all, it is obvious that the first, most primitive replicators who managed to survive and lay the foundation for subsequent biological life, inevitably faced the problem of the interaction of aging and rejuvenation, in which the then atmosphere could also play an important role.

Perhaps the simulation of such conditions will simplify this problem and make it more accessible to research and analysis. Regardless of the success of such theoretical developments, independent interest is a practically important question: can the full or partial reproduction of those conditions modify the features of aging and increase the life expectancy of modern species?

The so-called endosimbiotic process (the capture of one bacterium is different and the transformation of it inside into mitochondria) is a key event in the way of creating multicellular organisms.

According to the expression of the English scientific journalist Bill Bryson (Bill Bryson) of mitochondria in cells, "behave as if they believe that there can be nothing in common between us." And yet: "They do not even speak in one genetic language with a cell in which they live. In a word, keep their suitcases packed. As if you were let the house of an outsider, but it remains here for a billion years. "
How far did it manage to move to scientists in the study of the phenomenon mitochondria? And what is still puzzling in them?

Indeed, the role and behavior of mitochondria in the cell remain mysterious, and the mitochondria created by different authors is contradictory, not to say, many-sided.

That is Altruists, Kochigars-Kamikadze, which at the cost of their well-being and shortened life (Mitochondria half-life usually does not exceed a few weeks) mining energy for the host cell; then mitochondria - the main sources of uncontrollable free radicals, which many still attribute a causal role in aging and numerous pathological disorders; That this is "fucking", which everyone gets ready from the host cell, but at the same time, like "monkeys with a grenade in hand", can at any time destroy it with apoptosis or necrosis. After all, mitochondria has a complete arsenal of the means of the programmed cell death, and in certain situations, for example, in denucleated (monicalized) cells, can carry out "self-destruction" of the cell without the participation of the nucleus.

In fig. The structure of mitochondria (gr. Mitos - thread and chondrion - granule).
The shell consists of two membranes (external and internal). The inner membrane is laid in Crysta (from Lat. Crista - Comb). It has respiratory enzymes and ATP-synthase enzymes. The semi-liquid matrix contains a concentrated solution of various substances (RNA, DNA, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, ATP synthesis and others), as well as ribosomes. As a rule, each mitochondria contains several copies of its genome.

Whatever the true role of mitochondria, one thing is important for us - it is precisely with them the most powerful correlates of life expectancy. Regardless of whether the mitochondria of the "executioners", blindly performing someone's instructions, or they themselves determine the fate of the cell and the terms of life of the body, in any case, they seem to be the most promising targets when looking for means of extension of life.

What are the mitochondrial DNA (MTDNA) and longevity connected?

In fig. Scheme of the mitochondrial man genome.

We are just approaching the understanding of this issue. But those results that have already been obtained will certainly impress.

Suffice it to say that in our studies conducted together with Professor Vadim Fraifeld (Vadim Fraifeld) from Negevsky University (Beer-Sheva / Israel), the accuracy of the correlation coefficients between the potential of longevity and such seemed to be a "rude" indicator, as the composition of the foundations of MTDNA, Mammals reaches values \u200b\u200bthat have no analogues among other correlates.
Only the intensity of metabolism, which is largely determined, again, mitochondria, has a commensurate correlation with a species expectancy of life.

Such a strong correlative dependence probably testifies to the special role of mitochondria in determining the terms of life, although this, of course, is still not enough to make the conclusion about the presence of a causal relationship between longevity and MTDNA.
I think that this issue will be intensively developed, and soon we will learn more, including the possibilities of extending life by modifying MTDNA and mitochondria as a whole.

Mitochondrial DNA is especially sensitive to active oxygen forms.

The negative role of oxygen in determination (limitation) of the limb of the life of multicellular organisms and in aging as a whole should not be exaggerated. In any case, uncontrolled oxidative transformations are far from the only hardly managed processes, and the proportion of oxygen in the manifold of other damaging factors should be small.

You studied the role of Newmight (Cocre.angl. Nuclear Mitochondrial) - copies of various MTDNA sites embedded in the nuclear genome - in determining the species expectancy of life and found a positive correlation. Please tell us about this work.

We collected from available literary sources various characteristics of Newmights in different animal species and compared with their maximum life time. The highest correlation was published with Newmight. We were surprised that the correlation was positive.

That is, the more copies of various parts of MTDNA are introduced into the nuclear gene, the more life expectancy?

Yes, we believed that at long-lived species "purity" of the preservation of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes is controlled steadily than in short-lived species, therefore, was waiting for a negative correlation. And so, I had to assume that longevity is associated with the degree of "communication and good-neighborly relations" between nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. Namely, the more persistently mitochondrial genome seeks to introduce its copies into the nuclear gene and, the latter is more tolerant of this, the more long-lived appearance.

Interesting. And why are Newmight, who in their work figuratively called "a kind of historical archive in the nuclear genome," have not yet been understood little?

I think this is due mainly to the novelty issue and methodological difficulties. After all, for the correct estimate of the number, localization and degree of homology of Newmights with MTDNA, not only highly efficient analytical means and programs that are modified all the time, but also complete decipher the genome is necessary. Judging by the available databases, the number of such species, for example, mammals, is not beyond the limits of the top ten. It is assumed that it will rapidly grow in the coming years, so there is a reason to hope for the rapid progress of knowledge in this area.

In your work, it was assumed that not only the sequences of MTDNA were embedded in the nuclear gene, but also in MTDNA there are sequences of nuclear origin, through which direct control and regulation of the genesis and the functioning of mitochondria are carried out. These executive representatives of the nuclear genome in MTDNA, you suggested calling by Maytonuki (from Eng. Mitochondrial Nuclear). Do your hypothesis share other researchers?

