The significance of each epigraph in the captain's daughter. Sources of Pushkin epigraphs to the heads of the novel "Captain's daughter"

The significance of each epigraph in the captain's daughter. Sources of Pushkin epigraphs to the heads of the novel "Captain's daughter"
Under the epigraph, they understand the saying or a quotation set before the text of a whole literary work or its individual chapters. The epigraph usually contains the main idea, which the author is then developing in the work. I. Epigraph to the whole story "Captain's daughter": take care of honor. (Proverb) - The epigraph is associated with the problematics of the story, sets the question of principled for Pushkin, is the question of noble honor. - Folk wisdom in this case is a reflection of the author's position. II. Each chapter is preceded by an epigraph, closely related to its content and title. Chapter I. "Guard Sergeant": - He would be the guard tomorrow W Captain. - not needless; Let in the army serve. - It is pretty said! Let him hide him ... - Who is his father? Princess in chapter describes Childhood Greeneva, his family. Father sends his son to serve in Orenburg, and not to Petersburg, and he is guided by the same considerations as the Hero of the comedy Ya. Princess "Buston" Cheston, looking for his son Zamira. See "The position of the author and the narrator in the" Captain daughter ". Chapter II. "Counseloan": the side of mine, kidka, the side is unfamiliar? What did I not come to you myself that it was not good if I got a horse: I brought me, good well done, puppy, the vigor of the youth and kabatskaya. The old song is the connection of the epigraph with the content of the head of pure "external: Buran made the hero to call in the" kiddow ". - The epigraph from the folk song precedes the appearance of Pugachev, who continues to be accompanied by a variety of folk elements (see" Pugachev image and his means Disclosures "), Chapter III." Fortress ": We live in the fortification, eat bread and drink water; and as a junior enemies come to us on the pies, let us ask the guests a pirushka: charge the cabin gun. Soldier's song Vintage people, my father." Lady "- Arrival of Greeneva to the Belogorsk Fortress and a description of the life and life of" old people "- the family of the Mironovy (in this case, Fonvizyn words, being extracted from the context, obviously lose their satirical sound). - The epigraph is contrary to the further development of events, as the defenders of the fortress They will be defeated by the Buntovshchikov. Chapter IV. "Fighting": - Invalo, and become a positress. You look, just like I figure! Princess - Fight of Schwabrina and Grneev. Chapters And V. "Love": Oh, you, the girl, the girl is red! Do not go, the girl is young, married; You ask, girl, father, mother, father, mother, tribe; Zakha, girl, mind-mind, mind-mind, the Podanova People's Song will be better you will find me, you will take a visit if you find me worse, you will remember. The folk song - the epigraph finishes the refusal of Father Greeneva in the blessing of Petryshe and Masha. - The love line also accompany epigraphs from folk songs, first of all wedding, and since the central figure of the wedding rite was bride, then these songs are addressed to her or executes it. Thus, the epigraphs are like another argument in favor of the name of the story, they put forward the image of Masher Mironova to the fore. Chapter VI. "Pugachevshchyna": You, young guys, listen that we, old old people, will affect. Song - From this chapter, the love line is postponed to the background, and the reader's attention is the historical events shown by eyewitness, his, "old old old", memories. Chapter VII. "Attachment": my head, head, serving a head! My head was exactly thirty years old and three years ah, did not heal the head either a bit of yourself, no joy, oddly a good one and no rank of themselves, only he drove the head of two high collaps, the maple crossbump, another silk loop. People's song - This chapter provides a description of the capture of the fortress and oath of the inhabitants of Pugachev. - Motive gallows appears, which passes through the entire story (see the song in the next chapter, an episode from the "missed chapter") and creates the reader's feeling of the doomedness of Pugachev and his affairs. Chapter VIII. "Uninvited guest": the uninvited guest is worse than Tatarin's proverb - the chapter describes the meeting Greeneva with Pugachev, the "uninvited guest" in the Belogorsk fortress: an extraordinary picture introduced me to me: at the table, covered with a tablecloth and stressed with the talkers and glasses, Pugachev and a man ten Cossack elders sat In the headers and colored shirts, roasted with wine, with red ries and glittering eyes. - The text contains a song that is included as a plug-in element to Pushkin and in his Roman "Dubrovsky". Not Shumi, Mati Green Dubrovushka, do not bother me, kind wellman, Duma Duffati. See "The image of Pugacheva and the means of its disclosure." Chapter IX. "Glutter": sweetly to be treated to me, beautiful, with you, sad, sad to part, sad, as if with a soul. Hranskov - Grinevo leaves to Orenburg, leaving a sick mash in the fortress in great danger. Chapter X. "Siege of the City": Having taught meadows and the mountains, from the top, as an eagle, threw a look at Grad. Behind the village commanded to build and, in it, perfoching perfume, in the novain to lend to hail. Heraskov - The chapter shows the Military Council in Orenburg and gives a description of the siege of the city, around which the "meadows and the mountains" are engaged in the troops of Pugachev: "Now, gentlemen," he continued, "he should decide how to act a counter of rebels: offensively or defensive? "Chapter XI. "Rebel Sloboda": at that time the lion was full, even with the family he fierce. "What do you need to regrehest what to do?" He asked gently. And Sumarokov - the conversation of Grneev with Pugachev, the complaint of Greeneva on Schvabrin. - Pugachev and Grineh ride in the Belogorsk Fortress: A strange thought came to me in the head: it seemed to me that the providence, secondly, leading me to Pugachev, filed the case to act my intention. - The epigraph attributed to Sumarokov, in reality, is its own styling of Pushkin under the Sumarock "Proverbs". - Pugachev, who issues himself for the king Peter Feodorovich, is compared in epigraphs with an eagle and lion - the kings of the animal world in accordance with the fastened tradition. Chapter XII. "Sirota": like our apple trees do not have the tops, nor moves; As our Knyagnyushki nor father nor mother. It is no one to equip it, bless it is no one. Wedding song - Meeting Greeneva and Marya Ivanovna, the remaining orphan. "Pugachev, giving her parsheus and blessing young, becomes her as if planted by his father: I read you my wife." Wonderful circumstances joined us inextricably: nothing can separated us in the world. Chapter XIII. "Arrest": - Do not be angry, sir: For my debt, I should send you the same hour to prison. - Issue, I am ready; But I am in such hope that the case is to explain to me before. Princess - Arrest Greeneva, who was forced to implement his buddy Zurin: It was a secret order to all separate chiefs arrest me, wherever caught, and immediately send under guard to Kazan to the Investigation Commission, established in the Pugachev case. Chapter XIV. "Court": Mirous Solva - Sea Wave. Proverb. - About the Grineh after the novels of Schwabrin was spoken as a traitor. "The father receives the news of the decision of the Empress to send Greenyev to Siberia to the eternal settlement. The missed head of the epigraph has no. III. There are two types of epigraphs of two types: 1. taken from the literature XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century (Princess, Fonvizin, Heraskov and stylization under Sumamov). Basically, these epigraphs are associated with the image of Greenyev. 2. Epigraphs taken from Folklore (sayings, proverbs, songs). They appear: - in connection with the way Pugachev and serve as a means of disclosure of this nature; - In connection with the way Masha Mironova, her fate, her desire to live as "old people" lived. Thus, in the epigraphs, the dual nature of the Roman Organization: on the one hand, "Captain's daughter" is designed in the literary tradition (European - the historical romance of Walter Scott; Russian - memoir literature of the late XVIII - early XIX century), on the other hand, in it Fees are felt, allowing you to talk about Pushkin as a written historian, deeply feeling the national roots of what is happening historical events. IV. The appearance of epigraphs is associated with the stylization of the work under the genre of memoirs. V. Often in epigraphs there is an ironic interpretation (see epigraph to the XI chapter). Vi. Epigraph is a means of expressing the author's position.

