Where and how the Ambassador of the Russian Empire is killed - Alexander Griboedov. Alexander Griboedov

Where and how the Ambassador of the Russian Empire is killed - Alexander Griboedov. Alexander Griboedov

He was recognized as the most educated person of his time. He knew about ten languages, reached the vertices of the public service and became the author of the immortal comedy.


When was Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov born? This question is still open. In all lists, he indicated that 1795, then the 1793th, but in the end he stopped at 1790. The fact is that his mother, Anastasia Fedorovna Griboedov married in 1792. Thus, it becomes apparent that Griboedov was Bastard, that is, an unimiterate child. Who was the father of the Russian poet and the diplomat is not known to this day.

Griboedov seriously worried his "illegal birth", for a long time this topic remained closed. 1790 The birth of Griboedov began to write after a duel, which turned his life. It was a moral action: he himself proved his hardness in strictly follow the truth.

Long duel

In November 1817, an event was held, which forever changed the life of Griboedov - the fourth duel. Event is rare even for that time. Its essence was that immediately after opponents had to shoot seconds. Opponents were Sheremetev and Zavadovsky, Secundants - Yakubovich and Griboedov. It was shot due to the conflict on the soil of jealousy to the ballerina, Istomine, which two years lived with Sheremetev, but shortly before the duel took an invitation to Griboedov and caused Vazanovsky's visit. The intrigue of the duel was also in the fact that the Griboedov and Yakubovich duel initially planned, but the unobtrusive Sheremetyev provocation (threw ice cream in Zavadovsky) decided the order of the duel.

Duel Sheremetev was killed, and the second duel was postponed indefinitely. She took place in Tiflis, in the fall of 1818. Griboedov, who recognizes his guilt for the happening last year, was ready to go to the world, but Yakubovich was adamant. It is not surprising: he was an experienced Brener. According to one version, the first shot Griboedov. Digure by. On the second - the first shot Yakubovich. One way or another, but the result of the duel was the steroid left brush Griboedov. For him, as for the musician, it was a serious injury. Before death, the writer put on a special case on a shot finger, and after the death of Griboedov, he was identified on this injury.

Turkmanchasky treaty

Diplomatic activity A. S. Griboyedov has not studied for a long time. Writer's biographers managed this question, referring to the absence of relevant documents. Griboedov correspondence was in secret safes of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and access to it was impossible. In 1872, P. Efremov complained that he was "not represented by the right to print all the paper available from us" about the death of Griboyedov.
Access to the documents was possible only after 1917, but today the "White Spots" remain in the diplomatic activity of Griboyedov. The assessment of the contribution of Griboedov in the case of the conclusion of a peaceful Turkmanca treaty is essential. Today it is already known that Griboedov served as editor of the conference protocols. This allowed him to make some important clarifications in the text of a peaceful treatise, scheduled in St. Petersburg, in particular, to the part that concerned the conditions for the relocation and amnesty of the population of the border regions. Griboedov was also drawn up and edited the final text of the draft treaty. For his work, a diplomat writer was awarded Nikolai I by the Order of St. Anne.


In the winter of 1826, Griboedov was arrested on suspicion of ties with the Decembrists, but soon he was released for lack of indictment (only four Decembrists testified against Griboedov). Denis Davydov in an unfinished article "Memories of 1826" mentioned that Yermolov provided Griboedov some such service that he would "have the right to expect only from his native father. He saved him from the consequences of one very important case that could be extremely unpleasant for Griboedov. " Obviously, we are talking about the "Decembrists' work."

The thought of Decembrists never left Griboyedov, with most of them he was familiar. On the busiest days of the conclusion of the Turkmanchai Treaty, when all his attention was directed to the fastest conclusion of the treatise, he says with Paskoviche's facilitating the fate of the Decembrists. And in a month, during the arrival in St. Petersburg with the Turkmanchay Treaty, Griboedov, as Bestuzhev says, "he dares to speak in favor of people, with one name of whom offended by the Lordelines was pale." It is possible that the negative response of the "offended Lord" and served Griboedov's grounds for the statement that he "mentally wanted to stay for some time without the official."


Griboedov was a massone. He consisted as many in his time aristocrats, in the bed "United Friends", in the largest bed of St. Petersburg. It is important that he wanted to improve it. His notes are interesting, letters, he wanted he said, reconnect the secret society, he did not suit him how it seemed to him, passion for the ritual and external ritual things, as such. The lie, which he reconstructed, he called "good." For the legitimation of Griboedov, he turned to the Scottish lodges that were in Russia, and then into the great provincial lodge of Russia. But both times received a refusal.

Griboedov also demanded that the members of the lodges speak Russian and that they see the main task in the spread of Russian diplomas. If this project took place, the case of learning the Russian people of a diploma, mass learning would move much faster, but, unfortunately, this project of the writer remained the project. Mason Griboedov remained until the end of the life: he did not leave the brotherhood, but gradually cooled to a secret society.

Mystery of death

As a memo for diplomatic work in Persia Griboedov, he wrote to himself: "In words and in the correspondence, it is not to maintain a tone of moderation - his Persians will come to powerlessness. Threaten to the rebellion of the riot. Threaten that we will take all their provinces in South Azerbaijan. " Griboedov, must be admitted, followed by his records. The Shahny yard demanded from the Russian envoy of the issuance of Mirza Yakub, who was treasurer and the main eunuch, and therefore knew many secrets of the personal life of Shah. Mirza-Yakub could announce them, which was considered sobrotacy, and therefore caused universal outrage. Griboedov was outward. For what he paid. Such is the official version.

