"And why was the fate throw me into a peaceful circle of honest smugglers?" (According to M.Yu.Lermontov Taman from the novel "Hero of our time"). Lesson "Pechorin and smugglers" who is in the story of Taman honest smuggling

"And why was the fate throw me into a peaceful circle of honest smugglers?" (According to M.Yu.Lermontov Taman from the novel "Hero of our time"). Lesson "Pechorin and smugglers" who is in the story of Taman honest smuggling

From the history of the work on the "Hero of Our Time", it is known that all chapters that make up the novel were created as separate works, were originally not related to the general intent. Researchers determine the genre of "Tamani" as a novel or essay-novel. Remember the genre signs of the novels that distinguish it from a story or a story. Is it possible to consider Taman Novella? Give a detailed answer.

Novel has a sharp, often the paradoxical plot, the deposit of the composition, an unexpected junction. Taman is legitimate to refer to the novel, since there are named signs in it. So, for example, the beginning "Taman is the most bad town of all seaside cities of Russia. I almost died there from hunger, and even in addition I wanted to drown me. "It is characteristic of the novel, since it is concentrated on all its content. Further narrative not only does not add anything new to the events scheduled here, but one of them even discards ("I almost died with hunger") so that all attention to focus on the other ("I wanted to drown"). Completely unexpectedly, Pechorin turns out to be a witness to witness the strange classes of the home and decides to find a randering. And this curiosity of the hero led to a new, unexpected story development of the novel. The romantic relations of Pechorina with Undina, the romantic relationship in the boat acquired a completely unexpected continuation for the reader. The girl tried to eliminate Pecherin as a witness of their smuggling classes. And the possibility of developing a love plot was completely excluded. Special acute and tensions characteristic of the novel, the scene of the struggle in the boat is distinguished.

Pechistan solved the secret of smugglers, but he became sad from this solution - he destroyed the life of honest smugglers. The ending of themella also seems to us unexpected, but arising from the character of the character of the character of the hero. Actively and persistently trying to find out what Yankko do, Ondin, a blind boy, he suddenly lost interest in their lives and completed the entry of the phrase: "Yes, and what I care about joys and disasters of human, me, a wandering officer, and even with a treated Need! "

The most famous Russian linguist Academician V. V. Vinogradov, inenerly engaged in the study of the language and style of artistic works, considered Taman the border genome of "Robbing Novels" and travel notes.

How do you evaluate the behavior and personal qualities of the hero?

Pechorin - a contradictory man. He dare, brave, creates a risk situation. He will even brare his courage and faith in rock. In Taman, he was in the power of an unconscious impulse and acted impulsively. He needed to reveal the secret of smugglers, and he in his risk goes to a direct conversation with Undine and even threatens to convey the commander of the city. At the same time, he does not mind to start and a banal novel with a girl from a simple people and is trusting and imprudent. Security measures adopted by them are weak and inactive. However, Pechorin himself understands that his role in the lives of people with whom it is found, mostly negative. The surrounding life in Taman seems to him boring, uninteresting, and he begins to unwind a dangerous game to make this life brighter, more interesting. However, his intentions, actions - and he himself understands this - according to its result, it turns out to be small and insignificant. In this, the essence of the contradictions of the character of a smart, ironic, gifted, volitional, bold and risky officer Gregory Alexandrovich Pechorina.

Is it possible to blame Pechorin in the fact that he destroyed the life of "honest smugglers"?

He himself made this conclusion after he heard the Scene of the goodbye Janko with a blind boy. I cried blind, remaining without a means of existence, the fate of the old woman left, should look for new ways to earn money on Yanko's life.

The work of the "Hero of Our Time" in literature is considered a realistic socio-psychological novel. Is this an approval of the whole attribution to the "Taman" novel? What socio-psychological problems are delivered in it?

Taman is more like a novel, combining a romantic and realistic start. One of the leading socio-psychological problems of the whole novel, and Tamani in particular, this is the problem of the moral responsibility of a person for their actions and the choice of a life path, for their destiny. Another issue of Novella is the life of a "natural" person and a contradiction between the world of "natural people", in this case, smugglers, and the people of civilized world, which Pechorin represents. The struggle of these two began in man manifests itself in the behavior of Pechorin, constituting his internal contradictions.

