Filming, interesting facts, bloopers of the film “Titanic. A moment of retro: how the most famous episode of "Titanic" was filmed Drawing of a girl from the Titanic

Filming, interesting facts, bloopers of the film “Titanic.  A moment of retro: how the most famous episode was filmed
Filming, interesting facts, bloopers of the film “Titanic. A moment of retro: how the most famous episode of "Titanic" was filmed Drawing of a girl from the Titanic

"Titanic"- disaster film of 1997, directed by James Cameron, which shows the death of the legendary liner " Titanic».

In 1998, " Titanic"Was nominated for the award" Oscar"In 14 nominations, as a result he received 11 of them, including the" Best Film "award in 1997.

To get to know better the main subject of your future film Cameron in September 1995, he personally made 12 dives to " Titanic"On the bathyscaphes" Mir-1" and " Mir-2"On board the Russian research vessel" Academician Mstislav Keldysh”Later also involved in the film. The director's brother Michael, being an engineer by profession, developed an underwater camera system for filming the exterior and interior of the deceased liner. During each dive Cameron could only shoot 15 minutes due to the limited amount of film the camera could store.

The skeleton of the "Titanic" (picture from the "Mir" spacecraft)

For the filming of the film, a brand new studio was built on the Rosarito coast in Mexico, just 40 kilometers south of the state border with the United States. An almost life-size model of the ship was built in the waters of the huge pool. The final model of the created ship reached 231 meters in length, while the real liner was 34 meters longer (264 meters). Despite the grandiose scale of the set, the number of repetitive ship components (such as windows) has been reduced, and some details have been modeled by only 90%. Also during the filming process, instead of helicopters, it was decided to use a 50-meter crane placed on the rails. All this was done in order to reduce overhead costs.

During the filming of the crowd scenes, the actors were dressed in costumes, hung with sensors for "motion capture". At the same time, the creators used the services of only forty people. When shooting people falling in a ship wreck, water was simulated on a computer. This made it possible to make the encounter with her more dramatic and natural.

“After I saw the wreckage of the present” Titanic“, It became clear to me that I have no right to cheat in anything. When the Russians and I finished shooting underwater, I asked everyone to gather on the deck. Before that, we filmed all night and all day, more than 17 hours. The people were extremely exhausted, but everyone gathered at the bow of the ship, and we launched a wreath on which we wrote: In memory of passengers and crew of the Titanic... Our film is a cinematic wreath for these people. " - James Cameron about the filming of the film.

About actors and characters

  • As you know, the role of Jack Dawson was played by Leonardo DiCaprio, but at one time several famous actors claimed this place:
    • Matthew McConaughey- his candidacy was proposed very first, therefore it was he who, according to the original plan, should have been in the film. But later, James Cameron himself insisted on Leonardo DiCaprio.

  • Christian Bale- James Cameron didn't want two British actors to play two Americans.

  • Macaulay Culkin(actor who performed the main roles in the films "Home Alone" and "Home Alone 2")

  • It is also known that the role of Rosa Dewitt Bukater was played by Kate Winslet, but at one time the actress claimed this place GwynethPeltrow

  • Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio agreed to take part in the film before the final script was released, based only on a 165-page sketch James Cameron.

  • Gloria Stewart depicted an aged Rose, whose age according to the script was 101 years old, although in fact the actress was only 86 years old. And according to her assurances, there was nothing pleasant about it.

  • Rose utters the standard phrase for lovers "I love you" only once, when she and Jack were already in the water - at the very end of the film. Jack himself does not say this phrase even once for the entire film, although he briefly mentioned his love for her.

  • Kate Winslet was one of the few actors who did not want to wear a wetsuit when filming water scenes.
  • Kate Winslet got pneumonia when she participated in the shooting of the scenes of the sinking of the Titanic.

  • Rose's character is based in part on a California actress Beatrice Wood who died in 1998 at the age of 105.

  • Gloria Stewart, nominated for Best Supporting Actress, became the oldest person to be nominated for Oscar". She was then 87 years old.
  • Gloria Stewart was the only one among all who took part in the filming, who lived during the real disaster of "Titanic" in 1912.
  • His name is Caledon Hockley (character Billy Zane, Rose's groom) received from two small towns ( Caledon and Hockley), located in Ontario, Canada, where aunt and uncle live James Cameron.

Initially, it was planned to give the role Michael Bean.

  • When James Cameron wrote the script for the film, he believed that the main characters Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater should be fictional characters. Only after work on the script was completed did the director learn that there was a passenger on board the Titanic. J. Dawson". Joseph Dawson was born in Dublin in 1888. His body was buried in Nova Scotia along with the rest of the dead. Today his grave (No. 227) is the most visited in the cemetery.

  • While dissuading Rose from jumping off the ship, Jack tells her that the sensation of being thrown into icy water is comparable to the sensation of "a thousand knives stabbing your body." This is clearly a quote from a flashback Charles Lightoller working for " Titanic”, Who had been in this icy water on the night of the crash and miraculously escaped death from being sucked into one of the corridors of the sinking ship.

  • The scene in which Rose thanks Jack for saving her life is a complete improvisation by the actors.

About the film and its filming

  • When filming the last scene of the ship's immersion in the ocean, about 120 tons of water was used.

  • Upon completion of filming, a full-size model “ Titanic”Was taken apart and sold for scrap.
  • James Cameron lost his $ 8 million royalties and his percentage of the total box office when the producers learned that the film's planned budget was severely exceeded.
  • The drawing depicting the Rose was made by himself James Cameron, it is his hands that we see in the frame. All other drawings in Jack's album are also the work of the director. But due to the fact that James Cameron left-handed, during editing, the footage was mirrored inverted.