The Maitonuki hypothesis was published for the first time in the last issue of our magazine "The problems of longevity and aging" for 2008, which comes out of limited edition and has a relatively narrow list of readers. Are colleagues and other readers share this hypothesis, until I can say anything defined. I think it happens most often, at first the majority, unfortunately, will say that this is an unnecessary nonsense, and then in the case of the popularity of such ideas "And who does not know about it." Nevertheless, a certain part of colleagues, I hope, will be understood with understanding and, perhaps, even with interest, and I will have the opportunity to participate in checking this hypothesis.

It is believed that three atmospheres changed on Earth (primary - about 4 billion years ago, secondary - about 3 billion l. N. And to the present day, and tertiary).
Environmentalists argue that violent human activity is not best reflected in the current atmosphere: it increases lead content and other heavy metals; The ozone layer is disturbed, etc.

Can these changes lead to the disappearance of existing biological species? Do scientists have some forecasts on this?

In general, I share the fears of ecologists and "green", although it often seems that they are prone to exaggerations. At the same time, it should be recognized that in nature there has always been a change of species, and atmospheric changes were one of the main factors of such shifts.

Doesn't the creation of an artificial atmosphere be exacerbated from the biosphere? Or a person who "canceled" a natural selection for himself, is nothing scary?

With nature, we have long moved to the restriction of "communication", replacing it with periodic nostalgia from the TV. In the case of the introduction of an atmosphere modified on the gas composition, the emergence of additional restrictions, apparently, cannot be excluded. At the same time, both already noted, humanity has already passed to habitat in an artificial atmosphere with optimized physicochemical characteristics, so the worst here is apparently behind.

If you manage to simulate an artificial atmosphere, does this not provoke the process of parallel evolution? Or is it an assumption from the field of fiction?

I do not think that this may have such radical consequences at least in the foreseeable future. But it's good that someone thinks about it.

Is the problem of modeling the atmosphere, characteristic of the critical moments of phylogenesis (the development of biological species in time) with the question of the occurrence of the phenomenon of life on Earth?

This is a layer of problems deserving a separate discussion.

Are you going to continue research with modeling hypoxia, hyperoxia and hypercapnia on model objects?

So far, such experiments go mainly on drosophilas. Of course, I wanted to start similar research on mammalian models, but it is associated with considerable difficulties, including a material nature. As quickly and painlessly, there will be a change of objects and the level of research, it depends not only on us, but also from the reaction of possible sponsors and "grantors". Taking this opportunity, I wanted to thank management (Moscow), which was possible to support our research, in particular with noble gases.

What question I did not ask you, and he is important for understanding the topic affected?

There are so many questions! But, one of them I am still voice.
Why is the search for the extension of life is a priority for us?
I mean researchers from the CIS, which have a lot of general not only in the historical plan, but also in psychology, methodical equipment, position in society, etc.

It's no secret that our science is lagging behind the level achieved by Western and overseas colleagues. Such a lag existed almost always, including during the time of the USSR.
However, after the famous events of the last decades, when our foreign colleagues continued to quickly move forward, and we moved mainly in the opposite direction, the methodical lag has achieved critical scale. It is especially great in areas that require the use of complex and expensive modern techniques, and it is difficult to believe that such a big gap will be eliminated in the foreseeable future.

Fortunately, there are scientific disciplines where the level of molecular biological and genetic techniques used is not determining, and the search for means of extension of life belongs to their number. This area where we can almost equal to compete with foreign colleagues and, it seems to me, even have some psychological advantages.

According to Rinada Minvaleev, the best cure for stress, and hence, from aging - complete relaxation and good sleep. And another physiologist is confident that the food for the night is not harmful, but a useful habit, because it also helps from stress. Animals, unlike us, never in their will do not sleep hungry.

The best conditions for the restoration of energy, that is, for recreation, are just created by the parasympathetic tone of the vegetative nervous system, and it is most active at night. Therefore, food for the night is completely physiological from all points of view.

Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe. This chemical element can carry both life and death. He can destroy the whole planet (everyone knows what a hydrogen bomb is). On the other hand, during combustion, it allocates heat and water, and therefore hydrogen is called environmentally friendly fuel. Although machines operating on a hydrogen engine, although it is still too expensive.

Hydrogen has another wonderful property: this gas is perfect for a person for breathing. When life was born on our planet, the atmosphere almost completely consisted of hydrogen. But today it is believed that for life we \u200b\u200bneed oxygen.

Khachik Muradyan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Group "Extension of Life": "If the body is depicted in the form of a so-called black box, within which it is impossible to understand, you can only observe what is available at the input and output, and analyze the input and output signals, it is not difficult to see that we have oxygen, and at the output - carbon dioxide. Thus, varying these parameters, you can seek the extension of life, which, in fact, we succeed. "

Gerontologist Khachik Muradyan is confident: oxygen only speeds up aging. To extend lives, you need an atmosphere with another composition. It is best for a person inert gases - helium, argon, xenon and others, says Muradyan. The scientist holds his own experiments on flock-drosophilas. Mixing gases in different proportions, he tries to find the best option.

The researcher offers its experimental insect cocktail from a mixture of hydrogen and helium, and the hydrogen content reaches 90%. Flies live in a test tube. The scientist changes feed, considers the dead, sets the necessary parameters.

