Zhanna D ARK from Anime Biography. "I call you on God's judgment!"

Zhanna D ARK from Anime Biography.
Zhanna D ARK from Anime Biography. "I call you on God's judgment!"

The famous historical personality of Zhanna Dark, biography (brief history) of which begins in the distant XV century, is considered a symbol of freedom and masculinity. The girl was born in the village of Domremi around 1412 in the Jacques family d "ARC and his wife Isabella. In addition to Zhanna in the peasant family there were other children. Of all their brothers and sisters, the young heroine was most of all with his older sister Catherine, which subsequently came out Marry and soon died at a young age.

House D "Arkov stood in the center of the village, very close to the local church. Some time, Father Zhanna occupied the elected post of the dean of the community and, accordingly, the population of Domromi village appreciated him and respected. Many peasants listened to Jacques d" Arca as a prudent and wise man .

Zhanna Dark: brief biography for schoolchildren

What kind of child was Zhanna? The girl from the early childhood got used to feeling himself a member of the family of a dilapidated man and sought to fit the status of the Father. Young Jeanne helped her mother in the economy, studied to cook and with an emphasis he listened to parents' stories about the beautiful Verine, which will save their village. Throughout his life in Domrems, Zhanna saw the glow of numerous fires, the cries of the fellow villagers and sacred believed that the Orleans, the occasion of which was predicted for many centuries before, will liberate their native land. According to legend, belonged to the popular character of many legends and knightly stories. In all predictions and legends of the past centuries, Zhanna Dark was sacred. A brief biography for children includes key facts of a girl's biography. And these historical events are very reminded by the legends associated with the Orleans Virgin.

Zhanna Dark: Biography, summary

It is believed that the year of the birth of a young heroine is precisely 1412, however, in the document on the date of the saints, the date is indicated on January 6, 1409. She preferred to call himself "Jeanne Virgin" rather than Joan D "Ark. In the early years, young heroine in families were often called Jenetta.

At the age of 13, Zhanna heard the voice of Archangel Mikhail in his head, who ordered her to listen to his story and take his destiny. According to the revelation of Mikhail, it was Zhanna who was an Orleansian Virgin, and only she was under the power of the deposited Orleans, thus driven, thus all opponents.

When a girl was 17 years old, she went to the captain of the city without thought. At that time, they were recognized by the voculaler Bodrikur, who ridicked the story of a girl about that allegedly it should be to protect their native land. However, Zhanna did not give up and she took her second time in their ranks. The captain ordered several warriors to allocate her, after the girl predicted the defeat of the French under Orleans. Zhanna preferred to wear men's military clothes, arguing that it feels freer and stronger in it. Together with Jeanne at war, two of its best knights went - Jean de Metz and Bertrand de Pladurage.

Military actions

Truly the Great Heroine and Martyr Zhanna Dark, Biography, a brief history of military affairs of which, begins with the siege of Orleans, was a nobody famous to the peasant. According to historical data, in March 1429, the young heroine arrived at Dauphine, announcing that her fate was determined by the highest strength and predicted her victory. Therefore, she asked for an army in order to remove the siege from Orleans. All the present girl struck the extraordinary knowledge of military affairs and the subtleties of riding. DOFIN Karl fluctuated for a long time, but after a few days of thought agreed to allocate Zhanna army in exchange for the promise that it had to confirm its legitimate and appropriate rights to the throne by the highest forces. Pretty much of the population doubted that Karl was a legitimate heir that was not afraid to express in the open.

Further, after the order of the king, special armor began to be manufactured and equipment for such a warrior as Zhanna Dark. Biography, a brief history of the girl lies in the fact that throughout his life she defended her people, their lands and did everything for this in her power. Many historians she conquered his courage, courage and extraordinary faith in his victory.

Offensive in Orleans

The next paragraph during the hostilities was Blois, where Zhanna had already expected her army. The benefit of the news that their uprising is headed by the girl sent by the highest forces, instilled confidence and courage to warriors. Due to prolonged attacks for 4 days, a young heroine takes off the siege of Orleans. Many commanders of the time considered the mission to liberate Orleans from the British practically impracticable.

Military actions ceased until spring 1430. However, the royal courtesy nevalitated the young heroine and tried to configure the public against her. After a long time, they still managed it. Thanks to the actions of the cunning court Jeanne, the Arc was accused of betrayal, as a result, he was captured by the British, where it was sharpened in the tower Rouen.


The trial over the heroine was launched in the last days of February 1431. According to the documents, Zhanna D "ARK judged the local church, having put forward the accusation of heresy and false testimony about the highest forces. However, in custody, all the time of the girl imprisoned, it was detained by the British, as a prisoner of war. I did not hide my interest in the Heroine and Bishop of England. Just like the government itself. The Government of England fully paid all costs and expenses associated with the Orleans Virgin. Jeanne Dark, biography, whose brief life depended on the decision of the British, fought until the latter and believed in higher strength.

