Belarus is not our eyes: foreign students share their impressions. "Why is Belarus so awful?"

Belarus is not our eyes: foreign students share their impressions.
Belarus is not our eyes: foreign students share their impressions. "Why is Belarus so awful?"

Facts about Belarus that shock foreigners. And many Belarusians too.

Usually foreigners in their country and city are shown the sights and told the standard facts from the guidebook. On The Question website, readers share interesting and incredible facts about Russia, which can surprise a foreigner. For example: the area of ​​Russia is larger than the area of ​​Pluto. The Village Belarus has made a selection of facts about our country that you can

However, if your foreigner is completely dense and has not heard anything about Belarus, be sure to supply him with a pack of relevant facts. Viber, World of Tanks, MSQRD and Flo were made in Belarus; Belarus is among the leaders in potato production, in alcohol consumption and in the number of prisoners per capita; Alexander Lukashenko is called the last dictator of Europe and he has been in power for almost 25 years; in Belarus on Lake Sho there is the geographical center of Europe (one of several - depending on how you count); In Belarus, half of the entire world population of a bird called the Swirling Warbler is found.

It is impossible to live in Belarus on the amount that one is supposed to live on

Budget living wage(the amount that, in theory, should be enough for existence) is 199 rubles 32 kopecks (a beautiful figure of 99.99 dollars at the current exchange rate). For this money, you can buy about 25 kilos of sausages, or 200 loaves of bread, or about 60 kilos of apples, or about 900 of the largest chicken eggs, or 145 liters of 95th gasoline. For pensioners, the living wage budget is even less: 153 rubles, and the minimum old-age pension is 191 rubles.

Concert may be banned in Belarus for low artistic level

In Belarus, concerts of individual performers or musical groups are now and then prohibited for the fact that their artistic level falls short of the high standards of socially oriented Belarus. A certain commission studies the work of the guest performers in advance and then decides whether to issue a permit for the concert or not. A couple of popular Russian rappers with obscene rhymes has already passed Belarus, but at the same time concerts of chanson performers who glorify prison-camp romance and a criminal lifestyle are free.

In Belarus, they can be taken to the police for silence

In Belarus, anything can be a reason to take you to the police. He clapped his hands in the square - welcome to the "funnel", just kept silent in the square - welcome to the paddy wagon. Once in Slonim, the police tied up guys who were sledding down the mountain: they were taken away for announcing their "unauthorized mass action" on the Internet. It is noteworthy that Slonim produced fruit and berry wine "Slonim Fun", on the label of which were drawn children riding on sleds.

Minsk is one of the largest cities, and Belarus is one of the largest countries in Europe

Traditionally, Belarus is considered abroad “a small country somewhere near Russia”. Meanwhile, Belarus ranks 13th in terms of area in Europe out of fifty countries. Of course, we are far from France, Germany or Ukraine. But some Denmark, Switzerland or the Netherlands - in general, like the Minsk region. The entire Baltic region with Belgium or Bulgaria and Hungary would fit on the territory of Belarus. And in terms of population, Minsk is in 10th place in Europe. We really big country and a big capital.

There is Russia inside Belarus

And it's not just about the 43rd communications center of the Russian Navy near Vileika or the town of Kletsk-2 with the Volga radar station near Gantsevichi, where the Russian military are serving. Inside Belarus there is a real Russian exclave: part of the territory of another country. And this is very rare even by world standards. Once there were more enclaves and exclaves both in the world and in Belarus. For example, in the BSSR there was a piece of the Lithuanian USSR. Now only Russian land remains in Belarus: in the Dobrush district of the Gomel region are the villages of Sankovo ​​and Medvezhye, administratively related to the Bryansk region of Russia. True, not a log of huts remained from the villages themselves - now it is almost 5 square kilometers of land overgrown with chmyznyy and contaminated with Chernobyl radiation. But one can still say: Belarus has surrounded Russia.

Earlier Belarus was called Lithuania

Not even every Belarusian will immediately figure out how it happened that the name Lithuania (the Grand Duchy of Lithuania), which a few hundred years ago spread to the territory of present-day Belarus and many other lands around, suddenly ceded to the Zhmud (Samogitia) region, which during the Grand Duchy of Lithuania occupied well if tenth. It is almost as difficult to explain to a foreigner how it happened that Russia began not in Russia, but on the territory present Ukraine... Be that as it may, our Novogrudok was the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the office work was carried out in the Old Belarusian language. Some of the svyadomai moladzi still claim that he is a Lithuanian and that in fact it is correct to call Belarus Lithuania, and the present Republic of Lithuania - Samogitia or Samogitia.

Four Nobel laureates were born in Belarus

The world only knows about Svetlana Aleksievich (Nobel laureate-2015 in literature), but in fact, the Belarusian land gave the world four times more laureates. In 1971, the American Simon Kuznets, who was born in Pinsk and was originally called Semyon, received the prize in economics. It was he who introduced the term “gross national product” into economics. In 1978, the Peace Prize was received by Menachem Begin, who was born in Brest. Begin became the prime minister of Israel and received a Nobel Prize along with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat for signing the Camp David Accords. In 1994 Nobel Prize Peace (for his contribution to a peaceful settlement in the Middle East) was received by Shimon Peres, which we will describe below and who at that time was not yet president. In 2000, the prize in physics was received by a native of Vitebsk Zhores Alferov - for the development of semiconductor heterostructures. At least six other Nobel Prize winners are children or grandchildren of people from Belarus. But Svetlana Aleksievich was not born on the territory of Belarus.

