The topic of love in the work is clean Monday. "Love and death motives of the story" Clean Monday "

The topic of love in the work is clean Monday. "Love and death motives of the story" Clean Monday "

1. Images of the main characters.
2. Moral searches for heroine.
3. The tragic finale works.

I. A. Bunin considered the story "Clean Monday" one of the best works. In fact, you can not consider this story with indifference. The story story is relatively simple. We are talking about love. But the love story is completely extraordinary. In general, in the work of the Bunin, we encounter her special perception. This wonderful feeling most often does not bring joy, does not make people happy, on the contrary, makes suffering and suffer. Love becomes a test of fate and at the same time punishment over. In the story "Clean Monday" we meet just with such a situation when love does not bring happiness.

There are many household details in the story. The writer describes the life of the main characters in detail. They are young, beautiful, rich. "We both were rich, healthy, young people and so good by themselves that in restaurants, at concerts they were visited."

They can be called real balovses of fate. Lying and sorry are not familiar to them. We know that lovers often went to dine in Prague, in Hermitage, in Metropol. Young people could just enjoy everyone in the afternoon. But everything happens completely differently. Almost immediately, at the very beginning of the story, we begin to predicate the tragic junction. This does not speak directly the author. He only gives readers the opportunity to pay attention to what is inadequate, that is only meant. It is very important that the main character does not know what their relationship with the girl leads to. However, the young man believes that it is better not to think about it. He is more pragmatic, prefers to live today, get from the real as much joy as possible. And the girl flatly refuses to talk about the future. "What should it end, I did not know and tried not to think, not to think about it: it was useless - just like to talk about it with her: she once again took conversations about our future ...", tells the narrator.

The main character of the story from the very beginning seems strange, not like others. She is studying at courses. But, apparently, a clear idea, for which it does, does not. It's not by chance that she is very vaguely answering the question, why study. The girl says: "Why is everything done in the world? Do we understand anything in our actions? " This response is hiding a very important philosophical subtext. The heroine is trying to find the meaning of life, but it does not succeed. Perhaps that is why it decides to find salvation in religion, goes to the monastery.

The main heroine loves beautiful things. She seems smart, able to support the conversation on any topic. But on the other hand, it is almost completely immersed in his inner world. And the world external seems to her less interesting: "It was similar to that nothing needed to her: neither flowers, no books, no dinners, nor theaters nor dinner outside the city ...". The girl leads such a lifestyle, which seems to be accepted in society. But she herself wants something else. The main character can not not think about how surprising and incomprehensible their relationship. The girl does not think about marriage, does not want to become his wife and mother. She honestly talks about it. The main character at the same time reaches a luxurious life and denies it. This contradiction of her nature seems strange and incomprehensible.

The girl is peculiar to interest in religion. She visits the church, she pulls her into the Kremlin cathedrals. But at the same time, it cannot be called especially certain, because it leads a secular lifestyle, without limiting themselves. However, a completely unexpected girl goes into the monastery. She does not explain anything to anyone. Just leaves the usual life and your beloved. The act of the girl turned out to be completely unexpected for a young man. He cannot understand behavior with his beloved. And once again thinks over its act, not finding him explanations. The characters of the story broke up on a very long time. The young man saw his beloved only two years later. What does the name of the story tell us? The young man learned about the religiousness of the girl on the eve of Clean Monday. Previously, he did not even think about the fact that his beloved is so interested in religion. This behavior of the young girl seems to us readers, an amazing discovery. Maybe the heroine considers his life to be sinful, and wants to find salvation in the monastery for his soul. After all, the girl's life was full of entertainment, she attended theaters, restaurants, having fun.

The heroine finds the strength to abandon everything that she was familiar and expensive. Instead of fun and joy, she chooses life in the monastery monastery. However, if you remember that the girl with indifference was to the fact that he was surrounding her, her act will not be surprised. Even love did not hold the girl from the post in the nun. What was love for her? Something temporary, unimportant, voyage? The story of the story remains open.

"Clean Monday" is tragic in its essence. He stands a mansion in the work of the Bunin, because here the lovers lie not on the evil will of fate. The girl herself chooses her way. No one prevented young people. They could be happy, completely dissolving each other. But it turned out differently. Maybe the main character was not able to understand and evaluate such a beautiful and elevated feeling? Or in her soul there was no place of love at all, because the heroine seems to live in his own world. What is the main thing for her, we do not know, and we can only assume.

In fact, little is known about the main character and with difficulty we understand her. Its mental torment can be perceived as evidence of internal dissatisfaction with real life. But maybe, on the contrary, she has long defined what is the meaning of her life. And gradually went to the desired result. The usual life did not attract the girl, she expected something more. Religion for her turned out to be more important than habitual affairs and joy. And in this regard, the love of a man seemed less important to the girl than the love of God.

Of course, only an outstanding nature may refuse the usual worldly joys. The girl is definitely the personality is strong and extraordinary. She is looking for his own meaning of life. And care to the monastery seems to her the right decision, because now the fuss of a simple and vulgar life will not have an even account any value.

The story cannot but cause feelings of sadness from the reader. But at the same time, the story makes think about how unique, the person for others may be unique and incomprehensible. Such is exactly the main heroine. She is unlike anyone. She has his own choice. And the decision the girl accepts independently, without asking anyone who does not need the approval of others. However, it is impossible not to admit that the main character is not so ideal. After all, her act turned out to be a cruel blow for a young man. He suffers from separation from his beloved. Surprisingly, we learn that the girl also experiences flour from parting. After all, in the letter, she writes: "Let God give no strength to answer me - it is useless to darge and increase our flour ...". So for what girl chose her way? What did she decide to break the life of her beloved? It can be concluded that she felt unhappy. And decided to break with the world to forget everything for all that is connected with him.

The story of Bunin "Clean Monday" tells us about the complexity of human life. The role of this work in Russian literature is very large. Thanks to him, we got the opportunity to learn how tragedy could be the final of the History of Love.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - the greatest writer of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. He entered the literature by the poet, created wonderful poems. 1895 ... Published the first story "On the Edge of Light". Encouraged critics praises, Bunin begins to engage in literary creativity. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - winner of a wide variety of premiums, including the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature 1933

In 1944, the writer creates one of the wonderful stories about love, about the most beautiful, significant and high, which is on earth, is the story "Clean Monday." The Bunin spoke about this story: "I thank God that he gave me to write, clean Monday". "

In the story "Clean Monday", the psychologist of the Buninskaya prose and the peculiarities of the "external image" manifested themselves.

"The Moscow Gray Winter Day darkly lit up the gas in the lanterns, the heat was lit by the storefronts - and the evening, freedoming from the day-made Moscow life, thicker and Bodrai rushed out of recreational sledges, thundered overcrowded, diving trams, - it was already visible in dusk, As the Green Stars were filled with hissing - hurriedly in the snow sidewalks were hurried to the snow-sidewalks of turbid passersby ... "- exactly these words the author begins his story, transferring the reader to the old Moscow early XX century. The writer with the greatest details, not messenger from the type of the slightest details, reproduces all the signs of this era. And from the first lines, the story gives a special sound to a constant mention of the details of deep antiquity: about the ancient Moscow temples, monasteries, icons (Christ the Savior's Church, the Iverland Church, Marfo-Mariinskaya Resident, the icon of the Virgin Troechnitsy), about the names of outstanding personalities. But next to this antiquity, eternity we notice the signs of later life: well-known and affordable citizens' restaurants "Prague", "Hermitage", "Metropol", "Yar"; books of modern authors; Motla Ertel and Chekhov ... Judging by how the action is unfolded in the story, we can judge that the past for heroes is extremely clear, real - vaguely, the future is absolutely unclear.

In the story two heroes: he and she, a man and a woman. The man, according to the writer, is healthy, rich, young and beautiful for some reason southern, hot beauty, was even "indecently beautiful." But the most important thing is the hero in love, is in love so much that they are ready to perform any whims of the heroine, just not to lose it. But, unfortunately, he cannot and is not trying to understand what is happening in his soul of his beloved: he "tried and not to think, do not think." A woman is depicted mysterious, mysterious. She is mysterious as the soul of a Russian woman with her spirituality, devotion, dedication, dedication, self-denial ... Hero himself admits: "She was mysterious, strange for me." All her life is worn from inexplicable contradictions, throwing. "It was like that it was not necessary for her: neither flowers nor the books, no dinners, nor theaters nor dinner outside the city," the narrator tells, but immediately adds: "Although all the same flowers were loved by her and unloved, all the books ... She always read, chocolate eaten a whole box for his day, no less than me for lunches and dinners ... "I didn't know where she did not know where he would go, what would go, not knowing, with Who, how and where will spend time.

The writer quite fully tells us about her origin, about its current classes. But in the description of the life of the Heroine Bunin very often uses uncertain adhesions (over her sofa "for some reason, a portrait of a barefoot").

All actions of a female spontaneous, irrational and at the same time as if planned. On the night of a clean Monday, she is given to the hero, knowing that it will go to the monastery in the morning, but this care is final, it is also unclear. Throughout the story, the author shows that the heroine does not feel comfortable anywhere, she does not believe in the existence of simple terrestrial happiness. "Our happiness, friend, like water in delight: pull - inflated, and pull out - there is nothing," she quotes Plato Karataeva.

The spiritual impulses of the heroes of "Clean Monday" are often not amenable to logical explanation. The man's impression is created, and the woman is not dominated over themselves, they are not able to control their feelings.

