Architects (group). Strange questions Yuri Davydov architects

Architects (group). Strange questions Yuri Davydov architects

June 1 is celebrated annually as International Children's Day. The decision to hold it was made back in 1925 at a conference in Geneva. Since then, in many countries of the world, on this day, various charity events have been held, children's parties have been organized. Basically, the business is limited to holidays. I watched the news about how this day went in Russia in 2010. In Tver, they staged a concert in the city garden. In Krasnoyarsk, as many as one movie was shown to orphans for free. In Arkhangelsk, mothers picketed the city administration due to the lack of places in kindergartens. The picture practically does not change from year to year.

But there are events of a completely different plan. Interesting for children and adults. Sports festival, concert, distribution of personalized certificates for treatment. Attracting reputable sponsors and real help sick children.

I also want to tell you about one such action. On June 1, 2008, politicians and artists played football at the Lokomotiv stadium in Moscow. Take a look at this photo. I am sure that you know many of the participants in the match by sight, or have heard their names. Famous people spent their personal time and energy to help children.

What is the essence of the action? Football with the participation of pop stars and politics is a visited event. Tickets for the stadium are on sale. All proceeds, plus sponsors' help, are directed to sick children. Not in the form of abstract injections into the funds of medical institutions, but in a targeted manner. By surname. The Ministry of Health has lists of children in need of complex and expensive treatment. The proceeds from the "Good Flag" campaign, which is the name of this event, are used to purchase certificates. Each certificate is personalized, covering the cost of treating a particular child. Some of the recipients are in the front row in the cover photo.

The ideological inspirer and founder of the action is Yuri Davydov. Remember the show-group "Zodchie", which gathered full halls in the times of perestroika? Except acutely political orientation songs ("Grandfather died, but business lives on, it would have been better the other way around" - this is about Lenin), the group also produced a very interesting music material... V different time Yuriy Loza, Valery Syutkin, Nikolai Koltsov, and Alexander Shevchenko also left Yury Davydov's group “Architects”.

Later, when the "Architects" ceased to exist, Yuri Davydov assembled a football team of pop stars under the peculiar and ambiguous name "Starco". It was he, and not Yuri Loza, as it is written in Wikipedia. Younger people will read this name as "team of stars". The older generation will certainly catch the association with the popular Soviet time a variety of vodka - "Stark". However, irony and self-irony - business card Jura.

Here he is at the gate in a yellow jersey - the permanent goalkeeper and captain of the Starko team. With the ball, his longtime friend Chris Kelmi. Chris's real name is Anatoly Arievich Kalinkin. Wikipedia is again inaccurate.

The politicians have their own team - "Rosich", which is headed by the aide to the President of the Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich. Often "Rosich" and "Starko" play against each other, or with regional teams of officials in regional centers... But this time, in 2008, they teamed up to confront the team of Italian pop stars "Nazionale Italiana Cantanti". Translated from Italian - "national singing". Riccardo Fogli, Pupo and other celebrities specially flew to Moscow to take part in the match. The Italians also received political support - the Italian Ambassador to Russia Vittorio Claudio Surdo entered the field. He is in the center of the title shot, wearing glasses, to the right of the flag.

The match was played with frequent replacements. There were a lot of people willing to enter the field. The "spare" at the edge of the field were attacked by journalists. While the Secretary of State of the Union State Pal Palych Borodin is trudging towards the center of the field, Valery Syutkin, who has left the game, is already giving an interview.

But the Italians had almost no spare. I was surprised by the age-old Riccardo Fogli (at the end line), who spent the entire match on the field, and then also rode on the stage like a young man. Excellent physical form for 60 years with a hook! The Italians could not put up their goalkeeper either. Their gates were protected by "rented" Sergey Ovchinnikov ... He stood honestly, to death, more than once he saved the guests' gates. In another way, the two-time champion of Russia, repeatedly named the best goalkeeper of the year, the goalkeeper of the Russian national team, the Benfica and Porto clubs, Sergei "Boss" Ovchinnikov cannot play. Here he is in the picture - he puts the ball into play.