Moiseeva Angelina.

Literature. 7th grade. Project. A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter". The value of the epigraphs.



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1 Slide . The meaning of the epigraphs in the "Captain Daughter"

2. Slide

  1. Demonstrate the multifunctional role of the epigraph in the literary work.

  2. Development of self-work skill with text, dictionaries, additional literature, on the Internet.

  3. Formation of moral criteria related to the concepts of "honor", "National self-consciousness".

  4. Training to communicate in a situation of dialogue.

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The epigraph is a short text placed by the author in front of his essay or part of it. As a rule, the epigraph is a quotation from a source of the literary work, the works of folklore, the philosophical treatise, etc.

The character of the epigraphs in the "Captain daughter" is interesting, unusual for the poet: from 17 epigraphs 10 borrowed from folklore. The epigraphs are chosen to each chapter and to the whole novel, that is, make up the system. The fact that the system of epigraphs is harmonized with ideological content, it is said at the end of the story: "We decided, with the permission of relatives, to publish it especially, the sorry for each chapter a decent epigraph ..."

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1 Chapter

The epigraph is indicated by the position of the father of Peter Greeneva, the right servants at the Count Minich. Each nobleman, according to Andrei Petrovich, must serve the Fatherland: "... let him serve in the army, and it pulls the strap, yes, I'll feel gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, and not Shamaton," serve it right away who swear ... "

The epigraph is planning the fate of the main character.

In addition, it is embodied the opinion that the military service is honorable, in modern language, prestigious. Compare with the statement of Peter Greeneva: "I imagined myself an officer of the guard, which, according to my opinion, was the riding the well-being of the human."

