Where did I come from about Charles. What does "Karl" mean at the end of the phrase and why they say so? What it is

Where did I come from about Charles. What does
Where did I come from about Charles. What does "Karl" mean at the end of the phrase and why they say so? What it is

In the end "" we showed one of the most shocking revelations in the history of the series: Charles bit the zombies. However, most of all surprises here when it was his bitten. Some fans of "Hydachih" assumed that the fatal bite occurred when Karl selflessly tried to protect people Alexandria from Nigan and his people. But Showranner Scott Gimple confirmed that the deadly bite happened before the events of the eighth series.

During the conversation on the talk show The Talking Dead, Gimple mentioned whether this bite is unequivocal death for Charles or not. Showranner made it clear to understand that son Ricka Gheimsa It will not avoid the fate, which overtakes any, born with zombac (at least we are talking about those who could not be saved, amputating the leg or hand). At the same time, the gimple also said that the bite himself occurred not in the last series of the first half, but in fact Karl Kusanuli before. Showranner even expressed surprise that the fans did not suspect anything before. But this, of course, not quite so - a couple of weeks ago, several very smaller fans put forward a theory, which turned out to be true: Karl bites even when he fought with walking in the forest with his new friend, Siddik.

And although the scene does not show in an open bite, the audience can see what was before and what happened after - then this moment becomes obvious. Just Showranner hid the importance of this scene from fans (to enjoy this painful revelation on us through two series).

You can see this scene yourself below (pay special attention to the frames between 1:26 and 1:41):

On Charles and Siddika attack walking in the forest. Charles biting

In this scene, you see how walking is attacked by Charles. We will focus on Tom walking, that from the top of Karl, when the boy is trying to fight off from him (and, in the end, kills him a shot in his head). At this time, next to Karl, you can see the second walking, descending and leaving the frame (on the right side of Karl). In a few moments, the second walking again arises in the frame, after which Karl kills him.

As a result, it becomes obvious that that second walking was able to bite Karl for Bõechina, until the Grahims junior hit the attack of the first zombie.

And when we show a shocking bite in the final of the 8 series of the 8th season, the location of the notes coincides with what they have shown in the 6th series (the right side of Charles's abdomen).

This small and fast moment from the 6 series turned out to be incredibly important. And if you take into account the fatal injury of Charles, his conversation with Siddik (and later Nigan) acquire a completely different color.

As for Chandler Riggs, an actor who plays Charles for almost a decade, rumors about his departure from the "walking dead" have already walked for a year - since the seven-year-old contract of the young actor approached the end. Riggs's mother even made an official statement, saying that fans should not take into account that his contract means or not to the series. Although at times Riggs was criticized (due to how his character was sometimes depicted), the last three or four years we saw Karl (and RIGGS himself) stood shoulder to shoulder with experienced actors and adult characters.

Of course, the effect of the bite of zombies can influence the victim for a long time, and while death will not take it, Carl may have a long time to help people he loves. The gimple clearly made it clear that the son of Rick had not yet come the end, and that Karl had even unfinished cases in the premiere series of the second part of the season 8, which he needed to do before he leaves for eternal peace. It is not clear what Carl will be done when the series will return to the screens in February 2018, but pleased that the gimple and the Scholars' Schedules have invented a special completion of the character who was one of the main characters of the series from the very beginning.

The next, comes out in February 2018 on the AMC channel.

Here is our communication and moved to online expanses. Numerous memes came to the place of the usual stationery and stable expressions of speech. Sometimes such a pattern pick up, and we do not have the concepts, where he is from. So now we will talk here, on the Internet, about the Internet. We will tell about the origin of one of the latest popular memes - "..., Karl!".

The phrase was completely recently met everywhere, now its consumeability slept somewhat. So where did the expression "Karl!" Go?

Hello from lovers of serials

So, who is this Karl and what did she do that, that his name became so claimed as an expressive particle?

An inexperienced viewer of the knowledge of history will throw the ideas about some Frankish king. Who, if not Karl the Great, can conquer the world, though thus? But no! The whole thing is completely different.

So, it's time to stop taking the reader's seeking answers and become acquainted with the hero of this famous name. We offer your attention a famous series filmed by comics: "The Walking Dead". Carl in him is the name of a teenage boy, who remained with his father in the postpocalyptic world, filled with zombies.

We are confident that those whom this multi-sized film is not familiar to the first time, have never been in the ranks of the unstring. But the rest of the next we will tell what kind of scene from the series will give an exhaustive answer to the question where the expression "Karl!" Came from.

