Learning in statenly draw girls with nice and air. Recommendations for the preparation and conduct of drawing on drawing in the older group on the topic "Girl in an elegant dress draw a beautiful woman in a dress

Learning in statenly draw girls with nice and air. Recommendations for the preparation and conduct of drawing on drawing in the older group on the topic "Girl in an elegant dress draw a beautiful woman in a dress

Not to all of us the Almighty gives the talent of the artist, but sometimes, probably, everyone wants to take a pencil into the hands and draw something unusual and beautiful. Often we do it at the request of our children: Little fantasies will be able to persuade anyone, even the most fundamental person to become an artist.

Today we will look at how to draw a girl in a dress. How to do this if there is no big artistic talent?

What is the basis of the picture?

There are several ways to draw a girl in a dress. To begin with, prepare an album, one simple and box of color pencils.

Include your fantasy at full power. At this point you can safely experiment, and the more you will do it, the more unusual your drawing will turn out.

Draw a beautiful girl in a dress

In order to draw a beautiful girl in a dress, it is also necessary to prepare a sheet of paper, pencil, erase erase and circula. Now proceed to the very moment of drawing.

That's all, the whole drawing is practically complete. Now you can add any elements of jewelry in the outfit, and your work will have a finished look.

Phased drawing

Consider gradually how to draw a dress for a girl and the figure itself.

Drawing Girls in Dress - Video

How to start a drawing from the dress?

Each method of drawing is different from the others with its own stages. One easier to start the image of a girl with the details of her shape, from the shoulders or head, and some prefer to draw a dress first. Above we disassembled options, how to draw a girl from head and body, now consider the second option.

To begin with, we will prepare everything that has been listed above. Next, we will try to draw a dress itself. Start better from the skirt, or rather the bottom of the dress. Then start trying the top of the outfit, leaning on the selected Staja. After the dress is ready, proceed to the drawing of the head, legs and hands.

Thus, we will be able to first choose the style of the dress itself, and then draw all other parts of the body. So it's easier to create a whole image of beauties.

You can use various items as decorations to the dress. So, for example, a small bow on a ballroom dress or beautiful beads on the evening dress will look great. You can also add various decorations in the hair. Drawing a beautiful hairpin or rim in the shape of a crown, you will make a queen from this girl.

You can draw shapes in various options for clothing. So, many like it when the girl in a ball dress is depicted in the picture. You can make such an outfit so unusual and wonderful that the drawing will be able to hit any beauty and uniqueness.

Try times over again!

Many options for such drawings can be made with your own hands. No need to visit special drawing courses, everything can be learn at home. If something is not turned out the first time, do not worry and try to draw again. After a short period of time, you can easily draw any girlfriend or a girl for a very short time.

Use various styles in drawing, do not need to be afraid that you will not succeed. Just take a pencil and start drawing. In case something will not be obtained, there is a faithful friend - this is an erase erase.

Dare and draw, sometimes we are so lacking in the life of a fairy tale, and on paper create such beauty easily. Thus, you can surprise and please your child if the drawing is done for him, and you yourself will get excellent experience in drawing, which can come in handy in life.

There is nothing better than the work that is done with your own hands. And if everything happens, you should not stop there. Experiment and leave your interesting fantasies on paper.

We will draw a girl in a luxurious blue dress. Our lesson will consist of 9 step-by-step tips, with the help of which to draw a girl in the Baln Balnom dress will not be difficult.

So, proceed to drawing:

Stage 1: First, we need to determine the boundaries on which we will draw a dress and a girl. For this, we carry out several auxiliary curves here in this way:

Stage 2. Go to drawing directly the girl itself. We start drawing the contours of her face, in the figure below we increased the place of drawing to facilitate our task. We draw contours of the face with neat, smoothly curved, lines.

Stage 3. Now draw the face of our girl. All you need to draw at this stage is highlighted in blue. We need to draw the expressive eyes of the girl, her little spout and lips.

