Prayer St. Martyr Vonifatia from drunkenness of her husband

Prayer St. Martyr Vonifatia from drunkenness of her husband
Prayer St. Martyr Vonifatia from drunkenness of her husband

Prayer first

About the long-suffering and all-willed martyr's infinity! To your intercession now we are resorting, the praying of us who sing you, do not hold, but graciously hear us. We have been brachy and our sisters, the grave ailment of pianism obsessed, to tempt the sake of the sake of the Mother, the christian church and the salvation of salvation falling down. About the holy martyr's invention, tap the heart of their given Ti from God to grate, will soon argue from the falls of sinful and to the saving abstinence, bring them. The mind of the Lord God, his sake suffered from the sake of our sake, but we will not immediately disdain the mercy on his sons, but it will strengthen our sobriety and chastity in us, and it will help his desire to the sober salaries, about It is awesome and good response to the scary trial of Dati. We accept, the waters of God, the prayers of mothers, about the children of their tears of sheds; Women honest, about husbands of their sobbing, children of sirah and poor, from Pianitsa left, all of us, the icon of your fallen, and let this cry, our prayers will be given to the throne of the Most Himmago to give everyone to the prayers of their health and salvation of souls and televisions, the nearest kingdom Heavenly. Miscellaneous and observing us from Lukavago Luckavago and all the goat enemy, in the terrible hour of the outcome of our pumps, they are incredibly aircraft and the prayers of your religious condemnation. The sovereign of the Lord to Give us to the Fatherland, our love is non-estate and unshakable, before the enemies of the church, the victims visible and invisible strength, and the mercy of God in the endless eyelids is covered. Amen.

Prayer Second - from drunkenness and any passion

Save, Lord, and the surviving slaves of your (name) with the words of the Divine Gospel of your Divine Gospel, reading about the salvation of the slaves of your current (name). They fell, Lord, the terrain of all the sins of them, free and involuntary, and yes the grace of yours enlightened in them, enlightened, which cleans this person. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
(Read the chapter 15 of the Gospel of John daily).

Prayer Third

About the holy passionerpheric of Christ, the warrior of the king of heaven, earthly voluptuary desigted and to the city of Jerusalem by the suffering of the occasion, martyr's vonifiance! Uslippi's sinning, bringing the heart of prayer singing, and the mind of our Jesus Christ of Christ forgive all my sins, in jurisdiction and in ignorance I have been deemed. To her, the martyr of Christ, the image of repentance with his shown sinning! Budi mi on the zlago of the skeleton of the dialer by your prayers to God assistant and the intercessor; Many boiled to avoid the networks of his shuffles, but the wild sinful is caught and tightly wetted from him, could not get rid of it, it's not that you are trying to endure in the very circumstances, and one is attempted to repent. This is for the sake of feeding to you and praying: save me, Saint God, from all the assesses of your concern, the grace of God, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids of the centuries. Amen.

Triphar Martyr Vonifatiya

Tropear, voice 4

Your martyr, Lord, the influence, in the suffering of his crown, they will bring an unprecedented God from you, having your fortress your fortress, reaches the reserves, the crushes and demons of the gentleness of that prayers to save our souls.

Tropear, voice 4

Martyrs sent to the class, the martyr was true, the sufferment for Christ the tight, all the way, the power returned to be faithfully sent, the influence of Blessed, the moths of God of God to have sins forgiveness.

Kondak, voice 4

The bias of the immaculate self-esteem was brought to you, and from the Virgin to you for the sake of you, holy vencycling, wisdom of infirplay.

Kondak, voice 6

The star brighter appeared to the unpainst world, the Sun of Christ announced in charge of your, passionerpher, and the charm redeemed the whole, we were given the light, praying incessantly about all of us.

3 prayers holy vonifaty

4.3 (86.67%) 6 Voice.

