How to call male names. Beautiful and unusual names for boys: tips for choosing and rating fashionable male names

How to call male names.  Beautiful and unusual names for boys: tips for choosing and rating fashionable male names
How to call male names. Beautiful and unusual names for boys: tips for choosing and rating fashionable male names

For many men, the birth of a son is major event in life. The boy will become the successor of the family, will bear the name of his father. From ancient times, the choice of a name for a boy was approached with special attention. After all, he had to grow up to be a brave, dexterous man, able to protect his family. So the name should help form positive features character.

First of all, when choosing a name for a boy, you need to remember that someday he himself will become a father. Therefore, it is necessary to choose one from which a beautiful and easy-to-pronounce middle name is formed. Some parents prefer to give their children names that are rare or atypical for our nationality. Before you apply your imagination in this area, you should think about future grandchildren - how difficult will it be to choose a name for a boy by patronymic: Dzhonovich, Vetrovich, Angelovna or Karlosovna?

How to choose a name for a boy by patronymic

Before giving a name to your child, think about how it will be combined with a patronymic. Question: "How to name a boy by his patronymic?" - important, as it can also affect the character of the child.

You should not name the child after any date or event, as well as unrealistic names, for example, Google or Quark. Care should also be taken when naming a child by the names of close relatives. A child can inherit the character and destiny of that person. And also it can cause the degeneration of your kind.

Many psychologists do not recommend naming boys after their fathers. First, it is not always harmonious and easy to pronounce. For example, Alexander Alexandrovich is often called San Sanych. Nikolai Nikolaevich may be nicknamed Kolya Kolya, which, quite possibly, will not please the bearer of the name. Psychologists also say that boys who bear the name of their father often grow up unbalanced, capricious, nervous and irritable. However, this is not essential. After all, how a child grows up depends only to a very small extent on the name. As they say, it is not the name that makes the man, but the man the name.

It is not recommended to call a boy a female-male name if the peculiarity of the surname does not allow determining gender. For example, the combination of the name and surname Sasha Cherny does not raise doubts that it belongs to a man. The same applies to options like Valya Ivanov, Zhenya Nekrasov, Valera Rochev. But in combination with indeclinable surnames, like, for example, Sasha Mitchell, Valya Katz, Zhenya Markevich - gender is not expressed. Boys are often embarrassed by this and, as adults, they often change their name or, when they get married, take their spouse's surname.

It is worth remembering that boys often give each other nicknames, often quite offensive. Even if the team in which the child will be brought up and studied turns out to be very friendly and close-knit, the appearance of nicknames is quite possible, especially if the boy's name is conducive to this. Parents need to make sure that various diminutive variants of the name they like do not carry a negative meaning and will not be understood ambiguously.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with the etymology and meaning of the name. It can have a meaning that we don’t even know about, and the origin of the name can be very surprising. So, for example, many believe that the name Bogdan is Christian, since it literally means "given by God." But there is also an opinion that Bogdan is pagan name, and the God imprinted in the name has nothing to do with Jesus. Also, many are sure that such traditional names for Russians as Maria and Ivan are primordially Russian, but, in fact, these are names with Jewish roots.

Thinking about how to choose the right name for a boy, you should give preference to the option in which it is possible to use both an adult - official - form, and a soft - childish one. Psychologists recommend calling a rude and stern boy only diminutive names. This will make his character softer. For example, Maxim can be Maksik, Masik, Masya, Maximushka. Alexey - Lyosha, Lyosha, Lyonechka. If the child, on the contrary, is too timid, shy, soft and weak, it is better to use a tougher, more courageous form of the name. In this case, Maxim should be called Max, and Alexei - Lyokha or simply Alexei.

Proper selection of a name for a boy will allow you to develop certain qualities in a child. Solid, hard male names contribute to the formation of a strong and stubborn character in the boy. Examples of such names: Dmitry, Igor, Grigory, Yegor, Gleb, Bogdan, George. These names are dominated by voiced paired consonants, often in combination with the sound "r".

People with mild names are distinguished by a calm and complaisant character - among them are Mikhail, Alexei, Ilya, Vitaly, Miroslav, Veniamin, etc. In such names, vowels and sonorants "p, l, m, n, d" predominate, especially "l". Neutral names are worn by people who are balanced and moderately persistent. Such can be considered those names that cannot be unambiguously attributed to either hard or soft. For example, Roman, Andrei, Pavel, Arkady.

Perhaps the phonetic structure of the word has great importance, but many psychologists recommend paying attention to the set of associations that the name of the boy carries. It is not denied that the name can influence the development of the child's personality, but this becomes possible not due to the sound of the name, but due to the associations that it causes.

If someone is asked to make psychological picture absolutely stranger only on the basis of his name, then there is no doubt - the task will be completed. And this means that with each of the names we have some kind of association, often not even realized.

So, among Russians, the name Alexander is associated with great people, so they (Alexanders) are often credited with a lot of positive qualities. Vladimir is estimated by the majority as a man of power, cunning, thoughtful, firm and strong. Perhaps this is due to the easy-to-read meaning of the name "owner of the world." Many people associate Mikhail with a bear, therefore, the corresponding qualities are attributed to him - immobility, clumsiness, conservatism, simplicity, diligence.

It is the associative perception of the name, according to psychologists, that ultimately affects the character and fate - after all, the development of his personality largely depends on how a person perceives himself and how others see him. Thus, parents can ask relatives and friends to draw a verbal psychological portrait of a person with a particular name. If, in general, the portrait turns out to be very pretty, then the right name for the boy has been found! And when at the same time the heart tells you, you can no longer sort through the options.