The first results have already been obtained. According to the geonstologist, the life expectancy of Drozofil in such an atmosphere increases at least one and a half times. And this is just the beginning!

In antiquity, the average life expectancy has not exceeded 40 years. In the XIX century, people rarely lived to 60, and today, no one considers an 80-year-old man with a long-liver. Is bad ecology really benefit us? Maybe when there will be no oxygen on Earth, we will finally become immortal?

According to the forecasts of the futurologist, Igor Bestumeva-Lada, the first cyborgs on our planet will appear in 20-30 years. Externally, they will be similar to people, but they will be controlled by an internal computer.

Igor Bestuzhev-Lada, Honorary President of the International Academy of Prediction: "Imagine that the computer works inside you all the time, adjusting unwanted deviations. You can make it work in heuristic mode, that is, ask him some kind of question, and he will give the desired answer. And this is not fantastic. "

It turns out that the computer will actually be able to manage a person. This means that a person will lose its significance over time.

A person from flesh and blood turns out to be superfluous, and we come to the described Tsiolkovsky "radiant humanity". It should be considered as a collection of ordered information fields.

The time will come when scientists will erase the border, separating people and energy substances. Absolutely everything will be available to radiant humanity. Dreams of flights without wings will come true, we will stop afraid of the end of the world, and the huge universe will become our home. We lose our bodies, but I will finally become immortal!


It is believed that time cannot be scrolled back as a film to choose the right moment and put on a pause. Return to the past or look into the future. However, it is curious that there are no calculations in physics, according to which time cannot stop. And most importantly, there is no law that would denote the possibility of traveling in the past or the future. Moreover, the opening of recent years persistently suggests that almost all of our ideas about the time are fragmentary and far from being final. Moreover, the creator of the hydrogen bomb, the laureate of the Nobel Prize of the World Academician Andrei Sakharov, in the 70s, fundamentally substantiated the possibility of traveling not only in time, but also in other spaces. The scientist suggested that the galaxies in the universe are connected by tunnels through which you can penetrate from one space system to another. Moreover, in their diaries, Sakharov even formulated a way of such movement. And here is one of the probable evidence. In 1983, the Soviet archaeologists have discovered a sensational find in Turkmenistan. On a huge plateau, about 400 meters long, traces of dinosaurs clearly appeared. Fingerprints are a lot, more than three thousand. Prehistoric monsters trampled, coming to each other on the paws, as on the dance floor. Dance and old, and young. The length of the smallest imprint was 20 centimeters, and the largest - about one meter. These were Megalozavra - the largest predators of the Jurassic period. However, the main sensation expected scientists later, when archaeologists unexpectedly discovered next to the traces of the ancient lizards, very similar to human. But if so, then you have to recognize an incredible thing. None of the dinosaurs lived to the present day, or, which is absolutely similar to a miracle, - a man was born aver for millions of years earlier. True, science claims that miracles does not happen. Although, as you were convinced by reading this book, the story knows a lot of examples when, contrary to all the laws, death retreats from the bed is incurably sick. Children appear on the world, who, by the verdict, should never become mothers, and inevitable catastrophes at the last moment turn their deadly face. What is it - incredible coincidences, unknown laws of nature? Maybe. And yet, even those who do not believe in a miracle, what happens that, in secret to him only hope and wait. And you can't argue with it.

I wish more wonders, cosmic happiness, universal good luck and eternal love.

Yours sincerely

Igor Prokopenko

Razmik Khachikovich Muradyan
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gold Medal (2012) of the Russian Academy of Arts


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Razmik Khachikovich Muradyan (May 20, Yerevan, Armenian SSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian sculptor - monumentalist.



Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts (2012), diplomas, honorary diplomas of the Union of Artists of the USSR, the Union of Artists of Russia.

Permanent participant in Moscow, All-Russian, foreign and international exhibitions (since 1957). Personal exhibitions took place in Moscow, other cities of Russia, in a number of Europe and the United States.

Famous works

Main monumental works: Monument I.V. Kurchatov (Dubna), Monument Yu.A. Gagarina (Komsomolsk-on-Amur), Monument A.S. Pushkin (Uralsk), Monument A.V. Suvorov (village Leningradskaya), Monument M. A. Gorky (Italy), Monument M. A. Gorky (Vinnitsa, Ukraine), Monument to the Great Patriotic War (Sakhalin), Monument I.F. Cruisestone (Sakhalin), Monument G.I. Nevelsky (Sakhalin), Monument G.Ya. Sedov (Sakhalin), Monument V.M. Golovin (Sakhalin), memorial ensembles dedicated to those who fell into the Great Patriotic War (CIS countries). Created more than 500 works in marble, stone, bronze, wood.

Main machines: Cycle "Man and Nature" (marble), Maternity cycle (marble), Mythology cycle (marble), Dance cycle (marble), Despair cycle (marble), Flora cycle (marble), Cycle "Fauna" (marble).

Machine works are presented in the State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow), in the museums of Russia and many foreign collections.