  • The deep-sea footage, which was included in the final version of the film, is only 12 minutes long. Although, in fact, each dive to the depth took several hours. In order to improve the efficiency of resource use and reduce costs James Cameron ordered to prepare a model of the remains " Titanic", Reduced by 33 times. Each real dive was rehearsed using this model and models of Russian bathyscaphes, which in the end was not in vain.

  • There were 12 dives in total. With the last two, the picture was remotely transmitted by a special device installed inside the remains " Titanic". Moreover, some of the frames were simulated on a computer.
  • Most of the decorations on the ship - from carpets to chandeliers - have been remodeled or overseen by the companies that once equipped the real " Titanic". When reconstructing the scenery, decorative elements with " Olympica"- twin brother" Titanic», Decommissioned in 1935. After the write-off, many finishing elements " Olympica"Found a second life in the creation of hotel interiors" White Swan" in England. The hotel owners have kindly provided filmmakers with the opportunity to measure and photograph these curiosities. Also when recreating interiors “ Titanic"Archival photographs of interiors were used" Olympica».

  • Shooting general plans " Titanic"On the high seas were produced using a 45-foot model" Titanic”, Which was filmed with a small digital camera. Then in the studio Digital domain smoke from pipes and water were added on the computer. To achieve plausibility, an algorithm was used to detect ships and submarines from water vibrations from the satellite. This algorithm took into account the behavior of the ocean water surface in a calm state and during the movement of foreign objects. And finally, Digital Domain computer graphics masters populated “ Titanic»Characters created on the computer. On one of the plans, you can even see the computer captain Smith, adjusting his cap.

  • Before starting to draw the Rose in his sketchbook, Jack tells her: "Over there, on the bed, mmm ... on the sofa." In fact, the phrase “Lie on the sofa” was supposed to be here. It happened when on the set Leonardo DiCaprio slightly confused the text of the script. But Cameron I liked this reservation, and it was this take that was included in the final version of the film.

  • The scene for drawing a portrait of Rosa was filmed on the first day of shooting. Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio... After filming Leo asked Cameron: "Well, how did I do it?" To which the director replied in all seriousness: "Well, you know, today is your first day of shooting, so you can still be replaced."
  • The pictures used in the filming of the film are originals. One of these paintings was the work Pablo picasso « old guitar player»1903, kindly provided for filming by the Paris Art Museum.

  • When one of the ship's managers says "Full speed ahead!" We hear someone picking up "Full speed ahead!" on the background. In fact, it was the director's voice. James Cameron.
  • In real life, there was concern that the davits were not strong enough to withstand the launch of fully loaded lifeboats, even though they were tested under that weight. The davits for the film, which can be seen flexing under heavy weight, were made by the same company as in 1912 for the present " Titanic».

  • It was planned to use 40,000 gallons of water to shoot the scene where water enters the interior of the ship for the first time. However, as it turned out later, this was not enough, and Cameron asked to increase the amount of water 3 times. At the same time, it was necessary to redo some of the decorations, which could not withstand the additional weight.

  • Cameron was categorically against the use of any songs in the film, even in the closing credits. Composer James Horner together with Will Jennings(lyricist) and singer Celine Dion recorded the song “ My heart will go on". Later, the cassette was given to listen James Cameron... As a result, the song was awarded the prize " Oscar».

  • Filming the sailing " Titanic"In the port of Southampton were produced" in a mirror image ": due to economy, the model" Titanic»Life-size was covered with metal only on the starboard side (the weather forecast predicted a north wind, so it was decided to put the model with its bow to the north, so that the wind would carry the smoke from the chimneys to the stern, and this would create an additional illusion of the vessel's movement). However, in Southampton the real " Titanic"Was moored to the port side, and in order not to sin against history, James Cameron decided to shoot "the other way around". For this, some of the equipment, props, and costumes were ordered upside down. Later, when editing the footage, the image was "turned over" so that everything was correct. Kate Winslet in one of the interviews she admitted that during the filming of landing on the liner she could not help laughing when she read “ ENIL RATS ETIHW"On the sailors' caps.

  • The model " Titanic The life-size nose was missing. It was added every time on the computer. When James Cameron saw how much these special effects cost, he exclaimed: "We'd better have built it!"
  • In order to film the scene of the sinking of the front of the ship, it was necessary to disassemble the constructed model in full size and place its front end in a tank 40 feet deep. The set was lifted and lowered into the water by 8 hydraulic jacks. The episode was filmed without rehearsal.

  • During the filming of the collision scene " Titanic»With an iceberg behind the deck on which there were Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, put green screen, which was then replaced during editing with a computer image (model) of an iceberg. But in order to make the scene look more realistic, pieces of real ice were poured onto the deck from above. Thus, the pieces of ice breakaway from the iceberg that fell overboard are computer-generated, and that came on board are real.

  • The effect of frozen ice on passengers' clothes and hair " Titanic"Caught in the water, was achieved by the fact that their hair and clothes were covered with wax, as well as a special powder, which turned into crystals upon contact with water. And the steam from the mouth was added on the computer.
  • James Cameron deliberately went to the admission of historical inaccuracy when filming scenes in lifeboats. Night on April 15, 1912 was moonless, the stars gave too little light, and the director had to somehow illuminate the scenery. That's why Cameron gave into the hands of some officers electric flashlights, which, alas, were not present in the real officers in 1912.

  • When staging special effects Robert Skotak used techniques invented by a Soviet filmmaker Pavel Klushantsev... In 1997, the film was awarded the " Oscar"For the best special effects.