How to name a boy according to the calendar

If you are interested in how to name a boy according to the calendar, look at the child's birthday. On each day of the church year, as a rule, the memory of several saints is celebrated. It is permissible to choose a name among those who are mentioned on the eighth day from birth, since it was on this day that in ancient times they called the name, because the number eight symbolizes eternity. If you don't like the names of church calendar on the first and eighth day, then look at the 40th day from birth. It is on this day that a child is brought to the temple to perform the sacrament of Holy Baptism, and a cleansing prayer is read to the mother, after which she can return to church life to begin confession and communion.

Nowadays, the name of the child is usually chosen by the parents and very rarely changed at baptism. For example, the boy Helium received the canonical name Herman at baptism. However, the revival of the church, the attention of the state to it, the recognition of religious holidays by it, the appeal of people to national history, the history of his family restored interest in church names. I would like to know not only when it is necessary to celebrate name days, but also in honor of which saint we were named so that we could turn to him in difficult times.

How to name a boy by numerology

You can find out how to name a boy by date of birth. According to this science, each number carries a certain meaning and can influence the fate of a person. So, the number "one" symbolizes the ability to go to the goal and aggression, two - balance, three - the connection between the past and the future, four - stability and prudence, "five" - ​​uncertainty, inconstancy, but at the same time the ability to feel the fullness of being , "six" is stability, "seven" is a mystical nature, "eight" is success and material well-being, "nine" - wealth and glory.

To find out how to correctly name a boy by date of birth using the science of numerology, you need to calculate the number that will correspond to the child's birthday. And after that, you need to see what number corresponds to the chosen name for the baby - after all, the ratio of the numbers of the birthday and the name has a great influence on the fate of a person. If it suddenly turns out that the number of the name more number birthday, then the child can grow up ambitious, and if vice versa, he will indulge his weaknesses and inclinations. When the number of the birthday corresponds to the number of the name, then the fate of the child will be easy, and the character will be harmonious. This situation can equally mitigate unfavorable number or the unfavorable influence of the child's name on his fate. But some numerologists tend to believe that the character of a person in this case will not be too bright, so choosing a name for a child is not such an easy task as it might seem at first glance.

How to name a boy in 2013-2014

Eugene, Konstantin, Gleb, Yuri, Vasily, Matvey, Yaroslav, Arseny, Fedor, Alexander, Nikita, Daniel, Dmitry, Maxim, Ivan, Roman, Andrey, Artem, Egor, Ilya, Mikhail, Anton, Victor, Igor, Vladislav, Oleg, Stepan, Vladimir, Nikolai, Grigory, Timofey, Georgy, German, Stanislav, Efim, Athanasius, Artemy, Leonid, Ruslan, Zakhar, Anatoly, Edward, Vyacheslav, Eric, Makar, Pavel, Arthur, Sergey, Valentin, Valery, Vsevolod, Philip, David, Arkady, Tikhon, Savva, Gennady, Vadim, Vitaly, Boris, Semyon, Lev, Mark, Peter, Timur, Denis, Alexei, Kirill.

The meaning of the name by month of the year can vary significantly. For example, "December" Alexei is healthier than "summer" and "spring". "Summer" Alexei has a less strong will than "winter" or "autumn". Alexei, born in the spring, is capable of deep feelings, but does not dare to express them. "Autumn" Alexey is more self-confident.

Our suggestions on how to name a boy according to the seasons:


How to name a boy in September:

Andrei, Timofey, Fadey, Athanasius, Arseny, Grigory, Peter, Ivan, Savva, Alexander, Daniel, Valery, Ilya, Leonty, Nikolai, Stepan, Viktor, Kondrat, Benjamin, Georgy, Arkhip, Arkady.

People born in September are extremely mobile and temperamental. You will never get bored in their company. Completely non-confrontational, but they can be easily hurt because they are very gullible.

How to name a boy in October:

Konstantin, David, Trofim, Fedor, Mikhail, Oleg, Andrey, Dmitry, Peter, Anton, Ivan, Makar, Vladislav, Stepan, Sergey, Ignatius, Mark, Alexander, Vyacheslav, Khariton, Grigory, Roman, Denis, Vladimir, Erofei, Pavel, Alexey, Matvey, Philip, Thomas.

Such men are very gambling. At any cost, they try to try everything that life throws at them, but rarely bring the work they have started to the end. But still, it cannot be said that these people are bored.

How to name a boy in November:

Ivan, Artem, Yakov, Alexander, Anton, Heraclius, Denis, Konstantin, Ignatius, Athanasius, Dmitry, Andrey, Mark, Maxim, Stepan, Kuzma, George, Egor, Yuri, Grigory, Arseny, Herman, Pavel, Valery, Evgeny, Kirill, Fedor, Fedot.

These are dreamers and romantics, which makes it easy to spend money. They say about such people that they were not born in their era. They are often misunderstood by others. As a rule, they have only one devoted friend.


How to name a boy in December:

Roman, Plato, Anatoly, Grigory, Ivan, Valery, Mikhail, Maxim, Alexander Alexei, Makar, Fedor, Peter, Jacob, George, Yegor, Yuri, Innokenty, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Vasily, Stepan, Andrey, Naum, Athanasius, Savva , Gennady, Zakhar, Nikolai, Anton, Leo, Pavel, Kirill, Foma, Daniel, Semyon.

These people they are very mysterious and mysterious. In appearance they are indifferent and cold, but somewhere deep inside they are passionate. Distrustful of others. To earn the trust of these people, you need to work hard. But they will always quickly come to the rescue in difficult times.

How to name a boy in January:

Grigory, Ilya, Timofey, Daniel, Ivan, Ignat, Athanasius, Kirill, Nikita, Anton, Maxim, Pavel, Mikhail, Sergey, Philip, Peter, George, Yuri, Yegor, Nikolai, Efim, Konstantin, Stepan, Fedor, Mark, Vasily, Naum, Artem, Semyon, Trofim, Valentin, Savva, Veniamin, Prokhor. You can recall the old ones: Proclus, Elizar, Sevastyan.

It has been observed that boys born in January may have difficulty accepting important decisions However, they rarely ask for help from others, preferring to solve their problems on their own. can be good and devoted friends but usually go their own way.

How to name a boy in February:

Benjamin, Fedor, Alexei, Anton, Nikolay, Kirill, Konstantin, Stepan, Peter, Gennady, Innokenty, Semyon, Ivan, Dmitry, Maxim, Grigory, Efim, Timofey, Nikita, Alexander, Arseny, Victor, Leonty, Gerasim, Vitaly, Felix, Philip, Lavrenty, Roman, Vasily, Hippolyte, Zakhar, Pankrat, Pavel, Prokhor, Vsevolod, Ignatius, Julian, Herman, Nikifor. From the old ones: Savva, Akim, Valerian, Feoktist, Luke, Porfiry.

Moderately gentle, sensual, but not deprived of masculinity. They are easy to hurt. Very good advisors and parents. They are best suited for work that requires meticulousness and precision.


How to name a boy in March:

Daniel, Danila, Ilya, Pavel, Julian, Fedor, Kuzma, Lev, Eugene, Makar, Maxim, Fedot, George, Athanasius, Arkady, Cyril, Anton, Leonty, Leonid, Mark, Victor, Denis, Stepan, Semyon, Nikifor, Rostislav, Mikhail.

Iridescent people look at the world optimistically. They can easily cheer up any company thanks to their unique sense of humor. They are not afraid of defeat, on the contrary, they are encouraged to take action.

How to name a boy in April:

Innocent, Sergei, Ivan, Kirill, Yakov, Foma, Vasily, Artem, Zakhar, Peter, Stepan, Mark, Veniamin, Efim, Makar, Nikita, Leonid, George, Semyon, Anton, Daniel, Vadim, Alexander, Savva, Trofim, Mstislav, Gabriel, Andrey, Yegor, Yuri, Plato, Maxim, Khariton, Victor, Aristarkh, Kondrat.

Energetic and dynamic, they cannot stagnate in one place. They have a thirst for change. But this does not mean that they are fickle in feelings. And if they meet their "half", they will be infinitely faithful and devoted to her.

How to name a boy in May:

Anton, Victor, Ivan, Kuzma, George, Nikifor, Alexander, Grigory, Fedor, Denis, Vsevolod, Vitaly, Gabriel, Anatoly, Alexei, Leonty, Savva, Thomas, Mark, Vasily, Stepan, Semyon, Kirill, Maxim, Yakov, Nikita, Ignat, Boris, Gleb, Roman, Peter, David, Konstantin, Athanasius, Timothy, Joseph, Pakhom.

Quite carefree, but responsible. Thanks to their energy and optimism, they can “defuse” any tense situation.


How to name a boy in June:

Ignatius, Ivan, Sergey, Alexander, Alexei, Konstantin, Mikhail, Fedor, Vladimir, Leonty, Nikita, Semyon, Stepan, George, Yegor, Yuri, Makar, Christian, Valery, Denis, Khariton, Pavel, Dmitry, Nazar, Igor, Leonid, Anton, Karp.

They are usually lucky. Enjoy great success with the opposite sex, and authority at work. They also have excellent health. Almost their only drawback is absent-mindedness, which is associated with their great attraction to the unknown.

How to name a boy in July:

Leonty, Ivan, Gleb, Julius, Julian, Peter, Anton, Artem, German, Svyatoslav, Alexey, Roman, Mikhail, Yakov, David, Denis, Pavel, Sergey, Andrey, Valentin, Vasily, Konstantin, Mark, Philip, Matvey, Maxim. From the relatively rare, ancient names, you can choose: Samson, Demyan, Sofron, Nicodemus, Demid.

The main qualities of such people are organization and purposefulness. As a rule, they make a quick and clear choice. And never regret what has already been done. But alone with yourself, it happens that they allow themselves to relax.

How to name a boy in August:

Roman, Ilya, Semyon, Savva, Trofim, Boris, Gleb, David, Makar, Christopher, German, Clement, Naum, Nikolai, Konstantin, Mikhail, Maxim, Alexander, Anton, Leonty, Vasily, Stepan, Kuzma, Denis, Grigory, Leonid, Alexey, Dmitry, Matvey, Ivan, Peter, Yakov, Miron, Fedor, Tikhon, Arkady, Pavel, Philip, George, Egor.

Someone else's secret is sacred to them. And even to yourself to the best friend they will never reveal anyone's secret. They have principles that they never break. They are the embodiment of loyalty and constancy.

Choosing a name for a newborn baby is not an easy task for moms and dads. I so want the future name of the child to have a beneficial effect on the fate of the baby, help him through life, so that the name of the child does not bring inconvenience.

Today in the arsenal of parents huge amount names for boys, from Orthodox to modern and very unusual. How to name a boy is up to you and your beloved spouse to decide, but of course it’s better to first read a little information about the meaning of the boy’s name in order to choose the right one.

Female portal prepared for you full list Russian names for a boy, as well as modern and unusual male names. We hope you choose the best for you. better name for son!

Auror / Avrory (new) - son of the morning dawn

Adonis (old) - lord

Alevtin (new) - alien to evil


Anastasy (old) - resurrected

Russian names for boys starting with the letter B

Bazhen (other Russian) - saint

Benedict (old) - blessed

Vilen (new) - short for V.I. LENIN

Vissarion (old) - forest man

Eruslan (other Russian) - "lion"


Isidore / Sidor (old) - patron of fertility

July (new) - summer

Russian names for boys starting with the letter K

Casimir (glor.) - announcing peace

Kuzma / Kozma (nar. from old Cosmas) - decorated

Kupriyan (nar. from Cyprian) - a native of Cyprus or copper

Russian names for boys starting with the letter L

Laurel (old) - famous

Lawrence (old) - crowned with laurels

Lazar (old) - "God's help"

Larion (nar. from Hilarion) - joyful

Mily (old) - cute

Miloneg (glor.) - cute

Miloslav (glor.) - glory is sweet

World (new) - "peace"

Miron (old) - kind

Miroslav (glory) - winner

Russian names for boys starting with the letter N

Nazar / Nazarius (old) - dedicated to God

Nathan (old) - bestowed

Naum (old) - consolation

Neon (old) - shining

Neonil (old) - principled

Nestor / Nester (old) - returned to his homeland

Nicander (old) - the winner of men

Nord (new) - north (ny)

Russian boy names starting with the letter O

Russian names for boys starting with the letter P



Prokop (Prokofy)


Prokhor (old) - head of the choir

Russian names for boys starting with the letter P

Radium (new) - "radium"

Radim (glor.) - native

Radislav (glor.) - glad to glory

Radomir (glor.) - glad to the world

Russian names for boys starting with the letter C

Savva / Sava (old) - desired

Savely (old) - desired

Light (new) - "light"

Svetlan (glor.) - bright

Svetozar (glor.) - bright as the dawn

Svetoslav (glor.) - "glory is bright"

Svyatogor (ancient Russian) - "holy mountain"

Svyatopolk (other Russian) - "holy regiment"

Tristan (old) - sad (tristia)

Tryphon (old) - pampered

Trofim (old) - pet

When choosing names for boys, parents should remember that in this way they largely determine the fate of their child and lay down the features of his character. Sometimes rare, strange or funny name, given to the baby at birth, can cause ridicule among peers and misunderstanding among others.

The choice of a male name for your heir and successor of the family should be balanced and meaningful. It should be remembered that the child will grow up and then he will have to bear this name all his life.

In order not to create unnecessary difficulties for the baby from childhood, it is necessary to follow a number of rules when choosing male names for a newborn. This will help make right choice and choose for your son not only a sonorous, but also a really beautiful name that will be in harmony with the patronymic and surname of the child.

The name is an important phenomenon for every person, it largely determines his character and destiny. It is especially important to choose the right one for the future man, since in this case the parents are still responsible for the well-being of future grandchildren. Names for boys are more important in terms of the fact that then they become patronymics for their future children.

Exist a large number of beautiful male names, from which you can choose the only one for own son. Parents can be guided by different selection criteria:

  • ancestral tradition of his family;
  • church calendar;
  • a combination of the name, patronymic and surname of the child;
  • fashion trends
  • the meaning of a male name.

But at the same time, you should always pay attention to how the chosen name will be combined with the patronymic and surname. It is important to choose a harmonious and harmonious combination of a name with a patronymic, so that later, during adult life The baby didn't experience any problems.

To choose the right name for a boy, you should pay attention to the fact that there are names that can be called not only boys, but also girls:

  • Sasha;
  • Valya;
  • Zhenya.

It is important that the boy from childhood does not experience psychological discomfort due to the fact that he is confused with a girl. This happens when the child's last name ends with the letter o. So, Sasha Sidorov will feel more confident than Sasha Sidorenko, who in kindergarten and school will have to clarify all the time during roll call that he is a boy, not a girl.

How to name a male child correctly

Parents should remember how important the choice of a male name is. If the daughter can eventually change her surname by getting married, then the son will bear his name, patronymic and surname all his life. For a man, a harmonious combination of a name with a patronymic and a surname is very important. This helps him quickly find his place in life and gain self-confidence.

How to choose a name for a boy so that it helps him in his future adult life, reflects his individual traits and helps in personal development? Parents can base on different criteria when making their choice. The most important thing is to avoid ambiguity and irrelevance.

The first name should be harmoniously combined with the patronymic and surname. This will allow the boy over time to realize all the responsibility that is placed on him by the family as the successor of the family and will help to cultivate in himself the qualities of character necessary for a man.

in honor of a relative

Often the choice is made in favor of the name of the famous grandfather, great-grandfather, uncle or other relative in the family. Thus, parents want their baby to repeat the success of the one after whom he is named. However, a child can inherit along with the name of a relative, in addition to his positive qualities, and negative sides, repeating the fate of his ancestor.

When deciding to name a son after their relative, the mother and father must remember that it is not recommended:

  • to call a child the name of a person who died early, this is considered bad omen and inheriting the same fate;
  • to name a son in honor of a still living relative, since a name can attract not only positive, but also negative characteristics this person's child;
  • name boys after their fathers, as this will burden the child's psyche, impose on him the responsibility to be the same as dad.

