Untreated love happiness or tragedy. Ksenia Zatilovskaya, doctor

Untreated love happiness or tragedy. Ksenia Zatilovskaya, doctor
Untreated love happiness or tragedy. Ksenia Zatilovskaya, doctor

"How to get rid of narcotic love?".

Ksenia Zatilovskaya, doctor:

Such suffering can be understood. After all, I want happiness and reciprocity, and instead of this unrequited love - what to do? How to survive this pain? How to change the situation?

I want a man to respond to feeling - but how to achieve it? And then, forcibly milk will not be. We must think how to live on. What to do a woman if an unrequited love covered her?

Training "System-vector psychology" will help to understand why love is unrequited, and then the situation will change completely.

I suffer from unrequited love

Please only live

You see, I live you.

My huge love

Enough for us two with your head.

They suffer from unrequited love, as a rule, women with an auditorium. He determines in a person an increased emotionality, the ability to finely feel and lovelessly love. When such a woman falls in love, she puts all her feeling completely, dives into him with his head. She feat in his dreams about how she will be happy with this man.

It is for a woman with an auditorial vector love is the main value in life, and love for her - great happiness! It is she who is capable of such a power of feelings that others cannot even imagine. But it is she who can suffer because it cannot express his feelings for a man. Or its feelings may not be divided. For example, a man is already married. How to cope with unrequited love for a man?

But first will answer one difficult question.

Untreated love: happiness or tragedy?

"There is a pleasant circumstance:

I love you - it's great. "

N. Soskov

On the one hand, to experience love is definitely, it's happiness! You think about a person all the time, you have a lot in the clouds! You like everything in it! It's so nice! All the troubles in life can be forgiven for what he is. And you are all ready to justify and forgive him. But for some reason, he cannot answer you reciprocity. And then you think only about how to get rid of unrequited love. Because then your life is pain. Infinite pain of a lonely heart, which so wants a little heat.

Want him to be always there. I want him to bring you breakfast in the morning. And on Saturdays, you imagine how you go to the store for shopping, and then you are preparing something special for dinner. Your love dreams to break out and incarnate. You just just dream about how it would be great to be together. I want these relationships really.

And sometimes there are no external obstacles to your love, but you are all waiting for it when he will take the first step. You suffer because all your thoughts are about him, and it seems to not show interest in you. And then this love is simply poisoning your life, and you want to understand how to get rid of unrequited love for a man.

So, the real tragedy for a visual person is to wait for feelings from another person and not doing anything for the development of relationships, believing that it is unrequited love. However, a man can also be difficult to show their feelings as you. And if he does not show signs of attention, then maybe only because it does not know what you are waiting for this.

True trouble when a woman constantly wants to receive confirmation of love from a partner. She demands love from him, warmth, flowers, some actions and her all the time it seems that he doesn't like it enough, it gives attention not enough attention. But even if he shows his love, there will be little such a woman all the time. And she will ask more and more. Because it is impossible to get enough when someone else loves you, the most important thing is to love yourself, that this brings incredible happiness and filling! And love - it means to take some actions for a loved one, take care of him, talk to the souls. Think of his feelings and maintain it in his endeavors.

What to do if you suffer from unrequited love

Often the problem is that a woman focuses on all his emotions on one person - at the object of his feeling. However, its emotional potential is much higher! Her emotions can be enough to love the whole world! And she narrows this potential, directing him only to one person, and is waiting for love from him.

Give your emotions to close, colleagues for work, friends, neighbors - everyone who is near. And then your life will be filled with new experiences. And then you will understand how to survive unrequited love for a man. After all, shifting focus of attention from him to the world around you, you will see what life boils around! What closely sometimes needs your help, care and participation. Or maybe this unrequited love prevents from seeing a person with whom you will have real relationships.

How to forget unrequited love for a man

It is especially difficult to get out of the past relations to people with an anal vector. It is they who for a long time they remember everything that was, their memory will hold the smallest details for a long time. Such people do not forget anything. Yes, and do not forget. After all, this love, even if she is unrequited, brought you a lot of happy minutes! She filled your heart, your soul. The training "System-vector psychology" will help to rethink this relationship, to extract lessons on the future and remember the past only with gratitude to a person for all that beautiful that you had.

Why do not need unrequited love

Consider this preparation for a stronger and mature feeling. We all have to learn to love. It's not easy. After all, it is much easier to think only about yourself, take care of your own needs and take into account your interests in life. Love another person - it means to think first about him, and then about yourself. Think about what he needs, how he feels like you make your life together happy. And not just thinking - take steps in this direction.

Training "System and Vector Psychology" will help to understand what to do a girl if she has unrequited love - to start giving his emotions, and not demand them from others.

After all, another person has its own inner world, their habits, their preferences. And if he does not do the way you want, it does not mean that he does not love you. He may have other reasons to do so. Training "System-vector psychology will help to understand what a man wants, what is his value system and priorities in life, what do they need relationships, and whether you can take together as a couple. You will be able to understand what kind of man you need and how to build with him a truly close relationship based on trust and love.

