Live and remember indifference. The main hero of the book "Live and Remember" - Andrei Guskov

Live and remember indifference. The main hero of the book
Live and remember indifference. The main hero of the book "Live and Remember" - Andrei Guskov

In 1974 he wrote Rasputin "Live and Remember." The heroes of this work described in it events, as well as the problematics of the story are very interesting. We will tell about all this in this article.

The Rasputin "Live and Remember" begins as follows. Heroes of the work (main) - Andrei Guskov and his wife, Nastya. IN last year Wars in the village, located on the hangar, and Thai returns Andrei Guskov, local. He does not think that he will be met in his hometown with open arms, but believes in support of his wife. And the truth is, Nastya, although it does not want to admit to this, understands the little that the husband returned. She came out for him not for love. 4 years of marriage were not particularly happy, but the heroine was predicted by the spouse and found his reliability and protection for the first time in his life in the house (Nosna grew up orply).

Life walls in her husband's house

Without unnecessary thoughtful, the girl came out for Andrei: I'll still have to go out, so why pull? She did not imagine that she expects her in someone else's village and new family. It turned out that from the workers (Nastya lived and worked by the aunt) she came again to the workers, only the courtyard was different, the demand was initiated and the economy is bigger. Perhaps in a new family attitude towards her would be better if the girl gave birth to a child. However, she had no children.

News of Andrei

She heard from childhood that the woman without the kids is no longer a woman. Nastya considers himself guilty. Only once, when, embarrassed her, Andrei said something unbearable, the woman responded from the insult, which is unknown, in whom the reason is in it or in it. Then the husband beat her before half death. Nastya when Andrei is taken to war, a little glad even, which remains without children. Letters from the front regularly come from the hospital. After that, there is no Westa for a long time, only once the policeman and the Chairman of the village council come to the hut and are asked to show correspondence.

Meeting with her husband

The story of Rasputina "Live and Remember" continues as follows. When the ax disappears in the family bath of Guskovy, the walls are thinking about what, perhaps, her husband returned. She leaves everybody in a bathhouse in the bath, one day even his heading and meets here Andrei. His return becomes their mystery and is perceived by Nastya as her cross.

Help Andrei

She comes ready to help his spouse, ready to steal and lie for him. It is necessary to take everything in marriage: and good, and bad. Courage and burdens set in the soul of the walls. She helps selflessly with her husband, especially when he understands what is waiting for the child. The walls on everything is ready: to meet with the spouse behind the river in the winter, for long conversations about the hopelessness of this situation, on difficult work at home, for insincerity in relations with other villagers. With male incomplete force pulls her strap Nastya. For more information about her relationship with his spouse, you will learn by reading the analysis located at the end of the article. Rasputin "Live and Remember" wrote not only to show the difficult relationship of heroes. You can also find out about other problems involved in the story, you can read by reading the article.

Andrei is not a traitor, not a killer, but only a deserter who escaped from the hospital, from where he wanted to send him to the front, not really praised. He was already tuned on vacation and cannot refuse to return. Realizing that in the village of him, in the world, he will not be in the country of forgiveness, he wants to pull, without thinking about his wife, parents and the future child.

Insoluble question

Personal, connecting with Andrei Nostenu, confesses with the way of their life, as the analysis shows. Rasputin ("Live and Remember") notes that the walls can not raise his eyes on wives who receive a funeral, unable to rejoice as before, when returning neighbor men from the war. She recalls on a rustic holiday in honor of the victory with an unexpected anger about Andrei, because because of him she cannot please her like everyone else. An unresolved question put the husband in front of the Nastya: Who should she be with? Andrei's girl condemns, in particular now, when the war ends and it seems that he would stay well. However, condemning, she retreats: After all, she is his wife.

Suicide Nastya

Former girlfriends walls, noticing her pregnancy, begin to laugh at her, and mother-in-law drives out of the house. The girl, forced to restrain his feelings, hide them, exhausted more and more. Its fearlessness turns into the risk, in the waste of wonderful feelings. They pushing it to suicide. Nastya finds peace in the waters of the hangars.

