Annotation Fabulous incident Platonov love for homeland. Andrei Platonov Love for the Motherland, or the Travel of Sparrow (a fabulous incident)

Annotation Fabulous incident Platonov love for homeland. Andrei Platonov Love for the Motherland, or the Travel of Sparrow (a fabulous incident)

The abstract of the lesson of literary reading.

4th grade

Topic: A.P.Platonov "Love for the Motherland, or a Journey Sparrow"

The purpose of the lesson : Formation of the spiritual culture of the child, its aesthetic taste through the analysis of the fairy tale A. Platonova "Love for the Motherland or a Vorobya's Travel".

MetaPered Wood:


Establishment of causal relationships,

Advance hypotheses and their rationale.

Search and selection of necessary information;

Definition of primary and secondary information;


- control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given benchmark in order to detect deviations and differences from the reference;

- correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of the discrepancy of the standard, real action and its product;

- evaluation - Isolation and awareness of students that have already been learned and what is still subject to assimilation, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation.


Formulation of issues - initiative cooperation in the search and collection of information;

Conflict resolution - identification, identification of the problem, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve the conflict, decision making and its implementation;

Partner's behavior management - control, correction, assessment of partner actions;

The ability to listen and hear a partner, coordinate points of view and position

Equipment: Sheets A4, felt-tipers, song "What is homeland", cards for groups, presentation.

Work organization

During the classes:

Stage call .

The topic is recorded on the board, the blank is made for the cluster.

1. The organizational moment.

2. Introduction to the topic.

Listen to a musical fragment. Determine its topic (about the Motherland, about love for the Motherland)

Composers, artists, poets and writers wrote about love. Name the names of poets, the topic of whose poems is love for the Motherland (scars, Bunin, Block, Balmont, Fet, Nekrasov, Pushkin).

Love for homeland multifaceted. Poets and writers show us this feeling, opening the episodes from our life or the life of their characters. So, for example, Andrei Platonov arrived.

Open learning hostesten on with. 136. Claim:

    Headline work.

    Genre of the work.

    Fairy tale literary or folk? Explain the answer.

Who is the main character of the fairy tales? (Old violinist musician)

What a fairy tale? (about the life of the old violinist)

Lesson We will devote to find a response to the question: what, according to Platonov, includes the concept of "life".

Reception "Cluster". Form of work: group.

1) Organization of independent work.

Discuss what the concept of "life" includes.

Write down the word or phrase on a sheet strip felt-tip. The number of filled bands determines the group.

On the execution of a task 2-3 minutes.

2) Organization of the exchange of views.

Listen to the answer of one group. Then, using key words, representatives of the remaining groups are responsible for each other:

"We agree ..

We want to add ..

We want to clarify ...)

Conference content

Now we proceed to the study of the fabulous incident described by Platonic.

Reception "Reading with Stopping"

Form of work: group.

1 Stop "Acquaintance Musician with Sparrow"

She is in: Why did the violinist loved Tver Boulevard?

( Boulevard is located in the very center of Moscow, he is surrounded by high houses, people hurry through the streets. And all this looks from the height of our great poet A.S. Pushkin, thoughtful and slightly sad. It is love for Moscow, to his homeland and makes the violinist go to Tver Boulevard.
- What do you think, why exactly the monument to Pushkin loved to play violinist?
Maybe the very figure of the poet, and his poems written on the pedestal, inspired the old musician to awaken in people the feelings of good music).
HF: Why did the violinist play a violin to Pushkin's monument?

(The old man suffered from the thought that he did not bring any good to people, and therefore voluntarily went to the boulevard. There, the sounds of his violin were heard in the air, in the dusk, at least they came to the depths of the human heart, touched his tender and courageous force Higher lovely life. The violinist wanted to give people a good, because I did it all my life and could not get used to the thought of my uselessness. In addition, he would be alone, and among the passers-by Tver Boulevard he was cozy and warmer than in an empty apartment: around him People gathered, and he became easier and joyful).

What is the new component of the formula?

(ability to give good, bring happiness to people)

HF: What did the musician do with money that the music listeners put on the violin case?

She is in: Why didn't the old man take money for his work?

(He played not because of the money, but simply for people. He disinterestedly gave people his own warmth. He was enough for him that he was listening to tears in his eyes. Therefore, the musician never opened the cap of the violin case, while he did not get a gray sparrow. ).

What is the new component of the formula?

(The ability to love disinterestedly, selflessness).
HF: How did the sparrow and the old musician get acquainted?

She is in: What feeling caused a sparrow from the old musician? Why?

(The musician was surprised that this bird is not yet sleeping and even in the dark evening is engaged in work on his food. He thought about the difficult fate of Sparrow. He became sorry for a small bird. He felt compassion, empathy).
HF: How did the violinist prepared for the meeting with Sparrow the next day?

She is in: Why was the musician attached to the sparrow?

(The old man felt something related: old age, loneliness, nobleness. He realized that the bird needed care and love, and gladly began to give her a feeling. He wandered when the sparrow did not fly and "felt good in his heart "When he slandered bread inside the case

    Ability to compassion, sympathize


    Ability to love disinterestedly.

    The ability to give good.