Rags are made at electronics factories in Belarus

IN Soviet years In the Byelorussian SSR, many high-tech factories, including defense ones, were created. But conversion, diversification, crises, conference calls, integration, enlargement and the struggle to survive have led to the fact that now many of them are doing things that are far from high technology. In Soviet times, the factories produced equipment for submarines and spacecraft, but for conspiracy they assigned innocent names to these factories. And now in Belarus it is exactly the opposite: as if in order to confuse foreign spies, innocent things are produced at military factories. In some places, electronics production has survived, but both a foreigner and a Belarusian may be surprised by the "export-oriented cleaning rags" made at the Belit TV plant (Postavy), toy dump trucks from BelAZ (Zhodino), canning machines from MTZ (Minsk ), folding chairs from the Izmeritel military radio plant (Novopolotsk), ear tags for marking large cattle from the Tsvetotron electronics plant (Brest), glass containers from the Corall CRT plant (Gomel), and so on. On the other hand, there is also reverse examples showing the partisan nature of the Belarusian heavy and high-tech industry. The enemy will not pass (because he will not find)! For example, in the urban village of Kokhanovo in the Vitebsk region, where only four thousand people live (it's like a few high-rise buildings in a metropolitan microdistrict), two excavator-building plants work at once.

Tractor "Belarus" is drawn on the money of Vietnam

Until 1987, only Belarus tractors were supplied to Vietnam. They have proven themselves very well, therefore, the MTZ-50 model is depicted on the 200 dong bill, which was issued in the same year. The bill is still officially in circulation, although it is very rare: at the current exchange rate, it corresponds to about 2 Belarusian kopecks. At auctions, a note in good condition can be bought for a dollar or two.

Low-cost airlines do not fly to Belarus

More precisely, not quite so. Until 2011, we had our own low-cost airline Gomelavia, and now, of all European low-cost airlines, only the Spanish Vueling from Barcelona flies to us, setting an untypical low-cost price tag of 95 euros (however, the same Vueling flies to Kiev for 85 euros). UTair also flies from Moscow, the cheapest ticket will cost 39 euros - the same price for a ticket in second-class carriage... In general, you can fly at relatively low prices, but well-known low-cost airlines do not fly to us and, as the aviation authorities assure, did not even apply to open a flight.

There are more swamps in Belarus than in North America

The Belarusians know, but it may be a wonder for foreigners that Belarus and the swamp are the same as Degas and ballerinas. According to the 1958 Atlas of the BSSR, swampy areas occupied 34% of the country's territory, and swamps proper - 21.7% of the territory ^; there were 7,066 swamps in the country. Land reclamation was doing its job, and by 2002 (data from the "National Atlas of Belarus") only 11.4% of the territory remained under the swamps. The country's ten largest wetlands have a combined area of ​​3,116 square kilometers - more than Luxembourg and Andorra combined. The area of ​​the Olmanskie Swamp nature reserve alone (942 square kilometers) is like three Minsk, and 8 times larger than the area of ​​cranberry bogs in the whole of North America.

Belarus is the birthplace of "three and a half" presidents of Israel

Indeed, three full-fledged Israeli presidents and one interim acting president were born in Belarus. This is the first president of the country, Chaim Weizmann (born in the village of Motol near Ivanovo), acting. President Kadish Luz (after the death of the second president, was born in Bobruisk), the third president Zalman Shazar (born in the village of Mir) and the ninth president Shimon Peres (born in the village of Vishnevo near Volozhin). Until 2014, Belarus was the leader in the number of Israeli presidents. But now we have parity: the current, tenth president of the country is the third of those who were born on the Jewish land.

The world's largest cars are made in Belarus

In 2004, the German company Liebherr introduced the T282B mining dump truck, which became the world's most lifting truck: 363 metric tons, or 400 so-called "short" tons (these units are used in quarrying in the United States). Over the next few years, four more dump trucks of the same carrying capacity appeared: the Canadian Terex MT6300AC, the American Caterpillar 797F, the Belarusian BelAZ-75601 and the Chinese Xuzhou XCMG DE400. And in September 2013, Zhodino automakers showed the BelAZ-75710 model with a nominal carrying capacity of 450 metric tons (500 "short" tons). In January 2014, he set a world record by transporting 503.5 metric tons of cargo (555 "short" tons) across the proving ground. BelAZ can carry 12 standard low-cost Boeing 737-800s if they are crushed into powder.

Euro bills are made from Belarusian flax

This became known back in 2003: the Belarusian Flax Association exports so-called short fiber - lower-class waste generated during the production of fabrics. They don't even sew bags of such waste, but they turned out to be just right for euro banknotes: Belgium, where banknotes are printed, bought this waste at $ 220 per ton, while high-quality flax costs $ 2-3 thousand per ton. The Borisov flax base on this waste for euro banknotes earned one and a half million dollars per year.

The bra was invented by the Belarusian

The prototype of the bra was already known in ancient Greece and Rome. Among others, several people claim the authorship of the modern bra: French women Hermine Cadall and Gauche Saro, Germans Christina Hardt and Sigmund Lindauer, American Mary Phelps Jacob and Ida Rosenthal. This latter migrated to the United States from the Belarusian village of Rakov in the Volozhin region - then her name was Itel Koganovich. The company of Ida and her husband William Maidenform, founded in 1922, developed standard bra sizes depending on the volume and fullness of the breast, adjustable closures and other details of underwear that are familiar today. it is believed that it was Rosenthal who invented the bra in his modern form... The firm still exists, and in Rakov, back in 2013, they promised to erect a monument to the bra.

