Nadezhda Kurganskaya. The fee for the invasion of the world of the dead: the tragic deaths of magicians from the "Battle of Psychics" Professional activities of psychics

Nadezhda Kurganskaya. The fee for the invasion of the world of the dead: the tragic deaths of magicians from
Nadezhda Kurganskaya. The fee for the invasion of the world of the dead: the tragic deaths of magicians from the "Battle of Psychics" Professional activities of psychics

On the TNT channel there is a popular TV show "Battle of Psychics", in which people demonstrate their talents. The show is balancing on the verge of mysticism and realism, and although the leading does not get tired to warn that it is not worth paying psychics for reception, the audience believes in the otherworldly and opens up all their secrets. For example, the 3rd season of the show was remembered by a whole bouquet of extraordinary participants and a large number of mystical coincidences. It seemed that everything was not on the plan. Even the finalists were not three, but four. Alexey Fad entered this list. Some time later, a man went away. What is the cause of the death of Alexei Fad?

Going "Battle"

Of course, the show lives at the expense of ratings, and therefore producers cannot categorically declare that there are many charlatans among psychics. But inspires optimism the fact that the results of each test are summed up. Inappropriate statistics suggest that the entire story did not have a participant who had perfectly passed all the tests. Therefore, the viewer must choose himself, believing him in what he saw or remain a skeptic. The rules of the show are simple. It all starts with a qualifying round when each contender is given a task - to feel a man in the trunk of the car, and the car stands in a huge garage among hundreds of its iron "fellow". Each has its own search technique and the results are also different. Sometimes the presenters may question the result achieved and suggest repeat the search. Next, another test task is proposed, for example, to feel the energy of the item behind the screen.

Following the results, 16 participants of the "Battle" season are selected. Next, these tests begin, during which participants have to deal not only with invented riddles, but with mysterious criminal cases, the disappearances of real people and natural calamoirs. Now it's easy to see who from the participants is lucky on the selection, and who really has the ability.

Season 3rd

The third season "Battle" was interesting due to the glow of passions and a large number of rules violations. The final was four finalists - two men and two women. Strong half of humanity took the top steps of the pedestal. The victory and symbolic "blue hand" received an Iranian clairvoyant 34-year-old Dentist Mehdi Ebrahi Wafa. He says he is also a healer and received a gift from the great-grandfather. But the second place the audience was awarded to the pagan sorcerer Alexey Fada. The third stage went to the Kazakh clairvoyant and healer Suul Iskander. Closed the fourth leaders Victoria Zheleznov, who received the gift from the Scandinavian magicians. She has developed strength in America, communicating with famous magicians and sorcerers.

In addition to explicit favorites, this season had a lot of strong personalities. For example, Roma Vadim Celine could look into the past and see it in the set of pictures. But Adelina Karaieva showed himself as a search engine. She was able to help many in search of the Sergei Bodrov junior group. By the way, the Karayev is also a media personality. She lit up on the Dom-2 project.

The best healer of Russia is Nadezhda Titova-Kurgan - showed himself an interesting person, but her gift seemed too narrowly, and therefore she did not reach the final. Unfortunately, many viewers, and Olga Alexandrova, who was able to manage equipment and inspire their desires to manage their desires.

basic information

It will be about the finalist of the season Alexei Fad. He was born in Zaporizhia, in June 1959. Called himself a hereditary sorcerer from ancient kind, leading his branch from 1564. The gift in their family is transmitted only by the male line. It is quite logical that the son of Alexey Roman also decided to come to show his hand.

His gift Fad received from the great-grandfather in 5 years. But his grandfather was shot in 1933, accusing in witchcraft. It turns out that the boy has to grow early and accept such responsibility as the gift of clairvoyance. Alexey did not have higher education, but but left behind his son and daughter. He lived in Cheboksary for a long time, where he sometimes enjoyed his own to help in love, business or in illness.

For the show Fad watched for a long time, but he didn't go to casting himself, felt that the invitation would be. So it happened. In 2007, it became clear that Alexey Fad is the finalist "Battle of Psychics-3".

Path on the project

How did Alexey Fad showed himself? This person's biography is not overshadowed by a negative. The media do not mix his name with something impartial. At the "Battle", he was immersed in a certain trance with the help of his ballots, proud, African tambourines and amulets. After the Show Fad with the family moved to Moscow, where he opened the office. Alexei was called "Slavic" and "Zaporizhia sorcerer", giving reference by the time such people were needed in Zaporizhzhya's troops. Developing, Fad switched to African-Caribbean magic Voodoo and knew a lot of secret rituals, but stated that they would not dare to use them for personal good. The man only developed every year, but, having achieved 50 years, died. What is the cause of the death of Alexey Fad?


Spectators really liked the power and reasonable chapter, and therefore was so close to the tragedy of his family. It is said that the cause of the death of Alexei Fad is a sudden heart attack, which happened on his birthday, which he and his family celebrated in Turkey, at the Marmaris Hotel. The man was taken to the clinic, but were late. After his death, as if a card house, a friendly family began to crumble. Son Roma began conflicts with grandmother. It turned out that relatives could not share the left-handed apartment, which children, mother and wife inherited. In the same period, Fad's father died hard and needed money. After selling his share in the apartment, an elderly woman remained with anything that she blames her grandson. And the Roman Fad prefers not to meet with his grandmother and develops business in the magic sphere.

Thinking out loud

The cause of Alexei Fad's death may not be so simple as it seems. During his lifetime, the magician noticed that his rejection itself the universe punishes. He did not want to delve into human problems, to solve them, but could not resist his essence. The first experience of the magical orientation was the mixing of a bruise from the legs of a young nurse. Then the guy felt his strength and began to develop it. Until 33 years old, Fad kept talent in the cord. The universe "threatened", and in 1980 a man lasted clinical death. After 12 years - the second. The cause of the death of Alexei Fad could be that that period he spent, fond of the stock exchange. The money on it was excellent, but the consequences could be deplorable.

His words

What did Alexey himself talk about his gift? He spent his memory spells and always thanked the spirits for his help. He considered himself a border guard guarding two worlds, and I was looking for the reason for all diseases in Karma. An example of the last statement he called himself. So, the problems with the sedelled nerve, he saw the consequence of fear for today. Such health problems took place during the period of restructuring, and stress was obvious. As soon as the FAD himself realized the ephemerality of his distils, the pain was gone. Since then, the magician led an absolutely healthy lifestyle, did not use alcohol and avoided stressful states. He did not offer his strength, although he did not refuse to help people. But the special services help to help abandoned the fact that they shot his grandfather.

From personal

If we talk about how Alexey Fad was, a personal life will give him exhaustive answers. He was a good family man, loved his loved ones, paid them a lot of attention, despite permanent employment. Son handed over to the gift at 18, but before that he told him a lot about magic. Not once came to the universities, but he was boring and did not receive a diploma there. According to the traditions of the family, he could not marry a woman with a gift. And Daughters Alina He did not want to pass his hand. Alina learned to a psychologist and works on the specialty received. So the offspring left a promising Alexey Fad. The cause of his death (according to official data) is a heart attack, and there was no prerequisites for such a dem, since the FAD was distinguished by excellent health and did not suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

Many magic fans remained dissatisfied with such a simple explanation of his death. There were doubts about whether Alexey Fad was died by death. The cause of death began to seem mystical, especially since it happened in the anniversary of the sorcerer. There are suspicions of involvement in the death of a man Rudolf Zagainynov, a sports psychiatrist, whom Alexey Fad called himself a killer.

Life after ...

Alexey Fad and Nadezhda Titova went away from life. The cause of the death of both banal, but their earthly affairs are quite likely to be finished. At least this considers their overall friend Mehdi Ebrahi Wafa. Not so long ago, he stated that it was his deceased friends who were convinced to return to the "Psychic" project, to help people for whom magic is the last hope.

But there are healers in our country, who have been treating people for many years. They, at one time, were not afraid to take their gift, develop it and improve it, and now are high-class specialists to whom the huge number of those who have certain health problems are departed.

Many people perceive the work of healers, like something very simple and not requiring a huge spending forces. This is not true. It is worth only into the attention of the fact that the people's healers face other people's sorries daily, disappointments, pain, powerlessness surrounds them. It's all incredibly difficult to pass through yourself, through your soul. However, these people take to help others so that the world becomes lighter and bright. So there are weeks, months, years, life. Before freeing the patient from the illness, it is necessary to fight with numerous obstacles and problems, to apply maximum efforts, use various impact techniques. Just after having passed a difficult path, surviving someone else's pain you can enjoy the fruits of your success. In fact, it's all very hard, and you need to have a huge power of will, patience and understanding to continue your way with a positive.

The famous healer knows about it Nadezhda Titova-Kurganskaya - Participant of the famous TV show "Battle of Psychics". The incredible power of the gift allows the hope of accurate diagnostics and successfully combat the most famous and common diseases. It is worth understanding that the main task, at the same time, is a stepwise to force the patient's body to work not just good, but balanced. Many people know that during their sessions, Nadezhda Titova-Kurganskaya uses special conspiracies of the signs, unique prayers, the gift of clairvoyance, effective compresses, deposits, as well as therapeutic rubbing.

The healer often recommends that drinking, cooked on the basis of only natural drugs (their value is small, the benefit is huge, and they do not bring complications). With the help of energy binding abilities, Titov easily frees the human body from salt sediments, as well as sclerotic and cholesterol plaques. In addition, it quickly removes dead cells from the body, effectively and forever eliminates muscle and nervous pinches, effectively purifies the blood and lymphatic system, as well as respiratory and digestion organs. It is important to understand that the healer, among all the above listed, restores the function of the brain vessels. It does it with the glands of internal secretion, hormonal and cardiovascular systems. Using only the power of their hands and natural skills, it puts lowered organs. There is also a resorption of neoplasms of various etiologies.

Most easily amenable to the gift of healing the hopes of the titular disease of the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the nervous system, LOR organs. It treats the diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin diseases. The unique gift allows the hope of solving all sorts of human problems of various nature - personal and family, problems of small and large business, relationships of loved ones. To Titov, both those who want to remove the negative are that the people are called a slogony and spool, various curses. The healer has its own motto - "God treats and nature. And I just help a little in this. " This statement characterizes a woman as a modest and positive person who is not looking for fame and irrelevant wealth.

Nadezhda Titova has a fairly educated person. She, at one time, received a higher medical education, successfully graduated from graduate school. Nevertheless, it is much closer to popular healing (it practices him for more than 15 years). The tallence of the talents of hope (vocational education, unique extrasensory abilities and a very in-depth study of the methods of the folk practice of the ancient Slavs) gave her the opportunity to take an active part in the TV show "Battle of Psychics". It so happened that in the program she failed to fully show their own, given by God, the opportunity, but this is just a game. This small defeat should be explained by the fact that the project is more aimed at search. Hope, in turn, specializes in medical knowledge that she is great to use for many years for the benefit of people. The indicator of this is the fact that Titov was honored in 1988 the title of "Best Healer of Russia".

All those who, at one time, visited the sessions of Titov's hopes noted that it leaves a very positive impression. Those who received healing, thanks to the efforts of the healers, they talk about her, as a bright and very good man, which gives others not only their incredible knowledge, but also the soul. At every reception, working with a disease of any complexity and character, a woman introduces itself into a state of trance. That is how it feels and worries the whole pain and the strongest disturbances of the patient. It is not surprising that Hope itself is very tired of such a tempo of life. However, this is how the healer can feel the diagnosis (the most accurate) so that later, in the future, go to the balancing of all human organs.

Despite the fact that the Nadezhda Titova-Kurgan has many years of experience with sick people, and already with knowledge approaches the issue of diagnosis and treatment, it continues to be improved. A woman often communicates with the same gifted people as she herself is sharing his experience, finds a new one. It is constantly looking for ways to the most rapid healing of her patients, as it always wants to liberate a person from pain, suffering and experiences in a short time.

This sensitive person has already cured not one hundred of those who suffer, and continues his hard healing path, remaining a sensitive and conscable woman. It gives hope to heal in a new way to everyone who this wishes sincerely, so her door is always open for those who need help.

Each selected jury psychic Represented a unique person. Stand out among them and. It must be said that some of the tests of this clairvoyant passed quite successfully and won the audience sympathies.

It was clear that this, the elder was already a woman really possesses a gift. So, during some tasks that were associated with tragedies, tears appeared in the eyes of the woman. Hope entered the trance and described everything that she managed to see.

Despite its abilities, this modest woman has always said that God acts, and she is only his conductor.

- hereditary Siberian Savarka. The viewers of this psychic surprised In the fact that during each test included a modified state of consciousness and made various television.

Nadezhda - by no means newcomer in psychorasensorika, but its activity to " Battle of psychics"It was connected mainly with healing. Woman has a higher medical education, behind her shoulders graduate school.

In 1988, the title was awarded Best Healer of Russia" Having come to the "Battle of Psychics", she had already 15 years of experience in various meanworkers. In his healing activity, she successfully applies ancient recipes of informations from herbs, ointment from plant components, prayers and conspiracies. Heals and imposing hands. The woman successfully passed the casting and was among the 10 lucky ones, whom the jury took place to participate in the third season.

During an indicative speech on Arbat, Hope put the task of turning vodka into water. It was failed to make it, but after the experiment, the alcoholometer recorded a decrease in degree.

On subsequent tests, she managed to unmistakably determine which tragedy occurred with a four-year-old girl than he led to a perplexity of the investigator.

But several Participants « Battle»Showed much more impressive results, and the hope of Titov, unfortunately, in the mid-season I had to leave the project. She did it worthily, although it was observed that the woman was upset by the decision of the jury. Hope wished all his colleagues of patience and success.

Well, the third season " Battle of psychics"Pereted half. Ahead participants waited for even more difficult tests. And the TV viewers were looking forward to who will be the winner. However, the winner this time had to choose them by himself, by SMS voting.

In detail about the issues of the third season:

All participants in the third season of the battle of psychics.

Age: 33 years

Cause of death: heart disease

Konstantin Yampolsky died on January 16, 2018. Acute coronary failure. Information about the death of the Black Magian appeared on the official page of the Faculty of the Voronezh Institute of Arts. According to the beloved Constantine Hope SparrowThe participant of the "Battle of Psychics" has recently abused alcohol.

On the Yampolsky project called himself a black magician. He used to pass the tests of many candles, also scared participants and experts with his loud cries, with the help of which caused spirits. Mysticism Konstantin began to be interested in while studying at the Institute. He studied specialized literature on psychosensoric, philosophy and parapsychology. In addition to the "battle of psychics", Yampolsky performed as an expert in the program "" TV channel TV-3, and also sometimes appeared on the first channel and on Ren TV. Yampolsky tried to help people even via the Internet. The magician was looking for the missing people in a photograph, conducted seminars and trainings for their students.

Konstantin Yampolsky

Konstantin Yampolsky

Age: 29 years

Cause of death: drop from height

The death of one of the brightest participants of the show "Battle of Psychics" and "" Ilona Novoselova shocked the fans of the project. Clairvoyant died on June 13, 2017, on the Enthusiast Highway. If you believe the official version, Novoselova saw alcoholic beverages with her young man ArtemAfter which a quarrel happened between them. The girl climbed the window, threatening the guy of suicide, but did not hold the balance and fell. Nevertheless, at the Fans of the Star "Battle of Psychics" this version is in doubt.

It should be noted that the last years of the life of steel for Ilona is a newly tested test. Ends of clairvoyant began in 2013, when Ilona and her groom were kidnapped from their own home and presented to parents to buy demand about 7.5 million rubles. Subsequently, the gang was detained, the kidnappers sent for the bars. After the liberation of Novoselov, rumors began to spread that, in fact, Ilona was born a boy by name Andrei and only after the minority changed the floor to female. Such information was supposedly provided with the Internet publications of their Internet publications and confirmed the first teacher Andrei-Ilona from school in Sergiev Posad. It turned out that her companion Oleg, who was abducted with her, made such an operation and prepared to receive a passport and a new name - Lana. However, Ilona itself denied ridiculous rumors.

Ilona Novoselova

Ilona Novoselova

The cause of death: not reported

Death of participants "Battle of psychics" Hope Titovik It is shrouded in secrets and underwent. According to the official website of the winner of the third season, the healer died in early 2013. With regard to information about the causes of death, it is not in open sources.

According to Titov, she could remove the damage, the love spells and the crowns of celibacy, performed the Starrovansky rites, thanks to which any undertaking became successful, was horoscopes and much more. At the "Battle of Psychics", Nadezhda took the seventh place among 10 participants. The main feature of her work was entry into the trance.

Hope was a very versatile person. He graduated from the historical faculty of the Pedagogical Institute in Kurgan, the Medical School in Moscow, the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and the graduate school. Engaged in astrology and psychology. He loved movies, oriental music and books. She was engaged in teaching and business, and was also the owner of the insurance company. By the way, in 1998, Titov was recognized as the best healer of Russia.

Nadezhda Titova

Nadezhda Titova

Age: 35 years

Cause of death: stroke

The participant of the ninth season "Battle of Psychics" Yuri Sparkhanz stand out among other applicants for victory with its impressive sizes: a large, massive, height is two meters. Despite the good-natured appearance and exterior calm, the evapixance positioned himself as a black mage, able to communicate with the souls of the dead and dark otherworldly forces. To perform rites, he used such magic objects as a knife and whip.

The misfortune with Yuri occurred in March 2012. The man suddenly had an acute violation of the brain circulation, which ended with the brain swelling due to blood breakthrough in his ventricle. In such cases, person is almost impossible to help.It is curious that earlier the evapixants did not complain about the state of health and felt perfectly perfectly. That is why the TV show fans are confident that psychics died from the hands of evil spirits, because his life after the project was closely related to exorcism.

Yuri Sparkhans

Yuri Sparkhans

Age: 43 years

Cause of death: car accident

Alexander Agapit (Bondarenko Albert Aleksheevich) was one of the brightest and scandalous participants of the "Battle of Psychics". He was adored journalists and even after one of the trials assigned the title "King of psychics". According to the official version, clairvoying from Chuvashia in May 2009, crashed by car in the Moscow region - crashed into a pillar. The official version - fell asleep on the wheel. Death came instantly. In the car, Alexander Agapit was alone.

By the way, a few days after death in a number of media, there was information that, instead of psychics, his twin was buried in the cemetery, and Alexander himself continues to fight the tumor, which he was diagnosed earlier. However, there is no official confirmation of this information. True, the fans of creativity of psychics are absolutely not embarrassing. They continue to believe that Agapit is alive. As evidence, they lead a quotation that Alexander chose somehow a lacaround: "Once it seems to you that I left, but it only seems to you."

Agapit became famous for his predictions. So, the extrasens sawdeath Boris Nemtsova. According to the press secretary of the killed policy, Alexander not only pointed out when the Nemtsov dies, but also called the exact date of his death. This prediction Boris Nemtsov did not seriously perceive.

Alexander Agapit and Victoria Bonya on the set of the program "Battle of Psychics"

Alexander Agapit

Many reality participants become celebrities. "Battle of psychics" on TNT is no exception. Fans of transfer are interested in how the further life of the clairvoyants participating in it has developed. The tragic "battle of psychics" after the project is in the editorial material.

One of the most striking participants of the seventh season "The Battle of Psychics" and "Psychics lead the investigation" shocked fans of a television show. Clairvoyant died on June 13, 2017, dropping out of the window of his own house on the Enthusiast highway.

If you believe the official verdict, Novoselova saw alcoholic beverages with his young man, after which a quarrel happened between them. The girl climbed the window, threatening the guy of suicide, but did not hold the balance and fell. Nevertheless, at the fans of the star "Battle of Psychics" this version is doubtful.

Member of the 10th Season of the Battle of Psychics Konstantin Yampolsky died on January 16, 2018. The reason was the sharp coronary failure. Information about the death of the Black Magian appeared on the official page of the Faculty of the Voronezh Institute of Arts.

Yampolsky died at the age of 33. Fans discussed the situation on the network. Some wrote that the magician was a wonderful person, others argued that he himself destroyed himself to drink.

The sorcerer Alexey Fad, the finalist of the 3rd seasons of the television show, suddenly died from a heart attack on the day of his 50th anniversary. The fans of the project and the Mage himself could not believe that the death of Fad had been for natural reasons. Many of them are confident that an unexpected heart attack of one of the favorites for victory in the "Battle of Psychics" is directly related to his genus.

No less than conversations caused the mysterious death of the participant of the 9th season of the "Battle of Psychics" Yuri evaporyan. The cause of the death of the magician - hemorrhage into the brain. It is curious that earlier the evapixants did not complain about the state of health and felt perfectly perfectly.

Telewow fans are confident that psychics died from the hands of evil spirits, because his future life after the project was closely related to exorcism.

The death of the participants of the "Battle of Psychics" of the hopes of Titovaya is shrouded in secrets and underwent. The healer died in early 2013, and there is no information about the reasons for her death in open sources. The tragedy of this story adds the fact that the Tite has a few sons and daughters. Fans still guess for which reasons one of the best healers of Russia went away from life.