Mc value. Basic concepts of MC, MG, Colors

Mc value.  Basic concepts of MC, MG, Colors
Mc value. Basic concepts of MC, MG, Colors

What is MC?

"MC" is an abbreviation for the Motorcycle Club, a highly structured organization of no less than six bikers.

What is MG?

"MG" is an abbreviation for Motogang (English - motor-gang) - the former name of MC. Now motorcycle clubs are fundamentally not engaged in criminal activity, that is, they are constantly in full view of the authorities. Units of MG have survived, which do not hide their direction.

What is RC?

Riders Club This is a club of people who have a love for motorcycles. The main idea of ​​the club is mainly motorcycle tourism. For the most part, these are people who do not observe strict regulations, but have a certain code simple rules, concerning mainly the rules of behavior on the road and driving in a column. RCs have women in their ranks as full members. As a rule, riders club members are law abiding and nice guys who will always help on the road. It is not uncommon for riders clubs to be clubs of owners of a particular brand or model of a motorcycle (an example would be the Gold Wing Club).

What such « MCC»?

MCC stands for Motor Cycles Club. MCC usually does not require official registration. The essence of "MCC" is to unite people on the basis of friendship and love for a motorcycle, for joint holding leisure, communication, travel, etc. MCC is an extremely democratic organization: all members of the club decide what the club will do and what rules will follow. In most cases, anyone can become a member of the MCC, regardless of age, gender, social status. Many MCCs have women in their ranks as full members. Usually a person becomes an applicant, and through certain time(for different clubs from 3 months to 2 years), becomes a full member. Most of the "MCC" -clubs are small (10-30 members) and not many have branches. As a rule, MCC does not have its own Club-House. Meetings take place somewhere weekly at a certain time. These are open meetings and are optional and may be attended by MC members. But once a year there is a mandatory meeting only for members, at which the problems of the club are solved. MCCs have three or more elected offices. These are Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. Generally, the "Chairman" has less power than the "President" "MC". MCCs wear the club logo on the front of a leather jacket (vest) or on the sleeve, etc. If MCC wants to become an MC, they must ask permission from the local MC branch who is the owner of the area. Otherwise, there may be trouble. MCC are apolitical and neutral. They do not participate in conflicts between "MC" -clubs, do not have territorial claims and ambitions for dominance, as a result of which they have no friction with "MC". MCC is a type of club where they ride motorcycles for fun, enjoy life and parties ...

What is "Club-House"?

The Club-House is the holy of holies of the MC. "Club-House" is usually called a room that belongs exclusively to this "MC" and no one else. Unauthorized people cannot cross the threshold "CH" except when invited by the president or the administration of the club. For every stranger in the “CH” room, one of the “MC” members bears personal responsibility, in case of improper behavior of the guest, the “MC” member can be severely punished. In "SN" quarterly and emergency meetings are held. In "CH" the banner "MS" is kept. Also in the premises of "CH" can be stored documentation and material resources of the club, used for various kinds of actions. In "CH" very often there are boxes and equipment for repairing bikes (especially if this "MS" has its own sports teams taking part in drag racing or moto cross.).

What is "Chapter"?

"Chapter" (English - branch, in Russian it is used according to the principle of transcription - chepta) - a branch of this motorcycle club, founded in another area, consisting of at least six bikers.

How many MCs can there be in a given location (city, state, country)?

If an MS already exists in a given area, its members have a negative attitude towards attempts to open new club, since the interests of motorcycle clubs in the future will necessarily intersect, which will lead to inevitable conflicts, and therefore to responsibility before the authorities. Therefore, if a new group people are worthy - they accept it into the existing MS, if not, they expel it. Sometimes there are exceptions: for long years wars and prisons MCs "got used" to each other (for example, "Hell's Angels MC" and "Bandidos MC"), although conflicts periodically arise.

What are "Colors"?

"Colors" (English - colors) - the coat of arms of the motorcycle club, its graphic design of the name and location, as well as the letters "MC". The colors are usually performed in one or several colors of the national banner. For example, Colors "Hell's Angels MC" (USA) - red with white, "Silver Bullets MC" (Ukraine) - blue. For those who are not members of the motorcycle club, copying, using and stylizing the graphic design of the coat of arms and the name is prohibited.

What motorcycle should I own if I want to become a member of the MC?

Any. But there may be exceptions: some MCs who own a stake in any of the motorcycle factories may put forward certain requirements regarding the motorcycle brand, which are mandatory for all Members and Prospects.

How is MC created?

There are two options for creating a motorcycle club. Both options imply the existence of a group of people willing to do anything for the sake of MC and each other. The first option: a new MC opens with its own Colors, developing independently. Later he can become the Chapter of another MC. The second option: negotiations are underway with any of the MCs about the opening of Chapter. In either case, the use of other people's colors is unacceptable.

What is the hierarchy in the MC?

In the MS, an initiative group of people is defined - Oficiers (English - officers).

The highest level of the hierarchy is the president. There is a special patch on his vest - "President" or "Pres".

The next is the vice president (patch - "Vice President" or "Vice Pres".), Automatically replacing the president when the latter leaves or dies.