If there is a tradition in the family to call the eldest son by a certain name, then in this case you can ignore the fact that the child and father may have the same name, since in this case the name will carry the generic meaning of “seniority”.

Selection by last name and patronymic

If a parent finds it difficult to choose a name for his son, then you can select male names for a specific patronymic and surname. In this case, it is necessary to select a short male name for a long patronymic, and a long name for a short one.

If the child's father's name is Konstantin, Vyacheslav or Stanislav, then it is better to choose a short name for the son:

  • Peter;
  • Oleg;
  • Ilya;
  • Gleb;
  • Yuri;
  • Igor, etc.

For short patronymics, such as Petrovich, Lvovich, Ilyich, long names are suitable:

  • Alexei;
  • Alexander;
  • Anatoly;
  • Evgeny;
  • Maxim;
  • Valery.

When choosing a male name suitable for the patronymic and surname, one should proceed from a combination of vowels and consonants. To get a harmonious combination of initials, you should choose a name so that its letters are not often repeated in the patronymic.

Consonant combinations should also be avoided. famous people, type:

  • Vladimir Ilyich;
  • Leonid Ilyich;
  • Nikita Sergeevich, etc.

Names and patronymics similar in sounds to each other are poorly combined for pronunciation and are poorly remembered by people. You should pay attention to the fact that the patronymic does not begin with the same letter that ends the male name. This combination of sounds is very difficult to pronounce correctly.

It is important that the name is native in the linguistic culture of the patronymic, so that inappropriate combinations such as Peter Sidorov or John Ivanov do not arise.

The most fashionable names for boys in the coming year

Often, modern young parents, when choosing a name for a newborn son, adhere to the fashion for names. The most popular and beautiful names for boys in this, according to registration statistics, are:

  • Kirill;
  • Elisha;
  • Benjamin;
  • Vladimir;
  • Bogdan.

Focusing on fashion, parents should not forget about the well-being of their child. A fashionable male name should be in harmony with the patronymic and surname of the child.

According to the church calendar

You can name your son according to the church calendar. To do this, it is best to choose those names of saints that are closest to the date of birth of the child. This will create some protection and make it easier to comply Orthodox traditions when raising a child.

You should also remember the euphony of the combination of the baby's full name with his patronymic and surname.

Focus on the meaning of the name

If parents want the name to help shape a certain character of their son, then a list of male names with their meaning should be used to select the appropriate option. If parents want their baby to be purposeful and inflexible, then you can choose names that denote such character traits. For example:

  • Gleb;
  • Boris;
  • Egor;
  • Maxim.

In order to soften the character of the child, to make him more accommodating and good-natured, preference should be given to names denoting these character traits. These male names include the following:

  • Alexei;
  • Ilya;
  • Leonid, etc.

In order to choose the most suitable male name in terms of meaning, you will need to study the dictionary of male names and choose the most suitable one for your child.

By time of year and month of birth

Those parents who trust horoscopes can choose a name for their son according to the time of his birth. Zodiac horoscope often offers a list of names that are most suitable for a particular sign. You can find them on specialized resources on the Internet, where they publish forecasts and descriptions of each sign of the zodiac, eastern and even Slavic horoscope.

Folk wisdom says that it is in winter that the brightest are born, but at the same time difficult people, it is believed that it is not easy to communicate with them because of their nature. You can try to soften the temper of the December child by choosing the right name for him.

We focus on nationality and traditions

Russia is multinational country, which is home to a large number of representatives of various ethnic groups and cultures. Trying to choose a name for their son in the spirit of the child's national identity, parents should not forget that the baby will have to go to Kindergarten and to a school where he will interact with children of other nationalities and cultures.

Therefore, his name should not be too difficult to pronounce in Russian, which is the state language in the Russian Federation. Otherwise, the baby may have problems communicating with peers.

Other options

It is not necessary to adhere to the above methods for choosing a name for a son. Perhaps parents will have other options for choosing a male name for their child. The most important thing is that both parents agree with the choice, and the name is consonant with the patronymic and surname.

Young parents should remember that there are special laws that prohibit giving children names in the form of numbers and abbreviations.


The fate of the child largely depends on the correct choice and euphony of the combination of the name, patronymic and surname. Parents should remember this, because choosing a name for their son, they determine his future life.

When a baby is born, the first thing parents think about is what to name it. It happens that the name of the child is given even during the pregnancy of the mother. How to choose a name for a boy so that it brings him happiness? Now it is very fashionable to name children with foreign notes, and simple Russian names have also become very popular. Such as, for example, Ivan, Peter, Dmitry.

In this article, we'll take a look at all beautiful names for boys, including all Russian, foreign and the most interesting.

Whatever the parents name the child they should consider the following:

Boy's name according to season

There is an opinion what time of year When a child was born plays an important role in his future destiny.

A must when choosing a name for a boy you need to try to choose one that will go well with his middle name and last name. There should not be too many consonants and it is desirable that the name has the same consonants as the surname and patronymic. For example, Sergey Viktorovich Petrov, Igor Viktorovich Gorbov, Dmitry Alekseevich Nikolenkov, etc.

If it fits well with the last name and patronymic and is easy to pronounce, then it will make it easier for your child to communicate in the future.

Parents who follow fashionable names, of course, they will want to name their child with some fashionable name. Every year the list of fashionable names changes..

In 2017, the most fashionable boy names are:

Matvey - when translated means Gifted by the Lord. This child is truly a gift. He is very calm, absolutely not capricious for no reason, always clean and tidy. He always listens to his parents. These boys grow up to be very fair, well-mannered men.

Artem - Unharmed. This is a very smart boy who constantly wants to learn something new. He is very friendly and kind.

Maxim is Great. A very versatile child. He either reads books or runs with friends on the street. He is very fond of sports and likes to collect collections. He has many friends and is very responsive.

Alexander - translates as Protector. Most popular name that will never go out of fashion. Alexander studies very well, always tries to be honest and obey his parents.

Timothy - Honoring the Lord. A very soft child. It is very easy to offend him, they do not like criticism. At the same time, he is a great conversationalist who listens carefully and is always ready to help. This child is very obedient, studies well and does not give parents much trouble.

Now it is very fashionable to call boys by old Russian names, such as Zakhar, Khariton, Bogdan, Nazar. Anyway, parents need to think about whether it will be very difficult for a child or strange to others.

Names for boys by name day

Previously, children were named after the day of the Angel in the church calendar. And it is still believed that this is correct and a child named after a name day will have a strong guardian angel, will be healthy and happy.

The only disadvantage of this method of choosing a name is that the church calendar has a rather small list from which to choose. In this case, you can name the child with a name that is in the nearest dates to the birthday.

Mystery of the name

It's no secret to anyone that what was the name of the child, determines the character of a person after birth. Each of them has its own meaning and translation from ancient languages.

Adam is human

Alexey - defender

Anatoly - sunrise

Andrew - courageous

Anton - fight

Arseny - courageous

Artem - dedicated to the goddess of hunting Artemis

Bogdan - given by God

Valentine is healthy

Valery - be strong

Vasily - royal

Benedict - blessed

Vladimir - to reign

Victor is the winner

George is a farmer

Gleb is God's favorite

Gennady - noble

David - Beloved

Danil - God is my judge

Dimitri - owned by Dimetra

Denis is inspirational

Dobrynya - dexterous

Eugene - noble

Egor is a farmer

Zakhar - life

Ivan - favored by God

Ilya - fortress

Cyril is the owner

Constantine - constant

Lion is the king of the animals

Michael - Like God

Maxim is great

Nikita is the winner

Nicholas - conqueror of nations

Oleg is a saint

Pavel is small

Peter is a stone

Roman - a resident of Rome

Ruslan - lion

Svyatoslav - holy glory

Stanislav - glorious

Sergey - highly respected

Timothy - worshiping God

Timur - iron

Fedor - gifted by God

Philip - loves horses

Edward - wants to be rich

Yuri the farmer

Yaroslav - strong

Important conditions for choosing a name for a boy

Country where the child lives. Also, here you can include the nationality of the child. So that there are no contradictions between the parents and the child normally joins the team, you need to take into account this feature and name the child in such a way that it only helps the child in later life.

The affectionate form of the name is also very important. Parents need to think about what they will name their baby. This form of the name is not meant to be funny or complicated.

If the city in which the child lives is not too numerous, then it is very exotic names unlikely to be understood by others. It is much easier for Alfreds and Emmanuels to live in huge densely populated cities.

By month of birth

Beautiful Russian names for boys: a list.

Axenty Adam Alexander Andrey Anton Aristarkh Arkady Arseniy Artyom Arthur Afanasy Bogdan Boris Budimir Bulat Vadim Valentin Valery Vasily Viktor Vitaly Vlad Vladimir Vladislav Gavriil Gennady Georgy German Gleb Grigory David Damir Daniil Denis Dmitry Evgeny Yegor Zakhar Ivan Ignat Igor Kirill Kuzma Lev Leonid Makar Maxim Miron Miroslav Mikhail Modest Nazar Oscar Pavel Pyotr Svyatoslav Sergei Stanislav Taras Fedor Philip Eduard Yuri Yaroslav Alexei Alfred Anatoly.

Beautiful foreign names for boys:

Renal Leonard Rafael Marcus Spiridon Arthur Daniel Javid Michael Richard Ewald Grant Levon Reval Sanjar Andrian John Martin Samson Akram Dominik Modest Sevastyan Benedict Donat Nikon Theodor Vildan Justin Omar Thomas Vili Witold Iskander Osman Tony Voldemar Irakli Hovhannes Fidan Vissarion Karl Patrick Franz.


For, so that the child is not ashamed of his name, but wore it with pride and self-confidence, you need to take his choice seriously. The list of names is quite large, but sometimes they say, you just need to look at your baby after birth and you will immediately understand what his name is, the heart will tell.

The Russian language belongs to the group of Slavic languages. However, many Russian names are not originally Russian by their origin. They are borrowed from Greek together with christian religion. Before that, Russians had names that reflected the various characteristics and qualities of people, their physical disabilities, names that reflected the birth order of children in the family. There were common names such as Wolf, Cat, Sparrow, Birch, First, Tretyak, Big, Small, Zhdan. The reflection of these names is observed in modern Russian surnames Tretyakov, Nezhdanov, Menshov, etc.

With the introduction of Christianity in Russia, all the old Russian names were gradually supplanted by church names that came to Russia from Byzantium. Among them, in addition to the names of the Greek proper, there were ancient Roman, Hebrew, Syrian, Egyptian names, each of which in its own mother tongue reflected a certain meaning, but when borrowed it was used only as a proper name, and not as a word denoting something.

By the 18th and 19th centuries Old Russian names were already completely forgotten, and Christian names have largely changed their appearance, adapting to the peculiarities of Russian pronunciation. So, the name Diomede was transformed into the name Demid, Jeremiah - Yeremey, etc.

After the October Socialist Revolution, names associated with the new ideology became widespread: Revmira (peace revolution), Diamara (dialectical materialism); names reflecting the first stages of industrialization: Electrina, Elevator, Diesel, Ram, (revolution, electrification, mechanization); names read in foreign novels: Alfred, Rudolf, Arnold; names by flower names: Lily, Rose, Astra.

Since the 1930s, such familiar to us Russian names like Masha, Vladimir, Seryozha, i.e. the names closest to the Russian people are used. But this return to the old names does not at all mean a return to all the names of the church calendar, most of which remained unaccepted by the Russian nation.

On this page, not only old (Russian calendar, Old Russian and Slavic), but also new male names.

Russian male names starting with the letter A:

August (old) - summer

Augustine (old) - summer

Avenir (old) - from the French. avenir - coming, future

Auxentius (old) - alien "xenos"

Auror / Avrory (new) - son of the morning dawn

Adam (old) - "from red clay"

Adonis (old) - lord

Alevtin (new) - alien to evil

Alexander (old) - protector of people

Alexey (old) - defender

Albert (new) - wise

Albin (new) - "white"

Alfred (new) - good adviser

Anastasy (old) - resurrected

Anatoly (old) - eastern

Andrey (old) - a man and a defender

Anis / Anisius (old) - sweet-smelling

Anton / Anthony (old) - entering the battle

Antonin (old) - kind

Antoine (new) - a foreign reading of Anton

Apollinaris (old) - son of the sun

Apollo (old) - god of the sun

Argent (new) - from the French. argent - silver

Aristarkh (old) - head of the best

Arkady (old) - shepherd or "Inhabitant of Arcadia"

Arsen (new) - courageous

Arseny (old) - courageous

Artyom / Artemy (old) - unharmed

Arthur (new) - big as a bear

Atheist (new) - non-believer

Athanasius (old) - immortal

Russian male names starting with the letter B:

Bazhen (other Russian) - saint

Benedict (old) - blessed

Bogdan (glory) - given by God

Boeslav (glor.) - famous in battle

Boleslav (glory) - more glorious

Borimir (glor.) - fighting for peace

Boris (old) - "wrestler"

Borislav (glor.) - fighting for glory

Bronislav (glor.) - a glorious defender

Budimir (other Russian) - peace-loving

Bulat (new) - "strong"

Russian male names starting with the letter B:

Vadim (old) - sowing confusion

Valentine (old) - healthy

Valery (old) - strong

Walter (new) - manager of people

Vasily (old) - royal

Vasilko (nar. from Vasily) - prince

Velimir (glory) - the ruler of the world

Velislav (glory.) - famous

Velor / Velorius (new) - wealthy

Benedict (old) - a different reading of Benedict

Benjamin (old) - Hebrew. "younger"

Victor (old) - winner

Vilen (new) - short for V.I. LENIN

Vissarion (old) - forest man

Vitaly (old) - vital

Witold (glor.) - forest ruler

Vlad (glory) - owning

Vladilen (new) - similar to VLADIMIR LENIN

Vladimir (old, famous) - owning the world

Vladislav (old, slav.) - owning fame

Vladlen (new) - similar to VLADIMIR LENIN

Warrior (other Russian) - "warrior"

Vojislav (glor.) - "glorified in the war"

Volodar (Staroslav) - "Lord"

Voldemar / Valdemar (new) - famous ruler

Volmir / Volemir (glory) - the ruler of the world

Vsevolod (old, other Russian) - the ruler of the whole people

Vsemil (Slavv.) - dear to everyone

Vyacheslav (old, slav.) - famous more than once

Russian male names starting with the letter G:

Gabriel / Gavrila / Gavrilo / Gavril (old) - divine warrior

Galaction (old) - stellar

Harry / Harry (new) - tolerant

Helian / Helium (new) - solar

Genius (new) - "genius"

Gennady (old) - well-born

George (old) - farmer

German (old) - native

Gertrud (new) - HERO OF LABOR

Gleb (old, other Russian) - big, tall

Gordey / Gordy (glor.) - proud

Gorimir (glor.) - "bright world"

Gorislav (glor.) - "bright glory"

Granite (new) - "hard"

Gregory (old) - not sleeping

Russian male names starting with the letter D:

Davyd / David (old) - beloved

Damir (new) - peaceful

Dan (old) - god of the moon

Daniel / Danila / Danilo / Danil (old) - "God's judgment"

Gift (new) - "gift"

December (new) - winter

Denis (nar. from old. Dionysius) - the god of the vital forces of nature

Gerald (new) - a different reading of Harald

Joseph (new) - a different reading of Joseph, Joseph, Osip

John (new) - a different reading of Ivan

Dionysius / Dionysus (old) - god of vegetation

Dmitry / Dimitri (old) - the god of fertility

Dobrynya (other Russian) - good fellow

Donalt (old) - the ruler of the world

Donat (old) - strong

Russian male names starting with the letter E:

Eugene (old) - noble

Evdokim (old) - well-known

Egor (nar. from George, Egoriy) - farmer

Eruslan (other Russian) - "lion"

Efim (old) - pious

Russian male names starting with the letter Zh:

Zhdan (other Russian) - waiting

Russian male names starting with the letter Z:

Zakhar (old) - "God's memory"

Zinovy ​​(old) - "Zeus's power"

Zoriy (new) - morning

Russian male names starting with the letter I:

Ibrahim (new) - a different reading of Abram, Abraham, Avrom

Ivan (nar. from John) - "God's gift"

Ignatius / Ignatius (old) - unknown

Igor (old, other Russian) - protector of God

Isidore / Sidor (old) - patron of fertility

July (new) - summer

Russian male names starting with the letter K:

Casimir (glor.) - announcing peace

Carl (new) - bold

Kasyan (nar. from old Cassian) - empty

Kim (new) - Communist International of the World.