Police in Belarus drive tractors

Yes, it does. Not all, of course, but only the one that is engaged in the evacuation of cars from the streets. There are towing tractors in other countries, but, perhaps, only here they were painted in traffic blue and white colors, the proud word "Militsya" was applied and equipped with flashing beacons. And in some places police tractors were equipped with dumps for cleaning roads from snow. A policeman next to such a "patrol" tractor is an excellent reason for foreigners to say that Belarus is so backward that, they say, even policemen drive tractors.

You can travel further from Belarus by train than from the rest of Europe

Maybe in Belarus everything is not very good with low-cost airlines, but there are no problems with cheap and long-distance trains. Longest regular train route from Western Europe like this: Nice - Moscow - it's 3 352 kilometers. And from Belarus you can go even further: train number 104 Brest - Novosibirsk is already 4 391 kilometers. The longest route within Belarus itself stretches for 876 kilometers. We say: Belarus is one of the largest countries Europe.

And the longest railway passenger route in the world is Moscow - Pyongyang (trailed carriage to the Vladivostok train): 10,314 kilometers, on the way - eight and a half days.

IKEA furniture is made in Belarus, but there are no IKEA branded stores

The fact that there is no IKEA brand store in Belarus is not so strange. IKEA has 418 stores in 49 countries, and in many countries there are no branded showrooms, including in Europe. For example, in Estonia. But what makes the situation surprising is the fact that there are several factories in Belarus that produce furniture ordered by IKEA. Two of them at once - in free economic zone"Mogilev".

It's hard to play cities in Belarus

This fact will tell a foreigner little, but it may surprise the Belarusians themselves: there is not a single city or urban village in Belarus whose name in Russian would begin with the letter A. If you are a fan of playing cities, you should know: Y, E, YU and I are also not (but there is one village on I).

IMAGES: 1 -, 2 -, 3 - zampolit-ru, 4 -, 5 -, 6 -, 7, 8 -, 9 -, 10 -, 11, 12 -, 13 -, 14, 15 -, 16 -, 17 -, 18 -, 19 -, 20 -

Tourists who have visited our country do not hide their impressions. Collecting their reviews on foreign blogs and travel guides, I had to laugh a lot, and sometimes sad [we invite you to discuss!]

Change text size: A A



“Belarus is wide plains, picturesque villages, ancient castles and monasteries, as well as dense forests, picturesque landscapes and thousands of free swimming lakes.

And the most cultured sports fans also live here. "

(portal, UK)

“There are more than 7000 lakes in Belarus, wherever you stay, there will be a lake somewhere nearby. To find it, ask the locals. Belarus has humid summers and harsh winters, so if you are going to swim, make sure you do it in the summer. ”

(rboittier, UK)



“I have never seen such clean cities as Minsk in my life. And it's not because someone controls people on the street or hits them if they throw trash. No, it’s just that in people there is a patriotic consciousness, high morality, I really liked it in them ”.

“Minsk has a glorious history and deserves to be the capital. But, unfortunately, the city was destroyed many times, and constant wars buried her thriving past. The modern face of the city does not reflect the rich ancient history of the Belarusian people ”.



“I was in Belarus and I think that they have one problem - they do not know how to drink. I tried not to come to the apartments of some of my friends, because a lot of people always gathered there and everyone drank a lot. "

(jasonmaylett, UK)

“Absolutely nobody here speaks English. Even words. "

(Ushastik, Ireland)

“Never give anyone in Belarus even number flowers. Locals consider it a bad omen. "

(Travelnotes guide, USA)

“Never quarrel with Belarusians, even as a joke, it may end in a fight. But if you quarreled, treat them with vodka, then they will definitely forgive you. "


“Don't talk about politics with anyone in Belarus. It is quite possible that the person who brings up this topic is a secret agent. "

(Tobias_Plieninger, Germany)

“When you go to Belarus, take less good clothes and jewelry with you, so as not to seem like a show. It takes about a year for a Belarusian to buy what you can afford every month ”.

(blue-viggen, UK)

“I was amazed that Belarus knows such a group as Pink floyd and U2. I was told that only songs like "Kupalinka" are popular here.

(Jon, Ireland)



“Russian women are unique creatures. They put the family above themselves. They are always ready to exchange a brilliant career in order to be with their husband and children. Even if you pay little attention, love and care to a Russian woman, but show her that you value her as a wife and mistress of the house, and also admire her beauty, she will be faithful to you to death. "

“Belarus” means “White Russia” ”. Here live the most beautiful women! Despite the frost, they always wear mini skirts and look so pretty and feminine! Mostly Belarusians with light hair and pale skin, and their eyes are green. They look like real clean, white Russians! "

(A-Friend-Of-Belarus, Serbia)

“There are over 300 Russian female names. There are those that came from deep history but are still very popular. It is also interesting that for Russians each name has its own meaning or meaning. It may seem strange, but if you know the meaning of the name of the girl you met, you can understand what she is like by a horoscope. "

( portal, USA)

“In Belarus, beautiful and sexy girls... Since there are fewer men, and every Belarusian woman dreams only of a family, they have to look better in order to compete. "

(portal, UK)



« Many large stores in Belarus, especially non-food stores, keep great amount service personnel... There is a salesperson at almost every counter. Only this seller has the keys to the window, behind which the goods are, like in a museum. If you want to see something, you should contact him, and he will give you a look. After you select the item, you will have to go to another seller to pay. "


