What is a rising sign. Ascendent - ascending zodiac sign

What is a rising sign. Ascendent - ascending zodiac sign
What is a rising sign. Ascendent - ascending zodiac sign

From time to time, in order to understand the actions and behavioral factors around us, we will know the dates of their birth and appeal to the help of astrology. After all, how clear to us is specifically a symbol of the zodiac and determines the character of a person. However, do not everyone know that the idle, fate and personal features of the lava form three indicators: the location of the Sun on the sky in the day of birth, which affects the inner world of the personality, the position of the moon, which is determining the nature, and the value of the ascendant. This implies the question: What does the last term mean, what does he have an impact and how to calculate an ascendant?

Ascendant (with a lat. The language is translated as "ascending", from English - "power", "impact", "predominance", "domination") - a symbol of the zodiac, ascending over the horizon at the moment of the human birth. In other words, this is a second time when the starry sky with all the planetary location, imprinted this moment, forms a personal horoscope for a newborn and his personal actual path. This is the point of intersection of the eastern half of the horizon with the plane of the ecliptic.

Earth and any point of its surface, rotating, once a day passes the entire zodiacal circle, fixing the value of the ascendant in a certain zodiac sign. A man is assigned a symbol, such as Capricorn, because this value (and not the sun, as many people suggest) is in the sign of Capricorn. The place, time and date of appearance on the light are directly affected by the born ascendant.

What influences

In almost all astrological systems, the ascendant is considered the central link and the point of reference in the construction of the horoscope. His unique imprint, received by a person at the moment of birth, becomes an integral part of the person, determining the factor in behavior, nature, external and attitude towards others. Specifically, your reaction on people, situations, and what other people see you. Ascendant, calculated which can be independently forms a feature, personality properties, its self-expression and worldview.

This is a point, in contrast to the sign of the moon that formulates the deep cells of the subconscious, shows what lies on the surface, face, a mask that a man shows others. The symbol of ascendent represents the outer layer, the shell of your "I" and determines what people see in you primarily. Ascendant (abbreviated ASC) is called the gate, followed by the inner world.

According to astronomers, the symbol of Ascendent is the fundamental component of the natal card (birth card), on the position of which the remaining characteristic of the horoscope depends on the position. Without the calculation of this criterion, the human horoscope will not be the most complete and related to the moment of appearance.

How to define ascendent

  • Hour, number, month and year of birth.
  • Geographic longitude and breadth of place of birth.

Manual ascendant is calculated by a special formula:

arctg (COS S / - [(TG f · sin ε) + (SIN S · COS ε)]) \u003d ASC, where

  • f - geographical latitude of the place of appearance on the light;
  • ε is the angle of inclination of ecliptic to the equator (23-26O);
  • s is local starry time (calculated by the formula S \u003d SO + L + UT + D, where SO - stellar time in the middle Greenwich midnight of the desired date (can be viewed in the calendar);
  • I - longitude;
  • UT - global time;
  • d - amendment in time (UT (in hours) * 9.86) on the discrepancy of stellar time with an average sunny.

S must be multiplied by 15 to translate it to degrees.

The calculation may take a lot of time and not to ensure the accuracy of the result, so it is better to refer to the help of computer programs.

Features of programs

Before the emergence of information technologies, people treated professional astrologers and astronomers to determine ascendant. At the moment, everyone can analyze their horoscope, the Ascendant calculate. We are only interested in these questions, and contact specialists in astrology will not need. For this, there are special computer programs that allow you to get the desired information about your ascending sign of the zodiac. The program will be able to calculate according to the formulas not only the value of the ascendant, but also its impact on nature. After all, a specifically ascending symbol of the zodiac determines your goals, tasks and creative potential, affecting even fate.

Not fail if you do not have information regarding the latitude and longitude of the place of birth. The professional program will determine their own, it is worth only to you to make a country and the city to the appropriate Count (if your homeland is the village, specify the close city), converting local time to the global format (mean Greenwich), and then to the Siderician (time relatively fixed stars) . Sideric days are not identical for earthly time, they are four minutes shorter than Greenwich day.

One program, whatever she failed, will not be able to give you complete and exhaustive information regarding the degree of the ascending sign of the zodiac and the location of other planets at the time of appearance. Calculate Ascendant by date of birth and get a complete natal card on the basis of several programs, additional information or using a specialist.

Value for the Sun.

To determine the ascendant may not refer to the help of specialized programs, and simply learning the dawn time and sunset in the day of your birth. Turn to the calculations:

  • If you were born at dawn, then your ascendent coincides with the solar sign of the zodiac. For example, if you are Aries, then your aspant symbol is Aries.
  • 2-4 hours after the dawn, the value moves to one symbol forward, therefore, Aries, having made the light with its appearance at 8 am, along the ascending sign of the zodiac - Taurus.
  • 4-6 hours from sunrise shift their native symbol for another two horoscope forward. That is, the Assandent of the Aries - Gemini.
  • If you were born about at noon, the ascending point moves another three sign (Aries - Cancer).
  • 4-6 hours before sunset, your ASC will move for another four sign, this means that Aries is already lion.
  • The appearance of 2-4 hours before the sunset is marked by the value of the Ascendant in the sixth sign (Aries - Virgo).

Thus, it becomes clear that every 2-4 hours ASC moves about one character forward. However, not all points are moved equally, some can move righter or slower. Therefore, the ascendant is to calculate the time of sunrise and sunset sufficiently difficult, for greater reliability it is better to contact the help of programs and professional astronomers.

The impact of ascendent on the appearance

It is not sensitive that ASC is able to influence the illness of a person. However, it is impossible to argue with complete confidence that the person will be outside specifically as he implies his ascendant. After all, genes are a considerable role in the formation of the physique, the features of the face and other elements of the appearance. Genetic signs of the body along with the impact of a certain sign of the zodiac and give the final result, determining the features of the outside.

Before you learn an Ascendant, read the standard description of each sign of the zodiac.


Athletic body, medium height, energetic walking, open smile, straight, slightly penetrating gaze. The activity and energy of the fire sign are expressed in offensive actual positions, incredible courage, bright initiative and raging energy. Strong, strong, decisive Aries always goes, is subject to rapid acts.


The compound of the ascendants in the Taurus gave a sign of a tight, strong body, accurate features, huge eyes, a square type of face. Slow, reliable, thinking every step, appreciating luxury and comfort Taurus is under the auspices of Venus, who gave it a sensual charm.


Gemini have low growth, mobile, thin body, pointed by the features of the face, alive, open eyes, rapid gait. Twins are incredibly smart and mental, sociable and friendly, possess movable facial expressions. They are witty, multifaceted and able to show talent in several spheres at the same time.


