Title people in several subjects of the Russian Federation. Title nation

Title people in several subjects of the Russian Federation. Title nation

In Amsterdam, responding to the question of the rights of sexual minorities in Russia, V. Putin said that sexual minorities are not limited to any rights, and gave the definition of title nations in Russia -

"But I would like to be, in Russia, first of all, the birth rate grew at the expense of the so-called title nations: Russians, Tatars, Chechens, Bashkirs, Dagestanis, Jews, and so on."

According to the 2010 census, there is no such nationality as Dagestanis in Russia. There are anvarians (8), Dargins (12), Kabardians (17), Lezgins (20). Jews - on 33 place in the census.

The term "titular nation" was invented by the ideologue of nationalism Maurice Barres at the end of the 19th century. If we talk about the title nationality, it would be logical that Tatars are titled, in Udmurtia, the Chechens in Chechens are in Tatarstan.

About the definitions of the title nation,

Census data 2012, indicated nationality more than 0.01%
№, Nature,%

1 (Russian) 77.71%
2 (Tatars) 3.72%
3 Ukrainians 1.35%
4 (Bashkirs) 1.11%
5 Chuvashi 1.01%
6 (Chechens) 1.00%
7 Armenians of Cherkeesogai 0.83%
8 (Avarians Andians, Didochitsy (Cezi) and other Ando-Cesse nations and Archintians) 0.64%
9 Mordva Mordva-Moksha, Mordva-Erzya 0.52%
10 Kazakhs 0.45%
11 Azerbaijanis 0.42%
12 (Dargins Kaitagtsy, Kubachintsy) 0.41%
13 Udmurts 0.39%
14 Markets Mountain Markets, Lugovo-East Mariers 0.38%
15 Ossetians Digoron (Digorca), Iron (Iron) 0.37%
16 Belarusians 0.37%
17 Kabardians 0.36%
18 Kumykov 0.35%
19 Yakuts 0.34%
20 (Lezgins) 0.33%
21 Buryats 0.32%
22 Ingush 0.31%
23 Germans 0.28%
24 Uzbeks 0.20%
25 Tuvinsey Tajunitsy 0.19%
26 Komi Komi-Izhemtsy 0.16%
27 Karachai 0.15%
28 Gypsies 0.14%
29 Tajiks 0.14%
30 Kalmyki 0.13%
31 Laktsi 0.13%
32 Georgians Ajirters, Ingilayts, Lases, Megrella, Svaws 0.11%
33 (Jews) 0.11%
34 Moldovans 0.11%
35 Koreans 0.11%
36 Tabasarana 0.10%
37 Adygei 0.09%
38 Balcarians 0.08%
39 Turks 0.07%
40 Karagashi Nogai 0.07%
41 Kyrgyz 0.07%
42 Komi-Permyaki 0.07%
43 Greeks Greek Uruma 0.06%
44 Altaica Telengitis, Tubalaters, Claws 0.05%
45 Circassies 0.05%
46 Khakasi 0.05%
47 Cossacks 0.05%
48 Kareli 0.04%
49 Mordva Erzya 0.04%
50 Poles 0.03%
51 Nenets 0.03%
52 Abazines 0.03%
53 Ezidids 0.03%
54 Evenks 0.03%
55 Turkmen 0.03%
56 Ruraticles 0.03%
57 quicted 0.02%
58 Aguly 0.02%
59 Lithuanians 0.02%
60 Khanty 0.02%
61 Chinese 0.02%
62 Bulgarians 0.02%
63 Mountain Markets 0.02%
64 Kurds 0.02%
65 EVENA 0.02%
66 Finns Finna-Ingermanlanders 0.01%
67 Latvians 0.01%
68 Estonians 0.01%
69 Chukchi 0.01%
70 Vietnamese 0.01%
71 Gagauza 0.01%
72 Shorts 0.01%
73 Tsakhuras 0.01%
74 Mansi 0.01%
75 Nanice 0.01%
76 Andians 0.01%
77 Didoisy 0.01%
78 Abkhaza 0.01%
79 Assyrians 0.01%
80 Arabs 0.01%
81 Nagaibaki 0.01%
82 Koryaki 0.01%
83 Alichats 0.01%
84 Dolgans 0.01%
85 Siberian Tatars0.01%


Do not follow those who concern Art. 282 p.1, we will try to answer the question, and how many of the whole nations in Russia?

Of almost 2000 nationalities in the world, self-determination have about 200 - so many countries.

Some nationalities have state self-determination in other countries - Jews, Arabs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyza, Uzbeks, Germans and other nationalities. These are Russian citizens who have equal rights with other citizens.

Not all nations have a republican or autonomous definition in Russia, and each people consists of dozens of tribes. If you narrow the account of the nationality to those general forming peoples (for example, Tatars), which in Russia more than 0.01% of the total population, the total number of nationalities, peoples in Russia are obtained 120.

Siberian Tatars,
Astrakhan Tatars

Didoissea (Cezi)



Mountain Mari
meadow-eastern marries




Arabs UAE,

The main nationality of Russia are Russians - 77%. According to the census, since 2002,% of the Russian population in Russia decreased by 4%.

The separation of rules on souroces, Malorusov, Russians, Poles, Slovaks, Baltov corresponds to the ideas of Zionism to Balts say that they are Germans, although they do not belong to the Germans. In Germans, R1A1 statistics - about 8%, in Bavaria - up to 15%, and the rules are about 50%. Southhouses, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Poles are about 55% R1A1.

The importance of the separation of Eastern European peoples for the implementation of Nazism's ideas was spoken by Goebbels. The statement to the absurd contradictions between Ukraine and Russia occurs at the relative genetics of the peoples and the common history of Kievan Rus. A considerable role was played by the formation of the Russian language, in which the South Russian and Belarusian languages \u200b\u200bbegan to differ from the Russian language.

Genetics of the peoples of the North Caucasus - up to 90% (J1 + J2). During the war, Stalin moved Chechens and Ingush deep into the USSR, because the behavior of Hitler's behavior against the semites was unpredictable. The plans of Zionism implemented by Berezovsky were military holding Chechnya even when they did not think to whom it moved. Now you can declare that Chechens in Russia are the title people - even despite the fact that Russians - 77%, Chechens - 1%, Jews - 0.1%.

In Russia, the ethnic composition of the population and power, oligarchs, is in the inverse proportion.

The very concept of the title nation is contradictory. Why not Ukrainians are mentioned? Because they interfered with gas to sell? Or because they have Ukraine? But the Jews also have Israel. According to the Constitution, all citizens of Russia have equal rights. The oppression of the most numerous people occurs under reasoning about title nationalities,
who came up with the nationalists of the most different sewing.

Title people - People, an ethnic group presented in the name of a certain territory: states, republics, areas, district or other national administrative unit.

In the USSR, the title peoples of the countries determined the name of the fifteen Union republics: the Belarusian SSR (Belarusians), the Kazakh SSR (Kazakh), RSFSR (Russian), Tajik SSR (Tajiks), Estonian SSR (Estonians), etc. From representatives of the title people were formed by local Nomenclature, representatives of title peoples received benefits when entering educational institutions, language and culture of title peoples were maintained at the state level. After the collapse of the USSR, many have once the title peoples of the Soviet Union (Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, etc.) received their national and independent states outside the territory of Russia.

Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic (RSFSR), as follows from the name, had a federal device. The Russian Federation inherited from the RSFSR said principle of building a state, in which the components of the country are relatively independent public education (subjects of the federation), many of which are named based on their names of some peoples living there: the Republic of Bashkiria (Bashkirs), Republic of Tatarstan (Tatars), Khanty -Manish Autonomous District (Khanty, Mansi), etc. However, in Russia, many title nations make up a minority in their republics and autonomies, while their significant share lives outside these subjects of the federation.

Unlike the time of the existence of the USSR, the subjects of Russia received even greater powers: the presence of the president, its own constitution, parliament and other attributes of the separation of the Federal and Republican authorities.

A. N. Sevastyanov in the book "Time to be Russian!" Writes: "In total, the number of people of title nationalities permanently residing, according to the last All-Russian census of the population, in the respective republics - the subjects of the Federation (excluding Chechnya) - equals 8.89 million people, which is approximately 6% as part of the population of Russia (148.8 million human). In other words, 6% of the population have their statehood, their republics as part of Russia, their constitutions, their presidents, etc., while the remaining 94% of the population is deprived of all this. Is not absurd of whether this situation is unnatural?! Is it a gross, demonstrative violation of the rights of the absolute majority? Does this state of immediate correction do not require? "

Summary of other presentations

"Multinational people of Russia" - Russia. Chuvashi - 67.8% Russians - 26.7% of Tatars - 2.7% Mordva - 1.4% others - 1.4%. The national composition of the heroes of the Soviet Union (more than 11 thousand people). People - 1) Population of the state, residents of the country. 2) nation, nationality or nationality. 3) the main labor mass of the country's population. 4) People, group of people. A.Nikolaev. Russians 115.9 million 79.8% of Tatars 5.6 million. 3.8% Ukrainians 2.9 million 2% of Bashkirs 1.7 million 1.2% of Chuvashi 1.6 million 1.1% Chechens 1 , 4 million 0.9% Armenians 1.1 million 0.8%.

"Peoples in Russia" - Bashkirs. Kabardians. Ossetians. Ukrainians. Yakuta. Belarusians. Russian. 160 peoples live in Russia. Udmurts. Tatars. Lezgins. Komi-Perm. Circassians. Buryats. Kyrgyz. Adygea. Kazakhs. Azerbaijanis. Balcarians. Chechens. Dargins. Karelia. Chukchi. Altai. Markets. Kumykov. Avars. Chuvashi. Mordva. Armenians. Jews. Karachay. Ingush. Russia is a multinational state. Komi. Nenets. Kalmyki.

"The main peoples of Russia" - the extreme north. In the extreme north they live, work, children are growing different nations. Without deer, there would be no fur clothing. Kabardians, Circassians live in the mountains and valleys of the North Caucasus. Favorite holiday - Sabantuy. What kind of people you are son. Buryats. National costumes. Men's and women's clothing Buryat differed relatively little. Siberia and Far East. The ancient form of the Buryat traditional housing was a nomadic yurt.

"The diversity of the peoples of Russia" is an Ugric group. Chechens. Chechnya. Slavic group. Constitution. Peoples of Russia. Mongolian group. Patriotism. Self-Tea Group. Caucasian family. Altai family. There are 130 peoples on the territory of the Russian Federation. Russia is a multinational country. The resettlement of the Russian people. Participants of the Karelian folklore ensemble. Finnish group. Subjects with the predominance of the indigenous population. A variety of cultural worlds in Russia.

"Nationalities of Russia" is a cultural manifold. The largest cities of the Russian Federation. Peoples of Russia. Belarusians. A political map of the World. Izhorts. Khanty. The Russian Federation. Religion in the culture of the peoples of Russia. Jewish synagogue. Islamic mosque. Russian. Temples. Mordva Moksha. Russian language. Buddhist temple. Abazines. Political map of Russia. Komi.

"Multinational Russia" is a huge country. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Peoples of Russia. Multiethnic family. Law. People. Nation. Russian language. Multiethnic culture of Russia. Children of different nations. Nationality. Russian people. Cultural man.

Russia is a multinational country. Although the ethnic situation in the state, with such an area and population of over 145 million people, could not work in another.

It is difficult to find accurate data on the time when all these peoples and nationalities are part of Russia, given the fact that the long allied republics were citizens of one state of the USSR. Even on the banking of the 19th and 20th century, the term "Russian" united three nations: velikorostov, malorosov and belorusov. And later became independent peoples.

It should be borne in mind that the census data are based on the self-determination of Russian citizens, since information on national affiliation is not made in passports. As a result, about 80% of respondents consider Russian Russians - approximately 116 million people.

The predominance of the Russian population is characteristic only for the Central and North-Western regions, while the rest live various ethnographic groups. It is particularly clearly traced by the situation on an example inherent ethnic manifold. Mountain peoples are famous for their original culture, revered by family traditions, wedding rites, customs of hospitality and twotten.

Climatic features

Climatic features and geological conditions of the area significantly affect the resettlement and the overall way of life of people. According to a comprehensive assessment of the natural conditions of Russia, the fourth part of Russia is not very favorable for human life.

The most severe climate in the northern part of Russia, in Siberia and the Far East. Here they have adapted to live koryaki., aleuts, chukchi, eskimi, nanians et al. These are indigenous, but small - less than 50 thousand people in each ethno group. Embossing in the territory of their ancestors, they adhere to their traditions - nomadic, are engaged in reindeer herding, hunting, fishing, handicraft work. Since a long time, the northern people own the art of Mezensky painting and bone carvings.

Industrial development of deposits and resources of the North has significantly stirred down the disappearance of some ethnic groups. On the territory of the North also live komi., the total number of which is over 400 thousand people.

Title peoples of Russia


Including Cossacks and Pomorro, - over 80%, which is approximately 111 million people (in Russia). Dominant culture in the state. The religion of the people - Orthodoxy (professes approximately 2/3 of the population), the second largest religion is Protestantism. The classics of Russian literature, artists and composers are known to the whole world. Traditionally, the symbols of Russian culture are Matryoshki, Samovar, Gzhel and Rostov Finife, painted pavalm handkers are considered. Along with Orthodox and secular holidays, it is customary to celebrate the pagan feast to Maslenitsa. Russians live in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the most densely populated are Moscow and the Moscow region (9% and 5.6%, respectively). The large percentage of Russians and in the cities-million painters - St. Petersburg (3.5%), Rostov (3.4%), Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region (3.3%).


- The indigenous people whose number is 3.8% of the total national composition, is over 5.5 million people. The main religion is Islam, a minor part, called themselves quicken, profess Orthodoxy. Tatar mosques are in all major cities of Russia. Family values \u200b\u200bin the people are sacral, and marriage is equal to the sacred duty. It is customary to celebrate Islamic, original Tatar and nationwide holidays. So far, the people are customary to celebrate the arrival of spring (Cargatu) and the end of agricultural development (Sabantuy). Most live in Tatarstan (about 40%), Bashkortan (about 20%), Tyumen (4.5%) and the Chelyabinsk region (3.5%).


- A numerous ethnographic group of almost 3 million, which is 2.03% of the country's total population. The main religion is Orthodoxy. One of the famous Ukrainian characters is an embroidery, which is a male or female shirt, embroidered with complex ornaments. Traditions, holidays and family customs are practically different from the Russians. In Russia, most Ukrainians are concentrated in the Tyumen region (more than 8%), Moscow (8%), the Moscow region (more than 6%) and the Krasnodar Territory (4.3%).


- Make up 1.15% of the general population, which is more than one and a half million people. A significant part lives in Bashkortan (74%), about 10% live in the Chelyabinsk region, then the Orenburg and Tyumen region follows (2.9%).


- Nature is the number of more than one and a half million people (1.13%). Most lives in Chuvashia (56.7%), Tatarstan (more than 8%), Bashkortan (7.5%), Ulyanovsk and Samara regions.


- Approximately 1% of the total population, over 1.4 million people. The main part lives in Chechnya (84.3%), Dagestan (6.5%), Ingushetia (1.3%) and Moscow (1%).


  • tatars - 5 554 601 (3.83%)
  • ukrainians - 2 942 961 (2.03%)
  • bashkirs - 1 673 389 (1.15%)
  • chuvashi - 1 637 094 (1.13%)
  • chechens - 1 360 253 (0.94%)
  • armenians - 1 130 491 (0.78%)
  • mordva - 843 350 (0.58%)
  • avarians - 814 473 (0.56%)
  • belarusians - 807 970 (0.56%)
  • kazakhs - 653 962 (0.45%)
  • udmurts - 636 906 (0.44%)
  • azerbaijanis - 621 840 (0.43%)
  • markets - 604 298 (0.42%)
  • germans - 597 212 (0.41%)
  • kabardians - 519 958 (0.36%)
  • ossetians - 514 875 (0.35%)
  • dargins - 510 156 (0.35%)
  • buryats - 445 175 (0.31%)
  • yakuta - 443 852 (0.31%)
  • kumykov - 422 409 (0.29%)
  • ingushi - 413 016 (0.28%)
  • lezgins - 411 535 (0.28%)
  • komi - 293 406 (0.2%)
  • tuvintsy - 243 442 (0.17%)
  • jews - 229 938 (0.16%)
  • georgians - 197 934 (0.14%)
  • karachay - 192 182 (0.13%)
  • gypsies - 182 766 (0.13%)
  • kalmyki - 173 996 (0.12%)
  • moldovans - 172 330 (0.12%)
  • laktsi - 156 545 (0.11%)
  • koreans - 148 556 (0.1%)

The title people, the title nation: in international law - the people, in honor of which the state inhabited by him. For example, Uzbeks are considered to be the title nation in Uzbekistan, in Russia - Russians. "

Putin called the Jews with a title nation in Russia

Drawing a question about the place of the Russians on their land, Putin replied: -

Garant written by Americans of the Constitution of the Cooperative of the Russian Federation Putin, for the winned phrase - "Russians on a visit to the lands of Jews" awarded Solovyov "Order of Honor"

Putin and the main "title" citizen of Russia Berl Lazar. His wide breasts "Defender of the Russian People", decorated the Order "For merits to the Fatherland" of IV degree "and Putin do not care that the Fatherland of his personal rabbi in distant Italy.

Receiving from the guarantor's hands the next award, Berl Lazar assured his spiritual son in the fact that his one-utilized child arrived in the Crimea for permanent residence with family for establishing among the Tatars and Germans of its title nation.

The family of Yehzkel Lazar intends to stay in Simferopol before the coming of the Messiah. Photo from the personal archive of Yehezkel Lazar.

I really want to acquaint not decent, assholes and provocateurs of all the ranks with the truth.

State Nation

The people's root in Russia are the Russian people, and each representative does not have national, both federated and constitutional rights in the Russian Federation, i.e. Discriminated by national sign. According to the UN criteria, the state is considered mononational, provided that more than 2/3 of its population belong to one ethnos. That is, more than 67%. The proportion of the indigenous Russian people in the population of Russia is 79.83%. And at the same time in UN documents, Russia is designated as a multinational state. What is the secret? Who benefits to exclude from our lexicon the concept of "state-forming nation". Who are the Russians prevent? Who is trying to blur our role in Russia's life?

Russia has always stood a mansion in world politics. We always had our own opinion, our point of view. Even if we joined any unions, then only on leading roles. 24 years ago, no one occurred to anyone in the head that such a nation as Russians did not exist. And now they are talking about not only foreign, but also our native politicians, artists and even deputies. Probably overseas still remember the Russian threat and trying to block it in every way. But there is no threat. We do not pretend to other people's lands. We just want to quietly live on our land and raise our children as we want it. In the 90s of the last century, Russia has undergone intervention. Foreign culture came to us, foreign capital, foreign vital values. Bedi mainly by us, on the root Russian people, in most. We were poisoned, corrupted, soldered, killed, evicted, mentioning the Russian people, not even in the Constitution of Russia. But we have surlant. Although much confused. Now we are trying to unleash simply. Like an unnecessary file from the computer's memory. And it's a shame that it does, mostly, the hands of our country. We even took the right to emphasize their national affiliation in the identity of the documents. But we live and continue to make a majority in this beautiful and great country. Despite everything.

Practical result

Improving the life conditions of the indigenous Russian people, the growth of the national self-consciousness and national self-determination of the indigenous Russian people and the small indigenous peoples of Russia.


The legislative consolidation of the status of the "Native Russian people is the state-forming people" in all regulatory legal acts.

On the fields;

Art. 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - that's it:

1. The sovereignty carrier and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people.

Art. 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - so be obliged to:

1. The sovereignty carrier and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational, a lot of confessional, fraternal, ROOT people of Russia

2. People carry out their power directly, as well as through state authorities and local governments.

3. The highest direct expression of the power of the people is a referendum and free elections.

4. No one can assign power in the Russian Federation. The seizure of power or assigning powerful powers is prosecuted by federal law.

So in the Russian land, ancient times was, there will be!

Olezhek, too, tried to argue with fate, but the rock will be inevitable!