“Many grocery or convenience stores have strange (for us) systems. One store can be divided into five departments. You buy milk in one, meat in another, and so on, and this happens in small stores. It turns out that you pay all the time: take two steps - and pay, then two more steps - and pay again, and so on. "

(rboittier, UK)

“The staff in the hotels is something! Few people here smile and speak to you in a friendly tone - and this is in a rather expensive hotel (a room cost 40 euros per night). Front desk barely speaks English, but it wasn't that much big problem for me. I had a dictionary with me, and my native Serbian language is very similar to Russian, which everyone speaks there. "

(Mix, Serbia)

“If you are going to Belarus by your own car, be prepared for a long wait at the border. We drove through Poland to the border Brest and waited there for 9 hours. So long, because there are not enough checkpoints, and there are a lot of cars. We expected a couple of hours of waiting, but not that much. The system to get all the documents you need is chaos. If my Dutch friend, who speaks a little Russian, hadn’t helped me, we would have gone back to Poland. ”

(Harlow, Holland)



“Apple juice in Belarus is just a dream. It is without any additives, even sugar is not added. I think that Belarusians pick apples and squeeze them without any production. This juice is sold in funny three-liter cans and, as far as I remember, costs a little more than 1 euro.

(Dirim, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

“In Belarus they drink such a drink as kefir. It is very similar to yogurt or Turkish ayran, but less salty and more condensed. Very tasty! And they drink champagne from alcoholic beverages in Belarus. As far as I know, this tradition goes back to the times of the USSR.

(Said, Turkey)



“I was in Minsk clubs and this is what I noticed: mostly 20-year-olds go there (it even seemed to me that some were not even 18). Music is usually too loud. Most of the people go to the club in black clothes.

I was also in one strip club, paid $ 50 for a private dance and was disappointed.

(ghardey, USA)

“I went to one night club in Minsk, and I liked everything! Especially the girls at the disco. They are very beautiful and easy to get to know. I was surprised that they are not prostitutes. "

(stephan, Austria)



“Minsk is a really quiet and safe place, probably the capital is the safest place in Belarus. This is due to the fact that the police are everywhere here. "

(Carletto76, Italy)

“I would like to say that I have just returned from a trip to Belarus and I can reassure everyone who wants to go there - it is completely normal there. It is not necessary to pretend that you are poor in order not to be robbed. Also, you shouldn't go straight to work if you see cops (although it's true that you shouldn't bother them). The people are lovely and friendly and the crime rate is low. "

(winterflop, Austria)

“There are many people in Belarus who care only about how to get to your money. For example, when I needed to buy a ticket at the main railway station, no one there spoke English and did not understand what I wanted. But one friendly girl who spoke English offered to help me. I paid for the ticket in rubles, and only later found out that I had overpaid 30 euros. And I wondered why the cashier and the girl who helped me were so grinning at each other. Everyone is trying to heat up the money. "

(dulgros, Germany)

Residents of Switzerland, Albania, Latvia and Luxembourg told KYKY how they imagine Belarus. The answers turned out to be controversial: authoritarianism, "part of Russia", dishes from animal entrails - this is a composite portrait of the country in the west. I am glad that it is easy for an Albanian girl to get to know a Belarusian guy at least - to say in Russian: “Hello, I love you. Everything, come on! "

Matthias, Switzerland: “Men and boys in Belarus are strong and large and wear sweaters that their grandmothers knitted”

I know that the capital is Minsk, but I cannot say what the city is like. Your president, Lukashenka is called “the last dictator of Europe” - he has been in power for 15-20 years, probably. The political system is rather autocratic, democracy is underdeveloped, and besides, Belarus is rather closed for a European country.

Probably, it is cold in Belarus, because you are not far from Russia. In winter, the temperature is -10 or -15, or even -20 - when the wind comes from the northeast, from Siberia, it must be quite cold here. But in summer it is hot - above 30 degrees. Foxes live in Belarus, maybe Arctic foxes, many little fluffy squirrels.

I do not have a clear idea of ​​what Belarusians look like: girls and women probably almost always wear skirts. Men and boys in Belarus are strong and big, and wear sweaters that their grandmothers knit and hats (but not French). There are not many hipsters here - maybe 0.5% of the total. Maybe something related to the military is popular: military boots, camouflage, short haircut... These are not skinheads, not political activists - they just like the military style.

I have a feeling that Belarus is a rather conservative country in terms of gender roles: men are strong, and women mostly stay at home and raise children. Therefore, to get to know Belarusian girl, I would act in this direction. You need to seem strong, that you are able to provide for your family and so on.

IN free time Belarusians do the same as the Swiss: they watch TV, the guys play football. Do you play chess? You are close to Russia and its culture has influenced you, and Russians love chess. You probably also love fishing.

Arilda, Albania: “Belarusian writer won the Nobel Prize - to be honest, I expected to be sent to prison”

I study in Lithuania and know a lot about Belarus. Your president has been in power since you gained independence. Therefore, he is authoritarian: he tries to control not only politics, but also society. The coolest thing is that you can't clap in the street because of the protests that took place a few years ago. The Belarusian writer won the Nobel Prize - to be honest, I expected that upon returning to Belarus she would be sent to prison.

I wanted to visit Belarus, and I had the opportunity: the university organized a trip for foreign students to several countries, including you.

But they didn’t give me a visa: I had to provide an invitation and I couldn’t get a regular tourist one. The email read: "You cannot go because your nationality is banned."

