Saints of Russia: pilgrimage, trips, tours and excursions. Holy places of Russia

Saints of Russia: pilgrimage, trips, tours and excursions. Holy places of Russia
Saints of Russia: pilgrimage, trips, tours and excursions. Holy places of Russia

The heart of Russia, asks the rhythm of the life of the country, - Moscow, which century is considered to be the soul of Orthodoxy, which focused the main Russian temples and shrines. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims flow coming here every year, he is dominated by grace, peace, admiration for the feat of the Great Supports.

And no matter what construction concepts to familiarize themselves the modern urban fashion, Orthodox tours in Moscow enjoy the constant interest among the most different layers of the population.

The site "Site" offers pedestrian and bus walks through the most "protected" places of Orthodoxy. Our guides are ready to talk in any weather and talk about shrines, conducting travelers by traditional and little-known sacred places of the city.

You will see a collection of miraculous icons of the Most Holy Theotokos, visit the Pokrovsky Women's Monastery, get a unique opportunity to make the holy relics of righteous matronushki, visit the most famous temples and monasteries, chapels and churches. Orthodox excursions in Moscow persecute not only cognitive goals, they make it possible to relax the soul, shook off the bustle of everyday everyday, touch the story, look at the materialistic world through the eyes of eternity and faith.

By ordering Orthodox tours of Moscow in our company, you can choose any places to visit or stroll along the already compiled route. Our perfect guides are owned by the theory, knowing about Orthodox Moscow not only well-known facts, but also the moments that can be read only in old foliants. Contact, the company will fly away with us imperceptibly, and your soul will be filled with light!

Excursions in Moscow

Bus tour

This sightseeing route can be classically attributed to the classic - it will help you to get acquainted with the main attractions of the city for the first time, and those who are already familiar with Moscow, collect the image into a single whole.

Excursion duration: 1.5 hours

An object

Experienced guides "Mosfilm" will be happy to introduce you to one of the largest and most advanced film studios not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Our excursions will be held through the territory of the legendary film studio "Mosfilm", will get acquainted with her interesting past and will see her present.

Excursion duration: 4 hours

Bus tour

When the bustle of the day goes, and twilight is descended to Moscow, the city becomes especially beautiful - the unusual and colorful backlight of many objects represents the architectural ensemble of the capital in a new guise.

Excursion duration: 4 hours

Bus tour

In the frosty winter days, when the whole country enjoys the long-awaited New Year holidays, we invite you to a fascinating bus tour "Lights of the New Year's Moscow", which will give you a unique opportunity to see all the beauty of the festive capital, the greatness of the Moscow Christmas trees, covered with bright lights, the magnificence of New Year's illumination and ice figures .

Excursion duration: 4 hours

Bus tour

We invite everyone who is interested in unusual phenomena and believes to the existence of the otherworldly, go to a fascinating journey through the most mystical zones of the capital. Our theatrical bus tour will allow you to touch the mysterious world in which ghosts and phantoms live, feel it frightening and at the same time attractive atmosphere.

Bus tour

For a long time, the sounds of revolutionary explosions, captured the birth of the first working and peasant state on the pages of our history. The shock wave of Soviet transformations once and forever turned the Moscow life. Having collapsed the walls of Orthodox churches, Moscow pulled the ideas of new leaders.

Bus tour

Any person has desires. Materials that are embodied, it is worth only to make some efforts, or intimate - they do not even speak about such and secretly hopefully on their wonderful performance. Do you know that absolutely any dream can be implemented correctly using sacred forces, literally around us from all sides?

Tour duration: 3.5 hours

Bus tour

Moscow is one of the most extraordinary cities in the world. His appearance was formed for many centuries, and historical cataclysms and fatal events made their own adjustments into the overall picture. At the capital, which we know now, your character, sometimes unpredictable and even shocking.

Excursion duration: 3 hours

Bus tour

The royal dynasty of Romanov is today one of the most mysterious in Russian history. Roda Romanov in a few centuries increased by numerous mystical and mysterious legends. However, is it possible to argue with one hundred percent confidence that all these myths are true?

Excursion duration: 3 hours

Bus tour

Moscow is an old city in which dozens of styles and images intertwined. Now no one will not with confidence will allocate the dominant style of the capital of Russia. Elegant, vessels, trying to merge with nature Mooring-style mansions, adjacent to the gothic, glorifying the tone of all the material and greatness of heaven.


Novodevichy Monastery is a beautiful architectural ensemble in the style of Moscow Baroque. It was built in 1524 by the decree of the Grand Prince Vasily III. The complex is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site and heads the list of the most famous existing monastery of Russia.

Excursion duration: 2 hours


Moscow has its own. There is Moscow Vladimir Gilyarovsky, Moscow Alexander Pushkin, Moscow Joseph Stalin. We offer you to walk in Moscow Mikhail Bulgakov - a writer who created his unique image of Moscow filled with mystery, mysticism and love.

Excursion duration: 2 hours


Visit to the Metropolitan Red Square is a tradition that prevailed at the dawn of the existence of the Moscow state. Having reached the middle, each self-respecting tourist stops his view on the square dominant - Leninsky Mausoleum, whose stern red-black granite facade hides, perhaps, the "main body" of the country of councils, who survived its owner for many decades.

Excursion duration: 2 hours


One of the most mystical places in Moscow - Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve - we suggest you visit along with our guide. "Yes, full of what mystic!" - Exclaims inexperienced excursant. However, those who have ever had ever been to Kolomensky, only smile at the answer to this replica and send you to this tour, because it is not enough in the capital of places, more sheedy legends than Kolomenskoye.

Excursion duration: 2 hours


If you love mystics and secrets or, maybe you have a cherished desire, you will certainly need to visit a walking tour "In the footsteps of Moscow ghosts", which will hold you in this mysterious and mystical world where the unclear of Moscow lives.

Excursion duration: 2 hours


Many noble estates located in the central regions of Moscow are given at the disposal of the embassies of foreign countries. Despite the fact that these wonderful samples of the old architecture have lost their direct appointment, they continue to decorate the capital.