Listed below are the main bloopers. See for a complete list.

  • According to ichthyologists, dolphins accompanying " Titanic", Not the Atlantic, but the Pacific variety.
  • The main characters are clearly walrus club members... For the last hour they have been running and even swimming headlong in the icy water, but they never even flinched, and only Jack once sighed "oh, how cold!"

  • The young Roses green eyes, and in the aged heroine, they acquire either a blue or an indefinite shade.
  • Captain Smith brews tea bags, although in 1912 no one had thought of wrapping tea leaves in tissue paper bags.
  • Captain's bridge submerged on a 14-minute segment of the film 4 times and the same number of times surfaced again.
  • Rose pays Jack to paint her portrait with a coin in 10 cents which depicts Roosevelt... In fact, such a coin appeared only in 1946.
  • Plywood, which is often found on " Titanic", Was not invented in 1912 yet.
  • In the atlantic ocean far from land on the horizon, the outline of the coast is sometimes visible. In addition, some of the shots taken on the deck of the full-size model “ Titanic", can see white lambs waves rolling towards Titanic". This happens only very close to the coast, and certainly not in the open sea.
  • Completed coal Jack's drawings perfectly preserved in the depths of the ocean more than 80 years after the disaster.
  • Rose looks at the green Statue of Liberty... In 1912, the Statue of Liberty still retained its original color.
  • When Rose breaks glass to get the ax, we first see how almost all the fragments fall to the floor. But then she pulls the ax out of the pile of glass still sticking out.

  • Shortly before the fall of the first pipe, we see the ship from the starboard side. The first pipe is almost half-flooded and the ship sinks quickly, and in the subsequent scene of the fall of the pipe, it is flooded slightly, only the base, and “ Titanic»Sinks very slowly, or even stands still.
  • The film shows that the officer Murdoch took money for the right to get into the boat, shot two passengers, and then shot himself. All this is not true. Actually William Murdock honestly fulfilled his duty and did everything to save as many people as possible. Seventy-five percent of all those saved with " Titanic"Were evacuated from the starboard side, where he commanded the rescue operation William Murdock... Film company " XX century Fox"Made a formal apology to the residents of Dalbeatty, homeland Murdoch.

  • The film does not show how " Titanic"Barely avoids a collision with an American liner" New York", April 10, 1912, shortly after sailing.
  • Also at the very beginning of the film it is shown as “ Titanic"Floats near small boat... Everyone who is familiar with the physics of ships knows what the mutual attraction of ships on the water is - the boat should be attracted to " Titanic". But she doesn't get even the slightest movement.
  • On the stage of the last sunset, the sun itself is on South, although " Titanic"Headed for West.

About movie records

  • The film's budget was $ 200 million, a record in 1997.
  • This film was the first to win the award at the same time. Oscar"And MTV Movie Award in the nomination" L best movie».

  • « Titanic"Became the second film to receive a record number of nominations for the" Oscar"- the first was the film" All About Eve "(1950).
  • « Titanic"Is also one of three films to receive 11 awards" Oscar"- the other two are" Ben Hur"(1959) and" "(2003).

  • For the first time since 1966 the film " Titanic"Received the award" Oscar" in the nomination " Best movie", While not being represented in the nomination" Best Screenplay". The previous film, which suffered the same "failure" was " Sounds of music"(1965).
  • With 14 nominations for " Oscar”, The film did not receive any of them among the nominations for Best Actor or Actress in the first or second plan.

  • « Titanic"Became the first film in history to gross more than $ 1 billion worldwide. After him, only four films were able to overcome this milestone - " The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"(2003)," Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest"(2006)," The Dark Knight"(2008) and" Avatar"(2009)
  • Grossing $ 600 788 188 in North America, " Titanic"Was the only film to gross more than $ 600 million for 12 years before being surpassed by" Avatar».

  • « Titanic"Headed the American box office for 15 weeks one after another - from December 19, 1997 to April 2, 1998. Only the film “ Alien"(1982) - 16 weeks, though not sequentially.
  • Overall, the film was released from December 19, 1997 to September 25, 1998. Thus, the film has a record for the length of the release - 281 days.

  • Based on the final costs, it turns out that one minute of the finished film cost one million dollars.

  • Film budget in $ 200 million exceeded the funds that were spent on construction " Titanic"In 1910-1912 - about £ 1.5 million which corresponded then $ 7.5 million... Taking inflation into account in 1997, this amount would be from 120 to 150 million dollars.

0 August 25, 2017 6:05 pm

Kate Winslet in the movie Titanic
More than 20 years have passed since the release of "Titanic", but interest in the film still does not subside. The heroes and the audience empathize with all the three hours that this picture is going on, and probably everyone cried at the tragic ending of their novel at least once.

Today the site tells how one of the most famous scenes from the legendary film by James Cameron was filmed - how Jack drew a nude Rose.

The dramatic script and convincing acting made everyone believe that Kate and Leo's romance happened not only on the screen, but also in real life. However, this is not so: in reality, their relationship is the most tender, but exclusively in.

A friendly relationship between the actors began on the set: before "Titanic" Leo and Kate did not know each other at all. They met live directly on the shooting itself. Both were very worried because they had heard about each other's acting talent: the young DiCaprio, getting this role, bypassed Matthew McConaughey and Tom Cruise, and Winslet - Gwyneth Paltrow. Both were very young: at the time filming began in 1996, Leo was 22 years old, and Kate was only 21.

I was so worried before filming, I heard so much about his acting talent! I thought: "How cool it will be to play with the best actor of the young generation!"

- later the actress admitted in an interview.

