The most interesting names of boys. Modern Male Names: List and Values

The most interesting names of boys. Modern Male Names: List and Values
The most interesting names of boys. Modern Male Names: List and Values

The name for the child is without exaggeration, an important component of his future life. It is known that among male names there are "strong" and "weaknesses", which have a certain energy and can give a person by those or other qualities. Therefore, before making your son by some name, be sure to get acquainted with its semantic load.

In addition, parents need to remember that the abbreviations of the name and gentle nicknames can also influence the perception of the child's own "I". It is worth alternating such manifestations of love with the full name, as well as whenever possible to reduce their use when the child is already studying at school. Otherwise, an adult man can forever remain soft and infantile "Vladik", although in him there were the deposits of strong Vlad.

If the "strength" of the name Alexander and Vladimir knows everyone, that is, the names are less common, which many forgot about.

See also:

15 names for boys with strong energy


From Hebrew, this name is translated as "God - all of the judge" and has biblical origins.

Daniel is a strong, balanced man who is not inclined to make decisions in a hurry. It has perfectly developed intuition, all things are decomposed on the shelves, and he takes adopted and optimistic problems.

Such boys are prone to accurate sciences, love analytics, often have outstanding intellectual abilities. In addition, Danieliy - very moral people, rarely betray, appreciate friends and family, love their home and are not inclined to meaningless adventures.


The origin of the name Mark is still not known. There is a version that the name sounds consonant with the Latin word "marcus", which means "hammer". It also suggests that the name originates on behalf of the god of the Marsa war or from the French word "MARQUIS" (Marquis).

Despite the fact that this name sounds very beautiful and "strongly", the upbringing of such a child can not be allowed on samothek. Since childhood, Mark is a pretty narcissistic and selfish boy, but if you send it to energy in the right direction, this feature can be balanced by politeness and willingness to come to the revenue to others.

A child with such a name is often jealously referring to the success of others, so since childhood it needs to be patient and concentration on their own victories, and it also wrestled to lose it. In adulthood, Mark is a pretty dominant man who strives to be a master in the house and leader at work.


The name Gleb takes his roots from the Scandinavian name Gotlib, which means "Loves of God", "under Divine Protection".

Gleb is a very strong spirit, manpowder and self-confident man. A man with this name is trying to just seek himself, does not like excessive attention to his person, and even makes even difficult solutions, which helps him make a good career in the future.

Gleb always fulfills promises and is responsible for his words, faithful to its principles and is ready to constantly defend them. Such a man respect at work, first of all for his justice and honesty.

Gleb, as a rule, become beautiful family mans, love children and care about parents.


Translated from the Latin name "Maxim" means the "greatest".

Maxim - a strong spirit man, in whose character often dominates ambition and pride. Therefore, parents from childhood should try to develop these qualities to develop these qualities.

If Maxim is deprived of excessive vanity and self-confidence, he will be able to achieve a lot in life and become a reliable man who loving father and husband.

Maxims are smart, sociable, can find an approach to almost any person and persuade anything. People with this name are well "calculating" people and know how to manipulate them for their own purposes. In his house, Maxim wishes to be a master, dominant, but friends mean even more about him than relatives.


Slavic name formed from two words: "All" (all) and "Volody" (own). So the name can be translated as "owning everything", "authorificant."

This name sounds beautiful and filled, like his carrier. Since childhood, Vsevolod is very duplicated and adult not by year, he loves teachers and classmates for a special attractive charisma.

A person with the same name is balanced, patient, prettifying and inspired. Despite this, it does not always like to be a leader, he can be content with the role in the second plan. Parents can develop leadership in the child to ensure that the boy has achieved great success.

Communicability and openness Seva cuts it into any life circumstances. Such a man appreciates earthly joy, comfort and comfort in the house.


From Hebrew, the name "Nazar" means "vow" or "dedication to God." Also with Arabic, this name can be interpreted as "far-sample".

Nazar is bright, strong, controversial and even the warful soul. The extraordinary and mysterious nature of Nazar since childhood attracts people to him, from which a boy has many friends and acquaintances.

As a rule, such a man will restrain, closed, not very emotional, but at the same time society and moved. He strives to achieve high results, go to his goals on his own and eager for material wealth.

In the nature of Nazar, you can see a strong and powerful person with a great power of will. In humans, appreciates loyalty, progress, honesty. If the boy with the same name to betray or offend - he will not climb in himself, but will repay you in response to the same coin.


The name has a Greek origin and translated as "mature", "courageous."

Despite the fact that in childhood Arseny is often kind, calm and shy, it has a large inner energy that will definitely manifest itself. A boy with the same name is sociable, pleasant in communication, people stretch to him. Real friends have a little arms, but for them he is ready to do anything.

Arseny is a dreamy and creative person, so the parents are the main thing in time to instill a feeling of discipline and responsibility, otherwise in adulthood such a man may not end the work started to the end and rushing from hobbies to passion.

If the child to raise decisiveness and hardness, Arseny will achieve success and will not lose its mentality.


The name Alexei has ancient Greek roots and translated as a "defender", "the one that protects."

Alexey is a strong, volitional personality with developed intuition. In the aggregate with a huge force of the will of the workability and activity in life, this feature helps him be in the first positions and achieve success in his career.

Parents are important to support Alexey in his endeavors, since this person is characterized by self-criticism and doubts in his actions. Boys with such a name do not like adventures, sharp changes in life and risks. They are much closer stability and comfort.

A man with the name of Alexey was smart, attentive to trifles, inquisitive and has a good memory. In addition, it enjoys great popularity among girls, as it knows how to combine sensuality and tenderness with pragmatism and earthly desires.


Slavic name, which is translated as "given by God."

Bogdan - confident volitional man with developed intuition. But despite the fact that the boy's character is calm and discreet, he likes to risk and put everything on his victory, which often leads him to success.

For such a man, self-realization, material wealth and love for their work are very important. But laziness can destroy many Talents Bogdan in early childhood, so parents can not be cultivated in the boy this feature.

In life and in the family of Bogdan - a unambiguous leader. It is restrained, always behaves with dignity and knows the price. Such a person will never be a victim of circumstances, as it does not swim by the flow, but builds his life himself.