Why is not clear. Although I have not had a chance to visit Belarusian cities, I can assume that they look a little Soviet-like - they look like Klaipeda, for example.

On this topic: Architectural features of Minsk that foreigners like

It seems to me that the Internet and social media here are more limited than in Europe: there is no access to all sites. You use VKontakte instead of Facebook - and therefore you sort of separate from the Western world and connect more with the Russian community, because only Russians and Belarusians use this network. I think you also use Instagram and Snapchat ( messaging app with attached photos and videos. Users set a limit on how long recipients can view them - approx. KYKY).

Belarusians eat borscht, maybe something similar to Lithuanian zeppelins. But a special product is potatoes. Probably, Belarusians eat it three times a day. The Belarusians I know are very quiet, do not like to talk and show their feelings - even when I ask them about the country, they do not want to tell something. To get to know handsome guy in Belarus, I would say in Russian: “Hello, I love you. Everything, come on. "

Laina, Latvia: “Belarusians have soft facial features. They look a little round for me "

Your president is Lukashenka, and people call him "Dad". Your flag is pretty pretty because on the left side there is national pattern... I know the anthem - but I can't sing it now. I was in Belarus, I came to competitions. True, I don't remember what kind of city it was. I know that there is a stadium where preparations for the Winter Olympic Games and biathlon training take place.

Belarusians are very kind and helpful people. Our car broke down and we had to stay for another three days. Not only did the money run out, we didn't even know where to fix the car - we were in an isolated place. But we were given a good room for free, fed and helped to get to the border - it saved us a lot.

I noticed that Belarusians have soft facial features: there are no sharp lines on the jaw or nose. For me, they even look a little round. Women are rather short, and men, on the contrary, are very tall. At least that's how I can talk about the people I have met. How to meet a Belarusian guy? I think I would say: "I think you should be able to dance!"

Richard, Spain (Catalonia): "Probably, the center-right is in power"

Belarus is a post-Soviet country. It is medium in size but smaller than Spain. Probably, the center-right is in power - it seems to me so, because your past is connected with communism. I heard about your president and that he is not completely democratic. He may have been in power for 25 years.

I think the Belarusians are tall, white-skinned, with clean, clear eyes. Girls wear braids - that's why it's a traditional hairstyle. Belarusians usually spend their free time at parties and drink vodka. They eat a lot of soups and wild animals: wild boar, maybe elk, like in Estonia. I think more potatoes and vegetables, like broccoli.

To meet a girl, I would pretend to be Spanish ( Richard considers himself Catalan - approx. KYKY). There is little south here, and this is different from what people in the north are used to - so something from the south seems cooler.

Leonor, Luxembourg: “It seems to me that Belarus has always been a part of Russia before”

I do not want to speak for all Western European youth, but personally I know little about Belarus. But I largely associate it with Russia - for me it is practically the same thing, because the names of the countries are consonant and they are close by. It seems to me that Belarus has always been a part of Russia before.

Belarus gained independence after the Bolshevik revolution or after the First World War.

Probably, the country wanted to become independent for a long time, but after these events such an opportunity arose. I do not know what the Belarusian ones look like. National symbols... Definitely there is a red color because communism ( laughs), dark green. Perhaps it looks like the flag of Lithuania. There is probably a third color - but I have no idea which one.

I think that Belarusians are like Russians. Belarusians have stern face and eyes, women are cold and detached. Belarus has a strong family tradition: you have many children, three or four. You probably like political jokes, irony and satire. The IT sphere is important for Belarus. For some reason it seems to me that Belarusian men are very fond of computer science. Agriculture can hardly be the main branch of the economy - the Belarusian climate is not very suitable for that.

Stella, Germany: "Belarusians drink in their free time"

The only thing I know is that the name is translated from German as "White Russia". Plus or minus I know where it is - not in the EU, but it borders the Baltic States and Ukraine in the north. Probably, it will sound racist: Belarusians do not Slavic type appearance, but more Russian. But Russia is a very mixed country, so I will say that Belarusians are like Siberians, northern people: blondes with blue eyes.

In their free time, Belarusians drink, but I say this not because of a stereotype. All people do this: in Spain, in Germany, in the Czech Republic ... I think that famous and important personalities are depicted on Belarusian money: poets, musicians.

Ayren, Cyprus: "Belarusians eat hot fish soups with fish and herbs or meat soups with animal entrails"

I learned about Belarus several years ago at a geography lesson at school - before that I had no idea that such a country exists. And the only thing I know is that the capital is Minsk. Belarusians are like Russians and Ukrainians because they are closely related. Probably, Belarusians have blue eyes, blonde hair and always white skin! Belarusians eat hot fish soups with herbs or meat, with the entrails of animals - like in Edinburgh, because it is a cold country.

Probably the most profitable occupation is an economist or a businessman. I say this because I have a friend from Minsk who is studying marketing.

This suggests that this area is in demand in the country and, perhaps, a good future awaits the people employed in this.

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Tourists who have visited our country do not hide their impressions. Collecting their reviews on foreign blogs and travel guides, I had to laugh a lot, and sometimes sad.

The most cultured sports fans live here

"Belarus is wide plains, picturesque villages, ancient castles and monasteries, as well as dense forests, picturesque landscapes and thousands of free swimming lakes. And the most cultured sports fans also live here."

(portal, UK)

"There are more than 7000 lakes in Belarus, wherever you stay, there will definitely be a lake somewhere nearby. To find it, ask the locals. Belarus has humid summers and harsh winters, so if you are going to swim, make sure you do it in the summer. ".