Description of the context of the appearance of the phrase

The search for the origins of the meme known to us lead to the third season of the "walking dead". At the end of the fourth series, perhaps one of the most tragic in the entire history of the story of the plot, the scene between the main character, Sheriff Rickyr Grajams, and his son Carl.

For reference: in front of healthy people to whom our heroes are destroyed. The wife of the sheriff begin childbirth, after which she does not survive. A witnessed death becomes Karl, and with this news he stands in front of his father.

So, the scene: Silent, killed by the boy, a man who understands the eloquent son of tragedy. Further, the scene acquires dramatic development: Rick Gilims screaming and grabby for the head on Earth, and Karl is still in a stupor, just killed by grief. At the end of his desperate, overcrowded by the exclamations, a man utters several times the name of the Son. So everything started.

Since the premiere of this scene (November 2012), there was some time until the phrase became meme. Now you can and tell your friends yourself, where the expression "Karl!" Came from.

The history of the development of phrase

First phrase "Karl!" Tried to popularize together with a video cutting scene of the conversation of the Father and Son. But for some reason I did not receive any particular distribution.

Then the fans began to joke on different topics from the "walking dead", including to beat the visual dramatic scene on their humorous way. With such a mood and a selection of the best expressions of Rick Gilims was published already in 2013. Fans did not laugh at the selection of the best material, among which there was a lot of photos of this scene with various dialogue options.

"Shot" phrase only in 2015, when in the city of Stavropol on Maslenitsa, local cooks jerked bake a three-meter damn. The dishes did not see the visitors of the holiday, but the slices of the failed pancake distributed. "Damn distributed to people with shovels. Shovels, Karl!" - So asking for a language.

The value of phrase

We have already learned where, when, and in what context, the name of Karl was uttered, got acquainted with the TV series, which became the "parent" of this Mem. So what does the expression "Karl!" Mean?

In the scene from the series Rick Gheims after a silent monolor with special expression, one of his phrases is repeated son, at the end of calling his name. The verbal formula of the meme was formed in this form: the statement, the repetition of the most active element of the phrase with enhanced expression, omnipresent "..., Karl!".

Frequent use of formula meme

So we know where the expression comes from ..., Karl! ". Now it is most often found picture-comic (based on the photo from the series) with his father and son, where the latter complains about anything, and his father answers. Often, in response, the Father says that it used to be worse. Worse, Karl!

How many nostalgic moments folk memo-creativity recorded in the pictures memes with Rick and Karl! And as instead of the phones, the children took the cups bound by threads before, and about how the films were put on the entire night of the download, and how we went to the garden to the garden instead of the sea.


So, now we know where the expression "Karl!" Comes from, one of the popular memes on the Internet. It turned out that we were such a hello secession "Walking Dead". It was in the third season of the series of us the search for the origins of the Mem, and not in history, where it would be possible to think that the Karl is thus mentioned, for example. At least now, the discharge of the popularity of the phrase, humor, it is inherent, does not leave us.

We wish you a good mood and pleasant pastime! Pleasant, Karl!

Mem about Karl seems to have passed his peak of popularity, but continues to delight us on the Internet. Most of you have long noticed these comics about the boy in a big hat and his emotional father, but some still do not understand what we are talking about. The rain decided to figure out where this meme appeared and when he was picked up in Russia.

The emotional meme originates from the postpocalyptic series "The Walking Dead" of the American Channel AMC. The series is based on the eponymous comic series about people trying to survive after a zombie apocalypse.

The plot, because of which I appeared by meme, is the following: Rick Grahims (the main character of the series) realizes that his wife Lurie died in childbirth, after which it starts crying, screaming and falling to the ground. His son Carl is just standing and silent.

Popular This meme became 2 years ago. After the release of the fourth series "Killer inside" of the third season in a week, an excerpt and March 13, 2013 was laid out on Youtube called Rick Finds Out That Carl Is Gay.

Mem, however, did not immediately be popular. Only in December 2013, Buzzfeed published the material "19 of the best paternal jokes from Rick Gilims." In it, the main promise of jokes was asked.

To Russia, this meme was reached in another couple of years - he began to use much popular in early 2015, becoming one of the most popular jokes in the Russian Internet.

Later, on April 22, Alexey Navalny and Leonid Volkov began to use this meme not only on the Internet. At the briefing of the Foundation for the fight against corruption, the democratic coalition intends to participate in the elections to legislative assemblies in the Novosibirsk, Kostroma and Kaluga regions through public primaries.