Shot from the movie "Titanic"

The directorial talent of James Cameron is multifaceted: he managed not only to masterfully recreate the atmosphere of the sunken ship and immerse the crew members and film viewers in it, but also to fully reveal the acting talent of Winslet and DiCaprio. So, a drawing scene of Winslet's nude heroine, Rose, was filmed on the first day of shooting. It is clear why this was done: the director needed sincere emotions and real embarrassment, which only unfamiliar people could give out. Exactly such were at that time Kate and Leo.

However, Winslet outwitted Cameron a little and decided to do it her own way: right after they met, realizing what the first scene in their first film together would be like, she just showed her breasts to Leo:

So as not to be shy

- she said.

Shot from the movie "Titanic"

In the film, this scene is preceded by the story of Jack, the hero of DiCaprio, about how he was in Paris and painted all kinds of women there. One of them attracted the keen attention of the artist himself: this woman turned out to be a one-legged prostitute. It was the admiration with which Jack spoke about her freedom-loving lifestyle that inspired Rose to take a bold step:

Draw me like those French women

- she says to him, throwing off the translucent robe.

Shot from the movie "Titanic"

Interestingly, according to the script, it was planned that Jack would tell her "Lie down on the sofa", but DiCaprio made a reservation: "Over there, on the bed ... uh ... on the sofa!" He says. Cameron liked the slip so much that he decided to include it in the final cut.

Leonardo DiCaprio is a great actor, but a bad artist. He couldn't draw Kate himself. The same Cameron helped him to solve this problem: in the close-ups in the film we see exactly his hand, not Leo's. But here, too, there was a difficulty: DiCaprio is right-handed, and Cameron is left-handed, so they had to be mirrored.

Shot from the movie "Titanic"

And although "Titanic" is famous for unprecedented factual accuracy, a rather large movie blooper is associated with this drawing. The film, as we remember, begins with modern shots - the raising of a safe from a sunken ship to the surface of the water, in which a leather folder with Jack's drawing is supposedly preserved. Impossible: no paper can withstand nearly a century of saltwater testing. The drawing simply could not survive to our times.

After the first day of shooting, DiCaprio approached Cameron and asked if he coped with his role, and if the director liked everything. He answered this question very seriously:

Well, you know, today is your first day of shooting. So you can also be replaced,

He replied.

It is unlikely, of course, that he planned to change Leo: Cameron, like no one else, felt that the young American with Italian roots was the perfect embodiment of the image of the broken artist Jack. The bet on the young actor turned out to be very successful, providing huge box office and super popularity. Until 2009, when Cameron's other film, Avatar, was released, Titanic's $ 2 billion grossing record was unsinkable.

And that drawing, by the way, was sold for 16 thousand dollars in 2014. All the proceeds were donated to charity.

Photo Stills from the video

The history of the Titanic is known all over the world. The ship, which everyone considered unsinkable, stumbled on an iceberg and sank in the spring of 1912. There were many people on board, celebrities, luxurious furniture, valuables. A lot of films have been filmed and many articles have been written about this technically magnificent sea vessel of enormous size.

How to draw "Titanic" in stages? It's not difficult at all. First, we will prepare the necessary accessories.

Tools and materials

We need:

  • A simple pencil.
  • Paper.
  • Eraser.

Such is the simple set of accessories that you probably have at home. Now let's move on to drawing.

How to draw "Titanic": basic elements

  1. Sketch the outlines of the ship along the entire length of the sheet of paper in general lines. To do this, draw a line along the bottom of the sheet. The line should slope slightly to the right. Draw a rectangle. It will be the hull for our ship. The rectangle on the left should be narrower than on the right.
  2. Step back a little from the top of the rectangle and draw a line parallel to the base rectangle. This will be the deck of the ship. Divide the main part of the vessel with a line vertically into two parts.
  3. Above the rectangle on the left, you need to draw two parallel lines oblique upward. When the lines intersect with the vertical stripe, turn the pencil and draw the lines with a downward slope. They must hit the ship. We now have the corner of the upper decks.
  4. The blank for our ship is ready.

How to draw "Titanic": additional elements

  1. Let's draw the pipes for the Titanic. There will be four of them. Three will be to the left of and one to the right. We draw the pipe closest to us as the largest; those farther from us are smaller. The pipes, like the rest of the ship, should be slightly tilted.
  2. Now the turn of the masts has come. The masts will be marked with vertical stripes. They should come out significantly taller than the pipes. We paint on a rope mesh in the shape of a triangle to the masts. Divide the triangle into small squares with neat strokes.
  3. Let's draw the windows for the cabins.
  4. Color the bottom of the ship and the top of the pipes with a dark color, or just shade it with a pencil. When hatching the pipes, leave a small white vertical stripe to make it appear that light is reflected in them.
  5. Light the decks and cabins.
  6. Add water to the bottom of the drawing: make a flat gray surface on which draw ripples with short strokes.
  7. Add small details as you wish. Our Titanic is ready.

Now, thanks to these instructions, you know how to draw Titanic. Train and you will definitely succeed.

Filming, interesting facts, bloopers of the film "Titanic"

"Titanic" is a 1997 disaster film directed by James Cameron, which depicts the sinking of the legendary Titanic liner.
In 1998, " Titanic"Was nominated for the award" Oscar"In 14 nominations, as a result he received 11 of them, including the" Best Film "award in 1997.

To get to know better the main subject of your future film Cameron in September 1995, he personally made 12 dives to " Titanic"On the bathyscaphes" Mir-1" and " Mir-2"On board the Russian research vessel" Academician Mstislav Keldysh”Later also involved in the film. The director's brother Michael, being an engineer by profession, developed an underwater camera system for filming the exterior and interior of the deceased liner. During each dive Cameron could only shoot 15 minutes due to the limited amount of film the camera could store.