Interrogation and stay in captivity

Brief biography Zhanna Dark Dark for grade 6 includes materials relating to its imprisonment in the Rouran Tower and some interrogations. For all the time spent in captivity, over the girl were mocked in every way, beat and humiliated, thus showing their attitude towards her "false" prophecy. Most of the Population of England considered it a false witness and a traitor of his homeland.

Exchange Zhanna D "Ark

However, despite numerous torture and threats, Jeanne D "ARK did not break and did not recognize his guilt. The sentence is the death penalty - without recognizing guilt by the accused, I made a girl in the eyes of her people with a martyr. Since the young heroine was illiterate, the judges decided to resort to Deception, squanding to her signature documents allegedly about her liberation and return to their homeland. In fact, there was a certificate of full renunciation from her predictions and confessions of guilt. Thus, the girl herself signed the sentence.

On May 30, 1431, the girl was burned alive on the Square of the Old Market in Ruang. According to historical data, her ash was dispelled over Seine. Zhanna Dark, biography, the brief history of which was so early completed, is a symbol of courage for many of us.

Zhanna Dark is the most prominent figure in the entire history of the century of war (which was in 14-15 centuries between England and France). Despite the large number of publications about this intelligent and bold personality in its biography, there are a lot of inconsistencies. But no matter how it was not, it was Under her command, the French won several victories and, in the end, were driven by the British from their territory.


Zhanna was born in the village of Domremi in the family of wealthy peasants, except for her in the family there were also four children. Jeannet did not differ from his peers, grew up a cheerful, kind and responsive girl, willingly helped around the house, grazing his cattle, knew how to sew and straighten the flax. She did not go to school and i could not read or write. Since childhood was very devout Only only hearing the bell ringing, she knewed and began to pray.

Nutya Male dress, 16 year old girl went on the road. Upon arrival in place, the king arranged Zhanna check and after the young peasant woman withstood her, she was allocated a military squad.

Zhanna at war

Zhanna Dark was not an experienced warlord, but natural mind and observation helped her break the enemy near Orleans. The message about the removal of the siege from the city inspired the French, and they won a few more victories and freed the southwest of the country from the British.

A year later, the French under the command of Zhanna won in Poitiers. It freed the road, and dofin together with the army were able to join Reims. On July 17, 1429, Karl VII coronation took place, Jeanne was all this time next to him.

In September 1429, the French tried to free the Paris, but failed. During the battle, Jeannes wounded, and the king ordered his army to retreat.

Joan remained with a few detachment and still entered the city.

Captivity and execution of Saint Jeanne

The popularity of the Orleansian Virgin among the peasants grew up with each day that Karl VII was very scarecrow and his environment.
May 23, 1430, devoted to his compatriots, she captures burgundians. Two times Zhanna tried to escape, the second attempt was hardly worth her of her life: she jumped out of the window. Later, at the trial, she was accused of trying to suicide. The king did nothing to free the girl, although on the customs of the Middle Ages he could buy her.

Then burgundysa sold Zhanna British For 10 thousand livres that handed it with the clergy.

The lawsuit under the leadership of Pierre Soster began on February 21, 1431 and lasted for more than three months. Joan tried to blame in the heresy and in connection with the devil. By proving her guilt, the British could prove that Karl VII rules France illegally. But it was not easy to blame unlegant to blame. The court never managed to get recognition from her in the heresy.

Trying, breaking the will, the captives contained it in inhuman conditions, intimidated by torture, but she did not recognize their guilt. Then she was accused of not required by evidence - wearing men's clothing.

The rock knew that if he would bring a death sentence without proof of her guilt, then the crown of the Great Martyrs around her. Therefore, he went to meanness: the bonfire was built on the square and near him the bishop announced: it's worth Zhanna to sign the paper about renunciation from heresy, it raise it and fill in a church prison, where the conditions of detention are better.

However, another paper was shifted with an illiterate peasant in which it was written that she completely reversed from his delusions.

Joan was deceived and returned to prison for prisoners of war. Here she was torn off her female clothes, and the girl had to put on a male dress. This meant that Jeanne committed a crime again, and the court sentenced her to burn at the fire.

On May 30, 1431, the 19 year-old French heroine was executed in Ruang on the square of the old market, and the dust were dispelled over Seine.

By order of Karl VII through a quarter of a century after the execution of Saint Jeanne, another process took place. 115 witnesses were surveyed, who knew Zhanna Dark during his lifetime. With her removed all the accusations and recognized her feat.

In 1920, almost 5 centuries later, the Catholic Church ranked Orleans to face saints.

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The era of the Middle Ages was the time of men. The kings were war, changing the borders of the states, the holy fathers prayed for the souls and caught witches, the poets chased the valor of the knights and the beauty of the ladies, artisans and peasants worked and paid taxes. And women had to do "everything else" - to store the focus, to keep the farm, give birth and educate children, inspire and keep their virtue to feats. Of course, the ladies of high kind were more freedom and more opportunities to influence the course of history, and many of them brilliantly played not only chess, but also in politics. However, it is surprising that the most bright and mysterious female character of medieval history has become a simple French girl - Jeanne D "Ark.