Then the bulk and wolves were photographed at the time of the event next to the sign "Primeriza, Karl".

"Carl" in Russia began to finish the phrase not so long ago, in the early 2015, when the Internet meme about the boy in a broad-breasted hat and his father began to gain popularity among the Russian audience.

Exclamation "Karl!" first sounded in the postpocalyptic series "The Walking Dead", and on November 14, 2012, the user under Nick Michiganst35 flooded a serial passage on Youtouube, in which the main character of Rick Gheims falls into the tantrum from the realization that his wife died at birth, and his son Karl, The same boy in a hat, the image of which will later become meme, silently stands nearby. This passage that the author in his desire "Postbat" picked up a rather non-standard name - Rick Finds Out That Carl Is Gay ("Rick will find out that Karl Gay"), not attributing attention to the wide audience, but in December of the same year buzzfeed, American The news Internet media company, published the "19 best father's jokes from Rick of Greims" (by the way, the so-called "father's" jokes themselves are western meme, a kind of combination of Russian "bayans" and a flat monotonous humor), after which the tremendous boy in A hat with wide fields and his father, accompanying each of his teaching the urchorized "Karl!", became one of the most popular Western Internet memes of that time.

Where did it go to Russia and where it could be heard

In 2015, meme about Karl got to Russia, and most often an option was used in which the boy asks for the father the last model of an iPhone, without which life is "sucks", to which it gets a completely expected answer that in previous times neither iPhones Nor in general there were no phones, but all arranged everything. Another surgery of popularity received this expression in connection with the scandal in the same period of 2015, when the fact that the residents of Stavropol in Maslenitsa fed pancakes from Soviet shovel were widely published. Internet meme had two embodiments - "Karl lit" and "the father is trying to explain to his son." Only the end of the phrase remained the standard - the emotional repetition of the last words with the mandatory "Karl", with a questioning or exclamation intonation.

Curious fact. On April 22, 2015, the leaders of the Russian opposition A. Navalny and L. Volkov were photographed next to the sign "Primeriza, Karl", making it clear that they, as representatives of the democratic coalition, intend to participate in the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk, Kostroma and Kaluga regions through public Primary plants - preliminary intrapartare elections.

Over time, the origin of the Meme began to be forgotten, and now the exclamation "Karl!" In the Russian-language environment, it is used in situations where someone has to "chew" or simply to designate a non-unclean person. It is often written in Internet battles on the forums, the phrase speaks all to anyone who is not too lazy, but not everyone understands where it came from, why so popular and what means.

Video from the movie "The Walking Dead" with this moment

If you are often sitting on the Internet, and in social networks feel like a fish in the water, you probably have repeatedly heard and saw how "Karl!" Add to any expressions.

However, if you do not know why "Karl" at the end of the sentence say, it means that on the Internet you are not so many. But today you can deal with this question, and, having familiarized yourself with our article, you will finally learn the origin and the meaning of using this expression.

What it is

Today, the expression using "Karl!" It became a real internet meme. It is quite difficult to view the news feed in VC or Facebook, and not discover there is not a single joke associated with this mement. Often, such jokes are accompanied by a video frame, which depicts a crying man and a sad guy in a cowboy hat with a dowel head.

Origin of Mem

But where did this meme come from? Fans of foreign TV shows and televisows are certainly aware of the existence of such a series as the "Walking Dead". Even if they did not look at him, they probably heard this name, because the show had enough ratings, and it was shown worldwide.

The son of the main character in this series was called Karl. As for the frame itself, which eventually became the meme, then in the plot of the series in this moment the wife of the main character died during childbirth, and the main character, understanding this, leaned near his son and crying. Of course, to call this scene a funny language does not turn, but after someone from the "minds of the Internet" thought of creating from this frame meme, she received a second life.

Use of Mem.

As for the semantic load, the joke algorithm, built with this wallpaper from the series, then it is:

  1. The boy (Karl) in the picture asks the Father anything, whether it is a new phone, new sneakers, money on video game or entertainment.
  2. Father, through tears, responds to him that in his childhood, they had tin cans instead of phones, sneakers were stuck with a scotch, and instead of X-Box and Playstation, they played "Wolf and Eggs", for example.
  3. To add an emotional color to the said, and even more to raise my words, to the said added "you understand, Karl!?"

When, in 2013, someone first created a similar meme, the Internet community picked it up very quickly, and today, perhaps, you can find millions of various jokes on this topic.

And if you wonder why they say: "Karl!" At the end of the offer, most likely, this is said with irony.