Casino staff or who serves gambling. Game clubs

Casino staff or who serves gambling. Game clubs
Casino staff or who serves gambling. Game clubs

Solving one day you want to open your kids club, you, of course, will not start buying equipment immediately and recruit the team. You will study the features of this business. And also be sure invent the name To your brainchild. And this is a hard thing! There are already thousands of clubs with beautiful and not very beautiful names.

Using this instruction, you can come up with an excellent name for your children's center, Which will like your customers.

  • How to choose a bright name for a children's club?
  • How to find not banal and not too strange name?
  • How to designate the general name of the children's institution so that it is correct reflected his essence?

Let's see for a start, as children's preschool institutions are called other people.

Most of the names can be divided into categories:

Based on cartoons and fairy tales: Teddy, Pinocchio, Tadosha, Babika, Robin Hood, Cap, Balu, Umka, Fairy Tale, Teremok, Wonders, Fanfan, Chunga Chang, Glotting Fish, House of Wizards, Giant, Akun-Matata, Scientist Cat, Smeshariki, Mumimam, Limpopo, Willy Winks, Home

Great people: Pythagoras, Plato, Anderson

Children's names: Dasha, Syoma, Zarina, Deniska, Holly, Marie, Sasha, Marusya, Dara, Monti, Alice

Animals: Kangaroo, Owl Owl, Hummingbird, Octopus, Mammoth, White Bear, Beach, Dolphin, Firefly, Hedgehog, Seagull, Canary, Parrot, Lady Cow, Toucan, Sovice

Plants: Cryer, miracle tree, grain, sprout, birch

Combination of letters, exclamations and alphabet: A + B, I, ABC for parents, ah, yes I!, Hooray! E + family, alphabet, az and beech, oh!

The science: Academy, Academy of Childhood, Erudite, Electron, Academician of Kroch, Linguist, Logos, Workshop Knowledge, Generic, Parallel, Perspective, Progress, New Century

Childhood: Intestinal child, acquaintance, intelligence, first steps, freckles, goggling, childhood empire, childhood secret, little genius, I myself, fidget, clever baby, narznaka, cross ru, childhood, ladies

Family values: Mine Joy, Lucky, Miracle Birth, Miracle Children, All Best Children, My Madrid, Family Circle, Miracle In House, Trust, Good, Family, 7th, Friendship

Using foreign words: Okawa, Babyclub, Players, Mamarada (Translit), Atlantis, Sunnyclub, Kinder Boom, Mama House, Smile, Bonus Club, New Days, Sound Club, Junior, Pati boom, Bambino, Funny Park, Kinder Party, Lend leader, Bloom , Mini Bambini, Tilly Willy, Mysecret, Sprout, Felicitis, Kimberly Land, Mark & \u200b\u200bMaks Club, Infant, Split

Fruits, berries: Mandarin, Lemon, Vitaminchik, Citrus, Raspberry, Malinka, Granatik, Orange

Holidays: Birthday, childhood holiday, Christmas

Creation: Plasticine, Pencil, Artist, Bead, Paints

Travels: Safari, in Wonderland, Quarter, Adventure Island, Strna Tales, Island, Big Ben, Madagascar, Little America, Mir of Harmony, Square, Athens, Jungle, Children's Town, Space, Sunny City, Taletville, Flower City, Country Tales, Malibu

Toys: Rubik Cube, Matryoshka, Lyalya, Pyramid, Cube

Rejoiceed words and Salang: Elexcons, Club-OK, Aquamarinka, Friends, Kudomamam, Htazushka, Rhymusiki, Bambique, Mimimik, Totoro, Lympic, Fontanevia, Manyan, Taram, Oke!

Natural phenomena: Spark, source, droplets, orbit, sunshine, rainbow, constellation, vortex, jupiter, galaxy, beam, red dawns, atmosphere, sunrise, stars

Phrases: Good day!

How to come up with something original if there are already so many wonderful names?

I propose to take advantage of the developments of artists and designers, namely, creative search methods. The main of which is Search for associations.