The head "Taman" entered the "Journal of Pechorina". Restoring the chronological sequence of events from the lives of Pechorin, you should begin reading the novel "Hero of our time" with the story "Taman", where Pechorin talks about the case that happened to him when he first came from St. Petersburg to the Caucasus. Then the story of "Princess Mary", where Pechorin talks about the events in which he participated, having arrived on the water in Pyatigorsk. Then the story of "Bal", the events of which occur in the fortress, where Pechorin was exiled for a duel with a pearshnitsky.

From the Fortress, Pechistan was leaving for a while in the Cossack Stanitsa and witnessed history with the officer of the Flyer, described in the "Fatalist" novel. Then goes for five years. Pechorin, having resigned, lives in St. Petersburg and, again, rushing, rides in Persia. On the way, he meets with Maxim Maxim. Their meeting is described in the story "Maxim Maximach". From a brief preface to "Pechorina magazine" we learn that, returning from Persia, Pechorin died. Lermontov retreated from such a chronology and built a novel composition in such a way that at first we learn about Pechorin from the stories about him Maximich and the passage officer, and then from the "Pechorin Journal" diary. Thus, the character of Pechorin is revealed in various situations, in a collision with other characteristics of the novel. And every time some new edge of the complex and rich nature of Pechorin opens.

Taman is the third in order of the story. With its problem and the character of the environment of the hero, as it continues "Bal" and is an episode entry from the past. The story is conducted from the first person (Pechorina). Describing the episode from the life of smugglers, Pechorin about their thoughts and experiences does not say anything. Its attention is focused on the show of the events themselves, their participants, settings. Create a mysterious and romantic mood story helps a landscape. With amazing skill, Lermontov describes a restless sea, the moon, clouds. "The coast of the cliff went down to the sea almost at her very walls, and the dark blue waves were splashing at the bottom with a continuous rumble. The moon looked quietly on a restless, but submissive her element, and I could distinguish with the light of her, far from the coast, two ships, "Pechorin writes. There is a situation of mystery and unknown around it. Night, reed roof and white walls of a new dwelling, meeting with a blind boy - all this is so amazing Pecherin's imagination that he cannot sleep for a long time in a new place. Much in the behavior of the boy seems incomprehensible and mysterious: as the blind is so easily descended along a narrow steep path, as it feels a man's eyes. An unpleasant impression on Pechorin produces his barely notable smile. Curiosity of Pechorin is spurred and the actions of the boy. One, among the night, with some node, he descends to the sea. Pechorin began to watch him, hiding behind the harrowing rock. He saw how the white female figure approached him and spoke to him. From the conversation it became clear that they were waiting for Yanko, who should sail on the boat along the stormy sea, bypassing the coastal watchmen. He delivered some cargo on the boat. Taking each in the node, they started along the shore and disappeared from the view.

What kind of people live on the shore? What kind of riddles are their unusual behavior? These questions do not give peace of Pechorin, and he boldly invades the uncharted, boldly rushing towards danger. Pechorin meets the old woman and her daughter. Hearing the song, Pechorin raised his eyes and saw a girl on the roof of the roof in a striped dress, with loose braids, a real mermaid. Subsequently, he nickned her Undine. It was unusually good: "The extraordinary flexibility of the mill, special, it is only characteristic of the head of the head, long blond hair, some kind of golden chilling of her slightly tanned skin on the neck and shoulders and especially the right nose - all this was challenged for me." Speaking with this girl, Pechorin told about the night scene on the shore, whose witness he became, and threatened to convey the commandant about everything. It was a big negligence on his side, and he soon repented. The poetic girl - "Undina", "True Mermaid" - insidiously lures Pechorin to a trap, hinting for love: "She jumped up, wrapped my neck, and the wet, the fiery kiss sounded on my lips. In the eyes darkened, the head was spinning, I squeezed her in my arms with all the power of youthful passion ... "Undine appointed Pechorin a date on the shore. Forgetting about caution, Pechorin sits in a boat. Saving from the shore for some distance, the girl hugged Pechorin, who dismissed the gun and thrown overboard. Pechorin realized that he could die, because he did not know how to swim. It gave him strength, and the short fight ended in that he threw it into the waves. Hope for love turned out to be deceived, the date was over the violent struggle for life. All this causes the anger of Pechorina, affected because of his naivety and gullibility. But, in spite of everything, he managed to reveal the mystery of "peaceful smugglers." It brings a frustration to the hero: "And why was the fate to throw me into a peaceful circle of honest smugglers? As a stone, thrown into a smooth source, I alarmed their calm and, like a stone, almost went to the bottom. " Returning, Pechorin discovers that in the bag blind, taken ashore his things - a box, a checker with a silver rim, Dagestan dagger - a friend of a friend. "Wouldn't it be funny to complain to the authorities that the blind boy was robbed me, and an eighteen-year-old girl almost drowned?" In the morning, Pechorin leaves for Gelendzhik.