Cyprian (old) - a native of Cyprus or copper

Cyrus (old) - lord

Cyril (old) - Bishop

Claudius (old) - lame or from the clan of Claudius

Clement (old) - gracious

Clement / Klim (old) - condescending

Clement / Clement (n. from Clement) - meek

Columbia (new) - "dove"

Kuzma / Kozma (nar. from old Cosmas) - decorated

Kupriyan (nar. from Cyprian) - a native of Cyprus or copper

Russian male names starting with the letter L:

Laurel (old) - famous

Lawrence (old) - crowned with laurels

Lazar (old) - "God's help"

Larion (nar. from Hilarion) - joyful

Leo (old) - "lion"

Leonard (new) - strong

Leonid (old) - the son of a lion

Leonty (old) - lion

Luke (old) - "happiness"

Lukyan / Lukyan (old) - happy

Love (other Russian) - handsome

Lubomir (glor.) - the favorite of the world

Luxen / Lucian (new) - light

Russian male names starting with the letter M:

Mauritius (old) - black

May (new) - warm heart

Mayslav / Maeslav (new) - famous in May

Makar / Macarius (old) - happy

Max (new) - majestic

Maxim (old) - majestic

Maximilian / Maximilian (old) - majestic

Mily (old) - cute

Miloneg (glor.) - cute

Miloslav (glor.) - glory is sweet

World (new) - "peace"

Miron (old) - kind

Miroslav (famous) - winner

Mikhail / Mikhailo (old) - equal to God

Modest (old) - modest

Moses (old) - taken out of the water

Monolith (new) - unshakable

Russian male names starting with the letter N:

Nazar / Nazarius (old) - dedicated to God

Nathan (old) - bestowed

Nahum (old) - consolation

Neon (old) - shining

Neonil (old) - principled

Nestor / Nester (old) - returned to his homeland

Nikandr (old) - winner of men

Nord (new) - north (ny)

Russian male names starting with the letter O:

Ovid (old) - savior

Odysseus (new) - angry

Octavian (old) - (Roman) - eighth

Oktyabrin (new) - autumn

October (new) - autumn

Oleg (old, other Russian) - saint

Orestes (old) - savage

Osip (nar. from Joseph) - multiplied

Oscar (old) - "God's Spear"

Russian male names starting with the letter P:

Pavel (old) - small

Palladium (old) - dedicated to Athena Pallas

Panteleimon / Panteley (old)

Panfil (old) - loving everyone

Peresvet (other Russian) - light

Peter (old) - "rock" or "stone"

Prokhor (old) - head of the choir

Russian male names starting with the letter R:

Radium (new) - "radium"

Radim (glor.) - native

Radislav (glor.) - glad to glory

Radomir (glor.) - glad to the world

Russian male names starting with the letter C:

Savva / Sava (old) - desired

Savely (old) - desired

Light (new) - "light"

Svetlan (glor.) - bright

Svetozar (glor.) - bright as the dawn

Svetoslav (glor.) - "glory is bright"

Svyatogor (ancient Russian) - "holy mountain"

Svyatopolk (other Russian) - "holy regiment"

Svyatoslav (glor.) - "glory is holy"

North (old) - "north"

Severin (old) - cold

Severian / Severian (old) - northern

Severyan (new) - northern

Semyon (nar. from old. Simeon) - heard by God in prayer

Seraphim (old) - fiery

Sergey (old) - highly esteemed

Sigismund (new) - ...

Steel / Steel (new) - hard

Stanislav (glory) - will become glorious

Stepan / Stefan (old) - "wreath"

Russian male names starting with the letter T:

Taras (old) - restless

Teimuraz (new) - an analogue of Timur

Tristan (old) - sad (tristia)

Tryphon (old) - pampered

Trofim (old) - pet

Russian male names starting with the letter F:

Fadey / Thaddeus (old) - "praise"

February (new) - winter

Fedor (old) - God's gift

Fedor (old) - God's gift

Felix (old) - prosperous

Filimon (old) - beloved

Philip (old) - loving horses

Phlegont (old) - ...

Florence (old) - blooming

Florence (new) - blooming

Florin (new) - blooming

Frol (nar. from old. Flor) - blooming

Russian male names starting with the letter X:

Khariton (old) - benefactor

Brave (other Russian) - brave

Christoph (old) - (Christopher) - carrying Christ

Russian male names starting with the letter E:

Edward (new) - taking care of property

Electron (new) - amber

Elbrus (new) - "mountain"

Energy (new) - energetic

Ernest / Ernst (new) - serious

Juvenal (old from Juvenal) - young

Eugene (new) - noble

Julian (old from Julian) - curly

Julius (old from Julius) - fluffy

Jupiter (new) - "Jupiter"

Yuri (old, people from George) - farmer

Russian male names starting with the letter I:

Jacob (old from Jacob) - imitating God

Yang (new) - "God of the Sun"

Januarius (old from Iannuarii) - January

Jaromir (old, Slavic) - "sunny world"

Yaropolk (old, Slavic) - "sunny"

Yaroslav (old, slav.) - "burning glory" or glorifying Yarila, the ancient Slavic god