Ostap from Greek can be translated as "solid", "resistant".

Ostap is a leader man who has its own point of view. The desires of leadership manifests itself in the boy since childhood, so it is very active and tries himself in many areas. Children with the same name are very large, confident, with a good sense of humor, but not too open to others.

Ostap does not like too close attention to itself from other people, it trusts not everyone, and its talents demonstrate only in the circle of loved ones.

A man with the same name is a subtle psychologist who likes to watch people and evaluate their behavior in different situations. Also, such a bright individuality is not inclined to breakdowns, depressions, lives with an optimistic attitude and is distinguished by high self-esteem. But if the parents want Ostap to find himself in some kind of fact, they should be muffled the zeal of the Son to participate in everything in the world and go to all sections at school.


The origin of the name originates from the Greek word "Oros", which means "Mountain", "Mountain".

Like his name, Orest is a strong and courageous man, which is difficult to break with life problems. Since childhood, the boy loves nature, animals, communicate with people, he does not tend to conflict. At the same time, a person with this name is very volitional and will go to his goal, finding the most rational paths.

Orest is very sociable, purposeful and ampful, but can be quite stubborn (it is necessary to pay attention to childhood). Such a person does not tolerate injustice and deception, and especially betrayal.


The name Plato translated from the Greek means "wide", "broadly".

Since childhood, a boy with such a name is very developed and seriously not over the years. He is rather stubborn, active and loves to be in society of his senior people.

Plato is very confident in itself and independent. It is almost impossible to force it to do something, this can only be achieved by a delicate request and love. A man named after such a name often becomes the head or businessman, since it is irreconcilable when they are wrapped and managed.

Plato is a rather calm and closed man, does not like to share his feelings and emotions, but very reliable and faithful in any way as in friendly and family-owned.


The name Stanislav comes from two Slavic words: "Stan" ("to become") and "Slav" ("Glory"). Therefore, translated as "established glory."

Since childhood, Stas is a very kind and open boy, but maybe quite unrestrained in his desires and dreams. The character of Stanislav is very unusual, his way of thinking differs from others, and therefore it is difficult to find real friends in spirit.

Despite this, a man with such a beautiful name is very generous, active and initiative in any endeavors. Stas strive to develop, do not sit still and often incite changes their relatives and acquaintances.

In adulthood, Stanislav becomes a good husband and a caring father. But others it is worth knowing that it is better not to joke on it and express the most clearly as possible, since this person is very touching and inconsistent in his emotions.


Translated from the Latin language, the name Victor is translated as a "winner".

As a child, such a boy hits the adventure, and the solutions he takes quickly and definitely. Over time, he becomes less adventurous and begins to look at things with a more prudent look.

Victor is a real leader who has patience, calm, prudence and optimism. Such a man will easily forgive, does not dwell on trifles, loves to sacrifice for the sake of loved ones.

Such a man has a strong sense of duty, he is demanding for people, but his praise is greater value. Victor's house is a caring husband and a good, but strict father.


Translated from the Turkic language Ruslan means "lion".

Despite the fact that the child Ruslan is very capricious and sometimes unrestrained, over the years, the boy acquires skill to control his emotions and behaves relaxed, but calmly.

Ruslan is a volitional personality, which is not alien to the risk for the sake of good condition. The soul of such a person is often on the unpack, he is ready to always come to the rescue to his friends and help out close.

In adulthood, the negative features of Ruslan, such as balloon, selfishness and talent to thicken paint can be manifested in adulthood. Over it and you need to work to parents so that the child's energy goes to the right direction, and such features were not manifested in relation to others.

A man with this name should teach their goals with any ways, even cunning and deception, but he is a real fighter that never gives up and continues to act even after defeat.

The adoption of a person is an important and more serious matter. It is necessary to approach it responsibly, because the name affects the nature and self-identification.

Any word has its own history, causes associations and images, and sounds affect the emotions, on which our actions depend. Thus, every word has its own energy. Names for boys must transmit strength, durability and other features that will be useful in human life.

Different cultures have been laid in their own words except for a specific meaning also and their own energy. Each culture is characterized by some bright features, and the best features were fixed in words.

Russian names are most often borrowed from Greek or Roman culture, although there are also purely Slavic, Tatar, Muslim, Ukrainian and even English names due to the multinational composition of our Motherland. Foreign names are often not Orthodox, therefore are not presented in the sacraticles.

Foreign names make it easier to assimilate in those cultures from which they came. This is true for those cases when not only the roots at the behavior of foreign, but also there is a rare use of it in the native territories of a person. Foreign, in particular European, names are usually associated with the development of such qualities as elitism, self-esteem and tact.

Choose a name - a difficult task: In addition to the influence of the culture from which it happened, it is necessary to focus on its prevalence, as well as the patronymic of the child. Popular names are less distinguished by a person, bring up a sense of community and inclusion in some group.

But rare - on the contrary, develop a feeling of isolation, uniqueness and individuality. The middle name should not be dissensing with the name, harmonious beautiful combinations contribute to harmonious development, calm nature and prudence.

The values \u200b\u200bof the words that were used in antiquity for adoptions and moved into our eyelids are usually always positive, although accentuated in certain character traits or abilities. In this regard, the greatest importance is the most importantness and compliance of the inner essence of man.

The essence of a person is a combination of genetic factors and collective unconscious. Since any word has energy, the word identifies the person all his life must be identical to the energy of the person himself.

Energy of Western cultures

Many European and Russian names are owned by their origin to cultures of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. The value of the culture from which the word occurs is very large. It stores the information code that was characteristic of the heyday of this culture.

The word becomes associated with certain features inherent in people from the time, and the place where it first began to use. Consequently, its energy is closely related to the energy of the culture of its culture.

Russian names of Greek origin usually give the owner of bright emotionality. They contribute to the development of research qualities, sociability. Their owners often transfers from the liveliness to melancholy and thoughtfulness, and then suddenly they become very active again.

Alexander and Alexey, Anatoly and Andrey, Arkady and Artemia, Gennady and, Grigory and, Dmitry and Yevgeny, Kirill and Leonid, and Nikolai, Peter and Fedor called boys for no one century in Russia, this is the most popular choice. Rare and beautiful names of Greek origin for the boy:

  • Symbolizing Resurrection - Anastas.
  • Andronik, whose value "Winner of husbands".
  • Aristarkh - the ruler of the best.
  • The legendary hero of Greek myths is Achilles.
  • The ruler and Mr. Cyrus.
  • Kleomen - a value associated with force and glory.
  • Man with a lion character - Leandr.

