Legendary Odessa. Odessa Dictionary Odessa dictionary of slang words

Legendary Odessa. Odessa Dictionary Odessa dictionary of slang words

How is it out there?

- I've seen two swimming girls on the beach here yesterday! Taki completely naked!
- I beg you, in such a cold ... probably walru!
- Well, the one is older - exactly a walrus, and the second one is, nothing is pretty ...

Moishe, is it true that you marry Sarah just because she has?
- Abraha, and you believed what these people say for me?! Lies! I marry her because I still have no penny.

The 100-year-old Jew fell ill. His old 105-year-old friend comes to him and asks:
- What's wrong with you, Abram, how do you feel?
- Azhn Wei, Izyu ... Probably, you have to appear before God!
- Abram, then me is a small request for you. If he asks you: "How is it out there? What is there? " "You didn't see me, I didn't hear me, and you don't know anything about me."

The airport customs officer asks the old Jew:
- Where did the profit from?
- What are your profits, what are you? Taki alone losses ...

Rosette, gold mine, finish with dishes. You, not a dishwasher. Taki go for the floor!

At the lesson atheism at school, teacher gives task to children:
- Children, shout in the sky - "There is no God!" - Everyone is beginning to shout "God!"
And then she notes that one boy Jew stands silently. She asks him:
- Yasha, why are you silent?
What Yasha answers:
- Taki, if there is no one there, why shout? And if there is someone there, then why spoil the relationship?

So you can come to Israel and have your guide?
- Guide is not necessary, he will not tell everything about the country!

Rabinovich, remember, last year you took me a hundred rubles?
- A young man, anyone will tell you for my phenomenal memory. I still remember everything, and sho?
- And once remember, then tell me when I get them back?
- And me something to know? Do you like sho, prophet?

Father - Daughter:
- Get married Abram. I really love you exactly.
- Are you sure dad?
- Absolutely! For six months, I have been doing money for six months, and he still continues to go to us.

Moishes died of heartbroken during the card game. We must inform his wife, but no one is decided to do it. The choice fell on the arona, which was calm. He comes to the house of the deceased, knocks on the door:
- I am from Katsmana.
- This is from the one who has my husband all the time sticking out, playing cards?
- Yes.
- And plays?
- Yes.
- And, probably, as always, loses?
- Exactly, loses.
- Shob he died, barefoot!
- already!

Rabinovich, will you not get a seagull to drink?
- Why not?
- No, there is no.

Talking two Jews:
- Monia! Do you play clarinet?
- Not.
- And your brother?
- Yes!
- What "yes"?
- Also no.

Buyer in the store at Abram:
- Tell me, do you have a yellow tissue?
Abram shows a roll of fabric. Buyer with a smile:
- So this is black.
Abram makes two rolls from the warehouse. Buyer:
- Excellent quality, it is a pity that one roll is red, and the other blue !!
- You know, so that there is no yellow, there is no other.

Moisha, do you still hurry where?
- at the stop ...
- Sho, are you going somewhere? Already late?
- There is no, aunt's aunt makes me a jacket, I asked the buttons to choose ...

Sarchaka, I beg you, do not go outside, I worry about your health.
- Ah, sho?
- Yesterday, in the pharmacy I heard that a maniac appeared in Odessa, who was killing prostitutes ...
- Do not cast me a head, Rose, and where am I?!
- You did not heal me - and bl @ dei too.

There are two Jews. One says to another:
- Yesterday, the first time in life, "Bitles" listened to living, strictly did not like it. Fake, Cartaw, Horror!
- Where did you listen to them?
- I still, washed.

Do you remember, Moisha, who lived opposite the prison?
- Yes, and sho?
- So now he lives opposite the house ...

Yet funny and funny jokes for the Jews, Odessa and? So they have them.

Or will you tell me for Madame Perelman? Is it an elderly person? Double laugh! This is any ass plug! She is on Saturday a hundred years, and pioneer bonfires are burning in the ass! She sees bad? But hears well. Or did you see her eye? So I will tell you, she even had pupils for a long time of locking wells.

Everyone knows that in Odessa love to answer the question to the question. The real conversation of two fishermen on the concrete plates of Arcadia Beach. - You will not give me a worm? - Do you need a worm?

Two old women, met by chance on the street. One other:
- And sho, how do you have your own health?
Well .. how it has me!

Dialogue on bringing:
- Mila, tomatoes are good, or then will be cheaper?

Familiar, I had to go somewhere on the train. My aunt says:
- Riding underwear pretty.
- ??? What for?
- Well, what if a person will happen ...

Haika-hostess from the panties sewed -Mayka!

Phrase to the dissatisfied buyer: "I had that nail on which the portrait of your grandfather hung."