In the center of the story - Events in Forgiveness Sunday and Clean Monday. Forgiveness Sunday is a religious holiday, revered by all believing people. They ask each other for forgiveness and forgive their loved ones. For a heroine, this is a very special day, not only for forgiveness, but also the day of farewell to a worldly life. Clean Monday - the first day of the post, in which a person is cleared from every bad, when the Maslenitsa fun is replaced by self-pressing. This day becomes a turning point in the life of the hero. Having passed through the suffering associated with the loss of beloved, the hero is experiencing the influence of the surrounding forces and is aware of everything that he did not notice earlier, being blinded by love for heroin. Two years later, a man, recalling the events of the long-stayed days, will repeat the route of their long-time joy, and he "for some reason" will really want to go to the church of the Marfo Mariinsky monastery. What unknown forces entail him to meet the lover? Does he seek to the spiritual world in which she leaves? We do not know this, the author does not open the mystery for us. He only shows us humility in the soul of the hero, their last meeting is completed by his humble departure, and not awakening in him former passions.

The future of heroes is unclear. In addition to the entire writer, nowhere does not even directly indicate that the nun-gambled nun - his former beloved. Only one detail - dark eyes - resemble the appearance of the heroine. It is noteworthy that the heroine goes to the Marfo Mariinsky Resident. This monastery is not a monastery, but the Church of the Intercession of Our Lady in Ordyanka, at which there was a community of secular ladies, took care of the orphans living in the church and about the wounded in the First World War. And this ministry in the church of the Pokrov's Lady, maybe for the heroine of the "net Monday" spiritual insight, because it was the immaculate heart of the Virgin Mary warned the world from war, deaths, blood, orphanhood ...

The fate of the hero in the "Clean Monday" moved to the side, as if covered with something more significant, who behave from the fate of the heroine. We clearly felt that there was no wonder and it was not by chance that Bunin prepared such an unexpected for the stories about the love of the final - renunciation from the "worldly" affairs and care to the abode. And one more feature is striking when meeting this bunin masterpiece - the complete absence of fictional names. No names at all and not the names of the main characters only, which is characteristic of most love stories, namely, fictional names, which cannot but impress peculiar demonstrations. Only the fictional name is in the story - the name of the episodic person, Fyodor, Kucera is the main character. All other names belong to real persons.

This is either the authors of fashionable works (Hoffmanstal, Schnitser, Tetmayer, Pshibyshevsky); either fashionable Russian writers of the beginning of the century (A. White, Leonid Andreev, Bryusov); or genuine artistic theater figures (Stanislavsky, Moskvin, Kachalov, Solerzhitsky); either Russian writers of the last century (Griboedov, Ertel, Chekhov, L. Tolstoy); or the heroes of the ancient Russian literature (Peresvet and Osh, Yuri Dolgoruky, Svyatoslav Seversky, Pavel Muromsky); Mentioned in the story of the characters "War and Peace" - Plato Karataev and Pierre Duhov; Once mentioned the name of Shalyapin; The genuine name of the Taucher owner is named in Egorov's Okhotny Row.

In such a surrounding, there are deliberately nameless heroes, awarded in a certain chronological framework. At the end of the story, Bunin even accurately indicates the year, which occurs, although the chronological inconsistency of the facts mentioned in the story immediately rushes into the eyes, (obviously, the chronological accuracy occupied his last time). Bunin calls the time of his story for the spring of the thirteenth year? Approaching the end of the story, the hero seem to notice: "Almost two years have passed from the same pure Monday ... In the fourteenth year, under the New Year, there was the same quiet, sunny evening ..." Clean Monday - First Monday after Maslenitsa Therefore, the action takes place early in the spring (the end of February is March).

The last day of Maslenitsa - "Forgiveness Sunday", in which people "forgive" each other resentment, injustice, etc. Then, and "Clean Monday" comes - the first day of the post, when a person who was cleaned from the badge, comes in a period of strict The execution of rites when the carnival walking and the fun is replaced by the rigidity of life routine and self-service. On this day, the heroine of the story finally decided to go to the monastery, breaking forever with his past. But all this is spring rituals. After referring from the end of 1914 "almost two years" back, we will get the spring of 1913.

The story was written exactly thirty years after the events described, in 1944, a year before the end of World War II. Obviously, on Bunin, Russia was again at some important historical line, and he is doing the thought that he now expects his homeland on her way. He drawn back, trying to reproduce not only a variety within the boundaries of a small story, but the diversity and the "lack of" Russian life, the overall sense of the impending catastrophe. It combines the facts separated in reality in a few years to further strengthen the impression of the variety of the then Russian life, the variety of people and people who have not suspected which great test is preparing them history.

1913 - the last pre-war year of Russia. This year and pounins the time of the story of the story, despite its explicit misconception of it with the details of the Moscow life described. In the consciousness of the people of that epoch, those who survived her, this year has grown in the historical line of great importance. Standing by the window in the apartment of the heroine, the hero reflects about Moscow, looking at the opening view, the central part of which is the Church of Christ the Savior and the Kremlin Wall: "Strange City! - I said to myself, thinking about the ocherized series, about the Iverskaya, about Basil Blessed. - - Vasily Blessed and Savior-on-Bor, Italian Cathedrals - and something Kyrgyz in the glands of the towers on the Kremlin walls ... "Important and many talking thinking. This is a kind of outcome to which Bunin comes as a result of perennial observations on the "East-Western" features of the appearance of Russia.

From the story of "Bonfire", written in 1902, to the "net Monday" (1944) accompanies the thought of the thought that his homeland, Russia is a strange, but explicit combination of two layers, two cultural structures - "Western" and "Eastern", European and Asian. The idea that Russia in its appearance, as in its history, is located somewhere at the intersection of these two lines of world historical development, - this thought of red thread passes through all fourteen pages of the Buninsky story, based on the initial The impression is the complete historical concept, affecting the most basic for the Bunin and the people of his era of the moments of the Russian history and the nature of the Russian man.

In numerous hints and semi-rolls, which is replete with a story, Bunin emphasizes the duality, inconsistency of the text of Russian life, the combination of incompatible. In the heroine's apartment there is a "wide Turkish sofa", next to him - "expensive piano", and above the sofa, emphasizes the writer, "for some reason, a portrait of a barefoot". Turkish sofa and expensive piano is East and West, Bosoy Tolstoy is Russia, Russia in her unusual, "cord" and an eccentric, not fitting in any framework. The hero of the story, "Being from the Penza province," that is, from the very heart of provincial Russia, it's beautiful how he himself speaks about himself, "southern, hot beauty," even "indecently beautiful" - "one famous actor" I added: "Damn you know who you are, Sicilian some kind of".

Sicienetan comes from Penza province! The combination is incredible, unusual, but hardly in the context of the story random. After hitting the Tavern Yegorova in the evening in the "Forgiveness of Sunday," the heroine says, showing the icon-Troochitsy icon hanging in the corner: "Well! At the bottom of the wild men, and then the pancakes with champagne and the Virgin Troyoruchitsa. Three hands! This is India ! " The same duality is emphasized here by Bunin: "Wild men" - on the one hand, "pancakes with champagne" - on the other, and next to Rus, but again the extraordinary, as if correlated with the appearance of the Christian Virgin, resembling Buddhist Shiva .

As if the pendulum, the narrative is rejected in the "pure Monday" in the direction of Europe, then towards Asia, then to the west, then to the east, somewhere in the middle, in the very center, denoting a difficulty line, line, point of Russia. Having heard the hours of hours on the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin, the heroine notes: "What an ancient sound, something tin and cast-iron. And the same sound was hit three in the morning and in the fifteenth century. And now in Florence, it's quite the same battle, he There I remind me of Moscow ... "And everything in Moscow is how in Europe, as in Asia, as in Italy, as in India.

How thick everything is intertwined and rich in this story! Here each word is calculated, taken into account and carries the semantic load every incognent detail. Griboedov, and therefore introduced into the story that he, Russian by origin, but the European on education and culture, died in Asia - in Persia, at that very moment when the project was engaged in the development of the project, which could be associated with Europe with Asia through Russia and the Transcaucasia. And he died scared, brutally killed by the intestinal crowd of Persians. Persia, constantly underlined the Persian beauty of the heroine, have a completely special symbolic meaning of something formidable, spontaneous. Then the Ordina itself, where Griboedov's house is found, there is nothing more than the former Tatar settlement (Ordin - Ordanets - Ordanets). And, finally, the Tavern Egorova in the Okhotny Row (pure Russian institution!), Where, however, they are not just served pancakes, but with champagne, but in the corner the icon of the Virgin Mary with three hands hangs ...

The most significant and in-depth indicator of this bilateral (or, or rather, for division) of the historical process, in the power of which, as Bunin believes, Russia turned out to be, acting in the story heroine itself. The duality of her appearance is so insistently emphasized by the writer, which in the end the question arises: is it not hidden here anything that is not expressed directly, but maybe the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story? Heroian father - "Enlightened man of a noble merchant family, lived on the rest in Tver." The at home of the heroine wears Silk Arohaluk confused by Sobole: "The inheritance of my Astrakhan grandmother," she explains (although, we note in brackets, no one asks her).