Cracks - discusses, offensive, possess incredibly secretive nature. Representatives of Ascendant in this sign usually medium height, have soft features, round face type, gentle voice, thin wrists, fingers and legs. Cracks - scattered, dreamy, sensitive nature, appreciate the family and the house, are hard to come to contact unfamiliar people, but they can manipulate the behavior of others.

a lion

The ascendant and the idle of the lion are characterized by a magnificent posture, a beautiful shape of the head, a dazzling smile, a thick chapel. Lions are incredibly proud, energetic and passing, possess pronounced organizational and leadership abilities. The patronage of the Sun gives the lions courage, courage, confidence within himself.


The sixth symbol of the Zodiac - Virgo is characterized by the highest or average growth, brittle physique, aristocratic features of the face, tenacious, attentive gaze. Mercury's domination endowed the virgin by the analytical warehouse of the mind, the highest degree of observation, the demandingness to himself and others. Virgin is balanced, a little small and picky.


Ascendant in the scales involves a well-folded figure, rounded shapes, a dazzling, incredibly charming smile, thin, honed features. The patronage of Venus gives representatives of this sign by beauty, charm, composure. Scales - inborn diplomats and aesthetes. In all, they seek to achieve harmony, sometimes they are quite indecisive and scattered.


Scorpions have a strong physique, protruding the features of the face, piercing, hypnotizing gaze. They are distinguished by steel power, rigid character, determination and absolute fearlessness. They are hidden, incredulous and capable of extremes.


Representatives of the ascending sign in Sagittari have an athletic physique, small, pleasant features, peaceful, slightly mocking eyes, a tendency to completeness. Sagittarius are positive, benevolent, energetic, sincerely, love to travel. They are sometimes neutactic, straight, but always honest and open.


Capricorn is characterized by the highest growth, thinness, deepest, thoughtful eyes, radiant smile, strong, strong legs. The impact of Saturn makes Capricorn ambitious, principled, susceptible to stress and depression. It disciplined, reliable and aims at a career and power.


Ascendant in Aquarius empowers the holders of this sign with dense physique, developed muscles, accurate features of the face, contemplative eyes. Aquarius is sociable, a little eccentric, has extraordinary thinking, unpredictable character.


Middle or low growth, huge dreamy eyes, beautiful, thick hair, huge hands and feet secrete fish from a variety of horoscope representatives. Fishes are endowed with the ability to foresee, developed imagination, some "otherworld". They are indecisive, lazy, hidden, create a memory of slow and sluggish people. Although in fact it is not always the case.

Astronomers believe that the Ascendant is to calculate very fundamentally for a person. After all, the knowledge of his ascending sign will allow you to familiarize yourself with the most complete characteristics of your personality, creative potential and factors that can affect fate and make them more realistic.

Ascendant's sign and planet near Ascendent largely determine the features of the child's appearance.

Element of fire on the ascende. As a rule, the child is born a little earlier than the term, often not in the maternity hospital. During the birth, there is an element of surprise and an element of overcoming various obstacles. Birth begin at the most inopportune moment, causes a stir among loved ones, require high physical stress, super-oxilies from mother, are accompanied by high blood loss, high body and environmental temperature. Immediately after childbirth, the child feels a dense physical contact, behaves actively, worked excited.

Element of land on the ascende. Cases of migration. Often childbirth. Almost always, the female has managed to deliver to the hospital or careful preparation and medical observation during childbirth. Fearners have childbirth experience or are norive. The child has behaved calmly and does not deliver the honeymaster's unnecessary trouble. The temperature of the feminine and the environment is normal or low.

A child can be born ahead of time. Birth often rapid. Here are the most frequent cases of the birth of twins (single and diverse). During childbirth, as a rule, there are many people. Birth can occur in various vehicles: in trains, aircraft, buses, carts, ambulances; on open air; near roads.

After childbirth, the child is immediately influencing a variety of stimuli and behaves restlessly.

Element of water on the ascende. Very rare cases of misunderstanding. Births continue, as a rule, long. Sometimes it takes stimulation. Often there is an active drug impact. Births are shrouded in the cover of mystery, they hide them from someone deliberately or they pass in a secluded place. Environmental humidity Increased, it may rain or snow. After childbirth, the child quickly falls asleep and behaves quite calmly.

Sun (lion) on the ascende. Birthually cause delighted with his father (grandfather), accompanied by a hype, widely alerts around others, are sometimes taken by famous doctors, father. Usually go well. The affected sun gives the rejection of the Floor Child by Father or Mother.

Moon (Cancer) on the ascende. Births pass in a favorable setting, sometimes at home. The child immediately has contact with the mother, is surrounded by an increased caring of relatives or medical staff. The affected moon gives the rejection of the Child's Floor Mother or, on the contrary, excessive attention, the super-emotional attitude of the mother to the child.

Mercury (twins or Virgo) on the ascende.The child is experiencing a sharp shift of the situation before and immediately after delivery. It may be childbirth on the road, train, bus or car, but most often the feminine is qualified help. With an affected Mercury - an excess of external irritants causing nervousness, insufficient emotional contact with the mother.

Venus (Taurus or Scales) on the ascende. The child is usually welcome. During childbirth, the mother feels very comfortable. Joyful emotional atmosphere during childbirth. With a affected Venus, an emotional situation is unfavorable, perhaps the rejection of the mother or relatives of the appearance of the child.

Mars (Aries) on the ascende. Usually unexpected and assault bodies. Surgical interventions are frequent. With affected Mars, the generic injuries of the skull, hypertension, elevated temperature, inflammatory processes.

Jupiter (Sagittarius) on the ascende. Births have social resonance, lead to an increase in the social and material status of family members. The child is usually large and causes admiration for the parents. With affected by Jupiter, the complications of labor due to the large size of the fetus or the excessive weight of the mother, stimulated childbirth, surgical intervention.

Saturn (Capricorn) on the ascende. Late childbirth, rejunction of the fetus. Depending childbirth. Lack of energy from mother and fetus. The child is usually small. Immediately after childbirth, the child falls into isolation, contact with the mother is disturbed. He is experiencing a deficit of attention and care. With affected Saturn, the dislocations of the joints and other disorders of the bone system. Often the child is a burden for parents.

Uranium (Aquarius) on the ascende. The child is born much more than a period of time or as a result of surgical intervention (cesarean section). Birth rapid, sometimes unexpected even for medical staff. They pass in extreme or close conditions to them, sometimes on the road (on the plane, at the airport), or - it is possible to use experimental methods of objects. With the affected uranium, the child's deformity is possible, the refusal of the mother from the child immediately after delivery, serious generic injuries.