A family

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Excerpt that characterizes Muradyan, Incek Khachikovich

I stood in the corridor, confusedly thinking how to help him. But the exit from his sad situation, unfortunately, was not. In any case, I could not find it so quickly ... Although, honestly, my very position was, probably, still sad ... Yes, while Karaff has not yet tormented me. But the physical pain was not so terrible as terrible was tormented and the death of loved people ... I did not know what was happening to Anna, and, afraid to somehow intervene, helplessly waited ... From my sad experience, I am too good I understood - I called in some kind of rapid effect of dad, and the result will only get worse - Anna will probably suffer.
Days walked, and I did not know if my girl was still in Mateor? Did the Karaff appear? .. And whether everything was fine with her.
My life was empty and strange, if not to say - hopeless. I could not leave Karaff, as I knew - I just need to disappear, and he immediately rests his anger on my poor Anna ... Also, I still could not destroy him, for I did not find the way to the defense that I was presented He once "someone else's" man. Time ruthlessly flowed, and I felt more and more felt my helplessness, which in a pair with inaction, I began to slowly reduce me crazy ...
It took almost a month after my first visit to the basements. Nearby there was no one, with whom I could change at least a word. Loneliness oppressed everything deeper, setting in the heart of emptiness, sharply seasoned with despair ...
I really hoped that Moron was still survived, despite the "talents" of Pope. But to return to the cellars was afraid, because I was not sure if there was still an unhappy cardinal there. My re-visit could bring the car's torment on him a real malice, and to pay for this by Moron would have to truly expensive.
Staying festable from any communication, I spent the days in the complete "silence of loneliness." So far, finally, without causing more, went down to the basement again ...
A room in which I found Moron a month ago, this time was empty. It only remained to hope that the brave cardinal still lived. And I sincerely wanted good luck to him, whose prisoners of Karaff, unfortunately, clearly did not take.
And since I still had already been in the basement, then I thought, I decided to see it further, and carefully opened the next door ....
And there, on some terrible tool, "the instrument" lay completely nude, the bloody young girl, whose body was represented by a real mix of living ponya meat, cuts and blood, covered it all from the head to the legs ... Neither the executioner, nor More - Karaffi, on my happiness, there was no torture in the room.
I quietly approached the unfortunate and carefully stroked her by swollen, tender cheek. Girl groaned. Then, carefully taking her fragile fingers into her hand, I slowly started it to "treat" ... Soon I was surprised to look clean, gray eyes ...
- Quiet, cute ... lying quietly. I will try to help you as much as possible. But I do not know whether I will have enough time ... you were very tormented, and I'm not sure if everything could be "pushed" quickly. Relax, my good, and try to remember something kind ... if you can.
The girl (she turned out to be quite another child) I groaned, trying to say something, but for some reason I did not work. She washable, not able to pronounce even the most brief word. And then I climbed a terrible understanding - this unfortunate did not have a language !!! They snatched him ... so as not to say too much! In order not to shout the truth when they burn on the fire ... so that I could not say that they worked with her ...
Oh God! .. did all this peak all this ??? FROMtop, Stop! And what if here is the path to solving the problem of "superweight"? To ensure that no long-liver becomes a burden for its loved ones.

So that men and women in their winter, utilities could move normally, eat, drink, think, do one or another type of creativity ...

Then the army is no longer an army of powerless and capricious pensioners we can get, but people who are able to provide themselves to Malfusail years, and benefit society! And not relaxed, weak paralytics will wind up the age-old frontier, and complete energies, wise patriarchs.

And their cosiness, the consequence of the existence, will not be done by the brake of progress: no, - near younger people are living experiences of experience, the most valuable advisers ...

Actually, otherwise there can be no, since the science is already intended to increase the species, that is, the limiting life expectancy of man is released by nature. If burdens for the world centenary marasmatics, then what can be said about 200-year-old, 300-year-old?!

No, the extension of life is, first of all, the extension of its active phase. Otherwise, there is no need to wear a garden. Swift Stoldbruzhi - immune-hastily gentle elders from "Gullivier Travels" - Great Caution ...

According to Professor Bezrukova, paths for possible overcoming species measure are scheduled for several. Some are tested by decades, - on them is moved slowly, but quite confident. One of the most substantiated theories associates aging with accumulation in the body of free radicals.

These ominous active molecules, wandering in our fabrics, damage proteins. Developed a lot of means of dealing with radicals, but universal, reliable so far there is no ... There is another way to slow down aging. A healthy organism produces telomeres in sufficient quantity - enzymes responsible for the "assembly" and protection of DNA molecules.

Who subsided, remind: This is a polymer compound, the famous "double spiral", is contained in cell nuclei and carries a genetic code. When cells are divided, the DNA structure should be reproduced exactly; If this is not the case, the cell "offspring" is born flawed, the destruction and dilapidation of tissues, organs ...

To the old age, our internal "factories" of telomers start working worse. Refresh them means to save the magic spiral and those providing our own durability.

Healthy, active life can be extended, obviously, at the expense of the diet. Vladislav Viktorovich described it as follows: "Qualitatively full, but quantitatively limited food."

For another five centuries ago, a certain Luigi Cornaro, forty years old, was forced for a state of health abruptly limit himself in food. And what? Cornaro, to whom the doctors enlisted a few days, recovered and lived ... up to 102 years old!

Of course, this does not mean that everyone who will just begin to argue themselves hunger. Everything should be done under the strictest observation of doctors.

There is still an irrefutable belief that life can be extended - and may be most due to cooling.

The lower the body temperature, the longer it can exist, not destroying. The reason for this is the slowdown in metabolism. It has already been calculated that a decrease in the temperature of four degrees will allow a person to live on average about 250 years!

But, first, so far only the experiments on the lower animals managed; Neither the highest mammals, nor a person at the current level of knowledge "cool" will not succeed ... in any case, without harm to them.

Secondly ... Just earlier we talked about the extension of life is meaningless without preserving its quality, without being a person remained actively operating a reasonable being. And the slow metabolism is half-life. Something like bearish hibernation.

It is terrible to imagine the country of incredibly long-term, but just as slow, sluggish and barely moving people. Accordingly, the feelings are faded, and the intellectual abilities will fall ...