So, the Father - Tverskaya merchant, Grandma - from Astrakhan. Russian and Tatar blood merged into the veins of this young woman. Looking at her lips, "on a dark gun over them, on the grenade velvet dresses, on the strap of the shoulders and the booms, smelling some slightly spicy smell of her hair," hero thinks: "Moscow, Astrakhan, Persia, India!". Moreover, the distribution of shades here is such that Russian, Tver is harnessed inside, dissolved in a mental organization, the appearance is entirely given to the power of Eastern heredity.

And the hero himself, on the person of which the story is conducted, it does not get tired to emphasize that the beauty of his beloved "was some kind of Indian, Persian": "... dark-amber face, magnificent and somewhat sinister in their thick black hair, gently shiny, Like black sobat fur, eyebrows, black, like velvet coal, eyes; The captivating velvety-punch lips of the mouth was sattented was a dark fly; leaving, she most often put on a pomegranate velvet dress and the same shoes with gold clasps ... "

This is an Eastern beauty in all the brilliance of its non-Russian, non-Slavic beauty. And when she "in a black velvet dress" appeared on the camouflast of the art theater and the "pale from hop" Kachalov with a glass of wine came up to her and, "with a gloomy greed looking at her," said her: "Tsar-Maiden, Shamakhan Tsarina, Your health! " "We understand that this bunin put his own concept of duality in his mouth: a heroine, as it were, at the same time," Tsar-Maiden "and" Shamakhan Queen ". Pushkin in the "Tale of the Golden Cockerel", which Bunin is focused on, is said differently: "The girl, Shamakhan Tsarina". Just a "maiden" or "king-maiden" - different things; In the first case, sense and stylistic neutrality, in the second - explicit orientation to the Slavic folklore. But in the Bunin heroine, in any case in its appearance, there is nothing from the "tsar-maiden", that is, from Russian, Slavic, folk root.

Very important dialogue, and it is primarily important with its hidden alpaid. Indeed, where did easist wisdom come from here? After all, there is nothing specifically eastern in the guise of Plato Karataev, nor in the content of speeches, nor in the above proverb. We can consider Eastern - Tatar - his surname of Karataev, who is really Tatar origin.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - the greatest writer of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. He entered the literature by the poet, created wonderful poems. 1895 ... Published the first story "On the Edge of Light". The critics at the praise of critics, Bunin begins to engage in literary creativity. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - Laureate of various pre-Mii, including the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature 1933

In 1944, the writer creates one of the wonderful stories about love, about the most beautiful, significant and high, which is on earth, is a raz-tale "Clean Monday". The Bunin spoke about this story: "I thank God that he gave me to write, clean Monday". "

The story "Clean Monday" was especially clearly shown by the psycho-logism of the Buninskaya prose and the features of "external pictoriality".

"The Moscow Gray Winter Day darkly lit up the gas in the pho-gazes, the heat was lit by the storefronts - and the evening, freedom of Moscow life, thicker and Bajrai was not-shifted, diving sledge, threatening, diverged, In the dusk, it was already visible, as the silence were filled with the wires from the wires, hurriedly in the snow sidewalks of muddy worm-shearing passersby ... "- exactly what the author begins his own in question, transferring the reader to the old Moscow early XX century. The writer with the greatest details, not messenger from the species or the slightest detail, re-producing all the signs of this era. And from the first lines, the story suits a special sound permanent mention of the details of deep ancient: about the ancient Moscow temples, monasteries, icons (Christ the Savior's Church, the Iverskaya Church, Marfo-Mariinsky Abode, the icon of the Bogor-Children of Troophechnitsy), about names outstanding personalities. But next to this antiquity, eternity, we notice the signs of later life: known and affordable citizens' restaurants, "Hermitage", "Metropol", "Yar"; books of modern authors; Motla Ertel and Chekhov ... Judging by how the action is unfolded in the story, we can judge that the past for heroes is extremely clear, real - vaguely, the future is absolutely unclear.

In the story two heroes: he and she, a man and a woman. The man, in the words of the writer, is healthy, rich, young and handsome for some reason, the southern, hot beauty, was even "indecently beautiful." But the most important thing is the hero in love with Lany, is in love so much that they are ready to perform any whims of the heroine, just not to lose it. But, unfortunately, he can not and is not trying to understand what is happening in his soul of his beloved: he "tried and not to think, not DOCUME-TOB." A woman is depicted mysterious, mysterious. She is mysterious, as a mysterious generally of a Russian woman with her spirituality, devotion, dedication, self-denial ... The hero himself recognizes, Sia: "She was mysterious, strange for me." All her life is worn from non-explained contradictions, throwing. "It was like that it was not necessary for her: neither flowers nor books, no lunches, nor theaters nor dinner for a mountain-house," the narrator tells, but immediately adds: "Although still Cee-you were She has a favorite and unloved, all the books ... She always read-la, chocolate has eaten a whole box for the day, no less than me for lunches and dinners ... "Lit somewhere, she most often did not know where to go then, what would go, In short, he does not know with whom, how and where will spend time.

The writer quite fully tells us about her origin, about its intensive occupations. But in the description of the life of Heroin Bunin very often uses uncertain adverbs (over her sofa "for some reason, a portrait of a barefoot") was hung).

All actions of a female spontaneous, irrational and at the same time as if planned. On the night of a clean Monday, she is given to Ge-Roah, knowing that the morning will go to the monastery, but this care is final, it is also unclear. Throughout the story, the author shows that the heroine does not feel comfortable anywhere, she does not believe in the existence of simple terrestrial happiness. "Our happiness, friend, like water in delight: pull - I am infoed, and pull out - there is nothing," she quotes Plato Karataev.

The spiritual gusts of the heroes of the "net Monday" often do not undermine the logical explanation. It seems that Men's impression is created, and the woman is not dominated over themselves, they are not able to control their feelings. Material from site.

In the center of the story - the events in forgiveness Sunday and the number of Monday. Forgiveness Sunday is a religious holiday, soaked by all believing people. They ask each other for forgiveness and forgive their loved ones. For a heroine, this is a very special day, not only for forgiveness, but also the day of farewell to a worldly life. Clean Monday-Nick is the first day of the post, in which a person is cleared of every square, when the Maslenitsa fun is replaced by self-filiation. This day becomes a turning point in the Hero's life. Having passed through the suffering associated with the loss of beloved, the hero is experiencing the influence of the surrounding forces and is aware of everything that he did not notice earlier, being blinded by love for heroin. Two years later, a man, recalling the events of the long-stayed days, will repeat the route of their long-time joy, and he "for some reason" will really want to go to the church of the Marfo Mariinsky monastery. What unknown forces entail him to meet the lover? Is he striving to the Spirit of Spirit, in which she leaves? We do not know this, the author does not boost - the curtain of the mystery for us. He only shows us humility in the soul of Ge-Roy, their last meeting ends with his humble departure, and not by pro-possession of the former passions.

The future of heroes is unclear. In addition to the entire writer, nowhere does not even directly indicate that the nun met the nun - his former Vernaya. Only one detail - dark eyes - resemble the appearance of the heroine. It is noteworthy that the heroine goes to the Marfo Mariinsky Resident. This Obi-Tel is not a monastery, and the Church of the Intercession of Our Lady in Ordyanka, at which there was a community of secular ladies, took care of the orphans living in the Church and about the wounded in the First World War. And this ministry in the church of the Pokrov's Lady, maybe for the heroine of the "purefore-delnik" spiritual insight, because it was the immaculate heart of the God-Roda warned the world from war, deaths, blood, orphanhood ...

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • love Mysterious Word on Bunin Stories
  • why the heroine of pure Monday went to the monastery
  • details Clean Monday
  • meaning of the name of the story Clean Monday Essay
  • clean Monday Problems

1. Images of the main characters.
2. Moral searches for heroine.
3. The tragic finale works.

I. A. Bunin considered the story "Clean Monday" one of the best works. In fact, you can not consider this story with indifference. The story story is relatively simple. We are talking about love. But the love story is completely extraordinary. In general, in the work of the Bunin, we encounter her special perception. This wonderful feeling most often does not bring joy, does not make people happy, on the contrary, makes suffering and suffer. Love becomes a test of fate and at the same time punishment over. In the story "Clean Monday" we meet just with such a situation when love does not bring happiness.

There are many household details in the story. The writer describes the life of the main characters in detail. They are young, beautiful, rich. "We both were rich, healthy, young people and so good by themselves that in restaurants, at concerts they were visited."

They can be called real balovses of fate. Lying and sorry are not familiar to them. We know that lovers often went to dine in Prague, in Hermitage, in Metropol. Young people could just enjoy everyone in the afternoon. But everything happens completely differently. Almost immediately, at the very beginning of the story, we begin to predicate the tragic junction. This does not speak directly the author. He only gives readers the opportunity to pay attention to what is inadequate, that is only meant. It is very important that the main character does not know what their relationship with the girl leads to. However, the young man believes that it is better not to think about it. He is more pragmatic, prefers to live today, get from the real as much joy as possible. And the girl flatly refuses to talk about the future. "What should it end, I did not know and tried not to think, not to think about it: it was useless - just like to talk about it with her: she once again took conversations about our future ...", tells the narrator.

The main character of the story from the very beginning seems strange, not like others. She is studying at courses. But, apparently, a clear idea, for which it does, does not. It's not by chance that she is very vaguely answering the question, why study. The girl says: "Why is everything done in the world? Do we understand anything in our actions? " This response is hiding a very important philosophical subtext. The heroine is trying to find the meaning of life, but it does not succeed. Perhaps that is why it decides to find salvation in religion, goes to the monastery.

