Signs about birds are good and bad. Signs about pigeons

Signs about birds are good and bad. Signs about pigeons
Signs about birds are good and bad. Signs about pigeons

Signs about pigeons are diverse and numerous. They can fill happiness, trouble or be ambiguous. Most of the adoption and superstition should be considered not separately, but in the context with the factors associated with them: the behavior of the pigeon, its appearance, concomitant circumstances, as well as with the emotions that bird causes.

By itself, the pigeon always relies on the symbolism of this bird, and it means that the symbolism question should also be understood. Let's look at the signs of pigeons. Read more: their symbolic meaning, positive and negative meaning.

Signs and superstitions about pigeons are always based on its symbolic values. The main symbolism of this bird is positive: it means love and purity, peace and eternal life. Love can have flushed carnal or spiritual, depending on the context. Since bird data usually choose a couple of life, they can designate loyalty and strong marriage. Pigeon, especially white, denotes purity of thoughts, innocence, meekness and humility - about a person with a similar character say that he has a "pigeon".

This bird often symbolizes the news, and happy (take at least noev the ark and a dwarf with an olive branch), although, depending on behavior or appearance, it can be done on the contrary. So, for example, a bad sign is sometimes black or a dead dove. Harm has a negative importance and damage to the bird: to crush the machine or kill the pigeon is always interpreted as a unlucky omen. In addition, this bird symbolizes the soul and the connection of the earth with the Divine, and therefore can foreshadow death as the transition of the soul in a different world when she flies to God.

To profits

One of the most famous folk will take about pigeons has a comic character: a good sign is considered if this bird has drowned a person. In any case, this unfortunate incident promises profits, but, depending on the "present", you can judge what kind of happiness is waiting for a person. If the dove flew and drowned on his head, you can expect easy profits: awards, winnings, money gifts or an unexpected inheritance. If the bird has rushed to uniform, working or office clothes - wait for promotion with all the resulting benefits.

If "marked" the left hand is to money flow, the right to disclose some ability. Even if it simply dreamed that the leg got into a pigeon litter, this is also a happy omen: a person awaits success, and most often money. If the bird flew to the window and drowned on the glass (on the windowsill or on the balcony), you can wait for the guests. However, if pigeons are permanent guests on the balcony or windowsill, you can not give this value.

To love

It is believed that for an unmarried girl, a good admission will be to see white pigeons flying around at home. One pigeon on the branch says that someone loves her from afar, and a couple promises a mutual feeling and an ambulance wedding. A good love promise is considered to see a couple of kissing pigeons and hear how they are welcome. If the bird flew into the kitchen, it promises a strong marriage and a cozy family hearth. If the dull flew into the room of the unmarried girl, perhaps soon she will receive a proposal of hands and hearts.

When a couple of pigeons go on your window sill, be sure to mark their behavior. If they sit quietly and calmly, in your love or family life everything will be peacefully. If the doves are welcome, you are waiting for a romantic period (a girl is beautiful courtship). If birds quarrel and fight, then it is possible, and conflicts will arise in relationships. A good admission is considered an unexpected appearance of white pigeons at a wedding: these birds are fed a happy family life to newlyweds.

On the windowsill

To see how the pigeon sat on the window sill behind the window (on the cornily) - it is a good sign, promising good luck, happy news and events. If it is the white dove that flew to the windowsill, a person is waiting for luck in love or meeting with a loved one. In addition, a very good note is considered a dove on the windowsill with a blade or a branch in the beak, it means that the life of the household will change for the better.

If the doves turned out to be a "face" to the window, as if he was looking into a house or an apartment, someone was bored, and, it means that the arrival of expensive guests or news from loved ones would soon be possible. If the dove sat down sideways or the back to the window, most likely a trip or travel.

If the bird flew to the window and knocks the beak in the glass, the person is waiting for very important news. It is impossible to leave without attention he heard shortly after this news: they will play a meaningful role in life. Sometimes the bird is not just knocking, but stubbornly and quickly beats in the glass: it talks about the alarming news and warns of possible troubles. The pigeons that make a loud knock and be fed up the window, let it into the house is not recommended. When the pigeon hit the window and flew away, it is necessary to prepare unplanned cash flow.