Of course, my conversation with gerontologists did not cost without mentioning so fashionable cloning now. In principle, it is pretty to prolong my life, gradually replacing the worn bodies with new ones - or other people, donor, whether they grown from our own cells. At least today's level of science and technology of this "does not prohibit."

Another thing is, how affordable and mass, in specific social conditions, will be cloning? If only rich and people who have power are able to afford him - our descendants will be present at the birth of such a privileged and cut off from the people of the caste, which even ancient eastern monarchies did not know!

The estate of people will appear, by no means the most talented, smart or righteous, but they can buy eternity ... The consequences are not difficult. Therefore, we hope that the cloning of the organs will be real no earlier than the peoples will come to a just, human public system ...
However, it is no longer the issues of gerontology.

In a conversation with me, Dr. Muradyan expressed an interesting thought - again, you hear such a deep specialist ... You can choose one or another way of fighting aging, but most likely it will be semi-meter. After all, with what we, mostly, are struggling? With external manifestations of a mysterious hidden process: diseases, disorders of important functions ...

Even the replacement of the sick organ is only a shortage delay in the path to destruction. We win tomorrow cardiovascular colors, malignant tumors - this will increase the average life expectancy for just a few years! As Khachik Kazarovich, I try to repel the blows of the ax, not even knowing that he worms about the killer ... And the killer is just the root cause of aging.

An interesting thing is that the most boldly and originally thinking scientists, not yet knowing what the force forces us to age us, are already predicted by the opening of the mechanism of the anti-estimation!

This, in particular, wrote a wonderful domestic gerontologist Vladimir Veniaminovich Frolkis. Something inside each of us resists crawling destruction, exhibits barriers on its path.

Perhaps the processes of antisole controls one of the centers of the brain - hypothalamus. He is responsible for a lot in the body, in particular, and for the nature of metabolism. And one small zone in the hypothalamus is somehow connected with ... the emergence of positive emotions!

And, oddly enough, her Frolkis and considered the likely bastion against old age. But, on the other hand, - what is strange? It has long been known that fun and laughter prolong youth that happy people live longer and more active.

Take at least a long-known durability of large scientists, without the balance of you who gave yourself your favorite case and because of happy.

Until now, there are first-class and productively work for 80 Boris Paton, Platon Sostor, the Great Organizer Museums Mikhail Sikorsky, the former director of the gerontology institute Dmitry Chebotarev ... Professor Bezrukov believes that sooner or later a way will be found to activate the "Center of Joy" And those help them in battle with an inexorable time ...

"I am convinced that the extension of life is possible," says Dr. Muradyan. - It will ever be achieved. Why? Because any cell is potentially immortal ... "The body consists of billions and trillion in essence of the eternal cells - cells. Each of them carries a self-election program!

After all, the division does not reproduce the "slags" ... Why, who once communicated into a multicellular body, tiny creatures did not give him his ability to endlessly updated? So far it's hard to say. Many biologists consider it a factory for multicellularity, for the "decision" of countless Ameb to become one.

Evolution de is not interested in living for a long time; It is more important for him to leave offspring. The more often the change of generations, the exaggeration is the development of the form ... maybe so. But a reasonable, creative creature is a man, the heir to the millennial wisdom and the eternal opener of the new, such conditions of the game are not suitable.

With the course of history, each Homo Sapiens becomes more valuable, truly - unique microwave ... Therefore, the steps will certainly be made to return the cells, the foundation of our flesh, the ability to infinitely update the division. Here we are talking not about longevity - about individual physical immortality ...

Why not?

"... The problems of rejuvenation and phenomenal longevity are not only fundamentally solved, but have long been allowed," implemented "into practice and successfully exploited for billions of years. Unfortunately, the monopoly right of such operations is still owned by nature. "
Khachik Muradyan
"Artificial atmosphere, rejuvenation and longevity"

According to the geonstologist, the doctors of the biological sciences of Hichik Muradyan - there is no more grand scientific idea, " what is the maximum increase in the active period of life and longevity of man».
For many years, Dr. Muradyan is studying experimental ways to continue life. In his new study, together with his colleagues, he tried to answer the question: whether the existing environment is optimal, or for high-quality life and longevity needed an atmosphere with a different gas composition.

Khachik Kazarovich Muradyan - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Researcher of the Physiology Laboratory
/ Kiev /. Head of the Group "Extension of Life".

Scientific interests: Phylogenetic and ontogenetic correlators and determinants longevity, search for means of extension of life.

Khachik Kazarovich, in his new article "Artificial atmosphere, rejuvenation and longevity" you write that " aging and rejuvenation are indivisible properties of living systems" But why in complex multicellular systems, even in the presence of self-healing DNA in each cell, is there rather pronounced aging than rejuvenation?

In order for the thought of the unity of aging and rejuvenation, it seemed to be confused, I wanted to repeat the simple truth: if only aging existed in nature, then all the living would have died, hardly to form. The very existence of life is irrefutable evidence of coexistence and, which is important, equivalent to aging and rejuvenation of biological objects. All species whose balance was shifted toward aging, sooner or later they had to accumulate a critical mass of violations and die.

But the question of why the multicellular body consisting of potentially immortal elements (cells) is mortal - has not yet been satisfactory explanation. Indeed, there is still no one who deserves the credible exceptions from this rule. In essence, a multicellular organism is a set of cells with the same or, more precisely, almost the same genome, but located at different differentiation steps.