The main heroine loves beautiful things. She seems smart, able to support the conversation on any topic. But on the other hand, it is almost completely immersed in his inner world. And the world external seems to her less interesting: "It was similar to that nothing needed to her: neither flowers, no books, no dinners, nor theaters nor dinner outside the city ...". The girl leads such a lifestyle, which seems to be accepted in society. But she herself wants something else. The main character can not not think about how surprising and incomprehensible their relationship. The girl does not think about marriage, does not want to become his wife and mother. She honestly talks about it. The main character at the same time reaches a luxurious life and denies it. This contradiction of her nature seems strange and incomprehensible.

The girl is peculiar to interest in religion. She visits the church, she pulls her into the Kremlin cathedrals. But at the same time, it cannot be called especially certain, because it leads a secular lifestyle, without limiting themselves. However, a completely unexpected girl goes into the monastery. She does not explain anything to anyone. Just leaves the usual life and your beloved. The act of the girl turned out to be completely unexpected for a young man. He cannot understand behavior with his beloved. And once again thinks over its act, not finding him explanations. The characters of the story broke up on a very long time. The young man saw his beloved only two years later. What does the name of the story tell us? The young man learned about the religiousness of the girl on the eve of Clean Monday. Previously, he did not even think about the fact that his beloved is so interested in religion. This behavior of the young girl seems to us readers, an amazing discovery. Maybe the heroine considers his life to be sinful, and wants to find salvation in the monastery for his soul. After all, the girl's life was full of entertainment, she attended theaters, restaurants, having fun.

The heroine finds the strength to abandon everything that she was familiar and expensive. Instead of fun and joy, she chooses life in the monastery monastery. However, if you remember that the girl with indifference was to the fact that he was surrounding her, her act will not be surprised. Even love did not hold the girl from the post in the nun. What was love for her? Something temporary, unimportant, voyage? The story of the story remains open.

"Clean Monday" is tragic in its essence. He stands a mansion in the work of the Bunin, because here the lovers lie not on the evil will of fate. The girl herself chooses her way. No one prevented young people. They could be happy, completely dissolving each other. But it turned out differently. Maybe the main character was not able to understand and evaluate such a beautiful and elevated feeling? Or in her soul there was no place of love at all, because the heroine seems to live in his own world. What is the main thing for her, we do not know, and we can only assume.

In fact, little is known about the main character and with difficulty we understand her. Its mental torment can be perceived as evidence of internal dissatisfaction with real life. But maybe, on the contrary, she has long defined what is the meaning of her life. And gradually went to the desired result. The usual life did not attract the girl, she expected something more. Religion for her turned out to be more important than habitual affairs and joy. And in this regard, the love of a man seemed less important to the girl than the love of God.

Of course, only an outstanding nature may refuse the usual worldly joys. The girl is definitely the personality is strong and extraordinary. She is looking for his own meaning of life. And care to the monastery seems to her the right decision, because now the fuss of a simple and vulgar life will not have an even account any value.

The story cannot but cause feelings of sadness from the reader. But at the same time, the story makes think about how unique, the person for others may be unique and incomprehensible. Such is exactly the main heroine. She is unlike anyone. She has his own choice. And the decision the girl accepts independently, without asking anyone who does not need the approval of others. However, it is impossible not to admit that the main character is not so ideal. After all, her act turned out to be a cruel blow for a young man. He suffers from separation from his beloved. Surprisingly, we learn that the girl also experiences flour from parting. After all, in the letter, she writes: "Let God give no strength to answer me - it is useless to darge and increase our flour ...". So for what girl chose her way? What did she decide to break the life of her beloved? It can be concluded that she felt unhappy. And decided to break with the world to forget everything for all that is connected with him.

The story of Bunin "Clean Monday" tells us about the complexity of human life. The role of this work in Russian literature is very large. Thanks to him, we got the opportunity to learn how tragedy could be the final of the History of Love.

  1. Love is beautiful and love is doomed.
  2. External similarity and inner difference between the heroes of the story.
  3. The ideal of the life of the story of the story.

One of the main arts of the writer is the topic of love. The Bunin went to this topic to meet all the soul, and neither war nor revolution could shake this affection. In this area, full of unseen shades and ambiguities, his gift found decent application. He described love in all states, and in emigration it was more chasing, concentrated to this feeling. Love in the image of the Bunin affects not only the power of artistic pictoriality, but also by its subordination with some inner, unknown man of laws. But these laws break into the surface infrequently - most people do not experience their fatal influence until the end of their days. Such an image of love suddenly gives the sober, "merciless" buninas, to whom the talent is a romantic fold. The proximity of love and death, their conjugacy was the facts for Bunin obvious, have never been doubtful. However, the catastrophicity of being, the fragility of human relations and the very existence is all these favorite bunin topics after gigantic social cataclysms who shook Russia were filled with a new formidable value. "Love is beautiful" and "Love is doomed" - these concepts, finally jeightening, coincided, carrying the personal mountain of the Bunin-emigrant in the depths of each story. During the war, Bunin graduated from the book of the "Dark Alleys" stories, which published in 1946 in Paris. This is the only book in the Russian literature, in which "all about love". Thirty-eight novel collection give a great diversity of unforgettable female images - Rusya, Antigone, Galya Ganskaya, Heroine "Clek Monday".

In the story of Bunin "Clean Monday" Heroine Unnamen. The name is not important, the name for the Earth, and God knows everyone and without a name. Bunin calls the heroine - she. From the very beginning, she was strange, silent, unusual, as if someone else's world, looking through him, "all something thought, everything seemed to be in someone mentally deliberate; Lying on the sofa with a book in his hands, often lowered it and questionfully looked in front of him. " It was as if she was completely from the other world, and only to be not recognized in this world, she read, went to the theater, having dinner, dinner, went to walk, visited courses. "We both were rich; Healthy, young people and so good by themselves that in restaurants, at concerts they were visited, "says the hero of" net Monday ". It would seem that they have everything for absolute happiness. What else is needed? "Our happiness, friend," his favorite Words of Plato Karataev leads, like water in Radon: pull - inflated, and pull out - there is nothing. " The hero and heroine of the story are different natures. The hero of "net Monday" is a "ordinary" person, with all its physical appeal and emotional fullness. But the heroine is different. Its strange actions feels significance of nature, the rareness of the "Favorite Nature". Her consciousness is broken. She does not mind to plunge into the "today's" life of the elite Moscow - Chaliapina concerts, "Capupus" of the art theater, some courses, reading fashionable Western writers of the beginning of the century: Hoffmanstal, Schnitzler, Pshibyshevsky, lectures Andrei White, etc., however Inside, she is alien (like Bunin himself) to all this. She was always drawn to something brighter, intangible, to faith, to God, and just as the temple of the Savior was close to the windows of her apartment, so God was close to her heart. She often walked in the church, attended the abode, old cemeteries. She is tensely looking for something whole, heroic, selfless and finds his ideal in serving God. The present seems to her pathetic and insolvent. And finally she decided. In the last days of worldly life, she sick her cup to the bottom, forgave everyone for a forgiveness Sunday and cleared of the ashes of this life in "Clean Monday": went to the monastery. "No, I'm not gung to my wife." She knew from the very beginning that he could not be his wife. She is destined to be an eternal bride, the bride of Christ. She found her love, she chose her way. You might think that she left home, but in fact she went home. And even her earthy beloved forgave her. Forgave, although I did not understand. He could not understand that now "she can see in the dark," and "out of the gate" of someone else's monastery.

This is one of the stories of "Dark Alley". In this collection, you can meet and coarse sensuality, and just a masterfully told playful joke ("One hundred rupees"), but the topic of clean and beautiful love through the book passes through the book. Heroes are peculiar to the extraordinary strength and sincerity of the feeling, there are no self-valued lining of risky details. Love seems to say: "Where I stand, can not be dirty!".

Purpose: Formation of attitude towards tragedy love on the example of creativity I.A. Bunin.

All love is great happiness ...



1. Organizational moment

2. The word teacher

Love is a great mysterious element, the transforming life of a person who gives his fate uniqueness against the background of everyday history that fills its earthly existence. Over the centuries, many artists have dedicated their works a great feeling. More often, probably, than others addressed this topic I.A. Bunin, who claimed that "all love is great happiness ..." (Appeal to the epigraph).

- Can we agree with this statement? (Undoubtedly, since the love is noble, elevated feeling, bright, spiritualizing man.)

- Remember the previously studied stories I.A. Bunin. How did they depict love in them? ("Light breathing", "Dark Alleys", "Sunflow", which shows unrequited love, tragic, carnal, ending with parting or death.)

- Then tell me if love is a bright and sublime feeling, then why is I. Bunina she is almost always tragic? Reflections on this issue will be the basis of our work in the lesson.

3. Story "Clean Monday"

I.A. Bunin, developing the topic of love in the early stories, developed it in the works of the late period, creating a cycle "Dark Alleys".

Pupil message On the history of the creation and sense of the cycle "Dark Alleys".

