A young guy told what kind of mysteries are made by the models. The young guy told what kind of mysteries the models in prison are novice

A young guy told what kind of mysteries are made by the models. The young guy told what kind of mysteries the models in prison are novice
A young guy told what kind of mysteries are made by the models. The young guy told what kind of mysteries the models in prison are novice

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"You drive in the hut," he walked around himself, - and you can satisfy the registration: ask questions all sorts of fucking, pile of all sorts, do not answer - on the head west beat ... ", I wrote Vladimir Ivanov in the book" Life in prison ".
Prison riddles who make a newcomer in the chamber

Every new arrival in the hut - prison Camera - Be sure to "go in a preservation". It is then done to get to know the ceamer, with whom you have to share shelter, food and publication. According to the results of checking, the novice is attached to a certain caste in the prison community.

There are categories of the ZEC, which is necessary to undergo the initiation procedure. These include inadequate or patients, men older than 40 years old. Researchers who studied the criminal world of Russia include the emergence of its traditions and laws by the XVIII century.

Since then, the procedure for the rite of initiation is planned. Custom system Formed already K. eND XIX. century. The main categories (suit) were the main category, which were the reason for the emergence of a permanent rite of initiation in the ranks of recruits. Apotheosis This process has reached from 30s to the 90s of the XX century.

Thorough or not thorough - that's the question

During the registration, a "friendly" dialogue occurs, in which the riddles with trim are particular attention. Answers to them are clearly regulated. To deserve to show yourself, you must initially know the decision or intuitive to it. The initiation procedure is usually not conducted among mature criminals. It is subject to minors who pass in a preservation in the chambers of the detention facility.

It is held to explore the newcomer, to establish its degree of knowledge of the criminal subculture, to understand whether the ceamer is ready to follow its standards, to determine the status of a newly entered into the ranks, clarify the right and responsibilities coming from the established suit.

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Registration is often held immediately after entering a novice to the camera. In some prisons, it is customary to dedicate after the expiration of the period (usually it is three months). The concept of "joke" or "toy" is inextricably associated with the initiation. The goal is to end the recruitment in the infertility of the norms and rules of the criminal world. The most prolonged time is riddles. They experience the "green" zack until an asking for enough strength.

What "green" zacks do not kill ...

Riddles are defined quickly. For each protest, the subject receives a spoon on the forehead. If the ceamer was in disgrace, at the end of registration he grows "horns" - due to swelling in places of numerous blows. "Do not retell all the riddles, and help to remember (or think) to the passing residence in different ways: then a spoon, then a fist in the forehead through a book, can and litter a lithon mug," says Vladimir Ivanov's life in prison book. Fun chairs, as a rule, are defiantly dismissive, associated with the use of Maternaya Dogani.

One of the most common issues sounds like this: "What is the prison?" The correct answer ("on joke") is extremely rare. For incorrect response, recruits are pressed or squatted. But the wrong answer to the mystery "in w *** give or mother will sell?" Leads a greater insult. If the newcomer chose the first option, it is subjected to cubs. The second is beaten and becomes a "goat" (type of suit). The correct answer sounds like this: "The boy in G *** is not e ***, and the mother is not for sale." Fun on the intelligence is widely known for experienced sites: "What do you choose: x ** in g *** or a plug in the eye?" The recruit is worth choosing the second, because there are no forks in prisons.

Prison riddles

The collection of prison mysteries whose new arrived in the chamber. In certain places, based on your answer, there may be further your fate. Likewise, such riddles are asked for beginners for the sake of fun, but the riddles themselves and the answers will be given to you to understand what it applies to you. Replies. Try to give at least a couple of them the correct answer.

1.Tva Stool (classic):

There are two chairs, in one peaks are accurate, on the other x * and others, what you sit on, what mother will you put on?

Question in the forehead: fork in the eye or in g * Pu time?