Stage 4. Sources Draw the knobs of our princess, one of her hands is elegantly raised up, the other hand is lowered down. Sweep your hands in the same way as they are depicted in the picture below

Stage 6. Now draw a magnificent dresses skirt without going beyond the borders of the auxiliary frame, which is drawn in the figure below in red

Stage 7. Drag some small decorative elements on the dresses skirt by our girl as follows:

Stage 8. Something clearly lacks our girlfriend ... Of course, we draw them as shown in the figure below. If it turns out not quite because in the picture, nothing terrible, you can draw your hair in your own way (longer or shorter)

Stage 9. Figure Girl in Baln Dress ready. Decrade our drawing in bright colors, and we look at what we did:

Related drawing lessons:

Women and men have cardinal differences in the structure of the body. But, in the modern world, some women look like men, because of their clothes and hairstyles. However, as if the woman did not try to be like a man, we still can be found it. The main distinctive feature is the structure of the body of a woman - this is wide hips and narrower shoulders (in men exactly opposite indicators). For drawing a woman In full growth, it is worth repelled from this basic rule, and the rest of the construction secrets can be found from the phased lesson.

Materials and tools:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. Simple pencil.
  3. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. First you need to spend a simple pencil with a vertical axial line. At the edges of the segment, leave serif. They will determine the full height of the body for which it is impossible to go out:

Photo 2. We divide the segment in half. Thus, the line is divided into two parts for which we will build the body later. Next, the upper segment is again divided by half, and from the received upper segment I dwell with another half. The most upper segment is the height of the head of a woman:

Photo 3. Now you need to outline the location of the shoulders. The shoulder line will be under your head, namely under the second (above) serf. I will depart slightly down from the head, leaving a few places for the neck. The shoulder line draw a tilt, because the woman will stand a little leaning:

Photo 4. Next, we need to know the waist and knees. To do this, we need to divide the axial line into three parts. To make it easy, the lower half of the axial line is divided in half, but the knee line will be slightly higher. We measure its height and transfer it to the axial line three times, leaving serifs. As a result, three equal parts should be obtained:

Photo 5. Now we plan the waist line. It will be located on a place between the first and second half of the separated axial line (there are only 3 parts of them), and the hips are slightly lower and twice the waist. Hips and waist Draw a tilt, opposite to the shoulders:

Photo 6. We combine your shoulders and waist along the edges, and from the waist, draw a line to the hips. You need to schedule the length of the skirt - it will be equal to two distances from the waist to the hips:

Photo 7. From the shoulders will be scheduled. The left hand will be bent in the elbow and is at the level of the waist, and the right - raised and is assigned to the side:

Photo 8. Now draw your legs. Do not forget that the knees must be located at the level of serif. The right leg will go a little behind the left:

Photo 9. Draw your head in the form of oval, and on it "will be scheduled" hair. Most of them will fall out on the left side:

Photo 10. Draw your hands and give them the form. The left hand girl will keep on the waist, and the right back aside:

Photo 12. We remove the extra lines that were previously needed to build. Women's body contour strength:

Photo 13. Draw facial features of a woman. Strongly focus on the drawing person do not do, because the main task is to learn to draw a woman in full growth, namely the body. You can explore my separate lesson "How to draw a female portrait", where I work in detail the details of the girl's face:

Photo 14. Set the tone of the hair. Near the bends, we make a pencil touches denser:

Many girls and girls often draw princesses and girls. But draw a person from the first time beautiful very hard. It is necessary to monitor the observance of the proportions of the body, otherwise the figure will turn out awkward and unnatural. Magnificent dress will help adjust the shape, hide errors in building and give a festive drawing. Such a girl can already be placed on a festive postcard and on a notepad cover.

How to draw a girl in a pencil dress gradually

Auxiliary lines are drawn by a solid pencil. Indicate the hem of the skirt, it must resemble the tail of the mermaid. Add a slightly tilted hungry. From the center of oval, spend a slightly bending line of the spine. Draw a circle of head, make a chin on it, carry out the face symmetry lines. In the middle of the spine, make a circle of the chest, and above it is the line of shoulders. From the right shoulder, spend the line of the hand, the omitted visas, the line of the left hand, draw a bent into the elbow, so that the brush lay on the waist. Mugs tick the joints of furnaces and hands.