A collection of stories about love with the mysterious name "Dark Alleys" was created in the emigration period of creativity in 1937-1945. Basically in the Grass in the years of the occupation of France. During the war of experience I. Bunin, the fate of Russia was aggravated, which is why again appeals to the Russian topic. The collection includes 38 stories, in which the sketch of the events of the Russian life, occurring in Russia of the past. This is the only one in its kind in the Russian literature, where everything is about love. Diary records indicate that he wrote this book concentrately, selflessly. In the letters I. Bunin recalled that he reread N.P. Harev, stopped on the line from his poem: "The rose rose of the scarlet bloom, stood dark lip alley." Later he wrote a TEFFI that "all the stories of the book only about love, about her" dark "and most often very dark and cruel avenues." (Deciphering the metaphorical meaning of statements, i.e. shady, mysterious, inexplicable alleys, according to Y. Maltsev, about "confusing labyrinths of love".)

4. Analytical conversation

- Let's turn to the artistic world of the story "Clean Monday", determine the artistic time in the work. The story was written in 1944, but transfers us to Moscow early century 1912-1914, in the years preceding the I World War, i.e. More than 30 years ago, it is caused primarily by the desire to restore the future, turning to the past. Writing memory with amazing plastic accuracy reproduces the smallest details of that era.

- What are the real-time signs we can detect in the narration? (In the course of the work, a table is filled.)

- What is the present and past? How do these two world interact?

The word teacher

Against this description, an event occurs in which two people take part - he and she.

- Why does the author gives names to his heroes? (Give a generalized meaning, the nomination of heroes is not so important, Bunin explores the culture of Russia, life of people, their entertainment, all that occupied their souls, i.e. the spiritual life of people.)

- How do these two worlds perceive the narrator and heroine?
He is a realist, satisfied with this rich, idle life, life. She - combines these two worlds: visits restaurants, cabbagers, concerts, but goes to the temples, in a cemetery, interested in history.

- What life do heroes lead? What do they do? (Every evening they meet and go to the restaurant dine, then they go to a concert or to the theater, or to a lecture. It happens with her often. They are shipped into a real semi-boiled life, but gradually next to this habitual and sweet life is another. )

- Give the characteristic of the hero. (Compilation of Sinwaway, Figure 2A, b.)
He is a young man, he is good, even beautiful "for some reason southern hot beauty, even indecently beautiful. And he has a southern, living, constantly ready for a happy smile." The hero is both a narrator who tells the story of his love for her. He all arranges in a relationship. He does not think about what these relationships will lead to, it can be said that he has a certain surface assessment of events, he is careless, frivolous, is open.

- Describe the heroine.
She is unusual, in it inexplicable contradictions. On the one hand, "it seemed that nothing needed to her: neither flowers nor books, no lunches, nor theaters nor dinner outside the city, although still flowers were her favorite and unloved ... Ready, loved, loved To eat and immediately told about why people are eating in general. " It seemed that she liked a luxurious life: hiking in restaurants, theaters, concerts. She loved good clothes, velvet, silk, fur. On the other hand, for some reason he studied on courses, I was interested in history, visited the temples, a splitter cemetery, etc. The hero admits that she is incomprehensible to him.

- What epithets, in your opinion, will be the main? Confirm examples from text. He is happy, in love; She is a strange, mysterious, contradictory. "She was mysterious, incomprehensible to me, were strange and our relationship ... Strange love ...".
The main thing in the characteristic of the hero is love, which gives him an exceptional severity of sensual perception, through the prism of which is a portrait of a heroine, her appearance.

- Let us turn to the portrait characteristic of the heroine. Find repetitive portrait details. What signs dominate? (In all portrait characteristics of the heroine, the eastern beauty of the "dark amber face", "black hair", "black eyebrows, black eyes" are emphasized. Epitts "velvet", "black", "amber". In the very portrait of some mystery, inconsistency, Eastern beauty.)

- Why is Eastern beauty? (Emphasize its unusual, dissimilarity, the difference from other injective charm.)

The word teacher

You have three portraits of the great artist pictures of the XIX - XX centuries. M.Vrubel. ("Gadalka", "Girl on the background of the Persian carpet", "Lilac".)

- Compare pictures if there are similar traits in all these portraits? What details prove this similarity? (On the reproductions are beautiful, young ladies, in all external characteristics Eastern beauty is manifested: black hair, black velvet eyelashes, eyebrows, chubby lips, an amber face, some mysteriousness in expressions, as if they were led by some secrets.)

- It seems that I. Bunin, the portrait of his heroine wrote from the portraits M.Vrubel. It can be assumed that this is a kind of artistic technique: years later in the consciousness of the hero, the appearance of a beloved woman is enriched with impressions, associations of the art of the time he remembers.

5. Student research activities

In the symbolic presentation of the heroine, a special feature function is performed by color and light characteristics. You are invited to work independently by options.
Task: Find out what artistic function Color characteristics are performed (1 option), 2 options - light.

Color Shine
The dominant are black, red, white colors. In portrait characteristic and clothing.
Black color - night color, humility, cleansing, sacrifice, mourning, mystery.
Red - the color of passion, love, sin (correlates with violence above himself), sacrifice (pomegranate dress).
White color is the color of purity, holiness, spiritual pacification (at the end of the story of white clothes).
In the landscape sketches of the shades of these colors: "Ceaning passersby", "Snezhnaya-sisaya Moscow", "Golden Dome", "Brick-Bloody Walls of the Monastery". Here, too, contradiction: black - light and clear. A red dress is replaced by a dazzling black, in which she shone, the same mystery and inconsistency.
Color characteristics help better reveal the image of the main heroine.
Almost all the descriptions of the appearance of the heroine and the surrounding world are given against the background of muted light, in dusk and only in the cemetery for forgiveness Sunday and in two years there is a process of enlightenment. An artistic transformation occurs, the images of light and shine of the sun are changed. In the artistic world, beauty, harmony dominates. "The evening was peaceful, sunny, with the fuck on the trees." The whole story happens in the twilight, in a dream. Evening, dusk, mystery - that's what rushes into the eye in the perception of the image of this unusual woman.
In the house of the heroine, the light is blinded once: "At ten o'clock in the evening, another day ... it was very light behind her, everything was lit, - chandeliers, candelabra, on the sides of the mirror and a high lamp." The author emphasizes the unusualness of this lighting in the house. According to the researchers, in the house as if sacred fire is lit in front of the sign night.
Individual research. "I arrived and she met me already dressed, in a short doodle fur coat, in a doodle hat ...
- All Black! - ...
- After all, tomorrow is already clean Monday.
"Black" and "clean" can be perceived as an antithesis, but his heroine is justified by net Monday, because it is also the color of the sorrow, the sign of humility, recognizing his sinfulness. Doculus things continue this associative line. Karakul - sheep, the flock, the Lamb of God. [On L.Dmitrievskaya]
Conclusion: In the color and light characteristic, the same mystery and inconsistency, duality, which is characteristic of the heroine itself.

The word teacher

Externally, the hero and heroine is a harmonious couple: "both were rich, healthy, young ...". And internally? (Heroes do not understand each other.)

- What prevents the heroes to be together, be happy? ( It's all about the heroine, in her inner disadvantage, in the search for himself. The hero does not see this search. He wishes her bodily beauty. But her thoughts and feelings were unavailable. "He tried not to think, do not think." "You don't know me," she says.)

- What are the sources of the internal disadvantage, the irregularities of the heroine? (Search for the ideal, lack of harmony, dissatisfaction with life, care for the soul.)

- How is this search? ( The heroine is looking for himself in the past and in secular entertainment. She is a whole flock from contradictions, throwing between earth and heavenly, carnal and spiritual.)

1) In the forbidden Sunday, the heroine suddenly suddenly suddenly go to the cemetery (Rogozhsky, Skalzier - the center of the Old Believers, the symbol of the eternal Russian "split"). Here, together with the hero, we find out that she often goes to the Kremlin cathedrals, monasteries, loves to read handwritten chronicle legends. It seems to her that they only survived the "feeling of the motherland, her old man." The heroine is trying to find a support.

2) Then they go to another restaurant, which personifies the holiday of the flesh, ragged carnival at the physical level: food, pancakes "thick, rosy". It is noteworthy that they are going to pancakes in the restaurant Egorov after visiting the cemetery of the Novo-Virgin Monastery, the graves of Ertel and Chekhov.

3) Suddenly, with a quiet light in the eyes, she reads the chronicle of the death of Murom Prince Peter and his wife (Reminiscence "Tale of Peter and Fevronia Murom"). The parallel is important - the motives of the Blud and Monastic are intertwined in history. This parallel is especially significant, because The legend quotes a woman who was forced to constantly fight the temptation, representing his beloved by the snake-tempter. On the other hand, citation, like other ancient realities, creates a feeling of an unshakable basis, which is preserved in the soul of a Russian person.

4) The next day, the heroes go to the carnal cabbage, etc. All these events, the alternation of the carnal and spiritual, prepare the culmination act, the peak of the relationship of heroes, when she makes his last sin, giving him a moment of pleasure, the moment of carnal love. She dies for earthly, carnal life and on a clean Monday goes to the monastery. (Leaving in Tver, after 2 weeks he writes a letter in which he reports his intention.)

The word teacher

The sinful carnival with forgiven Sunday ended. Clean Monday has come. If we say that the topic is reflected in the title, the idea or problem of the work, then what is the meaning of the title of the story? (The name causes a category of the threshold, a certain border behind which a new life begins. Having gave his beloved MiG of the carnal love, making himself a sacrifice, the heroine dies for earthly life and goes to the world of pure spirit. She starts another life to which he walked for a very long time. )

- Why is the heroine goes to the monastery? Name the reasons. (The solution of the heroine is laid, it cannot virtually imagine himself in a situation of earthly happiness, as it is aware of the inability in advance. "Our happiness, friend, like water in delve: pull - inflated, and pull out - there is nothing.")