Prayer Vonifatia from drunkenness and alcoholism

"About the long-suffering and all-walled martyr's influence, to your intercession now we are resorting: the praying of us who sing to you, do not hold, but we will hear us grave and sisters with a serious ailment of Pianism, to unleash the sake of your mother, the Church of Christ, the eternal salvation disappearing. Oh, the Holy Martyrchildren of Christ is infinity, touching the hearts of their given from God with grateful, soon to argue from the fall of the sinwhan and bring them to the saving abstinence. The mind of the Lord God, the eggent of the sake of the sake of the sake of our sake, will not turn away the mercy on the sons of his sons, but it will strengthen us in sober and chastity, and it will help his house to abstinence a strong and saving God promise to the end of preventing, in days and In the bolers about him awesome, and a good answer about him to date on the terrible judgment. We accept, the waters of God, the prayers of mothers, about the children of their tears of sheds; wives honest, about her sobbing husbands; Chad siery and poor, from pianits left; And all of us, the icon of your fallen, and let this scream of our prayers to the throne of the Most Himmago to give everyone to the prayers of their health and salvation of souls and televisions, the very kingdom of heaven. Steply and observe us from Lucavago Locking and all the goat enemy, in the terrible hour of the outcome of our Poszo, the inconsistent air of Nataria and the prayers of your religious condemnation. The sovereign of the Lord to Give us to the Fatherland, our love Nelfiecery and Will is unshakable before the enemies of the Church of the Holy, visible and invisible, but covers us the mercy of God in the endless eyelids. Amen."

Prayer Saint Vonfatia from addiction

"Oh holy passionerpiece of Christ, the warrior of the king of the celestial, earthly voluptuousness and to the city of Jerusalem by the suffering of the occasional, martyrchi vonifiance! I hear the sinsmangigago, brought from the heart of prayer singing, and the mind of our Lord Jesus Christ forgive all my sins, in jurisdiction and in ignorance I have been made. To her, the martyr of Christ, the image of repentance with his shown sinning! Budi mi on the zlago of the skeleton of the dialer by your prayers to God assistant and the intercessor; Many boiled to avoid the networks of his shuffles, but the wild sinful is caught and tightly wetted from him, could not get rid of it, it's not that you are trying to endure in the very circumstances, and one is attempted to repent. Something for the sake of feeding to you and praying: save me, solestely, from all the assesses of your victim, the grace of the All-Fivalo of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen."

Sincere mental prayer is able to work wonders. For such an everyday problem, like a struggle with drunkenness and alcoholism, in the Orthodox Molitelory there is a strong "prayer to holy vonifaty from drunkenness."

On January 1, the whole Christian world celebrates the day of the memory of the priest in vonifati - an intercession in front of God those who struggle with alcohol addiction.

In ancient Rome, Voniphati lived, he was a slave with Mrs. Aglaid. These young people coited each other and used alcoholic beverages. The daily idleness came from their spiritual void, as well as the impossibility to get married and live righteously.

A few years later, Aglaid was afraid of the anger of the Lord and wondered over his life. She learned from people that the one who worset the memory of the righteous passion recorders receives the deliverance of the soul from God, despite any of her falls. Aglayida commanded Vonifatia to go to the eastern part of the Roman Empire - to the Places of Freaking the Brutal Persecution of People of Christian Faith. The purpose of the trip was to get the relics of the righteous victims of God for their loyalty to God, Vonifatius was supposed to acquire and deliver these remains to Aglaid.

Going on the road, the servant of Vonifatiy joked: "What if you take my remains, will you then honor my memory, as if I am holy?" The joke was a prophetic. Upon arrival, the young man went to a public place, where there was a demonstrative torture over several dozens of believers in God. Despite the torture, none of them renounced their faith.

Seen to the depths of the soul shocked in vonifati, he rushed to the legs of the sufferers with tears in his eyes, asking them to pray before God about him. Further, he declared himself a Christian in all, as well as the follower of Christ.

VoniFatius was tortured in the same way as those martyrs, but nothing broke his faith and strength of the Spirit. Soon he was executed. Comrades who arrived with him for the Holy Moves learned about the extraordinary incident, bought the remains of Wonfati from the executioners, and then with the honors delivered them to Rome.

At this time, Angel appeared in front of Agelaid, he told her that she would get up and went to meet the one who had previously lived a sinful life, and now this man took faith, becoming a Christian. Angel told this woman to take the relics of vonifatius, belonging to them as a shrine, because it would only get the redemption of their priests. Aglaida performed accuracy in accuracy and had the shrine with respect. After time, she erected the temple in the name of Wonifati, where his remains were stubbered and, as people testify, miracles were born, asked by the Great Martyr.