Our team could not score for a long time, although they attacked more often. With the ball - Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Zhukov. Vyacheslav Fetisov runs into the penalty area. What, someone else doesn't know this person? I am at a loss how to represent it more accurately. Legend of Soviet and world hockey. Multiple world, European and Olympic Games... Winner of the Canada Cup and Stanley Cup. Member of the symbolic "team of the century", drawn up by the International Ice Hockey Federation. Included in the NHL Hall of Fame. Currently engaged in politics. Member of the Federation Council, Chairman of the Sports Commission. Here is the biography!

The match was judged by the well-known Russian referee of the international category Valentin Ivanov. He showed this in 2006 at the World Championship in the match Netherlands-Portugal 16 yellow cards, 4 of which turned red. FIFA President Sepp Blatter first criticized Ivanov's work, and then apologized - the players deserved the punishments they received. But this is only one episode of his career. And, in general, Valentin Ivanov is a highly respected international referee with vast refereeing experience, the record holder of the Russian championship among referees - he has 180 games on his account.

One woman also played for ours - Olga Kremlyova. A multiple champion of the country in women's football, she actively acted in the attack of our team (in the center of the next picture), creating constant problems for Sergei Ovchinnikov.

But the Italians scored first. The captain of the "national singing" Pupo took advantage of the oversight of our defenders and shot into the far corner. Yuri Davydov was powerless to do something.

And a little later, Yura suffered another trouble. He suddenly limped, jumped on one leg and left the field. Doctors, transport, diagnosis - Achilles gap. Then there was a difficult operation, six months on crutches, and now, thank God, Yura is quite healthy and again takes part in charity matches for the Starko team.

Major General Sergei Goncharov took the place of Yuri Davydov in our gates. The attack was reinforced by the "chocolate hare of all Russia" Pierre Narcissus (will you find it in the picture or point it with your finger?) And Anvar Sattarov ("Capture Group"). On the right flank of the attack, actor Ilya Glinnikov makes a helpless gesture: "Well, where are you, hare?"

Pierre Narcisse could not score and expresses his unhappiness in pictures. Riccardo Fogli looks at him in surprise.

But our persistence was rewarded. First, Anvar Sattarov scored with an accurate shot to the top nine, and then Ilya Glinnikov threw the ball over the Boss.

As usual, after the game the players changed their jerseys. Due to this not too hygienic custom at the final formation, it is difficult to make out who played for whom. But we will try anyway. From left to right: Nikolai Trubach (Blue Moon with Boris Moiseev), Pierre Narcissus, Valery Yarushin (with glasses, leader and founder of the mega-popular group Ariel in Soviet times), Sergei Ovchinnikov in a pink T-shirt. Dmitry Kharatyan (what else must be said about People's Artist?) and Natalia Davydova - permanent leading actions. Natalia performs a huge amount of work as a manager charity program... To her right is Valery Syutkin (“The Right One”) in a blue shirt and jacket, blond Chris Kelmi in an Italian T-shirt. With a crutch - Yuri Davydov, President football club Starko. Behind him - Sergei Goncharov, who replaced him at the gate. To the right, in blue T-shirts, our players Alexander Shevchenko and Alexander Ivanov ("God, what a trifle!"). Among them is Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The relative of a sick child is presented with a certificate by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation Alexander Zhukov.

While we were preparing concert venue, the artists discussed the finished match. Or they just talked about life, I didn’t listen. Sergey Krylov inspires something to Yura Davydov and Alexander Ivanov. Irakli (London-Paris) is behind them.

Yuri Davydov and Alexander Ivanov.

The concert was attended by Riccardo Fogli (in the photo below he sings his mega hit "Malinconia"), Valery Syutkin, Rishat Shafi, Victor Zinchuk, Alexander Ivanov, Neri Markore, Leandro Barsotti, Pupo.

Alexander Ivanov sang his hit "God, what a trifle!"

Dmitry Kharatyan walked everywhere with the action flag.

Cheerful friends. A crutch is not a reason for sadness. From left to right: Dmitry Kharatyan, Chris Kelmi, Alexander Ivanov, Yuri Davydov.