Now there is a real boom study of stem cells and the cellular level of the organization as a whole. Maybe we really need to be patient and wait when reliable methods of manipulation of cell populations will be found, opening the possibilities of immortality not only at the level level, but also an individual?

In 1988, in the Leningrad branch of the "Science" publishing house, it was written by you, together with Vladimir Veniaminovich Frolkis, the monograph "Experimental ways to extend life." Today is a very famous and biologic book.

Your new work "Artificial atmosphere, rejuvenation and longevity" indicates the existence of another way to extend life. Is it a continuation of the search started even then?

Of course, yes. After all, nothing disappears without a trace and does not arise from scratch. By the way, and Vladimir Veniaminovich wrote several more monographs and reviews devoted to the analysis of the extension of life, such as books published in the United States (, Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1991) and Ukraine (aging, evolution and extension of life, Kiev: Nukova Dumka, 1992).
At the same time, I have always considered a monograph, as something like a large review of literature. The facts or considerations stated in them should not be considered as dogmas or faders of these ideas, but should contribute to the expansion of the horizon and the correct choice of subsequent steps forward.

In this work, you set two questions: " first, as ensured rejuvenation and maintaining the viability of living systems, for example, on the line of cells of the reproductive system; Secondly, what are the possibilities of transferring such patterns and approaches to the level of individual and individual life expectancy" Are their permission possible in the near future? What does that require?

To do this, you must first believe in this opportunity and seriously engage in this. Such research, if they do not directly indicate the road to "immortality", then, at a minimum, will become a significant contribution to understanding further steps in this direction. What does that require? I certainly have considerations about what and where it would be worth looking first. But I am not ready to discuss them now, especially since there are such thoughts, probably almost every geonstologist, however, not only with them.

You have expressed a hypothesis that " for successful aging and longevity, an artificial atmosphere is needed with a different gas composition" To date, there is a device - a hypoxicator that simulates the conditions of oxygen starvation. His utility for a person already few people are disputed. It is known that it activates the protective functions of the body, due to which a person confidently opposes stressing, better copes with physical exertion, mobilized for diseases, etc.
And what can be an artificial atmosphere, which you write about, in practical expression? What is needed to create it? What is the difficulty of playing it?

I will start with the last part of the question. The fact of the matter is that there is no longer visible and, moreover, irresistible difficulties. Technically, humanity is ready for many centuries to solve this task. It is enough to notice that the attempt to solve this problem is taken back in antiquity. However, almost all of them were based on intuitive guesses or insufficiently proven ideas and were not communicated to a truly completed scientific analysis.

The essence of the problem is that the atmosphere of the Earth was constantly subjected to quantitative and qualitative changes. Thus, since the occurrence of cyanobacteria, the ratio of the two most important gases for biological objects - oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has changed to many orders. At the beginning of O2 / CO2, it was almost equal to zero, and in the modern atmosphere it is more than 500! Interestingly, inside the cell and in the intercellular space, this ratio is close to one. Moreover, first during the coal period (approximately 300 million years ago), the content of free oxygen in the atmosphere increased to 35% or more, and then decreased to about 21% (these days), and according to forecasts it will continue to decline rapidly.

In the scheme: dry air composition.
N2 - nitrogen. In the form of diatomic molecules
N2 is most of the atmosphere - 75.6% (by weight) or 78.084% (by volume);

O2 - oxygen. In the atmosphere, the free oxygen content is 20.95% (by volume) in the air, the mass fraction of oxygen is 23.12%. Element oxygen is part of more than 1500 compounds of the earth's crust.

CO2 - carbon dioxide. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmospherescie is 0.038%.

Ar - Argon. The prevalence of the element in the atmosphere - 0.93% by volume.


Could adapt to such essential and multidirectional changes in the composition of the atmosphere to be complete and painless? Did the memories of the "best days" of evolutionary infancy and youth, which could provide greater potential of vitality and longevity in the genetic memory? I think that this opportunity cannot be excluded, and it certainly deserves due check.

Moreover, if our goal is to create something more long-lived and, therefore, more perfect than still invented by nature, it is quite justified to use the funds for this purpose, not yet tested. I mean, for example, inert or, as they are now more often called, noble gases. In fact, the idea that it is possible to extend the life with the help of chemical elements, which in ordinary terms do not react with anything and never even "suspect" in participation in some kind of ontogenetic or phylogenetic transformations seems to be at first glance crazy. Nevertheless, pilot studies conducted recently in our laboratory indicate the prospects of such models.
However, other gases can be promising in this regard. Our group has recently began to engage intensively. But I suppose it is the topic of a separate conversation.

How long have your group "extending life"?

The group was established in 1990 on the initiative of Academician Vladimir Frolkis. As it follows from the name, the main goal is to search for means of extension of life. Since then, I am her leader (Feldmarshal without an army).
Currently, 3 employees and one graduate student are officially published in the group, but there are "volunteers' enthusiasts", so 5-6 people participate in research.

What is the essence of pilot studies that you mentioned, and what results were you encountered?

We tried to create a model with a researcher at our institute Albert Timchenko, whether hypoxia, whether "hyperblagodia" (joke!) With the help of adding noble gases to the atmospheric air to our disposal - helium and argon. It was discovered a relatively small, but reliable effect of extension of life. We understand that this is only the beginning of the way and do not lose hope that the subsequent search for more optimal concentrations and the application schemes, as well as the use of other noble gases, in particular, xenon and crypton can provide a more tangible effect of extension of life.

Why is still the question of the role of the atmosphere in the life expectancy of a person ignored? Or is it wrong?