Analysis of the work

So, you got acquainted with the content of the work that Rasputin wrote ("Live and Remember"). Problems that rise in the text deserve separate consideration. The philosophical questions about honor and conscience, about the meaning of life, about the responsibility of people for their own actions are usually overlooking the fore. The author talks about betrayal and egoism, about the relationship of public and personal in human soul, about life and death. In the work "Live and Remember" (Rasputin) is also disclosed.

War is a tragic and terrible event that has become verification for people. Man in manifests true features of his nature. The central image in the work is the image of the walls. It is important to note, conducting analysis. Rasputin ("Live and Remember") depicted this girl combining the features of the village righteous: faith in man, mercy, responsibility for the fate of others, kindness. The problem of uncompanying and humanism is closely connected with her lightly.

She found the strength to help Andrei, regret it. It was a difficult step for her: the girl had to be trembling, lie, live in fear, feather. She felt already that he became someone else's, distinguished from fellow villagers. However, she chose such a path for her husband, as he loved him.

The war has greatly changed the main characters, which you can make sure by conducting an analysis. Rasputin ("Live and Remember") notes that they realized that in worldly life, their remoteness from each other and quarrels were absurd. IN difficult Minutes spouses warmed hope on new life. Nastya hopes that her husband can repent and go to people. However, he does not decide to do this.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is the moral responsibility of a person for their actions. The author shows Andrei Guskov's life example, how to easily make an irreparable mistake, show weakness, stupid. Rasputin told us about all this. "Live and Remember" reviews After reading, many cause positive. Writer managed to affect important questions And the workshops to reveal them in this story. Rastetino's story "Live and Remember" is shielded. On him, in 2008 the film was removed. Producer -

Work modern writers Outly describe our everyday, everyday life, showing its shortcomings and omissions. Writers on the real episodes of modern reality are trying to identify, designate and show the negative sides of the public and individual life of people.

I can reflect on one of the works of the modern Russian writer V. Rasputin - "Live and Remember."

I, as a reader, glad that I happened to read the works of a wonderful and talented Russian Prosaika V. G. Rasputin, who created excellent works about Russian people, about Russian nature, about the Russian soul. His story and stories entered the Gold Foundation of Modern Russian Literature.

The events described in the story occur in winter forty-fifth, in the last military year, on the shore of the hangars in the village of Atamanovka. The name seemingly loud, and in the recent past even more frightening - robbing. "... Once in the old years, the local men did not disguise one quiet and profitable fishery: they checked golden people going with Lena." But the inhabitants of the village have long been quiet and harmless and dismissed did not produce. Against the background of this virgin and wildlife The main event of the story is the betrayal of Andrei Guskova.

In any artistic work The title is playing very important role For the reader. The name of the book "Live and Remember" pushes us, readers, to a deeper concept and understanding of the work. These words - "Live and Remember" - tell us that all that is written on the pages of the book should be unshakable eternal lesson In the life of every person. "Live and remember" is treason, lowness, human fall, the test of love with this blow.

Before us, the main character of this book is Andrei Guskov, "a frustrated and brave guy, early married in Nastya and who lived with her before the war is not good for four years." But in the peaceful life of Russian people, the great invades the great Patriotic War. Together with the whole male part of the population went to war and Andrei. Nothing foreshadowed such a strange and incomprehensible slander, and here as an unexpected shock for the walls, the news that her husband Andrei Guskov is a traitor. Not every person is given to survive such a grief and shame. This incident turns cool and changes the life of Nastya Guskova. "... where were you, a man, what toys you played when you were appointed fate. Why did you agree with her. Why, without thinking, computing the wings, just when they are most needed, when it is not clear, and in the summer to run away from the trouble "Now she is under the rule of his feelings and love. Lost in depth rustic life, women's drama Extracted and shown by Rasputin. Live paintingwhich is increasingly found against the background of war. The author brings to readers that the walls - the victim of war and its laws.