- Consequently, the happiness between young people is impossible?

- For whom is love is the tragedy? What is the tragedy of heroes? In misunderstanding each other? (For a heroine, meaningful care to the monastery is not a tragedy; for the hero of the tragedy in parting.)

6. The result of the lesson

Researcher N.A.Nikolin claimed: "And the hero, and the heroine turn out to be the abyss and are looking for integrity and overcoming in division: the hero - in the" flour "and" happiness "of earthly love, heroine - in refusal of passions and in the appeal to the eternal" .

- Do you agree with the opinion of the scientist? The hero says: "Love is all the same flour and all the same happiness ... Still, happiness, great happiness ...". Is it possible to call this love with happiness? (After testing, the suffering associated with the loss of beloved, the hero begins to experience the influence of some irrational forces. The heroine opened his way to another world. The hero is not aware of him, but after 2 years it will repeat the route of that long ago and for some reason he will like it Go to the church of the Marfo Mariinsky Resident ...)
"Every love is great happiness even if it is not divided," I. Bunin convinces us. "For love ... Always very short, than it is stronger, perfect, the rather she is destined to break. Break, but do not disappear, but to illuminate the memory and life of a person "(A.Saakyans).

7. Homework. A task with a brief expanded answer "What is the meaning of the final of the story" Clean Monday "?

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - the greatest writer of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. He entered the literature by the poet, created wonderful poems. 1895 ... Published the first story "On the Edge of Light". Encouraged critics praises, Bunin begins to engage in literary creativity. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - winner of a wide variety of premiums, including the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature 1933

In 1944, the writer creates one of the wonderful stories about love, about the most beautiful, significant and high, which is on earth, is the story "Clean Monday." The Bunin spoke about this story: "I thank God that he gave me to write, clean Monday". "

In the story "Clean Monday", the psychologist of the Buninskaya prose and the peculiarities of the "external image" manifested themselves.

"The Moscow Gray Winter Day darkly lit up the gas in the lanterns, the heat was lit by the storefronts - and the evening, freedoming from the day-made Moscow life, thicker and Bodrai rushed out of recreational sledges, thundered overcrowded, diving trams, - it was already visible in dusk, As the Green Stars were filled with hissing - hurriedly in the snow sidewalks were hurried to the snow-sidewalks of turbid passersby ... "- exactly these words the author begins his story, transferring the reader to the old Moscow early XX century. The writer with the greatest details, not messenger from the type of the slightest details, reproduces all the signs of this era. And from the first lines, the story gives a special sound to a constant mention of the details of deep antiquity: about the ancient Moscow temples, monasteries, icons (Christ the Savior's Church, the Iverland Church, Marfo-Mariinskaya Resident, the icon of the Virgin Troechnitsy), about the names of outstanding personalities. But next to this antiquity, eternity we notice the signs of later life: well-known and affordable citizens' restaurants "Prague", "Hermitage", "Metropol", "Yar"; books of modern authors; Motla Ertel and Chekhov ... Judging by how the action is unfolded in the story, we can judge that the past for heroes is extremely clear, real - vaguely, the future is absolutely unclear.

In the story two heroes: he and she, a man and a woman. The man, according to the writer, is healthy, rich, young and beautiful for some reason southern, hot beauty, was even "indecently beautiful." But the most important thing is the hero in love, is in love so much that they are ready to perform any whims of the heroine, just not to lose it. But, unfortunately, he cannot and is not trying to understand what is happening in his soul of his beloved: he "tried and not to think, do not think." A woman is depicted mysterious, mysterious. She is mysterious as the soul of a Russian woman with her spirituality, devotion, dedication, dedication, self-denial ... Hero himself admits: "She was mysterious, strange for me." All her life is worn from inexplicable contradictions, throwing. "It was like that it was not necessary for her: neither flowers nor the books, no dinners, nor theaters nor dinner outside the city," the narrator tells, but immediately adds: "Although all the same flowers were loved by her and unloved, all the books ... She always read, chocolate eaten a whole box for his day, no less than me for lunches and dinners ... "I didn't know where she did not know where he would go, what would go, not knowing, with Who, how and where will spend time.

The writer quite fully tells us about her origin, about its current classes. But in the description of the life of the Heroine Bunin very often uses uncertain adhesions (over her sofa "for some reason, a portrait of a barefoot").

All actions of a female spontaneous, irrational and at the same time as if planned. On the night of a clean Monday, she is given to the hero, knowing that it will go to the monastery in the morning, but this care is final, it is also unclear. Throughout the story, the author shows that the heroine does not feel comfortable anywhere, she does not believe in the existence of simple terrestrial happiness. "Our happiness, friend, like water in delight: pull - inflated, and pull out - there is nothing," she quotes Plato Karataeva.

The spiritual impulses of the heroes of "Clean Monday" are often not amenable to logical explanation. The man's impression is created, and the woman is not dominated over themselves, they are not able to control their feelings.

In the center of the story - Events in Forgiveness Sunday and Clean Monday. Forgiveness Sunday is a religious holiday, revered by all believing people. They ask each other for forgiveness and forgive their loved ones. For a heroine, this is a very special day, not only for forgiveness, but also the day of farewell to a worldly life. Clean Monday - the first day of the post, in which a person is cleared from every bad, when the Maslenitsa fun is replaced by self-pressing. This day becomes a turning point in the life of the hero. Having passed through the suffering associated with the loss of beloved, the hero is experiencing the influence of the surrounding forces and is aware of everything that he did not notice earlier, being blinded by love for heroin. Two years later, a man, recalling the events of the long-stayed days, will repeat the route of their long-time joy, and he "for some reason" will really want to go to the church of the Marfo Mariinsky monastery. What unknown forces entail him to meet the lover? Does he seek to the spiritual world in which she leaves? We do not know this, the author does not open the mystery for us. He only shows us humility in the soul of the hero, their last meeting is completed by his humble departure, and not awakening in him former passions.

The future of heroes is unclear. In addition to the entire writer, nowhere does not even directly indicate that the nun-gambled nun - his former beloved. Only one detail - dark eyes - resemble the appearance of the heroine. It is noteworthy that the heroine goes to the Marfo Mariinsky Resident. This monastery is not a monastery, but the Church of the Intercession of Our Lady in Ordyanka, at which there was a community of secular ladies, took care of the orphans living in the church and about the wounded in the First World War. And this ministry in the church of the Pokrov's Lady, maybe for the heroine of the "net Monday" spiritual insight, because it was the immaculate heart of the Virgin Mary warned the world from war, deaths, blood, orphanhood ...

Option 1 2012: 02/25/2012: 21.41

Option 6: 25.02.2012: 21.38

Option 7: 25.02.2012: 21.38 The theme of love in the story I. Bunin ""

The theme of love is an eternal topic. Poets and writers of different times appeared to her, and everyone tried to interpret this multifaceted feeling in their own way.

It gives his vision of the topic in the cycle of stories "Dark alleys. And Bunin. The collection includes thirty-eight stories, all of them are about love, but none of them creates the feelings of the repetition, and after reading all the works of the cycle, there is no feeling of the end of the subject.

In the center of the story "Clean Monday is the story of love mysterious and mysterious. His heroes are a young couple of lovers. Both of them are" rich, healthy, young and so good by themselves that in restaurants, the concerts won their views. But the inner world of heroes is not distinguished by such a similarity.

He is blinded by his love. Every Saturday, there is a choice of chocolate's chocolate boxes, it also tries to pay new brought books, every evening invites her to a restaurant, then to the theater, then on some party. He could not be fully absorbed in a sense of adoration, he cannot and is not very trying to understand what kind of multi-size inner world lies for the beautiful appearance of the one he loved. He repeatedly thinking about the unusualness, the oddities of their relationship, but never puts points in these reflections. "Strange love!" He notices. Another time says: "Yes, still it is not love, not love .... He is wondering why she" once and forever took conversations about their future, wondering how she is Perceives his gifts, as behaving in moments of rapprochement. Everything in it is a mystery.

The image of the hero is deprived of the psychological depths that the heroine is endowed. There is no logical motivation in her actions. Daily visiting those institutions where young in love invites her, she once noticed that she wanted in Novo, the maiden monastery, because "all the kabaki yeah kabaki. Hero of non-complain, where did such thoughts, what they suddenly become with his chosen one. And a little She later declares that they wonder there is nothing to be surprised that he just does not know her. It turns out that she often visits the Kremlin Cathedrals, but it happens when the beloved does not take it on restaurants. There, and not in pleasure places, she gains a feeling of harmony and spiritual equilibrium. She loves "Russian chronicle, Russian tales of stories about it are filled with depths. She says that he is not in his wife. Reflecting on, quotes Plato Karataev. But the hero can not understand what is happening in her soul, he" is not happy everyday Hourly, held near Neye, everything.

