Lists of foreign (national) names. Beautiful female foreign names list

Lists of foreign (national) names.  Beautiful female foreign names list
Lists of foreign (national) names. Beautiful female foreign names list

In the variety of English names, you can find an option for every taste. In this article, we will take a look at the main English female names and their meanings, and you can safely choose your favorite.

The choice of a name has long been taken seriously. It was believed that the meaning of a name can largely determine the fate of a person and the qualities of his character. But even today, much attention is paid to the meaning of the name and its origin.

Meaning of the name

Before choosing a name for a child, many want to know what the origin of the names have and what they meant in their original form.

Let's analyze popular female English names with translation. Their origin and meaning may exist different versions, and it is not always possible to unambiguously establish the translation - we will give the most established meanings.

  • Melanie (Melanie): comes from the Greek language and means "dark"
  • Florence (Florence): in Latin means "blooming"
  • Agatha (Agatha): in Greek meant "good"
  • Zoe (Zoe): in Greek meant "life"
  • Rebecca (Rebecca): originates in Hebrew and means "to bind, to fasten"
  • Ruth (Ruth): from Hebrew is translated as "friend"
  • Barbara (Barbara): from the Greek - "stranger"
  • Amanda (Amanda): formed from the Latin amandus - "worthy of love"
  • Victoria (Victoria): from Latin translates as "victory"
  • Irene (Irene): in Greek - "peace, tranquility"
  • Miranda (Miranda): from the Latin word mirandus ("wonderful")
  • Bridget: An Irish name that originally had the appearance of Brighid, meaning "sublime, enthusiastic"
  • Sophia (Sophia): translated from Greek as "wisdom"
  • Margaret: from the Greek word for "pearl"
  • Katherine (Katherine): Greek name, the most common version of the meaning is "pure"
  • Deborah (Deborah): from Hebrew is translated as "bee"
  • Vivian (Vivian): comes from the Latin vivus "alive"
  • Emma (Emma): from Germanic names with the meaning "whole"

Some girls' names in English have transparent origins. Ruby is consonant with the word ruby ​​and has a Latin origin meaning "red". And the name Harper (Harper), which was borne by the famous American writer Harper Lee (Harper Lee), originally served as a surname and referred to harpers (harp - harp).

It's even easier to guess the meaning of names like Daisy and April. The first repeats the word daisy (daisy), and the second - April (April), which, in turn, is associated with the Latin verb aperire "to open." Both of these names were not actively used in English until the 19th century.

Choosing names for girls in English, we pay attention to the meaning, it is not always possible to recognize it. And the point is not only that it is difficult to establish the history of a word: the meaning may simply be absent. Such interesting story has the feminine name Vanessa (Vanessa). It was invented by Jonathan Swift for the poem "Cadenus and Vanessa", combining the first letters of his friend's name.

Royal names

If we are talking about Great Britain, then for many, the first association with it is the royal family. While politics has historically been a matter for men, women have had an impact. What beautiful female names in English do we meet at the royal court?

Perhaps one of the main women in British history and the most famous queen is Queen Victoria. She ruled the country for over 60 years until 1901. Victoria is her first name. At birth, she was also given a middle name Alexandrina (Alexandrina). But Victoria was the main one, and it was it that was fixed in history: the era of her reign is called Victorian. Many geographic areas are named after the Queen, such as a city in Canada and a state in Australia. The name Victoria remains popular today.

The current Queen of Great Britain is Elizabeth II (Elizabeth II). Her full name sounds like Elizabeth Alexandra Mary (Elizabeth Alexandra Maria). Each element in it is a tribute to the other members of the royal family. She received the name Elizabeth in honor of her mother, Alexandra in honor of her great-grandmother, and Mary in honor of her grandmother. Elizabeth II ascended the throne in 1952 and by the length of her reign has already bypassed her famous predecessor, Queen Victoria.

The name Diana is very popular in England. In the royal family, it was worn by Princess Diana, the first wife of Prince Charles. Often her name was shortened and called simply Lady Di (Lady Di).

In politics, influential English women is not only the royal family. One of the most significant politicians was Margaret Thatcher. She became the first woman in Europe to take over as prime minister.

Name variations

Do not forget that English names often have abbreviated versions that are very popular. As Lady Di's example shows, abbreviations are used even in relation to government officials.

It often happens that abbreviated versions are fixed in the language and become independent names. For example:

  • Sandra (Sandra): an abridged version of Alexandra (Alexandra)
  • Stacy: short for Anastasia

In this case, the original version may be completely lost. For example, the form Alice (Alice / Alice) is derived from Adelaide (Adelaide), and in its original form the name sounded like Adalheidis.

Some names have different spellings. This is probably best seen in the Katherine / Catharine / Catherine / Catherina / Katharine / Katherina forms. Added to this variety are abbreviations that can be used as a full name: Cat / Cathy / Kat / Kate / Kathie / Kathy / Katie / Kitty / Cate.


In the English language, it is quite common to find names that can refer to both women and men, without differing in any way in form.

  • Ash
  • Cameron
  • Kerry
  • Kim
  • Morgan
  • Parker

This is often the case for abbreviated versions. Therefore, beautiful English female names can also be obtained from the reduction of the male form.

  • Alex: short for male name Alexander (Alexander) and female Alexandra (Alexandra)
  • Billie (Bill): short for Bill (Bill) and the feminine form of the name William - Wilhelmina (Wilhelmina)
  • Chris (Chris): can be derived from Christopher (Christopher), Christian (Christian) or Christine (Christine / Christina)
  • Frankie: from male Frank or female Frances
  • Jackie (Jackie): from Jack (Jack) or Jacqueline (Jacqueline)
  • Nat (Nat): variant of the forms Nathan (Nathan), Nathaniel (Nathaniel), Natalie (Natalie)
  • Robbie: abbreviation of male Robert or female Roberta
  • Ronnie: can be derived from Ronald or Veronica
  • Sam: abbreviation of male Samuel (Samuel), Samson (Samson) or female Samantha (Samantha)
  • Steph: A variation of the Stephen or Stephanie forms
  • Terry: derived from male Terence or female Theresa / Teresa

English names in Russian

Already in the above examples of English female names, one can find those for which it is easy to find Russian counterparts. They have a single source of origin (for example, Greek or Biblical) and have long been entrenched in the Russian language.

  • Anna - Anna
  • Maria / Mary - Maria
  • Sophia - Sophia
  • Katherine / Catherine - Catherine
  • Victoria - Victoria
  • Alexandra - Alexandra
  • Eva - Eve
  • Diana - Diana
  • Anastasia - Anastasia
  • Veronica - Veronica

Other names, although not typical for Russian-speaking people, are borrowed into Russian. Therefore, if you want to find beautiful English female names that sound unusual, but at the same time do not hurt the ear in our society, pay attention to the following options:

  • Emma - Emma
  • Sabrina - Sabrina
  • Camilla - Camilla
  • Laura - Laura / Laura
  • Irene - Irene

Until the eleventh century, English names were the only source of personal identification; the English did not have a middle name. People were distinguished simply by name, and three old Anglo-Saxon names from that period - Edith, Edward, and Edmund - have survived to this day.