She could not act differently, according to the universal chosen path, without obeying his feelings and the will of fate. Nastya loves and regrets Andrei, but when the shame behind the human court over himself and over his future child wins the power of love for her husband and life, she stepped overboard the boats in the middle of the hangary, killing between two coast - the shore of her husband and the shore of all Russian people. Rasputin gives readers the right to judge the actions of Andrei and the walls, emphasize all the good and realize everything is bad. The author himself - good writer, inclined to quickly forgive man than to condemn, especially to condemn mercilessly. He tries to leave the place to his heroes for correction. But there are such phenomena and events, intolerable not only for the people around the heroes, as well as for the author himself, to the comprehension of which the author is not soulful forces, and there is only one rejection.

Valentin Rasputin with heart purity in an inexhaustible for the Russian writer shows a resident of our village in the most unexpected situations.

Nobility of the walls is compared with the author with a wild mind of Guskova. On the example of how Andrey is pounced on the calf and goes away, it is clear that he lost human image, completely moved away from people. Nastya is also trying to form and show his husband's mistake, but it makes it loving, does not insist.

The author introduces a lot of reflection about life in the story "Live and Remember". Especially well we see it when meeting Andrei and Nastya. Heroes are languishing with their reflections not from longing or idleness, but wanting to understand the appointment of human life.

Great and multifaceted images described by Rasputin. Here we see typical of the village life collective image of Grandfather Mikheich and his wife, conservatively strict semenovna. The soldier Maxim Wolaz, courageous and heroic, who did not regret the strength, fighting for the depression. Multician I. contracted image Truly Russian woman - Nadka, remaining one with three kids. She confirms N. A. Nekrasov's words: "... Russian dat, women's dat".

Everything affected and seemed - life during the war and her a happy ending - On the life of the village of Atamanovka. Valentin Rasputin to everyone that wrote, convinces us that there is a light in man, and it is difficult to pay it, which any circumstances happen! In the heroes V. G. Rasputin and it is the poetic sense of life, opposed to the well-minded perception of life. Follow Valentina Grigorievich Rasputin - "The eyelids are love."

The concepts of "tradition" and "innovation" are inextricably linked. In art, any innovation is possible only with deep understanding of what is already open, created by predecessors. So, only strong roots allow the tree to grow and be fron. Creativity Rasputin as if "grows" from the work of Dostoevsky and Gorky; Our contemporary continues to reflect on the problems that have suffered by his great teachers. But in his novels, he seeks to understand how these today sounds eternal problems. Roman "Livi and Remember" was consistent first of all the "crime and punishment" of Dostoevsky.

Guskov himself would like to shift the blame on the "rock", before which powerless "will". It is not by chance that the word "destiny", for which Guskov is so clinging through the whole story. Unwillingness to recognize the need for personal responsibility for their actions is one of those "strokes to the portrait", which reveal the wormwort in the soul of Guskova and determine his desertion. The writer opened us the cause of the crime of Guskov, showing this feature of his character. However, Rasputin builds a specific historical fact in the rank of socio-philosophical generalizations, which brings him closer with such predecessors, like Dostoevsky and Gorky. Rasputin could rely on the artistic experience of Dostoevsky. Showing the destruction of a person's personality who made the interests and ideals of the people, as the process irreversible, without moral resurrection, R. goes along the path laid bitter. Here we approached the most severe manifestation of the destruction of the personality of "erect moral (public) and" natural "laws. To destroy them the nature itself, its main incentive to continue life on Earth. First of all, this is the murder of a calf in the eyes of the mother of the cow.

It's amazing this: the cow "screamed," when Guskov brought an ax over her child. The fall of Guskova and the impossibility of moral resurrection for him becomes obvious after this highly artistic, stunning storyline. Clear murder. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story cannot be missed without the fate of Nastya, which also "abandoned", but quite different. In criticism, the fact of suicide Nastya has already been interpreted, in returning, as "Higher Court of Deserter Andrei Guskov".