Russian names of Roman origin are equally popular. Regardless of the specific value, their owners are disciplined, freedom-loving and energetic. The most popular of them in Russia: Anton, Valentin, Valery, Victor, Vitaly, Maxim, Roman, Sergey. From the group under consideration, you can allocate and unusual names for us: August, Adrian, Guy, Dominic, Lucius, Mark, Patrick, Serge, Felix, Emil, Julian.

And although many of them are not completely used in Russia, in England and the United States of their forms are often found. In addition, many American and English names include both forms close to our. For example, Alexander, Michael (Mikhail), Andrew (Andrei), Anthony (Anton), Nicholas (Nikolai) are international names found in different countries, only pronunciation from the border to the border changes slightly.

In England, boys are often called: Jack, Oliver, Charlie, Harry, Thomas, James. American most common names: Jacob, Michael, Itan, Alexander, Anthony, Christopher and Matty. American and British modern names are usually not subject to strict regulations, you can impose a child with any word with almost no restrictions.

While England was Catholic, the names were given from the soles, while Christian variants could be changed sometimes until unrecognizable, and the forms became independent names. Then the old and the new covenant were used for the adoption of the child, to our time they began to invent themselves.

Energy of East cultures

Some Russian names have their source Jewish or Slavic cultures. So, the most common Russian names of Jewish origin: Veniamin, Gabriel, David, Ivan, Mikhail, Savva, Semen, Yakov and. Jewish names for boys fit perfectly and endow their owners deep faith and stunning survivability, their owners are usually conservative, mysterious and very smart.

Slavic, that is, in fact, the Russians are pronounced, belong to people who are very often thrown in different directions. Slavic names wear freedom lovers who make unusual actions. Slavic names usually belong to those who respect the personal space and the interests of other people.

Many purely Slavic words were ousted by the Roman and Greek influence, therefore Slavic traditions, among whom and naming, distorted or disappeared. Men who wear Slavic names are proud and independent, besides often lean to idealism. The most famous Slavic male names:, Vezseyslav, Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Svyatoslav, Stanislav, Yaroslav.

Muslim and Tatar cultures

They made a little in the tradition of adoption of children in Russia. Muslim traditions and foundations have a completely defined energy color, tying Muslim names with force, will and resistance. In addition, almost all Muslim society has a tendency to passionality and a guide in spiritual improvement. Some beautiful male Muslim names (not all of them recognize Islamic scientists):

  • Adil, whose value is "fair."
  • Ayman, meaning "Right".
  • Aman, value associated with calm and protection.
  • Amir, from the word with the meaning of superiority and differences from others.
  • Assad - "Leo".
  • Jasir - the value reflects courage and courage.

These are just a few examples, they originate from the words found in the Quran. You can look at a specialized resource and see all the variety of words suitable for adoption.

Modern Tatar traditions allow you to impose a child freely, so the choice is great. Tatar society borrowed a lot from the Persians and Arabs, so Tatar names often have Muslim, Persian and Turkic roots. Tatar names are beautiful and unusual, their values \u200b\u200bare deep and energetically strong, here are some of them:

  • Ainur - "Moonlight".
  • Arslan or Ruslan - "Leo".
  • Ahun - "Mentor".
  • Ildar - "Ruler".
  • Rainur - "Bright Life Path".
  • Rustam - "Giant".
  • - "Iron".

At the same time, the Russians (Ruslan) in this list are also found due to the fact that the mergers of cultures and a change in words occurred. Due to the fact that many of them are borrowed from the Persian language, the Tatar heritage is associated with dignity and nobility that are attributed to Persian culture.

Ukrainian foundations are very close to Russian culture. In both nationalities, the Old Russian roots. Therefore, Ukrainian and Russian naming traditions are very similar. Ukrainian men's names contain along with Russians European and Orthodox: Nazar, Danilo, Mikita, Bogdan and others. Many of them have the same sources as the Russians, so they read very much like, but rare and unusual come from foreign influence: Ramis, Loammy, Augustine, Warfalamia, Galaktion, Darius, Eduard.

Astrology and words

Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to the features of influence on who born under this sign. Each sign of the zodiac has its own energy. Since the name also has its own energy, their joint impact should be harmonious. Therefore, the sign of the zodiac it should be energetically approach.

For example, a fiery sign will be great to go the name energetic and active, but it does not suit this, in which pronounced: denial of leadership, evasion from activities or a tendency to melancholy. Choose to the sign of the zodiac, a suitable beautiful male name will help the list in which their ability to complement each other.

  • Aries are suitable for names Alexander, Alexey, Andrei, Egor and Vladimir.
  • Taurus - Anatoly, Anton, Arthur, Vadim, Denis and Mark.
  • Twins are best called Gennady, Igor, Konstantin, Nikita or Sergey.
  • The boy born under the sign of cancer, for the maximum disclosure of the abilities, comes with Andrei, Valentin, Vasily, Ilya or Maxim.
  • Lion is called Alexei, Anton, Ilya, Kirill or Mark.
  • Virgo will be good in life, being named Viktor, Gennady, Gleb, Konstantin and Nikita.
  • The scales should be called Artem, Alexei, Anton, Konstantin or Oleg.
  • Scorpio - Valery, Dmitry, Sergey, Fedor or Yuri.
  • And Streltsov - Egor, Maxim, Nikolai, Yuri or Vyacheslav.
  • Aquarius will well show itself, being named Andrey, Vitaly, Vladimir, Evgenia or Gennady.
  • Fish will reveal as much as possible if the boy will call Anton, Vadim, Vladislav, Ilya, Nikita or Roman.

Sound and Name Day

The beautiful sound of the full name depends on whether the patronymic is suitable for him. There are several rules that should be taken into account to choose a name for the boy by patronymic.

1. Devils and solid consonants in patronycies require that their balanced softer name, and vice versa.

2. It is worth considering the length of words: if one short, then the second must be long. They must complement each other.

3. Their origin should be limited by one culture.

Angel's Day is determined by Orthodox sacraticles, for Catholics - Catholic. Unfortunately, if you choose a foreign name, Orthodox sacraticles may not include the saint with this name. Church traditions in this case are determined by foreign names of the Orthodox counterparts, so a person receives a holy patron. Orthodox analogues are selected not only by value, but also by sound. For example, if you call Timur, then with baptism use Orthodox Timofey.

Words have always influenced our life, but it is we define how to treat them. A person is able to completely change the influence of stars, planets and letters for himself, if attention will pay attention to the targeted formation of his personality and useful qualities in itself. Happiness and harmony are acquired by working on themselves and the surrounding world. The main thing is to believe in yourself and have a guide in life. Posted by: Ekaterina Volkov

It is very difficult to choose the name of the future child, because it determines the entire fate of a person, your little son, so I want him to be happy and joyful, strong hardy, generous and wise. For you, several options for interesting names for boys and their interpretation.

Beautiful names for boys and their meaning

According to popular belief, in the male name, there must be the letter "P", then the nature of your son will be solid and strong. Several options for interesting and beautiful male names:

  • Gabriel - from the Hebrew divine warrior.
  • Adrian - from Greek strong, mature.
  • Robert is an ancient Germanname, unfading glory.
  • Ernest is an ancient Germanname, meaning serious, strict.
  • Christians - from ancient Greek - Christian

Beautiful Slavic names for boys

Slavic names remain popular for many years, more and more often you can hear how parents are dying Nikon, Matthew or Sawvo. This name returns us to our roots and will suit the boys of Slavic origin. By choosing a name, try to pick up the diminutive-ladies:

  • Miron, Miroha
  • Radomir, Radik
  • Dobrynya, Dobrynyushka
  • Yaromir, Yaromerchik
  • Dragomir, Dragomirchik
  • Svyatozar, Svetik
  • Peresvet, Svetik
  • Ladomir, Ladushka
  • Bazhen, Bazhenushka
  • Velimir, Vyushusha
  • Belogor, Belomushka
  • Goryna, Gorynyhka
  • Mirolyub, Mirojubushka
  • Milorad, Silica.

When choosing, it is worth assessing a combination of name, patronymic and surname, an explicit dissonance may later cause ridicule among classmates.

Beautiful Orthodox Names for Boys

The name is called Orthodox, if it is determined depending on the saint, whose memory is celebrated on the birthday of the child. Such a calendar of the names is called the Holie or the Sacdians, you can choose one of the names that you like most. For example, you can meet such names:

  • Sylvester
  • Archip
  • Achila
  • Name
  • Emilian
  • Makar.

Each date accounts for from 7 to 15 names, you can also see the names a few days ahead. If you called the child in the sacnesses, then the day of the angel and the birthday will be for one day.

Beautiful vintage names for boys

Vintage names that almost come out of use, today are reborn again. Parents who want to give a child a unique name can find it in sacraments or metrics. As you know everything new, it is well forgotten old.

  • Aria - Smere
  • Bonipatius - grateful
  • Distinity - Dar of God
  • Evtichiy - Joyful
  • Callist - beautiful, attractive
  • Livherey - Freamel
  • Malachi - a messenger from God
  • Olympic - Sunny
  • Fothy - Enlightening

Beautiful Muslim boys names

Selecting several names of the name, tell about the baby about them, see how it will react. Try contacting him already by name, it will be easier to get used to you and him. Among Muslim names can be listed:

  • Alfire - superb
  • Anvar - rachish
  • Garif-informed
  • Garey-worthy
  • Icram- Respectful
  • Insaf- fair
  • Murat-desirable
  • Mushyriforable

Beautiful Tatar names for boys

Tatar names are often associated with outstanding personalities who have determined the fate of the Tatar people. Usually, the whole family is connected to the selection process, from the abundance of the proposed options sometimes around the head. Beautiful Tatar male names:

  • Bakir - learning
  • Ahmad - praised
  • Eldar-ruler of the country
  • Timur - Iron
  • Narkeek - Light
  • Irerevia
  • Ildus- loving homeland

Beautiful Kazakh names for boys

Kazakh names are always the melodiousness and courageity. Male Kazakh names honored various virtues. Some parents prefer not to disclose outside the family the name of the future child up to the moment of birth.

  • Aydar is the strongest and mighty
  • Kairat - the most active and movable
  • Samat is the most permanent
  • Rashith -sham brave
  • Sharip-supera resperable
  • Talip - the most scientist
  • Ulan, the most resy

Beautiful Arabic names for boys

7 days after the birth of the baby, the child's name is given on Muslim custom, during this time parents can understand what the name will suit the child and reflects his character. On the other hand, it is believed that a strong name can change the fate of a person and a weak and painful child to endorse the energy. The selected name option will determine the entire future life. The most popular Arabic name "Muhammad", or "decent praise", other options:

  • Damir - Smart
  • Arsen - Fearless
  • Suleiman - protected
  • Timerlan - resistant
  • Ibrahim - Father of Peoples
  • Jamil- attractive

Beautiful Turkish names for boys

Male names in Turkey come from Arab, Persian or Turkish roots. Also common dual names. The name of the boy should have a special meaning and carry the qualities that the parents want to see in their son: virtue, respect, mind, power, etc.

  • Balaban - Smere
  • Bascurt-first warrior, warlord
  • Ugar - lucky
  • Mustafa - Selected
  • Akhmeta-j.
  • Kerem- generous

Beautiful Islamic names for boys

Most Islamic names have Arab roots, and they appeared long before the birth of Islam. The most popular names are the names of the prophets mentioned in the Quran.

  • Aziz - strong, majestic
  • Vakil - patronishment
  • Dahu - Maudded Knowledge
  • Zinnur - light beam
  • ISHAK - joy carrier
  • Maxud-desired
  • Munir - illuminating the path
  • Nadir - valuable, rare

Beautiful German names for boys

The ancient German roots lie at the base of almost all German names, of course, in the centuries they affected them the European neighborhood and they were modified. According to the rules, in Germany, you can choose a name from the approved register of names, invent or inventing forbidden, any conflicts are solved through the court.

  • Hermann - Warrior
  • Raymond - defender
  • Wolfgang - Wandering Wolf
  • Valdemar- Lord
  • Emil - filled with passion
  • Karl - manly
  • Paul -Same modest

Beautiful Armenian names for boys

Men's Armenian names usually glorify the famous kings and commander, nature or human qualities.

  • Sarkis - High Post
  • Ovanes - God pardon him
  • Wage - hardy
  • Egyazar - God helps him
  • Mathevos - God's gift
  • Ruben - Bright, noticeable
  • Hamlet - Simple, Sad
  • Argam - worthy

Beautiful Caucasian names for boys

The national diversity of the Caucasian Mountains was the cause of the accumulation of the name of the names of similar characteristic features. Before reacting, parents define the name of the name, and only later the names are chosen in the name in the name, which are suitable for this value.

  • Rustam - Brave, brave, brave
  • Baisal - confident
  • Amir - Lord
  • Kydyr - endowed with power
  • Karim - possessing generosity
  • Azat - independent

Beautiful Chechen Names for Boys

Chechen names are given to the kids in accordance with the principles of Muslim faith. As in most nations, the names originate from the names of the sacred prophets, the phenomena of nature, animals and plants.

  • Bulat - steel
  • Murad - ascending
  • Pasha- Lordel
  • Fazle - Ctyma
  • Rahim - Moshaila
  • Caucasian - clean
  • Kais - solid, impregnable
  • Icram - respectful

Beautiful American names for boys

According to the American traditions of the boy can be called in honor of the father or grandfather or other revered relative. To avoid confusion, "Jr." is added, for example Jacob Stemson Jr.. The basis of American names are biblical names, such as Job, Samos, Adam and others.

  • Ben - living in the south
  • Quentin - the fifth
  • Perry - Travel Lover
  • Festter - Forest Lover
  • Earl - famous
  • Phil - Rider, Horses Lover
  • Tom - like two drops of water, twin
  • Reynold - ruling wise
  • Marlon - a small warrior
  • Albi Sunny

Beautiful english names for boys

English names are truly huge, it is possible to find the names of various origin as invariating English and Arabic, French, Greek. At the same time, the British often have several names, for example, Patrick Jay, Christian John Alfred.

  • Raimund- smart defender
  • Casey - Store Vigilance
  • Vos winner
  • Matthew - Giant
  • James - Conqueror
  • Miki - Godlike
  • Louis - militant
  • Hammond - home
  • Berti-noticeable, bright

You are given for the choice of a name for the baby, you are given as many as 9 months, during which time you will accurately go through and scroll through all the possible options in my head, stretch how they are combined with the patronymic and last name, and even submit what names are suitable under the patronymic for your grandchildren . You should not hurry with the choice of name, during pregnancy you can already feel the character of the baby, to understand what: a quiet or active, emotional or calm. Moms always feel their babies and understand them back in the womb. Of course, the name defines the fate of a person, but still you need to really try to really correspond to the qualities and virtues that are laid in that name.

Video: Beautiful Russian names for boys

Immediately after the future mother finds out the sex of the child, the question arises of how named it to call. The choice of male names is unreasonable, each has its own charm. But how to guess what the future boy is suitable?

Many women still know the names that their children will be called. However, such a choice is considered not entirely true - after all, at the time of choosing the name, the baby has not yet existed and did not participate. Now, when he is in his belly at Mom, he feels all her feelings, knows all thoughts, he has the right to take part in the choice of name, which he will have to wear a lifetime. But it is known that every name has its own value, and it affects the life of the future child. An alien name, like someone else's dress, will not suit the baby and make him suffer all his life.

How to choose a name for a boy

So you only need to choose a name together. The easiest and most pleasant option will be the following: the future mother sits more comfortable, pulls out the entire list of men's names that she likes, and begins to read it leisurely and pick up. The baby will definitely inform if somehow he likes it. Message Mom will go in the form of a push. Which name will be a push, then you can choose.

If, from the first attempt, I could not interest the baby, you can expand the list and continue to read it. If the boy will persist and dismiss, it will be possible to choose after it is birth. Sometimes mom grabs one glance to understand who lies in front of it.

The list contains the most beautiful male names. Perhaps among them there is both what your boy will wear.

Avangard (new) - unpredictable
Avddy / Avdii (old.) - ...
Averky (old.) - ...
Avksente (Star.) - Alien "Xenos"
Auror / Aurry (new) - Son of the morning dawn
Agei / Agga (Star.) - ...
Adam (Star.) - "From Red Clay"
Adolf (new) - "Noble Wolf"
Adonis (Star.) - Vladyka
Akim (nar. From old. Ioakim) - ...
Alan / Allan (new) - ...
Alevutin (new) - alien bad
Alexander (old.) - People's defender
Alexey (Star.) - Defender
Albert (new) - wise
Alvin (old.) - ...
Alfred (new) - good adviser
Anania (old.) - ...
Anastasius (Star.) - Risen
Anatoly (old.) - Eastern
Andrei (Star.) - Man and Defender
Andrian / Andreyan (Nar. From Adrian) - ...
Andron (Nar. From Andronic) - ...
Anis / Anisions (old.) - Sweet smelling
Antip (old.) - ...
Anton / Anthony (Star.) - Entering
Antonin (old.) - Good
Antoine (new) - Anneasual reading of Anton
Apollo (Star.) - Sun God
Arvid (new) - ...
Argent (new) - from Franz. Argent - Silver
Aria (old.) - ...
Aristarkh (Star.) - Chapter of the Best
Arkady (old.) - Shepherd or "A resident of Arcadia"
Arlen (new) - ...
Arnold (new) - the first
Arsen (new) - courageous
Arseny (old.) - Mougly
Artyom / Artemy (old.) - Credit
Arthur (new) - big as a bear
Archka (old.) - ...
Askold (Dr.-Rus.) - ...
Atheist (new) - not believing
Athanasius (old.) - Immortal
Athenogen (old.) - ...
Ahmat / Ahmet (new) - ...