Since then, Aglaid, he abandoned all his wealth, adopted Christianity, began to live in prayer and righteousness, and after 13 years she died, believing that thanks to Vonifatia, her soul would be forgiven by the Lord.

The spiritual feat of these people who came to the truth shows us that any sinner makes sin not because of the reason that is born bad, but because he has nothing to give his soul, it is empty and there is no knowledge than to fill it .

Important moments that need to know

At the very beginning of the path, before the person decided to take advantage of the prayer for the Holy Martyr Vonifatia from drunkenness, there should be awareness of the right approach to this sacrament. There are many cases, not recognizing people suffering from alcoholism, their painful dependence. In this situation, prayers must be carried out to someone from his loved ones, holding this fact in secret.

It happens that some people trying to cure alcohol dependence are disappointed, or they lack spiritual forces and they do not reach the result. In this case, the petition for the saint will vonifatia with a prayer from drunkenness will provide the opportunity to gain confidence, give strength, as well as will give the feeling of strongest confidence in their success.

At the same time, several important points should be remembered:

  1. to resort to prayer handling, it is necessary even after healing from the illness of alcoholism;
  2. it happens that a person who stopped consuming alcohol, due to certain reasons, loses its strength, faith, begins to feel the alcohol again. In order not to stay without spiritual support - it is necessary to contact the presented prayer every day;
  3. the power of the words of prayer gives hope, strengthens the Spirit, does not give to collapse from the Favorite path;
  4. the man who realized his destructive passion for alcohol, and also decided for himself to start another life - not only for medical care for healing the body, but also needs in prayer, for his soul healing.

To start living righteously, as well as ask for intercession from St. Wonpathy, you need to talk with the priest, asking him a blessing for reading prayers against alcoholism.

The mother whose son is ill with alcoholism, before the start of reading the prayer needs to be ordered in the church, demand for the appeal of clergy to the Lord from her behalf with the right to help her son.

When a parishioner has a desire to independently create a prayer petition, then before reading it is also necessary to obtain blessings from the clergy of the Church, and also ask to pray for him.

Important rules

  1. turning to the prayer martyr Vonifatiya is required to fast on all the rules of the Christian Church. It is necessary in order to strengthen the action of the words of prayer, as well as get an internal mood. During the pronouncement of words, we need to mentally focus on that person, which is starting to pray;
  2. you need to contact the church to order the reading of prayers for the health of a person who is sick of drunkenness, as well as put the cozy candles to icons. Such prayers need to be ordered at least 3;
  3. take water in the church, consecrated by the prayer of the Water Engineering, and then give daily to drink her sick person in the morning, before eating;
  4. in order for prayer to be an effective need to read it at least 40 days, I do not miss any. If enough spiritual strength and perseverance - the patient pray for 40 weeks;
  5. it is worth remembering that reading the text of the prayer should always be thought out in words.

The text of the prayer of the Holy Martyr Vonifaty is always the opportunity to find in any church prayer, but he also has in this article. It is best to read it by memory, after having learned by heart.

Any treatment, including prayer, requires patience and takes a long time. Only patiently will be able to achieve these results to help themselves either near a person to defeat the thrust for alcohol. Many were convinced that the prayer was a strong and effective in drunkenness.

Text prayer

Oh, all-in-law, gracious slave of merciful Vladyka! We hear those who resort to you, obsessed with a detrimental addiction to wine, and, as in their earthly life, you have never refused to help asking you, so and now get rid of these unfortunate (names). Once, the god-sidier father, Grad broke your vineyard, you, by rewarding thanks to God, ordered a few preserved bunches to put in the sharpener and nasty. Then, taking a new wine, you broke it drops into all the vessels that were in the bishopia, and God, who performs the prayer of the merciful, made the copper miracle: the wine in the sharpe was multiplied, and the beggars filled their vessels. Oh, the saint of God! As your prayer multiplied wine for the needs of the Church and for the benefit of poor, so you, bliss, reduce it now where it brings harm, get rid of the addiction to him of the indulgent Power of winepitia (names), they heal them from a serious illness, free from Develovsky temptation, approve of them, weak, give them, weak, fortress and good power to hastily postpone this temptation, return them to a healthy and sober life, put them on the path of labor, to put the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor. Help them, the ward of God's invention, when the thirst for wine becomes burning their larynx, destroy their disastrous desire, the freshest of their mouth with Heavenly Cool, enlighten their eyes, put their feet on the rock of faith and hope, to, leaving their perfection, entailing excuses From the heaven of the kingdoms, they, established in piety, were awarded a non-world peaceful death and in the eternal light of the infinite kingdom of fame, the Lord of our Jesus Christ was adequately with its original father and with the Most Holy and Life-Giving Spirit. Amen.

A few words in conclusion

The one who sincerely believes will achieve God's help and the prayer of Holy Vonfatia, real results. But you do not need to forget the Russian wisdom, saying that it is necessary to hope for yourself, and God to help.

Combining prayers, it is impossible to forget to seek advice on a narcologist. In the aggregate, these methods give good and confirmed results. No need to think that God will be able to correct what person does not want to spend the strength. He will need to prepare difficult and painstaking work. Do not forget that the urgent states of intoxication and psychosis are preserved not priests, but doctors. It is impossible to put your life at risk. It is best to try all the ways, and the result will certainly be good.

Get rid of alcoholism is quite difficult. The effective method is considered to be prayer with vonifaty from drunkenness. After all, alcoholism is a very common problem in today's society.

The origin of prayer

Now we know Wonpathy as a saint, which is resorted by people dependent on alcohol, or their relatives and relatives wishing to help their neighbor. It is known that this saint repeated before God was forgiven.

The legend narrates that the vonifatius, although he managed the estates, was at all no noble origin, on the contrary, served one of the noble Romans of Aglaid. And they had a big sin: they lived alcohol and loved alcoholic beverages. Such a lifestyle they led over the years. And even when they began to be aware of their terrible sins, repent of them still could not and continued to live the same way.

One day, the rich Roman was evaluated that the relics of martyrs helps to abandon evil addiction. She decides to try and sends his servant to the city located nearby. And although the road was not long, on the road Voniphati realized all his sins. The repentance of him was so comprehensive that all that time was on his way, he cried and rushed, praying. In his prayers, he applied to God with a request to give him temptation and suffering, so that he could atone for all his sins.

And God did not leave vonifati. He heard his prayers, forgiving the sin of alcoholism and debauchery, but sent a test. Arriving into the city where they were power, he saw how mocking over one Christian, and came out for him. For the intercession and for faith and the very infinacy, they were subjected to strong abuse. And then he was executed, overwhelming the sword in the chest. And then a miracle happened: no blood was made from the wound, and milk.

At that moment, the pagans on the square believed in God and adopted Christianity. Aglaid, having learned about what happened, repented in all his deed and until the end of the life served her Lord. She gave all his huge wealth to be a poor and sick. And on the place where the Rev. Vonifatius was killed, built a temple. And today there is stored with the power of the saint.

The prayer of the Holy Martyr Vonifaty from alcoholism is the most efficient. And the most unfortunate himself is considered a touch and patron of drinking and lost. The day of reverending his memory January 1 (December 19, old style).

How should I pray?

Before resorting to the prayer of the martyr with drunkenness, you need to know in what cases it will be effective. There are many examples when a person suffering from alcohol addiction does not want to recognize it. Then prayer will help, but the rite should be carried out so that he himself did not know that. If you resort to the help of a narcologist, then the alcoholic will be registered. Prayer will help to cope with the problem without her disclosure.

In addition, it is known that when placing a patient, a specialized clinic will have to lay out a considerable amount of money, which is not all. And the prayer of Saint Vonfatia requires only perception with soul and heart, that is, faith in it. If a person tried to cure an alcoholic disease in many ways and failed, the appeal to the Holy Martyr will help to cope with indecision, uncertainty, and will also help to find faith in itself.