It cannot be said that the role of the atmosphere was completely ignored. Just the "chemical" aspect of this problem did not receive due attention and did not join the phase of the necessary scientific analysis. In fact, there is a developed network of meteorological observations and the operational dissemination of information on the state of the atmosphere, including various media.

Moreover, most of the population of developed countries almost completely passed to habitat in conditions of air conditioned air, that is, in fact, an artificial atmosphere with optimized physicochemical characteristics (temperature, humidity, charged particles, etc.).

Why is slow with a much more radical optimization of the atmosphere by changing the gas composition, indeed, it is difficult to explain. Unresolved problems and a certain risk here are definitely available. But they are unlikely more than, for example, when developing new drugs, genomodified products and some other innovations.

In 1953 Stanley Miller
(Stanley Miller. ), graduate student of the Nobel laureate Harold (Harold Urey ), wondered about the origin of life on earth and tried to recreate " in vitro."(In the flask) conditions close to those in which she could originate.
As a result of the experiment, he received a strong broth from amino acids, the so-called "building blocks of life"
, sugars, fatty acids, other organic compounds ... and even more questions.
What questions do you want to find answers you?

This kind of experiments confirming the possibility of life occurrence from inanimate matter is indeed a lot. Looking into such a remote thing even on evolutionary standards, the question is most important for us: what was the role of the gas composition of the atmosphere to establish the fundamental principles of the relationship between aging and rejuvenation processes?

After all, it is obvious that the first, most primitive replicators who managed to survive and lay the foundation for subsequent biological life, inevitably faced the problem of the interaction of aging and rejuvenation, in which the then atmosphere could also play an important role.

Perhaps the simulation of such conditions will simplify this problem and make it more accessible to research and analysis. Regardless of the success of such theoretical developments, independent interest is a practically important question: can full or partial reproduction of those conditions modify the features of aging and increase the life expectancy of modern species?

The so-called endosimbiotic process (the capture of one bacterium is different and the transformation of it inside into mitochondria) is a key event in the way of creating multicellular organisms.

According to the expression of the English scientific journalist Bill Bryson (Bill Bryson.) Mitochondria in cells " behave as if they believe that there can be nothing in common between us" And further: " They do not even speak in one genetic language with a cell in which they live. In a word, keep their suitcases packed. As if you were inserted into the house of an outsider, but it remains here for a billion years. ".
How far did it manage to move to scientists in the study of the phenomenon mitochondria? And what is still puzzling in them?

Indeed, the role and behavior of mitochondria in the cell remain mysterious, and the mitochondria created by different authors is contradictory, not to say, many-sided.

That is Altruists, Kochigars-Kamikadze, which at the cost of their well-being and shortened life (Mitochondria half-life usually does not exceed a few weeks) mining energy for the host cell; then mitochondria - the main sources of uncontrollable free radicals, which many still attribute a causal role in aging and numerous pathological disorders; That this is "fucking", which everyone gets ready from the host cell, but at the same time, like "monkeys with a grenade in hand", can at any time destroy it with apoptosis or necrosis. After all, mitochondria has a complete arsenal of the means of the programmed cell death, and in certain situations, for example, in denucleated (monicalized) cells, can carry out "self-destruction" of the cell without the participation of the nucleus.

In fig. the structure of mitochondria(gr. mitos -thread I. chondrion -granule) .
The shell consists of two membranes (external and internal).
The inner membrane is laid in Crysta (from lat. cRISTA -crest ). It has respiratory enzymes and ATP-synthase enzymes.. Semi-liquid matrix contains a concentrated solution of various substances (RNA, DNA, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, ATP-synthas and others), as well asribosomes. As a rule, each mitochondria contains several copies of its genome.

Whatever the true role of mitochondria, one thing is important for us - it is precisely with them the most powerful correlates of life expectancy. Regardless of whether the mitochondria of the "executioners", blindly performing someone's instructions, or they themselves determine the fate of the cell and the terms of life of the body, in any case, they seem to be the most promising targets when looking for means of extension of life.

What are the mitochondrial DNA (MTDNA) and longevity connected?

In fig. scheme of the mitochondrial man genome.

We are just approaching the understanding of this issue. But those results that have already been obtained will certainly impress.

Suffice it to say that in our studies conducted together with Professor Vadim Freyfeld ( Vadim Fraifeld.) From Negevsky University (Beer-Sheva / Israel), the accuracy of the correlation coefficients between longevity potential and such seemed to be a "rude" indicator, as the composition of the foundations of MTDNA, mammals achieves values \u200b\u200bthat have no analogues among other correlates.
Only the intensity of metabolism, which is largely determined, again, mitochondria, has a commensurate correlation with a species expectancy of life.

Such a strong correlative dependence probably testifies to the special role of mitochondria in determining the terms of life, although this, of course, is still not enough to make the conclusion about the presence of a causal relationship between longevity and MTDNA.
I think that this issue will be intensively developed, and soon we will learn more, including the possibilities of extending life by modifying MTDNA and mitochondria as a whole.

Mitochondrial DNA is especially sensitive to active oxygen forms.

The negative role of oxygen in determination (limitation) of the limb of the life of multicellular organisms and in aging as a whole should not be exaggerated. In any case, uncontrolled oxidative transformations are far from the only hardly managed processes, and the proportion of oxygen in the manifold of other damaging factors should be small.

You studied the role of Newmight (Cocre.angl. nuclear Mitochondrial.) - copies of various parts of MTDNA, introduced into the nuclear gene - in determining the species expectancy of life and discovered a positive correlation. Please tell us about this work.