And, vocationally, as "the trial of himself, his Babi, women's, human weakness" Nastya has reason to consider himself to blame: she really opposed themselves to people. The story ends with the copyright, that they do not say about Guskov, "do not commemorate" for him "the connection of times" broke up, he has no future. The author speaks about Nastya as a living (without replacing the name "body" or "late man"). "And Nastya for the fourth day nailed to the shore ... Behind Nastya, the Batrakka Bratka was sent. He delivered Nastya back on the boat ... And they betrayed Nastya Earth among their ... After the funeral, they gathered women from Nadyka to Nevudren's commemoration and fastened: it was a sorry for Nastya. " These words, marked with the restored "Communication of times" (traditional for folklore, the ending. About the memory of the hero in centuries), the story of V. Rasputin ends, which is the synthesis of the socio-philosophical and socio-psychological story, the original story, inheriting the best features of Russian literature , Traditions of Dostoevsky and Gorky.

Do you need to download an overnumber? We save and keep - "The main hero of the book" Live and Remember "- Andrei Guskov. And the bookmarks appeared a ready essay.

In the literature, many examples when circumstances are higher than the wills of the heroes, for example, the image of Andrei Guskova from Valentina Rasputin's story "Live and Remember." The work is written with a characteristic author. deep knowledge people's Life, psychology simple man. The author puts his heroes in a difficult situation: Andrei Guskov's young guy honestly fought almost until the very end of the war, but in 1944 he was in the hospital, and his life was given a crack. He thought that heavily wound would free his service. But it was not there, the news that he was sent to the front again, struck him like a lightning strike. All his dreams and plans were destroyed in one moment. And in the moments of peaceful troubles and despair Andrei takes the fatal decision, which turned over his life and soul, made it another person.

In any artistic work, the title plays a very important role for the reader. The name of the story "Live and Remember" pushes us to a deeper concept and understanding of the work. These words "live and remember" - tell us that all that is written on the pages of the book should be an unshakable eternal lesson in a person's life.

Andrei was afraid to go to the front, but more than this fear was insulsion and anger on everything that he returned to war, not allowing to stay at home. And, in the end, he is solved on a crime and becomes a deserter. Before him and in his thoughts there was no such, but longing the native, family, native village It turned out to be the strongest. And the very day, in which he did not give holidays, becomes fatal and turns the life of the hero and his family.

When Andrei turned out to be near his home home, he realized all the lowestness of his act, realized that she was terrible and now he had to hide him all his life from people, looking back, fear every row. This story is not only about how the soldier becomes a deserter. She is also about cruelty, destroying the power of war that kills feelings in man, desire. If the soldier in war thinks only about the victory, he can become a hero. If not, then longing, as a rule, will be stronger. Constantly thinking about the meeting with the family, the soldier mentally strives to see all his relatives and loved ones, quickly fall into native home. In Andrei, these feelings were very strong, pronounced. And therefore he is a person who is doomed to death from the very beginning, since with the minute when the war began, and before last moment He lived with memories and in anticipation of the meeting.

The tragedy of the story is intensified due to the fact that it dies not only Andrei. After him, he takes his young wife, and who has not yet born a child. His wife - Nastana - a woman who can sacrifice everything, just a loved one left alive. Like her husband, the Nasta is the victim of the surviving war and its laws. But if Andrei can be blamed, then the walls - the victim of innocent. She is ready to take on strike, suspicion of loved ones, condemnation of neighbors and even punishment. All this causes indisputable sympathy from the reader.

"War was detained with nasnianino happiness, but the walls and the war believed that it would be. Now the world will come back, and Andrew will return, and everything that over the years has stopped, will come back from the spot. Otherwise the walls and did not imagine her life. But Andrei came before Time, before the victories, and all confused, mixed, knocked down from his order - I could not know about it. Now I had to think about happiness - -o. And it, frightened, moved away somewhere, eclipsed, whores it The way he seemed from there, nor hope. "

Destroyed the idea of \u200b\u200blife, and life itself. Not every person is given to survive such a grief and a shame that took the walls on himself. She was constantly lying, unscrew from sophisticated situations, invent what to speak fellow villagers.