2 Stop "Sparrow in a paradise country"

HF: Description of the country of eternal summer.

She is in: Why is the sparrow (in a paradise country)?

(Sparrow Scheduled by the usual acid of simple black bread. No familiar and relatives)


She is in: Why did the sparrow settled on the shore of the stream?

(He chose the shore of the stream, covered with small stones. This place reminded him of his homeland).
She is in: Who chose himself as a friend? Why?

HF: Description of the permanent residence of Sparrow.

HF: What did the sparrow dreamed of a paradise country?

She is in: Why did the sparrow move to a naked rock?

(He hoped that a storm would ever come back and she would snew his sleeping, with a stone and would take back home on Tverskaya Boulevard).

What are the new components of the formula?

    Love to motherland

    Feeling of kinship, roots.

3 Stop "Musician and Turtle"

HF: Why did the musician bought a turtle?

She is in: Why, living with the turtle, the violinist rarely go to the monument to Pushkin?

HF: Why did the musician remembered about Sparrow and regretted him?

She is in: Did the turtle understand music?

4 Stop "Sparrow and Hurricane"

She is in: Like a sparrow life in hurricane satisfied? Explain the answer.

HF: How did the sparrow mined meat in hurricane?

She is in: What lacked the sparrow in the hurricane?

HF: Why was the sparrow afraid that the wind would stop blowing?

5 Stop "New Meeting of the Old Scripper and Sparrow"

What is the name of the fairy tale?

Who traveled?

Where did the vorobay journey?

(on foreign and back, home)

A miracle happens: Sparrow falls into the house of the old musician and comes to life. Why could the sparrow come down?

(warret warm body, soul)

Why does a fabulous journey ends tragically?

Possible answer:

Sparrow from those who are used to explicitly take the necessary from life. So, the sparrow is devoid of life-giving, which, according to Platonov, are labor, the ability and willingness to love, give. It is, thanks to them, a miracle of life is possible.

Sparrow was not unable to bring separation from homeland.


Form of work: frontal.

Reception "Brain Attack".

Frontally, orally.

What is the name of Platonov's work?

A fabulous incident is related only to the sparrow?

(No. The name belongs to both the main characters: a small gray bird and an old musician).

What unites two souls who encountered on Tver Boulevard? (love to motherland)

How does each of them love their homeland? For an answer, you can use the tip:

Consciously / not consciously, the homeland is associated / wants to bring.

Possible answer:

The first loves his land unconsciously, associating it with a Tversky boulevard and black bread, but without these two components there is no life for him. Even the paradise bush do not overshadow them.
The second (musician) loves his homeland deliberately and wants to bring her to people well, even when no one demands from him, but his soul asks for an active good for everyone who needs it.

What is in Platonov's life? Rate the scheme, determine whether it needs to adjust. If you need to add a scheme, use paper strips.

Each group calls one component of the "Formula of Life". Moving according to the scheme clockwise.

I agree guys, with you that life is lyubov to the surrounding people, the ability to compassion, empathy, work for the benefit of people and themselves, the ability to overcome various circumstances, love for their homeland, mercy.

The fairy tale is a lie, yes in it hint. What does the author call us?

Possible answer:

Our streets and boulevards are still full of lonely old people. They need care and warmth, and sometimes just a gloomy look and a kind word. Do not regret the warmth of the soul.
"Making good people - a good one."
"Hurry to do good deeds" - A.Ya. Yashin.

Reception "Brain Attack".

Frontally, orally.

What kind of homework may be on the work of Andrei Platonov?

    Drawing up a fairy tale plan.

    Retelling (brief, creative, selective)


    Compilation of crossword or test.

    Come up with a continuation of the fairy tale.

    Draw an illustration for a fairy tale and sign it with rows from a fairy tale.

    Selection of proverbs. Explanation of your choice.

Select one or more tasks from the proposed, execute it (them) to the next lesson.

The lesson is over.

Thank you for work. I wish success in the next lesson.

Cluster option.

Internet resources:

Development of the lesson of literature in grade 6

SUBJECT. Life Formula of the Heroes of the story of A. Blotonova "Love for the Motherland, or

Travel Sparrow.

Objectives: Help students to determine the formula of A. Blotonov;

to convey to the guys trepidate penetration, the innercy of the

tonov intonation;

intensify the understanding of the philosophical narrator of the story;

relieving kindness, mercy, hard work in students.


To live is to constantly work, give people joy to be someone necessary, take care of someone, love.



1. Slovo teacher. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, you read the story of A.P.Platonov "Love for the Motherland, or a Journey Sparrow." You probably watched a fabulous incident in which the everyday reality and fabulous motives were bizarked and at the same time.

What questions did you have after reading this story? What excited you?

2. Analysis of text.

So what is this story? What an important, secretly wanted to tell the reader the author?

Wordwork: The intimate - holy stored and secret, sincere.

/ About love for homeland, about mercy, about love for everything alive /

Wordwork: Mercy - willingness to help someone. Or forgive someone. From compassion, philanthy.

    And he, probably, how difficult to live in the world.

    What is the genre of this story?

/ Fabulous incident /

    And it acquires parable sound.

Wordwork: Parable - like design stories with moral.