The same with Natalia Davydova (left) and Olga Kremleva.

Davydovs with Riccardo Fogli. The superstar of the Italian stage of the 80s was photographed willingly. See how correctly he hugs the woman. Even though Riccardo is well acquainted with the Davydov family.

Pupo also willingly took pictures with friends, acquaintances and friends of friends.

And he even sang with Sergei Krylov.

The famous drummer-virtuoso also took part in the concert Rishat Shafi... The world famous drummer, leader of the first Turkmen pop group "Gunesh", Rishat was wonderful person and a great friend. Unfortunately, in November last year at the age of 57, he suddenly died of a heart attack right at the training session of the Starko team. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov personally appealed to the wife of the deceased with a request to bury the musician in his homeland, as national hero.

At the end of the concert, the musicians jointly performed the song "Closing the Circle" by Chris Kelmi.

Hundreds of balloons flew over the stadium as a symbol of childhood dreams, joy and happiness.

Let's hope that the destinies of the children who were helped during the "Flag of Good" campaign will also take off, towards achievements and happiness.

And on June 12, 2010, at the same Moscow stadium "Lokomotiv", a festive celebration will take place on the Day of Russia. An extensive program includes performances by children's groups, a Russian rap festival, performances of clowns and circus numbers E. Zapashny. Well, of course, it will take place Soccer game"Stars of politics and stage" versus "Stars of business and football." And in conclusion, as usual, a gala concert.

Come! Your money spent on tickets will go to help sick children.

Yuri Loza, Valery Syutkin, Yuri Davydov- The "golden composition" of the "Zodchie" group gathered for the sake of a single concert. The founder of "Architects" and concurrently president of the football club of pop stars "Starko", Yuri Davydov, who celebrated his 60th anniversary, remembered how it all began.

The appearance of Yuri Loza in "The Architects" in '83 greatly changed the music of the group. Yura lit us with fun, gags, and he had a whole baggage of his songs. And when Valera Syutkin joined our team, the group acquired a finished look. Each song had a theatrical setting. For example, the song "Give the People a Beer" (a parody of the song John Lenon Power To The People) we sang in chorus with the audience. And in the finale of the performance, several people brought bottled beer into the hall. At that time, the frothy drink was a terrible shortage, and the public immediately grabbed these bottles.

In the 80s we worked at the Tyumen Philharmonic. Probably, it was possible to catch on in Moscow, but we were quite comfortable in Tyumen. In those days, there were tough campaigns against rock music and VIA, and we lay at the bottom “in the tundra”. And when the campaigns subsided, they "emerged" again. The Tyumen region, which then included Khanty-Mansiysk and the Yamalo-Nenets district, we all used dogs, helicopters and even on our belly. Through mud, snow, ice, water.

Once we flew on a Mi-6 helicopter from Tyumen to Noyabrsk. It was already getting dark. And the pilots asked us: “Guys, if we drown out now, then in the dark we won't be able to take off - these are the rules. That's why big request: we will sit down with working screws, unload your equipment. You press it with your bodies so that it does not scatter. And we will take off neatly. " We unloaded everything, covered everything with bodies, and missed Yuri Loza's guitar. And she flew across the tundra. The vine rushed after her. The guitar flew under the train. Yura had to dive under this train. And on the morning of that day, he bought himself a synthetic silver fur coat (at that time - the latest squeak of fashion). He dived under the train in a silver fur coat, and emerged in a black one. And part of the guitar body broke off from hitting the ground. At the same time, she continued to work and did not even lose the line. And Loza still played on it for a year and a half after that.

Yuri Loza, 1988. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Polyakov

About "ideological" songs

We didn't have to sing about the Komsomol, but we had one terrible song that we did not play on solo concerts but it was perfect for special events. There were the following words: "There are evenings when, having crouched around at a halt, geologists will quiet down by the fire, embarrassed to meet each other's gaze." Depending on who we spoke to, we simply changed the word "geologists" to "oilmen", "polar explorers", "taiga workers", etc. The song was suitable for all occasions.

In those years, we had a whole system to protect ourselves from troubles from the authorities. For example, for each song with ideologically questionable lyrics, we had a different text in store. And besides, one could always come up with an excuse: "I forgot the words." Or "I could not sing a song about the Komsomol, because my throat hurt, and there the notes are high, they sang" The Raft "by Yuri Loza because she is just in a comfortable tessitura." "Raft", by the way, once "pulled us to the bottom." We showed the lyrics to the censors. And in the commission there was one woman who read it and said: “Where are you going to sail? What kind of "past mistakes is the burden" that pulls you to the bottom? " And we canceled 30 concerts, for which tickets were already sold out - 16 in Novosibirsk and 14 in Omsk because I had the imprudence (I thought that there was certainly no place to wait for troubles) to include "Raft" in official program groups.

About life "at the turn of times"

In 1986, at the height of Prohibition in the USSR, we, as part of a large delegation, including the Time Machine, went to the Days of Soviet Youth in the GDR. As soon as they settled in the hotel, all 200 people ran to buy alcohol. A huge queue of representatives of Soviet youth gathered at the alcohol store closest to the hotel. Everyone is standing and waiting for something. We see through glass doors how the German sellers look at each other, fuss. Finally, a Russian speaking man came out of the store and asked: "The sellers cannot understand why you are standing in line and not entering the store?" We have, Soviet people, there was a stereotype, if there is no one in the store, then it is closed. No one even pulled the door handle, everyone thought it was closed.

In 1986, at the peak of popularity, we bought a color-music set somewhere "from hand". We were told that it was imported. And when they bought it, it turned out that it was made by the hands of our craftsmen from tourist bowlers, into which lamps from the landing lights of the Tu-134 were mounted. Our people cannot be defeated by anyone (laughs).

Already in the 90s, when they were no longer shot and imprisoned for this, we had the song “Grandfather Lenin” with the text: “Grandfather died, but the business lives on. It would have been better the other way around! " And she was born after we, returning from a tour on the checkpoints, at the Orsha station in Belarus, waited for a train for an hour and, having nothing to do, walked along the platform. On the station building they saw a huge memorial plaque informing that in 1897 and 1903 Vladimir Ilyich Lenin drove through the Orsha station.

The importance of football

In the 90s, everything changed dramatically - the music, the system of concert work. When we are with Chris Kelme we recorded the song "Closing the Circle", thought we were writing a hymn, but wrote a requiem. While we were recording it, licking every note, somewhere in small basements, the guys on "self-play" were creating new genre- "plywood pop". And it has already become clear that we will not return to the top. Perhaps the agony of the "Architects" would have dragged on for several years if the project had not appeared in 1991 football team pop stars "Starko". Football caught up with me in a way. The first line-up of the team looked like this: Volodya Presnyakov, Dima Malikov, Vladimir Kuzmin, Alexander Barykin, Yuri Antonov etc. - that is, people who are popular and know how to play football. As for guys like Mikhail Muromov, then paradoxes arose here. Misha, being at that time a very healthy and athletic guy, did not know how to play football so much that playing in defense, he did not react to the attacks of the attackers. And the attackers didn't even know what to do with him. Muromov stood and looked at the ball. The ball rolled, he ran after it. It was impossible to push him away and very few people managed to escape from him.

About modern youth

The most memorable match "Starko" played in 1992 against the Italians, for whom he then played and Eros Ramazzotti, not very well known in our country at that time. The journalists who met the Italian team at the airport did not even react to him. They were more interested in Gianni Morandi, Pupo, Ricardo Fogli. Therefore, Eros, unrecognized by anyone, went sideways on the bus. That match was very important for us - 25 thousand spectators came to Luzhniki, and this was Starko's first public game. So we went out on the field to die and we won 3-1.