On the balcony

The similar value has a sign when the pigeon flew to the balcony: you can wait for good news and positive events. If birds do not sit, just fluttering and stealing over the balcony, it speaks of news and news. If the pigeon did not just arrive, but led a girlfriend and together they filted the nest on the balcony (or next to him), rejoice! Your home does not threaten any disasters, on the contrary, you will be waiting for the period of peace and prosperity. If the birds demolished the eggs in the nest and sit down, this is a good sign, which is a good luck, but if they for some reason left the masonry, wait for trouble.

The same can be said if the pigeons settled on the roof: while they live there, the house does not threaten danger. Birds intuitively feel approaching disasters (be it fire, gas leak or even a dangerous disease), and if they do not fly away from an obsitory place, it means that nothing wrong is foreseen.

However, the bad admission is considered to find a dead pigeon at home on the balcony: it speaks of impending diseases and disappointments. If the pigeon fell to the balcony (or injured to the threshold), but still alive, it is worth trying to go out: in this way it is possible to prevent unhappiness.

In room

If the pigeon flew into the house, the sign says about the coming guests (desirable or not - depends on the type and behavior of the pigeon). A white bird definitely brings joy, but black can warn about the troubles (gray, brown or purple negative meaning). If the doves did not just flew into the room, but hit the furniture, a wall or mirror, households await difficulties. The situation is especially dangerous if the pigeon crashed into something inside the house and fell dead. In the event that it broke out, but did not harm himself and immediately flew out, the troubles will be temporary, they will be able to solve without any particular consequences.

If the bird flew home through a wide open window, the importance of news or events will be somewhat smaller than if it fell inside through the window. If the pigeon just went into the room through the balcony door and walks calmly, the changes will be positive, but smooth and slow. If the pigeon flew into the entrance, the changes can concern all residents of the entrance or any of them (more often - the one who sees the bird). If possible, the bird needs to carefully catch and release so that it does not harm, hitting the wall. Efforts and time will help prevent possible troubles.

On man

A happy notice is considered if the pigeon sat on a person: on his head, shoulder, hand or other parts of the body. If you do not take into account domestic birds, which often arrive and sit on the owners, pigeons are rarely close to people closely. If this happened, know: you are a very harmonious person with good thoughts and positive energy. A blessing atmosphere around you will definitely attract luck, happy events and gifts of fate.

It is believed that if the doves flew and sat down on his head, a man awaits wealth, and if on hand - success in work. Even if the pigeon barely touched or lightly hung the wing, the person still awaits prosperity and successful coincidence. Even if he flew and tried to nice, the sign does not lose a positive value. Thus, the bird wanted to express sympathy and announced about the coming lucky life strip.

On holidays and on the weather

There are signs about pigeons associated with religious holidays, for example, with the Annunciation. So, it is considered: if the doves flew to the window on this day and knocked in the glass, then in the family you can wait for the addition. If the bird arrives to the window for the holiday of the Savior, wait for God's gifts and a good crop. And if dulls come to Verbnoe Sunday, it promises wealth and excellent health for the whole year.

If you hear how doves were told on the street, you need to keep in mind - the weather will change soon: the sunny day will become cloudy and vice versa. If birds swim in the pool, the weather will be hot and dry, and the rain will not be a long time. According to the spring behavior of pigeons in puddles, it is possible to judge what weather is expected in summer: if they bathe a lot, then summer will be hot and without rains. And if the doves bypass puddles by side or run away, slightly wet legs, in the near future we can expect precipitation.

Other signs

An evil admission is considered to do something in harm to birds. In no case cannot be killed, to twitch pebbles in them or break the nests. On the contrary, to attract good luck and wealth, the pigeons should be fed.

