Optimistic Hero Voltaire. Philosophical Tale: "Candid" Voltaire (and

Optimistic Hero Voltaire. Philosophical Tale:
Optimistic Hero Voltaire. Philosophical Tale: "Candid" Voltaire (and

Table of contents

Introduction ______________________________ _____

Chapter 1. Voltaire's philosophical views. Polemics with Pascal and Leibnitsa _____________________ __

Chapter 2. Philosophical Roman Epoch Enlightenment

Chapter 3. General features of Voltaire's philosophical
______________________________ ____________

Chapter 4. General features of Voltaire's philosophical

______________________________ _________________

Conclusion ___________________________________

Bibliography __________________ ________________


The focus of this work is the philosophical story of Francois Marie Voltaire "Candid", its place among the philosophical works of Voltaire and in the context of the philosophical fiction of the Epoch of Education.
The aim of the work is to obtain a more complete view of the "Candide" of Voltaire as a philosophical novel.
The tasks of our study are as follows:
- a brief acquaintance with the philosophical views of Voltaire,
- determination of the genre "Philosophical Roman", identifying its problematics, distinctive features of poetics, expressive means etc.,
- description of the general features of all philosophical lines of Voltaire,
- Analysis of the story "Candid" in the context of the poetics of the genre.
When writing a job, literary articles, monographs on the work of Voltaire, the Epoch of Enlightenment and the actual text "Candus" are used. The bibliographic list is presented at the end of work.
The structure of our research is due to the tasks previously set. The first chapter gives short review educational activities Voltaire and his philosophical views. The second chapter is devoted to the peculiarities of the philosophical novel of the Epoch of Enlightenment. The third chapter presents
general features of philosophical lines Voltaire. The fourth chapter contains an analysis of the most significant philosophical story "Candid", her genre features, plot-composite construction, reflecting in her philosophical views of Voltaire.

1. Voltaire philosophical views. Polemics with Pascal and Leibnian.

Voltaire is the greatest French enlightener. Often, the entire eighteenth century is called a century of Voltaire. This is one of the most important key figures to understand the entire French enlightenment, a person who has had a colossal impact on the minds of his contemporaries. From his behalf, the word "Voltairianism", which began to be denoted by freedomity not only in France, but also in other European countries.
The main socio-political views of Voltaire reflected the ideology of the emerging French bourgeois democracy and milked outdated feudal regime. Voltaire was not a thinker who nominated the original philosophical ideas, he was an enlightener, who made a lot for the philosophical enlightenment of society. The main focus of all the works of Voltaire is anti-refortional, in the center of which anticlerybalism. All his life he fought against the church, religious intolerance and fanaticism.
Voltaire's literary inheritance is huge. It has been written a total of more than a hundred works, which amounted to a meeting of essays in several dozen volumes. He wrote plays, stories, journalism. The philosophical views of Voltaire are expressed in "philosophical letters" (1733), "Treatise on metaphysics" (1734), "Fundamentals of the Philosophy of Newton" (1738), philosophical stories.
Voltaire as a philosopher was interested in the fundamental questions of ontology and gnoseology. But his main attention was directed to the problem of being and managing a person in society.
The main task of philosophy Voltaire considered the definition of the principles of human existence, the meaning of the personality of the person and its relationship with other people, appropriate to humanity the form of a social organization. "Divine problem of man and society (Voltaire in controversy with Rousseau proved that even primitive people lived by communities and that the" social condition "is" natural "for
humanity) is Alpha and Omega Voltaire philosophy, which is chronologically and essentially begins with this problem and necessarily
puts with her in connection, even subordinates to her the interpretation of any other ideological issue, and sometimes to the detriment of truth as
it took place with the "social" argument of Volterovsky Deesma. "
Kuznetsov p.107
In the creation of a new concept of a person, his controversy with philosophical and religious anthropology of Pascal played a crucial role.

For Voltaire Christianity, like all religions, is superstition. However, in France, Christianity found a genius apologist in the face of Pascal. Attacking Pascal and, rejecting some of his ideas, Voltaire undermined the most durable foundations of the French Christian tradition.

But what ideas of Pascal was he going to challenge? According to Voltaire, Pascal insults the whole human race, attributing to him the features characteristic of individual people. Voltaire calls Pascal Mizanthropom and defending humanity, claims that people are not so sorry and evil, as Pascal writes.
According to Voltaire, Pascal's pessimism is inappropriate. And if a mistaken representing Pascal about a person, then no less erroneous and output from the described miserable state. Pascal it seems in true religion. Christianity, which gives a rationale to contradictions inherent in human being, his grandeur and goddock. Voltaire objects that, and other views (myths about Promethea, Pandora drawer, etc.) could also give an explanation to those mentioned contradictions.
Agreeing with the fact that human knowledge about the infinity of the universe can never be exhaustively full, Voltaire in controversy
with Pascal, it focuses on the fact that, despite the well-known limitations of human cognitive abilities, he currently knows a lot and the boundaries of his knowledge are constantly expanding, and this is not
gives reason to talk about his "insignificance".
The only point of agreement between Volter and Pascal is that, according to both thinkers, a person needs faith in God. But Voltaire is quite different than Pascal, understands the founding of this faith, and
its content, and conclusions arising from it for human life. According to Pascal, the existence of a person acquires the meaning
only through the ministry to God, which one is presented in Sacred Scripture. From here, Pascal concluded that God should be the only subject of human love, and all the creations of God, including people, this love is not
The essence of Volterovsky deesma is a glance at a person as a higher value, the principle of respect and love for the human person, the reverence of God.
Summary of the Voltaire characteristics of a person is an antithesis of Paskalevsky statement about its insignificance. Voltaire considers man
The most perfect and happy creature.
Nevertheless, even condemning the obsessive pessimism of Pascal, Voltaire cannot be an indifferent witness to the presence of evil in the world. And evil a lot: horrors generated by human malice and natural disasters, is not the fiction of poets. These are naked and cruel facts, the philosophical optimism of the Leibniz, "the deepest metaphysics of Germany", for which the world could only be "the best of all possible" for whom. The Universe is designed by God in the leibher so that any observable evil in it is somehow balanced, compensated, and, ultimately, even necessarily overlaps
next to him than good.
The critical attitude of Voltaire to the "theory of optimism" gradually turned its radical denials in the "Poem about the Lisbon catastrophe" (1756). The final and strongest blow to the "theory of optimism" (in its leibniet vehicle) Voltaire inflicted in the philosophical story "Candid" (1759),