7 Creative search methods:

  1. Check out this list of children's clubs and development centers. Turn on your own Associative thinking And continue each category with your names. For example, to the category "Animals" I did I like such words: Title, kitten, sparrow, stork, giraffe, penguin, peacock, whale, foxes, dragon.
  2. To any of these names you can pick up Bright adjective. Well, for example: Children's Club "Smart Titon", School of Early Development "Orange Kitchen", Children's Art Studio "Color Peacock", Children's Center "Magnificent Sparrow", Family Stork Family Center, Family Giraffe Family Entertainment Center, Development Center "Good Drako".
  3. You can also add to the Russian Word foreign words Or take completely Foreign phrase. For example, an artistic studio "Art Lis" or Children's Club "Clever Fox".
  4. Think of different things Active names. For example, a children's development center "Play, Baby!".
  5. Call friends, relatives or colleagues and arrange brainstorm. This is the same method of associations, only here is not one person, but a few. They are alternately called associations. It is important that someone recorded all the named ideas. Often, the collective mind is creating wonders.
  6. If you are a famous person or professional in the development of children, you you can use your name. In the title of the children's club. For example, the site of Lena Danilova.
  7. you also can move the name Club, which is in another city, but consider the following:

secondly, do not take the names of very well-known children's institutions. It will be difficult for you to first achieve their level, and then surpass it. The same applies to the promotion of the site of your children's club;

thirdly, try to still change anything in the initial name. It is necessary to avoid the situation when Google (or another search engine) at the request "Children's Club" Cheerful Broom "" will issue 2 clubs with one name.

How not to call a kids club?

  1. Do not use words that can cause any side negative associations. For example, an unsuccessful name for a children's club is "lept", because it is associated with the word "blindness". And in the stores for sale children's juice "ripe", the name of which is often read like "snorle".
  2. Avoid words and phrases, which are difficult to pronounce (example: Kids Club "Ribambel"). Be careful with diminutive forms - they are not always appropriate. For example, a little difficult names are read, such as "chameleonok" or "Brovarchinok".
  3. Do not use incomprehensible words, because you will have to explain them for a long time. Example: "Hyperborea", "Ayudiki".
  4. Beware of rude and distant words from childhood. You will have to build a complex connection between the name of the institution and its attitude towards children. For example, "Bartolomeo", "Garage" or "Tacanka".
  5. Banal and very common names are also not the best option. They are little attracted attention, and in the search engine there are too many identical names. In addition, the associations with school circles of our Soviet childhood did not disappear anywhere. For example, "Rainbow", "Sunny", "Zork", "Chamomile".

In addition to the name, the children's institution also has Definition. Here, too, a huge field for fantasy opens. In this case, the definition is much deeper than the name. It displays essence and basic idea Children's institution. For example, the "talent club" indicates that children's talents are appreciated here and, in addition to developing classes, many sections and courses are being conducted. In "Family Centers" there are programs designed not only for children, but also on their parents.

38 Definitions for children's preschool institutions:

With a bias on the development of a child:

Children's Club, Early Development Center, Developing Center, Educational Center, Child Intellect Institute, Development School, Child Development Center, Child Development Center, Intellect Development Center, Children's Club, Early Development Studio, School of Future First Classroom, Early Development Groups, English Children's Club, Harmonious Development Club, Training Center, Child Psychology and Development Club, Montessori Center, Children's Educational Center

Working with families:

Family Center, Family Club, Family Development Center, Family Ecology Center, Family Club of Success, Family Club, Family Psychological Club, Family Leisure Club, Family Entertainment Center, Center for Children and Parents

Variety of studios, bias on creativity:

Talent club, Creative Development Center, Children's Cultural Center

Children's leisure:

Leisure club, Children's Leisure Club, Children's Game Club

Focus on a favorable atmosphere:

Good home, eco club, friends club.

These definitions are very beautiful and varied, but I want to insert my spoon Fun.: By asking the search engine, customers are most often looking for simple and familiar definitions. Therefore, if you are planning using the Internet, it is better to stay on more trivial words, such as "Children's Club" or "Children's Development Center".

