Why women and girls cover head scarf in church? Why in all religions women are forbidden to walk with a uncoated head.

Why women and girls cover head scarf in church? Why in all religions women are forbidden to walk with a uncoated head.
Why women and girls cover head scarf in church? Why in all religions women are forbidden to walk with a uncoated head.

Each of the existing religions carries a set of certain rules and obstacles. Some of them differ radically. But there are general canons that are respected in many world religions. So, for example, Christianity, Judaism and Islam prohibit a woman to walk with a uncoated head. Naturally, there are certain nuances in compliance with these traditions.


According to biblical laws, covering the head, the woman recognizes the primacy of a man. The apostle Paul said that the subordination to the man was established by God. And each Christian must gratefully take the male start. A woman covered with a woman symbolizes humility and is considered an important principle of Christian faith. The Holy Scripture states that every woman should raise their hair and cover with a handkerchief. Now on the street rarely meet a woman lined with a handkerchief. Basically, modern women of Christianity put on a handkerchief only in the church, which will not say about Muslim women who holy observe the laws of the Quran.


The principles of Muslim religion are more radical. In Islam, Aurat (nudity hiding) is observed strictly. According to the Koran, Muslim must be holy to know God's tips and be clean. In Islam for a woman, the entire body is prescribed for a woman, including feet and hand brushes, while a part of the face can remain open. Specifically, there is no point on the cover of the head in the Holy Scripture, but the item "Holding the whole body" implies the head. There is a tradition that in Muslim went from the Prophet Mohammed. All his children were girls. And he asked them together with his wives to wear scarves to everyone to know that these women were from his family. In modern Islam, this tradition is holy honored.


In Judaism, each married woman should cover the head. Modern Jews can wear any headdress, including scarves, hats and even wigs. For an unmarried girl, this rule is observed. The sacred Talmud strictly allocates a female role and teaches that the woman can show their advantages only to the spouse: before marriage, she should be fully subordinate to the father, after the marriage of the head in the family becomes a man. In principle, these foundations are traced in each of the discussed religions - the chapter always performs a man.

As for the fulfillment of these canons, their strict observance is now we see only in Muslim religion. In Judaism, these prescriptions accepted a more modern appearance. And in Christianity, most women consider custom from being outdated, a woman with a covered head in ordinary life will be infrequently, unless, of course, do not consider weather conditions.

In the Orthodox faith there is an ancient custom - a woman enters the church with a covered head. Where does this tradition originate from and, which means, find out why a woman should wear a handkerchief in the church.

Origins and custom

This custom originated from the words of the Apostle Paul, he said that a woman had a symbol on his head, which denotes her humility and power over her her husband. Praying or applied to shrines with a uncoated head is considered shameful. According to the Apostle, one of the most ancient traditions associated with the Church begins.

Why a woman should wear a scarf in church

The scarf on the head of a woman emphasizes modesty and humility, and communication with God becomes cleaner and light.

In ancient culture, the hair was considered the most vivid attribute of female beauty. Attracting attention to the church - a bad sign, since in the face of the Lord everyone should be humble and cleaned their heads from sinful thoughts. Remember, the clothes should also be modest, do not choose an outfit for a trip to God's temple, with jewelry or underlining figure. In this case, the head covered will not make sense.

The handkerchief is put on to emphasize the defenselessness of a woman and call the Lord to help and intercession.

Why a man should shoot a headdress in church

When entering any room, a man must remove the headdress as a sign of respect for the owner. In the church is God. So he expresses his respect and demonstrates true faith.

When entering the temple without a head-up, a man shows his defenselessness in the face of the Lord and speaks of full trust. In the church, a man refuses war and bloodshed and should repent in its limits. This is a symbol of the fact that before God, all the smooth and social status and the situation does not matter.

It must be remembered that a truly believer person is obliged to comply with some rules and customs, as a sign of respect for religion. To come to the church in the inappropriate clothing for the Orthodox is unacceptable and shanded. We wish you good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

The main canons of the Orthodox Church, associated with the headdress when visiting the temple.

People belonging to the temple for the first time should be aware that there are certain rules of conduct in the church. Spiritual foundations establish all the norms of Orthodox etiquette, which are obliged to coordinate the relationship between believers facing God.

Many questions arise about the headlife from the parishioners, while in the church.

About this rule of etiquette Talk in the proposed article.

Christian traditions in the temple
Such a custom appeared in deep Christian antiquity, or more precisely in the apostolic times. In that epoch, every woman having the status of married and respectable, leaving the walls of the house, covered her head with a cover. This headdress indicated that a woman was married and she belongs to her husband.
The spouse could divorce his wife without returning the dowry, in case of her appearance on the street without a handkerchief. Such a female view was considered offensive for her husband.
This pious tradition has been preserved in Russia - a woman in the church should hold a prayer ritual to cover his head with a cover.
This is a way to express respect and respect to the first-year church tradition.
Since we are talking only about a married woman, or a woman who has lost her husband, to young girls this requirement does not apply.
How to tie a handkerchief beautifully, palatine, cape and scarf on the head to church, temple?
There is a huge number of ways to wear a scarf, but not all of them are appropriate to visit the church.
The headdress must comply with the situation, so intricate bows and nodes must be excluded from the type of tying, for visiting the temple.

A simple solution is to buy a ready-made headdress.

Take it on your head and button under the chin pin

Option 2
If the palatine or scarf will not slip from the head, cross the ends of the cross on the cross around the neck, and throw them back

3 option
Just throw out any scarf, if desired, fasten his brooch in the neck area

4 option
If there is no confidence in the tight arrangement of the handkerchief, tie it from behind on a weak knot

5 option
Tie a palatine or golk on a nodule under the chin

7 option
You can touch the head of the head, so

8 option
For the wedding rite, the simplest ways will come

How to tie a handkerchief on the head of Orthodox?

Requirements of the ancient customs in the Orthodox Church on Testing Shawls
The only correct option, according to the canons of the Orthodox Church, is considered to tie the ends of the head of the head of the chin or fasten the shawl with a pin under it.
But in the modern church, they try not to pay attention to how the head is covered, the most important presence of any covers on the head.
Does it be sure to wear a handkerchief and cover your head to church?
Only the harlot and vicious women are allowed to advertise their belonging to a special kind of classes without covering their heads.
Take conclusions yourself

Girls do you need to wear a handkerchief in church?

Requirements of modern church
When visiting the Temple of the Girls, the head does not cover.
Ancient conventions, attribute a headdress to an exclusive sign of a married woman.
Therefore, a virgin who does not have a husband is permitted to enter the church without a heading head.
Modern passage made in the longtime custom's own changes. It is easier to put on the Palantine, than to bring the wrath of the wrath of not knowledgeable "grandmothers."

Why do men cover their heads in the church?

Requirements for male half, according to long traditions
Having visited any room, a man should be free from headlife
This is done in order to give the tribute to the honor and respect for the owner
The owner of the Church - Lord
Thus, a man manifests not only respect, but also emphasizes his defenselessness in the face of the Lord, and shows the true faith
It is important to be attentive to the feelings of people, and remember that the church is visiting, in order to open up before God, ask him about the most intimate and valuable, pray for sins. Therefore, it is necessary to dress and behave in this place in accordance with the church canons.

It will be useful will be familiar with the words of the Apostle Paul on this:

Tradition cover head in churchThis is not a law, but persistent recommendation of the Holy Apostle Paul. In accordance with his message to the Corinthians, a man must pray with a uncoated head, and a woman with covered. Since ancient times, women's hair was considered one of the most expressive elements of female attractiveness, and it was a counterweight of modesty, one of whose signs were covered hair.

Even in the pre-Christian era, the servants in Greece went with uncovered hair, and family women had to express her husband, covering their head, showing it that they belong to her husband.

Where did the tradition go to cover women in the church?

In accordance with the instructions of the apostle, the appearance of the believer, regardless of the floor, must be restrained and modest, and cannot be a source of temptation or embarrassment. Must be configured to prayer, express respect and reverence to the holiness of the temple and the liturgy occurring in it. Thus, the Christian tradition is the inadmissibility of those in the temple of believers in the headdress, and the believing women - without a handkerchief.

This tradition is based on the approval of the apostle that Christ is the head of every husband, the head of the head is a husband, and Christ is God. For a man, praying with a head-covered, is holding his head, and his wife, praying with the open head, caresses his head, equating her to the collapsed head. A man is the way and the glory of God, and Woman-Wick Men, because "not a husband from his wife and for his wife, but a husband from her husband and for her husband." The handkerchief is a sign of power over it, it is for angels.

The opposite is based on the wrong sense of the principle of gender equality and women before God. Jesus never distilled off women during his sermons, the same, by the way, also applies to the pagans that Jesus never subjected to discrimination. Almost, Maria Magdaline The first watched the risen, and here its advantage, for example, before the apostle Peter. In front of Christ in achieving salvation and liberation, the compassion of the Holy Spirit and the eternal man and women are completely equal.