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2 Chapter

By the name of the chapter, the epigraphs refer to Pugachev and characterizes it as "good well done", which in the "side of the unfamiliar" launched "Jumping, the vigor of the youth and kabatskaya". Although there is a contradiction here: the side of Pugachev is familiar, and the other concern "the side of me is familiar to this side," the road was answered, "Glory God, herself, and displaced along and across." The song from the epigraph is echoing on the other - "Not Shumi, Mati Green Dubravushka" (ch. VIII), emphasizing the tragedy of the image of Pugachev.

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3 Chapter

The epigraph taken from the soldiers' song corresponds to a humorous, ironic tone of a memoirist, remembering the delusion and mistakes of his youth. In this chapter, the attitude of the author and the narrator to the events described is probably in many ways identical. It should be noted the name of the name "Fortress", the beginning of the story "Belogorsk fortress was in forty versers from Orenburg" and the epigraph "We in the fortification (in the fortress) live ..." maybe this author emphasizes the meaning of the Belogorsk Fortress in the upcoming.

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4 Chapter

The epigraph of the princess with a light shade of humor negates all the dramaticness of the upcoming duel between the grine and the screw. Pushkin seemed to be frightened over the youth of his hero. The epigraph is used by professional terms of dueling "Positimes", "Figure".

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5 Chapter

The chapters in which the theme of Marya Ivanovna is deployed, epigraphs from folk songs, proverbs, love lyrics of the poets of the XVIII century are given. Thus, Pushkin shows his sympathy for the main heroine, emphasizes that her character is close to a popular ideal.

Excerpts from the folk song are imbued with the mood of sadness, regret, disappointment. And it coincides with what is happening in the soul of the main character: "My life has done to me that is not safe. I fell into the gloomy thoughtfulness, which was feeding loneliness and inaction. My love flared up in solitude and an hour from the hour I became painful ... My spirit fell. "

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6 Chapter

From this chapter begins a story about historical events who shook Russia. And the epigraph of this chapter is a kind of appeal to readers, calling for a serious perception of what will be discussed further.

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^ GL VII "attack."

Epigraph, briefly describing the main content of the chapter, however, clarifies the ratio of the narrator to some acts. Grineal was attached to the family of Mironov, although they saw their limitations. The epigraph explains that the captain of Mironov is sympathetic to bewildered, modesty, honesty. The epigraph is echoing with the ending chapter. Vasilisa Egorovna shouts: "You are my light, Ivan Kuzmich, a removal soldier's head! You have not touched nor Prussian bayonets nor Turkish bullets; Nor in honest battle put your stomach, and killed from the poor conviction. " The epigraph and the ending of the chapter make up the annular composition, this contributes to the repeat of the word "head". The epigraph is taken from the folk song and the words of Vasilisa Egorovna look like popular crying, inhibiting the dead man. And, of course, the tragic tonality of the epigraph and the final lines of chapter are coincided.

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GL VIII "Uninvited Guest."

The proverb transfers the anxious mood of Peter Greeneva, which produced in a risky situation. Twice repeating the phrase "Uninvited Guest", Pushkin emphasizes the destructive character, the drama of the Russian rebellion.
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GL IX "separation".

Hranskov poems are filled with tenderness, lyricism. They seem to reflect the character of Mary Ivanovna, meek, soft, feminine. The head is called the "separation", and in the epigraph reflected a sad mood: three times the word "sad", transmitting the state of lovers, is repeated.

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GL X "Siege of the City".

The epigraph is set aside in a high style, makes you compare Pugacheva with an eagle. Eagle in folk mythology is a symbol of freedom, proud and independent spirit, strength and power. Heraskov uses the words of high-style "eyes", "hail", "Stan", "Perunas", "in Narchi", which, belonging to the work of Pushkin, emphasize the greatness, the significance of the figure of Pugachev. The epigraph is echoing with a fairy tale about Eagle and Crow, told by Pugachev Grinev.

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Ch.xi "Rebellious Sloboda".

The epigraph refers to Pugachev, which is likened to the lion. It is said about the natural ferocity of the lion, his storm is explained by the fact that he "was ours" in "that time". It is believed that this epigraph is painted by Pushkin and is attributed to Sumaroke. What was needed a literary hoax? The words about the natural ferocity of the lion could be caused by censorship considerations. But most likely hidden controversy with traditional noble ideas about Pugachev. After all, the content of the chapter, and the novel as a whole testifies to the absence of natural fermentation in Pugachev. Sumarows did not rise in this regard to the people of his circle, calling Pugacheva "Varvar", "PsE Mesheny", the "enemy of the Fatherland", surpassed "Tiger and Aspida".

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GL XII "orphan".

The epigraph is to some extent and contradicts the content of the chapter, because it is in it "eases" and "blesses" the syrotrot of Pugachev himself. It is he who will be planted by the Father and the organizer of the happiness of Masha.
Words from the epigraph echoed with the words of chapter, characteristic of oral folk creativity. "Golubushka" calls Masha Popads. Pugachev also talks about Masha "Golubushka", "Red Maiden", "Poor Girl", "Beauty"
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GL XIII "Arrest."

Literary crituals suggest that this is the author's words stylized under Princess. The epigraph is associated, of course, with the main event - arrest, which affected the title. Greeneva is arrested, but he is confident in the justice of the court, his innocence: "My conscience was clean; I was not afraid of the ships ... "

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GL XIV "Court".

Chapter speaks of the consequences of events consecrated in previous chapters. If the narrative has revealed mainly the attitude of the acting persons from the point of view of Greennev, then at the end of the story there are different points of view on Greennev himself (Court, Parents Greeneva, Marya Ivanovna, Empress, descendants of Greeneva). As a result, the false opinion about him dissipates without a trace. Hence the epigraph "Mirskaya Solva - Sea Wave".

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Epigraphs make a ideological duet with the name of the chapter. Some literary critics even advise the experiment: read only the names of chapters and epigraphs to them.

Two groups of epigraphs express the folklore and book traditions of Russian literature, two plates of culture, two worldviews - noble and folk.

Each epigraph seems to be preceding the action that will be told in the chapter. Each configures the reader to an event or a hero described in the chapter, set a certain tonality according to the following narration, that is, the epigraph acts as a kind of exposure.

Each epigraph carries a semantic load, thanks to which it is possible not only to feel the time, and which is narrating, but also to understand the characters of heroes, it is better to understand the plan of Pushkin.

Pushkin's epigraph creates a complex image designed to perceive and actually work, and those texts from which epigraphs are extracted.

Some literary critics believe that the epigraph in this work is a kind of abstract chapter.

N.V. Gogol wrote about the language of works A.S. Pushkin: "There are not many words, but they are so accurate that they denote everything. In each word abyss space. Every word is immense as a poet. " This can be fully attributed to epigraphs, with such thoroughness, taste, accuracy selected in the "Captain daughter".

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Remove the epigraphs from the story, and you will feel the emptiness, you will miss them. Not enough not only of their deep meaning, but also their emotionality, in which, undoubtedly, reflected the copyright to heroes and events, his restless heart, Pushkin sensitive soul.

The epigraphs to the heads of the novel are divided into two groups: quotes from the poetry of the 18th century and lines from folk songs and proverbs. Such a selection of epigraphs and this separation is not accidental. Epigraphs to chapters form a whole system here. They sound the voices of the era, and all the forces of the conflict depicted in the novel are also presented behind their "own" voices. Explore Read more Sources of Pushkin epigraphs to the heads of the novel.

First chapter "Sergeant Guard" Preparacted epigraph:

Would guvia he tomorrow W Captain.

Togo is not necessary; In the army will serve.

Prettyly said! Let him hide it ...

Who is his father?

The epigraph is taken from the comedy "Basthan" Yakov Borisovich Prinjene (1740-1791) - poet and playwright, the author of tragedies, satirical comedies and comic operas; His antimonarch tragedy "Vadim Novgorodsky" was burned down by order of Catherine II and over 120 years was banned. "Busthan" was performed on the Russian stage until the mid-1820s, for readers, contemporaries Pushkin, the epigraph of the Knazhnina comedy spoke about many things. The lines of this epigraph transferred them to another world, another time of the reign of Catherine II. Princess in his comedy recreated the atmosphere of the Ekaterininsky reign, when only the sons of the richest and famous nobles took to the Guards Shelves. These were privileged shelves. The service in the guard made it possible to make a career faster and more successfully. Naturally, the nobles in every way tried to arrange their sons in the guard.

Two different worldviews, people occupying fundamentally opposite life positions that have different ways have collided in the comedy of Princess "Buston". Thus, in the mouth of the cloth, the author invests the common assertion that a successfully folding career in the guard is the top of everyday well-being, and the service in the army is the greatest misfortune, bad luck and great failure. Another Hero of Comedy Cheston believes that the service in the army is the school of life and military valor necessary for his son, and the service in the guard is not safe and is not difficult to upbringing and becoming a young Russian nobleman.

As an epigraph of KI Chapter II, the "countenance" takes a slightly modified quotation from the recruit song "spawned me Mother", printed in the "new and full meeting of Russian songs". (M., 1780, Part 3, No. 68).

In the manuscript of the second chapter, the epigraph was preceded by another:

"Where is the leader? We are going!", Taken from the poem V.A. Zhukovsky "Desire" (1811).

In the final version of the epigraphs of the II chapter, lines from the 68th song of the III of the Chulkovsky "captive" are taken.

Sip my, kidka,

Side is unfamiliar!

What is wrong I went to you,

What is not good yes I got a horse;

I brought me, good well done,

Jumping, vigor

And Khambatskaya Kabatskaya.

Antique song.

III head of the novel "Fortress" Prepare two epigraphs. The first epigraph is a soldier song, written, probably by Pushkin himself, because in other printed sources it does not occur:

We live in the fortification,

We eat bread and drink water;

And as a lady enemies

Come to us on the pies

Let us ask the guests a pirushka:

Charge a cannon.

Soldier song.

The second epigraph ("old people, my father") taken from the comedy D. I. Fonvizin "inexpensive", where the replica spaces sounds like this: "Ancient people, my father! Not the current eyelid. We were not taught anything" (Action III, Phenomenon 5th).

Epigraph to the IV chapter "Duel" taken lines from comedy Ya.B. Princess "Cranks" (1790), action IV, phenomenon 12th:

Invalo, and become a pository.

Watch, just like I figure!

The comediographer depicts a duel in a comic plan on cortic (a short straight dagger with a faceted blade and is usually the same handle, more often bone) two servants - high-speed and prolazes. Positural Pose, a certain position of the body.

The scene in the comedy depicts a quarrel of lackers among themselves and parody duel. The entire episode of Princess is described by Groteskovo: one of the dueling lackers defended his chest under the dress with thick packets of paper. A duel, as already written above, happens on cortic, but the duelists do not decide to get closer to each other and make attacks.

Piece Princess "Cranks" in Pushkin time was well known to readers.

To the V Chapter, which is called "Love", two epigraphs are given. Both epigraph are taken from the songwriter. Here they are:

Oh, you girls, the girl is red!

Do not go, the girl, young married;

You ask, girl, father, mother,

Father, mother, race tribe;

Accuming, girl, mind-mind,

Mind-reason, Podanova.

Song folk.

You will find me better if you take

If you find me worse, remember.

The first epigraph is the end of the song "Ah You, Volga, Volga-Mother" from the collection of N.Novikova "Assembly of People's Russian Songs" (Part I, M., 1780, №176).

The second epigraph is taken by Pushkin from the song "Bottured my heart, nerd," printed in the same collection (№135).

As an epigraph of the VI chapter "Pugachevshchina" Pushkin elected words from the folk song:

These are the first lines of songs about the capture of Kazan Ivan Grozny. Here is the beginning of this song:

You, young guys, listen,

That we are old old people, we will raise.

About the Terrible Tsar Ivan about Vasilyevich,

How he is our sovereign king under Kazan city went.

Under the Kazanka under the river subpophes

For Sulai behind the river barrels with gunpowder,

And guns and shells in the pure field arranged.

("New and Complete Assembly of Russian Songs," Ch.I, M., 1780, p. 156, №125.)

To chapter VII "Attachment" Pushkin took the epigraph from the song about the execution of Streletsky Ataman:

My head, head

Head serving!

Served my head

Exactly thirty years and three years.

Ah, did not heal the head

Neither a custody nor joy.

No matter how good yourself

And no rank high:

Only he drove her head

Two high columns,

Klenova crossbreaker

Sheeting silk.

Folk song.

After the fourth line of the song, Pushkin missed the following two lines:

From the good horse is not a slot,

Of the stembers of the legs do not remove.

These two lines are not given by Pushkin because they talked about the service, not like the service of Captain Mironov - Infantry.

In general, the poem quoted by Pushkin in the epigrafe is contradictory. In the 10th line (the 8th line of the epigraph) it was said that "the head did not listen to himself high" (rank - rank, degree), but then in the poem there is talking about the execution of Prince - Boyarin; There is a description of the execution, and he cut off his head in such an environment:

It is a terrible executioner,

In the hands carries the saber sharp.

The prince shall be executed, withdrawing it "on the log house is high." It seems that all the poem "Collection" is the arch of two poems: one about the execution of an ordinary military, maybe a sergeant title, and the other - about the execution of the prince - Boyarina "for sins grave." Pushkin relied mainly on the first fifteen lines, but maybe it was attracted and the dramaticness of the second part.

Next to the sentences are sisters and crying. He comforts it:

And you, the light is my mother's sister,

You cry, not sprinkle,

Pray God, not to pour

And the king ask, elare.

The transfer of drama with the person executed to his close to him may be taken into account by Pushkin. In the poem, the excerpt from which is taken as an epigraph to the chapter on the death of Mironov, not about murder, but an execution, although there is in it and sympathy for executed.

By VIII, the head of the novel "Uninvited Guest" is given an epigraph, which is the proverb:

Uninvited guest worse than Tatar.


In the manuscript, the initial epigraph of this chapter will be thrown out: "And the villains came to us in the dinner - and the team of the huts ringed three veil barrels and drank - and we were not given anything (the testimony of the head of Ivan Paramonov in March 1774).

IX The head of the novel is called "separation". The epigraph of this chapter is taken from the poem M.M. Heraskova, which begins in the following rows:

The kind of adorable, cute eyes!

You are hiding eye;

Rivers and forests and mountains

Sell \u200b\u200bus for a long time.

According to the observations of I.N. Rosanov, the text of this song often met in the songwriters ("Songs of the Russian poets", M.-l., 1936, p. 596).

Hranskov Mikhail Matveyevich (1733-1807) - Poet, playwright and novelist, many years, director of Moscow University, prominent leader of Russian Freemasonry. The brief statements of Pushkin about Heraskov give to believe that the author of the "Captain daughter" considered his work hopelessly outdated.

The poem of Heraskov, the lines from which Pushkin took as an epigraph to this chapter, represent the stylization of the folk song:

Sweet was to be paid

I am beautiful, with you:

Sad, sad part,

Sad, as if with a soul.

The epigraph of the X Chapter "Siege of the City" is also taken from Heraskov, from his epic poem "Russiaid" (Song XI), telling about the taking of Kazan by the troops of Ivan Grozny:

Taking a meadow and mountains.

From the top, as an eagle, he threw the gardens,


And here is the exact text of Heraskova:

Meanwhile, the Russian king, taking a meadow and mountains,

From the top, as an eagle, threw out the gratis,

Behind the village commanded to build ruscat.

And, in it, Peruns are scissors, in the boys to lend to the village.

Modern Pushkin The reader who knew the writings of Heraskov, of course, remembered that in the first line of the epigraph, the author of the "Captain daughter" missed the words "between those Russian king." Perun is the main deity of the ancient Slavs, the God of Thunder and Lightning. Hranskova has zipper.

Epigraph to the XI chapter "Rebellious Sloboda" is:

He asked gently.

A. Sumarokov.

Among the "Proverbs" of the poet, the playwright and the basinist of Alexander Petrovich Sumorov (1717-1777) such lines was not found. As indicated by M.A.Цyavlovsky, the epigraph is composed by Pushkin himself, artfully imitating the style of Basen A.P.Sumokova (see: "Pushkin's handus. Signless and published texts." M.-L. "ACADEMIA", 1935, p. 221 ). Moreover, according to Cavilovsky, ten years ago, a draft of the epigraph was found. He gives this passage:

Rebel Sloboda.

(At that time lion)

(Lion questions without anger)

(without a terrible matter)

(What do you need to regrehest in my leaders?)

(At that time he was full.

He said the lion of gentlemen and fierce).

At that time, the lion was fed, at least he fierce.

"Why did you regrelect in my leaders? "-

Asked (said) He's affectionately.

A. Sumarokov.

The word "Vertel" was taken in the initial sense - the cave, and not a robbery housing.

The epigraph of the XII chapter "Sirota" is taken from the wedding folk song:

Like our yard

Neither the tops are nor the processes;

Like our prnyenyushki

No father nor mother.

It's no one to equip it

Bless it is no one.

Wedding song.

This is the alteration of a wedding song recorded by Pushkin:

Many, a lot of oak cheese,

Many branches and themetelli

Only no oak

Gilding Time;

Many, many printed souls,

Many genus, a lot of tribe,

Only there is no princess of the soul;

There is no her native Mother:

Bless to someone

Cut no one.

(L.N., vol. 79, m., 1968, p. 210).

A song that is similar to the epighet given in the epigraph then when the bride is an orphan and her married a planted father and a planted mother.

The epigraph by the XIII chapter "Arrest" is as follows:

Do not be angry, sir: my debt

I have to send you the same hour to prison.

Please, I am ready; But I am in such hope.

What is the case to explain to me before.

Such quadruses, as evidenced by V. Shklovsky, in writings Ya. B. Princess was not found. True, the last two lines resemble the replica of the shock in the comedy of the princess "Bouncen": "So it was supposed to be my finish the case before, you can suffer and be dotole in the hope (action IV, phenomenon 6th)." You can think that in the epigraph Pushkin imitated the style of the princess.

The last head of the novel is called "Court". She was presented with epigraph:

Mirskie Solva - Sea Wave.


In a slightly modified form ("Mirskaya Solva, that a sea wave"), this proverb taken by Pushkin as an epigraph was printed in the "full meeting of Russian proverbs and sayings, located on the Azbigo order" (C-PB, 182, p. 141); This book had in the Pushkin's personal library.

So, by examining the sources of Pushkin epigraphs to the heads of the novel "Captain's daughter", we can conclude that all epigraphs to the heads of the novel are divided into two groups: partially truly borrowed from the poetry of the 18th century, partially under them are stylized and folklore epigraphs. In the selection of epigraphs, which are a semantic key to understanding each chapter, reflected copyright to the events depicted. Pushkin was important that the names of Sumarokov, Prinuzhnina, Hranskov were treated above chapters, in a certain way orienting readers. These poets in their works glorified the high ministry of debris, loyalty to the debt and noble honor.

Most of the epigraphs are borrowed from folk creativity. Folklore epigraphs reflect the historical, social, moral experience of the people, his life, interests, views, ideals, his wisdom, emphasize the high moral foundations of the folk life. Thus, the novel space of the novel is heterogeneously. These are two worlds: noble and folk. These are worlds - antipodes. Thus, already within the limits of the unite space, the antithesis of "people - nobles", which will be decisive in the narrative world of the work.

june 12 2011.

Pushkin was not only a great poet, but also a wonderful prose. His Peru owns dozens of different stories and stories, among which "Dubrovsky", "Peak Lady", "Baryshnya-peasant", "Stationander". But the highest height of Pushkin-Prosaika reaches in its last large completed work - the historical story "Captain's daughter".

When studying this story, many researchers pay a special place to epigraphs in the work. The character of the epigraphs to the "Captain daughter" is very significant. Pushkin loved to supply his story and novels with epigraphs, but neither in one of his previous works there is no epigraph taken from the folklore. All epigraphs are borrowed mainly from literary sources, with some references to private letters, to secular chatter. A lot of epigraphs are given in foreign languages, mainly in French. From seventeen epigraphs, data to "Captain's daughter", ten, that is, most of them are borrowed from folk creativity. This not only surrounds Pushkin with a special atmosphere of nation, but also fully corresponds to its content. In fact, in Evgenia Onegin, there is no, except for Nanny Tatyana, any detailed images of people from the people. In the plot of the "Captain's Daughter" not only introduced a large number of characters from the people (they are about the same amount, but per capita-nobility), but many of them are deployed in exceptionally bright full-fledged artistic images. Folklore epigraphs are presented in a story through folk songs or proverbs.

Some epigraphs of Pushkin sought to emphasize the era, which is narrating. For the most faithful artistic recreation of the Pushkin's era, along with historical documents, the works of artistic literature of the XVIII century are used, in which the time has more or lesser extent. The specifically literary atmosphere of the XVIII century is reported to Pushkin Tale through epigraphs to the individual chapters taken from the comedy of Princess, Phonvizin, Heraskov.

There are epigraphs that are clearly satirical. For example, before the head of the "Fight" is given a quote from Princess: "Invalo, and become a positimate.

Watch, just like I figure! " This epigraph with a light shade of humor negates all the dramaticness of the upcoming duel between the Grinemen and Schwab-Rin, and Pushkin, as it may be laughing at the youth of his impersonal

Most epigraphs help the disclosure of the characters of the test. In soft humorous colors, the images of the captain and his wife Vasilisa Egorovna are shown. To the chapter in which they first appear in front of the reader, there is an epigraph from "inexpensive": "old people, my father".

With the help of epigraphs, the character of Machine Mironova is very subtle. To the chapters in which the theme of the machine is deployed with the greatest force, the epigraphs taken from folk songs, proverbs, love lyrics of the poets of the XVIII century are given.

Very peculiar epigraphs, data to heads about Pugachev. Here is one of them, taken from the works of Sumarokov: "At that time, the lion was full, even with the genus he fierce." This epigraph not only gives a complete picture of the character, but also helps to understand what mood it is at the time of the narration.

Of course, it is worthwhile to pay special attention to the epigraph given to the whole story: "Take care of the honor with the Moldus." This epigraph becomes a charton, which is configured all the narration. It concluded the basic idea and the meaning of the whole story, the main thought that I wanted to convey to the readers of Pushkin. Every hero of the story passes through the tests, which show how much they value their honor, through which they can cross in life, and what is not.

It should also be noted that each epigraph will be preceded by the action that will be told in the chapter. All of them set the reader to events or described in the chapter, set a certain tonality to the subsequent narration. For example, the head of the "Fortress" is given epigraph from the soldiers' song: "We live in the fortification, we eat bread and drink water", and it becomes clear that it will go about the life of the fortress and its inhabitants. The head "Pugachevshchina" begins with an epigraph: "You, children, listen that we, old old men, will tell." This epigraph sets up the reader for the upcoming acquaintance with a certain historical fact, told according to eyewitness. To the head of the "Sirota" is given epigraph: "Like our apple trees, neither the tops do not have either movements."