Her appearance will forever remain a mystery - not a single "lifetime" image of the Larring Virgin has not been preserved - but it seems and does not matter for the descendants: for several centuries, it is painted by a young and beautiful warrior in shining armor, armed with only a banner and faith in his divine destiny . Where did she get the power to inspire and win? Why was her speech were equally convincing for the king and for ordinary soldiers? Why was the church first recognized her, and then condemned to death? Is it true "canonical" version of the history of Zhanna? The answers to these questions were lost in medieval archives, leaving people a beautiful legend and faith in a miracle.

On January 6, 1412 in the champagne village of Domremi in the family, a daughter was born in the family, and with baptism, the girl was ordered a simple name Zhanna. It was difficult times - it was the 75th year of the century of war in which France had lost its position and land after day. The Queen Mother, Isabella Bavarian, played in diplomatic intrigues, as a result of which her son Carl VII risked at all not to go to the French throne. The whole big and proud country was about to turn into English provinces.

Yes, France could only save a miracle. But so that it happened, it took time. For the time being, Zhanna did not differ from other village children - he played, helped parents, she studied to spin and manage with the farm. But when she turned twelve, she first heard Voices. Later, she wouldingly told the representatives of the Holy Church that Holy Catherine and Holy Margarita said with her, as well as Archangel Mikhail - the leader of heavenly military. Of course, they did not immediately encourage her to save to save fondant France - for this Zhanna was still too small. But she turned eighteen, and she suddenly persistently stood up on the road.

Her initial goal was the closest to the village the city of Voculaler, from where she intended to go on - to the court of the king. For the Middle Ages, it was almost impossible to do, but Jeanne did not confuse it. But it was disturbed by her parents who "from the sin of the way" decided to raise the daughter to marry as soon as possible, but they did not come out. Referring to the will of the "Higher Forces", Zhanna was inappropriate in his decision to leave the house. Vicker, Robert de Bodrikur, at first did not believe the obsessed peasant girl. But unexpectedly, Zhanna's speeches believed the inhabitants of the town, they believed so much that, without waiting for his lord's decisions, began to equip her, her hiking - on folk money was bought horse, road wear and armor. Maybe a long-standing prophecy has played his role that "France will destroy the evil woman alien, and will save the innocent young virgin." The queen mother with her intrigues was quite suitable for the first role, and Jeanne - for the second. And the governor of the city surrendered: a detachment was collected, which was supposed to send a Larring virgin to the king. Rustic girl has achieved his own and started his crusade on a century of war.

Royal Games

At this time, the young and unsuccessful King of Karl VII was in despondency and was almost ready to sign the capitulation. Of course, the coronation in Reims would save him, but the path was closed there: before it was necessary to remove the siege from another city - Orleans, who miraculously kept under the onslaught of the invaders and was the last stronghold of the French man.

The situation seemed hardly hopeless. And then the king reported to see him a strange girl to tell him something important. Carlo had nothing to lose, and he agreed to give an audience. But, wanting to check, "the Messenger of the Higher Forces", he planted on the throne instead of himself one of his nobles. However, the joke failed - the legend claims that Jeanne miraculously recognized Karl in the crowd of courtiers miraculously and, in addition, in a private conversation, something was told that forced him to immediately believe in her divine mission. However, being careful, he still prescribed the "test in Poitiers", where the fathers of the church for a long time and meticulously asked Zhanna to communicate with Holy. The girl honestly admitted that "does not distinguish" a "from" b ", but at the same time she managed to convince the clergy that her revelations go from God.

It was not easy and even dangerous, but then the church did not find anything heretical in it. Zhanna was recognized as honest and pious and received a blessing to go to Orleans. And the time of miracles and wins came - the long and hopeless siege of the city was hardly removed per week, the army's morale rose to unprecedented heights, and Karl VII was crowned in Reims, as the tradition required. In war, the fracture came. Zhanna led his own military, holding only a banner in his hands, which was made specifically for her, and the French army tried one victory after another.

It remained to conquer Paris. But suddenly the king as if he had changed his mind and took up diplomacy. And Jeanne suddenly remained not from affairs. She was present at the Royal Pirants, received the hereditary noble title du fox, but this was not at all her goal - the August honors were only upset her. She did not get tired to repel Karl, that you need to go to Paris as soon as possible. Perhaps she felt that the king would betray her.

Road to fire

The unsuccessful siege of Paris became for Zhanna d "Ark at the beginning of the end. King Carl, by this time already buried" paper war ", as if reluctantly agreed to storm the capital and the big troops did not give for this. In fact, he was deliberately observed his wonderful commander to defeat. And after failure, he would seem to be disappointed at all in Zhanna.

Charter from the court idleness, the Orleansian Virgo almost once removed in the city deposited by the British with a small detachment of people loyal to her. Here, they were waiting for military successes again, but, alas, it lasted for a short time - during one of the codes Zhanna came to captivity.

In those days, the exchange of prisoners of war was quite common, and if Karl wanted, he could easily rescue the Orleans, whom he was obliged to crown and resurrected country. But the king pretended that it does not concern him. Zhanna spent in the English book for the last year of his life, where she was supported only by the voices of her favorite saints. They encouraged her, promised that everything would come soon, and saved from despair.