Excursion duration: 2 hours


The mystery of the most closed society in the history of mankind over the centuries excites the minds and the imagination of the uninitiated. "Free bricklayers" attribute supernatural abilities and a powerful impact on all processes occurring in the world. Whatever it was, but the traces of their presence are everywhere, all Moscow is literally littered with Masonic symbols!

Excursion duration: 2 hours


China city refers to the most ancient regions of Moscow. It is adjacent directly to the Kremlin and has not very large sizes. But still the China city is almost the entire history of the capital, accommodated in several streets.

Russia is often called the Holy Earth. Judging by the number of saints for representatives of different religions of places, then this is true.

1. Diveevo

Where is? Nizhny Novgorod region, Diveevsky district.
What is holiness? Diveevo is called the fourth daft of the Mother of God on Earth. The main shrine of the Diveevsky monastery is the relics of the St. Seraphim of Sarovsky. The holy old man is invisible, but clearly consults, he instructs, heals, opening the live people who come to him for Divine Love, and leads to the Orthodox faith, to the Church, which is the basis and approval of the Russian Earth. Pilgrims come for holy water out of 4 sources, bow the relics and go along the holy groove, which, according to legend, cannot cross the antichrist.

2. Optina desert

Where is? Kaluga region.
What is holiness? Holy-Vvedenskaya Optina Desert is one of the oldest monasteries of Russia, located on the banks of the Slady River near the city of Kozelsk. The origin of optical remains unknown. It can be assumed that it was built not by the princes and boyars, but the devotees themselves by calling over the repeated tears, labor and prayer. Optina elders have a huge influence on the minds of people of a variety of estates. Three times here were Gogol. After visiting the optical desert, "Brothers Karamazov" Dostoevsky was born. Special relationship with the abode (as, however, and with the church at all) were in the Lion Tolstoy.

3. Nilo-Council Desert

Where is? Stolform island, Svetlitsa Peninsula, Lake Seliger.
What is holiness? The monastery is named Nilovoy Desert named Rev. Neil, who lived on the island of 27 years and bequeathed to build a monastery. In 1555, Nile was pressed and was buried on the Stolform Island. According to the death of the reverend near his grave on the island began to settle herds-prayer rooms, and the monastery was founded. Before the revolution, the Nilo-Stolobensky monastery was among the most revered in Russia, thousands of people arrived here every year. In 1828, the abode was visited by Emperor Alexander I.

After the revolution, the monk was not easy fate. He managed to be both a colony, and a hospital, and a camp for prisoners of war and a tourist. In archaeological excavations on the territory of the monastery, it was found that in the XVIII century, the largest workshop for the production of native crosses at that time was worked. Only in 1990, Nilova Desert was again transferred to the Orthodox Church, and in 1995 the relics of the Recent Nile were returned.

4. Kizhi.

Where is? Kizhi Island, Lake Onega.
What is holiness? Many believe that Kizhi is a beautiful temple somewhere in the north. In fact, this is a whole reserve, which carefully retains life and unique wooden architecture. The center and main monument of the museum was the Kizhsky graveyard with the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. It was laid in 1714 and built without a single nail and foundation. The most remarkable thing is that even in the Soviet years, the shrine did not touch - even left the iconostasis from one hundred and two images. The entire Kizhsky ensemble is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. You can get to the island in summer on a rocket from Petrozavodsk and in winter at the ice track from s. Great lip.

5. Solovetsky Monastery

Where is? White Sea.
What is holiness? Back in the pagan times, Solovki Islands were covered with the asphalt, and the ancient Saama considered this place to saint. Already in the XV century, the monastery arose, which soon became a large spiritual and public center. Pilgrimage to Solovetsky Monastery has always been a big feat, which only a few dared. Due to this, until the beginning of the 20th century, monks managed to maintain a special atmosphere here, which, oddly enough, did not disappear during the years of Lhacety. Today, not only the Bogomolians, but also scientists, researchers, historians come here.

6. Trinity-Sergiyev Lava

Where is? Moscow region, Sergiev Posad.
What is holiness? This monastery is rightfully considered the spiritual center of Russia. History of the monastery is inextricably linked with the destiny of the country - here Dmitry Donskoy received a blessing for the Kulikovsky battle, local monks together with the troops for two years defended from the Polish-Lithuanian intervention, here he taught the boyar's future king Peter I. To this day, pilgrims from all Orthodox world Come here to pray and feel the grace of this place.

7. Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery

Where is? Pechora.
What is holiness? Pskov-Pechersk Monaty is one of the oldest and most famous Russian male monasteries. In 1473, the cave church of Assumption was consecrated, digging by the St. Ion in a hill of sandstone. This year is considered the year of the founding of the monastery. The hill in which the Assumption Church and the God of the Caves are called the Holy Mountain. On the territory of the monastery there are two holy sources with a peculiarity of Pskovo-Pechersk Monastry is that he never closed in his entire history. In the interwar period (from February 1920 until January 1945), he was within Estonia, thanks to which he was preserved.

8. Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery

Where is? Vologda region, Kirillovsky district.
What is holiness? Kirillo-Belozersa Resident is a city in the city, the largest monastery in Europe. The gigantic fortress has more than once withstood the siege of the enemy - two cars can safely be quietly drunk on its three-storey walls. Having taken the richest people in their time here, and the sovereigns of the criminals were held in the caasemates. Ivan Grozny himself favored the monastery and invests considerable funds into it.

There is a strange energy that gives a peace. In the neighborhood there are two more pearls of the North - Ferapontov and the Goritsky monasteries. The first is famous for its ancient colors and frescoes of Dionysia, and the second - nuns from noble childbirth. Those who visited the vicinity of Kirillow at least once - return back.