We collected from available literary sources various characteristics of Newmights in different animal species and compared with their maximum life time. The highest correlation was published with Newmight. We were surprised that the correlation was positive.

That is, the more copies of various parts of MTDNA are introduced into the nuclear gene, the more life expectancy?

Yes, we believed that at long-lived species "purity" of the preservation of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes is controlled steadily than in short-lived species, therefore, was waiting for a negative correlation. And so, I had to assume that longevity is associated with the degree of "communication and good-neighborly relations" between nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. Namely, the more persistently mitochondrial genome seeks to introduce its copies into the nuclear gene and, the latter is more tolerant of this, the more long-lived appearance.

Interesting. And why Newmight, which you in your work figuratively called " a peculiar historical archive in the nuclear genome"Is there still little studied?

I think this is due mainly to the novelty issue and methodological difficulties. After all, for the correct estimate of the number, localization and degree of homology of Newmights with MTDNA, not only highly efficient analytical means and programs that are modified all the time, but also complete decipher the genome is necessary. Judging by the available databases, the number of such species, for example, mammals, is not beyond the limits of the top ten. It is assumed that it will rapidly grow in the coming years, so there is a reason to hope for the rapid progress of knowledge in this area.

In your work, it was assumed that not only the sequences of MTDNA were built into the nuclear genome, but also in "MTDNA has a sequence of nuclear origin, through which direct control and the regulation of the genesis and the functioning of mitochondria are carried out". These executive representatives of the nuclear genome in the MTDNA you suggested maytonuki (from English. mitochondrial Nuclear). Do your hypothesis share other researchers?

The Maitonuki hypothesis was published for the first time in the last issue of our magazine "The problems of longevity and aging" for 2008, which comes out of limited edition and has a relatively narrow list of readers. Are colleagues and other readers share this hypothesis, until I can say anything defined. I think it happens most often, at first most, unfortunately, will say that it is iKOMU unnecessary nonsenseand then in the case of the popularity of such ideas "And who does not know about it". Nevertheless, a certain part of colleagues, I hope, will be understood with understanding and, perhaps, even with interest, and I will have the opportunity to participate in checking this hypothesis.

It is believed that three atmospheres changed on Earth ( primary - about 4 billion years ago , secondary - about 3 billion l. n. and to this day, and tertiary).
Environmentalists argue that violent human activity is not best reflected in the current atmosphere: it increases lead content and other heavy metals; The ozone layer is disturbed, etc.

Can these changes lead to the disappearance of existing biological species? Do scientists have some forecasts on this?

In general, I share the fears of ecologists and "green", although it often seems that they are prone to exaggerations. At the same time, it should be recognized that in nature there has always been a change of species, and atmospheric changes were one of the main factors of such shifts.

Doesn't the creation of an artificial atmosphere be exacerbated from the biosphere? Or a person who "canceled" a natural selection for himself, is nothing scary?

With nature, we have long moved to the restriction of "communication", replacing it with periodic nostalgia from the TV. In the case of the introduction of an atmosphere modified on the gas composition, the emergence of additional restrictions, apparently, cannot be excluded. At the same time, both already noted, humanity has already passed to habitat in an artificial atmosphere with optimized physicochemical characteristics, so the worst here is apparently behind.

If you manage to simulate an artificial atmosphere, does this not provoke the process of parallel evolution? Or is it an assumption from the field of fiction?

I do not think that this may have such radical consequences at least in the foreseeable future. But it's good that someone thinks about it.

Is the problem of modeling the atmosphere, characteristic of the critical moments of phylogenesis (the development of biological species in time ) With the question of the emergence of the phenomenon of life on earth?

This is a layer of problems deserving a separate discussion.

Are you going to continue research with modeling hypoxia, hyperoxia and hypercapnia on model objects?

So far, such experiments go mainly on drosophilas. Of course, I wanted to start similar research on mammalian models, but it is associated with considerable difficulties, including a material nature. As quickly and painlessly, there will be a change of objects and the level of research, it depends not only on us, but also from the reaction of possible sponsors and "grantors". Taking this opportunity, I wanted to thank management (Moscow), which was possible to support our research, in particular with noble gases.

What question I did not ask you, and he is important for understanding the topic affected?

There are so many questions! But, one of them I am still voice.
Why is the search for the extension of life is a priority for us?
I mean researchers from the CIS, which have a lot of general not only in the historical plan, but also in psychology, methodical equipment, position in society, etc.

It's no secret that our science is lagging behind the level achieved by Western and overseas colleagues. Such a lag existed almost always, including during the time of the USSR.
However, after the famous events of the last decades, when our foreign colleagues continued to quickly move forward, and we moved mainly in the opposite direction, the methodical lag has achieved critical scale. It is especially great in areas that require the use of complex and expensive modern techniques, and it is difficult to believe that such a big gap will be eliminated in the foreseeable future.

Fortunately, there are scientific disciplines where the level of molecular biological and genetic techniques used is not determining, and the search for means of extension of life belongs to their number. This area where we can almost equal to compete with foreign colleagues and, it seems to me, even have some psychological advantages.

In fact, it is more important to believe in the beauty and greatness of ideas and try to realize it often not thanks to comfortable conditions, but in spite of difficulties, the word, everything that our people have always differed. And what could be the best maximum increase in the active period of life and longevity of man?

You're right! It would only be useful for a common case to understand not only scientists. In the end, it concerns each person directly.
Thank you for finding time to answer questions.

Thank you for selecting the most important problems affected in the article, as well as for your interesting interpretations and comments.