Neptune (fish) on the ascende. Massed drug effect on the female and for a child after childbirth. Using anesthesia. Often narcotic poisonings in a child after childbirth. Birth in water or with elements of mystery. Often immediately before childbirth or immediately after them are performed by religious rites. With the defeat of the fetus affected by Neptune, infectious diseases of the mother and the newborn. Possible to substitution of a child.

Pluto (Scorpio) on the ascende. Usually heavy, protracted labor, ending with injury to the child and mother, often in unsuitable conditions. Can be initiated by mental shock of the mother. Mother feels discomfort, poor attitude. With an affected Pluton, the rejection of the child or the death of the mother, the deformity of the child, the postpartum mental shock of the mother or a long disease.

2. Indirect definition of an Ascendant sign by name.

Element of fire on the ascende. In the name, patronymic and surnames dominate the voiced consonants and vowels of open type; Very characteristic letters "A" and "P". Names: Andrei, Alexander, Arkady, Arseny, Eduard, Eldar, Aron, Herman, Mark; Tamara, Margarita, Marina, Marianna, Maria, Marta, Varvara. Families: Arbenin, Bazarov, Karamazov.

More often, the surnames carry some semantic load associated with the element of the sign on the ancsente, for example: a fire, Ogarev, Gromov, Goryachev, Ozhegov, Krasnov, Kuznetsov, Goncharov, Fighters, Streshinov, Major, garlic, Krapivin, etc.

Element of land on the ascende. In the name, patronymic and surnames prevail deaf consonants and generally consonted significantly more than vowels. Vowels short and closed. The letters "P", "W", "F", "U" are very characteristic. Names are often generic in nature when the child is called in honor of the Father or Grandfather. Also, for earthly elements, traditional and somewhat outdated names are characterized, for example, such as Peter, Bogdan, Mikhail, Methodius, Timofey, Stepan, Vsevolod, Gleb, Nikita; Ustina, Fekla, Evdokia, Sophia, Capitolina, Taisia. Surnames: Shukshin, Sholokhov, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Block, Space, Pakhomov, Rocks, Glinka, Mortar, Chernyshevsky.

Element of air on the ascende. In the name, patronymic and surnames prevail the voiced consonants and dual vowels. The letters "H", "C", "Z", "and", "E" are very characteristic. Such names are easy to scream and declare, they are easily rhyme. For example: Semen, Leon, Ivan, Dmitry, Vyacheslav, Alexey, Oleg; Elena, Veronica, Eugene, Svetlana, Lydia, Zoya, Zina, Ksenia. Families: Yesenin, Minin, Lenin, Feoktistov, Lebedev, Leonov, Golubev, Sorokin.

Element of water on the ascende. In the name, patronymic and surnames prevail vowels, soft consonants, often the mild sign is common. Characterized letters and combinations "Н", "l", "o", "me", "y", "y". Such names are very lyric and poetic, for example: Paul, Ilya, Nikolai, Vasily; Ulyana, Julia, Olga, Lyudmila, Love, Tatiana. Families: Florensky, Mayakovsky, Zabolotsky, Malevich.

Higher Planet on Ascende It often leads to a change in the name or surname in men, the take of aliases, sometimes - artificially designed finished names. Uranium (Aquarius) Gives a misconception of the name and surname, for example, Eldar Ryazanov, Venus Bildyushkina, Apollo Tyutekin, etc., or surnames cause laughter. Pluto On the ascende is characterized by inactive surnames or surnames, which in this society cause rejection. It should be noted that the lunar and plutonic effect is often associated with very common last names that impede identify identification, such as Smirnov, Kuznetsov, Ivanov. Rare and foreign surnames, on the contrary, are associated with Neptune and urged effect.

It is impossible to neglect the nicknames given in childhood, at the institute or in the service. They often help to define an ascendent sign. In addition, it is of great importance how a person himself perceives his name and surname. If he is embarrassed by his name or surname, it indicates a higher or affected planet on the ascende. If the surname or name seems to be very beautiful, sonorous, he is proud of them, - it points to the ascending Jupiter, the Sun, Venus.

3. Definition of an Ascendant sign on appearance
and features of the body structure.

Element of fire on the ascende. Face: Facial features sharp, chopped and leave the impression of energetic or majesty. Straight clear look. The eyes are shining from the inside, "burn fire", look straight into the eyes of the interlocutor, look at him in the focus, not blinking. As a rule, the eyes are widely placed and widely disclosed.

The nose is large, often with a hubber or has one line with her forehead ("Roman profile"), the tip of the nose can bend down, the nostrils sharply outlined. The forehead is low, low. Chin chin, lower jaw sometimes stands forward. The mouth is wide, and dry lips and narrow, teeth are large and widely placed.

Hair with reddish tide. Next to early baldness. Men are usually shortwheeling shortly, so the hair is "hedgehog", and women make very short haircuts or lush hairstyles.

Muscular body. Growth, as a rule, is medium or below average, the figure is centered, with a well-developed chest. Hands, legs and neck short.

Each sign has its own distinctive features.

Aries on the ascendeCompared to other fiery signs, is characterized by the most powerful forehead and severe abnormal arcs, sharp features of the face and a fit of the figure. More than other signs are inclined to early baldness.

Lion on the ascende It has the widest chest, the largest and widely opened eyes and a rounded face (among fiery signs). The hair is wound, they are paid great attention. Often on the head something resembling a halo or mane.

Sagittarius on the ascende Gives the highest growth among fiery signs, developed thighs, an elongated face, "Hind of Human" and thick hair. Women love the hairstyle "horse tail".

Element of Earth on the Ascende. The cheekbones protrude, the face has monumental forms, it is like gluing, sometimes bad, sometimes good. With age - shoulder cheeks and dry, inelastic leather. As a rule, a person looks older than his age.

The eyes are small, deeply planted, set close. The color of the rainbow shell is homogeneous: either light blue or brown. View motionless, directional down. At the interlocutor, rare glances from under the shifted eyebrows are usually thrown.

Eyelids heavy. Thick eyebrows, often struck on the nose. The nose is large, wide, heavy at the bottom, the forehead is low, stuck. The mouth is small, the lips are often pressed, so the chin is tense, the corners of the mouth are omitted. The chin is massive, heavy, the lower jaw is drawn down. Hair thick and healthy, their appearance and structure are very dependent directly from the sign that goes back.

The body is a trumpy, the bone base, large brushes and feet is always clearly visible. Growth of medium or above average.

Taurus on the ascende It is characterized by the most round and frauded forms (among earthlocks). Large convex forehead and convex "Waves" eyes with long eyelashes. Usually beautiful hair that easily fit into hairstyles and have a beautiful thick color, without shades.

Virgo on the ascende Gives high growth, long neck, long arms and fingers, the most elongated nose and a sophisticated face. Usually curly hair color ripe rye or with an ashon. Often men wear long hair and mustache.

