"Love Heaven and Love earthly": What is encrypted in the picture of Titian. Description of the painting of Titian "Love Heaven and Love Earth Description of the painting of Titian" Love Heaven and Love earth "

"Love Heaven and Love earthly": What is encrypted in the picture of Titian. Description of the painting of Titian "Love Heaven and Love Earth Description of the painting of Titian" Love Heaven and Love earth "
For several centuries, the picture of Titian was considered only allegory. However, the artist wrote the other: he specifically mixed symbols with specific details. After all, the goal was not at all abstract - smooth the scandal in the secular circles of Venice.

The picture "Love Heaven and Love Earth". Canvas, oil, 118 x 278 cm
Year of creation: about 1514 years. Now stored in Rome in Borghese Gallery

The name "Love Heaven and Love earthly" picture of the early Titian received in 1693. Based on this, women depicted on it with the same faces of art historians were identified with two horses of the Goddess of Love, known Renaissance intellectuals on the works of ancient philosophers. However, for the first time, the name of the masterpiece of Titian was mentioned in 1613 as "the beauty of embellished and unwritten." As the artist or customer himself is called the cloth, is unknown.

Only in the 20th century, the researchers drew attention to the abundance of wedding symbolism and the emblem of the Venetian family on the canvas. They concluded that the owner of the coat of arms, the secretary of the Council of the Ten Nikolo Aurelio, ordered a picture of Tizian on the occasion of marriage in 1514 on the Bargotto laure, a young widow from Padua. As the Venetian chronicle of that time Marin Sanudo noted, this wedding "discussed everywhere" - too much the past was in the newlywed.

In 1509, in the midst of a military conflict of the Venetian Republic with the Sacred Roman Empire, the first husband of Laura Padan Aristocrat Francesco Borromeo spoke on the side of the emperor. Padua obeyed Venice, because Borromeo was arrested and probably executed by the sentence of the Council of ten as a traitor. Many relatives of Laura got into prison and the link. Her father Berticcho Bargotto, Professor of the University, was hanged in front of his wife and children by the same charges, in his case unfair.

Permission to marry a high-ranking venetian official with a widow and daughter of state criminals discussed the Commission led by the Doge, and it was obtained. The previously confiscated rich groom's dowry lauree was returned the day before the wedding. The picture ordered from the most prestigious and not cheap artist Venice was likely to add a marriage of respectableness in the eyes of fellow citizens.

1. Bride. According to the art historian Rhone, Goffen, it is unlikely that the portrait of Laura Bargotto is unlikely, because then the nude lady is written from it that in those days would damage the reputation of a decent woman. This is an idealized image of the newlywed.

2. Dress. As I showed a radiographic analysis, first Titian wrote it red. However, at the head of the list of the dowry laur, there was a divergent outfit from White Atlas, and Ron Goffen believed that the artist decided to portray this particular dress. The belt, a symbol of marital loyalty, and gloves - also the attributes of the wedding dress: the grooms gave these things to the gain in the seriousness of intentions.

3. Wreath. Evergreen Mirt - Plant Venus, symbolizing love and loyalty. Wreaths woven from it were the attribute of weddings in ancient Rome.

4. Bowl. As Rona Goffen wrote, in such vessels, the venetian brides of the grooms in their custom handed wedding gifts.

5. Rabbits. The symbol of fertility next to the figure of the bride is a wish of newlyweds numerous offspring.

6. Nude. According to the majority of researchers, including the Italian expert on the art of Renaissance Federico Dzheri and the British specialist in the work of Titian Charles Houpa, this is the Goddess Venus. They are so similar with the newlyweds, because in the ancient poetry, the bride was often compared from the goddess of love. Venus blesses the earthly woman on marriage.

7. Landscape. According to Dzeri, behind the characters, two contrasting symbols are shown, associated with marriage: the road to the mountain is the difficult path of prudence and irrelevant loyalty, the plain - bodily delights in marriage.

8. Cupid. Son Venus, the winged God of love here is an intermediary between the goddess and the bride.

9. Fountain. On him the coat of arms of the Aurelio family. According to the art historian Walter Friedlander, this tomb of the beloved Venus of Adonsis, described in the novel of the XV century "Hypnotherocya Polyfila", - Sarcophag (symbol of death), from which water flows (symbol of life). The relief on marble depicts the beating of Adonsis with jealous Mars: on the novel, the young man died from the hands of the war of war. This is not only an indication of the tragically ending love of the goddess, but also a reminder of the sad past Laura Bargotto.

10. Luminaire. An antique lamp in his hand in Venus, according to Federico Dzheri, symbolizes the flame of divine, sublime love.

Artist Titian (Tiziano Vechidelio)

Between 1474 and 1490, Born in the city of Pieve-Di-Kador, since 1420, part of the Venice Republic, in a notable family.

About 1500 - moved to Venice to study the visual arts.

1517 - received from the Venetian authorities the post of an intermediary in the supply of salt, which, according to researchers, indicates its status of an official painter of the republic.

1525 - married Soldano Cellity, from which by that time had two sons.

1530 - widowed, the wife died after the birth of the daughter of Lavinia.

1551-1562 - created "poems", a series of paintings by metamorphosis of Ovidi.

1576 - died in his workshop, buried in the Venetian church of Santa Maria-Gloriosis dei-Frari.

Dear friends!

I offer you an "investigation" Pictures of Titian "Love earth and Love Heaven".

It was very interesting and exciting - to travel through Tizian labyrinths.

Here is a small preface. I knew this picture of Titian from ornamental years. From the very early age - I felt it, tamed, absorbed. Even earlier than I started to read - I leafed albums in art, which were in our house. And this picture could not pass by me. Two wonderful young women - as a symbol of eternal beauty and immortality against the background of majestic landscapes. So this picture was kept in my memory.

Businessman, Writer, Writer and Collector Oleg Obtained Under Nick avvakoum. Dedicated this picture with a series of posts:




After reading these posts, I thought: maybe my picture has a secret meaning, invisible on the surface, what? I tried to solve it. And I suggest your misfortune about this.

I carefully read Oleg's posts and comments to them. I took some finds and details. Thanks for them. I would be grateful for all the remarks of clarification, additions and objections.

The starting point of my study was the fact that Niccolo Aurelio, secretary of the Council of the Ten Venetian Republic, spoke by the customer of this picture. Council of ten is the control body of powerful Venice, the pearls of the Adriatic. The customer acted clearly not from himself, but from the other forces that wished to remain unknown.
But for the "cover legend" - the picture ordered Aurelio as a gift of the bride - the young widow Laura Raratto, on which he later and married. To strengthen the "legend" on the front wall of the sarcophag, the coat of arms of Aurelio was depicted. But all this "smoke curtain", designed to distract the picture and from the real "customers" from the present meaning. It is curious to note that its name "Love earth and Love Heavenly" painting received almost two centuries after its creation.

Obviously, during the lifetime of Titian, the picture was nameless, or her present name knew only a narrow circle of persons.

What is the riddle of the picture? What did Titian actually depicted? It is necessary to immediately say that the Great Artist was dedicated to the hectare of secret history and secret societies.

Let's turn to the picture itself. What do we see on it?

Two young women are nude and dressed in a magnificent dress sit on the edge of the sarcophagus filled with water, where the cupid launched his hand.

On the back background of love of heaven flowing river.

The river can be interpreted as an underground river Alephios, the allegory of secret "underground legends, a symbol of invisible knowledge transmitted by" dedicated "from generation to generation.

And you can interpret the river - as a heavenly teaching. It should be noted that water has long been symbolizing information, knowledge.

It can be assumed that water from this sacred river is located in the sarcophagus. From the sarcophagus, in turn, a jet of water is poured, a nourishing bush, depicted in the foreground of the picture. That is, in this case, the sarcophagus is a source.

What water-knowledge concentrates in sarcophagus?

We resort to decryption.

Tips here are several. This and the Templar Tower behind the "earthly" woman's back, that is, the teaching of the Templar and the sarcophague itself. Now we will see that it is a sarcophagus, not a pool or fountain, how the paintings are interpreted by some commentators.

Sarcophag - carved stone coffin. And if it is a coffin, then whose remains lie there? And here we have the following "hints". Dish and Cupid. Some commentators point out that the angel crawls flowers out of the water. But the flowers, as you know, float on the surface of the water, and not drown. So, looking for a child in water? To answer enough to look at the dish. Exactly the same dish is depicted on the painting of Titian "Salome with the head of John the Baptist."

It is interesting to note that Titian has three pictures on this topic.

The first one was written a year after the creation of the "love of heaven and love". And the dish there is another. But there is a "tip" in the form of a right hand, wrapped by the scarlet cape. Love earthly - also right scarlet sleeves

But in the picture, written already in 1560, depicted "our" dish.

Curious fact that the picture "Salome" turned out to be a "prophetic" in relation to one iconic historical event. Since 1649, Salome Titsian was in the meeting of the Hampton Court Palace in the UK. And in the same year, the English Monarch Carl I was beheaded.

And on the same picture, where Salome is depicted - you can also see a dish of us.

(In brackets it can be noted that a story is associated with this picture, similar to the one that is described by Oleg with us in post: "Sothesshis deprived the client of money and sleep" http://avvakoum.livejournal.com/1281815.html

Those who want to familiarize themselves with the material relating to the painting of Titian - can pass by reference http://thenews.kz/2010/02/25/267486.html).

So, we have established that for some reason, Titian decided to "decipher the dish, written by him earlier and" link "him with his head of John the Baptist.

As you know, according to the legend, John the Baptist was the first grand magician of Zion's priogen.

It means that the artist in a symbolic form depicted a priogency of Zion; At the same time, the water (the teaching of the sequence of Zion) in turn becomes a power source (knowledge) for the bush. It seems to "give rise" to this bush. At the same time, as I mentioned, behind the "love of the earth" Tamlier Tower ...

So, the key to the rays of the picture is a bush. What is this bush?

This is a five-point rose, something average (or hybrid) roses and rosehip. More precisely, the form of the oldest rose is a doggy dog. As you know, Rosehip is the progenitor of roses.

This five-point rose was the magic plant of Rosenkraucers. If you look closely, you can see that the Kush itself is "drawn" in the form of a cross.

This plant, the leaves of five-point roses were depicted on the symbols of the Order of the Rosenkreyers.

Interestingly, in the Czech Republic, in which various mystical trends were strong, a five-point rose is held every year in Krumlov. This rose is depicted on the flag and the coat of arms of Czech Krumlov.

But on this, the value of five-point roses are not exhausted.

Five-meple rose - this is a rose of tudors,traditional heraldic emblemEngland and Hampshire. It is on the coat of arms of Great Britain and Canada.

And the same five-point rose is depicted on the Tarot map - senior arkan at number 13. Death.

The heraldic five-floor rose was the symbol of the Masters-Apprentices in Masonic teaching.

And the teachings of Rosencresses, as you know, has become the forerunner of Masonry in the form in which it came to our time.

If you hold the "investigation" of the paintings on, then the tree behind the angel can be classified as elm. In the form of the crown, the form of leaves, the density of the crown. Of course, this is just an assumption, but comparing several photos of elm with the image of a tree at the Tiziani Picture, I fully allow this fact.

Then it can be assumed that the picture shows a historical event, known as "Rod Rubbing", when there was a rupture of the Temple with a spier of Zion and the place of the Templars was taken by Rosenkraucers. In any case, many details in the picture, which have already considered by us, are talking about this.

But back to our ladies.

The "earthly" lady holds a five-point rose flower in his hand. The flower is in her hand, but the hand is in the glove, and it still does not touch the flower of the skin, that is, between her and the teachings of Rosenkraucers - obstacle. Disputes causes the subject at hand of the love of the earth. Some say that this is a bowl, others - Mandolin. Although it may be Titian on purpose "encrypted" a bowl. If he wanted to portray Mandolin so that there was no "expanses" for other interpretations, he would have done it. But for some reason, the unequivocal interpretation of the subject at hand of the Love earth is difficult. Thus, Titian "hints" to us on the bowl.

In this case, the following analogies are easily carried out, firstly, with a cup of grail, secondly, bowls were used in Rituals of Rosenkrayers. The subject in the hand of love heaven can be determined as a smoke, which was also used in the ritual rites of Rosenrecusers.

Love earthly looks into the eye to the viewer, and the earth's love is on her red shower (or golden-red), more precisely - the tip of the shoes. Once upon a time I read that red shoes - the symbol of the goddess of Isis, a symbol of dedicated to. If you go further, you can draw an analogy with red papal shoes. Also a "high initiation" symbol.

So, with a lot of probability, it can be said that "with" this picture there was a dedication to the members of the Order of Rosenkreyers. The initiation process took place. And it is also likely that this process included the rite kissing the tip of red shoes. Two ladies are similar to each other, they are "connected" by the sarcophagus and are approximate to the viewer equally. They have two legs for two, as the leg of "heavenly love" is hidden from the eye of the viewer, and the second symbolizes the tip of the red shoes. It can be said that in such an encrypted form, the main postulate of hermethyms is concluded: "What is upstairs, toinde, tuning, tinophu". That is, heavenly reflects in the earth, and the earth is in heaven.
I wanted this picture one of the Rothschilds. But his proposal was rejected. The symbol of secret mysteries remains in Italy. In Rome. The city where the Vatican is located is one world management centers.

There are still questions. Is it possible to identify the earthly with Salome, and the earth's love - with Maria Magdalina (although her hair is not dissolved, as in canonical images)?

Or here is a reference to the sixth Arkana Tarot - lovers ...

Not all the puzzles of Titian are still solved, and therefore, we are waiting for new discoveries and finds ...

I will be grateful for all clarifications, additions and comments.

"Love Heaven and Love earthly", Titian, OK. 1514. Picture is kept in Rome in Borghese Gallery

Scene and title

In the foreground, the paintings are two women. They are very similar, but dressed in different ways. One is rooted in a married lady characteristic of Venice, and the other is naked. Cupid shares them. Women are sitting on a sarcophagus decorated with a magnificent bas-relief. It is filled with dark water. In her immersed the hand of the restless god of love.

A familiar to us name - "Love Heaven and Love earthly" - the picture received in 1693. Focusing on him, women with the same faces of art historians identified with two horses of the Goddess of Love.

However, for the first time, the cloth was mentioned in 1613 with the name "Beauty embedded and unwritten", and as the artist himself was named, and it is not known at all.

Riddles and symbols

Only in the 20th century, the researchers drew attention to the abundance of wedding symbolism and the emblem of the Venetian family on the canvas.

Let's take a look at the picture more closely. So, the background of the canvas is a green plain. On the left, it smoothly moves into the mountain, on which the castle rises. Looking around, you can see the eared rabbits, rider on horseback and waiting for his group of people.

On the right of the plain, it is mixed with hillocks. The attentive observer and here it seems two riders and a dog sanguating a hare.

Woman on the left of dressed in a dress with a belt of loyalty, on her hands gloves.

Wreath. Evergreen Mirt - Plant Venus, symbolizing love and loyalty. Wreaths woven from it were the attribute of weddings in ancient Rome.

For contemporaries Titian Symbolism would be obvious:

    • The road to the mountain is a difficult path of prudence and irrelevant loyalty, plain - bodily delights in marriage.
    • Rabbits - fertility.
    • Dress with a belt of loyalty and gloves - marriage.
    • Mirt (Venus) - love and loyalty. Wreaths woven from it - an attribute of the ancient Roman rituals.

Art historians also drew attention to the sarcophagus and the emblem of the Venetian family on it.

They concluded that the owner of the coat of arms, the secretary of the Council of the Ten Nikolo Aurelio, ordered a picture of Tizian on the occasion of marriage in 1514 on the Bargotto laure, a young widow from Padua.

As the Venetian chronicle of that time Marin Sanudo noted, this wedding "discussed everywhere" - too much the past was in the newlywed.

In 1509, in the midst of a military conflict of the Venetian Republic with the Sacred Roman Empire, the first husband of Laura Padan Aristocrat Francesco Borromeo spoke on the side of the emperor. Padua obeyed Venice, because Borromeo was arrested and probably executed by the sentence of the Council of ten as a traitor.

Many relatives of Laura got into prison and the link. Her father Berticcho Bargotto, Professor of the University, was hanged in front of his wife and children by the same charge, in his case unfair. The chief of a high-ranking official became Laura Bargotto. She was a widow of the Paduan aristocrat, executed for the uprising against the Venetian authorities during the war with the Roman Empire.

The same fate suffered her father. An innocent professor hanged in front of his family.

Permission to marry a high-ranking venetian official with a widow and daughter of state criminals discussed the Commission led by the Doge, and it was obtained. The previously confiscated rich groom's dowry lauree was returned the day before the wedding. The picture ordered from the most prestigious and not cheap artist Venice was likely to add a marriage of respectableness in the eyes of fellow citizens.

According to experts, Sarcophag reminds of the innocently killed father of the bride. And the water flowing out of it symbolizes the appearance of a new life.

In 1608, the painting had a new owner. She bought Italian Cardinal Shipiona Borghese. Since then, it is stored in the Roman gallery that wears his last name.

The great and famous artist Venice Titian feverly ordered a picture as a gift for the bride. The author did not name his cloth, since it did not imagine that he was creating one of the greatest canvas of artistic art. A few years later, when the picture was purchased, she was given the name "Love Heaven and Love earthly."

In the picture of the well depicted two beautiful girls. One very nicely dressed. On it a chic white dress with red sleeves. Golden lush hair. Clean white leather. On the opposite side, not yielding to the beauty of the first girl in the beauty of the first girl, a completely naked woman sits. Only a beautiful satin tissue slightly covers the most intimate areas. Its shapes and the body are just perfect. The skin is clean, the hair of golden color is long and silky. Apparently, this is a goddess of beauty. She descended to earthly beauty for an important conversation. Goddess she tells something, and the girl listens carefully and reflects.

Twilight is already visible in the background. The sun was faded behind the clouds, and only the orange line decorates the sky. Behind the well plays water a small cupid. Perhaps he descended from the goddess, and maybe accompanied the loving girl. It seems to me that this is a bride, which the picture was intended. The author compared her with the goddess and showed that the earthly women are very beautiful and attractive.

This picture occupies an important place in the past, and in our time and refers to the best paintings by the author. Even critics admire her.

Description of the painting of Titian "Love Heaven and Love earth"

The great and famous artist Venice Titian feverly ordered a picture as a gift for the bride.
The author did not name his cloth, since it did not imagine that he was creating one of the greatest canvas of artistic art.
A few years later, when the picture was purchased, she was given the name "Love Heaven and Love earthly."

In the picture of the well depicted two beautiful girls.
One very nicely dressed.
On it a chic white dress with red sleeves.
Golden lush hair.
Clean white leather.
On the opposite side, not yielding to the beauty of the first girl in the beauty of the first girl, a completely naked woman sits.
Only a beautiful satin tissue slightly covers the most intimate areas.
Its shapes and the body are just perfect.
The skin is clean, the hair of golden color is long and silky.
Apparently, this is a goddess of beauty.
She descended to earthly beauty for an important conversation.
Goddess she tells something, and the girl listens carefully and reflects.

Twilight is already visible in the background.
The sun was faded behind the clouds, and only the orange line decorates the sky.
Behind the well plays water a small cupid.
Perhaps he descended from the goddess, and maybe accompanied the loving girl.
It seems to me that this is a bride, which the picture was intended.
The author compared her with the goddess and showed that the earthly women are very beautiful and attractive.

This picture occupies an important place in the past, and in our time and refers to the best paintings by the author.
Even critics admire her.