Around auxiliary lines Build contours of the body. You need to start with your head. Outline face, left ear, position of the neck. Sketch the contour hairstyles. Add shoulders, dress, hands.

Using the symmetry lines, take the eye, mouth, nose. Soft pencil outline hairstyle, chest line, squeeze the dress, draw the loop and give the pomp's puff.

Work features, add beads to the girl, draw the hair texture. Decide with a light source and add shadows using a hatching.

How to draw a girl in the dress stages

Draw oval head, neck line, shoulders, hands. The joints indicate small circles, it will help in the future to give the figure.

Draw the neck, it should be thinner head, but thicker. Add smooth shoulders, draw your right hand, torso and dress cutout.

Under the breast, spend 2 parallel strips (tape-belt), draw the second hand. The dress sleeves are made of flashlight, so the shoulders are slightly raised.

Auxiliary lines can be erased.

On the head, draw a rectangle (hat). The two top corners are connected with an additional smooth line.

Around 2 lower corners of the rectangle, drew oval (hats fields). Draw the eye contours, mouth, nose. It is important that the eyes be at the same level and the same form.

Detail face, draw a girl thick hair. Decorate a hat and dress.

How to draw a girl in a pencil dress

Draw oval heads, fine lines indicate the body position.

Give the shape with a hairstyle, outline the shape of the young lady, apply the outline of the dress.

Draw a style dress, on the hands of "dress" bracelets, hair give volume, apply the axis of symmetry on the face.

Draw a girl eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth. Add nails on your hands, draw bracelets. Apply the pattern on the dress, give it volume with folds.

How to draw a girl in a full-length dress

Thin lines indicate the contours of the body and head.

Indicate the approximate borders of the dress, draw your hand and chest, make a hairstyle.

Start drawing facial features, give a hairstyle shape, add a line of drawing, draw the top. In the hands of a girl draw flowers.

Add the part with the details, draw your face and hairstyle. Mouse over the right lines with a soft pencil.

Remove the auxiliary lines.

How to draw a girl in the dress stages in full growth

Draw still girls not necessarily. You can depict a girl dancing flamenco. The dancer will have a symmetric skirt, similar to a multi-layer cake, arms raised, one of them for his head. The girl stands in the half turn, bent.

Spent Thin line base skirt. Next over it the upper part of the skirt (its contours resemble a hat from the sun) connect it with stepped lines with a base. From the skirt, sign the curved line of the spine. Draw a circle of head and mark on eating chin. Where you plan to draw a face to apply guides. Riding your head Draw a circle (chest). Draw a right hand line raised up. The left hand looks out because of the head. Shoulder and elbow joints indicate circles. Mark the position of the hands of hands.

Outline contours of the hairstyles, faces. Draw a curved back, hands and shoulders, chest, hips. Add the leg forward with a shoe.

Mouse out the contours of the soft pencil, add the skirt of the folds, the dress of the parts, make the hair and stick into the hairstyle flower. Earn the features of the face of the girl, fingers hands.

The drawing is almost ready, it remains to give the volume of hatching. Dress and inner part of the folds of the skirt, the merchant is the darkest piece of the picture. The dancer skirt is a little lighter. The face and shoulders are shaped with small light strokes. To create a Spanish dance atmosphere, you can make an outline of a guitarist in the background.

How to draw a girl in a pencil's full-length dress

Such dresses were fashionable in the 19th century (fashion came from France) lush skirts with ruffles, swans, performing velvet, lace, satin ribbons. And now such an outfit, few people leave indifferent, they can be admired for a very long time.

Outline contours of the shape and dress. Take into account that for the correct proportion of the figure in the growth should be 8 heads.

Note on the fold and swollen skirt, draw the top of the dress, beautiful sleeves ending with lanterns. Draw a lady with a hairstyle and knocking out of it. Camerate guides.