Why not, when yes?

I saw you go along Deribasovskaya ...

Shob you moved, and Water Na Bulo!

Very good answer to the phrase: "We do not have money for it."
- These are not the money you do not have.

Well, you are sitting like a dunk on a samovar?!

Neighbor through the fence - Mom:
- Zoe?!
- Ah?!
- Are you at home?!

Old Odessa washing about what Boria and Stepa is actually the same name:
Boria is Borukhis
Borukhis is Tukhis
Tukhis is ass
And ass is steppa

Let's go to each other to visit: you are to us to the name day, and we are for you on the funeral!

In Odessa, you would barely barely Pole!

- "If you agree that I fry the scrambled eggs on your fat,
I will allow you to cook your meat in my soup ... "

- Oh, I don't care if only yes ...

Sho I don't like your intention. Are you sho here is a cooler of an oblique thing to become? Consider local contrasts - download rights - you are not here here ...

A friend at work was a colleague on the surname Kenixberg. His name was not different as: "Comrade Kaliningrad, you for the phone."

In the Odessa Polytech, students among themselves Albert Einstein Alikom Somonokamushkin called.

- When do you need these shoes?
- on already!
- Well, yesterday I won't do you - come tomorrow after five.

One familiar shoemaker warned customers: "According to the old shoal tradition, shoes not rejected up to the evening it is impregnated!"

House of Life, in his camork sat the old-old Jew. It was 20 years old (according to her stories, she was 20 years old) brought him shoes, it was necessary to put it on, there was nothing to take to the collective farm ... So the uncle looked attentively on top of the glasses on shoes, caught the sole and herakes: "Madame, have long been time to sell!"
Since then, we have in the family about that thing that it's time to throw out that we say "it's time to sell" ...

(Odessans about a very healthy guy) - Yes, he could easily clamp a Baton bread in his fist and ask others to guess what was hidden in his hand.

- Hi, tell me how are you!
- I do not want to upset you, but everything is fine with me.

- It's time to define: or you are a man, or - Natasha's girl!

- Fast food - Her da mustard. It seems like meat, but there is no want.

I sit at the pier, I watch two fishermen go, I ask:
- And sho you caught?
In response from one I will teach the answer immediately:
- China for eggs!
I continue
- And How??
- Padla left, some mandavers remained, but the full bucket! (indicating the full bulls on the bucket)

The neighboring grandmother spoke about the man who was tired of her: "Oh, he keeps me in Odessa!"

Inscription on the fence in the private sector: "Curse for trash!"

The girls from Moscow are suitable for a booth in the center of Odessa, where cigarettes are sold.
- Give PA-Alujist 2 packs "lm".
The seller from the window:
- Furious ended, only reddened, if you want, I can give you this pleasure ...

Chaotic remembered Odessa Lords:

- Threat, like Tyka Tychkov.
"This is not a beetle to you on the tablecloth!"
- So that I did not come there, where I went
- stupid, like three elephant j.pa, covered with tarpaulous.
- Dumb, like a hundred majors.
- Wuss was drunk?
- Bekyser
- Where are you going?
- Ketzik (piece)
- sour in a doll, oily
- Listen here, listen here
- Fuligan.
- cold in mind
- these are two big differences
- And you know? He is (a) yes ...
- "We have a world" - similar to our "God!"
- Do not make me livary years !!!
- Where do you go?
- Do you play this music? (applicable to all tools)
- These words do not go out of my mouth!
- Madeceitals - eggs (and far from chicken and not ostrich ...)

Reaction to the famous verdict: - Everything!
- "Everything" is when the legs are cold!

In Odessa, they do not say: "misfortune in the market." We say: make a bazaar!
Odessans made a bazaar and standing in the center of the courtyard, sharing his thoughts with her neighbor:
- Bilas on the bridge, bought two kilos blue, I will make a stew ... Quilo Beachkov: I will fight the oldest ones, and you decorate the younger ...

Talks Odessatka.
- I was somehow visiting Orenburg. Sidim, cute talking. Sounds the question to me, the answer to which I do not know. Guess one time that I answered? That's right, I don't even think about Odessa, I answer the question: "And I know?"
Pause. I notice my surprise that my interlocutors are patiently waiting for the continuation of the phrase - what do I still know that?

In Odessa, there was a cafe without a name, but his Odessans called "Chernobyl". It was under the restaurant Kiev, on the most common popular name.
Another nameless institution was at the intersection of Karl Marx streets and Karl Liebknecht. The people were called - "Two Charles".