Foreign names in England

Most of the Old English (Anglo-Saxon) names that have come down to us are dual-basic: Æðelgar - æðele (noble) + gār (spear), Eadgifu - eād (wealth, prosperity, luck, happiness) + gifu, gyfu (gift, gift), Eadweard - eād (wealth, prosperity, luck, happiness) + weard (guardian, keeper).

Old English names were given to newborns at the baptism ceremony... Ancient names were given to children depending on the social status of the family. The Norman nobility bore Germanic names - Geoffrey, Henry, Ralph, Richard, Roger, Odo, Walter, William and from Brittany - Alan (Alan) and Brian (Brian).

The Normans proposed the idea of ​​forming Old English female names from male- Patrick, Patricia, Paul, which are still used in England. Between 1150 and 1300, the number of names used began to decline rapidly. Towards the end of the fourteenth century most of the male population had one of five names: Henry, John, Richard, Robert, William.

Women's names in the fourteenth century also did not differ in variety: Alice, Anne, Elizabeth, Jane and Rose. Since the personal name was no longer able to individualize this or that member of society, the use of hereditary surnames began, for example, Richard, son of John (Richard, son of John). This process in London proceeded very slowly, moving down the social ladder from the wealthy aristocrats to the poor. In the north of England, even at the end of the sixteenth century, many residents still did not have their own surnames.

In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the biblical names of the New Testament became fashionable.:

  • Andrew.
  • John (John).
  • Luke.
  • Mark (Mark).
  • Matthew.
  • Peter
  • Agnes.
  • Ann (Anne).
  • Catherine (Catherine).
  • Elizabeth.
  • Jane.
  • Mary (Mary).

Common names in 18th century England were John, William, and Thomas, and women’s names Mary, Elizabeth, and Anne. In the 19th century, the male names John, William and James and the female names Mary, Helen and Anna. In the 20th century, English fashion for names changed significantly every ten years..

Popular English names of the last 500 years

The Office for National Statistics has conducted an unusual English experiment in family history. She studied over 34 million British and Irish birth records from 1530 to 2005 and identified the 100 most popular male and female names.

English male names:

  • John (John).
  • William
  • Thomas.
  • George.
  • James.

English female names:

  • Mary (Mary).
  • Elizabeth.
  • Sarah.
  • Margaret.
  • Anna (Ann).

Rare and unusual names

Unusual English names have been identified from National Statistics England. Each name from the list below was established in 2016 from registration data for children in England. The rare use of the name, since it was given to no more than three newborns, confirms the high degree of uniqueness in the context of the entire country.

The rarest English girl names:

  • Adalie. Meaning: "God is my refuge, noble one."
  • Agape. Meaning: "Love" in ancient Greek.
  • Birdie. Meaning: "Birdie".
  • Noam. Meaning: "Pleasantness".
  • Onyx. Meaning: "Claw or nail" in ancient Greek. Black gem.

The rarest English boy names:

  • Ajax. Meaning: "Eagle" in ancient Greek mythology.
  • Dougal. Meaning: "The Dark Stranger" in Gaelic.
  • Henderson. Meaning: Traditional English surname.
  • Jools. Meaning: Descended from Jupiter.
  • Marvelous. Meaning: wonderful, beautiful, wonderful. More traditionally, this is the name of a Nigerian girl.

Modern tendencies

Fashion trends for names are in dynamic movement all the time. New names were born, old ones returned from the distant past, regaining forgotten popularity, and sometimes the British simply borrowed names from other peoples. England has its own peculiarities - the fashion for names is also dictated by the royal family... The names of the members of the royal family Harry, William, Elizabeth, George are especially popular with the people. The National Statistical Service of Great Britain ONS published an annual report in 2017, which provides data on the names of newborns in 2016.

The boy's name is Oliver, and the female leader is Amelia.... Such primacy this star couple has been running since 2013. Although in fact, many believe that the male name Muhammad is in the first place in London. If we carefully analyze the list of the best names for children in England and Wales, this opinion seems to be true.

Muhammad is an Arabic name and has several spellings, therefore, in the above statistics, the name Muhammad appears several times. Muhammad took 8th place, Mohammed took 31st place, Mohammad took 68th place, with a total of 7,084 people. And the name Oliver was given to 6623 newborns, so the obvious advantage of Mohammed over Oliver. Representatives of ONS attribute such popularity of the Muslim name in England to social changes in the country.

Ahead of ONS, English parenting site BabyCentr released its official version of the Top 100 Baby Names in 2017. The lists were compiled from a survey of more than 94,665 parents of newborns (51,073 boys and 43,592 girls). Olivia again took first place in the nomination for female names. This year the name Muhammad confidently bypassed the name of Oliver, taking the leading position. The site also notes that in England they began to give more gender-neutral names, for example, Harley's name is almost the same for male and female children.

Best English female names of 2017:

The best English male names of 2017:

Meanings of English names

Numerous life stories, research and theories suggest that names help shape a person's personality. Names are certainly not the only force in life that makes a person develop in a certain way and become a person, but the importance of the name was noticed in antiquity.

English male names and their meanings

Meanings of English female names

  1. Olivia (Olivia). This name is in Latin oliva, which means "olive".
  2. Sophia. The legends about her probably arose as a result of the medieval "Hagia Sophia", which means "Holy Wisdom".
  3. Amelia (Amelia). A mixture of medieval names Emilia and Amalia. In Latin it means hard work and striving. Its Teutonic meaning is "protector".
  4. Lily. In English, the meaning of Lily: the lily flower is a symbol of innocence, purity and beauty.
  5. Emily. Emily is a feminine name derived from the Roman feminine name Aemilia. The Latin name Aemilia, in turn, can come from the Latin word aemulus (or from the same root as aemulus) - it means rival.
  6. Ava. Maybe from the Latin avis, which means bird. It can also be the short form of the name Chava ("life" or "living"), the Hebrew form of Eve.
  7. Isla. Traditionally used mostly in Scottish usage, derived from Islay, which is the name of the island in west coast Scotland. It is also the name of two Scottish rivers.
  8. Isabella. Variation of Elizabeth meaning "dedicated to God" in Hebrew.
  9. Mia. In Latin, the meaning of the name Mia: the desired child.
  10. Isabelle. In Hebrew, the meaning of the name Isabelle: dedicated to God.
  11. Ella. In English meaning: the abbreviation for Eleanor and Ellen is a beautiful fairy.
  12. Poppy. It is a feminine name from the poppy flower, derived from Old English popæg and referring to various Papaver species. The name is gaining popularity in the UK.
  13. Freya (Freya). In Scandinavia, the meaning of the name is: lady. Derived from Freya, the Scandinavian goddess of love and fertility and the mythological wife of Odin.
  14. Grace. In English, the meaning of the word: "grace" comes from the Latin gratia, which means the blessing of God.
  15. Sophie. In Greek, the meaning of the name Sophie: wisdom, wise.
  16. Evie (Evie) in Hebrew meaning of the name Evie: life, alive.
  17. Charlotte. Charlotte is a feminine name, the feminine form of the male name Charlot, a diminutive of Charles. Has French origin, meaning "free man" or "small".
  18. Aria. Italian - "air". In music, an aria is usually an opera solo. In Hebrew, it comes from Ariel, which means lion of God, and its Teutonic origin is associated with the bird.
  19. Evelyn. In French: from a surname derived from the French Aveline, meaning hazelnuts.
  20. Phoebe The feminine form of the Greek foibo (bright), which comes from foibo (bright). Phoebe is found in Greek mythology as the name of Artemis, the goddess of the moon. In poetry, Phoebe represents the moon.