However, even more often the death of Griboedov is associated with the conspiracy of the British, who was beneficial to the death of the Russian Messenger and the deterioration of relations between the Russian-Persian relations. The English version first appeared in the Moscow Vedomosti 1829. Yuri Tyanyanov gave the second life of this version. In 1929, when 100 years from the day of the tragic death of the Russian Messenger in Tehran appeared, Tynanovsky Roman "Death of Vazir-Mukhtara" appeared. In the works of Shamim (1938) and Mahmuda (1950), we already meet with the statement that "Russian Ambassador A. S. Griboyedov fell victim to the English Colonial Policy."

The author of the famous play "grief from the mind" was not only a playwright. Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov was an outstanding diplomat, pianist and composer. But his genius brightened for a short time: at 34, he was piled by a terrible death, for which the Persian Shah paid the Russian Empire with a diamond of amazing beauty.

Talent Notice immediately

The future poet and diplomat was born on January 15, 1795 in Moscow in the noble rich family. He had a brother Paul, who died at an early age, and sister Maria, an outstanding pianist and the harvester. Griboedov never mentioned respect for women (and even a joke called the "shouting floor"), but with his sister, he had retained his warm friendship until the end of his life. He wrote his famous play "grief from the mind" in the room of Mary, trying to avoid noise and annoying acquaintances. She was the only person dedicated to the secret of writing this work before his publication.

From early childhood, Alexander surprised everyone with an inquisitive mind and an enhanced character - instead of playing and frolic with peers, he could only sit and diligently engage in sciences. Primary education and upbringing the boy gave the mother Anastasia Fedorovna and several professional governors who helped him already at the sixth aged to master three European languages.

From seven years, Alexander studied in a higher educational institution for noble children - in the Moscow University Noble Guesthouse. There, Alexander studied various objects, but he paid special attention to verbal and moral and political sciences. In addition, he learned three more foreign languages. He graduated from the young man the board with honors, having received an excellent versatile education.

Difficult search for yourself

In 1812, the war began with Napoleon invaders. And Alexander, neglecting a civilian career, went to the army. He joined the ranks of the Moscow Gusar Regiment in the rank of Junior officer. Young Alexander has crashed glory and feats, but a long-term disease was pretended to defend his homeland. Even after the war, the ardent Alexander failed to achieve success in a military field - until the rest of the army he remained in the rank of Cavalry Cornet. But it was here that Griboedov first tried himself in literature: during the years of service he wrote several essays, articles and translations.

Disappointed in the military service, Alexander left it in early 1816 and moved to St. Petersburg. Here he wanted to relax and decide on his fate. In the capital of Griboedov, there were numerous dating in a secular society and among famous playwrights. They helped the young man seriously take on literary activities. And a little later, Alexander joined the ranks of the Masonic lodge "United Friends". But their program was not fully satisfied with Alexander, and in 1817 he helped create a new Masonic Life.

Life in St. Petersburg allowed young Alexander to learn everyday life, egoism, hypocrisy and the narrowness of the views of the highest society. A brought up in the spirit of idealism and humanism, Alexander was outraged, and it inspired him to write a number of comedies, in which the character appears, the prize of Chatsky. Much later, the experience gained from life in the capital is the basis of the plot of his famous accusatory play.

Great diplomat

In 1817, Alexander entered the service in the Foreign Affairs College. He began his career as a translator, but after just a year he became the secretary of the embassy in Persia (now Iraq). In the same year, Griboedov went to the east, without even suspecting that it was here that would find his death.

The entire diplomatic service of Griboedov was associated with regular travel from Russia to Persia or Georgia. Memories of nomadic life formed the basis of numerous travel notes and diaries of the playwright. In the east, he worked in the service, and when he returned home to Petersburg (sometimes for a year or more), he was taken for literary activities and composed Wals and Sonatas for piano, which were hit by the listeners with their harmoniousness. Official duties prompted Alexander to learn 4 more oriental languages.

In 1825, Griboedov was in Kiev, where he met the Decembrists for a while. This was not a gift for him - in January of the next year he was detained and delivered to the capital, suspecting connections with undergrounders. But since there were no compromising evidence, it was released after six months of the suspect. Fortunately, the arrest did not affect the service and career of Griboyedov, and he continued to work.

1828 marked for him to participate in the signing of a peace treaty with a Persia in the village of Turkmancha. Alexander developed the conditions for this treatise and made a lot of effort to sign it. So the Russian-Persian war ended 1826-1828.

After success in Turkmancha, Griboedov gave rise - he was appointed to the post of the Minister of the resident in Tehran. On the way to Persia, he drove into the Georgian city of Tiflis (now Tbilisi). The diplomat was staying there for just a few months, but these days were his last happy days that completely changed his life.

Big love and terrible death

In Tiflis Griboedov, she had a long-time friend - Georgian prince Alexander Gersevanovich Chavchavadze, Military and Poet Romance. Here he again met the older daughter of the owner of a 15-year-old Nino, who had not seen for 6 years. At that time, Griboedov taught the girl with a game on the piano, and their warm friendship tied. But in 1828, real love broke out between them. On September 3, they marked in the temple of Sion, despite the greater difference in age (Griboedov was then 33). Shortly after the wedding, Griboedov continued the path to Persia. Nina Alexandrovna first accompanied her husband, but because of pregnancy and disease, she was forced halfway to turn back.

Griboedov, at the head of the diplomatic mission, arrived in Tehran to the court of Feth Ali-Shaha in early January 1829. He had to incline Shah to fulfill the obligations of the Turkmanchai peace treaty. But the negotiations were delayed, and more and more Armenian refugees who saved from Islamic fanatics came to the Russian embassy. It is believed that the shelter of refugees and served as a reason for the defeat of the Russian embassy.

