Vyacheslav Butusov sang and talked at the creative evening at the pop theater. Vyacheslav Butusov sang in the pop theater Butusov 55 years old Concert theater pop

Vyacheslav Butusov sang and talked at the creative evening at the pop theater. Vyacheslav Butusov sang in the pop theater Butusov 55 years old Concert theater pop

Only on March 17, the stage theater will open its doors to all admirers of the unique Russian artist - concert Vyacheslav Butusov. The legendary soloist of the Northern Capital group will give a unique acoustic concert, which will be inimitable, thanks to his soulfulness. This event will give each viewer a pleasant feeling of evening housekeeping when you gather your favorite friends to sing under the guitar legendary hits of past years.

However, this evening will be presented by many interesting surprises! The guitar will not become the only tool in the repertoire of the musicians, and the chamber hall will be like a small philharmonic. Together with the main character of this show, an amazing string quartet will appear as part of the performers. Such an experiment Vyacheslav Butusov in Moscow, as in other cities will be held for the first time. Previously, he never had to perform his compositions in acoustics with string instruments. And all this is only for grateful spectators! New emotions, a pleasant mood and an unsurpassed atmosphere will be overwhelmed by the Estrada Theater Hall on March 17. Favorite songs will be in a new format, and you will regret if you do not hear them alive!

Dear visitors Site! Your attention is offered a report on the creative evening of Vyacheslav Butusov, who took place on April 21, 2017 at the Moskovskaya Destrade Theater!

In early March, numerous fans of the creativity of Vyacheslav Butusov turned out to be shocked by unexpected news. The musician dismissed the U-Peter group, with which he has recorded five full-fledged albums with the author's material over the past fifteen years, presented a couple of tributov with the songs of Nautilus Pompilius, played thousands of solo concerts and festivals. The reasons for such an act of buds left behind the brackets, but now the artist with the new composition is preparing a concert tour to the 35th anniversary of the cult nautilus. The premiere of this program will take place in autumn. In the meantime, Vyacheslav Butusov pleases its viewer with acoustic creative evenings dedicated to last year's 55th anniversary.

In Moscow, a concert, scheduled for March 17, provoked an unprecedented excitement - a week before the speech, to get tickets with a huge markup could be exclusively at the discovers. Therefore, the idea of \u200b\u200bspending an additional creative evening did not cause surprise. Re-meeting Vyacheslav Butusov with its metropolitan listener was held on April 21 in the same cozy walls of the Estrada Theater.

Creative evening Butusova is not only the opportunity to listen to the favorite songs in acoustics, but also the chance to ask the rock legend questions. Therefore, before the start of the concert, while people were looking for their places in the hall, a considerable part of those who came to be preparing Vyacheslav notes with wishes, requests, suggestions and, of course, questions. So it remains a mystery to whom on the scene the second sedentary place with a connected guitar was organized. Under last year's creative evenings, anyone could reach Butusov and sing with him everything went to the soul. Sometimes, his friends, such as or are joined to Vyacheslav. In 2017, nothing like the stage of the stage saw. The gun did not shoot - for all two hours a chair near Vyacheslav remained free.

Once again, Butusov confirmed his punctuality. The musician appeared on the stage just with a fifteen-minute delay, which in today's concert realities can be perceived as "beginning without delays." Thanking All confidence, Vyacheslav remembered the recent Easter holiday: "Christ is Risen!" The artist noticed that some church chant wanted as a foreplay of a creative evening, but seeing a roller on the Internet, in which Peter Mamonov with Shamansky Bubn congratulates schoolchildren with Easter, refused to have this idea. "This should be at the level of the nate and improvisation", - concluded Butusov, still starting a meeting from unexpected translating to the music of prayer "Virgin Mary, Rejoice".

Immediately behind her with the song "Air" The artist plunged into the events of almost the quarter-century ago. On a similar one young man demanded this song from Butusov, but Vyacheslav refused, referring to "Many reasons, including objective". And now, four years later, Butusov satisfied the request of the fan. Naturally, at the current concert did not cost without applications, but the ex-leader of Nautilus and Yu-Peter, according to his own words, wanted to warm up a little before the prosaic part of the evening and Non-stop passed through the planned track-leaf.

One of the scene of the theater of the stage sounded songs that have long been included in the lists of the best compositions of Russian rock: "Lonely bird", "People", "Diamond Roads", "Tutankhamon"... as it happened at the concerts of Yu-Peter, each song was accompanied by an interesting video series. For example, on a rare room "Christ" From the 1996 album "Wings" on the screen can be viewed on Jesus in the company of police and various marginals, and "Ural People" "View from Screen" Spectators showed a smiling Barbie doll.

Completed this introductory music block almost the only one for the evening the composition from the post-Nautilus period "Song going home". Her buds devoted "The theme of the tightened arrival of spring" and "Farewell to wonderful Russian snow". Vyacheslav told that now in St. Petersburg in full swing "Second Winter", and spring this year we will meet twice. If in the first twenty minutes, a somewhat stressful atmosphere was felt in the hall (after all, the overall paphos hall, a panel with a sickle and a hammer and the inscription "Glory to the Great Soviet People" above the stage of the stage theater is created not the most liberated atmosphere), then the "song goes home" as Once it became the catalyst, who managed to remind the public that she was on a rock concert, let and acoustic. The audience began to sing in full voice, not a whisper, as before; clap; shout out the name of your favorite songs or some replicas.

After the "song of going home" it's time to answer the notes. All four voiced messages turned out to be completely diverse. The fan asked Butus to play "Morning Polina"because This song reminds her to her grandmother. Vyacheslav did not refuse, only did it in the second half of the evening. The offer to go to Tashkent, the musician noticed that at first he needed back to Peter to feed the turtle of his son, and only then he was ready to fly anywhere. Philosophical question "What is the first to bring up in boys?" Looking Butusov to go into a long reasoning about integrity and devil. Of the other personal qualities, Vyacheslav pointed to decisiveness, kindness and simplicity.

Young fan Kirill asked the meaning of the text of the song "Gibraltar - Labrador". Butusov did not clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author of George Gunnitsky, referring to the fact that in absurdism everyone finds his meaning. But Vyacheslav addressed Kirill for the third verse another not the simplest to understand the song "Everyone who has no usa.

The cycle of very old things associated with buds with student times started with this composition. "Quiet games" Perfectly lay on raised earlier the theme of education of children. "Everything in life is interconnected!" - summed up the main hero of the evening. "Synoptics", once dedicated to the Leningrad Rock Club, according to Butusov, he has not performed a long time as part of the rock band. Now Vyacheslav "Sleeping" A song, built a new electrical version and is now ready to present it on autumn performances to the 35th anniversary of Nautilus Pompilius.

Having finished with the student creativity of the song "Just be", the artist again took up the notes: "Conversation - a useful thing". True, too long to give up the conversations of Butusov did not. Vyacheslav congratulated a couple of people happy birthday and told about the song "Poor Bird". The musician remembered that she was supposed to enter the Album "Yablomytay", but at the request of the author of the text Ilya Kormiltshev, the song was seized from the publication. He could not play the live "poor bird", but promised that the recently presented joint song of the song will appear on all the tribute records planned to the 35th anniversary of Naudilus.

In memory of the poet Ilya Kormaltsev Butusov sang "Who else", but "Beast" The musician has already been addressed by Alexey Balabanov and Sergey Bodrovu-younge. On the screen, the song was shone from the movie "Brother". Extremely relevant in the stage theater sounded numbers "Walking on the water" and "On the shores of the Unnamed River", After all, the building of this platform stands on Bersenevskaya embankment at the Moscow River itself.

In the last block of answers to the questions of Butusov, the reasons for receiving them the medal of Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk diocese. "We have long been friends", - answered the musician 11-year-old Arseny, who asked such a question. Someone asked Vyacheslav so that he wrote in the message to himself, which he would read only in 25 years. Butusov shared information from one article, which argued that a man reaches absolute wisdom to the 70s. Because After 25 years, Vyacheslav knocks 80 years old, he would have written: "Have you wise 10 years ago?"

Completed the interactive question: "How do you understand your vocation in life?" Butusov admitted that he had repeatedly asked for a long time as such questions and eventually urged that if he did an effort and went to the scene - say something useful. And if you can't say - Speed \u200b\u200ba song. This Butusov took up, leaving the finals of the hits "Breath", "Wings", "I wanna be with you" and "Farewell letter".

Viewers did not want to let go of a favorite artist from the scene. Within a few minutes, Bucosov had to collect bouquets and distribute autographs directly from the scene. "According to the script, I had to leave the scenes ..." - explained Vyacheslav, returning to his "worker" place. Bis Butusov played his latest song "To angels"The premiere of which took place last fall within a joint project with a mosquet "awakened joy."

As already mentioned above, from September Vyacheslav Butusov with a new composition of musicians whose names are still hidden under the cover of the mystery, will go to the tour "Nautilus Pompilius - 35 years old." In Moscow, this show can be seen on November 23 in the Concert Hall "Crocus City Hall".

Accurate track list of concert:
1. Virgin, rejoice
2. Air
3. Lonely bird
4. Christ
5. View from the screen
6. People
7. Diamond roads
8. Tutankhamon.
9. Song of Going Home
10. All those who are
11. Quiet games
12. Weather forecasters
13. just to be
14. Who else
15. Morning Polina
16. Beast
17. Walking through water
18. On the shores of the Unnamed River
19. Breathing
20. Wings
21. I want to be with you
22. Farewell

23. To angels

thank you for the accreditation provided Anastasia Koscheyev (Live Promo)

Sand, especially for the site


Reports about past concerts Vyacheslav Butusov.

Vyacheslav Butusov spoke with the Bibigonia solo program at the Moskovsky pop theater. For the transformation of the Sverdlovsk Rocker, Yaroslav Zakaluyev was observed in Gothic Bard.

It so happened that the last couple of years has become the key to the current self-determination of the Russian rocks who lived to the village of Roc. The reasons for these processes are formally lying in different planes, but the result is one - the rapid changes in the existence and positioning of the main Russian ROC groups. So, Konstantin Kinchev finally decided to carry his listeners not peace, but the sword, Yuri Shevchuk again reconstructed the sound of his group. Fyodor Chistyakov released the first album over many years with new songs, and Boris Grebenshchikov reported at all about the decision to "go to partisans". For guessing about the outcome of this goer, it was easy not to notice what was happening with Vyacheslav Butusov, while his solo creative evening in the pop theater fits perfectly into the number formed above.

Before the way out of the singer, the spectators on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist and the producers were to immerse themselves into the atmosphere, which will allow everyone to accelerate the arrival of spring. To do this, psychedelic collages resembling a visualizer from Winamp showed on the screen on the screen. Going to the stage, Butusov stressed that it would be nice that the human gathering served as the good purpose that, according to the artist, it happens with large folk assemblies.

The Soundtrack for the melting of the snowdrifts of mosquitoes was broken into two compartments. The first Vyacheslav Gennadyevich devoted to his post-byhutilosian period, and a significant part of the songs was selected from the first Solniks of the musician. Practice shows that these songs are quite restrained by even the most loyal fans. "Well, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought he would be with a group! Well, I still love these songs, and I really like Glory - like a person, "explained the elderly worker in the intermission of his harshly pursing his companion's lips. Slightly cooled from monotonous spells like "Trillipput" and "Star", the audience cheerfully cheered up in the buffet, slowly returned to their idol, but returned, they got everything, for what they came, a hundredfold.

At the very beginning of the concert of Butusov, slightly stamped, offered everyone to go on stage and sing favorite songs to their taste together with the hero of the evening. The first number after an intermission was the Nautilus "separation", and the company singer was the old Sverdlovsky comrade Vadim Samoilov. The example was contagious - all the most confidently fans with the choir, and the culmination was the "song of going home", which Butusov asked to sing a fan of the fan of fifteen by the Duet of Yegor. The singer admitted that he did not take into account "such a factor, like children," and said that such surprises give an influx not even adrenaline, but "alchemical gold." The balance of the program was almost entirely made up of the songs of the first and most famous group of artist: "On the shore of the Unnamed River", "I want to be with you" and even rare for concerts "Diamond Roads". After the release of the next companion, the singer, smiling, said that, when he threw his drinks a few years ago, he could not imagine how to soberly sing with someone choir, and thanked the audience for the opportunity. I managed Butusov and answer a few mandatory notes for the format. For example, he recognized Pythagora's favorite philosopher, noting that the method of expressing the thoughts of the ancient sage would be nice to master modern politicians.

When in the final, the whole hall was killed by a "farewell letter", it became clear which course is now holding one of the most mysterious vocalists of Russian rock. Having retained the unlike vampire charisma, Butusov, obviously, today is not focused on new products of modern music, but on a much more steady genre of the Bardian song. If you think about it, then such a choice will be the most advantageous as possible from all positions: Russian lovers of the amateur song always lacked a singer who can not only take a familiar chord, but also to add a little romantic guinea to his works, so close to the Russian heart. And in this sense, Butusov with its constant tonality of Mi-minor, economical motility and ingratiaous hoarse, there are still no equal.

Only March 17, 2017. In Moscow, the long-awaited concert Vyacheslav Butusov 2017. This time the artist prepared a romantic program with warm acoustic musical therapy. Independent sensations expect every viewer in the hall. The body heat will be raised along the body, and its streams will be more and more and more and stronger than the mood.

March 17, 2017, pop theater

This evening, the singer will perform his best compositions written in the long year of the painstaking creative path. In addition, there are still a lot of surprises. One of them will be the original accompaniment of the artist and its companions - guitars. As a concomitant musical polyphene for escort, string quartet was chosen, come and you to see a personally concert Vyacheslav Butusov In Crocus. Such an accompaniment will become an experiment even for the Budouse itself, which has never gave large-scale concerts in acoustic arrangement with chamber accompaniment. New and unusual introductions always attract spectators, and when it comes to music, it is impossible to lose opportunities to independently visit the experimental show. That is why Tickets for the concert Vyacheslav Butusov today should be ordered at the office of the city or on our website.

Vyacheslav Butusov. 55 years! Creative evening

His aspirations and aesthetic quest were never limited to music and poetry. Butusov has long been not so much inside the projects led by them, as close to them. This allows you to comply with such a sense of measure, to remove from unnecessary splicing yourself with the fruits of your creative search. What causes genuine respect and does not make it work as an object of affiliation of classifications.

Of course, the cinema is not a stranger for the scope of art. The interest of Vyacheslav Gennadievich to cinema sometimes generates such unexpected projects as an enchanting soundtrack to a non-existent film (with its concept and scenario, of course) "illegitimate Algimik Dr. Faust - Pernation Snake" (1997). And, of course, the song written with his participation sounded in many films, and somewhere he managed to appear on the screen.

Written together with Dmitry Skotsky "Last Letter" (Rare for Nautilus Pompilius, when words belong not to Ilya Kormaltsev), sounded in the "Mirror for the hero" Vladimir Khotinenko in 1987. This song is a surprisingly wise thinking that not only colleagues on the music scene (and even in a group) were not capable of being able, but most of the outstanding minds that became inspirationors of what happened from the country a few years later. In the same film, the composition of Kazanova, which was included in the albums "separation" and "Prince Silence".

In Ayan Shakhmatyeva's film, "it was by the sea" sounds piercing "I want to be with you" (the words of Kormiltsheva, music - Butusov), which someone considers harmful and falnic, someone is a must be sentimental. Nevertheless, after thirty years, it continues to be one of the most recognizable songs of the group, causing a lot of light sadness about feelings, which only youth is capable, and leaving someone at all unexpected associations.

In the picture of Sergei Bodrov-senior, "Freedom is a paradise" will again sound a "farewell letter", and in eight years there will be a cult tape of Alexey Balabanova "Brother". As the screens in the 2000th "Brother 2" (in the interval between them, Butusov will have time to work with Bashirov over the Documentary "Belgrade, Belgrade"), it will become one of the most evil-exciting evidence of the era. In the dilogy, showing the incompatibility of the installations of the old good peace and the all-permeable poisonous reality of the "wind of change" and the entire tragedy of the neighborhood of these two ghosts, which are still unclear future reality, Butusov acted as a composer. The soundtrack of the first film almost completely consists of the songs of the late "Nautilus", and in the second, the solo hit butus "Gibraltar-Labrador" sounded. The special number of the music program is all the same "letter" in the leaning heart of the execution of the children's choir.

In the first "brother" one of the most terrible songs "Nautilus" - "Beast", as it is impossible to transmit many feelings generated by the unknownness of tomorrow in the "Lich and Ninetie":

Subsequently, Butusov continued to cooperate with one of the greatest Russian directories of modernity, writing music for such various masterpieces of the master as the "war" and "Zhmurki".

In the "style" Vladimir Todorovsky, dedicated to the 50-x youth culture, many protest songs were included. This fate and the legacy of the Kormaltsev-Butusovsky "Nautilus": "rethink" were subjected to "rethinking". Powerful chorus, listed in a rather poorly cleaned speech, produces a rather miserable impression, but frees a song from the subtext, not at all necessary those who tried to show the phenomenon of "styles" and others as a movement for creative freedom, and not as embedded concieme surgery.

Recently, the song "Nautilus" began to sound and in much less bright works of cinema, with all evidence of testifying that in twenty-thirty years not only individual words, but also implied the essence of the phenomena described by them changed beyond recognition, advanced to the side Aditivation and rejection. But Vyacheslav Gennadievich seems to do not touch it. And this, in general, correctly: After all, it is impossible to fight with windmills of modern winds, unparalleled with powerful motors.

But you can, without changing yourself, continue to do your favorite thing, putting your strength and unobtrusively into it, but at the same time consistently demonstrating on your example that the future has everything that can live and breathe. The main thing is to do it correctly, remembering that "in fact we do not know anything."

Keywords: Moscow, Poster March, Vyacheslav Butusov 55 years old, creative evening Vyacheslav Butusov, Jupiter, poster concerts, concerts 2017, where to go, entertainment, order, buy tickets, cost, ticket price, cultural program