3. Alive or bread?
What eat - soap from a table or bread from parac?

4. With a bottle:
Bottle broke and say: "Burry". What will you do?

5. Provisted a man in prison for 9 years:
We planted a man in prison on strict 9 years. Once he kum (the head of the prison) says, guess the riddle for 9 years I will let you go, well, the man agreed and the chief says:
The word out of 9 letters, is in every home, ends at the "CRA", but not TV. The man thought thought for a long 9 years and did not guess. He served his 9 years comes home enters the house and sees this item and dies from a heart attack.

Two chairs (classic): There are two chairs, in one peaks are accurate, on the other X * and DR * Chen, how will you sit on, what mother will put on?
Answer: I will take the peaks sharp, cut X * and DR * Chen, the Siado himself and the mother will put.
Answer number 2: Himself on the peaks to sit down, mother kneeling.

You are flying on a parachute, on the right - the forest Hu * in, left - the sea gov * a. Where will you sit down?Answer: In each forest there is a glade, and in every sea - island.

Question in the forehead: fork in the eye or in g * Pu time?
Answer: And on the zone of the zone there is no.
Answer number 2: Something I do not see one-eyed here.

Soap or bread?
What eat - soap from a table or bread from parac?
Answer: The table is not soapbox, the packet is not a bread box.

About Sakhara:
You and Kent go through the Sahara desert. At a distance of a hundred kilometers there is no housing nor settlements, no one and nothing but sand. Suddenly crawl poisonous snake, rushes at the Kent and bits him for x * th. What are you going to do?Answer: If Kent Zalyupa is above the knee, then the snake will not get. If below, he sunsits himself.

FOOTBALL: Draw on the wall a football gate, and on the floor of the ball. They say to score a goal. What will you do?
Answer: Ask to give pass.

You are given a broom in the rugs and say: "Play something on a guitar." What will you do?Answer: Give a broom with the words "And you mood first" the boring bottle:
Bottle broke and say: "Burry". What will you do?
Answer: Ask you to turn inside out.

Put a man in prison for 9 years:
We planted a man in prison on strict 9 years. Once he kum (the head of the prison) says, guess the riddle for 9 years I will let you go, well, the man agreed and the chief says:
The word out of 9 letters, is in every home, ends at the "CRA", but not TV. The man thought thought for a long 9 years and did not guess. He served his 9 years comes home enters the house and sees this item and dies from a heart attack.
Answer: Television. The question is not about the fact that the jailer was made, but about the subject, about the cat. I first heard from the jailer (TV), and then saw at home. And if you get in condition, then you can understand it

"You drive in the hut," he walked around himself, - and you can satisfy the registration: ask questions all sorts of fucking, pile of all sorts, do not answer - on the head west beat ... ", I wrote Vladimir Ivanov in the book" Life in prison ".

Each newcomer in the hut is a prison chamber - must "go in a preservation". It is then done to get to know the ceamer, with whom you have to share shelter, food and publication. According to the results of checking, the novice is attached to a certain caste in the prison community. There are categories of the ZEC, which is necessary to undergo the initiation procedure. These include inadequate or patients, men older than 40 years old. Researchers who studied the criminal world of Russia include the emergence of its traditions and laws by the XVIII century. Since then, the procedure for the rite of initiation is planned. The caste system has been formed by the end of the XIX century. The main categories (suit) were the main category, which were the reason for the emergence of a permanent rite of initiation in the ranks of recruits. Apotheosis This process has reached from 30s to the 90s of the XX century.

Thorough or not thorough - that's the question

During the registration, a "friendly" dialogue occurs, in which the riddles with trim are particular attention. Answers to them are clearly regulated. To deserve to show yourself, you must initially know the decision or intuitive to it. The initiation procedure is usually not conducted among mature criminals. It is subject to minors who pass in a preservation in the chambers of the detention facility. It is held to explore the newcomer, to establish its degree of knowledge of the criminal subculture, to understand whether the ceamer is ready to follow its standards, to determine the status of a newly entered into the ranks, clarify the right and responsibilities coming from the established suit. Registration is often held immediately after entering a novice to the camera. In some prisons, it is customary to dedicate after the expiration of the period (usually it is three months). The concept of "joke" or "toy" is inextricably associated with the initiation. The goal is to end the recruitment in the infertility of the norms and rules of the criminal world. The most prolonged time is riddles. They experience the "green" zack until an asking for enough strength.