9. Verkhoturier

Where is? Sverdlovsk region, Verkhneur district.
What is holiness? Once there was one of the main Ural fortresses, from which several buildings left (the local Kremlin is the smallest in the country). However, this small town became famous for a glorious history, but a large concentration of Orthodox churches and monasteries. In the XIX century, Verkhoturier became the center of pilgrimage. In 1913, the third largest cathedral of the Russian Empire was built here - Cross-Promotional. Not far from the city, the Wonderworker Simeon Verkushino lived in the village of Mercushino - the patron of the Urals. Pray for the relics of the saint, people come from all over the country - it is believed that they cure diseases.

10. Valaam

Where is? Ladoga lake.
What is holiness? Valaam is one of the two "monastic republics" existing in Russia. The base time on the Orthodox Monastery Islands is unknown. At the beginning of the XVI century, the monastery already existed; In the XV-XVI centuries, about a dozen of future saints lived in the monastery, including, for example, the future founder of another "monastic republic" Savvathi Solovetsky (until 1429) and Alexander Svirsky. It was at this time that the neighboring islands appeared in a large number of monastic beds.

Unlike Solovetsky archipelago, where the owner is a museum-reserve, on Valaam monastic traditions were revived almost to the fullest. All the shelves operate here, the monastery performs on the islands and administrative functions, and the vast majority of Valaam's visitors are pilgrims. Over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe island there are skates, "branches" of the monastery, just about ten. The unmatched nature of the Valaam archipelago is a peculiar "quintessence" of the nature of South Karelia - contributes to the desire of the pilgrim to move away from the worldly bustle and come to him.

11. Popozersk

Where is? Actually nowhere. Epos - disappeared city in the lower current Pechora, in the Polar region of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Located 20 km from the current city Naryan-Mar.
What is holiness? The emptyersk was a place where the Avvakum Protopop lived in a link in the earthen day of 15 years, wrote his live and was burned. Popper and today is the place of old-supplied pilgrimage and worshiped them like holy place. There is a chapel and refectory here, there are memorable crosses.

12. Rogozhod Sloboda

Where is? Moscow.
What is holiness? Rogozhodskaya Sloboda - the historical spiritual center of Russian Old Believers. In 1771, the Rogozhsk found was founded by the Old Believer Rogozhsky cemetery, a quarantine, hospital and a small chapel were built here. Then, at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries, two Cathedrals were built - Pokrovsky and Christmas, the Nikolsky chapel was rebuilt in stone, near the temples were erected at home for clergy and having a lot of private and merchant houses. Two centuries, the Pokrovsky Cathedral was the largest Orthodox Temple of Moscow, which accommodates at the same time up to 7,000 believers. By the beginning of the twentieth century, the number of residents living in the vicinity of Rogozhsky reached 30,000 people.

13. Great Bulgary

Where is? Republic of Tatarstan, 140 km from Kazan.
What is holiness? Bulgar, one of the greatest cities of the Middle Ages, today is an important place for worship of Muslims of Russia. In addition to the ancient ruins, the village of Bulgarians and the walls of a big mosque with a minaret of the XIII century remained from the Great Bulgaria. Through the road from the entrance to the mosque, the well-preserved northern mausoleum is located. East Mausoleum is east of the mosque. A white mosque is located close to the entrance to Bulgaria, at the southern gate of the Bulgarian Museum-Reserve. The architectural complex is the building of the mosque itself, the residence of the mufti and the madrasa, and the surrounding chapel area.

14. Source Aulia

Where is? Republic of Bashkiria, Mount Auxutha.
What is holiness? Aulia from Bashkir is translated as "saint". It is believed that this source has healing properties. He flows just over 30 days at the end of May and early June and collects tens of thousands of people every year. People bathe in it in the spring and drink sacred water, which, in their opinion, can get rid of kidney stones, as well as treat respiratory diseases and stomach diseases. In the spring water of the source, as they say, acquires its healing properties only after May 15.

The lift to Mount Aushtela consists of two stages: the first is to achieve a sacred source, the second is to raise on the top of the mountain, where there are three graves in which, according to legend, the remains of three Islamic missionaries from the city of Osh, killed in the XIII century by local residents are stored. After repentance, the same locals buried Sheikh Muhammad Ramazan Al-ears and his satellites on the top of the mountain, on the slopes of which a sacred source appeared.

15. Mausoleum Hussein-Bek

Where is? Republic of Bashkiria, 40 km from Ufa.
What is holiness? Mausoleum is in the Cemetery Akzirate. According to legend, it was built in the XIV century for Haji-Hussein-Bek, the first imam on the territory of modern Bashkiria. The order to build a mausoleum was given to Tamerlane. Not far from the mausoleum there are several tombstones with inscriptions in Arabic. It is believed that the commanders of Tamerlan were noted.

Hussein-Beka Mausoleum is one of the most sacred Muslim places in Russia. Just 10 km from this place is another ancient mausoleum - Tombuan's grave. According to some historians, he was a descendant of Genghis Khan. According to historians, Turukhan, like Hussein Beck, was an enlightened Muslim ruler.

16. Zirayarate Cunta Haji Kishyeva

Where is? Chechen Republic, the village of Haji.
What is holiness? In Chechnya, there are 59 saints of burials, ziharatov. Kunta-Hadji Kishiyei's ziyarate is the most revered of them. In the XIX century, the village of Haji was the birthplace of the Sufi Sheikh Kunta-Haji Kishiev, the Chechen holy and missionary preaching ZIKR ("remembering Allah"). Next to the place where Kishyev's house was standing, there is a holy source, water from which has therapeutic properties. Those who want to also visit the Mother of Kishyev's grave. It is located near the mountain Ertina, which Chechens consider the sacred place.

17. Fortress Cala Kurashitov

Where is? Republic of Dagestan, 120 km from Makhachkala.
What is holiness? The mosque of the fortress of Kala Kurashitov is one of the oldest mosques in Russia, it was built in the 9th century. Also on the territory of the fortress there are an ancient tomb and a museum. The fortress is located at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level.

Because of his appearance, Kala Kurayshitov is sometimes called Dagestan Machu Picchu. Koreyshitis, or Kurayshita was considered the closest relatives and descendants of the Prophet of Mohammed himself, so the Kala Korean founded by them became the most important center for the distribution center of Islam. By the XX century, Kala Korean actually turned into a ghost city. The surrounding residents argue that in the 1970s, two women and one man lived in Kala Korean. These were the last inhabitants of the ancient city of descendants of Mohammed.