The attack was committed on February 11 in 1829. The angry crowd of religious fanatics broke into the building of the embassy and severely interrupted all refugees and members of Russian diplomsia. Over the Secretary I. S. Maltsov managed to survive. And brutally, the disgraced body of Griboedov was identified only on the Embassy uniform and the footsteps of the old wound on his left hand, which he received 11 years ago on duels with the Decembrist A. I. Yakubovich.

But in these events there is much unclear. Specialists and historians believe that among the instigators of the attack were English agents - in the interests of England it was to embroil Russia with the Persia. The only saved person is secretary of Maltsov - some researchers are suspected of connections with attackers. And the death of Griboedov still remains doubtful - the signs for which his body identified, cannot be considered sufficient.


The massacre in the Russian embassy led to an international scandal. To smooth his guilt, Shah sent the emperor Nicholas I numerous gifts, including a large diamond "Shah" weighing more than 88 karat. Thanks to this, the scandal was settled, but the gem could not replace an outstanding diplomat.

Nina Alexandrovna, having learned about the death of her husband, he was seriously ill, and her child was born dead. On June 18, 1829, she shores the body of Griboedov in Georgia at the Church of St. David (now it is Mtacminda Pantheon). Mourning on her husband she wore all his life - they were even called a black rose in Tiflis. Nina Alexandrovna died from cholera in 1857.

Was Griboedov killed because he left in the Russian embassy for the night of the Persian Shah's wives?

In the seventies of the last century, from a conversation with the Iranian, who was learn in Leningrad, I was surprised to find out that in Tehran everyone knows and no doubt: Griboedov was killed at all because of the wild explosion of the rage of the Islamic crowd (as textbooks of Russian literature), and from - With the fact that, being a big chaliver, left at the embassy for the night of the two wives of Iranian Shaha: Georgian and Armenian. The nationality of which for Iranians did not matter, it was important that Wives Shah. What, according to Islamic view, was terrible blasphemy. And (if you believe the People's Iranian Molve) of Griboedov, as well as other employees of the Russian Embassy in Persia, costs Shah's wives to be softer ... With a violation of etiquette. But is it? In recent years, several articles have appeared on the Internet, shedding a new light on this delicate question. We bring them without bills and censorship. And what are these versions: anti-Russian fictions or based on them lie real facts, let readers judge.

From the memories of Count I.O. Simonovich:

In one preceding comment, I said that this disaster should not be attributed to the reasons for political. The faces of various parties and various religions, which I asked, everything was unanimously converged on one very important circumstance, it was that my unfortunate friend, the deceased Griboedov, in relation to Shahat accepted the tone, reaching the recklessness. Feth-Ali Shah, after each audience, which he gave him, left so annoyed, which was very easy to foresee any misfortune. Often, with their courtiers, it happened to shut up: "Who will save me from this dog of a Christian?" Mirza-Abul Gassan-Khan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chief Worker at any case, when something concerned Europeans, because at the court of Shah there was no one who knew our customs, - one spoke about us with some experience, as a person who happened Several times the Messenger in St. Petersburg, Vienna, Paris and London. So, Abul-Gassan-Khan once in the evening of the Emin-Doblitt, in the presence of a large society, where they talked about the day incidents and interpreted about the most convenient means to get rid of Shah from such a rapid guest, offered to form a perturbation: "We will make people cry hard , "He said," and after that we will write to Petersburg: you sent us a person who does not know how to behave from us, "see what he adheres to, no matter how big unfortunate happens! Call him if you wish to preserve good agreement between the two countries. Believe me, "he added," I know Europe and especially Russia: it will be withdrawn. " Advice
The 207 proposed by Abul Gassan-Khan did not have immediate consequences, but the idea was given, and a numerous servant, always present at all meetings of the Persian nobility - everything heard.

The case of two women comes, the issuance of Koih demanded the Russian messenger as our subjects and prisonersphabies, although they accepted Islamism and were in the Harem of Asif-Doblita. It was too strong a blow to Magometan fanatizm and respect for a powerful personality. Despite this, he achieved what he demanded. But here, even Mrboedov made great negligence, forcing these women to transfer to her home, where no one had no one. Therefore, they would be placed, before departure to Georgia, in some Armenian and even better in the Muslim house, and in any case otherwise, but not at home. It made a huge scandal, and it must be confessed that everywhere in another country would have the same thing, for admonition does not allow young women to live under the same thing and the same roofing with a heap of youth. In Tehran, the religion was also intervened and a completely fair evil reputation of Christians who were serving a messenger.

The excitement was strong between the population, and in the whole city only interpreted about the shame to see women of Muslim women who switched to the hands of vile Russians. Griboedov, who has come, did not know what was happening, blinded by the fate or excess of pride. At the same time, he gave another shelter to one Shah Enunu, who, using his origin from Erivani, fled from Shah Harem and asked back to his homeland. When someone knows the holiness of the Harem, the birth of awe with whom he surrounds his persian, the specious, with whom they are expressed, speaking of this place, it is easy to understand how Feth-Ali Shah was strongly offended in San of an unlimited monarch and jealous husband. But asked, maybe if the Minister could violate his duty, refusing to the refuge of his sovereign? Of course there is no, if a person came, this came suddenly, wanting to spontaneously become under his patronage; But then there were preliminary intrigues, negotiations
208 Between the Enun and Armenians surrounded by the Messenger. Griboedov had time to figure out what humiliation he was preparing Shah, encouraging enterprises of this person. The Russian messenger should also know that since in the continuation of two years, Persia and its monarch suffered a lot of tests, as a result of the victories of our and peaceful treatises, we are imposed on them, then the state is the winner of more fame to give up the defeated in his petty prubuable interests. He would have to offer Enuhu Mirez Yakub to postpone his escape suggestion for a while, especially since it is not known whether he had the right to be considered among Russian subjects, for he was taken to the service to Shah and adopted a Muslim religion in a remote era when Erivan belonged Persia. Be that as it may, Feth-Ali Shah have not yet gone to raise his anger, he tried to negotiate and searched under various pretexts of the issuance of a quick. Griboedov stood on his own, for which it can be praised, for, since deciding to take him to himself, he could not return him to the Persians without shame.

