The psychology of the kiss (collection). The economy is the main vehicle for propaganda and psychological warfare

The psychology of the kiss (collection).  The economy is the main vehicle for propaganda and psychological warfare
The psychology of the kiss (collection). The economy is the main vehicle for propaganda and psychological warfare

Modern wars are waged according to completely different rules than those that were waged by our ancestors. And they bring much more destruction, as they often begin much earlier than the people realize it. In a world ruled by technology and the media, psychological warfare has become the most acceptable method of struggle. It seems to some ordinary people that this concept primarily refers to the countries of the Third World, where poverty and lawlessness reign, and practically does not correlate with the civilized society of the Western countries.

However, such a statement has no basis, because we are all subject to certain influences, which may well be part of an information and psychological operation. This is how most wars are waged today, beginning with the long and careful work of special services. Their goal is the emergence of riots, the overthrow of the ruling elite, undermining the economy, which ultimately leads to real military action. If it seems to you that all this belongs to the category of fictions, then read our article. Perhaps after that, terms such as "propaganda" and "psychological warfare" will become much clearer to you.

Explaining the concept

There is a lot of talk about psychological warfare. This term is often used by politicians, journalists and the military. The media even try to intimidate ordinary people, using it with or without reason. So what exactly is psychological warfare? Should I be afraid of her? And how to understand that it is already underway? We will try to answer all these questions in the article, but now let's turn to the terminology.

The common people in their general mass do not even realize that the term can have two meanings. They are similar to each other in many respects, but still have certain differences in nuances that significantly change the very wording.

So, psychological warfare from the point of view of professionals is understood as an activity of a certain orientation, organized by the special services of one state and aimed at the civilian population and military units of another. This activity is characterized as a psychological impact, and its main goal is to achieve the set military and political objectives. It is interesting that the understanding of professionalism in this kind of war has a very vague framework. High-level specialists are suitable for them, corresponding to three main selection parameters:

  • possession of scientific knowledge in the required field;
  • availability of special training;
  • practical experience of psychological treatment and impact on people.

It is impossible to start such a war without the sanction of the head of state; in countries with a solid legislative base, this rule is strictly observed. However, in states where there are problems with the legislative branch, psychological warfare can be started by certain groups. For example, industrialists or political groups. They take control of the sources of information and begin to act in all ways to achieve the goal.

Even the ancient Chinese were well versed in the methods of psychological influence. One of the philosophers in the sixth century BC expounded them in his treatise. He singled out twelve basic methods that should have led to unambiguous victory. They included: discrediting all the achievements of the enemy in his country, involving political leaders in illegal activities, undermining the prestige of the ruling elite, establishing contacts with criminals who are capable of doing anything to obtain funds, and so on.

In a simpler, philistine sense, psychological warfare is a kind of spontaneous phenomenon. It is expressed in the use of all the mechanisms of verbal communication by some groups against others in order to subdue them or create special conditions for their existence. In this form, war has existed since the appearance of mankind. However, for many centuries, in the process of conducting it, mainly direct communication was used. Influence was exerted through words, gestures, facial expressions and emotions. Today, methods of psychological influence are more diverse. This is facilitated by the accumulated experience and specially developed mass management technologies.

We often talk about psychological warfare in situations that have absolutely nothing to do with it in reality. In such cases, the term takes on a certain everyday meaning. For example, it is often used when it comes to election campaigns, confrontation between ethnic groups or the negotiation process of rival organizations.

By combining these two concepts, we can conclude that the combination of various methods, forms of influence and technologies on people is a psychological war in the broadest sense of the word. However, one should not forget about its intended purpose. The goal of psychological warfare is always to change people's worldview, values, motivation and other psychological characteristics. The influence can be exerted on a certain group of citizens or society as a whole in order to completely change the mood of the masses.

The process of conducting psychological warfare in different countries: features

Today, in almost any state, there is a continuous process of uniting certain forces in order to achieve political, ideological or military goals. Moreover, the cultural and historical traditions of the country leave a serious imprint on this process.

In some states, psychological impact is taken very seriously. To conduct information and psychological warfare, special units are being formed. The selection of personnel in them is quite tough: employees undergo training in various programs, master secret techniques of subjugating the mind and receive special equipment. Such units can operate in almost any conditions, while they can direct their knowledge by order from above both to their own people and to citizens of another country. Most often, these units are part of the structure of the armed forces. Such units existed in the Soviet Union, and today they are present in the United States and China, for example.

Other countries are choosing a different path of psychological warfare. They also create special structures, but they find active use for them in everyday life. By order of the leadership, they carry out tasks for the purposes of national security. They have in their hands effective propaganda materials, thanks to which the set propaganda and ideological tasks are solved. This practice is widely used in European countries (Great Britain, France, and so on).

In a number of countries, the psi factor is used everywhere. Each media source, regardless of whether it belongs to government or commercial, is headed by a qualified specialist who possesses propaganda techniques and successfully implements them in his activities. A similar approach is typical for Indonesia and the Philippines, for example. That is, we can say that modern wars are waged endlessly and are primarily psychological.

Turning to history: a few facts

It is difficult to fully comprehend the possible scale and destruction of psychological warfare, unless we turn to history. How dangerous is it? Since ancient times, military propaganda has been considered the best way to demoralize the enemy. All great commanders have mastered this art to perfection. It is known that even Genghis Khan, before embarking on another campaign, spread rumors about a new powerful weapon, against which it is impossible to resist. Hannibal and the Persian king Xerxes did the same.

It is noteworthy that the campaign material is not always selected correctly, and a mistake may well be worth a victory. The clearest illustration of this claim is the war between Spain and England in the sixteenth century. The Spaniards, planning to defeat the enemy at sea, circulated a leaflet to discredit the royal family, which defamed the honor of the queen. According to their plans, the indignant people were to rebel against their government, which would hasten the victory of the Spaniards. However, the British loved their queen so much that they were deeply outraged by the slander against her. As a result, even those who were in opposition to the royal family stood up to defend the country. Spain suffered a disgraceful defeat in this war.

As you can see, waging psychological warfare is not easy. It requires a lot of sophistication and practical skills. Today, the special services of different countries are very actively involved in this issue, improving their methodological base.


The theory and practice of processing mass consciousness in psychological warfare is necessarily studied by specialists from special units. The process of managing people and changing their consciousness has already risen to the level of science, and therefore has its own methods. In the classic version, there are four of them:

  • psychological remedies;
  • military means;
  • system of sanctions;
  • political means.

We will tell you a little more about each method.

Exposure to psychological means

If we are talking about the influence exerted on the masses by the government within the country, then it can be carried out at the expense of the media. They promote patriotism, create a positive image of the government, and form the priorities that are pleasing to the state. In parallel, a psychological impact on the same people by the forces of the enemy is possible. He seeks to introduce opposite ideas, to form a decadent mood among the masses, to create the impression of failed economic and political measures taken by the government. As a result, this leads to a certain degree of moral fatigue. The people begin to get confused in motives, and the level of morale decreases. This technique is effective on the eve of any armed conflict.

Military means

This method is actively used today by the United States. In their practice, it is considered the norm to show the enemy their combat power in order to demoralize him and get what he wants. For example, the government can send a flotilla of warships to the shores of another state or deploy missiles on the border. Once upon a time, the Soviet Union also used military means with influence. An example is the Cuban Missile Crisis caused by the deployment of nuclear warheads in Cuba as close as possible to the United States.

Sanctions machine

The economy of each state is closely interconnected with other countries. Therefore, it is possible to undermine the forces of a potential adversary by consistently imposing economic and trade sanctions. This method is very effective in relation to the countries of the so-called third world. In them, the level and quality of life immediately decreases, mortality and morbidity increase, food problems and household difficulties appear. Naturally, this generates discontent among the masses, resulting in street demonstrations and calls for the overthrow of the government.

Political methods of influence

This technique is considered one of the most difficult, as it requires serious preparation and virtuosity of performance, achieved by experience. There are quite a few forms of such impact. For example, a prepared demarche by opposition to the government or banned organizations. It can provoke a serious confrontation between political currents and groups.

Types of exposure

Psychological warfare involves the widespread use of different types of influence. Of course, none of the country's special services will reveal their secrets, but still there is some unity among specialists in the classification of these species:

  • informational and psychological;
  • psychogenic;
  • psychoanalytic;
  • neuro-linguistic;
  • psychotronic;
  • psychotropic.

The types of psychological influence listed by us have their own characteristics and are designed to perform certain tasks.

Informational and psychological impact on the consciousness of an individual

This option is used everywhere, because the impact itself occurs through ordinary words and information, which means it can be applied to all segments of the population.