As in the other stories of the cycle, "Dark Alleys, Bunin does not show in" Pure Mondayotelvvvvvvvvvi, developing into a state of durable earthly happiness. Love here also does not end with a happy marriage, and the image of a female mother we do not find here. The heroine, having joined his beloved in physically close relationship, silently leaves, he says to nothing about anything, and then the letter informs him about his departure to the monastery. It rushed between the momentary and eternal and, on the night of a clean Monday, giving a hero, made his final choice. In Clean Monday, the first day of the post, the man begins to cleanse from all bad. This holiday has become a turning point and in the relationship of heroes.

Love in "Clean Monday is happiness and flour, a great mystery, incomprehensible mystery. This story is one of the pearls of Buninsky creativity, a conquering reader with rare charm and depth.

Pure love in the story I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday"

Man, like no other earthly creature, was lucky to have a mind and the possibility of choice. Chooses a man all his life. Having done a step, he gets up before choosing: right or left, - where to go on. He makes one more step and chooses again, and so steps until the end of the way. Some go faster, others are slower, and the result is different: you make a step and either fall into the bottomless abyss, or you get a foot on the escalator in heaven. Man Vains to choose work, addiction, hobbies, thoughts, worldview, love. Love happens to money, to power, to art, may be ordinary, earthly love, and it can happen that above all, above all the senses a person puts love to his homeland or to God.

The story "Clean Monday" tells us about completely different love, thanks to which this story as it should be a mansion, differing in the subject, and in meaning of all the love-romantic works of Bunin.

The story takes place in 1913. Its memories here is shared good, beautiful and frivolous young man. Young people met once at the lecture in a literary and artistic circle and fell in love with each other.

In this story, the heroine is unnamed. And this, too, the writer makes sense: the name is not important, the name for the Earth, and God knows everyone and without a name. Bunin calls the heroine - she.

She from the very beginning was strange, silent, unusual, as if someone else's world around him, looking through it, "Everything was thought of something, everything as if in something mentally delve into something; Lyzha on a sofa with a book in his hands, often lowered it and looked in front of me. "She was like another world.

And at the same time, it was indulging in secular entertainment, allowed a man's caress. An even more strange was parallel passion for restaurants, theatrical "cabbage". She read a lot, went to the theater, having lunch, dinner, went for a walk, attended courses.

But she always pulled to something brighter, intangible, to faith, to God, and just as the temple of the Savior was close to the windows of her apartment, so God was close to her heart. She often walked in the church, attended the abode, old cemeteries.

But at the beginning of the Great Post, in a clean Monday, the heroine, finally, is inferior to a passionately in love with her young handsome. But what's next? And then - all the same: it will be better not. Fullness of happiness in the earthly life is unattainable, the ideal of love is impossible - then everything will go like a fading experience. Output one: to cut everything on the takeoff, predatory drop. The monastery, doubling the passions, is not visible.

In the last days of worldly life, she was sicking her bowl to the bottom, forgave everyone for a farewell Sunday and cleared of the ashes of this life in Clean Monday.

"No, I'm not gung to wives."She knew from the very beginning that he could not be his wife. She is destined to be an eternal bride, the bride of Christ. It seems to her that she found her love, chose her way.

But, even hiding in the monastery, she continues to suffer there is unattainable. In the story about this, nothing is said, but in the final lines we feel it when, describing young nuns in white robes, the look of the young fell on one of them - on that which "suddenly raised her head, covered with a white board, tanning the candle with his hand, rushed the view of the dark eye into the darkness."Why in the darkness? After all, the temple was illuminated by candles. Apparently, the Darkness at the Bunin is emptiness, it is incorrectly selected path.

And now we understand: there is no faith, more precisely - not only faith, but, most likely, fear of reality. After all, love is not just a passion, not just a feeling, but also responsibility, heavy burden. "No, I'm not gung to wives."The heroine of the story runs away to the monastery, because he cannot, he does not know how to carry all the lives of life that love imposes. Therefore, the monastery for her is escape from life.

Virtuoso and compressed a story. Each touch has an explicit and hidden value. What is the last, sophisticated-secular, black and velvet toilet heroine with her successive Shamakhan queen! Unexpected and demonstrative combination. The girl is constantly followed by different ways, vividly resembling the surrounding differences. Such is the symbolic meaning of the female image. It was combined with a thrust for a spiritual feathipment and to the whole wealth of peace, doubts, sacrifice and longing to ideal.

There is a story and another meaning of copyrighted reflection. The eternal contradictions of human, more specifically, female nature, love, elevated and earthly, sensual, determined the tests of the heroine. Her courage, the ability to go through all the prohibitions and the temptations help to open the mysterious, irresistible power of the instinct. But that's the warmer, the author's attitude to a young woman, the more she resists quite natural, although painful for her, causing.

/ / / Theme of love in the story of the Bunin "Clean Monday"

One of the most frequent, the topic of love in Russian and world literature is. The topic of relationships of a man and a woman, the theme of their feelings and mental experiences. Many writers and poets wrote about love, and everyone tried to show and explain this multifaceted feeling in their own way. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin did not exception and also shared with us his thoughts on this issue.

The author's love work was reflected in the collection "Dark Alleys". This collection consists of 38 stories dedicated to the topic of love. Each of the presented stories in its own way is original. When they read them, we will not meet two identical stories, but after reading them all, we understand that the theme of love is so diverse and multi-sided that it is possible to write about it forever.

The story "" opens the story of the love of two people. Bunin does not call them names, just saying - he and she. The heroes of this work were young people who lived in prosperity and prosperity. They had everything you wish. They lunch in restaurants, visited theaters, secular evenings, were in the center of universal attention and admiration. But with such an external similarity and unity, the main characters of the story differed from each other their inner world.

He was "blind" to his beloved. Every day tried to please her, inviting to restaurants, at the evening, in the theater. On weekends, he was balled her "fresh" flowers, candy, new literature. He was blinded by his feelings for her. The feelings of love did not allow him to look into her inner world, to understand his versatility. She remained a mystery to him. He has not been in bewilderment from her behavior, from their relationship, never trying to figure them out. He once said about their relationship: "Strange love!". He is amazing her behavior in moments of proximity, it is not clear to him why she constantly rejects talking about their future.

Bunin does not endow his hero of the depth of spiritual experiences, which gives her heroine. She indifferently takes all gifts, visits entertainment institutions. In one day, she decides to declare that she wanted to visit the Novodevichi Monastery, because the restaurants were already extremely tired. Such thoughts and conversations of their beloved are incomprehensible to the main character. It turns out that he does not know her at all. Her hobbies of Russian legends, the Russian chronicle become a real discovery for him. In his free from entertainment events, she goes to the Kremlin cathedrals. But all these stories are alien to him, it is important for him to be close to his beloved and enjoy every minute spent with her.

For love lyrics, Bunin is characterized by the fact that the author does not show us the further development of the love relationship of two people. They do not end in a happy marriage, strong family. The main heroine of "Pure Monday", dividing the bed with the main character, without saying a word, left. She sent him a letter in which he requested not to look for her and reported that he went to the monastery. She could not make a choice between pleasure and harmony. And only pure Monday finally predetermined the choice of the main character and became decisive in their relationship.

In the "Pure Monday" Bunin showed us love, as a feeling, as a test, like a great mystery of the universe.

Direction "Love"

"Love" 1. Love - a huge country 2. Parents and children 3. Love is the highest principle 4. Husband and wife 5. Love for work (case, hobby) 6. Love for animal 7. The power of love A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin", "Captain's daughter", "Copper rider" A.I. Kuprin "Pomegranate bracelet", Olesya "I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday", "Sunflow" I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" A.P. Czechs "Cherry Garden", "Lady with a dog" M. Gorky "old woman Izergil" S. Yesenin "Letter to a woman", "We are now leaving gradually ...", "not to wander, not to mive in the bushes of the crimson ..." , "I was tired so not yet ...", "I was left one fun" M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino", "monologue", "Duma" (sadly I look at our generation ...), "Hero of Our Time", "Elegy" ("Oh! If there are my days, I flowed ...") L.N. . Tolstoy "War and World" M.A. Sholokhov "Silent Don" F.M. Dostoevsky "White Nights", "humiliated and offended" A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" B. Vasilyev "Don't Shoot White Swans" I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov", "Ordinary Story" I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children", "Asya" V.V. Mayakovsky "Lelichka", "Letter Comrade Kostoyu from Paris about the essence of love" V. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet" Margaret Mitchell "GUGO" V. Hugo "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God", a man who laughs "Colin McCalow" singing in a thranger " "The story of Peter and Fevronia Muromsky", Troypolsky G.N. "White Bim Black Ear" O. Henry "Gifts of Volkhvov" The direction makes it possible to look at love from various positions: parents and children, men and women, man and the surrounding world. It will be about love as a phenomenon of high, refining and elevating a person, about its light and tragic sides. Love is a priceless gift. This is the only thing we can give, and that's why it remains (L.N. Tolstoy). Love is that it means to see a man as God formed him (F.M.Dostoevsky). There is no spectacle in the world more beautiful than the face of beloved, and there is no music sweeter than the sound of your beloved voice (J. Labryuer) Love is stronger than death and fear of death. Only she, only love holds and moves life (I.S.Turgenhev).

Samples of writings in the direction of "Love"

No. p / p Oblasti paragraphs Number of words Notes
Entry to the composition.
Love is a high, clean and excellent feeling, a reflective and elevative person. Neither it is impossible to calculate love. Love is the eternal theme of world fiction. Today we can consult many works to comprehend what love is. You can more words from 60 to 80.
The first literary argument (analysis of the story A.I. Kepper "Pomegranate bracelet").
I want to remember the wonderful work of the junk "Pomegranate bracelet". The story is based on the plot that happened to the mother of Kuprin, which was in the same situation, which was the heroine of the "pomegranate bracelet". Vera Nikolaevna Shein for birthday receive gifts from loved ones. On the same day, her secret years of heigher of yolks send her a letter and a grenade bracelet. This is a young man, thirty - thirty five, a small official. His feeling for faith Nikolaevna lasts eight years. The author shows unrequited love. The hero collects things that belonged to his lover, they are very expensive. Love Yellowkova Pryvoy, passionate, very strong. He can't do anything with himself, can't throw faith to Nikolaevna from his head. The only way out of the situation is only death. After the death of Zholkov, the soul of faith Nikolaevna was awakened, she felt that this is the very person who was needed. Symbolizes the Hero's love of Sonata Beethoven. Love as well as music, unpredictable and fascinating What is the concept of love with Kuprin? What love does he show in the "pomegranate bracelet"? The author interests such love for which the feat can be made, even give life for it. The husband of faith Nikolaevna, having seen his rival, says: "Is it to blame for love and can you manage such a feeling as love?" The power of a love feeling and the maximum mental openness made Yolkova vulnerable, defenseless. A.I. Kubrin is reverently and chastely touches the topic of love. The author himself lobal over the manuscript of his story.
Mysterious and mysterious love in the story of I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday." The second literary argument (analysis of the story).
I. A. Bunin wrote many works of love. Among them is the story of "Clean Monday" from the collection "Dark Alleys", in which thirty-eight works. A. P. Chekhov wrote: "What this great happiness is to love and be loved." Love gave the hero of Bunin moments of joyful joy, made it possible to understand what it means to be happy. He forever remembered how "his eyes closed from happiness, kissed the wet fur of her collar and in what enthusiasm flew to the Red Gate. And tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow there will be ... The same flour and all the same happiness ... "The hero and heroine are young, healthy, rich. So good by themselves that everything in the restaurant and at concerts they accompany their views. The main psychological state of the hero is dazzling in love. But he does not try and does not want to understand the lover, does not want to see which inner struggle is going on in the female soul. " He tried not to think and do not think. " The hero does not understand the nature and nature of beloved. She does not believe in the possibility of happiness and marriage. In Clean Monday, the heroine makes a decision, very important for himself - to move away from worldly life and become a nun. What is the concept of love at Bunin in this story? In love there must be complete mutual understanding, lovers should fine feel each other and completely trust each other.
Conclusion on the subject of essay
A.P. Chekhov correctly noticed: "Every love is great happiness." And the correctly argued by A. S. Pushkin: "Love all ages are submissive." Therefore, I really want to believe in that, among our contemporaries - old and small and young will be more loved and happy people. "

The writing

Theme of love in the story I. Bunin "Clean Monday"

The theme of love is an eternal topic. Poets and writers of different times appeared to her, and everyone tried to interpret this multifaceted feeling in their own way.

Your vision of the topic gives in the cycle of the stories "Dark Alleys" and Bunin. The collection includes thirty-eight stories, all of them about love, but none of them creates a feeling of repeat, and after reading all the works of the cycle, there is no feeling of the end of the topic.

In the center of the story "Clean Monday" - the history of love mysterious and mysterious. His heroes are a young couple in love. Both of them are "rich, healthy, young people and so good by themselves that in restaurants, at concerts" surrounding them came to their views. But the inner world of heroes is not distinguished by such a similarity.

He is blinded by his love. Every Saturday, there is a choice of chocolate's chocolate boxes, it also tries to pay new brought books, every evening invites her to a restaurant, then to the theater, then on some party. He could not be fully absorbed in a sense of adoration, he cannot and is not very trying to understand what kind of multi-size inner world lies for the beautiful appearance of the one he loved. He repeatedly thinking about the unusualness, the oddities of their relationship, but never puts points in these reflections. "Strange Love!" - he notes. Another time says: "Yes, after all, it is not love, not love ...". He is surprised why she "once and forever collapses about their future," is surprised at how she perceives his gifts, as behaving in moments of rapprochement. Everything in it for him is a mystery.

The image of the hero is deprived of the psychological depths that the heroine is endowed. There is no logical motivation in her actions. Daily visiting those institutions where young in love invites her, she once noticed that he wanted to the Novodevichy Monastery, because "All Kabaki Yes Kabaki." The hero of the non-complaint, where did such thoughts come from, what they suddenly become with his chosen one. And a little later, she declares that he is surprised here that he just does not know her. It turns out that she often visits the Kremlin Cathedrals, and this happens when the beloved "does not drast" her in restaurants. There, and not in pleasure places, she gains a feeling of harmony and spiritual equilibrium. She loves the "Russian chronicle, Russian legends" and her stories are made by depths. She says he is not aimed in his wife. Reflecting on happiness, quotes Plato Karataev. But the hero can not understand what is happening in her soul, he "is incomprehensible to every hour spent near her" and that's it.

As in the other stories of the cycle "Dark alleys", Bunin does not show love in the "clean Monday" that develops into a state of durable earthly happiness. Love here also does not end with a happy marriage, and the image of a female mother we do not find here. The heroine, having joined his beloved in physically close relationship, silently leaves, he says to nothing about anything, and then the letter informs him about his departure to the monastery. It rushed between the momentary and eternal and, on the night of a clean Monday, giving himself a hero, made his final choice. In Clean Monday, the first day of the post, the man begins to cleanse from all bad. This holiday has become a turning point and in the relationship of heroes.

Love in "Pure Monday" is happiness and flour, great mystery, incomprehensible riddle. This story is one of the pearls of Buninsky creativity, a conquering reader with rare charm and depth.

At the beginning of the story I.A. Bunin paints love idyll: a couple of young people is nice to spend time together, enjoys each other, visits theaters, restaurants and courses. They are young and beautiful, and often catch admiring glances around. Hiding behind a beautiful facade, their love and relationship are actually difficult to understand.

The main character, is physically present in the relationship, thoughts and soul are somewhere far away. Her feelings to the main hero are expressed only in the fact that she allows him to care for her, takes attention signs. It cannot be said that her feelings are not at all, but they are very different from the senses of the hero. He is intoxicated by it, is fascinated so much that he does not notice a strong difference between them. His feelings are worn to her more grounded, while the girl in this regard is a reader a very complex deep nature.

The hero thinks over the mysterious behavior of his beloved, but does not try to solve, what's the point here. Feelings stood his eyes and interfere with think sensibly. For the most part, he is just happy every minute spent together. Blind love prevents the real claims of his beloved, who prefers cathedrals to Kabaks. As far as the girl would not seem to seem, she does not refuse the usual entertainment of young people, but still it stretches to something more sublime, truly light. The main character in surprise detects religiosity in it. He makes it in a dead end of her unwillingness to marry, but he continues to believe in a happy end. Love in "Pure Monday" does not find a logical completion - marriage. It becomes the starting point - the beginning of the end. Because in this pure day, the climax of the story is customary to be cleaned of sinful. The night spent heroes together proves that carnal love is not the highest form of their unity.

For her, love reveals exclusively in serving God, the rest of the manifestations of love at least like it, but still do not satisfy her, "still it's not love," she says. He also understands the "earthly" love in the traditional sense of the word: devotion, beautiful courtship, completeness of feelings.

Having lost his beloved, he practically loses the meaning of life and drinks dusty to drown out pain. While the girl, losing his beloved, finds true love, becoming the bride of Christ. The decisive meeting in the church, in the Temple of Spiritual Love, puts points over I. The hero forgives a loved one, but his feelings do not fade. The spiritual connection between the heroes is stronger than any other.

Option 2.

What is love? Tenderness, loyalty, sincerity? Or maybe pain, passion and desire? It is unpredictable and individual, and also do not give in any explanations. She connects the fate of two people, for a moment or eternity uniting them into a single and holistic mechanism consisting of a seemingly friend to a friend of burning hearts. Inxiating sweetness can go to the sharp bitterness and vice versa when you are ready to give life in the name of this great feeling.

Love in the story of Bunin "Clean Monday" also has its own characteristics. The names of the main characters the author does not mention. The girl and the guy are young and rich, full of life, and, most importantly, in love with each other. It would seem that prevents them from being together? Love ─ feeling blinding when the first explosion passes, insight comes. In this case, the girl was able to understand that her vision of the world does not correspond to the universe of its chosen one. The awareness of this makes it suffer and predicate the proximity of parting.

A young man does not understand or does not want to see contradictions inside her. He plans a grand wedding, dreams of seeing her as his wife and is optimistic about their common future. The girl kisses him, hugs, makes it clear that he loves, but in secret dreams of a friend and sees his life in a different light. The guy absolutely can not know about anything, so its unexpected departure to another city and departure from everyday life to the spiritual ministry becomes a real shock. He does not understand what is happening why the perfect world of happiness and tenderness collapsed overnight and everything can not return to the circles. The insult does not allow him to try to return his beloved and shortly after the last short meeting, they will break up forever.

Love, described by Bunin sad, carries some kind of romance to sadness and shouts that a person can love mutually, but this does not guarantee him happiness at all. This feeling in understanding the author is unbearable perfectly, frighteningly confused and very often leads to the abyss. "Clean Monday" ─ This is the silent tragedy, which occurred between the two inappropriate people, but sincerely loving each other.

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