With Capricorn on the Ascende A man has a wide bridge, a large distance between the nose and the lip. Wrinkles appear early, especially on the nose. Massive shoulders and spin, often appears to be a tendency to narrowness.

Long legs with convex knees. The hair is usually straight, dark or ash, men are short; Women often wear "knots" and shigns and make intricate high hairstyles.

Element of air on the ascende. The face is a living, often changing expression. Facial musculature is very developed, which allows you to do all sorts of mines and climbs. Face features pointed. Live, running, rarely fixed on one subject or on the face of the interlocutor. Eye corner slightly raised. Loves to pushing your eyes.

The nose comes forward ("Pinocchio's Profile"), the tip of the nose is sometimes split. The forehead is high, straight, usually open. The mouth is medium, lips are often accented with a beautiful or unusual shape, the teeth are small. The chin is light, small (sometimes beveled).

Hair is rarely very thick and long. Women avoid making complicated hairstyles, preferring haircuts, but rarely halted very short.

The body is light. The tendency to thin, thanks to which representatives of this element look often younger than their age. The figure is elongated, striking up (sometimes can be low and dense and nevertheless fast and alive - "like mercury"). Often beautiful hands with long fingers, active gesture.

When twin on the ascende A person has the lowest growth among aircraft. The chin or a specific protruding wedge-shaped form, or, on the contrary, is very small and barely designated. Often a look crazy, with a hitrea. Corners of the eyes are especially noticeable.

Scales on the ascende Characterized by a very cute blessing appearance, harmonious features of the face. The right oval of faces, full cheeks with snacks, lips of beautiful shape. Eyes are small, but very attractive, with long eyelashes. The nose is the shortest among aircraft. Growth is usually medium, addition proportional.

Having aquarius sign on the ascende The highest growth among aircraft. Large eyes, often with any oddity: they can slightly mow, be closed with glasses glasses, unusually glitter, have an extraordinary form or color. The tip of the nose is thickened. Hair climb; Both men and women prefer the average hair length; Women tend to wear hair away.

Element of water on the ascende. The face is usually round, makes the impression of childhood, the features of the face are soft. The eyes are large, beautifully flooded with eyelashes. The corners of the eye are omitted. Eye color is an intelligence greenish blue, green-car or dense-black, varying depending on the illumination. The look often wandering and eyes are twisted with a haze. It rarely looks straight into the eyes of the interlocutor, throws a view of a spark, sneaking.

The nose is drunken or, in any case, the tip will take it. Often there are wide noses, especially at the bottom ("duck"). The forehead is small, convex, is together with a wavy line. The mouth is small, the lips are swelling, sometimes a "heart" or "bustard". The chin is small, round shape, sometimes with a snap under the bottom lip. Often meets the second chin.

Hair thick, wet, can be inhomogeneous in color and consist of a strand of various shade. Body, as well as face, soft rounded shapes. Leaning to completeness (sometimes thin shapes with limply lowered shoulders and absolute breasts). Growth above average or medium. In women developed breasts and hips. Brushes and feet small, fingers most often short and chubby.

Cancer on the ascende It is characterized by the highest growth among watermarks, a soft or incredulous look with improber, convex eyes.

On scorpion on the ascend A person has specific features: Growth of Middle or below average; body "dense consistency"; The nose (in contrast to other watermarks) may not be drunken, but, on the contrary, hooked, "eagle"; The view is usually energetic, sharp, shrill, but with a shade of mystery, which distinguishes him from the view of fiery signs; Lips are large, clearly defined, slightly convex and bright; The corners of the eyes are very lowered down, the pupil is very close to the upper age; The hair is in most cases straight, briefly marked.

Fish on the ascende Characterized by elusive, blurred features, which change depending on the mood, time of day, surroundings. A distinctive feature is a large upper lip, which sometimes exceeds the size of the bottom. Often there are slightly sick cheeks.

Required note. All of the above material concerns mainly European people and cannot be directly applied to the people of the Mongoloid and Negroid Racing. Race signs make a very peculiar manifestation of the signs of the zodiac on the ascende, however, in general, the principles remain unchanged:

  • The fire gives straight lines, sharpness and medallion features,
  • Earth - some heavyness and fundamentality features,
  • Air - pointed forms and ease.
  • Water - roundness and softness.

In order to describe their differences inside the race on the sign of Ascendant, specific amendments are needed.

In addition, it is very important not to confuse the ethnic features of appearance with individual. So, for example, the Mediterranean or South European type of appearance (Arabs, Turks, Greeks, Italians, Spaniards and others), as a rule, demonstrates, regardless of the sign of Ascendent, the characteristics of the sign of the Aries. The same applies to the peoples of the Caucasus: Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis and others.

On the contrary, the North European and Baltic peoples (Swedes, Danes, the Dutch, Finns, Estonians, Latvians and, perhaps, others) carry on themselves, apparently, the fingerprint of the sign of the fish. Therefore, individual traits should be considered within the national-generic context.

4. Determination of an Ascendant sign based on life style.

If you speak short, the ascendant is a style, everything that includes this concept:

  • preferences in clothing and manner communicate,
  • characteristic gestures and favorite expressions,
  • ability to keep yourself in various situations
  • choosing your place in society and much more.

Element of fire on the ascende. The gait is fast, the leg is tightly, the head is slightly raised, looking forward to herself. Movement sharp, moving normally in a straight line. Handshake energetic. The voice is loud, sharp, mining timbre, with demanding intonations.

Pronounced extroverts seek to actively communicate, hold the initiative in their hands. In the conversation focus on the same topic, without giving to distract themselves and translate the conversation into a calmer bed. Closely moved to the interlocutor, reinforcing intimate, personal nature of communication. I feel bad to listen, love to impose your point of view, easily go to the dispute, increase the voice.

Sit straightening back, in a tense posture, folding both hands under the chin.

In the clothes stick more sport style. Love caps, jackets, short coats and skirts, tracksuits, t-shirts, shorts. Prefer bright color gamut, all sorts of shades of red and yellow. The preference of purple and ultramarine issues Site, sand and gold shades will wear a lion rather.

Element of air on the ascende. Light gait, sometimes bouncing. The movements of the hands and legs can be riskyordinated. Hands free and fast gestures. Trajectory of zigzag movements. Love to rub your hand in your hand or touch your ear. Handshake is lightweight, dry. The voice is high, ringing, with enthusiastic or calling intonations, the sound goes up, fills the space.

Very communicative. Easily come into contact and find common topics for conversation. May be a conversation immediately with several partners;

Communicating, keep a distance with the interlocutor. In the conversation, they try not to move "on personality", avoiding close contact. Fancy change the topic of conversation, jump from one to another. They love to change intonation, imitate and understand those about the com. The new information react quickly, very inquisitive.