The goals and objectives of this type of impact are set as broadly as possible. People should develop different political views from the existing ones, change their ideology, and develop new beliefs that can cause violent emotions. Thanks to this, the psyche of the masses becomes mobile, and ordinary emotions, if necessary, can be transformed into certain reactions.

In its simplest form, the informational and psychological impact looks like a leaflet. It is the mechanism that is designed to shake the confidence and calmness of the enemy, causing him to have a very strong emotional reaction of a positive or negative nature. Thus, you can raise the patriotic spirit or, conversely, cause panic among the civilian population or in the military ranks.

Psychogenic effects

Applying this type requires good equipment, training, scientific knowledge and practice. This effect can be made in two ways:

  • Through a real physical impact on the brain of a person. As a result, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system occur, which also changes mental activity. The desired result can be achieved by traumatizing the individual. For example, a traumatic brain injury knocks a person out of action for a long time, and in many cases it becomes the cause of disability. But when we talk about the impact within the framework of psychological warfare, then this approach is ineffective, since it is designed to disable specific people. Therefore, experts use the effect on the masses with sound, light, a certain color combination or changes in temperature conditions. As a result, physiological reactions completely change mental activity and emotional color both in one person and in a large number of people.
  • By shock. Often, pictures of death and destruction lead even a prepared person into a stupor. He can get lost in space and panic, in the future he will need specialized help to return to reality and lead a normal life, making rational decisions.

One of the most effective methods of psychogenic influence used by special services is very often color. It has been proven that a correctly selected color scheme on leaflets, for example, can lead to the desired psychoemotional state, regardless of its informative component. The main thing in this matter is to take into account the type of the human nervous system and the cultural traditions of the ethnic group. Indeed, among different peoples, the same color can cause absolutely opposite reactions. Let's take white. Among Western peoples, it is associated with tenderness and purity, but among the Japanese and some other Asian peoples, it symbolizes death. Therefore, when preparing psychological warfare and psychogenic influence, specialists try to study from the inside all the cultural characteristics and traditions of the enemy.

Psychoanalytic impact

Every intelligence agency in the world has specialists who can influence the subconscious of a person and put certain attitudes into it. They work in different ways, but they always get good results. Most often, in the process of exposure, hypnosis, suggestion in the phase of deep sleep, as well as techniques that allow you to put the necessary information into the consciousness of awake people are used. A special skill is the ability to suppress the psychological resistance of the masses and to influence them, correcting behavior in accordance with the laid down program.

Corrections can be triggered by words, images, pictures, sounds, and even aromas. An experienced specialist can put into the subconscious mind almost any information or style of behavior and activate them at the right time.

Neuro-linguistic impact

Popularly, this method is known as neurolinguistic programming and is the introduction of certain programs into the consciousness of an individual. This is a rather complex process that consists of several stages. It is built on the internal contradictions of a person, which cause discomfort in him. And here the psi factor plays a very important role. A specialist in the field of neurolinguistic programming identifies these contradictions, then literally pulls them out of the subconscious and fixes the whole range of unpleasant sensations caused by internal conflict. Against the background of the weakening of the protective functions of the body, he very easily introduces new behavioral programs. As a result, a person completely changes his attitude to life, his beliefs, sets priorities differently and generally becomes different.

It is interesting that in the process of this influence, the person practically independently sets new programs for himself, but does this under the supervision of a specialist, which significantly reduces the possibility of their rejection by consciousness.

Psychotronic effects

Most often, it is carried out for the masses, since the programming method itself was originally designed for large crowds of people. Psychotronic influence implies obtaining a result through the transfer of information at an unconscious level.

This category can include the work of psychics, the notorious "25 frame" and dowsing installations, for example. All these methods have one mechanism of action - they enable the body to receive information without passing it through consciousness. Thus, it goes straight to the brain and acts on the nerve endings.

Today, creation is a priority in the work of secret scientific laboratories of each state. It is believed that its creation will instantly change the balance of power in the world and lead to a third world war.

Psychotropic effects

It turns out to be various medicines, chemical or biological substances. Moreover, they can be of both natural origin and synthesized in laboratories. For example, the drug "B-Zet" is well known in narrow circles. He is able to turn an organized group of people into an uncontrollable crowd capable of any crime in a few seconds.

Some experts synthesize and combine various odors that can affect people in a certain way. For example, one of the options for such an action is successfully used by marketers in shopping centers: the smell of fresh baked goods provokes the desire to go to a cafe and dine, and the aroma of citrus improves mood and contributes to large spending. The same principle is used to induce disgust in an entire battalion of soldiers or vomiting.

Biological substances can also reduce the enemy's morale. On their basis, mixtures are created that can, for example, dissolve the road surface or destroy the iron structures of buildings and bridges.

In conclusion, I would like to say that until now no government in the world knows how to resist psychological influence. Intelligence agencies are simultaneously working to create new technologies to demoralize the enemy and protect their population. However, even employees of top-secret laboratories cannot be sure that there will be a winner and a loser in the unfolded psychological war.

This book is based more on the author's personal experience than on research work, on consultations, rather than on work with books. It summarizes the author's five-year experience as a civilian expert and army officer in American propaganda institutions engaged in the conduct of psychological warfare at all levels - from planning operations in the US Joint Chiefs of Staff to units operating in front-line conditions. This book is not my original research, as it includes the concepts and doctrines on which the propaganda people based their work. The responsibility lies with me, but the achievements are shared.

Psychological warfare is an exciting mind-building activity. She attracts resourceful and quick-witted people who gush with ideas. I have discussed psychological warfare with all sorts of people, from Mao Zedong in Yanan and Ambassador Joseph Davis in Washington, to a corporal of the engineering corps in New Zealand and a latrine janitor at the American headquarters in Chongqing. I have seen how one lawyer in New York was confused, not knowing how to cope with a task, and another immediately found its solution; how Pulitzer Prize-winning writers couldn't come up with a single idea, and simple stenographers helped them out. I learned from all of these people and tried to make this book a reflection of a collective experience. Fortunately, the material I have worked with is not copyrighted; unfortunately, I cannot name the authors of most of the ideas and comments. But maybe this is for the best - not all people might want me to disclose their authorship.

I owe a lot to my father, Judge Paul M.W. Linebarger (1871-1939), who during his life introduced me to all stages of the international political war, open or secret, which was associated with his activities for the benefit of the Chinese nationalist movement and its leader Sun Yat-sen. Possessing very limited funds (for many years he financed his work from his own pocket), he fought, sometimes in four or five languages ​​at the same time, against imperialism and communism. He advocated Sino-American friendship and the development of democracy in China. For five and a half years, I was his secretary, and I believe that this work contributed to the fact that I wrote my book based on more than just American experience. There is no better way to learn propaganda work than when someone else's propaganda spurs you on.

I am also indebted to the officers of the General Staff of the War Department, who introduced me to the details of psychological warfare. The circumstances for the United States were very successful - this work at the headquarters was led by intelligent, conscientious and gifted people, and I was very lucky that I served under their command from 1942 to 1947.

The material in this book has met with no objection from the Defense Department's security services, but in no way reflects the views, opinions, or views of that department.

The department is not responsible for the accuracy of the factual material either. All responsibility for the accuracy of the material presented in this book lies with me.

Part one
Definition of psychological warfare and its history

Genevieve, my wife, with love

Chapter 1
Historical examples of psychological warfare

Psychological warfare is waged before, during, and after hostilities. It is not directed against specialists in psychological warfare in the enemy camp; it does not obey the laws, methods and traditions of war and does not depend on the territory, the course of hostilities or the composition of the fighting armies. Psychological warfare is an ongoing process. Victory or defeat in this war, it manifests itself only a few months or even years after the performance of this or that operation. Nevertheless, success, which cannot be expressed in any quantitative indicators, can lead to victory in a war, and a failure that does not manifest itself in anything outwardly can generate a crushing defeat.

Psychological warfare does not fit into conventional war concepts. Military science owes much to the accuracy and certainty of its conclusions to the fact that the subject of its study is clearly defined - it is the organization of lawful violence. Officers or soldiers are involved in massive legal violence against the enemy, which is assigned to them from above. Unleashing a war, identifying enemies or neutral parties, making peace - all these issues are considered political and are not part of the responsibilities of the soldier. And even in the course of a war, soldiers enter battle only after they receive an order from the country's leadership, and after the enemy has been identified by the command, which has every right to do so. It is only in psychological warfare that the nature of combat operations is characterized by complete uncertainty.

Psychological warfare, due to the very nature of the methods and tasks, begins long before the declaration of hostilities. It continues after their end. In psychological warfare, the enemy is often not even called by name; for the most part, actions are covered by the call of the homeland, by God, by faith or by the press that sympathizes with the cause. A fighter of psychological warfare is fighting an enemy from whom he will never receive an answer - the people of the enemy side. This fighter cannot strike the one who opposes him - the fighter of the enemy's psychological warfare, but he is just waiting for the moment to give him back. Neither victory nor defeat in this war can be predetermined. Psychological strategy is being developed on the brink of a nightmare.

Psychological warfare concept

In order to give a definition of this mysterious component of an ordinary war, you can apply the Euclidean method, when a scientist moves from one definition to another and isolates the essence of the object being determined with the help of logic. It is also interesting to apply a historical approach, describing the development of methods of psychological warfare over the centuries.

However, the most productive result will be, perhaps, a combination of logical and historical approaches. As specific examples, we will cite cases of the application of methods of psychological warfare starting from ancient times and ending with the end of the Second World War.


An American flyer issued during the landing of American troops in the Philippines. They were dropped over populated areas of the Philippines to provide assistance to the civilian population of the American army. This form of propaganda can be classified as a type of action designed to influence the civilian population (“civil actions”).

Thanks to this, we will be able to isolate the tasks and methods of this war, and with them in mind, we will describe in more detail and critically the operations of the First and Second World War. If a historian or a philosopher reads this book, he, of course, will decide that many conclusions can be argued, but when describing a subject that is so difficult to define, this is completely forgivable.


In such leaflets, which were scattered on the Italian front in 1944, the Nazis did not call on American soldiers to take any action. The task of the Germans was only to undermine the morale of the Americans, after which propaganda was supposed to join the case, calling for concrete action. pay attention to A the extremely primitive meaning of this leaflet. During World War II, the Nazis were fooled by biased political intelligence reports and grossly overestimated the scope and strength of the American opposition to Franklin D. Roosevelt. They accepted the complaints of the townsfolk as incitement to revolt, so these leaflets seemed to the Germans very effective.

The leaflet reads: "I assure you over and over and over again - no American guy will die on foreign soil." Franklin D. Roosevelt, October 31, 1940.

Psychological warfare and propaganda are as old as the world; but they have become separate subjects of study only in our time. Examples of their use are found in thousands of books, so it is impossible to briefly talk about them. Many military readers who have retired might have taken up this subject. The history of propaganda will help not only shed light on hitherto unexplained or insignificant events, but also better understand the course of history as a whole. However, there are a number of examples that make it possible to understand what methods of psychological warfare were used in different centuries.

Gideon's use of panic

One of the oldest examples of the psychological impact on the enemy is the use of lamps and jugs by Gideon in a major battle with the Medes.

The seventh chapter of the Book of Judges tells us about this story. Gideon's troops were in a worse position than the enemy. The Medes outnumbered them in manpower and were going to finally defeat them. There was little hope for the usual methods of warfare, so Gideon - acting on a whim, which modern generals usually do not allow themselves - decided to go for a trick, using modern methods of estimating the number of troops.


It was prepared in 1945 for dispersal from B-29 aircraft that bombed Japan. It lists eleven Japanese cities, the country's most important strategic centers - the target of American bombing, which must be destroyed to suppress Japanese resistance. The leaflet was intended for the civilian population and called on the Japanese to save their lives. At the same time, she had to create a reputation for the Americans as humane warriors, as well as refute the enemy's accusations that American aircraft were bombing Japanese cities indiscriminately.

Having selected three hundred soldiers, he figured out how to cause confusion in the enemy's camp. The tactics of that time required that for every hundred soldiers there was one man with a lamp and one trumpeter. If you give lamps and trumpets to three hundred soldiers, the enemy will think that an army of 30 thousand people is going to him. And since in those days it was impossible to turn on and off the light, as now, it was necessary to cover the torches with jugs in order to achieve the effect of surprise.

And Gideon ordered that all the selected soldiers be supplied with lamps and jugs. In addition, each soldier, in addition to the lamp covered with a jug, also carried a pipe. Gideon ordered these soldiers to surround the enemy camp. Then, at his command - and he himself set an example - all the jugs were broken, and the warriors sounded loud trumpets.

The Medes woke up in panic and, not understanding what was happening, pounced on each other. The Jewish chronicler sincerely believed that the defeat in the camp took place at the will of God. Then the Medes fled, and the people of Israel began to persecute them. For a while, the Jews got rid of the threat from the Medes, and later Gideon finally defeated Media.

This method of psychological influence - the use of unusual devices to create panic - was used in all countries of the Ancient World. In China, the emperor Wang Man, who seized power in a coup, once decided to destroy the Hun tribes with the help of an army, which included large formations of sorcerers, although the Emperor of the Han Dynasty at that time believed that the usual methods of fighting were more reliable. Wang Man's idea paid off.


The Germans love that all their actions are formalized, even in the midst of chaos, disaster and defeat. The Allies decided to take advantage of this and printed several types of "prisoner passes" specially for the Germans, which look quite official. This is one such "pass". The original was printed in red, exactly the same as on the banknotes, ? so the pass was very much like a soap premium coupon. (Western Front, 1944-1945, issued by the headquarters of the Supreme Command of the Allied Expeditionary Forces.)

Inscription on the pass:

“This pass, presented by a German soldier, testifies to his sincere desire to surrender. He should be disarmed, carefully examined, fed and, if necessary, provided with medical assistance, as well as taken out of the danger zone as soon as possible. " Signed: Dwight D. Eisenhower, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Western Europe.

But Wang Man's passion for innovation was ineradicable. In 23 A.D. e., trying to suppress the rebellion that threatened to sweep him from the throne, he gathered in the imperial menageries of all the animals - tigers, rhinos, elephants - and ordered them to be set on the enemy. But the rebels struck first, killed the imperial general Wang Song, and the animals, in the tumult of the battle, pounced on the emperor's own army, which was gripped by panic. At the same time, a hurricane struck the battlefield, adding to the confusion. The emperor's army was defeated, and the military propaganda of his opponents was so jubilant in tone and successful that the main task of any propaganda "to annoy the commander of the enemy troops and deprive him of the opportunity to think soberly" was brilliantly solved. This is what happened to Wang Man when he saw that the enemy was advancing: “The emperor became discouraged ... He began to drink a lot, ate only oysters and let everything go by itself. He, being unable to straighten up, slept sitting on a bench. " In the same year, Wang Man was killed, and China lived without economic reforms until the reign of Emperor Wang Anshi (1021-1086), that is, for a whole thousand years. If Wang Man had adopted more successful methods of psychological warfare, China's history might have taken a different path. 1
Wieger L., S.J. Textes Historiques. Hsien-hsien, 1929. V. 1. P. 628-633.

Han Dynasty Athenians and Chinese Propaganda on the Battlefield

A more successful application of the methods of psychological warfare is noted by Herodotus, the Greek historian: “Themistocles, having selected the best Athenian ships, went to where there was potable water, and ordered to carve inscriptions on the stones, which were read by the Ionians who arrived the next day at Cape Artemisium. The inscriptions read: “People of Ionia, you do evil by fighting against your fathers and helping to enslave Greece. Therefore, it is better for you to come to us, and if you cannot do this, then give up the struggle and convince the Karin people to do the same. But if this is impossible, if you are bound by severe necessity, then fight against us as badly as possible, remembering that they came from us and that the alliance of barbarians directed against us was created by you. "

This leaflet is very similar in content to leaflets that during the Second World War were dropped at the location of not too zealous fighting troops - Italian units, Chinese puppet formations, etc. (Compare this excerpt with the leaflet in Fig. 5.) Note, that the authors of this text try to look at the problem through the eyes of those who will read it, sympathize with them and care about their well-being. And offering the Karinians to fight as badly as possible, Themistocles is already pursuing another line - black propaganda among the Persians, which should make them think that any Ionian who fights carelessly secretly sympathizes with the Athenians. And this technique meets all modern standards of combat leaflets.


When a revolution occurs and a war breaks out after it, propaganda becomes a tool that one government uses against another. This leaflet was issued by the Indian Liberation Army of the Japanese puppet Subhas Chandra Bose in Singapore, called Shonan in 1943 and 1944. The leaflet does not explicitly mention the Japanese, so this is an example of black propaganda. Its theme is simple - the British are overeating, while the Indians are starving. At that time, this argument was very convincing. Famine broke out in Bengal, but among the thousands who died of starvation there was not a single white man.


During the Second World War, propaganda gained a huge audience. The most interesting inventions in this regard were made by employees of the Indian Broadcasting Company and their Japanese competitors. The pictures depicted here tell the story in the Hindustani language (written in the letters of the Devanagar alphabet) or in the romanized Hindustani. The brochure was intended for Hindus who could read both forms of the font, and the pictures were drawn for the illiterate. It begins with the image of the British flag and ends with the flag of the Congress, which was the banner of the puppet pro-Japanese ruler of India, Subhas Chandra Bose.