18. Mausoleum of Tui-Beach

Where is? Republic of Dagestan, Derbent.
What is holiness? The Mausoleum of Derbent Khanov is the only of the Mausoleum preserved in Derbent - built in 1202 the Hijer of Muslim Souls (1787-1788) over the grave of the Government of Derbent Tui-Beach. In addition to her, her sons are buried in Mausoleum, as well as Hasan-Khan's wife HYP-Jahan Khanum. The rulers of Derbent Tui Beach - a figure is very significant in the history of Dagestan.

In 1774, during the assault of Derbent Kaitagsky Udi Emir-Gamza, Tui Beach personally took part in the defense, was on the city wall, managing the acts of artillery. During the siege of the city, she did not interrupted the prayers and at its end, going out into the courtyard of Juma-mosque, where the enemy squad burst, the strike of the dagger killed their leader. The legend states that women amazed by courage, the enemies ran away. In the immediate vicinity of Mausoleum, there is a kyrocyca ("forty" on Turkic). This is the burial place of Islamic martyrs.

19. Mausoleum Borg Kash

Where is? Mausoleum is located on the northwestern outskirts of the modern rural settlement of the Plylujo of the Nazranovsky District of the Republic of Ingushetia, on the left hilly shore of Sunii, which is the extension of the Sunzhensky ridge.
What is holiness? Historians still diverge in opinions as to how and why this mausoleum was built. Borg-Kash translates as "Borgan's grave". According to one of the versions, Mausoleum was the tomb of Beksultan Burachan, one of the main leaders of the Ingush in the fight against Timur's troops, who invaded local lands in 1395. Burakan did not die in the war with Timur, and died after ten years, which corresponds to the time of the construction of the Mausoleum 600-year-old Mausoleum is an important place of pilgrimage and one of the most valuable Ingush historical monuments. Until now, an inscription in Arabic has been preserved on the Mausoleum building.

20. Ivolginsky Datsan

Where is? Republic of Buryatia, Village Upper Oriole. 30 km from Ula-Ude.
What is holiness? Ivolginsky Datsan - Chief Datsan of Russia, Residence Pandito Hambo Lambo - Head of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha Russia, a large Buddhist monastic complex, a monument of history and architecture. In Ivolginsky Dacan, there is a body of one of the main devotees of the Buddhism of the twentieth century, the heads of Siberia Buddhists in 1911-1917 of the Hambo Lama ITIGELOVA. In 1927, he sat down in a lotus pose, gathered students and told them to read prayer-prosperity for the deceased, after which, in Buddhist beliefs, Lama went to the state of Samadhi. He was buried in a cedar cube in the same lotus position, having bought a sarcophague in 30 years before his departure.

In 1955, Cuba was lifted. The body of Hambo Lama turned out to be immense, and the analyzes conducted by scientists already in the year 2000 showed that protein fractions have a lifetime characteristics, and the concentration of bromine exceeds the norm 40 times. Immediately, in the Ivolginsky Dacan you can see the magic stone. Near him the inscription: "According to the legend, it was to this stone that the Nehoon Dari Ehhe (Green Tara) touched and left his hand imprint on him.

21. Nilovsky Datsan

Where is? In the Tunkinsky valley, 4 km above the river from the resort "Nilow desert" in the forest for 10 km of the road on the mountain Hill-Ula.
What is holiness? According to an ancient legend, at this place the mythical god Khan Shargai Neyon landed, head of Haatov, squeezing on the crests of the Sayan mountains. In honor of this, in 1867 a small log house for prayers was built here. Subsequently, two wooden datsan were built here. On the territory of Nilovsky Datsan there is a tower from a long and smooth log with a round wooden barrel at the top. This design is no longer found in any of the Datsans of Buryatia.

Local old-timers say that when Lama paid the local population to Buddhism, they collected all the shamans in this place and convinced them to accept the Buddhist faith. All the tambourines and shaman costumes were burned. Barrel put sacred relics and silver coins and raised upstairs to the Buddha seen gifts. Sand at the landing site, Han Shargai Neuon is considered to be holy. It is believed that the sand taken by a man gives him strength.

22. Mount Beluha

Where is? The highest point of the mountain altai. Located on the territory of the Ust-Koksinsky district.
What is holiness? Many researchers relate the highest Altai Mount Belukha with the Sacred Mountain Mode. In particular, the Russian philosopher Nikolay Fedorov tried to confirm this theory. On the map depicting the sacred mountain measure, dated II century BC, Türcologist Murat Aji supplemented a popular hypothesis. At an equal distance from the measure were four known ocean, and Belukha was equally removed from the Indian, Pacific and Northern Ocean.

Beluha is considered a sacred mountain from Buddhists, here, in search of the legendary Belovenia, went to escape from the world of the Old Believers. According to Belukhigh, the goddess Uma, the Supreme Women's Deity, which is compared to his importance with Tangri, inhabitants of Altaians.

23. Olkhon Island

Where is? Olkhon is the largest island on Lake Baikal. Located in 256 km from Irkutsk.
What is holiness? One of the main religious places is the rock shaman. The cave located in the rock is prohibited by the entrance to women and children. There was once a Buddhist sanctuary. Olkhon is revered not only by Buddhists, but also by representatives of traditional Buryat beliefs. Shamans from all over Russia are gather on the island, and sometimes from abroad, for holding their rites-Kamlany. At this time, the shamans communicate directly with spirits, and if lucky, you can learn answers to your questions. The main thing at that time is not to watch Shaman's eyes, otherwise, according to local beliefs, the Spirit may leave his body and move to a careless staff.