I hope that this extensive article is not tired, but inspired. And you are already invented The best name for your children's center!

P.S. If you like this article, boldly . There will be many articles on the opening and work of the most kind and interesting business.

It's no secret that there are dealers or croupiers in each casino. Do you know why you can have several casino employees at one game table and what is their role? Then it will be useful for you to find out who serves you in the gaming halls of the casino and why they are needed.

casino managers

general manager (English General Manager) or Top Manager (Eng. Top Manager) - Higher Position in Casino. The general manager manages the casino and all its services. Obeys only casino owners.

Pitboss at work in the Casino Hall.

casino Manager - organizes the gameplay and the work of the casino structures. In large casinos there may be several managers with a specific function: HR Manager, Marketing Manager, Customer Service Manager, Shift Manager, etc.

pit boss (Eng. Pit Boss) - a manager in the Casino Hall, which controls the game process. As a rule, Pete boss is in all casinos. He has his own zone - Pete, where the game is done on several tables, and it coordinates the work for them in no way on the type of game: opens and closes the tables for the game; follows playing; Tracks the work of dealers, their timely shift behind the tables; solves various issues, etc. Submits directly to the shift manager. On the jargon you can hear other name of Pitboss - Pitbul.

inspector (Eng. Inspector) - a casino employee who controls the work of the dealer. Additionally, the benefit functions may include the duties to evaluate the players, their behavior, honesty and compliance with the rules of the game. Inspector as well as the dealer is behind the game table. In the case of controversial situations, it is he who decides; Either informs the pit boss on freelance situations at the table. The inspector also provides the maximum comfort by the player at the table (drinks, cigarettes, etc.).

dealers and employees working at the tables

Casino dealer for the still empty playing table in three kart poker.

dealer or croupier (Eng. Dealer or Croupier or Fr. CROUPIER) - a special employee, leading the game at the table in the Casino Hall. In most games, the dealer is a player opponent. The croupier with French literally means - a romotum, a bank holder.

Among the players for dealers can be its designation. For example, killer (English killer) is a dealer who constantly wins the players.

Some games require several dealers at the presence table, the function of which can vary and, accordingly, they will be otherwise called. So, the table of Creps can serve four people at the same time: Stikman in the center (takes rates on the central field and heads bones and stipg); BoxMen (managed by money and chips); Two dealers (on base fields take and collect rates).

playing croupier - The dealer who behaves directly the game itself: rotates the roulette or gives cards; takes bets; Announces winnings and pays them.

watching croupier - a dealer who helps the player in cash reception, collecting chips; It can attribute money or chips to the exchange ticket office; The watching dealer also reserves boxes for players that have been serving at time.

Game in craps. Sticen on the central field (right) and two dealers on the base fields collect chips from the field. Opposite Stikman Sits Boxman, it was him that the stychman and dealers are passed to him.

stikman. (From the English. Stickman) - a dealer at the table in CRPS, whose task includes the acceptance and payment of rates in the center of the table, and, most importantly, the collection from the table and the feeding of the bones of the player (shooter) to throw with a special stick.

boxMen (From the English. Boxman) - a dealer who exchanges cash to chips at the table. It is an intermediate link between the player and the cashier, because not always the player wants to be distracted from the game and go to the cashier.

cyper - Special employee for collecting chips at the table. When the game is actively actively and at the table plays several players, one dealer will not cope, then they are resorting to the help of chipper dealers who collect and sort the chips.

other casino employees

casino administrator - A special employee who works with the casino guests: meets and escorts them, responds to any questions.

assistant Pitbossa (eng. Assistant Pit Boss) - Assistant Pit Boss.