2. Philosophical Roman Epoch Enlightenment

For the culture of French Enlightenment, the phenomenon of unity of philosophy and literature is characteristic. This was expressed in the fact that the largest French philosophers of this era were simultaneously outstanding writers. By putting forward direct practical tasks and seeing a powerful tool for conversion of the world, French philosophers deliberately used literature as a means of upbringing and propaganda.
A whole system of genres was created, which differed in the formulation of philosophical problems. In this regard, relevant poetics appears. Characteristic features The new poetics were: convention, fantastic images and situations, resonant characters carrying certain philosophical ideas, paradoxes.
N.V. Zababurova in the article "French Philosophical Roman 18th Century" notes that "the implementation of philosophical content can occur in three ways:
1) as a controversy, i.e. refutation of certain philosophical theories and concepts;
2) as a discussion, i.e. the collision of mutually exclusive points of view or theories aimed at finding the truth;
3) as a apology of a certain philosophical theory or system. "(XVIII: Literature in the context of culture. - M., 1999. - P. 94). In this regard, it displays the definitions:" Polemical Romance " , "Roman-apology"
Fundamental difference between big (novel) and small (tale) philosophical genres of XVIII. There are no centuries in this regard.
The space of the philosophical novel is not focused on life-like, how differs from other forms of the novel of the XVIII century. The philosophical novel of the 18th century is characterized by a parody of the well-known established genres. Most often, travel novels ("Persian letters" Montesquieu, "Micromegas" and "Simple" Voltaire), love-adventurous novels ("Candid" Voltaire). At the same time, new genre forms are also created, in particular, Roman-dialogue ("Ramo nephew", "Jacques-Fatalist" Didro).
N.V. Zabuburova in the above article notes the marking function specifying the author's intentions. This feature, according to her, perform all headings and subtitles of works, as well as a number of receptions:
"1) specific nominations (the names of philosophers and the names of certain philosophical systems);
2) direct and hidden citation of philosophical works;
3) the use of relevant philosophical terminology referring to certain philosophical systems;
4) Author notes inside the text (Rousseau and Marquis de Garden actively used this technique);
5) Allusions (for example, in "Zadiga" Voltaire and in the "immodest treasures", Didro a lot of allusions are associated with the works of French philosophers and the naturalists, with whom the authors were elected). At the same time, the philosophical novel, especially Volterovsky, fundamentally, to anachronism, emphasizing the convention of the artistic world. " ((XVIII century: literature in the context of culture. - M., 1999. - P. 95)
With all its genre differences, the philosophical novels of the XVIII century combines the parable form of the narrative. In the center of Roman history, told to illustrate and confirm or, on the contrary, exposing a certain philosophical idea, and system Subordinated to the didactic installation.

3. The general features of Voltaire's philosophical

Philosophical novels and the story is hardly the most valuable part of the Heritage of Voltaire. In 1746, Voltaire writes a prosaic work called "Peace as it is, or a vision of a grandmother," which he opens up a series of novels and the leaders who have entered the history of literature called philosophical. In this genre, he acts further up to 1775, that is, for almost thirty years.
It is wonderful that Voltaire himself called them "baubles" and did not attach them a serious meaning. He wrote them unusually easily, "joking", mainly for fun of his great-minded friends. Large works were worth a persuade to print these works - first they distributed in the lists.
The artistic quest of Voltaire in the development of philosophical prose led him to the creation of its special genre canon in France. The main thing in the philosophical novel (story) for Voltaire is the controversy with a certain philosophical system or idea. This is indicated by the title themselves. It can be said that the philosophical idea is formulated in them - "Zadig, or Fate", "Candid, or Optimism", "Memnon, or the Wisdom of Human", "Babook, or the World, what is it." Roman (story) Voltaire is built as the story of the adventures of the very idea, and not the characters. This idea is exposed as an absurd or inappropriate real reality. The "verification" method is experimental, where the adventures of the characters consistently confirm the absurdity of the initial philosophical parcel. The mobility of experience opposes the closetness of a false idea.
Volterovskaya philosophical story to the form of parables ("Memnon, or human wisdom"; "Zadig").
Often the philosophical meaning of the story marked with Voltaire in the original sequence, which opens the story.
Voltaire openly talks about the conventions of events and characters, uses anachronism, plot parabolas, fiction ("Micromegas").
The parody interpretation of the philosophical theories, with whom the author elegates, is organically combined in the philosophical prose of Voltaire with paroding of the established literary forms and genres. So "Candid" is a brilliant parody of love - adventure novel.
Voltaire suggests its philosophical lead to recognizable literary reminiscences, which increases the atmosphere of conventionality. In "Zadiga" recognizable familiar oriental scenery french literature The first half of the century.
For the Voltaire style, it is characteristic of satyric grotescu, caricature, which distinguished the polemical philosophical novel.
The features of the novel-discussion can be noted in some Voltaire's Taps. They are built as a discussion of adepts and opponents of a certain idea, sometimes gained, a dialogic form ("ears of Chesterfield Chesfield and Kapellan Gudman").
The author's philosophical position in novels and the Voltaire's Hands sometimes does not have a declarative expression. This undoubtedly determines the openness of the final. The author, as if, invites readers to participate in the discussion.
In the philosophical volter's possessions, we would in vain began to look for psychologism, immersion in the spiritual world of characters, reliable outlines human characters or plausible plot. The main thing in them is extremely pointed satirical image Social evil, cruelty and meaninglessness of existing public institutions and relations. This harsh reality and verifies the true value of philosophical interpretations of the world.