24. Mount Barhan-Uula

Where is? Barhan-Uula or Baraghan is one of the highest mountains of the Barguzinsky ridge. The mountain rises near the village of Baraghan and Yarikta, to which 20 kilometers of the way.
What is holiness? According to the results of the contest of the republican scale, "Seven Wonders of the Nature of Buryatia", Baraghahan recognized the main Buryat natural miracle. Mount Ancondition is honored as the shrine and Barguzinsky Buryats, and mog-speaking peoples. Buryat mythology tells about the owners of Mount Baabai and Khazhar-Sagan-Neuone - Heavenly Vladyki, who came to the ground. There is also a legend that a notable Khan from the Golden Rozhiginov was buried on Barhan-Wool.

There is a legend and about soda lame, great yoga who chose Baraghan for his meditations. It is believed that that climbed on this mountain will be associated with the many mystical strength, and the righteous can see the Buddha image on her slopes. Hospitality on the mountain is usually held on the success of the monks of the Ivolginsky Dácan, in honor of Baraghana on Sanskrit written a huge prayer. On the Tapetehei Plateau, at the very top of the mountain, there is an ancient and sacred stone structure of obscene spirit.

There is a lamaist sacred sign here and symbolizing the eternity and infinity of the universe. Nowadays, Buddhist prayers are carried out on Barhan-Uula and carry out rites. The pilgrimage ascents to the top of the mountain take place every year. But not everyone can rise to the mountain. To do this, you need to get the permission of Lama in Kurumkan Dacan. Women are forbidden to climb to Barhan-Uula.

25. Merkitsky Fortress

Where is? In the south of Buryatia, in the Mukhorsibirsk district, 110 km from Ulan-Ude on the right bank of the mouth of the river. Tuggy.
What is holiness? According to the legend, it was here that the first fights of Genghis Khan with Merkitami, who once inhabited these lands. Merkites from 1177 to 1216 were fierce fighting against Genghis Khan and Khan Jochi, until they were broken.

Merkitsky fortress today is not a fortress in the usual sense of the word. These are the scans on which elements of the former fortifications, recesses for signal lights, well, observational sites are preserved. In the Merkitsky fortress there are two so-called "buzzing stone", which, according to believe, are able to heal the woman from infertility and bring good luck in love. Pilgrimages are held to the Merkitsky fortress, shamans and lamas come here. In 2010, Buddhist scrolls and a tank icon were discovered here, who hid Lama here in the years of persecution of religion. Since it is impossible to take anything from the mountain, the scrolls were examined and returned to the place.

  • All Orthodox shrines and the relics of Moscow are not considered. Their hundreds in a variety of temples and monasteries of the city.
  • The main place among the Orthodox shrines is the miraculous images of Our Lady.
  • The main Orthodox Church of Russia is the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Here are the relics of St. Peter Moskovsky Metropolitan.
  • In the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin are the relics of the Saints Mikhail and Theodore Chernigov and the relics of the Holy Prince Dimitri Donskoy.
  • The revered shrines can be found in the Epiphany Cathedral in Elokhov, Danilovsky and Don monasteries and many others mentioned in this article by temples.
  • There are no information in the Moscow monasteries and temples.

After the conquest of the Turks of Constantinople in the middle of the XV century, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe fact that Russia is the last stronghold of Orthodoxy, the "Third Rome". The statement of the monk Philof is known: "Two Rome fell, and the fourth will not be." Such an understanding of the purpose of Orthodox Russia became the basis of Russian politics in the Epoch of the Middle Ages. Since the XVI century, Moscow has become the residence of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and remains it today. Therefore, it was here that the most majestic cathedrals and monasteries were erected, in which the most valuable Orthodox relics were gathered. Among them, one of the main places occupy the miraculous and revered images of Our Lady, which is considered a patronage of Orthodox Russia.

Shrine of the Kremlin Cathedrals and the Temple of Basil Blessed

The main and most revered shrine of Moscow is Assumption Cathedral Moscow Kremlin. This is the main Orthodox Church of Russia, he is dedicated to the Mother of God. Over the centuries, the cathedral was the tomb of Metropolitans and the Patriarchs of Moscow and All Russia. Here they clean the power of St. Peter Moskovsky Metropolitan, who suffered the once Orthodox Metropolitan department from Kiev. In the Assumption Cathedral, the relics of Feoganoset, Cyprian, Feto, Ions, Makaria, Makaria and Philip, as well as the relics of St. Patriarch Iova (the first Russian patriarch) and the priest of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of the Patriarch of St. Many miracles and healings took place from their saints.

In the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin is the staff of St. Metropolitan Peter, the ancient icons of the XIV-XV centuries (saved "Yellow Oko", Icon of St. Trinity, the icon of the Assumption of the Virgin). Access to all shrines is possible during infrequent worship services, which are held on the blessing of the Patriarch. In the usual time in the cathedral there is a museum.

Located on the same Cathedral Square of the Kremlin Arkhangelsk Cathedral They are in cancer of the relics of Saints Mikhail and Theodore Chernigov, as well as the relics of the St. Prince Dimitri Donskoy. In this cathedral, representatives of the Grand-Paint and Tsarskoye House were traditionally pretended. Among the graves, cancer is distinguished with the relics of St. Pazarevich Dimitri Uglichsky. In 1591, the son of King Ivan Grozny tragically died in 1591 was canonized at the beginning of the XVII century. In the Orthodox tradition, he is considered to be a holy patron of children. In the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of worships are committed in the prestitutable holidays and on the blessing of the Patriarch; The rest of the time the Cathedral works as a museum.

Probably the most famous Moscow temple in the world is considered Pokrovsky Cathedral or the Church of Basil Blessed (Red Square, D.2). Initially, the cathedral was built as a sign of gratitude after taking Kazan by the troops of Ivan Grozny in the XVI century. The second name is the temple by name saint Vasily, Christ for the sake of whims. Its relics are revered in the attack of the Pokrovsky Cathedral.

St. Basil early took the feat of nature - a special way to God known in Christianity. Walking out, he did not have no bed nor clothes. So he lived 72 years old, prophesy, instructing and correcting people who immense him immensely. Tsar himself Ivan the Terrible carried his coffin to the burial site. From the relics of Vasily blissful known many healing.