Attendant pays jackpot player on slots.

host (From English. Host) - a casino employee who accepts visitors, communicates with them personally and is responsible for the bonuses offered by the casino. For girls, there is a term hostess (from English. HOSTESS).

cashier (Eng. Cashier) carries out monetary operations in the casino: changes money on chips and vice versa. In some games, this role may take on some dealers directly behind the playing table.

attendant (English. Attendant) is a special casino employee who is responsible for working with clients in the halls with slot machines.

controller Or the operator in the game hall monitors the operation of slot machines, for loading tokens.

technician Or the mechanic is engaged in the maintenance of slot machines, information tablets and other casino equipment.

security Service

Cammen - security officer for work.

The security will monitor the order in the casino and includes:

security Manager

security officers In the Casino Hall, which not only guard the interests and protect the property of the casino, but also protect the casino guests from encroachments on their lives, health and personal property.

guards at the entrance to the casino, whose task includes face control, i.e. Visitors check, their compliance with the rules adopted in the casino: a certain clothing, admissible age, a state of narcotic or alcohol intoxication, etc.

chamber (from English CameraMan) - Casino employee, leading the game by playing with surveillance cameras in real time. The task of such an observer, spend all the violations on time, both from the players, so on the part of the dealers to stop fraud. As a rule, the gaming table tracks several cameras.

In the modern world without the Internet, it is practically not to do. Despite the fact that every day it is becoming increasingly popular in private homes and apartments, not everywhere there is still the opportunity to stretch fiber and make traffic available and inexpensive. In this case, a special alternative can be a specialized establishment providing access to the Internet for a specific fee. It may be a major online club or relatively small. In the last option, a small room is rented, in which up to 20 jobs with computers and software are equipped.

A large computer club has 30-50 rather powerful cars with high-speed Internet, VIP-room and cafes. The establishments of this scale pay off slowly, as they require serious investments, but they usually do not have problems with regulatory authorities. But regardless of the format of the future establishment, the competent and accurate business plan of the computer club will necessarily need.

Legal questions

Any business should be legal from a legal point of view, and the game is no exception. The best organizational and legal framework for opening a computer club - IP (individual entrepreneur). Previously, you must come up with a memorable and sonorous name of the club, which is related to computer theme.

In order to register an institution, you will need:

  • registration application;
  • memorandum of association;
  • charter of the future enterprise and data on the founder of the Club;
  • receipt, testifying to the payment of state duty;
  • documents that confirm the consent of the antimonopoly authorities.

It is also necessary to settle all issues with regulatory authorities. It is usually difficult to comply with all the requirements, so their solution will depend on many factors. In order for the establishment to work around the clock, you will need to get permission to the police station.

If you plan to open a small gaming computer club, it does not make sense to immediately spend money on the purchase of licensed software, but at the same time you still need to take into account that in the future you will need to purchase it. You can do this through Russian representative offices of manufacturing companies. Before installing the licensed program, you will need a special license that allows its commercial use. It can be bought from the distributor's company, the license cost is calculated individually for each computer club.

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Select location

The best place to open a similar institution is a sleeping area, which has a greater population or street, where a significant number of educational institutions are concentrated. A good place to accommodate a computer club is a lively crossroads, a market area or a large store. In residential buildings to open the establishment of such a plan undesirable, since the public of the game computer club is rather noisy, so residents will definitely complain. In addition, in a residential building, the club is most often in the basement, respectively, to obtain permits from SanEpidemstation and the fire inspection will be difficult.

The rental price per square m in the bedrooms is usually low, therefore, the annual payment will not be too big.

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Customers and demand for services

The main visitors to the computer club will be:

  • students and schoolchildren visiting the institution not only for training purposes, but also for the game;
  • customers of different ages that infrequently go to the computer club.

Considering that the scope of the distribution of computer services is sufficiently developed, the main attention in the project development process needs to be paid to the relationship between the user and the seller.

It is necessary to make the focus on qualifications, competence and goodwill managers who will serve the gaming room.

Computer club services are almost always in demand. But it is possible for seasonal deviations to a smaller or most side. During the exams and sessions in universities, attendance with an academic purpose significantly increases, the games are beginning to be interested in potential customers during school holidays.