  1. A happy sign is considered to find a white dove feather. According to a long lasting custom, such a feather took home as a talisman - it was guarded by a family and a house from misfortunes.
  2. It is believed to find a dead dove in front of the threshold - a bad sign, which is a serious illness. But if you see a dead bird not in my yard, but somewhere on the road, the sign will not have the same meaning.
  3. To knock down the dove machine - it means to start prepare for obstacles and serious obstacles in affairs, as well as to possible troubles on the trip. It should be extremely careful, and even better - to postpone the trip, revise your plans and motivation.
  4. The dream in which the pigeons wove the nest, says idle to people that they will soon acquire their family. For family people, pigeons who come with a nest can mean buying a new home, change or apartment arrangement.
  5. If in the appearance and behavior of the pigeon you recognized the bad admission, read the prayer "Father our" three times and mentally say "Thank you, the bird of God, for a warning. I ask the highest strength to take trouble from me and let nothing threaten my loved ones. "

Often people see in a dream of certain birds. Especially often they dream of a dove. Despite the fact that this bird is a symbol of peace and loyalty, very many such vision scare and make it make very seriously worrying.

Some people believe that to see the dove - a bad sign. But experts on the interpretation of dreams assure that it is not. Only one thing in which a man sees dead birds or hunts to them is considered to be bad. Just seeing a live dove in a dream does not foreshadow anything wrong. On the contrary, some visions involving these birds can only mean change for the better. The most common question that people ask experts on the interpretation of dreams is associated with a dream, in which a dove sat down in her hand.

If he dreams of a man, it can mean the appearance of a faithful and devoted woman in his life. For young girls, such a vision foreshadows a quick marriage. Also everyone wants to know about what the pigeon sits on the head. It turns out that such a vision prophesies to the ambulance or marriage. If this dream is dreaming a married man, - his daughter will be born soon. If the vision comes to a married woman, it means the upcoming pregnancy and the birth of the Son.

A very favorable is a dream in which a couple of pigeons sits down, head or shoulder. Just to see the pigeon in a dream means improving well-being, it prophesate success in all matters. Favorable is a dream with the participation of white pigeons. In some dreams of visions with the participation of pigeons, they are interpreted differently depending on the color of the bird. A good sign is considered to see only a white dove in a dream. To see a gray bird can mean the approach of the disease. Black dove - a vision is unfavorable. It foreshadows the death of the next relative.

To see a couple of aging birds - wait for the addition in the family. This dream is especially relevant for young couples. It is interesting that selling a bird in a dream is considered a very unfavorable sign. However, the purchase of pigeons is also a bad dream. The vision in which a man kills dove is considered bad. This can mean the ambulance of someone from the closest.

Very interesting dreams in which you have to watch the flight of the flocks of these birds. As a rule, it means confusion in affairs and some news that will report long-playing familiar. Feeding pigeons in a dream can become a prophecy of fast parting with her beloved. A good sign is the vision in which the dove feeds his chicks. Such a dream foreshadows the world and consent to the family. To see the pigeon drinking clean water in a dream, means approaching events capable of changing life for the better.

Experts on the interpretation of dreams believe that after such a vision, a person should believe that everything will work out, even if it seems to him that at the moment he is in a dead end. Very often people see in a dream flock of pigeons and clearly hear their recovery. This foreshadows an ambulance with close friends and a pleasant pastime in their cheerful and noisy company. Thus, in most cases, in a dream dove - a good sign, so you do not need to wait for something bad from this event.

Specialists in the interpretation of dreams assure that a bad or good vision is just a dream. It is absolutely optional that he will come true! That is why you should not perceive them literally, remembering that it is just a folk sign.

Kira Tsekolova

Signs about pigeons help us to solve the behavior of these birds, to understand what it carries us. In most cases, the beliefs say that the pigeons stole happiness. Many peoples are divine birds that bring messages from heaven. The feather is considered a talisman. Even if the feathered rippled, folk signs about the pigeons will tell that the person is lucky. There are negative signs that warn about danger. All this can be read in this article.