Shrines of the ancient monasteries of Moscow

Saint Alexy also founded in Moscow near the Kremlin The first women's monastery - Becacious(2nd Bezchensky per, 2). Destroyed during the years of Soviet power, the Bezchayevsky monastery was restored in the XXI century. It can be found in the burial of SVV. Julia and Eupraxia - the founders of the monastery and sisters of SVT. Alexia.
His main shrine is the icon of the Mother of God "delightful", which is considered a miraculous. It is resorted to a prayer in sorces and diseases. This icon can be found in the Main Cathedral of the Monastery - the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. Identity of the monastery of the icon stayed in the neighboring the temple of Ilya ordinary (2nd Moody per., 6). It is known that the Soviet times, the Kremlin cathedrals and monasteries were closed and turned into museums, and many were destroyed at all. The temple of Ilya ordinary is the Orthodox Cathedral closest to the Kremlin, which continued to work during the years of Soviet power. In it, during these years, the shrines were gathered from the destroyed neighboring monasteries and churches. This temple is a special, "nasty" atmosphere. Temple shrines are the icon of the Mother of God "Inadequate Joy" , as well as a particle of the belt of the Virgin, the particles of the relics of saints, including St. Stephen.

Among the most famous operating Moscow monasteries - Pokrovsky (Ul. Taganskaya, d. 58). In it are the relics of sv. Matrones Moscow. From youth, Matrona possessed the gift of prophecy, people were resorted to the Council from all over the county, and later - from all over the country. Her earthly life put in an example of a large feat of the Spirit, compassion, self-denial, love and patience. Matrona died in 1952, and in 1998 its relics were acquired, which are now in cancer in the Pokrovsky temple of the monastery. St. Matron pray about the successful marriage and the preservation of the family.

The most ancient Moscow monastery is Stavropigial (Danilovsky shaft, d. 22). It was founded more than seven centuries ago by the first Moscow prince - St. Prince Daniel Moscow. It was from him that the revival of Orthodox Moscow began at the Soviet period: in 1983 the ruined monastery was transferred to the Orthodox Church and became the residence of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The monastery is now located the department of external church connections and a synodal residence.

In this ancient monastery, several temples are open, the oldest of whom is the Temple of SVV. Fathers of the seven universal cathedrals, in which there is a part of the relics of the Sv. Prince Daniel Moscow. They were gained in the middle of the XVII century with nonploven. In Trinity Cathedral there is a ark with particles of the relics of St. Prince Daniel, and in the Pokrovsky temple - icons of St. Prince Daniel with particles of power. Among others, the shrines of the monastery - a particle of the relics of St. Nicholas of the Wonderworker, the power of the priest. George, the Chtii icon of the Mother of God "Troyoulist" and others.

Pilgrims also be sure to see Danilovsky bells . These bells were saved from melting in 1930 by the American industrialist Charles Krayn, who bought them at the price of a bronze scrap and handed over to Harvard University. For many years they were installed on the Tower of Student Hostel Lowell House. In 2008, the original bells were returned to Russia, and at Harvard, there are now accurate copies of them. In the monastery, excursion tours are held with a visit to the bell tower and inspection of famous bells. The monastery also employs a pilgrimage center, the store of Orthodox literature and the Danilovskaya hotel.

One of the famous Orthodox abode of the capital is Don monastery(Donskaya Pl., D.1-3). In 1925, Holy Patriarch Tikhon was buried in 1925, who headed the Orthodox Church during the years of testing, tolerated oppressing from the Soviet rulers and unshakably defended Orthodoxy. His relics were wonderful gained in 1992 and are now in the Great Monastery Cathedral.

The shrine of the Don Monastery is one of the most revered on Rus Schyodnik - Don Icon of the Mother of Godwhich was considered the intercession of Russian warriors. It is kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane, House 10, in the Hall of Old Russian Art. Every year, on the day of the day celebration, the icon, this ancient image is delivered to the Don Monastery and takes part in the solemn service.

Famous icons of the Mother of God in Moscow

There are icons in Moscow to which they are traditionally resorted to certain moments of life. For example, Iver Icon of the Mother of God(Resurrection passage, 1) is considered the intercession of the city of Moscow. It is praying in front of her when it starts an important difficult matter or a long journey. Its image can be seen in the chapel restored in the 1990s from the Iversky (Resurrection) gate of Red Square.

On Ordyanka Street there is an excellent classic temple of the icons of the Mother of God of all the grieving joy, built by the architect O. Bov (ul. B. Ordinka, d. 20). His main shrine is temple the image of Our Lady of "All Morning Joy". Near this icon pray for health and healing sick. Nearby, B. church of Grigory Neokezarovsky (ul. B. Polyanka, D.29). There is a ark with a particle of relics SVT. Gregory, Bishop Neokesa. He became famous as a fighter with paganism and, according to legend, it was he who recorded the Symbol of Faith - the foundations of Orthodox teaching. It is known that in this temple Parents of Tsar Peter I Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich and Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna were crowned. The temple is decorated with wonderful tips and is considered one of the most beautiful in the city.

Icon of the Mother of God "Power" located in Kazan Churchon the territory of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve (Andropova Pr-T, 39). This icon was wonderfully acquired in this former country tsarist residence in 1917. According to legend, it happened a day when the emperor Nicholas II renounced the throne. On the icon, the Mother of God sends on the throne in the image of the Queen of Heaven with the attributes of the royal power - a scepter and power. With her appearance, she seems to indicate that after the renunciation of God's anointed, she becomes the main intercession and patroness of Russia.

; In the Tretyakov Gallery department - church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachah (M. Tolmachevsky Per, D.9) is one of the most revered images of Russia - the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God. According to legend, this image was written by SV. Evangelist Luke. In the XII century, this Byzantine icon was transferred from Kiev to Vladimir Sv. Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky, the son of the founder of Moscow Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. In the XIV century, the icon was solemnly postponed to Moscow. For a long time, the victories of Russian weapons over the invaders associated with this icon. The Tretyakov Gallery also stores a number of other ancient icons, including the famous "Trinity" of the XV century Kraschi Andrei Rublev.