Another method of ancient military propaganda was political disclosures, which, being declared at the very beginning of the war, were later cited as a legal and ethical justification for one side or another. The Chinese novel San Go-Ji, or The Novel of the Three Kingdoms, has probably been read by more people than any other work of fiction, preserved the text of a proclamation issued by a group of rebels seeking to restore power to the Han Dynasty, on the eve of the outbreak of the war. action (c. 200 AD). The text of this proclamation is of great interest, since it combines several successful propaganda methods: 1) the exact designation of the enemy; 2) appeal to the "best people"; 3) sympathy for ordinary people; 4) the requirement to support the legitimate government; 5) a statement of his strength and high fighting spirit; 6) a call for unification; and 7) an appeal to religion. The issuance of the proclamation was associated with a highly complex official ceremony.

“Hard times have come for the House of Han - the ties of the imperial power have weakened. The rebel leader, Dong Zhuo, took advantage of this to do evil, and disaster struck noble families. The common people are mired in cruelty. We, Shao and his associates, fearing for the safety of imperial prerogatives, gathered an army to save the State. We now vow to exert all our strength and exercise the full authority with which we are vested. There should be no uncoordinated or selfish actions. May the one who breaks this oath lose his life and leave no offspring. May the Almighty heavens and the Universal Mother Earth and the enlightened spirits of our ancestors be witnesses to this. "

In the history of any country one can find examples of such proclamations. Those cases when they were deliberately used along with hostilities can rightfully be called great propaganda.

Emphasis on ideology

In a sense, the experience of the past, unfortunately, can shed light on the future. During the last two world wars, the role of ideology, or political faith (the definition of ideology is given below), as the leading force in the war, has increased, and the role of cold calculation, called diplomacy, has diminished. Wars became more bloodthirsty and less gentlemanly; they treated man not as a living being, but as a fanatic. To the usual loyalty of a soldier to his unit or army - it does not matter on whose side he is fighting, on the right or on the wrong, - was added loyalty to some ismu or a leader. Thus, modern wars began to resemble wars of faith. Therefore, it is very useful to consider the psychological methods used during the wars of Christians with Muslims and Protestants with Catholics. This will help to isolate those problems that fit psychologically and militarily to our time. How quickly can a conquered people be converted to their faith? Under what circumstances can the enemy's word of honor be trusted? How to destroy heretics (in the present "people conducting subversive activities")? Is there a weakness in the enemy's faith that can be used against him at the right time? How should we write about subjects sacred to the enemy but unacceptable to us?

In the course of the spread of the Islamic faith and the expansion of the empire, such forms of propaganda were created that cannot be ignored in our time. Mohammed, for example, argued that the faith of others should not be destroyed by violence, since strength alone is not enough to change the minds of people. If this were true, then in Germany it would never have been possible to destroy Nazism, and the people of democratic countries captured by totalitarian regimes would have no hope that they would be able to adapt to the requirements of the new masters, and, having adapted, they would then be able to return to free principles. In real life, the military leaders of Mohammed and his followers applied two principles of long-term psychological warfare, which are still relevant today.


News is one of the most effective methods of psychological treatment of the enemy. One of these newspapers was issued for the German forces occupying the Aegean Islands; the second - by the Germans for the Americans in France. Of both, the Allied newspaper [in German] was made more professional. Notice how references are separated from articles, how news columns are separated from each other, and the indication at the top, in Greek, that this newspaper is for Germans.

A person can be quickly converted to another faith if he is faced with a choice - conversion or death. So you can quickly eliminate the intractable. To help a person convert to a new faith, it is necessary to make him participate in public ceremonies and master the formal language of this faith. It is also necessary not for a moment to let the converts out of sight so that they do not return to their old faith. But a formal appeal will only become sincere if all media cease to mention the old faith.

For 5.5 thousand years, mankind has experienced 14 thousand wars, in which 4 billion people died. Only two World Wars of the 20th century killed 50 million. Between 1945 and 2000, more than 100 military conflicts claimed the lives of about 20 million people. The bloodiest war is considered to be the Korean War, which brought 3.68 million casualties. As you can see, humanity has not become more peaceful, and the instinct of aggression continues to dominate human behavior.
General Provisions.

Military psychology is the most hidden and conservative part of general psychology. Each country decides questions of national defense and its troops, commensurate with geopolitical interests, potential threats, anthropo-ethnic heritage and, of course, the economic base of the state.

However, there is no doubt that for over 7 thousand years mankind has realized the need to perceive itself and the armed masses of people (Homo bellicus) as something special. Three great nations brought the world three schools of military psychology.

Oriental School - China (Japan).
- Western school - GFS (Germany, France, USA).
- the Russian school takes a special place in this.

At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, China, Russia, and the United States are coming to the fore thanks to the scientific and technological potential, which was dictated, first of all, by the appearance of mass destruction, and later by rethinking its role in world conflicts.

Currently, scientific and technological progress positions military psychology ahead of weapons of mass destruction. In this regard, many moral and ethical problems arise with the use of psychic energies and energies that affect the human psyche. It is these two areas that are priority in the perspective of scientific knowledge and human self-awareness. Accordingly, two scientific trends were formed:

1- the impact of energies on the human psyche (USA).
2- the impact of psychic energy on the noosphere and the global psycho-informational field (Russia, China).

On the border of these two currents, this moral and ethical problem arises.

The impact of energies on the human psyche should be viewed as aggression against the individual, democratic and personal freedoms of citizens. The United States also applies a policy of double standards here, hiding from the Americans the true essence of its research in this area (offensive military psychology).

The impact of psychic energy on the noosphere is aimed at the harmonious interaction of man and nature (humanistic direction).

For many years, thousands of publications have disputed the existence of the PSY weapon. Today we must tell the reader and the citizens of our countries clearly and clearly - YES, it exists.

What is it, this PSY-weapon? Everything is simple to genius.

PSY - the weapon is ambivalent and includes 2 elements: HUMAN + TECHNOLOGY.

The first element is a person - a bearer of anthropo-ethnic information, fixed genetically, and the paranormal psychic energy of a person, hidden in the same genetic structure (Russia, China).

2nd element - technologies, whether it be communication technologies, concepts, doctrines of influence, or technical devices, apparatus, systems that directly generate electromagnetic radiation that have an impact on the human psyche, behavior, perception (USA).

Of course, it is not possible to describe such a broad topic on several pages. My goal is different - to acquaint the reader with the state of military psychology in different countries. And also to give a kind of retrospective of the development of military psychology and determine further prospects.

To begin with, by the beginning of the 21st century, military psychology goes beyond general psychology and integrates such disciplines as:
- polemology,
- anthropology,
- ethnopsychology
- social psychology and psychology of the masses,
- geopolitical psychology,
- psychology of communication and conflict,
- psychology of aggression,
- personality psychology and morphopsychology,
- theory of the noosphere and psycho-informational field,
- engineering psychology.
- ethics and deontology.
- heraldry.
- asymmetric psychology or military psychology itself (the offensive part of military psychology, integrating all of the above).

Training of military psychologists

There is no doubt that every army and country has its own concept of military psychology. It should be noted that over the years, having studied the systems of psychological training and training of military psychologists in different countries, I came to the conclusion that the training of military psychologists in universities in many countries is not involved. Most military psychologists are psychology graduates. Therefore, they have to retrain them already in the troops, devoting 1-2 years of training to this process. The main disadvantage of a civil psychologist is the inability to work with large masses of people, psychodiagnostics of the masses, poor knowledge of psychodiagnostic tools, influence on the masses, work in crisis situations, work in terrorist situations, work in the zone of man-made disasters, psychological selection for military operations, work with fears and thanatotherapy, planning and conducting psychological operations in various situations of the operational environment.

In the United States, the training of military psychologists is so specific that a military psychologist is not suitable for use on the battlefield, only in the rear, and then according to his narrow specialization.

Take Russia, for example - military psychologists are trained at the Military University in Moscow. The selection of personnel in the troops for action in combat operations is poor. In the 1st and 2nd Chechen campaigns, the influence of military psychologists on personnel in a combat situation is minimal (of course, I watched an unedited video of the massacre of militants against Russian soldiers). The training program contains many outdated concepts, while in Russia itself there are many excellent military psychologists (which will be discussed below). The situation is the same in Ukraine.

Romania does not train psychologists in military universities. Psychologists are undergoing retraining in units. There are many good military psychologists in the senior officer ranks. Good scientific and theoretical base and school of planning psychological operations.

In Moldova, civil psychologists undergo retraining in military units. The school of military psychology itself is mixed and integrates many Western and Eastern concepts, but taking into account ethnic specificity. However, due to military reforms, the state of the Armed Forces wants to be better, and the morale of the personnel is low. Despite this, the methods of selection of hp have been worked out. for combat peacekeeping operations and actions in crisis situations.

In this context, I will say that in 2003 Moldova sent its first contingent to IRAQ. This was preceded by a study of the situation in Iraq itself. More than 20 stressful daily factors were identified, the threshold of stress resistance was determined for each participant in the operation. Thanatotherapy was carried out in parallel with anti-terrorist training, to the level of instilling culture and ethics of dying. The most important thing in the selection was to identify the victim's complex. Not a single soldier with this complex was allowed to participate in the operation. Particular attention was paid to the instinct of aggression. I will not deny that an instruction was given on the perception of the behavior of American soldiers and the local population. Especially to establish trusting relationships with the local population.

I specifically dwelled on the training of military psychologists. At the planning level, this allows you to avoid losses among the civilian population, at the tactical level - losses of your own personnel and effective influence on the enemy.

In this case, the military psychologist, as a person with special knowledge, is a key element of what we call a psychological weapon.

It is the presence of military psychologists in a particular army that should be considered no less than the possession of a new type of weapon.

Scientists and Personalities Who Defined the Modern Concept of Military Psychology

Boris Fedorovich Porshnev
(February 22 (March 7) 1905, St. Petersburg - November 26, 1972, Moscow) - Soviet historian and sociologist. Doctor of Historical (1941) and Philosophical (1966) Sciences. Honorary Doctor of the University of Clermont-Ferrand in France (1956). Porshnev establishes the anthropological meaning of speech and suggestion for the formation of a person as a social being and argues that the appearance of human speech and suggestion led to the division of the human species into 2 subspecies - hunters and victims, during the period of cannibalism.

Sun Wu, 孫武, Changqing, Sun Tzu, Sunzi- Chinese strategist and thinker, presumably living in the 6th or, according to other sources, in the 4th century BC. The author of the famous treatise on military strategy "The Art of War". One of the meanings of the treatise is that the aphorisms contained in it have influenced many generations of Chinese, Japanese and other peoples of East Asia. Many of the principles outlined in this treatise can be applied not only in military affairs, but also in diplomacy, the establishment of interpersonal relations and the formation of business strategy.

Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz (July 1, 1780, Burg near Magdeburg - November 16, 1831, Breslau) is a famous military writer who, with his writings, revolutionized the theory and foundations of military sciences.

Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky
(February 28 (March 12) 1863 (1863.03.12), St. Petersburg - January 6, 1945, Moscow) - Russian and Soviet scientist of the XX century, naturalist, thinker and public figure; the founder of many scientific schools. One of the representatives of Russian cosmism; creator of the science of biogeochemistry.

Noosphere (Greek νόος - "mind" and σφαῖρα - "ball is a sphere of interaction between society and nature, within the boundaries of which rational human activity becomes a determining factor in development (this sphere is also denoted by the terms" anthroposphere "," biosphere "," biotechnosphere ").

Academician Pyotr Lazarev in 1920 in his article "On the work of nerve centers from the point of view of the ionic theory of excitation" was the first in the world to substantiate in detail the problem of direct registration of the electromagnetic radiation of the brain, and then spoke in favor of the possibility of "catching a thought in the form of an electromagnetic wave in external space."

In 1920-1923, a brilliant series of studies was carried out by Vladimir Durov, Eduard Naumov, Bernard Kazhinsky, Alexander Chizhevsky in the Practical Laboratory for Zoopsychology of the Main Directorate of Scientific Institutions of the People's Commissariat of Education in Moscow. In these experiments, psychics, who were then called "radiating people", were placed in a Faraday cage, shielded by sheets of metal, from where they mentally influenced a dog or a person. A positive result was recorded in 82% of cases.
In 1924, Vladimir Durov, Chairman of the Academic Council of the Laboratory of Zoopsychology, published the book "Animal Training", in which he talks about experiments on mental suggestion.
In 1925, Alexander Chizhevsky also wrote an article about mental suggestion - "On the transmission of thought at a distance."

In 1932, the Institute of the Brain. V. Bekhtereva received an official task to begin an experimental study of distant, that is, at a distance, interactions.
By 1938, a large amount of experimental material had been accumulated, summarized in the form of reports:
Psychophysiological Foundations of Telepathic Phenomenon (1934);
"On the physical foundations of mental suggestion" (1936);
"Mental suggestion of motor acts" (1937).
In 1965-1968, the most famous was the work of the Institute of Automation and Electric Power Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk. The mental connection between humans and between humans and animals was investigated. The main research material was not published due to regime considerations.

In 1970, by order of the secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Peter Demichev, the State Commission for the Examination of the Phenomenon of Mental Suggestion was created. The commission included the largest psychologists in the country:

A. Luria, V. Leontiev, B. Lomov, A. Lyuboevich, D. Gorbov, B. Zinchenko, V. Nebylitsyn.
In 1973, Kiev scientists received the most serious result in the study of psi phenomena. Later, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a special closed resolution on psi-research in the USSR on the creation of a scientific and production association "Otklik" under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR, headed by Professor Sergei Sitko. At the same time, some of the medical experiments were carried out by the Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR under the leadership of Vladimir Melnik and at the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology under the guidance of Professor Vladimir Shargorodsky. He headed the research on the influence of mental suggestion on the psychopathology of the central nervous system at the Republican Hospital named after IP Pavlova professor Vladimir Sinitsky.

Professor Igor Smirnov-Russia.
Doctor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, founder of computer psychotechnology. The founder of the science of Psychoecology - a direction that is not the prerogative of medicine and is a separate, fundamentally new area of ​​knowledge based on the intersection of many areas, but having its own conceptual apparatus - a set of scientific concepts and practical techniques for studying, monitoring and predicting the behavior and state of a person as information system in the information environment of its habitat. (the son of the Minister of State Security Abakumov died in a mystical environment).

ELENA GRIGORIEVNA RUSALKINA - clinical psychologist, associate professor of the Department of Psychoecology, PFUR, Director for Science of the Center for Information and Psychological Security named after Academician I.V. Smirnova; one of the developers of the method of computer psychosemantic analysis and psychocorrection at an unconscious level.

Konstantin Pavlovich Petrov (August 23, 1945, Noginsk, Moscow region - July 21, 2009, Moscow) Major General. - Soviet and Russian military leader, Russian public and political figure. Candidate of Science (Engineering). Member (academician) of the International Academy of Informatization. He headed the department at the Udmurt State University. The genius military psychologist of Russia.

Savin Alexey Yurievich
From 1964 to December 2004 he served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He rose from a cadet of the Black Sea Higher Naval School to Lieutenant General - Chief of Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, Honorary Doctor of the European University. Honorary Citizen of the city of Sevastopol. Participant in hostilities. Honored Military Specialist. He was awarded many orders (including the Order of Courage) and medals, as well as personal firearms. Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, International Academy of Sciences, Italian Academy of Economic and Social Sciences.

Major General Boris Ratnikov- Russia. Supervised a special unit in the FSB that dealt with the secrets of the subconscious.

Ivashov Leonid Grigorievich - Russia.
President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems. Doctor of Historical Sciences. Colonel General. Founder of a new direction - geopolitical psychology.

Krysko Vladimir Gavrilovich-Russia. Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Colonel in the Reserve, currently Professor of the Department of Public Relations at the State University of Management. An ingenious military psychologist. Born in 1949, graduated from the Faculty of Special Propaganda of the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in 1972, Liaoning University (Shengyang, China) in 1988. In 1977 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "National psychological characteristics of army personnel China ”, in 1989 - a doctoral dissertation on the topic“ The influence of national psychological characteristics on the combat activities of the personnel of the armies of the imperialist states ”.

Dmitry Vadimovich Olshansky- Russia
Date of birth January 4, 1953.
In 1976 he graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Fluent in English.
In 1976 he graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University.
In 1979 he graduated from the postgraduate course of the same faculty.
In 1979 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of psychological sciences.
1980 to 1985 - was engaged in research and teaching work.
1985 - 1987 - Political adviser in Afghanistan, participated in the development of the policy of "national reconciliation" and the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.
1988 - Political Advisor in Angola.
1989 - political advisor in Poland.
In 1990, Dmitry Olshansky was awarded the degree of Doctor of Political Science.
1992 - Member of the Supreme Advisory Council under the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.
From 1993 to the present - General Director of the Center for Strategic Analysis and Forecast (CSAP).

Parchevsky Nikolay Vasilievich. Born in 1962, Moldova
Lieutenant of the USSR Armed Forces, Lieutenant Colonel of the Armed Forces of Moldova. Founder of military psychology of the Armed Forces of Moldova. Supporter of the humanistic direction of military psychology. Co-author of the textbook "Practical Military Psychology", Bucharest 2009, in collaboration with the rector of the Academy Gen. Headquarters of the Romanian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Theodor Frunzeti. Author of the definition and methodology of asymmetric military psychology. The author of the Moldovan methodology for psycho-semantic analysis of texts and morphopsychological characteristics of a person. The author of the methodology for selecting the personality of the composition for combat operations. Supporter of the scientific integration of various psychological schools.

Lucian CULDA,
Romania. Major General. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Director of the Center for Research on Organic Processes.
Nominated by the Cambridge International Biographical Center in the category "The First 2000 Intellectuals of the 21st Century" and Person of the Year 2003.

Works of international level
- The emergence and reproduction of nations -1996-2000.
- Becoming people in real social processes - 1998
- The state of nations.
- Study of Nations.

Gabriel Dulea
Romania. Retired Colonel, Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor. The work in the field of anti-terrorism is comparable to the work of D. Olshansky.

Dr. John Coleman
(eng. Dr. John Coleman) (b. 1935) - American publicist, former leader of the British intelligence services. Author of 11 books (2008), including the book “The Committee of Three Hundred. Secrets of the World Government "(The Committee of 300," The Committee of 300. Secrets of the World Government ", 1991).

This list of military and scientists defines the humanistic direction in military psychology.

US offensive military psychology

After the war in 1945, the Americans got not only the archives that dealt with the creation of atomic weapons and missile technology. It turned out that in the 1940s, unprecedented in scale, top-secret psychophysiological research work was launched with the involvement of all the best that was created at that time in India, China, Tibet, Europe, Africa, USA, USSR. A quote from the Russian special services: “... The purpose of the study: the creation of psychotronic weapons. Therefore, never before and after the war, scientists have no right to perform such experiments on living people. Therefore, all German research materials are now unique and invaluable for science. " The most powerful installations are now not only in service with the military of the United States, Great Britain and France, but also with transnational corporations, which privately use them in solving their problems.
Does everyone know that the technologies of reading human thoughts and controlling a person by means of electromagnetic fields were studied in Germany under Hitler, in the Anenerbe project, then the materials of this project were seized by the United States.

Dr. Joseph mengele

The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, 1912

After studying the materials of Dr. Mengele and other monsters in 1949, the Armed Forces Security Agency was created in the United States, which continued this research.
By 1952, results were obtained that showed that human thoughts are just infrasonic waves in the range of 0.01-100 Hz, which can be easily read, and you can also slip your thoughts and control a person through a computer program.

Assessing the enormous prospect of studying electromagnetic radiation in the biological spectrum, US President Truman on October 24, 1952, by his secret directive, created the NSA (National Security Agency). The National Security Agency is the leading US intelligence agency in the field of electronic intelligence and counterintelligence. The NSA can rightfully be called the most secret of all the organizations that make up the US Intelligence Community. The NSA charter is still classified. Only in 1984 were some of its provisions made public, from which it is clear that the agency is exempt from all restrictions on the conduct of intelligence communications. As already mentioned, the NSA is engaged in electronic intelligence, that is, listening to radio broadcasts, telephone lines, computer and modem systems, fax machine emissions, signals emitted by radars and missile guidance systems. By its status, the NSA is a "special agency within the Department of Defense." However, it would be wrong to consider it as one of the divisions of the American military department. Despite the fact that the NSA is organizationally part of the structure of the Department of Defense, it is at the same time an independent member of the US Intelligence Community.

The NSA has a lot of credibility when it comes to national security. For example, the NSA has a backup government ready to take over if the primary fails, whether due to a foreign invasion, nuclear war, civil strife, or other cause.

In the post-war period, the United States, under the auspices of the CIA, is conducting experiments to brainwash its own citizens. In the MK-Ultra project, psychiatrist Even Cameron conducted experiments on erasing and shaping new personalities. The CIA allocated 6% of its budget for these experiments. Within the framework of the MK-ultra program, 44 universities and colleges, 15 research groups, 80 institutions and private firms were involved in cooperation. Even then, Cameron, in extremely cruel ways - strong electric shock and drugs - tried to deprive the experimental subjects of their will, to form a completely different personality in them, erasing the old one. As a result of these experiments, about 100 Americans died. Cameron was not even tried.

Cameron, Donald Ewen (eng.Donald Ewen Cameron)(December 24, 1901, Bridge of Allan, Scotland - September 8, 1967 Lake Placid, USA) - psychiatrist, citizen of Scotland and the USA. Born in Bridge of Allan and graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1924. Cameron was the author of the concept of mental control, in which the CIA took particular interest. In it, he outlined his theory for the correction of insanity, which consists in erasing existing memory and completely reworking the personality. After starting work for the CIA, he traveled every week to work in Montreal, at the Allan Memorial Institute at McGill University. From 1957 to 1964, 69 thousand dollars were allocated to him to carry out experiments on the MK-Ultra project. The CIA probably gave him the ability to conduct deadly experiments for the reason that they were to be performed on people who are not US citizens. However, documents that appeared in 1977 revealed that thousands of unwitting as well as voluntary participants, including citizens of the United States, passed through them during this time period. Along with experiments with LSD, Cameron also conducted experiments with various substances of nerve action and electroconvulsive therapy, the electric discharge in which exceeded the therapeutic one by 30-40 times. His experiments in "control" consisted in the fact that participants were continuously injected for several months (in one case, up to three months) into a coma and at the same time forced to listen to recorded and repeated sounds or simple repetitive commands. The experiments were usually carried out on people who went to the institute with minor problems, such as anxiety neuroses or postpartum depression. Many of them were constantly suffering from these experiments. Cameron's work in this area began and went in parallel with the work of the English psychiatrist Dr. William Sarjant, who conducted virtually the same experiments at the St. Thomas clinic in London and the Belmont clinic in Saray, also without obtaining the consent of the patients.

The NSA and the CIA pay special attention to the development of new psychotechnologies. Millions of funds are allocated for scientific research.

Colonel John Alexander, USA
Military psychologist. A veteran of special forces in Vietnam.
The works are classified. The main directions are being developed at the Los Alam laboratory, where the first atomic bomb was created. The main area of ​​work is human paranormal abilities. The activity overlaps with the work of Michael Jmur.

Michael Jmura USA.
An artificial telepathy system is being developed at the University of California (Irvine), commissioned by the US Army Research Office, and under the leadership of the Dean of the Faculty of Cognitive Research Michael D'Zmura, under a research grant from the US Army Research Office. artificial telepathy systems.

The NAARP project takes a special place in the global expansion

HAARP can be used in such a way that in the selected area, sea and air navigation is completely disrupted, radio communications and radar are blocked, the onboard electronic equipment of spacecraft, missiles, aircraft and ground systems is disabled. In an arbitrarily delineated area, the use of all types of weapons and equipment may be discontinued. Integral systems of geophysical weapons can cause large-scale accidents in any electrical networks, on oil and gas pipelines.

The radiation energy from HAARP can be used to manipulate the weather on a global scale, to damage the ecosystem or destroy it completely.

HAARP is the cause of cataclysms such as the Sichuan earthquake (2008) and the Haiti earthquake (2010). Certain modes of operation allow changing the intensity of the earth's magnetosphere and resonating with low-frequency oscillations of the human brain, causing massive apathy, aggression, fear, etc.

Another project of "humane weapons" called "MEDUSA" provided for the irradiation of masses of people with microwaves of a special frequency to suppress their emotions.
There are also a number of other developments of "non-lethal humane" weapons.

The Silent Guardian is a directional millimeter-wave emitter that causes extreme pain in those who are in the area of ​​this device.

As the Daily Mail reporters note, the Silent Guardian leaves a sensation of contact with a hot live wire. And although the developers claim that the pain stops as soon as a person leaves the area of ​​the device, journalists claim that the pain continues for several more hours.

One way or another, a full-scale prototype during the tests put to flight even the most seasoned paratroopers. At the same time, this device does not cause any irreversible physical harm.

At the All-European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons, which was held recently in Germany, an unusual weapon was demonstrated - plasma lasers. It resembles the common tasers used by law enforcement agencies in some countries.

The principle of operation of conventional tasers is as follows: a pair of dart-electrodes are fired at the victim, connected to the taser by thin wires. A high-voltage electrical impulse is transmitted through them. A voltage of 50 thousand volts temporarily incapacitates the victim. Tasers operate at a distance of up to seven meters.

The new weapon that Rheinmetall has developed is based on the same principles, but makes wires and darts unnecessary. A conductive aerosol is used instead.

And in this context, the Senate hearings and the journalistic investigations accompanying them sound quite interesting, which also revealed other striking facts. In particular, the killers of J.F. Kennedy and M.L. King - Oswald and Ray - also had altered forms of consciousness, which increased suspicions about the involvement of special services in these high-profile terrorist attacks. As a result of this kind of revelations in 1978, the administration of President J. Carter was forced to announce the closure of the MK-Ultra program.

However, on July 21, 1994, US Secretary of Defense Shilliam Perry signed a memorandum on "not entirely lethal weapons" with a list of cases in which it is permissible to use them. First on the list was "crowd control", with only a modest fifth ranked "incapacitating and destroying weapons or military production, including weapons of mass destruction." So it was not the desire to deal with the enemy, but the desire to subjugate the recalcitrant was in the first place.

In light of the above, the current phenomenon of the Taliban movement and the terrorist network of Osama bin Laden (as well as a number of other "tame" militant organizations in the world) appears to be the result of a monstrous synthesis of Eastern traditions, fanatical faith and Western psychotechnics. The natural result of such manipulations was that the brainchild came out of the power of its creators, turning the edge of its anger against them. Osama bin Laden behaves with particular cruelty towards his former American teachers. And the Taliban do not intend to obey their former masters.

The concepts and definitions of psychological, psychotropic and psychotronic weapons are vague.

The presence of technical means (as well as information technologies, doctrines, theories) of remote influence is considered a psychotronic weapon.

The presence of medications (medicinal chemicals) is considered a psychotropic weapon.
We can assume that economically and technologically developed countries, to one degree or another, possess psychological and psychotronic weapons. The recognition and interpretation of this fact depends on the ethical and legal field of the country and the level of democratic concepts.

It is equally important to consolidate the concepts of these types of weapons in International Law. Even more important is the adoption of the International Convention on this type of weapon. And it is equally important to consider the holding of the International Congress of Military Psychologists on Ethical and Moral Issues.

Without these international legal efforts, psychotronic weapons will continue to be developed.
Thus, in the next 50 years it will be at the forefront of conventional weapons.

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"Techniques of psychological warfare

© Dmitry Olshansky

Psychological warfare. Psychological warfare techniques

Psychological warfare in a broad sense, it is the purposeful and systematic use of psychological and other means (propaganda, diplomatic, military, economic, political, etc.) by political opponents to directly or indirectly influence opinions, moods, feelings and, as a result, behavior the enemy in order to force him to act in the directions they want.

In practice, the term "psychological warfare" is often used in a narrower sense. Thus, during the Cold War, it was interpreted as a set of ideological actions by Western countries against socialist countries, as subversive anti-communist and anti-Soviet propaganda, as a method of ideological struggle. Likewise, the concept of "psychological warfare" has been used in the confrontational thinking in the West as a set of techniques used by the "Eastern bloc" to undermine the psychological unity of the supporters of Western democracy.

Psychological war as a real political and psychological process is aimed at undermining the mass social base of political opponents, at destroying confidence in the correctness and feasibility of the enemy's ideas, at weakening psychological stability, morale, political, social and all other types of activity of the masses under the influence of opponents. The ultimate goal of psychological warfare is to turn the mass consciousness and mass sentiment from satisfaction and readiness to support opponents, to discontent and destructive actions in relation to them. The achievement of such a goal can be expressed in different forms: from preparing and provoking mass demonstrations to overthrow the political regime to arousing interest in socio-political and ideological constructions of an alternative nature.

In practice, "psychological warfare" means the transfer of ideological and political struggle from the sphere of theoretical consciousness to the sphere of everyday consciousness. It does not turn to scientific arguments and logical arguments, not to reason and not even to facts, but to irrational phenomena. These include emotions and instincts (social and national pride, selfish interest, sovereign ambitions, instinct for social and national self-preservation, etc.), prejudices (racial, national) and prejudices (usually of a traditional historical nature). This also includes a variety of socio-ideological mythological constructions (from myths about the "Russian bear" to similar cliches about "world imperialism", "Islamic threat", "Masonic conspiracy", etc.).

The task of such a transfer of the struggle from one sphere to another is to transfer it to the level of everyday, everyday psychology - in such a way that this struggle permeates all the problems of people's life and "explains" them through political confrontation. This is achieved due to the massive introduction into the minds of people of a multitude of false stereotypes of perception and thinking, perverted ideas about the views prevailing in their environment, the events taking place in the world and their development trends.

"Psychological war", as an indispensable component of any war and armed conflict, manifests itself in the form of the so-called " special propaganda", Designed for the troops and civilians of a real enemy. Here psychological warfare becomes a means of military-political psychology. Due to the special closeness, so far only two extensive projects in the history of this sphere are known. The "terms of secrecy" are in force, and they are quite long. For example, the psychological portrait of A. Hitler was created on the instructions of the CIA by W. Langer in 1943. However, it was published only thirty years later, in 1972.

Keimlot project was developed in the 1960s. XX century in the United States by a special organization headed by a hitherto unknown psychologist. The goal of the "Caimlot" project is to organize the collection of information on the alignment of political forces in a number of Third World countries with non-capitalist regimes. Objective: forecasting "outbreaks of violence", that is, organizing subversive activities. Or, in another version, the protection of pro-Western governments from the rebels. Initially, "Keimlot" aimed at the government of S. Allende in Chile. Rumors about him leaked to the press and, as if, the American government abandoned him. However, subsequent events in Chile are well known.

Agile Project was aimed at studying the effectiveness of measures against insurgents in Southeast Asia (mainly Vietnam). Objectives: to analyze the motivation of the communists of North Vietnam, the mechanisms of resilience and cohesion, the psychological consequences of various military and political actions of the Americans in Vietnam. Among the real achievements is the understanding of the negative psychological impact of the massive bombing of the DRV. For reference: before that, the decision of US President L. Johnson to start the bombing was also based on the opinion of psychologists (from the Rand Corporation). However, they misjudged both the likely reaction of the Vietnamese population and the attitude of American public opinion towards the bombing.

In peacetime, in conditions of forceful confrontation with a potential enemy, psychological warfare acts as one of the leading components of political confrontation. An example of this kind is the “cold war” between East and West, which filled the decades after World War II and consisted of countercurrents of myth-making.

Psychological warfare techniques

The most common methods of psychological warfare are divided into 3 groups.

"Psychological pressure". This is a repeated repetition of the same false thesis, references to authorities combined with various speculations (ranging from distortion of quotations to references to non-existent sources); manipulation ("game") of figures and facts to create the appearance of objectivity and accuracy; tendentious selection of illustrative material with an emphasis on the effect of "dramatizing impact"; frightening "visual illustrations" of propaganda views and positions, and other similar techniques designed to create emotional discomfort and neutralize a person's ability to rationally evaluate the information provided.

An example of such psychological pressure is the so-called "Goebbels propaganda", which proceeded from the cynical presumption that lies, in order to be effective, must be massive, large-scale, shameless and continuous. In more subtle versions, psychological pressure includes some elements of truth used as a cover for massive disinformation. For example, during the peak of the Cold War, in 1975, the West German newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau for two months in four issues, developing the theme of the Soviet military threat, consistently increased the number of socialist tanks in Europe: 13,500 tanks - in issue dated October 8, 15,500 - from December 12, 16 thousand - from December 16, 18 thousand tanks - from December 17. At the same time, the number of "western tanks" during the same time decreased from 6 to 5 thousand.

Invisible penetration into consciousness... This is an advertisement of one's own (beautiful and carefree) lifestyle, the dissemination of desirable (usually one's own) political values ​​and standards of one's mass culture through music, entertainment television programs and films, as well as through fashion (for clothes, especially with elements of political symbols, household items, recreation , tourism, etc.).

This also includes the massive spread of rumors and gossip as an alternative to the official propaganda of a political opponent. Another component is the design and implementation of political anecdotes into the mass consciousness, the composition of pseudo-folklore ("folk") sayings and proverbs. Most of the techniques of imperceptible penetration into consciousness are united by the concept “ sociological propaganda". The concepts of sociological propaganda are guided by the gradual subconscious infection of both opponents and potential allies with the most attractive elements of the preferred way of life. Formally devoid of ideological features and political goals, such propaganda is strategically effective. By stimulating the needs and interests of people, it acts on long-term determinants of behavior. Based on detailed planning and differentiated impact on various socio-political forces, such propaganda is carried out "incrementally", through successive stages of impact.

Latent violation and distortion of the laws of logic. These include substitution of a thesis, false analogy, inference without sufficient reason, substitution of cause by effect, tautology, etc. Psychological warfare of this kind is most effective in relation to the poorly educated strata of society, unable to catch rational perversions and inclined to accept purely nominative constructions on faith. An example is the initial success of pseudo-socialist propaganda used by anti-colonial, national liberation forces in a number of developing countries. Having managed to captivate a part of the population, later they faced numerous problems associated with the fundamental flaws of such methods of influencing people. Proving effective for some time, these methods are only tactical in nature, losing their effectiveness as consciousness develops and public awareness grows.

Psychological warfare is not an autonomous aspect of political struggle. This is one of the components of the system of political relations. Therefore, as its techniques and methods, all elements of this system, which have a strong psychological impact, can be used. At one time, the United States proceeded from the fact that the use of atomic weapons against Hiroshima and Nagasaki is not so much a military as a psychological one, moreover, of a multiple orientation - not only to the Japanese, but also to the Soviet leadership. The entrenched notion of gunboat diplomacy, like nuclear blackmail, reflects the use of the threat of force of arms for psychological warfare.

As a component of the system of political relations, psychological warfare is present in both foreign and domestic politics. In the foreign policy sphere, it includes the use of psychologically effective propaganda against the enemy in combination with other methods of influence. In domestic politics, it is usually limited to propaganda confrontation between political opponents, although in some cases it can acquire a more complex and complex character. Domestic political examples of psychological warfare are propaganda clashes during any election campaign or power struggle. Here, psychological warfare manifests itself in all sorts of arguments, falsifications, as well as political actions aimed at weakening political opponents, undermining the authority of their leaders, and discrediting their actions. Examples of "psychological warfare" of this kind are the massive campaigns in the United States related to the "Watergate affair", which led to the impeachment of President R. Nixon; the compromise of G. Hart; the struggle of opponents against R. Reagan in the framework of the Iran-Contra scandal, etc. In modern Russia, numerous examples encountered during election campaigns have been called "black PR", which, in fact, is synonymous with the more traditional concept of "psychological warfare."

Original Russian Text © D.M. Olshansky
© Fundamentals of Political Psychology. - Yekaterinburg, 2001

German propaganda achieved its greatest success in 1940, when, a few months before the invasion of France, the Germans began to actively use the so-called "black" transmitters, which pretended to be French radio stations.

Through them, all sorts of rumors were spread, the French government was criticized, uncertainty and panic were sown among the population and the military. This was one of the reasons that at the time of the decisive offensive of the German troops, the French army was unable to offer serious resistance.

The Germans used three radio stations, allegedly broadcasting from British territory, to conduct "black propaganda" on Great Britain, in which the affiliation of its source was attributed to opposition circles in the ranks of the enemy. One station was called Radio Caledonia and broadcast on behalf of Scottish nationalists. The other had the word "worker" in its name and it allegedly represented the opinion of the leftist forces of Great Britain. The third was called New British Broadcasting and produced news broadcasts in the spirit of the BBC.

Before the German attack on the USSR, the Abwehr sent to the USSR, along with scouts and saboteurs, specially trained propagandist agents from among the emigrants and persons fluent in Russian and the languages ​​of other peoples of the USSR, as well as emissaries-propagandists of various nationalist organizations. One of the Abwehr schools sent the first batch of such propagandist agents in February 1941, the second in May 1941. They settled in the border military districts, having the task, before the outbreak of hostilities, to "prepare the ground" for the upcoming psychological actions against the soldiers of the Red Army and the population.

By June 22, 1941, the Ministry of Propaganda had printed over 30 million leaflets, colorful propaganda brochures in pocket format in 30 languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR, and prepared several radio broadcasts. 17 propaganda companies were concentrated on the Eastern Front. During the first two months of the war, they distributed about 200 million leaflets. In 1943, the propaganda troops became an independent branch of the army, their number reaches 15 thousand people.

At the beginning of the war, the British dropped leaflets over Germany, in which the amounts allegedly deposited in foreign banks by Goering, Goebbels, Ribbentrop, Himmler and other leaders of the Reich were indicated in large print, and it was said that no matter the outcome of the war, these people would not suffer - this is how the population was inspired the fact that Hitler's associates themselves do not believe in their victory. In September 1943, the British issued a leaflet, the content of which was passed off as an appeal by Gauleiter Koch to the German people. In this "address" Koch spoke about the danger hanging over the Fuhrer and scolded certain "reactionary circles" who were going to overthrow Hitler. This was an attempt to inspire the Germans with the idea that there was a split in the leadership of the Reich. Towards the end of the war, the Western Allies were throwing fake Reich postage stamps with Himmler's portrait over Germany in the hope that this could arouse Hitler's suspicions and thereby provoke strife among the Nazi leadership. To provoke spy mania, the British broadcast congratulations on the radio in an easily declassified code to their fictitious agents for the excellent work they did. The BBC reported cases of hijacking by German pilots of planes to the UK, and at the same time mentioned the names of pilots shot down during air raids. This was an attempt to provoke a purge among the personnel of the Air Force, to sow the pilots' mistrust towards each other.

The allies also used the so-called "black propaganda". For example, the British S. Delmer acted as a German officer and through a radio station supposedly located in the forests of Thuringia, he daily addressed German servicemen with reflections on the situation at the front and in Germany. At the same time, in order to impart objectivity to the content of radio programs, he criticized both Nazi and Western leaders.

In order to demoralize the positions of the German army, the Allies dropped leaflets with poems about death, radio Luxembourg at one time broadcast the program "Letters You Didn't Receive", in which a pleasant female voice read excerpts from letters found on the bodies of killed German soldiers. The allies also took advantage of the enemy's food difficulties - colorful postcards depicting various foods and delicacies were dropped on his position. The leaflets also used themes of children waiting for their father to return, wives cheating on frontline soldiers with "rear rats". The inability of the enemy to resist the power of the allies was also demonstrated - for example, in the British leaflets scattered over the bombed cities of Germany, the question was: "Where is the Luftwaffe?" demonstrated concern for preserving the lives of civilians and contempt for the enemy's air defense capabilities. The effectiveness of the psychological warfare of the allies is evidenced by the fact that during the Tunisian offensive operation of 1943, Italian soldiers were ready to buy American prisoner passes from each other for 600 francs. This caused many American military leaders to change their skepticism about psychological warfare methods.

The Soviet organs of psychological warfare (special propaganda) distributed over 20 thousand titles of various types of information and propaganda printed materials in 20 foreign languages ​​(mostly, of course, in German) with a total circulation of 2 billion 706 million copies (including 10 million copies of newspapers, 10 million 200 thousand brochures). Also used were powerful loudspeaker installations (MSU), trench loudspeaker installations (OSU), horns. In total, during the war, more than 1 million oral transmissions were carried out for the enemy troops. Soviet psychological warfare services quite widely used the return leave of prisoners of war, but the effectiveness of this method depended on the successes of the Soviet troops. So, if in January 1943 34 prisoners were sent from the 96th division to the encirclement area near Stalingrad, of which only five were able to return, bringing with them 312 enemy servicemen, then in May 1945 all 54 sent prisoners of war returned from the encircled garrison Breslau, bringing with him about 1500 enemy soldiers and officers. The command of the 2nd Belorussian Front in 1945 issued an order allowing all officers in the position of platoon commander and above, without waiting for the permission of the higher command, to send prisoners of war to the rear of the enemy with the task of agitating for surrender. The Soviet organs of psychological warfare also effectively used the organizations created from prisoners of war: the Free Germany National Committee, the Union of German Officers, the Austrian Anti-Fascist Union, the Romanian National Bloc, the Italian Garibaldi Union, the Free Hungary National Committee ...

War in korea

In 1956, the American Office of Psychological Warfare was reorganized into the Office of Special Warfare Methods. In the initial period of the Vietnam War, four companies of the 6th Psychological Operations Battalion participated in psychological operations of the ground forces. Subsequently, the 4th group of psychological operations was formed as part of the ground forces, which consisted of four battalions of psychological operations. In total, during the Vietnam War, the Americans distributed 50 billion leaflets, that is, 1,500 leaflets for each inhabitant of North and South Vietnam. The Americans constantly resorted to methods of emotional impact (screams of horror, desperate women and children crying, Buddhist funeral music, cries of wild animals and birds depicting the voices of forest spirits, demons, etc.). For the psychological impact on the Viet Cong fighters, sound broadcasting from helicopters to a certain area was used throughout the night under the guise of appeals of the "wandering souls" of the dead to their loved ones. Despite the defeat of the United States in the Vietnam War, it must be admitted that psychological operations were quite productive. So, during the period of hostilities, about 250 thousand Vietnamese voluntarily went over to the side of the enemy.

War in Afghanistan

The most effective means of psychological influence was radio propaganda. As it turned out later, during interviews with Iraqi prisoners of war, 80% of them listened to the broadcasts of the Voice of the Gulf radio station, conducted by specialists from the American 4th group of psychological operations. More than 30 million copies of the leaflets were also distributed (mainly from the air). 98% of the Iraqi prisoners of war interviewed admitted that they had seen these leaflets, 88% of them believed in what was written there, 70% confirmed that it was the leaflets that influenced their decision to surrender or defect. The combination of targeted print and radio propaganda with continuous bombardment and shelling greatly demoralized the Iraqi forces and contributed to their massive surrender during the multinational forces' ground offensive.

V.Krysko. Secrets of psychological warfare (goals, objectives, methods, forms, experience)