Each of us received a name at birth. However, when we look at our lives, we wonder who we would be if our names were different.

It is customary to give names to children after birth, but parents come up with them long before the babies are born. When choosing a name for a future daughter, parents consider various aspects: a combination of letters, euphoniousness, the meaning of the name and even its influence on the fate of a person. Each couple tries to come up with something special and unique.

Research by various historians has revealed the fact that the earliest English names were derived from words (nouns and adjectives) that existed in Old English. It was not the person's name that carried a special semantic load, but his nickname.

The situation with names changed dramatically after the Norman conquest of England. There was a rapid change from English names to Norman ones. Today, only a small fraction of the British have true English names.

It is also noteworthy that there are very few old native English names. They have hardly survived to this day. The overwhelming majority of them were borrowed from cultures such as Hebrew, Ancient Greek, Celtic, Norman, etc. At that time, people received long and short names that praised the gods, the forces of nature and any human qualities.

In the 16th century, old English female names, mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, were quite common in England. Among them are the following:

  • Mary is a derivative of Jewish name Maria. it ancient name has very beautiful meaning- "serene";
  • Anna is named after the mother of the prophet Samuel. Translated as "grace";
  • Maryann is the combined names Mary and Anna;
  • Sarah is named after Abraham's wife. The meaning of this name is "mistress".

Influence of literature on the formation of names

Writers also played a huge role in the emergence of new female names. It was thanks to literature that such a rare female name as Sylvia, Ophelia, Stella, Jessica, Vanessa, Julia, Juliet, Jessica and Viola appeared in the English language.

Among other things, literary works have kept many Old English names. Among the beautiful female names there are old names borrowed from other languages. Names of similar origin include: Anita, Angelina, Jacqueline, Amber, Daisy, Michelle and Ruby. And this is not the whole list.

Popular English female names

The fashion for names, like many other aspects of life, comes and goes. Some are quickly forgotten, and forever, while others come back from time to time - usually in their original form, but sometimes in a new interpretation.

Olivia, Emma and Sophie have become the most popular names in recent years, according to UK National Statistics data. A list of 30 other popular English female names is presented below:

  1. Olivia
  2. Sofia
  3. Isabel
  4. Charlotte
  5. Emily
  6. Harper
  7. Abigail
  8. Madison
  9. Avery
  10. Margaret
  11. Evelyn
  12. Edison
  13. Grace
  14. Amelie
  15. Natalie
  16. Elizabeth
  17. Scarlet
  18. Victoria

Successful names and not so

It has long been known that the name of a person largely determines his fate. Psychologists from all over the world are actively working on this issue, conducting various studies, observations and polls. As a result, the success rate of individuals named by this or that name also has a strong influence on the popularity of the name itself.

Thus, one of the surveys conducted in the UK showed which British names recognized by the inhabitants of Foggy Albion as the most successful, and which - on the contrary. The survey results are shown in the table below.

Rare English female names and their meanings

There are many names that remain out of the popularity rating, being the least used. The so-called "outsider names" include:

  • Annik - benefit, grace
  • Allin is a bird
  • Amabel is attractive
  • Bernays - bringing victory
  • Bambi - child
  • Bekkai - the one that lures into the trap
  • Betts is my vow
  • Willow - willow
  • Gabby - power from God
  • Dominic is the property of the lord
  • Jojo - multiplying
  • Delores - longing
  • Juel is a gem
  • Georgina is a peasant
  • Iline is a bird
  • Kiva - beautiful
  • Kelly - blonde
  • Lukinda - light
  • Lalaj - babbling
  • Morgan - sea circle
  • Gauze is a favorite
  • Melisa - a bee
  • Mackenzie is a beauty
  • Mindy is a black snake
  • Megan - pearl
  • Penelope - the cunning weaver
  • Poppy - poppy
  • Rosaulin - a gentle mare
  • Totti is a girl
  • Phyllis - crown of a tree
  • Heather - Heather
  • Edvena is a wealthy friend

The most beautiful female English names

The beauty of the name and its euphony is very important for girls and women. All my life I will associate her with the name given to her by her parents. There is no dispute about tastes, and if one person likes the name Amelia or Elizabeth, then another can be annoyed. However, there is a ranking of names that, according to most people, seem to be the most beautiful.

Names in Russian Names in English
Agatha Agata
Agnes Agnes
Adelaide Adelaida
Alice Alice
Amanda Amanda
Amelia Amelia
Anastasia Anastasia
Angelina Angelina
Anna Ann
Ariel Ariel
Barabara Barbara
Beatrice Beatrice
Bridget Bridget
Britney Britney
Gloria Gloria
Deborah Debra
Diana Diana
Dorothy Dorothy
Camila Camilla
Caroline Caroline
Cassandra Cassandra
Catherine Katherine
Constance Constance
Kristina Christine
Olivia Olivia
Cecilia Cecil
Cheryl Cheril
Charlotte Sharlotte
Eleanor Eleanor
Elizabeth Elizabeth
Emily Emily
Esther Ester
Evelina Eveline

Unusual female English names

Ordinary people rarely have unusual names. After all, many parents, when choosing a name for a child, are guided not only by their own preferences, but also think that their child does not become a subject for ridicule among children. But celebrities have their own view on this matter, they choose strange female and male names, guided only by their imagination and the desire to attract as much attention to themselves as possible.

Scout Larue and Tallupa Bell - that's how Bruce Willis named his youngest daughters. And these are no less than the names of their favorite horses that won at the races.

Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter Apple, this is how the name Apple is translated into Russian.

Marquis named his son Rapper 50 Cent, ignoring male English names.

Singer David Bowie ignored all the famous English names for boys and called his little son Zoey, simply considering the combination of Zoey Bowie funny.

Beyoncé and her husband Jay-Z named their daughter Blue Ivy, which means blue ivy.

The daughter of actress Mila Jovovich is named Ever Gabo. The second part of the name is the first syllables of the names of Mila's parents - Galina and Bogdan.

The name of the daughter of American rock musician Frank Zappa is Moon Unit, which means "Moon Satellite".

Summer Rain is the name that singer Christina Aguilera came up with for her daughter. Translated from English, this means "Summer Rain".

Some people, immersed in the world of their favorite films and TV series, and cannot imagine their life without them, name their children not only after their favorite heroes and actors, but also use ordinary words that are not proper names.

So a completely new female name appeared - Khaleesi, a word from the popular TV series "Game of Thrones", which meant the title of one of the heroines, a synonym for queen or queen. Today in the world already 53 girls bear this name.

Human fantasy knows no boundaries, so new names for men and women in the world will appear over and over again. Some of them will take root, become popular, while others will stay a little heard and be forgotten.

(18 estimates, average: 3,33 out of 5)

From time immemorial, a person's name was given great sacred meaning, it was believed that it bears the imprint of fate. So, at birth, a whole direction of life was chosen.

Male names were supposed to reward the owner with strength, courage, power. Women, on the other hand, were supposed to bring femininity, beauty, harmony, supreme protection and family happiness to the owner.

How to choose names for girls

The choice of a name for a girl often turns into a matter of controversy among relatives. Sometimes you have to resort to the help of lot, church calendar and even astrology.

And here it persists
a subconscious desire to choose the most favorable fate for the girl, along with the name.