Thus, each epigraph to the story "Captain's daughter" carries a semantic load, thanks to which it is possible not only to feel the time about which is narrating, but also to understand the characters of heroes and it is better to understand the plan of Pushkin.

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The meaning of the epigraphs in the "Captain daughter"

At the end of the twenties - the beginning of the thirties A.S. Pushkin appeals to the study of Russian history. He is interested in great personalities, their role in the formation of the state. The writer addresses the actual topic of peasant performances. The result of his works was the work - "History Pugacheva", "Captain's daughter", "Dubrovsky", "Copper Horseman".

"Captain's daughter" is the final work of Pushkin. She tells about the peasant uprising, whose leader was the Cossack Emelyan Pugachev. The story is conducted on behalf of the main character, which in his youth witnessed and participants of the events described.

In the epighera, an understanding of Andrei Petrovichy and the petrush debt of the officer is revealed to the head of the Guard. Peter Grinevo - a young nobleman, a darned inexpensive. He received a provincial education among the Frenchman, who "was not the enemy of the bottle" and loved her bullshit. " His father - Andrei Petrovich Grinenev considered the concept of debt from the position of the officer. He believed that the officer was obliged to fulfill all the orders of the authorities, "to serve correctly to someone who swear." Father immediately suggests that "Petrusha and Petersburg will not go," and sends him to the deaf Belogorsk Fortress. Andrei Petrovich Grinev does not want the Son to learn to "wind and hang."

Epigraph KO 11 chapter is an old song. In the chapter "The Counseloan" appears a "peasant", which subsequently becomes the leader of the uprising. With the advent of Pugachev, an alarming, mysterious atmosphere arises in the novel. So Petrusha sees him already in the prophetic dream: "The man jumped out of bed, snatched an ax out of his back and began to wave in all directions ... The room was filled with dead bodies ... A terrible man tenderly clicked me, saying:" Do not go ... "

Pushkin Pugachev "Woven" from folklore. It is not by chance that its appearance during the burana, which becomes the symbolic prevention of the rebellion.

In the "duel", Schvabrin advises Grinevo: "... So that Masha Mironov went to you at twilight, then instead of gentle rhymes give her a couple of earrings." Therefore, there is a fight between grine and swabs.

In the epighera to the fifth chapter "Love" speaks of Masha. This is an ordinary Russian girl who hopes to meet her love. Therefore, her attention is attracted by Schvabrin, explained to the Belogorsk Fortress for participating in the duel. At first it attracts the education and readiness of a young officer. However, soon Schwabrin makes a number of subligament, which makes Masha with indignation reject his harassment. Masha's real love meets in the face of Greens.

The epigraph of the chapter of the sixth is a song. The head "Pugachevshchyna" suggests how spontaneously coming to the Belogorsk fortress "Unknown Power" - the army of Pugachev. Pugachev uprising brings with me destruction and death.

In the head of the "attack" reflects the key situation of the "Captain Daughter" - the capture of the fortress Pugachev and the behavior of the heroes. All participants in the events are in the situation of the choice of life or death: each of them makes it in accordance with his ideas about morality, honor and debt.

In the eighth chapter, Grinevo becomes an "uninvited guest" from Pugachev. On the "Strange Military Council" the main character hears the "guy Burlats song": "Not the noise, Mati Green Dubravushka." Its "PITIC HORRIUM" will shook not only the song itself, how many people singing, "doomed gallows".

In the epighet to the head of the "separation" contains the main idea: "sad" parting of two lovers. However, and this test they are worthy.

In chapter, the tenth Grineal is becoming a choice: the debt of the officer or feelings. "In Narchi" he is trying to save Mren Ivanovna.

In "Rebel Sloboda", Pugachev takes Greeneva "Laskovo". The leader of the uprising lives according to the principle: "Debt is the payment of red." Therefore, he is solved once again to help Peter Grinevo save Masha from Schwabrin.

In the chapter "Sirota" Grinev and Pugachev come to the Belogorsk Fortress. There they find Masha "in the peasant trimmed dress", "with disheveled hair." She remained orply, "she has no father, nor mother." All hopes for salvation, the captain's daughter places on the beloved Greeneva. However, the main Savior is Pugachev, who seizes the desire to be a "planted father" at their wedding.

In the thirteenth chapter "Arrest" for lovers, a new test appears: Grinemen is arrested and accused of betrayal.

In the last chapter "Court", Grinev does not want to talk about the captain's daughter, which is involved in history with Pugachev. However, Masha Mironova itself was able to overcome all obstacles and arrange his happiness. The honesty and sincerity of Masha helped get forgiveness for Greeneva at the Empress itself.