Allegory - an expression containing other


And this fabulous incident encourages to think about life: about what is necessary in order to live, and what life is impossible without which life.

And some of its terms you have already called.

Love to motherland?

Mercy Life?

Love to everything alive?

    But why, contrary to our expectation of a happy end of fabulous

the incident of the Sparrow dies? Casual death?

To answer these and other questions, look at the heroes, to how they live. And in the course of the conversation, we try to determine what was a prerequisite for the lively of the violinist and sparrow.

Therefore, the topic of our lesson will sound like this ...

3. Analytical conversation in the image of the violinist.

We look at the old musician. How do you imagine him?

/ Gray-haired, slightly sutured, in a coat and a hat, in hand the case in which the violin is located. /

What makes the musician go to the Tverskaya Boulevard every day and play the monument to Pushkin?

Tver Boulevard

/ Old musician "missed the thought that he does not bring people any good, and therefore voluntarily walked to play the boulevard." His music consoles people, she adds to hearts. /

Have you ever heard violin sounds? Let's listen.

4 . Music: Fragment of the musical work of the Schubert Composer "Winter Way" - disk.

Why does music sound bad in the grindness of the room?

/ "The melody sounded badly in the crashes of the room, she touched only one-sole soul of the violinist, and this was not enough, or his soul became poor in old age."

No, he did not become a poor soul: music - his disinterested dar of goodunfamiliar people, random passers-by.

Why does the violinist playing the monument to Pushkin?

Monument to Pushkin (painting)

/ Because there is a simple violinist, and the great poet with their art gives people good and happiness (on the monument inscription: "And I will be the people for a long time that I am kind and the people that I wake up."). Therefore, they are near. /

Why doesn't he take money for his game?

/ He is uncanyten. He gives pleasure to play for others, he is glad that his art needs to people. /

Why did the old man loved the sparrow so much and every day I wore her bread?

/ Violinist felt something related: old age, loneliness ...

His kindness warms his heart: he thinks in the warmth of his room

the sparrow would move and winter, as in pensions /

Who will give her music and love violinist after the disappearance of the sparrow?

/ Crotch turtle, which will scratch his loneliness. /

Why does he sometimes wake up at night?

/ From fear that dies, but the consciousness that he has a live turtle, soothe him, gave the strength to live. /

So for whom does a musician live?

5. Analytical conversation in the image of Sparrow.

Now let's turn to the second character of the story - Sparrow.

So, the sparrow suddenly disappears ... where does it turn out to be? Retell this episode.

Retelling episode "in a paradise country."

The Moscow Sparrow will turn out to be in a paradise country, where the eternal summer reigns, and the abundance of natural gifts allows not to take care of the bread, "because it was enough to slander one oily berry in the grass in order to satisfy it for the whole day and all night."

But is everything so good there for Sparrow?

/Not. It hurts on black bread. Sparrow tortured sorrow of loneliness, although near beautiful birds singing sweet songs. /

Who becomes his friend in this country?

/ Lonely snake without poison and without teeth, too old. /

Remember, and the old man?

/ Turtle and snake for many centuries are the symbols of wisdom and knowledge. /

What dreams of sparrow?

/ About native Tver boulevard. /

So, homesickness.

And a miracle happens, truly fabulous ... What?

/ Sparrow, having completed the second journey - home, falls into the house of the old musician and comes to life warmed by heart warmth. /

... and dies.

Why a fabulous incident - contrary to a fabulous tradition - is tragic? Why dies Sparrow?

/ Sparrow was an old, patient, he did not suffer such a long journey from the hot country to Moscow - the heart could not stand, and maybe he hit the stones strongly, falling from the sky ... /

So, the death of Sparrow is not accidental ... Let's try to figure it out.

Remember how Sparrow lives?

/ To the monument arrives when he is hungry, and the musician is waiting for him every day. /

And how does it take bread brought by violinist?

6 Mars of reading episodes.

/ Sparrow flew only on the fourth day, "without interference I got on bread in a case and began to peck in business ready food "- C134;

some time later - "He immediately sank into the case and began to peck ready Bread "- p.135 /

"He's already accustomed to live in a bore and eat it abundantly. He did not want to extract her feed on the boulevard constant predatoryness... He regretted only that there is no brinze crumbs among all this mighty wind "- with. fourteen

How used to live a sparrow?

And when the sparrow is satisfied with life, he sings a song. Who? / Myself. /

Remembers the sparrow about the old man-violin?

/Not. He and his music does not hear, unlike the turtle. /

Does he love anyone who thinks about whom? No one loves, thinks only about himself.

This manifests itself indifference To others.

And the sparrow is deprived of that, thanks to which it is possible a miracle of life: Abilities and readiness to love, give, give, work.

7. Bottles.

What made the story of A. Blotonova?

/ Concern for others, compassion - an indispensable living condition; Heartness, kindness - its main wealth. /

The writer of Platonov himself treated plants and animals as equal to themselves, so the hero of his story musician is hard to experience the death of Sparrow.

"But in music lacked something for the complete consolation of the grieving heart of the old man. Then he put the violin in place and cry. "

What is the main topic of the story?

/ Love to the Motherland, to the whole living, for life. /

What did the writer tell us this story? (Idea)

/ You need to learn how to give good, love all living on Earth, live for others, work. /

A.A. Platonov himself says this.

8. Confection to the epigraph.

Portrait of Platonov and Epigraph

Mercy, kindness is the basis of life. You are writing about this and in your writings on the topic "Dose's lessons."

9.The following excerpts from writings - Excerpts are highlighted in advance by the teacher.

10.Connect . (Reading teacher poem K. Kuliyev.)

Look at the world with good eyes.

We, people, only good brings happiness,

It is always stronger than evil,


It is our prayer and praise.

K. Kuliev.

On this, our meeting with A.P.Platonov does not end ...

Andrei Platonov

Love for the Motherland, or Travel Sparrow (Fabulous incident)

The old violinist musician loved to play at the foot of the Pushkin monument. This monument is in Moscow, at the beginning of the Tver Boulevard, poems are written on it, and from all four sides, marble steps are risening. Having risen over these steps to the very pedestal, the old musician appealed to the boulevard, to the distant Nikitsky gate, and tried the bow of the strings on the violin. The monument was now gathered by children, passersby, readers of newspapers from the local kiosk - and they all stunned in anticipation of music, because the music comforts people, she promises them happiness and glorious life. The case with his violin musician put on the ground against the monument, he was closed, and there was a piece of black bread and an apple in it so that you could eat when it wanted.

Another old man went to play in the evening, according to the first dusk. For his music was helpful, so that the world was quieter and the dark. He did not know the troubles from their old age, because he received a pension from the state and fed enough. But the old man missed the thought that he did not bring people any good, and therefore voluntarily walked to play the boulevard. There, the sounds of his violin were heard in the air, in dusk, and even though they reached the depths of the human heart, touched by his tender and courageous force, who fascinated to live the highest, wonderful life. Some music listeners took money to give them an old man, but did not know where to put them: the case from the violin was closed, and the musician himself was high on the foot of the monument, almost next to Pushkin. Then people put the grivens and a penny on the cover of the case. However, the old man did not want to cover his need due to the art of music; Hiding the violin back into the case, he shouted with him money to earth, not paying attention to their value. It went home late, sometimes at midnight, when the people became rare, and only some random lonely man listened to his music. But the old man could play for one person and milked the work to the end until the listener went out, pecking into the darkness of him. Maybe he had his own grief, alarmed now a song of art, and maybe he became conscientious that he lives wrong, or just he drank wine ...

In the late autumn, the old man noticed that she was on the case, as usual, gone on the ground, sat down Sparrow. The musician was surprised that this bird is still not sleeping and even in the dark of the evening is engaged in working on its food. True, it's hard for the day now: all the trees have already fallen up for the winter, the insects died, the earth in the city of Goal and Hungry, because the horses rarely and the prisoners are removed behind them. Where, in fact, eat in autumn and in winter Sparrow? After all, the wind in the city is weak and scoolen between the houses, "he does not hold a sparrow when he extends tired wings, so that the sparrow has to wave them all the time.

Sparrow, examining the entire cover of the case, did not find anything useful on her. Then he moved the money coins with legs, took from them the beak, the smallest bronze penny and flew away to it unknown. So he was not afraid - at least something, and took it! Let him live and cares, he also needs to exist.

On another evening, the old violinist opened the case - in the incident that if yesterday's sparrow arrives, so he can feed the pulp of bread, which lay at the bottom of the case. However, the sparrow did not appear, probably, he was located somewhere else, and a penny was not suitable anywhere.

The old man was still patiently awaited Sparrow, and on the fourth day he again saw him. Sparrow, without interference, sat on the bread in the case and the business began to peck ready-made food. The musician came down from the monument, approached the case and quietly considered a small bird. The sparrow was suspended, holly, and many feathers were saddown; From time to time, he glaredly looked around, in order to see the enemy and a friend with accuracy, and the musician was surprised at his calm, reasonable eyes. It must be, this sparrow was very old or unhappy, because he had already managed to make a big mind from grief, troubles and longevity.

For several days, the sparrow did not appear on the boulevard; Meanwhile, pure snow fell and frosted. The old man, before going to the boulevard, crumbled soft warm warm bread into the violin case daily. Standing at the height of the foot of the monument, playing a gentle melody, the old man constantly monitored his opening case, behind the neighboring paths and died flower bushes on the summer flower bed. The musician expected the sparrow and wandered on it: where is he sitting and warmed up, what does he eat in the cold snow? Quiet and light burned lights around the monument to Pushkin, beautiful clean people lit by electricity and snow, gently passed by the monument, removing in their important and happy business. The old man played further, hiding in himself a pathetic sense of sadness along a small diligent bird, which lived now somewhere and exhausted.

But five more days passed, and the sparrow did not fly to the monument to Pushkin. The old violinist still left an outdoor case with an accomplished bread for him, but the sense of the musician was already told from waiting, and he began to forget the sparrow. The old man had a lot to forget in their life irrevocably. And the violinist stopped crumbling bread, he was now lying in the case with a whole piece, and only the musician cover left open.

In the depths of winter, near midnight, the gym began once. The old man played the last thing "Winter Road" of Schubert and was going to leave on peace. At that hour, a familiar gray sparrow appeared from the middle of the wind and snow. He sat down thin, insignificant paws on frosty snow; Then she looked a bit around the case, concealed through the whole body with vortices, but indifferent to them and fearing, - and flew inside the case. There, the sparrow began to peck bread, almost undergoing in his warm pulp. He ate for a long time, probably entirely half an hour; Already a blizzard almost completely covered the place of the case of a case, and the sparrow still moved inside the snow, working on his food. So he knew how to squeeze for a long time. The old man approached the case with a violin and bow and long expected among the vortex when the sparrow will free the case. Finally, the sparrow got out, he cleaned in a small snowdrift, briefly said something and ran away on foot to his overnight, did not want to fly around the cold wind so as not to spend in vain his power.

The next evening, the same sparrow arrived again to the monument to Pushkin; He immediately sank into the case and began to peck ready-made bread. The old man looked at him from the height of the foot of the monument, playing music from the violin from there and felt good in his heart. On this evening, the weather stood quiet, as if tired after yesterday's caustic gym. Favoring, the sparrow took off the case from the case and muttered a small song in the air ...

In the morning I will not sleep for a long time. Waking up in your room, the pensioner musician heard the singing of the blizzard outside the window. Frosty, rigid snow carried along the alley and blew the daylight. On the window glass still at night, in darkness, frozen forests and flowers of an unknown magic country lay down. The old man began to admire this inspired Nature Iron, exactly nature also languished for the better happiness, like a person and music.

Going to play Tverskaya Boulevard today no longer have. Today she sings the storm, and the sounds of the violin will be too weak. Nevertheless, the old man was dressed in the evening in the coat, put his head and neck with a shawl, chopped bread in his pocket and left out. With difficulty, choking from the hardened cold and wind, the musician went on his lane to Tver Boulevard. Carefully crossed the icing branches of trees on the boulevard, and the monument itself was sadly a rustle from the flying snow fading. The old man wanted to put bread lumps on the step of the monument, but he saw that it was useless: the storm would immediately take her bread, and the snow was snowing him. All the same, the musician left his bread on the steps and saw it disappeared into the dusk storm.

In the evening, the musician sat at home alone; He played on his violin, but there was no one to listen to him, and the melody sounded bad in the emptiness of the room, she touched only one-sole soul of the violinist, and this was not enough, or his soul became poor from old age. He stopped playing. The street was a stream of hurricane, it's bad, probably now sparrows. The old man approached the window and listened to the strength of the storm through the frozen glass. Is there really a gray sparrow and will not be afraid to fly to the monument to Pushkin to eat bread from the case?

The gray sparrow was not frightened by a snow hurricane. Only he did not fly to the Tver Boulevard, but went on foot, because the bottom was slightly quieter and it is possible to take place behind the local snow snowdrifts and a different passing subject items.

The sparrow carefully examined the entire neighborhood around the monument to Pushkin and even rummaged with the legs in the snow, where an outdoor case with bread usually stood. Several times he tried to take off from the leeward side on the bare, blown up the steps of the monument to look, did the hurricane of any crumbs or old grains brought there They could catch and swallow. However, the storm immediately took the sparrow, as soon as he broke away from the snow, and carried him away until he hit the trunk of a tree or a tram mast, and then the sparrow fell as quickly and fell into the snow to warm up and relax. Soon the sparrow stopped hoping for food. He burgells to the hole in the snow, squeezed in her and tricked up: if only he could not froze and die, and the storm will ever end. Still, slept a sparrow carefully, sensitive, tracing in a dream for the action of a hurricane. Among sleep and night, the sparrow noticed that the Snow Budgor, in which he slept, crawled together with him, and then all the snow around him collapsed, scattered, and the sparrow was left alone in the hurricane.

Sparrow suffered in the distance, on a large empty height. There was no snow here, but only a naked pure wind, solid from its own compressed strength. The sparrow thought, curled his body saved and fell asleep in this hurricane.

Having slept, he woke up, but the storm still carried him. Sparrow has already mastered the sparrow to live in the hurricane, it was even easier for him to exist now, because he did not feel the severity of his body and did not need to go or fly or take care of anything. Sparrow looked around in the gloom of the storm, - he wanted to understand what time was now: day or night. But it was not able to see the light or darkness through the dusk, and he climbed and fell asleep, trying to save warmly at least inside himself, and let the feathers and skin be cooled.

When the sparrow woke up for the second time, it was still carrying a storm. He became now having to get used to her, only his concern for food. Cold Sparrow now did not feel, but there was no warmth, - he was only trembling in this dusk and a stream of empty air. Sparrow squeezed again, trying not to conscious anything until the hurricane would do.

Woke up sparrow on Earth, in clean and warm silence. He lay on the leaves of a big green grass. Unknown and invisible birds sang long, musical songs, so the sparrow was surprised and listened to them for a while. Then he removed and cleaned his feathers after the blizzard and went fed.

Here, probably, the eternal summer went, and therefore there was a lot of food. Almost every grass had fruit on themselves. On the stems between the leaves were hung either euros with grains, or soft pods with small spicy cakes, or a large hearty berry grew openly. Sparrow Kleval all day until he was ashamed and disgusting, he came his senses and stopped there, although he could have to eat a little more.

After the night on herbal stem, the sparrow began to eat again in the morning. However, he ate now a little. Yesterday, he did not notice the taste of food from a strong hunger, and today it felt that all the fruits of herbs and shrubs were too sweet or, on the contrary, bitter. But in the fruits there was a large nutritionality, in the form of a thick, almost intoxicating fat, and the sparrow fell slightly on the second day and seized. And at night it began to torment the heartburn, and then the sparrow fell according to the usual acid of a simple black bread; His minor guts and stomachs were bored with a feeling of warm, dark pulp in a musician case at the monument to Pushkin.

Soon the sparrow was completely sad on this summer, peaceful land. Sweetness and abundance of food, air light and fragrance of plants did not attract it. Stone in the shadow of the thickets, the sparrow did not meet anywhere or a friend nor a relative: here the sparrows did not live. Local, obese birds had multicolored, beautiful feathers; They usually sat on the wood branches and sang out beautiful songs from there, as if from their throat there was light. They ate these birds rarely, because it was enough to shove one oily berry in the grass to saturate all day and all night.

Sparrow began to live alone. He gradually pulled out all the local country, rising from the ground just above the shrub, and there was a thick grove of herbs and flowers everywhere, thick low trees singing, proud birds and a blue, windless sky. Even the rains here went only at night, when everyone slept, so that bad weather did not spoke anyone's mood.

After a sparrow time, I found myself a permanent place to live. It was a coast of a stream, covered with small stones, where nothing grew, where the land lay more scarce and uncomfortable.

In the coastal cleft, there was still one snake there, but she did not have poison and teeth, it was fed that he swallowed wet soil, like a worm, - and small earth animals remained in her inside, and the pesting land came back away. Sparrow made friends with this snake. He often came to her and looked into her dark, friendly eyes, and snake also looked at the sparrow. Then the sparrow went, and it became easier for him to live alone after a date with the snake.

Downstream the pole saw once saw a rather high, naked rock. He took off to her and decided to spend the night here, on the elevated stone, every night. The Sparrow hoped that a storm would ever come and she would be silent his sleeping, from the stone and would take back home, on the Tver Boulevard. The first night to sleep on a cool cliff was inconvenient, however, on the second night, the sparrow was already accustomed to and slept on the stone, deeply, as in the nest heated by the hope of a storm.

The old musician realized that the gray, familiar sparrow was killed forever in the winter hurricane. Snowfall, cold days and blizzards often did not allow the old man to go to the Tver Violin Boulevard.

On such days, the musician was sitting at home, and his only consolation was to look at the frozen window glass, where it was folded and destroyed in silence the picture of the overgrown, magic country, inhabited, probably alone birds. The old person could not assume that his sparrow now lives in a warm, blooming edge and sleeps, but at night on a high stone, putting himself under the wind ... In February, the musician bought himself in the zoological store on Arbat a small turtle. He was once read that the turtles live for a long time, and the old man did not want that the creature to which his heart would get used before him. In old age, the soul does not heal, it suffers for a long time, so let the turtle survive his death.

Living with a turtle, the musician began to go to the monument to Pushkin quite rarely. Now, he played at home every evening on the violin, and the turtle slowly went to the middle of the room, pulled her lull, long neck and listened to music. She turned his head a little away from a person, for sure to be better to hear, and one of her black eyes with a gentle expression looked at the musician. The turtle, probably, was afraid that the old man stops playing and her will again be boring to live alone on the naked floor. But the musician played for the turtle until late at night, while the turtle did not put his little head on the floor in fatigue and in a dream. Having waited when the turtle closes the eyelid wrinkles, the old man hid a violin into the case and himself went down on peace. But the musician slept badly. In the body, it was shot somewhere, then Schemo, then a heart came in, and he often suddenly woke up in fear that he dies. It was usually found that he was still alive and outside the window, in the Moscow lane, continued a quiet night. In March, the old man heard the mighty wind, waking up from fading a heart; The glass in the window was fatty: the wind, probably, blew from the south, from the spring side. And the old man remembered about the sparrow and regretted him that he died: Soon there will be summer, the trees and sparrow will again be resurrected in the world. And for the winter, the musician would take him to his room, the sparrow would make friends with the turtle and freely moved the winter in warmth, as in retirement ... The old man fell asleep again, calming down the fact that he had a live turtle and this is enough.

Sparrow also slept on this night, although he flew in the hurricane southern wind. He woke up only for an instant when the hurricane punching him from the sublime stone, but, glading, she fell asleep again, squeezing to warmer his body. I woke up the sparrow already shouted; The wind carried his mighty force in the distant side. Sparrow was not afraid of flight and height; He stirred inside the hurricane, as in a heavy, viscous test, said something for himself something and felt that he wanted to eat. Sparrow looked at caution and noticed surveillance objects around him. He carefully considered them and found out: they had separate fat beating from a warm country, grain, pods and whole ears, and even the whole bushes and wood branches flew away from the sparrow. So, the wind took it with his one, Sparrow. Little grain rushed at all next to the sparrow, but it was difficult to grab it, thanks to the wind gravity: the sparrow turned the beak several times, and I could not get the grain, because the beak rested in the storm, like a stone. Then the sparrow began to rotate around himself: he turned over with his legs up, released one wing, and the wind immediately demolished him aside - first to close grain, and the sparrow spoiled him, and then the sparrow passed away to further berries and ear. He fed himself to fellowship and, moreover, learned how to move almost across the storm. Having attempted, Sparrow decided to fall asleep. It was good now: abundant food flew next to him, and he did not feel cold or warmth among hurricane. Sparrow slept and woke up, but waking up, again lay down the legs up the legs up to sleep on the rest. In the intervals between one bed and the other, he fed from the ambient air; Sometimes any berry or a sweet stuffing pod nullly nailed to the body of Sparrow, and then he could only shove and swallow this food. However, the Sparrow was afraid that the wind would someday stop blowing, and he was already used to living in a bora and eat it abundantly. He did not want to extract his feed on the boulevards of constant predatoryness, chuck in winter and wander on foot on the empty asphalt, so as not to spend the strength on the flight against the wind. He regretted only that there is no thick black bread crumbs among all this mighty wind, the sweetness or bitterness flies. Fortunately for the Sparrow, the storm went for a long time, and, waking up, he felt weightless again and tried to hum myself song from satisfaction with life.

In the spring evening, the old violinist went out to play to the monument to Pushkin almost daily. He took the turtle with his own and put it on his paws near himself. At the time of the music of the turtle, the violin listened motionless and patiently waited for continuation during breaks. The case from the violin was still lying on the ground against the monument, but the case of the case was now constantly closed, because the old man no longer expects to visit the guests of the gray sparrow.

A wind with snow began to one of the stool evenings. The musician hid the turtle for the sinus, folded the violin into the case and went to the apartment. At home, he, as usual, fed the turtle, and then placed her on the rest of the box with a cotton. After that old man wanted to take up tea to sink the stomach and extend the evening time. However, there was no kerosene in the preims and the bottle was also empty. The musician went to buy kerosene on the Bronnaya Street. The wind has already stopped; Fallen weak, wet snow. On the bronnaya selling kerosene closed on the exchange of goods, so the old man had to go to the Nikitsky gate.

By purchasing kerosene, the violinist went back home in the fresh, taking the snow. Two boys stood at the gate of an old residential building, and one of them told the musician:

- Uncle, buy a bird with us ... We are not enough for a movie!

The violinist stopped.

"Come on," he said. - Where did you get it?

"She fell from the sky to the stones herself," the boy replied and gave a bird to a musician in two folded horses.

The bird probably was dead. The old man put her in his pocket, paid twenty kopecks boy and went on.

Houses The musician took the bird from his pocket to the light. The gray sparrow lay in his hand; His eyes were closed, the legs were helplessly bent, and one wing hung without power. It is impossible to understand whether the sparrow is measured for a while or forever. Just in case, the old man put a sparrow for her sinus under the night shirt - by the morning he either will be warm or never wakes up.

Wrking tea, the musician carefully lay down on the side, not wanting to damage the sparrow.

Soon, the old man snapped, but immediately woke up: the sparrow moved from him under his shirt and slammed him into the body. "Alive! - thought the old man. - So, his heart moved away from death! " - And he took a sparrow from warmth under his shirt.

The musician laid a revived bird on the night to the turtle. She slept in the box, "Wat lay there, there will be gently.

At dawn, the old man finally woke up and looked, which makes the turtle sparrow.

Sparrow lay on cotton with thin legs up, and turtle, stretching her neck, looked at him with good, patient eyes. Sparrow died and forgot forever, that he was in the world.

In the evening, the old musician did not go to the Tver Boulevard. He took out a violin from the case and began to play gentle, happy music. The turtle came out for the middle of the room and began to listen to him alone. But in music lacked something for the complete consolation of the grieving heart of the old man. Then he put the violin in place and cry.

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Platonov Andrey
Love for the Motherland, or Travel Sparrow

Andrei Platonovich Platonov

Love for the Motherland, or Travel Sparrow

(Fabulous incident)

The old violinist musician loved to play at the foot of the Pushkin monument. This monument is in Moscow, at the beginning of the Tver Boulevard, poems are written on it, and from all four sides, marble steps are risening. Having risen over these steps to the very pedestal, the old musician appealed to the boulevard, to the distant Nikitsky gate, and tried the bow of the strings on the violin. The monument was now gathered by children, passersby, readers of newspapers from the local kiosk - and they all stunned in anticipation of music, because the music comforts people, she promises them happiness and glorious life. The case with his violin musician put on the ground against the monument, he was closed, and there was a piece of black bread and an apple in it so that you could eat when it wanted.

Another old man went to play in the evening, according to the first dusk. For his music was helpful, so that the world was quieter and the dark. He did not know the troubles from their old age, because he received a pension from the state and fed enough. But the old man missed the thought that he did not bring people any good, and therefore voluntarily walked to play the boulevard. There, the sounds of his violin were heard in the air, in dusk, and even though they reached the depths of the human heart, touched by his tender and courageous force, who fascinated to live the highest, wonderful life. Some music listeners took money to give them an old man, but did not know where to put them: the case from the violin was closed, and the musician himself was high on the foot of the monument, almost next to Pushkin. Then people put the grivens and a penny on the cover of the case. However, the old man did not want to cover his need due to the art of music; Hiding the violin back into the case, he shouted with him money to earth, not paying attention to their value. It went home late, sometimes at midnight, when the people became rare, and only some random lonely man listened to his music. But the old man could play for one person and milked the work to the end until the listener went out, pecking into the darkness of him. Maybe he had his own grief, alarmed now a song of art, and maybe he became conscientious that he lives wrong, or just he drank wine ...

In the late autumn, the old man noticed that she was on the case, as usual, gone on the ground, sat down Sparrow. The musician was surprised that this bird is still not sleeping and even in the dark of the evening is engaged in working on its food. True, it's hard for the day now: all the trees have already fallen up for the winter, the insects died, the earth in the city of Goal and Hungry, because the horses rarely and the prisoners are removed behind them. Where, in fact, eat in autumn and in winter Sparrow? After all, the wind in the city is weak and scoolen between the houses, "he does not hold a sparrow when he extends tired wings, so that the sparrow has to wave them all the time.

Sparrow, examining the entire cover of the case, did not find anything useful on her. Then he moved the money coins with legs, took from them the beak, the smallest bronze penny and flew away to it unknown. So he did not give for nothing - at least something, but took! Let him live and cares, he also needs to exist.

On another evening, the old violinist opened the case - in the incident that if yesterday's sparrow arrives, so he can feed the pulp of bread, which lay at the bottom of the case. However, the sparrow did not appear, probably, he was located somewhere else, and a penny was not suitable anywhere.

The old man was still patiently awaited Sparrow, and on the fourth day he again saw him. Sparrow, without interference, sat on the bread in the case and the business began to peck ready-made food. The musician came down from the monument, approached the case and quietly considered a small bird. The sparrow was suspended, holly, and many feathers were saddown; From time to time, he glaredly looked around, in order to see the enemy and a friend with accuracy, and the musician was surprised at his calm, reasonable eyes. It must be, this sparrow was very old or unhappy, because he had already managed to make a big mind from grief, troubles and longevity.

For several days, the sparrow did not appear on the boulevard; Meanwhile, pure snow fell and frosted. The old man, before going to the boulevard, crumbled soft warm warm bread into the violin case daily. Standing

end of the introductory fragment

The main characters of the story of Andrei Platonova "Love for the Motherland or a Journey of Sparrow" is an elderly violinist and an old sparrow. The violinist lived in Moscow and he had a habit every day to come to the monument to Pushkin and playing there for people on the violin. Old violinist played not because of money, he had enough pension. But he believed that something useful for other people should do.

Once in the fall, when the violinist played at the monument, the old sparrow was sat down on his violin's case, who was looking for feed for himself. He did not find anything edible and flew away. The next time, the violinist left the case open, and inside the case lay a piece of black bread. Sparrow Failed his boldly, and rowed to rest in the bushes.

So old violinist began to feed the old sparrow by bread. But once the sparrow disappeared, and the violinist, waiting for him for several days, decided that the Sparrow died. Then the violinist bought a turtle, and began to play at home for her violin.

And the old sparrow was alive. The hurricane wind took it in a distant country, where he lived and satisfying. At first, the Sparrow rejoiced his life in warmth and satiety, but over time he began to wander to his native land. The too satisfying food of a warm country, which was either sweet or bitter, he was tired, and most of all wanted to bounce sour black bread.

The old sparrow found a tall stone blowing by the winds, and began to wait for a hurricane who would take him home. His desire came true, one night the wind picked him again and carried back, to his homeland. Early spring found a sparrow in his native edges.

In the way, he is very frozen, and at the end of the way fell on one of the Moscow streets. Frozen bird picked up two boys. They decided to sell their find. And it so happened that the sparrow bought the old violinist, who returned from the kerosene shop.

The violinist put a sparrow for the sinus so that he wokes up. At night, the Sparrow came to life and began to peck the violinist under the roaring. The violinist shifted it to the box where the turtle lived, and fell asleep.

But in the morning the violinist discovered that the old sparrow died. On that day, the violinist did not go to the monument to Pushkin, but decided to play the violin at home. But during the game, he realized that there was no something in music. Then the violinist postponed the violin and cried.

This is a summary of the story.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of Platonov "Love to the Motherland or Travel Sparrow" is that the most expensive for a person is his homeland. Old Sparrow, the will of the chance that turned out to be in a warm and satisfying country, could not get along and began to wander in his native edges, all the souls seeking to return back.

The story teaches the desire to be a useful society surrounding people. The old violinist was quite ensured, and he had no need to make money on bread, but he came to the monument to Pushkin every day to perform music for people.

The story teaches to weigh everything in and against, leaving the homeland.

In the story I liked the old Sparrow, who loved his homeland and who managed to return to the native land, abandoning calm and dietary life in a distant country.

What proverbs are suitable for the story of Platonov "Love to the Motherland or Tour Sparrow"?

There's good where we are not.
Needed where was born.
For the sideline, the heart of the heart.
Man without a homeland, that nightinglets without a song.