In the temple of St. Trinity in Nihniki (Niktnikov Per, D.3) is revered icon of the Mother of God "Georgian". It was brought to Russia in the XVII century from Persia, and after the prayer, this icon in Moscow ceased the terrible epidemic of plague. On August 22, this miraculous icon is celebrated every year.

In the Temple of the Icons of the Mother of God, the sign (2nd Cross Per., D.17) are stored a revered list of the icon, with which numerous miracles have connected in Russia from ancient times. it the image of Our Lady "Sign".His intercession was saved by Veliky Novgorod during the siege in 1170. Lists of icons "Sign" are widespread in Russian temples. In the temple in the Cross Lane is a list dated by the XVI century. Also in the temple there is a miraculous image of St. Trifon with part of the relics. This temple also never closed and is famous for its "mantle."

One of the most famous Moscow temples is Epiphany Cathedral in Elokhov(Ul. Spartakovskaya, 10), which for almost the entire Soviet period (from the 1930s) was the Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The cathedral is the miraculous icon of St. Nicholas and miraculous Kazan icon of the Mother of God. The most memorable relics of the Cathedral are the relics of St. Metropolitan Alexia. He was a Moscow Metropolitan at a turning point of Russian history, on the eve of the liberation of Russia from the power of the Golden Horde. Alexy struggled for the unity of the Orthodox Church and was actually the ruler of Moscow Rus during the years of Knucky Dmitry Donskoy. His power is openly cleaned in cancer. It is interesting that they were transferred to the cathedral in 1947 for the personal resolution of Joseph Stalin.

In Moscow the Surrender Church of the word in the Assumption enemy (Brucers per, d.15 / 2) is a miraculous icon "Recovery of the Died".This icon dated 1802 year. She became famous for numerous wonders and healings, those who were susceptible to drunkenness were treated for her, was in a poverty, turned out to be in a difficult life situation. She is honored by parents who pray before that way about happiness and the direction to the true path of their children.

And, of course, when visiting Moscow it is impossible to bypass the restored temples of the Orthodox Church. Kazan Cathedral On Red Square (ul. Nikolskaya, D.3) was founded back in the XVII century. Completely destroyed in the 1930s, he was restored in his original form in 1993. In his example, the typical decoration and the type of the temple of the Moscow Rus XVII century can be attached. It stores a list Kazan icon of the Mother of God.

Shrines of the christ of Christ the Savior and other temples

The Cathedral Temple of the Russian Orthodox Church is Church of Christ the Savior(ul. Volkhonka, d.15). It was also restored at the end of the 20th century. The temple ranked in this place built by architect K. Ton in memory of the Patriotic War of 1812, was Barbarian blown up by the Bolsheviks in 1931. The current church of Christ the Savior is one of the largest temples in the world, it accommodates almost 10 thousand people. Like the original temple, it is abundantly decorated with valuable finishing materials and paintings. According to the temple, you can go with an excursion or climb to the viewing platform of the upper tier, which offers a wonderful view of the center of Moscow. In the church of Christ the Savior are the most important relics: the relics of St. Filaret of Moscow and other saints, parties of the Rhine of the Lord and Risea of \u200b\u200bOur Lady, the nail of the Cross of the Lord, the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God, the icon of the Nativity of Christ and others.

Survend in Sokolniki (Sokolnicheskaya Pl., D.6) became the place in the east of the capital, where the shrines from the churches destroyed in Soviet times were transferred. This is the Iverskaya, passionate, Bogolyubskaya, Georgian icons of Our Lady, the image of St. Panteleimon, Ark with particles of the relics of forty martyrs of Sevasti and other revered shrines.

Saint John the Warrior One of the most beautiful temples of Moscow is dedicated (st. Bolshaya Yakimanka, d. 46). To his intercession resorted to everyday adversities. According to the legend, the temple is built on the project of the emperor of Peter I in memory of the victory over the Swedes when Poltava. This temple was also not closed at the existence of Soviet power. His beautiful decoration is an example of the Moscow Baroque began XVIII century. In the Altar of the Temple stores part of the finger with a minor sv. Great Martyr Varvara.

Moscow presents "church embassies." This is the foundation of other Orthodox churches: for example, Serbian (C. Peter and Paul, Petropavlovsky per., d. 4-6), orthodox church farm in America In Moscow (c. St. Catherine on Ordyanka, st. Big Ordahn, 60/2), Patriarchals: Antiochian (Arkhangelsky per, d. 15a,) and Alexandrian (Slavic pl., D. 2) and others. In Jerusalem Patriarch Patriarch (The temple of the Sunday of the word, Philippovsky Pen, 20) is stored Dandy of St. Eustafia Plochida, martyr I in. AD, as well as rare Jerusalem and Akhtyra icons of Our Lady.

Orthodox holy places of Russia. Pilgrim tours, churches, monuments and religious attractions of Russia.

Pilgrimage in itself is a very logical thing: here it is not necessary to invent anything, it is enough to understand why and where the person wants to go. After all, genuine pilgrimage is not just a trip "there and back." The pilgrim is not only and does not travel so much in the usual meaning of this word - it is convinced by some personal and necessary event for him. It is necessary that the pilgrim felt that all his thoughts and desires coincide with the upcoming journey.

Practical moments

As you know, the level of accommodation objects in our country is very uneven, which is directly reflected in the selection of hotels for pilgrimage tours in Russia. Most often they imply accommodation in low-cost hotels. But sometimes it turns out that there are simply no such in the district: then there are either very expensive accommodation options, or overnight in monasteries or in the "private sector".

One of the most important practical moments that must always be taken into account are nutritional features (compliance with posts, environments and fridays) and the organization of liturgy. As a rule, the movement time is calculated so that the pilgrims come to place in the evening, they could defend the all-sleeping and spending the night. And in the morning - liturgy and departure. All programs are built in such a way that over the journey there is one or two mandatory liturgy.