4 General features of Voltaire's philosophical

Andre Morua in the "literary portraits" called the story "Candid" of the top of Volterovsky creativity.
This story was written in 1759 and became important milestone Not only in the development of the philosophical genre, which originates from the "Persian letters", Montesquieu, but also in the history of all educational thought.
The story tells about the misadventures of the young men Candida, the pupil of the Westphalian Baron, in love with the daughter of His teacher Kunegonda, the student of the home teacher Dr. Panglosse, developing the thought of Leibniz that "Everything for the better in this best of the worlds." Brutal tests that Candid, Kunegonda, Panglos, servant and friend Candano Candasbo, whom fate wears worldwide from Bulgaria, Holland, Portugal (where the famous earthquake is 1755) to Argentina, legendary and happy country Eldorado, Suriname, and then Paris, London, Venice, Constantinople. At the end of the story, Kandid, who became extremely ugly Kuangund and accompanied by the inflamed of patients with patients with Panglosse, finds the refuge on a small farm and acquires a response to all philosophical questions in physical work: "You need to cultivate your garden."
Contemporaries perceived the story "Candid" not only as a satir at the Leibnis theotession, but also as a radical denial of faith in the "all-bad providence", which undermined the foundations of any religion, including deissis. Human world Voltaire depicted fully dismounting
: People act in it without any leadership and directions over, and nowhere can see the Supreme Proud, which would support virtue and punished the vice. Voltaire believes that the good and evil is not
no supernatural reasons, and their sources are rooted in the earth.
Voltaire traditionally divides evil on physical and moral,
Under the first one understands diseases, injury, death. Moral evil
Voltera, includes violence, cruelty, injustice,
the oppression that people make in relation to each other are committed by evil intent or by ignorance, in their personal will or in accordance with inhuman laws. And behind all this, there is also no deity. Voltaire does not agree with the leibyman in the fact that our world as the result of the divine dispensation is the best possible.
However, it does not immerse the reader in hopeless despair, like Pascal. Do not pessimistic ending and the overall meaning of the philosophical story. Candid is escaped from the circle of pursuing his misfortunes, he appears his shelter, where he lives with his beloved woman. The central hero, which still chased in the light of the ghostly of the external well-being ghostly, meets the hardworking Turkish peasant. The Turk says: "The work drives three big evil from us: boredom, vice and need" (4,
185). Candid comes to the conclusion that "it is necessary to cultivate your garden" (ibid, 186). Thus, an alternative to Leibnice Optimism and Paskale Miscimism Voltaire puts forward the principle of active human activity to improve their lifespan.
"Thus, Voltaire, on the one hand, rejects traditional Christian closure on the earth's terrestrial lot as a predetermined yudol of suffering and crying: the evil reigning here, making human life Unbearable, maybe it must be eliminated. On the other hand, Voltaire reveals the unreasonableness of the hopes for the fact that it
evil some way eliminated by divine providence and the person has the right to expect that without his purposeful efforts everything is like himself
it gets "for the better." According to Voltaire, only constant and intense worldly activities covered by reasonable goals and knowledge of their achievements are capable of improving the human position on Earth. " Kuznetsov p.123
Let us turn to the construction of a story. The story is built as a kind of adventurous novel. This genre was very popular among readers - Voltaire contemporaries. The hero of the story of the young man Candid is experiencing a number of adventures, falls into different parts of the world, falls into the most unthinkable positions. There are in the story and love motive.
For explicit signs The adventure genre of the story is more likely to a parody of him. Voltaire spends its heroes through such a number of adventures following each other in dizzy
pace that assume the opportunity to survive them real man It is impossible. This parody inherent in the whole narrative, from the very beginning, does not allow the reader at all seriously referring to the event side of the narration. Thus, attracts attention to those thoughts that Voltaire considers it necessary to express in the course of the events depicted. These thoughts, most often, the author invests in the mouth of his heroes. We are talking about the sense of human
life, about freedom and necessity, about the world, what it is, about what is more in it - good or evil.
In the story "Candid, or optimism", the traditions of baroque, or "Greek" novel, where the heroes are watched and dirty, but do not lose their physical charms and are not aging. At Voltaire, on the contrary, Cunigund in the final is depicted by the blower and grumpy, which spoils the candida enjoyment of the long-awaited marriage.
Simultaneously in the story of ironic stylization, the plot motives of the English educational novel are subjected. The situation of the teacher / student in this novel parods the relationship of the educator and the pupil in the old novels of the "Adventures of the Telemac". Panglos and Martin in the story of Voltaire are opposed to the opposite philosophical systems, like Tom Jones mentors (SPAYER, honoring the human nature of virtuous, and creature, considering it vicious). The Voltaire Hero provides the opportunity to check Panglos's philosophical postulates and Marten just like Tom exposes tests to the human nature of his teachers and a mountain hermit. The parody of the situation "Teacher-Student" is in this case that the student's experience does not confirm, but refutes the opinion of the teacher that "all for the better in this best of the worlds."
In the value of the story presents the clash of ideas, the carriers of which Voltaire makes two heroes - Panglosse and Marten philosophers. In the story, they teacher Candida and express two points of view on the world. One of them (Pangossea) is an optimistic assessment of what is happening, the other (Mainene) - on the contrary, comes down to pessimism and is recognizing the eternal imperfection of the world, in which evil rules.
Voltaire checks these philosophies on the fate of Candida, who, relying on their own experience, must decide who from his teachers rights. Thus, Voltaire approves an empirical approach to
resolution of philosophical issues.
As for the acting persons, it should be noted that they are not full-plated. They are only carriers of philosophical theses.
Central Character Tale - The young man Candid is "talking" name. Translated, it means "Prostak". In all life situations, Candid shows naivety and simpleness. And it is done intentionally. The human appearance of the hero and his name must emphasize the imperfectness, the sincerity of the withdrawal, to which he eventually comes.
The focus of Voltaire is the idea and its fate. Therefore, the composition of the story is based on a logical principle. The binding link is the development of thought. . At the beginning of the story, Voltaire turns its main attention to the Pangosse philosophy that Candid takes. Essence of it focuses in the phrase, which Panglosse and Candida repeat many times - "Everything for the better in this best of the worlds." Then Martin appears, and Candad meets his eyes. Then, at the end of the narrative, he makes his conclusion. Thus, the story is built as if on the change of one system of views another and output, which brings the line under
reflections of characters. Since the views of Marten and Pangosse are opposed to each other, it makes a dispute in the atmosphere.
Voltaire needs to resolve this dispute. How does he do it?
Emphasizing the complete contradiction philosophy of optimism of the truth of life,
Voltaire exagresses the situations in which Panglos is falling, turns the image of Pangosse in the caricature. So, mine famous phrase "All for the better in this best of the worlds" Panglos pronounces at the moment when the ship is drowning on which he and Candid, when a terrible Lisbon earthquake occurs when it was almost burned at the fire. This gives a narrative of satirical sharpness. Already the name of Panglos, which Voltaire gives the Hero, means translated from the Greek "Visknay" and speaks of the assessment that the author gives him.
The theory of optimism is exposed to Voltaire and selection of facts.