  1. To resort to the help of prayer, preferably after healing from the illness of alcoholism.
  2. Sometimes already "knitting" alcoholics lose faith in themselves and begin to drink again. So that this does not happen, you need to constantly pray.
  3. Prayer will help to believe in their strength and correctness of their thoughts and motivation.
  4. If a person is aware of his addiction to drinking and is ready to proceed with treatment, then prayer can serve as an addition to the main course of therapy.

In addition to all of the above, you should know how to properly ask the Holy Deliverance of the dependent person. First you need to contact the priest with a request to bless it. In the event that son suffers from alcoholism, the mother should read the prayer of the mother. In addition, she must ask the priest to pray for her son in front of the Lord. When a person prays for the salvation of his soul, you need to turn to the Holy Father with a request for a blessing and ask him to pray for him before God.

It should also be ordered in the church of the lunch about the health dependent on alcohol, constantly lit candles in the saints. If you read the morning prayers, you need to constantly remember a person who requires help.

In addition, it is necessary to order in the Church of Prayer Jesus, during which water is being consecrated. This water must be given a patient in the morning on an empty stomach.

Store water is in a closed jar. Such prayers are recommended to order at least 3 times.

  1. To get rid of the drunkenness of her husband, son, father, or himself, to make prayer follows at least 40 days in a row.
  2. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to pray for up to 40 weeks.

As you know, no disease (physical or mental) cannot be defeated in a short period of time. Therefore, it is necessary to have patience. The one who patient will be able to get rid of himself or their loved ones from terrible alcohol addiction.

MOTHERAL MOTHER SUPPLY FOR ASPORT TO MUCHENKIA MOTHERS SUPPLY, as alcoholic children are terrible grief. Praying, the mother should also stick to several tips. First, all the time to support the son or daughter, even if they immediately refuse the alcohol, they do not go out and there are breakdowns.

It is necessary to visit the temple as much as possible, listen to the words that the saint pronounces during the service. In no case cannot be desirable and fall in spirit. It should be explained to his son, which is constantly not to lose control of their desires, not to idle, to engage in useful things and hourly contact God.

Prayer of the Holy Martyr Vonipatia

"Oh, holy and long-suffering martyr inthiff. We resort to your intercession. Graciously hear us and do not reject our prayer. Healing our son (name), obsessed with a serious illness of drunkenness, for the sake of his mother of his church. Oh, the martyr of Christ, tire the heart of his God's grace. Bring from sinful falls to the saving abstinence. The mind of the Lord God does not turn away from us and strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. May will help his handful hand. The example, the intercession of God, the prayers of mothers, about their children. And there will be a cry of this prayers to the throne of the Most High. Save us from the evil and goat enemy. At the expense of our outcome, you will not leave us. And God's mercy will cover us forever. Amen".

This prayer helps to free themselves from alcohol dependence, narcotic, as well as depending on gambling. The most important thing is to have patience and the desire to free yourself or a native person from illness. Belief in the Lord gives strength to solve any problems.

Thank you for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Did anyone get rid of husband from alcoholism? My drinks do not seek I don't know what to do ((I thought to divorce, but I don't want to leave a child without a father, and my husband is a pity, so he is a great person when he does not drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so much and only reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now it does not drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I duplicate just in case - link to the article..

    Sonya 10 days ago

    And this is not a divorce? Why sell on the Internet?

    Jules26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? On the Internet is sold, because shops and pharmacies put their markup of the brutal. To the same payment only after receiving, that is, first looked, checked and only then paid. And on the Internet now everything is sold - from clothes to televisions and furniture.

    Edition response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not implemented through the pharmacy chain and retail stores to avoid overestimated prices. To date, order only on official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I did not notice the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure if the payment upon receipt.

    Margo. (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    And someone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? Father drinks, I can not influence him ((

    Andrey () a week ago

    What only folk agents did not try, the father-in-law as he drinks and drinks

    Catherine a week ago

    I tried to ride a husband with a decoction from the laurel sheet (she said that for the heart it is useful), so he left the men to bloom in an hour. I do not believe more in these folk methods ...

Holy Voniphati is known for the fact that the grace of God wonderfully transformed, getting rid of many serious sins. Today, the prayer of Vonifatia helps people overcome the sin of drunkenness.