However, the error of some amateur theologists is that equality in Christ is not identical to the equality in the flesh. In Christ, in fact, there are no gender and national signs, however, in the nature we will all vary, until the very moment of the transition to eternity. Just on these certain signs and trying to draw the attention of Corinthians Apostle Paul, arguing about the cover of the head. He does not talk about the coverage or not covering the head of the "spiritual man", which is in Christ, here specifically refers to human flesh, and she is certainly not in Christ.

The idea is that God in submission contains all the elements and material, and the spiritual world, and they (this is the main thing) among themselves are ordered and are in a slender system, with a number of levels and coenses. This system is harmony, and claims of individual elements of this system on non-characteristic functions lead to disharmony, perturbations and imbalances, but as a result of its disorder.

With Christ, the idea of \u200b\u200bunity came to Earth, and not the idea of \u200b\u200bequality, it is she who agrees that the disposalness and the absence of discontent, and when preserving the individuality of each person, there should be mutual subordination of the complex and a certain hierarchy system.

The illustration of this interdependence of the Apostle Paul finds in the human body, whom everyone is in submission to other members, possessing equal rights, but also unequal capabilities. The body acts successfully when not the equalization of all members takes place, but the agreed interaction and the unity of everyone in its place and with its functions. Consequently, equality in a certain relationship does not exclude, but implies a hierarchy, that is, inequality. Paul writes: not the whole body - eyes or ear. Married sister, covering his head, shows the world to its submission to the situation established by God. And this is evidence not only for others, but also a sign for angels. Watching people, Satan and fallen angels, discover that God received obedience from people who did not receive from them, and this will board them. Satan is undermined not only by Jesus, who conquered his father, but also by ordinary scarves, that is, people who conquered God's settings voluntarily. This and the obedience of the wife's wife, and the cover of the head is the sign of this state. Satan is trying to convince not a resistant spirit of women in optional to cover their head.

But at the same time, Paul indicates that the head cover is a voluntary act. This is where the imposition of angels is manifested, in voluntariness, when women equal to men in part of grace are submitted to them in the flesh, feeding a sign about their humility to God's settings. Consequently, the forced church law on the cover of the head for the sisters should not be.


Ancient woman goes to the temple with a covered head - this is an ancient custom that originated on the basis of the words of the Apostle Paul. The apostle said that the wife should have a symbol on his head, which means power over it. This is necessary, first of all, for angels.

Hence the tradition originated to cover the head at the entrance to the church. According to the apostle, if women prays and at the same time her head is open, it is shameful. Uncoated head equal to the audured. These words, the apostle emphasized the meaning of the clothing of modern women who show their body. A man has the right to go to church with an open head.

By the way, in the ancient culture, the head was covered as a sign of modesty. Hair at the time was considered the most vivid attribute of female attractiveness and beauty. Family women had no opportunity to walk with loose hair, and were obliged to wear such a headdress as a handkerchief. The handkerchief was the indicator that the woman is busy and belongs to her husband. Head covering scarf is closely connected with another moment. In ancient times, the priests and priestesses, falling into the frenzy, dismissed their hair.

Thus, they showed their mystical ecstasy, symbolizing absolute extension from public opinion. However, the apostle does not associate this fact demanding to attend the church in the scarf. He necessarates such a need for communication with God should be kinderous and clean. Women's clothing must be in a certain agreement with Christian teachings.

Teaching interprets that a woman should not emphasize his shape and decorate clothes. If all the rest of the clothes looks indecently, the header on the head does not matter. On the contrary, the shawl in this case emphasizes even greater shamelessness of a woman and causes temptation from other people. The Apostle Paul confirms his attitude towards women, as a subordinate to the demands of her husband and before God.

Nowadays, clothing carries a completely different meaningful meaning. Women dress up, giving tribute to fashion, which is not based on Christian teachings. Women are equal to each other, painting acquired new items. According to Christian teachings, you should not be shy up of modest robes and pay attention to the appearance of others, worrying about the fact that people will not understand and will be a bad opinion.

The apostle states that the belonging person's clothes should not be causing, but looks modestly, restrained and is not the subject to attract universal attention. If you save all the customs proposed by the church, then the person will be much easier to touch the prayer and stay alone with himself and God.

If a person visits the church, then he believes and therefore he needs to adhere to certain requirements, the non-compliance with which is considered shameful. Therefore, based on the foregoing, believers consider it inappropriate to go to the church without using a handker.