In the events that are told in the book, little joyful. Voltaire his story primarily demonstrates the abundance of evil in the world. Incredibly cruel and laws of nature, and human laws. All book heroes are undergoing crushing blows of fate, unexpected and ruthless, but told about it rather with humor than with compassion. The troubles and flour of characters are usually associated with grotesque-bodily bottom: they are spoiled, rape, they have a stomach. These sufferings are intentionally reduced, and they are cured from these terrible wounds implausably easily and quickly, so the story about them is often served in a tone of a sad-cheerful scaby joke. These troubles and misfortunes, of course, too much for one story, and the concentration of evil and cruelty, their inevitability and unpredictability are designed to show not so much excessiveness, how much commonness. As something every day and habitual tells Voltaire about the horrors of war, about the bunches of the Inquisition, about the powerlessness of a person in society, which reigns religious fanaticism and despotism. But cruel and inhuman and nature: the stories about the bloody mud of the war or about the court arbitrariness replaced by the paintings of horrific disasters - earthquakes, sea storms And so on. Good and evil are no longer balanced, do not complement each other. Evil clearly prevails, and although it seems to be a writer (and, add, one of the characters a book - a philosopher-Manichane Marten) is largely timeless, that is, eternal and inaccurable, he has its own specific media. But the view of Voltaire is not hopelessly pessimistic. The writer believes that, overcoming fanaticism and despoty, you can build a fair society. Vera in His Voltaire, however, is weakened by the famous fraction of Skepticism. In this sense, the utopian state of Eldorado described in Candide is indicative. In the story, this country of universal wealth and justice opposes not only Paraguayan bunches of Jesuit, but also many European states. But the happiness of the citizens of this blissful country is doubtful, for it was built on conscious insulanceism: in time immemorial, the law was adopted here, according to which "no resident had the right to leave the limits of his small country." Sliced \u200b\u200bfrom the world, nothing know about him, and not interested in them, the inhabitants of Eldorado are led by a happy, happy, but, in general, primitive existence.
The hero of the story is alien such life. Candid everywhere is a random and short guest. He is tirelessly looking for Cunigund, but looking not only her.
The meaning of his search is the definition of its place in life.
The two extreme positions - the irresponsible and conciliatory optimism of Panglos and the passive pessimism of Marten - the writer contrasts the compromise conclusion of the Candida, who saw a lot of evil in his life, but saw in her and good and who had a rest in a modest creative work.
What did you want to say Volter phrase, embedded in the definition cafe "I need to cultivate your garden"?
This phrase is like the total of life central Hero. Candid understands that all his life lived with illusions imposed from the outside: about the beauty of Cunigund, about the nobility of her family, about the wisdom of the incomparable philosopher Panglosse; Understands how dangerous to serve false gods.
"It is necessary to cultivate your garden" - this is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for fruitful work, about interference with the purpose of its transformation, the need to solve important practical tasks of its time.


Having studied the story of the Voltaire, the works of literary critic on the topic "Candid" Voltaire as a philosophical novel "and following the tasks put forward in the introduction we came the conclusions set out below.
Voltaire is one of the most important figures in understanding the entire French enlightenment. Voltaire as a philosopher was interested in the fundamental questions of ontology and gnoseology.
In his works, Voltaire showed the failure of religion as a system. Voltaire in "Candide" criticize the theory of pre-installed harmony Leibnia, believing that people should interfere in life to change it and establish more fair orders. Radically rejects the "theory of optimism" in the Letzbnitse example. Enters into a controversy with philosophical and religious anthropology of Pascal.
In Ethics, Voltaire performed both against the innateness of moral norms and against their convention. Voltaire conceived to create a philosophy of history and wrote a number of works ("Philosophy of History", "Pierronism in History", "Reflection on History"), in which a program for studying the achievements of culture in all regions of civilization is presented. Voltaire spoke against Rousseau's views, called back to primitive nature. Voltaire's freedom understood as freedom of will. Here Voltaire has grown big hopes on enlightened monarchs, mastered philosophical conclusions about the laws public Development, tasks state power And freed from prejudice.
For the culture of French Enlightenment, the phenomenon of unity of philosophy and literature is characteristic. A whole system of genres was created, which differed in the formulation of philosophical problems. In this regard, relevant poetics appears. The characteristic features of the new poetics were: conventionality, fantastic images and situations, resonance characters carrying certain philosophical ideas, paradoxes.
The fundamental difference between the large (novel) and small (tale) philosophical genres of the XVIII century in this respect is not. The space of the philosophical novel is not focused on life-like, how differs from other forms of the novel of the XVIII century. At the same time, the philosophical novel, especially Volterovsky, fundamentally, to anachronism, emphasizing the convention of the artistic world. With all its genre differences, the philosophical novels of the XVIII century combines the parable form of the narrative. In the center of the Roman story, told to illustrate and confirm or, on the contrary, exposing a certain philosophical idea, and the figurative system is subordinate to the didactic installation.
Voltaire gave the genre of the philosophical story a classic form. The main sign of the genre is the championship of the idea. In the philosophical story, they live, interact, do not fight people, but ideas, characters - only their horns, they look like each other and in actions, and in the language. Hence the exotic, and often fantasticity of plots, almost complete lack of psychologist and historicism, the ease with which the heroes are changing their life, tolerate the blows of fate, take the death of loved ones, die. Time flies with an incredible speed, the scene is changing so quickly and arbitrarily, that the conditionality of the place and time becomes for the reader obvious. The plots are emphasized reminiscent of well-known literary models, therefore there is also a conditional nature. The author's speech is paid much more attention than the dialogues.
In the very deep and significant story of Voltaire "Candid" clearly acts as a philosophical fracture that occurred in the consciousness of the writer.
One of the external jokes to revise the Voltaire of its philosophical views and - indirectly - to writing Claims was the Lisbon earthquake of 1755, which claimed several tens of thousands of lives and the once picturesque city. The optimistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe Leibniz about the "pre-installed harmony of good and evil", about the causal relationship, reigning in this "the best of possible worlds", is consistently refuted by the events of the life of the chief hero - the modest and virtuous young man Candida. Heroes in Tale Many, and from Phants "Candida" sounds a difference of opinions and evaluations, the copyright position is drawn by gradually, it looms gradually from the collision of the opinions of the opposite, sometimes obviously controversial, sometimes ridiculous, almost always - with undisguised irony woven in the vortex flow of events.
Recent words Voltaire books were: "But you need to cultivate your garden," for the world is our mad and cruel; This is a credo and a modern man, and the wisdom of the builder - wisdom, while still imperfect, but already bringing their fruits.
Frame K. real lifeTo its acute public spiritual conflict permeates all the work of Voltaire and the story "Candid", in particular.
With all his topicality, she deeply penetrates the essence of universal problems that are far beyond the limits of the era when he lived and worked as a writer.