Women's names are popular nowadays, modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare and unusual. See the list and their meanings below.

What names should not be given to children

In choosing a name, it is most reasonable to be guided by an understanding of how comfortable the child will live with in a social environment. It is desirable that the name corresponds to the traditions of the area, nationality, customs.

The absence of prohibitions has caused a tendency in society to give the most unimaginable names to their offspring. And yet, you should not name the child so that later he becomes the object of ridicule in society.

Most popular female names

  • Sophia or Sophia;
  • Anastasia;
  • Darina or Daria;
  • Victoria;
  • Pauline;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Ksenia;
  • Barbara;
  • Maria;
  • Veronica;
  • Alyona;
  • Alexandra;
  • Ulyana;
  • Alina;
  • Margarita;
  • Arina;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Milan;
  • Kristina;
  • Alice;
  • Kira;
  • Diana;
  • Anna.

These names are statistically found in 75% of all registered newborn girls.

Songs with female names

Love for a woman at all times inspired poets and composers, and as a result, a huge number of beautiful songs with female names appeared. They have always been loved all over the world.

The most famous Russian songs from different times:

  • "Pink Roses (Svetka Sokolova)" (Merry Guys);
  • Katyusha (Blanter - Isakovsky);
  • Ksyusha (Alena Apina);
  • "Stewardess named Zhanna" (Vladimir Presnyakov);
  • "Alexandra" (from the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears");
  • Natalie (Mikhail Shufutinsky);
  • "Olesya" (Syabry);
  • Faina (Na-Na);
  • "Liza" (Andrey Gubin).

In Russia, songs dedicated to a woman have always been very popular, and not only with us. There are also many songs with female names in the world. This is the most favorite theme of songwriters.

The most famous foreign songs in English:

  • Michelle (The Beatles);
  • “Carry” (Europe);
  • Nikita (Elton John);
  • “Maria” (Blondie);
  • "Susanna" (Adriano Celentano).

Female names: modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual. List and values

Slavic beautiful female names

Among the Slavs, the main purpose of a woman was motherhood and family. This main meaning was invested in the girl's name: she was to become the keeper of the family hearth in the future.

Female names: modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual, the list and meanings of these names will not fully contain not one dictionary of names, they are countless.

Women's names: modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual, ancient - the list and their meanings are very extensive.

Russian modern female names

Modern Russian female names are mainly of Slavic, Greek, Jewish, Latin and Germanic origin.

Greek, Hebrew and Germanic names appeared in Russia with the arrival of Christianity from Byzantium in the 10th century, some Latin names - during the period of Peter's transformations.

Slavic names are the most ancient, but some of them are still popular:

  • Arina or Yarina - dedicated to the sun god Yarila;
  • Bozena - gifted by God, God or blessed;
  • Bronislava - glorious protection;
  • Faith - knowledge, faith;
  • Vlada, Vladislava - owns fame;
  • Darina is a gift from the Gods;
  • Zlata is golden;
  • Lada - okay, kind;
  • Love or Lyubava - bestowing love;
  • Lyudmila is sweet for people;
  • Milana - she is cute;
  • Miroslava - glorious in the world;
  • Hope is hope;
  • Radmila - caring, rejoicing, sweet;
  • Snezhana is cold and snowy.

Interesting fact! The name Svetlana, which has been very popular since the second half of the 20th century, has a controversial origin. According to some unconfirmed versions, this is a Slavic name. But closer to the truth is the version according to which the name Svetlana was invented in the 19th century Russian poets Vostokov and Zhukovsky.

After the release of Zhukovsky's ballad Svetlana, the name gained immense popularity. Gradually, girls began to be called them, and it firmly entered into everyday life.

With the advent of Christianity to Russia, new female names took root, which we now consider to be primordially Russian. Today they are familiar to our ear and are quite common throughout Russia.

But their Greek origin is not entirely unambiguous. The fact is that the nomenclature was formed on the basis of cultural and trade ties, therefore, in Byzantium itself there were not only Greek, but also Syrian, Latin, Egyptian, Persian, Germanic, Babylonian and other names.

The most beautiful and common Russian names that came from Byzantium:

  • Alexandra (Greek) - human protector;
  • Alena (Greek) - light;
  • Alice (German) - protector;
  • Alla (Greek) - next;
  • Anastasia (Greek) - resurrection;
  • Anna (Hebrew) - God's mercy;
  • Antonina (Latin) - eager to fight;
  • Valentina (Latin) - healthy and strong;
  • Valeria (Latin) - strong and strong;
  • Barbara (Greek) - foreigner, barbarian;
  • Vasilisa (Greek) - majestic, regal;
  • Galina (Greek) - serenity, silence, sea surface;
  • Daria (Pers.) - possessing the good;
  • Catherine (Greek) - pious, blameless;
  • Elena (Greek) - bright, chosen;
  • Evgenia (Greek) - noble;
  • Elizabeth (Hebrew) - vow to God;
  • Jeanne or Jan is a variant of the name John (Hebrew) - God's mercy;
  • Zoya (Greek) - alive, life;
  • Irina (Greek) - calmness and peace;
  • Inna (Latin) - stormy fast flow;
  • Karina (Latin) - dear, sweetheart;
  • Xenia (Greek) - a wanderer, a stranger;
  • Christina (Greek) - dedicated herself to Christ;
  • Larissa (Greek) - seagull;
  • Maya (Greek) - mother, nurse, goddess;
  • Margarita (Greek) - a pearl;
  • Mary (Hebrew) - desired, serene, bitter;
  • Marina (Latin) - marine living in the sea;
  • Natalia (Latin) - dear, given by God;
  • Nina (Georgian) - queen, mistress;
  • Olga - (is of Scandinavian origin from Helga) sacred;
  • Sophia or Sophia (Greek) - wisdom, science;
  • Tatyana (Latin) - mistress, organizer;
  • Tamara (Hebrew) - date palm, fig tree;
  • Taisiya (Greek) - wise, late;
  • Ulyana, Iulianna, Julianna and Julia (Latin) - belonging to the Julian family;
  • Evelina or Eve (Hebrew) - life force;
  • Emilia (Latin) - not inferior rival.

Interesting fact! The name Victoria is a victory, is of Latin origin. It became firmly in Russian use after Russia's victories in the Northern War (1700-1721).

Orthodox Russian female names - saints

The Russian Orthodox Church has its own unique nomenclature - these are saints that came to us from Byzantium. They contain the names of Orthodox saints, each of which is associated with great martyrdom and righteous deeds.

Until 1917, the church gave names to newborns at baptism. Some of them are actively used today. The rest are rarely used or out of use. Each name in the calendar has its own day in the year, sometimes more than one.

Here is some of them:

  • Agnia is blameless;
  • Anisiya - accomplishment, success;
  • Anfisa - blooming;
  • Evdokia - grace;
  • Efrosinya - joy;
  • Zinaida is divine;
  • Ilaria - clear, joyful, quiet;
  • Capitolina - born on the Capitol;
  • Claudia is lame;
  • Nonna - dedicated to God;
  • Paraskeva, the Russian version of Praskovya, - Friday, the eve of the holiday;
  • Raisa is carefree, light;
  • Rimma is a Roman;
  • Rufina is reddish;
  • Seraphima is fiery;
  • Faina is light;
  • Fotinia, Fotina (analogue of the Russian Svetlana) - light.

