Tales J Rodari journey. Junny Rodari works for children: list

Tales J Rodari journey. Junny Rodari works for children: list
Tales J Rodari journey. Junny Rodari works for children: list

In Russia, J. Rodari love all - both children and adults. They love it for cheerfulness and ill-fated fantasy, for funny humor. They appreciate the respect of the hands of honest workers and for hostility to the Belarusian-rich. He knew perfectly than the various professions smell, which the hears of the poor children are. Without hiding that in the world there is a huge amount of aircraft, - in the world where money reigns, Rodari believed in the victory of love and good and this faith fascinated by his readers.

Inventing his fairy tales, Gianni Rodari helped raise children around the world. He wanted them to be sure to be creative - and whether they would not be astronauts or geologists, drivers or sailors, doctors or confersera. After all, a bright fantasy is not at all for everyone to be poets, but in order to "not be a slave."
It is also worth noting that the fairy tales of Rodari raise masculinity in children, kindness and honesty, making them fun and talkative - so that they always remain optimists. It was this purpose that he sought to achieve all his own reserves.

Characters born fantasy D. Rodari appeared from the pages of the fairy tale. The writer was met in the Palace of Culture, in the foys of the theater, in the houses of Moscow guys, a funny napolitan face of his hero. The dream of a storyteller came true. The toys that he did "from the letters" in his stories turned into real. They can be fun to play the whole family. Rodari's fairy tales - the same ordinary toys helping mothers and dads to get close to their kids, laugh together. On our site you can watch online List of Tales Gianni Rodari, and enjoy their reading absolutely free.

Chapter 1. Signora without five minutes of Baroness Faii was the old Signora, very well-sprinkled and noble, almost Baroness. "They call me," she mumbled sometimes about herself, "just Fairy, and I do not protest: after all, it is necessary to have condescension to ignorant. But I am almost Baroness; Decent people know it. - Yes, Signora Baronessa, - Duzave the maid. - I'm not one hundred percent Baroness, but I do not have enough ...

CHAPTER 1: In which Chipollon repulsed the foot to Prince Limon Chipollino was the son of Chipollon. And he had seven brothers: Chipolletto, Chipollotto, Chipolloche, Chipolly, and so on - the most suitable names for an honest onion family. People they were good, we must say right, but just did not carry them in life. Well, you can do: where onions, there are tears. Chipollon, his wife and sons lived in a wooden shack ...

One wage was going, a big and terrible war between the two countries. A lot of soldiers then climbed on the battlefield. We were on our side, and enemies - on our own. Shooting went day and night, but the war did not end in any way, and we were missing bronze for guns, the iron ended for machine guns and so on. Then our commander is superground ...

Gianni Rodari (Italy Gianni Rodari, full name - Giovanni Francesco Rodari, ITAL. Giovanni Francesco Rodari) - famous Italian children's writer and journalist.

Gianni Rodari was born in a small town of omens (Northern Italy). His father, a bakery for profession, died when Gianni was only ten years old. Rodari and his two brothers, Cesare and Mario, grew in the native village of Mother, Varesotto. A painful and weak boy from childhood was fond of music (took the lessons on the violin) and books (read Nietzsche, Schopenhawer, Lenin and Trotsky). After three years, studies in the seminary Rodari received a teacher's diploma and at the age of 17 began to teach in primary classes of local rural schools. In 1939, for some time the Faculty of Philology of the University of Milan was visited.

During World War II, Rodari was released from service due to poor health. After the death of two close friends and the conclusion of Brother Cesare in the concentration camp became a member of the resistance movement and in 1944 he joined the Italian Communist Party.

In 1948, Rodari became a journalist in the Communist newspaper "UNITA" ("L" Unita ") and began writing books for children. In 1950, the party appointed him as an editor just created in Rome a weekly magazine for the children" Pioneer "(" IL Pioniere "). In 1951, Rodari published the first collection of poems -" The Book of Merry Poems "- and his most famous work of the" Adventures of Chipollino "(Russian translation saw the light in 1953). This work was particularly widely popular in the USSR, where Him was shot by a cartoon in 1961, and then the film-tale of Chipollino 1973, where Janni Rodari starred in Kameo.

In 1952, for the first time I went to the USSR, where it was repeatedly repeatedly. In 1953 he married Mary Teresa Feretti, who later gave birth to him daughter, paul. In 1957, Rodari passed the exam for the title of professional journalist. In 1966-1969, Rodari did not publish books and only worked on projects with children.

In 1970, the writer received the prestigious Prize of Hans Christian Andersen, who helped him acquire worldwide fame.

Also wrote poems that came to the Russian reader in the translations of Samuel Marshak.

Jani Rodari (1920-1980) - Italian children's poet and writer, journalist and storyteller.


Gianni was born on October 23, 1920 in a small town of omens, located in the north of Italy. Present full name of the writer - Giovanni Francesco Rodari. His dad, Giuseppe Rodari, worked by a bullshnik, did not become early when Gianni was only 10 years old. The family was poor, Father's sorrows lacked, and Mom, Maddalena Ariokki, worked as a maid in rich houses.

The family grew two more sons - Mario and Cesare. After the death of the father, a mother with three children returned to his native village of Varesotto, where the childhood of boys was held.

Gianni from an early age rose a painful and weakened child. He really liked the music, he even took a few lessons of playing the violin. But even more he loved books. True, he read the boy far from children's literature: the works of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, the work of Lenin and Trotsky.

Despite poverty, Gianni grew talented and kind boys. He was an incredible fantasy, constantly dreamed and believed in the best. Perhaps this is exactly what made it from it a writer - a better friend of children around the world.

Study, work, war

Gianni went to study in a seminary for the poor, in addition to learning there were still fed and gave clothing. Having studied three years, the young man received a diploma of primary school teacher and took up teacher activities in a local rural educational institution. He at that time was only 17 years old. Later he said to himself: "The teacher from me turned out no, but I didn't miss the teacher on my lessons".

When he was 19 years old, Gianni went to Milan, where he had listened to the Lectures of the Faculty of Philology at Catalog University. Then he became a member of the youth fascist organization "Italian Liktorskaya Youth."

On the Second World War, the young man did not call for health. From 1941 to 1943, he again worked as a teacher in primary grades and was a member of the fascist party. But at the end of 1943, after Germany occupied Italy, Brother Cesare was in the fascist concentration camp, and two best friends died from the hands of Germans, Gianni entered into the movement of resistance, and in 1944 he was taken to the Italian Communist Party.

Literary and journalistic activities

In 1948, Gianni began to work a journalist in the publishing house of the Italian Communists "UNITA", at the same time he fucked by writing children's books, which in the future and became its main activity.

In 1950, Rome created a weekly children's magazine, and Gianni was appointed to the party to the position of chief editor. In 1951, it was published by his work "Book of Merry Poems" and "The Adventures of Chipollino".

His membership in the Communist Party contributed to the popularization of Rodari's books in the Soviet Union. In 1953, the Soviet children could already read the Russian translation of the "Adventures of Chipollino", in 1961 they shot a cartoon on the work, and in 1973, the art film "Chipollino" was released on the screens, where the author himself played - Italian Jianny Rodari, he starred in The role of yourself.

In 1952, Gianni visited the Soviet Union for the first time, then he had been repeatedly in this country.

In 1957, Rodari passed the exams, and received the title of professional journalist. But he did not stop writing for children, his collections of poems and stories come out by one after another:

  • "Train poems";
  • "Poems in the sky and on Earth";
  • "Tales by phone";
  • "Cake in the sky."

In our country, its works are very popular, which were fused:

  • "Jelsomino in the country of liars" (the film "The Magic Voice of Jelsomino");
  • "Traveling a blue arrows" (film "Blue Streth").

And also the poem, which, probably, knew every Soviet schoolchild - "What smelled crafts?"

In 1970, the writer was awarded the prestigious Award of Hans Christian Andersen, thanks to which Gianny Rodari recognized the whole world. On receipt, he said: "The fairy tale gives us a key with which you can enter into reality in other ways".

Rodari taught his tales of Rodari not only to know the world, but also to convert it: to defeat the mountain and injustice, in difficult situations still believing in the light and good.

Personal life

In 1953, Gianni married his wife, Mary Teresa Ferretti became his wife. After 4 years, the couple was born a paola girl.

Once, on a trip to the USSR, Gianni took a little daughter with him, they walked past the showcases of Soviet stores and in one of them recognized Signora Tomato, Cherry, Chipollino, Prince Lemon. He stopped in front of this toy store completely happy, because his dream of childhood was realized: Heroes of his works became friends of children.

In the late 70s, Gianni Rodari was seriously ill, he was made operation, but she was unsuccessful. The writer died on April 14, 1980 in Rome, he was buried in the cemetery Verano.

Imagine: Once on the main square of the city suddenly appeared ... Palace of ice cream! The most real palace, who has a roof from whipped cream, and chimney pipes are from the candle. Mmm ... what yummy! All-all the townspeople are children and even the old women! - The whole day was flying a delicious palace for both cheeks, and no one was sick of the tummy! This wonderful Palace of ice cream "built" in one of his fairy tales Italian writer, whose name is Gianni Rodari.
... the parents of the most famous storytemer in the world - Hans Christian Andersen - were a shoe and a bag. And Janni Rodari grew up in the family of a bun and servants. Both fairy tapes were not spoiled in childhood either a luxury nor sonicity. However, it was next to them that settled with the young years a wonderful magician and a fairy that chooses very few, - fantasy. More precisely, in childhood she comes to everyone, and then remains only with the most loved ones. She leaves evil, cruel, greedy and unfair, but comes where the kindness and pity lives. Little Gianni composed poems, learned to play the violin and gladly painted, dreaming to become a famous artist.
When Gianni's boy was only nine years old, his favorite father, who always regretted the homeless cats, dogs and in general, any living creature, saved during the torrential rain of a little kitten, who almost drowned in a huge puddle. The kitten was saved, but a good bunker heated under the cold rain, fell ill with the inflammation of the lungs and died. Of course, such a noble person simply could not grow a bad son!
Gianni Rodari has always remembered his father and adopted his desire for justice, hard work and a good bright soul.
In seventeen, Gianni became a primary school teacher. His pupils built houses from the letters, together with the teacher, the fairy tales and feeling-valves themselves were completely happy: there were many joy from such classes.
Well, could Fairy Fantasy leave such a wonderful person? She watched an unusual adult with admiration, who had not forgotten about the world of childhood, and sometimes even helped him write books.
But he also loved her. And even wrote in honor of his fairy one of the most amazing books for children and adults called "Grammar of Fantasy" - about how to teach children to compose. Not at all so that they all become writers and poets, and in order to "no one slave." Because fantasy not only develops the mind. The main thing - she makes a person kinder, stronger and freer.
Gianni Rodari hated oppression, always fought for justice - and when he fought with the fascists with arms in his hands, and when he worked as a correspondent in the newspaper "Unity" (his sharp pen was no less strong than a rifle).
With evil fought and his heroes: both smarter Chipollino, and an honest master grape, and a soft professor Pear and many others, thanks to which the fabulous country of vegetables became free, and the children could learn and play and play where they want.
Gianni Rodari, a cheerful, nozzard, inexhaustible on fiction and a very kind storyteller, gave a larger a lot of extraordinary IS-thorium, with which you can play, like with multi-colored balls. "The Adventures of Chipollino", "Travel of the Blue Boolder", "Jelsomino in the country of liars", "Grammar of Fantasy" - these books loved the children of the whole world.
This he, Gianni Rodari, led to our houses brave and good chipollino, he gave us the opportunity to hear the wonderful voice of Jelsomino, destroying the walls of prisons, this is in his fabulous story a devotee toy puppy button turns into a living dog, and in another fairy tale, Marko, traveling In space on a wooden horse, got on the planet of the New Year's trees, where there is no fear or offense. However, if you tell about all the characters of the books of the Italian Fairy Tale, then there are no pages in the journal. So better read the books of Rodari, and their heroes will become your faithful friends for life!

Gianni Rodari

Bon Appetit!

This book includes most of my stories written for children for fifteen years. You will say that this is not enough. For 15 years, if I wrote every day only one page, it would be possible to have about 5,500 pages. So I wrote much less than could. And yet I do not consider myself a big lazy!

The fact is that during these years I still worked as a journalist and did many other things. For example, I wrote articles for newspapers and magazines, engaged in school issues, played with my daughter, listened to music, walked for a walk, thought. And think is also a useful thing. Maybe even the most useful of all others. In my opinion, every person must think half an hour a day. This can be done everywhere - sitting at the table, walking in the forest, alone or in the company.

I became a writer almost by chance. I wanted to be a violinist, and I studied for several years to play the violin. But since 1943, I don't touch her anymore. The violin is so with me since then. I'm going to add strings all the time, which is not enough, to fix the broken rug, buy a new bow instead of the old, completely broken, and again start the exercises from the first position. Maybe I'll ever do it, but for now I have no time. I would like to be an artist. True, at school I always had bad drawing marks, and still drive a pencil and writing oil, I always loved very much. Unfortunately, at school we were forced to make such tedious things that they could bring even a cow from patience. In a word, like all the guys, I dreamed a lot about many things, but I didn't do much later, but did what I thought about.

However, I myself am not suspecting, I have been preparing for my writings for a long time. For example, I became a school teacher. I do not think that I was a very good teacher: I was too young and my thoughts Vitaly very far from the school desk. Perhaps I was a cheerful teacher. I told the guys different funny stories - stories without any sense, and what they were absurd, the more the children laughed. This meant something. In schools that I know, in my opinion, little laugh. Much that it would be possible to learn laughing, teach with tears - bitter and useless.

But we will not be distracted. Anyway, I have to tell you about this book. I hope she will be fun as a toy. By the way, here's another occupation, which I would like to devote yourself to: Making toys. I always wanted toys to be unexpected, with fiction, to suit everyone. Such toys live long and never bored. Without knowing how to work with a tree, nor with the metal, I tried to make toys from words. Toys, in my opinion, are as important as books: if it were not so, the guys would not love them. And since they love them, it means that the toys teach them something that otherwise you can not learn.

I would like toys to serve and adults, and small to be played by the whole family, with the whole class, along with the teacher. I would like my books to be the same. And this one - too. It should help parents close with their children so that it could be laughing together with her, argue. I am pleased when some boy willingly listen to my stories. I am even remembering when this story causes him a desire to speak, express your opinion, ask adult questions, demand that they answer.

My book comes out in the Soviet Union. I am very pleased with it, because the Soviet guys are great readers. I met a lot of Soviet guys in libraries, in schools, in the palaces of pioneers, in the houses of culture - everywhere where there were. And now I will tell you where I was: in Moscow, Leningrad, Riga, Alma-Ata, Simferopol, Artek, Yalta, Sevastopol, Krasnodar, Nalchik. In Artek, I met the guys from the Far North and the Far East. All of them were magnificent devourers of books. How great to know that a book, whatever it be - thick or thin, is not printed in order to lie somewhere in the dust on the showcase or in the closet, and in order for it with an excellent appetite swallowed, ate, digest hundreds of thousands of guys.

Therefore, I thank all those who prepared this book, and those who, so to speak, will have it. I hope it will have to taste.

Bon Appetit!

Gianni Rodari

Blue arrows travel

Chapter I. Signora without five minutes of Baroness

Fairy was an old syignor, very well-sprinkled and noble, almost Baroness.

They call me, - she mumbled sometimes to herself, - just Fairy, and I did not protest: after all, it is necessary to have condescension to ignorant. But I am almost Baroness; Decent people know it.

Yes, Signora Baroness, - Delicaed the maid.

I am not one hundred percent Baroness, but I don't have enough not enough before it. And the difference is almost imperceptible. Is not it?

Immediately, Signora Baroness. And decent people do not notice her ...

It was just the first morning of the new year. All night long fairy and her maid traveled around the roofs of houses, spreading gifts. Their dresses were covered with snow and icicles.

Farming the stove, "the fairy said," you need to dry clothes. " And put the broom to the place: now a whole year can not be thought of flying from the roof on the roof and even with such a northern wind.

The servant put the broom in place, grumbling:

Pretty Delcea - fly on the broom! It is in our time when the aircraft invented! I was already catching up because of this.

Prepare me a glass of flower braveland, "the fairy ordered, putting glasses and sitting down in an old leather chair, stood before a writing desk.

This is a minute, Baroness, said the servant.

Fairy looked at her approvingly.

"She is lazy little," the Fairy thought, "but knows the rules of good tone and knows how to keep himself with Signoro of my circle. I promise her to increase wages. At the very matter, I, of course, I will not increase her, and so money is missing. "

It must be said that the Fairy with all his nobility was quite stupid. Twice a year she promised an old maid to increase wages, but limited to one promises. The servant has long been tired of listening only words, she wanted to hear the ringing of coins. Once, she even had the courage to say about this baroness. But the fairy was very indignant:

Coins and coins! - She said, sighing, - ignorant people just think about money. And how it is not good that you not only think, but also talk about it! It can be seen, to teach you good manners - it's like feeding a donkey sugar.