The skeleton of "Titanic" (picture from the device "Mir")
For the filming of the film, a brand new studio was built on the Rosarito coast in Mexico, just 40 kilometers south of the state border with the United States. An almost life-size model of the ship was built in the waters of the huge pool. The final model of the created ship reached 231 meters in length, while the real liner was 34 meters longer (264 meters). Despite the grandiose scale of the set, the number of repetitive ship components (such as windows) has been reduced, and some details have been modeled by only 90%. Also during the filming process, instead of helicopters, it was decided to use a 50-meter crane placed on the rails. All this was done in order to reduce overhead costs.

During the filming of the crowd scenes, the actors were dressed in costumes, hung with sensors for "motion capture". At the same time, the creators used the services of only forty people. When shooting people falling in a ship wreck, water was simulated on a computer. This made it possible to make the encounter with her more dramatic and natural.

“After I saw the wreckage of the present” Titanic“, It became clear to me that I have no right to cheat in anything. When the Russians and I finished shooting underwater, I asked everyone to gather on the deck. Before that, we filmed all night and all day, more than 17 hours. The people were extremely exhausted, but everyone gathered at the bow of the ship, and we launched a wreath on which we wrote: In memory of passengers and crew of the Titanic... Our film is a cinematic wreath for these people. " - James Cameron about the filming of the film.

Interesting facts about the actors and characters of the Titanic

  • As you know, the role of Jack Dawson was played by Leonardo DiCaprio, but at one time several famous actors claimed this place: Matthew McConaughey- his candidacy was proposed very first, therefore it was he who, according to the original plan, should have been in the film. But later, James Cameron himself insisted on Leonardo DiCaprio.

  • Christian Bale - James Cameron didn't want two British actors to play two Americans.

  • Macaulay Culkin (actor who starred in the films Home Alone and Home Alone 2)

  • It is also known that the role of Rosa Dewitt Bukater was played by Kate Winslet, but at one time the actress claimed this place Gwyneth Peltrow

  • Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio agreed to take part in the film before the final script was released, based only on a 165-page sketch James Cameron.

  • Gloria Stewart portrayed the aged Rose, whose age according to the script was 101 years old, although in fact the actress was only 86 years old. And according to her assurances, there was nothing pleasant about it.

  • Rose utters the standard phrase for lovers "I love you" only once, when she and Jack were already in the water - at the very end of the film. Jack himself does not say this phrase even once for the entire film, although he briefly mentioned his love for her.

  • Kate Winslet was one of the few actors who did not want to wear a wetsuit when filming water scenes.
  • Kate Winslet got pneumonia when she participated in the shooting of the scenes of the sinking of the Titanic.

  • Rose's character is based in part on a California actress Beatrice Wood who died in 1998 at the age of 105.

  • Gloria Stewart, nominated for Best Supporting Actress, became the oldest person to be nominated for Oscar". She was then 87 years old.
  • Gloria Stewart was the only one among all who took part in the filming, who lived during the real disaster of "Titanic" in 1912.
  • His name is Caledon Hockley (character Billy Zane, Rose's groom) received from two small towns ( Caledon and Hockley), located in Ontario, Canada, where aunt and uncle live James Cameron.

Initially, it was planned to give the role Michael Bean.

  • When James Cameron wrote the script for the film, he believed that the main characters Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater should be fictional characters. Only after work on the script was completed did the director learn that there was a passenger on board the Titanic. J. Dawson". Joseph Dawson was born in Dublin in 1888. His body was buried in Nova Scotia along with the rest of the dead. Today his grave (No. 227) is the most visited in the cemetery.

  • While dissuading Rose from jumping off the ship, Jack tells her that the sensation of being thrown into icy water is comparable to the sensation of "a thousand knives stabbing your body." This is clearly a quote from a flashback Charles Lightoller working for Titanic”, Who had been in this icy water on the night of the crash and miraculously escaped death from being sucked into one of the corridors of the sinking ship.

  • The scene in which Rose thanks Jack for saving her life is a complete improvisation by the actors.

About the film Titanic and its filming

    • When filming the last scene of the ship's immersion in the ocean, about 120 tons of water was used.

    • Upon completion of filming, a full-size model “ Titanic”Was taken apart and sold for scrap.
    • James Cameron lost his $ 8 million royalties and his percentage of the total box office when the producers learned that the film's planned budget was severely exceeded.
    • The drawing depicting the Rose was made by himself James Cameron, it is his hands that we see in the frame. All other drawings in Jack's album are also the work of the director. But due to the fact that James Cameron left-handed, during editing, the footage was mirrored inverted.

    • The deep-sea footage, which was included in the final version of the film, is only 12 minutes long. Although, in fact, each dive to the depth took several hours. In order to improve the efficiency of resource use and reduce costs James Cameron ordered to prepare a model of the remains " Titanic", Reduced by 33 times. Each real dive was rehearsed using this model and models of Russian bathyscaphes, which in the end was not in vain.

    • There were 12 dives in total. With the last two, the picture was remotely transmitted by a special device installed inside the remains " Titanic". Moreover, some of the frames were simulated on a computer.
    • Most of the decorations on the ship - from carpets to chandeliers - have been remodeled or overseen by the companies that once equipped the real " Titanic". When reconstructing the scenery, decorative elements with " Olympica"- twin brother" Titanic», Decommissioned in 1935. After the write-off, many finishing elements " Olympica"Found a second life in the creation of hotel interiors" White Swan" in England. The hotel owners have kindly provided filmmakers with the opportunity to measure and photograph these curiosities. Also when recreating interiors “ Titanic"Archival photographs of interiors were used" Olympica».

    • Shooting general plans " Titanic"On the high seas were produced using a 45-foot model" Titanic”, Which was filmed with a small digital camera. Then in the studio Digital domain smoke from pipes and water were added on the computer. To achieve plausibility, an algorithm was used to detect ships and submarines from water vibrations from the satellite. This algorithm took into account the behavior of the ocean water surface in a calm state and during the movement of foreign objects. And finally, Digital Domain computer graphics masters populated “ Titanic»Characters created on the computer. On one of the plans, you can even see the computer captain Smith, adjusting his cap.

    • Before starting to draw the Rose in his sketchbook, Jack tells her: "Over there, on the bed, mmm ... on the sofa." In fact, the phrase “Lie on the sofa” was supposed to be here. It happened when on the set Leonardo DiCaprio slightly confused the text of the script. But Cameron I liked this reservation, and it was this take that was included in the final version of the film.

    • The scene for drawing a portrait of Rosa was filmed on the first day of shooting. Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio... After filming Leo asked Cameron: "Well, how did I do it?" To which the director replied in all seriousness: "Well, you know, today is your first day of shooting, so you can still be replaced."
    • The pictures used in the filming of the film are originals. One of these paintings was the work Pablo picasso « old guitar player»1903, kindly provided for filming by the Paris Art Museum.

  • When one of the ship's managers says "Full speed ahead!" We hear someone picking up "Full speed ahead!" on the background. In fact, it was the director's voice. James Cameron.
  • In real life, there was concern that the davits were not strong enough to withstand the launch of fully loaded lifeboats, even though they were tested under that weight. The davits for the film, which can be seen flexing under heavy weight, were made by the same company as in 1912 for the present " Titanic».

  • It was planned to use 40,000 gallons of water to shoot the scene where water enters the interior of the ship for the first time. However, as it turned out later, this was not enough, and Cameron asked to increase the amount of water 3 times. At the same time, it was necessary to redo some of the decorations, which could not withstand the additional weight.

  • Cameron was categorically against the use of any songs in the film, even in the closing credits. Composer James Horner together with Will Jennings(lyricist) and singer Celine Dion recorded the song “ My heart will go on". Later, the cassette was given to listen James Cameron... As a result, the song was awarded the prize " Oscar».

  • Filming the sailing " Titanic"In the port of Southampton were produced" in a mirror image ": due to economy, the model" Titanic»Life-size was covered with metal only on the starboard side (the weather forecast predicted a north wind, so it was decided to put the model with its bow to the north, so that the wind would carry the smoke from the chimneys to the stern, and this would create an additional illusion of the vessel's movement). However, in Southampton the real " Titanic"Was moored to the port side, and in order not to sin against history, James Cameron decided to shoot "the other way around". For this, some of the equipment, props, and costumes were ordered upside down. Later, when editing the footage, the image was "turned over" so that everything was correct. Kate Winslet in one of the interviews she admitted that during the filming of landing on the liner she could not help laughing when she read “ ENIL RATS ETIHW"On the sailors' caps.

  • The model " Titanic The life-size nose was missing. It was added every time on the computer. When James Cameron saw how much these special effects cost, he exclaimed: "We'd better have built it!"
  • In order to film the scene of the sinking of the front of the ship, it was necessary to disassemble the constructed model in full size and place its front end in a tank 40 feet deep. The set was lifted and lowered into the water by 8 hydraulic jacks. The episode was filmed without rehearsal.

  • During the filming of the collision scene " Titanic»With an iceberg behind the deck on which there were Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, put green screen, which was then replaced during editing with a computer image (model) of an iceberg. But in order to make the scene look more realistic, pieces of real ice were poured onto the deck from above. Thus, the pieces of ice breakaway from the iceberg that fell overboard are computer-generated, and that came on board are real.

  • The effect of frozen ice on passengers' clothes and hair " Titanic"Caught in the water, was achieved by the fact that their hair and clothes were covered with wax, as well as a special powder, which turned into crystals upon contact with water. And the steam from the mouth was added on the computer.
  • James Cameron deliberately went to the admission of historical inaccuracy when filming scenes in lifeboats. Night on April 15, 1912 was moonless, the stars gave too little light, and the director had to somehow illuminate the scenery. That's why Cameron gave into the hands of some officers electric flashlights, which, alas, were not present in the real officers in 1912.

  • When staging special effects Robert Skotak used techniques invented by a Soviet filmmaker Pavel Klushantsev... In 1997, the film was awarded the " Oscar"For the best special effects.

Kinolyapi when filming the Titanic

  1. Captain Smith is clearly an alien from the future. So he brews tea in bags, although in 1912 no one thought of wrapping tea leaves in tissue paper bags.
  2. Not to mention contact lenses, which are clearly visible in close-ups.
  3. French impressionist Claude Monet, whose painting "Water Lilies" adorns Rose's cabin, began painting a series of lilies eight years after the sinking of the ship.
  4. Rose's fiancé Cal fired from an automatic "Colt", in those days inaccessible to civilians, and his bodyguard's semi-automatic has not yet been invented.
  5. The hymn, sung in the service in the ship's chapel, will be written twenty-five years after the disaster.
  6. The dolphins accompanying the Titanic, apparently, specially sailed from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic to admire Leo DiCaprio. For less important reasons, this species of dolphins does not leave their original habitats in the Pacific Ocean.
  7. There was also a discrepancy with the “Heart of the Ocean” diamond / La Coeur de la Mer /: during the years of the French Revolution, it was considered irretrievably lost, but now it lies in the Smithsonian Institution and feels much more comfortable than at the bottom of the sea. And when it is said that it is also the "Hope Diamond", then we are talking about another, really existing blue diamond, but more than half a century before the sailing of the "Titanic" it was cut and has the shape of an oval, not a "heart ".
  8. What is the captain's bridge, which sank 4 times during the 14-minute segment of the film and emerged the same amount.
  9. Pipes that fell and back miraculously fell into place.
  10. Rose pays Jack / Leonardo DiCaprio / to paint her portrait with a 10 cent piece of Roosevelt. But such a coin appeared only in 1946.
  11. There is a wonderful episode in this film where the camera pans first the face of the drawing Jack, and then his hand. The hand looks clearly older. Still would! After all, this is the hand of the director himself! Cameron lit up his hand, immortalized it.
  12. After Jack sinks, Rose begins to sing "Come, Josephine ..." Who looked closely, noticed that the stars in the sky form a symmetrical pattern. If you look even more closely, the stars form the contours of the famous "Heart of the Ocean".
  13. Error in the text in the English version. According to the script, DiCaprio had to say: "Sit on the bed ... I mean the couch", but issued: "Sit on the couch".
  14. In Southampton, a father with his daughter in his arms is among the people seeing off. "Isn't that a big boat?" The father asks in a typically English manner. “It’s a ship, daddy” - replies the girl with an American accent. Well, God bless him, with English ...
  15. Young Rose has green eyes, while old Rose has blue. In the fade scene, old Rose miraculously takes on the color of young Rose's eyes.
  16. Leo DiCaprio's character smokes cigarettes at the beginning of the film. In the scene on the deck - filter cigarettes.
  17. In the scene of teaching the art of spitting, the angles of the characters' shadows change so often, as if the sun was feverishly jumping back and forth over the horizon.
  18. When Jack tries to prevent Rose from committing suicide, he tells her: "Well, you are there, like, don't jump, it will be cold," and holds her with his right hand. And when he says: "Well, I, like, I'll jump too," he already holds Rose with his left. In theory, you can change hands when changing frames, but then he would probably have to jump overboard, as promised.
  19. Lake Wissota, about which Jack tells Rose, is actually an artificial reservoir in Wisconsin near Chippewa Falls, filled with water in 1917, five years after the sinking of the Titanic.
  20. Jack's drawings are nothing more than repaints of famous photographs from the 1980s. There is a photo of Nastassja Kinski, and there is also a reworked photo of the famous photographer Sally Mann.
  21. Picasso's painting "Les Madamoiselles D'Avignoin" in Rose's room is still in the museum to this day. On the Titanic, as far as we know, there were no paintings by Cézanne, Picasso and Monet.
  22. A secular lady in 1912 could not have removed the corset herself without assistance. And one more thing: on the delicate skin of Rose there should have been a trace of the corset, the "callus" of the ladies of the time.
  23. Well, plywood wasn’t invented yet in 1912! And she's all the time on the Titanic.
  24. When the heroes do THIS in one of the cars between the decks, we see a large number of different cars. But here's how history testifies (check): only one car (Peugeot brand) was loaded on the Titanic.
  25. Even after a third of the hull has disappeared under water, the lights on the ship continue to burn.
  26. Shortly before the fall of the first pipe, we see the ship from the starboard side. The first pipe is almost half-flooded and the ship sinks quickly, and in the subsequent scene of the fall of the pipe, it is flooded slightly, only the base, and “ Titanic»Sinks very slowly, or even stands still.
  27. The film shows that the officer Murdoch took money for the right to get into the boat, shot two passengers, and then shot himself. All this is not true. Actually William Murdock honestly fulfilled his duty and did everything to save as many people as possible. Seventy-five percent of all those saved with " Titanic"Were evacuated from the starboard side, where he commanded the rescue operation William Murdock... Film company " XX century Fox"Made a formal apology to the residents of Dalbeatty, homeland Murdoch.
  28. When the general excitement begins, one of the crowd participants can see an electronic clock on his wrist. But he panics like a real gentleman of the pre-electronic era.
  29. No one dares to swim under the stern protruding from the water. But when the hull breaks, the aft part falls just on the "sea" of heads of floating people.
  30. On the Titanic, all four chimneys could not smoke. There were three working pipes. The fourth was set aside for storage rooms and at the same time served as a temporary shelter for the passengers' pets. Surviving eyewitnesses said that when this pipe began to sink, a terrible howl came from it.
  31. It is unclear where the dogs went in the crash scene. At the beginning of the film, there were at least 20 of them on board. Did their prudent owners collect all the pets in the ill-fated fourth tube in advance?
  32. The whole world sobbed, looking at the unfortunate mother, telling a story to her children, doomed to go to the bottom in the cabin of the Titanic. Wept badly: they can be seen in one of the lifeboats in the background in the following scenes.
  33. When Rose is lying on the board, and a frozen Jack is floating next to him, it hangs under his nose, then not hanging, then again something like an icicle hangs.
  34. In one of her dialogues with Bruce, Rose cited Freud's work on male prejudice. However, this work was not published until 1920. Moreover, until 1919, Freud held a different opinion on this matter.
  35. Remember the touching moment when John freezes and goes under water. An obvious contradiction to reality - even partially frozen bodies float on the surface of the water, despite any amount of clothing.
  36. An episode in which Rose rescues Jack, who is handcuffed to a pipe. Out of excitement, she does not hit the chain with an ax. Nevertheless, this does not prevent Leo from freeing himself from the trap. Strong muscles do their job - he just breaks the chain that connects the handcuffs!
  37. Pay attention to the location of the mole on the face of Kate Winslet's character. At the very beginning of the film in the port, a mole on one side of the face, a little later - moves to the other side.
  38. Among the items recovered from the Titanic was a well-preserved hand mirror. It remains a mystery how a mirror, which had been lying for such a long time in such extreme conditions, was so wonderfully preserved?
  39. In the Atlantic Ocean, far from land, the outline of the coast is visible on the horizon.
  40. For some reason, the steering wheel was turned in the wrong direction! Although the order sounded quite clear.
  41. It’s very curious how Jack’s charcoal drawings were so admirably preserved ...
  42. The main characters, apparently, were distinguished by frost resistance in relation to cold ocean water penetrating into a sinking ship. They have been wandering in this water for almost the entire last hour, and none of them even flinched. Probably, they were warmed by love.
  43. When a ship crashes, a passenger falls from the stern and hits a massive metal part of the ship (weighing a couple of tons), and it springs under him like foam rubber.

About movie records

    • The film's budget was $ 200 million, a record in 1997.
    • This film was the first to win the award at the same time. Oscar"And MTV Movie Award in the nomination" L best movie».

  • « Titanic"Became the second film to receive a record number of nominations for the" Oscar"- the first was the film" All About Eve "(1950).
  • « Titanic"Is also one of three films to receive 11 awards" Oscar"- the other two are" Ben Hur"(1959) and" The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"(2003).

  • For the first time since 1966 the film " Titanic"Received the award" Oscar" in the nomination " Best movie", While not being represented in the nomination" Best Screenplay". The previous film, which suffered the same "failure" was " Sounds of music"(1965).
  • With 14 nominations for " Oscar”, The film did not receive any of them among the nominations for Best Actor or Actress in the first or second plan.

Almost 20 years have passed since the film "Titanic" was filmed and released. No one, perhaps, would argue that the film is an absolute masterpiece, deserves attention, viewing and at least a couple of tears. No, guys, seriously, how can you not be upset when such a tragedy unfolds on the screen?

One way or another, the conclusion is one: the film is amazing! Therefore, it is so interesting what is hidden behind it, how the filming process went, what was interesting and unusual in it, this will be discussed.

1. For the role of Jack Dawson, the studio intended to take Matthew McConaughey, and the possibilities of cooperation with Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt were also considered. But James Cameron insisted that Leonardo DiCaprio play the role. And he was right!

2. Gloria Steward is the only one who starred in the film and at the same time really lived at the time when the Titanic sank - in 1912. She was born in 1910. By the way, for her work in the film "Titanic" she was nominated for an Oscar as Best Supporting Actress. She was 87 at the time.

3. Kate Winslet was one of the few actors who did not wear a wetsuit when filming in the water. Because of this, she even contracted pneumonia.

4. The cost of building the Titanic in 1910-1912 was 7.5 million dollars, which is equal to the amount of 120-150 million dollars in 1997. The cost of making the film was more expensive - 200 million dollars.

5. In fact, James Cameron, not Leonardo DiCaprio, created all those drawings from Jack Dawson's album. He also painted a portrait of the character of Kate Unslet. And since the director is left-handed, DiCaprio is not, the image was mirrored and inserted into the film.

6. The elderly couple from the movie, who stayed in the cabin and lay naked while the water arrived, actually existed. They were Ida and Isidor Strauss, the owners of a department store in New York. Ida was offered a place in a lifeboat, but she refused, as she did not want to leave her husband. She said: "We have lived all our lives together, so we will die."

7. After the end of filming, the remains of the ship were sold as scrap metal.

8. Gwyneth Paltrow was one of the contenders for the role of Rose, as were Nicole Kidman, Madonna, Jodie Foster, Cameron Diaz and Sharon Stone.

9. All water scenes were filmed in a huge pool with a depth of only half a man's height.

10. For filming the scene where water fills the main lobby of the ship, the crew had only one attempt. Everything happened for real, and after the shooting, all the decorations and furniture were completely ruined.

11. The role of the ship's captain was proposed to Robert DeNiro. But he had to refuse due to illness.

12. The film was originally called "The Planet of Ice".

13. After Jem Cameron had already finished writing the script, he discovered that a man named Jack Dawson had indeed sailed aboard the Titanic and was pogimb at the time of the crash. Joseph Dawson, like many other victims of the crash, is buried in a cemetery in Nova Scotia, and his grave is one of the most visited.

14. In the episode where Jack draws Rose, Leonardo DiCaprio's character says, "Lie on the bed, uh, I mean on the sofa." In the original, the line sounded like "Lie on the sofa", but Leonardo DiCaprio was mistaken - James Cameron liked it, and he left everything as it is.

15. If we exclude all scenes from the present, then the exact length of the film will be 2 hours and 40 minutes. This is exactly how long the Titanic was sinking.

16. Titanic is the second film in the history of a cinematographer to capture the tragedy that happened on the ship. Both films were nominated for Best Picture Oscars. (The first was filmed in 1933 - Cavalcade).

17. Leonardo DiCaprio's response "I am the king of the world!" was not foreseen in the scripts and is pure improvisation.

18. The first draft of the film lasted 36 hours.

19. During the final scene of the film, where Jack meets Rose on the steps of the main hall, the clock shows the time 2:20 am - the exact time when the Titanic sank.

20. Titanic was the first film to have two actresses nominated for an Oscar for the same role.

21. The film was nominated for an Oscar in 14 nominations, an absolute record in the history of the film academy.