Activation of the creative potential of preschool children through an introduction to musical art in the context of GEF to. Gaming forms of children's admission to musical art and creativity

Activation of the creative potential of preschool children through an introduction to musical art in the context of GEF to. Gaming forms of children's admission to musical art and creativity

Dyumin Natalya Vladimirovna
music Teacher First Categories

Game forms of children's admission
to musical art or creativity

Music, like other types of art, is a specific form of artistic reflection of reality. Deeply and diverse affecting the feelings, the will of people, music is capable of having a beneficial to affect their social activities, influence the formation of a person.
The musical culture of the personality is the process of opening the values \u200b\u200bof works of art for themselves, the level of their perception and development.
Music causes people a spiritual pleasure, pleasure. Without pleasure, pleasures, which give a man, science, art, his life is depleted and meaningless. Music is able to calm down and console people, to remove mental tension, helps to overcome stress, becomes one of the human health sources and the preventive means of treating mental diseases.
The effect of the educational role of music, as well as the focus and nature of its social impact, seems to us the most important criteria that determine the public importance of music, its place in the system of spiritual and cultural values.
Childhood is a special world that is preserved in the soul of a person for life, if the happiness and joy of being reigning in it. The world of fantasy, fiction in children is associated with the game. At all historical times, the children of different nations played and play, imitating adults, realizing their desires and creative needs.
The game, according to the psychologist G.S.Tarasova, is the emotional immediacy of the motives, aspiration for the goal, assessing the results of the activity, the learning of the new. It originates the identity of the child.
The game is the optimal psychological and pedagogical agent that allows you to influence the development of children. This confirms D. B. Elconin: "... The game affects the formation of all major processes, from the most elementary to the most complex."
Game is a type of activity in conventional situations aimed at recreating and mastering social experience. Children's game - type of activity of children, which consists in reproducing the actions of adults and relations between them, aimed at the orientation and understanding of subject and social reality, one of the means of physical, mental and moral education of children.
When studying the course "Music" in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the lessons, I assume a considerable role of a musical game method. After all, it fruitfully helps to raise interest and love for musical art, moral and aesthetic feelings, respect for the traditions of musical culture of different peoples. The musical game in the lesson brings closer, organizes pupils, instills interest in music. She teaches to think, analyze, be on rapid useful cases.
The game in the lesson of music is developing nature and is focused on mastering motor and intellectual skills, sensory abilities, development of cooperation skills, effective interaction based on cognitive interests.
The impact of the game can be viewed by three aspects.
The first aspect is physiological, related to research V. M. Bekhtereva, I. M. Dogel, I. M. Sechenov, who revealed a positive impact of music on various human systems. The interrelation of music and rhythmic movements increases the overall vital tone, regulates the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal system, forms the arbitrariness of mental functions.
The second aspect is psychological. Music affects the emotionally personal scope of the child, performs the correction of cognitive, mental, communicative violations.
Third aspect - pedagogical. Through the music, it is brought up by the child the ability to aesthetically perceive reality and acquire social experience for creative, creative activities.
In the musical game, children are easier to master the means of musical expressiveness, the nature of music and speech, dynamics, height. The music helps to establish contact between children and adults, between peers when playing. Creating prerequisites for further pedagogical impacts, the music sends the auditory attention of children to fulfill the conditions and rules of the game. Desire, gust, feeling of joy, revival, high spirits activate the child in the game, contribute to creating a special atmosphere, which will help to avoid misunderstanding and disapproval, will not stop the child in the child to ask questions, will help to feel a sense of joy in the process of creativity, teach the understanding and respect the opinion Others, openly express their feelings, are not afraid to show their own individuality, to appreciate the creative person.
Goals and objectives of the music game:
Music causes an emotional and motor response, the game helps the child carefully and consciously listen to music. In the game, the learner performs various tasks associated with the process of recognition and distinguishing the nature of music, individual expressive agents, activates feelings, imagination, thinking.

In accordance with this, music games have the following tasks:

1. Correctional:
development of hearing, visual, tactile perception, mimic muscles, respiratory system, articulation apparatus, voting properties (height, timbre, dynamics, rhythm), coordination of movements;
formation of expressive means: intonation, facial expressions, gestures, movement.
2. Wellness:
motoric development: common, shallow, articulation;
improving the ability to shoot emotional and physical stress, strengthening the "muscular feeling";
the development of the speed of the motor reaction.
3. Educational:
learning speech, singing skills;
development of musical, creative, communicative abilities;
formation of mental skills and actions.
4. Educational:
education of a common musical, speech culture;
formation of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world; Art taste
development of the emotional sphere.
5. Developing:
development of cognitive activity;
maintaining sustainable interest;
strengthening self-regulation and control;
development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

In the process of the game, students should:
1. To reflect on familiar works, express judgments about the main idea, means, forms of its incarnation.
2. Discern simple and complex genres of vocal and instrumental music.
3. Participate in collective and performing activities / singing, plastic intonation, improvisation.
4. Develop the skills and skills of musical self-education.
5. Show a creative initiative, participating in the musical and aesthetic life of class, schools. A variety of music games
Among the music games N.A.metlov allocated games with singing, which develop hearing, voice, the ability to correctly transfer the melody, as well as fairy tale games
N.A.Vlugin in the course of scientific research in the field of musical and sensory abilities showed the primary role of musical and didactic games as the foundations of sensual perception of music
E. Raevskaya, S. Rodneva, Soboleva, Z. Shushakova changed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe game, their methodological development of games were directed to the comprehensive development of children's musicality, namely: the development of emotionality, the feelings of the rhythm, the feeling of musical form, perception, imagination.
E.D. Makshantseva offered another kind of musical games - fun games.
L.N.Komissarova developed a system of applying visual funds when organizing and conducting didactic games.
The value of the vocal games when working on the purity of intonation with the elements of the didacticity was shown by A.D. Dvyanovich.
Dramatic game, theatrical games, folk games, business games are also actively used in secondary school: in the lessons of music, extracurricular activities, in the correctional work with children.
The musical game gives children the joy of creative reincarnation and self-expression through a variety of practical actions.
Bring to children joy and pleasure from musical experiences - the task is no less important and noble for the teacher than to train them in any particular musical knowledge and skills.
The game in the lesson of music is converted from an external form of an entertainment character in a form that provides a creative self-expression of the child.
Maximilian Voloshin: "Art is precious only inspired because it is a game. Artists and musicians - after all, these are only children who did not extend to play. Genius are those who failed to grow. "
In my pedagogical activity, almost every lesson music, I use the game forms of the lesson, which contribute to the development of students' musical abilities, encourage their aspiration for associative thinking. Children during the game receive impulses of pleasure, fantasies, self-organization. They feel relaxed, comfortable, always in the search, in motion where thinking, creativity is always actively. By the way, I always remember A.S. Makarenko, who has repeatedly said: the game is one of the significant foundations for the development of the child's personality. It must be constantly included in the pedagogical process in the lesson and in extracurricular activities.
During the school at school, I came to a deep conviction: the game is a creative childhood laboratory, that rainbow, that fragrance of the child's life, giving a creative beginning of growing up. What a child will manifest himself in the game since childhood, it will be formed by him a healthy core of creative activity, the moral foundations of adulthood. If the child "flies" his state, "experiencing" musical images involuntarily develops cognitive ability, observation, intelligence, curiosity.

In the lessons of music in 5 - 9 classes, I apply the following music games and creative tasks:
"Association" game
1 Option: In high school, I use this reception as follows: after listening and analyzing the musical work, students should via a chain, without repeating each other, call associative words related to the work, and to already named words. All response options are fixed by the child in the working notebook. Based on the listed concepts, it is proposed to write a mini-essay. For example:
Pathetic Sonata Beethoven - Tragic - Dramatic - Excited - Stormy - Running - Mustache - Heroic - Victory - Recommement ...
2 Option: invent and record at least 20 words of associations to a certain term or concept. For example: Musical - Music, Dialogue, Dance, Drama, Comedy, Theater, America, Notre Dame de Paris, etc. On my lessons serves as a test measuring test on the topic covered.
Game - Travel "Back to the Future"
Travel by car time
Acquaintance with music and musical instruments of the past.
Game "Carnival"
1Warrant: We try to master the rhythms of Latin America. For this game, you will need new tools, and make them have their own hands. Caedo-simple tin can from the carbonated drink is filled with small loose items_ rice, sand or small pebbles and a hole with a scotch and a plaster rushes. Guiro - in America is made of dried pumpkin. At home, a tin can is filled with dried peas or dried olive bones, the hole is stuck with scotch. For maratas manufacturing - a container from chocolate eggs is used, which is filled with dry material and dresses on the body of the fountain pen. Now we need any melody in the rhythm of Samba, Rumba, Tango or Bosanov. The game is to pre-taming, try to join the sound of a pre-harvested song or composition.
2 Option: Once upon an unknown planet, someone else's universe, come up with musical instruments of aliens and hear their music. To give names to these tools (come up with how they sound and draw, or make them from healthy materials (for example, from nails that are suspended on a wire or from glasses, etc.)
Music Football game
The game is held according to the rules of football. The class is divided into two teams. Question, or task - throw the ball. Incorrect answer or incorrectly performed task - the goal (defeat) by the number of goals is determined by the winner and it is set to the mark for work in the lesson. The judge carefully watches the game. All questions and creative tasks are associated with the topics covered in the music lessons.
Route game "Rather on the road"
Movements on a special map at individual stations (cities) in order to answer all the questions and perform pre-prepared jobs for music, collect all the letters (in each city for the correct answer, one letter is issued) and reveal the next mystery of music. The game is carried out in order to secure the material traveled and familiarity with a new musical term or a concept that is entered into the travel card (music. Slika)
The role-playing game "Stand Court is coming"
The game can be carried out according to a predetermined topic (for example, "Does classical music need?" "Classical music and modern rock" and others) in the game there is a defense of the selected positions, research - within the framework of the court rules.
Game "Improvisation"
Plastic, vocal, literary improvisations are used in this game form. The class is divided into 3 groups. With the proposed literary characters 1, the group composes a small essay - the miniature, the 2 group voiced them vocally or depicts with the help of musical instruments, 3 groups in plastic improvisation transmit the image of each hero. The formation of aesthetic attitude to musically - sound reality is carried out: the musical sound is a musical forming of its embodiment.
Game "Music on Water"

One of the options for rhythmic games is a game, preparing children to memorize the simplest melodies. For her, there is also some preparation. You need to take several (5-7) glasses, preferably the same and not too thick walls. Fill them with water and a blow of a metal stick on a glass. Check which sound they publish .. Every glass should "sound" in its own way. Let it even be not too melodious and slightly - the main thing that sounds clearly differed by the rumor. To begin with, try to repeat as soon as possible to repeat the specified rhythm until the melody is not important for you. Examples of rhythmic drawings can be taken any. So, we learned how to catch and memorize rhythm. Now let's try to start solving a more complex task: to games that develop musical rumors and memory.
The task of playing in this case to remember not just the timbres, but also the height of the sound of each of the glasses. Better, if before the start of the game, they will be built in a row as the height increases, so that the left of the artist is low on the sound, and the right is high.
Game "Guess-Ka"

To participate in this game you will need a real musical instrument. Of course, it is better if this is a real piano. That is, players need such a tool on which any player could reproduce the simplest sound. Now you need to choose the lead, the one who even knows a little, as the keys on the keyboard are located (no need to know the name) This lead should be able to memorize the height of the sound and the one key that will extract this sound. All other participants in the game turn away, and the presenter clicks on one of the keys. Then he chooses someone from the guys and suggests him to guess which key he pressed.
Moreover, if the present piano is used, it means that it has a long keyboard, it is necessary to highlight a small segment of the keys (within the octave) to facilitate the novice player guessing. The "Tyka" method guessing should stop in one version. The remaining participants of the game can make their consent or disagreement. If the host recognizes the correctness of the choice, then the playing of the game proceeds to this participant.
The creative task of "brainstorming" is often in the lessons of music I apply this technique. A task is given: to make a meaningful sentence, which includes 3 specified words. For example:
a) music, literature, composer (the composer composes music on the basis of a literary work);
b) Glinka, Romance, Italy (Traveling in Italy, Glinka wrote a romance "Venetian Night");
c) Suite, Bach, dance (I.S. Bach wrote a lot of suits consisting of vintage dances).
The creative task "Sinwen" children gives the word to which you need to pick up two adjectives, three verbs, four connected words and at the end of one generalizing word. Words should not be repeated, it is also impossible to use single words. For example:
a) Mozart - Sunny, festive - composes, creates, inspires - We love his music - classic;
b) the orchestra - symphonic, chamber - playing, tours, protrudes - four groups of musical instruments - a team;
c) Baroque - elegant, frightened - fascinates, inspires, fascinates - pearl pearl of the wrong shape - style.
Huge importance is given by generalizing lessons at the end of each quarter. At these lessons, both crossword puzzles can be used - as a kind of game form and creative task.
Presentations. Starting this year, I use presentations as a creative task. This may be a leading task for a new topic or vice versa homework as a generalization of musical impressions of high school students. I am aiming children, I create a plan with them, for which they make presentations. Presentations can be used as part of the game "Double Day"
You can write a lot, talk about musical games. The main thing is that without them it is impossible in the lesson of music to captivate children into the world of art, in the world of beautiful.


tchaikovsky Nutcracker Composer Music

The harmonious combination of mental and physical development, moral purity and aesthetic attitude towards life and art is the necessary conditions for the formation of a holistic personality. The proper organization of musical education of children contributes to achieving this high target.

The influence of music in the development of creative activities of children is very large. Music, like any other art, is able to influence the comprehensive development of the child, encourage to moral and aesthetic experiences, lead to the conversion of the surrounding, to active thinking. Along with the fiction literature, the theater, visual art, it performs the most important social function.

Preschool childhood - the time of the most optimal attack of the child to the world of beautiful.

The senior preschooler already know that composers write music, on the basis of previously acquired knowledge and impressions can not only answer the question, but also independently characterize the musical work, understand its expressive means, feel the various shades of mood, transferred to music, to express their attitude to Songs, plays, their characteristic features.

At this age, children have an interest in musical literacy, the desire to expressly perform the song, dance, to show creativity, is more bright. Children motivate their preferences, exhibit an increased interest in improvisation and writing. The formation of a child's personality with a support for music is still a rod of musical education.

The purpose of this work is: in order to comply with children to musical art, choose a musical work and conduct a lesson with children of senior preschool age.

. Choosing a musical work for conversation

"Nutcracker" - op. 71, Petra Ilyich Tchaikovsky's ballet in two acts on Libretto Marius Petipa based on the fairy tales of Ernest Hoffmann "Nutcracker and Mouse King".

The Nutcracker is a good friend and an old friend who has repeatedly came to visit us, and many times will come ... and everyone knows his own hero, each viewer has its own Nutcracker. Someone remembers and loves this hero in the eponymous fairy tale of Ernst Gofman, someone seeing once, I forever remembered a wonderful cartoon, and someone from the bottom of my heart adores the ballet "Nutcracker", who first visited in childhood with his parents, and now he Itself comes to watch "Nutcracker" with his children. This is a fairy tale with the magnificent music of the great Russian composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Anyway, the Nutcracker is familiar to each resident of the Earth since childhood, moreover - it is a symbol of New Year's magic and associated mysterious adventures. And not only because the tale of the Nutcracker takes place in Christmas - this story itself is full of wonderful transformations and magical actions.

For the first time the ballet "Nutcracker" was shown in St. Petersburg in December 1892. The performance "Nutcracker" immediately conquered the hearts of the audience. From that moment on, it became a good tradition to organize the pre-New Year Ballet Shows Nutcracker. This performance is visited with pleasure and children, and adults - after all, the magic fairy tale, told under Christmas, like everyone without exception. For each of us since childhood, there is something very close and native in this word. To deepen the skill of listening to music, we will introduce children of the preparatory group with the work of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky from the Ballet "Nutcracker". Materials to the ballet "Nutcracker" is presented in the application.

1. On the life and work of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

P.I. Tchaikovsky (May 7, 1840 - November 6, 1893) - a brilliant Russian composer, the pride of Russian musical culture.

Born in the working village of Votkinsk, in the family of the head of the Kamsko-Votkinsky mountainous districts Ilya Petrovich. In Native Votkinsk, Tchaikovsky spent only eight children's years, but the memories of this time were alive in the soul of the composer always. In the family of parents, music loved, mother sang well, played on the piano, music evenings were held in the house. Votkinskaya Earth he owes the strongest musical impressions. "As for the Russian element in general in my music, this is due to the fact that I grew up in the wilderness, since childhood, the earliest, imbighted the inexplicable beauty of the characteristic features of Russian folk music," said Peter Ilyich.

The ability to music appeared at Tchaikovsky early: five years he began playing the piano, and after three years he read the notes and recorded his musical impressions. In 1850-1859, at the request of Parents, Tchaikovsky studied at the school of law ward, after which it was determined to serve in the Ministry of Justice. In 1855-1858 he took the lessons of playing on the piano at the well-known Pianist R. Kündanger, who, by the way, was a low opinion about the abilities of the future composer. Only in 1861 Tchaikovsky began serious classes in the music classes of the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Music Society. In the fall of 1862, he became a student transformed from the music classes of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, which he graduated with honors in 1865 by grades A.G. Rodubystein and N.I. Zaramba, highly estimated the talent of the student. At the same time, the first major essays for the Symphony Orchestra were written: "Thunderstorm" Overture and F-Major Overture, "Characteristic Dancing", Cantata for Soloists, Choir and Orchestra at ODU Schiller "To Joy" (thesis), Chamber Works. Leaving the service in May 1863, began to earn a living with lessons.

Author of more than 80 works, incl. Ten operas and three ballets. His concerts and other works for piano, seven symphonies, four suite, program symphonic music, Swan Lake Ballets, "Sleeping Beauty", "Nutcracker" represent an extremely valuable contribution to the global musical culture. In addition to adult music, he wrote a lot of wonderful musical works of children and junior.

The composer loved to travel, visited different countries and handed his impressions in music. He was not only a composer, but also a conductor of the orchestra, and also taught at the Moscow Conservatory. For the great contribution of the composer to the development of Russian musical arts of the Moscow State Conservatory, his name was assigned.

In Moscow there is a concert hall called him name. Once every four years in Moscow, the International Competition named after Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky is held. All musicians of the world seek to take part in it.

And now we will get acquainted with his work - "Nutcracker".

In the ballet Tchaikovsky "Nutcracker" surprisingly, the merger of expressive and visual, theatricality and the deepest psychologism occurs. The growth scene of the Christmas tree in the I act accompanies the music of truly symphonic scope - first anxious, ghostly, drawing mice and strange night vision, it gradually grows, flourishing the beautiful endlessly unfolding melody. Music subtly embodies all that is happening and in the subsequent scene: both the clocks, and the drum fight, and the military, albeit toy, fanfares, and mouse squeak, and the tension of the contractions, and the wonderful turning of the nutcracker. Waltz Snowflakes perfectly conveys the feeling of cold, the game of the moonlight and at the same time - the disgraceful feelings of the heroine, which turned out to be in the mysterious magic world. Divertisment II Act includes various dances: chocolate dance (brilliant Spanish), coffee (exquisite and languid oriental), tea (brightly characteristic, rich in the comic effects of Chinese), as well as alive, folk spirit, Russian quince; Elegant stylized shepherd dance; The comic dance of the mother giron with the kids from her skirts. The top of the divertiment is the famous colors waltz with its diversity of melodies, symphonic development, pomp and solemnity. Surprisingly elegant and thin dance Fairy dragee. The lyrical culmination of the entire ballet is Adagio (in the initial production of the Fairy of Dragee and the Prince, now - Clara and Nutcracker).

. Abstract classes with children of senior preschool age

Purpose:activation and development of creative imagination of preschoolers in the process of perception of musical works.


) To introduce children with the music of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky from the ballet "Nutcracker".

) Acquaintance with the genre of ballet through acquaintance with the musical culture of PI Tchaikovsky.

) To educate love for music.

) Expand the horizons, bring up musical and aesthetic taste.

Wordwork: Composer, ballet, listener, artist, waltz, genre.

Music material From the ballet "Nutcracker": fragments of the ballet "march", "Waltz of flowers", "Dance of the Fairy Drazhe".

Equipment: Portrait of P.I. Tchaikovsky; illustrations to ballet; Musical instruments (violin, flute, bell); Music Center, DVD Player, Computer, Multimedia Projector, Screen, Artificial Waltz Flowers; Posters A4 with the name of tools and musical works (violin, flute, bell, "Waltz Flowers", "Dance of the Fairy Drazhe", "March"); Albums for drawing, watercolor paints, drawing tassels.

Preparation of the event Includes the following:

) Development of the foundations of musical and aesthetic consciousness in previous activities.

) Formation of the idea of \u200b\u200ba shaped basis of musical works.

) Development of ideas about primary genres of music and their views.

) Children are learning on the noise musical instruments of the Marsh play.

Travel course:

On the central wall a large portrait of P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Musical teacher:So today we will go to the magical world of music! We will get acquainted with the music of the great Russian composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Guys, who is P.I. Tchaikovsky?

Responses of children.

Musical teacher: Right. Let's remember about P.I. Tchaikovsky. This is an outstanding Russian composer, known throughout the world. He was born in the Urals in the city of Votkinsk on April 25, 1840. Parents loved him very much. Mother played on the piano and sang, in their house there was a mechanical organ. Later, having moved to Moscow, he composed music and engaged in pedagogical work: taught future pianists and composers. His music pleases and worries, she is always sincere and true.

P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote many wonderful works. These are the Operas: "Mazepa", "Eugene Onegin", "Peak Lady"; Symphony works; Ballets "Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty", "Nutcracker" and much more.

The word "ballet" comes from Latin to "dance" when the artists of ballet are told about all the events and relationships of the heroes with each other with the help of dance.

Responses of children. Is it possible to dance fairy tale?

Musical teacher: Still how to do! You know how many wonderful ballets are delivered by fairy tales: "Nutcracker", "Sleeping Beauty", "Cracker-Gorboon", do not list everyone. Motion dancers transmit a variety of feelings. And the audience rejoice and sadness with heroes as well as if they heard their speech.

But, before listening to the work, please tell me, guys, how to listen to music?

Answers children: you need to listen carefully, in silence. You can close your eyes and imagine a picture that this product transmits.

Musical teacher: Probably all of you love fairy tales. Especially if the events of which they tell are taking place on New Year's Eve. One of these New Year's fairy tales "Nutcracker and Mouse King" composed German writer Ernst Hoffman. And the Russian composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote music on this fairy tale and the wonderful ballet "Nutcracker" turned out. And it is with passages from this ballet today we will meet today.

Music teacher tells a fairy tale under a quiet musical background.

This is a fairy tale about the amazing adventures of the girl Marie. The events of this magic ballet unfold on New Year's Eve. In ballet, heroes are divided into real and fictional. Masha, her brother, their parents, guests who are invited to the holiday, the old magician - all these are real ballet characters.

The clock in the living room struck nine times. The big owl was attracted on the clock and walked with wings. It seems that everything is ready. You can start a holiday. - Come in, children! - The Lord Advisor opened open the door. The guys in the room broke the noisy flock and ... froze on the threshold from surprise and delight.

In the middle of the room shone the lights of Christmas tree. Sweet nuts, apples and fucked sweets grew on its branches, Golden and Silver Balls were glowing, gorgeous hussars neither snow-white horses were ready for any minute to rush into the attack, and the elegant dolls watched them with admired glances.

So I hit the march, and the owner of the house began to distribute gifts.

Snowflakes fly outside the windows, but in the room where children, warm and cozy are gathered. Everyone is happily marched and dancing around a decorated tree.

Hearing. Sounds "march".

Listen to carefully, and you will be able to determine when boys march around the tree, and when girls are dancing. Music boys is really written in the rhythm of the present, albeit childish, march. And the music of girls is more elegant, rapid.

Musical teacher: So, now we listened to the march from the ballet "Nutcracker". Did you like this work? What can you imagine, listening to this music?

Conversation with children by listened. When listening to the illustration of dance movements.

Here the mysterious guest appears in the hall - this is a watchmaker Chokeselmaler, a lady Marie and her brother Franz. In his hands toys, and among them a funny doll, able to split nuts - this is a nutcracker. New toy especially like Marie! How happy Marie! After all, this ball and flowers, and music - everything for carrying and most importantly, next to her is a faithful Nutcracker.

Festive evening ends. Guests travel around. Marie lays a broken Nutcracker to sleep, and with sadness leaves. But, she will not sleep ... She sneaks quietly to the nutcracker. Marie It seems that the Christmas tree begins to grow, and the dolls and toys come to life.

Musical teacher: P. Tchaikovsky in his diary wrote about this: "The Christmas tree begins to grow. Music within 48 clocks goes in an endless attitude "- such a musical term, which indicates the amplification of sound. Let's listen to how with the help of the orchestra in our eyes a small home tree turns into a large, giant.

Hearing Overclocking from the ballet "Nutcracker", illustration of trees growth movements.

And so, when the tree became big, suddenly mice crawled out of all the cracks. The evil mouse troops destroys the gingerbread soldiers, between them and the dolls that the Nutcracker commanded the real war. The battle lasted for a long time, Masha did not know how to help, but in one of the moments she removes her shoe and throws her in the mouse king. Music breaks down, the Nutcracker turns into a prince who thanks Marie and invites you to follow him into a fabulous country. I downloaded to go through a winter magic forest. We listen to this fragment. It is called "Waltz snowflakes."

Hearing. "Waltz snowflakes."

Musical teacher:Tell me what music sounds?

Responses of children.

Musical teacher:(The fairy tale goes under a quiet musical background).

Here we are in place. Contenurbly - a cheerful, noisy city. The gate of this city is constructed from almond cookies. And there is a cessous grove nearby, all the trees of which are made of Cuokat. The holiday begins. Coffee, tea, lollipops, shepherds and flowers - everyone is dancing. For each resident of Contenburg, the composer P. Tchaikovsky composed his music. For example, for chocolate - "Spanish dance", for tea, which appeared in China - "Chinese dance".

There is your dance and the mistress of the fabulous sugar palace. Her name is Fairy Dragee. The dance of the Fairy Dragee is highlighted by an unusual sound of the orchestra. When the composer P. Chokovsky was in France, he heard an unusual musical instrument, which is called chest - this is a tool on which they play by pressing the keys, possessed cold, transparently silver timbre. Especially for the Party of Fairy Dragee at the request of P.I. Tchaikovsky tool was brought to Russia. When the chest sounds in the music of the Fairy of the dragee, it seems as if we hear the melodious chime of bells, overclivs of the fountains of sweet drinks, glitter of multicolored candies and sparkling jewels. She is mysterious and beautiful. Here, listen ...

Hearing. "Dance Fairy Dragee."

Musical teacher:Did you like the work? What did you pretend to yourself?

Responses of children.

Knock on the door.

Musical teacher:Oh, guys who knocks us?

Flute appears.

Look guys. This musical instrument is called - the flute. Listen, how it sounds ... You hang the inscription "Flute" on the board.

Music teacher plays a flute to a couple of music, and shows children.

Knock on the door.

Musical teacher: Oh, guys, someone knocks again ... Who could it be ??!? ...

Violin appears.

Look. This musical instrument is called - violin. On the board hang the inscription "Violin".

Listen, as in different ways, it can sound.

The musical teacher demonstrates the violin to children, and then plays a pair of phrases as a "bear" and as a "bird".

Sounds "Waltz Flowers". Children draw music as they imagine it. The best drawings are hung on the board.

At the end of the lesson, a re-hearing of the work is carried out.

All drawings are hanging on the board. Discussed.

Musical teacher:With the work of which composer we met today? Excerpts from which work listened? What do you like most like?

Responses of children.

Musical teacher:So guys. Today we met the work of the wonderful composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, now you will take pictures and under the "march" exit the hall. I hope that you liked his work, and you have an interest in the work of the composer and the desire to know his music better.

Thanks to all. Goodbye.


So, the main tasks of this event are achieved:

) Educational: the introduction of a child into the world of art through creativity, fantasy-gaming impressions, development in the child of a personal statement, individuality.

) educational tasks: upbringing musical and aesthetic taste; Teach children interact with each other, develop communication skills.

) Developing tasks: the development of the ability to build associative analogies between the images of reality and sound, plastic, artistic images, captured in works of art; Development of a feeling of rhythm and meter.

The above tasks in the classes were solved in a complex and close relationship, due to the fact that the occupation had a storyline - taking, culmination and junction.

When planning this lesson, we tried to take into account the features and capabilities of children: show the culture of listening to music and its shared description, representation, guessing images; the ability and desire to improvise dance movements to the music; Children's love for the game.

With children, the following preparatory work was carried out:

methodical material, allowances are selected, the "Tchaikovsky" corner is decorated;

painted didactic material for viewing with children: Albums "Childhood P.I. Tchaikovsky", thematic album "On the pages of the composer's works";

manufactured gaming material: didactic games "Tchaikovsky's works -" Nutcracker "," "Seasons", "Children's album" (cut pictures). These games will help children in fascinating form to consolidate the knowledge obtained in organized activities.

Listening to music and oral analysis of musical images allows children to learn to determine and distinguish musical sounds.

The inclusion in the occupation of elementary drawing makes it memorable, and the change of activity is necessary for children, since children, as a rule, do not possess the necessary patience.

Classes were held at the Music Hall in the first half of the day with the children of the preparatory group. There were 10 children, an educator and music leader. The music hall has all the necessary musical and technical support - a musical instrument (keys, piano), a music center, a multimedia screen, a computer, a large mirror in which children see themselves and control their musical and rhythmic movements. For the classroom, the music hall is divided into zones:

zone for hearing - perception of music and watching video;

zone for musical and motor exercises and games;

drawing area.

Such zoning helps children to move from one type of activity to another continuously.

Of great importance for solving the tasks of the aesthetic development of children is given by the recruitment of the repertoire. The main criterion for the significance of any work is its meaningful side, an accessible understanding of children. The power of the emotional impact of the executable work largely depends on how we will be able to submit it, which will tell about it, how to send the attention of children to make the work reached their heart, caused interest.

In this lesson, music from Ballet PI Tchaikovsky "Nutcracker" was used. The quality of phonograms and reproductions was high and corresponded to the software tasks and the level of development of children.

the children got acquainted with the life and creativity of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, with its main works, with the heroes of these works through entertaining material, the use of information and communication and multimedia technologies, as well as through artistic creativity (drawing). In addition, the Music teacher perfectly performed the works of Tchaikovsky on the piano.

The following principles were implemented in the classes:

The principle of comprehensive development. Communication with musical art is a powerful educational and developing factor, and in the learning process is important, the selection of a meaningful, highly artistic repertoire, spiritually elevating and enriching each pupil. And the more good music he will listen, the more distinct it can be carried out between the mediocre performance and highly artistic work.

The principle of the game - to consciousness implies modeling of the game situation and through the game - the formation of a conscious attitude towards musical activity, mastering knowledge, skills and skills. The task of the teacher is to teach the child to consciously analyze the musical works, control the sound of the voice, the coherence of the game in the ensemble, to determine its advantages and disadvantages.

The principle of systematic and sequence is manifested in the gradual complication of the repertoire. A large preliminary work was carried out on the development of the perception (hearing) of music and children are now capable of analyzing more complex musical works.

The following methods and techniques were used:

The explanatory-illustrative method includes an explanation and showing of musical works in combination with artistic illustrations or graphic images.

Acceptance of listening in the teacher's show and the analysis of the heard. Expressive performance of the work of the teacher causes an emotional response in children. They can characterize music as a whole (bright, fabulous, affectionate);

Receiving the plot and the creation of a gaming situation. Applying this technique, the execution of any vocal or instrumental work turns into a mini-performance, and here an important point is an emotional responsiveness and expressive performance with elements of theatricalization in the early stages of training; - Receiving an active listening of music.

This occupation is built so that the activities (active and passive) replaced each other to ensure efficiency, the interest of children during all classes. So, the listening of music has changed to the game, then drawing. In the preparation and conduct of classes, the music teacher and the educator worked closely, interacted with each other, as a result of which the classes turned out to be saturated with different types of activities. They performed in the role of not only mentors, but also direct participants: together with the children they sang, made articulating gymnastics, played, communicated with children in a democratic style. This allowed children to feel along with adults, be co-authors of what is happening.

The final result was the knowledge that the children of preschool age were shown during the conversation:

the ability to express your own opinion, analyze, vividly react to what is happening.

acquisition of social communication skills with adults.

But the main thing is the emergence of their interest in listening to the listening of music and the initiatives of children, independent desire to listen to the musical work. Children showed a living interest in what he saw and heard, expressed their opinions, emotional reactions were positive. They were given the opportunity to choose - everyone in accordance with his personal preferences independently thought over the artistic image of heard and executable music.

I believe that in the Commonwealth with the educator, we managed to realize the tasks. Such classes have a positive effect on the development of the musical and artistic abilities of children of preschool age.

Thus, targeted, systematic activities, the development of this lesson, make it possible to effectively implement the possibilities of musical education in children of preschool age. The implementation of this project has shown the importance of the initiative, creative orientation of the teacher and children.


Gogoberidze A.G. Theory and methods of musical education of preschool children: studies. Handbook / A.Gogoberidze, V. Derkunskaya. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005. - 320 p.

Zatsepina M.B.Muzical upbringing in kindergarten. Program and guidelines / MB Zatsepina. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006. - 96 p.

Musication for children and adults / under. ed. Yu.V. Barachin. - Novosibirsk: Ocarina Publishing House, 2005. - 86 p.

Posnansky A.N. Peter Tchaikovsky: biography. In 2 tt. / A.N.Pozninsky. - SPb.: Vita Nova, 2009. - 1232 p.


March (passage)


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Activation of the creative potential of preschool children through admission to musical art in the context of GEF to

Kremer Olga Vladimirovna,

music director MB DOU "Kindergarten №37"


In accordance with GEF pre-school education musical activity - This is a form of activity of a child who gives him the opportunity to choose the closest and successful in the implementation of the position: a listener, artist, writing.

Artistic and aesthetic development involves

1. Development of prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, fine), world of nature.

2. Formation of aesthetic attitude towards the environment.

3. Formation of elementary ideas about art types; Perception of music, fiction, folklore.

4. Stimulation of empathy of artistic works characteristics.

5. Implementation of independent creative activities of children (fine, structurally model, musical, etc.)

Creativity covers a wide range of human activities: science, art, all inventions of human civilization, and the forms of life forms themselves are created by creativity. Directly in musical activity it happens through

Perception of music.

Performance (vocal, instrumental):

  • playing for children's musical instruments.

Creation (vocal, instrumental):

  • musical and rhythmic movements;

    music and gaming activity;

    musical instruments game

In different forms of educational activities

Table1 "Musical Activities"

Forms of educational activities

Directly educational activities

Mode Moments

Independent activities of children

Listening music;

    experimentation with sounds;

    musical and didactic game;

    noise orchestra;

    learning music games and dances;

    joint singing;


    integrative conversation;

    integrative activity;

    joint and individual musical performance;

    musical exercise;

  • row;

    motor plastic dance etude;

    creative task;

    concert improvisation;

  • music story game

    Listening to music accompanying the conduct of regime;

    musical moving game for a walk;

    integrative activity;

    stroller concert-improvisation

    Music activities at the initiative of the child

In preschool pedagogy, the conditions for the development of children's creativity are distinguished:

    Early start, early acquisition for creative activities.

    The creation of adults for the child is a feeling of external security when he knows that his creative manifestations will not receive a negative assessment of adults.

    The formation of a child's feelings of internal security, discrepancy and freedom due to supporting adults of his creative undertakings.

    Maintaining an emotional state in the process of creative activity, demonstrating the child a positive attitude towards it and its activities: smile, applauding, to show a faithful interest.

    Creating a Success Situation for the Child.

    Lack of external coercion or tough activity regulation.

    Enrichment of the subject and spatial environment to implement the creative activity of the child.

The enriched medium involves the unity of social and subject means to ensure the diverse activities of the child.

    Creative identity of the teacher himself. ONLY PERSONALITY Creative, non-standard thinking can raise a creative personality.

The inclusion of children in musical creativity requires special pedagogical efforts. First of all, the teacher must almost master the model of personally oriented interaction with children. Only in a situation of supports on the principles of humanistic pedagogy, the game activity of children will ensure their true meaning: bring to children joy and pleasure, will lead to the liberation of creative forces and for self-expression, will enrich them

The methodology for organizing creative activity should be based on the following principles:

    freedom of will, when an adult helps a child in organizing creative activities, does not impose the topic to him, gives the freedom to express his own "I": "Do how you want, as you like it."

    when organizing musical activity, it is necessary to enable the child to show itself everywhere, wherever he could express his "I";

    attracting all children to one: There are no inflated children, everyone has its tendencies, abilities, each somewhere can manifest itself, their activity. Personal experience in communication with music.

In my professional activity I am widely used the transformation game

The transformation games help children own their body muscles, randomly strain and relax them. The same applies to individual parts of the hull, legs, hand, including hands. Music accompaniment is selected according to the content of the games.



"Wooden and rag dolls"

    PPRI image of actions and gestures wooden dolls Tensioned muscles of legs, hull, hands. The movements are sharp, when turning to the right and left are preserved by fixed neck, hands, shoulders. The "doll" moves the legs, without bending the knees.

Imitation rag dolls It is necessary to remove an excessive voltage in the shoulders and the housing, the hands "hang" passively. The body turns to the right, then to the left, while they are wrapped around the housing, the head turns, although the feet remain in place.

Music energetic, with clear rhythm, staccato.

Music calm, legato.

"Scratching legs"

Gradual straightening and bending fingers)

Hands bent in the elbows, brushes are compressed in fists and raised up. Gradually, with the effort, all fingers are straightened and bred to the limit to the side ("The cat releases claws"). Then, without stopping, the fingers are compressed into a fist ("Cat hid claws"). Movement repeats several times non-stop and smoothly, with a large amplitude.

Later in the exercise should include the movement of the entire hand: it turns it into the elbow, then straightening.

"Sparrows and cranes."

Under fast music, children have fun jumping like sparrows. When slowing down the tempo, go to a soft step, and then at the adult signal, we press the leg, holding it with your hands from behind and freeze, like "Rousers", stand in the same pose - who longer?


(Circular Hand Movements)

Children describe with hands big circles. Movements are performed continuously, several times in a row, in a rather fast pace (hands fly as not their own).

It is necessary to ensure that the clamps do not arise in the shoulders, in which the correct circular movement is disturbed and angularity appears.


(circular movement shoulders)

Hands bent in the elbows, fingers are collected in a fist. Continuous unhurried circular movement shoulders up - back - down - forward. The elbows from the housing are not discharged.

Movement amplitude in all directions should be maximum, when moving shoulders back, the voltage is enhanced, the elbows come closer, the head deflects backwards.

Exercise is performed several times in a row without stopping

On the example of an organization with children of games - plastic improvisations to the music, I conduct an assessment of musicality - the ability to perceive and transmit the image and fixed assets in motion, change the movements in accordance with the phrases, tempo and rhythm. The correspondence of the performance of movements of music is estimated (in the process of self-execution - without a teacher). For each age, different criteria are defined in accordance with the average age-related indicators of the child's development, focusing on the scope of skills disclosed in tasks.

The assessment is placed on a 5-point system.

To assess children of the 4th year of life:

5 points - the ability to transmit the character of the melody, to start independently

and finish moving along with music, change movements on

every part of the music

4 - 2 points - In the movements, the general nature of music is expressed, pace,

the beginning and the end of the musical work coincide not

0 - 1 point - movements do not reflect the nature of the music and do not coincide with

the pace, rhythm, as well as with the beginning and end of the work.

To assess children of the 7th year of life:

5 points - movements express the musical image and coincide with thin

nuunting, phrases,

4 - 2 points - are transmitted only in general, pace and metro,

0 - 1 point - movements do not coincide with the pace, metrolamic music,

only focused on the beginning and end of the sound, as well as

at the expense and show of an adult.

The process of including a child in musical game creativity is built by a teacher in a specific algorithm. Consider the main stages of this process.

First stage

First stage - show the teacher of plastic embodiments of musicHis own creative modeling of the images of a musical work. The teacher needs to own his body and be able to show the children's bodily plastic communication with musical sound. The teacher demonstrates to children, what kind of responsive can be the body of a person to the slightest changes in the musical flow. Pedagogue is important to develop this specific quality of movements related to plastic modeling of musical images. It takes some time for self-preparation to connect individual engine-expressive opportunities with the skill of musical and plastic movement.

Second phase

Second phase - repeat the children of movements behind the teacher. There is no separation for the first and second stages with the sections of the separation. The teacher acts as leading to the game-improvisation, and children at the same time are watching him, and copy his movements. Teacher must fully control its actions and unobtrusively, using game techniques, adjust the actions of children. At the same time, the teacher must realize that the game requires as much as possible and expressive plastic modeling of music.

Pedagogical correction As part of a musical game, mainly concerns base moments. First of all, the teacher must encourage children to fill the movement of the entire space of the room in which the occupation passes. It is important that all the gaming space is mastered by the child so that he can navigate and not be afraid to make a variety of movements. Similar exercises with children can be carried out as musical pauses in classes (any, not necessarily musical), in accordance with the place of the game in the routine of the child's day, the music can wear an energetic, cheerful character, or, on the contrary soothing and relaxation.

Third stage

When the tasks of the first and second stage are implemented, you can move to the third stage, i.e. directly to K. games - plastic improvisations Children themselves.

At this stage, you must enter additional regulations.

1. The leading can be everyWhen it comes to it.

"The queue" is easy to organize, giving it a circle form: children stand in a circle and transmit the role of the lead in a circle (against or clockwise arrow, as agreed). When children get the shape of a common circle, you can move to several small mugs, squares, triangles, to the movement of a snake, to the game in pairs, etc.

2. Any actions proposed by the lead must be taken without discussion. And exactly repeat all.

Even if the child was confused and just stands or trample on the spot, the game should not stop. All others can also stand up and get through the place after the lead. A teacher who participates in the game on a par with everyone, in this case should take on the role of "conductor" and help the child adequately exit the situation.

3. Everyone can stay leading so much time as he wants. The child can transfer his role as the next, when he wants or when his fantasy runs out.

In the future, some children are so mastered with the role of the lead that with reluctance gives it to another. In such cases, the teacher must change the rule: the leading changes to each musical phrase, a verse or part of the musical work.

Music art has an undoubted impact on the identity of the child in preschool age, in its creative process contributes to the accumulation of musical thesaurus. Through the acquisition for musical art in a person, creative potential is activated, the development of intellectual and sensual began, and the earlier these components are laid, the more active their manifestation in the admission to the artistic values \u200b\u200bof world culture.


  1. Artemieva, T.I. Methodological aspect of the problem of abilities. - M.: Science, 1977.

2. Vetlugin N. A., Child Music Development, M., 2005

3. Vygotsky L. S., imagination and creativity in childhood, 2 ed., M., 2001

4.Guseva E.P. Levochka I.A. Pechenkov V.V. Tikhomirova I.V. Emotional aspects of musicality. Artistic type of man (comprehensive studies). M., 1994,

5. Kabalevsky D. B. How to tell children about music? M..2005


Continue to develop interest and love for music, musical responsiveness to her.

Form a musical culture based on acquaintance with classical, folk and modern music; with a structure of 2- and 3-bed music works, with the construction of a song. Continue to acquaint composers.

Rail around the culture of behavior when visiting concert halls, theaters (not to make noise, do not interfere with other viewers enjoy music, watch performances).

Continue to acquaint with the genres of musical works (march, dance, song).

Develop musical memory through recognition of melodies for individual fragments of the work (entry, conclusion, musical phrase).

Improve the skill distinguishing sounds in height within the quint, the sound of musical instruments (key-shock and string: piano, violin, cello, balalaika).

Form a singing skills, the ability to sing with a light sound in the range from the "re" octave to "to" the second Octave, take the breath before the start of the song, between musical phrases, pronounce clear words, timely start and finish the song, emotionally transmit the character of the melody, sing moderately , loud and quiet.

Promote the development of solo singing skills with musical accompaniment and without it.

To promote the manifestation of independence, creative execution of songs of different character.

Develop a song musical taste.

Song creativity

Develop the skill of the improvisation of the melody on the specified text, compose the melodies of different character: affectionate lullaby, rear or cheerful march, smooth waltz, cheerful dance.

Music and rhythmic movements

Develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to transmit character - music, its emotional-shaped content; The ability to freely navigate in space, perform npoctenirie rebuilding, to independently move from moderate to a rapid or slow tempo, change the movements in accordance with the musical phrases.

Promoting the formation of dance movement skills (alternate ejection of legs ahead in the jump; Power step with squats, with advance, steep; squatting with foot exhibit ahead).

To acquaint children with Russian dance, dance, as well as with dancing other nations.

Continue to develop song dramatics skills; The ability to portray fabulous animals and birds (horse, goat, fox, bear, hare, crane, crows, etc.) in different play situations.

Development of dance and gaming creativity

Develop dance creativity; Forming the ability to invent movements to dances, dance, to make a dance composition, showing independence in creativity.

Improve the ability to independently invent movements reflecting the content of the song.

Cross to the drag of the content of songs, dance.

Children's musical instruments game

Develop the ability to fulfill the simplest melodies on children's musical instruments; Familiar songs individually and small groups, while observing the overall dynamics and pace.

Develop creativity, encourage children to active independent actions.

Approximate musical repertoire


Marsh, Muses. D. Shostakovich; "Lullaby", "Guy with Harmonica", Muses. G. Sviridova; "Listopad", music. T. Popatenko, sl. E. Avdienko; "Marsh" from the Opera "Love for Three Oranges", Muses. S. Prokofiev; "Winter", music. P . Tchaikovsky, sl. A. Plecheyev; "Autumn

song "(from the" Seasons "cycle . Tchaikovsky). "Polka", music. D. Lvova-Factory, SL. 3. Petrova; "Mother's holiday", music. E. Tilicheeva, cl. L. Rumarchuk; "My Russia", music. Struve, cl. N. Solovyva; "Who came up with a song?", MUZ. D. Lvova-Factory, SL. L. smoke; "Children's Polka", music. M. Glinka; "Santa Claus", Chuz. N. Eliseeva, cl. 3. Alexandrova. "Morning Prayer", "in the Church" (from the "Children's Album" P. Tchaikovsky); "Music", music. Struve; "Lark", music. M. Glinka; "Moth", music. S. Maikapara; "The dance of birds", lullaby ", music. N. Rimsky-Korsakov; Final concert for piano with orchestra number 5 (fragments) L. Beethoven. "Anxious minute" (from the Album "Biryulki" S. Maikapara); "Remought", "Morning", "Evening" (from the collection "Children's Music" S. Prokofiev); "First Loss" (from "Album for Youth") R. Shuman; Eleventh Sonata for Piano, 1st Piece (Fragments), Prelude in La Major, Op. 28, No. 7 F. Chopin.


Exercises for the development of hearing and voice."Bunny", music. V. Karaseva, SL. N. Frenkel; "She sewed a cat for the holiday of boots," children's song; "Raven", Rus. nar. Song, process. E. Tilicheeva; "Andrei-Sparrow", Rus. nar. Song, arr. Y. Evonyov; "Bubakers", "Harmoshka", music. E. Tilicheeva; "Considered", music. I. Arseeva; "Snow-pearls", music. M. Parh Ladze, cl. M. Pleazkovsky; "Where is the winters?", Muses. E. Zaritsky, sl. L.

Kuklin. "Steam locomotive", "Parsley", music. V. Karaseva, SL. N. Frenkel; "Barabana, Muses. E. Tilicheeva, cl. N. Founded; "Tuchka", Silshka; "Lullaby", music. E. Tilicheeva, cl. N. Founded; Rus. nar. Songs and speakers.

Songs."Cranes", music. A. Livvitsa, SL. M. Poznanskaya; "The guests came to us," Muz. An. Alexandrova, SL. M. Ivensen; "Grocery-dance", music. B. Mozhevelova, SL. N. Passova; "Blue Sledge", music. M. Jordansky, cl. M. Clokova; "Gusi-Gusingaga", music. An. Alexandrova, SL. Boyko; "Fish", music. M. Krasov, sl. M. Clokova. "Chicken", music. E. Tilicheeva, cl. M. Dolinov; "Birch", music. E. Tilicheeva, cl. P. Voronko; "Lily of Lily", music. M. Krasov, sl. N. Frenkel; Spring Song, Muses. A. Filippensko, SL. G Boyko; "Tente-Ten", music. In hetero, sl. Yu. Razumovsky, "Bird House", Muses. Yu. Issonova, cl. O. Vysotskaya; "Goroshina", music. V. Karaseva, SL. N. Frenkel; "Gus", music. A. Filippensko, SL. T. Volgina.

Song creativity

"Lullaby", Rus. nar. song; Marsh, Muses. M. Krasov; "Dili-Dili! Bom! Bom! ", Ukr. nar. Song, sl. E. Makshantseva; "Come up with a song"; Pestes, teasers, county and other rus.

nar. Spots.

music and rhythmic movements

Exercises."Little march", music. T. Lomoy; "Spring", music. E. Gnesinina ("Etude"); "Step and running", music. N. Nadpenko; "Smooth hands", music. R. Gliera ("Waltz", Fragment); "Who is better jumping," music. T. Lomova: "Learn to dance in Russian!", MUZ. L. Vishkareva (variations in rus. Nar. Melody "From-under oak, from under Vyaz"); "Rosinki", music. S. Maikapara; "Kanva", Rus. nar. Melody, arr. R. Rustamova.

Exercises with objects.Waltz, Muses. A. Dvorak; "Exercises with ribbons", Ukr. nar. Melody, arr. R. Rustamova; "Gavot", music. F. Gossec; "Shop's transfer", music. T. Lomoy; "Exercises with balls", music. T.Scrap; Waltz, Muses. F. Burgmuller.

Etudes."Silent dance" (theme of variations), music. V. Mozart; "Polka", it. nar. dance; "Issue and babies" ("game with doll"), music. T. Lomoy; "AU!" ("Game in the Forest", music. T. Lomova).

Dancing and dance."Friendly couples", music. I. Strauss ("Polka"); "Paired dance", music. An. Alexandrova ("Polka"); "Invitation", Rus. nar. Melody "Len", process. M. Rakhverger; "Protein dance", music. V. Zolotarev; "Mirror", "Oh, Hop My, Khmelek", Rus. nar. melodies; "Circular dance", Rus. nar. Melody, Obr, S. Raishenova; "Russian dance", rus. nar. Melody ("Lee in the garden, in the garden"); "Kadril with spoons", Rus. nar. Melody, arr. E. Tumanyan; Dance boys "Chebohah", Rus. nar. melody.

Characteristic dances."Matryoshka", music. B. Mokrousov; "Chebohah", Rus. nar. melody, process. V. Zolotarev; "Dance beads", music. T. Lomoy; "Parshek Dance", Croat, Nar. melody; Clappers, music. N. Kizel-Watter; "Dance of Snow Maiden and Snowflakes," music. R Glyera; "Dance of Dwarfs", music.

F. Cherchel; "Dance of the Skomorokhov", music. N. Rimsky-Korsakov; "Dance of circus horses", music. M. Krasov; "Pleasses Bear", music. M. Krasov; "Meeting in the Forest", music. E. Tilicheeva.

Horics."The guests came to us," Muz. An. Alexandrova, SL. M, Ivensen; "Harvest", music. A. Filippensko, SL. O. Volgina; "New Year's Horovodnaya", music. S. Shaydar; "New Year's Horovod", music. T. Popatenko; "New Year comes to us," music. V. Gerchik, cl. 3. Petrova; "Dance colors", music. Y. Evonyov; "How did our girlfriends go," "I go with the bias," "And I am in the meadow," "junction-chernozem", Rus. nar. songs, arr. V. Aga Ronnikova; Aya da Berzka, music. T. Popatenko, sl. J. Agajanova; "Near the river, near the bridge"; "I went mlad for water", Rus. nar. songs, arr. In, AgathoNikova.

Musical Games

Games. "Catching", music. J. Haydna; "Will not release," music. T. Lomoy; "Be detented!", MUZ. N. Ladukhina; "Game with a tambourine", music. M. Krasov; "Look for a toy", "be delicious", Rus. nar. Melody, arr. V. Agafonnikova; "Pilots at the airfield", music. M. Rakhverger; "Find a couple of yourself", Latv. melody, process. T. Popatenko; "Game with a bell", music. S. Rzhavskaya; Lot and mice, "music. T. Lomoy; "Rattles", music. T. Vilkorean; Take care of the hoop, "music V. Vitlin; "Find a toy", Latv. nar. Song, arr. Frida.

Gamesfrom singing."Cap", "Oh, Zainka in the Cenets", "Raven", Rus.nar. songs; Zainka, Rus. nar. Song, arr. N. Rimsky-Korsakov; "How to thin ice", rus. nar. Song, process. A. Rubac; "Raven", Rus. nar.melody, arr. E. Tilicheeva; "Two Tetry", Rus. nar. melody, process. V. Agafonnikova; "Cat Vaska", music. Lobacheva, cl. N. Frenkel; "Hedgehog", music. A. Averin; "Horticulture in the forest", music. M. Jordansky; "Hedgehog and mouse", music. M. Krasov, sl. M. Clokova; "Flowers", music. N. Bakhutov, words folk.

Music and didactic games

Development of sound hearing."Musical Lotto", "Steps", "Where are my kids?", Mom and Baby.

Development of a feeling of rhythm."Determine the rhythm", "Rhythmic stripes", "learn to dance", "Looking for".

Development of timber hearing."What is playing?", "Music riddles", "Music House".

Dehydic hearing development."Loud, quietly", "ringing bells".

The development of the perception of music and musical memory."Be attentive", "Buragino", "Music Store", "Seasons", "Our Songs".

stagingand musical performances

"The guests came to us," Muz. An. Alexandrova; "Like ours at the gate," Rus. nar. Melody, arr. In, agyafonnikova; "Where were you, Ivanushka?", Rus. nar. Melody, Obr, M. Jordansky; "My favorite doll", author T. Koreev; "Polyanka" (Music game-tale), Muz.t. Vilkorean.

Development of dance and gaming creativity

"Cat and Kozlik", "I am a field, a field of onions," music. E. Tilicheeva; Waltz Cats, Muses. V. Zolotarev; free dance for any dancing melodies in audio recordings; "Gori, Gori clear!", Rus. nar. Melody, arr. R. Rustamova; "And I am in the meadow," Rus. nar. Melody, arr. T. Smirnova.

Children's musical instruments game

"Sky Blue", "Bold Pilot", Muses. E. Tilicheeva, cl. M. Dolinov; DON-DON, RUS. nar. Song, Obr, R, Rustamova; "Gori, Gori clear!", Rus. nar. melody; "Shepherd", Cesh. nar. Melody, arr. I. Berkovich; Petushok, Rus. nar. Song, arr. M. Krasov; "Hasiki", music. FROM.

Wolfenson; "Our grandmother has a black ram", Rus. nar. Comic song, arr. V. Agafonnikova,

Planned Interim Program Development Results

The interim results of the development of the program are formulated in accordance with the federal state requirements (FGT) through the disclosure of the dynamics of the formation of integrative qualities of pupils in each age period of development of the program in all directions for children's development.

By six years, during the successful development of the program, the next level of development of the integrative qualities of the child is achieved.

Integrative quality "physically developed

having mastered the main cultural and hygienic skills "

Anthropometric indicators (growth, weight) are normal. Owns in accordance with the age of the main movements. Shows interest in participation in rolling games and exercise.

There is a desire to participate in games with elements of competition, in game-playing games.

Enjoying physical equipment outside of classes (in free time).

Able to fulfill the hygienic procedures available to age.

Complies with the elementary rules of behavior during meals, washing.

It has elementary ideas about the value of health, the benefits of hardening, the need to comply with the rules of hygiene ineveryday life. He knows about the benefits of morning charging, exercise.

It has elementary ideas about a healthy lifestyle, the dependence of health from proper nutrition.

Begins to show ability to take care of his health.

Integrative quality "inquisitive, active"

Uses various sources of information that promotes\u003e. Brush Games (Cinema, Literature, Excursions, etc.).

Exhibits sustainable interest in various types of childhood activities: design, visual activities, game.

Claims curiosity, interest in research, experimentation, to project activities.

Integrative quality "emotionally responsive"

Emotionally delicately feel the experience of close adults, children, fairy tale characters and stories, cartoons and artistic films ,.clastic performances.

It shows emotional attitude to the literary work, expresses its attitude to a specific act of literary character.

Understands the hidden motives of the behavior of the heroes of the work.

It shows suddenness to the artistic word, feels the rhythm and the melody of the poetic text.

Tests aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste, aesthetic perception, interest in art.

Integrative quality "mastered the means of communication and ways of interaction with adults and peers"

It distributes the roles before the game starts and builds its behavior, sticking to the role. The game interaction accompanies the speech corresponding to both the content and the intonational role.

Speech becomes the main means of communication. The speech accompanying the real relationship of children differs from role-playing speech.

It can compose original and consistently unfolding stories H to tell their peers and adults.

Uses all parts of speech, actively engaged in wordiness, uses synonyms and antonyms.

I know how to share with the teacher and other children with a variety of impressions, refers to the source of the information received (TV show, the story of a loved one, a visit to the exhibition, children's performance, etc.).

Shows the ability to maintain a conversation, expresses his point of view, consent or disagreement with the answer to the comrade.

Integrative quality "able to manage their behavior and plan its actions based on primary value ideas, which complies with elementary generally accepted norms and rules of conduct"

Shows the ability to work collectively, negotiate with peers about who will perform what part of the work.

If, when distributing roles in the game, conflicts arise related to the subordination of role-playing behavior, solves controversial issues and settles conflicts with speech: convinces, proves, explains.

It understands that it is necessary to take care of the younger, help them, protect those. Who is weaker.

Maybe himself or with a small help of an adult to evaluate the piles actions and actions of peers.

Complies with elementary generally accepted norms of behavior in Children's garden, on the street.

In everyday life itself, without reminder from the side, the adult uses "polite" words.

Integrative Quality "Can Deciding Intellectual and Personal Tasks (Problems), adequate age"

Owns elementary self-service skills.

Focusing in the surrounding space, understands the meaning of spatial relationships (at the top - at the bottom, ahead - from the back, on the left - right, between, near, near, etc.).

It is able to set a sequence of various events: what was before (first), which later (later), to determine what day today, what was yesterday, what will happen tomorrow.

It is capable of designing on its own design.

Able to use simple schematic images to solve simple tasks, build according scheme, solve labyrinth problems,

Shows figurative anticipation. Based on the spatial location of objects, it may say that will occur as a result of their interaction.

It is able to argue and give adequate causal explanations if the analyzed relations do not go beyond its visual experience.

It can independently come up with a small fairy tale on a given topic.

Conditions can find an interesting occupation for himself.

Integrative quality "having primary ideas about himself, family, society, state, peace and nature"

He knows and calls her name and surname, the names and patronymic of parents. He knows where their parents are working as important to society.

He knows family holidays. It has permanent home duties.

May tell about his hometown (village, village), call the street on which he lives.

Knows that the Russian Federation (Russia) is a huge multinational country; What Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. It has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe flag, coat of arms, hymn melodies.

He has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian army, about the years of war, about the day of victory.

Integrative quality "mastered universal prerequisites for training activities"

He has the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten, at home, on the street. It is capable of accepting a memorization task, remembers the instrument of an adult, can learn a small poem.

It can be connected, consistently and expressively retell small fairy tales, stories.

It is able to hold in memory when performing any action is an easy condition.

It is capable of focusing to act within 15-25 minutes. Shows responsibility for the performance of labor orders. Shows the desire to please adult good actions.

Integrative quality "mastered the necessary skills and skills"

The child has a skill and skills necessary for the implementation of various types of children's activities.

Educational region "Health"

Knows how to quickly dress and undress, abide by the order in your closet

He has tidy skills (notes disorder in clothes, eliminates it with little help of adults).

Elemental personal hygiene skills are formed (independently cleans the teeth, the hands are washing before eating; when coughing and sneezing closes the mouth and nose with a handkerchief).

Owns the simplest skills of behavior during meals, uses a fork, a knife.

He has initial ideas about the components (important components) of a healthy lifestyle ( proper nutrition, movement, sleep) and factors that destroy health.

He knows about the meaning of the human health daily morning gymnastics, hardening the body, compliance with the day mode.

Educational Region "Physical Culture"

I can walk and run easily, rhythmically, keeping the right posture, direction and pace.

It is able to climb along the gymnastic wall (height 2.5 m) with a change in the pace.

Can jump on a soft coating (height 20 cm), jump to the designated place from a height of 30 cm, jump in length (at least 80 cm), from a runway (at least 100 cm), height from the runway (at least 40 cm ), jump through a short and long rope

I know how to throw objects with the right and left hand at a distance of 5-9 m, in a vertical and horizontal target from a distance of 3-4 m, to combine the drops with a throw, throw the ball up, about the ground and catch it with one hand, beat the ball on the spot at least 10 Once, in walking (distance 6 m). Owns school ball.

Performs exercises for static and dynamic equilibrium.

Knows how to rebuild into a three-fold column, four; equal, opened in the column, rank; Perform rotations to the right, left, circle.

Skiing with a sliding step at a distance of about 2 km; Caring for skiing.

Able to ride a scooter.

Participates in exercises with elements of sports games: Towns, badminton, football, hockey.

Able to swim (arbitrarily).

Educational region "Socialization"

Negotiate with partners, what to play who will be in the game; Submits the rules of the game.

Able to deploy the content of the game depending on the number of children playing.

In the didactic games assesses its capabilities and does not take off the loss.

Explains the rules of the game to peers.

After viewing the performance, it can appreciate the game of the actor (actors), the means of artistic expressiveness and elements of the decoration of the production.

Its in creative experience several roles played in play in kindergarten and home theater. Able to make out its performance using a variety of materials (attributes, rebunny material, crafts).

Education area "Labor"

Self dressing and strips, dries wet things, cares for shoes.

Performs duty on duty on the dining room, correctly serves the table.

Supports order in the group and on the site of the kindergarten.

Performs assignments to care for animals and plants in the corner of nature.

Educational Region "Security"

Complies with the elementary rules of organized behavior in kindergarten.

Complies with the elementary rules of behavior on the street and in transport, elementary rules of the road.

Disasters and calls special types of transport ("ambulance", "fireman", "militia"), explains their appointment.

Understands the values \u200b\u200bof the traffic lights. He learns and calls road signs "Pedestrian Transition", "Children", "Stopping Public Transport", "Underground Pedestrian Transition", "Medical Item".

It distinguishes the roadway, sidewalk, underground pedestrian crossing, pedestrian crossing "Zebra".

He knows and complies with the elementary rules of behavior in nature (methods for safe interaction with plants and animals, careful attitude towards the surrounding nature).

Education area "Cognition"

Productive (constructive) activity.Able to analyze the damage to buildings.

Can plan the stages of creating their own construction, find constructive solutions.

Creates buildings in the drawing.

Able to work collectively.

Development of elementary mathematical representations.He considers (counts) within 10.

Correctly uses quantitative and ordinal numerical (within 10), answers questions: "How much?", "Which on account?"

Equifies unequal groups of items in two ways (deleting and adding a unit).

Compares eye objects (in length, width, height, thickness); Checks the accuracy of definitions by overlaying or application.

It places objects of various magnitudes (up to 7-10) in order of increasing, decrease of their length, width, height, thickness.

Expresses words the location of the subject in relation toyourself, other subjects.

He knows some characteristic features of familiar geometric shapes (number of corners, sides; equality, inequality of the parties).

Calls Morning Day, evening,night; He has an idea of \u200b\u200bchanging parts of the day.

Calls the current day of the week.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world.Distinguishes and calls for transport, objects that facilitate human labor in everyday life

Classifies items, determines the materials from which they are made.

He knows the name of the hometown (village), the country, its capital.

Calls seasons, marks their features.

He knows about the interaction of a man with nature at different times of the year.

He knows about the meaning of the sun, air and water for man, animals, plants.

Carefully applies to nature.

Education area "Communication"

Can participate in conversation.

Agmented and friendly evaluating the answer, the statement of peer.

It is the sample of stories in the story picture, on the set of pictures; Consistently, without significant passes retells small literary works.

Specifies the sound of the sound in the word.

Knows how to select a few adjectives to noun; Replace the word to another word with a similar value.

Education area "Reading fiction literature"

Knows 2-3 software poems (if necessary, you should remind your child

first lines), 2-3 readers, 2-3 riddles. Calls the genre of the work.

Dramatizes small fairy tales, reads on the roles of poem. Calls a loved one

children's writer, favorite fairy tales and stories.

Educational region "Artistic creativity"

Disasters the works of fine art (painting, book graphics, folk decorative art, sculpture).

It highlights expressive agents in different art types (shape, color, color, composition).

Knows features of visual materials.

Painting.Creates images of objects (from nature, by submission); Scene images.

Uses a variety of composite solutions, visual materials.

Uses various colors and shades to create expressive images.

Performs patterns based on folk decorative and applied arts, years.

Lrack.They make items of different shapes using the learned techniques and methods.

Creates small plot compositions, transmitting proportions, postures and moves of figures.

Creates images based on folk toys.

Applique.Pictures objects and creates uncomplicated plot compositions using a variety of cutting, paper breaks.

Education area "Music"

Distinguishes genres of musical works (march, dance, song); The sound of musical instruments (piano, violin).

It distinguishes high and low sounds (within the quintes).

May sing without tension, smoothly, light sound; Clear words, start and finish the song in a timely manner; Sing accompanied by a musical instrument.

It can rhythmically move in accordance with the character and dynamics of music.

Able to perform dance movements (alternate ejection of legs ahead in a jump, semi-grace with legs to the heel, step throughout the foot on site, with advance and in stealing).

Independently draws the content of songs, rounds; Acts without imitating other children.

Able to play melodies on a metalfone one by one and in a small group of children.


to school group (from 6 to 7 years)