It is interesting! The popular today name Pauline or Paulina originates from the male name Paul, which in turn is the French version of the biblical name Paul.

This name is not in the Orthodox calendar, but there is Apollinaria (Greek) - dedicated to God Apollo.

Old Russian female names

Old Russian names were formed not only on the Slavic basis. Cultural connections our ancestors contributed to borrowing from the traditions of our neighbors. This also affected the names, some of which were of Scandinavian origin.

Today not all Old Russian names forgotten, some are very relevant. Recent times due to the unquenchable interest in their roots, many call their children according to the ancient Russian tradition.

There are such names more and more often, especially:

Ukrainian female names

Most Ukrainian female names have common roots with Russians. This is due to the Slavic origin of both peoples, shared history as well as with the Orthodox tradition.

The lion's share of names in the Ukrainian nomenclature coincides with the Russians. The only difference is their spelling and pronunciation.

For example, some Russian names in the Ukrainian tradition are written through "o" -: Olena, Oleksandra, Orina. And also there are differences in the spelling of the letter "and", in the Ukrainian language its Latin counterpart "i" is used. This is due to the influence of Polish culture.

Some Ukrainian names with pronunciation features:

Belarusian female names

Belarusian female names are similar to Russian and Ukrainian. Here, instead of “and”, “i” is also used, and the letter “y” also has its own peculiarities of pronunciation.

Features of writing:

There are also traditional Belarusian names that are very popular among the people and have their own meaning:

  • Alesya, Lesya, Olesya - forest;
  • Alena is a wonderful torch;
  • Ulada - okay, peaceful;
  • Yana is the grace of God;
  • Yarina, Yaryna - solar.

Czech female names

Although the Czechs are a Slavic people, their traditions are somewhat different from the Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian ones.

The Czech Republic is a country with a predominantly Catholic culture. Therefore, Czech female names are a mixture of Slavic, Catholic and European. They are very unusual and interesting.

Some of them have their own unique characteristics and meanings:

  • Abena is the one born on Tuesday;
  • Bara, Baranka, Barbara, Barka are a strange foreigner;
  • Branca is a great protector;
  • Vlasta - power;
  • Daska is the soul;
  • Willow is a good God;
  • Capeka is a small stork;
  • Libena, Libuse - love;
  • Otili is rich;
  • Radka is happy;
  • Sarka - forty;
  • Stepanka - crowned;
  • Hedvika is struggling;
  • Tsjenka - originally from Sidon;
  • Evika - life;

Bulgarian female names

The most popular in Bulgaria are traditional Slavic names. Although since the XX century the Bulgarian name-book has been enriched with various Western European borrowings.

Traditionally, children are named after their ancestors. There is one more peculiarity: names are given universal for both boys and girls, for example Spaska and Spas, Zhivka and Zhivko.

Some traditional Bulgarian names and their meaning:

  • Cornflower is the queen;
  • Yordanka - flowing down;
  • Mariyka - an analogue of the biblical name Mary;
  • Rositsa - Rosa;
  • Stefka - crowned;
  • The parking lot is standing.

Polish female names

In Poland, children are traditionally given Latin, Slavic and Greek names. Here, too, there are peculiarities of pronunciation that make these names unique.

For example, names are popular:

  • Agnieszka is blameless;
  • Beata - blessed;
  • Wanda - from the Wends tribe;
  • Wojciech - consolation of soldiers;
  • Wenceslas - more glory;
  • Casimira - peacemaker;
  • Malgorzata is a pearl;
  • Francisca is French;
  • Jadwiga is a battle of rivals.

Rare female names

Very popular now beautiful rare names... They come from other cultures, films, songs, etc.

Some of these rare names are:

  • Bella (European) - beautiful;
  • Venus (Latin) - Roman goddess of love;
  • Helium (Greek) - solar;
  • Daniela (Hebrew) - divine judge;
  • Ida (Greek) - fertile;
  • Oia (Greek) - violet;
  • Caroline (German) - queen;
  • Liliana (Latin) - lily;
  • Melanya (Greek) - dark skinned;
  • Nelly (Greek) - new, young;
  • Olympics (Greek) - Olympic;
  • Palmyra (Latin) - palm tree;
  • Regina (Latin) - queen;
  • Stella (Latin) - star;
  • Ellina (Greek) - Hellenic, Greek;
  • Junia, Junna, Juno (Greek) - the goddess of marriage and love;

Unusual female names

A large number of modern Russian children are called very unusual names. Some of them belong to fairy-tale characters, some comes from the names of cities, countries, historical events, animals, plants, etc.

Here's a short list:

  • Byzantium;
  • Moon;
  • Russian;
  • Cherry;
  • Fox;
  • Joy;
  • Ocean.

Elven female names

Elven names are fairly common today. These are the names of elves from the wonderful world, created by the English writer John Ronald Tolkien.

Invented heroes have given a new fashion to names that have great sound and secret meaning.

Some of them:

  • Amanael is the daughter of Haman;
  • Anariel is the daughter of the sun;
  • Eariel is the daughter of the sun;
  • Lairiel is the daughter of summer.

The endings -iele denote daughter.

There are also two-word names, for example:

  • Arvel is a noble maiden;
  • Irville - sparkling shine;
  • Nimlot is a white flower.

Funny female names

At all times, people have shown imagination in the matter of naming. Now this is a very common phenomenon. But sometimes fantasy leads to a frankly ridiculous and ridiculous choice.

Some funny names:

  • Aria;
  • Blandina;
  • Villa;
  • Kazdoya;
  • Nunechia;
  • Scandulia.

The happiest female names

Parents are always willing to give their daughter a name that will bring her happiness. Everyone has their own criteria for lucky names, but there are general views on this issue.

Most people are of the opinion that the Russian names Tatiana, Natalia, Elena, Olga, Irina and Ekaterina are the happiest.

Although no one has proven this, and no studies and observations have been carried out. Probably, the favorable sound of these names has been filling them with light energy for many centuries.

Biblical female names

Biblical legends contain a large number of beautiful female names. And many parents are inclined to name their daughters by the names of pious biblical heroines.

The most beautiful of these names and their meanings:

  • Sarah is the ancestor;
  • Rebekah is a faithful wife;
  • Leah - heifer, heifer;
  • Rachel is a lamb;
  • Dina - avenged;
  • Delilah - curly;
  • Susanna is a lily;
  • Magdalene is a resident of Magdala.

The most common female name in the world

Of all the variety of names the most common and beloved name in the world is Anna.

In every language it sounds especially, and, nevertheless, it is one and the same name. Anna can sound in different languages ​​like Ann, Annette, Anita, Hanna, Ankhen, Ganna, Anika, etc.

Mythical names for women

Myths, especially of ancient Greece and Rome, are full of a huge number of gorgeous female names. These are the names of goddesses, queens and beautiful virgins.

The most beautiful names and their meanings:

  • Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love;
  • Artemis - Greek goddess of the hunt
  • Grace is the Roman goddess of beauty;
  • Diana - Roman goddess of the hunt;
  • Cassandra is a Trojan princess and fortuneteller;
  • Muse is the Greek patroness of art and science;
  • Selena is the goddess of the moon.

Strange female names

There are absolutely strange names, which are usually the result of the creative thinking of parents. Their popularity peaked in the Soviet era, when workers' professions and revolutionary ideas were glorified.