In 2007, we came up with the Art Football World Cup for Artists. This year it will be held for the 7th time. We dream of making an opening match on Red Square: the Russian national team of politicians and pop stars against some foreign national team. Today, when international relations are tense, the British, Germans, even Australians are torn to us for the World Cup, I am already silent about the Estonians and Poles. And I believe that we managed to put our “brick of friendship” between peoples ... I hope that Denis Matsuev, Edgard Zapashny, Ilya Averbukh, Viktor Zinchuk, Sergei Minaev, Pierre Narcissus, Garik Bogomazov will play for Starko at the World Championship (“Otpetye scammers "). We are waiting for football veterans Ruslan Nigmatulin, Sergei Kiryakov, Viktor Bulatov.

We are trying to rejuvenate the team, but now it is difficult to find young people who are famous and have the skills to play football. Washed away the layer of people playing football. In our generation, almost everyone more or less knew how to play football and some musical instrument.

"Architect" is a Soviet rock group formed in 1980.


The founder of the group Yuri Davydov started back in school groups, but took up music more seriously in the mid-70s, having assembled the Guslyary group, which was popular among students of the Moscow Architectural Institute. The group often performed with local stars - " Time machine"And" Dangerous zone ", played dances, participated in all kinds of student amateur competitions and a couple of times went abroad with the so-called" trains of friendship. "

The amateur stage in the history of "Guslyars" ended in 1980, when, in the wake of the "Olympic thaw", they got the opportunity to legalize themselves and, having changed their name to "Architects", got a job at the Tyumen Philharmonic. The composition of the group changed regularly. Obvious progress began only after 1983, when a guitarist and singer who came from the "Integral" group appeared in the group Yuri Loza whose songs (including the material of the acclaimed tape-recording album "Journey to Rock and Roll") made up the lion's share of their new repertoire.

In 1985, at the invitation of Yuri Loza, Valery Syutkin joined the group, who had previously played in the Moscow group " Telephone ».

The most stable and strong line-up was formed by the beginning of 1986, when the "Architects" came under the wing of the Ryazan Philharmonic Society. The group included Yuri Davydov (bass, cello, vocals), Yuri Loza (guitar, vocals), Andrey Artyukhov (guitar, vocals), Valery Syutkin (bass, guitar, vocals), Alexander Belonosov (who started in the Moscow group " Forum", And also recorded with the group" DC"; keyboards), Andrey Rodin (violin, vocals) and Gennady Gordeev (worked in VIA “Six Young”; drums).

Their appearance in the TV program "Morning Mail" with parodies of Italian pop stars immediately made the group a name. The following series of songs by Yuri Loza ("Mannequin", "Autumn" and others) and Syutkin ("Time of Love", "Sleep, Baby", and shown on TV "Bus 86" ("Ballad about public transport")) Brought the" Architect "all-Union fame. According to the results of 1986, the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" named them among the five most popular groups country.

In October 1987, after a tour of Ukraine, which ended with a concert in Kiev, Yuriy Loza left the group. The performance of "Architects" at the "Rock-Panorama'87" festival in the same December was unsuccessful, and fermentation began in the group. In 1988, Belonosov left it, and was later replaced by Yegor Irodov (keyboards). Recorded in 1988 and released by "Melodia" a year later, the album "Trash from the hut" also did not add to the popularity of the group.

In 1989 Valery Syutkin also left the group and formed his own trio "Feng-O-Man". His place was taken by Aleksandr Martynov, who had a good voice, but not so spectacular, but the lack of new ideas in the “Architects” and the arrival of the next generation of musicians on the stage ultimately summed up their existence.

Composition of the group

At different times, the group included:

  • Yuri Loza- vocals, guitar, songwriter (1983 - 87)
  • Valery Syutkin - vocals, guitar, bass, drums, songwriter (1985 - 89)
  • Andrey Artyukhov - guitar, vocals (1984 - 90)
  • Nikolay Koltsov - guitar, vocals (1980 - 84)
  • Alexander Belonosov - keyboards, vocals (1980 - 88)
  • Yuri Davydov - bass, vocals, cello
  • Andrey Rodin - violin, vocals
  • Gennady Gordeev - drums (1980 - 90)
  • Leonid Lipnitsky - keyboards (1988 - 1989)
  • Boris Nosachev - guitar (1990 - 91)
  • Egor Irodov - keyboards (1989 - 91)
  • Anatoly Belchikov - drums (1990 - 91)
  • Alexander Martynov - vocals (1989 - 90)
  • Alexander Shevchenko - vocals (1989 - 91)
  • Valery Anokhin - vocals (1990 - 91)
  • Pavel Shcherbakov - vocals (1990 - 91)