In the process of pricing, it is important to take into account the purchasing power of the alleged customers and the quality of the services provided.

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Necessary equipment and staff staff

The next step is to buy equipment. It is important not to save on the acquisition of the necessary technology, since many visitors come to play a computer club, and games require high-quality and modern equipment. Therefore, the more powerful there is a technique, the more visited establishment will be. You will also need to purchase printers and scanners, suitable furniture: tables, chairs; Equip the workplace of the administrator.

Next, you need to pick up suitable personnel for work. For technical support and configuration of computer equipment and software, you will need several people. You can invite profile universities students who live nearby. If we talk about a small club, then there will be 3-4 people for its normal operation, which will serve the software and work with clients. You will need one system administrator. Basically, computer clubs work around the clock, so you need to organize work in two shifts. Do not do without a security guard, as it will be expensive equipment in the institution.

For official execution of personnel, the employment contract will be registered in many instances, such as tax, social, pension and medical insurance funds. Estimated payment statements will be required, workbooks and tax cards for each employee. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, it is better to agree with a large organization, so that the staff registered there, and after - went to rent a club. As a result, you can get rid of paper red tires, which will be engaged in the framework of the enterprise. To conduct accounting, you will need an accountant if the owner of the club will not be able to engage in this case.

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Methods of effective advertising

After opening a new computer club, you can proceed to an advertising campaign. To do this, you will need:

  • in schools and entrances of the leaflets with rates and the address of the club (before making the announcement layout, it is important to consider that the main target audience of adolescents is 10-18 years old);
  • place advertisements on the Internet on specialized sites;
  • create a noticeable and bright sign with a detailed list of services provided;
  • regularly organize various promotions and tournaments;
  • create a discount system, for example, for customers who work for more than three hours in a row.

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Development of a computer club

For the recently opened institution, it is important to ensure a sufficient level of service, because most computer clubs usually take care of their customers. Since the specific public is usually going to be intended in this place, it is necessary to act non-standard. There are such situations where the older guys require money from younger. Therefore, as an option, you can give hooligans free subscription for a month. You can still try to attract the attention of visitors to your institution with the help of various monetary reward contests. Or create an honorable board.

It is necessary to invent and carry out original ideas, as a result, the constant development of even a small club will help significantly increase the monthly revenue from each computer. Over time, the institution will be able to go to a new level, whose clients will be provided to the public. You can provide the following services:

  • high-speed Internet access;
  • copy and recording discs;
  • work with office applications;
  • scan of various documents;
  • printing files;
  • photocopying;
  • conduct computer courses.

Perhaps you will need to create two halls: one, game, - for young people, the other - for more serious customers.

Computer games originally originated as "entertainment on one": to play, a person did not need anything other than a computer. Multiplayer, assumed the game against a living opponent, was added much later. And only in exceptional cases (for example, in Counter-Strike), it is primary with respect to the singleum mode or even completely replaces it. And in the extra-visor games - the opposite. As a rule, in order to play in whatever the board game, several participants are required.
The computer is bought in the store or any other place where the paper equivalents of their (or daddy, who have both)

labor activity can be exchanged for a bunch of iron and microcircuits. And where to get like-minded people and comrades for board games?
Well - Friends are invariably found, whose hearts are burning with a desire (probably you also ignited) to participate in D & D.-How module, play fifty parties Magic: The Gatheringdecompose on the army table Warhammer... But friends-pleasures are not always present in proper quantities and assortment and are not always ready to give you all your free time (perhaps it is expensive to them as a memory). Yes, and just want to talk with someone else, to see, so to speak, the world, not limited to the recognizable recognition of the most cute friendly physician physiognomies!
And then, looking around the hope and placing the foreboding wings of the unknown, you can go to the club,
where and look for yourself self-gaming messages. Light, so to speak. Appear in people, otherwise uttering. You understood, in short.
In general, you can call many reasons why people stretch into clubs. We have already called one. We assign it the sequence number "first".
Now - secondly, yes? Why not - excellent - secondly! - The club has a place where you can play. The most meaningful places (apartments and forest / park clearing) are not always available. The first is due to parents, harmful neighbors and other prevent factors, and the second - due to changeable weather conditions.
Thirdly: clubs usually sell any kind of gaming economy, and being in the club can be at the same time and soaring.
But not everything is so simple with desktop clubs
games. The chip is that there are all different games, and therefore the situation in each club is special. A similar situation is observed in computer-game clubs, but there it is not so pronounced.
Today, we finally decided to place the points over all the letters of the alphabet and tell what clubs for board games there are and that they are represented.