Some strange and surprising names from that era:

  • Tractorina;
  • Pravdina;
  • Railcar;
  • Stalin.

Among foreign bohemians, there are also parents with imaginations who gave their children rather strange names.

Translated from of English language they sound like this:

  • Apple - daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow;
  • Hazelnut - daughter of Julia Roberts;
  • Bell - Madonna's daughter;
  • Ireland is the daughter of Kim Bessinger.

Strong female names

It is believed that some names have a special energy of power and are amulets for the owner. Basically, these are names, in the decoding of which there is strength, and strength, and health, and protection, and victory.

It is believed that the highest patronage is borne by the owner of Russian names:

  • Alexandra;
  • Victoria;
  • Valeria;
  • Valentine;
  • Eugene;
  • Olga;
  • Faith;
  • Catherine;
  • Darya.

Invented female names

In the creative Soviet era, parents created with the help of their imagination a very interesting names... They were half abbreviations formed from the names of leaders and revolutionary slogans.

Some of them:

  • Gertrude - heroes of labor;
  • Velira is a great labor force;
  • Vilena, Vladlena - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin;
  • Kramiya - the red army;
  • Raitiya - regional printing house;
  • Dazdraperma - long live the first of May;
  • Dinara is a child of a new era.

Women's names of the peoples of the world

English female names

In England, children are often given a double name, which gives room for parental imagination. However, traditional names are popular too.

The most common female names in England are:

  • Olivia is an olive tree;
  • Deborah is a bee;
  • Scarlett is a fabric saleswoman;
  • Jennifer is a sorceress;
  • Kimberly - born in the royal meadow;
  • Britney is a little Britain;
  • Monica is a counselor.

In England and the USA, short Russian female names are very popular, and even some male names that have become female there. For example: Sasha, Natasha, Nikita, Misha, Tanya.

Irish female names

The traditions of the Irish are rooted in Celtic culture, so they attach great importance to the name of the girl. It reflects both beauty and piety, and all the beautiful qualities of a woman.

The most interesting traditional Irish names and their meanings:

  • Abiagil - pleasing the father;
  • Aerin - the world;
  • Brida - exalted;
  • Kaoilinn - fair and slender;
  • Morrigan is a big queen;
  • Orleith is the golden princess.

German female names

There is an opinion about dissonance German language, and yet German female names sound very nice.

In Germany, it is customary to give names that are complex in composition, their number can reach up to 10.

The most beautiful German names and their meaning:

French names for women

Traditionally, French female names have always been considered very beautiful. They are popular far outside France. Indeed, the French language caresses the ear with its pleasant nasal pronunciation.

This people gave the world the most beautiful female names, such as:

  • Adele is the giver of goodness;
  • Blanche is white;
  • Vivien is alive;
  • Brigitte is majestic;
  • Jacqueline - chasing;
  • Emmanuel - God is with us.

Hebrew names for women

The traditions of the Jewish people are closely related to Christian culture. European and Russian names come in part from Jewish culture. But there are also primordially national names.

The most beautiful:

Italian female names

Italians are extremely emotional and passionate people. This trait manifests itself in everything and even in names.

The most interesting of them:

  • Adriana is a resident of Adria;
  • Bianca is white;
  • Gabrriella is the power of God;
  • Ornella - flowering ash;
  • Lucretia is rich.

Tatar female names

Tatar names are in demand:

Swedish female names

Swedes often call girls by these names:

  • Agneta is chaste;
  • Botilda - battle;
  • Greta is a pearl;
  • Inger - body;
  • Frederica is a peaceful ruler.

Lithuanian female names

Names are popular in Lithuania:

  • Laima is the goddess of life;
  • Yumante is perceptive;
  • Saule - the sun;
  • Gintare is amber.

Greek female names

Beautiful Greek names:

Spanish female names

The Spanish people often call women by these names:

  • Dolores - sadness;
  • Carmen - dedicated to Our Lady of Carmel;
  • Pilar is a column;
  • Leticia - joy;
  • Consuela is tough.

Georgian female names

In Georgia, you can often hear such variants of names as:

  • Aliko is all-knowing;
  • Dariko is a gift from God;
  • Mgelia is a wolf;
  • Nani is a baby;
  • Salome is peaceful.

Turkish female names

Variants of names are popular in Turkey:

Armenian female names

In the corners of Armenia, you often hear the girls' names:

  • Anush is sweet;
  • Gayane - earthly;
  • Siranush - love;
  • Shushan - lily;
  • Eteri is ether.

Korean female names

In Korean villages, parents call their daughters:

  • Mi - beauty;
  • Jung is love;
  • Mei is a flower;
  • Kim - gold;
  • Yuong is brave.

Japanese female names

Interesting Japanese names:

Chinese names for women

Among the Japanese young ladies, you can hear the names:

  • Wenling - refined jade;
  • Jieying - household;
  • Xiu is graceful;
  • Meirong - self-control;
  • Xiangjiang is fragrant.

Scandinavian female names

Scandinavian girls are often called like this:

  • Asgerda - protection of the Gods;
  • Ingeborga - fertile;
  • Alva is an elf;
  • Astrid is divinely beautiful;
  • Brunhilde is militant.

Azerbaijani female names

Variants of such names can be heard among girls and women in Azerbaijan:

  • Aishe is alive;
  • Diamond is beautiful;
  • Billura - crystal;
  • Zulfiya - curly;
  • Leila - night.

Arabic female names

It is not uncommon for Arabs to refer to their babies with similar versions of their names:

  • Lamia - shine, shine;
  • Aziza is dear, valuable;
  • Fatima is the daughter of a prophet;
  • Daliya - grape wine;
  • Khalida is immortal.

Egyptian female names

The Egyptian population in its female part often has the following names:

Chechen female names

Interesting variants of Chechen names:

  • Amira is the leader;
  • Jamila is beautiful;
  • Nazira is equal;
  • Ruvaida - walking smoothly;
  • Salima is healthy.

Kazakh female names

Such names are popular in Kazakhstan:

  • Aigansha - moonlike;
  • Balbala is an intelligent child;
  • Dilara is the beloved;
  • Karlygash is a swallow;
  • Marzhan is a pearl.

Indian female names

Picturesque India is famous for such female names:

Uzbek female names

You will often come across such names in Uzbekistan:

  • Asmira is the first princess;
  • Guldasta - a bouquet of flowers;
  • Intisora ​​is a long-awaited one;
  • Olma is an apple;
  • Farhunda is happy.

Gypsy names for women

The perky gypsy people baptize their girls like this:

  • Mirela - delightful;
  • Lala is a tulip;
  • Luladja is the flower of life;
  • Esmeralda - emerald;
  • Jofranka is free.

At all times, parents, giving the name of their daughter, wanted to give her beauty, love, happiness, wealth, fertility, protection with him. This desire is reflected in the names of almost all the peoples of the world.

From this video you will learn modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare and unusual other female names, their list and meanings.

Interesting article. I would like to make some clarifications. About Georgian names. "Mgelika" ("wolf cub"), or "Mgelia" (wolf), is a non-baptismal, pagan name; now used in the form of "Gel"; it is a masculine name. Popular female names: Tamari, Nino, Ketevan, Khatuna, Khatia, Nateli ("light", a synonym for Svetlana), Mariami ... By the way, "Tamari" is "temple" in Georgian.