Bibliography - edit

1. Voltaire. Selected works. M., 1947.
2... N. Ermolenko
Forms and functions of irony in the philosophical story of Voltaire
(XVIII: Art Living and Life Art. - M., 2004)

3. French philosophical novel of the XVIII century: self-consciousness of the genre

Author: Zababurova N.V.
Publication information: XVIII century: literature in the context of culture. - M.: Publishing House

Candid, pure and sincere young man, is brought up in the castle of the beggar, but the vain Westphalian Baron along with his son and his daughter. Their home teacher, Dr. Panglos, homegrown philosopher-metaphysics, taught children that they live in the best of the worlds, where everything has cause and consequence, and events are striving for happy end. Nearby Candidas begin when he is expelled from the castle for hobby beautiful daughter Baron Cunigund. In order not to die with hunger, Candid will be recruited into the Bulgarian army, where its sem is up to death. He barely avoids death in a terrible battle and flee to Holland. There he meets his teacher of philosophy dying from syphilis. He is treated from mercy, and he conveys the candida the terrible news about the extermination of the Baron's family by Bulgarians. Friends go to Portugal, and, barely step byst, the terrible earthquake begins.

Wound, they fall into the hands of the Inquisition for the sermon on the need for free will for a person, and the philosopher must burn on the fire, so that it helped to pacify the earthquake. Candidas are harvested by rugs and thrown to die on the street. An unfamiliar old woman picks it up, cares and invites you to a luxurious palace, where his beloved Cunigund is met. It turned out that she miraculously survived and was resold by Bulgarians rich in Portuguese Jew, who was forced to share it with the great Inquisitor himself.

Suddenly the Jew is shown in the door, the owner of Cunigund. Candid kills him first, and then the Great Inquisitor. All three decide to escape, but on the road some monk steals the jewel donated to her the great inquisitor. They hardly get to the port and sit there on the ship floating in Buenos Aires. There they are first of all looking for the governor to get married, but the governor decides that such a beautiful girl should belong to himself, and makes her a proposal that she is not averse to accepting. At the same moment, the old woman sees the window, as the ships came up to the harbor coming down the monk who had fallen and was trying to sell jewelery jewelry, but he learns the property of the Great Inquisitor in them. Already at the gallows, the thief is confessed in the steal and describes in detail our heroes.

The servant Candasko Candasko persuades him immediately run, not without reason, believing that women somehow get out. They are heading for the possession of Jesuits in Paraguay, which in Europe profess the Christian kings, and here they rest in them. In the so-called father, Colonel Candad recognizes Barona, Brother Kunigundy. He also miraculously stayed alive after traveling in the castle and the pecarism of fate was among the Jesuits. Having learned about the desire to marry him on his sister, the Baron is trying to kill the low-born height, but the wounded himself falls. Candid and Kakambo run and find themselves in captivity at wildhalons, which, thinking that friends are servants of Jesuit, they are going to eat them. Candid proves that he has just killed the father of the colonel, and again avoids death. So life reaffirmed the correctness of Kakambo, who considered that the crime in the same world could benefit in the other.

On the way from Oreylon, Candid and Kakambo, having gotten off from the road, fall into the legendary Earth Eldorado, which in Europe wondered wonderful nonplens that gold is not valued there is not expensive than sand. The king persuades Candidas to stay in his country, as it is better to live where you like. But my friends really wanted to seem in the homeland with rich people, as well as connect with Kunigund. The king at their request gives friends a hundred sheep, loaded with gold and gems. The amazing car transfers them through the mountains, and they leave the blessed edge.

While they are moving from the boundaries of Eldorado to the city of Surinam, all the sheep, except two, die. In Suriname, they will find out that in Buenos Aires they are still looking for the murder of the Great Inquisitor, and Cunigund became a favorite concubine of the governor decided, to buy one Kakambo to buy a beauty there, and Kandid went to the free republic. Venice was waiting. Almost all his treasures steal a fraudster merchant, and the judge also punishes his fine. After these incidents human soul Once again, he turns into horror Candida. Therefore, the young man decides to choose the most unfortunate man offended by fate. Such, he found Martin, who after the experienced trouble became a deep pessimist. They get together to France together, and on the road Martin convinces Claims that in nature the person lie, kill and betray his neighbor, and everywhere people are equally unhappy and suffer from injustices.

Candid finally falls in Venice, thinking only about a meeting with a beloved cunigund. But there he finds not her, but a new sample of human chase - the maid from his native castle. Her life brings to prostitution, and Candid wants to help her with money, although Philosopher Martin predicts that nothing will succeed. As a result, they meet it in an even more distinguished state. Finally, he detects his kakambo in the very pitiful position.