People who play games

The main contingent of club visitors
Composing students and high school students for whom board games are either a favorite hobby, or a good alternative to computer clubs.
Traditionally it was believed that board games are designed for a family circle. And in the last couple of years, the stereotypes have come, and the club-youth movement has gained
turns. It happened due to the fact that many modern board games are deliberately focused on the tournament game (for example Magic: The Gathering). Of course, you can play at home with friends, but the home game is very different from the tournament. At home they play first in order to have fun and enjoy. On the tournament - also for the sake of winning, victory and self-affirmation. Some games are generally very hard to play at home - special countertops or other equipment are needed, to spend money on which not every novice commander or magician (the most vivid example - military-tactical games, such as Warhammer).
Most often, desktop clubs work with some single game direction. To date, the prevailing majority of clubs are engaged in promotion
collective-card games, there are many clubs on the military-tactical, and there are practically no clubs for role-playing games. All existing clubs can be divided into three large categories: "Tables at Store", "Game clubs" and "Clubs like-minded people".

Tables at Store

Sell \u200b\u200bboard games - not potatoes
trade. It is necessary not only to competently sell the goods, but also to make buyers come to the store again. Therefore, the "sellers of toys" are primarily concerned that visitors are where to play in the freshly acquired show. For this reason, the firms engaged in the spread of gaming products often open their own game clubs, thereby killing two hares: the club at the store is at the same time and trading point, and game space.
The most striking example - company clubs "Sargon" , main "seller" card games. In addition to the implementation of cards and attributes for the game, tournaments, presentations of new sets, city championships, etc. are held there.
The main advantage of such "club clubs" is that they can always buy a full range of products (the St. Petersburg branch of the company, by the way, is at the same time an office, warehouse and club). However, as a rule, besides the "main product", such clubs are not promoting anything, and therefore the range of services provided by them is limited. Occasionally you can find a fridge with a gas meter and storage chamber. Most often, such clubs are located in the sleeping areas, in small mixtures, sometimes temporary premises are rented for them.
schools or houses of creativity.

Club Club

Recently, there are clubs, the main task of which is not to sell the goods, and provide players the opportunity to comfortably spend time behind your favorite game. Most often, such institutions have a narrow thematic orientation - only military-tactical or only card games. Of course, with such clubs, there can also be shops, however, the emphasis is on the organization of the game space.
A characteristic feature of such clubs is the presence of special employees - game administrators who can teach play "from scratch" or explain the subtleties of the rules, as well as advise when buying. Most often it is from the identity of the administrator, whether the club will use
popularity and how cozy visitors will be in it.
Unlike "club clubs", gaming clubs are usually located in good areas and occupy a significant room in the area - their main task is to be satisfied with the visitor, and therefore the requirements for them are usually presented more. Usually in such clubs, there is a wide range of related services - from organizing tournaments and conducting training activities to hot kitchen and selling beer. Sometimes you can even meet the computer room for virtual blood lovers.