A is the first letter of the alphabet, which in Odessa often becomes the latter.
Bora, go with Mora! (in the sense of the sea)
In addition, the letter "A" often begins phrases with a negative tint.
And the weather! (bad)

And Huhu is not a hookh? - "You do not want anything else?"
And sho is the most convincing argument in the dispute.
Adults - Idiot, a brief form - adi.
And Itsin tractor - imagined.
Anton (he is the apparatus) - the men's childbearing organ.
Artel "Vain Labor" is the work performed by the team of Sisyphers.

Banana (the same as Anton see)
Banana You - a delicate form of expression "Banana to you in biting"
Pregnant head - swollen from unnecessary conversations.
Take an example on me - instruction.
Doodles - not what you thought, and 1) dance evening; 2) Date.

You did not stand here - a polite warning about a possible conflict.
View of the sea and back - depends on intonation: or bad, or good.
Vitamin DE - money
Vitamin CE - Products: Salza, Pivze, Vinzie, Meatse, etc.
Take the eyes to hand - see more carefully.
Everybody to give - a bed break - a surcharge, like "very little".
The revealed years are troubles.

Gavrik - subordinate.
Gas-hurricane is the strongest intoxication.
Hemeter-well done - irrelevant, whose hands grow not from there.
Gesheft - deal, business. Gheshftakher - Dell.
Naked Wasser (Vasya) is useless.
HPP is a hot-tempered person.

Yes - with Odessa intonation, rather not.
Two fridge in three rows - a couple of assholes that are equal to the idiocymium not to find.
Two rubles? You want it well! - Spores in the bazaar.
Do someone fun - deliver trouble.
Dolphin - the corpse found in the sea.
Before the sink of kari eyes - complete indifference.

Jewish happiness - happiness on the contrary.
Hedgehog, the same.
Go - the traditional readiness of Odessans.

For your coffin from the taller oak, that we will put tomorrow - for your health.
Zai and Me Meh - "Be Man" (Ip. - "Be kind", "I ask you")
Shut down your mouth - stop chatting.
Take - borrow.

From - "out", but may be "C".
Or - and then!
Had to have a delicate form of mat.
Yocalamen - in the environment of cultural people is used when you want to say specific words, but you have to be satisfied with only individual letters.

Kabazdook is a popular nickname of pets.
Everybody - anyone.
How do you like it - what do you say to it?
Just the case - you will wait long.
What a beautiful face is a compliment.
Sausage trimming - reproach in professional unsuitability.
Around-run - in the end.
Twist buttons - toastive.
Buy a rooster and twist him eggs - leave me!

Lemon muzzle - sour min.
Catch the Gav - yawning.
PEOPLE! - Creek of the soul, calculated at all.

Mom Benin is a hospitable woman who can accept and warm up everyone who is sent to her.
Dei Bjoli do not merge - equiv. "Heavy alcoholic intoxication of the 3rd gravity"
My enemies such a life with that Melicho - "Good" lives in our state.
A young man is an appeal to a man aged 18 to 70 years.

For medicines - the threat.
For a minute - "Wow!"
Our man is a Jew.
Do not throw eyebrows on my forehead! - do not be surprised.
I do not see for tickets! - Pay for travel.
Not solemn by compote - they will close tomatoes - not to another pit, they yourself fall.
WELL! - "And you tell me about it?"

ABOUT! - One of the most Odessa words, may include almost any feeling and experience.
What we see - the result of life observations.
Ozz - tragedy in life.
From Mani now half remained, and what a sides she had! - Discussion of appearance.
Otsy-Potsy (OCP-POTS) - Suddenly, suddenly. An expression indicating extreme irritation.
Otsy-Potsy, twenty-eight - the next, stronger degree of OCS-POTS.

Stop saying - and do not say; Do not talk nonsense.
Under it, the floor rises - he barely holds on his feet.
Look at Duke from Luke - go on ..
Lost (Aya) is a rude swearing.

Work on the toilet - work, the earnings from which only enough for food.
Walk out porridge - to say a lot in vain.
Hacks - shrimp.
Rogimet is a leaving from the village.

Himself is one.
Free ears - a grateful listener.
Sidi-ride - approximately, "relax, and do not bother with serious people to do things!"
Tits and pussies - pies with meat or pastries, for the manufacture of which has been applied minced beef with selected for these purposes.
Layer water! - Stop unnecessary conversation.
Specialist - Porta.
The question is asked - the question arises.
Among here - in this place. Antipol. - Among there.

So for that - without any reason.
Taki - amplifier particle.
Goods home - return things.
Fucking on the nerves - to speak.
Thirt toast - traditions. "For those who are in the sea."

To kill a broom! - Pleasant surprise.
Already or yet - a traditional question in the bazaar, means: you have already dropped the price, it is taken into account that the day ends, or the product costs as much as in the morning.

Fitting money - spend in vain.
Pound of raisin is a unique measure of measurement.