"... A love dependence was led to the training, which lasted about three years, and it did not happen - only an understanding of this person remains. Passed resentment. Before the training, I really doubted, I will get at least some results that Yuri told and people wrote. Now it's funny to remember how I was looking for confirmation of this and could doubt ... " Nov 14, 2017

Love and happiness - whether these concepts are compatible

Orpheus and Eurydice, Hector and Andromaha, Daphnis and Chloe, Tristan and Isolde, Siegfried and Crimhild, Prince Igor and Yaroslavna, Romeo and Juliet - these love couples For centuries personify themselves real feelings, high gusts of the soul and, at the same time, tragedy.

You can list more dozens of other classical images of the unfortunate relationship of a man and a woman. Anna Karenina rushes under the train, Marusya Churai kills his wrong groom, Gretchen loses the mind, devoted by Heinrich.

Lie happy flame love? I dare to say that she is on the flame to burn instantly. And no matter how much Heinrich was trying (Dr. Faust) to spend: "Stop, instant, you are fine!"; The moment will pass, leaving only pain and bright memories ...

However, no loss would not be high poetry about love And the high feelings of the Divine Volatile Blood.
Minestreli, Petrock, Shakespeare, Heine, Goethe, Schiller, Lermontov, Shevchenko, Schiller, Lermontov, Shevchenko, Franco, Phachyk, Block, Yesenin, Rilke, Lina Kostenko, Anna Akhmatova.
Listen to the best romances of the world and you will hear the pain and despair of a broken heart. Masterpieces such as the romance of the Ukrainian black "Writish" or the Mexican superchager of the twentieth century "Bessame Mucho", worry millions of people on all continents.

Literary critic argue that only one poet (Spencer) continued to write poems about lovehis wife after successful marriage.

And, on the contrary, unhappy love inspired on a high syllable of dozens of poetic talents.
It turns out that love is pain and grief? Is it sadness and jealousy? Is it despair from hopelessness?
And the more soul hurts, the higher the feeling?

And lose your favorite or beloved, not to find an answer to love, getting into the jelly network - this is be in love?
"Everything happy families - happythe same, "argued the Lion Tolstoy. But does love happen where happiness?

Let's think together!

What do we know about love? Only the fact that it exists. Yes, we know what it happens, how sometimes it affects people and their lives. But how many centuries did not pass, we still did not figure it out in it: it's happiness or a real attack? L.N. Tolstoy wrote: "Love should be tragedy." Maybe he is really right?

We can meet love in many literary works. He wrote about her great thinkers, philosopher, playwrights. And they never converged to a common opinion. One of the masters, in whose works there is love, is F.M.Dostoevsky. His famous work "Crime and Punishment" excites the mind to this day. The main character is Rodion Raskolnikov, a young man with a sink ideology.

But I want to tell not about him. Oh and so always in sight of readers. Let's talk about Sona Marmaladova, the daughter of the titular adviser. When they write about love in "Crime and Punishment", usually, the eyes are directed to the Raskolnikov and Sonya: their feelings, how Radion applies to it, how she led themselves when Skolnikov was sentenced to Katorga. But does this love exist in the novel? All those who read this work know that Sonya Marmeladov was engaged in prostitution. And know why. She was forced to break the gospel commandments, since the family did not find other ways to extradite their livelihood. We see that she risked for the sake of the family. But would she go if she did not love her family? Would you voluntarily on this sin? The answer is unequivocal - no.

Another vivid example of love as a tragedy can serve as a work of A.I.Kuprina "Pomegranate bracelet". This is a story about a small official who, alas, is unrequited in love with the princess. Of course, at that time it was considered a Muviton, so that the stranger was given dear gifts to a married woman. However, probably, like now. Yolks, the hero of the work, loved the princess for many years, he went crazy on her, but, because of his position, he could not afford to be with her. At the end of the story when the princess gives him to understand that he does not want to see him, he cums the life of suicide. Tell me, this love was happiness? I think no. A poor official could not control himself, they managed feelings. And he died only because he did not want to deliver the "inconvenience" beloved woman.

"Well, what about the works, where love is shown from the best side?" - you ask. The artistic fiction has not yet canceled. Yes, many great people worked the masterpieces when they were in love. But does this mean that they were happy? Love is a feeling, burdensome man. When we are in love, we will be alive by die. Our life is not at all and not our, we do not own themselves and our feelings. Thoughts are engaged in one person, any careless word of which can deeply hurt you in the heart. And after all this, are you still sure that love is happiness? Then think how many great, talented people died in the name of this feeling. Some poisoned, others hanged themselves, others were shot at all. All because they could no longer endure this "happy love." And if I am mistaken, and in my life you have met a person who loves and that not enough importantly, who loves you, then you are very lucky. If you can confidently declare that you are truly happy, then this essay can be subjected to the execution of its manuscript N.V.Gogol. In the event that you have not experienced grief from your love, I am very happy for you. If all this really is so, take care of your love, do not guess her. After all, such feelings in our time are true rarity.