In January 1431, the trial began, which lasted almost six months. Almost all materials of this consequence have survived to this day, and thanks to the carefully recorded protocols, we know the life of Zhanna almost everything from its own words, as well as from the testimony of witnesses. Now it may seem funny, but one of the main points of the prosecution was that the girl wore men's clothing. It would seem that the explanation for this is very simple: on the road and in a military camp is so more convenient, armor, so necessary in battle, can not be put on the dress. But the fathers of the Church would seek not to hear about it and were looking for devilish intent in the practical act. Eighteen times the investigation returned to her "votes" and prophetic visions, they, of course, were the main reason for the investigation. Joan asked many questions, and, just like on the test in Poitiers, the girl answered them simply and honestly. All attempts of investigators make the accused contradict themselves failed.

But this trial could not end with an exclusive verdict. On May 24, 1431, Jeanne D "Ark first read the indictment and were offered to renounce their heresy three times. She refused to do it three times. But during the reading of the death sentence, she suddenly changed her decision and said the renunciation formula. The execution was replaced by life imprisonment.

We all know that the history of the Orleans Virgin ended otherwise. Two days later, Zhanna announced that he rejected the fear of death, that she was "very regrets about himself and curses herself." The case of "a certain woman Zhanna, usually called the Virgin" was transferred to the secular authorities. In fact, it meant the death sentence and execution. According to the legend, Joan D "Ark burned in Ruang, on the square of the old market, May 30, 1431. According to historical documents, a new proceeding was scheduled, as a result of which all accusations with an amazing girl from Domremi were removed. After almost five centuries , In 1920, the Vatican officially recognized Zhanna d'Ark Holy.

And the princess lived for a long time and happily

And yet this amazing story, more like a fairy tale, it seems not so unequivocal. Already more than one century, many scientists are trying to disprove the canonical version of Zhanna's biography. Too incredible seems to be the fact that the rustic girl stood so easily at the head of the French army and led her to so many glorious victories. One of the most popular alternative versions of the biography of Zhanna D "ARK argues that it was illegitient royal origin and her" real "mother could hardly be almost Isabella Bavarian. It was the royal blood allowed the Virgin so easy to cope with the role of the commander and to become his own yard.

There is also a version (it also relies on special "related links) that Jeanne was not burned on the fire, and miraculously saved. And in a few years, in a few years she "returned to the world", married the nobleman on the name of Dez Armuaz and lived with him long and happily. And her former combat comrades and even the king himself have repeatedly visited Zhanna and communicated with her. And someone is at all sure that Jeanne Virgo is just a pseudonym taken "for a time" by Margarita de Shader, who, by the way, was also an extramarital royal daughter. So years go, and the disputes do not subside, and some researchers do not recognize the arguments of others. Too far from us the era of the Middle Ages, even the most genuine parchments are too unreliable - they are still powerless before the charm of the legend. And the white horse still takes Zhanna D "Ark to meet immortality, and her banner angelic wing beats in the wind.

Jeanne d "ARC (Jeanne D" ARC) (January 6, 1412, Domremi - May 30, 1431, Rouen), folk heroine of France.

Zhanna was born in the peasant family. Her childhood accounted for the period of century of war for France: according to the contract in True (May 21, 1420), the King of England Heinrich V became the heir to the French throne and the ruler of France, and the legal heir, Doughne, the future king of Karl VII from the Prepolyenya removed that in fact Meaning the accession of France to England. Solva accused Queen of France, Isabella Bavarian, in the fact that it was the initiator of this contract; The prophecy was distributed in the country: "The woman ruined France, her Virgo will save her." Around 1424, Zhanna began to visit visions: she was St. Michael Archangel, Saints Ekaterina and Margarita, convincing Jeanne to go to the legitimate king of Karl VII in the South of France who was neocked by the British southern France and save the country.

Mission Zhanna.
On March 6, 1429, Zhanna arrived in Shinon Castle, where Karl VII was located, and he told him that her "voices" was informed her: she was elected to God to remove the siege from Orleans, which blocking the British way to the south, and then bring the king in Reims The location of the coronation of the French kings. In the folk consciousness, only the Miropomanization Act was performed there by the Act of Miropomazania. Zhanna managed to convince Karl, and he sent her with the army in Orleans. By the time of arrival of it to this city (April 29, 1429), Solva already claimed that it was she - that Virgo that France would save. It inspired the army, and as a result of a number of battles in which Jeanne was attended, on May 8, 1429, the siege was removed. The removal of the siege and the series of victories of the French troops followed by the French, that God considers their business right and helps them. The trip taken after this trip to Reims turned into a triumphal procession of the royal army. On July 17, Karl VII crowned in Reims, and during the solemn act Jeanne held a banner over him. In August 1429, the French began to attack the Paris busy engaged in the British.
An attempt to take it was unsuccessful, and despite the insistence of Zhanna, the royal troops retreated. In the fall - in winter, 1429 and in the spring of 1430, Zhanna participated in a number of small shys with the enemy, and on May 23, 1430 came prisoner to the British.