A beautiful name - Maayan ... I would say, although I am a grandmother, but brave))

Beautiful female names: foreign in Russian

There is a mystery in every female name, and in a beautiful female name there is a mystery. And how euphonious a name sounds in your native language when you understand its meaning without translation! That's why For the last 10 years, beautiful female names of Slavic origin have been fashionable in Russian.

Despite the prevalence of Slavic names, in Russian, names of foreign origin are more common... They appeared from different languages ​​of the world, as a result of the Christianization of Rus and cultural contacts with foreigners. The most beautiful female names of overseas origin identified after a worldwide survey. Among them were:

Beautiful American names: female

American female names are the "big pot" of a variety of unusual and rare names. American names have Native American, English, Dutch, French, Spanish, and even Russian origin.

American female names have a variety of origins.

But that's not all - Americans tend to experiment with names, so it's not surprising that this country has the most names derived from the names of movie heroines, cartoon characters, engineering devices, flowers and flowers. natural phenomena... We have compiled the top most popular US female names.

The most popular female names in the USA today are:

Sofia- (Sophia) WiseEmma- (Emma) Completed
Olivia-(Olivia) Oliva, peaceIsabel- (Isabella) Dedicated to God
Hannah- (Hannah) GraceMia- (Mia) The desired
Chloe- (Chloe) FreshMadison- (Madison) God's gift
Victoria-(Victoria) VictoryCheryl- (Cheryl) Expensive
Karina- (Karina) BelovedCaroline-(Caroline) Song of happiness
Gwyneth- (Gwyneth) HappinessTrixie- (Trixie) Happy
Beatrix- (Beatrix) Bringing happinessLana(Lana) Calm
Rosalyn- (Rosaleen) Small roseEllie- (Ellie) Shining
Nora- (Norah) LightLily- (Lily) Purity
Mabel- (Mabel) My beautifulEmily - (Emily) Diligent

Biblical female names that are common in the United States:

  1. Abigail - a name from the Old Testament, means "the joy of the father."
  2. Bethany Is a biblical name meaning "house of song".
  3. Charity - the name from the New Testament means "love, faith and hope."
  4. Elizabeth - Hebrew name meaning "oath to God."
  5. Faith - Greek name meaning "faithful."
  6. Judith - Latin name meaning "praise".
  7. Mary - the biblical name means “the desired child”.
  8. Naomi - Hebrew name means "beautiful, pleasant".
  9. Phoebe Is an American name meaning "shining."
  10. Tabitha - the biblical name from the Old Testament means "beauty, grace."
  11. Amity - friendship, harmony.
  12. Nadia - hope.
  13. Angelica - angelic.
  14. Irene - peace.
  15. Linnea - flower.
  16. Orianna - gold.

Pop culture has long influenced the names of Americans' children... Thanks to the hit HBO series Game of Thrones, the girl's name Arya (after the character Arya Stark) has become an eloquent one. And of course the names Elsa and Anna from popular cartoon Frozen are more popular than ever.

Game of Thrones' female character names have become very popular in the United States

See the most new names of girls in the USA, coming from the world of cinema:

  • Arya - Arya
  • Perla - Pearl
  • Catalina - Catalina
  • Elisa - Eliza
  • Raelynn - Relinne
  • Rosalie - Rosalie
  • Haven - Haven
  • Raelyn - Ralene
  • Briella - Briella
  • Marilyn - Marilyn.

The Pilgrims were the first settlers in America, and they had beautiful and meaningful names. Many of the American names come from pioneers and virtues., therefore, girls are named after them to this day. These beautiful female names are often used as the first or middle name, although they are over 500 years old:

  • Charity - charity
  • Chastity - chastity
  • Hope - hope
  • Justice - Justice
  • Mercy - mercy
  • Patience (Patience) - patience
  • Grace - courtesy
  • Virtue - virtue.

Beautiful English female names

Unlike in the US, in the UK, women's names are not eccentric. The British, Welsh, Scots, Irish and other peoples of the foggy Albion rely on tradition and euphony, which is ahead of the Americans. English female names may be popular in Britain but not popular in the United States.

In the UK, female names are of Celtic, Norman, Anglo-Saxon, Greek, French and Latin origins.

Beautiful female names from Great Britain, with their meanings:

  1. Ailsa Is a traditional Scottish name associated with a rocky island in the Firth Clyde called Ailsa craig.
  2. Alice - in England this name is at the peak of its popularity. Has a Germanic origin and means "noble, noble".
  3. Amelie - name French origin, became popular after the release of the film "Amelie". From French, Amelia is translated as "labor".
  4. Annabel - Scottish name that appeared in the XII century (derived from Amabel). Translated means "beloved."
  5. Arabella Is a very popular name in England, is of Latin origin, and means "to pray".
  6. Anwen Is a Welsh feminine name meaning "beautiful."
  7. Bronwen Is a common name in Wales. In Welsh mythology, this was the name of the daughter of the sea god Llyr.
  8. Bryony - translated means "to start up". The name is of Latin origin, literally this is the name of a wild flower with tenacious stalks. This feminine name is very common in Ireland.
  9. Catriona (Katrina) - Gaelic version of the name Katherine, translated as "clean". Popular Irish and Scottish name.
  10. Clementine Is the French equivalent of the Latin male name Clement. Translated as "soft, pretty".
  11. Cressida - name Greek origin, means "gold".
  12. Eilidh (Eilie) - Celtic female name, translated from Gaelic as "shining sun". It is believed to be the Scottish version of the name Helen.
  13. Eugenie (Yuzhny) Is the French equivalent of the Greek name Eugenia. Translated means "noble".
  14. Evie - derived from the name Eva, means "life".
  15. Flora - Latin name means "flower".
  16. Freya - a name of Norwegian origin, translated as "noble woman". Freya- also the name of the Scandinavian goddess of love. When the Normans arrived in Britain in the 8th century, the name came into use locally.
  17. Gwendolyn (Gwendolyn) - variant of the female Welsh name Gwendolen... In translation it means "white ring".
  18. Hermione - female name of Greek origin, derived from the male name Hermes(Greek god-messenger of Olympus). Translated as "messenger".
  19. Iris - also a name of Greek origin, translated as "rainbow". It is also the name of a beautiful flower that Englishwomen fell in love with.
  20. Jessamine - name of Persian origin derived from Jasmine, "Jasmine flower".
  21. Lettice - English version of the Latin name Letitia meaning joy.
  22. Matilda (Matilda) - female name of Germanic origin, translated as "powerful".
  23. Philippa (Philip) - the female equivalent of a male name Philip... It is translated from Greek as "loving horses".
  24. Rhiannon (Rhianon) Is a Welsh name meaning "divine queen". According to Celtic legend, birds Ryanon sang very beautifully, and the queen herself was famous for her wit.
  25. Ruby - a feminine name of Latin origin, and is translated as "dark red gem."
  26. Tamsin - English name derived from Thomasina... It means "twin" in translation.
  27. Zara (Zara) - the name has Arabic origin, it means “princess; blossom. " The name was first used by the playwright William Congrave in his play in 1697.

Beautiful Japanese names: female

Japanese beautiful female names often denote the positive qualities of a person or the forces of nature... The Japanese tradition of naming a child is complex, especially due to the thousands of characters (kanji) that are used in the spelling of names.