Bagrat (new) - ...
Bazhen (Dr.-Rus.) - Holy
Bayan (nar. From old. Baian) - ...
Benedict (old.) - Blessed
Bogdan (Slav.) - This God
Boolslav (Glory) - famous in battle
Boleslav (Glory) - more glorious
Borimir (Glory) - fighting for peace
Boris (old.) - "Woolesh"
Borislav (Slav.) - Fighting for Glory
Boyan (Glory) - ...
Bronislav (Glory.) - Nice Defender
Bruno (new) - ...
Budimir (Dr.-Rus.) - Peace-loving
Bulat (new) - "strong"

Vadim (old.) - Singing Trouble
Valentine (old.) - Healthy
Valery (old.) - Strong
Valerian / Valerian (old.) - ...
Walter (new) - managing people
Varlam / Varlaam (Star.) - ...
Varlen (new) - ...
Bartholomew (Star.) - ...
Vasily (old.) - Tsarsky
Vasilko (Nar. From Vasily) - Tsarevich
Vakhtang (new) - ...
Velimir (Glory) - Lord of the World
Velislav (Glory) - Malcked
Velor / Veliy (new) - wealthy
Veniamin (old.) - Ancient Russia. "Jr"
Vincent (Star.) - ...
Victor (Star.) - Winner
Vilen (new) - a reduction from V.I. Lenin
Willy (new) - ...
Vilor / Vilory (new) - ...
Wilorg (new) - ...
William (new) - ...
Vintage (new) - ...
Vissarion (Star.) - Forest man
Vitaly (Star.) - Life
Witold (Glory) - Forest Relief
Vlad (Slav.) - Welfing
Owned (new) - ...
Vladimir (Star., Glory) - owning the world
Vladislav (Star., Slave.) - owning glory
Vlas / Mills (Star.) - ...
Warrior (Dr.-Rus.) - "Warrior"
Wistoislav (Slav.) - "Milk in War"
Volodar (Staroslav.) - "Vladyka"
Voldemar / Waldemar (new) - the famous rulers
Volmir / Volvevey (Slav.) - Lord of the World
Tungsten (new) - ...
Vsevolod (old., Dr.-Rus.) - The Lord of the Nature
Vyacheslav (old., Slave.) - Not once famous

Gabrielle / Gabriel (new) - ...
Gabriel / Gavril / Gaburlo / Gavril (Star.) - Divine Warrior
Gaidar (new) - ...
Galaktion (Star.) - Star
Gary (new) - ...
Garald / Harold (new) - ...
Garibaldi (new) - ...
Harry / Garry (new) - tolerant
Gaspar / Kaspar (new) - ...
Hector (new) - ...
Helian / helium (new) - Sunny
Genius (new) - "Genius"
Gennady (Star.) - Rooded
Heinrich / Henry (new) - ...
George (old.) - agriculture
Gerald / Gerold (new) - ...
Gerasim (old.) - ...
Herman (old) - native
Hermogen (old.) - ...
Gerontians / Geront (Star.) - ...
Gertrud (new) - work hero
Gleb (old, Dr.-Rusk.) - Big, high
Horace (new) - ...
Gordes / Gordies (Glory.) - Proud
Gorimir (Slav.) - "Light World"
Gorislav (Glory) - "Light Glory"
Granite (new) - "Solid"
Gregory (old.) - Do not sleep
Guriy (old.) - ...

Davyd / David (old.) - Favorite
Damir (new) - Peaceful
Dan (Star.) - God of the Moon
Daniel / Danila / Danilo / Danil (Star.) - "God's court"
Dar (new) - "Dar"
December (new) - Winter
Dementi (Nar. From Star. Doodies) - ...
Demyan (Nar. From Star. Damian) - ...
Denis (nar. From old
Dionysius) - God of the Life Forces of Nature
Gerald (new) - other reading of Garald
Joseph (new) - other reading Joseph, Joseph, Osip
John (new) - other reading of Ivan
Didim (old.) - ...
Dean (new) - ...
Dionysius / Dionysis (old.) - God of vegetation
Dmitry / Dimitri (Star.) - God fertility
Donalt (Star.) - The Lord of the World
Donat (old) - strong

Eugene (old.) - Noble
Evgraph (old.) - ...
Evdokim (old.) - Well-glured
Evlampius (old.) - ...
Essay (Nar. From Eusevius) - ...
Eustafium (old.) - ...
Egor (nar. From Georgy, Highness) - agriculture
Elizar / Elyazar (old.) - ...
Emelyan (nar. From old. Emilian) - ...
Eremeye (Nar. From Star. Yermia, Ermey, Jeremiah) - ...
Ermak (nar. From Ermolai) - ...
Yermolai (old.) - ...
Erofey (old.) - ...
Erulan (Dr.-Rus.) - "Leo"
Efim (old.) - Pious
Ephraim (old.) - ...

Waiting (Dr.-Rus) - waiting

Zakhar (old.) - "Lady Memory"
Zinovy \u200b\u200b(Star.) - Zevov Power
Zorii (new) - Morning
Zosim / Zosima (old.) - ...
Tar (nar. From old. Zotik) - ...

Ibrahim (new) - other reading Abram, Abraham, Avrome
Ivan (Nar. From John) - "God's gift"
Igor (Star., Dr.-Rus.) - Defender of God
Jerome (old.) - ...
Izmail / Izmailo (nar. From Star. Ismail) - ...
Ikar (new) - fallen in the sea
ILARIA / Ilar (Star.) - Cheerful
I orodor (old.) - ...
Illarion / Hilarion (old.) - Joyful
Ilya (old.) - The power of God
Innokenty (old.) - Innocent
John (old.) - "God's gift"
Joseph (old.) - Most
IPPOLIT (old.) - straightening horses
Irakli (old.) - ...
IRM (new) - ...
Isai / Isaiah (old.) - ...
ISE (nar. From old. Iessey) - ...
July (new) - Summer

Casimir (Glory) - announcing the world
Kalina / Kalin (nar. From old. Callinik) - ...
Karl (new) - bold
Karm / Karmiy (new) - ...
Kaspar / Gaspar (new) - ...
Kasyan (nar. From old. Cassian) - empty
Kim (new) is the communist international world.
Cyprian (old.) - Native of Cyprus or Copper
Cyril (Star.) - Vladyka
Claudius (old.) - Chrome or from the genus Claudiyev
Clement (old.) - gracious
Climeti / Clementy (Nar. From Clement) - Meek
Colombius (new) - "Pigeon"
Kondrati / Kondrat (old.) - ...
Konon (old.) - ...
Konstantin (Star.) - Resistant and Permanent
Roots (nar. From old roots) - ...
Krasnoslav (new) - beautifully glorified
Christoph (New) - from Christophore / Christopher - Carrying Christfor
Kuzma / Kozma (Nar. From Star. Kosma) - Decorated
Kupriyan (Nar. From Cyprus) - a native of Cyprus or Copper
Curie (new) - ...