About the Holy Wonpathy

Vonifatius served as a manager of one very rich Romans, he not only worked for Aglaid, but also quenched with her a carnal passion. Young and beautiful, they did not see shame, lively. And it is necessary to talk about it, because then the great changes become more understandable. Not every holy from youth became such a Lord calls from the bottom. Therefore, never a person should be desirable in his salvation. Prayer St. Vonifaty necessarily raises an action.

Despite the sinful life, then the young man had good deposits - he provided mercy of the poor, he was responsive to someone else's misfortune, gave shelter to travelers. Voniphati was diligently prayed to God so that he would save him from drunkenness and crucified. He realized his sins, sought to correct. It is also worth acting by those who are close to the similar sensitors - do not deny, it is necessary to look at their sins, to start working on yourself.

Considered his sins and agladium, she wanted to have the relics of martyrs for Christ in the house, so that they had mercy from God through them. She sent a vonifatia on a journey to bring the right of righteous. Killing the saints, the persecuters then traded them with the relics. The woman asked Wonifati to pray that the saints become the hell for them before Most High. The young man went on the road, not yet suspecting that soon his power would be brought back, and he would die for Christ himself.

  • But when the travelers have reached the place where Christians were tormented, the heart of Wonifati was transformed - he began to hug upright bodies and ask Christ to give him to console the sufferers. Today, he himself helps sinners from severe drunkenness, no wonder the Orthodox read prayers to the martyr Vonifatia.

This story clearly shows how the heart arrangement and the power of the Holy Spirit can make the righteous if a person rolls out sincere desire to change.

The boss began to be interested in who this young man commanded him to bring to the sacrifice of idols. Vonifatius flatly refused, and he himself was hanging down his head. He prayed that Jesus had strengthened him. And the brutal torture did not leave the trace on his body. And when the boss ordered him into the throat, the rolled tin, the rose rose in the people. The next day, when the unrest went down, the young man was decided to hide the sword, in order to avoid further disturbances.

Vonifati's prayer was heard by God, and he accepted the Great Honor to suffer for Christ. Satellites bought his body and head, bringing home with honor. Aglaid arranged a temple where many healing came from the relics. After spending the rest of the life in repentance and helping neighbor, she quietly moved to the Lord.

How to get rid of drunkenness with prayer

Now Christians from all over the world turn to St. Vonifatia, receive support, healing from bodily and spiritual ailments. The first step is to realize the problem, sincerely the desire to correct. It already encourages a person on prayers to be directed to God, the Mother and Saints. There are cases when the parental motion delivered children from very strong dependencies, so it is necessary to ask for all close to maintain a good deed.

  • often to be on the sacrament of confession;
  • fast and take communion;
  • finding yourself a decent lesson who will repay from evil habits.

Sincere faith, perseverance and support for loved ones can create any miracle!

Prayer vonifatia from drunkenness

About the long-suffering and all-willed martyr's infinity! To your intercession now we are resorting. The prayer of ours is not a hole, but graciously hear us. I healed the brotherhood and sisters of our (names), the grave ailment of the pianosity of obsessed, and that for the sake of the Mother of the Church of Christ and the eternity of salvation disappeared. Oh, the Holy Martyrchi of Christ, touch the hearts of their given from God with grateful, will soon argue from the falls of sinful and to the saving abstinence, bring them. The mind of the Lord God, the Eagle for the sake of the sake of the sake of our sake, yes, I won our sinners, I will not turn away the mercy on our people, but it will strengthen us in sobriety and chastity, and it will help his desire to the soberous saving vow and in It is a wonderful and good answer about him to rejoice on the scary judgment. We accept, the waters of God, the prayers of mothers, about the children of their tears of sheds; wives honest, about sobbing husbands; Chad of siery and poor, naughty left; All of us, to the icon of your fallen, and this will give this cry of your prayers to the throne of the Most Hedgehogo. Miscellaneous and observe us from Lukavago Locking and all the goat enemy. In the terrain hour of the outcome of our help, there are incredibly airborne airing, your prayers to save us that the convictions are permanent, and yes the mercy of God, in the endless eyelids. Amen.

Prayer St. Martyr Vonifatia from drunkenness of her husband Was Last Modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub.

Excellent article 0.