The author introduces in the story "Live and Remember" a lot of reflection about life. Especially well we see it at Andrei meetings with Nastya. They not only remember the most bright impressions From the past, but also reflect on the future. In my opinion, the boundary between the past and future life of Nastya and Andrei is very clearly distinguished here. From their conversations it is clear that earlier they lived happily: this proves many of the joyful cases and moments. They are very clearly imaginary, as if it was quite recently. And here future life They can not imagine. How can this be live away from all the human people, do not see a mother with her father and friends? It is impossible to hide all the remaining life from all and everyone is afraid! But they have no other way, and heroes understand it. It is worth noting that basically the walls and Andrei speak of that happy life, not what will happen.

The story ends tragic death Nasty and her who has not born baby. She is tired of living such a life - life away from everything alive. The walls did not believe anything, it seemed to her that she was all invented himself.

"The head was really swallowed. The wall was ready to contempt with my skin. She tried to think less and move - nothing to think about, there is nowhere to move. Enough. ... I was tired. I would know who she was tired and how to relax!". She jumped overboard boats and ... the author did not even write this word - drowned. He described all this with figurative words. "Far and far from the inside went flickering like a terrible beautiful fairy tale". A word game is noticeable - "terrible" and "beautiful" fairy tales. Probably, so it is - terrible, because it's still death, and beautiful, because it was she saved Nastya from all her torments and suffering.

Great and multifaceted images described by Rasputin. Here we see typical of the village life collective image of Grandfather Mikheich and his wife, conservatively strict semenovna. The soldier Maxim Wolaz, courageous and heroic, who did not regret the strength, fighting for the depression. The many-sided and controversial image of a truly Russian woman - the Nadia, the remaining one with the three kids. She confirms the words of N.A. Nekrasova: Russian dat, female dat. "

Everything was reflected and seemed - life during the war and her lucky end - on the life of the village of Atamanovka. Valentin Rasputin to everyone that wrote, convinces us that there is a light in man, and it is difficult to pay it, which any circumstances happen! In the heroes V.G. Rasputin and in him is the poetic sense of life, opposed to the well-minded perception of life.

Follow Valentina Grigorievich Rasputin - "Age Zhvi - love age."

Moral problematics Tale V. Rasputin "Live and Remember"

The story "Money for Mary" brought V. Rasputin wide fame, and subsequent works: " Deadline"," Live and Remember "," Farewell to Mother "- Posted by the glory of one of the best writers Modern Russian literature. In his works, morally and philosophical questions about the meaning of life, about conscience and honor, about the responsibility of a person for their actions. The writer argues about egoism and betrayal, about the relationship between personal and public in the soul of man, about the problem of life and death. We will find all these problems in the story V. Rasputin "Live and Remember."

War is terrible and tragic event - became a certain test for people. After all, it is in such extreme situations that a person shows true features of his character.

The main character Andrei Guskov went to the front at the very beginning of the war. He honestly fought first in recryphoto, then in the ski battalion, then on a warm battery. And while in the back there were Moscow and Stalingrad, while it was possible to survive only fighting with the enemy, nothing worried Guskova's soul. Andrei was not a hero, but did not hide behind the backs of the comrades. He was taken to intelligence, he fought like everything, was a good soldier.

Everything changed in the life of Guskov, when the end of the war was visible. Before Andrei, the problem of life and death. And the instinct of self-preservation is triggered. He began to dream of an injury to win time. Andrei asks himself a question: "Why should I fight, not others?" Here Rasputin condemns the egoism and individualism of Guskov, who in such a difficult moment for the Motherland showed weakness, the foolishness, betrayed his comrades, was frightened.