Pechorin understands that he made a mistake, invading these people, and blame himself for the invasion of their circle, which violated life. Yanko and girl leave, leaving a boy and an old woman without a means of life. Pechorin is recognized: "What happened to the old woman and with the poor blind - I do not know. Yes, and what a matter to me to the joys and disasters of human, me, a wandering officer, and even with a kind of treasonal need. "

Taman strikes the workshop of the characters of heroes. The image of a smuggling girl is truly romantic. For this girl is characteristic of the fancy mood variability, "rapid transitions from the greatest concern to complete motionlessness." Her speeches are mysterious and shaped close to folk proverbs and sayings; Her songs resembling folk, talk about her desire for a violent wild. It has a lot of vitality, courage, determination, poetry "wild freedom." Rich, peculiar nature, full of mystery, it as if the nature itself is created for free, full risk of life it leads. No less color is the image of the boaster Yanko, discharged by pie, but bright strokes. He is determined and fearless, not afraid of storms. Having learned about the danger threatening him, he leaves her native places to search for fishing elsewhere: "... and I'm a road wherever the wind blows and the sea is noise!" But at the same time, Janko shows cruelty and misfortune, leaving a blind boy on the shore with several coins. Pechistan's personality is complemented by such qualities that are manifested in minutes of danger: this is courage, determination, willingness to go towards risk, willpower.

At the end of the story, Pechorin peers in a white sail, which flashed between dark waves in the light of the month. This symbolic image resembles one of the most amazing on the beauty and the deepends on the thought of Lermontov poems - "White Sail Lonely ...". The same rebellious, restless was the life of the main character - Pechorin.

The smuggler cannot be honest, because he is engaged in illegal actions. Why does Pechorin call smugglers honest? The answer can be found in the chapter "Taman".

Gregory admits that he becomes sad at the end of the description of the story with him in Taman. Pechorin sees how the remaining blind boy is crying. Yanko and Undin are carried away by the distance of the sea. For his work and devotion, the boy received a coin on a gingerbread. The reader is sorry for the blind, scary for Undin, insulting for Pechorin.

Grigory himself understands what he committed. It compares himself with a stone thrown into a smooth source. The epithet is smooth correlated with clean, calm. Smugglers are engaged in their business to survive. Their kojoy housing proves poverty and poverty. "Mirny Circle" consists of several people, they all cause only pity.

You can condemn Janko, but also his fate is unquestless: not everyone can rush in a rare sea. What will be with the old woman and blind, where they will find their feed?

Honest smugglers of the "Hero of our time", honesty, in this case, is care. Janko and Ondin tried to alleviate the fate of the disadvantaged. Pechorin interferes with their life and causes smugglers to leave the city chosen for life. They will cope and will be able to find a new refuge, and the blind boy is unlikely to meet the same friends. The only way to be full is broken down by the stone of the human soul, occupied by the search for entertainment for his mind.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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help students analyze the third chapter of Roman M.Yu.Lermontova "Hero of our time"

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How many status include the novel "Hero of our time"? Features of the composition and genre of Roman M.Yu.Lermontova "Hero of Our Time" Is the described events develop? What is the feature of the composition of the novel? What problem is subordinate to the disturbed chronology of the novel? What is the innovation of the novel M.Yu.Lermontov?

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Take the story of Lermontov "Taman" - you can't find words that could be thrown or insert; All of it starts to the end, he sounds one harmonious chord; What a wonderful language ...! D.V. Grigorovich Tale M.Yu.Lermontova "Taman"

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M.Yu.Lermontova Taman's story The story of Lermontov Taman was first printed in 1840 in the second issue of the eighth volume of the journal "Patrican Notes" Who is a teller in the story "Taman"? Narrator - Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin. We read the Journal of Pechorin - a personal record of a personal character in which a person knowing that they will not be known to others can express not only external events, but also internal, hidden from all the movements of their soul. Pechorin was confident that he writes "this magazine ... for myself", so it is so open in their description.

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Tales M.Yu.Lermontova "Taman" Changing the storyteller Pechorin Maxim Maximach considers events as if in a turned binoculars and shows a general plan of events. As the story of Pechorin has the greatest advantages, because It doesn't just know more than others about himself, but it is capable of comprehending his thoughts, feelings and actions officer-storyteller brings the events, translates from a general plan to a more enlarged, but he knows little

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"Taman -Shven Gorodishko from all seaside cities of Russia. I haven't died there a little bit away from hunger, and even in addition I wanted to drown me "Taman M.Yu.Lermontov's story in what condition is Pechorin, having arrived in Taman? What will an ordinary person do in minutes of extreme physical fatigue? What makes Pechorin, hitting the "bad" place? Why? Late night began to demand three nights did not sleep Hello began to be angry Pechorin lay out things ... (?) Inspect the pier .. (?) It stands for a long time on the shore .. (?) It turns out about people .. (?) Talks to the boy .. (?) Takes a weapon .. (?)

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Finding into an unfamiliar situation and emergency situations, Pechorin allows mistakes and miscalculations. What kind? How does it come out of difficult? What features of Pechorin's personality are manifested in history with "peaceful smugglers"? Show the exceptional peopling observation, for example, with respect to the blind boy and the girl. What conclusion comes the hero at the end of the story? How does it characterize it? Tale M.Yu.Lermontova "Taman"

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What features of character shows Pechorin in Tamani? Tales M.Yu.Lermontova "Taman" First meeting with a blind boy Monitoring the girl and the first conversation with her scene of "charming" Pechorina Undine Observation of the meeting of the blind and Janko interest in man Interest in the unusual "Youthful Passion" mysterious determination, courage actively makes you go on a date the ability to compare someone else's grief

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Two Worlds: Pechorin and smugglers The story M.Yu.Lermontova "Taman" Pechorin and smugglers unites the mystery and the desire for it. Watching a crying boy, Pechorin understands that he is also alone as blind orphans. He has a feeling of unity of feelings, experiences, fate. And Pechorin, and other characters are not perfect. All of them are infected with vices and passions. But Pechorin is not able to penetrate the environment of ordinary people. Here he loses his intellectual advantages of a civilized person, he is alien to the natural world and life, full of dangers.

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"Yes, and what do I care about joys and disasters of human? ..", "the Pechorin is exclaimed ... Indeed, the activity of Pechorin is directed only on himself, it does not have a high goal, it is simply curious. The hero is looking for a real action, but finds him like, the game he annudits himself for the fact that, invading people, does not bring them joy, he is stranger in this world. Tales M.Yu.Lermontova "Taman" activity aimed at itself, and whether activity for a great goal?

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How do you belong to the "unclean" place in the city? Why does Pechorina, it does not push, does not scare, but it turns? Who in the story "challenges" Pechorina? What is the secret here? Why Pechorin speaks about the blind and "Undine" seen at night, but says nothing to his twin? I solved firmly to get the key to this riddle "... Tale M.Yu.Lermontova" Taman "

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"And why was the fate throw me into a peaceful circle of honest smugglers?" Like a stone, thrown into a smooth source, I alarmed their calm, and how the stone hardly did not go to the bottom! " The hero understands perfectly that rudely invaded in someone else's life, violated her calm, slow flow, brought unhappiness to people. Thus, Pechorin clearly realizes its role in the fate of other people. Thoughts about this are disturbing him constantly, but in this story they were expressed for the first time. In addition, the moral result of these reflections is important. Pechorin confirms the guessed about his full indifference to unhappiness of other people: he does not see his personal guilt in what happened, shifting all the responsibility of fate. Tale M.Yu.Lermontova "Taman" and again boredom, indifference, disappointment ...

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Pechorin and Past Pechorin does not want to remember the past. A lonely, sad, angry with misfortunes, he wants only one - so that he was left alone, did not torment the memories, hopes. Of course, he remembers everything and suffers from memories. Pechorin runs not from Maxim Maximich, but from his memories. The past seems to him unworthy attention. And although he writes that his diary will be a "precious memory" for him, in the present it is indifferent to the fate of his records. Pechorin and the present manner of the behavior of Pechorina draws a man depressed, nothing waiting for life. Meeting with Maxim MaxiMech emphasizes the abyss between them - between a simple person and nobleman. In addition, boredom inherent in Pechorin may indicate some of his indifference to the real life. His life does not have a goal, he does not see the exit in any present, in no future. In this, as in many other things, Pechorin is typical for its time. Tale M.Yu.Lermontova "Taman" Pechorin and time

Abstract lesson in literature in the 9th grade "Pechorin and smugglers"

During the classes

1. Vesering part of the lesson.

The word teacher : We continue to learn Roman M.Yu.Lermontov "Hero of our time." In previous lessons, we analyzed the story "Bal", "Maxim Maximach". We saw Pechorin in a collision with "Dicarka" with Bala, Mount Azamat and Kazbich, with "good" Maxim Maximychev. Lermontov shows that Pechorin exceeds them, is able to subordinate them to their will, or it is morally their noble

What is the difference between the story in Tamani from the narration in "Bale" and "Maxim Maximi"?

(In "Bale" about Pechorin, he says not far away, Major Maxim Maximych, and in the story "Maxim Maximach" - a wandering officer-objectively, sympathetically), and the tragic confession of the hero begins to sound in Tamani.

Our task: Analyze the story "Taman", understand the inner world of the hero, who here is a narrator, find an explanation to his actions, the feelings that they own, and answer at the end of the lesson to the question:

Why did Pecherin so passionately wanted and could not enter into the circle of smugglers?

2. Euristic conversation:

(Yes. Dynamic plot. It looks like a detective story.)

Why was Pechorin in Tamani?

(Goes to the current squad according to a stateless need). Rides not in his will, but according to a stateless need.

Why does Pechorin writes: "Taman is the most bad town of all seaside towns of Russia"? Is there a detailed description of this town?

(No. Only casual is mentioned about dirty alleys and dilapidated fences).

(And the epithet "bad", probably reflects the attitude of Pecherin to the events that occurred in this place.)

And what are these events? How does Pechorin write about it in his diary? Clean.

(1. "I almost died there with hunger, and even in addition I wanted to drown me."

(2. "... a blind boy robbed me, and a 18-year-old girl did not sleep a little bit")

Thus, the heroes calls two main participants of the rawlist drama: blind boy and girl.

Is Li Taman really - "Spruce Gorodishko"? Read expressive landscapes. Mark the central images of these descriptions. What do they attach a story? What can be said about Pechorin?

(Moon, month, clouds, restless sea. This is the forces filling the life of the night. Landscapes give the story to romanticism and mystery. Pechorin sees the beauty of nature and likes nature).

How do you belong to the "unclean" place in the city?

(With prejudice, with fear, people are afraid: there are "people unkind")

And why does Pecherina does not push, does not frighten the "unclean" place, and entails? Why do people attack him in this place?

3. Group work. People living on the seashore, the attitude of Pecherin to them.

Tasks 1-2 groups. Talk about the old woman and blind boy.

    Orally draw portraits of heroes at the moment when Pechorin looks at them.

    What is the original attitude of Pechorin to the blind boy and old women7

    How does Pecherin's attitude change to these characters during the story?

Tasks 3-4 groups. Talk about Janko and Undines.

    Orally draw portraits of heroes at the moment when Pechorin looks at them.

    What is the initial attitude of Pecherin to January and Undines?

    Prepare expressive reading on the roles of the dialogue of the blind and the girl when they are waiting for Yanko on the seashore.

    Why did this "real" mermaid seemed to be "charming, although" was far from a beauty "?

    How does her appearance change in a boat when she wants to drown Pechorin? Motivate the choice of comparisons "... She, as a snake, slipped between my hands," "she, like a cat, clung to my clothes" ... ".

    How did Pecherin's attitude changed to these characters during the story?

4. Speeches of groups.


    Blind boy first caused the prejudice of Pechorin. He made his dexterity to suspect in preliminary blindness. At the end of the story, Pechorin calls him "poor blind" and showed it in a sincere grief.

    Janko appears strong and fearless in the night when Pechorin with the "unwilling heartbeat" watches the "brave swimmer". At the end of the story, Janko turned out to be mercilessly cruel to the boy, an old woman. He retreats before the threat of a possible, as Ondina thinks, denuncia to the authorities. Sorrowless comments Yankko about paying for the works, about the place where rich goods are hidden, his stupidity in the award is blindly dispelled by the legendary idea of \u200b\u200bthe "violent head" for a very sensitive life, harsh and even prose, although not devoid of attractiveness, strength and courage.

    Undine. First, a very sincere and passionate feeling of Janko. The image of a girl - smugglers is truly romantic. For this girl is characterized by the changeability of moods, "fast transitions to complete motionlessness", "she briefly peered into the distance, he laughed and reasoned with himself, then the song flew again." Her speeches are mysterious, and in shape close to folk proverbs and sayings; Her songs resembling folk, speaking of her desire for will. In Undines, there are many vitality, courage, determination, poetry "wild freedom." Rich, peculiar nature, full of mystery, it as if the nature itself is created for free, full risk of life it leads.

    Loving the power of dexterity, the courage of these people, Lermontov, loyal in vitality, reflects their scarce spiritual world. Their aspirations and hourly concerns are limited to the easier profit and deception of the authorities. Money determine their relationship. Janko and the girl become cruel when it comes to dereguls of stolen good. Blind receives from them only a copper coin. And now the old woman Yanko orders the old woman, "that, they say, it's time to die, healed, you need to know and honor."

5. Control of the heuristic conversation. How is the attitude of Pecherin to smugglers? Why is your interest in them, admiration is inferior to the place of bitterness?

What made Pechorin observe at night for the boy?

(Pechistan is still naive, trusting, makes mistakes, not seeing who in front of him. The mystery of the situation, interest in the new circle of people, thirst for him.)

However, all this is not so worried and captures he forget about what was in the recent past. Re-read the passage: "I wrapped in the burku ..." What did Pechorin think about? What did he remember?

How did the appearance of a girl affected him?

How did the landscape affect him?

(This is a means of characteristic of the hero. Landscape enhances the motive of loneliness)

Why does Pechorin talk about blind and Undine at night and does not report this to his junction?

(Unusual people seem to be bold, direct natures. He wants to close up with them. The mystery of their behavior promises exciting adventures.)

Why did Pecherin go at night for Undina?

("Get the key of this riddle")

Did he believed her calls?

(No. Subsequently, he himself will say that he lives for a long time not with a heart, but a head. When gathering on a date with Undina, he does not forget to take a gun with him, to warn the Cossack-junction to hearing the shot, ran to the shore).

Why in Pechorin was born rabies and he dropped the girl in the waves?

(The beauty naively thought that, charming Pechorin, would become the mistress of the position. However, Pecherin is not such, he knows the price of female coquette. And yet he is confused, he really worries his head, when the girl kisses him. On the one hand, He calls her behavior of "comedy, and with another, it gives her charm, he is able to feel deep, worry, but for a minute he never ceases to analyze now in the boat he has to fight for his life, and the girl is for his own. Hope for love turned around hostility, Date - a fight. It is these transformations that cause the peasant of Pechorin, and not only the desire to protect their lives).

Why Pechorin, who saw the farewell of Janko with the blind, "became sad"?

(The disconnection is not at all romantic. All heroes are alive. For the arbitrariness of the fate, a half-killer old woman was thrown, a blind boy. Pechorin sympathizes how long, long crying poor blind.)

What does Pechorin blame himself and why does the "peaceful" smugglers?

(By calling smugglers peaceful, Pechorin already refuses to them in exceptionality and blame themselves for the invasion of their circle, which led to a violation of their usual life, and he himself turned out to be unnecessary. Irony of Pechorin over himself "and not ridiculous ..." indicates that The hero is aware of the vainness of their actions. The feeling of peace as secrets, passionate interest in life is replaced by an attempted alienation, indifference: "What happened to the old woman ...").

The desires and real positions of the hero were divided, and this is the cause of bitterness and self-irony.

How did Pechorin show himself in a collision with smugglers?

(He is an active participant in events, seeks to intervene in the events, is not content with the role of the passive contemplator of life)

What are the sovereign sides of Pechorin, allows you to judge the story "Taman"?

(Activity, striving for action, attraction to danger, perseverance, composure, love for nature, observation).

Why, having such opportunities in the character, in behavior, Pechorin does not seem happy?

None of the actions of Pechorina, none of the manifestations of his will have a deep big goal. It is active, but its activity is not needed to him or others. He is looking for actions, but finds only her likeness and does not get any happiness or joy. He is a smart, finding, observed, but all this brings unfortunate people with whom he faces. There is no goal in his life, his actions is random, the activity of fruitless, and Pechorin is unhappy)

Homework: written answer to the question: "Are the aims of Pechorin in Tamani aimless?