(rboittier, UK)


There is a patriotic consciousness in people

“I have never seen such clean cities as Minsk in my life. And this is not because someone controls people on the street or beats them if they throw garbage. I really liked it about them. "

“Minsk has a glorious history and deserves to be the capital. Unfortunately, the city was destroyed many times, and constant wars buried its prosperous past. The modern face of the city does not reflect the rich ancient history of the Belarusian people.”


No one speaks english

“I was in Belarus and I think that they have one problem - they do not know how to drink. I tried not to come to the apartments of some of my friends, because a lot of people always gathered there and everyone drank a lot.”

(jasonmaylett, UK)

"Absolutely nobody here speaks English. Not even the words."

(Ushastik, Ireland)

"Never give an even number of flowers to anyone in Belarus. Local residents consider it a bad omen."

(Travelnotes guide, USA)

"Never quarrel with Belarusians, even in jest, it may end in a fight. But if you have a fight, treat them with vodka, then they will definitely forgive you."


"Do not talk about politics with anyone in Belarus. It is quite possible that the person who brings up this topic is a secret agent."

(Tobias_Plieninger, Germany)

"When you go to Belarus, take less good clothes and jewelry with you, so as not to appear ostentatious. It takes about a year for a Belarusian to buy what you can afford every month."

(blue-viggen, UK)

“I was amazed that such a group as Pink Floyd and U2 are known in Belarus. I was told that only songs like Kupalinka are popular here.

(Jon, Ireland)


In mini skirts, despite the frost

"Russian women are unique creatures. They put family above themselves. They are always ready to exchange a brilliant career in order to be with a husband and children. Even if you give a Russian woman little attention, love and care, but show her that you value her as wife and mistress of the house, and you will admire her beauty, she will be faithful to you to death. "

"Belarus" means "White Russia." They look like real clean, white Russians! "

(A-Friend-Of-Belarus, Serbia)

"There are more than 300 Russian female names. There are those that came from deep history, but are still very popular. It is also interesting that in Russians each name has its own meaning or meaning. if you know the meaning of the name of the girl you met, you can understand what she is like by a horoscope. "

( portal, USA)

"There are beautiful and sexy girls in Belarus. Since there are fewer men and every Belarusian only dreams of a family, they have to look better to compete."

(portal, UK)


Only the seller has the keys to the storefront

"Many large stores in Belarus, especially non-food stores, keep a huge number of service personnel. There is a seller at almost every counter. Only this seller has the keys to the showcase behind which the goods are, like in a museum. If you want to see something , you have to contact him, and he will give you a look. After you select the item, you will have to go to another seller to pay. "


“Many grocery or convenience stores have strange (for us) systems. One store can be split into five sections. You buy milk in one, meat in another, and so on, and this happens in small stores. that you pay all the time: take two steps - and pay, then two more steps - and pay again, and so on. "

(rboittier, UK)

"The hotel staff is something! Few people here smile and talk to you in a friendly manner - and this is in a fairly expensive hotel (the room cost 40 euros per night). The front desk barely speaks English, but it was not such a big problem for me. I had a dictionary with me, and my native Serbian language is very similar to Russian, which everyone speaks there. "

(Mix, Serbia)

“If you are going to Belarus by your own car, be prepared for a long wait at the border. We drove through Poland to the border Brest and waited there for 9 hours. So long, because there are not enough checkpoints, and there are a lot of cars. We counted on a couple of hours of waiting, but not so much. The system to get all the necessary documents is just chaos. If my Dutch friend, who speaks a little Russian, hadn't helped me, we would have gone back to Poland. "

(Harlow, Holland)


Kefir is delicious

"Apple juice in Belarus is just a dream. It is without any additives, even sugar is not added. I think that Belarusians pick apples and squeeze them without any production. Such juice is sold in funny three-liter cans and, as far as I remember, costs a little more than 1 euro.

(Dirim, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

“In Belarus they drink such a drink as kefir. It is very similar to yogurt or Turkish ayran, but less salty and more condensed. Very tasty! ...

(Said, Turkey)


All in black

“I was in Minsk clubs and I noticed that mostly 20-year-olds go there (it even seemed to me that some were not even 18). The music usually plays too loudly. Most of the people go to the club in black clothes. in one strip club, paid $ 50 for a private dance and was disappointed.

(ghardey, USA)

"I went to a nightclub in Minsk, and I liked everything! Especially the girls at the disco. They are very beautiful and easy to get to know. I was surprised that they are not prostitutes."

(stephan, Austria)


Crime is low here

"Minsk is a really quiet and safe place, probably the capital is the safest place in Belarus. This is due to the fact that the police are everywhere."

(Carletto76, Italy)

“I would like to say that I have just returned from a trip to Belarus and I can reassure everyone who wants to go there - it’s completely normal there. You don’t need to pretend that you’re poor so as not to get robbed. You also don’t have to work right away. (most likely, the translation is incorrect - see. . TUT.BY) if you see the cops (although it's true that you shouldn't bother them). The people are lovely and friendly and the crime rate is low. "

(winterflop, Austria)

“There are many people in Belarus who care only about how to get to your money. For example, when I needed to buy a ticket at the main railway station, no one there spoke English and did not understand what I wanted. But one friendly girl , who spoke English, offered to help me. I paid for the ticket in rubles, and only later found out that I had overpaid 30 euros. And I was wondering why the cashier and the girl who helped me were so grinning at each other. Everyone is trying heat up the money. "

(dulgros, Germany)

They say that from the outside it is better to know: we, Belarusians, are interested in how people of a different nationality and culture judge us. The recent ice hockey world championship in Minsk made it possible to confirm somewhere, and somewhere to refute the stereotypes about Belarus and its inhabitants. And now on the Internet you can find a lot of reviews from guests of the championship from different countries about stay in Belarus. It is very interesting to read them: what can foreigners say about our country, apart from the notorious "it is clean and beautiful here"? ..

“Zhytsyo Palessya” decided to visit again the students of the Shamyakin Moscow State Pedagogical University who came to us from abroad. The guys talked about the first and further impressions about the city and the university, about whether the realities of the Belarusian student life are difficult for them, and about many other things.

This year, 9 foreign students will receive diplomas of the Shamyakin Moscow State Pedagogical University: 8 citizens of Turkmenistan and a citizen Russian Federation.

Student from Turkmenistan: "We don't feel like strangers"

The Philological Faculty with its strong traditions and philosophy of unity and solidarity accepted the girl as his own, and she tries not to let her down. - 4th year student of the Faculty of Philology. As a future historian, she is interested in the past of the country in which she studies, and is convinced that main task for her compatriots, who have become students of Belarusian universities, there should be strong knowledge that will help them succeed in their homeland.

- Before I came to enter the university, I had not been to Belarus. But I heard a lot about her from my friends, acquaintances who at that time were already studying in your country. In general, there are many acquaintances who study in other countries, but when I was choosing where I would study myself, I decided to opt for Belarus. A lot about her good reviews: they say that Belarusians are hospitable, tolerant people, they mostly treat foreigners with respect, - says Enesh.

We talk in the dorm room, which my interlocutor shares with her classmate Ogulnabat, although Enesh herself, to my surprise, calls her friend Olya: Belarusian classmates come up with Slavic “analogs” of eastern names, which successfully “take root” and become part of the everyday life of Turkmen students.

- I like studying in Mozyr, I do not regret at all that I entered here, - the student admits. - I like the local nature: the beauty is indescribable. We often walk with friends in the city park "Victory". I know Mozyr almost as my own hometown... And I myself am from the city of Mary, this regional center in Turkmenistan, similar to your Gomel.

- Is it difficult to adapt to life and study in Belarus?

- At the beginning, of course, it is very difficult for every foreigner. But learning difficulties can be overcome if the main objective your arrival - to receive a good education, become a literate person. Then everything will work out.

- You speak Russian fluently. Did you know the language before coming to our country?

- Yes, I taught him a lot. Parents have always been convinced that you need to know Russian, as it will come in handy, and they turned out to be right.

- Did you manage to find out during your studies Belarusian language? Did you like him?

- Yes, I like it very much. Russian is the state language in Belarus, but any nation is obliged to develop its own native language... By the way, the Belarusian accent is felt in the local Russian speech, it makes it softer. Of course, it was interesting to learn, albeit not all of the Belarusian vocabulary, but some individual words and expressions: what is “kali laska”, “pryvitanne”, “dzyakuy”, “vinshui”, “yes pubachennya” and some others are already known.

Together with friends Enesh traveled to the cities of Belarus, visited with excursions places of worship our country.

Brest Fortress left us a very strong impression, - the girl recalls. - In general, historical places are closer to me, given that I am a historian by profession. We were in the Mir Castle, in Nesvizh - we liked it very much, crazy interesting story and culture.

- What is your opinion about modern Belarus? In what distinctive features Belarusians?

- Each nation is unique in its own way. My opinion is that it is not so important what nationality a person is, his human qualities are more important. Nevertheless, the Belarusians justified my hopes: hospitable, tolerant people. Tolerance for people of a different nationality, of a different religion is yours distinctive feature... Many other peoples should learn from the Belarusians, and we should also strive to be like that.

- Do you plan to work in your specialty after graduating?

- Sure! The teaching profession in our country is in great demand. Teachers are respected, their work is paid with dignity. Moreover, I will be teaching history. I like the saying that a people who do not know their past cannot build a worthy future.

I'm starting up a conversation about finance. Is it expensive for the Turkmen to live and study in Belarus, are the prices high? Judging by the embarrassment of my interlocutor and her roommate, the answer is yes. But, as she explains, it can be done for now. For many Turkmen students, studying in Belarus is quite affordable.

You have to visit relatives only once a year, during summer holidays: The way home is also quite expensive, about $ 500. Enesh misses home very much, but says that after returning home, he will always remember Belarus warmly, and if there is an opportunity to come to visit, he will do it with pleasure.

Student from Nigeria: "Russian is not useful at work, but knowledge of a foreign language is useful"

Our old friend Okereke Kilechi Richie (material about students from Nigeria, China and Turkey who came to study at Shamyakin Moscow State Pedagogical University can be found in the issue of the newspaper dated December 17, 2013 - author's note) in Mozyr already 7 months. He arrived in the city to study at the preparatory department of the pedagogical university. The university is actively working to expand cooperation with foreign countries, inviting students from African countries has long been in the plans, but so far Richard is the first of them. And being the first is always not easy: in our last meeting, the guy did not know Russian at all, and outwardly he was gloomy. Now he has already got used to it a little, learned the Russian language, became more relaxed, even cheerful. This time we meet without an interpreter.

- Last time you said that you feel uncomfortable because everyone is looking at you on the street ...

- Everything is fine, I got used to it a little, although they did not look less (laughs).

- Do you like Belarusians?

- Yes, you have good people, very pretty girls... Nobody offends, everything is fine. I also like studying at the university: when I just arrived, I could not understand anything, but now it has become much easier. There was also a time when I thought that after graduation preparatory courses I will go to the university in Gomel. But now more and more I want to stay to study here.

- You master the Russian language pretty quickly. What helps you with this?

- I don’t even know, probably, the fact that I mainly communicate in Russian, there is no other way out - I have to memorize. Also, the Internet is good for learning.

- How do you spend your free time?

- I walk a lot around the city with my friends. Sometimes I walk alone, I already know the city pretty well. Previously, I only went out into the city accompanied by someone, but recently I went to Gomel myself. I also do music. I play guitar, I can rap well.

- What can you say about Belarusian prices?

- Compared to our prices, it is more expensive here. It costs me $ 2,200 a year to study. I mostly spend money on food.

- What products do you buy?

- Fruits, vegetables, meat. I'm already a little used to Belarusian cuisine. I love borscht and pilaf. I like it, it's delicious.

- I wonder if you were offered to stay in Belarus, would you agree?

- Well, I want to go home. I miss…

- Will you fly home after the exams?

- No. It's expensive, almost $ 1,000.

- Do you plan to work in your specialty after you receive your diploma?

- Yes, in engineering. I want to enter the Faculty of Engineering and Education.

- I wonder if the Russian language can be useful to you at home? Will knowledge play him important role in employment?

- No, but knowledge foreign languages- that's good anyway.

Student from Russia: “People in Belarus are more moral than ours”

Vasiline Busel, who comes from the Tyumen region of the Russian Federation, there is very little left to finish her studies at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. She is completing the 5th year with a degree in Mathematics. Computer science".

We meet with the girl in one of the cafes in the city center. Vasilina looks like an athlete: tall, fit. Indeed, in the life of a student there is a place for volleyball, handball, even mini-football, as she herself later says.

But first of all, I ask: where does such a surname - Busel - come from for a girl from the north of Russia? Vasilina smiles: her father is from these places. He left for the Tyumen region to work, and stayed there. Several years ago he returned to his homeland, his daughter came after him. So, in total, Vasilina has been living in Belarus for 7 years, although she has Russian citizenship.

- I was born and lived in provincial town Muravlenko. The city is young, but actively developing: oil is being produced. The climate in our area is harsh: in winter the air temperature can drop to minus 60. And if you also live in a hostel, where power outages and heating system breakdowns are not uncommon, you can imagine what it would be like. But nothing, somehow coped, not really complaining. There is practically no off-season: either winter or summer. There was a time when it snowed on June 1. True, he immediately melted, but still. But the climate in Belarus is much more favorable for life.

- Do you like studying in Mozyr?

- Yes, this is a good preparation for adulthood... During her studies, she also worked as a waitress in this cafe.

- Are classmates, teachers, where did you come from, ask about your homeland?

- Yes, they are. Teachers often ask about the climate in my home area. Friends sometimes make fun of the "residents far north". By the way, the life of the peoples of the North has also stepped forward today, for example, they are not alien to high technologies, the Internet (smiles).

- Over the years spent in our country, what impressions did you get of it and its inhabitants? \

- In general, everything is good. I do not think that somewhere is better, somewhere worse: the main thing is that there is a roof over your head. It's not for me to judge where good people live and where bad people live. Although, when I recently went to my hometown, I simply did not recognize it: I looked at people, especially at young people, as they say, "shkolota", and it became very insulting for my city. People in Belarus are probably more moral. The leadership of your country has a responsible attitude to the upbringing of the younger generation, and I like it.

- As for finances: is it expensive for a student from Russia to live and study in Belarus?

- Average, I will say so. I am a picky person. Although our salaries are higher than the local ones, the prices are also higher, and renting an apartment is more expensive. In general, both in Belarus and in Russia, prices are growing the same. As for study, the university has agreements under which Russian students can study on the same grounds as Belarusians. But medical care is like for foreigners, even taking a blood test costs money.

Soon Vasilina will pass the state exams, after which she is going to go home. She did not fall under the distribution, but she says that she would not mind working in her specialty.

We also asked TN Chechko, Head of the International Relations Department of the Shamyakin Moscow State Pedagogical University.

- Tatyana Nikolaevna, you have been working with foreign students for several years now and you must have noticed some of their most striking distinctive features ...

- Yes, for example, Turkmen girls are feminine, outgoing and hospitable, housewives. They are more agreeable in communication than their fellow countrymen and than Belarusian students. As for the guys from Turkmenistan, they are characterized by mutual assistance, stamina and masculinity. They are fond of sports, almost every day after classes they can be seen on the volleyball court. In general, Turkmens are distinguished by their loyalty to traditions and hospitality.

Richard, a student from Nigeria, has a harder time than most other international students: at our university, he is still the only representative of his country. But many teachers note his diligence in studies, responsibility and diligence: Richard studies with pleasure, purposefully, he has clear prospects - to get higher education in the field of mechanical engineering and work in their specialty in their country.

- How difficult is it to teach foreigners?

- Of course, there are difficulties, especially in the first or second year. After all, this is a period of adaptation: a new linguistic, sociocultural environment. What is being done to remove these difficulties? So, for example, in the case of students from China, Nigeria, we assign a curator to a foreigner. Initially, this is an employee of the department international relations, and then - a student of the Faculty of Philology, owning English language(as a rule, foreigners speak English well). A curator accompanies a foreigner during one semester in studies, in everyday life.

Photos from personal archives