He says that by paying a huge redemption for Cunigund, they were attacked by pirates, and they sold Cunigund to the service in Constantinople. What is worse, she lost all his beauty. Candid decides that as a person of honor, he still has to gain his beloved, and travels to Constantinople. But on the ship, he learns Dr. Panglosse to Dr. Panglosse and his own jams. They miraculously avoided death and fate difficult paths brought them slaves on the ship. Candid immediately redeems them and gives the remaining money for Cunigund, an old woman and a small farm.

Although Kunigund became very ugly, she insisted on marriage with Candid. Little society has not remained how to live and work on the farm. Life was truly painful. Panglos lost faith in optimism, Martin, on the contrary, was convinced that people everywhere else badly, and endured difficulties with humility. But they meet a man who lives a closed life on their farm and quite satisfied with their fate. He says that any ambition and pride is disastrous and sinful, and that only the work for which all people were created can save from the greatest evil: boredoms, vice and needs.

Working in your garden, not wasteful, so Candid takes a saving solution. The community worries hard, and the earth rewards them with a hundredfold. "You need to cultivate your garden," not getting tired of reminding them Candid.

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Analysis of the philosophical story of Voltaire "Candid, or optimism"

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Best philosophical Voltera - "Candid" (1759). The criticism of feudal society reaches the greatest sharpness here. Movable intrigue (actors constantly walked) allows Voltaire to give a wide coverage of reality. True, it does not adhere to the principle of the historically accurate image of certain phenomena. Candid is deprived of national and historical color. Without limiting themselves with social and domestic details, freely moves its heroes from one country to another.

They like in a fairy tale, exactly by magic, quickly passed huge distances. In Chaos, they diverge in chaos, they are then found to disperse again. The author leads them from one test to another. His idea seems sometimes too subjective. But with all the seeming arbitration, she absorbed a big vitality truth And therefore serves as a reliable guide in life. Voltaire as a whole deeply and truthfully reveals the essential parties of reality.

The story is built on the usual principle for Voltaire. The man morally unspoiled, with the confidence relating to people, faces a terrible world, full of evil and cunning. Candid enters life, nothing know about her inhuman laws. According to the characteristic of the author, he was gifted "from nature the most humble temper. The physiognomy corresponded to the simplicity of the soul. " All unhappiness candidates are predetermined by no means his character. He is a victim of circumstances and false upbringing. Teacher Panglos taught him to optimistically perceive any blows of fate. Candad is not a baloveman of life. In contrast, he only illegal offspring noble surname. He has no wealth. With the slightest violation of the estate hierarchy caused by a wokeered feeling to Kunigunde, it is expelled from the castle without any means to existence. Candid is in the light, without other protection from injustice, except for excellent health and philosophy of optimism.

Hero Voltaire "No way can get used to the idea that a person is not dominated to dispose of his destiny.

Forcibly recruited in the Bulgarian (Prussian) army, Candid allowed himself once a luxury to walk outside the barracks. In the punishment for such a self-person, he had to poisonously notices Voltaire, "make a choice in the name of God's gift, called freedom" or walk thirty six times under the sticks or once to get bullets in the forehead.

"Candid", like other works of Voltaire, imbued with a feeling, hot protest against violence over personality. In the story of Oszyan "Enlightened" monarchical regime of the Prussian King Friedrich II, where a person can freely or die or be tortured. He has no other way. Depicting candidate candidates from Bulgarians, Voltaire did not finish the facts. Much it was written off simply from nature, in particular, an execution over Candid. In Memoch, Voltaire talks about the ill-fated fate of one German nobleman, who just like Candid, because of its high growth was forcibly seized by the royal recruiters and was defined in the soldiers. "The poor fellow in the community with several comrades committed shortly after that Escape; He was caught and led to the late king, to whom he stated more often, which repents only in one thing: in that he did not kill such a tyrant as he. In response to it, he was cut off his nose and ears, thirty-six times they were driven by sticks through the order, after which they sent to roll a car in Shpandau. "

Voltaire strongly condemns wars in the interests of ruling circles and absolutely alien and incomprehensible people. Candid involuntarily turns out to be a witness and a participant in the bloody slaughter. Especially Voltaire indignant atrocities over the civilian population. This is how he describes the Avar village, burned "by virtue of international law": "There were mutilated old people, and their slaughtered wives were died in their eyes, with splashed infants with bloody breasts; Girls with risk belly ... lay with the last spray; Others, semi-consuming, shining, asking for achieving them. On the ground, brains, chopped hands and feet were lying down. Drawing a terrible picture of the world, Voltaire destroys the philosophy of optimism. Her conductor, Panglos, believes that "the more nonsense, the higher the overall prosperity." The consequence of any evil, in his opinion, is good and therefore it is necessary to look in the future with hope. Own life Panglosse eloquently refutes his optimistic beliefs. When meeting with him in Holland, Candid sees in front of him with riming strollers, with an exorted nose, a cry of a cry and belling, spoiling when coughing after every tooth effort.

Voltaire is witty the church, which is looking for the reasons for non-rigidness of the world in the sinfulness of people. Even the emergence of the Lisbon earthquake, whose witnesses were Panglos and Candid, she explained to the wide distribution of heretism.

Cunigundy's life is a terrible accusation to the dominant public system. Through the entire story, the theme of the absolute insecurity of man passes through the whole thread, his powerlessness in the conditions of feudal statehood. Which tests do not pass Cunigoon-yes! It is raped, forced to become the mistress of the captain, who sells it to the Jew Issahar. Then she is the subject of sexual lusts of the Inquisitor, etc. Cunigund is truly a toy in the hands of fate, which, however, has a very real content, is a feudal-serfdom, where the sword and whip, where the whole human, based on the laws of reason, is poprano and nature. The history of the life of the old woman, in the past beautiful, daughter of the Roman Pope and Princess Palestrinsky, is also tragic. She confirms the thought of Voltaire that the life of Cunigunds is no exception, but a very typical phenomenon. In all corners globe People suffer, they are not protected from lawlessness.