Sit on the edge of the chair, love to put foot on the leg, often change the pose, are ready to jump at the first convenient case.

In clothes prefer a romantic style. They can also dress as teenagers or like those who went to travel. Love little berets and caps, narrow pants, turtlenecks, short jackets, long, but narrow skirts, fitting stamps coat. Prefer blue and purple shades, often in combination with yellow and black. Excessive extravagance in clothing produces Aquarius.

Element of water on the ascende. Smooth gait, legs put gently, swaying hips. Move hands smoothly slow. Often correct clothes on yourself, they shoulder shoulder. Handshake is sluggish and wet. They have chicken (cat) manners.

In contact joined carefully. Easy to enter the influence of the partner, follow its conversation logic, often only supporting it. Associate from the thread conversations, leaving, in their thoughts and feelings. True manner of conversation. Actively respond only to emotional surplus of the conversation. They do not like invasion of their personal space, react to the most minor changes in the emotional atmosphere. Ships away direct answers. In the company they try to take the most secluded, but the most convenient place.

Sit usually bent, love to sign your head with your hand or bowed it on the side. If the situation allows, collapsed by eating, pick up legs under themselves.

In the clothes prefer "Victorian style" or the style of "Country". Low wide-rolled hats or bulk berets, long casual coats and raincoats, wide skirts and pants. Women (and many men) wear clothes with swans and lace. Prefer preference in blue, salad, pink, crimson tones.

The combination of red and black always gives scorpion or ascending Pluto.

Element of land on the ascende. The gait is heavy, the movements are solid, slow, but clear and accurate. Love to clutch your fingers or squeeze your hands in the fists, drove their hands in the knees or sides. Handshake is dense and heavy. The manners are coarse.

Representatives of this element are unlocked, contact with difficulty, with difficulty find topics for conversation. In the conversation inertial, do not change the selected direction and content. Avoid talking immediately with several people.

Love close, tight contact with the interlocutor. Externally, very poorly react to changing the situation. The voice is low, hoarse, often colorless or with power intonations.

Always sit down thoroughly, rarely change the pose, rest in the floor with both legs, looking for an emphasis for hands.

In the clothes choose a strict and practical style. Wear classic costumes, coats and hats or "work clothes" - overalls, straight pants, swing shirts. Prefer direct silhouette and middle skirt length and coat. Love "natural autumn" color gamut: brown, ocher, yellow, swamp, terracotta. Love for golden and emerald gives the calf.

5. Determining the sign of Ascendent on family, related differences.

It is noticed that each family and kind, as a rule, exist their "favorite signs" or constellation planets. They are passing "by inheritance" throughout the many generations. Very often the sign of Ascendant Mother can go to the child's sun, and the solar sign of the mother becomes an Ascendant sign in children. The grandmother with Stellium in Viidom's granddaughter may have an ascendant in the scales. If the sister has a lot of planets in VDDOM - the brother is rising lion and so on. Thus, relatives help extract important information about the sign of Ascendant of the person under consideration.

Example 1. Woman with the sun in Capricorn and Moon in the fish, birth time knows very approximately. Possible signs on the Ascende: Gemini, Cancer, Lion. The mother of this woman has the sun in the cancer, and the moon in the Aries, the grandmother the sun in the lion, and the moon in Capricorn. Thus, the probability of entering the ascendant lion and cancer is higher than twins. To find out more precisely ascendent's sign, we turn to the analysis of cosmograms of children. At the daughter of the moon in the Aries, and the Son - in Lev. Since it is the moon in a child's map describes a mother, in our case, the mother must have fiery characteristics. From here we conclude that the desired Ascendant is most likely in Lev.

Important information can be given astrological characteristics of marriage partners. Very often the sign of Ascendant's husband (wife) is opposite to the sign of Assentent of the person under consideration (i.e. coincides with the sign of the decendent).

Example 2. A man with the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in the scales. Options of Ascendent - from 5 degrees of Capricorn to 5 degrees of Aquarius. Wife has the sun and three more planets in the middle of cancer. This speaks in favor of Capricorn on the ascende from the person under consideration. Subsequent analysis confirmed that the Ascendant falls into the 15th degree of Capricorn.

6. Definition of the sign of Ascendent in time of the first contact.

Valuable information on the customer's ascende can give a map at the time of the first contact client with the astrologer. As a rule, the ascendant of the first handling card and the customer's ascendant belong to one element. Sometimes the planet, ascending at the time of the first contact, is the creditor of the Customer Ascendant.

The planet, which is in a strong aspect with the Sun or is stationary at the time of contact, is very possible, manages the client's ascendent.

Note. In astrologers practicing enough for a long time, its client circle is issued. These are people whose astrological characteristics correlate with the main factors of the map of the astrologer. Consequently, the possible "set of ascendants" is very small, and an experienced astrologer is easy to choose the most suitable sign for this case.

7. Definition of an Ascendent's sign
According to the accuracy of birth time.

As a rule, the most accurate information about the time of birth is informed by the Born under the signs of the Virgin and Capricorn. If there is no information about birth time or quite approximate, it indicates a watermark on the ascende or the highest planet in the I home.

Attention! Necessary remark. All listed ways to determine the ascendant cannot be used isolated, in the cut from the cosmogram. Just considering all the main factors of the card, you can make the right judgment about the ascendent's sign.

As an example, we use the method of determining the ascendent on appearance (the sign of the Ascendant affects the profile, and the sun sign is better visible). In addition to the sign of Ascendent, the appearance is also influenced: the sign of the sun, the sign of the moon, the planet in the house, the sign of the planet, the control ascende, the planet making a major aspect to the ascendant.

A person who has. The sun and the moon in the earthly signs, possesses many features of appearance characteristic of the earthly ascendent, so when determining his Ascendant, it is necessary to make a correction.

The same applies to the birth circumstances. If the sun and the moon are amazed by uranium in a natal map, even at the ASCsenote in the Taurus, premature or unusual births should be expected.

After the ascendant is defined, further clarifying the time of birth should be carried out, checking the correspondence of the position of the planets in the houses with the real characteristics of the person, the facts and events of life. Information about the planets in the houses below will help to navigate in the variety of factors (however, this material does not claim the role of the reference book).

What is ascendant?

Ascendant is a very important point in every horoscope. When you just start learning astrology, then all these concepts "ascendant", "Descendant" ... seem something incomprehensible. In fact, everything is very simple.

When building a horoscope why we are repelled? From date, time and place of birth. This is the same point of reference.

For example, date of birth (DR) 16.09.1980 in 10:00 in Zaporizhia. To buildthe horoscope for this person we should see what zodiacal sign on the horizon at the time of his birth and in what degree of this sign hit the ASC. In other words, Ascendant is a degree of the zodiac, which is on the eastern side of the horizon (or ascending degrees) at the moment of birth, if you look from the place where a person was born.