Almost open hostility between the Russian minister and the yard; The party of the clergy, which is annoyed to the extreme of all two women; The ASIFA party, which for the same reason was just looking for a case of cenchers; Finally, the courthouse, which tried to please the hatred of Shah; This servant of the venel, who remembered the Board of the Mirzya-Abul Gassan-Khan, all this together rose suddenly, if the courtyard, or asif-union, or Moshtand, anyway, was given, and the crowd rushed and surrounded the house occupied Russian Imperial Mission. At first there were only screams and repetition of the claim for eunuha and two women. I am deeply convinced that if the late Griboedov had enough patience and cold-blooded to leave noise to increase and distribute in the air; If he kept all his houses, not allowing them to be shown no out, neither the windows, I said deeply convinced that this crowd would go to the evening by itself, without dares to break the inviolability of the Ambassador, if even this crowd It was not overclocked by the troops, which, finally, sent Shah. - I am convinced of this, knowing good character
209 Persian for absolutely similar cases, koi I saw, even at a completely similar case, which happened in our embassy in Tavriz 20 years ago. But predestination as it were, Griboedov pushed: he ordered the Cossacks to shoot in the people, the blood was shed, one resident killed. His body was incurred to the mosque. Mushtaid, from the height of the department, ordered the people to revenge the blood - the blood is the blood. Known the following result.

Our, depressed by numerous, after heroic defense, fell, forcing you to pay expensive for your life. Sarbaz (regular infantry) sent from Ryarek Zelie Sultan to disperse the gathering, arrived, when it was all over. This is a slowdown that wanted to vain the complicity of the courtyard, it is much easier, exactly what we just talked about. When Shah found out about the move, he did not want to stop him, because he thought to learn the messenger. Knowing your people, he never thought about the able to happen a catastrophe. He could not foresee that the messenger would be so careless that it would decide to attack the whole population by his Cossacks. - An embarrassment of Feth-Ali Shah and his yard was great after the incident. Shah gathered advice from his ministers and great dignitaries, and I know from an eyewitness witness that in the first minutes the meeting was a very sad. Monarch and each of the upcoming felt burdened responsibility, which hung over them; They believed that Russia would take advantage of this case for a brilliant vengeance where they were the first to be a sacrifice. Finally, Feth-Ali Shah began to speech after exclamations: "Io Allah! IO-Ali! " - He said: - "What is done, it is impossible to remake. God it was pleased. Now we can only prepare for war, and prepare to defeat or die. So that the whole of my people rose, I myself will be headed by him, take my treasures with my own and all I have. The Lord will be our judge. " Then he ordered to bury the body, entrusted to the execution of this to Armenians, the commandments put a separate body of the minister, as if he had foreseen that he was being reckoned.

The old Armenian, who ordered the funeral, told me that they were buried forty tel. Persians never wanted to confess how many people they lost. From our, between others, was the prince of Melikov from Tiflis, who did not belong to the embassy. He was a nephew of Manuchar Khan, who sent him to prevent Griboedov about the preparing excitement. Unfortunate did not have time to return to his uncle. One Catholic priest from an Isfahan mission, who was then in Tehran, told me that one Muslim, who lived next door to the house of our minister, also warned him offering even asylum at home; According to the priest, the helpful precursor was shameful from the Embassy House. Daily destiny!

Edited by Dismiss, 10 February 2006 - 18:22.


On January 30 (February 11), 1829, an excited crowd of Persian fanatics defeated and plundered the Russian mission in Tehran. All employees of the diplomatic corps, 37 people were brutally destroyed - only one person was lost miracle.

The "detonator" for the crowd was that in the walls of the Russian mission asked asylum two women Christian women, Georgian and Armenian. "You will protect the Russian flag," said the 34-year-old ambassador Alexander Griboyedov. He put on a parade uniform with orders and went out to the crowd: "come back to whom you raise your hand, in front of you - Russia." But he was thickened with stones and shot down from his feet.

Above the body of the ambassador was the most sophisticated abuse. The corpse of the fiber on the pavement, and the dismissed remains were thrown into the garbage and poured lime. Griboedov barely identified on his finger, rushed to the duel, reports RIA "News".

After this incident, the Persian Shah sent to St. Petersburg with his son, as a gift to the king Nicholas I, as a "spooky" for the murder of Ambassador legendary diamond Shah. It is a rare beauty stone, who has been more than a thousand years older than many kings, as evidenced by the inscriptions on the edges. 90 carats, 18 grams weighing, 3 cm long, yellow, unusually transparent. Today, the precious nugget is kept in the Diamond Fund of Russia, located in the Kremlin.


Griboedov was killed because of the wives of Persian Shaha

On the occasion of the anniversary of the death of Griboedov, the Speed-Info newspaper correspondent went to Iran, where he managed to find out the unknown details at which the Russian writer died and diplomat.

In the city of Yazdir, the reporter met with a 65-year-old Iranian named Parviz Husseini Barari, who claims that he is a descendant (the rightman) of Alexander Griboyedov. Parviz, speaking in Russian, wrote a book about his great ancestor, which should go to Iran in the near future.

According to him, Prapraded was a "big chalunishkoy." In Persia, he continued to "Shalit", said on customs, did not shoot Kalosh in the palace of Shah and frankly used women, says Parviz.

In the book, Parviz describes an episode with its great-grandfathers, Nilufar, his wife Shah, who, as he claims, was a connection with Griboedov. Parviz says that Fatah Ali Shah sought to throw the ambassador and arranged him "Nights of Love".

"On October 15, 1828, Alexander Sergeevich came to the audience to Shah. But Fath Ali smiled: Will it want to relax? In the rest on carpets, smoothly firming, vibrated the thighs a thin concubine Nilufar. On her ankles in the tact of music, bracelets were told. Alexander and noticed When Shah retired. It hurts the girl reminded the wife of Nina: the same black eyes, thin eyebrows. Even age is 16 years old. That's just a pregnant Nina stayed in the border tubrice. Come, honey ... - Alexander touched the waist Nilfar, similar to the stem Esfanda. The girl, curved, stood on his knees, and very close by he saw her baby neck with a beating blue vest and gentle breasts. And the servants did all the dishes with the Pahlava, fruit, melons ... "

In his work, Parviz describes not quite the multiplinary details of the life of representatives of Russia in Tehran: "Milk brother Griboedov Alexander Dmitriev and Rustam-Beck's servant stood up drunken fights in the bazaars, arranged orgy in the embassy, \u200b\u200bgrabbed girls, decent persian and raped. In addition, the ambassadors were healthy. Somehow, Zahmelev, Griboedov pressed against Nilufar: - Do you want to leave the harem? "

On the tragic events preceding the death of Griboedov, Parviz narrates as follows:

"On January 1, 1829, in the door of the Russian mission in Tehran knocked: I am Mirza Yakub, Armenian. Many years ago I was asked me, sent to the harem to Shah. I want to return to my homeland. I will be useful, I know a lot of secrets. Pale Nilufar stood near : Oh, I ask, my lord! With us, Mariam, Shirin, ELNAZ ... Griboedov understood: to take with him such a spy like Mirza-Yakub, is a gift to Nicholas I. I. But the main thing ... Nilufar! Leave! Leave everyone in the embassy! - he commanded. In the morning, women were led in a bath. While Nilufar was laitting in the fear of Griboedov, Sasha with Rustam-Beck bore Shah wives right on the hot shops.The news that the Russian Embassy dishonest the wives of Fath Ali Shaha, Tehran had instantly attached, and the Messenger came from the Palace: "Mr. Ambassador, you must return women. They are his wife. So - Property. Like Enuch Mirza-Yakub!"

The requirement of the messenger of Griboedov answered with a sharp refusal, and on January 30 (February 11), the crowd of swamped Muslims broke into the embassy and beat off women. "

As for Nilufar, then, according to Parviz, she fled from the harem. Wandered around the villages and then gave birth to a son from Griboedov - a sharp.

Parviz regrets that it is not possible to carry out genetic examination. The fact is that the remains of Griboedov are buried in Tbilisi in the monastery of St. David and there can be no speech about exhumation.

"In Russia, did not understand, for which they dealt with the envoy," says Parviz. "Everyone dumped into politics. And where is she? Look for a woman!", "He concludes.


Biographical reference

Alexander Griboedov was born in 1795, in Moscow, in the old nobility family, tightly retained the patriarchal spirit. Having received a good home education, the gifted young man came first at the Noble Pension at Moscow University, and soon became his student, studying at once in three faculties - verbal, legal and physical and mathematical. The spirit of freedomiff and new ideals, consonant nature of Griboedov, has always reigned in this school. He turned to literature, began to compose poems, writing comedies, sharp journalistic articles. But everything was only a feather break. The first dramatic experience is the comedy "young spouses", turned out to be unsuccessful and did not leave the trace.

After graduating from the university, a scientific degree of candidate of verbost, knowing six languages, Griboedov intended to continue his scientist career, but life turned differently, and he entered the service of the Foreign Affairs College. The young diplomat was sent to Persia, in Tavriz, secretary of the Russian mission at Shahe. It was there that he began to write "grief from the mind." In 1824, when the work was completed, read in the salons and was distributed in the manuscripts, its author was unusually famous.

In 1828, he played a big role in the preparation and conclusion of the Turkmanchay world profitable for Russia with Persia. The king appreciated it and assigned him the title of Plenipotentiary Minister in Persia.

33-year-old Griboedov was passionately fell in love with a 15-year-old Nino, the daughter of his Tiflis familiar, Georgian writer Prince Alexander Chavchavadze. With a young wife, waiting for a child, Griboedov went to the service. During, he left Nina in the border Tavriz, and he himself went to Tehran, where a terrible death was waiting for him. Premature childbirth began with the terrible news of Nina. The newborn boy was dyed on the same day and called in honor of the Father, Alexander. But the premature infant did not survive and went for his father.

The 16-year-old widow, the beauty of which was compared with the beauty of Natalia Pushkin, no longer married and mourned her grief all his life. She lived 53 years old and daily made a difficult path from the house - to Mtatsmond Mountain, where her husband and child were buried in Pantheon. Nina put a chapel on the grave, and in it - a monument, which depicted crying herself. Nearby - the inscription: "Your mind and deeds are immortal in the memory of Russian; but for what my love experienced you? .."