Club like-minded people

It happens like this: the company plays a favorite game. Play, gathering at home, gradually expanding a friendly circle, leading new acquaintances. After a while, when to gather at home,
it is no longer possible in the hostel or garage because of the crampedness, the room is removed for traditional gaming gatherings. It can be a restaurant hall or a foyer of a culture house, a basement or room in the housing. For such clubs, closeness is characterized (you can only get on the recommendation of the acquaintances) and the extremely friendly atmosphere. Sometimes such institutions are reborn into "professional", but more often it happens that the main bon of like-minded people will fall apart, people lose interest in the game and the club closes.
The situation described is very characteristic of peripheral cities - many now existing Card Game Clubs began with the initiative of several players.
* * *

To date, most existing institutions refer to the category "Tables at
store ". From here the overwhelming number of" card "clubs and almost complete lack of clubs for role-players. Despite this, you can only rejoice that there are clubs, their number is growing, and the demand in them is constantly rising. And maybe after some time clubs Board games will become the same familiar phenomenon as computer clubs and an Internet cafe. At least, the existing book games clubs do not always cope with the influx of visitors.
The photos used in the article are made in the clubs "Magicland" (Kiev), "Sargon" (St. Petersburg) and "Labyrinth" (Moscow).

Clubs card games

"Portal". At the moment - the largest club of card games in Moscow. Basement in the city center,
Big (150 seats) and small (8-10 seats) game halls. Regular holding of MTG and Pokemon tournaments.
"Odyssey".The oldest club of Moscow. In the recent past in the club, training role-playing games were conducted, but today only the cards remained - MTG, Legend of the Five Rings, etc.
St. Petersburg

"Sargon".The only club on the whole city, which is engaged in desktop games. The focus is on MTG. For tournaments on weekends, the dining room is removed in a neighboring school. The most stylish and, perhaps, the most cozy of all Sargon establishments. On weekends
warhammer fans began to gather and fans.

"Magicland".At the moment - the best club for playing MTG, which has become cult and in the Russian player's environment. A huge two-story room (the former building of the kindergarten), its own club system, regular holding of prestigious tournaments that players from the CIS countries come.
"Legend". The next Sargon Club, the only one in Ukraine. In addition to MTG, it is possible to play role-playing games.
Card games in other cities

Many cities have clubs dedicated to Magic: The Gathering. Tournaments, regional championships, preterosis are held in such clubs.
new sets, etc. Unfortunately, almost all such clubs, except MTG, do not do anything.
Military Tactical Games Clubs


Otrada for players in Mordheim and Warhammer 40K. Game tables with decent terrane. There is a thematic store, it is possible to compile an individual order (with 100% prepayment). In addition, there is a computer room next to.
"Allegis".Club with a warehouse of the company of the company trading by military-tactical games. Located in the basement and has tables with landscapes, where you can play Warhammer 40K and other military-tactical games. Cheap and angry.
"Epoch of Bittle". Club created by plastic factory
"Star" to promote your own gaming system.
Universal clubs


"Dream country". The once popular place for collecting lovers of card and military tactical battletech also attracted both Warhammer fans and even roleviks. Unfortunately, a cheap bar with alcohol and security loyalty led to the fact that serious players began to avoid a club, considering it by the junk.
"Labyrinth".A completely young club with serious applications. Made as a club for role-playing games, but quickly converts this status due to the large area of \u200b\u200bthe room. In addition to traditional card and military tactical games, rental of wall-printing games are organized, and training activities for all playing areas are conducted. The club has a cafe and game store.

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Cloud Casino.

How do clubs with banned slot machines work in Russia

In Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia, clubs with slot machines work in open open. Now they are referred to as "vector systems" or "bookmakers", but anyone who goes inside may make sure that under the guise of sports rates and financial trading, visitors play the same empty pockets of mini-games on automatic machines, which were banned almost 10 years ago .

About the work of such establishments often report citizens. We decided to verify that he was hiding behind throwing signs and deaf facades, and headed into one of the clubs called the "Vixture System", located at the crossroads of Belinsky and Shchors.

At the entrance of our correspondent (which is not submitted by the media employee) is searched by a metal detector. The dark hall is spacious, there are dozens of automata. For automata man 20-25. Middle work week. One o'clock.

One device sits a man, bolding into the screen, on which the monkey jumps. Drink beer. Nearby - disheveled middle-aged woman, she looks at him hardly silently. At the neighboring apparatus two immigrants from Central Asia. They are quickly spent on something and alternately twist with their fingers into the screen.

The Girl Administrator ingratiantly proposes to go to the cashier to "place a bill." The box office duds the impressive fortune guard. Before purchasing bills, it is proposed to sign a document in which the club's activities are regulated. It is positioned as "over-the-counter trading." In fact, an analogue of binary options popular in the network. Allegedly playing on automatic machines is a trade of virtual assets, promissory bills. In fact, the player gets a plastic card to which the amount paid is entered. On the walls, many identical ads in which it is said that in one of the branches of the "Vixture Systems" in the Botanical Microdistrict, the player will return 10% of the money spent the next day after the game.

Next, the administrator offers to take a free automatic and place the card in the slot. After that, "Bidding" begin: a player can choose classic games for this kind of machine guns. "Here is" monkey "," mountaineer "," fruit ". With this button you can choose one of the lines, the coincidence will be counted on them, "explains the girl.

The game is a classic "monorah bandit": you press the button, randomly fall out pictures. If several of them got into a sequence of the selected line, the player is invited to raise rates - agree to an additional mini-game and open one of five playing cards. When certain bonus pictures fall out, another mini-game is included. The drawing climber stands in front of the choice between three ropes, for which you can start climbing. On some, it is waiting for obstacles - the cave with a monster. The monster beats a little man on his head, and he falls. Minus 42 rubles on the account.

To lose 150 rubles, our correspondent went about 40 minutes. Regulars are suitable for the checkout and several thousand cards are buying several thousand rubles. Apparently, in order to play at once a few, as they think, "happy" automata.

In the papers that give to sign the player, the name "Tandem" is indicated. In total, there are about 1.5 thousand existing companies in Russia with such a name, we could not find out what kind of company it is about.

After making sure that we are talking about the most real slot machines, we decided to ask a question to law enforcement officers: why such clubs work in the city so unless, because the gambling business is prohibited outside of special zones, and the Sverdlovsky policeman commander often reports to prevent the activities of the next gambling establishment.

"Since 2015, Ekaterinburg police conducted 73 operations on such establishments. The premises were sealed, the equipment was sent to the examination. However, they came to the conclusion that this equipment is not gambling. In this regard, it was returned to the owners, and the inspection materials were sent to the Investigative Committee to make a decision, "the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported on Yekaterinburg.

It turned out that in 2015 the equipment was seized and from the very premises, where our correspondent went.

In the Regional Investigation Department of the SCR, we were informed that if the results of the examination show that the equipment is not gambling, then the case of illegal gambling activity is not for.

But why did the experts found in the "monkeys" and "fruits" signs of gambling equipment? For the comment, we turned to the experts in the organization of Anno "Judicial Expert" (Moscow), which among other things are carried out by an examination of gambling equipment.

"The situation you explained is absolutely standard, it is inherent not only to your region, but also everyone else. If you take our practice, researchers of the same device can come to different conclusions. It all depends on what form this apparatus falls into them. If the object of the study was seized in improperly, then the conclusions will be appropriate. The fact that often transmitted by experts does not really fall under the concept of playing equipment, because it does not have the necessary hardware - generator of random numbers. It is clear if the expert looks at him, he cannot conclude that this game equipment, "explains the expert Ano" Judicial Expert "Kirill Kravchenko. - What is brought, it is, roughly speaking, a computer with a monitor in an anti-vandal box. And it has software connected to the server in which the main program is located. Accordingly, when the terminals are withdrawn, the connection to the server is interrupted. "

It turns out that casino itself is located on a remote computer, somewhere "in the cloud", and slot machines - and not automata at all, but just screens, terminals.

According to the expert, the police should not be withdrawn from terminals, but a server, or attract an expert at the seizure stage. "Then the expert could fix the fact that there is a random number generator and a connection to the server," says Kravchenko.

According to him, after the ban of gaming activities, such institutions were masked under the lottery. "When this activity was covered, they began to mow 'under the banking sector, the game in the stock market. But the visualization is still very raw. There is no logic in it, "says the expert.