Court and death.
She was transported to Rouen, and on January 9, 1431, she appeared inquisition before the court. She was accused of witchcraft and heresy: those subordinated to the British churchmen proceeded from the fact that the damage to Karl VII would damage, because in this case he will be a crowned troops and a witch. Zhanna defended himself with rare courage and resourcefulness, but on May 2, 1431, she was charged with witchcraft (the charges of heresy disappeared) and it was proposed to renounce the faith in the "voices" and from wearing men's clothing. Under the fear of death, she agreed to renunciation and on May 28, was sentenced to life imprisonment. However, in prison, she was hampered by men's clothing, which meant the recurrence of the crime and automatically led to death. Despite the obvious provocation, Jeanne stated that she wore a male dress voluntarily, which takes the renunciation back and regrets him. Two days later, she was burned alive on the market square Rouen.
In 1455-1456, the process of post-mortem rehabilitation Zhanna D "Ark was held in Bourget. On May 16, 1920, it was ranked by the Catholic Church to the Saints Family.

In the spring of 1430, military actions were resumed, but was sluggish. Zhanna was constantly put on the blades of royal courtes. In May, Joan comes to the help of a compinge, besieged by Burgundy. On May 23, as a result of betrayal (bridge was raised to the city, which cut off Zhanna the path for waste) Jeanne d'Ark was captured by Burgundians. King Carl, who was so much obliged to she, did nothing to save Jeanne. Soon for 10,000 Golden Livrov, Burgundy sold it to the British. In November - December 1430, Zhanna was transported to Rouen.

Process and condemnation
Inquisition process Zhanna D "Ark

The process began on February 21, 1431. Despite the fact that the church judged the church on charges of heresy, it was kept in prison protected by the British as a prisoner of war. He headed the Process Bishop Pierre Sostene, an ardent adherent of English interests in France.

The British government did not hide any involvement in the court over the Jeanne D'Ark, nor the meaning that it supposedly attached to this court. It took over all the costs associated with it. The preserved and published documents of the English Treasury in Normandy show that these expenses were considerable.

In the chronicles of Venetian freezing, it is said: "British burned Zhanna because of her success, for the French succeeded and seemed to succeed without end. The British said that if this girl perished, fate would not be more favorably to the Dauphine. " During the process, it turned out that it was not so accused to blame Jeanne - the girl was held at a trial with stunning courage and confidently denied the charges of heresy and intercourse with the devil, bypassing numerous traps.
Since it was not possible to make recognition from her in the heresy, the court began to concentrate on the facts where the voluntary recognition of Jeanne was not required - for example, on wearing men's clothing, neglecting the authority of the church, and also tried to prove that the voices that Jeanne had heard, proceeded from the devil. Contrary to the norms of the Church Court, Zhanna was not allowed to file an appeal of dad and ignored the conclusions of the process in Poitiers favorable for Jeanne.

In the hope of breaking the will of the prisoner, it contains it in terrible conditions, the English guards insult her, the Tribunal threatens her torture, but everything in vain - Jeanne refuses to conquer and recognize himself guilty. The rock understood that if he condemns Jeanne to death, without having achieved guilt from her, he only contributed to the emergence around her a halo of martyr. On May 24, he resorted to a frank belly - presented with the Uznice ready-made fire for her execution through the burning and already near the fire promised to translate her from English to a church prison, where a good care would be provided if she signs the paper about renunciation from the Yeresy and obedience to the Church. At the same time, paper with the text read by an illiterate girl was replaced by another, on which the text was on complete renunciation from all of his "delusions", on which Zhanna put the cross. Naturally, the cathedral did not think to fulfill his promise and again sent her to her former prison.

A few days later, under the pretext that Zhanna again put on men's clothing (the female was selected by force) and, thus, "fell into former errors" - the Tribunal sentenced her to death. On May 30, 1431, Zhanna d'Ark was burned alive on the square of the old market in Ruang. Zhanna's head was put on a paper miter with the inscription "Yeretchik, an expenditle, an idolatry" and led on the fire. "Bishop, I'm dying because of you. I call you on God's judgment! " - From the height of the fire shrink Zhanna and asked to give her a cross. The executioner handed it two crossed twigs. And when the fire covered it, she shouted several times: "Jesus!" Almost everyone cried from pity. Her ash was scattered over Seine.

Justification process
After the end of the war in Normandy in 1452, Karl VII ordered all the documents relating to the process over Zhanna, and to investigate its legality. The investigation studied the documents of the process, interviewed the remaining witnesses and unanimously concluded that, during the process, gross violations of the law were allowed. In 1455, Pope Kalikst III commanded a new process and appointed three representatives to observe him.

The court fell in Paris, Ruang and Orleans, also conducted an investigation into the native edges of Zhanna. Legs of Pope and the judges interrogated 115 witnesses, including the mother of Zhanna, her comrades in arms, ordinary residents of Orleans.

On July 7, 1456, the judges read the verdict, which stated that each point of charge against Joan was refuted by the testimony of witnesses. The first process was declared invalid, one copy of the protocols and the indictment was symbolically broken before the crowd of the crowd. Good name Zhanna was restored.