LAVR (old.) - Famous
Lavrenty (Star.) - Laurels
Lazar (old.) - "God's help"
Larion (Nar. From Hilarion) - joyful
Lion (old.) - "Lion"
Lel (Dr.-Rus.) - ...
Lenar (new) - ...
Leon (new) - "Leo"
Leonard (new) - strong
Leonid (old.) - Son of Lion
Leontius (old.) - Lion
Leopold (new) - ...
Liebert (new) - free
Livadiy (new)
Lionel (new) - ...
ENT (new) - ...
Lorence (new) - ...
Lojangrin (new) - ...
Luka (old.) - "Happiness"
Lukyan / Lucian (old.) - Happy
Love (Dr.-Rus.) - Handsome
Lubomir (Glory.) - Loves of the World
Ludwig (new) - ...
Luxene / Lucian (new) - light

Mauritius (old.) - Black
Maeslav / Maeslav (new) - famous in May
Makar / Makariya (old.) - Happy
Max (new) - Music
Maxim (old) - Music
Maximilian / Maximilian (old.) - Music
Manfred (new) - ...
Marat (new) - ...
Marian / Marian (Star.) - ...
Mark (Star.) - People's patron
Markel (old.) - ...
Marlene (New) - Marx Lenin
Mars (new) - "God of war"
Martyn / Martin (Star.) - Military
Matvey (old.) - God's man
Mercury (old) - "God cattle breeding"
Monslav / Mechezlav (Glory) - marked by glory
Milen (Glory) - ...
Meliya (old.) - Cute
Millug (Slav.) - Cute
Miloslav (Glory) - Glory Mila
Miron (old.) - Good
Miroslav (Glory) - Winner
Mikhail / Mikhailo (old) - equal to God
Moses (old.) - Extracted from water
Monolith (new) - unshakable
Mstislav (old., Glory) - defender of glory
Murat (new) - ...
Myd (new) - ...

Nazar / Nazarie (old) - dedicated to God
Nazim (new) - ...
Nathan (old.) - Given
Naum (old.) - Consolation
Neon (old.) - Shining
Neonyl (old.) - principal
Nestor / Nester (old.) - Returning to his homeland
Nikandra (Star.) - Winner of Men
Nikita (Star.) - Winner
Nikifor (Star.) - Carrying victory
Nicodemus (old.) - ...
Nikolai / Nikola (old.) - Winner of peoples
Nison (old.) - Calm
Neil (old.) - ...
Ninel / Ninel (new) - ...
Novomir (new) - "New World"
Noah (old.) - ...
Nord (new) - North (n)

Oxar (new) - ...
Octavian (old.) - (Roman) - eighth
Oleg (Star., Dr.-Rus.) - Holy
Oliver (new) - ...
Omar (new) - ...
Onysim / Anisim (old.) - ...
Orest (Star.) - Dick
Osip (Nar. From Joseph) - multiplied
Oscar (old.) - "God's spear"
Ostap (nar. From Eustafium) - ...
Ostrichir (Dr.-Rus.) - ...

Paul (old) - small
Pantelemon / Pantels (Star.)
Panfil (old.) - Loving all
Pat (old.) - ...
Peresvet (Dr.-Rus.) - Light
Peter (old.) - "Rock" or "Stone"
Pimen (old) - ...
Plato (Star.) - Widewiering
Potap (nar. From old. Patapia) - ...
Proor (Slav.) - ...
Prophyus / Prokokiy (old.) - ...
Prokhor (old.) - Head of Choir

Radii (new) - "Radi"
Radims (Slav.) - Native
Radislav (Glory) - Glad Glory
Radomir (Glory) - Rad to the world
Raul (new) - ...
Rafael (new) - ...
Rashid (new) - ...
Revir (new) - revolutionary world
Renat / Rinat (new) - ...
Reed (new) - ...
Richard / Richard (new) - ...
ROALD (new) - ...
Robert (new) - ...
Rodion (Star.) - A resident of Rhodes
Rozhero (new) - ...
Roland / Roland (new) - ...
Roman (old.) - A resident of Rome
Romain (new) - ...
Rostislav (Glory) - growing for glory
Ruben (new) - red
Rudolph (new) - red wolf
Ruslan (new) - "Lion"
Rousseau (new) - ...
Rustam (new) - ...
Rustem (new) - ...

Savva / Sava (old) - desired
Savely (Star.) - Desired
Light (new) - "Light"
Svetlan (Slav.) - Light
Svetoslav (Glory) - "Glory of Light"
Svyatogor (Dr.-Rus.) - "Holy Mountain"
Svyatoslav (Glory) - "Slava Saint"
Severin (Star.) - Cold
Nighborne / Severian (old.) - Northern
Semyon (nar. From Star. Simeon) - heard by God in prayer
Serapion (old.) - ...
Sergey (old.) - High
Sigismund (new) - ...
Sidor (nar. From old. Isidore) - ...
Sylvest (old.) - ...
Simon (old.) - ...
Glory (new) - nice
Socrates (old.) - ...
Solomon (old.) - ...
Sophon (old.) - ...
Spartak (new) - ...
Steel / Stal (New) - Solid
Stanislav (Glory) - will be glorious
Stepan / Stephen (old.) - "Wreath"
Straton (Nar. From Stratonik) - ...

Tair (new) - ...
Taras (old.) - Restless
Teimuraz (new) - analogue Timur
Theodore (Star.) - This God, analogue Fedor
Terenty (old.) - ...
Tigran (new) - "Tiger"
Timofey (old.) - Honor of God
Timur (new) - good
Tikhomir (Glory) - Quiet and peaceful
Tikhon (old.) - Happy
Thorium (new) - ...
Tristan (Star.) - Sad (Tristia)
Trifon (old.) - Winged
Trofim (old.) - Pet

Ustin (nar. From old. Justin) - ...