Ha - you will talk to me.
Cold photographer - shooting out on the street.
Well competent - smart, business.
Want well - wish too much.

The central laundry room - you can send any complaint, bypassing power structures, the result is the same.
Circus - on the one hand, funny, and on the other - sad.

Through why - because of what?
What will I have with this? - The main question of philosophy.
So that you know - borrow yourself on the nose.
So that you died - a universal Odessa wish.
So that yes, so no - not quite so.
So I saw through my eyes - oath.

Shab! - quieter!
Shamil catch - stand up to the squirrel.
Shanzhan is a chance, but small.
Shoe is? - What noise, and there are no fights?
Needed neck - readiness number 1.
Grind your ears - lie.
Shob I knew so much as I do not know - I have no idea.

Right now! - "Run!".

S is the letter that many Odessans cannot pronounce.

Expressionism - the express train Odessa-Moscow, on which "Zionists" drove into the capital of Russia to fly away from there to Israel.
It is you in Kiev Grois Huham, and in Odessa - barely eating Pole is you in Kiev in Kiev, and in Odessa.

I beg you - 1) do not worry; 2) it would be about what to say (ion.)
I calculated you - I learned everything about you
I KNOW? - I find it difficult to answer.

A. - The first letter of the alphabet, which in Odessa often becomes the last.

- Bora, come out with Mora! - Boria, leave the sea!

In addition, the letter "A" often begins phrases with a negative tint.

And the weather! - Bad weather.

And how do you like it? - Complete inability.

A, Bortnik! - bad man in the name of the Bortnik.

A, Melich! -(See Melich).

If the weather is still good, and not all Bortnikov deserve the prefixes "a", then no one has ever heard a good word to the melelie. So it appeared, but over time the word "Amelich" disappeared.

Abortammer - Man committing underground abortion.

Hairdresser - Abortammer! What is the difference people make one job, just that scissors are longer.

Boardnik - Konokrad. The person who has kidnapped the horse, was considered the victim of the Education. People in the name of the Bornetnik was necessarily welcomed with a smile:

- A, Bortnik! Loose to you!

And a quarter of vodka, put up to the native brothers - the Educational of Pavel Pavlyuchenko and Abstamacher Abrache Milknikov for acquaintance with the jeweler - no more than a symbolic fee.

ABI - if only if only
* And nowadays ... Cleankers go to bed early, abubs do not sleep dusty regulars. (A.hekhov, "conscientious")
* In the tram.
- Tell me when will "Chicalova"?
- Not "Chicalov", and "Street Comrade Chkalova"!
- What a mine difference, aby mines to understand!

- What piece of cake?

- Any, ababy more.

- Mara Solomonovna, what is more suitable for health: hot tea or a hot man?

- And the Yes ofe is well to go sweat.

Adhes - Odessa
* The people for different frets call Odessa: Odessa, Odessa, Ades, Gades, Adaest, Adessa, Adesss. ("Past and present Odessa", 1894)
* Naturally, Naughty -
Nykom ziba
Hades walk.

Asy - Idiot, brief form - adia
* - Oh her! Guests dance with a whole herd,
Young dance nearby
And the milf turns back,
Oh, mom, oh, mom,
Wedding is fun goes
And the groom is sitting as an attic!
* - Let me be curious, why do you have all the time call your husband adia?
- Well, I can't call it at all!

- Madame Zipperovich, what are you all the way you call your Dodia Aday?

- Well, I will not be called this Father ascet.

Full attitude! Is this an engineer with a diploma, how else to call him? Well, except for the asshole.

We have such a prosecutor ... He also gets! He could not land Hitler for fifteen days.

Azh. - Even; so that even
* - Thank you, dear guests that you arrived at the very fountain. (Yves Ostrash. "Romeo and Juliet")
* I bought meat on the "bridge" - such a fresh, well, such a fresh, as much as a gavage. "

My son has such a beautiful girl, already scared with her next to walking down the street.

Academic (see Matcher).

We have the gift of the title of Academists do not give. Only by Blat or for the grandmother.

- Do not make me funny. He still real Academic, knows almost all the letters.

Why are cattle consider the heads, and Academists for members?

We know how they have science is being done. Dogs have drools flowed, and Academic's title received Pavlov. I could also become an academician: I would show the Vitka a bottle of vodka, and it would have happened more than that saliva from it than with a dog harness for a leap year.

ALASKA - Siberia in the public-union meaning of the word, the beauties of which have enjoyed millions of tourists by the court sentence. Given the natural desire of Odessans to go to the country where Siberia is not and with a very big desire, including the prosecutors, they said here:

- With such good behavior you will see America through Alaska. (That is, you will find in Siberia.)

Ambal - A man who has a great physical force.

And here with such a high-calorie nutrition, young Hochmans died not lower than port ambal.

- Who is this stitch?

- People's Deputy.

- Such an ambal could work.

This set of bones and the pus bank builds an ambulance.

Ambal-Sorokanozha - Given.

Hold on the mast, ambal-forty, so that you did not blow away the wind. Three points after all.

Anton - At the thorough jargon, a long time ago "janitor". In Odessa, it has a completely different meaning. Among the Odessans, in their time there were people with the names of Hun and Srul, but not Anton, (see Zhopoliz). Among my numerous acquaintances in our city there are only one Anton on the passport. When meeting, this seventieth man seems to be a carriage.

Revealed the belly - Anton is not visible.

Anti-Semit (Semit) - Now obsolete concepts are relevant to Soviet times. Then the semitom called the one who had time to buy vodka up to seven in the evening, and anti-Semitis - Unfortunate, who did not manage to acquire a precious moisture after seven in the evening.

Anti-Semites - Not yet obsolete concept.

- Olya - Anti-Semites!

- The one he had Monia yesterday?

- Well yes! He had her standing. So tormented a person. Anti-Semitics! She couldn't hesitate?

Arapa run - lie, deceive.
* - Alyosha, Sha! Take the halfton below and throw the Arap to run!

Armenians - One of the numerous title terms of the Odessa nation. A. Organized in Odessa the first own radio station.

Armenian radio answers listeners.

- Can a dog get a heart attack?

- Maybe if it is to create human conditions.

- What kind of people are the smartest?

- Thanks for the compliment.

From the rest of the peoples of A. differ also by the fact that the Jews love more than representatives of their own nation.

Armenians, take care of the Jews! They will be bought, for us will be treated.

Arteel - Typed the shadow economy.

Such times were the times of solid totalitarianism, when conditions were raised on beer foam, and the artists received executions for the underground production of feathers for student handles.

Nevertheless, A. was considered the owners of life, and some of them, moreover, became the owners of their own death. Among those A. was the legendary Leonid Sh., On which employees of all Odessa restaurants prayed. Leonid often ordered a restaurant, all the tables of which were covered with refined dishes and drinks themselves. Having come to the restaurant with your bodyguards, Leonid shot the trial, shouted: "What a muck!", I turned the table, generously calculated and destroyed to dine Moscow. Given that in those days, there were only ten restaurants in the city, to get into which in the evening it was not easy, earning from secondaryly sold tables was astronomical sums. In the end, this A. was arrested, tried, sentenced to the highest punishment and shot. Nevertheless, after the death of Leonid Sh. Continued to enjoy all the charms of life.

The magazine "Spark" published a message that the verdict is carried out in execution, and at this time a shot of a shot well raised the toast for health not at all of the Prosecutor General of Rudenko.

The fact that A. Vitaly B. was sentenced to six years of strict regime with complete confiscation of property, it was written in almost all central newspapers of the USSR. Six months after the sentence of the court, serving the punishment at the Odessa restaurant, Vitaly Oral on late partners: "Are you forgotten how much is the minute of my time?" Among the never late Georgy Ch., He reworked at this time "in chemistry", according to the court sentence.

Scamp - Scam. Currently, Odessa's proper pronunciation of this word is trained in the whole country. In the general Ukrainian TV channel "Inter", who lived in his time in Odessa, Showman Ilya Novabrev leads the transfer, which is called "Scam". Taking into account the popularity of the program, it is possible that the inhabitants of other countries will receive a chance to learn how to correct the word A.

And besides these three anti-Semites, there was also Moisha Afirrist, the lover of Petlura Aunt Rita and Haim - Ukrainian Chauvinist.

APHORISM - Image of thinking Odessa.

It is better to be rich and healthy than even poor and sick.

- Rabinovich, how do you feel?

- Do not wait.

What kind of muse is if she is not a member of the Union?

Better less, but the bigger.

It is better to lie with the former woman than with a new disease.

Photo from the Internet

Yes, this is the case, this "language" rose from the legend. That's what she says. It turns out that the foundations of the "Odessa language" laid came from Naples the Son of the Spanish Grand Frenchman Deribas. Its many consider him also the first Odessans. According to this legend, Deribas studied the Russian language from the Ukrainian Cossacks. At first, then what he learned from Cossack, the Frenchman was sincerely accepted by his sincerely for a real Russian language.

True, as the historians of Odessa write, Deribas has always confused one fact: very many Cossack expressions were often accompanied by the Russian phrase "Kudron Mother". What meant this application, the Frenchman did not really understand. However, probably guessed that it was about some kind of "mother."

Here, based solely on these knowledge, Deribas and transferred to most European languages \u200b\u200bthe legendary "letter of Cossacks by Turkish Sultan." Moreover, his efforts, this masterpiece was reported to the attention of many European monarchs. And we must admit, the sorrowful work of Deribas for nothing disappeared. After civilized Europe got acquainted with the "letter ...", she immediately saw in the Zaporizhia Cossacks of genuine defenders of Christianity.

However, as follows from the same sources, Deribas has found not only roses, but also spikes on the village of his literary and translation activities. He repeatedly received warnings from St. Petersburg that if it does not stop calling European monarchs in Mother, it will be immediately expelled from Odessa, and sent to his native Naples to his father.

It is very similar to what exactly it was born, the so-called Odessa jargon. Or, if you want, talk. And why, actually no? Indeed, take, for example, heels of various languages, and mix them thoroughly. Then we bring a verbal "solution" to the consistency of wit, and even better a witty joke. So you and the unique Odessa speech!

The brilliant Russian Language V.Dal somehow, having been in Odessa, said that Odessans, without any doubt, the people were cheerful, but they could not speak Russian correctly. True, immediately added that the Russians in Odessa also do not speak. In short, draw. The advantages of the Russians before Odessa are not observed in those years. However, it is right to say and vice versa.

And now a little philology. The great many beautiful and useful things presented the Odessa Govor Ukrainian. First of all, I would call the prepositions. This is already from my own observations. And I often visited Odessa. And even for a long time she entered the "pearl of the sea" and its surroundings. See so, as they say in those edges, I have something to say. And I want to say that. Pardon for tautology. For the time spent came to solid belief: Odessans in the mass of their people are busy.

Probably, therefore, in search of different prepositions and other interomotions there, they do not have much time. Here are the guys, do not firmly think about what pretext to adapt to one or another to just talk, quarrel or tell something for marriages.

Real Odessans, as far as I managed to figure it out, uses prepositions everywhere where it is possible. However, more often - exactly where it is from the point of view of a very little competent Russian-speaking person is absolutely impossible.

And here you have another feature of the "Odessa Nashiai". For some reason, Odessans are always choosing the most inappropriate. I confirm the thesis of a pair of examples. In this fun, the city laughs not "above someone", but "with someone," they are not "to someone", but "to someone."

Here it is definitely "for something" bored. Spectators "Behind the theater", sellers "for the buyer", wives "for husbands", etc. But what often put me in a dead end, in Odessa they say not "about someone", but "for someone."

For clarity, a small typical Odessa dialogue on topical at all times the topic of marriage.

Comes, say, in Odessa, the groom woofer:

Bendery, let's talk for your daughter, I want to marry her.

And you have already asked?

Yes, but I like my daughter more!

Really, for what to say here!

Linguists argue that in German, it is best to swear, in French-feel in love, in English - to conduct scientific discussions. But I, having visited the bridge, the chic Odessa Bazaar, I can confidently declare that Odessa is most convenient to bargain.

But on the import trade - this is not a primitive process for the exchange of goods for money. Here all the pleasures in one vessel: at the same time, Rugan, and an explanation in love, and even a scientific discussion. I here, I consider it my duty to note the invaluable contribution to the Odessa People's Gomon of the Coloring Jewish language.

Yiddish unimaginably brightly color the inimitable skill of Odessa trade. And mostly due to its original art of swirls and curses.

From the swarmas, as the most simple and most universal, I would first of all called this: "Shob I lived!". In the arsenal of Odessans, of course, in details and others. True, they, at least, from my point of view, more risky. Well, to take at least such: "Shob I do not reach Tudoy, \u200b\u200bI go to you!" Or another no less dangerous: "I swear with your terrible beauty!".

But what was struck especially. Occasionally after the seller and the buyer, finally, hit the hands, then Bouch concluded a deal, their relationships were sharply crossed into the next phase. I would call it unfriendly. That's what was sometimes brought to hear in the final of the trading process.

Well, it seems like, at the dryer: "So that I have seen you on one leg, and you - with me with one eye!" And once, even this: "So that you have all my teeth and remained alone for pain!" This, probably, cursed the dentist. But what a bastard! I also did not forget my caring.

Another, after oaths and curses, the most popular genome of the Odessa spoken language according to my observations is a scandal. Speaking in Odessa, this is something special! In Russian, I will say more: this is, without any doubt, the most beautiful and poetic, which has been created by now in the unique in the humor of the Odessa folklore.