Japanese female names are written with hieroglyphs

Many kanji have an upper and lower reading, so it happens that different hieroglyphs can be read the same and translated differently. In addition, one hieroglyph can have more than one sound. Here n some kanji (highlighted phonetically) often used in names:

ai = love

hana = flower

hiro = hero, human, male

ichi = one

ji = two

ken = healthy

ko = child

mi = beauty

you = sun

Below are female Japanese names that are beautiful in sound and meaning. Several names have double meanings, representing kanji, which are usually combined to create that name. Beautiful female Japanese names:

  • Aimi - love + beauty;
  • Airi - love + jasmine;
  • Akemi - light + beauty;
  • Akira - bright + light;
  • Amarante - a flower that never fades away;
  • Aya - Colour;
  • Ayame - iris;
  • Chiyo (Chio) - a thousand generations (eternity);
  • Emiko (Emiko) - smiling child;
  • Hanako (Hanako) - flower + child;
  • Kaede - maple;
  • Kaida (Kaida) - little Dragon;
  • Kanon - flower + sound;
  • Kaori (Kaori) - aroma;
  • Kazuki (Kazuki) - One or Harmony + Radiance or Hope;
  • Kohana - small flower;
  • Maiko - dance + child;
  • Miya - increasing beauty;
  • Moriko (Moriko) - forest + child;
  • Rumi - beauty + flow + lapis lazuli;
  • Shiori - weaving + poem;
  • Suzume - sparrow;
  • Tama - precious stone;
  • Tsukiko (Tsukiko) - moon + child.

Beautiful female Muslim names

In recent decades, Muslim names have become common in the United States and many European countries... Despite millions of Muslim people living in the East and West, in the TOP-three of Muslim names are female names Aaliyah (Aliya), Layla (Leila), Lila (Leela).

Muslim female names are gaining popularity in the US and Europe

Modern Europeans and Americans wanted to replace traditional Latin, English, French, Greek beautiful female names with those that came from the Islamic world. List of the most popular and modern female Muslim names:

Alfia - translated from Arabic name means "close to Allah." A beautiful and fairly common female name in the CIS countries.

Amina - translated from Arabic means "faithful, reliable". This is a fashionable female name in any part of the world. Often this name is given to girls in Bosnia, and is in the Top 200 in Belgium, France, England and Wales.

Aziza (Aziza) - translated as "powerful, precious". Common name in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Fatima - one of the most famous Arabic names, last year it was received by more than 1000 american girls... It is an important name in Muslim culture as Fatima is the name of the youngest daughter of Muhammad.

Hadiya - translated from Arabic as "the one that shows the right path." The name fits well in a modern, multicultural society. The Hadiya are also an Ethiopian group that once controlled the kingdom of Hadiya.

Maryam - there are several variants of the origin of the name. In the Quran, this is the name of the mother of the prophet Isa (Miriam). From the Arabic language it is translated as "serving God", "pious".

Nazia - translated from Persian means "grace". It's Pakistani, Arabic and Indian name most common among Muslims. Nazia Iqbal and Nazia Hasan are two famous name holders, both Pakistani singers. Now it is easily assimilated in the USA, instead of the name Nadia.

Noor (Noor) - with names like Nora and Eleanor so trendy in the west, Noor could quickly become a replacement. It has roots in Dutch and Arabic and is extremely fashionable in both cultures. Noor is also the name of a city in Iran, and is often associated with Queen Noor of Jordan.

Senna - a rare two-digit name. This is the name of the tropical flower and the butterfly breed. Both the plant and the insect have yellow so it is fitting that Senna means "brightness."

Zaynab - is also a botanical name, like the name of one of the trees. The name Zainab is currently common in the United States. His Turkish form, Zeynep, is the most popular name women in Turkey.

Beautiful Tatar female names

Personal Tatar names have different shapes... Tatar female names are of general Altai, Bulgar, Old Turkic, Persian, Arabic, New Tatar, Western European origin. Some names have a mixed Tatar-Persian, Turkic-Tatar, Bulgar-Tatar origin.

Tatar female names have ancient origins

Tatar, indigenous and beautiful female names, their meaning:

  1. Aybibi - a female name of Turkic-Tararian origin, translated as "a woman who looks like the moon."
  2. Aybika - Bulgar-Tatar female name, comes from the name of the daughter of the Moon. It translates as "a girl who looks like the moon."
  3. Aigulem - abbreviated Aigul. Tatar-Persian name, translated as "moon flower".
  4. Ainura - Tatar-Arabic name, means "moonbeam".
  5. Alma Tatar name, means beautiful like an apple.
  6. Alsou - female Tatar name, means “ beautiful girl pink-cheeked ".
  7. Bika - the name has an ancient Turkic-Tararian origin, it is translated as "the wife of the master".
  8. Guzelia - Türkic-Tatar name, means "very beautiful".
  9. Dilyaram - Persian-Tatar name, translated as "consolation of my soul."
  10. Durfand - a modern Tatar name-neologism, means "pearl of science".
  11. Idelia - the name of the ancient Turkic-Tatar-Arabian origin, it is believed that this was the name of the Volga (Idel) river in ancient times.
  12. Ilbika - Tatar female name, translated as "daughter of the country."
  13. Ildana - Persian-Turkic-Tatar name, means "glory of the country".
  14. Ilnura Is an Arabic-Tatar name meaning "the radiance of the country."
  15. Ilsia - Tatar female name, translation - "beloved by the country."
  16. Ilfira - Tatar-Persian name, means "folk beauty".
  17. Qaderli - Tatar-Arabic "dear".
  18. Minleuz - female Tatar name, means "happy".
  19. Nurlynis - Arabic-Tatar-Persian name, means "radiant girl".
  20. Sulmas - Türkic-Tatar name meaning "unfading".
  21. Sylukai - Tatar name means "beauty".
  22. Sylunis - Arabic-Tatar name, translated as "the most beautiful among all women."
  23. Sulukhana - Türkic-Tatar name, translated as "beautiful and noble girl."
  24. Tanbika - female Tatar name, translated means "girl of the dawn."
  25. Tansu - the name has a Turkic-Tatar origin, it means "like a dawn".
  26. Tulganay - the name of the Tatar-Turkic etiology, translated as "full moon".
  27. Uralia - Turkic-Tatar name, comes from the name of the Ural Mountains.
  28. Urfia - Tatar name means "easy, sweet".
  29. Hanzifa - Türkic-Tatar-Persian name of a woman, translated as "stately, slender".
  30. Hansiyar - an ancient Türkic-Tatar name meaning "will be loved."
  31. Chia - Türkic-Tatar name, means "cherry".
  32. Chulpan - Türkic-Tatar name, translated as "star of the morning".
  33. Egenisa - an Arabic-Turkic-Tatar name meaning "a girl like pearls."
  34. Yulgiza - the Tatar-Persian name of a woman, translated as "one who will live a long time."
  35. Yazgul - Tatar-Persian name, translated means "spring flower".
  36. Yanabika - Türkic-Tatar name, means “newborn girl”.

Beautiful female names directly express in verbal form the mythological and cultural aspects of the country where they came from. Thanks to the name, an association about a person arises. And the beautiful name of a woman sounds like unique music, the melody of which is embedded in the pronunciation.

10 most unusual and beautiful female names in Russian, video: