Venus is five in. Mercury can make so many confusion and unnecessary fuss, throw such a mass of annoying trifles capable of disrupting any plans

Venus is five in. Mercury can make so many confusion and unnecessary fuss, throw such a mass of annoying trifles capable of disrupting any plans
Venus is five in. Mercury can make so many confusion and unnecessary fuss, throw such a mass of annoying trifles capable of disrupting any plans

In astrology, there is such a concept as the opponent movement of the planets. He pay special attention. Why? For hundreds of years, scientists have observed the influence of heavenly shining on all living things and came to the conclusion - several times a year, those or other planets begin to return. In these periods, a person experiences inconvenience, unexpected troubles appear, the mood changes and the result is brewing conflicts. Irritating and annoying failures are more likely to be shown precisely during the reverse movement of the planets. Therefore, it is so important to look at the table of the skiing shovel. Before planning the coming year according to astrological phenomena, let's consider the concept of "retrograde planet".

What does Retrograde Planet mean?

This concept is customary to relate to astrology, although it is directly related to astronomy. In many sources you can find such an explanation - a retrograde movement means the opposite path of the planet. Most of us understand this definition in a literal sense. However, in fact, everything is not quite so. For a better understanding of the movement of the planets, take, for example, three points of reference - the sun, earth and Venus. If the observer will track the movement of Venus relative to the Earth, which rotates around the Sun, he will see that the speed of motion of Venus is much smaller than the ground. She also has to overcome a greater distance than the earth regarding the Sun. That is, when observed from our planet, such an effect arises, in which it begins to seem that the planet is moving in the opposite direction at a certain point. But in fact, it is only "lagging behind" from the course of the earth. If Venus is to read the trajectory, it turns out the loop - it is called "Retrograde Movement". When the heavenly luminaire passes the loop, people should be more careful. According to astrology, in these periods, a person has inconvenience, people appear. Many believe that the forecast of retrograde planets is an invention of astrologers. But no. These are observations of astronomers of different eras, based on which forecasts are drawn up.

Having understood with what the retrograde planet means, you can already start planning cases. However, astrologers do not put a question of retrogradity in red angle. On the movement of the planets, of course, it is worth paying attention, but it should not be interpreted as something archival. Using the prediction "Retrograde planets in 2017", you can make adjustments to business undertakes and personal plans so that there is no uneasy fiasco in business or failures in relationships. Let's figure it out in the forecast Retrogradness of the planets this year.

Planet movement in 2017 - what to pay attention to

The opponent movement can be observed in the movement of such planets as Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune. However, astrologists recommend correcting plans, according to the movement of only two, the most influential planets - Mercury and Venus. Mars are also attributed to the same class, but in 2017 it is not included in the phase of retrogradity. Therefore, first consider the periods of "destination" of Mercury and Venus.

Retrograde Mercury 2017.

Retrogradity of this planet is characterized by small and annoying shortcomings, errors in financial and reporting documents, failures in any endeavors and fiasco in business. Mercury also began to be associated with problems of computational and home appliances. This is true. If a person is targeted to observe work, for example, a computer in these periods, he, not without surprise, will come to the same conclusion.

Periods of retrograde Mercury in 2017:

  • from December 19, 2016 to January 8, 2017 - the first period;
  • from April 10 to May 3, 2017 - the second period;
  • from August 13 to September 5, 2017 - the third period;
  • from December 3 to December 23, 2017 - the fourth period.

Mercury's opponent movement does not favor any surgical interventions. Of course, the operation is worth postponing if there is such an opportunity. Based on the characteristics of the planet, you should refrain from new beginnings in business, you should be extremely careful in paperwork, especially financial. Refrain within these periods from buying household and other techniques. It is also not recommended to plan long-term travel. Do not look for a job or think about a new project, as well as do not sign the contracts and new contracts. It is not worth spending large amounts of money or invest in business.

What can be done during the retrogradity of Mercury?This is time to analyze the work done. If something is not completed - it's time to "pull up the tails" and finish what is left unfinished. During these periods, it is better to relax and relax.

Retrograde Venus 2017.

During the retrogradity of the Planet Venus, you should not plan the weddings or the beginning of a serious relationship.

Retrograde Venus period in 2017:

  • from March 4 to 15, 2017

Venus is characterized by all that is associated with art and beauty. Therefore, its inverse movement does not affect various exhibitions, beauty contests or acquiring expensive jewelry. Also should not be inserted into large purchases, such as real estate or car. As for aesthetic beauty, it is better to postpone any cosmetology procedures and plastic surgery. During this period, young people should not offer her hand and heart with their loved ones, postpone this exciting moment for another period of time. In this case, everything will go well and smoothly.

What can be done during the retrograde Venus? If you quarreled with someone, then in this period it is good to establish lost links. Naturally, intentions must be clean and sincere. Ask forgiveness and talk to the souls. The same good things will go with the sale of long-stayed things, items. If you could not, for example, sell an apartment, retrograde Venus will help you. Knowing people buy antiques at a bargain price.

The movement of Venus and Mercury is worth paying close attention. But there are other planets that can also upset plans, even if not radically. Consider their movement and find out what business it is desirable to postpone.

Retrograde Jupiter 2017.

Direct movement of this planet means success financially. Retrograde is characterized up to the opposite.

Retrograd Jupiter period in 2017:

  • from February 6 to June 9, 2017

During this period of time, you should not start a big business. Most likely, it will not be possible to earn big money. However, the small business will stay afloat. On the opposite movement of Jupiter, it is worth paying attention to those people whose activities are related to financing. Be careful, there is a risk of losing a large amount of money.

What can be done during the retrograde Jupiter?Self-education and self-development will be very useful and willing. Remember the goodwalk and read your "life" teachers. Cut more time with your family, pay time to children, play, walk, relax together. It is useful to do the morning gymnastics and exercises of qigong, yoga.

Retrograde Saturn 2017.

Planet Saturn is a karmic planet. In retro position, everything goes on samothek. Therefore, astrologists recommend not to spend in vain strength and energy.

Retrograde Saturn period in 2017:

  • from April 6 to August 25, 2017

It is necessary to be alert to everyone who is associated with defending rights or hold a position in the legal system. Also, it is not necessary to hope for success in school, join philosophical discussions or to perform on the topics of education, politics and religion. Do not "stick out" or manifest initiative. Saturn during this period will be in the sign of Sagittarius. Therefore, you do not need to defend or discuss. Relax and relax from controversial situations. Let it take place this period of time and then you can go to any controversy.

What can be done during retrograde Saturn?Take care of your life position, actions and values \u200b\u200bin life. Make donations to charity, feed animals and birds (especially, raven). Gift wisdom. Let everything go on their own man, watch the situation.

Retrograde Uranus 2017.

The planet is famous for the destruction of traditions, storms and extraordinary actions.

Retrograde Uranium period in 2017:

  • from August 3, 2017 to January 2, 2018

This period will become a real imaginary for those who create something new, creates. Innovators will come to mind the most unexpected ideas that can easily be implemented. Many managers will also have to be creative and solve problems from a completely different point of view. During this period of time, it will be able to succeed with such ease and agility that it is possible even an increase in the career ladder.

What can be done during retrograde uranium? Creative personalities are recommended to create, invent in the period of retrograde uranium.

Retrograde Neptune 2017.

  • from June 16 to November 22, 2017, Neptune will enter their rights

The Retrograde Movement of the Planet Neptune makes some kind of task in belief, customs and traditions. This time is intended for those who did not find themselves in the spiritual aspect. A completely unexpected worldview will open for a person, he will discover many new things in terms of beliefs, religion. If you want what is called "Cognosce Te Ipsum" ("To know yourself", lat.), It's time to do it. The period of retrograde Neptune - time for spiritual development.

Retrograde Pluto 2017.

  • April 20 to September 28, 2017

This is the most disturbing period. Why? It concerns the state system and changes in it. For people, this means changes in the scale of the country, which, as the story teaches, does not always end well. It is impossible to do anything about it, it remains only to hope that the state coup may not happen or something else in this spirit.

Retrograde planets in 2017 do not bear danger or bloodshed, as it was in 2016, when they were convinced of the sortie of the forecast of the movement of retrograde planets last year. However, it is not necessary to ignore the recommendations of the Astrol Robes of Venus and Mercury. Plan your business so that later I did not have to lose weight over unfulfilled dreams or hopes. Good luck and happy 2017!

Author's love horoscope - Venus in the signs of the zodiac in 2017. Periods in 2017 are favorable and unfavorable for marriage, weddings, new acquaintances, for love and serious relationships. Venus in the astrology of the Planet of Love, and being in various signs of the zodiac, it affects our feelings and relationships with the opposite sex. In this astrological forecast (love horoscope), periods in 2017 are favorable and unfavorable for new acquaintances, for love, marriage and serious relationships.

Love horoscope from December 7, 2016 to January 3, 2017

Venus passes the zodiac sign Aquariuswhich contributes to a slightly, no obligatory links. Venus in Aquarius inclines more to friendship than love. Relations with a new partner may only be subject to the fact that you will not limit each other's freedom, and if there is no boredom in your relationship. In general, this unfavorable time in 2017 to register marriage, weddings. Although if you are both with a partner, people are freedom-loving, passionate, socially active and are not inclined to stay too much for each other, if there is still a lot of important things in your life, in addition to family life, you can choose this period of 2017 to marriage.

Love horoscope from January 3 to February 3 and from April 3 to 28, 2017

Venus during this period in fish.Venus in the fish raises a romantic attitude, makes us more dreamy, inspired. New acquaintances during this period may well grow into deep attachments. But here there is a danger that we try to see our invented image in a partner, and we do not want to notice a real person. Venus in the fish is a symbol of sacrificial daily love, love in the highest sense of the word. Venus in fish is the strongest position for this planet. This time in 2017 is wonderful for the wedding, marriage and especially for wedding in the church. Only eliminate the time for marriage from April 3 to 15, because At this time, 2017 Venus will be retrograde (read about it below).

Love horoscope from February 3 to April 3 and from April 28 to June 6, 2017

Venus in Ovne. Such a position of Venus is favorable for passionate mimoletic novels. Serious relationships during this period may be formed, but partners will behave against each other as rivals, competitors, showing big egoism. Also, Venus in Aries with a new acquaintance gives an emphasis on sexual activation, and when the initial heat will fade, the relationship can collapse. Venus in Aries occupies a weak position, because There is a very greater demandingness regarding the partner, but the unwillingness to give love to himself. This period in 2017 is not very suitable for marriage, weddings, and the period is particularly unfavorable from March 4 to April 3, because At this time, Venus is also retrograde (read about it below).

Love horoscope from March 4 to April 15, 2017 - Venus in retrograde movement

Venus,planet Love and Relationship At this time, 2017 will be in retrograde movement. This suggests that in this period of the year, new acquaintances are undesirable, because In the future, you can be disappointed in a partner, and the relationship will be ruined. Retrograde Venus forces to go back, and in terms of feelings this influence can manifest itself as the return of the past beloved in your life, those with whom you have already been familiar before, or as long-term relationships. Also, with a retrograde Venus, it is impossible to marry, play a wedding - when it returns to the usual movement (most directly), you can regret that I made marriage.

Love horoscope from June 6 to July 5, 2017

Venus passes his abode - Taurus sign. This suggests that new acquaintances can become durable and long-term connections. Venus in Taurus contributes to stability in feelings and in relationships. Although the Taurus sign of sensual pleasures and focus on sex will also be present. The marriage imprisoned at this time promises to be strong, it is one of the best periods in 2017 for a wedding.

Love horoscope from July 5 to July 31, 2017

Venus in twins. During this period, new acquaintances can be superficial, light and will not turn into a long connection or marriage. Venus in the twins inclined to relations without obligations. Not the right time in 2017 for the wedding, marriage, the prisoner will be short-lived at this time, or each partner will live their lives. Although as well as for Venus in Aquarius, if you both with a partner people are freedom-loving, and socially active, do not tend to hold too much for each other, you can choose this period of 2017 for marriage.

Love horoscope from July 31 to August 26, 2017

Venus in cancer makes new acquaintances oriented families. Attachment at this time, strong, although partners may not immediately reveal each other. Venus in cancer is not considered strong, because It may be demanding about attention to itself, touchy and changeable. In this period of 2017, it is good to conclude a marriage, play a wedding, especially those who are families and children are the most important areas in life.

Love horoscope from August 26 to September 20, 2017

Venus in Lev. Relationships that will start during this period will most likely be unequal. One partner will love, and the other will allow you to love yourself. Venus in Lion proud and her own feelings are worried more than the feelings of a partner. But the positive aspect of Venus in Lev is that it can show nobility and generosity. During the passage of Venus on the sign, you can play a wedding, there is a high probability that Bark will be for a long time, because Lion sign fixed, i.e. constant. This is a good time for marriage in 2017.

Love horoscope from September 20 to October 14, 2017

Venus in Virgo. This sign declares people to be responsible in front of each other. And a new acquaintance during this period may in the future become a strong alliance. Although the partners will be prone to disputes on trifles and can see each other's shortcomings in exaggerated form. Venus in the Virgin inclined to dry relations, there is more important concern for the partner, and not passion and emotional expressions of love. In general, romance will not. With Venus in the Virgin, marriage is more likely to calculate, not by love, because Venus here is weak. If for you a marriage and family are synonymous with the concepts of responsibility and debt, you can safely choose this period of 2017 for marriage.

Love horoscope from October 14 to November 7, 2017

Venus in its second monastery - in the sign of the zodiac scales.Scales for Venus is the best sign that makes partnership equivalent. At this time, the need for supporting a loved one will appear, the desire to be near the one who always understands you. And the new acquaintance can really end the marriage. This period is one of the best in 2017 for a wedding.

Love horoscope from November 7 to December 1, 2017

Venus in Scorpio. In this period, a new acquaintance can go into a long connection, but with constant clarification of relations. In the Union, jealousy, passion will be present, and temporary partings are likely. Accent sexual attraction. Although Venus in Scorpio is considered weak, but it can still keep feelings for their partner, because Scorpio Fixed, i.e. Standing zodiac sign. This time 2017 is not very suitable for the wedding, marriage.

Love horoscope from January 1 to December 25, 2017

Venus in Streltsy. Relationships may be formed if one of the partners will be as a student, and the second as a teacher, or if both are adventurists, cheerful and carefree. In this period there may be free relationships, although partners will relate to each other with warmth. This period is suitable for the wedding in the church, for the wedding and for the conclusion of marriage. Because Venus in Streltsy is under the influence of Jupiter, who is responsible for the official marriage and for church ceremonies.

Love horoscope from December 25, 2017 to January 18, 2018

This is a favorable time of 2017 for dating that can grow into a serious connection. Venus during this period will be in the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn. Although Venus, passing by the sign of Capricorn, makes restrain his feelings, does not allow to quickly disclose the partner. Feelings will have to undergo a strength test to grow into a strong attachment. And the relationship is collaborated only if both partners are responsible for each other. When Venus in the zodiac sign Capricorn is a favorable time in 2017 for marriage, weddings.

Marriage in 2017 is better to conclude in those periods of time when Venus favors the creation of a strong union, i.e. When Venus is located in the following signs of the zodiac: in the fish, in Taurus, in cancer, in the scales, in Capricorn. With Venus in the Virgin, marriage is more likely to calculate, not by love, because Venus in this sign is weak. The best time of marriage with Venus in the scales, because the scales symbolize in astrology 7 house - the house of marriage.

It is also good to make marriage in 2017, when Venus is in the sign of the zodiac, where he was at the time of your birth, or in the sign of the zodiac, where your sun is located at the time of birth. For example, you were born at the time when Venus was in the Gemini sign, and in the sun you are a calf, it means that the time for marriage is good to choose when Venus will pass the signs of the Zodiac Twins or Taurus again.

To check, in which zodiac sign was Venus at the time of your acquaintance, marriage or at the time of your birth, you can go through the service "" online for free and determine the position of Venus from 1940 to 2020. Also from this service you can find out the attitude towards the love of the person you are interested in the date of his birth.

To check, in which sign of the zodiac was Venus at the time of your acquaintance, you can pass the service online for free and determine the position of Venus from 1940 to 2020. Also from this service you can find out the attitude towards the love of the person you are interested in the date of his birth.

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Retrogradness of the planets is an astrological phenomenon in which the planet in the sky is moving back. At the same time, its influence on the world and people can change greatly.

Astronomical substantiation of retrogradity - in different orbits planets and speed of their movement. From time to time, observers from the ground see that the planet turned around and went in the opposite direction. From the point of view of astrology, such an event is not a little importance, as it may be in the root to change the energy of the planet.

Retrograde Venus Movement in Spring 2017

The inverse movement of Venus in 2017 will begin on March 4 and will last until April 15. During this time, financial condition may change, as well as the state of affairs in the love sphere. It is believed that during this period it is better not to invest any large sums and avoid cosmetic operations.

The period of retrogradity of Venus will meet in the sign of the zodiac Aries, but from April 3, its position will change, since, making a loop, she will enter the sign of fish. Many these days will replace priorities and will look at the state of affairs in a new way and on their own values. Significant influence will acquire baggage of the past. There are also errors in judgments - you can make a hasty conclusion about a person, without silent in his motives, or hurry with the acquisition of a large purchase, overestimated it.

Astrological characteristic of retrograde Venus

As you know, Venus is a planet that most influencing love affairs. Retrogradity will put their emphasis - on the loyalty and strength of feelings, as well as on the material side of the question.

Some relationships risk literally depreciate due to the fact that spouses or partners did not understand each other in time. At the same time, active actions may not bring the result, but, on the contrary, to turn into the fact that you will simply take one step after another, and the partner is more and more distance (or the situation will repeat the mirror on the contrary). So it's better not to warmly with a proposal to bring the relationship to a new level immediately, weigh all the "for" and "against", think about the pros and not hurry with the conclusions until April 15. Of particular importance will acquire words and intentions, they may even overlap actions.

April in this regard will be the most indicative, since at this time the Venus forms an aspect with Saturn. Square Venus and Saturn leads to obstacles on the way. For March, you can prepare space for maneuver or take other actions so that April is safe - for example, do not appoint risky undertakings or responsible events at this time. Well, if you cancel all plans for the time of retrograde Venus - no way out, you can also be asked with, choosing for important affairs suitable days.

What can be done under the influence of retrograde Venus

Meet with old friends. At this time, when the past one way or another affects the state of affairs, it is better to remember not about negative events, but about good. You can resume old ties. It is quite likely that the return of old love or reconciliation with an important person for you, if life paths have developed before. It is important to restore the broken relationship only when the second side takes obvious steps to rapprochement, otherwise you can deceive and give the desired for the actual.

Retrograde Venus is good for those who are associated with sales. At this time, you can sell a stale goods, find a buyer to unclaimed things, make a deal about selling or renting real estate, even if before that, the demand for it was small.

At this time, repeated negotiations are successfully held, the transactions of examinations are any cases for which you once took and defeated. You can replay the situation on the retrograde Venus.

What do not do in the period of retrograde Venus

Pretty risky at this time start dating or marrying. It is better not to bring attitudes to a new level, but to strengthen the existing positions.

Astrological science connects Venus not only with love, but also with money. Therefore, the period when it moves to reverse, unfavorable for large investments and purchases. There is a risk of incorrect to appreciate the cost of things, to acquire a marriage, pay the overestimated price and turn out to be losing.

Especially carefully acquire expensive jewelry or paintings, so as not to face well-performed fake.

Avoid hasty conclusions. Much under the influence of retrograde Venus is seen in distorted light, desired can be adopted for real, and not obvious not to notice at all. If it seems to you that you need to immediately leave work, break the relationship, change the image, and so on, it is better to get better before the day when Venus returns to the familiar trajectory of movement.

We wish you safely spend a period of retrograde Venus. During this period, it is better not to rush, as the slowdown in the reaction, while Venus makes a loop in the sign of the Aries and fish, is quite normal.

    Effective only the universe and nonsense human, while relatively infinity of the first of them I have doubts

    From August 13, 2017, the third stage of the opponent movement of the planet, responsible for success in commerce and productive negotiations between people. Retrograde Mercury in August 2017 pays both new opportunities and dangers. Use this time to correct errors and reunification with people, communication with which for some reason was interrupted earlier.

    In the normal state, Mercury contributes to the search for new sources of income. Retrogradity of this planet almost completely kills in people as a desire and the ability to find new opportunities. At work, try not to turn your attentiveness to detail and trifles. Listen to your mind, not heart or intuition. Mercury always translates the lives of people from the part of the spiritual in purely material.

    In the normal state, Mercury contributes to the search for new sources of income. Retrogradity of this planet almost completely kills in people as a desire and the ability to find new opportunities. At work, try not to turn your attentiveness to detail and trifles. Listen to your mind, not heart or intuition. Mercury always translates the lives of people from the part of the spiritual in purely material.

    In the normal state, Mercury contributes to the search for new sources of income. Retrogradity of this planet almost completely kills in people as a desire and the ability to find new opportunities. At work, try not to turn your attentiveness to detail and trifles. Listen to your mind, not heart or intuition. Mercury always translates the lives of people from the part of the spiritual in purely material.

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By the summer, the situation will improve, it will be possible to strengthen well-standing and prey from frequent shake. But in the autumn of the planet again will be again located in such a way that there will be trends in society to yield from everything outdated and search for new ideals ...

Uranus, as we have already mentioned, from February 27 will also be in a destructive degree of Aries. Since this planet stays in one zodiac sign about 7 years, it will stay in one degree too long for a long time - until March 18, and many of us have to feel its negative impact.
On the household level, this will be expressed in frequent problems with telephone communications, interruptions with the Internet, breakdowns of technology - with everything that is related to electricity. In addition, any long-term projects, the beginning of which will be laid during this period, most likely will be unsuccessful: Uranus is responsible for the future, and being in a devastating degree, as it is easy to guess, this is the future destroys.

Another significant event of the year will be the transition of Jupiter - the planet of great happiness - in Scorpio on October 10, which is why we will be wagon (or increase) interest in the secrets of the universe and deep processes occurring in the shower. As a result, we will become more closed, self-critical, and our actions are more conscious.
In this sign, Jupiter sets up for the transformation of traditions, breaking the old stereotypes. This may be especially brightly manifested at the very end of the year. December can be the time to revise traditions and values.

By the way, the golden time in the scorpion was born now: Jupiter who will stay in their zodiac sign about a year, will give them an incredible good luck. This is the time of expanding the horizons, the emergence of new links, strengthening cash flows.

Saturn The whole year will be in Sagittarius, which means that the rules of travel abroad, labor migration and other issues related to movements can tighten. It is also the period when the state can strengthen control over the system of education - from school to the university, will be striking the rules for the preparation, protection of diplomas and dissertations.

2017 will be completed by the transition to Saturn in Capricorn (December 20), which will cause even greater strengthening of power, strengthening serious structures and state control over all the spheres of life.
By the way, politicians who came to power during the transition of Saturn in Capricorn, as a rule, remain at the roaring of the country for many years. At this time, real strategists will appear, which will be able to show their abilities in public life, take power into their hands and strengthen the state and political hierarchy.

Eclipse in 2017

During this period there will be two solar and lunar eclipses.

Solar will be held on February 26 (in the 8th degree of fish) and August 21, 2017 (in the 29th degree of Leo). These days, as well as for three days before and after them, representatives of signs, in the degree of which eclipses (fish and lion) should be especially careful in thoughts, words and affairs.

The lunar eclipses will occur on February 11 (in the 22nd degree of Leo) and August 7 (in the 15th degree of Aquarius). As you can see, the lions will have to become "house" for the eclipses of both shining, well, the attention of Aquarius we only pointed on August.

Eclipses enhance the slightest negative and positive vibrations of the day - the events that will happen to you on the eclipse day will chase you to return the same eclipse, that is, for the full cycle of 18.5 years. Therefore, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the key rules of behavior in the days of eclipse and stick to them.

In the days of eclipses are not recommended:
begin new;
angry, annoyed, plant conflicts;
Conduct any medical interventions.
In the days of eclipse, you can:
part with the past (throw away old things, to sit on a diet aimed at a weight loss, get rid of bad habits);
Clean the body (starve, arrange unloading days, cleans from slags) and dwelling (carry out general cleaning, choke the house incense, bypass with candles or holy water);
Dream and visualize the desired (it is very important to represent the most detailed pictures of what you want, as if it was already accomplished, the eclipse will give the strongest impulse to action).

Note that the February eclipses may be accompanied by pleasant unexpected events. Many these days will open amazing opportunities - it is worth trusting what is happening: very soon for this will follow changes for the better! But with the August pair of eclipses, not everything is so positive. They risk revealing our fatigue and strengthen health problems. If possible, plan your vacation for August.

Retrograde planets in 2017: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and others

"Character" in any year, the eclipses and planets are largely asked, which are in retrograde phase.

In 2017, special attention should be paid to the opponent movement of two planets - Mercury and Venus. Mars will not be retrograde: this phase of the planet passed in 2016. So, our active activity will not interfere with nothing. The remaining planets are in a significant distance from the Earth, the periods of their retrogradity last long, and their influence on us is extremely weak.

Mercury - Planet, which is responsible for communication, training, work with information, office work, movement, etc., - in 2017 3 times will be in retrograde phase:
from April 9 to May 3;
from August 13 to September 5;
from December 3 to December 23.
With Retrogradn Mercury, it should be particularly attentive in everything with regard to document management, signing important papers, contracts and transactions, short-term travel and car management.

This is not the best time to start study: starting classes on retro Mercury, you will encounter the fact that the information is absorbed bad and have to make great efforts to break this negative trend. Alas, it turns out this is not all.
Conflicts during the Pope Mercury are flared up instantly, but they fade away the usual. Knowing about this feature, choose such tactics of behavior and look for such words that would not have treated the feelings of loved ones.
It should be noted that the "small dirtyness" of the Pictory Mercury will deliver special efforts by those whose birthdays fall during the periods of his retrogradity.

The exception will be only those who have Mercury in Natal Birth Game, too, was also retrograde.
For such people, this time getting into the usual rhythm - they will feel excellent! True, from time to time they should remind themselves that the surrounding current period is quite complicated, and be patient.

But there is retro-mercury and pluses. This is an excellent time to renek current treaties and transactions on new, more favorable terms; Change the old vehicle to the new one (it should be the same brand as the previous one); Finish under-written dissertations, Roman, autobiography - Yes, anything!

Venus Retrogradnaya March 4 - 15 April 2017
Venus - Planet of beauty, love and harmony - retrograde is much less common than Mercury, about once a year and a half. In 2017, it will make a refractory movement from March 4 to April 15 and thereby slowing down the development of events in those areas that are subject to it. First of all, the planet "freezes" the feelings and development of relations.

On the retro venerene, it is not recommended to marry / get married: the marriage will be problematic and short-lived, moreover, the wedding celebration itself may be unreasonably costly.
No new relationship should be started: they will be emotionally complex and will soon disappoint.

It is worth refraining from the cardinal changes in appearance - plastic surgery, hair color, haircut and complex cosmetic procedures risk being unsuccessful. And more: no matter how strong the desire to update the wardrobe (spring is still!), Do not let yourself shopping on a wide foot: Most likely, the purchase of joy will not bring now, but no one will return the money.

But there is a period of retrograde Venus and pleasant moments. At this time, the former beloved, ex-husbands and wives can be reminded of themselves - the Pictory Planet will awaken in them the desire to go back to those with whom they once broke up. Give old relationships green light - to solve you. If you still slide to a positive solution, wait for the Venus again to move directly - then the chances of a happy reunion will be higher.

The retro-Venus period is a great time to return to unfinished needlework and finally complete it; re-start studying or conducting rebranding; To search for gifts, but not yet acquire them.

Jupiter: Retro February 7-June 8, 2017
Retrograde Jupiter will again force to turn to traditions, philosophical teachings, look for answers to the question of the meaning of life. During this period, it will be somewhat more difficult to travel, especially abroad. Also with creak can go the learning process in the university. Those who seek influence in society, it will be more difficult to succeed. It is useful to review everything regarding these areas, work on errors.

Saturn: Retro April 7-August 24, 2017
Retrograde Saturn will require an in-depth study of his case, at this time it's good to undergo professional results. And deeply immerse yourself in mastering any serious area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. It is not recommended to start new global projects, it is better to bring to the end of the work already started.

Uranus: retro August 5 - December 31, 2017
Retrograde is able to make it difficult to achieve freedom, you can feel dependent on someone. This is the time to communicate with old friends, repetition experience in esoteric and astrology.

Neptune: Retro June 20-November 19, 2017
Calls to deep spiritual search, the development of faith. It is useful to dive into the past, it will give the necessary resource to build the future. In people who did not gain the meaning of life in spirituality, various types of dependencies (alcoholic, narcotic, etc.) can be aggravated.

Pluto: Retro April 24-September 25, 2017
Can create tensions during mass clusters of people. Avoid crowds, and also do not rush to access the extrasens. A good result will give any practice in solitude (yoga, meditation).

The position of other planets and lunar knots in 2017

Uranus in Ovne. In this sign, he brings all sorts of shocks, from political (unpredictable military conflicts) to natural and man-made.
Uranus in Aries contributes to liberation movements at any level, from interpersonal and globally political. In the worst case, an increase in aggression, spontaneous riots, protests, fires, explosions.

From February 27 to March 18, uranium in a devastating 23 degree of Aries, and the described capabilities may be the most bright way during this period.

Neptune in fish. In his abode, contributes to the growth of spirituality, reviving the highest ideals, strengthening the role of religion, faith.
Because in fish and downward node (until May 9), the spirituality at the beginning of the year will be the necessary foundation, the base for any practical transformations - roots, to be broken from which it is impossible. A revision of the spiritual position, the fundamentals of faith, the refusal of obsolete principles may occur.

Pluto in Capricorn. Promotes powerful changes in policies, state power.
At best, Pluto's energy will bring exemption from everything that interferes with political transformations. At worst, it will contribute to large internal political and interstate conflicts and shocks.

From February 2 to March 11, Pluto will be in 19 destructive degrees of Capricorn, which can cause an unfavorable political situation, and possibly man-made disasters.

Lunar knots. Until May 9, 2017, the ascending node will be in the Virgin, and the downward - in the fish. At this time, scientific studies will be released on the forehead, interesting discoveries and inventions in various fields are possible.
In the price there will be employees who have such qualities as accuracy, punctuality, discipline, responsibility.

On May 9, the ascending knot goes into the lion, downward - in Aquarius. The task becomes creativity, the manifestation of brightness and charisma. The ascending node in Lev puts the task of spending more time with children, organize creative events and all sorts of holidays.
Each of us at this time should discover the creative beginning. At the state level, this may mean the development of programs related to the birth and raising children, supporting creative and sports projects.

Black Moon. Will be in Scorpio until February 13. Here it is in exaltation and is associated with the most negative parties to the human soul. This situation can give rampant crime, the increase in crime, including on sexual soil. During the Black Moon in Scorpio, the so-called black magic is activated, vampirism - working with energy during this period can be dangerous, there is a risk of energy losses.

February 14 Black Moon goes to Sagittarius. The main temptations of this period are associated with the ideology. False teachers may appear, authoritarian individuals seeking power over souls. During this period, emigration is not recommended, long-distance travel, minimizes communication with foreigners and representatives of other crops.

On November 9, the Black Moon will go to Capricorn. In this sign, it tends to despotism, dictates, cruelty, and these qualities can manifest itself both from representatives of state power and in the heads of various ranks. Brutal representatives of military structures may appear, there is a risk of military dictatorship.

White moon. Until June 16 is in Taurce. In this sign, it contributes to the development of generosity, satisfaction with the material side and removes obstacles associated with the acquisition of well-being. So the first half of the year can bring positive changes to the global economy. It will be possible to relax, feel satisfaction and gain faith in the fact that everything you need will be given.
June 16, the White Moon will go into the twins. Here it helps to establish contacts with people will allow free to communicate with each other. Means of communication, various types of communication, media, etc. will develop. The White Moon in Gemini contributes to the receipt of higher information, gaining true knowledge.