Secretary - conducts all the "paper" work in the club.

The "Road Capitain" is the most competent person in the MC when it comes to planning trips on a particular route. That is, he must know perfectly this road, all gas stations and resting places on it. A new Road Capitain can be selected for each new route.

"Treasury" (English - treasury) - a cashier who manages the finances of the MC.

"Sergeant of arms" (English - a military sergeant, an armed sergeant) is a completely tough figure. The authorities show the greatest interest in him. Always, even on vacation, keeps order in the MC. Determines the measure of punishment for the guilty. "Member" (English - full member) - a member of the motorcycle club, may be called "Full Member" (English - full member).

"Prospect" (English - candidate, promising newcomer) - a candidate preparing to become a Member. Not yet eligible to vote at meetings or make decisions. In its Colors there is no name and coat of arms of the MC.

"Hanground" (English - hanging around) - a possible Prospect, in this moment performing "rough" work in the MS. Only the name of the region is sewn on his vest.

What is a club vest?

The vest can be leather or denim. Colors and special distinction badges, if any, are applied to it. After applying the first of the Colors, the vest becomes the property of the club. It is unacceptable that the vest is in the hands of a non-member of the motorcycle club.

Does the MS have a special road following scheme?

Exists. The scheme is very rigid, it is always observed, because the MC is always in motion, moves at high speed in any weather. Failure to comply with this scheme may lead to an accident.

How to become a member of MC?

You need to get in touch with the local MS, whose representatives, having considered your candidacy, will put forward certain requirements and appoint a probationary period. After expiration probationary period either you will be accepted into the MC, or you will be refused. It should be said that members of the MC cannot be women of color, women and representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Biker Vest

Why do we wear the same vests? As a matter of fact, the sameness should be contrary to the biker spirit. Freedom, repeatedly sung in all films, novels and songs on a motorcycle theme, seems to oblige that a real biker should express himself exclusively in everything, sending the fuck out of everyone and everything who at least slightly encroaches on this very self-expression.

Let's look at this case from the other side. It is a well-known fact that the founders of the modern design of the MC were the "Hell's Angels MC", the remaining out of work military pilots of the US Army. Thus, a uniform uniform for all team members was for them both a continuation of their usual lifestyle and style of clothing, and a reminder to society that a group of strong guys is able to organize themselves, tying themselves up with army-type self-discipline. It was difficult to surprise the post-war Shaty with the presence of an arbitrarily large gang. But a gang that was built on an army model and publicly displayed their own insignia - that was the real challenge. Of course, a cowboy vest for any inhabitant of the southern states is the same as an embroidered shirt for an ideologically convinced Ukrainian. But imagine that several hundred people decided to sew shoulder straps and other distinctive army signs to this embroidered shirt - the average man would screech. The same apparently happened to the American man in the street. An indirect confirmation of this - in films about bikers, Hollywood is very reluctant to show this, the uniform part of the MC's life. On the contrary, bikers appear in the most sometimes wild and ridiculous clothes, vaguely resembling vests, but without flowers and certainly not the same. After all, any organization of citizens unauthorized from above is a threat to any state. the self-esteem of the state suffers from the fact that some people not only want society to leave them alone, but are also able to organize their lives clearly, according to the charter, and with their own ideology and fighting colors. things like a biker club vest. A person with a wild and freedom-loving character, most likely, does not need it at all. It will be matched by a "gold" and a dealer a block from the house. Or zhuzha. Both are not motorcycle. Both are linked by the fact that the owner of the wheels does not bear any special obligations to anyone and wants to - and is able to solve all the problems himself.

The biker vest of a single club design indicates that the motorcyclist publicly subscribes to a number of concepts in front of the whole world. Firstly, this is a public recognition of yourself as equal to all other bikers, regardless of how much money and personal toughness you have. Secondly, the biker, humbling his own individuality, says that he is a bearer of generalized worldview concepts, if you will, a tradition that was born not personally in his head with a hangover, but the tradition of a sickly and respected community in advanced circles. Therefore, he has the right to realize all his individuality in tuning, customizing and in demonstrating the ability to move on two wheels - and here there is no limit to perfection, you can express yourself all year round.

History knows examples when a person is flattened and he basically does not want to wear a vest. the answer is extremely simple - it can be arbitrarily good guy and a rider, but he doesn't need an MC by definition. It's all the same, as if a good athlete or violinist did not want to go to the army under the contract, for whom career, passion, and philosophy are manifested in personal rather than group actions.

Yes, it’s easier to figure out your waistcoat if you have to. and bandits and traffic cops. But here the questions of practice run up against the principles of the life of any particular club. If the tusovka strives to bully with society in any of its manifestations, then it is rather MG, with all the ensuing consequences.

If the point is simply to live on the road, then the maximum aggressiveness towards society is its denial in general and for all reasons. Then the vest is like a rattlesnake on the tail of a rattlesnake, which says: people, I warn you, don't touch me, I'm tired of you with all your boring social rules and problems, I don't want to hang out with you for ideological reasons, basically, I have my own company ... And if you stick around, you get into a pumpkin. Which sometimes should be done.

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A large number of young people are currently into rap music. It is not surprising, because today it is the most popular and fastest growing genre in the world. It includes all the best from other genres of music.

Contemporary MC artists

A rapper can combine several styles at once in one of his songs. Therefore, it is important that contemporary musician was interested in different genres, but at the same time he knew "his roots". Studying the history of rap, novice performers sometimes come across concepts and abbreviations unfamiliar to them. One of the most common of them is MC (MC).

Not all fans of hip-hop culture can clearly explain to beginners what MC means and how it stands. Many performers add these letters to the end of their stage name. For example, the famous Noize MC.

The first meaning of the term

Master of Ceremonies is primarily the host of a concert or club party. This term comes from an English abbreviation (pronounced in Russian as "MC"), which is usually called an entertainer. She literally translates as "party host." After all, MCs are a person who makes every effort to ensure that the party is truly a success.

Emsi not only holds the party itself, but also announces guests, DJs to the audience, holds various contests, and “turns on” listeners. He must "feel" his audience, their desires and how their mood changes. Emsie is not only the presenter who announces the performers, he is also the soul of the party, her heart and her “blown up” brain!

MC is an artist who is accompanied by dance music speaks words from the stage to provoke the audience, as well as introduce the DJ to them. Emsie has to entertain the audience. He composes words in advance so that he can then pronounce them from the stage, usually recitative, in a rap style. He must "warm up" people, raise their emotions to the maximum positive level.

But not everyone is able to become cool MCs, because they always have to feel what exactly the audience wants at the moment. Moreover, MCs should have a great sense of humor, decent vocabulary and the ability to instantly improvise.

Influence of hip hop

In Jamaica (where musical style reggae) MC stands for party masters playing sets, adding rhymed calls, prayers, jokes to the music. Since the 70s of the last century, this concept has been associated with hip-hop. Emsy reads rhymed texts that are written in advance or composed impromptu (freestyle) to warm up the crowd or comment on something significant event.

With the development of rap culture, the concept of MC stands for microphone controller ("microphone controller"), mic checka ("checking microphone"). Over time, some talented MCs have gained significantly more popularity than the DJs they represent.

This was facilitated by the widespread development of the culture of rap battles. In them, the performers had to demonstrate their skills, adjusting to unfamiliar beats, while trying to surpass the opponent. Today the designation MC stands for "rapper". At the same time, for many music lovers, it has retained its former meaning, which has a broader meaning for them.

MC is a person whose duties include entertaining people in bars, discos, parties, etc.

If, to speak as simple as possible and understandable language, then MC is the host of the event, entertainer, toastmaster. One of the main differences from toastmaster and others in the MC is complete improvisation. MCs never have text templates. It is for this reason that an MC should have full and expanded qualities - a sense of humor, charisma, charm.

Developed intelligence is very important for any MS. It is especially necessary for good improvisation. Also, acting skills are very important. Without the last person it's hard to call yourself an MC. Activity, positivity and the ability to get out of complex verbal verbiage.

When talking about MCs, they should not be confused with DJs. It is perfect different people although very often they work together. Joint projects of MC and DJ can be presented, both in musical projects where both of them are musicians, and in clubs where musical mixing music is the only DJ's duty. Role of MCs in joint projects presented to spectators in clubs - public entertainment.

The main task of the MC is to entertain the audience. In joint projects with a DJ, MC amuses the audience with loud shouts, jokes or just songs.

However, what was described above is just one of the options for determining the MC. So, in hip-hop culture, MC is a rap music performer. In this case, MC is only a performer of songs, where the lyrics are read to a previously prepared backing track. By the way, backing tracks can be either of their own composition or taken from the Internet space, from special sites where backing tracks are thrown for users, by the users themselves. That is, some members of the site compose music and share, free of charge, with others. What may be interesting is the fact that in hip-hop culture, there is no such concept as a rapper at all, there is one, strictly perceived definition - MC.

Let's not forget that in England the MC is the entertainer. They also have their own MCs - musicians and presenters, but initially MCs for them are people in the hall.

There is one more, rather interesting understanding of MC. So, in Gaelic culture, MC carries a definition of this kind - "son of such and such." It is used in the pronunciation and spelling of Gaelic surnames. For example, the last name is Donald, it can be used as McDonald.

Let's return, once again, to the definition of MC, which was given by the very first. Or rather, let's touch on the history of the emergence of the MC. There is a misconception that the MC came from the United States or the European part. In fact, MC's roots come from Jamaica.

Jamaica, in general, is considered the homeland of almost all musical culture... Although, to be more precise, it is not music, but dance music. As for the MC specifically, in Jamaica, everything looked about the same as it is happening now in our country, and throughout the world. MC appeared in Jamaica quite a long time ago, several decades ago. It was there that the musicians traveling in a cart, trying to diversify their work, began to invite a second person. It was he who became the MC. This person also shouted words, joked, and just talked. Thanks to the second person - MC, the musicians became more popular and began to gather a large audience, and as a result, they began to earn more, even though they had to share with the MC. Everything also happens today.