So what happened in the Russian embassy in Persia in 1929? Is the version set forth in the Russian literature textbooks: Griboedov was killed as a result of a rainless explosion of the rage Islamic crowd (what, how do we know from recent events, really happens)? Or stories that the reason for the perturbation of the inhabitants of Tehran was that the Russian ambassador in the morning, women were led in a bath. While Nilufar was laitting in the fear of Griboedov, Sasha with Rustam-Beck bore Shah wives right on the hot shops. "For example, the version of the killing of the Russian ambassador in Persia Griboedov, which in Iran is considered as generally accepted, has reasonable. In this case, the events described may be the basis of the novel and a film are doomed to megaauseche. Let us present a brief obvious content that meets the historical truth Not the one that it seems to looking out of Russia, and what it seems to looking from Tehran. Russia wins the military victories over the Persion. The capture of Tehran seems completely real. Under these conditions, the Russian Ambassador, the writer and playwright Griboedov behaves defiant. In the mosque and the Palace of Shah, demonstratively without removing Kalosh. Shels in the Russian embassy of several wives of Shah in the Russian embassy, \u200b\u200bwhere he and his surroundings are treated with supercrassavitsa. Wives Shaha's wives in a bath, fill up right on the shop ... Emmanuel (Main Sex Film 20th Century ) Resting in comparison with such an erotic nearby. In addition, it seems, not quite fictional ...

The rumor that Shaha's wives secured the Russian ambassador instantly takes off the capital of Persia. The crowds of angry Muslims are born to the embassy. Griboedov orders to open fire on the crowd. Killed among residents of the capital of Persia a lot. But all the staff of the embassy (except for one, which also told the details) is confused. Griboedov's corpse managed to identify only on the little man, swaying on a duel (beautiful cinematic detail!) Shah Prenyv horror: debauchery by debauchery and dishonorly dishonorly, but in the punishment Russia can go to war and conquer Persia with European weapons, which Persia is not. Is there anything causing the behavior of the Russian ambassador to a conscious provocation to start a war - like the murder of Ersgertzog Ferdinand, from which the First World War began, and provocation to seize the Polish radio station with disguise to the Polish form of the Nazis, who began the Second World War?! Is it too expensive for dishonest: the accession of Persia to Russia? Maybe pretend that the humiliation was not, and worse, while maintaining your life and the state? Shah Schlock Embassy in St. Petersburg with rich gifts led by her son. As a gift, the legendary Almaz Shakh "is awarded for the murder of the Russian ambassador to king, Nicholas I. It is a rare beauty stone, who has been more than a thousand years older than many kings, as evidenced by the inscriptions on the edges. 90 carats, 18 grams weighing, 3 cm long. Nikolai "generous" (with quotes or without quotes generously) agrees to forget the incendent. Although someone should have been manifested by generosity: Shah, whose wives were blasphemed by the Russians, or by the Russian king, looking out of two-day removal of the question of snowing. Maybe Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov was right, maybe so with them "savages" and necessary, can you know ours? Or Ambassador of Russia Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich, allowing to have fun with the wives of Shah Iran to employees of the embassy (and perhaps he himself entertained) was still a little wrong with himself? The question, the answer to which is beyond the scope of the novel and the movie.

Immediately let's say, to this day there are interested parties who are tightly held for the English track in the murder of Griboedov. The version appeared in the Moscow Vedomosti 1829. This is understandable because in Persia then there were only Russian and British diplomsses and the king, who received a unique diamond Shah in forgiveness for the death of the Messenger, it was more convenient to look for the shooter on the side of Misty Albion. Yuri Tyanyanov gave the second life of this version. In 1929, when 100 years from the day of the tragic death of the Russian Messenger in Tehran appeared, Tynanovsky Roman "Death of Vazir-Mukhtara" appeared.

The political situation when diplomatic relations between Bolshevik Russia and England were actually broken, suggested by Y. Tynanov's relevant interpretation. As a result of the romance version, the English diplomatic diploma in Persia was obeyed in the death of Griboyedov.

According to the recognition of Griboedov himself, he was not a key figure in Russian-Persian relations, which would make it a reasonable murder for a competing state.

On December 9, 1827, Griboedov himself in a letter to K.K. Rodyophimona from Tabriz wrote that he would not have a lot of things in Tehran, since all cases with Russia decides Abbas Mirza in Tabriz. He also reports that it considers it necessary to invite Abbas Mirez to St. Petersburg. General Passevich, he asks for awards for the English embassy. Griboedov was a man of fanatic honesty. In any case, it was characterized by General Yermolov. And the person of a similar warehouse would not be ruled for the awarding of the English diploma, if there were serious intrigues and dislike. And finally, England was just favorably, so that Russia governed from Persia twenty millionth contacts and thus forced the country to pour on the needle of British financial injections.

The trouble is that the fanatic honesty and the credulity arising from this quality made it a victim of the environment imposed on him.

Governing mind

Apparently, by virtue of his phenomenal decency, Alexander Griboedov took the stories of his insidious environment about the "historical homeland of Armenians in the Caucasus" for the truth. Under the Armenian lie press, the poet mistakenly believed that Armenians are autochthons in the South Caucasus and once were forcibly expelled from there to Persia. The main proof for him was the churches that he saw in the territory of Azerbaijani Khanate. Apparently, he received a lot of impressive lies during his stay at the Echmiadzin monastery and conversations with the Patriarch in January 1820 and June 1827.

Most likely, he did not even assume that it was possible to assign the churches of another people, as Armenians did with Albanian churches. He also did not know that himself was a victim of falsifications, which the Armenian surroundings were guided methodically.

On July 19, 1827, Count I. Passevich, the husband of a cousin of Griboedov, instructed him to write a draft truce between Russia and the Persia.

On November 11, 1827, at the second meeting of the conference, which discussed the conditions presented by Paskevich to the Persian Government, it was on the initiative of Griboedov that the main issues related to the Armenian people were considered. As you know, the poet achieved the inclusion in the Turkmanhasis of the Special 15th article, which became a legal basis for the mass relocation of Armenians from Persia to the original Azerbaijani lands. Note that after that, the draft Russian government about the relocation of 80 thousand Cossacks on the Earth along the Iranian border lost its strength.

Taking Erivani

We will add to this that it was Griboedov who sharply identified the question of the need to take the Erivan Fortress, which ultimately provided the Armenians to the territory to create a state where they had never had before. This is his report to Paskevich on July 30, 1827 after negotiations with the Persian Crown Prince Abbas Mirza from the camp during the village of Kara-Baba.

Along with the political interests of Russia, Griboedov was guided by the desire to help the Armenian people return to the "historical homeland". He showed about them concern and after relocation to the Caucasus. From the "Notes on the resettlement of Armenians from Persia to our areas", we learn that Griboedov offered to transfer the 30-thousand livestock of the Erivan Dardar, not an army and not the treasury, but the newly applied Armenians to replenish their farm.

In the circle of Armenians

Since 1819, Armenian Shamir Melik-Polevarov, who worked in the diplomatic office of the Commander-in-Chief in the Caucasus was an assistant to the poet. Over time, Griboedov began blindly to trust this person. In his epistolalar heritage, there are enough letters in which he applies to Shamir, writes how misses him and waits back.

Information is preserved that it was Shamir who in 1847 to reach the rank of Colonel and Cavallar of the Order of St. George IV class, was one of the compilers of the new project of the Armenian state at the original Azerbaijani lands.

Under his influence of Griboedov, the ruler of the Civilian Office of General Yermolov P.I. Mogilevsky, who helped Bekam Erivanian Khanate (from 1828 - Armenian region) to receive Russian ranks and titles.

According to the present Council, Shamir Griboedov often visited the Tiflis Armenian School, periodically met with trained Armenians who attracted him to reading skillfully falsified "fundamental" works on the history of Armenia.

A letter to Passevich from Tabriz dated October 30, 1828 shows the degree of confidence in Griboedov to the pro-Armenian falsifier. The poet asks the column "Ceredicated in Bayazet A.G. Chavchavadze Eastern Manuscripts send to the Academy of Sciences O.I. Senkovsky, and not in a public library. (PSSG. III, 227.) We are talking about Osipa Senkovsky, who performed in support of Armenian falsifications under the literary mask "Baron Brambus". It was his V. Velichko called "the first mercenary of Armenians in Russian literature."

In Tabriz, almost all employees in his Embassy Mission were Armenians: the stationery Rustam Benssanian, Personal Translator Melik Shahnazar, Yakuba Margharian (Mirza-Yakub), Treasurer of Vasily Dadashjan (Dadash-Beck), Couriers Isaac Sarkisov, Khachatur Shakhnazarov.

In the archive of the researcher N.K. Pixanov has preserved documents testifying for a caring attitude of the poet to these people. Among them - relations number 1402 dated August 14, 1827 of the Asian Department of Griboedov, in which his choice is approved by the owner of Shakhnazarov and the college registrar V. Dadashev. Along with Shamir Armenian Dadashev, too, kept a young diplomat under his influence.

In December 1828, Griboedov sent to Paskovich the attitude with a request to declare Shakhnazarov's translator approved by Chin Stack Captain and give him an annual salary for work.

Thus, it becomes clear how and under what influence the sympathetic attitude of a young diplomat to the Armenians, which he at first did not complain at all.

Along with this, today the degree of guilt of the Armenian environment of Griboedov to his death is clarified. Rustam Bensanyan, he Rustam Beck, was the main flutter, raising the fury of Persians against the Russian Messenger. Although in some sources, they argue that Griboedov was annoyed Shah and his courtyard with his audacity, the fact that he went to the shaky chambers in his shoes, this version holds on weak backups. Contemporaries celebrate special Griboedovsky courtesy and courtesy in circulation. As for walking in the shoes in the carpets, the Shah and his surroundings were probably loyal to this, because the protocol on the Embassy of Ceremonial was signed in Turkmacha, according to which Russian diplomats were allowed at the reception at Shaha to be in European clothing and, therefore, do not escape.

So dissatisfaction with the Russian diploma in Persia caused not Griboedov, as it inspires more than 100 years, but Armenians. Always a drunk ruler and his boyfriend inhabited on the bazaars of the fight, ran through the streets with a naked checker and threatened to the Persians. He was the main instigator who forced Griboedov to hide in the embassy of two Armenians from the Harem of the influential Velmazb Allara-Khan.


Griboedov belonged to the dignitarily disliked, but what is the cause of the personal hostility of the diplomat to this person and randidly his concubines demanded to hide in the Embassy of Rustam Beck? By the way, we note that the women did not ask Russia at all, they were taken by force, referring to the 13th article of the Turkmanchai Treaty, not belovering that they had already adopted Muslim and had children from Allara-Khan.

Further development of actions in itself foreshadowed the tragic final. On the night of January 21, 1829, Mirza Yakub Marcaryan, Mirza-Yakuban, knocked in the door of the Russian embassy and said that he wanted to take advantage of the right of the prisoner to return to his homeland. Griboedov denied him at the reception at such a time. But Markaryan returned in the morning and insisted on his. It was eunuch, who for 15 years a brilliant career, the treasurer of the inner chambers of the Shah Palace, was a trustee who knew the secrets of the Tehran elite.