The main character of the story of Rasputin "Live and Remember" is similar to another literary character - Rodion Raskolnikova, who asked himself: "Does I tremor or right I have?" Rasputin affects the problem of personal and public in the soul of Andrei Guskov. Does a person have the right to put his interests above the interests of the people, the state? Does the right man have to cross over the age-old moral values? Of course not.

Another problem that concerns Rasputin is the problem of the fate of a person. What prompted Guskova to escape to the rear - the fatal mistake of the official or the slack, which he gave in the shower? Maybe if Andrei did not wound, he would be overborn himself and reached Berlin? But Rasputin does so that his hero decides to retreat. Guskov is offended by the war: she tear him off from loved ones, from the house, from the family; She every time exposes his deadly danger. In the depths of the soul, he understands that desertion is a deliberately false step. He hopes that the train in which he rides will stop and check the documents. Rasputin writes: "In war, a person is not free to dispose of himself, but he ordered."

The perfect deed does not bring Guskov relief. He, like the splitters after the murder, should now hide from people, the flour of conscience is tormented. "I have now all the days of black," says Andrei Nostena.

The image of the walls is central to the story. She is a literary successor of Sholokhov Ilinichna from " Quiet dona" The walls combines the features of rural righteous: kindness, sense of responsibility for the fate of other people, mercy, faith in man. The problem of humanism and all apartments is inextricably linked with its light way.

The walls found the strength to regret Andrei and help him. She felt his heart that he was near. For her it was a difficult step: she had to lie, sick, wagged, live in constant fear. Nastya has already felt that he is distinguished from fellow villagers, becomes someone else's. But for the sake of her husband, she chooses her way, because he loves him and wants to be with him.

War changed a lot in the soul of the main characters. They realized that all their quarrels and remoteness from each other in peaceful life were just absurdity. Hope for a new life warmed them in difficult moments. Mystery disconnected them with people, but brought together with each other. The test revealed the best human qualities.

Consciousness of what to be together for a long time, and the love of Andrei and the walls broke out with a new force. Perhaps it was the most happy Days in their lives. House, family, love - this is where the happiness of Rasputin. But for his heroes another fate was prepared.

The walls believes that "there is no such guilt that cannot be forgiven." She hopes Andrei will be able to go to people and repent. But he does not find his strength on such an act. Just published Guskov looks at the Father and does not decide to seem to him.

Not only is the act Guskova puts the cross on his fate and on the fate of the walls, but Andrei did not regret his parents. Maybe the only hope was they had that their son would return with the war hero. What was it like to know that their son is a traitor and a deserter! What is the shame for old people!

For the determination and kindness, God sends the Nastya of the long-awaited child. And here is the most the main problem Tale: Does the right to be born a deserter child? In the story of "Shibalkovo Seed" Sholokhov already put a similar question, and the machine gunner persuaded the Red Army team to leave the Son alive. The message about the child became the only meaning for Andrei. Now he knew that the thread of life would plunge on that his genus would not stop. He says Nastya: "And you are, I will justify yourself, for me it is the last chance." But Rasputin breaks the dreams of the hero, and the walls dies along with the child. Perhaps this is the worst punishment for Guskova.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story V. Rasputin "Livi and Remember" is the moral responsibility of a person for his actions. On the example of the life of Andrei Guskova, the author shows how to cool down, to show weakness and make an irreparable mistake. The writer does not recognize any explanations between Guskova, because other people died in the war, who also had families, children. You can forgive the Nastin, which sorry her husband took his blame for himself, but the deserter and the traitor there is no forgiveness. Words of the walls: "Live and remember" - will be held until the end of the life knocking in the inflamed brain of Guskov. This appeal is facing both atomanov's residents and to all people. Immorality breeds the tragedy.

Everyone who read this book should live and remember what you can not do. Everyone must understand how beautiful the life is, and never forget, at the cost of how many deaths and endorright destinies victory was conquered. Each work of V. Rasputin is always a step forward in spiritual development societies. Such a work as a story "Live and Remember" is an obstacle for immoral actions. It is good that we have such writers as V. Rasputin. Their creativity will help people do not lose moral values.