In most astrological systems of houses, Ascendent (ACS, ASC) is used as the top of the first home and is the starting point in building a grid houses of the horoscope.

This can be done according to ephemeris and tables of houses, which is quite cunning. But today everything is much simpler - there are professional computer programs. Also, knowing the time of sunrise and sunset on your birthday (which can be found in any even tear calendar) - you can also "fuck up" your ascendant. Here is the simplest way:

  • If you were born at dawn - then the ascendant will be equal to your zodiac sign. That is, if you are cancer, then the ascending sign in your horoscope is also cancer.
  • 2-4 hours after sunrise, the ascendant shifts approximately one sign. That is, if you are cancer, but born at 7 am, then your upstream sign is already a lion.
  • 4-6 hours after the rising, the ascendant will move through two signs. This will already be Virgo for our cancer.
  • Birth in the middle of the day implies that the Ascendant shifts about three signs.
  • 4-6 hours before sunset - four characters. Our cancer is likely to have a scorpion on an ascendant. Etc.

That is, the basis of this simplest method is meant that every 2-4 hours, the ascendant shifts approximately one sign (30 degrees). But it is conditional, of course. Because there are signs that pass through an ascendant more than 2 hours, but there are also those that move much faster, less than 2 hours. They are called fast and slow ascent signs.

Therefore, it is accurately identified to determine your ascendant easier with a computer program that allows you to calculate your natal map.

So, in our example for DR: 09/16/1980 10:00, Zaporizhia

What shows in the horoscope ascendant?

This is, figuratively speaking, the door through which we enter this world by making the first breath. We were born. Under what circumstances we born that this was preceded by how we perceive this world, as we look, our appearance, our reaction? All this information gives an upward sign.

09/16/1980 10:00, Zaporizhia - Ascendant in the birthday card is located in the 3rd degree of Scorpio.

What can we say about this person?

On his manifestations he - Scorpio. From this and begin to repel in their arguments, describing the behavior, nature and appearance of this person.

Scorpio - implies some tensions, internal contradictions, aggressiveness. It is possible that before the birth of a mother of the newborn, some negative emotions were experiencing, anxiety, experiences, did not really want pregnancy ... Something was not harmonious. During the birth, there could be complications or poor personnel attitudes. That is, the child passed through the negative. As a result, it will be restless, shrieking, demanding.

In the appearance of this man, despite the fact that he will be on the sun ("on a horoscope") something scorpion will be something - for example, a hooked nose, a sharp mocking look, as if beflob. In the character there will be secretive, some poisonousness, burglarity, aggressiveness. In life, such a person will not have to face crisis. Scorpio - attracts negative.

It must be said that Ascendent is also how other people see us, what we are in their eyes, our abilities and talents. If at the moment of birth, the ascendant was reinforced with a connection with anythe planet, then all of the above becomes a priority in the interpretation of the horoscope. Most likely, it is for this scenario that the life of its owner will develop, ATV.

Viya Fedyanina

  • Here you can calculate your ascendent

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The article presents the method of determining the ascendant in the appearance of the person and its behavioral features.

The definition of ascendent in the appearance of man's appearance The task is not simple, however, solved. It is necessary to remember that the ascendant is a top, and the 2nd Field Cup is the feet. It should also be understood that the appearance of a person has a huge impact of heredity, so the instructions in this article on the color of the hair, eye, growth and similar characteristics should be understood as classical. Larger attention to the definition of ascendant must be given to behavioral manifestations - gestures, communication characteristics, gait, manner to keep yourself and so on.

  • 12 basic types of appearance and external behavior on zodiac signs
  • 4 types of elements
  • 2 types of male and female sign.

Stage 1: Definition of the female / male sign of Ascendent

Men's ascending signs: Fire, air is the growth of the middle and above average. According to behavior, open. They say what they think do not hide their thoughts. Protect their inner territory with a smile unlike women's signs.

Women's ascending signs: Water, Earth - Growth of the Middle and below average. Hidden or discreet. They do not say what they think or say not everything - part of their thoughts hide.

Stage 2: Definition of the Element of Ascendant Fire / Air / Water / Earth

Fire ascending signs Frank and say what they think even if they do not ask them. They are overwhelmed with energy, they wish to show themselves to demonstrate themselves, to discover their opinions. We strive for leadership in the company, capture the initiative in a conversation. Do not silent a second. Conversation all the time in Tonus. Energetic behavior, active, impulsive, temperament. Tell the monologue in conversation. It is important to express your opinion, and not hearing the interlocutor. Good physical addition even large, with a developed muscular system, wide bone, wide shoulders. Love in sports, make charging or running in the morning. Love red.

Aerial ascending signs Open, they say what they think, sincere, but not so frank like fiery. Reply directly to the question, i.e. When they are asked. In communication lungs. Sociable, conversation, but always enable the interlocutor to speak and even love it. They are important dialogue, but not a monologue. Character light. There is little energy, no temperament. Nervous, nervy, restless, are easily worried, but the excitement is not strong. The physique is asthenic, thin, thin bone, narrow shoulders.

Water ascending signs. On behavior emotional. Hide thoughts, but splashing feelings. Reactions are very violent - with tears and hysterics. They love to talk and chat in souls, about secret, secret. About themselves are also told in secret. Affected to rounded forms. With age, prone to fully and round. Short limbs.

Ascending signs of land.

There are no external laws. Designed in emotions, hide thoughts and feelings.

3 Stage: Definition of Ascendent's Sign

Ascendant in the OVNe.

Dark \\ light shaws. Eyes light brown.

Tell the head back (they look like from high). Problem hair.

Very straight, frank assertive, literally capture a person and fall on it all their problems. They can literally talk about intimate things with unfamiliar people. Loud, energetic.

Ascendant in Lev

Brown eyes, blonde hair.

Adorable, nice, heartfall, natural, charming open, hearty smile, conquering. The back is held directly if they are sitting in an uncomfortable posture, then there are always straightened shoulders. Problem hair. Features of the gait are more pronounced in women - graceful and beautifully - walking of the mannequin. Often wearing high heel. Natural in the Council of Behavi. But in the conversation they capture the initiative and lead a monologue, the truth is a little softer than the Aries. Love to command, leading. Love to be the center of attention. Do everything to pay attention to yourself (clothes, conversation).

Ascendant in Sagletse

Large blondes with blue eyes.

Well folded, with broad shoulders. Captures the initiative, says loudly, attracts attention to himself. The inclination to completeness becomes sometimes fat, often have abdomen and full cheeks. Fight with this, playing sports. Slouch. The problem of hip joint is closed, poor gait. They put socks inside when they stand or sit or on the contrary - turn outward. Good hair, early seeding. They say sharply, as if fired from Luke. Each portion of words is a shot of onion.