The messengers of Shah could not explain Griboedov that he was bothering Enuha, he actually encroaches at the honor of Shah. Meanwhile, Allara-Khan wastes raised a loud scandal that, for the adequacy of Mirza-Yakub, the summand brother of Griboyedov Dmitriev raped them. On the same day, Rustam Beck started another fight on the market square. In short, Armenians masterfully played the script and brought events to climax. Persians, regarding the actions of Griboedov and his surroundings as an insult to the dignity of the whole people, defeated the embassy and killed a diplomat. So Griboedov became a victim of lies and treachery.


However, the death of the poet was not completed conflicts and war in Transcaucasia, and, on the contrary, a new contradiction assembly was tied - the so-called Karabakh conflict.

After 160 years, the story repeated. As you know, under the leadership of Griboedov Armenians moved to Erivan, Nakhichevan and Karabakh. In 1918, Armenia was proclaimed in 1918, and the Azerbaijanis presented them with the city of Erivan and 9 thousand square kilometers of the territory, which in Soviet years increased to 30 thousand. And from 1988 to this day, Armenians require the separation of the mountain part of Karabakh from Azerbaijan.

Our certificate

From the bowels of vile nationalism, new mutants-destroyers appeared, who did not leave the descendants even the memory of Griboedov - the Palace of Sardar Erivanian Khanate, in which the exile Decembrists showed the only lifetime production of "grief from the mind" in the presence of the author.

But Armenians could leave the palace from respect to the memory of Griboedov and establish a memorial plaque, testifying to the important fact of Russian history and culture. After this setting, Sardar's house became the fact of Russian culture, a kind of temple, in which the multi-million peoples of the Soviet and post-Soviet space could feel the atmosphere of the high spiritual heritage of the poet, the exile Decembrists who put this comedy. But this invaluable masterpiece of medieval Azerbaijani architecture, this incredit memory of Griboedov erased from the face of the earth.

Back in 1927, a hundred years after the capture of Erivani, Russia, the palace in all his bright glory was the place of tourist pilgrimage. But it did not stop the Armenian vandals. In 1964, there will be no palace at this site. It will remain only a few stone blocks.

Dramatturnum, Poet, Diplomat Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov Born 4 (15) January 1795 in Moscow in the noble family. Fifteen years old graduated from Moscow University. During the Napoleonic invasion was enrolled in the army and served two years in the cavalry regiment. In June 1817, Griboedov entered the service of the Foreign Affairs College; In August 1818, he was appointed secretary of the Russian diplomatic mission in Persia.

From 1822 to 1826, Griboedov served in the Caucasus at the headquarters A.P. Ermolov, from January to June 1826, was under arrest in the Decembrist case.

From 1827, he under the new governor of the Caucasus I.F. Passevich conducted diplomatic intercourse with Turkey and Persia. In 1828, after the conclusion of the Turkmanchai world, in which Griboedov took an active part and the text of which brought to St. Petersburg, he was appointed "Plenipotentiary Minister" to Persia to ensure the fulfillment of the terms of the contract.

In the same year, in August, Alexander Griboedov married the eldest daughter of his friend - the Georgian poet and the public figure Alexander Chavchavadze - Nina, which he knew since childhood, often engaged in music with her. Moldoval, Nina caused Alexander Griboyedov in the soul, a man already mature, a strong and deep sense of love.

They say she was beauty: a slim, graceful brunette, with pleasant and correct features of the face, with dark brown eyes, charming everyone with her kindness and meekness. Griboedov called her Madonna Murillo. On August 22, 1828, in the Zion Cathedral in Tiflis, they were crowned. In the church book, an entry was preserved: "Plenipotentiary Minister in Persia of His Imperial Majesty Stat Counselor and Kavaler Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov entered into a legitimate marriage with Maiden Nino, the daughter of Major General Prince Alexander Chavchavadzeva ...". Griboedov was 33 years old, Nina Alexandrovna was still sixteen.

After the wedding and several days of the celebration, young spouses left for A. Chavchavadze in Kakheti in Kinandali. Then the young couple went to Persia. Not wanting to expose the danger in Tehran, Griboedov left his wife in Tavriz - his residence of the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian Empire in Persia, and went to the capital to the view of Shah alone. In Tehran, Griboedov was very good for her young wife, worried about her (Nina was very hard for the pregnancy).

On January 30, 1829, the crowd, incited by Muslim fanatics, defeated the Russian mission in Tehran. With the defeat of the embassy, \u200b\u200bthe Russian envoy Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov was killed. The inequate crowd dragged his disgusting corpse through the streets a few days, and then threw into a common pit, where his comrades were already lying. Later it was identified only on the Misintsian left hand worn on the duel.

Having expected her husband in Tavriz Nina did not know about his death; Worry about her health surrounding the terrible news. On February 13, at an urgent request, she left Tavriz and went to Tiflis. Only here she was told that her husband was dead. From stress she had premature childbirth.

April 30, Griboedov ash brought to Gerrhers, where the coffin saw A.c. Pushkin, mentioning this in his "journey to Arzrum". In June, Griboedov's body finally arrived in Tiflis, and on June 18, 1829, the land was betrayed near the Church of St. David, according to the wishes of Griboedov, who somehow said to his wife: "Do not leave my bones in Persia; if you die there, Tiflis, in the monastery of St. David. " Nina fulfilled the will of her husband. Buried him where he asked; At the grave of her husband, Nina Alexandrovna set the chapel, and in it - a monument depicting a woman who is praying and crying before the crucifixion is the emblem of her. On the monument, the following inscription: "Your mind and your deeds are immortal in the memory of Russian; but why did my love ever survive?"