High resolution images of the lunar surface. Secret photos of the moon

High resolution images of the lunar surface.  Secret photos of the moon
High resolution images of the lunar surface. Secret photos of the moon

A 2013 humanoid was photographed in Bulgaria. A group of young travelers insist that they have photographed an extraterrestrial creature in a dense forest near Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The group hike to Yundola and when they passed through the meadow between the Rila and Rhodope mountain ranges, one of the tourists took a photo of the creature before it disappeared.

Humanoid creature of unknown classification found in the Atacama Desert, Chile. Photo: S.T.A.R. Research

One of the aliens appearing on Earth! Photo: UNSEALED

According to contactees, the top of the skull appears soft and moves all the time. Image: UNSEALED. They hide their identities. These are predators and they can appear in any room, i.e. go through walls and glass. They completely paralyze the physical body, but if you show volitional resistance (and will is love, then you will win) Researcher UFO

Unidentified object photographed on Mars. These images were taken by the American Mars Exploration Rover Spirit in the predawn hours with navigation and panoramic cameras. The unidentified object looks like a strip, because the shutter speed was 15 seconds and during this time the object flew by 4 degrees. As recognized by NASA, this object could not be some kind of ship from Earth, and for a meteorite, an unidentified object was moving too slowly. The very official name of the NASA image: "It" s a Bird, It "s a Plane, It" s a ... Spacecraft? "I think it does not need translation. ID: PIA05557 Photo: NASA / JPL / Cornell

Gemini 10 is an American manned spacecraft. Eighth manned flight under the Gemini program.
Crew: John Young - commander; Michael Collins is a pilot.
Launch: 18 Jul 1966 22:20:27 UTC
Landing: Jul 21, 1966 21:07:05 UTC
The first photo shows the unidentified object itself and its magnification 12 times. The second is a NASA original. Photo #: S66-45774_G10-M_f Photo: NASA

Crew members: Leroy Gordon Cooper - commander, Charles Conrad - pilot. Launch: August 21, 1965 13:59:59 UTC Landing: August 29, 1965 12:55:13 UTC. Snapshot #: GT5-50602-034_G05-U The first two photos are different magnification of the UFO, the third photo is part of an original NASA image. Photo: NASA

This unidentified, completely real, object was filmed by American astronaut, Air Force Major James McDivitt during the 8th US manned space flight on the Gemini 4 (Gemini) spacecraft on June 3-7, 1965. He watched and filmed it through a technical porthole. He then decided to shoot the UFO through another, but the object disappeared. One photo is original by NASA, the second photo is UFO magnification. Watch both frames! Frame #: GT4-37149-039_G04-U Photo: NASA

This unidentified, completely real, object was filmed by the American astronaut, Air Force Major James McDivitt during the 8th US manned space flight on the Gemini 4 spacecraft (Bltsnets) on June 3-7, 1965. He watched and filmed it through a technical porthole. He then decided to shoot the UFO through another, but the object disappeared. One photo is original by NASA, the second photo is UFO magnification. Watch both frames! Frame no .: GT4-37149-039_G04-U

On April 17, 2002, the International Space Station was photographed from the space shuttle Atlantis in a big shot (see the original in full size), but apart from the ISS, a UFO in the background got into the frame. The first photo is an enlargement of the UFO and showing where it is, the second photo is the original by NASA. Photo #: STS110-E-5912 Photo: NASA

He seemed to have specially posed for the astronauts (the pictures show how the UFO is turning in different directions to the shuttle), but most likely he was making maneuvers and in the last sixth frame you can see that he turned to Earth and turned on the engines. These photos, like many others, were classified, but one of the employees of the space center. Johnson, who has access to the classified files, published them on social networks, and remained undisclosed. In January 2013, NASA removed both photographs and numbers from their archives. See all six NASA UFO photos in full size! And also my UFO magnifications! Publication: UFO Researcher Photo #: STS088-724-66 Photo: NASA

UFO in near-earth space!

Astronaut Pierce J. Sellers, Specialist for STS-121, participates in the second session of the EVA mission. Astronaut Michael E. Fossum (outside this frame) is working with him. The duration of the spacewalk lasted 6 hours and 47 minutes, and all this time they were photographed and filmed from the windows of the International Space Station by astronauts of Expedition 13 to the ISS and astronauts of 121 missions under the shuttle flight program. This photo was taken by one of the astronauts of the shuttle Discovery and some of the frames got a real UFO flying to Earth. The first photo is original by NASA, and the second is a maximally enlarged UFO. See both photos. Researcher UFO Photo #: S121-E-06224 (July 10, 2006) Photo: NASA

This is an image with an unidentified moving (moving) object actually representing a certain aggregate or lunar rover, clearly not of human production, because its dimensions are several tens of meters, both in length and in width. Also, even without magnification, deep traces left by a moving (moving) unidentified object are clearly visible. Recently, the Schröter Valley was officially renamed the "Secrets of the Schroeter Valley". Nevertheless, modern science and scientists began to look at the world differently. So, in this valley, some structures and structures were discovered that absolutely do not fall under the category of geological formations. They also found straight tunnels (pipes) stretching along the surface of the Moon, which run in a straight line regardless of the terrain, i.e. be it a hill, any height, a hill, a crater. Ideally even entrances (exits) under the surface of the Moon were also discovered, which have hemispherical shapes and with the development of lunar soil near these entrances. I will publish them over time. So. Now scientific evidence: The Schroeter Valley is named after the German astronomer Johann Schroeter (1745-1816); officially named in 1961 (now called: Secrets of the Schroeter Valley); In general, the crater was first named after him, and in accordance with the accepted rules, the valleys are named after the nearest geological structures - craters or mountains. Secrets of the Schroeter Valley on the Moon: Alien Lunar rover Now about the image: Date of capture May 27, 2010 Time: 21:41:05 Orbital altitude: 4238 meters Longitude: 307.37 ° Center Latitude: 25.01 ° Resolution: 0.60 m at pixel. Researcher UFO Image: LRO Photo: NASA MAXIMUM POSSIBLE INCREASE IN ALIEN MARSHIP !!! SEE ALSO THE FIRST ORIGINAL PICTURE FROM NASA !!!

Unidentified object from Apollo 11 July 17, 1969 This photograph was taken from Apollo 11 when astronauts: Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin flew from Earth to the Moon for the first landing on its surface. It's hard to say what it is, but they watched it with their own eyes. Maybe it's a UFO shrouded in some kind of energy protection, or maybe it's some kind of plasma (possibly alive). So, the first photo reflects the reality that the astronauts saw, only it was digitized by NASA for a long time, and it conscientiously and qualitatively does not differ from the original color image, which must be given credit to these people. The second is an increase in an unidentified object or phenomenon in a different spectrum, in order to look in a different light. The third is also a digitized photograph, only NASA retouched the object, which is very clearly visible in full size (since the screens are different, you can lighten the image. I can see very well that the object is "blurred") and changed the color gamut of the Earth, as well as the poor quality digitization when viewed in full size, which is very clearly seen when comparing 1 and 3 photos. So, a real photo with an unidentified object relatively recently NASA removed and hung out the one without an object in space, i.e. I have it third. The first one I recommend to watch in full size is Beauty and UFOs! Researcher UFO Photo: NASA

Photo of Earth and 100% Real UFO were obtained from Space Shuttle Endeavor Image #: STS108-703-93_3 5-17 December 2001

The first snapshot is an original NASA. The second is the maximum magnification showing where the object is located. The first is desirable to watch in full size. Snapshot #: AS08-16-2594 Photo: NASA

Shuttle Discovery Mission: STS-096 Photo #: STS096-706-2 Date taken: May 27, 1999 Time: 11:28:57 GMT Photo: NASA See the first original photo at full size 16.8MP and the second enlarged unidentified object.

The panorama was taken in near lunar orbit during the Apollo 16 mission in April 1972 (this is the first photo). In this panorama, in addition to the lunar landscape, a gigantic structure was filmed, which throws into the surrounding space one gigantic and many smaller ones, something similar to electricity or lightning. The large image (6.6 GB) shows the structures of these emissions, and also that one end of this structure, which is illuminated by sunlight, goes into the lunar surface. The second photo is this power plant in the center and the third photo is enlarged. See all three photos! UFO Researcher Photo #: AS16-P-4095 Apollo 16 April 21, 1972 Photo: NASA

This is one of the photos taken during NASA's STS-100 space shuttle mission. In this case, the space shuttle Endeavor was carrying out its mission in orbit. This photograph was taken by one of the astronauts as they walked into outer space, namely from the airlock. This mission took place in April 2001, and for more than 12 years, neither astronauts themselves, nor NASA employees, nor lovers of photographs from space have noticed a UFO flotilla of five objects in this photo. Three days ago, one of the American ufologists posted on YouTube this photo and various magnifications and other specials. effects. I decided to follow him and went to the public archives of NASA and also downloaded this photo. She is the first here, the second is also her, only I put an arrow indicating the location of objects, and the third and fourth are different magnifications. Text: Researcher UFO Photo: STS100-708A-48 Photo: NASA

Astronaut Jean-Pierre Haignere, the first to fly from ESA and spent six months onboard the Russian space station MIR as an onboard engineer, photographed this real UFO. First published by Stephen Hannard on June 10, 2013.

A dilapidated structure on the Moon This structure is only a small part of the structures and structures on the Moon! Almost all researchers believe that this, and many other structures on the Moon, are the work of our previous civilization, other human civilizations, and not aliens and aliens. Humanity is about a million years old and believe me with stones and axes, they did not run all the time. This was possible when civilizations perished. And the real alien bases are Really on the Moon, or more precisely, under the surface of the Moon. This is reliable information from contactees who were actually taken to the moon. There are footage not only from American missions, but also from China's recent missions to the moon. So there is already more abruptly this structure and it is safe and sound. There are also structures more than five kilometers long. In general, many different buildings and structures have already been discovered, and only about a very small part can we say that this is not the work of people. Albeit ancient civilizations.


Admire the first photo of the lunar surface in high resolution, taken from space, Earth and the lunar rover, with Soviet and color frames of the reverse side.

The closest neighbor to Earth is our only satellite, the Moon. It is not surprising that humanity managed to complete successful missions and get excellent high resolution pictures of the moon... After all, if we want to explore space, you must understand what is happening literally around the corner. In the photo of the Moon, you can see that it is a small object with a crater surface. Gravity is lower than Earth, therefore pictures of the moon demonstrate how astronauts move in high jumps. You have the opportunity to look at amazing geology and get to know this world better. Moon Photo high resolution will allow you to admire the reverse side, study craters and landing sites, as well as see the Earth from space.

High-resolution pictures of the moon

Buzz Aldrin on the Moon

Bean walks on the moon

Astronaut Alan Bean stopped near the instrument carrier during the Apollo 12 mission on the lunar surface. The black and white photograph of the moon was taken by Charles Conrad. His reflection can be seen on the spacesuit.

Two ships on the moon

Earth, Moon, Hubble

During a mission in December 1999, the crew of the Discovery spacecraft managed to obtain a photo of the bright moon, our planet and part of the Hubble Space Telescope. On the left is the earth's horizon. The moon appears bright because it has entered the Full Moon phase and is located closest to the Earth.

Earth moon

Framed moon

This image was taken in 1998 from the rear windows of the Discovery ship. The Earth is visible on the left, and the Moon is in the center. The STS-95 mission flew over the Atlantic Ocean. Also in this passage, Senator and Mercury project participant John Glenn returned to space.

Moon walk

James Irwin works by the lunar vehicle during the Apollo 15 mission in Hadley Apennines. In the foreground is the shadow of the Falcon lunar module. The photo of the moon was taken by Commander David Scott. Apollo 15 launched on July 26, 1971 from the Kennedy Space Center. The pilot was Alfred Warden.

To the moon

View of the Moon from the ISS

On November 12, 2013, a photo of the lunar Earth satellite was taken from the ISS. Typically, crew members have time to view hundreds of different views of the moon during missions. But our neighbor continues to attract attention. The photo was taken from space at 00:00:00 GMT.

First look at Earth from the Moon

Trip on the moon

Apollo 16 landing

Apollo 12 landing

Passage of the moon in front of the sun

During the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017, an earth satellite passed in front of the Sun. Photo of the sun and moon taken from Lake Ross in Northern Canada National Park. A total solar eclipse has captured a narrow part of the United States from Oregon to South Carolina. A partial event could be observed from South America, Africa and Europe.

Good night moon

Astronaut Scott Kelly posted this high-quality photo of the Moon taken from the ISS on social networks and signed: “Day 97. Good night, Luna. "

Shadow Surveyor-1 on the Moon

Scientist on the Moon

In my articles regarding the study of images of the lunar surface, I have repeatedly drawn the reader's attention to the fact that the quality of images provided by NASA to the public is extremely low. And this despite the fact that the satellites of NASA LRO are in orbit of the moon.

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO, Lunar Orbital Probe) is an automatic interplanetary NASA station, an artificial satellite of the Moon. The launch using the Atlas V launch vehicle took place on June 19, 2009 at 01:32 (Moscow time), which is almost an hour and a half later than the scheduled time. The delay was due to unfavorable weather conditions. On June 23, 2009, the probe entered lunar orbit.

The LRO, along with the other Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS), is the vanguard of NASA's Lunar Precursor Robotic Program on return to the Moon.

Images transmitted by these satellites are laid out for free access.

According to NASA, the satellite has the following imaging equipment:

LROC (The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera) the main optical camera for taking photographs of the lunar surface with a resolution of up to half a meter, with the help of which they will search for suitable landing sites for manned expeditions. The LROC consists of three cameras: a low-definition camera (WAC) and two high-definition cameras (NAC), the first of which is for general maps of the area, and the other two are for high-resolution photographs. It is planned to take photographs of approximately 8% of the lunar surface, including:

1) all places associated with human activities: the landing sites of the manned Apollo spacecraft, American and Soviet automatic stations, as well as craters formed during the fall of artificial satellites of the Moon and other vehicles

2) 50 "areas of increased interest" selected by scientists

3) near-polar regions, which are now considered the most promising for the organization of a habitable base.

You can evaluate the quality of images transmitted to the ground by visiting the above site, but there is no question of any resolutions "up to half a meter". Black and white photographs are of disgusting quality, simply shameful for modern civilization.

Photo posted on the Moon Views website

NASA comment: LRO photographed the Apollo 14 landing area. In the picture with spatial resolution 0.8 meters distinctly there are chains of footprints of astronauts and a neck I structure in the place where the ship's lunar module remained.

Looking at the picture, you are surprised at the fantasy of NASA, which saw "distinct traces" in this disgusting image, and you involuntarily ask yourself a question - does NASA have Chinese "soap dishes" installed on its satellites?

Okay, let's leave NASA's lunar satellites with Chinese consumer goods instead of cameras for a while, but excuse me, but the telescopes of scientists all over the world are also made in China?

Where are the images of the lunar surface taken by professional, powerful, high-resolution and digital telescopes? Science constantly feeds us "ignorant" photographs of disgusting quality and it is completely unclear whether they have telescopes from the nearest supermarket, whether their hands do not grow from there, or the reason lies in something else - the unwillingness to give mere mortals clear and high-quality images of the moon's surface.

Amateur astronomers capture the surface of the moon much better than both NASA satellites in the orbit of the moon and all professional observatories in the world combined!

Below I will give pictures taken by a simple layman from France. an ordinary person interested in space.

Moreover, Thierry Lego worked not somewhere in the equatorial desert, but in the outskirts of Paris, despite all the lights of the fifth largest city in Europe - he took excellent pictures and not only of the Moon, but also of Mercury and Uranus! And he received incredibly detailed images of both. If you look closely, you can see details of the surface of Mercury and the cloud belt of Uranus. Images he took with the 356 mm Celestron C14 Edge HD telescope and the Skynyx 2-2 camera.

Moretus crater



Another similar article can be written about the quality of NASA photographs showing the Sun. I'll just give a photo taken by the same amateur, where the ISS is captured against the background of the Sun, you can appreciate the detail of the image. A full gallery of what this amateur astronomer has photographed can be viewed on his website.

Often in the comments one has to read the slogans of those who defend NASA and others like them, - " Rejoice that NASA is showing these images at all!"Oh, I'm not happy and you know why? There is nothing to be happy about. You and I are being held as a herd, which is denied the right to KNOW more than is allowed by the shepherd, excuse me for being straightforward and anyone who thinks otherwise is simply overly naive.

Now it is 2012, spy satellites in orbit of the Earth, can freely read what you write on a piece of paper or SMS that you write in your cell phone, and science is not able to photograph the moon or the Sun in the same quality?

It remains to be hoped that there will be more and more people like Thierry Lego, and the quality of the equipment available to the common user is getting better and better. Maybe then we will finally find out the truth.

The truth about the world around us ...

In 1959, the USSR, for the first time in the world, showed people what was on the far side of the moon. Photos were taken from the automatic interplanetary station "Luna-3". The spacecraft was launched into airless space on October 4 using the Vostok-L launch vehicle. The unique images were sent at 3 a.m. on October 7, 1959. The signal was received by the Simeiz Observatory (now part of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory). The views of the "invisible side of the moon" transmitted to Earth covered a distance of 483 thousand kilometers. Peering at the blurry pictures, many wondered "on the spots": what is on the far side of the moon? Yes, the quality of the images was poor, but they were mined! The leader of the USSR's research got the right to name the objects discovered on the surface of the nearest satellite. The whole world learned which sea is on the far side of the moon - Moscow. Its part, which goes deep into the land, was called the Bay of Astronauts. The crater about 60 miles (96.5 km) from it was named after Professor Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, a pioneer of astronautics. The ridge near the equator sounded proudly like a Soviet one. A dark spot near the border of the visible and invisible parts of the Moon has become the Sea of ​​Dreams.

Why is the Moon always visible from Earth only from one side? Because of this, it is impossible to know what is on the far side of the moon! The reason lies in the fact that the Moon makes a revolution around the Earth in the same time during which the Earth turns around its axis. Axial and orbital rotation is 27.3 days. Synchronization of movement took place about 4 billion years ago.

NASA's Astrophysical Information System in 1968 released a catalog that contains descriptions of about six hundred anomalous phenomena on the lunar surface. This catalog contains information on moving UFOs of various sizes and shapes, lunar craters that appear and disappear, rainbow fogs, flashes of bright light and the casting of shadows by unknown objects. And the Russian astronomer Kozyrev recorded a series of red flashes on the lunar surface. Anomalies of this kind were often recorded in the area of ​​one of the largest lunar craters. Its diameter is over one hundred kilometers. He received the name "Alphonse". This crater is the most mysterious place on the moon.

American astronomer Carl Sagan in the 60s of the last century made a statement that caves were discovered on the lunar surface, the size and shape of which suggests that they are not natural objects. The inner volume of the largest cave is over one hundred cubic kilometers. At one time, American astronauts said that almost all lunar missions of the Apollo spacecraft in the period from 1968 to 1972 were carefully monitored by representatives of alien civilizations. In addition, there have been recorded cases of contact between astronauts and aliens. They communicated with the astronauts using a special code cipher. The theory of the existence of such a cipher was confirmed in 1958 by the Japanese astronomer Kenzahuro Toyoda. He managed to see seven giant letters on the lunar surface, which disappeared after a few nights. The appearance of these letters remained unexplained.

Neil Armstrong's phrase was leaked to the media recently. The American astronaut pronounced it immediately after landing on the lunar surface: “Oh, Lord! Yes, there are other spaceships. They are along the far edge of the crater and are watching us! " Joseph Shklovsky, a Soviet astrophysicist, suggested that the Moon could well be a huge, dormant alien spacecraft. A little later, a similar version was put forward by the radio astronomer Alexei Arkhipov from Russia. He made the assumption that the Moon is nothing more than an alien station, which was created specifically to observe the Earth and its inhabitants.

Scientists and astronomers, including employees of the American space agency, are confident that the world government is hiding information from people regarding the stay of aliens on Earth's satellite. But the presence of photographs that captured various buildings and traces of technology left on the soil of the Moon testify to the opposite. Alien bases are believed to be hidden on the far side of the moon. Astronauts from the Apollo mission became eyewitnesses of the so-called "lunar kingdoms". Rumor has it that on the far side of the moon there are towers and castles made of a transparent material that resembles rhinestone. There are also various types of vehicles and vehicles that leave traces.

In 2010, photos leaked onto the Internet, allegedly taken with the Cassiopeia probe of the so-called dark side of the moon. They sparked controversy among astronomers and conspiracy theorists alike. Photos show structures in the Schrödinger crater near the south polar region of the Moon; official sources were unable to provide a clear explanation for this phenomenon.