Ascendant in scales

Light hair, blond eyes. SUTHT FROM LABOR OF LIVER ENERGY. Increased fatigue, two-way appearance, straight nose, fine features. Cute outwardly. Twood appearance. Teenage type of face, up to 60-70 years old look like a young man.

Very smile and friendly, with humor, friendly. They nod your head as a sign of approval and encouragement of the interlocutor. Scales love a slight conversation about pleasant things. Peacefulness, are easily worried, but quickly calm down. More others tend to blush - they sometimes feel inevitably and they are easy to confuse.

They say beautifully with pauses, beautiful gestures. Artistic.

Ascendant in Aquare

Brunette with black eyes. Often smile, but, as a rule, not to the place and not about the situation. The smile is not so pleasant like the scales. The character is lightweight, sociable, characterized by a sharp change in the position of the body or direction of movement. Fragrance, screaming. With performances, restless and even "twigging".

Ascendant in Gemini

(Brunettes with blue eyes). Long hands legs. There are very high and highest. Basketball players and volleyball players. Narrow shoulders, asthenic physique. Very sociable and even chatteries. At the same time, like all air signs are capable of dialogue, in contrast to fiery signs. An irregular sign is characterized by digging, tapping, swinging legs. When walking, swing your hands and swings shoulders. Proposed to gestures in conversation.

Ascendant in cancer

Light hair and blue eyes. As a child, literally white, with age they can darken.

Taken with age to fully and round, short legs and hands. Short fingers. Men have a strongly noticeable cancerous position of the hands - greatly bent in the elbows. Emotional incontinence, hysterics and tears (especially in childhood). Robust, shy, afraid to seem like funny in an unfamiliar company. Behavior is the opposite of Lion - better not to pay attention. They strive to look like everyone else - otherwise you will attract attention to yourself what is scary. Emotionic, sociable, psychological, sensitive, sensitive. Tell constantly moving through their eyes - as if they prove the surrounding environment. Cancer gait does not stand out from a common background. Often nose with a hubble.

Ascendant in Scorpio

Dark hair, dark eyes, eagle nose (large nose). Some are quite well folded. Men may look very courageous and sports, muscular, like a fiery sign. Courageous, coarse face features. Women have a male face type. It happens rive in hair, beard.

They look extremely confident in themselves. The gait is solid, confident, men's women too), maybe a little in the march. Often ironic and mocking facial expression. Strong expressive, hypnotic look. Rough in their behavior. May be obscene to express. Of course, it depends on the culture. Emotionally powerful, unrestrained, prone to splashes emotional, scandals, are unbearable. Hidden. In the photo, as a rule, a wary glance. It is possible to confuse with fiery signs, but the difference is that in the conversation they do not seek to capture the initiative and are too emotional.

Ascendant in Fish

Light hair and eyes. Quiet modest, timid. The company is the most silent - listen and silent. Dreamers and Tikhoni. At home, there may be prone to hysterias and stormy emotional emissions. With age, inclined to completeness, the figure can become loose. Problem with steps - Pain in the feet, small leg size, seed gait, small step, bad walkers.

Ascendant in Capricorn

Square body shape, head.

Looks older than his years. He tells a quiet voice, can go on a whisper, does not like to raise his voice. Serious, thoughtful. Often, as if sad. Aspect of despondency, sadness or seriousness on the face. Bowl of all low growth, sketchy, small slender. Black hair, black eyes. Ash hair and sulfur, inexpressive eyes.

Ascendant in Telza

Square body shapes and heads. Large head short neck. Dark hair and dark eyes. Very love sweet and therefore are full. There are high - well feed. Very slow, lazy. If they say, everyone sleeps, because They say slowly and emotionally not expressed. Some suffer from tie-up, too lazy to speak. Confident calm and slowness -Furning difference.

Ascendant in Vid.

Normal physique proportional. Blonde hair, blond, dark-blond, light eyes - blue (transparent). Thin features. The face is small. Nose is large. Externally younger than its years. Looks like scales. Sociable, conversation, seems frank. But, unlike weights, Virgo speaks on one note (there are no votes modulation) and tend to taraturt, chatty. No beautiful gesticulation of characteristic weights.

on lectures Shestopalova S.V.
prepared Kotenko A.Yu.
Source www.Syt.

Sometimes, in order to figure out the actions and behavioral factors around us, we will know the dates of their birth and appeal to the help of astrology. After all, as far as we know, it is the sign of the zodiac and determines the character of a person. However, do not everyone know that the appearance, fate and individual features of the bus form three indicators: the location of the sun on the sky on the birthday, which affects the inner world of the person, the position of the moon, which is determining the nature, and the value of the ascendant. From here the question implies: What does the last term mean, what does it affect and how to calculate the ascendant alone?

The concept of Ascendent

Ascendant (from Lat. Language translates as "ascending", from English - "power", "influence", "predominance", "domination") - a sign of the zodiac, ascending over the horizon at the moment of the birth of a person. In other words, time when the starry sky with all the planetary arrangement, imprinted this moment, forms a personal horoscope for a newborn and his individual life path. This is the point of intersection of the eastern half of the horizon with the plane of the ecliptic.

Earth and every point of its surface, rotating, every day passes the whole fixing the value of the ascendant in a certain zodiac sign. A person is assigned a sign, such as Capricorn, because this value (and not the sun, as many people suggest) is in the sign of Capricorn. On an ascent of birth directly affects the place, time and date of appearance on the light.

What is influenced by

In many astrological systems, the Ascendant is considered a central link and a reference point in building a horoscope. His unique imprint received by a person at the moment of birth becomes an integral part of the person, determining the behavior, nature, appearance and attitude towards others. It is from him that your reaction depends on people, situations and what others see you. Ascendant, to calculate which can be independently forms individuality, personality quality, its self-expression and worldview.

This is a point, in contrast to the sign of the moon that formulates the deep cells of the subconscious, shows what lies on the surface, face, a mask that a man demonstrates others. Ascendent's sign represents an outer layer, the shell of your "I" and determines what people see in you first of all. Ascendant (abbreviated ASC) is called gates followed by the inner world.

According to astrologers, the ascendant sign is the fundamental component of the birth), on the position of which the remaining characteristic of the horoscope depends on the position. Without the calculation of this criterion, the human horoscope will not be most complete and relating to the moment of appearance.

How to define ascendent

  • Hour, number, month and year of birth.
  • Geographic longitude and breadth of place of birth.

Manual ascendant is calculated by a special formula:

arctg (COS S / - [(TG f · sin ε) + (SIN S · COS ε)]) \u003d ASC, where

  • f - geographical latitude of the place of appearance on the light;
  • ε is an angle of inclination of ecliptic to the equator (23-26 o);
  • s is local starry time (calculated by the formula S \u003d S o + L + UT + D, where S is a stereo time in the middle Greenwich midnight of the desired date (you can see the calendar);
  • I - longitude;
  • UT - worldwide time;
  • d - amendment in time (UT (in hours) * 9.86) on the discrepancy of stellar time with an average sunny.

S must be multiplied by 15 to translate it to degrees.

The calculation may take a lot of time and not to ensure the accuracy of the result, so it is better to refer to the help of computer programs.

Features of programs

Before the emergence of information technologies, people treated professional astronomers and astrologers to determine ascendant. At the moment, everyone can analyze their horoscope, the Ascendant calculate. We are only interested in these questions, and contact specialists in astrology will not need. For this, there are special computer programs that allow you to get the desired information about your ascending sign of the zodiac. The program will be able to calculate according to the formulas not only the value of the ascendant, but also its influence on the nature. After all, it is the ascending sign of the zodiac determines your goals, tasks and creative potential, affecting even fate.

Not trouble, if you do not have information regarding the latitude and longitude of the place of birth. Professional program will determine their own, it is worth only to the country and the city in the appropriate graph (if your homeland is the village, specify a nearby city), converting local time to the global format (mean Greenwich), and then to the Siderician (time relative to fixed stars) . Sideric days are not identical for earthly time, they are four minutes shorter than Greenwich day.

One program, whatever finished, will not be able to give you complete and exhaustive information regarding the degree of the ascending sign of the zodiac and the location of other planets at the time of appearance. Calculate the Ascendant by date of birth and get a complete natal map on the basis of several programs, additional information or using a specialist.

Value for the Sun.

Determine the Ascendant may not refer to the help of specialized programs, but simply learning the time of dawn and sunset on the day of its birth. Turn to the calculations:

  • If you were born at dawn, then your ascendent coincides with the solar sign of the zodiac. For example, if you are Aries, then your ascending sign is Aries.
  • 2-4 hours after dawn, the value moves to one sign forward, therefore, Aries, having made the light with its appearance at 8 am, on the ascending sign of the zodiac - Taurus.
  • 4-6 hours from sunrise shifted their native sign for another two horoscope forward. That is, the Assandent of the Aries - Gemini.
  • If you were born about at noon, the ascending point moves another three sign (Aries - Cancer).
  • 4-6 hours before sunset, your ASC will move for another four sign, it means that Aries is already lion.
  • The appearance of 2-4 hours before the sunset is marked by the value of the Ascendant in the sixth sign (Aries - Virgo).

Thus, it becomes clear that every 2-4 hours ASC moves approximately one sign forward. However, not all points move equally, some can move faster or slower. Therefore, the ascendant calculate the time of sunrise and is quite difficult, for greater reliability it is better to contact the help of programs and professional astrolories.

Effect of Ascendant on appearance

It is not sensitive that ASC is able to influence the appearance of man. However, it is impossible to argue with complete confidence that a person will be externally as such as his ascendant suggests. After all, a considerable role in the formation of the physique and other elements of the appearance is played by genes. Genetic signs of the body are associated with the influence of a certain sign of the zodiac and give the final result, determining the features of the outerness.

Before you learn an Ascendant, read the standard description of each sign of the zodiac.


Athletic physique, medium height, energetic walking, open smile, straight, slightly permeating look. The activity and energy of the sign of fire are expressed in offensive life positions, incredible courage, bright initiative and raging energy. Hardy, strong, decisive Aries always goes, is subject to rapid acts.


The compound presented the sign of a sign dense, strong body, accurate features, big eyes, a square type of face. Slow, reliable, thinking every step, appreciating luxury and comfort Taurus is under the auspices of Venus, who gave it a sensual charm.


Twins have low growth, mobile, thin body, pointed by the features of the face, a living, open look, rapid gait. Twins are incredibly smart and intellectual, sociable and friendly, possess mobile facial expressions. They are witty, multifaceted and able to show talent in several spheres at the same time.


Cracks - discusses, offensive, possess incredibly secretive nature. Representatives of Ascendent in this sign usually medium height, have soft features, round face type, gentle voice, thin wrists, fingers and feet. Cracks - scattered, dreamy, sensitive nature, appreciate the family and the house, are hard to come to contact unfamiliar people, but they can manipulate the behavior of others.

a lion

Ascendant and the appearance of the lion are characterized by a magnificent posture, a beautiful shape of the head, a blinding smile, a thick chapel. Lions are incredibly proud, energetic and hot-tempered, possess pronounced organizational and leader's abilities. The patronage of the Sun gives the lions courage, courage, self-confidence.


The sixth sign of the zodiac - Virgo - is distinguished by high or medium height, fragile build, aristocratic features of the face, chain, attentive glance. Mercury's domination gave a virgin the analytical warehouse of the mind, a high degree of observation, demandingness to himself and others. Virgin is balanced, a little small and picky.


Ascendant in the scales involves a well-folded figure, rounded shapes, a dazzling, incredibly charming smile, thin, honed features. The patronage of Venus gives representatives of this sign by beauty, charm, composure. Scales - inborn diplomats and aesthetes. In all, they seek to achieve harmony, sometimes they are quite indecisive and scattered.


Scorpions have a strong physique, protruding the features of the face, a piercing, hypnotizing look. They are distinguished by the Iron Will, a rigid character, determination and absolute fearlessness. They are hidden, incredulous and capable of extremes.


Representatives of the ascending sign in Sagittarius have an athletic build, small, pleasant features, friendly, slightly mocking look, leaning to completeness. Sagittarius are positive, friendly, energetic, sincerely, love to travel. They are sometimes neutactic, straight, but always honest and open.


Capricorn is distinguished by high growth, thinness, deep, thoughtful glance, a radiant smile, strong, endless legs. The influence of Saturn makes Capricorn ambitious, ambitious, susceptible to stress and depression. It disciplined, reliable and aims at a career and power.


Ascendant in Aquarius empowers the owners of this sign with dense physique, developed muscles, accurate features of the face, contemplative look. Aquarius is sociable, a little eccentric, has extraordinary thinking, unpredictable character.


Middle or low growth, large dreamy eyes, beautiful, thick hair, big hands and feet secrete fish from a variety of horoscope representatives. Fishes are endowed with the ability to foresee, developed imagination, some "otherworld". They are indecisive, lazy, hidden, create the impression of slow and sluggish people. Although in fact it is not always the case.

Astrologers believe that the Ascendant is very important to calculate for a person. After all, the knowledge of its ascending sign will allow you to familiarize yourself with the most complete characteristics of your personality, creative potential and factors that can affect fate and make them more realistic.