What "green" zacks do not kill ...

Riddles are defined quickly. For each protest, the subject receives a spoon on the forehead. If the ceamer was in disgrace, at the end of registration he grows "horns" - due to swelling in places of numerous blows. "Do not retell all the riddles, and help to remember (or think) to the passing residence in different ways: then a spoon, then a fist in the forehead through a book, can and litter a lithon mug," says Vladimir Ivanov's life in prison book. Fun chairs, as a rule, are defiantly dismissive, associated with the use of Maternaya Dogani. One of the most common issues sounds like this: "What is the prison?" The correct answer ("on joke") is extremely rare. For incorrect response, recruits are pressed or squatted. But the wrong answer to the mystery "in w *** give or mother will sell?" Leads a greater insult. If the newcomer chose the first option, it is subjected to cubs. The second is beaten and becomes a "goat" (type of suit). The correct answer sounds like this: "The boy in G *** is not e ***, and the mother is not for sale." Fun on the intelligence is widely known for experienced sites: "What do you choose: x ** in g *** or a plug in the eye?" The recruit is worth choosing the second, because there are no forks in prisons.

Mastyasy laughs last

During registration, there is a "Patty Time" to consider an answer equal to 45 seconds. If the answer has not been received or it is wrong, the new promise is deprived of the status of the boys. Sometimes it becomes possible to redeem the answer to the riddle - cause the pain of "green." The object of application can serve as a "carrot" - a dry or wet towel, twisted in the harness. Often, the redemption is unreal and associated with torture. Experienced topics The most cheerful yourself. For example, designed to be "a kid". To do this, from a pre-molten cellophane, a tube is made, which is settled, and drip 36 times (it is believed that people under 18 are 36 texts) to him into the anal hole. As a result, the new, more high, the status of the Novobine does not receive.

Road to the criminal elite

The prison world is conservative and structured. Full picture Sections on the caste described Yu. K. Alexandrov in the chapter "Tabel about ranks in the criminal community (division in suit)" in the book "Essays of the criminal subculture"). Special position in it occupy a thieves in law. One of these was Pasha Zakharov, who first came to the insulator after the pocket theft. During the misfortune, he deserved a criminal authority "crown", and in the first month of stay in prison received a nickname circulation. He adequately showed himself during registration (it is possible that the riddles answered correctly), so professional criminals were submitted to him. It is believed that Pasha Zakharov Streig authoritative thieves in law.

Prison riddles

The collection of prison mysteries whose new arrived in the chamber. In certain places, based on your answer, there may be further your fate. Likewise, such riddles are asked for beginners for the sake of fun, but the riddles themselves and the answers will be given to you to understand what it applies to you. Replies. Try to give at least a couple of them the correct answer.

1.Tva Stool (classic):

There are two chairs, in one peaks are accurate, on the other x * and others, what you sit on, what mother will you put on?

Question in the forehead: fork in the eye or in g * Pu time?

3. Alive or bread?
What eat - soap from a table or bread from parac?

4. With a bottle:
Bottle broke and say: "Burry". What will you do?

5. Provisted a man in prison for 9 years:
We planted a man in prison on strict 9 years. Once he kum (the head of the prison) says, guess the riddle for 9 years I will let you go, well, the man agreed and the chief says:
The word out of 9 letters, is in every home, ends at the "CRA", but not TV. The man thought thought for a long 9 years and did not guess. He served his 9 years comes home enters the house and sees this item and dies from a heart attack.

Two chairs (classic): There are two chairs, in one peaks are accurate, on the other X * and DR * Chen, how will you sit on, what mother will put on?
Answer: I will take the peaks sharp, cut X * and DR * Chen, the Siado himself and the mother will put.
Answer number 2: Himself on the peaks to sit down, mother kneeling.

You are flying on a parachute, on the right - the forest Hu * in, left - the sea gov * a. Where will you sit down?Answer: In each forest there is a glade, and in every sea - island.

Question in the forehead: fork in the eye or in g * Pu time?
Answer: And on the zone of the zone there is no.
Answer number 2: Something I do not see one-eyed here.

Soap or bread?
What eat - soap from a table or bread from parac?
Answer: The table is not soapbox, the packet is not a bread box.

About Sakhara:
You and Kent go through the Sahara desert. At a distance of a hundred kilometers there is no housing, nor settlements, no one and nothing but sand. Suddenly, a poisonous snake crawls, rushes on Kent and bits him for x * th. What are you going to do?Answer: If Kent Zalyupa is above the knee, then the snake will not get. If below, he sunsits himself.

FOOTBALL: Draw on the wall a football gate, and on the floor of the ball. They say to score a goal. What will you do?
Answer: Ask to give pass.

You are given a broom in the rugs and say: "Play something on a guitar." What will you do?Answer: Give a broom with the words "And you mood first" the boring bottle:
Bottle broke and say: "Burry". What will you do?
Answer: Ask you to turn inside out.

Put a man in prison for 9 years:
We planted a man in prison on strict 9 years. Once he kum (the head of the prison) says, guess the riddle for 9 years I will let you go, well, the man agreed and the chief says:
The word out of 9 letters, is in every home, ends at the "CRA", but not TV. The man thought thought for a long 9 years and did not guess. He served his 9 years comes home enters the house and sees this item and dies from a heart attack.
Answer: Television. The question is not about the fact that the jailer was made, but about the subject, about the cat. I first heard from the jailer (TV), and then saw at home. And if you get in condition, then you can understand it

A young guy told what kind of mysteries the models are made in prison a newcomer.

ATTENTION! For the owners of the smartphone on Android there is a bonus at the end of the article!

This prison game is a famous registration, she is frightened by green zeks even earlier, even in the chambers of the preliminary conclusion in the police, where there is always there is an experienced or just talkative and idle to scare a neighbor. Usually, such riddles are asked for novice for fun, but the riddles themselves and answers will be given to understand you, which refers to you will be based on the answers. From prison games do not refuse. Try to give at least a couple of them the correct answer.

Two chairs (classic): There are two chairs, in one peaks are accurate, on the other x * and others, what you sit on, what mother will you put on?
Answer: I will take the peaks sharp, cut X * and DR * Chen, the Siado himself and the mother will put.
Answer number 2: Himself on the peaks to sit down, mother kneeling.

Parachute: You are flying on a parachute, on the right - the forest Hu * in, left - the sea gov * a. Where will you sit down?
Answer: In each forest there is a glade, and in every sea - island.

Pit: You fell into a pit. In the pit Puppet and X * th. What do you eat, what to shove?
Answer: I'll take the pate and get out of the pit.

* OPA or mother? In g * PU give or mother will sell?
Answer: Well * PA is not given, mother is not for sale.

Fork: Question in the forehead: fork in the eye or in g * Pu time?
Answer: And on the zone of the zone there is no.
Answer number 2: Something I do not see one-eyed here.

Soap or bread? What eat - soap from a table or bread from parac?
Answer: The table is not soapbox, the packet is not a bread box.

About Sakhara: You and Kent go through the Sahara desert. At a distance of a hundred kilometers there is no housing, nor settlements, no one and nothing but sand. Suddenly, a poisonous snake crawls, rushes on Kent and bits him for x * th. What are you going to do?
Answer: If Kent Zalyupa is above the knee, then the snake will not get. If below, he sunsits himself.
Answer number 2: Today is Kent, and tomorrow is cop.

About train: You go on the train, chained to the levers, they can be rotated or left, or right. Ahead of the fork - on the right mother to the pillar is tied to the left of the kent, the man ten. Where to kill whom you ask?
Answer: Today Kenta, and tomorrow cops.
The answer to all the riddles given above: Wake up.

About bones: Sits the alarm on Shkonara, open the feeder and give the Balant, dry bread. In the morning, reveal the feeder again and see the bones. Question: Where does the bone, if the zek is alive?
Answer: Dice.

About roosters: There were two roosters, one E * if dinner, and the other after lunch, who was worse?
Answer: Who already and worse.

In addition to such mysteries, the citizens of the prisoners can offer a newcomer also a series of trials for intelligence and smell.

Football: Football gates draw on the wall, and on the floor of the ball. They say to score a goal. What will you do?
Answer: Ask to give pass.

Broom: You are given in the hands of a broom and say: "Play the guitar something." What will you do?
Answer: Give a broom with the words "And you mood first"

Both bottle: Bottle broke and say: "Burry". What will you do?
Answer: Ask you to turn inside out.

Accordion: They ask to play the battery, as on the accordion. What will you do?
Answer: Ask to inflate fur.

Pilot and miners: Who will you be? - Ask novice. It is unknown and incomprehensible that both. Well, the miner, he answers. Then shelter under shokles, there is a scarce, collect coal. He crawls, wiping dust and dirt under the bass.

Get out. And now who will you be? Well, probably, better than a pilot, he says. He tie his eyes towel. What shock should you fly - from the bottom or top? - Ask him. Scared if, say - from the bottom. But he already heard and understands that the main thing - in no circumstances to show himself a coward. From the top, he answers. And on Domino you fall or on placed chess? - Ask him.

When you stand with tied eyes, it is very vividly, it seems the picture of how you fly the plastics from two meters to the island of the placed figures. Poor, if you choose a novice domino: and it will fall out, and the registration will begin to tighten. If it will overcome himself and calmly say: on chess, there will be three fear for many minutes and only.

As long as the figures are planted, while they are sitting on the shone, and the most terrible seconds when you need to fly from it - to fall blindly blindly. Sharply jerking - it was not - he fluttered, waiting acute painBut falls on a stretched blanket.

Pain resistance: The newcomer can offer to compete with someone from old-timers in resistance to pain. They both tie their eyes (first old-timer), put on both sides of the table, and a newcomer's scrotum, he feels with horror, tighten with a thin rope, the end of which - how to explain to him - the opponent is given. And he is given to the end of the same tied rope.

The beginning is strictly on the team. He rapidly pulls the rope, feels unbearable pain, shouts and pulls stronger, but the pain is even sharper, and he almost loses consciousness, for himself pulls himself - the rope is just throwing around the table. He is unleashed by eyes and look like he took away to mockery.

Bus: Newbie, it becomes on all fours, and he is plugged on his back who is sick. Go! The newcomer passes the meter of two or three, then the space that is usually in the chamber, stops turning and leaving. The rider passenger asks him what stop. Observing the tone of the game, the newcomer calls some. Let's go further! It will last until then, as long as he does not guessed to say: Stop final.

Astrologer: Stargazer-novice climbs under the degree rain and should through her extended sleeve - a telescope - count loudly stars drawn on paper - he clearly sees through the sleeve, like through the pipe. At this time, the pelvis is unexpectedly poured on him through the sleeve cold water - Tase for washing, nameable for some reason, Allenka is always in the chamber. How does the newcomer react to it, getting off the wet under the overall laughter of others?

Do you respect me? Do you respect me? - asks someone from Olders. Yes! - Finally corresponds to the novice. Then I drink for my health a circle of water. He drinks. Do you respect me? - asks the second. Then for me a mug. And in the chamber, as a rule, more than a dozen man. Mug after three or four it becomes torture. Guess, newcomer, on the second or on the third mug God forbid to say that you respect everyone and drink the last for the overall health.

Based on: Guberman I.M., Walking around Barack, M., "Verb", 1993, p. 78-82.

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