"Andrei Guskov understood: his fate turned

in a dead end, exit from which there is no. "

V. Rasputin. "Live and remember"

One of best books War called V. Astafyev Tale "Live and Remember" V. Rasputin, noting her amazing deep tragity. Published in 1974 in the journal "Our contemporary", she was awarded in 1977 by the USSR State Prize and very soon received European recognition.

What explains this interest in this story? First of all, the fact that it goes about important events Human existence.

War ... how much about it is written. In our literature, there is so much about those who were in the war, who experienced her on "her skins", which would seem to be difficult to a person who touched this war only the edge of his destiny, say something new, interesting. But this unfortunate of the author to war turned into a story not with a removal, but the advantage of the writer before those who were there, because Rasputin managed to rise above the "material". Among the books about the war, "showed" the tragedy, about the fate of man during the war, "Live and Remember" stands out to be deplished, the nationality of characters, the philosophical comprehension of the price and meaning of the act, an inverent person, is out of life, outside of good human memory.

"Live and remember" ... Thinking in the title of the story, it is easy to relate its meaning with the fate of Andrei Guskova, hosted by him. What about Nastya? Is it possible to blame it that he was silent about the terrible secret of her husband, kept her before last Minute and carried her with him forever? Tragic fate of a woman who was preparing to become a mother and destroyed her husband.

Let's try to answer these questions.

The Siberian Village Atamanovka, described in the story, was far from the battlefields, but the echo of the war came here. Events develop B. recent months wars. A ax and part of the tobacco disappeared in the Guskovy Ban. The first reaction of the walls is surprise: "What is so killed for some kind of piece of iron," she mentally reproached a swarker. But the same night a terrible guess came to her, and in a few days she received confirmation: her husband Deserter. After the hospital, he deserted, frightened death. And this is not a momentary weakness. Returning to the native places, Andrei behaves like a coward and egoist. He is afraid to give up to the authorities, although it could make life easier for his loved ones. What is explained by the behavior of Guskova?

Andrei Guskov is a crippled soul, the victim of his character, his attitude to life, his "bad memory", his terrible experience, which "stood" into the consciousness of the war. Especially do not give him peace of memories of latest Boy: "The short and terrible fight of iron with iron, where people seem to have anything, ... gunner tools, peering in his risk belly." And this memory pushes Guskova not back to war, but to the house, to the shelter. But for this evil memory, Andrei Guskov pays the highest fee: never in whom he will continue; No one will remember him. From that moment on, it does not matter what happens to this person. In addition to the wild, decay and complete oblivion, it can not expect anything.

Now open last page Tale: "She tilted his knees abroad (Nastya), she tilted him down and below ... and carefully turned into water" so tragically died main character, Wonderful and bright Woman Nastesta Guskova. The heroine is dying in the middle of the hangary - the symbolic image of the end of its throwing between the two coasts, two truths destroying it. Material from site.

So why is it still mighty, although in all our feelings, her husband should leave the life and antipathy? Dehydration is the main property of the soul of Nastya Guskova. From the very beginning, she dreamed of giving more than taking, on that she and a woman. And she could not betray her husband, although he suffers from the situation in which he set it down: "I would be ashamed to live when you were able to live better in your place? As you can look after this people in the eyes, "the Nasta is stuck.

People did not convince Nastos. They buried her "Among their, only a little with the edge, at the smashed hedge. After the funeral gathered women from Nadka on the commemoration and stood: it was a sorry for Nastos. "

This short episode gives an answer to the question, Lie Nastya Guskov in the memory of fellow villagers. From myself I can add one: it is a pity that they will remember her as a deserter wife.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • the image of the Nastaloves Guskova
  • characteristic of the walls in the story Live and remember
  • is it possible to justify the act of Guskova live and remember
  • Why is Nastya begins to die? Live and remember Rasputin
  • rasputin Live and remember Works