The last Russian emperor Nicholas 2. The reign of Nicholas II

The last Russian emperor Nicholas 2. The reign of Nicholas II
The last Russian emperor Nicholas 2. The reign of Nicholas II

Nicholas II was the last Russian emperor. Was born on May 18 in 1868 in Tsarskoe Selo. Nikolay began his studies at the age of 8. In addition to standard school subjects, he also studied drawing, music and fencing. Nikolai showed interest in military affairs from childhood. In 1884 he entered the military service, and after 3 years he was appointed staff captain. In 1891, Nikolai received the rank of captain, and a year later, he became a colonel.

When Nicholas turned 26, he was proclaimed emperor, Nicholas II. The time of his reign fell on hard times. This is the war with Japan, the First World War. Despite this, Russia was becoming an agrarian-industrial country. Cities, factories and railways were built. Nikolai strove to improve the economic situation of the country. In 1905, Nikolai signed a manifesto on democratic freedom.

For the first time in Russia, an emperor ruled with a representative body elected by the people. At the end of 1917, a popular uprising began in Petrograd, society was opposed to Nicholas II and his dynasty. Nikolai wanted to end the riot by force, but he was afraid of a lot of bloodshed. Supporters of the emperor advised him to abdicate the throne, the people needed a change of power.

Tormented in thought, Nicholas II abdicated power in March 1917 and gave the crown to Prince Mikhail, who was Nicholas's brother. A few days later Nikolai and his family were arrested and spent 5 months in prison. The prisoners were in Yekaterinburg, they were kept in the basement. On the morning of July 17, 1918, Nikolai, his wife and children were shot without trial.

Biography by dates and interesting facts. The most important thing.

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The last Russian emperor loved port wine, disarmed the planet, raised his stepson and almost moved the capital to Yalta [photo, video]

Photo: RIA Novosti

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Nicholas II ascended the throne on November 2, 1894. What do we all remember about this king? Basically, school cliches stuck in my head: Nicholas is bloody, weak, was under the strong influence of his wife, is to blame for Khodynka, established the Duma, dispersed the Duma, was shot near Yekaterinburg ... Oh, yes, he also conducted the first census of the population of Russia, registering himself as "master of the land Russian ". Moreover, Rasputin looms from the side with his dubious role in history. In general, the image turns out to be such that any schoolchild is sure: Nicholas II is almost the most shameful Russian tsar in all eras. And this despite the fact that most of the documents, photographs, letters and diaries remained from Nikolai and his family. Even a recording of his voice, rather low, has been preserved. His life has been thoroughly studied, and at the same time - almost unknown to the general public outside the clichés from the textbook. Did you know, for example, that:

1) Nicholas took the throne in the Crimea. There, in Livadia, the royal estate near Yalta, his father Alexander III died. A confused young man literally crying from the responsibility that fell on him - this is how the future tsar looked then. Mother, Empress Maria Feodorovna, did not want to swear allegiance to this son of hers! The youngest, Mikhail - that's who she saw on the throne.

2) And since we are talking about Crimea, it was to Yalta that he dreamed of moving the capital from his unloved Petersburg. Sea, navy, trade, the proximity of European borders ... But he did not dare, of course.

3) Nicholas II almost handed over the throne to his eldest daughter Olga. In 1900 he fell ill with typhus (again in Yalta, well, just a fateful city for the family of the last Russian emperor). The king was dying. Since the time of Paul I, the law has prescribed that the throne is inherited only through the male line. However, bypassing this order, they talked about Olga, who was then 5 years old. The tsar, however, got out and recovered. But the idea of ​​staging a coup in favor of Olga, and then marrying her off to a suitable candidate who will rule the country instead of the unpopular Nicholas - this thought excited the royal relatives for a long time and pushed them into intrigues.

4) It is rarely said that Nicholas II became the first global peacemaker. In 1898, on his submission, a note on the general limitation of armaments was published and a program for an international peace conference was developed. It took place the following May in The Hague. It was attended by 20 European countries, 4 Asian, 2 American. In the minds of the then progressive intelligentsia of Russia, this act of the tsar simply did not fit. How so, after all he is a militarist and an imperialist ?! Yes, the idea of ​​a prototype for the UN, of conferences on disarmament, originated in Nikolai's head. And long before the world war.

5) It was Nikolai who completed the construction of the Siberian railway. It is still the main artery connecting the country, but for some reason it is not accepted to credit this king. Meanwhile, he ranked the Siberian railway as one of his main tasks. In general, Nicholas foresaw many of the challenges that Russia then had to rake in the 20th century. He said, for example, that the population of China is growing astronomically, and this is a reason to strengthen and develop Siberian cities. (And this at the time when China was called asleep).

Nicholas's reforms (monetary, judicial, wine monopoly, working day law) are also rarely mentioned. It is believed that since the reforms were started in the previous reigns, then the merits of Nicholas II seem to be nothing special. The tsar "just" pulled this strap and complained that he "works like a convict." "Only" brought the country to that peak, in 1913, by which the economy will then be compared for a long time. He only approved the powers of two of the most famous reformers - Witte and Stolypin. So, 1913: the strongest gold ruble, income from the export of Vologda oil is higher than from the export of gold, Russia is the world flagship in the grain trade.

6) Nicholas was like two drops of water like a cousin, the future English king George V. Their mothers are sisters. "Nicky" and "Georgie" were confused even by relatives.

Nicky and Georgie. Looks like they were even confused by relatives

7) Raised an adopted son and daughter. More precisely, the children of his uncle Pavel Alexandrovich - Dmitry and Maria. Their mother died in childbirth, their father soon entered into a new marriage (unequal), and as a result, the two little grand dukes were raised personally by Nicholas, they called him "dad", the empress - "mom". He loved Dmitry as his own son. (This is the same Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, who then, together with Felix Yusupov, will kill Rasputin, for which he will be exiled, survive during the revolution, flee to Europe and even have time to have an affair with Coco Chanel there).

10) I couldn't stand female singing. He ran away when his wife, Alexandra Feodorovna, or some of the daughters or the lady-in-waiting sat down at the piano and started romances. The courtiers recall that at such moments the tsar complained: "Well, howled ..."

11) I read a lot, especially my contemporaries, subscribed to a lot of magazines. Most of all he loved Averchenko.

Sunday, May 19, 2013 02:11 + in the quote pad

the last Russian emperor.

The last Russian emperor Nicholas II (Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov), the eldest son of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna, was born on May 19 (May 6, old style), 1868 in Tsarskoe Selo (now the city of Pushkin, Pushkin district of St. Petersburg).

WITH once after his birth, Nikolai was enlisted in the lists of several guards regiments and was appointed chief of the 65th Moscow infantry regiment.

D The childhood years of the future Tsar of Russia passed within the walls of the Gatchina Palace. Nikolai's regular homework began when he was eight years old. The curriculum included an eight-year general education course and a five-year higher education course. In the general education course, special attention was paid to the study of political history, Russian literature, French, German and English. The course of higher sciences included political economy, law and military affairs (military jurisprudence, strategy, military geography, service of the General Staff). There were also classes in vaulting, fencing, drawing, music. Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna themselves selected teachers and mentors. Among them were scientists, statesmen and military leaders: Konstantin Pobedonostsev, Nikolai Bunge, Mikhail Dragomirov, Nikolai Obruchev and others.

V December 1875 Nikolai received his first military rank - ensign, and in 1880 he was promoted to second lieutenant, after 4 years he became a lieutenant. In 1884 Nikolai entered active military service, in July 1887 he began regular military service in the Preobrazhensky regiment and was promoted to staff captains; in 1891 Nikolai was promoted to captain, and a year later - to colonel.

D In order to get acquainted with state affairs from May 1889, Nikolai began to attend meetings of the State Council and the Committee of Ministers. In October 1890 he undertook a sea voyage to the Far East. For 9 months he visited Greece, Egypt, India, China, Japan, and then returned by dry route across Siberia to the capital of Russia.

V In April 1894, the future emperor was engaged to Princess Alice of Darmstadt-Hesse, daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse, granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England. After converting to Orthodoxy, she adopted the name Alexandra Feodorovna.

2 November (October 21, old style), 1894, Alexander III died. A few hours before his death, the dying emperor ordered his son to sign the Manifesto on the accession to the throne.

TO The oronation of Nicholas II took place on May 26 (14 according to the old style), 1896. May 30 (18 old style), 1896 during the celebration of the coronation of Nicholas II in Moscow.

Coronation of Nicholas II, 1894

V The time of the reign of Nicholas II was a period of high rates of economic growth in the country. The emperor supported decisions aimed at economic and social modernization: the introduction of the gold circulation of the ruble, the Stolypin agrarian reform, laws on workers' insurance, universal primary education, religious tolerance.

C The reign of Nicholas II took place in an atmosphere of the growing revolutionary movement and the complication of the foreign policy situation (the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905; Bloody Sunday; Revolution of 1905-1907; World War I; February Revolution of 1917).
Under the influence of a strong social movement in favor of political transformations, on October 30 (17 according to the old style), Nicholas II signed the famous manifesto "On the improvement of the state order": the people were granted freedom of speech, press, personality, conscience, assembly, and unions; the State Duma was created as a legislative body.

NS 1914 - the beginning of the First World War became a turning point in the fate of Nicholas II. The tsar did not want war and until the very last moment tried to avoid a bloody clash. On August 1 (July 19 old style), 1914, Germany declared war on Russia. In August 1915, Nicholas II took over the military command (earlier this position was performed by Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich). After that, the tsar spent most of his time at the headquarters of the Supreme Commander in Mogilev.

V At the end of February 1917, unrest broke out in Petrograd, which grew into mass protests against the government and the dynasty. The February revolution found Nicholas II at headquarters in Mogilev. Having received the news of the uprising in Petrograd, he decided not to make concessions and to restore order in the city by force, but when the scale of the disturbances became clear, he abandoned this idea, fearing a lot of bloodshed.

V At midnight on March 15 (2 old style), 1917, in the salon-car of the imperial train, which stood on the tracks at the Pskov railway station, Nicholas II signed an act of abdication, transferring power to his brother, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, who did not accept the crown.

20 (7 old style) March 1917, the Provisional Government issued an order for the arrest of the tsar. On March 22 (9 old style) March 1917, Nicholas II and the royal family were arrested. The first five months they were under guard in Tsarskoe Selo, in August 1917 they were transported to Tobolsk, where the royal family spent eight months.

V At the beginning of 1918, the Bolsheviks forced Nicholas to remove the colonel's shoulder straps (his last military rank), which he took as a grave insult.

V In May 1918, the royal family was transported to Yekaterinburg, where they were accommodated in the house of the mining engineer Nikolai Ipatiev. The regime of detention of the Romanovs was extremely difficult.

V night from 16 (3 according to the old style) to 17 (4 according to the old style) July 1918 Nicholas II, the queen, their five children: daughters - Olga (1895) -22 years old, Tatiana (1897) -21 years old, Maria (1899) -19 years old and Anastasia (1901) -17 years old, son - Tsarevich, heir to the throne Alexey (1904) -13 years old and several confidants (11 people in total), were shot without trial in a small room in the lower floor of the house.

The last Russian emperor Nicholas II, his wife and five children
in 1981 they were canonized as martyrs by the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, and in 2000 they were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church, and are currently revered by it as

"Holy Royal Passion-bearers".

Holy royal passion-bearers, pray to God for us.

On October 1, 2008, the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II and his family members as victims of illegal political repression and rehabilitated them.

Nicholas II is the last Russian emperor. It was on it that the three-hundred-year history of the rule of Russia by the House of Romanovs was stopped. He was the eldest son of the imperial couple Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna Romanov.

After the tragic death of his grandfather, Alexander II, Nikolai Alexandrovich officially became the heir to the Russian throne. Already in childhood, he was distinguished by great religiosity. Those close to Nicholas noted that the future emperor had "a soul as pure as crystal, and passionately loving everyone."

He himself loved to go to church and pray. He liked very much to light and place candles in front of the images. The Tsarevich very closely followed the process and, as the candles burned, extinguished them and tried to do it so that the cinder would smoke as little as possible.

At the service, Nikolai loved to sing along with the church choir, knew many prayers, and had certain musical skills. The future Russian emperor grew up as a thoughtful and shy boy. At the same time, he was always persistent and firm in his views and convictions.

Despite his childhood, even then Nicholas II was inherent in self-control. It happened that while playing with the boys, there were some misunderstandings. In order not to say too much in a fit of anger, Nicholas II simply went to his room and took up books. Having calmed down, he returned to his friends and to the game, and as if nothing had happened before.

Paid much attention to the education of his son. Nicholas II studied various sciences for a long time. They paid special attention to military affairs. Nikolai Alexandrovich was at military training more than once, then served in the Preobrazhensky regiment.

Military science was a great hobby of Nicholas II. Alexander III, as his son grew up, took him to meetings of the State Council and the Cabinet of Ministers. Nikolai felt a great responsibility.

A sense of responsibility for the country forced Nikolai to study hard. The future emperor did not part with the book, and also mastered the complex of political, economic, legal and military sciences.

Soon Nikolai Alexandrovich set off on a trip around the world. In 1891, he traveled to Japan, where he visited the monk Terakuto. The monk predicted: “Danger hovers over your head, but death will recede, and the cane will be mightier than the sword. And the cane will shine with brilliance ... "

After some time, an attempt on the life of Nicholas II took place in Kyoto. A Japanese fanatic hit the heir to the Russian throne with a saber on the head, the blade slipped, and Nikolai escaped with only a cut. Immediately George (a Greek prince who traveled with Nicholas) struck the Japanese with his cane. The emperor was saved. Terakuto's prophecy came true, the cane also shone. Alexander III asked for it from George for a while, and soon returned it to him, but already in a gold edging with diamonds ...

In 1891, there was a poor harvest in the Russian Empire. Nicholas II became the head of the committee for collecting donations for the hungry. He saw human grief, and worked tirelessly to help his people.

In the spring of 1894, Nicholas II received his parents' blessing to marry Alice of Hesse - Darmstadt (the future Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova). Alice's arrival in Russia coincided with the illness of Alexander III. The Emperor soon died. During his illness, Nikolai did not leave his father a single step. Alice converted to Orthodoxy and was named Alexandra Fedorovna. Then the wedding ceremony of Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov and Alexandra Feodorovna took place, which took place in the church of the Winter Palace.

Nicholas II was married on May 14, 1896. After the wedding, a tragedy struck, where thousands of Muscovites came. There was a huge crush, many people died, many were injured. This event went down in history under the name “Bloody Sunday”.

One of the first deeds of Nicholas II on the throne was an appeal to all the leading powers of the world. Russian Tsar, proposed to reduce armament and create an arbitration court, in order to avoid major conflicts. A conference was convened in The Hague, at which a general principle for resolving international conflicts was adopted.

Once the emperor asked the chief of the gendarmes when the revolution would break out. The chief gendarme replied that if you carry out 50 thousand executions, then you can forget about the revolution. Nikolai Alexandrovich was shocked by this statement, and rejected it with horror. This testifies to his humanity, to the fact that only truly Christian motives moved him in his life.

During the years of the reign of Nicholas II, about four thousand people turned out to be on the chopping block. Criminals who committed especially grave crimes - murders, robberies - were subjected to executions. There was no blood on his hands. These criminals were punished by the law, the same that punishes criminals throughout the civilized world.

Nicholas II often applied humanity to revolutionaries. There was a case when the bride of a student sentenced to death due to revolutionary activities, filed a petition to the adjutant of Nikolai Alexandrovich to pardon the groom, due to the fact that he was sick with tuberculosis and would soon die anyway. The execution of the sentence was scheduled for the next day ...

The adjutant had to show great courage, asking to call the sovereign from the bedroom. After listening, Nicholas II ordered to suspend the sentence. The emperor praised the adjutant for his courage, and for helping the emperor to do a good deed. Nikolai Aleksandrovich not only pardoned the student, but also sent him to Crimea for treatment with his personal money.

Let me give you another example of the humanity of Nicholas II. One Jewish woman did not have the right to enter the capital of the empire. She had a sick son in Petersburg. Then she turned to the sovereign, and he granted her request. “There can be no such law that would not allow a mother to come to her sick son,” said Nikolai Alexandrovich.

The last Russian Emperor was a true Christian. He was characterized by meekness, modesty, simplicity, kindness ... Many perceived these qualities as a weakness of character. Which was far from true.

Under Nicholas II, the Russian Empire developed dynamically. During the years of his reign, several vital reforms were carried out. Witte's monetary reform. promised to postpone the revolution for a long time, and in general was very progressive.

Also, under Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov, a State Duma appeared in Russia, although, of course, this measure was forced. The economic and industrial development of the country under Nicholas II proceeded by leaps and bounds. He was very scrupulous about state affairs. He himself constantly worked with all the papers, and did not have a secretary. Even the seals on the envelopes were imposed by the Emperor with his own hand.

Nikolai Alexandrovich was an exemplary family man - the father of four daughters and one son. Grand Duchesses:, they did not look for souls in their father. Nicholas II had a special relationship with. The emperor took him to military reviews, and during the First World War, he took him with him to Headquarters.

Nicholas II was born on the day of memory of the long-suffering Saint Job. Nikolai Alexandrovich himself said more than once that he was destined to suffer all his life, like Job. And so it happened. The emperor had a chance to survive the revolution, the war with Japan, the First World War, the illness of the heir - Tsarevich Alexei, the death of loyal subjects - civil servants at the hands of terrorists - revolutionaries.

Nikolai finished his earthly journey with his family in the basement of the Ipatiev House, in Yekaterinburg. The family of Nicholas II was brutally murdered by the Bolsheviks on July 17, 1918. In post-Soviet times, members of the Imperial family were canonized in the Russian Orthodox Church..

Nicholas II and his family

The shooting of Nicholas II and members of his family is one of the many crimes of the terrible 20th century. Russian Emperor Nicholas II shared the fate of other autocrats - Charles I of England, Louis XVI of France. But both were executed by the verdict of the court, and their relatives were not touched. Nicholas was destroyed by the Bolsheviks along with his wife and children, even the faithful servants paid with their lives. What caused such animal cruelty, who was its initiator, historians are still wondering.

The unlucky man

The ruler should be not so much wise, just, merciful as lucky. Because it is impossible to take everything into account and many important decisions are made by guessing. And this is pan or lost, fifty-fifty. Nicholas II on the throne was no worse and no better than his predecessors, but in matters fateful for Russia, choosing one or another path of its development, he was mistaken, simply did not guess. Not out of spite, not out of stupidity, or out of unprofessionalism, but solely according to the "heads-tails" law

“This means condemning hundreds of thousands of Russian people to death - the Emperor hesitated. - I sat opposite him, closely following the expression on his pale face, on which I could read the terrible inner struggle that was taking place in him at those moments. Finally, the emperor, as though with difficulty pronouncing the words, said to me: “You are right. We have no choice but to expect an attack. Give the Chief of the General Staff my order to mobilize "(Foreign Minister Sergei Dmitrievich Sazonov on the beginning of the First World War)

Could the king have chosen a different solution? I could. Russia was not ready for war. And, in the end, the war began with a local conflict between Austria and Serbia. The first declared a second war on July 28. There was no need for Russia to intervene drastically, but on July 29, Russia began a partial mobilization in the four western districts. On July 30, Germany presented Russia with an ultimatum demanding an end to all military preparations. Minister Sazonov convinced Nicholas II to continue. On July 30, at 5 pm, Russia began a general mobilization. At midnight from July 31 to August 1, the German ambassador told Sazonov that if Russia does not demobilize on August 1 at 12 noon, Germany will also announce mobilization. Sazonov asked if this meant war. No, the ambassador replied, but we are very close to her. Russia did not stop mobilization. Germany began mobilization on August 1.

On August 1, in the evening, the German ambassador again came to Sazonov. He asked if the Russian government intended to give a favorable response to yesterday's note on the cessation of mobilization. Sazonov replied in the negative. Count Pourtales showed signs of growing excitement. He took a folded paper out of his pocket and repeated his question once more. Sazonov again refused. Pourtales asked the same question for the third time. “I cannot give you another answer,” Sazonov repeated again. "In that case," Pourtales said, breathless with excitement, "I must hand you this note." With these words he handed the paper to Sazonov. It was a note declaring war. The Russo-German War began (History of Diplomacy, Volume 2)

Brief biography of Nicholas II

  • 1868, May 6 - in Tsarskoe Selo
  • 1878, November 22 - Nikolai's brother, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich was born
  • 1881, March 1 - death of Emperor Alexander II
  • 1881, March 2 - Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich is declared heir to the throne with the title of "Tsarevich"
  • 1894, October 20 - death of Emperor Alexander III, accession to the throne of Nicholas II
  • 1895, January 17 - Nicholas II delivered a speech in the Nicholas Hall of the Winter Palace. Political Continuity Statement
  • 1896, May 14 - coronation in Moscow.
  • 1896, May 18 - Khodynskaya catastrophe. More than 1,300 people died in a stampede on Khodynskoye field during the coronation holiday

The coronation festivities continued in the evening at the Kremlin Palace, followed by a ball at the reception of the French ambassador. Many expected that if the ball was not canceled, then at least it would take place without the sovereign. According to Sergei Alexandrovich, although Nicholas II was advised not to come to the ball, the tsar said that although the Khodynka catastrophe is the greatest misfortune, it should not darken the coronation holiday. According to another version, the entourage persuaded the king to attend a ball at the French embassy due to foreign policy considerations(Wikipedia).

  • 1898, August - the proposal of Nicholas II to convene a conference and discuss at it the possibilities to "put a limit to the growth of armaments" and "preserve" world peace
  • 1898, March 15 - Russia's occupation of the Liaodong Peninsula.
  • 1899, February 3 - Nicholas II signed the Manifesto on Finland and published the "Basic Provisions on the Drafting, Consideration and Publication of Laws Issued for the Empire with the Inclusion of the Grand Duchy of Finland."
  • 1899, May 18 - the beginning of the work of the "peace" conference in The Hague, initiated by Nicholas II. The conference discussed issues of limiting armaments and ensuring a lasting peace; representatives of 26 countries took part in its work
  • 1900, June 12 - decree on the abolition of exile to Siberia for settlement
  • 1900, July - August - the participation of Russian troops in the suppression of the "boxing uprising" in China. Russia's occupation of all of Manchuria - from the border of the empire to the Liaodong Peninsula
  • 1904, January 27 - beginning
  • 1905, January 9 - Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg. Start

Diary of Nicholas II

January 6th. Thursday.
Until 9 o'clock. went to the city. The day was gray and quiet at -8 ° C. We changed clothes in our Winter Palace. AT 10? went to the halls to greet the troops. Until 11 a.m. set off for the church. The service lasted an hour and a half. We went out to Jordan in a coat. During the salute, one of the guns of my 1st cavalry battery fired buckshot from the Vasiliev [sky] island. and doused with it the area closest to Jordan and part of the palace. One policeman was wounded. Several bullets were found on the platform; the banner of the Marine Corps was pierced.
After breakfast, ambassadors and envoys were received in the Golden Drawing Room. At 4 o'clock we left for Tsarskoe. I took a walk. I did. We dined together and went to bed early.
January 7th. Friday.
The weather was calm, sunny with wonderful frost on the trees. In the morning I had a meeting with D. Alexei and some ministers on the case of the Argentine and Chilean courts (1). He had breakfast with us. He hosted nine people.
Let's go together to venerate the icon of the Sign of the Mother of God. I read a lot. We spent the evening together.
January 8th. Saturday.
Clear frosty day. There were many cases and reports. Fredericks had breakfast. Walked for a long time. All factories and factories have been on strike in St. Petersburg since yesterday. Troops were called from the surrounding area to reinforce the garrison. The workers have been calm so far. Their number is determined at 120,000 hours. At the head of the workers' union is some priest - the socialist Gapon. Mirsky came in the evening to report on the measures taken.
January 9th. Sunday.
Tough day! In St. Petersburg, there were serious riots as a result of the desire of the workers to reach the Winter Palace. The troops had to shoot in different parts of the city, there were many killed and wounded. Lord, how painful and hard it is! Mom came to us from the city right for mass. We had breakfast with everyone. Walked with Misha. Mom stayed with us for the night.
January 10th. Monday.
There were no special incidents in the city today. There were reports. Uncle Alexei had breakfast. Received a deputation of the Ural Cossacks, who arrived with caviar. Walked. We drank tea at Mom's. To unite actions to end the riots in St. Petersburg, he decided to appoint a general-m. Trepov as the governor-general of the capital and the province. In the evening I had a conference on this matter with him, Mirsky and Hesse. Dabich (dezh.) Was having lunch.
January 11th. Tuesday.
During the day, there were no special disturbances in the city. Had the usual reports. After breakfast he took over the rear adm. Nebogatov, appointed commander of the additional squadron of the Pacific Ocean squadron. Walked. It was a cold gray day. I did a lot. We all spent the evening together, reading aloud.

  • 1905, January 11 - Nicholas II signed a decree establishing the St. Petersburg General Governorship. Petersburg and the province were transferred to the jurisdiction of the governor-general; he was subordinated to all civilian institutions and was given the right to independently call the troops. On the same day, former Moscow Chief Police Officer D.F. Trepov was appointed to the post of Governor-General
  • 1905, January 19 - reception in Tsarskoe Selo by Nicholas II of the deputation of the workers of St. Petersburg. From his own funds, the tsar allocated 50 thousand rubles to help family members of those killed and wounded on January 9
  • 1905, April 17 - signing of the Manifesto "On the approval of the principles of religious tolerance"
  • 1905, August 23 - the conclusion of the Peace of Portsmouth, which put an end to the Russo-Japanese War
  • 1905, October 17 - signing of the Manifesto on political freedoms, the establishment of the State Duma
  • 1914, August 1 - the beginning of World War I
  • 1915, August 23 - Nicholas II assumed the duties of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief
  • 1916, November 26 and 30 - The State Council and the Congress of the United Nobility joined the demand of the State Duma deputies to eliminate the influence of "dark irresponsible forces" and create a government ready to rely on the majority in both chambers of the State Duma
  • 1916, December 17 - murder of Rasputin
  • 1917, end of February - Nicholas II decided on Wednesday to go to the Headquarters, located in Mogilev

The palace commandant, General Voeikov, asked why the emperor made such a decision when it was relatively calm at the front, while there was little calm in the capital and his presence in Petrograd would be very important. The emperor replied that the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, General Alekseev, was waiting for him at Headquarters and wanted to discuss some issues .... Meanwhile, Chairman of the State Duma Mikhail Vladimirovich Rodzianko asked the Emperor for an audience: it is my most loyal duty as the chairman of the State Duma to report to you in all its fullness about the danger threatening the Russian state. " The emperor accepted it, but rejected the advice not to dissolve the Duma and to form a "ministry of trust" that would enjoy the support of the entire society. Rodzianko vainly called on the emperor: “The hour that will decide the fate of yours and your homeland has come. Tomorrow may be too late "(L. Mlechin" Krupskaya ")

  • 1917, February 22 - the imperial train departed from Tsarskoe Selo to Headquarters
  • 1917, February 23 - Began
  • 1917, February 28 - the adoption by the Provisional Committee of the State Duma of the final decision on the need for the tsar to abdicate in favor of the heir to the throne under the regency of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich; departure of Nicholas II from Headquarters to Petrograd.
  • 1917, March 1 - the arrival of the royal train to Pskov.
  • 1917, March 2 - the signing of the Manifesto on the abdication of the throne for himself and for Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich in favor of his brother - Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich.
  • 1917, March 3 - the refusal of the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich to accept the throne

Family of Nicholas II. Briefly

  • 1889, January - the first acquaintance at a court ball in St. Petersburg with his future wife, Princess Alice of Hesse
  • 1894, April 8 - engagement of Nikolai Alexandrovich and Alice of Hesse in Coburg (Germany)
  • 1894, October 21 - chrismation of the bride of Nicholas II and her naming "the Blessed Grand Duchess Alexandra Feodorovna"
  • 1894, November 14 - wedding of Emperor Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna

Before me stood a tall, slender lady of about 50 in her sister's simple gray suit and in a white kerchief. The Empress greeted me affectionately and asked me where I was wounded, in what business and on what front. A little worried, I answered all Her questions without taking my eyes off Her face. Almost classically correct, this face in youth was undoubtedly beautiful, very beautiful, but this beauty, obviously, was cold and impassive. And now, too, aged from time to time and with small wrinkles around the eyes and the corners of the lips, this face was very interesting, but too stern and too pensive. I just thought: what a correct, intelligent, strict and energetic person (memories of the empress of the warrant officer of the machine-gun command of the 10th Kuban Plastun battalion S.P. Pavlov. Wounded in January 1916, he ended up in Her Majesty's Own infirmary in Tsarskoe Selo)

  • 1895, November 3 - the birth of her daughter, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna
  • 1897, May 29 - the birth of her daughter, Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolaevna
  • 1899, June 14 - birth of her daughter, Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna
  • 1901, June 5 - the birth of her daughter, Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna
  • 1904, July 30 - birth of a son, heir to the throne of the Tsarevich and Grand Duke Alexei Nikolaevich

Diary of Nicholas II: “An unforgettable great day for us, on which the mercy of God so clearly visited us,” Nicholas II wrote in his diary. - Alix gave birth to a son, who was named Alexei during prayer ... There are no words to be able to thank God enough for the consolation He sent in this time of difficult trials! "
German Kaiser Wilhelm II telegraphed Nicholas II: “Dear Niki, how sweet it was that you offered me to be your boy's godfather! It's good that they wait for a long time, says a German proverb, so be it with this dear baby! May he grow up to be a brave soldier, a wise and strong statesman, may the blessing of God always keep his body and soul. Let him all his life be the same sunbeam for both of you, as it is now, during the trials! "

  • 1904, August - on the fortieth day after birth, Aleksey was diagnosed with hemophilia. The palace commandant, General Voeikov: “For the royal parents, life has lost its meaning. We were afraid to smile in their presence. We behaved in the palace as in the house in which someone died "
  • 1905, November 1 - acquaintance of Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna with Grigory Rasputin. Rasputin somehow positively influenced the state of health of the Tsarevich, therefore Nicholas II and the Empress favored him

The execution of the royal family. Briefly

  • 1917, March 3-8 - stay of Nicholas II at Headquarters (Mogilev)
  • 1917, March 6 - the decision of the Provisional Government to arrest Nicholas II
  • 1917, March 9 - after wandering around Russia, Nicholas II returned to Tsarskoe Selo
  • 1917, March 9 - July 31 - Nicholas II and his family live under house arrest in Tsarskoe Selo
  • 1917, July 16-18 - July days - powerful spontaneous popular anti-government demonstrations in Petrograd
  • 1917, August 1 - Nicholas II and his family went into exile in Tobolsk, where he was sent by the Provisional Government after the July days
  • 1917, December 19 - formed after. The soldiers' committee of Tobolsk banned Nicholas II from attending church
  • 1917, December - The Soldiers' Committee decided to remove the shoulder straps from the tsar, which was perceived by him as humiliation
  • 1918, February 13 - Commissar Karelin decided to pay from the treasury only soldier rations, heating and lighting, and everything else - at the expense of prisoners, and the use of personal capital was limited to 600 rubles per month
  • 1918, February 19 - an ice slide built in the garden for the tsar's children to ride was destroyed by pickaxes at night. The pretext for this was that from the slide it was possible to "look over the fence"
  • 1918, March 7 - the ban on attending the church is lifted
  • 1918, April 26 - Nicholas II and his family went from Tobolsk to Yekaterinburg