Pigeon flies out the window

We can see pigeons every day, on the street of our city. But these birds do not bother you absolutely until they invade the house. Then I remember all the famous signs and superstitions about pigeons. What does it mean if this featheled flew into a house or pigeon flew to the balcony? Here are some signs about homemade pigeons and explanations:

  • The pigeon flew into the house through the window. If he is white - wait for the arrival of guests. They will be pleasant, bring you a lot of joy. White flies to happiness. If the pigeon is black - Beware, it's not good. Perhaps you are waiting for an unpleasant news. Color bird - to news or writing.
  • Birds flew to the window, but do not sit, then the news is not too important
  • Flace into the kitchen in the apartment through the window - you will have a long and happy family life.
  • If the pigeon went into the kitchen through the door, as if to her home, wait for the replenishment.
  • The pigeon sat on the window sill outside the window and carefully watches you. Most likely, she warns about trouble. Carefully follow everything you do in the house.
  • The white dove arrived on the windowsill - for the unmarried girl, this is a signal about the emergency wedding.
  • The pigeon flew to the window with a sprig in the beak - he also brought happiness and good luck. Especially good such a sign is considered to appear to the Annunciation and Palm Sunday. These days, the Holy Spirit itself descends to Earth in the form of a dove.
  • The bird beats head about the glass - bad sign. You are waiting for failures and misfortune. If the pigeon fell dead after that - then the family lies a real trouble or someone's death.
  • The pigeon hit the window and flew away wanted to go through the glass, the troubles will be serious, but solved.
  • The pigeon flew into the windowsill and knocks the window - a good sign, wait soon the news. If someone died before that in the house, then his soul flies to chat with loved ones. When the bird is calm, there is nothing to fear if at the same time the pigeon beats the wings, it's persistently knocking, the deceased relative warns of the misfortune.
  • I sat on the windowsill of the room where the patient lies, he will be worse or he will die at all. If he is still knocking on the window, then things are very bad.

As you can see, if the pigeon flew into the house, the sign can be, both good and bad. It is important to correctly read the message. Care of trifles can prevent troubles. Snacks about the pigeon on the windowsill will help to recognize secret signals as successful and not very.

Pigeon on the balcony

Birds can fly not only in the window or in the room, sit down on the windowsill. Often in the urban apartment, they visit the balcony. What does that folk signs about pigeons when he flew to the balcony? Here are a few explanations:

  • The pigeon flew to the balcony and immediately flew away. If he is from white - then you will soon get a good news or meet an old friend, but very short time. If the brown dove is a neutral news, and the meeting is fleeting. Black bird - to trouble or illness, but not too heavy.
  • It arrives at the balcony or the window constantly, trying to fly into the room - a warning about severe illness or death.
  • A pair of doves settled on the balcony and a whine nest for a girl - you will find great happiness, all the sorrows will go around the house.
  • If you have seen kissing white doves that settled on the balcony - this is to the wedding.
  • A couple quietly sniffs eggs and does not fly away - you have peace and consent to the family.
  • Birds were told, there were alarming, something in your house is not so possible, you quarreled or someone offended.
  • When birds, whom the nest, suddenly flew away and do not return, be on worse. The energy has changed in the house, you broke the harmony, the departure can mean the approaching problems.
  • If the birds are vili nest, demolished the testicles, but did not hurt chicks, then the house is in danger. To prevent it, you need to carefully remove the nest into the garden and ask for forgiveness from the doves, perhaps you are offended by something. Read more and short prayer.
  • You born lonely and sick doves, knocked into the window - try to answer the knock and cure it, do not leave on the doorstep and then signs about the sucked pigeons will be good. If it succeeds, it means that the luck will not leave a person for a whole three years. When he dies - bury him so that the trouble does not come to the house.

When the pigeons live on your balcony, you need to reckon with them. Try not to scare birds with your own and noise. Even if the pigeon has gone to the windowsill, do not be angry with it. You need to safely wash and say in mind or in the rumor about the birds a good word. You can sit down from time to time the pigeons go, then luck will definitely never leave your home.

Pigeons on the street

You can see the pigeon on the street often. Many people do not even pay attention to them. But the behavior of the courtyard birds can also be said about much. Let's talk about it and talk. Here are some signs about pigeons on the street exist:

  • You saw the pigeons that took off and disappeared from the eye in sunny weather - wait for the rain and bad weather.
  • Doves are not visible anywhere, even though the sun shines? So tomorrow will rain.
  • Birds have fun in the pool after the rain - tomorrow will be sunny.
  • To see a pair of doves with a nest - to pleasant troubles.
  • It is said that at the moment when the birds come with a nest, you can make any desire, it will surely come true.
  • The dove walks the courtyard, does not fly away and worshi - you are gossipped about you.
  • Pernation Letun hid a man's wing - warns of illness.
  • Flying above his head and touched the hair - it means you got a blessing
  • I flew in my face - soon it is to find a solution to a complex problem, which was actually obvious.
  • Suddenly flew out and almost knocked down from his feet - it is worth waiting for surprises, it is only incomprehensible to what pleasant or not very.
  • Vaces on a branch in the yard, from time to time it flies to the window - you want to meet you, but not solved, a good person.
  • Doves pecked you by the shoulder or hand - review your relationship with loved ones, friends and colleagues at work. Perhaps someone talks about you badly or offended.
  • Birds fight among themselves - you are waiting for difficult clarifications of relationships. If they fight near the house - then the quarrel will be in the family.
  • The dead dove fell to the legs - you will seriously get sick or get injuries.
  • The dead dove lies on the road - it is better to turn to the side to make you also bypassed.

As you can see, folk signs about wild pigeons can tell a lot. Therefore, do not ignore the birds when you walk. Take care of their behavior, sobs. Perhaps it will tell a lot about you, your problems, victories and defeats. The bird can not only foreshadow the events, but also change their move.

Pigeon litter

I will accept and superstition about pigeons a lot. Believe or not believe in them, everyone's personal matter. Some beliefs are associated with the habits of birds, others with their arrivals in our house. But there are rather strange, which explain why the bird shits on a person.

Nobody wants someone to whock. But pigeon litter brings people happiness. I even know the story as students in front of the exams went to the attic to get "happy noticed" and pass the session well. Surprisingly, but it helped. So, signs a pigeon and litter, how are they related to each other? Here are some examples:

  • Deep rushed on his head - a good sign, you are lucky in matters.
  • Marked clothes, fluttering past - to the new clothes
  • Gang on the shoulder or hand - it means you will soon be waiting for a creative success or you just finish your homemade, which worked for a long time.
  • I sat down and raised by car - a person will have money.
  • Cheated in pigeon shit - wait for a pleasant surprise or an expensive gift.
  • Doves not only rushed, but also flew at you - it will be possible to catch an incredible good luck.

Surprisingly, all the signs about pigeons and lit positive. Perhaps our ancestors want to brighten the unpleasant situation thus? Check it on yourself, everything converges on my observations. In any case, the nasty need to be thoroughly washed away, and even better everything after that is disinfected. After all, birds, except for good luck or unlucky, can also endure diseases.

  • Pernation flew into the windshield to death - be careful on the road, you can get into an accident.
  • The pigeon crashed, shouted, but did not crash - it means there will be an emergency situation, but ultimately everything will cost.
  • Set the dove on the car - sticking trouble on yourself and the whole family.
  • Kill the bird on the roof - it means never to rise from dirt and poverty to wealth and success.
  • A knitted pigeons fell into the hands and killed them - the ball of problems will not let go until the end of life.
  • Nearby crashed doves and finished it - the curse will fall not only on you, but also on all offspring.
  • Throw to the pigeons of pebbles - it means to loosen from ourselves.
  • Put on the pigeons of Silk - sticking the prison.

The murder of feathered can be justified only when a person threatens death from hunger. But in this case, you should ask for forgiveness for your sin. When the danger passes, you need to feed the birds all the time. What they forgive you, it can be understood by the fact that they began to flock to the window, sit on the windowsill. It is even better that they set on the eaves or a balcony and a fiber there nest.

Customs and superstitions in different countries may be different. Some nations grow homemade pigeons on meat and eat it with pleasure. And the eggs of these birds are considered a real delicacy. Who knows what aura they have after that? If a person looks into the future, he will try to break the harmony less, listen to ancient wisdom. So do not eat pigeons, who would not try to bother you.

There is another sign - when a person saved a bird, he will be set with many sins. In addition, such a pigeon will bring a lot of goodness, good luck and happiness in his beak. So do not ignore the patients of the feathers who hit the entrance or nailed to the window. Perhaps this is your chance to change your destiny. If the pigeon and the sign of it are happy, then all the desires will come true.

The people know a huge amount of and superstitions that are transmitted from generation to generation. Signs There are the most different, they are associated with nature, with animals and many others.

Probably the most famous admission is the sign about a black cat. It believes almost everything. Often even people who do not believe in signs, spit over the shoulder, only envy the black cat, walking along the road.

Today we will talk about less common signs, namely, the signs associated with pigeons. Most people have a negative feelings, and all of the fact that they spoil the car. But if you are in the essence, then nothing bad pigeons are carried. These birds are foreshadowed by success, material benefits and happiness.

All challenges and superstitions about pigeons go from antiquity, they are associated with their different behavior. Pigeons showed themselves, probably each of us, and who knows what it meant. Maybe it was a sign over, but maybe just an accident.
All these superstitions are and not to run away from them. The pigeon can get to your eyes at any moment. Our ancestors knew a huge set for pigeons. They knew why the pigeon beats the window, shelters into the house, sit on the windowsill and many others.

Our generation will also be useful to know these signs and their meanings.

What do the pigeons prophesy?

Superstitions associated with the birds of the world are actually a huge set. They are very diverse and not similar to one another.

You knew that our ancestors believed that the pigeons were Messengers over, not ordinary feathers. Knowing it, it is not to be surprised that superstitions associated with pigeons talk about serious and significant changes in life, and absolutely no matter how the pigeon manifests itself.

Even in the Bible, it was the pigeon that brought good news during the World Flood. Also in our time, if you believe in signs and superstitions, then a simple pigeon can be a brazier of some important event in your life, you just need to understand this message.

If the pigeon beats in the window

Not all the signs of fate carry positive character and good news, for example, like this. If you see that the pigeon beats to you in the window - it is a muster that soon you will be waiting for bad leaders that will significantly change your plans and ideas. If the pigeon beats in the window, then do not even think to open it and do not let the bird get into the house. If the dove falls into the house - it will only worsen the circumstances of the affairs.

If the pigeon flew out the window

Another bad sign associated with pigeons is if the feathered fell into your house. She carries to lead about the ambulance in the man living with you in the house. Most people perceive this superstition seriously. It is worth noting that if a pigeon flew up in you should not immediately think about the bad and prepare for the worst, this sign has many nuances to which special attention should be paid.

Look at the pigeon, or, if he already flew, remember how it looked. If your undeniable guest has something on the beak, for example, a sheet or a blade is a good news. A pigeon with a grass on the beak promises you to change for the better, a joyful event will happen to you very soon, which will change everything for the better.

If your closed window is somehow all - the dove got away, and you had to make an effort to drive it, then this is bad sign that speaks of death. It is worth saying that if it is destined to keep something, it happens, and you should not blame the feathers in this. They just bring news.

White dove

White pigeons occupy a special place in the signs, as white pigeons are a very rare phenomenon and do not often see them on the streets. See such a pigeon is already a great luck. These birds carry only a positive event, for example, for unmarried girls, this meeting speaks about a fast wedding or fateful acquaintance. For other people, it's just that soon the event will happen to them.

Dove hid the wing

Good sign if the pigeon hung you wing. You walked down the street, and the dove hurt your wing to your head? This is not an accident. This suggests that over you look after you and are favorable to you. In addition, this suggests that a financial profit will be awaiting you very soon. After touching the pigeon you will not have the problems of the material plan.

If the bird not only started you for his head, but also left a "pleasant surprise" - it says about adding in the family. For young people, it means that they will become parents, and for the older generation, that they will become a grandparents.

If you notice that Blue Something tolerated, it will tell you about the execution of your cherished desire. Perhaps it will be material benefits, or the object of your love will pay attention to you.

This sign carries you only to good news, it says that it is very soon to get better life, and you will be happy. If you dreamed of money - you will get them, if you are about love - the very person will appear in your life, or you will make yourself with your second half.

I will note that this sign will work only if it happened by chance, and you did not make any effort so that the dove is touched before you.

Many superstitions are negative, but if you want one of the bad things to come true, I spit three times over your shoulder and take 7 steps back. This will help avoid misfortune.

If the crow fell on his head - the sign promises you wealth. In general, a variety of superstitions are associated with birds, many of which are undeservedly forgotten, and after all, their understanding can help you not miss the opportunity to gain benefits or prepare for failures.

In the article:

Raven on the head - sign

If the crow fell on the head - this is not a bad sign. Many believe that this bird should not be waiting for good, but it is not quite so. There are both good and bad. You can find them on our website and make sure that.

If the village of Voron village or just hurt, fluttering past - this is a sign for wealth. Most likely, luck will soon smile. Especially good if the bird rejected you from thinking on the topic where to get money, or you were immersed in thinking about an earnings option, which can raise your income.

In this case, the black bird does not promist anything bad. She predicts that the black band in your life came to the end, and now you are waiting for success, material well-being and luck in any endeavor. Try to remember what you thought at the moment when the crow fell on your head or crashed into you, because this promises that these thoughts may be of those that lead as a result of wealth.

Pigeon sat on his head - sign

If the pigeon sat on his head, the vintage signs promise you wealth. And this is not just getting a premium or a slight increase in wages. Most likely, you will find a noticeable increase in well-being. It may be gradually, and maybe it will fall sharply on you. Especially good, if you chose your head for your own place.

There is another opinion that this will accept another value, since the pigeon is God's Bird, in which the Lord was Virgin Mary. Therefore, some believe that if the pigeon got on his head, it's not aiming to wealth, but a chosen sign. Most likely, you do not have to save the world, but perhaps you have a destination and what will help you fulfill it.

There is a chance that it is just a beautiful legend that helps each person to believe in his exception, because the birds are sitting on their head quite often. But if this happened to you at the time of thinking of any decision, perhaps it is really a sign over.

If the pigeon hung the head of the head, then the signs promise to you wealth. At the same time, it does not matter where it happened - on the street or we are talking about a bird that accidentally flew into your home or office space. The situation when the pigeon crashed into the head - quite frequent phenomenon, and if it happened to you, pay attention to this admission. She promises you prosperity and material wealth.

Bird sat down on the head - sign

As a rule, not only crows and pigeons are sitting on his head. In some regions of the country, other birds are common. Sometimes even predatory birds fly to cities, and even less often they sit down to the heads. Therefore, some believe that the less often the bird that sat on the head, the more wealth promises a sign.

It is known that homemade birds, which are not well monitored by their hosts, can fly away from the vents. If such a bird sat on your head, the meaning of the signs of this does not change. It does not matter, wildly is a bird, whether you are familiar to you to see her in your city, or we are talking about a whose flew parrot. In any case, this.

Connoisseurs of people will advise to make a desire at the time while the bird is on his head. It is believed that they come true soon, especially if these desires are associated with material supply. Therefore, you should not be afraid if a bird crashed into you or sat down on your head. Nothing bad from such a belief should not be expected, it is extremely good sign, which will only bring you good.

Birds were always considered the highest beings, Messengers of heaven, so our ancestors tried to find an explanation to their unusual behavior. They had a lot of time to notice patterns and understand which signs of our smaller feathered brothers can carry.

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