Travel duration

By duration, all pilgrim tours Russia It can be divided into one-day (mainly the Moscow region), "weekend tours" and multi-day trips - mostly from 3 to 7 days. The maximum number of days in the tour is usually no more than 12. Most often it is either routes on the ship, or a pilgrimage to remote regions of Russia, when the road occupies a sufficient time - for example, Yekaterinburg , Tobolsk and Altai.

A good pilgrimage route should be logical and complete. For example, if the pilgrim decided to visit holy places in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg or Tobolsk, it has a direct meaning to go on a comprehensive trip, covering all major shrines Urals.

Here is an example of such a route. Moving from Moscow to Tobolsk takes about two days, depending on the selected train. Most often is expected to stop in Tobolsk for 2-3 days and the inspection of nearby attractions. Then - moving to Yekaterinburg by bus or train and inspection of the neighborhood of the city. In addition, from there not far to Perm, where the Monastery of Belogorier is located - a kind of "Ural Athos". Thus, in one journey, you can combine the holy places of the Northern and Central Urals, as well as to "attach" the whole path of royal martyrs in the Urals and in Siberia.

Where and when go

If you share pilgrim tours on a regional basis, then you can highlight directions in which pilgrims are most often sent. This, first of all, the North-West and the center of Russia, the most developed part of the country, which was still in the Middle Ages, during the origin of Christianity and its development in Russia. A lot of pilgrims goes on a trip by Golden Ring , Zadonsk (Lipetsk region), Kursk and Diveevo ( Nizhny Novgorod Region) And, of course, in the North-West region.

Northwest is not only Karelia ( Balaam and Kizhi.), as well as Arkhangelsk ( Solovki.) I. Vologda Earth , Pskov and Velikiy Novgorod . Pskov is interesting not only by Pushkin Mountains and Pechora - besides them, a lot of pilgrims visits the Talap Islands, where the father of Nikolay Guryanov lived and served.

Most cities entering the Golden Ring of Russia are inextricably linked with the stories of Orthodoxy in Russia: many shrines are concentrated in them, and almost every temple and the monastery is a pilgrimage object. The most visited cities - Alexandrov , Sergiev Posad. , Pereslavl-Zalessky , Great Rostov , Yaroslavl , Uglich , Kostroma , Suzdal and Vladimir.

In addition, such southern directions should be noted as Rostov-on-Don , Krasnodar And Arkhyz - has recently been restored and many monasteries have been restored there. Special place occupies Altai , pilgrimage there is inextricably linked with the study of the traditions of local residents.

Some of the most favorable time to travel is difficult. In the summer, driving everywhere and for a longer time - from 3 to 7-12 days. In the fall and spring, as a rule, choose relatively short programs for 2-3 days. Exceptions are only major holidays: there is already a weekend or not, it does not have much.

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A brief overview of the holy places of Orthodox Russia

All monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church have uniform principles of organizing monastery life. But it is also necessary to note that each monastery has its own history and spiritual appearance. This is most clearly and brightly noticeable in the ancient monasteries - Kirillo-Belozorsky ( Vologodskaya Oblast), Valaamsky ( Balaam), Pskovo-Pechorsky ( Pskov region), Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra ( Moscow region).

Savior Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery Monastery is located at the Big Solovetsky Island in the White Sea, and Skits and Deserts - on other Islands of the archipelago. It was the geographical position in many respects affected the history of the development and fate of the monastery. The monastery was a kind of border fortress: he endured the siege of the Livons, the Swedes and the British, and from the end of the 16th century it was also used as a place of reference. After its closure in 1920, there were a camp and a special purpose prison.

Flying over Kolomna

The shrines of the monastery: the relics of the founders of Solovetsky - Zosima, Savvatiya and German (the noteworthy church of the Annunciation), particles of the relics of many distortions of the saints, the relics of the Relative Eleazar Anzero (Holy Trinity Anzersky Skit) and St. Job Anzersky (Calval-Creation Skit). Holidays Residents: The Transfiguration of the Lord - August 19, Rev. Zosimima, Savvatia and German - August 21, Cathedral of the Solovetsky Saints - August 22, the Cathedral of Novomartvikov and Solovetsky confessors - August 23.


Monasteries: Holy Danilov - part of the relevant prince Daniel Moskovsky, Donskoye - Patriarch Tikhon's Patriarch, Zaktyuvsky - Icon of the Mother of God "Sleepy", Novospassky - Icon of the Mother of God "Allzaritsa", Holy Pokrovsky - the relics of Blessed Matronov Moscow, Novodevichy - God's mother Smolensk and Tikhvinskaya.

Shrines: The relics of the righteous Alexia of Moscow (Mesiam) in the temple of St. Nicholas on Malaseke, Poklonnaya Kyussia Cross with particles of the relics of more than 300 saints in the temple of the St. Sergius of Radonezh in the wretch.

Moscow region

Monasteries: Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra, Vysotsky Bogoroditsky in Serpukhov - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Inspromandable Bowl", Savvin-Studrodezhevsky in Zvenigorod - with the relics of St. Savva Stlavshevsky, Iosifo-Voloq, Voskresensky in the new Jerusalem - with part of the relevant Tatian martyr.

Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery

St. Petersburg

Monasteries: Holy Trinity Alexander-Nevskaya Lavra - the relics of Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, St. Johnsky - the relics of the righteous John Kronstadt.

Shrines: the relics of the Blessed Ksenia St. Petersburg in the chapel of Ksenia Petersburg at the Smolensk cemetery, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "of all the funny joy with grossiks" in the temple in honor of this icon on Zelenotsky Pozdav, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Sign" Tsarskoselskaya in the Academic Church of St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy.

Other regions of Russia

Altai Territory: The Mother of God-Kazan (Korobenikovsky) Monastery is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God.

Kaluga region: Optina desert , Holy Pafnutiev Borovsky Monastery, Holy Tikhonov Assumption Desert.

Kostroma region: Holy Trinity Makariyevo-Untine Monastery.

Lipetsk region: Zadonsky Christmas-Bogoroditsky monastery.

Nizhny Novgorod Region: