Guess what's on the mind of a man. Fortune telling that the loved heart is lying

Guess what's on the mind of a man. Fortune telling that the loved heart is lying
Guess what's on the mind of a man. Fortune telling that the loved heart is lying

This is a very interesting fortune telling.
For him you will need an ordinary deck out of 36 cards. Choose a map of the gadget (forms). If you are guessing a woman, then it will be a lady of Bubi, if a man is the king of Bubi.

Tasu a deck. We lay out the cards with three shirt down and look with what two cards the blank fell. It is of great importance for the entire subsequent divination.

We put a blank to the center of the table, shuffle a deck, then put 1 card for a blank (under the heart), 1 map put on a blank (on the heart), 3 cards lay out above the form (in my head), 3 cards lay down below the bank (in the legs ), 2 cards - in the upper left corner (past), 3 cards - to the left of the forms (past), 2 cards - in the left lower corner (distant past). Next, 2 cards put on the right upper corner (future), 3 cards - to the right of the form (future), 2 cards - to the lower right corner (future).

Next, we do as follows. From the remaining deck, count 3 cards, and the fourth put "on the heart" (on the card of the gadget), then again count 3 cards, and fourth put "on the heart." So we do, while in your hands there will be no 1 card, we also put "on the heart". As a result, "on the heart" you should lie 5 cards.

And now decryption:

On the heart is what the most worried man now.
Under the Head - recently experienced, but not yet forgotten.
In the head, the fact that a person in his head, in thoughts, what he thinks, reflects.
In the legs - the fact that still has, but will soon leave his life.

During the calculation of the cards, you immediately need to see which figure from each suit (king or lady) fell the first one. If, let's say, you are posting the cards, and you first fall the king of peaks, it means that it will be a judicial character. And already swept the lady of peaks will already mean not a woman, but only the desire of the king peak.
Also admissible from the master of worms, the lady fell forward. Consequently, she means a woman in fortune-money, and the king of the worms dropping her later - this is not a man, but the desire of the ladies of Wormi. Just do and with the look of the beast. The same with the Mausy Bubi: If, let's say, the letter is a lady, then the map King Bubi will mean the desire of a woman who is guessing.

We study the cards in the resulting slade, given in which group they are (on the heart, in the past, in the legs, etc.).

Card values:

Ace Buby - own home (a man who is guessing).
Ace Chervie - News, letter, message.
Ace Crest - government House.
Ace Picks - Top up: Punch, something very bad; Top up: booze.

King Bubi - a man who is guessing; Either the desire of the lady Bubi.
King worms - young man; or the desire of ladies worms
King Kresty - a venerable person, maybe father; either the desire of the ladies of the go
King Peaks - angry or old person (and maybe both); or the desire of ladies peaks

Lady Bubi - a woman who is guessing; or the desire of the king bube
Lady Chervie - young woman; either the desire of king worms
Lady Crest - a venerable woman, maybe mother; either the desire of the king king
Lady peaks - the villain or an old woman (and maybe all combined); either the desire of king peaks

Vallen Bubi - a person who is guessing
Valts Chervi. - King's troubles or ladies of worms (depending on who the first fell in the scenario)
Curleb's currency - King's troubles or ladies of a baptism (depending on the first fell in the scenario)
Curlee Peaks - Empty troubles

Ten Bubi - the interest of a person who is guess
Ten worms - the interest of the king or lady of worms (depending on who first fell in the scenario)
Ten baptism - king's interest or ladies
Ten peaks - Bedroom interest

Nine bubes - Cardichship (feelings) of a man who is guess
Nine worms - Cartoon of the king or lady of worms (depending on who first fell in the scenario)
Nine kristen - Cartoon of the king or ladies
Nine peaks - Sick bed

Eight Bubi - meeting, a date of a person who is guess
Eight worms - Meeting, a date of the king or ladies of worms (depending on who the first fell in the scenario)
Eight kristen - Meeting, a date of the king or ladies
Eight peaks - Late meeting, later date

Seven bubes - a conversation of a man who is guess
Seven worms - the conversation of the king or lady of worms (depending on who first fell in the scenario)
Seven christmas - conversation king or ladies
Seven peaks - Late conversation

Six Bubi - the road of a man who is guess
Six worms - Road of the king or ladies of worms (depending on who the first fell in the scenario)
Six babes - King Road or Lady Cross
Six peaks - Late road

Next, we collect all the cards that participated in the scenario (the rest do not yet touch), Tasuz and lay them out in a row, removing the pair of the same dignity. That is, let's say, lay out in a row: seven peaks, six peaks, a lady of a cross, seven worms ... - Two seven (peaks and worms remove). And in the same way, lay out a number further. Only here the form cannot be removed from a row.