And what unexpected epithets apply Odessans?! How calorithic and figuratively decorate they speech! As you, for example, such an episode:

From a prosperous Switzerland comes to Odessa, her citizen. It is clear, behind the neat table in the circle of relatives and friends immediately begins to praise his life there. However, his tirade interrupts a replica:

I apologize, dear Haim, you sho you say so long for Switzerland. Better I will tell you for Odessa: So, it's you in Geneva - clever, and we have in Odessa - barely barely idiot! Our standard of living is the highest in the world. Which of your Swiss sharks of capitalism has to afford to carry in a bit of two hundred grams of golden teeth? And begging you, do not make such a lemon face on me.

And further. I was repeatedly brought to "banquets" in Odessa courtyards. How warn and carefully behave at the table these ordinary people! Well, at least such a phrase that the lacquer was overheard:

I apologize, Sho, Tsei, fell asleep on the morday right in the Kholotel, deliver to Olivier. Well, we catch up!

Odessa is relatively young. For this reason, there are no all sorts of epics, legends and other different epos. All the most beautiful, bright and sacred in Odessa are embodied in the scandal. The mentality of Odessa is so accustomed and worried that a rare child in Odessa can fall asleep without a scandal. They even say that the small Odessans before bedtime sometimes literally ask for: "Mom, the squadal is already, finally, with a herifer, I can't fall asleep!".

The reason for the scandal can be any. Well, at least such:

- Rose, how do you like my new dress?
- Sorry, Sarah, I'm hurried, I'm not up to scandals now!

Odessa is indescribably rich and diverse. After all, Odessans were never embarrassed by some rules of grammar: declining, leasing, coordination and other cases. Well, I want to note the padege. With them in these parts, always arrived to primitive simply. However, it can be said ingenious.

For example, if Odessa is not sure which of the two cases is more suitable for his slapped phrase, he will not break. Throw both. Well, and what's next? That's right, Odessa will go, i.e. It will pick up the third case, which is certainly the most inappropriate. But, which is surprising, anyone can understand this phrase. And what is even more amazing - they will not even need some explanations or, I will say a scientist, comments.

During the exercise, the tailor costume leads with the customer, theatrical actor, about such a typical Odessa conversation:

Do you think a young man, on stage the main thing is the actor? So I will tell you, there is no such. The main thing on a good scene is a suit. Of course, of course, you are in it, i.e. More precisely - in it. Because without my style, you, the shobs were healthy to me, as you were, that, so he stayed, that is him!

Nevertheless, I do not want to blame the Odessa in the lightness. Especially Odessa. And if more precisely, then those who were lucky to get a higher humanitarian education. Of course, an example:

Here, let's say, at the Alexandrovsky Avenue opposite the elite gymnasium No. 1, Mom sits on the bench. Near the son. For all the signs are not a round excellent student. But the boy himself is ring. Odessans would say: "Look, what kind of cheek boy is pink! You can even add a little pale species to them."

According to the replicas, it is clear about Russian.

Mother! How it was necessary to write in the writing: "Flipchik" or "Flipter"?

Mommy, a magnificent village with a first-class bust, a graduate of Odessa philfak, reacts instantly:

Well, and what is there in your first gymnasium teach?! By the way, for mine, I swear with my mother-in-law, quite good pennies. In short, it was correct to write "Pisarak". I do not know how our professor wrote there, but he always said that way.

By the way, a woman in Odessa folklore has always held an honorable place. I would even call it significant. But not so in the sense of significance, as literally in the area of \u200b\u200bthe occupied place. And again an example:

She thinks that she has a figure. So I tell you this so that yes, there is no: she has a fawr. You can pass it to her if the lady does not stop breakfast for the night, you can then see what it will be in six months - fee or fi? Well, while admire the amount of female beauty immediately!

Odessans are simply obsessed with the holiness of the right of private property. It is probably why the most walking word they have the word "to have". In Odessa, everyone, all, all, and constantly in large quantities. Here is just a tiny selection: "I have no time," "What do you have to me?", "I had to go to you", etc. etc. And here is the corresponding topic, Odessa dialogue:

David, today I had to dream your wife.

And what did she say?

I do not remember exactly, but it seems nothing.

Then exactly it was not my wife. My rose always has something to say.

Or such:

Oh, Yashenka! Our tassel! How do you have yourself? They say you successfully married?

Who introduced you to your wife?

No, no, Shob You were healthy, I do not blame anyone ...

Now a few words about Odessa questions. How well knows the rhetorical question has long been considered the top of wisdom. Let me remind you, such a question does not imply a response. From my point of view, the Odessa question is much wise and incomparably deeper in meaning. He also does not require a response.

But you think, the question is unanswered! Today, such questions hanging in the air, not to recalculate in the air. But Odessans ask a question so that it does not otherwise answer him, as soon as the Jewish, i.e. counter-question. Here are some typical Odessa dialogs consisting of some questions:

Aunt, why are you still not getting married?

Does anyone take me?

And what, have you already asked for everyone?

The conversation of two fishermen on the concrete wave of one of the Odessa beaches:

You will not give me a worm?

Do you need a worm?

Do you have it for too much?

And I know?

Mr. Kharchevsky, you know, what did you throw this?

And he thrown out, he thrown out, sho is impossible?

I took and died in the midst of full health! Do you go to his funeral?

Who do you keep me for? Sho my brains quarreled? ON.

Will you come to mine?

Cily! Sho, that you do not ask how I live?
"So I will ask you a rose, how do you live?"
- Oh, Cily, and do not ask!

Is it true that in Odessa always answer the question of the question?
- Who told you that?!

And yet I want to pay tribute to Odessans. What would not talk about them on them, it's an extremely cultural people. Indeed, how can I think otherwise. They apologize literally at every step. True, Odessans utter the word "sorry" not as all other carriers of the Russian language. It is clear, they make it on their Odessa manner - "I apologize."

And in this approach to the magical word there is very deep logic. As far as I understood, no one excuses anyone in Odessa. Here people exclusively apologize. Well, at least such an example:

Resorts to the doctor's doctor and immediately with apologies: "Doctor, I am wildly apologizing, but Mine Taki said that only you can help. My surname Katz. I know yours. Immediately a thorough answer:

Alas, Katz, but here medicine is powerless. We know a very long time for a long time, I know the people of culture. And he could say surprise: besides you, this news knows all the modavanka and half the printed. Sho Min is in vain to repeat for them. But personally for you, I will put a couple of minutes in your small education. No, no mine money is not needed.

I earn their myself later, when we will understand everything and walk more through the entire reproach. Well, we will continue our hanging education. My friendship with the Hai Zhe Derebasova did not pass. We remember it too. She taught 30 years old at the gymnasium. Well, all sorts of Poita there and there are different cars there, bags. I know what else ... So I will add you: Brilliant lady!

No, no expensive, vo bubbles from the company do not yet inflate, you can very much if you can pour my own very non-cultural behavior for it. Well, I was mistaken a little, then the red Bolsheviks called our gymnasium, wildly apologize, schools. A shame!!! Is it possible to learn something of Jewish children? Okay, I will not speak shame. Here V, dear Katz, think not your head, but your brains.

I'll add rudeness a little: the head is consistent, and all the Jews think brain. Well, you are not seeds on the bridge. Yes, and the matter, I will say that it is completely nonsense. The honest red communist, although non-Jews, Yeltsin, with them for us, the Jews jerked for a long time. Sorry, sorry, I always asked for nothing to do such an acidic face. If I gave the answer to your stupid question, so you know no disappear for me. Ask any Odessa.

Like that I will tell you, my dear Pots, i.e. Wormly apologize - my smarter. And in conclusion, our brief conversation, I will answer: do not be offended by my clever assumption, you can even say a scientist as a scientist - thesis. Yes, and no. No, I do not understand: We were sure to think about it, sho select money from mine. Well this is a taxi driver money -the. Jews money is money. Therefore, I will only say two words, since I had information, sho my surname is also not Ivanov, but just Kugerman, sejacked Wallery for the entire repayment? "

The fact that Odessans for the rarity cultural people say another fact. They, like no other, learned to elegantly having a strong little word in an intelligent form. Of course an example:

Do not fool mine to the place where the back finishes its noble name.

Or an example of eufemism: "Correct your tie, dear Fima. Below, below, even lower. Oh, it is here !!!

About Odessa Language You still have a lot of things to paint. But I personally have been convinced for a long time that it is incomparably interesting to listen to him. Beautifully expressing, eat. And it is not easy. Beautiful word. After all, fragrant, one can say the delicious language of Odessa was born in the kitchen, mixing and absorbing all tastes and aromas, which only exist on white light.

Born in the kitchen robust and cramped Odessa courtyards, he gives garlic and nutmeg at the same time. This is true, not quite literary language, i.e. He is not printed. Nevertheless, with its help, even a dry ordinary recipe, say, ordinary borscht, the real Odessans, and even better Odessa, without much difficulty can turn into a large exciting novel. With many chapters, dozens of actors, prologue, an epilogue and even a necrologist, if it comes to the neighborhood.

And this is just just some kind of borsch! But you understand well that there are many things in Odessa and more stuffing? It is even difficult to imagine how much more funny and wise can write Odessa Ostrovna. Or at least to tell.

Yes, this is definitely the fact of historical: Odessa - Pearl by the sea, rich in the glorious historical traditions of the city. Nevertheless, its mainstream, at least from my point of view, is a unique language. To understand him, it is enough to have a sense of humor, but in order for it to speak - you need at least, to be born in Odessa.