  • "Stage Lights" (with Yuri Lozoy) (1984)
  • Ecology (1987)
  • "Child of Urbanism" (1987)
  • "Fifth series" (other name - "Nepruha") (1987 year)
  • "Concert in Tallinn" (1987)
  • "Garbage from the hut" (1989, 1990 - vinyl disc at the "Melodia" company)
  • "Pour" (1991)
  • "Songs 1984-1993" (1996, collection)
  • "In the Mood for Love" (2004, collection)
  • According to the head of the group, Yuri Davydov, in the composition "Demonstration", which opens the album "Garbage from the hut", there is a recording of Leonid Brezhnev's performance ( “Dear comrades, we don’t have time for the buildup. We must work, we must do the job. Very precise, capacious, ageless words. It should be so ").
  • The songs "Child of Urbanism" and "Metallist Petrov" sounded in the programs "Vzglyad". Valery Syutkin was the soloist in both, but the latter was included in the album "Garbage from the hut" without his vocals.

The founder of the group, Yuri Davydov, began in school groups, but took up music more seriously in the mid-70s, having assembled the Guslyary group, which was popular among students. The group often performed with local stars - "Time Machine" and "Dangerous Zone", played dances, participated in all kinds of student amateur competitions and traveled abroad a couple of times with the so-called "friendship trains".

The amateur stage in the history of "Guslyars" ended in 1980, when, in the wake of the "Olympic thaw", they got the opportunity to legalize themselves and, having changed their name to "Architects", got a job at the Tyumen Philharmonic. The composition of the group changed regularly. Obvious progress began only after 1983, when the guitarist and singer Yuri Loza, who came from the Integral group, appeared in the "Architects", whose songs (including the material of the sensational tape album "Journey to Rock and Roll") made up the lion's share of their new repertoire ...

The most stable and strong line-up was formed by the beginning of 1986, when the "Architects" came under the wing of the Ryazan Philharmonic Society. The group included Yuri Davydov (bass, cello, vocals), Yuri Loza (guitar, vocals), Andrey Artyukhov (guitar, vocals), Valery Syutkin (bass, guitar, vocals), Alexander Belonosov (who started in the Moscow group "Forum" , and also recorded with the group "DK"; keyboards), Andrey Rodin (violin, vocals) and Gennady Gordeev (worked in the VIA "Six Young"; drums).

Their appearance in the TV program "Morning Mail" with parodies of musical phenomenon under the name "Italian stage" immediately gave the group a name. The following series of songs by Yuri Loza ("Mannequin", "Autumn" and others) and Syutkin ("Time of Love", "Sleep, baby", and shown on TV "Bus 86" ("Ballad of Public Transport")) brought "Architect" of all-Union fame. According to the results of 1986, the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" named them among the five most popular groups in the country. Also Davydov and Syutkin participated in the filming of the sensational video "Closing the Circle"

In October 1987, after a tour of Ukraine, which ended with a concert in Kiev, Yuriy Loza left the group. The performance of "Architects" at the "Rock-Panorama'87" festival in the same December was unsuccessful, and fermentation began in the group. In 1988, Belonosov left it, and was later replaced by Yegor Irodov (keyboards). Recorded in 1988 and released by "Melodia" a year later, the album "Garbage from the hut" did not save the day.

In 1989, Valery Syutkin also left the group and put together an unsuccessful project "Feng-O-Man", after which he brilliantly blended into "Bravo". His place was taken by Aleksandr Martynov, who had a good voice, but not so effective, but the lack of new ideas in the “Architects” and the arrival on the stage of the next generation of musicians ultimately summed up their existence.

A little later, a pop-rock group "Deja Vu", led by Alexander Shevchenko, appeared on the fragments of the "Architects" (was a session soloist on the album "Trash from the Hut"), who promoted the vocalist, but was never able to achieve much success in show business.