So, you have a small row of cards. Blanca we shift her first in this row.
Pay attention to how many cards it turned out in a row.
1 card (only the map of the gadget) remained in the row) - loneliness
3 cards - something bad, bad sign
5 cards - an obstacle
7 cards - something good, good sign
9 cards - miracle!

Next, the discarded cards are mixed with those cards that were postponed at first (which did not participate in the scenario at all), well tasely and stretch from this stack at a single map for each map of the row and put them on one bottom under each number of rows. Thus, you should get 2 identical in the number of carte cards.

We start to interpret the resulting alignment.
The top row cards mean the main thing, and the cards of the lower row are as if the addition of what is said.
In the upper row you have 3 cards: Lady Bubi (blank), currencies peaks (empty troubles), seven worms (conversation king worms)
You have 3 cards in the lower row: the ace of the cavity (government house), seven Bubi (Talk Lady Bubi), six peaks (late road)
You explain to a person who is guessing this alignment: "You are at a state building. Empty troubles at your conversation. A conversation of some young man at the late road." That is, always for a bundle of cards of the upper and lower row is added preposition "when".

Now we collect cards who participated only in this scenario (cards of two rows). From the other cards, so many cards are added to them, so many cards are added, so that the total number of cards become 19. That is, if you had 2 rows of three cards (only 6 cards), then stretching 13 more cards from other cards.

These 19 cards are well shuffled. Next, we do this: lay out a shirt up in a number of 7 cards, then on the first 6 cards (we do not touch the seventh) lay out 12 cards in random order, so that in each stack it is equal (3 cards), and in the seventh (last) so And only one card remained.

Now alternately open each stack and lay them on top of the down.
1st stack (1st fan) - for me (for a person who is guess)
2nd - for home
3rd - for the heart
4th - what was
5th - what will happen
6 - what the case will end
7th (where there is only one card) - the heart calms down.

The door beats.
In the door will enter.
An hour later.
To the evening.
For all over the night.

You need to spread them one, top down.
That is, you just need to pull 8 cards.

Probably, at first glance, this fortune telling will seem difficult to you and incomprehensible. But trying to repay this way several times, you very quickly remember it and master. And believe me, you will like it, as it really gives a very large number of interesting information gading.

Divorce online on the playing cards "Heart" will reveal the secrets of the attitude towards you a mandated person. It is enough to imprint in the field the name of the person you are interested in, click on the map and the fortune telling will answer such questions as "What does he (she) feel?", "How does he (she) treat me?", "What about me with me with Him (with her) will be? "," What awaits me in the future with this person? ".

Getting Started with "Heart", do not forget, - the result of divination will change, depending on how you specify the name of the person of the person: in full, in the abbreviated, diminutive or in the form of a name, patronymic and surname.

Enter the name:

click on the map

10 Wheel

The one who you might have experienced only a friendly sympathy for you, and nothing more. He sees only a faithful comrade, a friend and an interesting interlocutor in you, with whom it is nice to spend time. You are able to combine any common professional and business interests, aspirations for high achievements and growth. The most likely development of relations with this person is general cooperation, or, on the contrary, a secret rivalry in the professional sphere.

Ace of Cherry

The person who interests you, loves you very much, however, you need to gain patience and wait when everything falls into place. An obstacle to the love and development of relationships may be elementary inefficient and the desire to speed up events. In this case, any forcing events in relationships can destroy plans for a joint future, so be patient - avoid sudden and unexpected changes.

King of the Cherry

The person who interests you has not yet decided on you. The main obstacle in the development of relations with this person is envy of other people and "noble" attempts by interference from surrounding, close and friends. Try to listen more to your intuition and do not take to heart tips from the side. The map advises you to beware of intrigues and conspirators, people capable of meanness.

Lady of Cherry

Be careful, - in the person you are interested in, the heart is already busy, or someone has views. You will have to make a lot of effort to bring up the location to yourself and finally conquer it. The main obstacle in the development of relationships with this person is its former partners, some of which still do not lose hope for reunion.

Crawle shafts

You should think about the loyalty of your choice. Most likely, the person you are interested in is a real egoist and does not feel any feelings for you. He cares only about his desires and the interests you, if you want to enter with him in a relationship, have to indulge. Serious relationships with this person, and one is the idea that he will have to spend many years in marriage, horrows him.

6 Cherry

Most likely, you really like this person. However, do not expect anything good from him - he is able to resort to any ways, wanting to achieve the goal, - from the gallant courting to rough strength. He can make you a cruelly revenge, make unpredictable actions to subordinate you to your will. Be careful not to kill it, but do not let me too close. Even if you and you will be together, then none of you will be happy.

7 Cherry

The person you are interested in configured to you very seriously. He will do everything for you, "neither money will not regret nor the time to deliver you joy. If you want your relationship with this person to take place, - never interfere with his affairs, do not give him advice, do not try to decide anything for him and never give him reasons for jealousy.

The fortune telling that the heart of his beloved person lies will give you the opportunity to learn the plans of your loved one in relation to you and your joint future. It determines the feelings and intentions of a person, helps gently and delicately correct their behavior, with the condition that it develops, and does not destroy your personality.

For any person, love is very important. Not everyone is confessed, but everyone dreams of meeting the person with whom it would be good to spend time, worry up the ups and fall, share joy and sorrow and just enjoy life.

Someone quietly waiting for the appearance of his second half, someone tries to bring the moment at the time, and something wants to know everything in advance.

For the latter, fortune telling, which help to get answers almost to all questions. In this article we will look at one simple magic rite - fortune telling that on the heart.

The fortune telling that the heart lies - one of those methods that give answers to questions regarding your loved one.

Foreign rite - heart on paper

This magic ritual is considered very simple and rapid. It will take five minutes of your time and a clean piece in a cage with a handle.

On the leaf you need to draw a heart, thinking about the sweetheart. If you are right-handed, then the heart draw your left hand, it makes it right. Please note that the line in the image must be completed, that is, the heart should get closed.

Now inside the image you need to circle four cell squares, among those cells that the seating of the heart did not touch. When this item is completed, the number of free cells should be recalculated - those who have not fallen into squares.

  • 6 - Much depends on your determination;
  • 5 - happiness together;
  • 4 - The guy is in love with another;
  • 3 - friendship;
  • 2 - Happy together will be together;
  • 1 - you will help to be together each other;
  • 0 - excellent prospects.

As you can see, using such a simple method, within a few minutes you can learn about the guy's feelings and what awaits you in the future.

Card fortune telling were popular with time immemorial. Especially popular were lovelines.

If you also prefer fortune telling on the maps, then you will suit this method, allowing you to learn a lot about your sweetheart.

In order to properly perform this fortune telling that the heart is lying on the heart, you will need a deck of cards, which you first need to shook well, thinking about the beloved.

Now the next eight cards need to be decomposed in such a way that the heart turns out:

  • Three left maps will indicate the minds of the guy;
  • Two central people, those in which heart halves are connected (upper and lower) - the future;
  • Three right - feelings of a young man.

Knowing which card what will tell you, you can move to the values \u200b\u200bof each individual.


Six - short-term novel who delivers pleasure;
Seven - love without an answer;
Eight - happy moments together;
Nine - good prospects;
Ten - Journey;
Valet - problems in personal life;
Lady - love;
King - help of a loved one;
Ace - Wedding.


Six - relationships without commitment;
Seven - strong feelings;
Eight - tests and problems;
Nine - good start for a strong union;
Ten - love;
Valet - reciprocity;
Lady - Rival, possibly close friend;
King - the solution of all problems;
Ace - Not your person this man.


Six - benefit;
Seven - pleasant chores;
Eight - joint business or projects;
Nine - Dreams will be carried out;
Ten - love will pass;
Valet - boredom;
Lady - loyalty is not characteristic of this relationship;
King - fun party;
Ace - Gift, surprise.


Six - Communication without obligations;
Seven - It all depends on the girl;
Eight - Happiness apart;
Nine - love;
Ten - bad perspectives;
Valet - misfortune;
Lady - sincerity, honesty;
King - pleasant moments;
Ace - loyalty.

Having studied carefully dropped cards, you can find out the answers to many questions regarding the young man you are guessing. If something did not like in the fortune telling or you, the fortune telling that the heart disappointed, then it is best to postpone it until tomorrow.

Important! On one day and on the same person, the card will not show twice!

What's on his heart - the rules of divination

Rites of fortune telling that the heart is considered very simple and can even be carried out by those girls who have not appealed to magic to this moment.

Following exactly the instructions and believing in the effectiveness and truthfulness of the ritual, you will learn all that fate has prepared for you and your beloved.
What's on your loved heart? This question is asked by many girls.

If you want to know what the person you love is thinking about, then you pay with free fortune telling online " What's on your loved heart?».

Imagine it in those moments when he is near you, ask a mental question: what is he now on the heart, what does he think? After that, proceed to fortune.

Taming card deck

Before you make a fortune telling that on the heart of your loved one, you need to tame our cards. Tips for taking a card deck There are a great set. The easiest way is to carefully shuffle it several times .. you can put a deck over the night under your pillow or try to skip cards through the door handle. Choose any way you like! Or you can search for more ways on the Internet.

Any way will be good, but most importantly - with respect to treat oracles, they feel it.

Respect for the deck should manifest itself in the following:

  • It is impossible to play it.
  • It can not be thrown, where it fell.
  • You can not take dirty hands.
  • You can not take drunk.
  • It is impossible to give in other people's hands.

Try as much as possible to draw cards and fold them after divination. It is desirable to highlight them their own place in a table box or a closet and in every way to protect against prying eyes.

You can guess for yourself, you can on it or it. Imagine the image, decide on the main map of the scenario - the lady or king.

Recall that you can choose by age and family position (idle - tambourines, in marriage - worms, at the age of trephies) or on your "suit" (blondes - tambourine, red-worms, brunettes - trees). Peaks are a dangerous suit, it is better not to mess with them, especially if you are guessing your loved one.

Fortune telling that on the heart - posting cards

So, dragging the deck, remove (on yourself with my left hand when you gdess myself, my beloved, from yourself the same hand - if you are guessing for someone). We post pictures open three pieces in search of the mandated. We estimate the environment of the card, it reflects what the person is at the moment.

We have the main figure in the midst of the table, and as if "we intersect" it as follows: we leave an approximate quarter of the decks in the head, then in the legs, after the left of the main thing and in the end - right.

From each bunch, leave the upper two cards with shirts up. All other cards are in your hands, and of them you need to fill the gaps between the cross around the main, the painter from it. The first two pictures are put on the lower left corner closed into the lower left corner, then to the upper left, then to the upper right and right lower.

From the remaining deck pull one at random and put under the main card. It refers to the fact that under the heart of the person who is guessing. In fact, this is what or someone he thinks he considers the most important.

What remains on the main map symbolizes the main thing in fortune-money - that on the heart or the heart of your beloved calm down. In fact, this is the upcoming events that concern love affairs.

Fortune telling that on the heart - interpretation of cards

It's time to open cards, turn their shirts down.

Couple in the head indicates that in thoughts of his beloved. Couple in the legs - threshold, that is, quickly passing and not important. A pair of left is a significant past. A pair of right is a significant future.

The lower left pair of cards, lying by the neglection - the distant past, the top left is what is happening in the distance. Upper right - that in the house, the bottom right is that in affairs.

We have already spoken about the general meaning of the masters and cards. Let's remember about special values \u200b\u200bof maps combinations.

1. If all the peaks fall out in the fortune out - stop guess, do not decipher the alignment.

2. If four cards have fallen out, for example, four aces are an important sign.

  • Sixters fall to a long journey.
  • Seven - to a sudden, but very long-awaited date.
  • Eights - to money.
  • Nine - to important changes or diseases (if 9 peaks in the scenario squeeze up).
  • Dozens - to the ambulance wedding (it is not necessary that your).
  • Vnets - a lot of troubles.
  • Ladies - Kozny and gossip.
  • Kings - to a large society.
  • Touches - a dream will come true.

We take carefully to the symbols that were on the heart. They show what is called - the heart calms down.

When most of them are dark texts - ahead of trouble and trouble, but they will allow you to get distracted from heart care. If most are worms and tambourines, then everything is fine, you can not worry about your beloved, everything will calm everything.

So our great-grandparents were wondering, and perhaps their great-grandparents too. So, if you want to know that your loved heart is in your hands.

    I tried online fortune telling on the maps on the feelings of my beloved, everything seems true. I learned that the cards at certain places are interpreted in different ways. How do gypsies look so fast and say? I tried myself and looked at your site that which card means. It is very difficult, but as I want to know love or not.

    And I wondered several times, about the one and also it turns out) And to other guys, just a sympathetic me, you can guess or better not to tempt fate? I heard somewhere that you can only guess one time, because the remaining results will be incorrect. It's true?

    I had a situation in my life, when everything seemed to be well in a relationship with a man, but at the same time in my head I fastened some doubts about the sincerity of his feelings. Did not trust him, jealous and did not understand what it would lead to everything. He helped the old acquaintance, made a layout on the maps on the feelings of him to me and a little opened his eyes. I believe the maps and believe in what they say.

    Ltd., this is our favorite hobby with girlfriends was in adolescence! Which then the experiences were about the boys, how it all seemed interesting and important at the time ... We were going to our company, took the decks of cards and laid out for the relationship of the boys to us. Thanks for inspired about youth reminders)

    Girls, as by the way, I am now this article came to your eyes! With my husband, the month is full of break, and I do not understand why. I don't seem to be exterminating and I do not end it the brain, he constantly finds some reason to find fault to me, to the food that I cook, to get to my friends ... Hands are already lowered, maybe he got someone on the side and is looking for a reason Get away from me? I will do this fortune telling, but, honestly, I'm afraid to learn the truth.

    Always skeptically referred to such divisions of the layouts. I trust the numbers and numerology, even the same chiromantia (reading lines in your arms) I also believe more. But the familiar was a non-standard situation, to describe for a long time, but the point is that the cards on my surprise very exactly everyone gave out what was at that moment, and a little even even advised how to act. Tell me, is there any other fortune telling? Maybe it really works ..

    Lady of worms - symbolizes a young girl. It's funny, but my colleague, I just signed in the phone, I do not even know why. Somehow, he began to call me as a joke and went, went, clikuha attacked. Divination is now not practiced, because pah pah with a guy in a relationship is fine. But there were situations in which the cards opened a little eyes on a man and his feelings to me.

    Once he does not want to confess, I will guess what feelings he has for me. I use all fortune telling, because it is so interesting, know what a man is silent. We always disguise with girls on new guys and decide who is more suitable for the name, by nature, on fate. And then when you meet all these good, and how you know closer ..)

    And you can guess the guy? What feelings does she feel to me? I now wondered and fell that she perceives me as a lover. I came across your site - there is just a store of fortunes and conspiracies. I will be my princess now to try. She says something will never be with me. So let's see how magic is valid.

    Very interesting article, and online divination is easier than simple. Now you can at any time, anywhere to guess) I noticed that the cards are issued in different ways when we quarrel in a quarrel, and when we are fine. I still use many other online fortune tells on this site - and in the name, and at the date of birth and yes.

    I gave me a fortune telling not exactly what I would like ... Tell me, I can try to try somehow a situation? Or divorced once and does not change anymore? I stumbled upon you on conspiracies, so the tank is demolished from feelings to the boy, which would love to be kept)

    Began to read the article and realized that when I moved to a new apartment I do not remember the cards in the baggage! And I had a deck, I remember exactly! Another old one, grandmother Got, .. I often did fortune telling on it and the solitaire laid out sometimes from boredom) but I look, I can not really steam - everything can be done here now)

    I was very laughing when I came across the "lady of worms"))))) When we met my husband, he just wrote me on the phone, because I got acquainted with friends away, played into the cards, and I beat him in a fool, The victorious card was exactly the lady of worms)) the fortune telling is preserved, but we have love, I do not need it yet)

    Yes, I also wonder if it is possible to guess a man for a similar fortune study, only a girl? I am achieving it for a month, but she plays with me, or I don't like me, but it is afraid to say and offend. Somehow and time I do not want to waste, but the girl is very standing, if there is a chance, I will continue.

    Well, that and what remains when you are to him and with a soul and with the body, as they say, and it is cold as Iceberg in the ocean ... and does not write first, and does not greet on breaks. or score or try, I will try to turn to the cards .. as they say, it can still try "everything will be worth it only to swallow"?) Men infuriates sharp ignore after all

    For me, generally the guy is perfect enough for words. A man should not throw a little tongue, well, it is desirable high, rolled up dark-haired and cute ... But from these figs you will wait for a clear understanding of them to your relationship! So I sometimes appeal to fortune telling when such "objects" appear

    girls, I do not understand your boyfriend ... Or he is not even a guy to me, but just a romantic friend. When we spend time with him (and more often he invites me to see), I feel sympathy and tremble towards yourself, gentle touch, gentlemen. .. But when not together, we communicate on the Vaiberu or phone, then it is somehow not available. ..cored .. I am afraid to write to him. What is better to do from gadas in this case?

    The guy appeared weeks 3 ago. And now disappeared somewhere! And everything was fine, communicated, began official relations (offered to meet), we have a candidate and bought a beautiful period, but suddenly he just turned off his mobile and stopped contacting. Upon gadania, it turned out that he had feelings. I do not know what to think now and what to do

    I do not understand how gypsies or some predictors instantly speak the future cards. I watched fortune-telling from this article on the value of cards, and I myself understand that in order to express their meaning to know a lot. Even tritely answered the question "He loves me or not."

    And here I seem to meet with a guy, it seems like everything is in order. But sometimes such doubts are clogged in mind about his feelings and sincerity in relation to me! I had to search through the familiar fortuneral, because at the same time I simply wound myself so that the nervous breakdowns went. I knew B before that online, too, you can get an answer, I did it here, now it is already irrelevant.

    Tell me, is it possible to guess repeatedly on the same guy? I guess several times on my current Uhager, in principle the results were approximately the same, so I chose to believe the prediction of cards in your fortune telling. But will I not smooth this prediction if you guess re-?

    Oh, as we got rich after lessons! There was no social networks, it was not so popular and necessary for the life of the Internet, as today. Opened our magical book, took a deck and went in a row on all boys from our class, with parallel ... as I remember, it becomes so funny)

    Very time stumbled upon your site on this article, I really want to check the feeling of my own husband. Dada, a few years later, marriage can be doubted in his sincerity and loyalty. Began late to look for reasons for a quarrel. It clings because of any garbage, or the crisis of the average (but somehow more early), or who found someone ... It's easier without men going to live (

    A couple of weeks as we meet with a guy, saw each other, but I do not understand why, suddenly he stopped calling and writing to me. Replies on calls, says normally, but a lot of things, loaded, and so on. I worry, suddenly what happened, began to dig and remember the latest meetings ... No, I could not spoil anything or push it with something. Thanks for the fortune telling, I will do and hope so calm down.

    And in general, I still can not understand who we come to each other with my current "friend." No, this is not a friendship, we spend so much time. We can kiss and shook each other on your shoulder, but I do not understand what's next. Such a compound he, and so worried now. From this uncertainty hesitates and breaks sometimes, I'm afraid to do fortune telling, because I can not get what I want to hear.

    Online fortune telling is easier than simple) I'm going home on the train, I open, I read the layout and I read, decipher, looking for an application for your situations) in fact, the values \u200b\u200bwill differ depending on the current relations with my MCH. Sometimes on your site I appeal to the "coin" fortuneteller, as I call it - yes / no that answers)

    I found a link to this article in the history of the browser) my favorite was soldered, I hope I wondered to me, and not on someone on the side. Tell me, are there any similar fortune telling for men on girls? There was a fear that my girl she still loves someone, she wound up so many thoughts of bad ..

    I thought that I had no whole deck at home. Somewhere some cards are missing, I will have to buy) I think that more efficiently when you hold the cards in your hands, they somehow do you still absorb your energy, I think this alignment will be more correct in the end. Tell me, with which shirt it is better to acquire a deck of cards for fortunes? Or does it matter?

    I have a wonderful lover, but I want something more. And his campaign suits everything. I'm afraid to insist on something more, and not the girl should be clone to a more serious and regular relationship, but I want to go to a new stage. Let me help me. They say no, I will forget about him.

    I love silent men. Silence-gold, love a few, conversations clearly in fact, without empty words, without "water." Yes, honestly, and the baptial women do not like, most often it turns into the bazaar. But from such a perfect man for me hard to achieve truth about feelings.

    I am from a pretty well-friendly family, I don't need anything a lot of guys with all the normal relationships, almost friendly and all of them also do not live badly. Together we hang out, and rest your company. But the guy was stuck to me from a poor society, he is so much anything constantly asks for him for her husband. I wondered but his mercenary intentions.

    I really like to guess all my friends, they come and ask for a guy or a few. But lately it became less likely to come. My cards began to lie or lay out. Here I bought new cards and train on my relatives. With the help of your article. Thewives that everything is true.

    Very often we guess with girlfriends on guys. There are a lot of layouts on guys. On their feelings for the girl and intentions, for future. We always use this defold, it is very accurate and true shows the guy's attitude towards you, and future problems are also very clearly visible. I recommend to guess everything here.

    My husband and I are divorced. I have long come out for my husband, I live very happy. But here is my former thing, and I did not find myself a soul mate. Constantly comes to me home. Already rushed with my husband, together on football go and often sit and chat. But he does not breathe deeply. It constantly hugs, it will pour. I wondered here he loves the monochief.

    We are in the office after the New Year holidays with colleagues, hooked for fortune telling online. That's just like a lunch break, we immediately get in the office with tablets and guess. There are a lot of fortunes. How good that Ulyanka found this site. Now they hang all the offices here, even time is missing for lunch, very tightened.

Often, girls who want to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe true feelings of their chosen one, resort to fortune. What's on the heart of your beloved, every wishes to find out. This can be found using a conventional playing deck that is sold in almost every store.

We tame a deck

Before proceeding with the process itself, you need to tame cards. To date, there is a colossal number of methods used by practitioners. The simplest - shuffle a deck or leave it all night under the pillow. Any of these methods works, but there is a major requirement for a gudy - respectful attitude towards oracles that are behind each of the cards. Respect for the deck is manifested as follows:

  • need to be stored in a specially reserved place;
  • cannot be taken for cards with dirty hands;
  • it is forbidden to use for games;
  • it is impossible to guess in a state of alcohol intoxication;
  • it is forbidden to transfer to other people.

Exact will be the fortune telling "that on the heart" only if you manage to strictly observe all the requirements listed above. Try to follow the status of a deck, take your own place for it, for example, in a written table box or in a box, in which you keep valuable things.

We visualize image

To fortunate on the maps "What on the heart" can be resorted if you need to know about the true feelings of the beloved, beloved, or in order to sort out yourself. Before spreading a deck, imagine the image of a person, and then mentally transfer it to the appropriate map - king or lady. The suit is chosen taking into account the marital status and age (for men), as well as hair colors (for women):

  • bubnes - idle;
  • worms - married;
  • trephs - aged;
  • blondes - Bubnes;
  • brunettes - trephies;
  • redhead - worms.


First do you shuffle a deck. If the fortune telling "that on the heart" is directed to someone, then the cards are removed with his left hand from themselves. If the alignment is done on its own person - then the same hand, but already on yourself. We start laying the cards with shirts down (opening pictures). Each row should have three cards. We lay them on the table until the dashed out. After that, go to the analysis of the environment of the card, which will carry accurate information indicating what happens to this person in the present.

Main card Leave in the center of the table. Quarter decks evenly distribute, moving the card into the header, legs and on the sides from the main one. In each stack mix images. We leave a pair of top cards with shirts up, and others collect in a deck and shuffle. After that, fill with them spaces in the cross between the main card and secondary. As soon as the gaps disappear, stretch from the deck any card, put it under the main one. It is she who will tell about the feelings and thoughts of a person who is of interest to gadget.

Then take the first card from the remaining deck, which goes to the main one. Next, count together three pieces and lay them on the side. We repeat until the deck is over.

The fortune telling "that on the heart" came to the final stage. The basic information encloses the cards located on the main one. They are able to tell about what is happening in the soul in humans. Now you can turn all the cards shirts down. Images indicate that:

  • in the head indicate the real thoughts;
  • in the legs - on the outgoing-coming;
  • right - important events in the future;
  • left - important events in the past.

Important information is carried by the following combinations of cards:

  • four Sisters - a long journey;
  • seven - a long-awaited meeting;
  • eights - to material well-being;
  • nine - illness;
  • dozens - Wedding;
  • vnets - troubles;
  • ladies - gossip;
  • kings - influential connections;
  • aces - a hidden desire will come true.

The process should be stopped if all the peak suites have fallen out during the divination. In no case decrypt the alignment.