In 1909, Pope X proclaimed Zhanna Blessed, and on May 16, 1920, Pope Benedict XV canonize her (the day of memory - May 30). At the moment, in almost every Catholic Church in France, there is a statue of Saint Jeanne d'Ark. Orleans maiden is depicted in a male suit, with a sword in his hand.

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In the end, we note that we have submitted here a classic version of the origin and life of Zhanna D "Ark. At the moment, some French historians approve the noble pedigree girls without reason, and in addition, they prove that instead of her in the fire burned face, that allegedly and There were a lot of legends that Jeanne is alive. But, apparently, to open the truth will not succeed.

The date of birth Zhanna is considered to be 1412, however, in the decree of Pope x about the date of the virgin to the village of Saints, date is named January 6, 1409, which is most likely more believable.

"In my edge I was called Zhannetta ... I was born in the village of Domremi, which constitutes one with the village of Gres. In the sake of the main church ... My father is Jacob d" Ark, my mother is Isabelletta, on nickname Rome ...
I baptized me as far as I know, Missier Jean Mine, who was at that time a priest in Domremis ... My nickname - D "Ark or Rome - in my edge of a girl wearing a nickname of mother" ...

"On the square, He wrote Jean Michael," three peelings were erected. At one of them, the Royal and Archbishopian departments, the throne of Cardinal England, surrounded by the seats of his prelates. The second was intended for actors of the gloomy drama: a preacher, judges, Ballee and, finally, the most convicted. Separately seen a huge plastered platoon, littered with firewood. Nothing regretted nothing for the fire, he scared his height. It was done not only to give solemnity to the burning of the burning, but also with a certain goal: the executioner could only get the bottom to the fire located at high altitude, and to light it; Thus, he was not able to accelerate the execution of the execution, to do not end the convict, having relived it from the fiery torment, as usual did with others ... Jeanne had to burn alive. Having placed it on the top of a mountain of firewood, over the circles and swords, in sight of the entire area, it was possible to assume that, for a long time and slowly burned in front of the curious crowd, she will finally show some weakness, she will break out if not recognition, then at least incoherent words that are easy to interpret in the desired sense; Perhaps even quiet prayers or humiliated prayers about mercy, natural for the fallen spirit of a woman. "

On the execution of Zhanna, all of its torchings were attended - Sokyon, de Meter, Warwick, provocateur Louaser ... The Socon read a new decision of the "sacred" tribunal: "In the name of Lord Amen ... We, Pierre, God's Mercy Bishop Bevei, and Brother Jean de Meter, Vicar Doctor Jean Engraveran, the Inquisitor on the affairs of heresy ... We declare a fair sentence that you, Jeanne, the people referred to as the Virgin, are responsible in many delusions and crimes. We decide and declare that you, Jeanne, should be rejected by the unity of the church and cut off from her body as a harmful member, which can infect other members, and that you should be transferred to secular power ... We will we take you, compress and leave, asking for secular power Mitigate your verdict, having saved you from death and damage to members. " Inquisitors knew that their requests of this kind were rejected. Then, Zhanna handed over to the head of a paper miter with the inscription "Yeretichka, an expendance, an idolatry" and led to the fire. "Bishop, I'm dying because of you. I call you on God's judgment! " - Jeanne shouted from the height of the fire.

The chronicles note that during the execution of Jeanne Inquisitor Socially sobbed, perhaps he repented in perfect evil. Who knows..
Zhanna asked the executioner to give her a cross. The executioner, pouring the tears, handed it two crossed twigs and held her eyes before her, until Zhanna's body appealed to the dust.

Jeanne d'Ark on a fire inquisition ... | Inland.

October 16, 2011. How much time Zhanna d'Ark suffered on fire, no one knows, but eyewitnesses said that all the clothes burned before she died. According to doctors, this is the most terrible pain, which there may be a living organism.

The task of this article is to show how the tragic death of Jeanne d'Ark with the "scenario", laid down in its full name code.

Watch pre-"Logicology - about the fate of a person"

Consider the full name code tables. \\ If on your screen will be offset numbers and letters, put an image to match the scale.

Take a double code of the full name Zhanna d * Ark:

5 6 23 34 42 43 57 71 77 96 115 116 121 122 139 150 158 159 173 187 193 212 231 232
D * a r k a n n e t a + d * a r k a n n e t a
232 227 226 209 198 190 189 175 161 155 136 117 116 111 110 93 82 74 73 59 45 39 20 1

8 9 23 37 43 62 81 82 87 88 105 116 124 125 139 153 159 178 197 198 203 204 221 232
J and N E T T A D * A R K + F A N E T T A D * A R TO
232 224 223 209 195 189 170 151 150 145 144 127 116 108 107 93 79 73 54 35 34 29 28 1

Jeannetta d * Ark \u003d 116 \u003d Merities War \\ Lica \\.

116 \u003d hypoxia \u003d poisoning m / ozhead \\.

232 \u003d 116-death Wid \\ Lica \\ + 116 -... Lica.

232 \u003d 93-lesions + 139 brain.

