Parables on the theme in the fairy kingdom. Give life to your shores parables, fairy tales, stories

Parables on the theme in the fairy kingdom.  Give life to your shores parables, fairy tales, stories
Parables on the theme in the fairy kingdom. Give life to your shores parables, fairy tales, stories

At any age, we love fairy tales for their warmth and soulfulness. And we all love allegorical tales called parables - they both teach and entertain. They are full of wisdom and inspiration. And these things, as we know, are never too many.

The parable of two snowflakes

It was snowing. It was quiet and calm, and fluffy snowflakes circled slowly in a bizarre dance, slowly approaching the ground.

Two small snowflakes flying alongside struck up a conversation. So that they would not be carried away from each other, they held hands and one snowflake said cheerfully:

What an incredible flying sensation!

We do not fly, we just fall, - the second answered sadly.

Soon we will meet the earth and turn into a white fluffy blanket!

No, we are flying towards destruction, and on the ground they will simply trample us.

We will become streams and rush to the sea. We will live forever! - said the first.

No, we will melt and disappear forever, - the second objected to her.

Finally they got tired of arguing.

They unclenched their hands, and each flew towards the fate of her own choosing.

The parable of the tree

One tree suffered greatly because it was small, crooked and ugly. All the other trees in the neighborhood were much taller and prettier. The tree really wanted to become like them, so that its branches flutter beautifully in the wind.

But the tree grew on the side of the rock. Its roots clung to a small piece of soil that had accumulated in the crevice between the stones. An icy wind rustled in its branches. The sun illuminated it only in the morning, and in the afternoon it hid behind a rock, giving its light to other trees growing down the slope. It was simply impossible for the tree to grow larger, and it cursed its unfortunate fate.

But one morning, when the first rays of the sun illuminated it, it looked at the valley below and realized that life was not so bad. There was a magnificent view in front of him. None of the trees below could see even a tenth of this wonderful panorama.

A rock ledge protected it from snow and ice. Without its crooked trunk, knobby and strong branches, the tree simply could not survive in this place. It had its own unique style and took its place. It was unique.

The parable of why someone else's wife is sweeter

In ancient times, the Lord blinded ten Adams. One of them plowed the land, another grazed sheep, the third fished ... After some time they came to their Father with a request:

- Everything is there, but something is missing. We are bored.

The Lord gave them dough and said:

- Let everyone blind at their own discretion a woman who likes what: plump, thin, tall, small ... And I will breathe life into them.

After that, the Lord brought out sugar on a platter and said:

- Here are ten pieces. Let everyone take one and give it to his wife, so that life with her is sweet.

And they did just that.

The Lord frowned.

“There is a rogue among you, for there were eleven lumps of sugar on the platter. Who took two pieces?

All were silent.

The Lord took their wives from them, mixed them up, and then distributed them to whom they got.

Since then, nine out of ten men think that someone else's wife is sweeter ... Because she ate an extra lump of sugar.

And only one of the Adams knows that all women are the same, because he himself ate the extra lump of sugar.

The parable of the real price

A merchant bought a large diamond in Africa, the size of a pigeon's egg. He had one drawback - there was a small crack inside. The merchant asked the jeweler for advice and he said:

- This stone can be split into two pieces, from which two magnificent diamonds will be obtained, each of which will be many times more expensive than a diamond. But a careless blow can break this miracle of nature into a handful of tiny pebbles that will cost a penny. I do not dare to risk it.

Others responded in the same way. But one day he was advised to turn to an old jeweler from London, a master with golden hands. He examined the stone and again spoke about the risks. The merchant said that he already knew this story by heart. Then the jeweler agreed to help, calling a good price for the work.

When the merchant agreed, the jeweler summoned his young apprentice. He took the stone in his palm and once hit the diamond with a hammer, breaking it into two equal parts. The merchant asked with admiration:

- How long has he been working for you?

- Only the third day. He does not know the real value of this stone, and therefore his hand was firm.

The parable of happiness

Happiness was walking through the forest, enjoying nature, when suddenly it fell into a hole. Sits and cries. A man was walking by, Happiness heard a man and shouts from the pit:

- I want a big and beautiful house with a sea view, the most expensive one.

Happiness gave the man a beautiful house by the sea, he was delighted, ran away and forgot about Happiness. Happiness sits in the pit and cries even louder.

The second person was walking by, he heard the Happiness of the person and shouted to him:

- Good man! Get me out of here.

- And what will you give me for this? The man asks.

- And what do you want? - Happiness asked.

- I want a lot of beautiful and expensive cars, various brands.

Happiness gave a person what he asked for, the person was delighted, forgot about Happiness and ran away. Happiness has completely lost hope.

Suddenly he hears a third person walking, Happiness shouted to him:

- Good man! Get me out of here.

- Human! What do you want for helping me?

“I don’t need anything,” the man replied.

And so Happiness ran after the man, never lagging behind him.

Parable about the world view

There was a small crooked tree by the road. One night a thief ran by. He saw a silhouette from a distance and, with fear, thought that a policeman was standing by the road, so he ran away in fright.

One evening a young man in love passed by. He saw a slender silhouette from afar and decided that his beloved was already waiting for him. He was delighted and walked faster.

Once a mother with a child passed by a tree. The kid, frightened by terrible fairy tales, thought that a ghost was peeping by the road and burst into tears.

But ... a tree has always been just a tree.

The world around us is just a reflection of ourselves.

Parable about where happiness is hidden

The wise old cat lay on the grass and basked in the sun. Then a small nimble kitten rushed past her. He tumbled past the cat, then briskly jumped up and again began to run in circles.

What are you doing? The cat asked lazily.

I'm trying to catch my tail! - the kitten answered breathlessly.

But why? - the cat laughed.

I was told that the tail is my happiness. If I catch my tail, then I will catch my happiness. So I have been running after my tail for the third day. But he eludes me all the time.

The old cat smiled the way only old cats can do it and said:

When I was young, they also told me that my happiness was in my tail. I ran after my tail for many days and tried to grab it. I did not eat, did not drink, but only ran after the tail. I fell exhausted, got up and again tried to catch my tail. At some point, I became desperate. And I just went where my eyes were looking. And do you know what I suddenly noticed?

What? The kitten asked in surprise.

I noticed that wherever I went, my tail everywhere follows me. You don't have to run for happiness. You must choose your own path, and happiness will go with you.

Lesson objectives:

  1. To form reader independence, a cultured reader.
  2. Form an idea of ​​the structure of a fairy tale-parable.
  3. To form the ability to discover the world of literature, to teach the techniques of a work of art.
  4. Form the skill of syntagmatic reading.
  5. To educate a cultured reader, moral qualities of a person.
  6. Develop a creative personality.

Equipment: multimedia equipment - projector, laptop; lesson presentation (slide change on click), project board, reading tutorial.

During the classes

1. Organization of children for work:

Teacher: Let's smile at each other, children. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, put your heads on your desks. " To quiet melodic music, children quietly repeat after the teacher:

- I'm in class at school,
- Now I will start to study.
- I am happy about it.
- My attention is growing.
- I, as a scout, will notice everything.
- My memory is strong.
- The head thinks clearly.
- I want to learn.
- I really want to study.
- I'm ready to go.
- I am working!

2. Speech warm-up:

3. Lesson topic:

Patience and a little effort.
You can't get a fish out of the pond without difficulty.
The dashing force has a lot, but he has no will.
The world is not without good people.

Teacher: Read the proverbs, choose the extra one.

Students: (The dashing one has a lot of strength, but he has no will).

Teacher: Why is this proverb superfluous?

Students: All the proverbs except this one are about work, and this floorboard is about willpower, about patience.

Teacher: What kind of human defect is mentioned in this proverb? Who can formulate the topic of the lesson? (Students try to articulate).

Teacher: Read the lesson topic on slide e. slide 4.

4. Autobiographical information about the author. slide 5.

Teacher: Nikolai Grigorievich Garin-Mikhailovsky was born in 1852 and died in 1906. Born into a wealthy family. When he grew up, he received the profession of a railway engineer and built railways in Russia. He traveled a lot, knew how to observe. He described his observations in his diaries, and sometimes, showing his writer's imagination, he wrote stories, parables, as he wanted to convey to people what people should be like. Today we will get acquainted with one of his works “We Know!”.

5. Work on the work:

Teacher: Read the text in the textbook. Think about why the author wrote this parable?

Students are reading.

Teacher: Who is the hero of the parable?

Students: Husband and wife.

Teacher: What does a good person mean?

IN AND. Dahl in the Dictionary of the Living Great Russian language interprets as follows:

"A good (person) - kind or worthwhile, okay, capable, solid, dear, appreciated for his inner qualities, useful properties, dignity." slide 6.

6. Dynamic pause. slide 7.

Teacher: What is the lack of our heroes from the parable?

Students: Heroes do not know how to listen.

Teacher: What story happened to the heroes because of the lack? Read a passage from the text.

Teacher: Could this story happen to someone in life?

Students: No, because people cannot transform into animals.

Teacher: What does the parable teach?

Students: To listen, otherwise it could be in trouble.

Teacher: In what way are the heroes lucky?

Students: The heroes did not crash or die, but turned into a fish and a bird, the author spared the heroes and punished them not very much.

Teacher: Transformations very often occur in fairy tales and parables. slide 8.

On the slide, there are pictures of fairy-tale characters that turn into fairy tales. Choose pictures with heroes, in which fairy tales they turn for good deeds.

Students: “The Frog Princess”, “Cinderella”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan and His Glorious Son Guidon”.

Teacher: Name the hero who turns into fairy tales for evil deeds.

Students: Baba Yaga.

Teacher: What evil deeds did Baba Yaga do, in what fairy tales?

7. Lesson summary


Remember the proverb that we have highlighted.

Pupils: "The dashing man has a lot of strength, but he has no will." slide 9.

Students: What does this proverb teach? What the parable “We know!” Teaches.

8. Homework: slide 10.

Teacher: Divide the text into syntagmas. Read the story-parable to your parents. Review your reading with your parents.

Sources of information:

    ru.wikipedia. org / wiki / Garin-Mikhailovsky, Nikolai Georgievich ?.

  1. Matveeva E.I. Methods of teaching literary reading in primary school. Grade 2 (System DB Elkonin-VV Davydov): A guide for the teacher. - 2nd edition - M .: Vita-Press, 002. - 144p.

Parable about the world view

There was a small crooked tree by the road. One night a thief ran by. He saw a silhouette from a distance and, with fear, thought that a policeman was standing by the road, so he ran away in fright.

One evening a young man in love passed by. He saw a slender silhouette from afar and decided that his beloved was already waiting for him. He was delighted and walked faster.

Once a mother with a child passed by a tree. The kid, frightened by terrible fairy tales, thought that a ghost was peeping by the road and burst into tears.

But ... a tree has always been just a tree.

The world around us is just a reflection of ourselves.

The parable of two snowflakes

Art by Jan Pashley

It was snowing. It was quiet and calm, and fluffy snowflakes circled slowly in a bizarre dance, slowly approaching the ground.

Two small snowflakes flying alongside struck up a conversation. So that they would not be carried away from each other, they held hands and one snowflake said cheerfully:
- What an incredible feeling of flying!
- We do not fly, we just fall, - the second answered sadly.
- Soon we will meet the earth and turn into a white fluffy blanket!
- No, we are flying towards destruction, and on the ground we will simply be trampled.
- We will become streams and rush to the sea. We will live forever! - said the first.
“No, we will melt and disappear forever,” the second objected to her.

Finally they got tired of arguing.

They unclenched their hands, and each flew towards the fate of her own choosing.

The parable of the tree

One tree suffered greatly because it was small, crooked and ugly. All the other trees in the neighborhood were much taller and prettier. The tree really wanted to become like them, so that its branches flutter beautifully in the wind.

But the tree grew on the side of the rock. Its roots clung to a small piece of soil that had accumulated in the crevice between the stones. An icy wind rustled in its branches. The sun illuminated it only in the morning, and in the afternoon it hid behind a rock, giving its light to other trees growing down the slope. It was simply impossible for the tree to grow larger, and it cursed its unfortunate fate.

But one morning, when the first rays of the sun illuminated it, it looked at the valley below and realized that life was not so bad. There was a magnificent view in front of him. None of the trees below could see even a tenth of this wonderful panorama.

A rock ledge protected it from snow and ice. Without its crooked trunk, knobby and strong branches, the tree simply could not survive in this place. It had its own unique style and took its place. It was unique.

The parable of why someone else's wife is sweeter

In ancient times, the Lord blinded ten Adams. One of them plowed the land, another grazed sheep, the third fished ... After some time they came to their Father with a request:
- Everything is there, but something is missing. We are bored.

The Lord gave them dough and said:
- Let everyone blind at their own discretion a woman who likes what: plump, thin, tall, small ... And I will breathe life into them.

After that, the Lord brought out sugar on a platter and said:
- Here are ten pieces. Let everyone take one and give it to his wife, so that life with her is sweet.
And they did just that.

The Lord frowned.
“There is a rogue among you, for there were eleven lumps of sugar on the platter. Who took two pieces?

All were silent.
The Lord took their wives from them, mixed them up, and then distributed them to whom they got.

Since then, nine out of ten men think that someone else's wife is sweeter ... Because she ate an extra lump of sugar.

And only one of the Adams knows that all women are the same, because he himself ate the extra lump of sugar.

The parable of the real price

A merchant bought a large diamond in Africa, the size of a pigeon's egg. He had one drawback - there was a small crack inside. The merchant asked the jeweler for advice and he said:

- This stone can be split into two pieces, from which two magnificent diamonds will be obtained, each of which will be many times more expensive than a diamond. But a careless blow can break this miracle of nature into a handful of tiny pebbles that will cost a penny. I do not dare to risk it.

Others responded in the same way. But one day he was advised to turn to an old jeweler from London, a master with golden hands. He examined the stone and again spoke about the risks. The merchant said that he already knew this story by heart. Then the jeweler agreed to help, calling a good price for the work.

When the merchant agreed, the jeweler summoned his young apprentice. He took the stone in his palm and once hit the diamond with a hammer, breaking it into two equal parts. The merchant asked with admiration:
- How long has he been working for you?
- Only the third day. He does not know the real value of this stone, and therefore his hand was firm.

The parable of happiness

Artist: Thomas Kinkade

Happiness was walking through the forest, enjoying nature, when suddenly it fell into a hole. Sits and cries. A man was walking by, Happiness heard a man and shouts from the pit:

- I want a big and beautiful house with a sea view, the most expensive one.
Happiness gave the man a beautiful house by the sea, he was delighted, ran away and forgot about Happiness. Happiness sits in the pit and cries even louder.

The second person was walking by, he heard the Happiness of the person and shouted to him:
- Good man! Get me out of here.
- And what will you give me for this? The man asks.
- And what do you want? - Happiness asked.
- I want a lot of beautiful and expensive cars, various brands.
Happiness gave a person what he asked for, the person was delighted, forgot about Happiness and ran away. Happiness has completely lost hope.

Suddenly he hears a third person walking, Happiness shouted to him:
- Good man! Get me out of here.
The man pulled Happiness out of the pit and moved on. Happiness was delighted, ran after him and asked:
- Human! What do you want for helping me?
“I don’t need anything,” the man replied.
And so Happiness ran after the man, never lagging behind him.

Parable about where happiness is hidden

The wise old cat lay on the grass and basked in the sun. Then a small nimble kitten rushed past her. He tumbled past the cat, then briskly jumped up and again began to run in circles.

What are you doing? The cat asked lazily.
- I'm trying to catch my tail! - the kitten answered breathlessly.
- But why? - the cat laughed.
- I was told that the tail is my happiness. If I catch my tail, then I will catch my happiness. So I have been running after my tail for the third day. But he eludes me all the time.

The old cat smiled the way only old cats can do it and said:
- When I was young, they also told me that my happiness was in my tail. I ran after my tail for many days and tried to grab it. I did not eat, did not drink, but only ran after the tail. I fell exhausted, got up and again tried to catch my tail. At some point, I became desperate. And I just went where my eyes were looking. And do you know what I suddenly noticed?

What? The kitten asked in surprise.
- I noticed that wherever I go, my tail everywhere follows me. You don't have to run for happiness. You must choose your own path, and happiness will go with you.

Give life to your shores

Proverbs, fairy tales, stories

How Smile Came to Us

It was a long time ago, a very long time ago, when people still did not know how to smile ...

Yes, there was such a time.

They lived sad and dejected. The world was black and gray for them. They did not notice the brilliance and majesty of the Sun, did not admire the starry sky, did not know the happiness of love.

In this immemorial era, one kind angel in Heaven decided to descend to Earth, that is, to be born and experience earthly life.

"But with what will I come to people?" - he thought.

He did not want to come to visit people without a gift.

And then he turned to the Father for help.

“Give this to people,” Father told him and held out a small spark, it shone with all the colors of the rainbow.

- What is it? - the kind angel was surprised.

“It's a Smile,” Father replied. - Put it in your heart and bring it to people as a gift.

- And what will she give them? - asked the kind angel.

- She will fill them with the special energy of life. If people master it, they will find a way by which the achievements of the spirit are affirmed.

The kind angel has put an amazing spark in his heart.

- People will understand that they were born for each other, discover love in themselves, see beauty. Only they need to be careful with the energy of love, for ...

And at that very moment, a kind angel descended from Heaven to Earth, that is, he was born without hearing the last word of the Father ...

The newborn cried. But not because he was frightened of the dark cave, the gloomy and barely distinguishable faces of people who stared at him in bewilderment. He cried out of resentment that he did not have time to listen to: why people need to be careful with a Smile.

He did not know what to do: to give people the Smile brought for them or to hide it from them.

And he decided: he took out a ray of spark from his heart and put it in the corner of his mouth. "Here's a present for you, people, take it!" - he mentally informed them.

Instantly the cave was illuminated by an enchanting light. It was his First Smile, and sullen people saw the Smile for the first time. They got scared and closed their eyes. Only the gloomy mother could not take her eyes off the unusual phenomenon, her heart began to move, and this charm was reflected on her face. She felt good.

People opened their eyes, their eyes were attracted by a smiling woman.

Then the baby smiled at everyone one more time, and more, more, more.

People either closed their eyes, unable to withstand the strong radiance, or opened them. But finally they got used to it and also tried to imitate the baby.

Everyone felt good from an unusual feeling in their hearts. The smile wiped the gloom from their faces. The eyes lit up with love, and the whole world for them from that moment became colorful: flowers, the Sun, the stars evoked in them a sense of beauty, surprise, admiration.

The kind angel, who lived in the body of an earthly baby, mentally conveyed to people the name of his unusual gift, but it seemed to them that they had invented the word "smile" themselves.

The baby was happy that he brought people such a miraculous gift. But sometimes he was sad and cried. Mom thought he was hungry, and she was in a hurry to give him a breast. And he cried, because he did not have time to listen to the word of the Father and convey to people the warning that they need to be careful with the energy of a Smile ...

This is how the Smile came to people.

It was passed on to us, people of the present era.

And we will leave this energy for future generations.

But did the knowledge come to us: how should we relate to the energy of the Smile? A smile carries power. But how to use this power only for good and not for evil?

Maybe we are already breaking some law of this energy? Let's say we smile fake, smile indifferently, smile mockingly, smile gloatingly. So, we harm ourselves and others!

We need to immediately solve this riddle, or we will have to wait until our good angel descends from Heaven, carrying the full message about the energy of the Smile.

If only it was not too late.

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The Royal Family lived in one beautiful State. Peace and joy reigned in their castle. But one day a disaster struck. As the King walked through the garden, picking flowers for his lovely daughters, the sky darkened, and thunder and lightning could be heard. Suddenly he saw the Green Serpent Gorynych flying by, he picked up the King and took him to his dark kingdom.

Chaos came in their Kingdom, the city began to empty, then it was time to draw lots who would dare to save the King and prevent the whole State from perishing. The youngest daughter of the King decided on this brave act. While the eldest daughter is put on the post of head of the interim government.
The youngest, without thinking twice, collects things, jumps on her Faithful Black Horse and goes in search of her father.
For a long time - for a long time she rode through the fields, forests, ravines, until she saw a foreign State. Having entered the city, she saw jewelry, things, drinks from different countries, attracting her so much that the Princess forgot how she got here and why. And then she remains in this wonderful place full of brilliance.
Lived there for a long time. Once, when she was strolling by the beautiful seashore, she met the Prince….
He asked her:
- Light of my eyes, do you like music?
- Yes - answered the Princess.
- Then I will gladly perform my best composition for you on the Harp.
Playing it very melodiously and beautifully, he bewitched the Princess and wanted to imprison her ... but then the Harp string broke and the Princess freed herself from the spell and realized that it was a False Prince.
Jumping on her Faithful Horse, she galloped to the call of her heart, fearing that the False Prince would repair his Harp and overtake her ... she began to seek shelter in order to hide at least for a while. Having galloped half the night, she fixed her gaze on the open gate .. from which warmth breathed. Jumping off the horse, she went there. There she was called by a woman:
- Hello Princess! I and my people have been waiting for you for a long time! What prevented you from coming earlier?
- Hello! For what? I do not remember! In these foreign lands I was captivated and bewitched: the glitter of jewels and the musical Harp of the False Prince. I have never felt such an inner emptiness as I do now! I really hope that you will tell me what to do next?
- The fact is that our worst enemy, the Green Serpent Gorynych, has been stealing the inhabitants of the city for a long time. And once, my husband the Sage was a sign that when the Princess comes into our house accompanied by the Faithful Black Horse, the sorrow will end, for she will defeat the founder of all troubles and sufferings .. And here you are, then that your father was kidnapped by the Green Serpent Gorynych, and you alone dared to go in search of him.
- Who are you?
- I am a kind Sorceress, and my husband is a Sage. I want to help you and give you a magic ball that will show you the way.
- Thank you for your help and direction to my goal. Goodbye.
- Goodbye! Wait a minute! Remember: on the way to the lair, danger can lie in wait for you at every step. Be attentive and don't forget - we believe in you!
And the Princess, leaving her horse with the Good Sorceress and Sage, went for a magic ball, which was the only one who knew the way to the Serpent's lair. Along the path she meets Heat - the Bird languishing in the ice, which begs her to help her free herself from this age-old curse .. To do this, you need to solve riddles. The princess decides. Then the Heat - Bird asks her questions:
- Which is faster?
- What is the nicest in the world?
- What is the most familiar of all?
- What is fatter?
The princess, without hesitation, answers:
- The fastest in the world - Thought. Thought is the seed, and love is the water that feeds it. The main thing is to realize the value of your thoughts.
- All the loveliest - this is a Dream, in a dream every grief is forgotten!
- The family is the most dear, because one for all and all for one. They stand up for each other.
- The fattest of all is the Earth that does not grow, that does not live - the Earth nourishes.
The Clever Princess melted the Age of Ice, guessing riddles, and as a gratitude, the Heat - Bird pulled out a burning feather, which will further illuminate the path to the dark dungeon of the Green Serpent Gorynych. So she went on her way. She went to the spring and suddenly heard groans .. looking around, she saw the Apple tree, which was drying up. The tree asked to be watered. The princess, typing water in her palms, fulfilled the request of Yablonka, and in return for her help and compassion, the princess revealed the secret of the water of this spring, with which you can defeat any dark forces. She also gave a jug. The princess thanked Yablonka, filled a jug of Magic water from the spring and walked on. Long or short, but finally the ball is over. The princess raised his eyes and saw the Crystal Castle, going there she thought: "How can ... in such a beautiful place ... live the most terrible creature?" But, remembering the Good Sorceress's parting words, she decides to get the feather given by the Firebird. The feather was so bright that the light opens her eyes, and does not blind her. Seeing a wretched picture .. of this complete burnt out .. emptiness .. dirt and poor imprisoned people, the Princess feels fear, but the inner core and newfound confidence give strength to go further .. Passing the monotonous rooms, she finds herself in the main Hall, where Green Zmey Gorynych. The princess sees the laid table, and next to it there is a throne on which the Serpent sits.
- Hello! Have a seat! Are you hungry? Taste my food and drinks!
- Thank you, generous Green Serpent Gorynych! I have come to give you a gift so that you have mercy!
- Come to me, let me see!
The princess comes up and hands him a jug of water. But the Serpent sensed a catch and gave her gift back. Exclaiming:
- Take it! Deceiver!
The princess, without hesitation, splashes the Magic Water on the Snake and he disappears .. only a bunch of keys remain from him ... The princess picks them up and runs to free the prisoners. Among them, she finds her father. And he says:
- How long have I been waiting for you!
The daughter, through tears of joy, answers: "I am so happy that you are with me again!"
The people rejoice and everyone returns home. Everything ends well .. And the fairy tale continues .. I can only promise that they will live - yes, live, and although I could hardly believe that the house would be filled with joy, but still Good wins up, and success awaits every hero!


Main theme
1. What is this tale about?
2. What does she teach us?
3. In what situations in our life can we use what we have learned from a fairy tale?
4. How exactly will we use this knowledge in our lives?

The line of fairy tale heroes (motivation of actions)
1. Why does the hero do this or that act?
2. Why does he need it?
3. What did he really want?
4. Why did one hero need another?

The line of the heroes of the fairy tale (a way to overcome difficulties)
1. How does the hero solve the problem?
2. What way of decision and behavior does he choose? (Active or passive)
3. Does he decide and overcome everything himself or does he try to transfer responsibility to another?
4. In what situations in our life is each method of solving problems and overcoming difficulties effective?

The line of the heroes of the fairy tale (attitude to the world around and to oneself e)

1. What do the hero's actions bring to those around him joy, grief, insight?
2. In what situations is he a creator, in what kind of a destroyer?
3. How are these tendencies distributed in real life of a person?
4. How are these tendencies distributed in the life of each of us?

Actualized feelings
1. What feelings does this tale evoke?
2. What episodes evoked joyful feelings?
3. What are the sad ones?
4. What situations caused fear?
5. What situations were annoying?
6. Why does the hero react this way?

Images and symbols in fairy tales
1. Who is the Green Serpent Gorynych?
2. Who is the False Prince?
3. What is a string?
4. Who is the Firebird?
5. What is a burning feather?
6. What is Yablonka?
7. What is Magic Water?

Originality of the plot
1. Have there been similar plot moves in the most famous folk and author's tales?


An old Cherokee Indian told his grandson about the struggle in the soul of man. He said: - Kid, there are two wolves fighting in us, one represents Misfortune - fear, anxiety, anger, envy, longing, self-pity, resentment and inferiority.

Another wolf Happiness is joy, love, hope, serenity, kindness, generosity, truth and compassion.

The little Indian thought for a few moments, and then asked: - And which wolf in the end wins? The old Cherokee replied simply, “The wolf you feed always wins.


Before putting the pencil in the box, the pencil master put it aside.

There are five things you need to know, ”he said to the pencil,“ before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and then you will become the best pencil you can be.

First, you can do many great things, but only if you allow someone to hold you in their hand.

Second, you will experience painful sharpening from time to time, but it will be necessary to become the best pencil.

Third, you will be able to correct the mistakes you make.

Fourth, your most important part will always be inside you.

And fifth - no matter what surface you are used on, you are always obliged to leave your mark. Regardless of your condition, you must keep writing.


The horse ran away from the peasant. How to sow, how to plow? The peasant wept. Somehow they plowed the field, somehow sowed it. Time has passed. The horse came and brought the foal. Oh, what happiness, the horse ran away, brought the foal. The foal grew up, turned into a mighty horse. A peasant's son rode on it, fell and broke his leg. “What a grief,” the peasant cried, “the son broke his leg.” They knock on the door in the morning: mobilization. All the young guys are taken to the war with the neighboring kingdom. But they didn’t take the peasant’s son. He was delighted: what happiness - the son broke his leg.

  • If we cannot change the situation, then we can choose how to react to it: with a plus sign or with a minus sign.
  • Everything that is done is for the better, in every event there is a meaning that cannot be immediately grasped. Only subsequent events will prove the good of what happened.
  • Any problem is a test, any test is a challenge. Each challenge contains the germ of future luck. Time passes, a chain of events unfolds, leading a person to success.

GORGEOUS [anti-manipulation, honesty]

A girl was walking along the road, beautiful as a fairy. Suddenly she noticed that a man was following her. She turned around and asked:"Tell me, why are you following me?"

The man replied: "Oh, mistress of my heart, your charm is so irresistible that it commands me to follow you. They say about me that I play the lute beautifully, that I am devoted to the secrets of the art of poetry and that I can awaken the torment of love in the hearts of women. I want to declare my love to you, because you captured my heart! "

The beauty looked at him in silence for a while, then said: "How could you fall in love with me? My younger sister is much more beautiful and attractive than me. She follows me, look at her."

The man stopped, then turned around, but saw only an ugly old woman in a patched cape. Then he quickened his steps to catch up with the girl. Lowering his eyes, he asked in a voice expressing resignation: "Tell me, how could a lie get out of your mouth?"

She smiled and replied: "You, my friend, also did not tell me the truth when you swore your love. You know perfectly all the rules of love and pretend that your heart is aflame with love for me. How could you turn around to see to another woman? "


A young girl comes to her father and says: "Father, I am tired, I have such a hard life, such difficulties and problems, I swim against the tide all the time, I have no more strength. What should I do?"

Instead of answering, my father put three identical pots of water on the fire, threw carrots into one, put an egg in the other, and poured ground coffee beans into the third. After a while, he took out the carrots and the egg from the water and poured coffee from the third pot into a cup.

What changed? he asked his daughter.

The egg and carrots are boiled, and the coffee beans are dissolved in the water, she replied.

No, my daughter, this is only a superficial view of things. Look - hard carrots, having been in boiling water, have become soft and pliable. A fragile and liquid egg has become hard. Outwardly, they have not changed, they only changed their structure under the influence of the same unfavorable circumstances - boiling water. So do people - outwardly strong can unstuck and become weaklings where fragile and delicate only harden and get stronger ...

And coffee? - asked the daughter.

O! This is the fun part! The coffee beans completely dissolved in the new hostile environment and changed it - they turned boiling water into a magnificent aromatic drink. There are special people who do not change due to circumstances - they change the circumstances themselves and turn them into something new and beautiful, deriving benefit and knowledge from the situation.

SAD [self-esteem, self-acceptance]

Once the king went to his garden and found withered and dying trees, bushes and flowers. Oak said that he was dying because he was not as tall as a pine tree. Turning to the pine, the king found that it was dying from the fact that it could not produce grapes. And the vineyard dies because it cannot bloom as beautifully as a rose.

And the king found only one flower, pansies, blooming and fresh as always. He was interested to know why this is happening. The flower replied:

I took it for granted that when you put me down, it was pansies that you wanted. If you wanted to see an oak, vineyard or rose in the garden, you would plant them. And I - if I cannot be anything other than what I am - I will try to be that as best I can.

You are here because existence needs you as you are. Otherwise, there would be someone else here.


One person spoke ill of the rabbi. But one day, feeling a pang of conscience, he decided to ask for forgiveness, saying that he agreed to any punishment. The rabbi told him to take some downy pillows, rip them open and throw the fluff into the wind. When the man did this, the rabbi told him: "Now go and collect the fluff. "

But this is unreal! the man exclaimed.

Of course. And although you may sincerely regret the harm you have done, it is just as impossible to correct the evil done by words, as it is to collect all the fluff.


Once a neighbor woman with a boy came to the wise Teacher and said: "I have already tried all the methods, but the child does not listen to me. He eats too much sugar. Please tell him that this is not good. He will obey because he respects you very much. "

The teacher looked at the child, at the trust in his eyes, and said: "Come back in three weeks."

The woman was completely at a loss. It's such a simple thing! I don't understand ... People came from different countries, and Teacher helped them solve big problems right away ... But she obediently came three weeks later. The teacher looked at the child again and said, "Come back in three more weeks."

Here the woman could not stand it, and dared to ask what was the matter. But the Teacher only repeated what was said. When they came for the third time, Master said to the boy, "Son, listen to my advice, don't eat too much sugar, it's unhealthy."

Since you advise me, I will no longer do this, ”the boy replied.

After that, the mother asked the child to wait outside for her. When he came out, she asked, "Master, why didn't you do it the first time, is it that easy?"

The teacher confessed to her that he himself liked to eat sugar, and before giving advice, he had to get rid of this weakness himself. At first he decided that three weeks would be enough, but he was wrong ...

One of the signs of a true Master is this: he will never teach what he has not passed himself.


Before the lecture, a professor of philosophy enters the hall and places severaldifferent things. When class begins, he silently takes a large empty mayonnaise can and fills it with large stones.

Then he asks, "Was the can full?"

Yes! - the students agree.

Then the professor takes out a box with small pebbles and pours it into the same jar. He chatted the jar lightly, and the pebbles, of course, filled the open areas between the rocks. He asked the students again: "Is the can full?"

They laughed and agreed that the can was full. Then, the professor takes out a box of sand and pours it into the jar. Naturally, sand fills the rest of the space.

Now, - said the professor, - I want you to understand that this is your life. Stones are important things: your family, your friends, your health, your children. If everything else was lost, and only they remained, your life would still be full.

Pebbles are other things that matter like your job, your house, your car. Sand is everything else, it's just the little things in life. If you pour the sand into the jar first, there will be no room for pebbles and stones.

It's the same in life. If you spend all your time and energy on little things, you will never have room for things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are most important to your happiness. Take care of the stones first, it really matters.

Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.

The husband and wife lived for thirty years. On the day of the 30th anniversary of marriage, my wife, as usual, baked a roll - she baked it every morning, it was a tradition. At breakfast, she divided it across, smeared both parts with butter, and, as usual, gives her husband the upper part, but halfway through her hand stopped ...

She thought: “On the day of our thirtieth birthday, I want to eat this ruddy part of the bun myself; I dreamed about it for 30 years. In the end, I was an exemplary wife for thirty years, I raised him wonderful sons, was a faithful and good lover, and ran a household , she put so much strength and health on our family. "

Having made this decision, she serves the bottom of the bun to her husband, and her hand is trembling - a violation of 30-year-old tradition! And her husband, taking the bun, told her: "What an invaluable gift you made to me today, darling! For 30 years I did not eat my beloved, the lower part of the bun, because I believed that it rightfully belongs to you."


Once, two sailors set off on a journey around the world to find their destiny. They sailed to the island, where the leader of one of the tribes had two daughters. The eldest is a beauty, and the youngest ... Well, how to say, so as not to offend anyone .. Not really. One of the sailors said to his friend: "That's it, I have found my happiness, I stay here and marry the daughter of the leader."

Yes, you're right, the eldest rain of the leader is a beauty, a clever girl. You made the right choice - get married.

You do not understand me, friend! I will marry the leader's youngest daughter.

Are you crazy? She's ... not very good.

This is my decision and I will.

The friend swam further in search of his own happiness, and the groom went to woo. It must be said that in the tribe it was customary to give a ransom for the bride .... by cows. The good bride stood ten cows. He drove ten cows and went up to the leader:

Chief, I want to take your daughter and give ten cows for her!

It's a good choice. My oldest daughter is beautiful, smart, and she is worth ten cows. I agree.

No, leader, you do not understand. I want to marry your youngest daughter.

Are you kidding me, dear man? You can't see, she's so ... not very good.

I want to marry her.

Okay, but as an honest person I can't take ten cows, she's not worth it. I'll take three cows for her, no more.

No, I want to pay exactly ten cows.

They merried. Several years passed, and a wandering friend, already on his ship, decided to visit the remaining comrade and find out how his life was. Swam, walks along the shore, and towards a woman of unearthly beauty. He asked her how to find his friend. She showed. Comes, sees - his friend is sitting, the kids are running around ..

How are you?

I'm happy.

Here comes that beautiful woman.

Here, meet. This is my wife.

How? Why are you married again?

No, it's still the same woman.

But how did it happen that she changed so much?

And you ask her yourself?

A friend approached the woman and said: "Sorry for the tactlessness, but I remember what you were ... not very much. What happened that you became so beautiful?"

It's just that one day I realized that I was worth ten cows ...



Prevention of a passive life position, "self-flagellation", refusal of constructive activity - V. Buyanovskaya

You probably all know the large, impenetrable swamp north of the city. Nothing grows on it, and it seems that only occasionally black clouds fly over it. Neither the sun, nor the moon, nor the more so a cloud never appears above him. No birdsong or human speech is heard there. Even children and animals go around this ruinous place.

And once, very, very long time ago, everything was completely different. Then a very long time ago, on the site of this terrible swamp, there was a beautiful Lake. Throughout the District, the lake was famous for its purest water, graceful willows stood along the banks, bathing their loose branches in the waters of the lake. And what kind of fish was found there. From the very early morning, the boys came to fish and splash in the clear waters, in the afternoon, adults came, after a hard day to swim, relax, sip crystal water. Lovers came at night. How much laughter, how many declarations of love the Lake heard. And the birds sang all day. In the morning, the Sun greeted the Lake, bathing its rays in its waters, at night the moon paved a silver path along which little silver men glided.

More often than others, one Cloud swam over the Lake. It was so small, so light, so fast. Cloud loved the Lake very much and each time tried to be with it as much as possible. Cloud loved the Lake very much, but the Lake was very proud, unapproachable and did not encourage such flirting. It offended the Cloud, and the Cloud cried, it floated away into the distance, but then it forgot everything and returned.

But the Lake loved only itself. Singing of birds, dancing of fish, laughter of children began to irritate him. It was so proud that it did not even like the little streams that flowed into it. Everything irritated him. The lake believed that it was very beautiful and no one was worthy of it, no one could compare with it. And Cloud was crying more and more often. Other clouds and adult clouds could not calmly watch how the Cloud was melting. They half-force, half-persuasion forced me to fly south, to distant Africa. At first, Oblachko was very worried, but when he saw how people and plants rejoice in him, he slowly got used to life without the Lake.

And the Lake has become completely unbearable since the Cloud flew away. Only the cheerful and light disposition of the Cloud smoothed out the deteriorating and deteriorating nature of the Lake. Over time, the birds began to fly around the Lake and the fish tried to move to other bodies of water. Gradually, the Lake stopped communicating with the streams, which for so long replenished it with fresh water. The lake was no longer so crystal clear. His vows of love, childish laughter were not heard on the shores, no one wanted to swim after a hard day. Even the beautiful willow trees removed their loose branches, they had nowhere else to look. The lake gradually became more and more muddy and swampy.

The last frogs left him. They could not bear that no one hears them, and so for whom to try. And the Lake did not worry. He felt very good alone, no one distracted him from smart thoughts, no one bothers to admire himself. True, sometimes it glanced at the sky to see if the Cloud was sailing. But the cloud did not float. Only sometimes the black cloud paused, looked reproachfully, showered streams of abuse and floated on. And the Lake lived its own life, incomprehensible to anyone. It did not even notice when it managed to turn into a swamp. And the worst thing was that he didn't care at all.


A fairy tale for children whose parents are separated - A. Smirnova

Trouble struck the bear family. Quite unexpectedly for the little bear, dad went to live in another den. All he said was: "Don't worry, son, we will see each other, only less often." These words upset Mishutka more than they reassured him. He could not understand why dad decided to leave and why they should rarely see each other, why he could not play a ball with him before dinner, swim in the pond, as before, and not hear the usual in the morning: "Get up, sleepyhead, it's day started".

"How scary these adults are," thought the bear, "they always need to change something. After all, everything was so good."

Hearing one night how mum was quietly crying, the bear came out of the den and knocked on the owl.

Listen, owl, you are the wisest in our forest. Explain why dad left us? Maybe we offended him in some way or did he just stop loving us?

The owl pondered.

You know, bear, there are many difficult questions in life. They are not easy to answer.

Even you?

Even me.

Today I heard my mother crying, and I was completely at a loss. What if dad left because of me? He probably stopped loving me, and if I leave home, he will return to my mother. Then she won't cry anymore.

I think your mom will be even more upset, and dad loves you. He told me about it himself. He feels bad the same way as you, only he does not show this to anyone.

But if he feels bad, why won't he come back?

Because in the lives of adults, things often happen that are difficult for children to understand. It will take many years before you learn about the many complexities of life.

But I want to know now. Why do people break up? I heard from the animals that dad has a new family. It turns out that he abandoned us and will soon forget completely?

No, he won't. You are part of his life.

I don't want to be a part. Let everything be as before.

You see, bear, every family has its own life. It can be very long. Children grow up, and mothers and fathers part before the appearance of grandchildren.

Is it like a fox? Mom left them.

And like a fox, and like a bunny. He came to me last summer and complained that Daddy offends Mom, and as soon as he intercedes, he gets it too.

I know. The bunny said that he was afraid of dad, and with his mother alone he was calmer.

You see how different relationships are. Probably, your parents felt that their life together ended earlier than they wanted. And in order not to offend each other, as it happened in the bunny family, they parted.

There are flowers that cannot coexist in the same flower bed, although they like each other. If they grow up side by side, they quickly begin to see, constantly argue and quarrel. When they are transplanted into different flower beds, they bloom again.

It is the same with adults. At first they love each other, and then something happens and it becomes difficult to live together.

I understand, but it doesn't make it any easier.

It should be so. Parting with someone you love is always difficult, but it does happen sometimes. The main thing is to be able to survive it.

It's hard to be a child, - the bear sighed.

It's not easy to be an adult either. You will understand this when you grow up. So don't be offended by dad and calm mom down. She worries about you very much. It is difficult for her now too. Help her.


A tale about the value of love, the relationship between a man and a woman. - Andrey Gnezdilov

In the old knightly times, people, in addition to their own names, gave each other nicknames. This was especially true for kings. Who has not heard of Henry the Handsome, Louis the Magnificent, Karl the Bold. But in one country there was a king who could not find a nickname. As soon as he was given a nickname, he changed, showing completely opposite qualities. To begin with, when he ascended the throne, he was nicknamed the Weak. It happened like this. There was a custom in the country according to which queens succeeded the throne and then chose their own husbands. According to knightly traditions, a tournament was convened and the queen made the strongest her chosen one. But at that time, Queen Palla was on the throne. She was called beautiful, but, besides, she still had a willful character and no one could guess how she would act. And at the tournament, where the strongest Knights fought for the honor of taking the throne, the queen chose not the winner, but the weakest knight. His name was Rich, and whoever he tried to fight, he was immediately kicked out of the saddle. What a scandal happened when Palla, stepping down from the throne, put a golden crown on his head!

However, there was no need to argue with the queen. But King Rich immediately received the nickname of the Weak. And of course, the offended wasalls refused to obey him. They joined forces and decided to overthrow Rich, and give the queen a husband whom they respect. Their troops surrounded the capital and demanded to depose the king. Then the king and queen drove out of the gate, and Palla said that if there is at least one of the warriors who can defeat the king, then she will agree to yield to the demands of her subjects. And then a miracle happened. The strongest knights clashed with the weak king, and not one of them sat in the saddle. The ashamed knights were forced to submit. No one understood how it happened that Rich emerged victorious from all the fights. - Maybe witchcraft is involved here?

Yes, witchcraft, Queen Palla replied when rumors of her subjects' suspicions reached her. - And his name is my love. She is able to transform the weak into the strong. And from that time on, King Rich was called the Strong.

Once the country suffered a crop failure and hunger. People were ready to give up the most expensive things for a piece of bread. And from somewhere in the kingdom merchants flooded. They carried bread, but they charged exorbitant prices for it, so that when the bread disaster ended, the inhabitants felt an even worse misfortune - dependence and slavery. Almost half of the country was in debt. King Rich's power was shaken. His subjects now served not him, but cunning and greedy usurers. Then the king announced that he intends to pay all the debts of the inhabitants of his country, but with the condition that the merchants leave it. Reluctantly, foreigners gathered in the capital. They did not want to leave the kingdom where they lived so richly and freely. And so they came up with a trick. Blacksmiths made huge scales for them, and on one of the cups their slaves put stone boulders covered with a thin layer of gold. The merchants rubbed their hands enough, knowing in advance that the king would not have enough treasures that could outweigh another cup. And the truth is, when all the gold of the royal treasury is easy on the scales, they did not even flinch.

Your Majesty! Even if you yourself, with all your valor, enter the scales, they are unlikely to be able to outweigh the debts! - the merchants said sarcastically. And then the king took off his crown, stepped down from the throne and stood on the scales. They didn't move. Rich glanced at the queen and she smiled at him. At the same instant, the scales with the king dropped and touched the ground. The amazed usurers could not believe their eyes, and the king began to throw gold from the cup. Finally, he was left alone on the scales, and the bowl with gilded stones was still hanging in the air.

I'm not going to haggle, ”Rich said.

Therefore, I offer myself for the debts of my subjects. You can see that the scales don't lie. The traders hissed viciously: - Why do we need this king without his treasures and country. He doesn't even have a crown on. He is nobody.

Then get out! the king exclaimed angrily. - And if at least one remains on my land until tomorrow morning, he will be executed!

But we will not have time to collect our goods! - shouted the traders. Here is your good, which you put on the scales! Take it with you! - answered Rich.

And the crowd of usurers, fearing that their deception would be revealed and they would pay with their heads, dragged their stones away from the capital.

How much do you weigh, Your Majesty? The queen asked Rich, laughing.

As much as your witchcraft, - answered the king, who was immediately nicknamed Heavy.

A little time passed, and new events hit the life of Rich and Palla. From the farthest outskirts of the country, where the inaccessible mountains towered, Lady Cora Glon arrived at the court. The queen was beautiful, but she involuntarily had to look away when the burning gaze of the new beauty slowly slid over the admiring crowd of nobles, and then boldly stopped at the queen. Truly it was a dangerous rival. Her bold outfits, trampling on bashfulness, kindled the hearts of men. She danced with such passion, as if she had the deepest feelings for everyone who was paired with her. She could, not knowing fatigue, ride a horse from morning until late at night. She shot her bow without missing. But most importantly, she was surrounded by mystery. No one knew about the existence of the castle of Glon before, no one could fully understand the charm of Cora, who dazzled with her wealth and freedom of circulation.

No one knew the intoxicating scents that she used in her perfume. Apparently, they were dizzy, giving birth to the most shameless dreams. Finally, who did she need? She seemed to want everything and everyone at once. And so, as if madness entered with Lady Glone. Ardent youths and stern men, forgetting about their affections, were drawn to only Kore. Violent disputes, wild jealousy, deadly fights - that was what attracted the courtiers.

Tears and despair, passion and anger followed Lady Glon in an endless train, and she seemed to notice nothing.
Laughing, singing, dancing, she called to her, promising herself to everyone who would submit to her alone. Without a scepter and a crown, she began to reign at court, and poor Palla had to share power with her. Ball after ball, holiday after holiday followed incessantly, and Lady Glone was inexhaustible, as were her riches, which she generously threw on feasts and pleasures. From time to time she brought one or another admirer closer to her. But his happiness was short-lived, and soon he disappeared somewhere. No one dared to blame Cora, for a new victim was eager to replace his opponent.

King Rich took part in all the entertainment, but none of the courtiers could accuse him of treason. Many thought that Cora was aiming at him, gradually drawing the king into her trap, and warned Palla. But she could not overcome her pride and demand an explanation from her subject or ask the king to stop the revelry.

But one day the king did not return from the hunt. In vain the queen waited for him, in vain the huntsmen ransacked the whole forest. Not a trace of King Rich remained. And evil tongues immediately renamed it from Heavy to Light. But the sadness for the disappeared king was short-lived. Lady Glon, breaking mourning, again prepared a magnificent ball. The queen tried to call her subjects to order, but they refused to obey her.

- Give us a new king, Your Majesty, and we will obey! - answered the nobles taught by Cora. But Palla flatly refused. Leaving the palace, the queen, so as not to hear the noises of fun, went into the forest. The night was drawing to a close when Palla heard the clatter of hooves. A cavalcade of discharged horsemen, torches in hand, swept through the forest.

These were the intoxicated guests who decided to end the feast with a hunt. But animals were not her prey. They raced after Kore Glon. A cheerful band scattered through the forest, and only distant voices and laughter awakened the silence. The queen wanted to continue on her way, but suddenly stopped at the edge of the clearing. In the middle of it, she saw a familiar knight. As if rooted to the spot, he froze, looking ahead of him and lowering the dying torch. Now the bushes parted, and Lady Glon appeared on horseback to meet him. She was naked, with only wild hair falling over her white shoulders, tangled with a horse's mane. A pack of silent dogs ran out into the clearing and surrounded the knight. Cora raised her hand imperiously, and he, touching the reins, approached her. How the snake wrapped itself around the lady knight and dug into his lips, and the dogs grabbed his horse.

With a choked sad cry, the rider disappeared, and in his place, tail between his legs, was a new dog. The lady spurred her horse on, and the pack of dogs followed her. With horror, Palla returned to the palace, realizing that Cora Glon is a witch and the fight against her is meaningless. She could not lean on any of her subjects. A conspiracy had already matured around her. And at the end of the year, the courtiers again gathered in the palace and demanded that the queen choose a new king.

No, Palla replied. - I choose only once, and you know my choice - this is King Rich.

But he cheated on you and the kingdom! - angry voices were heard.

Maybe so, but he did not change my love! - answered Palla.

It's time to make a new choice, Queen! - said Lady Glone, approaching the throne. A triumphant grin curled her lips. A dozen conspirators surrounded the queen and tore off her crown.

I give you life, Palla! - exclaimed, laughing, Cora Glon. “But only so that you can share it with my fool. He remained faithful to you and therefore lost his crown. I will put it on a more worthy one. The crowd parted. Chained in chains, King Rich appeared in front of Palla in a clownish outfit.

Now you two will amuse me, - said the sorceress. With firm steps, she climbed the steps of the throne and placed Palla's crown on her head. In the same instant, her head turned into a terrible dog's face. The body shrank and became covered with hair. Instead of words, a hoarse bark escaped from her mouth. The knights grabbed their arms. With a wild howl, the sorceress jumped out the window and smashed against the stones.

Who could have defeated the sorceress, your majesty? Rich asked Palla.

Not me! she replied. - But my love and your loyalty!

Since then, King Rich has been nicknamed the Faithful.