Draw a beautiful dress of the last century hard. In the dress, there are many rings, folds, laces, and all of them must be hooked, carefully draw. Therefore, be patient.

To give the volume the volume, it is necessary to work fine well. Decide where you have a light source. Shadows from folds Draw at once.

Under the folds and swans are the darkest plots of drawing. Waolas should be covered so that each fold on them is clearly visible.

There are no buttons on the dress, but many laces, their texture should be clearly visible.

Soft pencil hover the main lines, giving the pattern of contrast and expressiveness.

Draw a face, a hat and hairstyle.

Draw your hands holding a fan. Girl in an old dress is ready. The drawing is complicated, it had to spend a lot of strength on it, but as a result you got a girl in a chic dress of the 19th century.

How to draw a girl in dress video

For some reason, when it comes to the boys and girls, and I want to remember one mischievous song, in which the author suggests that these indigenous residents of the country are of childhood. Remember, it says that girls consist of calls and flowers? That's just how to draw a girl, if it is a cute, air, almost an unearthly creature?

In fact, there are several ways, how to draw a little girl. For example, it can be depicted with photographic accuracy in the form of a portrait, and you can like a doll. Or even, fabulous, cartoon character. And even for novice artists, this process of selecting the image image will be interesting. In it, they will be able to express themselves as a creative person.

Choosing a photo or picture to draw a photo or picture, proceed to work. Only first consider how to draw a girl in a phased pencil. Our model will be similar to the character from the children's book. And we will try to portray it as fun and cute as possible.


  1. Head and neck;
  2. Torso (dress);
  3. Legs;
  4. Pens;
  5. Detailing: face and hairstyle, arms and legs;
  6. Sparking pictures.
Acting step by step, we will be easily performed. Working on the image along with our children, we will teach them how to draw a girl, and you will have time to spend time with your karapuza.

Another condition - we depict a girl with long hair, which are laid in the hairstyle. In our case, it is loved by many girls tails. Now the preparation for work is fully completed: we know what we will portray, we have an approximate nature and purpose of the picture, we thought about some nuances. Its time to begin!

Head and Neck

Do not need anything more inventing how to draw a girl with a pencil. You can master the easiest way. Making a circle. It will be a head. Two parallel lines come from it down. From the "neck" go two lines in opposite sides. We make them under the tilt. So we show the fragility of the girl's showy shoulders.

Torchis (dates)

How to draw a girl in a dress? All simple! You need to come up with an outfit and transfer your thoughts on paper. I got like this:

I wanted the dates to be a magnificent-lush, elegant. And that is why waves pass on its bottom.


Since our girl is visible to us in full growth, then the next step will draw the legs of the model.

While the whole picture is little similar to the ultimate goal. It is only a sketch deprived of detailed details. In the future, all drawings will be edited. Augmented in detail, they seem to be revived. And a cute girl will appear.


I do not want our model just stood, and there was no raisher in it. It is worth thinking how to draw a pretty girl so that any decorative element gives it naivety and spiritual heat. And therefore, boldly handing her an air ball. For this, one hand is lowered along the body, and the second one that keeps the ball for the rope, raised.

Detailing: face and hairstyle, hands and feet

In order for the picture of the drawn girl "came to life", you need to pay attention to the details. So, for example, hairstyle.

Eyes, lips and nose. Perhaps an inexperienced baby will not be able to immediately cope with this item, so the parent can help him. He will explain how the portrait is made. And also, our girls's lips stretched in a smile.

The handles and legs of the model should also be completed. On the legs should be shoes, and on the handles it is worth trying fingers.

Painting pictures

We did not sink with a photo or pictures. And simply understood the principle how to draw a beautiful girl in which sequence.

But that our work looks complete, it is worth paying attention to painting. At first, we all made with colored pencils.

Now completely paint all the details.

We had a cute picture, on which a smiling girl with a balloon in his hands is depicted in full growth.

And below a few more variants of phased drawing.