139 - 93 \u003d 46 \u003d smoke.

232 \u003d 190-lesion of the head + 42 brain.

190 - 42 \u003d 148 \u003d dying from d \\ ym \\.

232 \u003d 190-dying from smoke + 42 -... yma.

81 \u003d from smoke
170 \u003d Cum from smoke

Birth date code: 01.01.1409. This \u003d 6 + 01 + 14 + 09 \u003d 30 \u003d Chad, hypi \\ oxia \\.

232 \u003d 30-chad + 202-death from carbon monoxide.

202 - 30 \u003d 172 \u003d fatal.

232 \u003d 30-chad + 202-deadly chad.

Date Date Code: 05/30/1431. This \u003d 30 + 05 + 14 + 31 \u003d 80 \u003d rebar \\ y \\, from smoke \\ a \\.

232 \u003d 80 + 152 Life is completed.

232 \u003d 80 Life for \\ top \\ + 152-life completed.

152 - 80 \u003d 72 \u003d smoke Ko \\ country.

The code of the full date of death \u003d 161-thirtieth of May + 45- \\ 14 + 31 \\ - (death code) \u003d 206.

206 \u003d choking \u003d oxygen hunger.

The number of the number of years of life \u003d 86-twenty + 9 to two \u003d 95 \u003d campfire gas.


What is the smoke from the fire or what is it?
bolshoyvopros.ru\u003e Questions / 1953059-chto ... ot-kostra ...
Smoke from the fire - a complex mixture of gases, vapors and aerosols, rising up due to the fact that the heated air is lighter than cold.

232 \u003d 95-twenty two + 137-life is completed \\ on \\.

137 - 95 \u003d 42 \u003d avgar.

We look at the column in the top table:

57 \u003d twentieth \\ b two \\ \u003d ... th two
189 \u003d 95-twenty two + 94 peril

189 - 57 \u003d 132 \u003d Care of life.

As we see - Jeanne actually immediately suffocated, before the languages \u200b\u200bof the flame appeared before her.

Each of us heard the legendary name Zhanna d'Ark, the folk heroine of France, a young girl who saved their homeland from the English invaders during the century of war.

The appearance of Zhanna on the political and military arena of those events marked up a new round in the fate of France, and it was really salvation for the country, otherwise who knows how the war could have ended between England and France, which lasted as many as 116 years.

Today we will talk about a fearless girl who managed to lead the French troops, instill in them the morale and bring France to victory.

And in France at this time, a centenary war was raised, which we talked in detail on our website.

In addition, poor France is literally spreading into parts by internecine wars between the Burgundians and Armagnac. It is here, then peasant uprisings are flared out there, which was just the country of the Paris-uprising led by Paris, Etienne Marselev and Jacqueria.

King Karl Vi Mad died, France under an agreement signed in Troita passed into the possession of England, and the real heir to the French throne, the future king of Karl VII is forced to hide.

These events were preceded by the appearance of Jeanne d'Ark, and she came as it was impossible on time.

A few words about folk heroine

It is believed that the birth date of Zhanna - 1412, although historians disagree in opinion. The girl was born in the village of Domremi, which was on the border of the provinces of Champagne and Lorraine. Some believe that she was born in the family of impoverished nobles, others argue that her parents were wealthy peasants.

Zhanna assured that at the age of 13 for the first time he heard the voices of Archangel Michael, as well as St. Catherine Alexandria and, according to Margarita Antioch, who from time to time were in her visible appearance. The girl argued that after some time they opened her that it was she, Jeanne, should remove the siege from Orleans, build Dofina to the throne and expel the English invaders from the kingdom.

Zhanna understood all the responsibility of the mission pinned on her. She was not afraid, and she was 16 years old, she went to the captain of the city of Rotere de Bodrikura and announced his mission there. Of course, it was ridiculed, Zhanna was forced to return to the village, but a year later she repeated his attempt. Captain Robert de Bodrikur, struck by her persistence, this time was more attentive and agreed to give her people to be able to go to the Dauphine. In addition, he supplied the girl with men's clothing - shaper, hook and highways. Zhanna to the end preferred to dress for this way, saying that in male clothes it will be easier for her and, while not to cause unhealthy attention from the soldiers.

Zhanna overcame the distance from Domremi to Chinon Castle (Residences Dofina Karl) in 11 days and 4 March 1429 Zhanna arrived in this castle. Dofin Karl took advantage of the fact that the girl wrote him in a letter, which will certainly recognize him. Karl arranged her check, putting on the throne of another person instead of himself, and himself got up in the crowd of courtiers. Nevertheless, Jeanne sustained this exam and recognized Karl. She declared a dofene that he was sent by the sky to liberate France from English domination and asked for troops in order to remove the siege of Orleans. In Tinone Zhanna, I am overwhelmed by Charles VII with his skill in horseback riding, perfect possession of weapons.