The writer seeks to reveal the whole depth of madness to the modern life in which the most incredible, fantastic cases are possible. It is here that the conditionality occupies his root in the "candida" and in other philosophical standards. Conditional forms artistic image In the work of Voltaire, they arose on the basis of the actual life. They do not have that unhealthy, religious fiction, which was distributed in the literature of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Conditional at Voltaire - a form of sharpening unusual but quite possible life situations. They seem incredible adventures of Cunigunds and old women, but they are typical in the conditions of a feudal society, when the arbitrariness is all, and a man, his free will is nothing. Voltaire, unlike the Rabl and Swift, does not resort to the deformation of reality. He is essentially no giants, there are no Liliputs or talking, reasonable horses. In its poses, there are ordinary, people. At Voltaire, the conventionality is primarily connected with the hyperbolicization of unreasonable parties. public relations. So that how cracker and relief emphasize the inraudes of life, he forces his heroes to survive fabulous adventures. Moreover, the attacks of all social layers are equally experiencing the representatives of all social layers - and the vengeress, and a distinguished gol, such as Panglos or poor scientist Marten.

Voltaire considers life not so much from the positions of the fixed, disadvantaged people, as from a universal point of view. In the 26th chapter "Candy" Voltaire collected six former or "failed" European monarchs under the roof of one hotel in Venice. The situation at first perceived as a carnival masquerade, gradually detects its real outlines. With all its fabulousness, it is quite life. The kings depicted by the Voltaire really existed and for a number of circumstances were forced to leave the throne. The convention made by the writer consisted only that he had all the unlucky rulers in one place to close-up, with the maximum concentration of thought to emphasize his thesis on the insecurity of the personality of even high public grade in the modern world.

True, Volter Martan's mouth states that "in the world millions of people are much more regretted than King Carl-Eduard, Emperor Ivan and Sultan Ahmet."

Candid with extraordinary perseverance is looking for Cunigund. His perseverance seems to be rewarded. In Turkey, he meets Cunigund, which from a magnificent beauty turned into a wrinkled old woman with red brown eyes. Candid marries it only from the desire to annoy her brother Baron, who stubbornly opposes this marriage. Panglos in the final of the story is also just a kind of person. He "confessed that he was always scary" and only from stubbornness did not part with the theory of the best from the worlds.

Criticizing the public orders of Europe and America, Voltaire in Candide draws a utopian country of Eldorado. Everything is fantastically fine here: the abundance of gold and precious stones, the fountains of the pink water, the absence of prisons, etc. Even the pavement stones here smell the clove and cinnamon. Voltaire refers to Eldorado with light irony. He himself does not believe in the possibility of the existence of such an ideal edge. No wonder Candid and - Kakambo turned out to be in it quite by chance. Nobody knows the paths to him and, therefore, it is absolutely impossible to achieve it. Thus, a common pessimistic view of the world remains. Martan successfully proves that "very little virtue on Earth and very little happiness, excluding, perhaps, Eldorado, where no one can get."

Indefined and unmeasurable wealth taken by the hero of Tale from America. They literally "melting" every day. The trusting Candida is deceived at every step, its illusions are crumbling. Instead of the subject of youthful love, he receives all his wanderings and suffering from the grumpy old woman, instead of Treasure Eldorado - he has only a small farm. What to do? Logically arguing, out of a gloomy painting, drawn by Voltaire, a conclusion is possible: if the world is so bad, then it is necessary to change it. But the writer does not make such a radical conclusion: obviously, the reason for the ambiguity of his public ideal. Similarly, ridicuing the modern society, Voltaire can not oppose anything, except for utopia. It does not offer any real ways to transform reality.

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      In 1767, Voltaire creates a story"Простак". Здесь впервые в философской прозе он переносит действие из экзотических стран во Францию. Вольтер прежде всего блестящий мастер так называемой легкой поэзии. Он автор бесчисленных стихотворений, подсказанных мимолетным любовным увлечением, приятным разговором, желанием Вольтер (псевдоним; настоящее имя Мари Франсуа Аруэ, 1694-1778) - один из вождей просветителей, поэт, драматург, прозаик, автор философских, исторических, публицистических !}
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"Candid" Voltaire - Philosophical satirical storywhich was created in the middle of the eighteenth century, but for some time prohibited by virtue of a considerable number of obscene scenes. In the work this is speech about optimism and pessimism, human defects and faith in top Qualities man.

History of writing

Voltaire - French writer they created a number of philosophical artistic worksnot devoid of acute accusatory satire. Voltera extremely did not like the power of the church, which he has repeatedly spoke. He was a tary fighter against idealism and religion and relied in his philosophical treatises solely on scientific achievements.

As for such an abstract concept as "happiness,", in order to state their position regarding this difficult issue, Voltaire wrote an adventure story about the optimist Candida, who, despite all the blows of fate, did not lose faith in good, sincerity and honesty. This work was based on a real event - an earthquake in Lisbon. It is terrible a natural phenomenon occupies a central place in one of the most famous leadswhich Wolter wrote.

"Candid, or optimism" is a work that the author refused several times, arguing that it supposedly does not belong to His Peru. Nevertheless, the story is present characteristic of Voltaire Satira. "Candid" is one of the best works French enlightener. What did the readers behave in this story? Kandid, whose analysis will be presented below - this is a story that may seem at first glance no more than fun and entertaining. And only in detailed consideration can be found deep philosophical thoughtthat Voltaire's contemporaries rushed to his contemporaries.

"Candid": summary

The main character of this story is pure and unspoiled young man. He is obliged to the teacher who has urged him to make his optimistic look at his life in the inevitability of happiness. Panglos, namely, the name of this spiritualized philosopher was confident that he lives in the best of the worlds. There is no reason to grieve.

But once the candidas expelled from the native castle. There was a wonderful Cunigund, the daughter of Baron, to which he was not indifferent to. And the hero began to wander around the world, dreaming only about one thing - to reunite with his beloved and learn real happiness. In the fact that it still exists, Candid has not doubted for a minute, despite all the misfortune and adversity.

The adventures of the hero of some fabulousness gave Voltaire. Candid, saving Cunigund, then and then killed someone. He made it quite naturally. As if the murder is the most typical activity for an optimist. But Candida's victims magically revived.

