The most popular Kazakh names of girls. Beautiful Kazakh women names with meaning

The most popular Kazakh names of girls. Beautiful Kazakh women names with meaning
The most popular Kazakh names of girls. Beautiful Kazakh women names with meaning

In the modern multicultural world, it became fashionable to give children unusual for the central strip of Russia. Most often, parents appeal to the West, to European culture, or resort to ancient classics (Rome, Greece), while the eastern regions, especially neighboring Russia, are forgotten. In this article we will try to correct this injustice, offering some beautiful Kazakh names for girls to choose from choosing.


Ayam This word in Tajik language is a great-grandfather. In Kazakhstan, many foreign words are used as girls' names. Muslim Kazakh traditions contribute to such a refraction of culture and foreign languages.

Aguil. Has Arab roots. Translated may mean "mind" or "wisdom."

Adele. Although the same name is in German with the value of "noble", in Kazakhstan this name is used as a derivative from Arabic word meaning "justice".

Admi. Describing popular Kazakh names of girls? It is impossible not to mention this name. From the Kazakh language, it translates the word "beauty".

Adam. Here we see Iranian borrowing. However, in Iran, this word meaning "Friday"? only called boys. In Kazakhstan, Addis and him such derivatives - names for girls. Kazakh modern traditions in this respect are sometimes inversion of initial customs.

ADDY. The Arab root is based on this name means "gift", "award".

Azhar. Purely Kazakh name, difficult to translate into Russian. It can be described by the words "beautiful", "charming", "charming".


Bag. Another Arab borrowing. Means "faithful", "eternal".

Bagid. This is a none mean means "delightful", "adorable".


Gaziza. The meaning of this name can be conveyed by the words "Help" and "courtesy".

Gaine. It is a playful name for the sound. Literally it translates as "the most noticeable".

Gaisha. This is a feminized derivative from the Arab "Isa", which Muslims call Jesus Christ. Means the same - "God saves" or "Salvation of God."

Galima. The root of "knowledge" is based on this word allows you to translate this name as the "knowledgeable, knowledgeable".

Galia. It looks like the sound in the Roman name, but no, it has an Arab root and means "respectable", "respected."


Daineels. Kazakh names of girls, as already clear, often go to the roots in Arabic. Dassel - no exception. You can translate it with the word "hope", "hope".

Damira. A word that has many values. May mean a mystery or opinion. On the other hand, it can be translated by the words "conscience" and "reason".

Dana. This name is called a girl when they want to inspire her wisdom - it is this concept that this word can be translated.


Eldana. Rare Kazakh names for girls can be prepared on the basis of two roots from Arabic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bat the same time. Eldana is one of them. "El" from Kazakh means "people." And "Dana", as mentioned above - "Wisdom". Accordingly, we obtain the following translation options - the "wise people" or "folk wisdom".

Enlik. Unusual for the Russian ear, pronunciation for this name is obliged to the Kazakh eponymous plant, the roots of which serve as raw materials for making hair paint.

Eruziba. Another composite is nominal, but this time in symbiosis with the Iranian root of "Ziba", meaning something beautiful and elegant. "EP" is the Kazakh word, which means a man. The semantics of this name can be illustrated by the biblical expression: "The wife is glory to her husband." However, there are other options, for example, "courageous beauty."


Jasir. Kazakh names of girls and their importance. Modern people can perceive sometimes metaphorically, not in the literal sense. For example, this name is literally translated as "wider", but in a figurative sense it means sociability and society.

Zhyun. The very beautiful Kazakh name of Zhain means "shine", "glisten", "shine".

Jalila. In the beautiful Kazakh names for girls, it is possible to include the noble name of Jalila. In their meaning, it personifies the idea of \u200b\u200bmajestity.

Zhamalai. This is another composite name. Zhamali is "beautiful" in Arabic. And "ah" means the moon in the Kazakh adverb. Therefore, the name literally speaks of lunar magnificence. But the Kazakhs Moon traditionally personifies loyalty and eternity, so that the name actually plays many semantic faces and shades.


Zaid. This name can have two values: the first is height and development, the second is the best. In a sense, these are two sides of the same.

Host. Some Kazakh names of girls are associated with plants. In this case, the name of the Zaitan is at the same time an olive tree and a crown from the leaves and the branches of this plant, which symbolizes the victory.

Zakira. In Kazakhstan, very many girls names are Muslim. Kazakh modern realities are such that Islam is a conclusive and cultural religion in this country. Therefore, the name of Zakira in its context is characterized by special nobility, because it translates as "praising God."

Bay. This name will be especially talkative and a witty girl. And all because its direct meaning is something between eloquence and spanking tongue.


Kabia. This name emphasizes greatness, seriousness, thoroughness. Has Arabic origin.

Cady. It is derived from the word "gift."


Lalib. Symbolizes mind and insight.

Laik. The original-Kazakh name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the word "dignity".

Lala. Very multivalued name, because it is unknown, from which language it came to Kazakhstan. If you postpone its origin from Azerbaijan, it will mean "Mac". If we assume that this name fell into Kazakhstan from India, it will need to be translated by the word "pearls". In addition, it can be understood as "lily".

Lamination. Beautiful name with a beautiful semantic subtext. Means the "radiance of light".

Latifa. Kazakh names for girls and their meanings are more often tied to feelings, abstract concepts than to subjects. Latifa is a textbook example among this kind of names, because it combines all the good, light and kind, personifying good, beauty, spiritual purity and any good.


Magir. Arab name with the meaning of the "Master".

Magrip. Very interesting name - Magrip. It means "skill, art, knowledge."

Madina. In itself, this word means "city". But at the same time, Medina is usually meant - the city, together with Mecca, most important for Muslims, as he played an important role in the life of the Prophet Mohammed.


Nabat. Very interesting name with Persian roots. It means "plant", "branch". Another interpretation of this name is "sweetness" or "sugar".

. Literally, this name is translated as "granddaughter".

Nabio This name is the Arab word, which in the Arab world is called smart and educated women.


Onega. Traditional Kazakh name. It is understood as "approximate temper", "exemplary virtue", "Example for imitation".

Orazai. The name of ancienturk origin, more precisely, its first part of the "Oraz". Means happiness and good luck. "Ay", as above, noted, means the moon.


Pakiza. Selecting the names for girls, Kazakh modern parents often turn to Persian on origin names. Pakiza is one of them. It means cleanliness and impairment.


Rabiga. This name has all four versions of interpretation. The first of them suggests that the name personifies carelessness. The second version insists that the semantic meaning of the name is "Spring". According to the third hypothesis, under this word can be understood as a faithful friend, Comrade and partner in any case. Well, finally, if you believe the fourth assumption, then this name is just the fourth daughter born in the family.

Slave. The name close by sounding the previous one. It may personify the process of education, as well as the name of the fourth month of the Arab calendar.

Radium The most noble Kazakh names of girls are not idle without radia, which means choices. With his honor, this name is obliged to Fatima - the daughter of the Prophet Mohammed, in respect of which this name serves as an epithet.

Raze. This name means "pleasure" and "satisfaction".


Sabila. Very beautiful sound, the name of Sabila has a basic Arab root, which means traveling and the road.

Sabiot. Literally translated as "patience", "calm" and "endurance".

Sagid. This name is designed to bring successful success, happiness and well-being - it is these things it means.

Sagyl. A narrow sense implies a green-eyed woman. But in the broad sense of the word means simply "beautiful eyes."


Tabiba. This name is called girls who want to put the healing force, as it means "doctor".

Tabil. If there is long-life newborn girls above all the years, then it is tagged with a tabula. This is connected with the direct value of this word in Arabic - "Long Life".


UAZIP. This name combines at the same time the concept of beauty and purity.

Oasil. Arabic root, which underlies this name, allows you to interpret it as a helper or support in life.

Ulbala. This is the Kazakh name is twisted. The word "ul" means a boy or, if we consider the concept already, the Son. Such a form of the name is obliged to tradition, according to which the heir to the Kazakh may be only a male siblos. Therefore, when another girl is born, it can be called Ulbala, in the hope that the boy becomes next to her.


Fasil. Persian by origin the name under which the dignity and superiority is meant.

Fatima. Describing the Kazakh names of girls, it is impossible not to mention and Fatima is one of the most popular names of the Islamic world. In their direct value, it can be translated as "taken away from the chest." But the cultural significance of this name is much wider and deeper, due to the famous personality from the story about the Prophet Mohammed.

Fatiha. This name denotes the blessing and every good wish.

Feruza. Iran's name, the meaning of which is easy to convey the words "radiant" and "happy."


Hadish. Not the most pleasant name, since its value is "premature". Given girls in the appropriate situation.

Hadia. Another name of the name with the meaning "gift", "gift".


Shagil. The last name is translated into our list as "favorable", "prudent".

In the modern multicultural world, it became fashionable to give children unusual for the central strip of Russia. Most often, parents appeal to the West, to European culture, or resort to ancient classics (Rome, Greece), while the eastern regions, especially neighboring Russia, are forgotten. In this article we will try to correct this injustice, offering some beautiful Kazakh names for girls to choose from choosing.


Ayam This word in Tajik language is a great-grandfather. In Kazakhstan, many foreign words are used as girls' names. Muslim Kazakh traditions contribute to such a refraction of culture and foreign languages.

Aguil. Has Arab roots. Translated may mean "mind" or "wisdom."

Adele. Although the same name is in German with the value of "noble", in Kazakhstan this name is used as a derivative from Arabic word meaning "justice".

Admi. Describing popular Kazakh names of girls? It is impossible not to mention this name. From the Kazakh language, it translates the word "beauty".

Adam. Here we see Iranian borrowing. However, in Iran, this word meaning "Friday"? only called boys. In Kazakhstan, Addis and him such derivatives - names for girls. Kazakh modern traditions in this respect are sometimes inversion of initial customs.

ADDY. The Arab root is based on this name means "gift", "award".

Azhar. Purely Kazakh name, difficult to translate into Russian. It can be described by the words "beautiful", "charming", "charming".


Bag. Another Arab borrowing. Means "faithful", "eternal".

Bagid. This is a none mean means "delightful", "adorable".


Gaziza. The meaning of this name can be conveyed by the words "Help" and "courtesy".

Gaine. It is a playful name for the sound. Literally it translates as "the most noticeable".

Gaisha. This is a feminized derivative from the Arab "Isa", which Muslims call Jesus Christ. Means the same - "God saves" or "Salvation of God."

Galima. The root of "knowledge" is based on this word allows you to translate this name as the "knowledgeable, knowledgeable".

Galia. It looks like the sound in the Roman name, but no, it has an Arab root and means "respectable", "respected."


Daineels. Kazakh names of girls, as already clear, often go to the roots in Arabic. Dassel - no exception. You can translate it with the word "hope", "hope".

Damira. A word that has many values. May mean a mystery or opinion. On the other hand, it can be translated by the words "conscience" and "reason".

Dana. This name is called a girl when they want to inspire her wisdom - it is this concept that this word can be translated.


Eldana. Rare Kazakh names for girls can be prepared on the basis of two roots from Arabic and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bat the same time. Eldana is one of them. "El" from Kazakh means "people." And "Dana", as mentioned above - "Wisdom". Accordingly, we obtain the following translation options - the "wise people" or "folk wisdom".

Enlik. Unusual for the Russian ear, pronunciation for this name is obliged to the Kazakh eponymous plant, the roots of which serve as raw materials for making hair paint.

Eruziba. Another composite is nominal, but this time in symbiosis with the Iranian root of "Ziba", meaning something beautiful and elegant. "EP" is the Kazakh word, which means a man. The semantics of this name can be illustrated by the biblical expression: "The wife is glory to her husband." However, there are other options, for example, "courageous beauty."


Jasir. Kazakh names of girls and their importance. Modern people can perceive sometimes metaphorically, not in the literal sense. For example, this name is literally translated as "wider", but in a figurative sense it means sociability and society.

Zhyun. The very beautiful Kazakh name of Zhain means "shine", "glisten", "shine".

Jalila. In the beautiful Kazakh names for girls, it is possible to include the noble name of Jalila. In their meaning, it personifies the idea of \u200b\u200bmajestity.

Zhamalai. This is another composite name. Zhamali is "beautiful" in Arabic. And "ah" means the moon in the Kazakh adverb. Therefore, the name literally speaks of lunar magnificence. But the Kazakhs Moon traditionally personifies loyalty and eternity, so that the name actually plays many semantic faces and shades.


Zaid. This name can have two values: the first is height and development, the second is the best. In a sense, these are two sides of the same.

Host. Some Kazakh names of girls are associated with plants. In this case, the name of the Zaitan is at the same time an olive tree and a crown from the leaves and the branches of this plant, which symbolizes the victory.

Zakira. In Kazakhstan, very many girls names are Muslim. Kazakh modern realities are such that Islam is a conclusive and cultural religion in this country. Therefore, the name of Zakira in its context is characterized by special nobility, because it translates as "praising God."

Bay. This name will be especially talkative and a witty girl. And all because its direct meaning is something between eloquence and spanking tongue.


Kabia. This name emphasizes greatness, seriousness, thoroughness. Has Arabic origin.

Cady. It is derived from the word "gift."


Lalib. Symbolizes mind and insight.

Laik. The original-Kazakh name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the word "dignity".

Lala. Very multivalued name, because it is unknown, from which language it came to Kazakhstan. If you postpone its origin from Azerbaijan, it will mean "Mac". If we assume that this name fell into Kazakhstan from India, it will need to be translated by the word "pearls". In addition, it can be understood as "lily".

Lamination. Beautiful name with a beautiful semantic subtext. Means the "radiance of light".

Latifa. Kazakh names for girls and their meanings are more often tied to feelings, abstract concepts than to subjects. Latifa is a textbook example among this kind of names, because it combines all the good, light and kind, personifying good, beauty, spiritual purity and any good.


Magir. Arab name with the meaning of the "Master".

Magrip. Very interesting name - Magrip. It means "skill, art, knowledge."

Madina. In itself, this word means "city". But at the same time, Medina is usually meant - the city, together with Mecca, most important for Muslims, as he played an important role in the life of the Prophet Mohammed.


Nabat. Very interesting name with Persian roots. It means "plant", "branch". Another interpretation of this name is "sweetness" or "sugar".

. Literally, this name is translated as "granddaughter".

Nabio This name is the Arab word, which in the Arab world is called smart and educated women.


Onega. Traditional Kazakh name. It is understood as "approximate temper", "exemplary virtue", "Example for imitation".

Orazai. The name of ancienturk origin, more precisely, its first part of the "Oraz". Means happiness and good luck. "Ay", as above, noted, means the moon.


Pakiza. Selecting the names for girls, Kazakh modern parents often turn to Persian on origin names. Pakiza is one of them. It means cleanliness and impairment.


Rabiga. This name has all four versions of interpretation. The first of them suggests that the name personifies carelessness. The second version insists that the semantic meaning of the name is "Spring". According to the third hypothesis, under this word can be understood as a faithful friend, Comrade and partner in any case. Well, finally, if you believe the fourth assumption, then this name is just the fourth daughter born in the family.

Slave. The name close by sounding the previous one. It may personify the process of education, as well as the name of the fourth month of the Arab calendar.

Radium The most noble Kazakh names of girls are not idle without radia, which means choices. With his honor, this name is obliged to Fatima - the daughter of the Prophet Mohammed, in respect of which this name serves as an epithet.

Raze. This name means "pleasure" and "satisfaction".


Sabila. Very beautiful sound, the name of Sabila has a basic Arab root, which means traveling and the road.

Sabiot. Literally translated as "patience", "calm" and "endurance".

Sagid. This name is designed to bring successful success, happiness and well-being - it is these things it means.

Sagyl. A narrow sense implies a green-eyed woman. But in the broad sense of the word means simply "beautiful eyes."


Tabiba. This name is called girls who want to put the healing force, as it means "doctor".

Tabil. If there is long-life newborn girls above all the years, then it is tagged with a tabula. This is connected with the direct value of this word in Arabic - "Long Life".


UAZIP. This name combines at the same time the concept of beauty and purity.

Oasil. Arabic root, which underlies this name, allows you to interpret it as a helper or support in life.

Ulbala. This is the Kazakh name is twisted. The word "ul" means a boy or, if we consider the concept already, the Son. Such a form of the name is obliged to tradition, according to which the heir to the Kazakh may be only a male siblos. Therefore, when another girl is born, it can be called Ulbala, in the hope that the boy becomes next to her.


Fasil. Persian by origin the name under which the dignity and superiority is meant.

Fatima. Describing the Kazakh names of girls, it is impossible not to mention and Fatima is one of the most popular names of the Islamic world. In their direct value, it can be translated as "taken away from the chest." But the cultural significance of this name is much wider and deeper, due to the famous personality from the story about the Prophet Mohammed.

Fatiha. This name denotes the blessing and every good wish.

Feruza. Iran's name, the meaning of which is easy to convey the words "radiant" and "happy."


Hadish. Not the most pleasant name, since its value is "premature". Given girls in the appropriate situation.

Hadia. Another name of the name with the meaning "gift", "gift".


Shagil. The last name is translated into our list as "favorable", "prudent".

Unusual names for Russia began for some time fashionable. Therefore, in recent years there have been many children wearing names from Europe, America. Less often parents turn to East and Asia, and in vain. This article is devoted to Kazakhstan and will be useful for those who are looking for beautiful Kazakh

List of names

The names that entered this list will be distributed on thematic categories. Immediately it is worth noting that due to strong Islamization, many of the original Kazakh names were forgotten, the traditional Muslim onomasticon, compiled, mainly, is of great importance for the current culture of the republic, predominantly, from the words of Arab and Persian origin.

Mind, wisdom and intelligence

  • Aguil. Arabic origin. Translated as "wisdom".
  • Galima. Means "knowing", "knowledgeable".
  • Dana. Translated as "wisdom".
  • Lalib. This word is the quality of the insightful mind.
  • Magrip. This name can be translated by the word "talent". In addition, it means skill, knowledge and ownership of art.

Quality of personality

  • Adele. There are two translations of this name. For example, in German, it means "nobility". But in Kazakhstan, this name came from the Arab East, where its meaning is "justice".
  • Bag. The name of Arabic origin. Translated as "faithful", "eternal".
  • Gaine. The bright features of the person often become the basis, on the basis of which the names for girls are then compiled. Kazakh modern traditions reported to us and this name meaning "the most noticeable".
  • Galia. The word is derived from the Arab root, meaning "venerable", "respected."
  • Jasir. Sometimes you have to sacrifice with a literal meaning to understand that you actually mean some names for girls. Kazakh modern traditions reported to our time, for example, this is the name. If it is literally translated, it will mean "wide". However, in fact, we are talking about sociability and sociability of its owner, about the latitude of the soul.
  • Bay. This name is difficult to translate into Russian. In the Kazakh, its meaning is something between the eloquent and slicer in the girl's tongue. Probably the most accurate translation will be "witty".
  • Kabia. The word of Arabic origin. Means magty and thoroughness.
  • Latifa. This name has no definite translation. This word is a collective term, uniting the concepts of good, peace, well-being, beauty and everything positive.


  • Admi. Beauty is a frequent topic with which names for girls are associated. Kazakh names are no exception. Actually, "Beauty" is a direct translation of this name.
  • Azhar. Describing the beautiful Kazakh names for girls, you need to mention and this is an invalid Kazakh word that is translated as "beautiful", "charming" or "charming".
  • Bagid. Many names for girls, Kazakh and borrowed, are associated with the concept of charms. This name is one of them.
  • Eruziba. This name is also composite. But in this case, the Kazakh root connected with the Iranian word meaning beauty. As a result, it turned out the name that can be translated as "courageous beauty." If you do not literally translate, then the name will be an illustration for the expression "The Beauty of Wife is a pride of her husband."
  • Zhyun. This name is translated as "shine", "glistening", "shine". Speaks about the beauty of his carrier.
  • Zhamalai. The name again combining Arabic and Kazakh roots. Literally translates as a "beautiful moon".


  • ADDY. Translated as a "gift" or "reward".
  • Lala. According to the main version, this name was borrowed from India, and it follows it as "pearls". There is, however, the version that it comes from Azerbaijan, where means "lighthouse".


  • Gaisha. This name is a unique example of the female form named after Jesus Christ. Accordingly, its value is "salvation from God."
  • Daineels. Many Arab borrowings in the Kazakh onomasticone are Kazakh traditions learned, for example, and this is a name that is translated as "hope", "hope".
  • Zakira. A lot of names in Kazakhstan, as already mentioned, are Islamic on origin and meaning. This name is one of them. It means "the one that praises God."
  • Madina. This word in Arabic is called the city as such. But as a personal name, he points to Medina - one of the most important cities in the Islamic world.

Other names

  • Ayam In Tajikistan, this word means lug. In Kazakhstan, it began to be used as a personal name.
  • Adam. Some rare Kazakh names for girls initially represented a male name. For example, this from Iranian language and meaning "Friday".
  • Gaziza. To pass the meaning of this name, you need to use such words as "honor" and "courtesy".
  • Eldana. Some names for girls Kazakh, as traditionally believed, is actually compiled from multilingual roots. For example, this name consists of two words of the Arab and Kazakh languages, which in the aggregate give the translation of the "wise people".
  • Enlik. This name cannot be translated into Russian, because in fact it is the name of one local plant, from which the hair paint is obtained.
  • Jalila. Labor word. The general meaning can be conveyed by the concept of "majestic."
  • Zaid. Name having two translation options. On the one hand, it means "the best". On the other hand, it can be understood as "growth", "development" and "evolution."
  • Host. A plant topic also often acts as a source from which the names for girls are generated. Kazakh names are among others, and this is a beautiful name that means in addition, the crown of olive branches and leaves is also called the same word. The latter is a victory symbol.
  • Cady. Translated as a "gift."
  • Laik. Women's original Kazakh name. It means "dignity".
  • Lamination. Literally translates as "radiance of light."
  • Magir. This is the name of Arabic origin. Means "Master".
  • Nabat. which means a plant or process. Alternative translation - "Sweetness", "Sugar".

Choose the name of the girl is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Of all the abundance of names, it is necessary to select the most harmonious and alternating happy fate. To simplify parents to the task, we made for you a selection of the most popular Kazakh female names with a beautiful meaning. Stripping from this list, you can understand what popular Kazakh female name can be given to your daughter.

For your convenience, we have created a service where you can choose the name to your kids or find out the meaning of your own.

Aisha (Aisha)

General characteristic of the name "Aisha"

The name "Aisha" is one of the most famous Muslim women's names. This name was third - the favorite is the wife of the Prophet Mohammed. The name "Aisha" has arabic origin, it means "energetic", "full of life." Aisha - phenomenal women with a subtle mind and numerous talents, and at the same time - stunningly modest, discreet, absolutely not vain. This is the type of perfect oriental woman.

Aisha in matters in society

Aisha is a pleasant interlocutor who has a sense of tact. She tries not to offend anyone, not to ask tactless questions and deftly avoids unpleasant for the person themes in conversation. It is not surprising that the team love and appreciate Aisha not only as a responsible employee, but also as a good person. Aisha herself is quite sensitive to how they are surrounding. A woman with the same name, most likely, will choose a job associated with communication with people or arts, - music, painting, clothing design, acting craft.

Aisha in childhood

As a child, Aisha demonstrates an increased need for safety and in parental love. The girl then and the matter asks mom: "How much do you love me?", And in response, it is waiting for gentle hugs and kisses from the closest person. Being in kind of susceptible and romantic, Aisha has an extremely developed intuition. This child feels things that cannot express in words, but who are of great importance. For example, Aisha can predict the danger where no one is waiting for it. The school learns well, it is usually a humanitarian mindset. Often it is often better than all in the class writes compositions on literature, likes to read books on history, culture, as well as love novels.


Overall characteristic of the name "Ayar"

The name "Iiaru" passed into the Kazakh language from the Turkic and means "Moon Beauty". Despite the fact that Iiara Balovnitsa family, she does not use his position "Favorites" and listens to the elders. Despite the stubbornness, Ayara on many things has its own opinion, which she can convey to the interlocutor so that he will change his point of view. It is offended by infrequently, but it is hard to move hard, can not talk to the offender for several days.

Ayara in the affairs, in society

Ayara Samosodeashadne and ambitious, so the choice of profession is very responsible. His recognition in life Iiaru will find quite early. Already in the middle classes of school, she will begin to do things, the interest in which with age will only increase. She has good abilities for learning languages. Loves to develop a versatile: I am pleased to do dancing, singing, music, although most often refers to such activities as additional, and does not seek to turn it into a profession.

Ayara in childhood

Ayara - the heart of the family. For her, the situation is unacceptable when there are breeding in relationships. Gentle with parents, loves arms and pleasant words.

Entering the adolescent period, Ayaru pays increased attention to his appearance. She likes to make makeup, try clothing, experimenting with it. She also loves to cook and often treats his family with his culinary creations.

Ayaru is early growing. She is not peculiar to the booty tricks inherent in many teenagers. Of course, she may argue with someone or even stop contacting with a person who has become not pleasant, but it is connected not how much with a teenage rope, but with the need of Ayar to remain faithful. She can be entrusted with any secrets that she will not even give a handbag Festi from the fluffy ladies mink. Although ... no, all the trust of friends for Iiaru is more expensive than all the gold of the world.

Aigerim (әigerim)

Overall characteristic of the name "Aigerim"

The name "Aigerim" has Arab origins. Translated from Arabic "Kerim" So the "beautiful", "beautiful", "noble in origin". The name arrived in the Turkic world, where he was supplemented with semantic nuances: "Ai" - "Luna", and "Kerim" - "Beauty", the general meaning is "Lunolic Beauty", "Moon Beauty". In Kazakhstan, the name "Aigerim" got much popularity, mainly, thanks to the novel "The Way of Abai", which describes that this word (literal translation - "Hey, beauty!") The famous Kazakh enlightener and the philosopher turned to his wife Shukican. Beautiful phonetics and semantics named Aigerim gives her support to fantastic charm, Aigerims - Women, which men turn the neck: Beauties wearing a ringing name are endowed with such magnetism and sexuality.

Aigerim in affairs, in society

Aigerim is a peculiar and active on social and professional paths. She may have a brilliant talent for arts and languages. The owner of this name often finds its "I" in creative activity or in the fields where creativity is required: acting art, journalism, linguistics, tourism, design, sport (especially figure skating and rhythmic gymnastics). A profession associated with issues of justice is also suitable for Aigerim: jurisprudence (especially, bar), political activities, law enforcement structures. Aigerim will not be able to work in a company or state structure, where career growth is excluded. Aigerim may be unfortunately to part with the work in which she will not see prospects for enhancing the service.

Aigerim in childhood

Aigerish's small perfectionist loves active games where her grace and endless charm reveals. This child with fantastically powerful energy does not endure monotony and boredom. Aigerim is so pulling on various adventures and adventures, where she pulls his girlfriends with enviable constant. Learn Aigerim, as a rule, on the "five" and "four". If the girl with the same name has lower marks in the diary - this is a sure sign that the teacher could not interest her, and Aigerim became boring to learn.

Aya (Ayia)

General characteristics of the name "Aya (Ayia)"

In the Arab world, the name "Ayia" has two meanings - the first: "Wonderful, amazing, beautiful, special" and second: "verse", which are marked by the small chapters of the Quran. Translated from Greek Ayia is the "holy". In the Turkic tradition, "Ayia" means "Moonlight" or "air" (AU). The name "Ayia" for the Kazakhs is a typical example of borrowing names under the influence of Islamic culture. It is not surprising that calling the daughter with such a magical name, parents endow newborn with clean and bright vibrations that Aya can live a decent life surrounded by a friendly and happy family, in prosperity and spiritual health.

Aya in cases, in society

As a person is rather closed, Ayia, when choosing a profession, is rarely inclined to go on occasion to others and chooses what her soul lies. This girl can greatly upset his relatives who prophesy to her career of a financial manager, and go to learn from the mannequin to school models. But such is Ayia, who does not want to take the fact that with each such choice only the distance between it and the surrounding world increase. For the vital success of Aye, you need to master a very useful skill to understand and feel other people, without which a happy life is impossible.

Aya in childhood

It is difficult to stay in order not to break the baby ayu, because it is so kind of naughty. Parents need to be careful: not meeting a reasonable resistance to their irrepressible desires, Ayia can become cold and selfish and grow, at all, not believing with the interests of other people. Therefore, it will be better. If from the youngsters in the house there will be a living creature, about which the girl can take care. It can be a kitten or a hand hamster. Then the best sides of her nature will be revealed in Aye: compassion, sacrifice and care.


General characteristic of the name "Altynai"

The name "Altynai" has Kazakh origin. Translated from Kazakh, it literally means "Golden Moon". In the Turkic culture, the moon is revered as a symbol of beauty and loyalty, as well as traditional female virtues. The woman called the name Altynai, the whole soul stretches to justice, she is merciful and compassionate, romantic and charming.

Altynai in affairs, in society

In relations with the people of Altynai, it usually manifests tact, mercy and respect. She deeply feels the surrounding reality, has a rich inner world and subtle intuition. Women by the name Altynai stretch to classes with art and artistic fields. They can become excellent jewelers, designers, architects, costume artists, as well as writers and musicians. Altynai will be successful in any business that requires communications with people. A woman with this name without much difficulty will find a common language with any interlocutor, regardless of age, social and professional status and level of education. From Altynai, a good psychologist will be, especially - children's.

Altynai in childhood

Little altyca is an amazing child who believes in a fairy tale. If the world surrounding its adult is too harsh and not too friendly, then Altynai will create his own pink world in his imagination and will happily live in it, without worrying about harsh reality. Baby Altyn is very difficult to believe that people can be cruel. Parents need to be gently, but resolutely prepare a girl to adult life and explain that it is not necessary to look at the world only through rose glasses. Altynai learns, as a rule, only on good and excellent marks. The teacher often puts it as an example of other children as a diligent and responsible student.


General characteristic named after "Anel"

Many sources include the name "Anel" to the peoples of the Turks. Its value is described by the words "Motherland", "Tribe", "Fatherland". Some argue that the name "Anel" has an ancient Greek roots and means "bright", according to another version, the name Arabic, and means it is "luck". From the Kazakh you can translate literally as "An" - "Song" and "El" - "People", and together - the "Melody of the country". In any case, for the owner of this name, characteristic such character traits such as charm, intention, politeness, and self-sufficiency. For Anelna, there is a false sign in extremes: today she wishes to please others, and tomorrow can manipulate people, using the fact that it produces on the surrounding pleasant impression.

Anel in affairs, in society

Anel is endowed with smartness and sharp mind. If she has a desire to learn something new, he can master the knowledge on their own. High intelligence and perseverance highlight it from the team, which is sometimes caused by the envy of others. Its emotionality and impulsivity create difficulties in maintaining long-term relationships with colleagues. With age, she learn diplomaticity, and yet the first place will put their own interests. To achieve the greatest results in the career, she needs to learn how to work in a team.

Anel in childhood

The main features of the character of the anel is most often similar to the Father, as, in other external data. In general, the father for Anelly - authority, and it is to him that she will seek help in the first place.

Anel loves the attention of others. However, in childhood, it is confirmed by such features of character as a hatching and impulsivity. She has an unstable nervous system, and therefore the mood differences are often observed. But very loves animals, sometimes it even seems more than people.


General characteristic of the name "Aruzhan"

"Aruzhan" translated from Turkic means: "Aru" - "Beauty" and "Jean" - "Soul". Aruzhan is pleased with his name, as, however, and by itself in general. She is neat, watching his appearance. Contrary to fashion, loves long and air dresses, she is close to a romantic style. Yes, and she herself, as if the princess from the fairy tale is beautiful and mysterious. Honest, fair, with a good sense of humor. Strictly judges others, loves to criticize. She has a lot of girlfriends, but often chooses one very - the most, with which it is ready to drive a hitchhought of a hitchhought and arrange a chic photo session against the background of the Pisa Tower.

Aruzhan in affairs, in society

Despite such pronounced values \u200b\u200bof the Aruzhan, like family and children, she is ambitious. Professions choose different: from a journalist to an accountant, but this choice made it consciously. Loves to learn something new, disclose in yourself unknown qualities. Most often works on the specialty received, or tries to realize itself in adjacent professions. After receiving one formation, it does not stop, with interest, comprehends the basics of other activities. Do not like to "jump" from the project to the project, first reaches a certain level in one sphere, and only then goes to the next industry.

Aruzhan in childhood

Aruca a little caprip. Performs the instructions of the elders, but only if necessary, and not at the order of the soul. Jealous parents to other children. Inquisitive, asks interesting questions. Draws, dancing, with pleasure visits creative circles.

ASEM (әsem)

General characteristic of the name "Asem"

The name "Asem" is a rather rare case of a purely Kazakh name. Translated from the Kazakh language ASEM means "beautiful", "beautiful", "elegant", "attractive". Asemi - women are very vapor and impressionable, sensitive to the sentiments of people and the surrounding world. Faced with a harsh prose of life, they are often lost. Therefore, assem, perhaps, like no other, needs a support and the patronage of loved ones.

Assem in cases, in society

Assem can be called a creative person, because in its adorable head there is always a swarm of all sorts of ideas. A woman with this name clearly catches trends in society and prefers to make money on a fashionable path. If the husband is biting our heroine of a large amount of money sufficient to keep his own business, Asema will open a coffee shop or spa that will quickly become popular thanks to the wide secular relations of their mistress. Asemimi - inborn "Tusovers", they love to appear in trendy places where you can see people, beloved, show. For Assem, the atmosphere in the team is of great importance, if it becomes uncomfortable in communicating with colleagues, it will rather quit quarrels than to tolerate psychological discomfort.

Assem in childhood

Baby Asema - the embodiment of the most tenderness, the favorite of all relatives. Mom, both Apashki and numerous taths indulge the girl, trying to protect the child from life problems. Therefore, it is not to be surprised that Aseme is peculiar to some capriciousness, which, however, only adds Sharma to her. At school, Aseme is often not easy, because in the class it has to compete with children. Psychologists advise the parents of girls by the name of Assem as soon as possible to teach them to independence and do not care about any occasion.


General characteristic named after "Ayala"

There are two versions of the origin of the name "Ayala". One source argues that it is formed from the word "Ayalau", which means "caress, cherish, take care." According to another version, the name is Jewish, and translates as Gazelle. The owner of this name is graceful and feminine. For strangers - wayward, for loved ones - a faithful girlfriend. Wanting, although striving to hide your feelings. She hovers in some kind of world, and it is necessary to periodically let down from Heaven to Earth.

Ayala in matters in society

"And the reaper, and the reader, and on the Dudge, the playground" - this saying reflects all the inner thumbnails of Ayaly. She wants only: to open your own business, make the army, to become a chess champion, learn to draw portraits ... And all this is desirable today, and even better in the coming hour, and then tomorrow is scheduled for a parachute jump and Chinese courses. Unfortunately, in pursuit of all hares, proteins and their own cockroaches, Ayala is unable to end any project. The only salvation for her is to work in a team that can "stretch" her enthusiasm to the victorious end. Otherwise, Ayala will not be able to stop on one vocation, and will constantly change the work on "Now it's exactly mine, and I will do this until the end of life."

Ayala in childhood

Whether Ayala grows early, or he doesn't grow out at all, because her lifestyle "The drama, a circle in the photo, and I also sing hunting" with age does not change. Little Ayala also wants to "embrace immense". The study is given to it with difficulty, since it requires a maximum concentration for seating by the desk, and with the phrase "it's time to do lessons" attacks headache and incredible drowsiness. It is not necessary to scold her for the abominability, because it really tries. She needs help parents in organizing their regime. Remind about the preparation of school supplies for tomorrow, help to get on the desktop and remind about dinner - this is the best that relatives can do for her.

Darius (Dara, Dәry)

General characteristics of the name "Daria"

The name "Darius" leads its origin on behalf of the Persian Tsar Daria and means "Winner", "Lady". According to the second version, the name of the gift has Slavic roots, and is the form of the Slavic names of Daria, Darin, Darina, which means - "Gift, Dated". According to the third version, the name of Darius is considered to be Muslim, as it comes from the Arabic verb "Dara" and means "knowledgeable, knowledgeable". Translated from the Kazakh word "d aria" Means "Sea", "Big River". It is not by chance that the two largest rivers of Central Asia are called Amudarya and Syrdarya. Daria is strong, bold, self-confident women with outstanding appearance. "Summer" and "autumn" Daria are often wonderful beauties around which men are wound, ready to fulfill any capricious.

Darius in affairs, in society

The greatest success is waiting for God in the family business, which she organizes a couple with her husband. Darius is able to become a good supervisor, people respect it and willingly recognize her right to leadership. If something can interfere with the case - so this is the inability of Daria to bring the started to a logical completion, it is from those who quickly cool down and keeps the case on samoneck. Daria knows how to earn, but also easily and spends money, buying a hundred-thirtieth handbag and "descending" capital in beauty salons. Therefore, if her husband takes control of family finances, it will be better for both of them.

Darius in childhood

Dariusha - girl-fire, lover of noisy games. She is not from those girls who will quietly sit under the table, playing with their dolls. Daria was born to "rule the ball". She can easily put into the course of the cams to put the offender in place. In adolescence, classmates are afraid of a sharp language of Dariusha, which is using Virtuoso: Her pretty offensive jokes are diverted throughout the school, and the grief to whom Darius passes their derogatory label. Darius - Mother's favorite, she takes off her female tricks and usually looks flawless. Darius in school lacks perseverance and amplification, but it is generally not bad, thanks to the intelligence and the ability to grab everything on the fly.

Zhanar (Zhanar)

General characteristic of the name "Zhanar"

The name "Zhanar" has Persian and Arabic origin, as many of the names that have a root "-Zhan-" in their composition, which means "soul". The Kazakh people added to the borrowed root of the root of the Kazakh end. The name "Zhanar" in the Kazakh tradition matters - "spiritual", "native" and - the second option is "brilliance of the eyes." Zhanars shy, supersensitive and emotional. In women who have such a name, excellent imagination and excellent intuition, allowing you to see people through.

Zhanar in the affairs, in society

Zhanar will try to find such a place of work, where everything is calm and consistently paid, preferring large companies with established way. The likelihood is also great that Zhanar will choose a profession associated with communication or with raising children. It will be in its place as a school teacher, psychologist, ecologist, accountant, social worker. Zhanar interferes in communicating with people excessive seriousness and circumstance. For this reason, it can feel internal discomfort, forcing it often to change the place of work. Someone may say that Zhanara is moving the desire to assert and in fact, it is thus trying to hide weakness and uncertainty in their abilities. Zhanar should learn to be more rigid and decisive, and then success will not make himself wait long.

Zhanar in childhood

Baby Zhanarochka grows a dreamy girl, with a rich inner world, where she does not evenly let out of outsider. The girl impresses secretly, but she knows how to be friends, she always has a girlfriend, whom she loves and who cares. Zhanars have a trait that can serve her not too good service. Zhanarochka is very often ready to come from their own desires for the sake of the other. This quality of the zhanars can take advantage of unclean people, so it is very important that around this child there is always a worthy human environment.

Zhuldyz (Zhaldyz)

General characteristic of the name "Zhuldyz"

The name "Zhuldyz" has Turkic origin, but truly nationwide love this name received the Kazakhs. Translated from the Kazakh "Zhuldyz" means "star", "radiant", "luminous". Zhuldyz is a woman with a capital letter that can bind to himself any man. Reliable, intelligent, decisive and volitional zhuldyz walks in life, without flexing under the circumstances, on the contrary, preferring them to fight them.

Zhuldyz in matters in society

In communicating with foreign people and colleagues, Zhuldyz - a stringent woman, condemning any manifestations of dishonesty and lies. The image of the faithwrite allows Juldes to make a comment to any person, even if he stands above it on a career ladder. Such a strategy of behavior is quite risky, but it also has positive moments. Zhuldyz enjoys unquestionless respect in the team as a person who will not be silent and encourage injustice and meanness. Hardworking and diligent juldes expects luck in the medical sphere, in jurisprudence, in management and marketing.

Zhuldyz in childhood

Little juldes grows a calm and downtown girl who does not cause special trouble and trouble to parents. In kindergarten, Zhuldyz easily meets and converges with peers, but at school can conflict with girls in the classroom. The fact is that Zhuldyz is irreconcilable in hypocrisy, she is used to to withdraw the hypocrite on clean water, and this will not everyone like it. However, Zhuldyz will be able to find a common language with classmates. Thanks to hard work and ambitiousness, Zhuldyz learns well and has time for all school subjects. The girl is too interested in reading and reads everything without disaster, especially her love romance and books about travel and animals.


General characteristics of the name "Marzhan"

The name "Marzhan" is borrowed from Arabic, means "corals". In the Kazakh language, the significance of this name is wider: "Corals", "Beads", "Necklace", "Decoration". Pink and red corals since ancient times were appreciated by the Kazakhs, of which the folk craftsmen did a stunning beauty of female decorations. In a woman called the name Margean, such personal qualities like the will, calm and reliability. Margean can be trusted in any difficult situation.

Margean in affairs, in society

Often, Marzhan chooses a profession that is not associated with great psychological and physical exertion. It is important for her that work does not occupy all of her time and gave the opportunity to solve their own problems. Margean will feel comfortable in professions related to culture or showness, as well as trading, administration, publishing books and computer design. In the team, Marzhan, as a rule, enjoys respect, because it has a talent to listen and hear colleagues, she loves people and can often help the good advice.

Margean in childhood

Little Margean is suitable for the concept of "good girl": judgment in school, polite and preventive with neighbors and relatives. The girl always greets the first, ready to help neighbor-apashka to bring a bag to the apartment, can take the patribution over the homeless cat living in the basement. Gold, not a girl! Margean is very attached to people and some things, for example, will not fall to sleep without his beloved teddy bear. The most ideal option for Marzhan is to finish exactly the school in which Mom took her handle to the first class. Marzhan is difficult to get used to the new and can fall into melancholy due to the private change of the situation.


General characteristic named "Saltanat"

The name "Saltanat" in translation from the Arabic language means "the king's wife", "powerful", "magnificent", "brilliant". This name is used in the Muslim world, but it is in Kazakhstan that it was truly popularly popular popularity. Women called the name Saltanat are endowed with harmonious features of personality, such as goodwill to people, openness to peace and severe thirst for self-expression. Saltanat will not remain unnoticed anywhere, it attracts admiring views of men and jealous - women.

Saltanat in affairs, in society

If Costa used her female charm in the professional sphere, she would play the most brilliant career. Fortunately, this woman believes that it is ugly to exploit their own sexuality to achieve ambitious ideas. For professional self-affirmation, Saltanat often chooses "neleval specialties" - for example, high-tech areas, where competition with men is traditionally strong. Also Saltanat attract journalism (especially - reporting), publishing, business administration, economics, finance, accounting and auditing.

Saltanat in childhood

Little Salt grows by an independent child who will gladly comprehend the world. With this girl, parents do not arise serious problems in any part of their behavior or part of study. Salt demonstrates excellent memory, easily memorizes long poems and even fairy tales who read her mom for the night. With the young nails, Saltatat is brighter, very much useful features of character - she tries not to drop the case halfway and almost always brings his intention to logically.


General characteristic of the name "Tomiris"

According to one of the versions, the name has become famous thanks to the Scythian Queen Tomiris. This name means "crushes of iron" (from the word "Temir" - "Iron"). Other sources say that Tomiris is formed from the ancient Mirano "Thomsouss" and translates "home". There is a third option: "Tomiris" could be formed by the name "Tahmina", which from Uzbek and Kazakh has the meaning of the "dominant". Proud and wayward Tomiris, like a lot of centuries ago, her thesis requires a special relationship. Her look, gait, speech - everything says that you are Miss "I will finish everything, which I want, because I am Queen."

Tomiris in affairs in society

Tomiris has a business grip. The owner of this name is the same typical businesswoman who will build his own business, and in the midst of the crisis to the market will enter. Planning, Time Management, Tactics, Strategy - for Tomiris This is not just a set of words, but survival instructions for every day. She is suitable for any profession for which the presence of nerves from steel will be needed: Medic, head and even a policeman.

Tomiris in childhood

It is organized, attentive, no permanently over the years. Does not like when she reduces her name - because Tom sounds not so proud like a Tomiris. He likes to read, and chooses serious literature. Arguing with teachers if disagreed with the assessment. Stubborn. Tears and hysterics - not its method, she will declare a hunger strike or boycott.