Joan of Arc

However, Dauphine Karl did not decrease immediately believe the young girl, he hesitated. At first, he ordered that experienced Matroni confirmed the virginity Zhanna, after that he sent it in Poitiers, where she had to pass the interrogation of theologians, and also sent the messengers to her homeland. After nothing was found, which might be defined by the reputation of Joan, Karl decided to convey to her by the command of the troops and appointed her commander-in-chief. Leading French military leaders had to go under her command. The decisive role in such a bold decision was played by the fact that Zhanna named God confirmed Karl his legitimate and the right to the throne, in which many doubted, including Charles himself.

Zhanna - Talented military leader

After Jeanne was appointed commander-in-chief, armor, banner and chorugwee manufactured for her. The sword for her was found in the Saint Catherine de Fjerbuy church on the command of the Jeanne itself. According to legend, this sword belonged to Karl himself.

At the head of the army, she spoke to Orleans. The news that the army was headed by the messenger of God, inspired the soldiers and caused an extraordinary moral rise in the army. The bosses and soldiers who were tired of endless defeats, who have lost hope, again found courage and hope.

On April 29, Zhanna with a small detachment penetrates the city of Orleans. And at the beginning of May, her army won the first victory by taking Bastion Saint-Lou. Victory followed one after another, and soon the British are forced to remove the siege from the city. Thus, the task that other French military leaders considered impracticable, Jeanne d'Ark for just a few days.

After the victory near Orleans, Joan called "Orleansian Virgin" ( lAPucelle.d 'Orléans.). Day May 8 (the day of removal of siege from the city) to this day is celebrated every year in Orleans, as the main holiday of the city. In the next few days of June, Zhanna wins one victory after another.

Zhanna went to Datherine and convinced him to go to the world-formation in Reims, that is, to be crowned into the French throne. On July 17, Karl was solemnly worldmasan in the Reims Cathedral in the presence of Zhanna d'Ark, it caused an extraordinary surge of the National Spirit in the country. The French were adequate, they saw their hope in Zhanna.

Zhanna on the battlefield

After the coronation, the girl urged Karl to start an offensive to Paris, especially since the situation was confused, but Karl hesitated. Attack on the capital of France was undertaken only in September, but Karl gave an order to divert the army to Loire, and on September 21, the army was dissolved.

In the spring of 1430, military actions on the attack on Paris were resumed, but sluggish passed. Jeanne constantly put the obstacles royal courtes. In May, Joan comes to the help of the compilation, besieged by Burgundians. On May 23, as a result of treacherous betrayal (the bridge was raised to the city, which was cut off Zhanna and her army for waste) Jeanne d'Ark was taken captive by Burgundians. King Karl, who was so much obliged to her, did nothing to save Jeanne; He hesitated again, frightened consequences. Burgundysa sold Zhanna British for 10,000 gold livra. In November-December 1430, Zhanna was transported to the city of Rouen in Normandy.

False accusation

Of course, a young girl, who managed to win so much victories and instill in the fighting spirit of courage to the French hearts, caused hatred and fear of enemies.

Formally, Zhanna judged the church on charges of heresy, but despite this, it was kept in prison under the guarantee of the British as a prisoner of war. The trial of the trial was headed by Bishop Pierre Sostene, an ardent adherent of English interests in France (traitors were among their own).

Joan was thrown into prison, where they contained in terrible conditions, it were roughly treated with her, and the English guards insulted her. Joan tried to make a confession from heresy and communication with the devil. Since the girl courageously and persistently denied all the accusations, the judges resorted to the facts where the voluntary recognition of Jeanne was not required: she was accused of carrying men's clothing and neglect the authority of the church.

The folk heroine Zhanna d'Ark was sentenced to burning at the fire alive. On May 30, 1431, the sentence was carried out. The girl's head was put on Mitra with the inscription "Hellochka, an expenditory, idolatry" and led to the fire. From the height of the fire Zhanna shouted: "Bishop, I'm dying because of you! I call you on God's court! " She asked to give her a cross, the executioner handed her two crossed twigs. The fire covered Zhanna, she shouted "Jesus!", All cried from pity. The ashes of the People's Savior was scattered above Seine.

After execution

After the death of Zhanna France did not calm down, the French militia continued to drive the British from his land. France continued to win the victory and liberate their cities and provinces from the enemy. In 1453, the French took Bordeaux, it was the end of the century war.

After the end of the war, King Carl VII engaged in the process of rehabilitation Zhanna. Her thing was revised and in court there were many gross mistakes. The trial process of the girl was declared invalid, and the good name Zhanna was restored.

Jeanne d'Ark today

The name of the folk heroine is not forgotten, it remains in the hearts of people to this day, it inspires artists, directories, writers, even ordinary inaders.

Every year on May 8 in France, "Jeanne D'Ark Day" is celebrated. In honor of the folk heroine, the asteroid (127) Zhanna, who was discovered in 1872. The name of the national heroine is called the French cruiser-helicopter monitor "Zhanna d'Ark", which was laid on the water in 1964.

In the literature about her wrote works Schiller, Mark Twain, Anatole France and others. In music, Zhanna devoted entire symphonies and rock opera various composers and musical groups. In the painting, the image of Zhanna occurs in Gauguen, Rubens, Engra. Zhanna - the heroine of cinema, cartoons, anime and even computer games.