What services are not needed in the city. What services can be provided to the population in a small town

What services are not needed in the city.  What services can be provided to the population in a small town
What services are not needed in the city. What services can be provided to the population in a small town

A section about small business in the service sector: ideas from scratch, profitability, new and relevant technologies in the industry, risks, analytics and advice for beginners in this area. Here we will analyze all possible business ideas in the service sector, as well as reveal questions about how to start your own business, which one is better to choose and where to start.

The service industry is part of the economy, which includes all types of commercial and non-commercial services; a consolidated generalizing category that includes the reproduction of various types of services provided by organizations and individuals.

Best ideas for a service business

We will try to reveal all types of services on which you can earn.

In the north of Great Britain, in a small Scottish village called Thornhill, an unusual Helicopter Glamping room has opened at the Mains Farm Hotel, where guests are accommodated in a decommissioned Sikorsky Sea King military helicopter. The room has two double and one single bed, ...

Dance school opening

Thanks to numerous TV shows and competitions, dancing has become much more popular lately. There are more and more people who want to learn to dance every day. And, accordingly, building a dance business has become much more profitable. Costs and important ...

It is believed that this particular area of ​​business is one of the most difficult to start. After all, there are many nuances that must be taken into account. This includes all possible licenses and permissions. An ordinary person simply does not have the opportunity to know about all of them at the initial stage. For this, business ideas in the service sector were collected with all the necessary information to start a business. On our site, only the most effective and practical methods are presented, which, using minimal investments, are able to develop entrepreneurial activity from scratch. Here are collected the best recommendations on the necessary documentation, competent business plans are drawn up, the necessary equipment is described.

Services are a demanded, and most importantly, an infinitely profitable field of activity. Undoubtedly, a certain monetary contribution will be required to start (not always), but our employees select extremely cost-effective offers that will make your establishment in demand in the shortest possible time. Using these ideas and methods, anyone will soon be able to become the financially independent owner of their favorite business.

Those who want to start a business with a minimum investment of capital are advised to pay attention to the service sector. With special education or practical experience in this field of activity and the right promotion strategy, the initial investment will quickly pay off, and you can get a good profit. Before choosing a type of activity, you need to study the services in demand for business - what is the demand in a particular region, what are the volumes of planned sales, is there a prospect for development, etc.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the volume of all types of paid services in 2014 in Russia amounted to 7,302,335 million rubles. The most demanded services in Russia are transport services, the volume of which amounted to 1,375,986 million rubles and household services - 799,200 million rubles.

In order to determine the most popular services for the population, it is necessary to conduct a small study in the region where you plan to do business. This must be done in order to determine the volume of demand for certain services, the level of competition in this area of ​​business, profitability and approximate payback period, compliance with federal and local legislation.

To determine the approximate level of demand, you need to take into account such data as: the number of the population, the cost of the service, the demand (how many times a year a person uses this type of service), etc.

If you have practical experience and knowledge in a certain area, at first you will be able to run a business without hiring employees and, after you have formed a circle of clients, hire personnel.

What services can be provided to the population:

  • repair work at home ("husband for an hour", "master for an hour");
  • transport service: delivery, transportation;
  • service maintenance of household appliances, mobile phones;
  • hairdressing and cosmetology services;
  • conducting seminars, trainings, educational courses;
  • sewing and repairing clothes;
  • Shoe repair;
  • massage, other wellness procedures;
  • organization of holidays - birthdays, weddings, corporate events;
  • dry cleaning;
  • caring for the elderly and sick people;
  • funeral services.

For private entrepreneurs and legal entities:

  • design development, copywriting;
  • website creation and promotion;
  • legal support;
  • repair of office equipment;
  • accounting.

How to open a business in this direction

In order to start a business in Russia, it is necessary not only to study the supply and demand for the population in this region, it is imperative to register as an individual entrepreneur (IE).

Main steps:

  1. Determine which services are most in demand.
  2. Select the desired OKVED code (All-Russian classifier of activities). It is best to choose several related activities in order to be able to expand the range of offerings while developing your business.
  3. Determine the most optimal form of taxation. Such a choice must be made taking into account the planned sales turnover, types of customers and contractors (individuals, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities), the planned number of employees, etc. The most popular in Russia is a simplified form of taxation for individual entrepreneurs.
  4. Register with the tax office at the place of residence and register with social funds. Open a bank account (if you plan to work with legal entities).

Most popular services to the public

When choosing a niche, it is necessary to take into account not only the level of demand, but also the paying capacity of the population of a given region, and other features - seasonality, the need to obtain licenses, permits from sanitary and fire services, etc.

The most demanded services for the population in small and medium-sized cities:

  • Shoe repair;
  • hairdresser, cosmetologist;
  • "husband for an hour";
  • repair of household appliances, computers and telephones;
  • organization of holidays;
  • funeral services.

Shoe repair

A type of business that requires professional knowledge and experience. Minimum investments will be required - for the registration of an individual entrepreneur, the purchase of special tools and raw materials, the production of signs and business cards. Differs in constant demand with an increase in the spring and autumn periods. The approximate range of sales per month for independent work can be 40,000-50,000 rubles, with the hiring of several masters - 100,000-150,000 rubles.

Hairdresser, beautician

The opening of a hairdressing salon is one of the most promising types of commercial activity - subject to the right choice of location and the selection of qualified masters. You can open an economy-class hairdressing salon or a premium salon, depending on the income level of the target audience and the level of competition. Initial costs range from 300,000 thousand rubles to several million (depending on the need to purchase premises, the list of equipment and tools, furniture, advertising costs). The volume of monthly earnings is from 100,000 rubles and depends on the size of the average check, the number of craftsmen, and the intensity of promotion.

"Husband for an hour"

A relatively new and promising type of business. Consists of performing a wide range of works - repair of household appliances and appliances, installation of plumbing and kitchen appliances, replacement and restoration of electrical wiring, water supply systems, minor construction work. Minimum investment of capital - registration, purchase of an instrument, advertising costs. The volume of proceeds from such activities can be 30,000-50,000 rubles. per month.

Repair of household appliances, computers and phones

An up-to-date destination for any region of Russia, including small towns and villages. The key feature will be the attraction of skilled craftsmen and constant advertising. The volume of proceeds can be from 50,000 monthly, with the expansion of the range of offers and active promotion - 100,000-150,000 rubles.

Organization of holidays

There is always a demand for such services, especially in large cities. You can organize birthdays, corporate events, weddings. In such a case, the main specificity is the need to establish contacts with food establishments, local artists and musical groups, manufacturers of souvenir products, etc. The sales volume is unstable (the highest revenue figures are from May to September) and can vary from 50,000 to 150,000 rubles.

Funeral services

When evaluating which services are most in demand, pay attention to ritual activities. In order to increase revenue, you can expand the list of proposals - for example, include the production and installation of monuments. The costs at the start-up stage will be small - registration of an individual entrepreneur, purchase of samples, advertising. The amount of revenue depends on the number of orders and the size of the average bill. Funeral agencies in medium and large cities earn from 200,000 rubles. per month.

Effective promotion

The success of any enterprise depends on a number of factors: the right choice of a commercial niche, the level of competition, the professionalism of the staff, a good location, and a competent marketing strategy.

What steps need to be taken to effectively promote your business and make good profits:

  • study the target audience (needs, interests, income level, advertising tools they trust, etc.);
  • analyze the strengths and weaknesses of competitors;
  • develop your competitive advantage on its basis to build your advertising campaign;
  • analyze which advertising customers come from (if several marketing tools are used).

Service business ideas

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Service business ideas

What are some profitable service business ideas? Nobody can answer the question about the profitability of a particular business idea. You yourself must try and understand whether this business is profitable or a low-profit venture. What are the advantages of a service business? Firstly, this type of business does not require large financial investments. This is an essential factor for budding entrepreneurs on a budget. The second plus is that a person who decides to organize a business in the service sector does not need to spend time on training. Surely each of you, already knows something, you just need to competently sell your services to other people for money. A properly organized service business has every chance of becoming successful. I wish you a quick profit!

Currently, a business on services is rightfully considered a type of entrepreneurial activity that does not require significant initial investment. To start it, it is enough to use your home PC and mobile phone (preferably with two SIM cards). If we evaluate the business in relation to these insignificant costs, then mathematically we get a significant profitability. With all this, mind you, there is no need to rent an office or pay for advertising.

The main mission of such a business is to effectively bring together a seller with a buyer, a customer with a specialist who performs repair, construction, plumbing, etc. works that are in demand in everyday life. Thus, the basis for its creation is the professional services rendered to the population by specialists. The accumulated interest of the intermediary is the income for such a business.

However, on the other hand, if we take into account the absolute figures, that is, count in rubles, then the start of such entrepreneurship is not associated with high earnings, it grows gradually, not as fast as in the investment business.

It is based on a business idea, the relevance of which is proved by an entrepreneur in the event that his work gives a result: the sprout of business planted by him is gaining strength and becomes a dynamic entrepreneurship that has its own market and creates jobs.

Top 10 ideas

What kind of service business should an entrepreneur choose? The question is clearly rhetorical, since it does not imply a universal answer. Around us there is an invisible market for popular consumer services, where you can and should make money.

How to define it? Take a look at the ads - offers of personal services. Among the most popular are the following: repair and installation of plumbing, electrician services, tutoring, courier services, professional cleaning of premises, tailoring, gardening services, babysitting services, taking care of pets, installation of windows and doors.

What should a future entrepreneur do with this list next? You should choose only one, but quite often demanded service, and concentrate on it as much as possible. The market for this service will become your service sector, on the basis of which you will have to create your business. In it you have to become a professional.

How to develop a business on the services of an electrician

Here's one of thousands of possible examples. In the city, for example, there is a consistently high demand for the services of private electricians. However, many of them, in addition to good days, have periods of downtime when their professional skills remain unclaimed. It is under such circumstances, when information from customers does not reach the performers, that the business on services reveals its potential.

The business idea is universal: first, you form a base of specialists, and then you carry out an operational search and provide them with orders.

In order for a pure intermediary to become successful, he should become a recognized dock in the study of demand, find customers an order of magnitude more efficient than the specialist himself can do. This is the business know-how of services.

Entrepreneurship in services as an information service

As mentioned above, it is possible to make money on the services of specialists with their high-quality information support. For this, at this stage, a gentleman's agreement is concluded with them on the transfer of a percentage of the intermediary. In this case, you must assess the qualifications of specialists, as well as negotiate the terms of cooperation. For each of them follows:

  • individually determine the percentage of profit that they agree to pay you (preferably 30%, but for a start, you can 20%);
  • draw up a range of services and prices;
  • to stipulate the methods of operational communication.

At the first stage (we will describe it later), after publishing several announcements in the press, you yourself accept customer orders on your mobile phone and transfer them to professionals. For the same purpose, it is recommended to periodically post ads such as "electrician services" in the city.

Professional rates - the entrepreneur's handbook

Cooperating with specialists (in our case, with electricians), the entrepreneur sets the average market rates for services. With the help of such a price mechanism, one of the levels of organization of the future business is built: tariffs for servicing the population.

Let's give a valid example of such tariffication:

  1. Slitting in concrete for electrical wiring - 300 rubles / l.m.
  2. Strobing in a brick for electrical wiring - 250 rubles / r.m.
  3. Installation of a cable with a cross-section of up to 3.0 mm 2 - 50 rubles / l.m.
  4. Installation of a cable with a cross-section of 3.0–10.0 mm 2 - 100 rubles / l.m.
  5. Installation of the box - 100 rubles / r.m.
  6. Corrugation setting - 50 rubles / r.m.
  7. Outdoor email point - 230 rubles.
  8. Internal email point in concrete - 600 rubles.
  9. Internal email point in brick - 500 rubles.
  10. Replacing the socket, switch - 350 rubles.
  11. Chandelier installation - from 500 rubles.
  12. Installation of household electrical appliances - from 500 rubles.
  13. Installation (assembly) of el. shield - from 3500 rubles.
  14. Change of the circuit breaker - from 350 rubles.
  15. Installing a meter - from 760 rubles.

It is advisable to clarify the approximate cost of the order when talking with the client and, when transferring it for execution to an electrician, indicate the customer's contact phone number, a list of works to be performed and a list of consumables for purchase.

Business development stages

The business activity we are considering has two clearly defined stages of development: amateur and professional. The first should be perceived as a test of the maturity of the future business. The criterion is the profit made up of the monthly fee.

At the amateur stage, you register completed orders in a convenient universal program, for example, Excel. There should be so many orders to provide specialists with a full working day. For the best, you give more profitable tasks.

If you suddenly get extra orders, that is, which your electricians cannot physically serve, try to postpone them to another day. If this is not possible, look for outside electricians yourself in the directory, offer them a job, and at the same time recruit specialists under your flag.

Business in the service sector: 10 reasons to launch a startup + 6 mandatory stages of starting a company + 40 business ideas.

If you seriously decided to start a business and even saved some money to start your own business, but do not yet know which sector to focus on, choose service business.

This industry has many undeniable advantages and is available even to entrepreneurs with little capital.

The only thing that needs to be decided is which industry to choose so that it is in demand among the population and brings good profit in the first year after opening a private enterprise.

Why start a service business?

Modern entrepreneurs have almost unlimited field of activity.

And at the same time, many have difficulty getting started.

Someone is limited in funds, someone is constrained by the limits of a small town, someone lacks the knowledge to implement the idea.

A service business is a good solution if you don’t know what to choose, don’t have too much money and are afraid that you will not be able to cope with the launch of a project that is too complex.

There are enough reasons to start a service business:

  1. Most often, this type of activity does not require huge capital investments.
  2. The service sector will always be in demand among the population, therefore, if you form your competitive advantages and think it over correctly, you will become a successful entrepreneur.
  3. It is easy to build a profitable business from scratch.
  4. Typically, service startups are not too complex to implement and even non-professionals can handle them easily.
  5. The choice of industries for activity is simply huge, besides, almost every day, some new ideas appear that can be implemented with minimal costs.
  6. Forming competitive advantages is not difficult, because you will be dealing with people, which means that it is not so difficult to calculate what your potential customers need.
  7. You don't have to spend a lot of money on advertising as the best advertising in the service industry is word of mouth.
  8. This type of activity is available to representatives of large, medium and small businesses.
  9. Availability of a sufficient number of infrastructure facilities for various industries.
  10. There is the potential to shape your strategy to build a prosperous and expandable business.

Of course, the service business is not without some drawbacks.

First of all, it should be said about the high level of competition in the most popular industries.

But you can easily implement the original project without puzzling over competitive advantages.

Service business: 6 step-by-step steps to start

If it seems to you that opening a business in the service sector is as easy as shelling pears and no special preparation is needed for this, you are mistaken.

There are mandatory steps that you need to go through if you want to open a promising business that will make you a wealthy person, and not lose all your money in a few months of work.

Stage 1: idea

In fact, any business begins with the emergence of an idea that can be turned into a project that promises a good profit.

It is very important that the business idea in the service sector is:

  • not too difficult to implement;
  • competitive;
  • promising;
  • demanded by the population.

Both business ideas have the right to live and are profitable enough, choose the one that you like best.

Bath, sauna, hammam.

This idea will definitely work if there are not enough such establishments in your community.

The educational center.

These can be courses for preparing children for school, a school of foreign languages, a training center, computer courses, a dance school, lessons for expectant mothers and much more.


Easy money has always attracted people.

Only a few win, many lose, and you earn.

A particularly lucrative idea in times of crisis.

To stay afloat, people are ready to bring their values ​​to the pawnshop and enrich the owner of the pawnshop.

Fitness center or sports club.

It takes a lot of money to implement this idea in the service industry, but if the level of competition is not too high, you will get it back in a year of successful work.

Water well drilling company.

Well, a very popular type of business in the service sector today.

The only problem is the expensive equipment that you have to buy to launch a startup.

Cesspool cleaning company.

If you live in a small village where the private sector is predominant and where there are problems with central sewerage, buy a sewer truck and hire a driver.

You can launch such a startup for a maximum of $ 8-10,000.

Driving school.

An idea that is not easy to implement, because you will have to tinker with the paperwork, and the competition in this area is serious, but you can consider it as an option.

Computer Club.

This is a general name for a business related to computers, and what exactly you do: fix them, clean them, install software, write programs, do something else is your business.

Tourist agency.

The main problem of this type of activity is the high level of competition, but if you form a competent competitive advantage, you can safely.

Service station or car wash.

See how many cars are running on the roads of your city, and they all need service.

Courier service.

Costs are minimal, such an idea will bring a good profit.

It is especially advantageous to hire couriers with their own transport.

Dry cleaning or laundry.

Both the one and the other idea in the service sector can be realized only with a decent amount of start-up capital.

Photo studio.

The most lucrative field is wedding photography and work in the fashion industry, but other directions can find a way to make money.

Funeral service.

Business on the verge of death is a very profitable business, which is why there is a fairly high level of competition in this sector.

The video contains tips for starting a small business in the service sector:

Original business ideas in the service sector

10 original business ideas in the service sector:

    Abroad, for example, in the United States, this business idea has long been successfully implemented.

    Gradually, our people also understand that renting is much more profitable than buying.

    You can rent almost everything: furniture, dishes, household and computer equipment, power tools, cars and much more.

    Hotel for animals.

    The eternal problem of owners of cats, dogs and other animals, where to put their friend on a business trip or vacation, can be solved with your help.

    Detective agency.

    This business idea in the service sector is still considered very exotic in our country, but this does not mean that it cannot be turned into a profitable business.

    Service of traffic jams.

    You need a scooter, thermos and portable refrigerator.

    Food, cold or hot drinks, sweets, magazines, wet wipes and other pleasant things that you will sell to motorists stuck in traffic (much more expensive than in stores, of course) will brighten up their expectation.


    You can plant greenery not only in gardens, personal plots, city flower beds, but also, for example, balconies.

    Your audience is people with money who appreciate beauty and an unconventional approach, so you have to try to surprise them. Be sure to take care of your portfolio - it will help you win more clients.

    Mobile planetarium.

    It is a kind of tent that can be transported from place to place.

    With a video player and speakers with sound effects, you show your viewers engaging videos, and they pay you money.

    By the way, not only a planetarium can be mobile, but also, for example, a bathhouse, fast food and more.

    Refueling for electric vehicles.

    Cars that are powered not by gasoline, diesel or gas, but by electricity have long been popular in Europe.

    Gradually, the fashion for them comes to us.

    Master this innovative business idea before someone else does it for you.


    They have been used commercially for a long time.

    You can sell, rent or service this equipment.

    Tattoo parlor.

    To expand your customer base, offer not only permanent but also temporary tattoos, as well as henna painting, body art and other services.

    3D printer.

    A simple 3-d printer can be purchased for $ 1,000 - $ 1,500.

    You can print on it a lot, from souvenirs to medical prostheses.

    And naturally, you can sell all this.

Opportunities in order to build a profitable service business, there are plenty.

Look for your own version, start implementing it and you will be happy.

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