Much candida learned. A lot he learned grief. He managed to reunite with Kunigund, however, only after the girl lost all his former attractiveness. Candid has gained home and friends. But what is happiness, he was still unknown. As long as one day the truth did not open a stranger sage. "Happiness is daily work," the wandering philosopher said. Candida did not have anything, how to believe and proceed to cultivating his small garden.


As already mentioned, writing this story after the famous Lisbon earthquake was inspired by Voltaire. "Candid, or optimism" - a work in which the historical event serves as the starting point. In the composition it takes central place. It is when an earthquake of an earthquake event in the story achieve their climax.

After expulsion from the castle and to the natural disaster, Kandid wanders over the world. Earthquake activates his strength. Candid Voltaire becomes a noble hero, ready for all in order to rescue the lady of the heart. And Kunigund, meanwhile, possessing an unearthly feminine beauty, causes men far from the best thoughts. Bulgarian Jew abducts it and makes his concubine. The Great Inquisitor also does not remain aside. But suddenly the candidade appears and destroys both the first and second. Subsequently, the hero gets rid of his beloved from his brother. Baron's pompous allegedly does not suit the origin of the liberator of the beautiful Cunigund.

Candide Voltaire resembles a Knight of Cervantes nobility, purity of thoughts. But the philosophical idea of \u200b\u200bthe work has little common with the position of the Great Spaniard.

El Dorado

Political appeal is also not devoid of the book "Candid". Voltaire sends his wanderer to wander through the light. He becomes witness Candid visits European cities, South America, Middle East countries. He observes the military actions of the Spaniards against Jesuits, brutal morals contemporaries Voltaire. And he begins to gradually realize that the optimist teacher did not prevent any worthy lesson. All its ranting about the beauty of this world is not a broken penny ...

But still does not deprive your hero of the last hope of Voltaire. Candid and the matter hears the stories about the beautiful region, in which people do not know grief and sadness, have everything they need, do not be angry, do not envy and all the more they do not kill.

Candid Voltaire, to the word to say, wears a symbolic name. It means "simple". Candid falls into the mythical state, in which all residents are happy. They do not ask the Most High Material Wealth. They only thank it for what already have. This fabulous edge of Voltaire in his philosophical story opposes real world. People who meet candidy throughout the narrative, regardless of their social status, do not know what happiness is. It is not easy for I. simple people, and noble pros.

Once in the mythical country, Candad decides to return to his insolent world. After all, he must once again save Cunigund.


Optimism Claims is opposed to the pessimism of his accompanying. Martin believes only that people are mired in vices, and nothing can change them in best side. What philosophical idea is based on a work that Wolter wrote? "Candid", the content of which is described above only briefly, can convince that this world is actually ugly. Vera in good can only destroy a person. Candid, being a person sincerely, trusts fraudsters and passing, as a result of which his position is becoming sad every day. His deceives the merchant. Noble deeds in society are not appreciated, and Candida faces prison.


What did it seek to say Voltaire in the philosophical story? "Candid", summary which is presented in this article, is a history that can occur in modern society. Hero Voltaire goes to Venice in the hope of finding his beloved there. But in the independent republic, he becomes a witness to human cruelty. Here he meets the maid from the castle, in which he spent his childhood. A woman forced the need to go to the extreme step: she earns a living prostitution.

Cheerful Venetian

Candid helped a woman. But the money he gave her, did not bring happiness. The hero still does not leave hope to find happiness or at least meet a person who has known him. And therefore fate leads him to the Venetian aristocrat, who, according to rumors, always dwells in a cheerful mood and does not know sadness. But here the Candida lies a disappointment. Venetian rejects beauty and finds happiness only in dissatisfaction with others.

Life on the farm

It is worth saying that Candid is gradually disappointed in the philosophy of absolute optimism, but does not become a pessimist. The story outlines two opposite points of view. One belongs to Panglosse teacher. Other - Marten.

Candida managed to redeem Cunigund from slavery, and to buy a small farm for the remaining money. Here, they settled at the end of their misfortunes, but no mental harmony was reached not immediately. Employment and philosophical ranting have become a permanent exercise of the farm inhabitants. Until once Candida did not visit a happy old man.

"I need to cultivate the garden"

Leibniz gave rise to a philosophical idea of \u200b\u200buniversal harmony. French writer Imposed the worldview of the German thinker. However, after the earthquake, Voltaire issued a poem in which the doctrine of the equilibrium of good and evil is completely rejected. To finally debunk the theory of the leibher the enlightener managed to be in a story about the adventures of Candida.

"It is necessary to cultivate the garden" - it is this thought with the help of one of the characters set out in the last chapter Voltaire. "Candid, or optimism", the summary of which gives only a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe philosophical idea of \u200b\u200bthe author, is a work that should be read if not in the original, then at least completely, from the crust to crust. After all, spiritual torments of the Volter Hero are known and modern man. Happiness is steady and permanent labor. Reflections and reasoning about the sense of life can only lead to despair. A replacement of contemplation should certainly come.

Candid - the main character Tale, the personification of the saint, which during the search for his beloved Cunigundy acquires life experience and philosophical views. At first, he teaches Dr. Panglos, preaching the philosophy of optimism, stacking: "Everything is only for the better in this beautiful of the worlds." However, constantly falling into alterations, suffering and suffering (more often than the most punished fate it was Panglos himself), Candid is disappointed in the philosophy of his teacher. A completely opposite worldview is inherent to Friend Candy Marten, his philosophy is pessimistic: a universal feud and unreasonable reign in the world; No time, no progress will help humanity - people will always remain cattle. Martin constantly leads facts that break the theory of optimism. The Philosophy of Marten Candid does not accept immediately, he continues to hope for the possibility of improving society. By the end of the lead, the characters come to understand the third, different from the first two, philosophy. He opens this wisdom to the Turk-gardener, who claims that in order to be happy, you need to "cultivate your garden." He is convinced that "the work eliminates us from three great angry: boredoms, vice and needs."


- Characteristics of the candidate

- The image of the candidate

- The character of the candidate

- Describe the character of the candidate

- Describe the character of the Candida Voltaire

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