Farid (new) - ...
February (new) - Winter
Fedor (old.) - God's gift
Fedor (old) - God's gift
Felix (old) - succeeding
Feodosius / Fedosius (old.) - ...
Feofan (old.) - ...
Philaret (old.) - ...
Filat (nar. From old. Feofilakt) - ...
Filimon (old.) - Favorite
Philip (old.) - Loving horses
Phlegont (old.) - ...
Florenz (new) - blooming
Florin (new) - blooming
Thomas (old.) - ...
Fotii / Photo (old.) - ...
Franz (new) - Frenchman
Frol (nar. From old. Flor) - blooming

Khariton (old.) - Blaretaker
Herbra (Dr.-Rus.) - Brave
Christophe (Star.) - (Christopher) - Carrying Christ

Caesar (Wed Star. From Caesha) - Ruler

Charles / Charles (new) - ...
Cheslav (Glory) - "Honest Glory"

Shamil (new) - ...
Schmidt (new) - ...

Evald (new) - ...
Edward (new) - ...
Oedip (new) - ...
Edmund / Edmond (new) - ...
Eduard (new) - concerned about property
Einar (new) - ...
Electron (new) - amber
El (new) - ...
Elbrus (new) - "Mountain"
Elmir (new) - ...
Emilian (old. From Emilian) - ...
Emily (old. From demilia) - ...
Emmanuel (old. From Emmanuel) - ...
Engel (new) - ...
Energies (new) - energetic
Erasmus (old. From Erazm) - ...
Erast (old. From Yerast) - ...
Eiya (new) - ...
Eric / Erich (new) - ...
Erlen (new) - ...
Ernest / Ernst (New) - Serious

Juvenali (old. From Iwenaliy) - Young
Eugene (new) - noble
Julian (old. From Iulian) - Curly
Julius (old. From Iuliy) - fluffy
Yum (new) - ...
Jupiter (new) - "Jupiter"
Yuri (old., Nar. From Georgy) - agriculture
Justin (Star., From Justin) - ...

Yakov (old. From Jacob) - imitating God
Yang (new) - "The God of the Sun"
Yanuaria (old. From Janaria) - January
Yaromir (old., Glory.) - "Sunny World"
Yaropolk (old., Glory.) - "Sunny"
Yaroslav (old., Glory.) - "Burning Glory" or famous Yaril

The choice of a child name for most parents is often becoming a rather serious problem. Young mothers and dads, as a rule, choose in advance of several dozen or hundreds of options, then the only name with which the child will have to live all his life. The determining criterion for choosing the name is consonant with the surname and patronymic and, undoubtedly, its beauty, and maybe even originality. For many parents it is very important that the name of the child is rare, so the options are selected, not only from modern - well-known names in the society names, but also from outdated (ancient) names. For example, the older name Yaroslav sounds very beautifully sounds, but it is already not so rare in our time. But such older male names like Lucheri or the Vedagoras may seem strange for many.

If you look at the statistical results, you can see that recently the demand for rare beautiful names has increased significantly. By choosing a beautiful exotic name for your child, you will undoubtedly provide him with increased attention from others, but some difficulties may arise. Not every exotic or foreign name can be well combined with Russian patronymic patience and such a discrepancy rather can spoil the impression on behalf than to emphasize the beauty laid in it.

A rare name from the very birth imposes certain obligations to the child, because with the same name he receives much more attention from others and just "to" sit down "on the backyards of life. It happens that parents call children in honor of a person with a rather rare name, but a few years later this name is widely popular, and it becomes not so rare. With carriers of such rare at certain times, there are often funny, and sometimes even sad incorporation.

An important attitude of the person himself to his name. I think that you have repeatedly met people, shyling our rare name, it becomes noticeable already at the first minutes of communication, which is why the attitude of those surrounding them is appropriate - often even dismissive. And on the contrary, a person with a rare (exotic) name, never focuses on its features and quietly related to his "chosenness" deserves decent respect. That is why weak people cannot cope with such a mustache, at best, they become simply closed and uncommunicable. More severe in spirit, people can proudly go through life, glorifying their rare name and achieving success. Often, among people with unusually rare names, you can meet both famous heroes and, to great regret, the most famous criminals.

It must be borne in mind that in society there is a huge difference in communicating between adults and adolescents. It is difficult to even imagine how adult unidie and aunts come up with the offensive nicknames or teasers for each other, but among children it is considered quite normal behavior.

Too rare, the bizarre name often makes the baby "White Voron" or an object for ridicule of his peers, makes it constantly complex and shy. At the same time, the use of too common names can adversely affect self-esteem: when there are many boys in the class with the same name, it is difficult to feel individuals. But the way out of this situation can be found very easily - it is enough to come up with an original abbreviated name with the child, which you can only be called it. In case you called your child a rare name - do not forget to repeat what unusual and beautiful name is given to him, try to tell the story as you chose it, in connection with what it means, in a word, help the child is proud of how it name.

However, all this is quite common reasoning, which is difficult to apply to each individual person, because a rare name can be elegant and harmonious, and may sound rather strange, funny and even ugly. This often happens with the visitors, whose parents are immigrants from a completely different cultural environment, their names in new conditions sound strange, ugly or sometimes ugly. Psychologists, in such cases, persistently advise such people to officially change the name to overcome the social and psychological barrier.

For parents, who still decided to choose a rare beautiful name for his baby, we present statistical data over the last year of the most rare names among newborns. Probably an example of other parents will help you choose the right way to achieve your goal. But anyway, when choosing a rare name for a child, be sure to consider:

How will a name be called with the patronymic and the last name?

Is it convenient to pronounce a rare name? For example, Pafnuti, Agaraphone or Yerast sound often strange.

Do you like the name of the child himself when he is growing and will there be a man to shy his name? The owner of an exotic name can survive a large number of unpleasant moments not only in childhood.

Is there a rare name of pathetic and pretentiously sounds? For example, King, Prince or Hero - impose serious obligations and responsibility on their carriers.

Is there a rare name of any unpleasant associations? For example, the name Adolf is not in any society will be met loyal.

The most rare male names, which were made by newborn boys in recent years:
